When ________ to someoneI usually say“Pleased to meet you.”

A.introduce B.introduced C.introducing D.am introduced


—Tommy is planning to buy a car.

— I know. By next month, he ____ enough for a used one.

A.saves B.saved C.will save D.will have saved


He wins the Nobel Prize for his outstanding _________to physics.

A.contribution B.conclusion C.addition D.explanation


All the neighbors admire this family _____ the parents are treating their child like a friend.

A.why B.where

C.which D.that


A good advertisement often uses words ________people attach positive meanings.

A.that B.which C.with which D.to which


The students ________ parents work in the USA speak English very well.

A.whose B.their

C.whom D.who


Running a company calls for intelligence, patience and a lot of experience._______, it's not an easy thing.

A.In conclusion B.On the other hand

C.First of all D.On the contrary





















Good morning, everyone! It was my honor to be here to share my opinion on what to learn in senior high school.

In the coming three years, the school life will be challenged. On the one hand, we should learn to study efficiently, adopting some effect methods. As the matter of fact, developing a good study habit is of great importance. It really benefits me a lot to preview lessons, get active involved in class and review what has taught. On the other hand, in senior high school, we are supposed to learn what to get along well with other. We ought to respect to teachers and be friendly to classmates.

Thank you!


    It is easy to do a good deed. There are so many_________to practice loving-kindness in the day-to-day happenings that_________life, like letting a car pull out in front of someone and then_________a door, wearing a smile. There are also other things you can do: surprising someone by_________their bills or writing notes of love,_________and thanks for families, friends and strangers. It_________for a happy life and joyful heart.

Last night coming home from work, I found a young man who_________near my home in the dark in the middle of the street looking_________and exhausted. This young man suffered from a mental illness. My first_________was to call the police or go and get his father to__________that, but he came to me before I could do either. And we talked. When I asked if he was OK, he__________answered straight away that he was having an anxiety attack and had taken some__________for it. He was walking to calm down himself because of the reaction.

I could realize the__________of walking to calm down and shared the importance with him. I told him that I was__________for his walking in the streets when it was__________. He told me that he had a flashlight and would__________it on to help. After five minutes of__________, he headed home as his father pulled up.

I went home__________about our communication, and still worried about his__________while he would be walking at night afterwards. What more could I do? I wished he had some type of reflective device on to make him more visible to__________so I went online and ordered him some.

1.A.standards B.opportunities C.honors D.requests

2.A.set down B.watch over C.make up D.break off

3.A.holding B.knocking on C.cleaning D.shutting down

4.A.ignoring B.checking C.reducing D.paying

5.A.excitement B.apology C.appreciation D.regret

6.A.counts B.cares C.allows D.decreases

7.A.debated B.worked C.whispered D.wandered

8.A.inspired B.puzzled C.enjoyable D.astonished

9.A.caution B.sight C.thought D.impression

10.A.acknowledge B.accuse C.support D.handle

11.A.honestly B.amusingly C.hesitantly D.proudly

12.A.food B.rest C.medicine D.patience

13.A.waste B.value C.horror D.excuse

14.A.concerned B.eager C.ready D.vital

15.A.cold B.silent C.lonely D.dark

16.A.put B.turn C.carry D.move

17.A.conversation B.argument C.prayer D.pleasure

18.A.worrying B.complaining C.caring D.thinking

19.A.occasions B.security C.orbits D.insurance

20.A.parents B.workers C.drivers D.pedestrians


Make a difference

I love to make a difference to others.1.Do you want to contribute to other people's lives, helping them in small and big ways? If the answer is yes, but you are frustrated not being able to follow through, keep reading.

2.It includes service, time, ideas and methods, leaving your mark on people so that if they were interviewed, they would say, yes, that person made a positive difference in my life!

3.In fact, other than the challenge of finding the time to do this, I can't think of a single disadvantage to this inspiration.

