As is often the case, it is human nature to lead a sedentary(久坐的)lifestyle and most of us are so involved in our busy schedules that we don't even notice our bad habits. Many worry about the right time or "right age" to start working out. 1. Here're some practical tips to help you get fit.

Master your mind. Most people argue that they are too tired or old to start exercising. Doing so is much easier than trying to change the busy lifestyle. Change your mindset and be more confident in improving your health. 2.

Easy does it. Once you have chosen a fitness program, start slowly and increase it in stages. Begin with just a few minutes of gentle exercises and stretches. 3. About 30 minutes should be devoted to your workout. As your body starts to respond and your muscles get used to the exercises, you can gradually increase the length of your workout.

Always warm up. Always remember to warm up your muscles before exercising. Gentle warm-ups will reduce your risk of injury, aches and pains, and increase blood circulation and flexibility.

4. There's no quick access to getting fit. It's a common mistake to do too much too soon. If you don't know how to balance your needs and your expectations, you might seriously injure your muscles or just create stress.

Cool down. When you finish your routine, you need to cool your muscles and let your heart rate slow gradually. 5.

A.Don't overload your body.

B.Never ignore your potentials.

C.Tell your body to be more active and say, "I can do it."

D.However, nobody cares about what you have done for them.

E.Go next to some mild activity such as walking, jogging or cycling.

F.Cooling down will help your body to return to its pre-exercise level.

G.But it's never too late for them to start exercising and all they need is enough determination.


    It's the most popular drink worldwide. According to the British Coffee Association, approximately two billion cups of coffee are consumed every day. But after the beans have been picked, roasted and brewed, the grounds(渣子)are often treated as waste. With the environment and resource consumption such hot topics at the moment, wouldn't it be great if we could reuse this waste to make something useful?

The company OCHIS produces sunglasses. Max Havrylenko, founder of the company, was searching for an alternative material to plastic. He wanted to "solve the problem of plastic use and overconsumption so as to create a greener world," he told the Guardian. OCHIS heats the grounds with vegetable oils, forming a bond. These are pressed into plates which are durable and flexible. These are then cut into the arms and frames of the glasses. "Don't worry," he says, "They won't dissolve(溶解)in the rain."

Rosalie McMillan, a London jeweler, uses recycled coffee grounds along with gold and silver to make handcrafted jewelry. Mixed with oils, the coffee is then subjected to heat and pressure to create a compound she calls "Curface". Her website says it has a "beautiful surface quality and texture" with similar properties to hardwood.

What about a coffee cup made from them? Kaffeeform is a German-based company that transforms used grounds and renewable plant-based raw materials into a durable composite. This is shaped into a variety of containers and polished and finished, ready to be sold. So, you can drink your coffee from a cup made of coffee.

And it doesn't stop there. Even without a factory, you can make use of coffee grounds. They make excel-lent fertilizer(肥料). You can highlight something against them, or mix them with water to make a brown-toned paint. And the list goes on. So next time you finish your morning cup, lake a while to think again.

1.The first paragraph is mainly written to introduce       . people treat coffee grounds B.annual consumption of coffee

C.growing popularity of coffee D.the big problem of wasting food

2.What can be inferred from the second paragraph?

A.OCHIS doesn't make sunglasses at all at present.

B.Plastic might be less eco-friendly to environment.

C.Coffee has become the raw materials of sunglasses.

D.Coffee-based plates are more durable and flexible.

3.The underlined word "subjected" in Paragraph 3 can be best replaced by       .

A.accustomed C.relevant D.sensitive

4.What does the author advise people to do in the last paragraph?

A.Think about how to recycle the coffee grounds. B.Take full advantage of their time.

C.Add more information to the list. D.Keep away from the coffee cups.


    We all love to take photographs. It's a simple way to snap a special moment, an amazing view, or just to show off your artistic skills. And it's great to look back through your photo albums and share memories with your friends. In fact, they show a snapshot(快照)in time. This hasn't really changed since the invention of photography in the 1830s. But one thing that has changed is the equipment we use.

For many years, we have used traditional cameras to take our pictures with. Our images were taken onto camera film which was then processed into negatives from which photos were printed— a lengthy process. And we've had a range of cameras to choose from— from the simple compact camera to more advanced single lens reflex, or SLR cameras.

But the biggest change has come with the development of digital devices. This has made taking photo quicker and easier. It's enabled us to take a snap and review our pictures instantly. We've been able to deal with them in post-production, using software on our computer. And of course, we've been able to share them like never before— particularly on social media.

Of course, now we have the smartphone— a phone that is, well, smart because it can take photos and sometimes very good quality ones, and we can share them easily. So does that mean the traditional camera will eventually become outdated? Figures from Japan show how the market is shrinking: shipments of compact digital cameras from companies like Olympus, Canon and Nikon were down 39 percent year on year.

But Phil Hall, editor of Tech Radar magazine, told the BBC that while people are swapping their compact cameras for smartphones, "manufacturers are looking at the more higher-end cameras, high-end compacts, DSLRs, which are the ones you can attach lenses to, mirrorless cameras. In this sense, there's nothing to worry about."

1.What does the underlined word "they" in Paragraph I refer to?

A.Private memories. B.Photo albums

C.Artistic skills. D.Photographs

2.What is the biggest challenge for traditional cameras?

A.Instant access to taking photographs. B.Sharing moments on social media.

C.The development of digital technology. D.Post-production of software on computer.

3.What is Phil Hall's attitude towards the future of traditional cameras?

A.Optimistic. B.Negative. C.Worried. D.Uncertain.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.What a dilemma for cameras! B.What can smartphones do for us?

C.Are smartphones killing cameras? D.Camera producers survive the hard times


    Airports are mini cities, often with their own firefighters, doctors and even priests. But goat herders(牧工)? Passengers flying out of San Francisco International Airport recently might have caught a glimpse of something strange: nearly 600 goats chewing away at overgrown weed. Each spring the airport needs to remove the brush in a remote comer to protect nearby homes from possible fires.

