What did the man lose?

A.A bag. B.A book. C.A cell phone.


What does the woman want the weather to be like?

A.Sunny. B.Snowy. C.Windy.


Who is the boy probably talking to?

A.His boss. B.His fitness coach. C.His teacher.


When did the girl last clean her room according to the man?

A.Two days ago. B.Two months ago. C.Two weeks ago.






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I am more than delighting to hear that your school will start an English Summer Camp, when there will be a variety of courses, such as cooking, swimming, giving first aid, playing football or basketball. I am interested in giving first aid and I am writing to sign up for the course.

I choose attend the course due to the fact that first aid is of great important to people. If a person gets injured and needed medical care after a doctor comes, every second counts in terms of saving lives. The knowledge of first aid can help save lives. Besides, I plan to study medicine and devote my life at medical research. Hopeful, the course will help me to learn about how to deal with medical emergencies.

I would appreciate it if you could take your application into a consideration.


    Kindness can really make you pause and be thankful during a stressful time.

Cassandra Warren was in a_________and was feeling a little overwhelmed(使应接不暇)by work and planning her wedding. After she got her wedding invitations ready one day, she hurriedly_________one to her aunt and uncle. A week later, the invitation came back. She had written down the_________address. A handwritten note was_________the returned envelop, which read, “I wish I_________you—this is going to be an enjoyable experience. Congratulations—go to have dinner_________me. I’ve been married for 40 years—It gets better with age.” A $20 bill was inside.

Cassandra was at a bit of a professional crossroads and had been having a_________day. In fact, she’d nearly broken down, telling her_________to her husband-to-be Jesse Jones just as she opened the_________envelop. Then she read the note. “It was kind of perfect timing,” said Cassandra Warren. “We are____________who the mysterious note writer is. But I really____________it.”

Cassandra and Jesse____________with a friend who was going overseas the following night. They happily put the $20 towards their____________. Then Cassandra stopped by a store and bought a thank-you card. She____________wrote her aunt’s address on the envelop again—this time____________ —and addressed it to “Kind Stranger” ____________ by the following words inside“Thank you for the____________and taking____________ to send it. Not so many people would have done that. It was a big____________ after the day I was having. I am____________people like you still being in the world.”

1.A.rush B.flash C.sense D.race

2.A.showed B.posted C.took D.presented

3.A.incomplete B.unreadable C.unrecorded D.incorrect

4.A.pointed to B.adapted to C.attached to D.contributed to

5.A.blamed B.comforted C.welcomed D.knew

6.A.for B.on C.except D.beyond

7.A.tough B.busy C.relaxing D.nice

8.A.doubt B.fortune C.depression D.embarrassment

9.A.mismatched B.misplaced C.misjudged D.misdirected

10.A.convinced of B.unaware of C.sceptical of D.fond of

11.A.appreciated B.permitted C.selected D.recognized

12.A.worked out B.dined out C.broke out D.set out

13.A.shelf B.chair C.plate D.bill

14.A.accurately B.calmly C.mistakenly D.casually

15.A.as usual B.in return C.on purpose D.in advance

16.A.accompanied B.clarified C.confirmed D.simplified

17.A.picture B.photo C.card D.note

18.A.courage B.care C.responsibility D.time

19.A.favour B.deal C.ceremony D.decision

20.A.anxious about B.grateful for C.ready for D.concerned about


How To Improve Teamwork In Your Organization

One of the key roles of employees in an organization is to promote cooperation(合作)as this is one of the fundamental parts of organizational success. Times are changing and so is the world of business. Today the competitive business environment requires organizations to employ high-performance teams. 1.These are teams that work together despite the difference for the good of the organization. Here are several ways to improve teamwork.

The first step towards improving teamwork is to know what your expectations are. 2.These should be people who can work continuously in a fast-changing environment. Sc when selecting your team members, try to look for individuals who display team player qualities.

If you want to improve teamwork in your organization, you need to ensure that the environment where they work is favourable enough. 3.Everyone gets along easily and better, and cases of lateness and absence reduce while on the other hand productivity increases greatly.

As an employer, you have to acknowledge the fact that those who are directly affected by a decision have to be a part of the decision-making process. You should, therefore, let your team have a say and participate in such matters as this will help improve team cooperation among your employees. For there to be effective team cooperation in an organization, there has to be a joint, cooperative decision-making.

4.In this regard, as you make efforts to improve team cooperation in your organization, you should initially develop the skill of communication among your employees. Team building exercise, like cooperative games and simulations, are often organized to help employees communicate better.

Respect is the glue that holds a team together. For a team to work efficiently and productively, there has to be a good working relationship among its members. There has to be mutual respect regardless of their age, gender, position, skills, experience, etc. As an employer, you should help your employees to learn to accept the strengths and weaknesses of their colleagues. 5.And therefore there will be better teamwork.

A.If this is done, then there will be fewer conflicts

B.The success of your plan rests on your cooperation

C.They should be capable of producing excellent results

D.You need to make known your expectations of your ultimate team players

E.You should take it upon yourself as an an employer to better the situation.

F.Teamwork requires people to work together and communicate better as a team.

