口语应用:根据对话内容, 填入适当的句子, 使对话完整、正确。完成1-5小题。在下列横线上填入适当的话语,使对话完整、正确。

King: Hello, 8447653. This is Mrs. King speaking.

Jane: Hello, Mrs. King! This is Jane. Mike didn’t come to school today.


King: He is ill.

Jane: Oh, 2._________

King: Thanks for calling, Jane.

Jane: May I speak to him now?

King: Hold on He is coming.

(A moment later.)

Jane: Hello, Mike! How are you feeling now?

Mike:  3.                     .But I still have a headache and a cough.

Jane: 4.                ?

Mike: Yes. The doctor asked me to take some medicine and stay in bed for a few days.

Jane:   5.                          and you’ll be well soon.

Mike: Thank you.


遣词造句: 根据每题所提供的图画的情景、提示词, 写一个与图画情景相符的句子。

1.shopping, twice

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2.volunteer to

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3.help, learn

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4.hurt, suddenly

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You may feel worried, upset or disappointed in your life. If you feel so, you’d better do something about it. Just read the following tips (小建议) to find out some ways to fight depression (抑郁情绪) .

First, try to find out the troubles that have worked on your depression. When you know what has got you to feel blue, talk about it with a caring friend. Talking is a way to relax the mind. Ask for help if you need it. Friends and family can help let depression go instead of just watching you hurt.

Second, take a walk for 15 or 30 minutes every day—or dance, or bike if you prefer. If you need to be encouraged, make yourself do exercise anyway. Once you get into the exercise habit, it won’t take long to notice a difference in your mood.

Next, depression can affect影响 a person’s thoughts, making everything seem hopeless. If depression makes you notice only the bad things, try to notice the good things. There are both good things and bad things in life. The more good things you notice , the less depression you’ll feel.

Then, try to do something fun for yourself. For example, you can take time to play with a friend or a pet. You can do something that you are interested in, such as painting, singing and so on. You can also find something to laugh about—a funny movie, a joke… Perhaps laughing can help cheer you up.

Finally, please remember that depression takes time to heal (治愈). So most of all, don’t forget to be patient with yourself.


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阅读下面短文, 从方框内选择恰当的句子填入文中空白处, 使短文内容完整、意思连贯。完成1-5小题。

Dear Sam,

Thank you for your concern. I’ve been preparing for the national college entrance examinations since my Senior 3 academic 学术year began. Now that I’ve finished the exams, 1.                                                             .

The exams began on the morning of June 7 and lasted for two days. As I am a science student, my required subjects were Chinese, English, math, physics, chemistry, and biology. I worked very hard in order to get high grades in all of these subjects. To be honest, it felt like climbing up a cliff悬崖. 2.                                                               . I worked really hard to make sure that I was well prepared, both physically and mentally, for the exams.

Despite this, I still felt a bit nervous

3.                                                          . But after taking a deep breath, I told myself that I could make it to the end and I was able to. 4.                                                         ,  I am confident that I will get the grades I hope for.

I’d like to thank you again for the support you offered me during my preparation for the exams, 5.                                                               . Best wishes to you and your family.

Yours sincerely,

Li Xia

A.There was no room for carelessness or slackness松懈.

B.because there were still some questions I wasn’t quite sure how to answer.

C. I am writing to share my experiences of them with you.

D. and I can’t wait to take a trip to the US to visit you after I have received an offer from my ideal college.

E. When I finally got out of the exam room


There are dirty clouds in many cities in China. We asked some scientists about how to live in cloudy weather. Let’s see the following ways:

Eat more fungus(木耳). Yang Yue, a doctor in Beijing Hospital, told the reporter that the dirty air is bad to our health because it will cause all kinds of disease. He said it was easy to have a bad cough when the air is dirty. Eating more black or white fungus is good for our health.

Keep windows closed. Yang Yue said we can’t open the windows or doors. If windows or doors are open, the dirty air will come in with much PM2.5. It is good to put some green plants in the room. Green plants can take in dust in rooms.

Clean your own home. When cleaning the houses, people should wipe slowly. We shouldn’t sweep the houses because clouds of dust will fly everywhere by sweeping. It is important to keep rooms wet. We may put a wet towel on the heater.

