Be quiet!The students____ a rest in the classroom now.

A. have               B. Havehad

C. had                D. are having


Linda, ______ you make a model plane?

—Yes, Ican.

A.A.may            B.can

C.need              D.must


The air in these months is much     than the air last winter.

A. good              B. well

C. better             D. the best


____ do you go to the library?

Once a week.

A. How often          B. How far

C. How much           D. How long


Hurry up, _____we will miss the school bus.

A. but               B. or

C. and               D. so


We usually haveSportsClubafter school _____ Mondays.

A. in                B. at

C. of                 D. On


Miss Green is my favorite teacher. _____ is kind and outgoing.

A. He               B. His

C. She              D. Her


书面表达,,假如你是李明,你的美国笔友Jim想了解一下中国家庭的家规(family rules),请你根据你家的情况给他写一封回信,给Jim介绍一下你家的家规和你对家规的看法。要求:语言合理、语句通顺;60词左右;信的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jim,

Thank you for your letter. You want to know my family rules. Well, there are too many rules in my family.__________________________________________________________________________________






Li Ming



A: 1.

B: They’re from South Africa. Do you like lions?

A: No, I don’t.

B: 2.

A: Because they’re really scary. But I like giraffes.

B: Really? 3.

A: Well, because they’re kind of interesting. Do you like pandas?

B: 4. . But I like tigers a lot.

A: Tigers? 5.

B: They’re really cool!

A. Why do you like tigers?

B. Yes, I do.

C. Why do you like giraffes?

D. Why don’t you like lions?

E. Where are lions from?



Today is Saturday. It’s nine o’clock. The Smiths are all at home. Mrs. Smith is watching TV. She 1.watching TV shopping. She wants to buy a(an)_ 2. on TV, because she wants to ride it to work. Mr. Smith is3. a newspaper. There is some news(新闻) about Liu Huan. And his favorite 4. is Liu Huan. He sings very well. Their son, Jim, is talking 5.the phone. He is 6.(call) one of his friends. He wants to go to the zoo to see animals with his friend. Their daughter, Lily, is playing 7.her small dog. She is only four years old. Look, she’s eating a banana. This is 8.favorite fruit. What’s that over there? Oh, it’s a cat. It’s 9.(sleep). Jim, please keep 10.. Don’t wake it up!



Peter is 5 years old. He is very 1. (聪明的)and cute. He is fat2.(因为) he likes to eat ice-cream very much.  His mother doesn’t want Peter to eat it. She thinks it’s not good for his3.(牙齿). So his mother4. (从不)buys it for Peter. But he has a very nice grandfather. The old 5. (男人)likes Peter. He always takes Peter to the 6. (超市)to buy ice-cream. Then Peter’s mother has to let Peter eat it.

It’s Peter’s birthday 7. (今天). His grandfather is reading a newspaper in the8.(客厅)room. His mother is9.(打扫) his room. Peter is saying loudly in his room, “Please, God, I want to eat ice-cream for my birthday. It 10. (尝起来) great.” His mother says, “God can’t hear (听见)you.”  “I know, but my grandfather can hear me.” says Peter.




1.There are _________students in our class, twenty girls and twenty boys.

2.Simon will be back on Sunday, the ________of July.

3.Do you want to _________the club?

4.We can read _________to learn about the outside world.

5.Miss Yang_______ math in our school. She is good with kids.



Jim is an American. He is now living(居住) in China. He gets up at about half past six and has breakfast at seven o’clock. After breakfast, he says goodbye to his parents and leaves home at half past seven. He usually walks to school. He gets there at five minutes to eight. He has his first class at eight.

Morning classes are over at ten past twelve and he has lunch five minutes later,at about a quarter past twelve. After lunch he plays with his friends.

Afternoon classes begin at half past one. Usually there are two lessons in the afternoon. They finish at half past three. Usually he plays games or other things at school,and he gets home at about a quarter past five. He has supper at six and then does his homework and then watches TV. He goes to bed at about half past ten.