G.If you make the workplace pleasant to employees, then work becomes more enjoyable


    NEW YORK—President Donald Trump’s decision to suspend immigration to the Unit States for 60 days to stop those applying for permanent residency from taking American job has drawn criticism from immigration supporters who brand it a “distraction” amid the coronavirus pandemic(流行病).

“In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!” the president tweeted Monday night. Trump said he signed the executive order Wednesday. “This would ensure that unemployed Americans of all backgrounds will be first in line for jobs as our economy opens,” Trump said at Wednesday night’s coronavirus news briefing.

The president had initially wanted to suspend all immigration to the US to stop the spread of OVID-19 and “protect American jobs”, as 22 million have filed(申请) for unemployment. But on Tuesday he said his executive order would affect only some family members of US citizens seeking green cards (permanent residency IDs) and foreign workers who want to move to America.” It would be wrong and unjust for Americans laid off by the virus to be replaced with new immigrant labor flow in from abroad.” Trump said at the briefing.

The executive order won’t bar(禁止) immigrants already living in America seeking green cards, or the 85,000 workers a year given H-1B visas nor seasonal farm workers. It also will not stop people using temporary visas for work or travel.

“The Trump administration is again seeking to distract Americans from their own failures to secure testing, provide basic protections for all workers, and create a healthcare system that works for us all,” Bitta Mostofi, commissioner of the New York Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, told China Daily. He also said, “Among the l million essential workers in New York City working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic—delivery worker, EMS staff, drivers, healthcare personnel, and more—half are immigrant.”

Former US secretary of state John Kerry told CNN that the immigration order was “a sideshow, an effort to divert people’s attention”.

At least 6 million US healthcare workers were born abroad, including 29 percent of all doctors, 38 percent of home health aides(助力) and 23 percent of retail store pharmacists(药剂师), according to the Migration Policy Institute.

1.Why did Trump sign the executive order according to Para. 2?

A.To improve the welfare of American people.

B.To reduce employment pressure in America.

C.To promote America’s economic development.

D.To avoid American population rising so quickly.

2.What can we infer from Bitta Mostofi’s words in Para. 5?

A.Immigration to America should be limited to give local Americans more job chances.

B.The Trump administration is trying its best to secure testing to deal with the virus.

C.Immigrants play an important role in fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic.

D.The Trump administration has created an effective healthcare system.

3.What does the underlined words “divert people’s attention” in Para. 6 mean?

A.Ignore people’s attention

B.Control people’s attention

C.Focus on people’s attention

D.Take people’s attention away.

4.Which of the following can serve as the best title for the news report?

A.US immigration suspension draws criticism.

B.US stops those applying for permanent residency.

C.US takes measures to stop spread of COVID-19.

D.US healthcare workers who were born abroad.


    Although social media allow us to become more connected to other people than at any time in history, a new study suggests that many Americans feel lonelier than ever before, which is weakening the nation's mental and physical health.

The study conducted by the heath insurer(保险公司)Cigna, found widespread loneliness, with nearly half of Americans reporting they feel alone. or left out at least some of the time. The nation’s 75 million millennials(ages 23-37)and Generation Z adults(ages 18-22)are lonelier than older generations, Besides, 54% of people surveyed said they feel no one knows them well, and four in 10 reported they "lack companionship"their "relationships aren't meaningful "and that they" are isolated from others. ”

Douglas Nemecek, MD, Cigna's chief medical officer for Behavioral Health, said the finding of the study suggest that the problem has become common, equaling the risks caused by tobacco and the nation’s ever-expanding waistline(腰围). "Loneliness has the same influence on health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, while obesity(肥胖)less than 10 cigarettes a day" he said in releasing the report.

Nemecek's comments tallied with those of other leading public health specialist, including former Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy, MD, who said loneliness should be targeted in public health campaigns like those designed to fight against smoking and obesity. "During my years' caring for patients, the worst disease I saw was not heart disease or diabetes; it was loneliness, " Murty said in a recent cover story in the Harward Business Revieres.

The new report, produced in Cigna's partnership with the polling company Ipsos, is based on an online survey of more than 20000 US adults using the well-regarded UCLA Loneliness Scale to see how widespread loneliness is in America.

1.What does the study conducted by Cigna find?

A.Social media increase levels of Americans loneliness

B.People become more connected to each other

C.Social media do people more harm than good

D.Older Americans feel much lonelier

2.Which opinion might Douglas Nemecek support?

A.Loneliness is not so harmful as smoking.

B.Loneliness is more dangerous than obesity.

C.Loneliness is taken seriously by the public.

D.Loneliness is targeted in public health campaigns.

3.What does the underlined phrase "tallied with" mean in Para. 4?

A.Accounted for B.Dealt with

C.Answered for D.Agreed with

4.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To discuss common health problems

B.To show threats Americans' health

C.To present findings of a recent study.

D.To warn people about social media use.


    My best friend travelled to stay with my family last weekend. when she arrived, she went straight to the kitchen and, without asking, ate some dried fruit. She wasn’t being rude. I knew she would do this. We’ve known each other for almost 20 years. She can eat anything she wants from my kitchen. Indeed, I bought her favorite fruits and snacks at the shop that morning.