1.The passage is mainly about _____ in cloudy weather.

A. what to eat

B. how to live

C. how to clean rooms

2.What does the underlined word “disease” mean in Chinese?

A. 休息     B. 睡眠      C. 疾病

3.What does Yang Yue do?

A. A teacher    B. A nurse     C. A doctor

4.We can’t open the windows because _______.

A. it’s really very cold outside

B. we don’t want dirty air to come in

C. there are green plants in the room

5.Which of the following is right?

A. Green plants can take dust to the rooms.

B. We shouldn’t clean the houses.

C. People may catch a cough easily in dirty air.


Every year thousands of young people in England finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to university. Some young people go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their time to help people. For example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they do something helpful for the environment.

Pauline Jones, 18, lives in Cardiff, Wales. Next year she wants to go to university to study Chinese, but now she’s living in Belize. Pauline says, “I’m working with other people here to save the coral reefs (珊瑚礁) in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful, but if the sea water is very polluted, the coral dies. I’m helping to do research on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world, coral reefs are dying. We need to do something about the problem before it’s too late.”

“I’m staying with a family here and I help do some housework. I don’t get any money, but that’s OK. I love my work here, and I’m learning a lot about the people of Belize—and myself! When I finish my work, I want to stay here for another three months. I want to travel around Belize and Central America.”

47. 1.Some young people from England _______ after they finish school.

A. go to university abroad

B. spend one year abroad as volunteers

C. go to work for money

2.Pauline Jones, an eighteen-year-old girl, is living in _______ now.

A. England         B. China            C. Belize

3.Pauline Jones is _______ with other people.

A. studying Chinese in a university

B. working to save the coral reefs

C. doing some research in Wales

4.From the passage, we know that the coral reefs ______.

A. will die because of the pollution

B. are not as beautiful as before

C. cannot live without fish in the sea

5.Pauline Jones wants to            after she finishes her work as a volunteer.

A. stay there for another year

B. travel around Central America

C. go back home to start work


The hole in the road

There was once a farmer. He lived near a road. It was not a busy road, but from time to time, cars passed the farm.

Near the farm gate, there was a large hole in the road. This road was always full of water, and the drivers of the cars could not see how deep the hole was. They thought it was not deep. Then when they drove into the hole, they could not drive out because it was too deep.  The farmer did not spend much time working on his farm. He spent most of it watching the hole.  When a car drove into it, he pulled the car out with his tractor and the driver gave him a lot of money for doing this.

One day, the driver of a car said to him, “You must make a lot of money pulling cars out of this hole night and day.”  “Oh, no,” the farmer said. “I dont pull cars out of the hole at night. At night I fill the hole with water.”

1.The farmer lived ________.

A. in a hole in the road

B. near a road

C. in a large car

2.Many cars went into the hole because the drivers ________.

A. were going too fast to stop

B. did not see the hole

C. did not know the hole was very deep

3.The farmer ________ at night.

A. pulled cars out of the hole in the road

B. filled the hole with water

C. worked on his farm

4.The farmer made money from ________.

A. giving things

B. filling the hole with water

C. pulling cars out of the hole

5.From this story we know that ________.

A. the drivers like the hole

B. the farmer is busy working on the farm

C. the farmer was not kind-hearted



Traffic rules help to keep order(秩序) on the road. They also help to keep people _________  . The pedestrian(行人) has as many rules to _________ as a driver of a car. You should walk on the sidewalk(人行道) or at the side of the road. Always look _________ before you walk across the street. If you like riding a bike, don’t ride in the middle of the road or run _________  red traffic lights. When you ride a bike with a friend, don’t look around or talk. If you drive a car, you should _________ at the traffic lights. You must always _________ a seat belt(安全带). Without belts _________ the driver and the passengers(乘客) may be badly hurt in a sudden accident.

You may not need to take a bus, but take care if you have to travel on one. _________or get off a bus only when it comes to a _________. When it is full, don’t try to get inside _________ you may fall off. Do remember these rules and we can keep safe on the road.