Being inspired to make a difference really increases your energy. It will help you attract more efforts and enthusiasm into your life, but that's not the point! The problem is that we often don't think we have enough time or resources to make a difference—we're too busy living our lives or earning a living.4.

This is truly one of my favorite tools to attract more enthusiasm in an easy way into my life. More importantly, I love making a difference in other people's lives. That's why I do it. Attracting enthusiasm is just the “side” benefit.

We have all learned from Law of Attraction teachers that we will receive more of what we are “broadcasting” to the Universe.5.

A.It is one of my top values.

B.Actually we can afford to spend time on it.

C.Making a difference will help you attract more attention.

D.So get inspired to make a difference and your life will improve.

E.To make a difference, you can contribute something you have to others.

F.If you want to make a difference, your energy will change when you focus there.

G.There is nothing but positive consequences when you focus on making a difference.


    For parents with grown children, sometimes the pain of an empty nest can be better than the pain of a full basement. It turns out birds face a similar but slightly more deadly dilemma. When young birds leave the nest early, they help their future generations survive better but they themselves are more likely to die, according to a new study.

Young birds can have a tough life—as can their parents. A noisy nest attracts predators that can wipe out the entire year's reproductive efforts at one stroke. Thus, bird parents push their young to leave the nest early—even when they are not quite ready—to increase the chances that at least one will survive, making sure all their "eggs" are not in one basket. But these early birds suffer as a result. Their death rate can be as high as 70%, compared with just 12% for species that are late bloomers.

Suspecting survival rates had something to do with how ready the birds were to take wing. An ecologist, Thomas Martin, tested fledgling(雏鸟) flying ability at different ages in about a dozen species and recorded the results with high-speed video.

As expected, younger birds had poorly developed wings and flew badly. Moreover, when researchers forced a gray sparrow called a junco(which has some of the lowest fledgling survival rates among the species studied) to stay in the nest for 13 days instead of 10, more lived to adulthood. Just 10% died within 7 days, compared with 30% for the early birds.

But it turns out that some bird moms are willing to keep their kids in the nest a bit longer. Birds such as the white-breasted nuthatch(五子雀), which nests in well-protected tree holes, let the young hang about longer at home, Martin's team discovered. In contrast, birds that nest on the ground or in the open pushed for early departures. That's because they suffer comparatively high losses of chicks in the nest.

Are there any lessons for human parents? “Some parallels exist,” Martin says, “but with people, there's so much more culture that comes into it.”

1.What does the new study find?

A.Young Birds' early leaving from the nest benefits bird parents themselves.

B.Parents with grown children suffer the pain of an empty nest.

C.There is a strong bond between empty-nest parents and young birds.

D.The wrong time of young birds' leaving may bring the whole family a disaster.

2.Which does the underlined word “predators” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.The birds' parents. B.The birds' natural enemies.

C.The younger competitors. D.The future generations.

3.What did the case of the gray sparrow show?

A.More birds have poorly developed wings than ever.

B.More gray sparrows live to adulthood than ever.

C.The longer the young stayed in the nests, the higher their survival rates were.

D.The earlier the young left the nests, the higher their survival rates were.

4.What may decide young birds' leaving time from home according to the research?

A.The bird moms. B.The bird species.

C.The wings' shape. D.The location of their nests.


    Have you ever pressed the pedestrian button at a crosswalk and wondered if it really worked? Or strike the “close door” button in an elevator, while suspecting that it may, in fact, have no effect at all? They're called “placebo(安慰剂) buttons”—buttons that mechanically sound and can be pushed, but provide no functionality.

In New York City, only about 100 of the 1, 000 crosswalk buttons actually function. Crosswalk signals were generally installed before traffic jam had reached today's levels, and, over time, they started to influence the complex harmony of traffic lights.

But while their function was taken over by more advanced systems—such as automated lights or traffic sensors—the physical buttons were often kept, rather than being replaced at further expense. Other cities, such as Boston, Dallas and Seattle, have gone through a similar process, leaving them with their own placebo pedestrian buttons. In London, which has 6,000traffic signals, pressing the pedestrian button results in a reliable “Wait” light. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the “green man”—or “pedestrian stage” in traffic signal design profession—will appear any sooner.