For the past seven years, the airport has turned to Goats R Us, a goat-powered brush removal company, which charged US $34,900 for the service this year. A large amount, isn't it? Why not employ machines on humans? Two endangered species, the San Francisco garter snake(束带蛇)and the California red-legged frog, live there. Thus, this humane approach has been adopted to secure their peaceful life.

What do the herders and their dogs do? There's always a goat or two that would like to take a different path. "Just as a kindergarten teacher knows which kids need a little extra attention, so we will make sure the dogs can target the 'naughty goats' to keep them secure," says Terri Oyarzun, co-owner of Goats R Us. When asked how to lead goats to the next plot of plants. Terri says, "It's effortless. You know, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence? Goats were the inspiration for that philosophy."

The goats travel 30 miles each spring from their home in Orinda, California to the airport in a 16-wheel truck. They spend two weeks cutting away a 20-foot firebreak on the west side of the airport. When Oyarzun's mats aren't clearing brush at the airport, they are busy doing similar work on the side of California's free-ways, at state parks, and anywhere else with overgrown vegetation. The family has about 8,000 total active goats, nearly twice that of three years ago.

1.What can we know from Paragraph 1?

A.There is too much grass to feed goats B.Goats have successfully built firewalls.

C.Overgrown grass covers much room for planes. D.Grass is cleared annually to prevent potential fire.

2.Goats are hired to clear the grass for the purpose of       .

A.cutting down the expenses B.reducing the risk of deaths

C.guarding against possible fires D.protecting certain endangered species

3.Terri's words in Paragraph 3 can be best described as       .

A.critical B.humorous C.ridiculous D.objective

4.What can be inferred from the text?

A.The goats walk 30 miles to the airport every year.

B.More passengers have been attracted to the airport.

C.Oyarzun's business is now booming and promising.

D.Goats are not accustomed to life at the airport yet.


    What comes to mind when you think of a museum? Perhaps you picture an impressive building in a rather traditional design made of high-quality stone? Some might consider these customary institutions the best way to safeguard the future of typical educational topics. But according to the Museums Association, a museum is traditionally defined as a place enabling "… people to have more knowledge via various collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment."

There are about 2500 museums in the UK; a few are bound to be considered a little unconventional, unusual or even unknown. However atypical your interest is, there's a museum for you!

What about Neil Cole's Adventures? This museum was opened by founder Neil Cole. Visitors to this Allendale attraction in Northumberland can see items ranging from stage properties used in the BBC series Dr Who to part of Thor's costume from the Avengers movie. "Science fiction has now become more mainstream so I thought people might want to see this," says Mr Cole.

If clocks are more to your taste, why not visit the Cuckooland Museum? Set up by brothers Roman and Maz Piekarski, this Cheshire collection of over 600 cuckoo clocks is considered to be the largest of its kind in the world— and all from the Black Forest region in Germany.

Then, you could visit the Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities in London. This offbeat, alternative institution is against the trend of educating visitors through written descriptions alongside its collections. Instead, it displays all of its rare treasures, which include dodo bones, shrunken heads and a collection of McDonald's Happy Meal toys, with no caption at all.

There are many more wonderful institutions out there that march to the beat of their own drum. All you have to do is go and find them!

1.What do the traditional museums serve to do?

A.To educate kids more about the world. B.To help people explore more

C.To show visitors a specialized field. D.To help understand the real life.

2.What does Neil Cole's Adventures focus on?

A.Allendale scenery. B.Stage properties.

C.Science fiction. D.The Avengers movies.

3.Which of the following museums has no written explanation for visitors?

A.The Museum Association. B.Neil Cole's Adventures.

C.The Cuckooland Museum. D.The Viktor Wynd Museum.


假定你是李华,你校将在下月举办英国文化周系列活动。请你根据以下要点给英国朋友 Peterson写一封信,邀请他来给你们做一次讲座。







参考词汇:英国文化周 British Culture Week

Dear Peterson,



Li Hua








The teacher I like best is Mr. Chen, my math teacher. He is 35 years old and very thin, that always wears a pair of glasses. I loved Mr. Chen for the following reasons. First, he does well in teaching the math and always tries different ways to make his teaching interested. Besides, he is strict with us students, expected us to try our best whatever we do. More importanthe encourages us to explore problems on our own instead telling us the answers. As a result, we make rapid progresses in our math with her kind help.

Mr. Chen is so a good teacher that we all admire him.


    Several weeks ago, my friend offered to sell some of our things for us. I thought it was a good chance to _______ my 7-year-old son’s room and _______ some toys that were no longer suitable for him to play with. We _______ that all the money we got from selling the toys would be his money.

The night before the _______, we loaded up the truck with toys and a little bike that was too _______ for him. In the yard he _______ the bike for the last time and then happily put it onto the truck. _______ this little bike had at least two previous owners, it wasn’t in the best _______ and was certainly not new, but the tyres (车胎) were _______ good.

We put a price of $10 on it, but it didn’t sell. So, after the sale was ________, my friend put it on the sidewalk with a sign that ________ “FREE BIKE”. Within five minutes her doorbell rang. A little boy was ________there. In poor English he asked whether the bike was ________ free. She said yes and that he could have it for ________. He smiled, got on the bike and rode away.

Later that evening when I told my son how much money he had made at the sale, he was very ________, shouting happily. He asked about a few of his things, wondering ________ they had been sold. When he asked about the bike, I told him about the little boy and that made him ________. He was much happier than when I told him how much he had ________. He was so happy to ________ that someone else would make good ________of that little bike!