1.Where was Jim born(出生)?

A. In America.            B. In England.

C. In China.               D. In Beijing.

2.It takes Jim ________ to get to school.

A. half an hour           B. twenty minutes

C. twenty-five minutes     D. thirty-five minutes

3.Jim is ________.

A. an English teacher    B. a doctor

C. a cleaner               D. a student

4.How does he go to school?

A. By bus                  B. By bike.

C. On foot.               D. By train.

5.He goes to bed at ________ in the evening.

A. 9:00                  B. 10:00

C. 10:30                  D. 11:30



There is a park near my home. People like to go to this park after work. Some of them go to the park every day. Look! This is Mr. King. He is sitting on a chair and watching the children. Some children are playing a game. Some boys are playing football. Lucy and Lily are standing under a big tree. They are talking about their favorite movies. There is a small river in the park. We can see some boats on the water. Some children are sitting in the boats with their parents. Listen! A girl is singing. It’s really a nice park. I come here every day.

1.________ like to go to the park.

A. Children              B. Parents

C. Lucy and Lily         D. People

2.There are some________ in the park.

A. birds and cats         B. chairs and boats

C. balls and kites       D. houses and buses

3.Lucy is talking with________.

A. Mr. King              B. the boys

C. Lily                  D. her parents

4.We can’t see ________ in the park.

A. children              B. men

C. women                  D. dogs

5.What is the writer doing?

A. He’s watching the people in the park.

B. He’s playing a game

C. He’s sitting in a boat

D. He’s singing under the tree



New Library Rules

1. Open time: 8:30am.-4:30pm. From Monday to Friday.  2. No talking.

3. No eating any food. 4. No listening to music. 5. No taking photos.

6. No taking books out if you don’t ask the people here.

7. Keep the library books for only one week.

8. Give the books back on time. 9. Renew (续借)books on time.

10. Pay for the lost(丢失) books.

1.How long can we read books on Monday in the library?

A. For four hours          B. For six hours

C. For eight hours.         D. For ten hours

2. What can’t we do in the library?

A. Borrow books.

B. Renew books.

C. Keep the library book for a week.

D. Take books out anytime

3. What do you have to do if we lose the library books?

A. buy them                 B. pay for them

C. renew them              D. ask the people there.

4.When can you go to the library?

A. 8:30am. on Saturday.   B. 2:30pm. on Sunday.

C. 10:30pm. on Friday.      D. 3:30pm. on Tuesday.

5.What time do we have to leave the library?

A. At 2:00 pm.              B. Before 4:30pm

C. After 4:30pm            D. In the afternoon



Animals are our friends. We can find _______ different kinds of animals. Some animals are living _______ big woods(森林). And some animals are living with _______. Animals are very_______ to people. People can teach the elephant to do some heavy _______ . And they can also teach the dog to _______ the house. A watch dog is very _______ . It can help people in danger(危险). So people _______ dogs very much. Most of _______ like to go to the zoo. _______ there are many animals in zoos. Zoo is a good place for children to get to know animals.

1.A. a          B. any          C. much           D. many

2.A. at         B. on          C. in           D. with

3.A. books       B. people       C. trees          D. water

4.A. useful      B. lazy         C. smart         D. sad

5.A. study       B. work         C. homework       D. housework

6.A. look at     B. look like    C. look after     D. look for

7.A. smart       B. shy          C. friendly       D. ugly

8.A. need        B. dislike      C. get           D. like

9.A. men        B. women        C. teachers       D. children

10.A. Because    B. And          C. But            D. So


书面表达你将代表学校参加诸暨市中学声英语演讲比赛,演讲的题目是Learning to get along with our parents. 请你用英语写一篇演讲稿,内容要点如下。














Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today my topic is Learning to get along with our parents.

These days,most of us feel it is hard to get along with our parents. _________________








That’s all for my speech.Thank you!