1.A healthy        B. safe            C. happy

2.A. follow       B. make            C. break

3.A. early         B. happily         C. carefully

4.A. through       B. under           C. in

5.A. go quickly   B. come quietly     C. drive slowly

6.A. dress        B. wear             C. bring

7.A. either       B. neither         C. both

8.A. Get up       B. Get on           C. Get to

9.A. sign         B. stop             C. street

10.A. and          B. so              C. or


---Shall we go fishing at six o’clock?

---         . Will seven o’clock be OK?

A.Sure, it’s up to you

B. Sure, no problem

C.Sorry, I can’t make it.


Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll ________ your classmates if you are kind and friendly.

A.catch up with

B. get on well with

C. agree with


—— Come in, please, kids. Make  ______ at home.

—— Thank you, Mr White.

A.yourself                  B. you                  C. yourselves


---Could I watch TV now?

---No, you ________. Work         come first.

A. can’t, must

B. can’t, can

C. couldn’t, must


       you, Linda has successfully finished the task already.

A. Thanks

B. Thanks for

C.Thanks to


—— Hurry up. The bus is coming!

—— Oh, no, we should cross the street ______ the traffic lights are green.

A. after                   B. since                   C. before


The man was        tired        stay up looking after the sick.

A. too…to              B. so…that                C. so that


At 9 yesterday morning, I _________an English class while they ___________P.E.

A. was having, were having

B. had, had

C. was having, had


-Could you        a dictionary         me.  David?

-Sorry , my cousin         it         me yesterday.

A. lend to; borrowed from

B. borrow from; lend to

C. borrow from: lent to


There are       people on the road, so she should drive carefully.

A.too much         B.too many          C.much too


---- What are you busy _________ these days?

----A big collection of money for charities. We hope to improve the life of the people in the countryside.

A.in   B. do   C. with


Sam, ________ your raincoat ________you when you go out. Look at the heavy rain outside.

A.bring…to   B.take…with  C.put…on


Martha, could you please __________ the hat for me? I am too short to reach it.


A. bring  B. get C. take


I  ____________ live in Xiamen. Now I am living in Beijing.

A.am use to             B. am used to               C used to


          Jerry’s help, I couldn’t pass the English exam this semester.

A. With B. Without C. Thanks to


书面表达假设你叫李想,是一名九年级的学生。请你根据以下内容要点,以The man I admire most 为题,用英文写一篇短文,介绍你最钦佩的人---马云


1. 你喜欢上网买书,你最钦佩的人是马云。

2. 他1964年出生于杭州,十二岁时对英语产生兴趣。

3. 1995年开始在互联网上做生意。 经过多年努力,取得了巨大成功。

4. 那标志着网上购物的开始。网上购物很受年轻人的欢迎。

5. 他从此赢得了人们的高度赞扬。

5. 他还给他的大学捐了很多钱。

6. 作为一名九年级的学生,你...





The man ______________________________________ writing for ten years.


The classical music _____________________________ musical instrument sounds special.

3. 这个女孩在电影中表演很精彩,很多人都误认为她天生是个演员。

The girl acted so well in the film  ____________________________actress by many people.

4. 当阳光照射到地球上时,它就被转换成热量和能量。

When the sunshine falls on the earth, it ________________________________ and energy.

5. 请记住幸福绝不会取决于你的车值多少。

Please remember happiness never __________________________________________.


It is possible _______________________________________________ at home.



I would like to talk to you about space vegetables, and to show you that space vegetables are healthy and good for you.

Space vegetables are grown from seeds(种子) that have been taken to and brought back from outer space. The seeds are affected by radiation and low gravity in outer space. When they are brought back to the Earth, these seeds produce vegetables that are bigger, healthier and more nutritious (有营养的)than normal vegetables. However, some people worry about eating space vegetables. They think that space vegetables might not be good for us and could give us cancer as a result of their exposure (暴露)to radiation in space. People should not be scared, as space vegetables are actually perfectly healthy.

Here are some facts that you should know about space vegetables:

Space vegetables are grown from seeds that are carefully selected. When seeds are brought back from space, they are tested to make sure that the vegetables they grow will be safe to eat. There are no traces of radiation after testing.

Space vegetables are better for you than normal vegetables. For example, space tomatoes stay fresh for twenty days, which is one week longer than normal tomatoes. Another popular space vegetable is the pepper(辣椒). Space peppers contain 20 per cent more Vitamin C than normal peppers.