1.A.check B.clean D.display

2.A.look for B.go over with around

3.A.agreed B.refused C.wrote D.lied C.trip D.decision

5.A.weak B.thin D.small

6.A.watched B.found C.rode D.designed

7.A.So B.And C.But D.As

8.A.shape B.chance D.time

9.A.also B.still C.never D.hardly

10.A.ahead B.on C.over D.near

11.A.repeated B.said C.copied D.expressed

12.A.jumping B.walking C.standing D.shouting

13.A.really B.usually C.barely D.always

14.A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything

15.A.calm B.scared C.disappointed D.excited

16.A.when B.that C.why D.if

17.A.worry C.leave D.cry

18.A.enjoyed B.lost C.made D.bought

19.A.understand B.think C.remember D.hear

20.A.use C.interest D.price


    Chinese culture values family bonds (纽带) very much. Family members don’t just gather during the holidays, in fact they often live under one roof all year round.

Different cultures have different family values. 1.

In most East Asian cultures, extended families(大家庭) are common. 2. According to the Atlantic, 90 percent of children in Shanghai and 70 percent of children in Beijing were cared for by their grandparents. Chinese people believe that “a grandparent is a treasure to their family”.

In many Western countriesmost families are nuclear families (小家庭). These are only made up of children and their parents.

Additionally, the duties parents have toward their children can also differ.

3. It’s normal for parents to pay for their children’s college, help them find a job, or buy them an apartment. Chinese adults also follow their parents’ opinions when making major life decisions, more often than not.

In most Western countries, however, kids usually move out of the house after they turn 18. 4. Also, if they choose to keep living with their parents after becoming an adult, it can be seen by some as a failure on their part.

While the East cares more about close family bonds, the West values privacy and independence. 5. Families will always be a source of love, warmth, and care for people around the world.

A.These families have three or even four generations living together.

B.Nuclear families are the most common type in China.

C.In China, many parents look after their children all the way into adulthood.

D.Families in the east and west are very different from each other.

E.But in the end, home is best — east or west.

F.Many young people going to college often need to take out loans and work part-time jobs in order to pay for tuition and rent.

G.Both Easterners and Westerners value quality family time.


    We all know the feeling of waking up in the middle of the night with a pounding heart and sweaty palms. Relax, you say to yourself— it was just a bad dream. Well, it may be that you really should relax, because nightmares might actually be good for you.

According to New York magazine, bad dreams can improve your mental health. A bad dream tends to be based on a real-life concern, for example, an approaching test or a fear of a person. To eliminate these worries the brain turns the dream into a story in the form of a bad dream.

A bad dream enables you to distance yourself from your anxieties, and turn something you’re worried about now into a memory. The result is that when you wake up, you’re able to move forward and face the future.

A study, featured in The Atlantic magazine, showed something similar. In a survey of more than 700 French students taking a medical school entrance exam, over 60 percent had negative dreams about the test the night before. These included not finishing on time, leaving a question blank, or being late. Those who reported dreams about the exam, even bad ones, did better on it than those who didn’t, suggesting that nightmares do in fact prepare us for the future.

“We think nightmares are so common that they have some purpose to process stressors,” Anne Germain, director of the Sleep Center at the University of Pittsburgh, said.

So, the next time you lie awake at night after a bad dream, remember that it may be the brain’s way of putting your fears behind you and readying you for the future. Although a nightmare may make you afraid in the short term, it might be helping you to move on from the bad stuff you might be facing in the real world. Perhaps we should try to accept our nightmares rather than allow them to keep us awake. After all, lack of sleep causes far more problems than dreams do.

1.Which of the following best explains “eliminate” in Paragraph 2?

A.Remove. B.Reflect. C.Satisfy. D.Strengthen.

2.Why does the author mention the study in the fourth paragraph?

A.To show medical school entrance exams will cause anxiety.

B.To show those who have nightmares will do worse in an exam.

C.To show nightmares help students perform better in an exam.

D.To show most of the students will be stressed before an exam.

3.According to the author, what should we do if we have a bad dream?

A.We should keep ourselves awake.

B.We should relax and go on sleeping.

C.We should study bad dreams carefully.

D.We should prevent it from happening.

4.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A diary. B.A guidebook. C.A novel. D.A magazine.


    When was the last time you went to your local library? Last week? A month ago? A year ago?

For many reasons, borrowing books from libraries seems to be in decline. With advances in technology, it is now possible for people to download and read whatever they like on electronic devices such as Kindles. It has been argued that doing this is cheaper than buying hard-copy books. They are also lightweight, making them ideal for travelling.

Call me old fashioned, but I’ve never got into the e-books: I like to have printed books lining my bookshelves; I love the smell of a new book; and I enjoy leafing through paper pages — as long as I avoid the paper cuts!

So, I prefer paper books, and I also prefer to own them myself. Libraries only lend books, so what use are they to someone like me, or to someone who only reads electronic books?

Personally, I still love libraries. They offer a quiet space to sit, read, think, do research…a real escape from the outside world. When I was at university, I frequently spent hours at the library and borrowed numerous journals, articles and other printed materials, as it was just too expensive to buy brand new books every week. Libraries are free!

Libraries often organize a series of interesting activities as well. My local library hosted actors, historians and other speakers during the town’s annual art and literature festival. Well-known authors are also invited to libraries to give speeches or lead discussions about their work. Events such as these are a great way to appeal to people of all ages in the community and encourage the use of libraries.

There are still many fantastic ways to use libraries — maybe we just need to be more awake to them!

1.What is the writer’s purpose of using question sentences in Paragraph 1?

A.To introduce the topic of the passage.

B.To make readers answer questions.

C.To give readers some advice.

D.To conduct a survey.

2.What can we know about e-books?

A.They are easy to buy.

B.They are cheap and easy to take.

C.They can be borrowed from libraries.

D.They are a waste of energy.

3.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Libraries. B.E-books.

C.Paper books. D.Bookshelves.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.The end of the library?

B.The reasons for my loving libraries!

C.Which is better, e-books or paper books?

D.The last time of visiting your local library!


    The Torch Festival is a traditional festival celebrated among some ethnic groups in southwestern China, such as the Yi, Bai, Hani, LisuNaxiPumi and Lahuetc. It usually falls on the 24th or 25th of June, with three days of celebrations. The origin(起源)of the festival may have something to do with the worship of fire by ancestors(祖先),who believed fire had the power to drive away insects and protect crop growth. For some ethnic groupsit’s a tradition in the festival for elders to share farming experience with young people and educate them on taking care of crops.