“We do have some crossings where the green light comes on automatically, but we still ask people to press the button because that enables accessible features,” said Glynn Barton, director of network management at Transport for London.

These features, such as blind tracks and hearable traffic signals, help people with visual disorder cross the road and only function when the button is pressed. As for the lights, a growing number of them are now combined and become a part of an electronic system that detects traffic and adjusts time frequency accordingly(giving priority to buses if they're running late, for example), which means that pressing the button has no effect.

According to Langer, a Harvard psychologist, placebo buttons give us the illusion of control—and something to do in situations where the alternative would be doing nothing. In the case of pedestrian crossings, they may even make us safer by forcing us to pay attention to our surroundings. “They serve a psychological purpose at the very least,” she added.

1.What is a placebo button?

A.A button that flashes at a crosswalk.

B.A button that warns the pedestrians.

C.A button that nearly has no practical effect now.

D.A button that is not common before the electronic system.

2.Why are the placebo buttons in Boston kept?

A.They cost more to be replaced than to be kept.

B.They are unique attractions on the street.

C.They function well and are environmentally friendly.

D.They respond more slowly than the advanced systems.

3.What does the psychologist Langer think of the buttons at a crosswalk?

A.They're harmful to mental health.

B.They have no use for pedestrians.

C.Pressing them makes people feel foolish.

D.People may have a sense of safety when pressing them.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.How do placebo buttons affect mental health?

B.How do the buttons at a crosswalk operate?

C.When should a pedestrian wait at a crosswalk?

D.Why are the big cities full of buttons that don't work?


    Wanting his audience to feel a roller coaster of emotions, Neil Simon used his own personal experiences of family pain and sorrow to make light of the banalities(陈词滥调)of human existence.

It was this fine ability to dig his audiences' consciousness that brought him big success. With crowds turning up in groups, in 1966, Simon had four plays running on Broadway at the same time. By 1983, he was named the most notable comedy writer in the English language.

He grew up in a household filled with conflict, often caused by his quarrelsome parents' on-off relationship. When he was seven, Simon began writing comedy as a way of blocking out the “really ugly painful things in my childhood" and through the medium of laughter he escaped the heavy atmosphere at home. Often visiting the cinema, Simon was amused and then inspired by watching Charlie Chaplin and Ernst Lubitsch movies, and with his elder brother Danny created comedy sketches.

Receiving a positive reception, he would go to the local library to read books on famous comedians to help him learn the tricks of the trade. He attended DeWitt Clinton High School in the Bronx and studied at New York University, before starting as a clerk at Warner Brothers.

Meanwhile, Simon continued to work on his own plays, developing Come Blow Your Horn which was a fictionalized version of his upbringing. It opened on Broadway in 1961 and enjoyed relative success.

His next play, Bare foot In The Park, was a comedic account of his marriage to Joan Baim. Convinced it would be a failure before it had even begun, Simon begged the producer to pull the play. However, to his disbelief, Barefoot In The Park proved to be a runaway success, became one of Broadway's longest-running plays and pushed him to Hollywood fame when it was made into a movie starring Jane Fonda and Robert Redford.

He received an incredible 16 Tony nominations(提名)and won the best play three times. He also earned four Oscar nominations, a Pulitzer Prize, the Mark Twain Prize and countless other honours.

1.What may Simon's audience be impressed by in his works?

A.The confusing plot and painful ending.

B.The ups and downs in mood.

C.The knowledgeable and experienced characters.

D.The fine ability to recognize valuable information.

2.What can we learn about Simon from paragraph 3?

A.He was born in a large family.

B.He had a very happy childhood.

C.He worked in a cinema with his elder brother.

D.His parents couldn't offer him a harmonious family atmosphere.

3.Why did Simon go to the local library?

A.To improve himself in creating comedies.

B.To learn how to run a company successfully.