71.I enjoy eating all kinds of food.But I’m getting fatter and fatter. What should I do?

72.I began to smoke when my friends asked me five years ago. I won’t be happy if I don’t smoke now.

73.My parents have both lost their work.And we have spent much money on our grandma’s health. It’s quite hard for me to continue my study at school

74.My math is very good while Kate is poor at it. So she often asks me for help and we are often together. But some of my classmates think we’ve fallen in love. It makes me

75.I can only go home once a week since I came to this school last year. I miss my family and old friends. I can’t concentrate on my study and sometimes I can’t get to sleep on time.

A. Health is more important than anything else. You must do your best to drop cigarette.

B. You should stop eating rich food and take more exercise. Eating more vegetable should be helpful.

C. Try writing a letter to your teacher and tell him about your difficulty. He may find a kind-hearted and rich person to help you.

D. It can be useful to do more math exercises and think more about why the answers are wrong.

E. It’s best not to think this way. You will live alone sooner or later. You should try your best to get used to being alone.

F. Helping each other is a good habit. Don’t care so much about what others think of you.



In China, more and more middle school students are getting1.(short)sleeping time than before. Most students sleep less than nine2.(hour)every night, because they have much homework3.(do).Some homework is given by their teachers, and some by4.(they)parents.Also,some students don’t know5. to save(节省) time.They are not careful enough while they do their homework,so it6.them a lot of time.Some students spend too much time7.(watch)TV or playing computer games. They stay up(熬夜)very8._.Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or by bike. It can be a long9._from home to school.

Schools and parents should cut down some of the homework so that our children can enjoy more than nine hours of sleep every night for their health. 10. children, we should make best use of(很好地利用)our time. When we have enough time for sleeping, we will find it much better for both our study and health.



Dear Jane,

Thanks for your e-mail. I have ever had the same experience. I even 1.(争吵)with my parents. But now, I 2.(理解)them. We are growing up, so we don’t like 3.(依靠)on them, but often, it’s hard for our parents to 4.(想象)this. To them ,we are still children and they want to help us.

Sometimes,it’s hard for you to talk to your parents.Here’s an idea:Write your mother and father a5.(信). In it, tell your parents what you are thinking about. Then they 6. (或许)will understand you better. In your free time, you’d better 7.(提供) some help for your parents. For example, you can help your parents do 8.(家务活). You can 9. (扫)the floor,take out the 10. (垃圾).In order to get on well with your parents, you must try your best to do everything.

What’s more,you can describe your friends to your parents and tell them more about you and your life.

I hope this helps!





1.The nurse took my ______ when I was in the hospital.

2.Although they are twins, there are some _______ between the two sisters.

3.Kate is going to ______ your pen. Hers is broken.

4.I often get _______ when I speak in front of people. What should I do?

5.I fell ______ on the sofa while watching TV yesterday.



Jack Brown, an office worker, lives in Washington. He inherited(继承)a million dollars when he was 23, but he wasn’t happy at all.When his college friends were looking for their jobs, he didn’t have to. Jack decided to keep living a simple life like everyone else. He gave $ 10,000 of his money to a charity to help poor children live a happy life. Today he is 36. He still wears cheap shoes and clothes and drives a small car only, but he is very happy.

Up to now Jack has helped some children from poor countries all over the world, by sending them each $200 a month. The money is used for the children’s study, food, medicine and clothing. Jack receives a report each year on the children’s progress(进步)They can write to each other, but usually the children do not speak English.

When Jack first heard about these children, he wanted to help them. “It was nothing special,”he said.“Until I went to these countries and met the children I was helping, I didn’t know anything about their life.” Once Jack went to meet a little girl in Africa, he said that the meeting was very exciting. “When I met her, I felt very,very happy,”he said.“And I saw that the money was used for a good cause. It brought me happiness. I want to do everything I can to go on helping these children.”

1.Jack has sent some poor children ______ each $200 a month to help them.

