根据句意和提示写出单词,完成句子, 每空一词。

1.Be careful with the machines on show and you mustn’t ______________(触摸) any of them.

2.My family plans to travel______________ (在国外) next month.

3.You can take a ______________ (直接的) flight to Chengdu. It’s much faster.

4.The children carefully wrote their names at the ______________ (底部) of their pictures.

5.Pattaya in Thailand has some ________________(世界著名的) beaches.


Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sadness, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day we learn to deal with various situations.

Love plays a main role in our life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could become cruel(残忍的). In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who show us with love and care. They teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we don’t always care about it. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands others’ feelings.

Happiness can bring people a peaceful mind. No mind is happy without peace. Sadness is the cause of the death of a loved one or the failure. But all of these things will pass away.

Failure is the way to success. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, pride and self-respect.

Hope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day.

Life teaches us not to regret(后悔) over yesterday, for it has passed and is out of our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dark. So the only choice is to work hard today, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.

1.We usually have to accept_______ if we want to be successful.

A. love          B. failure        C. sadness           D. hope

2.In which section can readers probably read the passage?

A. Business.     B. Travel     C. Lifestyles.         D. Education.

3.What does the word “despair” mean in Chinese?

A. 颓废         B. 遗憾         C. 悲伤            D. 绝望

4.What’s the meaning of the last sentence of the whole passage?

A. When choosing between “today” and “tomorrow”, you’d better enjoy tomorrow.

B. If you work hard today, you’ll have a better life in the future.

C. What you can only choose is to work hard today rather than tomorrow.

D. The only choice you make is that you should enjoy a better tomorrow.

5.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A. To encourage people to love each other.

B. To tell people how to deal with happiness and sadness.

C. To give readers some information about life.

D. To remind people to keep having a beautiful dream.


Here is a report from Xinghua Daily Newspaper. Computer games are very popular not only with the young people but also the adults. In some ways, they will take the place of(代替) the traditional games such as cards, chess and so on. Because you only need a computer to play computer games. But in the past, if a man wanted to play chess, he must look for another one. In fact, computer games themselves are so interesting and exciting for us. The games can bring you happiness and excitement. They have been used in too many places such as schools, business, hospitals and so on.

Now there are many educational games for the students. They are helpful to the students. They can make the students learn more and better by changing the study ways. When the students play the educational games, they use their brains, eyes, ears and hands. The students will be active to get knowledge while playing. But now the students shouldn’t spend too much time on the computer games. Otherwise, it may affect their study.

We have gone into the computer age. And learning too much knowledge through the computer is becoming true.

1.What is the report from?

A. TV.     B. Radio.        C. Magazine.       D. Newspaper.

2.Who likes computer games?

A. Only the young.                B. Only the adults.

C. Both the young and the adults. D. Nobody.

3.What’s the Chinese meaning of “affect”?

A. 有利   B. 改善      C. 影响    D. 处理

4.Can computer games take the place of the traditional games according to the report?

A. Yes, they can.     B. No, they can’t.

C. In some ways.    D. Sorry, we don’t know.

5.Which is TRUE about the computer games according to the passage?

A. The computer games aren’t interesting.

B. You can’t see computer games at school.

C. The computer games can only bring you happiness.

D. You can’t spend too much time on computer games.


All students need to have good study habits .When you have good study habits, you will learn things quickly and also remember them easily. Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing. When you study, dont think about other things at the same time. Only think about your homework. If you do so, you will do your homework more quickly , and you will make fewer mistakes.

Good study habits are very important. If you do not have them, try to learn them. If your study habits are already good, try to make them better.

1.If you have good study habits, you can_______________.

A. learn things quickly and remember them easily

B. do things quickly and remember them easily

C. read books quickly before forget them easily

D. write words quickly but forget them easily

2.You need___________ when you study.

A. a dining room      B. a quiet place

C. a living room       D. a noisy place

3.When you study, you should think about_____________.

A. good study habits     B. other things

C. your homework         D. your hobbies

4.After reading this passage, we know that good study habit are very___________.

A. difficult      B. unusual

C. important      D. easy

5.According to the writer, which can be a good study habit?

A. Reading English among a crowd of people.

B. Thinking only about math in a math class.

C. Thinking in Chinese while talking in English.

D. Do your homework as quickly as you can.




Dear Sir,

I am writing to you about my stay at your hotel.

My wife and I ________on Saturday, 15th, May and stayed ________a week. Though we were treated _________and found the service(服务) excellent, we_______there are one or two matters we_________bring your attention.

First, we had hoped for a nice________from our busy work lives, and your ad_________ comfortable and qui­et. We want to have a chance to enjoy ourselves. How­ever,  we were ______ to find that repairs are sometimes needed, but is it __________necessary to start early in the morning?

Second, we had hoped to_________ in your wonderful pool. To our disappointment (失望),we found that it was_________for the whole time of our stay.

I __________ you do not mind me writing to you _________these things,  but I would be happy________you could give me some explanation. As I _________at the start, it is a pity,  and your service is so well in other fields.

I hope to hear from you.

Yours sincerely

Tom Green

1.A. left          B. arrived        C. went       D. returned

2.A. for           B. in             C. during       D. since

3.A. bad           B. badly         C. good       D. well

4.A. learn         B. hear           C. think      D. need

5.A. should        B. can            C. may          D. will

6.A. stop         B. holiday        C. break       D. sleep

7.A. told          B. imagined       C. refused      D. said

8.A. surprised   B. happy          C. glad         D. sad

9.A. true         B. such          C. too          D. really

10.A. drop         B. swim           C. live         D. drink

11.A. open         B. closed        C. clean      D. gone

12.A. ask          B. want          C. need        D. hope

13.A. with        B. on            C. about        D. at

14.A. while        B. if             C. as           D. before

15.A. told      B. put            C. said        D. noticed


--Have you decided ___________ the children in the poor areas?