C.To make friends with some famous comedians.

D.To find out more information about New York University.

4.What was Bare foot In The Park based on?

A.Simon's marriage to Joan Baim.

B.Simon's previous failure in a play.

C.A beggar's story in Broadway.

D.A movie starring Jane and Robert.


    The following are the events with the most reviews this week.

Free Comedy Show

Phone number: 646410-0503

From: Friday, Sep 7, 7:30pm

To: Friday, Oct 5, 9:00pm

Comedy Evening is a completely free comedy show every Friday at 7: 30 pm in the heart of the West Village featuring comedians who have appeared on TruTv, Comedy Central and more!

The show takes place in the downstair basement of the venue. Please note that you must be over 21 years old to attend as the venue is a bar. While there is no cover or item minimum for the show, it is recommended that you get a drinksoda, beer, wine, etc.or food item to support the bar and help keep the show free.

Chile Pepper Festival 2018

Phone number: 718307-7133

From: Sep 26, Sep 29,12:00 am

To: 6:00pm

Enjoy six world-class musical acts, including the Grammy-winning Lost Bayou Ramblers and global talents Coreyah, Doctor Nativo, Dahka Band, Nation Beat and more.

Yelp's Tour Of Jersey City

Phone number: (201)216-2677

From: Thursday, Oct 4, 10:00 am

To: Sunday, Oct 7, 7:00 pm

Yelp's mission is to connect people with great local businesses. As a part of the Jersey City Art &. Studio tour, Yelp can take you on a photo tour of Jersey City. We've made a gallery of some of the most awe-inspiring photos that were uploaded to Yelp by users and business owners. Help us celebrate Jersey City and the local businesses that make our five-star city shine. Don't forget to support local and share your adventures with us on Yelp!

EgyptWoodbury, NY11797

Phone number: (516)367-4584

From: Friday, Sep 21, 6:00pm

To: Sunday, Sep 30, 6:00 pm

This cultural experience includes an exclusive tour through different Pharaonic Kingdoms. Have fun in the Egyptian theme photo booths followed by tasting delicious authentic homemade Egyptian dishes.

1.What are people advised to do when attending Comedy Evening?

A.Book tickets in advance.

B.Help perform on the show.

C.Bring their kids on Friday.

D.Consume some drinks or food.

2.Which number will music fans call for more information?

A.646410-0503. B.718307-7133.

C.2012162677. D.516367-4584.

3.Which event will people choose to upload their photos?

A.Free Comedy Show.

B.Chile Pepper Festival 2018.

C.Yelp's Tour Of Jersey City.

D.EgyptWoodbury, NY 11797.



Surprises are beautiful because they come without waiting. It was not so true for Nancy though. She was sure her younger sister, Kate, was planning a surprise for her birthday. Opening the curtains of her bedroom window, she hungrily drank in the fresh morning air. Nancy was turning 30 today. “Keep calm. It’s only your 30th birthday.” she thought to herself, quickly glancing at the mirror and looking away. She never liked looking at the mirror. It always reminded her of what she had suffered. She didn’t want to think of the past and all that it had done to her.

Over these years she had worked at different factories and cleaned the floors at big hotels where perfumed men and women floated easily. Ever since their parents died, her only goal was to educate Kate. Nancy didn’t go to her dreamy university. Her emotions came running back to the present. Quickly, she wiped her tears and rushed to the door.

“A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.” Kate was her dream, her hope, her happiness and her precious possession. She meant everything to her. Kate was so outstanding that she was admitted to Harvard University. And today, Nancy was sure Kate would surprise her with a gift like she did every year. Nancy imagined the freshly baked chocolate cake that would welcome her. Her tongue was eager to lick up the soft, brown cream and her teeth were ready to bite it. She heard the sound of Kate’s footsteps coming towards her. She waited smiling.