Our long weekend together was simple. I was recovering from surgery and couldn't go to shopping malls, We passed the time running errands(差事), but there's never been a quiet moment. We’ve lived in different cities for almost a decade, Reunions demand conversation.

Our personalities are matched, to be sureand a shared history is indescribably(难以形容地)valuable. We were competitors at high school before bonding. Then we discovered the many interests that we had in common. Our friendship developed itself quickly. We stayed companions and supported each other through law school and through our first jobs. Ours is a friendship for the ages.

There is something special about friends who know everything about you. They are rare. They have seen your bright lights of achievements, the depths of desperation(绝望的境地)and the boring routine of the in-between. It's special to unpack feelings without wasting time filling in the blanks. As my long weekend shows, with such friends we don't have to “do”, but we simply have to “be”. We drop the act, the performance, the public version of ourselves, The special friendships are those which never fail to delight, whose continuation is worth the extra effort, despite distance and difference in our separate lives. I had the very great joy of this reminder last weekend. I'm lucky to have found this friend, and to see a future where her companionship remains. Being together is perfection.

1.What can we infer from Para. 2?

A.They talked constantly about their lives. B.They enjoyed running errands.

C.They had a noisy weekend D.They quarreled at times.

2.What does the author appreciate about their friendship?

A.They help each other achieve in their fields

B.They’re best friends despite different hobbies

C.They inspire each other to be their best selves.

D.They' re comfortable just being themselves

3.What message is conveyed in the last paragraph?

A.Real friends are easy to make

B.Good friendships need devotion

C.Special friendships may fail to delight.

D.Distance and difference bring friendship

4.Why does the author write this text?

A.To express thanks to her best friend

B.To share the friendship she treasures.

C.To describe what her best friend is like

D.To explain how she offers help to her friend


    Walk from the Arc de Triomphe to the Louvre, stroll along the Seine River and enjoy the beautiful sights in Paris now!

The Arc de Triomphe

The most monumental one of arches celebrating the victory of war, was built between 1806 and 1836. Even though there were many modifications(修改)to the original plans, the Arch still keeps the essence of the original concept which was a powerful, unified symbol of France. Climb up to its top for a splendid view of Paris, especially the Eiffel Tower in the distance.

The Musée de I’Orangerie

The 1852 stone structure facing the Seine River was once a place that helped to store orange trees of the Tuileries Garden from the cold in the winter. Now, it's home to Claude Monet's excellent water lily(睡莲)paintings. It is one museum not to miss, it feels as if you're standing in Monet’s garden at Giverny! But, in addition to those of Monet, there are also works by Renoir, Cezanne, and Picasso.




The Louvre

The splendid, baroque palace and museum sits along the right bank of the Seine River in Paris. It is one of the city's biggest tourist attractions. It has a history of about 800 years. There are several ways to visit the Louvre museum. Read it up in advance and find paintings of da Vinci, Raphael, Napoleon and Joan of Art that will interest you, or approach the Louvre like exploring the darkest continent, where you will discover amazing things.


1.Which place is probably most attractive to one loving military history.

A.The Louvre B.The Eiffel Tower

C.The Arc de triomphe. D.The Musée de I'Orangerie

2.What do we know about the Louvre?

A.Raphael was one of its designers

B.It is located beside the Seine River

C.It was set up in the middle of the fifteenth century.

D.You can climb up to its top for a splendid view of Paris.

3.What can we learn about the Musee de I’Orangerie?

A.It is home to water lilies

B.It was once Monet’s garden

C.It mainly displays Picasso's works

D.It once helped to store orange trees.


假定你是李华,正在负责策划绿色校园活动(Green Campus Campaign),请给你的英国笔友Henry写一封邮件,向他介绍此次活动的目的、内容,并征求他的建议。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

Dear Henry,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Everyone will be full of respect when mentioned a mother’s love. Truly, who can love you more than your dear mother does in world? But in modern society, especial among one-child families, mothers usually give too much love to her only daughter or son. They try to help or even protecting their children in every way, which left their sons or daughters too comfortable to deal with challenges themselves.

What we all know, we have entered into the 21st century, and the young generation will face more challenges in the future. There is nothing wrong for mothers to love their children, and they should also leave rooms for their children to develop themselves and become independent.


    I have been so fortunate to receive kindness from everybody around, warmth from animals and mother nature. When I was_________up, I was taught_________to thank everything around with gratitude and regard everyone around with_________and kindness, just as my grandparents and parents did.

A long, long time ago, earlier in my career, I was_________for hiring a lot of people in key_________.Though I hired many, I didn't hire many more. One of my guiding principles was to always_________candidates with kindness and respect. But as many years went by, I was_________off because of the_________of our company and the severe economic pressure sweeping the country.

Like all the candidates I had_________, I was now the interviewee. That was__________for me. I went through a string of interviews, all__________. After one particular interview, at the end of the__________the interviewer asked if I remembered him. "No," I replied. "Well." he said__________, "you had interviewed me a few years ago and though I didn't get the job, I still__________how you treated me with kindness and respect. And now I would like to__________you for this job." Though I already knew it, living with kindness and respect__________.

