School make rules __ help ______ students.

A. help      B. helping       C. to help    D. helps


Elephants can remember the places _______ food and water.

A. with     B. for     C. in      D. at


He likes ______my friends.

A. to play with      B. to play

C. play with        D. play


Where _____ lions from ?

A. does From    B. do come from

C. is from      D. are come from


_________ do you like pandas ?  ------Because they are very smart.

A. What    B.  How      C. Why       D. Where


I_______ my room at 700 o’clock every day. But I __________now.

A. clean   am reading

B. am cleaning  am  reading

C. am cleaning  read

D. clean   read


The night before the Dragon Boat Festival is like ________ night for American.

A. other      B. the other    C. any other     D. others


Zhu Hui  wishes ______ his mom’s delicious soup.

A. drink      B. drinks      C. to drink      D. drinking


Does he want ______ me _______ dinner ?

A. join for     B. to join for join in   D. join on


Thanks for _______ me your story.

A. tell     B. to tell       C. tells     D. telling


He usually goes to school ________.

A. take a bus   B. by a bike    C. by bike    D. on bike


On weekends I usually play soccer _____ two hours.

A. at     B. with     C. for      D. in


She can play _______soccer but she can’t play______violin.

A. the the    B. / the    C. the   /  D. a   a


Does she have to wear the school uniform today?

—__________. It’s Sunday today. She just has to wear it on school days.

A. No she doesn’t   B. Yes she does

C. Yes she has        D. No she hasn’t


—What are you doing?  _________. It is too dirty.

A. I’m doing my homework

B. I’m playing computer games

C. I’m cleaning the room

D. I’m writing


—___________?    —They are playing basketball.

A. What are they doing               B.What do they do

C. How are they                      D. Where are they playing


__________ do you go to school every day?

—I go to school at half past seven.

A. Where       B. Who       C. What     D. When


Your clothes are dirty. Please ________ them on weekends.

A. save          B. wash         C. wear          D. leave


Because people cut down many trees elephants are ________ great danger.

A. in          B. on         C. at         D. for


My brother likes tigers __________ my sister doesn’t.

A. and         B. but       C. for    D. so


      arrive late for class Mike.       —I won’t Mom.

A. Can’t         B. Doesn’t       C. Don’t        D. Do


He usually goes to school ______bike but sometimes he goes to school ______foot.

A. with on     B. on by   C. on with  D. by on


We need to ________ after eating to have good teeth.

A. get up       B. brush our teeth

C. get dressed  D. do our homework


My mother can’t ________ English but she can          stories.

A. say speak   B. talk tell

C. say talk   D. speak tell


Do you like giraffes?

Yes I do. I think they’re __________.

A. ugly        B. smart         C. terrible         D. scary


We have ___________ books to read every year.

A. three hundred   B. three hundred of

C. three hundreds  D. three hundreds of


Peter can sing. He wants to join the        club.

A. swimming     B. art      C. music      D. sports


There is ______ elephant in the zoo. ______ elephant is from Africa.

A. a The         B. an The        C. / An         D. a An



日常生活中,我们有多种多样的出行方式,请说一说:你心目中最好的出行方式是什么?请以“The Best Way for Me to Go to School”为题写一篇短文。不少于60词。

The Best Way for Me to Go to School

_Different students go to school in different ways in our class, but I like









1.He can play the drums and the guitar. (改为否定句)

He _________ play the drums __________ the guitar.

2.There is an old tea house near here. (改为复数句)

There ________ __________ old tea house near here.

3.Does his brother watch TV or do homework in the evening? (用now 改写句子)

_________ his brother ___________ TV or ___________ homework now?

4.I like pandas because they are cute (对画线部分提问)

__________ ___________ you like pandas?

5.Do you usually walk to the park?(改为同义句)

Do you usually ________ to the park _________ _________?


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