Children often do as well as what adults, particularly parents and teachers, ______ of them.

A.suppose B.supposed C.expected D.expect


  Jacky Chan is________ to turn up at the party for charity, since he is always enthusiastic about such things.

A.possible B.probable

C.perhaps D.likely


— Joan was badly injured in the accident yesterday and she was sent to hospital.

— Oh, really? I ________. I ______ visit her.

A.didn’t know; will go to B.don’t know; could go to

C.didn’t know; am going to D.haven’t known; can go to


Will you please write the words on ________? I mean you write them on the first line and then the third line and so on.

A.every two line B.every second lines

C.every other lines D.every other line


Scientists are convinced _______ the positive effect of laughter _______ physical and mental health.; on B.of; on C.on; at; at


From the _______ voice on the phone, I know everything is well under way.

A.satisfactory B.satisfying C.satisfaction D.satisfied


If you like I can do some shopping for you.

That's a very kind______.

A.service B.point C.suggestion D.offer


Taking care of babies is __________ practice for men in most European countries.

A.ordinary B.usual C.common D.normal


Once the sufferings ________, you’ll realize that things aren’t as bad as you first thought.

A.wear out B.wear off C.wear on D.wear in


Mamet says it ____________ him what a movie costs as long as it is a good one.

A.makes a difference to B.makes not difference to

C.makes any difference to D.makes no difference to


    Manuela got up earlier and bought two bags of cat food. She began going to the__________ barbershop on the corner, making her weekly visit to see Hussein, the old barber. Hussein was both__________ and delighted to see Manuela and the bags of food. The two hurried over to the tiny food dishes lined up in the alley. Several __________ appeared soon.

As the two _________ and made their way back inside the shop, Hussein’s smile __________ and he explained he was about to  _________ the barbershop. He had been told to leave within 7 days. His ___________barbershop simply couldn’t pay enough rent and the landlord had invited another roomer, one who wouldn't be __________ animals outside.

Manuela’s eyes began to___________ as Hussein expressed his___________ about the homeless cats he cared for. But as fate(命运) would have it, there was something better___________ for the barber and his cats. As Manuela’s blog supporters read her___________ about Hussein, they, one after another,__________ donating to him and his cats. Every day for the next week, Manuela went to Hussein with the__________ . And on the fourth day, something unbelievable happened when Hussein was able to____________a storefront in an old building near his shop. No electricity,___________ there was potential. Manuela and other people __________ to help paint and clear rubbish while electricians made all the necessary__________ .

In less than two weeks, the barber was back in___________ again. Through the kindness of strangers, _________ , his and his cats' whole world was brought back.

1.A. independent B. familiar C. expensive D. ancient

2.A. grateful B. patient C. careful D. attractive

3.A. neighbors B. barbers C. cats D. customers

4.A. spoke out B. backed off C. set off D. finished off

5.A. faded B. froze C. reappeared D. accumulated

6.A. rebuild B. sell C. lose D. decorate

7.A. dull B. classic C. remote D. wide

8.A. purchasing B. feeding C. sheltering D. collecting

9.A. glare B. open C. shine D. flood

10.A. promises B. adoration C. anxiety D. comments

11.A. in store B. by chance C. on purpose D. at present

12.A. review B. letter C. post D. invitation

13.A. suggested B. remembered C. reported D. began

14.A. congratulations B. decisions C. announcements D. contributions

15.A. return B. obtain C. protect D. spot

16.A. when B. and C. but D. so

17.A. came by B. cheered up C. broke away D. dropped out

18.A. appointments B. connections C. assumptions D. budgets

19.A. comparison B. advance C. company D. business

20.A. normally B. thankfully C. naturally D. directly


    Every day has just 24 hours -- and this applies to all people. Some people are constantly pushed for time. This article is about how we can learn to manage our valuable time more effectively.

In reality, we cannot manage time. We can only manage ourselves and our relationship with time. 1. And habits are not that easy to change.

Below here are tips that can help you manage your time better.

*Organize your goals.

Organize your goals based on two criteria: degree of urgency and importance: a. Should be done today, tomorrow, etc. b. Should be done at “that date”. c. Can be put off for so many days. d. Can ask someone else to do it. 2.

*Clean up your list.

Make a list of everything you think that is not helping or benefiting you and do not do them!

*Focus on one goal.

Concentrate only on one goal at a time. Otherwise, if while dealing with something you think about everything you can do later, most likely you will get bored and disappointed.3. The boredom is guaranteed with this way of thinking.

*Identify your deadlines.