As I shared my story with others on the Internet, I received many__________. Some thanked me for this__________share and many agreed that kindness does__________, saying although we may not be able to change the world around us in an__________, our kindness will come back to us in one way or another. This is life.

1.A.put B.brought C.picked D.called

2.A.slowly B.suddenly C.repeatedly D.gradually

3.A.surprise B.comfort C.relief D.respect

4.A.responsible B.hungry C.grateful D.good

5.A.careers B.choices C.positions D.topics

6.A.treat B.adopt C.assess D.persuade

7.A.set B.taken C.broken D.laid

8.A.intention B.reform C.fault D.devotion

9.A.punished B.attacked C.interviewed D.studied

10.A.strange B.natural C.obvious D.lucky

11.A.in order B.in pain C.in danger D.in vain

12.A.operation B.process C.movement D.situation

13.A.sadly B.shyly C.seriously D.loudly

14.A.regret B.remember C.expect D.pretend

15.A.fire B.confuse C.demand D.hire

16.A.paid off B.picked up C.cut off D.cared for

17.A.does B.needs C.likes D.designs

18.A.awful B.awesome C.wrong D.humorous

19.A.spread B.donate C.waste D.appear

20.A.mess B.hurry C.word D.instant


    If you are asked to chair a meeting, remember the following golden rules for meeting management.

Assign a note-taker or arrange to have the meeting audio-taped. You may need to refer back to an issue that was discussed during the meeting at a later date. 1.

2. So many times we think we are going to say and, in the process, block out valid points that other group members may be contributing. Additionally, we often hear only what we want to hear, rather than really listening to other people. Meetings that are characterized by effective listening are successful meetings.

Give everyone an opportunity to be heard. 3. As the leader of the meeting, you need to keep an open mind and make sure everyone feels welcome to contribute and express ideas without criticism.

4. Many times important issues can get sidetracked in a meeting, especially when everyone has a different opinion about the topic. If you anticipate a conflict prior to the meeting, discuss the issue with participants in advance. If an unanticipated (未预料到的) conflict develops once the meeting is in progress, ask participants involved in the conflict to meet with you after the meeting. Doing so will minimize the chances of wasting participants’ valuable time.

End on time. If you said the meeting would last no longer than one hour, make sure the meeting last for an hour.5. Running late with a meeting makes members late for other appointments, increases the chances that members will mentally leave the meeting, and reduces your credibility (可靠性) as an effective meeting manager.

A.Learn to listen.

B.Start the meeting on time.

C.Keep the discussion on track.

D.Good record-keeping is a sign of good meeting manager as well.

E.Some people tend to monopolize (独占) meetings, while others wait to be asked.

F.You can appoint a sub committee to look into the problem in order to save time.

G.Meeting participants tend to plan the rest of their day according to the meeting schedule.


    Calling someone a “birdbrain” is considered rude. It implies that someone has a small brain and thus is not smart. A new study found that the expression doesn’t do birds justice either. Birds’ brains are much bigger than we thought-at least compared to their small bodies.

An international team of 37 scientists measured the brain volume of hundreds of dinosaurs and extinct birds by scanning fossils of their skulls. The readings were compared to a large database containing the brain sizes of modern birds. These measurements were then analyzed, taking into consideration each bird’s body size-resulting in something called “relative brain size”. The results showed that a dramatic change of birds’ body size happened right after the mass extinction of dinosaurs 66 million years ago.

According to the study, published on April 23 in the journal Current Biology, birds and non-avian (非鸟类的) dinosaurs had similar brain sizes before the extinction. After the extinction of the dinosaurs, however, birds had to find a way to survive, so they shrank their bodies-since smaller animals need less food-but they kept their big brains.

“The changed landscape may have caused the rapid evolution of new brain-body scaling patterns (缩放比例) by favoring both larger brains and smaller bodies,” US paleontologist (古生物学家) Daniel Ksepka, who is the lead author of the study, told CNN.

This “evolutionary brain leap”-as scientists call it-also happened very rapidly. Without dinosaurs, birds quickly repopulated. They came in all types and sizes, which contributed to the diverse species of birds we see today.

But among all the bird species, certain ones “show above average rates of brain and body size evolution”, study co-author Adam Smith at Clemson University, US, said in a statement-with crows and parrots being the most evident. In fact, previous studies have already discovered that these birds have an amazing cognitive ability. They are able to use tools, imitate human speech and even remember human faces.

So, in the words of Smith, “calling someone ‘bird-brained’ is actually quite a compliment!”

1.How did scientists learn the brain sizes of dinosaurs and extinct birds?

A.By referring to a database.

B.By analyzing their body size.

C.By studying their fossil skulls.

D.By examining the brain size of modem birds.

2.What were birds’ brains like after the extinction of the dinosaurs?

A.They were the same size as non-avian dinosaurs.

B.They shrank to adapt to the environment.

C.They kept growing to avoid extinction.

D.They remained as big as they were before.

3.According to Adam Smith, what do we know about birds?