It seemed like an endless wait. Finally, she heard her younger sister approaching her room. Her eyes lit up, steps turned into a spring and her heart was pounding. She sniffed the  air to catch a breath of the chocolate cake but she couldn’t. “Maybe it is not chocolate flavor this  time.” she imagined with pride. Her sister was a grown-up now. She could surprise her with something else.


1、所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

2、至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;



Paragraph 1:

Kate walked into her room empty-handed.


Kate handed her a brown envelope.




Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would1.the end of cold weather, planting in spring and2.in autumn.  Sometimes  celebrations would be  held after3.had caught animals. Today’s festivals have many origins, some 4., some seasonal, and some for special people or events. Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to 5.the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. Festivals can also be held to honour famous people. The most6. and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring.  7.the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat and may give children  8.money in red paper. People love to get together to eat, drink and have 9. with each other. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our 10.and forget our work for a little while.


    My father, a soldier, was ordered to move again. It came as a _____________  because we had   just moved into the present duty station a few weeks before.

It was the fourth time we’d got to move to a ___________  place in just two years, which was truly our “home” in Hawaii that we’d only _________________  through my father’s music with ukulele   (尤克里里)._________ was the thing that connected my father with Hawaii, a reminder of his home and_______.

Everything was  _________________  this time. We  were just arriving,  but he was already  ___________ to  leave again  without  us. Our father,  the person who could make  us _________  the “new”  family, was gone.  Suddenly, we  were surrounded  by cousins who ___________  knowing each  other, joining in  a cultural  __________________  of which we  only knew the surface. We  were  __________  in the family.

One day, I ________________  my father’s ukulele that I had watched him play was  ________________  in the corner. When I tried to play it, though unskillfully, I felt closer to him and our Hawaiian roots. Then  I picked up an old  song  book, and ____________  myself  to play. I would play  and sing, __________  my  father had been here. Finally  my  father______________with  a newly-bought ukulele, and we had a mini concert. He was________ that I had learned so much.

What I really ______________  was that  music  has the ________________  to do truly extraordinary things________ us with our culture and each other, our past and our present.

1.A.surprise B.test C.lesson D.story

2.A.dangerous B.cold C.dark D.new

3.A.suffered from B.heard about C.heard from D.looked after

4.A.Music B.Food C.Money D.Nature

5.A.language B.culture C.economy D.school

6.A.good B.wrong C.different D.sad

7.A.excited B.prepared C.eager D.pleased

8.A.put in B.break in C.take in D.fit in

9.A.grew up B.got up C.set up D.looked up

10.A.relic B.exchange C.competition D.tradition

11.A.customers B.teachers C.strangers D.doctors

12.A.found B.bought C.shared D.broke

13.A.picked B.served C.left D.limited

14.A.allowed B.advised C.taught D.told

15.A.even if B.as if C.so that D.now that

16.A.responded B.succeeded C.returned D.recovered

17.A.moved B.confident C.tired D.angry

18.A.missed B.showed C.hated D.learned

19.A.duty B.space C.honor D.power

20.A.showing B.connecting C.punishing D.praising


    When I learned that a psychology class designed to teach students how to become happier was available online to anyone who wanted to take it, I decided to see what it was about. After taking the course, I believe that anyone who follows the suggestions can truly become happier.


Increase social connections.

Talking with a friend face to face will make you happier.2. My boyfriend loves chatting with waiters, and I notice that he always wears a wide and happy smile after having a meaningful talking with them. Actually, many studies have found that the more social media, the less happy you are.


Volunteering to help someone or buying a coffee for the person behind you in line can make you happier, because helping others takes the focus away from our own worries and problems, which can increase happiness. 4. If you perform the same act of kindness over and over, it may begin to feel like a duty.

Burn some calories.

Exercise causes hormonal (荷尔蒙的) changes in the body that make you feel good and avoid negative thoughts. 5. And after ten months, they are less likely to be depressed (沮丧) again.

A.Buy someone a coffee.

B.Perform acts of kindness.

C.My favorite tips are as follows.

D.However, changing your way is very important.

E.But a meaningful meeting with a stranger also works.