During the festival, big torches are made to stand in all villages, with small torches placed in front of the door of each house. When night falls, the torches are lit and the villages are bright. At the same time, people walk around the fields and houses, holding small torches and placing the torches in the field corners. Inside the villages, young people are singing and dancing around the big torches that keep burning throughout the night. Other activities like horse races, bullfights, etc. are also held during the festival.

In a horse race of the Yi people in Yunnan, torches are used to form hurdles(栏架) for riders to get through. The Hani people in Yunnan traditionally attach fruits to torches with ropes. When the ropes are broken after the torches are lit, people struggle for the fruits for good luck.

For the Lisu people in Sichuan, the festival is an occasion for holding grand torch parades. Big torches are carried by the procession(队伍), which is like a fire dragon. If several processions from different directions meet, it’s a tradition to exchange the big torches with one another.

1.Why did people originally light torches during the Torch Festival?

A.To drive away insects and evils.

B.To celebrate crop harvests.

C.To light up the villages and fields.

D.To memorize their ancestors.

2.Which of the following activities is not included during the festival?

A.Learning how to farm.

B.Singing and dancing.

C.Horse racing and bullfighting.

D.Enjoying big dinners.

3.Looking for fruits is the festival activity of _______.

A.the Yi people

B.the Hani people

C.the Lisu people

D.the Naxi people

4.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A.Horses are the most popular animals in Yunnan.

B.Most peoples celebrate the festival in a similar way.

C.Fruits are regarded as a sign of good luck in Sichuan.

D.The festival is celebrated differently by different ethnic groups.


    Enjoy historic Oakland Cemetery after dark at Capturing the Spirit of Oakland Halloween Tours, a seasonal tradition! A costumed docent (讲解员) guides you through the cemetery’s beautifully-lit Victorian gardens as you experience the stories that Atlanta’s sons and daughters come to life.

Tours will be held nightly from 5: 30 pm to 10: 30 pm, Friday Oct. 23—Sunday Oct. 25, and Thursday, Oct. 29—Saturday, Oct. 31. Tours last approximately one hour.

The evening also includes musical performances. A story teller and guests are encouraged to arrive in costume to set the mood for the events.

Tickets are available in advance only via ticketalternative. com. Tickets are $25 for adults and $13 for children aged 4-12 (plus taxes and fees). Children under 3 are free. This event is family-friendly, but is recommended for children aged 8 and up.

Tickets go on sale to Historic Oakland Foundation members in advance, on July 1-15, and go on sale to the general public on July 15. If you’re not a HOF member, join today!

1.When can we take part in Capturing the Spirit of Oakland Halloween Tours?

A.At 8:30 am on Oct. 23. B.At 8: 30 pm on Oct. 24.

C.At 10: 00 pm on Oct. 28. D.At 10: 00 am on Oct. 31.

2.What can we do while attending the tours?

A.Learn to build Victorian gardens. B.Get Halloween costumes for free.

C.Enjoy some musical performances. D.Tell other people Halloween stories.

3.How much should a couple with their 8-year-old son pay for the tickets?

A.$13. B.$38. C.$50. D.$63.









参考词汇:东南花都花博园 Southeast Flowers Garden;社会实践 social practice

Dear Terry




Li Hua



1.We should c_______(结合) theory with practice in realizing our goal.

2.The o________(显而易见的) way of reducing pollution is to cut car use.

3.It's bad m_______(礼貌) to laugh at others when they are in trouble.

4.Films and video games with v_________(暴力的) scenes have a bad effect on children.

5.The room, which m_______ (测量)more than 40 square meters, will be used as the manager’s office.

6.He said his teacher and his parents' words i_______(激励) him to have another try.

7.To my r________(遗憾), I have wasted a lot of time when I should have studied hard.

8.Up to now, no one has come up with a convincing e________(解释) of why dinosaurs died out.

9.Her heart was s________(轻微地) damaged on account of her long illness.

10.He spared no efforts to o________(克服) the difficulties and finally succeeded.


    A cold wind blew and leaves danced around an old man crouched(蹲)in a doorway. His coat offered little_______and he shivered(颤抖)constantly,_______his hand in the hope of a coin or two. Around him, people hurried by, not_______ him.

Just then, a coin fell close to his _______. He picked it up. It was enough for a cup of tea and something to eat. His mouth _______.

He pushed open the door of a tea room and warmth _______over him. Hungrily, he eyed the_______ behind the counter(柜台).

“A cup of tea please, he said." And a piece of bread too._______ , and as quickly as possible if it's no _______.”

“Takeaway?” the woman asked, but it sounded like an order. "Yes, "he ________ .Then he looked back towards the ________.

There stood a small girl. Even through the window he could see the ________ circles under her eyes and the grey color of her skin.

“That's one pound," the woman said __________ . The old man nodded his head and __________ the money. He looked back again to the window and the little girl, shivering in the cold. Then he __________ to the girl.

“You look cold. Here,” he said, offering out the paper bag. "You __________ this more than me.”

The girl eyed the bag, seemed __________ and grabbed (攫取)it. "Thanks, "she said and ran off. He watched her __________ into the darkness of the night and__________ .

A cold wind blew and leaves danced around an old man crouched in a doorway. His stomach made a low sound with __________ .Around him, people hurried by,… B.warmth D.comfort

2.A.holding out B.waving C.pulling out D.raising

3.A.discovering B.remembering C.notice D.disturbing

4.A.hands B.coat C.back D.feet

5.A.froze B.opened C.watered D.closed

6.A.washed B.gathered C.passed D.rushed C.woman D.sign

8.A.Fresh B.Large C.Ordinary D.Hot

9.A.trouble B.doubt C.harm D.wonder

10.A.explained B.added C.replied D.commented

11.A.door B.customers C.passers-by D.window

12.A.bright B.dark C.clear D.natural

13.A.unwillingly B.gently C.coldly D.joyfully

14.A.handed over B.set aside C.paid back D.saved

15.A.turned B.headed C.returned D.pointed B.appreciate C.know D.need

17.A.satisfied B.shocked C.disappointed D.frightened

18.A.disappear B.look C.wander D.jump

19.A.wept B.followed C.smiled D.whispered

20.A.cold B.anger C.relief D.hunger


Ways to Book the Cheapest Flights Possible

Unless you are one of those first-class fliers for whom money is not a problem,1.. But ticket prices change every day, and your tickets could end up costing your whole vacation budget. Don't worry. With a little creativity and a lot of research, it is possible to fly affordably.