A.Their brain evolution happened very rapidly.

B.Some species evolved to be smarter than others.

C.Crows and parrots have the largest bird brains.

D.Birds have amazing abilities to copy human speech.

4.What is the purpose of this text?

A.To explain the origin of the word “birdbrain”.

B.To describe how a bird evolved through history.

C.To present a new study on birds’ brain size.

D.To reveal reasons for the rapid growth of bird populations.


    During the outbreak of novel coronavirus, cities are locked down and borders are closed. Science, on the contrary, is becoming more open. And this “open science” is already making a difference.

Soon after the epidemic (流行病) started in China, a research team from Fudan University in Shanghai successfully sequenced (测定序列) the DNA of the virus. But they didn’t keep the information to themselves. Instead, they placed the sequences on GenBank, an open-access data platform, so researchers around the world could download them for free and start studying the virus.

Due to this openness, companies producing drugs across the globe are now able to work at the same time to develop a vaccine (疫苗). “There may be room for multiple different vaccines for different purposes and different age groups,” Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security in the US, told Al Jazeera. “The bigger menu we have of vaccines, the more flexible we’ll be when fighting against coronavirus outbreaks in the future.”

Major drug companies around the world are also sharing their study results. Remdesivir, a drug originally developed by US company Gilead Sciences to treat Ebola, is found to be promising in fighting against the novel coronavirus. Currently, two trials of the drug are already underway in China, and the results might be available as soon as April, according to The Verge.

This openness in science is going to be even more important in the future. “With climate change, increasing globalization, and population shifts, epidemics will not go away, and might even become more frequent,” Dan Barouch, a Harvard Medical School professor, told Harvard Magazine.

He said, “No one group can do everything. It has to be a cooperative approach. But I do think that the world has a greater sense of readiness this time to develop knowledge, drugs, and treatment very rapidly.”

Every epidemic is indeed a crisis, but it can also be a learning opportunity. One redeeming (补偿的) factor of the COVID-19 outbreak is that it is helping science adapt for the better.

1.What does the article mainly talk about?

A.Coordinated efforts to fight the epidemic in Africa.

B.Some scientific knowledge we’ve learned from the epidemic.

C.The significance of openness and sharing of scientific knowledge.

D.What needs to be done to prevent future epidemics.

2.The positive effect of what the research team from Fudan University did is that ________.

A.they alerted the world to the danger of the virus

B.they helped remove people’s fear of the virus

C.they showed the world how to produce a vaccine

D.they invited collective efforts worldwide to develop a vaccine

3.What is the author’s purpose of mentioning remdesivir in paragraph 4?

A.To introduce a possible cure for the epidemic.

B.To compare the treatment of Ebola and the novel coronavirus.

C.To prove that many drug companies readily share their discoveries.

D.To show that the novel coronavirus will soon be contained.

4.Which of the following would Dan Barouch probably disagree with?

A.Epidemics will be less frequent thanks to climate change.

B.The world is becoming better prepared to deal with epidemics.

C.No single group can fight against the epidemics independently.

D.The increase in globalization may bring about more epidemics.


    What is a family? Why does it matter? What does it teach us that we can’t learn on our own? These questions seem especially relevant in the holiday season when it is often our tradition to gather as families and celebrate together.

My mother was one of twelve children. As they grew up, married and had children of their own, most of them lived near enough to gather for holidays at my grandparents’ home in a small town in the mountains of North Carolina.

I don’t recall getting many gifts from them .I remember the sense of belonging, of being part of something that assured me I was loved and not alone.

I delighted in the laughing, playing and fighting with my crazy cousins. I watched my granddad and uncles sit on the porch, rain or shine, smoking and joking, arguing about politics and trying to solve the problems of the world. I listened to my grandmother, mother and aunts stir (搅拌) pots on the stove and talk about their lives, hopes, dreams and disappointments, and gossip about any sister who failed to show up.

The food was always plentiful and delicious-country ham, sweet potatoes, green beans, biscuits and my grandmother’s banana pudding. But for me, the food was never the highlight. The highlight was simply being together. A family.

However, they’re all gone now. My parents and grandparents, my aunts and uncles have left this world for the next. My cousins are scattered here and there. And yet the memories linger, along with the love that we shared.

I treasure those memories and the things they taught me. They told me that families aren’t perfect, but they prepare us to find our way in an imperfect world. They made me realize that all families are crazy in their own particular ways.

My husband and I are growing a new family, while keeping close to the surviving members of the families. It’s a beautiful blend (混合) of kindness, traditions, nurturing (养育) and friendships, which grows year after year.

I hope this holiday season will fill you with lovely memories of the family that raised you, and surround you with all the people who mean “family” to you now.

1.What do we know about the author’s family according to the article?

A.She didn’t get on well with her cousins.

B.Her grandpa and uncles were politicians.

C.Her family delighted in their gatherings.

D.The female members liked to show off.

2.The author appreciated the gatherings mainly because _______.

A.there was a lot of inviting food

B.special gifts were selected thoughtfully

C.they brought the family closer together

D.she got to see relatives who seldom visited

3.What does the underlined word “linger” in paragraph 6 probably mean?