A.only in Washington       B.only in England

C.only in Africa           D.around the world

2.The money Jack gives the children is NOT used for the children’s ______.                 B.medicine                    D.playing

3.Jack learns about the children’s progress by _______.

A.going to visit them

B.getting a report each year

C.staying with them

D.talking to them in English

4.underlined phrase“for a good cause”means “_______” in Chinese.

A.施舍             B.行善

C.优惠             D.赏赐

5.What’s the main idea of the story?

A.Help others, and you’ll feel happy.

B.It’s necessary to write letters to poor children.

C.Live a simple life, and you can give others help.

D.It’s the most important to help the children in Africa.



Smoking is harmful to our health, but many middle school students are smoking. Their teachers, parents or classmates can’t stop them because they smoke anywhere they can’t be seen —on the way to school, in the dormitory(宿舍), or even in the washroom.And most of the students think that smoking is very cool.But I want to tell you my story and then you will see that it’s wrong to smoke when you are very young.

When I was a middle school student, my friends at school smoked and they asked me to have a try. So I started smoking when I was fourteen. Soon I couldn’t wait to smoke as soon as I was free. After a month I couldn’t stop smoking. But two years later, I felt what smoking was doing to me. I couldn’t run far, I coughed every morning, and I got very weak. So I wanted to stop smoking. It wasn’t easy, but now I have stopped it, and I feel better.

If you smoke, you will get ill more easily, and perhaps you can’t grow taller, because there is something bad in cigarettes(香烟)and also you may get some bad behaviors and habits such as stealing(偷盗),telling lies and having a fight with others. So you can see smoking is a bad habit. If you smoke, try to stop. Though it isn’t easy, you must do it as soon as possible.

1.Middle school students may NOT smoke ______.

A.on he way to school the dormitory the classroom  the washroom

2.When did the writer feel that smoking was bad?

A.When he was fourteen        B. When he was fifteen

C. When he was sixteen        D. When he was eighteen

3.The writer stopped smoking. It’s NOT because ________.

A.he had no money to buy cigarettes

B.he got very weak

C.he coughed every morning

D.he couldn’t run far

4.The underlined phrase“telling lies”means“_______” in Chinese.

A.告密          B.说谎

C.打牌              D.讲笑话

5.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.Middle school students are smoking.

B.The writer stopped smoking.

C.Middle school students should stop smoking.

D. The reason why students smoke.



Ask Dr. Emily for Advice on Your Problem

Dear Dr. Emily,

I started Grade 7 this year and we have this project in our school:everyone in Grade 7 gets a little partner(伙伴). It means that we each have a partner from Grade 1. We need to take them to school and help them know more about the school. I ‘m OK with children but I just can’t make friends with them. All my classmates do better than me. I have a bad temper and I don’t want to scare them away. I need some advice.


Dear Kirsty,

I think what your school does is a great way to learn how to take care of others. First, remember that the children from Grade 1 are much younger than you. They don’t know as much as you.Second,remember not to be angry when things go wrong. You may scare them. Last but not least, keep in mind that kids love to try new things. So try to teach them something new and they can be interested in it. For example, you can play new interesting games with them. I hope things will be better for you soon.


1.In this project, children from Grade 7 should _______ the children from Grade 1.

A.take care of    with with               D.have dinner with.

2.We can learn that _______ from the underlined sentence.

A.Kirsty is friendly       B.Kirsty is lonely

C.Kirsty often gets angry D.Kirsty doesn’t like talking

3.Kirsty needs some advice on how to ______.

A.make friends with her classmates

B.make friends with the little partners

C.get on well with her studies

D.get away from the little partners

4.Emily gives Kirsty _______ pieces of advice.                 B.two

C.three              D.four

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Kirsty is a student in Grade one.

B.Kirsty’s classmates can’t get on well with the children.

C.Kirsty is eleven years old this year.

D.Emily thinks the project of Kirsty’ school is good.