Plan Accordingly

If you do not have much flexibility(弹性)in your dates, buy your tickets at least 2-4 months in advance.2.. Air fares will rise steadily as the time nears. However, if you have the flexibility to drop everything and go, last minute deals can save you much.

Set air fare Alerts(新知通告)

No matter when you start your planning, it can be helpful to set email alerts for flights to the destination(目的地)of your choice. There are generally recognized days when air fare is the cheapestTuesdays or Wednesdays,3.. Sometimes the best deal will come through a surprise sale.


Yes, it is way more convenient to fly direct from your home airport to your destination. But this depending on where you live. Sometimes, purposely including a stopover can actually save you money.

Search Single Seats

It may be cheaper to buy each ticket individually(个人地)for the same flight,5.. It works because airlines set different prices for different seats on the same plane! When a group of seats are sold together, the airline often charges the highest price among the group for all the seats.

A.Add A Stop.

B.Always Fly Non-stop.

C.even if you are traveling as a group.

D.but you can't necessarily rely on that. don't want to spend more than you have to on air fare.

F.That might mean you begin researching 4-6 months ahead.

G.That way you'll have plenty of time to get prepared for the trip.


    Researchers from the Institute for Human Ma succeeded in training a 165-pound human-like robot, called Atlas, to move across narrow blocks using a system called LIDAR.

At first sight, a robot walking across several blocks may look like a simple thing but many actions that humans can do easily are difficult for robots as heavy as Atlas.

Our joints (关节) and a natural balance system allow us to deal with different obstacles (障碍)easily. Besides, our small, narrow feet allow us to move around tight obstacles easily, or step over obstacles, while supporting ourselves.

With atlas, LIDAR uses a pulsed laser(脉冲激光器)to measure the distance between objects and this is done by the machine so it can step correctly on the blocks. It also builds a map of the area Atlas's going to travel across, and then uses a‘ path planning algorithm(算法)’to determine each step it should take. The robot is able to balance with its human-like feet and joints which give it ranges(范围)of movement.

Presently Atlas is successful with about half of its tests, according to IHMC, but the company is already working to increase that rate by improving the robot's balance and the range of movement in its joints.

Perhaps the most interesting setting for using human-like robots is outer space. The team say that when humans explore other planets, robots like Atlas could go before that to develop a habitat suitable for human beings to live in. But researchers believe they would be immediately useful in dangerous emergency situation. Their ability to walk on different types of land could make them perfect for searching a fallen building or an earthquake for people trapped, where a wheeled robot would get stuck.

1.Why is Atlas' weight mentioned?

A.To show the success of the research. B.To compare Atlas with other robots

C.To make readers interested in the topic. D.To tell how Atlas walks independently.

2.What does Atlas depend on to keep balance?

A.LIDAR. B.Its natural joints.

C.Narrow blocks. D.Its weight.

3.What can we learn about Atlas?

A.It can easily walk across different obstacles. B.It is still under improvement.

C.A pulsed laser decides each step it takes. D.It helps create a map of outer space.

4.What might Atlas do in the distant future?

A.Save lives in dangerous situations. B.Rebuild fallen houses

C.Forecast earthquake. D.Explore possible living space.


    When I first met George, I was in my early 30s. My children were just entering school life allowing me to escape from endless housework. At 65, George had recently left work and was seeking a rewarding hobby for his golden years. For both of us, we loved painting and we met at a local TAFE painting class. Thus began a friendship that was to last for 25 years —until the day he died.

George was an energetic man who lived life to the full. He loved his family, his friends, and was loyal and outspoken. As the only male in a painting class full of women, George quite enjoyed it. He ruled the roost(栖息处)and we were his hens. He loved his singular(单一的)role and looked after his hens with the same attention he gave to everything.

He took to painting with passion and devotion. He carefully housed his expensive painting tools a box—a red metal tool box—built to bear hard knocks. Not fancy, but smooth and shiny and very red.

In 2004, I learned that he was very ill and went to visit him. “He's very confused and may not recognize you,” Penny, his daughter, warned. But as I bent over, George opened his eyes —“Bev!” he said, and with surprising strength, held my hand. ”I’ve always been hoping to leave my box to you. I'm afraid I can’t paint anymore, and you have the best talent and are most likely to use it," he said. With tears in my eyes, I accepted the gift on the proviso(附带条件)he could take it back at any time. He never did. He died two days later.

Today I still use much of his equipment kept in the box. As I paint I big personality, generous spirit and unfailing encouragemen. The box is still in good shape, very red. The original shop sticker is still firmly in place although the price has worn off.

But that's all right because to my mind something, like friendship, are beyond price.

1.What does the author focus on in Paragraph 1?

A.Difference in their ages. B.Reasons for their hobby.

C.Beginning of their friendship. D.Time of George's death.

2.How did the author feel about their painting class?

A.It was love-filled. B.It was encouraging. C.It was unequal. D.It was difficult.

3.What does the author intend to do in writing the text?

A.Introduce a close friend. B.Honor the memories of a friend.

C.Prove the importance of a hobby. D.Appreciate her friend’s gife.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Value of Devotion B.A Meaningful Life C.Keys to Friendship D.A Red Box


    You have the ability to decide if you are happy or not. Happiness is a choice. You can't on someone else to make you happy.