A.Disappear. B.Remain.

C.Increase. D.Fade.

4.What did the author learn from her family?

A.Good families should live together.

B.Imperfect families may help us adjust to the world.

C.Memories of perfect families deserve treasuring.

D.It’s necessary to create crazy family traditions.






We have 8 new students this week, so come along to the Clifftonville inn on George Street at 8:30 to give them a warm welcome.




Making costumes and decorations for the party on Thursday

The more people that come, the better the party will be.





Prizes for the best costumes tickets £ 3




If you would like to pay, sign on the board.




Includes a trip to the London Dungeons, Camden Lock market, the infamous Clink Prison and Chessington theme park for their Halloween evening, plus much more...£ 21.


This mid week tour leaves Brighton at 13:30 and includes an afternoon visit to the famous Seven Sisters, Beachy Head, and cider tasting at Middle Farm. A stop will be made at a country pub for dinner before we move on to Lewes for their annual bonfire parade and fireworks…Only £ 10



1.We can infer that the school in the text is nearest to___________.

A.London B.Sussex C.Lewes D.Brighton

2.Students will come to Clifftonville inn____________.

A.for a gathering to start a short tour

B.to prepare for the party

C.to give the new students a warm welcome

D.to celebrate the fancy dress Halloween party

3.If you go on the trip to Lewes for the bonfire, which route will you take?

a. Seven Sisters        b. Middle Farm        c. a country pub       d. Brighton        e. Beachy Head

A.daebc B.adecb C.daceb D.adebe



1. 传统体育活动的开展情况介绍;


3. 邀请他来校体验。


1. 词数80左右,信的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:Tai Chi 太极;martial arts 武术

Dear Tom,

I’m glad to hear from you.


Looking forward to the day when you will visit our school.


Li Hua


    Yara Shahidi is an actress. She wants young people to know that little by little, it’s possible to make a _______in the world. She is one of the _______across the globe, who are participating in a movement called LittlexLittle.

There are more than 2 billion people _______ born between the mid-1990s and mid-2000s. These people _______Generation Z. The movement has a goal to _______ as many of them globally as possible to do 2 billion _______acts of good by 2030. These acts should be _______ the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals to make the world more peaceful and healthy.

Participants are encouraged to_______ their own efforts to do good on social media. They should use the tag LittlexLittle and share ideas _______ from reducing meat consumption to abandoning the car and biking __________

It has been two weeks since a “LittlexLittle” video was launched on YouTube __________the project. It’s been __________ more than 15 million times.

Shahidi, 18, says that students can look to the upcoming March for Our Lives assemblies as an example that young people are __________ involved and want to make the world better.She also says there’s a __________ to the large amount of time they spend on their phones.

“Because of our interconnectivity (连通性), we see people that aren’t __________in front of us and understand there’s__________greater to contribute to.”

Another influencer__________ is disabled model Jillian Mercado. She’s posted a video online to remind others that small __________ to slow down climate change can __________ a big difference and that every __________ person has a voice.

1.A.challenge B.fortune C.living D.difference

2.A.influencers B.editors C.actresses D.leaders

3.A.nationwide B.contemporarily C.worldwide D.meanwhile

4.A.take up B.make up C.build up D.set up

5.A.inspire B.amaze C.signal D.recognize

6.A.unique B.practical C.tiny D.official

7.A.in memory of B.in defence of C.in need of D.in support of

8.A.publish B.write C.print D.post

9.A.changing B.developing C.ranging D.coming

10.A.though B.instead C.otherwise D.anyway

11.A.explaining B.monitoring C.multiplying D.operating

12.A.hired B.viewed C.bombed D.designed

13.A.physically B.virtually C.culturally D.socially

14.A.distinction B.trick C.benefit D.function

15.A.directly B.finally C.quickly D.clearly

16.A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything

17.A.taking charge B.making progress C.keeping track D.taking part

18.A.plans B.acts C.videos D.groups

19.A.add up to B.come up with C.stand up for D.put up with

20.A.famous B.nice C.single D.fortunate


How to Design a Logo

A great logo is more than images and words,and a good logo tells a story about your company-who you are,what you do and what you stand for.1.And it is why it’s important that you take the time to do it right. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone.The steps below will help you design a good logo.

Determine the primary function of your logo.

Being clear on why you need a logo can guide your design.Having a strong logo can help consumers recognize your brand more readily. Consumers shop with their eyes and logos can be easier to remember than names,products and services2.


It’s important to be clear on who your potential customers are and design the look of your logo to appeal to those who will be using your services.A logo for a flower shop could include a unusual character style and a bright color.

Decide whether to include your company’s name into the logo.

Of course,you want to build name recognition for your business,but making the name part of your logo design may not always be a good idea.Include the name if it is reasonably distinctive but not yet a household word.Do not include the name if it is too long,and doesn’t translate well globally or lacks personality.

Be inspired by but don’t copy successful logos.

While it might be easy to create something that looks like your favorite company’s logo,it will leave an impression on consumers that you’re lazy and uninspired. Look at logos of other companies.4.These examples give you ideas of what to do and what to avoid.