After genetically modified(改进的) foods come onto the market, people worry that they are eating unknown things. For example, if nut genes are put inside potatoes, people allergic(对...过敏) to nuts might get very sick from eating these potatoes because they do not know they are also eating nuts. Unlike genetically modified foods, space vegetables have not been genetically changed. This means that no new genes are put into the vegetables. Therefore, they won’t damage your health.

Space vegetables

Space vegetables are healthy, good and safe for you to eat.


Steps taken to ensure the quality of space vegetables

Before being taken to the outer space, the seeds are carefully selected.

When being brought back from space, seeds are 1. to see whether there are traces of radiation which might 2. to cancer. The testing has proved that they are perfectly healthy.


3. of space vegetables

After being 4. by the radiation and low gravity in outer space, the seeds produce bigger and healthier vegetables. For example, space peppers contain more Vitamin C.

Space tomatoes stay much longer than normal tomatoes.

There is no 5. of eating something that may damage your health because none of the genes is changed.




1.This morning the Blacks ________(clean) the house, but I am not sure if they have completed it.

2.The children _____________(teach) to skate last year and now they can skate very well.

3.He didn’t even mention the difficulty he had at that time __________(control) the moving train.

4.4.---When will Diana arrive?---Oh, she ______________(arrive). She is in the meeting room now.

5.Don’t you think it would be great to require robots _____________(take) exams for us?

6.Look! The police ______________(carry) the heavy boxes onto the bank of the river.

7.If it rains tomorrow, the football match ___________________(cancel).

8. In April 2015, Shanghai Newspaper reported that Liu Xiang ______________ (hang) up his boots from then on.



1.Tourists can watch the ______________(升起)of the national flag at Tian'anmen Square.

2.My mother is always _________________(鼓励) my father in his choice of career.

3.What caused the accident remains _____________(未知的). We need to do more research on it.

4.The _______________(建议) they have offered are very useful. We should take them.



1.I'm not pleased with the _____________(serve) here. I want to speak to your manager.

2.Tu Youyou received the Nobel Prize 2015. She is the ___________(proud) of the whole country.

3.People in my neighborhood ______________(prefer) to take a walk after supper, but now most of them like jogging to keep fit.

4.As Wuxi citizens, we should devote our time to _______________(develop) a greener society.



Everyone gets sick of hearing. “Put on your seat belt!”But it’s good advice. People who wear seat belts are 45 percent less likely to be killed while riding in the front seat of a car.

The US government wants more seat belt laws. It says children aged 4 to 15 are often killed in car accidents. In 2005, there were 1,627 children aged 4 to 15 killed in car accidents. More than 1,000 of those children were not wearing seat belts. If they had been wearing seat belts, 500 of those children could be alive today.

These children are too old to be in car seats, but they often sit in the back seat. Seat belt laws in many states, including Wisconsin, only require people in the front seat to wear seat belts. Children who aren’t wearing seat belts can be thrown from the car. The risk of dying in an accident is three times greater if the person is thrown from the car.

New laws could require children aged 4 to 8 to be in booster seats in the car. Booster seats help seat belts fit children properly. Right now, only 5 percent of children aged 4 to 8 are seated in booster seats(儿童座椅).

While parents have the choice of whether wearing seat belts or not, children are too young to make that choice. Even if you decide not to wear a seat belt, make sure you children are in seat belts and car seats. It’s the law and it will save their lives.

1. The underlined sentence “Everyone gets sick of hearing”in the first paragraph means“________”.

A. there is something wrong with everyone’s ears

B. all people fall ill when they hear something

C. many people don’t pay attention to wearing seat belts

D. none of the people knows it is a piece of good advice

2.More than two-third of 1,627 children were killed because ___________.

A. they weren’t using seat belts

B. they were too careful when they walked on the road

C. they were not old enough to sit in the car

D. they wore seat belts

3.You must get your children to put on seat belts in order to ________.

A. keep them comfortable in the car seat

B. keep them safe

C. keep them awake in the car all the time

D. prevent all kinds of traffic accidents

4.What would be the best title of this passage?

A. Children Should Put on Seat Belts.

B. Too Many Traffic Accidents Happened Recently.

C. Traffic Laws Are Very Important.

D. Parents Are Important to Children.


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