One upon a time, there were two fishermen who were good at fishing.One day,they went to a lake to_______ . One of them _______ fishing alone by himself _______the other was an outgoing person who loved to _______ friends with different people.

When the second fisherman found that some tourists at the lake couldn’t catch any fish. He said to them“I will teach you how to do that. If you catch 10 fish, give me one. If you don’t get 10,you _______ give me anything.”

They felt like old friends at the first sight. Both sides come to a(n) _______ immediately. After he finished teaching a group, he went to teach another, and _______ taught them some fishing skills.He asked one for every 10 fish the tourists _______ .

At the _______ of the day, the fisherman who kindly helped others received a(n) _______ basket of fish, and also got to know a large group of new friends. At the same time, he was respected(尊重)as a(n) _______ .

However, _______ fisherman didn’t have much fun. When the others circled around his camp, he became even more _______ . After fishing for a whole day alone, he looked into the _______ basket,and found he had far fewer fish than his friend.

If we _______ others succeed, we get both success and friends.                 D.swim

2.A.planned         B.wanted            C.enjoyed           D.imagined

3.A.while           B.when                    D.because

4.A.make                C.teach   

5.A.must          B.mustn’t        C.need              D.needn’t

6.A.opinion         B.end              C.agreement         D.disagreement well       B.also             C.too               D.either

8.A.caught          B.bought            C.gave              D.picked

9.A.beginning       B.middle          C.end               D.night

10.A.broken         B.beautiful       C.empty             D.full

11.A.fisherman      B.teacher           D.farmer

12.A.another        B.other             C.the other         D.others

13.A.helpful        B.successful        C.dangerous        D.lonely          B.vegetable        C.fruit           D.beef

15.A.want                    D.teach


书面表达这个周末你有什么计划和打算呢?请根据下面表格中所给的内容提示,写一篇题为“My plans for this weekend”的英语短文,要求语句通顺,句意连贯,语法正确,字数在60词左右。


去看爷爷奶奶; 帮他们做家务







My plans for this weekend









1.yours;  are ; crayons;  these ;


2.future;  in ;  different;  schools ; will;  be ;  the

___________________________________________________.;  can;  she;  well;  really


4. colour;  she;  what;  does;  like


5.I;  and;  a;  going;  Lingling;  to;  piano;  are;  have; lesson




I'm Kitty. I'm going to the buy several things. On the first floor, I'm going to buy some b2. because my grandma likes fruits. The fruits are cheap and f3.. I also want to buy some flour (面粉) because I want to m 4. biscuits. It is not easy but I want to t5..On the second floor, I want to buy some eggs. They are h6. price on Friday. The normal price is 6 yuan a kilo but today is three yuan. On the third floor, I want to buy a jacket f_7. my father. I know he likes blue, but I don't know his s_8._.I'll call my mother and ask h 9. about it. I think my father will b10. happy with my present.



(Betty and Lingling are standing in front of Tian’anmen Square.)

Tourist: Excuse me ! Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?

Betty: Certainly. Go across Dong Chang’an Jie, go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left. It’s near here, so you can walk there.

Tourist: Great. And I’d like to buy a guidebook about Beijing. 1. ?

Lingling: Yes, there is a big bookshop over there, just along Xi Chang’an Jie, on the right, opposite the bank.

Tourist: Right, Ok! I also want to visit the National Stadium. 2.?

Lingling: Sorry, I’m not sure. 3._?

Tourist: Thank you .

Betty and Lingling: You’re welcome.

Tourist: 4. ?

Policeman: Sure! Go along the street and you’ll see an underground station. Take the underground to the Olympic Sports Center, or you can take a bus or a taxi.

Tourist: Thanks a lot.

Policeman: You’re welcome. 5. !




There are  ______ _______ people in the park.


I’ m sure everybody ______ _______ a clean classroom.


Mary often helps others, so her classmates like to _________ _________ with her.

4.他是个歌手,也是个作家。He’s a singer, and a writer____________.


This T-shirt is really nice! May I ______ it _______?


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