--By sending them books and schoolbags.

A. how to help       B. what to give

C. when to call     D. how much to send


You look so weak. If you want to keep___________, you need __________more.

A. fit; to do exercises          B. fit; to exercise

C. healthy; to do exercises      D. health; to exercise


–Sir, would you mind my__________ before you? My taxi is waiting for me.

--Not at all. Take your time.

A. standing up     B. pushing in

C. jumping in     D. jumping out


The Internet is very useful. It can ______ our eyes to the outside.

A. put up     B. grow up  C. open up      D. turn up


–Why do you always sleep _________?

--Because I’m afraid of darkness.

A. by yourself                     B. with the door open

C. with the window open            D. with the light on


--Remember to turn off the lights when you leave.

--         .

A. OK, I will     B. No, I won’t

C. Yes, I do      D. No, I don’t


You look quite tired. You’d better _______ a good rest.

A. stop having      B. stop to have

C. to stop having   D. to stop to have


--It’s a long time          we last met. How is everything going?

--Well, I am living a happy life.

A. when           B. since          C. after           D. while


--Would you please help me with my Maths?

-- __________.

A. My pleasure       B. It’s my pleasure

C. With pleasure     D. It doesn’t matter


I found it ________to work out the problem. You needn’t go to the teacher.

A. enough easy      B. easily enough

C. easy enough      D. very easily


To Gulliver’s surprise, the tiny man was_________ his little finger.

A. as size as         B. the same big as

C. the same size as   D. as bigger as


--Someone is knocking at the door. Who may it be?

--It ______ be Tom. He is still in the school.

A. can’t             B. mustn’t

C. couldn’t          D. may not


Her singing lessons           her five hours a week.

A.takes       B.spends      C.costs      D.pays


She __________ an English teacher, but now she is a businesswoman .

A. uses to       B. use to be

C. used to be     D. used to


We’ve never seen __________exciting film before.

A. such        B. so an         C. such an       D. so


Look! __________ high speed the roller coaster is __________.

A. How; moving     B. What; moving

C. How; moving at   D. What; moving at


--Smart phones make________ easier and quicker for people to share information.

--I can’t agree more.

A. that          B. it         C. us              D. them


What will the computer ______ in the future?

A. looks like         B. look

C. be looked like     D. be like


--My aunt ______________ Singapore for a holiday.

--It’s a beautiful country. I ___________there twice.

A. has gone to; have gone

B. has gone to; have been

C . has gone to; have been to

D. has been to; have been


________ book named Harry Potter is ________ good friend of mine.

A. A; a     B. The; the  C. A; the      D. The; a





1. 时间:本周六下午六点。

2. 路线:从Li Ning家出来,右转,沿着公路一直向前走,在第二个路口向左转,继续走大约十分钟,你会看到一个美丽的公园,我家就在公园大门的前面。

3. 活动:歌舞、游戏。

Dear Li Ning,

I'm happy to invite you to my birthday party at home.







I'm looking forward to seeing you at the party .

Best wishes

Wang Bing



Many people think that twins are the same. But they're not! Dylan and Cole are twin brothers. They look the same and in some ways they are the same. But in other ways they are very different. Dylan and Cole both like soccer(football). But Dylan plays every day and Cole plays only on weekends. Cole likes watching soccer games on TV, too. Dylan only likes playing the game, but doesn't watch it. Dylan and Cole are both naughty and funny, but Cole is a little naughtier than Dylan. Dylan is a little more careful about schoolwork. Dylan and Cole are very popular at school, and they both have lots of friends.


What are twins like?





He plays every day.

He doesn't like _ 1. soccer games.

He is a little more careful about  2.

They look the same.

They both like _3. .

They are both naughty and funny.

They are very popular at school and both have lots of 4. .


He plays only on weekends.

He likes watching soccer games on TV, too.

He is a little _ 5.  than Dylan.




Why don't you  _____ ______ ______ me ?


Millie's bag ______ _____ _______ yours.


_______ _______  _______,and you'll see the bank.


______ _____ ____ it from your home to your school?


It's nine O'clock. We _____ ______ ______ ______ late.



1.—Where is Jim? —He  ________in a bed.(lie)

2.They want ________ (learn) about homes in different countries.

3.That kind boy often ____(share) his toys with the other children.

4.The lamp is broken. I'll ask someone _______(mend) it.

5.We _______ (plan) a birthday party for Daniel yesterday.

6.—____ you _________ (have) a meeting  this weekend?

—Yes, we are.

7.The Great Wall is a good place _______ (visit).

8.Let's _____ (go) there to enjoy  Beijing opera.

9.Hurry up, or you _______(miss)the train to Beijing.

10.We are looking forward to _______(meet)you  soon.



1.She lives on the          floor.(twenty)

2.The flowers are in f ____ of the shop.

3.His dream is to become a c________ student when he grows up.

4.Whose book is this? It is ___________(me).

5.We have a new_______(邻居).He is very kind and helpful.

6.There are two _______(刀) on the desk.

7.The air in Siyang is _______ (very clean and cool).

8.These clips _______ (go well with) your pink coat.

9.What's _______ with your computer? It doesn't work..

10.The old man is very _______ (fun). He looks like a monkey.


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