You can choose your emotions(情感). True happiness comes from within; it can't be forced by outside forces. So how do you choose happiness? The same way you choose a new pair of shoes. When you're buying new shoes, you choose a pair that you like and feel good. You wouldn't buy a pair of shoes that you don’t like or that don't fit well, right? You choose it because that's what you want to experience in your life. So why do we keep choosing emotions and feelings that don’t make us feel good?

Choosing to be after you realize your anger has shown up can be beneficial. We choose our feelings; no one can do that for us. If we let others influence our emotions, we are giving them power over us. When others cause us anger or pain, we are giving them our power.

We need to keep in check our feelings and not react immediately to what is thrown at us. We need to think our actions out instead of just reacting to what someone says or does.

Remember that we can always choose happiness. At first it will be difficult to just change your thoughts and feelings from anger, self-doubt, or fear to joy and happiness. But it is only a thought away. Don’t be lost in what happens to you unnecessarily but realize what is causing you to feel that way. Realize that thoughts, feelings and emotions can change. Then move on and choose to be happy.

1.How did the author develop her idea in Paragraph 2?

A.By making a comparison. B.By referring to a social problem.

C.By giving reasons. D.By describing her own experience.

2.What does it mean if we choose to be happy rather than angry?

A.We're making others happy B.We're better controlling our feelings.

C.We're getting to know our emotions. D.We’re sharing power with others.

3.Which of the following best explains “keep in check” underlined in Paragraph 4?

A.Express. B.Set down. C.Improve. D.Hold back.

4.What's the main idea of the text?

A.How to choose our feelings. B.Where to find happiness.

C.Making decisions to be cheerful. D.Thinking twice before actions.



A Time to Break Silence

The Essential Works of Martin Luther King. Jr. for Students

King, Martin Luther


A Time to Break Silence presents Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s most important writings and speeches in a user-friendly way for students. Included are some of his most well-known and frequently taught classic works, like “I Have a Dream, "as well as lesser-known pieces such as “The Sword that Heals", which speak to problems young people face today.

A Work in Progress

Franta, Connor


In this memoir(回忆录)of life beyond the camera, Connor Franta shares the lessons he has learned on his journey from small-town boy to Internet sensation(引起轰动的人). Exploring his past with humor, his present with humility(谦逊), and his future with hope, Connor shows his private struggles while providing heartfelt words of wisdom for young adults.

Dare Me

Devine, Eric


When Ben Candido and his friends, Ricky and John, decide to post a YouTube video of themselves surfing on top of a car, they finally feel like the somebodies they are meant to be instead of the social nobodies that they are. Overnight, the video becomes the talk of the school. Every dare brings an increased risk of bodily harm, and the risks become even more complex when a mysterious donor offers money to their dares in exchange for a cut in the online income the videos bring in.

How to Make A Wish

Blake, Ashley Herring


Grace, tough and wise, has nearly given up on wishes, thanks to a childhood spent with her unpredictable, drinks-too-much mother Maggie. Then Grace meets Eva, a girl who believes in dreams in spite of her own difficulties in life. When Eva tells Grace that she likes girls, Grace's world opens up and she begins to believe in happiness again. When Grace must choose between Maggie and Eva, will she give up the future for the life she has?




1.In which field might A Time to Break Silence help its readers?

A.Job hunting. B.Entertainment. C.Family life. D.Education.

2.Which book may you want to read if you're interested in how one grows to be a success?

A.A Time to Break silence. B.A Work in Progress.

C.Dare Me. D.How to Make a wish.

3.What do Dare Me and How to Make A Wish have in common?

A.They’re both about friendship. B.They both came out in 2017.

C.They both have electronic copies. D.They're both easy to understand.


假定你是李华,你班交换生Jim将要参加“Studying in China” 汉语演讲比赛,来信向你咨询。请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:

1. 推荐一个演讲话题;

2. 说明推荐的理由;

3. 建议他做哪些准备工作。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jim,



Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last month I went to the island of Lesvos in Greece for a holiday with my wife. Strange enough, even though I went there for a rest, I actually worked harder than I had ever done ago. Instead of spending my days on the beach sunbathing and swimming in the sea, I end up helping the locals deal with the endless arrival of refugees, many of them were struggling to get to the beach after their boats had turned over.

Anyway, this holiday turned out to be one of the most unforgettable experience of my life. When I’m alone these days, I am disturbed by the memories of the faces of parents who could not find out their children and the sound of people screamed for help. What the people of Lesvos did help these people, opening their homes to them and sharing the fewer possessions they themselves owned, was absolutely amazing. It was completely touched by the generosity of the people of Lesvos.


    Ethan Katz enjoys playing with his dogs, MeFly and Brooklyn, and often helps his grandma feed and __________ her five dogs. For his ninth birthday, Ethan_________ the idea to sell T-shirts for his favorite_________, City Dogs Rescue in Washington, D.C.

The dogs of Ethan’s and his grandma’s were_________ from animal shelters. Most shelters have _________on the number of animals they can care for. City Dogs Rescue _________dogs from over-crowded shelters. Volunteers, called fosters, care for the animals _________ they’re adopted.

Ethan went on a website for T-shirt designing and fund-raising. He typed a(n)_________ about his project, designed a T-shirt, and _________each shirt at $ 20. Every time someone bought one part of that money went to City Dogs Rescue.

As _________ spread, many people bought shirts. “My_________goal was to sell 75 shirts, and I went ________that in three days, “said Ethan. By the end of his 30-day fund-raising _________, he had sold 179 shirts and raised $2,640.That money helped City Dogs Rescue save 10 dogs from overcrowded shelters.

But Ethan wasn’t finished. People continued to _______ City Dogs Rescue about buying shirts. So Ethan decided to________ the fund-raising event for another month. Through T-shirt sales and other _________, he finally raised more than$14,500 in all. Dogs in D. C are _________ to have him as their friend!

Kids often feel as if they had no say in things, and Ethan _________ them that they could make a real_________His love for his own dogs _________ Ethan Katz to help others.