F.As is reported, it is of great importance to exercise regularly.

G.A research shows that depressed people exercising regularly improve a lot.


    If you grew up watching the kid’s television channel Nickelodeon, you will probably understand that there is nothing greater than enjoying its special bright green slime ( 水晶泥). The week of May 11, astronauts (宇航员) aboard the International Space Station(ISS) joined the slime.

Nickelodeon sent two kilos of its green slime into space in the summer of 2019. The Slime in Space project’s idea was to create an educational trip for teachers to use in class. The green slime was also used to guide astronauts through a series of experiments that were designed to learn more about how slime acts in microgravity.

Researchers from Portland State University(PSU) were excited to design the experiments for the project. Mark Weislogel and his partner designed eight shows for NASA astronauts and European Space Agency astronaut aboard to perform.

If you’re wondering what we could hope to learn from sending slime into space, the answer lies in its very name. Slime is slimy. This is because it is a liquid that is thicker than liquids like water. This makes slime act in unexpected ways in the microgravity of the ISS. Improving our understanding of how thicker liquids act in space may help us improve the design of systems that something were designed with Earth’s gravity in mind.

“Interestingly, we consider liquid on Earth as that takes the shape of its container,” Koch tells CNN. “Water just turns into a ball in microgravity, so we’ve had to have a new understanding of different kinds of matter in space. This experiment shows how microgravity  can help us understand things on Earth, especially the things we take for granted.”

1.In paragraph one, Nickelodeon is mentioned    .

A.to introduce the topic B.to attract the kids

C.to make advertisements D.to share a TV show

2.Why are the experiments with slime designed in space ?

A.Because they get students interested in space.

B.Because slime takes the shape of its container.

C.Because slime is popular with kids in the TV show.

D.Because they help us understand how slime acts in space.

3.What is Koch’s attitude towards the experiment with slime?

A.Puzzled. B.Worried. C.Uninterested. D.Positive.

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the text?

A.Microgravity makes a difference to matters.

B.Astronauts join the slime in space for science.

C.Kids join the slime so as to become astronauts.

D.Experiments are designed with slimy slime.


    Greece restarted regular ferry (轮渡) services to its islands, and cafés and restaurants were also back open for business to rescue its tourism .

Travel to the islands had been generally off-limits since a lockdown was carried out in late March to stop the spread of the coronavirus, with only goods suppliers and locals allowed to enter. But the country’s low infection rate (感染率) in the COVID-19 pandemic encouraged the government to start the holiday season three weeks earlier than the expected June 15 date.

At Bairaktaris restaurant on central Monastiraki Square in Athens, waiters and other workers wearing face masks, prepared various dishes, arranged flowers on tables and waited for customers, who remained cautious. Spiros Bairaktaris, the owner, is carrying on a family business running for 140 years and has hung pictures on the wall of himself sitting next to supermodel Naomi Campbell, singer Cesaria Evora, and other famous customers.

Greece has had nearly 2,900 infections and 171 deaths from the virus. Italy has seen nearly 33,000 coronavirus patients die, Spain has had nearly 29,000 deaths and Turkey 4,340,  according to a record by Johns Hopkins University.

Social distancing rules and passenger limits have been introduced on ferries and at restaurants to prevent new infections. State-run health services to fight the coronavirus are being provided to the islands.

Tourism is a vital part of the Greek economy, directly contributing more than 10% of the country’s GDP . More than 34 million visitors traveled to Greece last year, spending 18.2 billion euros ($19.5 billion), according to government data.

1.What does the underlined word “off-limits” in paragraph 2 probably refer to ?

A.Prevented. B.Admired. C.Confirmed. D.Encouraged.

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

A.Tourism has been completely rescued in Greece.

B.Visitors are welcomed to Greece to help develop tourism.

C.Coronavirus pandemic has already disappeared in Greece.

D.Bairaktaris restaurant has attracted many famous customers.

3.What’s the author’s purpose of writing the text?

A.To attract famous customers in Greece.

B.To show the growth of Greek economy.