Keep it simple.

While it may be easy to try to give a lot of messages with your design,trying to do too much will ruin your logo.5.If there are too many messages in your logo, it will be difficult for the customer to process.

A.Think about your target market.

B.That’s a lot to ask of one piece of art.

C.Ask yourself what you like and don’t like about them.

D.Avoid too many colors, different characters and images.

E.A good logo that conveys your honesty can help put customers at ease.

F.Over time, a customer comes to associate your logo with your company.

G.Show your logo to those connected to you and listen to what they have to say.


    We already know that a lack of sleep will actually prevent your brain from being able to make new memories. You end up feeling as though you’re amnesiac.

A lack of sleep will lead to an increased development of a protein in the brain connected with Alzheimer’s disease because it is during deep sleep at night that a system within the brain starts to wash away this protein. So if you’re not getting enough sleep each and every night, more of that Alzheimer’s-related protein will build up. The more protein that builds up, the greater your risk of developing Alzheimer will be in later life.

What are the effects of the lack of sleep on the body? We know that a lack of sleep impacts your immune system(免疫系统).After just one night of four to five hours of sleep, there is a 70%reduction in immune cells called natural killer cells. And that’s the reason that short sleep predicts your risk for developing many forms of cancer.

In fact, the link between a lack of sleep and cancer is now so strong that recently the World Health Organization decided to classify any form of nighttime shift work as a probable cause of cancer. It is during deep sleep at night that your heart rate drops, your blood pressure goes down. If you’re not getting enough sleep, your blood pressure rises. If you’re getting six hours of sleep or less, you’ll have a 200%increased risk of having a deadly heart attack or stroke in your lifetime.

There is a global experiment that is performed on 1.6 billion people twice a year and it’s called daylight savings time. And we know that in the spring, when we lose one hour of sleep, we see a 24%increase in heart attacks the following day.

Another question, perhaps, is what is the recycle rate of a human being? How long can we actually last without sleep before we start to see worsening in your brain function? And the answer seems to be about 16 hours of wakefulness. Once you get past 16 hours of being awake, that’s when we start to see mental and physical damages in the body. We know that after you’ve been awake for 19 or 20 hours, your mental capacity(心智能力)is so damaged that you would be as slow as someone who was drunk. So if you were to ask me what is the recycle rate of a human being, it does seem to be about 16 hours and we need about eight hours of sleep to repair the damage of wakefulness.

1.The underlined word “amnesiac” in Paragraph 1 probably means

A.sleepy B.tolerant C.relieved D.forgetful

2.According to the article, we can infer that_

A.the more you sleep, the more protein there will be

B.you’re more likely to suffer heart attacks in the spring

C.deep sleep at night protects you from a harmful protein

D.you’ll develop many forms of cancer due to short sleep

3.When you’re awake over 16 hours,        .

A.your brain won’t function in a proper way B.your brain needs at least 8 hours to recover

C.you must have drunk large amounts of wine D.you walk as slowly as the physically disabled

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Sleeping sickness kills B.Enough sleep counts

C.Less sleep causes cancer D.Sleep is necessary for man


    An experiment which saw salad seeds sent into space has given hope for the future of growing food on another planet, according to a recently-published study.

The findings have appeared after two kilograms of seeds spent six months on board the International Space Station(ISS)with British European Space Agency(ESA)astronaut, Tim Peake, as part of his Principia mission.

There, the seeds could have absorbed up to 100 times more radiation(辐射)than on Earth while being influenced by the violent shaking from the stresses of space travel.

When the seeds returned to Earth in 2016,600,000 children from schools across Britain took part in an experiment, supported by the UK Space Agency, to plant them and monitor their growth, comparing it to that of seeds that had remained on Earth.

The results showed that, while the space seeds grew more slowly and were more sensitive to ageing, they were still able to survive.

Peake said, “When humans travel to Mars, they will need to find ways to feed themselves, and this research helps us understand some of the biology of seed storage and germination(发芽) which will be important for future space missions.”

The Royal Horticultural Society(RHS)tasked 8,600 schools and groups across Britain to take part in the controlled study, recording their results as a scientist would.

It was part of a project called Rocket Science, led by the RHS Campaign for School Gardening, in partnership with the UK Space Agency.

RHS manager Alana Cama said, “The Rocket Science experiment opened a window into space biology and allowed young people to be at the forefront of creative research.”

“This research project did more than just inspire; it furthered our understanding of the challenges around growing plants in unusual environments and the possibility of growing food on long-term space missions in the future. Inspiring a new generation of botanists and biologists will remain our goal to enrich everyone’s lives through plants.”

1.The findings of the experiment indicate that      

A.salad seeds sent into space turned out a failure

B.astronauts successfully grew salad seeds on Mars

C.the future of growing plants in space looks bright

D.the radiation makes it impossible for plants to survive

2.Unlike those on Earth, the seeds sent into space       

A.can grow 100 times larger in size B.provide enough food for astronauts

C.stop growing when returning to Earth D.are more likely to show signs of ageing

3.Which word can be filled in the blank to complete the research steps?