1.A.observe B.sell C.walk

2.A.put up with B.kept up with C.went on with up with C.shelter D.event

4.A.adopted B.abandoned C.protected D.kept

5.A.decrease B.attention C.changes D.limits

6.A.refuses B.replaces C.removes D.returns

7.A.until B.after C.because D.although B.phrase C.picture D.paragraph

9.A.paid B.priced C.bought D.donated

10.A.time B.paper C.knowledge D.word

11.A.special B.original C.unique

12.A.for B.into C.above D.after C.meeting D.organization B.visit C.promise D.advise

15.A.cover B.start

16.A.donations B.rescues C.decisions D.discussions

17.A.friendly B.popular C.lucky D.lovely

18.A.guaranteed B.expected C.showed D.judged

19.A.difference B.result C.effect D.identity

20.A.approved B.inspired C.followed D.adapted


    An interview is a discussion with someone in which you try to get information from them. 1. There are three basic sub-types of interview: structured interviews, unstructured interviews and semi-structured interviews. 2. Incidentally, “respondent” and “informant” are words that are sometimes used instead of “interviewee”.

A great deal is provided by this personal contact: you are another human being, and interviewees will respond to you, in bodily presence, in an entirely different way from the way that they would have reacted to questionnaires that came through their letterboxes or to emails. 3. Most people want to help and give their opinions, and they will usually be energized to help by your physical presence.

If you take the trouble to schedule a visit, you can be more or less guaranteed of a response. Most importantly, though, you will be able to relate to interviewees while you are talking to them. 4. You will be able to watch their behaviour which will give you important clues about how they feel about a topic. Because of the primacy of the personal contact, your appearance and tone are important—how do you want to be seen? As “one of us”? As a person in authority? As an observer? …Or what? 5. However you decide to present yourself, it is good practice of course to try to put the interviewee at ease before the interview begins — to talk about the weather, about your journey, about anything that will break the ice.

A.This is a ready-made support for you.

B.Its nature varies with the nature of the interviews.

C.You will be able to hear and understand what they are saying.

D.Your decision should influence the way that you look, sound and behave.

E.The information may be facts or opinions or attitudes or any combination of these.

F.Each involves the interviewer in fact-to-face contact or telephone contact with another person.

G.You will be using these clues to make informed guesses about what the interviewees might really mean.


    This season, the bushfires in Australia have burned more than 12.35 million acres of land. At least 25 people have been killed and 2000 homes destroyed. According to the BBC, this is the most casualties(伤亡)from wildfires in the country since 2009. The University of Sydney estimates that 480 million animals have died in South Wales alone.

Zeke Hausfather, an energy systems analyst and climate researcher at Berkeley Earth, said warmer temperatures and extreme weather have made Australia more susceptible to fires and increased the length of the fire season. “The drier conditions combined with record high temperatures in 2019 created main conditions for the disastrous fires.Australia’s fires were worsened by the combination of those two. 2019 was the perfect storm for being the warmest year on record for Australia and the driest year on record for Australia,” Hausfather added on Friday.

Kevin Trenberth, a senior scientist at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research, said warmer ocean temperatures also contributed to more variable weather around the world. Trenberth believes that global warming contributed to energy imbalances and hot spots in the oceans, which can create a wave in the atmosphere that locks weather patterns in places, causing longer rain events in Indonesia, for example, and at the same time contributing to drought in Australia.He said that once an area experiences drought conditions for two months or more, it increases the risk of fires catching and spreading. Those changing weather patterns due to global warming make drought events longer.

Climate experts stress that climate change is not the only factor in the severity of wildfires. How land is managed can also impact the amount of fuel available for fires. Practices like controlled burns and other factors can impact the risk to people and property, such as warning systems and the type of development in a given area. Changing those policies has great potential to limit future damage from wildfires along with changes to how fire management resources are dispatched (派遣).

1.What are the numbers about in paragraph 1?

A.The causes of Australian fires. B.The consequences of Australian fires.

C.The damaged areas of Australian fires. D.The property destruction of Australian fires.

2.Which of the following best explains “susceptible to” in the second paragraph?

A.Very quickly to adapt to. B.Very seriously to focus on.

C.Very likely to be influenced by. D.Very easily to be protected against.

3.What can we infer from Trenberth’s research?

A.Global warming is the root cause of the bushfires.

B.Longer dry weather contributes to global warming.

C.Warmer ocean temperatures promote fires spreading.

D.The imbalanced energy leads to the temperature rising.

4.What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph?

A.To stress the effects of Australia fires.

B.To show the methods for controlling burns.

C.To predict the seriousness of Australia fires.

D.To provide some advice about reducing damage.


    Today's world is not an easy adjustment for young adults. Key skill set for success is persistence (毅力), a characteristic that researchers say is heavily influenced by fathers. Researchers from Brigham Young University discovered that fathers are in a unique position to help their adolescent children learn persistence.

BYU professors Laura Padilla-Walker and Randal Day arrived at these findings after following 325 American families over several years. And over timethe persistence gained through fathers led to higher achievement in school.

"There are relatively few studies that stress the unique role of fathers"Padilla-Walker said. "This research also helps to prove that characteristics such as persistence-which can be taught-are key to a child's life success.”

Researchers determined that dads need to practice an "authoritative" parenting style. Authoritative parenting is not authoritarian:rigiddemanding or controlling. Ratheran authoritative parenting style includes some of the following characteristics:children feel warmth and love from their fatherresponsibility and the reasons behind rules are stressed children are given an appropriate level of autonomy(自主权).

In the studyabout 52 percent of the dads exhibited above-average levels of authoritative parenting. A key finding is that over timechildren raised by an authoritative father were significantly more likely to develop persistencewhich leads to better outcomes in school.

This particular study examined 11 to 14-year-olds living in two-parent homes. Yet the researchers suggest that single parents still may play a role in teaching the benefits of persistencewhich is an avenue of future research.

1.What is special about the BYU professors' study?

A.It centered on fathers' role in parenting.

B.It was based on a number of large families.