C.To introduce the efforts made for Greek tourism.

D.To share specific ways to run a restaurant in Greece.


    A gymnastics balance beam (平衡木) is just 4 inches wide, but whether it sits an inch off the floor or the standard 4 feet, the challenge it causes for excellent gymnasts is the same.

That’s how gymnast Morgan Hurd explains it. “Beam is one of those things that are more mental than anything,” she said. “If you can do it on the floor, you can do it on the beam.” That’s the way she is taking as she trains for the delayed Tokyo Olympic Games in the living room of her Delaware home.

First State Gymnastics has been her training site since fifth grade but it is closed because of the coronavirus ( 新冠病毒) pandemic. Hurd has only one piece of gymnastics equipment: a balance beam that is quite close the ground and is roughly half the standard length of 16 feet, 5 inches. But she has no uneven bars (高低杠) in her house. “The hardest thing will be bars just because that feeling can not be replaced, no matter what you do or how strong you are,” Hurd said.

These days, Hurd’s self-directed training includes two workouts daily, three hours in the morning and another two hours in the afternoon, six days a week. She regularly talks to Slava Glazounov, who has been her coach since fifth grade. Hurd is in charge of her practising, such as the stretches and exercises that keep up her strength.

Equally important to Hurd is staying in touch with her teammates on the U.S. national team.

Sunisa Lee is a close friend, who, in April, shared a video of herself in her yard.

1.According to Morgan Hurd, balance beam    .

A.is a special kind of mental training

B.needs to be trained in the living room

C.is a more mentally challenging sport

D.is more challenging than uneven bars

2.Morgan Hurd prepares for the delayed Tokyo Olympic Games mainly by    .

A.keeping sharing videos with friends

B.keeping in touch with her teammates

C.keeping taking regular exercise home

D.keeping communicating with her coach

3.Which of the following best describes Morgan Hurd’s personality ?

A.Self-centered. B.Self-controlled. C.Honest. D.Sensitive.



1.Why did the speaker and her parents first move to the U.S.?

A.To live with their family. B.To find good jobs. C.To learn English.

2.What did the speaker want to be?

A.A market owner. B.A doctor. C.A teacher.

3.Where did the speaker go to college?

A.In Los Angeles. B.In San Francisco. C.In New York City.

4.How does the speech probably make the students feel?

A.Worried. B.Encouraged. C.Disappointed.



1.What day is it today?

A.Wednesday. B.Thursday. C.Friday.

2.What does the man hope to do this afternoon?

A.Watch a basketball game. B.Go for a job interview. C.Meet Yao Ming.

3.What will Yao Ming talk about?

A.Why it’s important to go to university.

B.What it’s like to be famous in the U.S..

C.How to start a successful basketball career.

4.How old was the woman when she first heard about Yao Ming?

A.Four years old. B.Seven years old. C.Eight years old.



1.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Mother and son. B.Brother and sister. C.Husband and wife.

2.What does the man think of the woman’s idea?

A.It’s smart.

B.It’s against their traditions.

C.It’ll make them stressed out.

3.Where do the speakers come from?

A.China. B.Britain. C.America.



1.What is the first problem the man thinks about the camera?

A.It’s getting old.

B.Water got into it.

C.Something is wrong with the screen.

2.What does the man probably mean in the end?

A.The camera is on the wrong setting.

B.The woman is good at taking photos.

C.There is nothing wrong with the camera.



1.What are Mei’s lessons about?

A.Painting. B.Speaking Chinese. C.Drawing Chinese words.

2.How does Mei’s teacher help Mei?

A.He makes learning fun.

B.He tells her to be patient.

C.He makes the lessons easy.


Where will the speakers study tonight?

A.In the school library. B.At the man’s house. C.At the house of the man’s sister.


How much will the woman lend the man?

A.5. B.7. C.9.


Why won’t the woman watch the game with the man tonight?

A.She has to work late. B.She wants to visit Sally. C.She doesn’t like basketball.


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