A.update B.observe C.protect D.improve

4.What can we learn from what Alana Cama said?

A.Growing plants in unusual environments is no longer a challenging task.

B.A new generation of botanists and biologists takes the lead in the research.

C.The project inspires the interests of the young generation in creative fields.

D.The exploration of growing food in space is the central mission in the future.


    I was diagnosed(诊断)with cancer last June. Finding out that I had breast cancer felt like I’d been locked up in a prison cell, but I later found something unexpected: freedom.

Tests and procedures followed. Once the daily treatments started, I was tired out. The tiredness that came with cancer was not like any kind of tiredness I’d known before.

Then the magic happened.

I started to realize that this life change had brought an unexpected gift. The usual pressures of life gave way to a different kind of stress, but it came with self-discovery. I do what I can and don’t care about the rest. With the disease, decisions come more easily, and things that I’d previously weighted more heavily no longer matter as much. I don’t need a perfect home. What does matter now is having family and friends and a husband who can shoulder this new responsibility with me.

The doctor says my situation is very good and there’s a 91 percent chance that I’ll still be alive in 10 years. I look forward to simple things like my garden this spring, and going back to work when I’m healthy again. I’m also imagining the joy of getting my quiet and modest life back. It’s inspiring and there are lots of people there with me. And the professionals are really good at what they do.

I used to wonder how it would feel to be told I had cancer. Sure, my first reaction was fear, panic, sorrow, and anger. Then I found my strength. The fear is still there, but to my amazement, I am handling it. “You got this,” people say encouragingly.

1.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.She felt as if she had lost her freedom. B.She was unable to walk out of the cell.

C.Cancer gave her something unexpected. D.Cancer cost her the ability to move freely.

2.We can know from the article that during her treatment, the author     

A.was too tired to bear the treatment any more B.found that she could handle the treatment easily

C.grew more peaceful and valued her family more D.learned to be in a good state and free of pressure

3.What is the author’s attitude towards her future life?

A.Positive. B.Hopeless. C.Doubtful. D.Concerned.

4.What is the main purpose of this article?

A.To help people learn to let go of stress in life. B.To remind people to take care of their bodies.

C.To encourage people to shoulder responsibilities. D.To inspire people to learn from her experiences.


The Best Fitness Apps for 2020

Whether you’re looking to slim down, run farther, bike faster or just get healthier, these apps can help you meet your fitness goals in 2020.


59.99 per year;$44.99 per half-year;$19.99 per month for meal plans and more workouts 8fit creates a personalized program for your diet and exercise based on the results you want to see. 8fit covers a lot of details of your fitness plan, such as what time of day you exercise and whether you’re an ambitious cook or just prefer simple meal plans.


0.99 per month for workout calendar;$0.99 for some videos Blogilates offers plenty of workouts on-demand, as well as recipes, fitness recommendations, and a healthy dose of body .The majority of the content in the app is free, although the workout calendar costs you $0.99 per month and some videos are an additional $0.99.

Charity Miles

12.99 per month; two-week free trial Charity Miles donates money to the organization of your choice when you use the app to record miles running, walking,or bicycling. An included calculator(计算器)shows you how much money you can raise if you meet different goals, such as getting 50 people to fund you at0.30 per mile.



1.Which of the following best describes 8fit?

A.It presents users with simple meal recipes.

B.It costs users $19.99 every month for meals.

C.It offers users better and detailed fitness plans.

D.It meets users’ personal needs for diet and exercise.

2.What is special about Charity Miles?

A.You’ll get 50 dollars per mile by using it. B.The calculator in it records your workout.

C.Users raise money for charities through it. D.It provides users with services free of charge.

3.The passage is intended to           

A.help people meet fitness goals B.introduce top fitness apps

C.give suggestions on keeping fit D.promote a positive lifestyle



1.Where did the fire break out in Australia?

A.In the east. B.In the north. C.In the southwest.

2.When did the fire get out of control?

A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.In the evening.

3.Why did the fire grow larger?

A.The wind blew on it. B.It joined another fire. C.There weren’t enough firefighters.

4.What should the people of Waroona do,according to the speaker?

A.Protect their homes. B.Find a safe place. C.Join the firefighters.



1.When is the birthday of the man’s son?

A.In one week. B.In two weeks. C.In three weeks.

2.What does Brian do well in?

A.Playing baseball. B.Drawing animals. C.Climbing trees.

3.Who is Danny?

A.The man. B.The man’s child. C.The woman’s child.

4.How does the man feel about raising children?

A.It isn’t like a race.

B.Babies should go to classes.

C.It’s better for babies to play sports well.



1.What language is the woman going to learn?

A.Chinese. B.Japanese. C.Russian.

2.What do we know about the man?

A.He has to work hard this year.

B.He’ll join the International Club.

C.He has basketball practice every day.

3.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.Travel plans. B.Weekend activities. C.School life.



1.How much does an argument cost?

A.$5 for the first ten minutes.

B.$5 for the first five minutes.

C.$10 for the first five minutes.

2.What is happening in the end?

A.The man is telling the truth.

B.The speakers are having an argument.

C.The woman is saying something wrong.


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