C.It analyzed different kinds of parenting styles.

D.It aimed to improve kids' achievement in school.

2.What would an authoritative father do when raising his children?

A.Ignore their demands. B.Make decisions for them.

C.Control their behaviors. D.Explain the rules to them.

3.Which group can be a focus of future studies according to the researchers?

A.Single parents.

B.Children aged from 11 to 14.

C.Authoritarian fathers.

D.Mothers in two-parent homes.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A.Three Characteristics of Authoritative Fathers.

B.Key Skills for Young Adults to Succeed in Future.

C.Children Tend to Learn Determination from Father.

D.Family Relationship Influences School Performance.


    Growing up, Deka Ismail says she let labels define what she could be. “I was a black girl, from a refugee (难民) family,” Deka said. “It was as if I was only allowed to explore in this predetermined box.”

After a high school chemistry class inspired her to think about a career in science and gave her confidence in the field, Deka learned to live outside labels and began making big plans for her future. Now she is about to begin her freshman year at the University of California, planning to become a professor.

Born and raised in San Diego’s City Heights neighbourhood, Deka is the daughter of a Somali refugee couple. While some might say Deka’s success happened in spite of her background, she would say differently, that her experiences shaped her and inspired her to be the driven, young scientist that she is today.

When Deka was eight years old, her mother got a job by studying hard back in school in order to support the whole family. That made Deka realize that education could make a difference to one’s life. She spent a lot of time in the library reading books, and didn’t do many of the things her peers did, like partying or having romantic relationships.

“I always felt like I had to be the perfect girl for my family,” Deka said. “You have to not even do your best but two times better than everyone else. I felt like the whole world was waiting for me to mess up.”

Deka’s efforts paid off. The summer before her senior year of high school, she was accepted to the American Chemical Society Project SEED Programme. “She brought both enthusiasm and focus,” Botham, a researcher at this research institute, recalled. “She arrived every day ready to work, ready to learn and ready to tackle new challenges regardless of whether or not she had done anything similar.”

When asked what advice she would give to others like her, Deka warned them not to underestimate themselves. “Don’t tell yourself that scholarship is too big or this programme is too competitive or I’ll never get into this school, ” she said. “I was not sure whether I could make it until I started seeing the acceptance letters rolling in.”

1.From the passage, we can learn that ______.

A.Deka was adopted by a refugee family

B.Deka spent a lot of time going to parties

C.Deka became a professor after graduation

D.Deka’s experiences drove her to work hard

2.Deka realized the importance of education ______.

A.from her mother’s experience B.after her chemistry class reading books in the library D.through working at the institute

3.According to the last paragraph, Deka advised that students be ______.

A.patient B.confident

C.ambitious D.generous

4.What does the story intend to tell us?

A.Life is not all roses.

B.Practice makes perfect.

C.Well begun is half done.

D.Hard work leads to success.


    The Ig Nobel Prize, a spoof (滑稽模仿) of the actual Nobel Prize, exists to award the 10 strangest research projects of the year that bring you fun and make you think. The following are three of them in 2019.

Medicine Prize: Pizza

It’s one of the world’s most popular foods. According to the Ig Nobel Medicine Prize winner, eating more pizzas can lower the risk of cancer and heart disease if your pizza is loaded with fruits and veggies. These provide flavonoids (类黄酮) to fight against certain diseases. So, if you’re a pizza enthusiast, you now have one more reason to love it!

Economics Prize: Dirty Money

Paper money, the most frequently passed items on the planet, is known to pick up all kinds of bacteria. Which country’s currency is the dirtiest? An international team compared seven countries’ paper money. The Romanian Leu was the only one to carry all three types of bacteria tested. And the US Dollar was also a finalist. Perhaps this will make cashless payments more popular.

Biology Prize: Cockroach

Cockroaches (蟑螂) are well known for their survival abilities, but few folks know they can sense magnetic fields. More surprisingly, an international team found that dead cockroaches have more magnetic properties (磁性) than live ones. That’s because magnetic properties decrease when the temperature gets higher. So if you can stand cockroaches, they may be good magnetic sensors.

1.What do the three prizes have in common?

A.They are well-known to the general public.

B.They are entertaining and unusual.

C.They’ve gained the recognition of the Nobel Prize.

D.They are stranger than any other project in previous years.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.People with heart disease should eat more pizzas.

B.US Dollar is relatively dirtier than Romanian Leu.

C.Dirty paper money leads to cashless payments.

D.Dead cockroaches are better magnetic sensors than live ones.

3.In which column can you find this passage in a newspaper?

A.Discovery. B.Sports. C.Health. D.Business.


阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。

Being a high school student is probably one of the hardest things in the world. From the countless classes to the endless homework, your school may seem stressful some days. So, it’s understandable if you feel under pressure sometimes.

However, by making a few changes, your high school life could become easier. First, as starters, try to build a better relationship with the most important people in your life: your parents. “To succeed, teens need love, acceptance and support from their parents,” psychologist Sara Villanueva wrote on Psychology Today website. With this in mind, try to explain your difficulties to your parents. That way, they’ll understand you better. To do this, simply talk to your parents and share your feelings with them and they may be able to help you. Having a good relationship with your teachers is important too. If you’re finding a certain class too hard, talk to your teachers and ask them for help. It’s teachers’ job to make sure their students understand what they teach, so they’ll be more than happy to help you.

And then, you also should start by helping yourself to become more successful at anything you do. To start with, set yourself some realistic goals, like “I’ll improve my math grade by next semester,” or “I’ll join one more after-school club.” And rather than just tell yourself these goals, plan them out carefullyand stick to them. You can get yourself a calendar, and mark every piece of school work you have on there, for example. That way, you can see exactly what you need to do and when you need to finish it by.

Another thing to remember, however, is that relaxation is just as important as working hard. “It is good to take time to relax during heavy periods of work to stay energized (精力充沛的) and focused,” US student Anna Pohoryles wrote on university website Odyssey. So, if things get too difficult, taking a break may be the best solution of all.


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