4. Divide the activities per day/week and long-term goals to get a clear picture of what you have to do and when.

*Find suitable work environment.


*Be realistic.

Make sure that your goals are realistic and do not try for the impossible.

*Say “NO”.

Learn to say “no” to other activities, requests and people who eat your time (unless indeed at that very moment it is necessary for you to help them).

A. Allow time to adjust your list if necessary.

B. After all, how we use our time is largely a matter of habit.

C. Create a suitable environment to work, one that fits your style.

D. Check the list of what you should do and when it must be completed.

E. After organizing your goals, start with the most important and urgent.

F. It is like every time you eat you think all the meals you must eat in your life.

G. Do not let boredom discourage you if what you have to complete is boring.


    Drive through any suburb in the U.S. today, and it’s hard to miss the bins that have become companions to America’s trash cans. Recycling has become commonplace, as people recognize the need to care for the environment. Yet most people’s recycling consciousness extends only as far as paper, bottles, and cans. People seldom find themselves facing the growing problem of e-waste.

E-waste rapidly increases as the techno-fashionable frequently upgrade to the most advanced device and the majority of them end up in landfills (垃圾填埋地). Some people who track such waste say that users throw away nearly 2 million tons of TVs, VCRs, computers, cell phones, and other electronics every day. Unless we can find a safe replacement, this e-waste may get into the ground and poison the water with dangerous toxins (毒素), such as lead, mercury, and arsenic. Burning the waste also dangerously contaminates the air.

However, e-waste often contains reusable silver, gold, and other electrical materials. Recycling these materials reduces environmental problems by reducing both landfill waste and the need to look for such metals, which can destroy ecosystems.

A growing number of states have adopted laws to ban dumping (倾倒) e-waste. Still, less than a quarter of this waste will reach lawful recycling programs. Some companies advertising safe disposal (处置) in fact merely ship the waste to some developing countries, where it still ends up in landfills. These organizations prevent progress by unsafely disposing of waste in an out-of-sight, out-of-mind location.

However, the small but growing number of cities and corporations that do handle e-waste responsibly represents progress toward making the world a cleaner, better place for us all.

1.What can we infer from the first paragraph?

A.Many Americans now have access to recycling bins.

B.E-waste cannot be put into trash cans in the U.S.

C.Most Americans have realized the dangers of e-waste.

D.Most of America’s trash cans are made of recycled material.

2.Which word can best replace the underlined word “contaminate” in Paragraph 2?

A.pollute. B.heat.

C.absorb. D.reduce.

3.How does the author feel about burying e-waste in landfills?

A.It’s important. B.It’s unsafe.

C.It’s acceptable. D.It’s uncommon.

4.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A.A large number of cities have begun to handle e-waste responsibly.

B.A growing number of states ship the e-waste to developing countries.

C.Progress is being made in handling e-waste.

D.The world will become cleaner by disposing of waste in an out-of-sight location.

5.What’s the author’s purpose in writing this text?

A.To tell us how to recycle e-waste.

B.To talk about the future of e-waste.

C.To discuss if it’s necessary to recycle e-waste.

D.To encourage us to deal with e-waste properly.


    We discuss the issue of when to help a patient die, which was not talked about openly and little was written about it.

The best way to bring the problem into focus is to describe two patients whom I cared for. The first, formerly a nurse, had an automobile accident. And there she was: in coma, on a breathing machine. One day, her husband and son came to see me. They told me their wife and mother was obviously going to die; she was a nurse and had told her family that she never wanted this kind of terrible death, being maintained by machines. I told them that while I respected their view, there was nothing deadly about her situation. The kidney() failure she had was just the kind for which the artificial (人造的) kidney was most effective. While possibly a bit reassured, they were disappointed. Here was the head surgeon seemingly determined to keep everybody alive, no matter what.

Within a few days the patient awoke from her coma. About six months later, the door of my office opened and in walked a gloriously fit woman. After some cheery words of appreciation, the father and son asked to speak to me alone. As soon as the door closed, both men became quite tearful. All that came out was, “We want you to know how wrong we were.”

The second patient was an 85-year-old lady whose hair caught fire while she was smoking. She arrived with a deep burn; I knew it would surely be deadly. At the time, there was a class discussing medical ethics(道德). The instructor asked me if I had any sort of ethical problem I could bring up for discussion. I described the case and asked the students their opinion. After the discussion, I made a remark that was, when looking back, a serious mistake. I said, “I’ll  talk with the nurses before we decide.” The instructor and the students were shocked: “You mean this is a real patient?” The teacher of ethics was not accustomed to being challenged by actuality.

A day or two later, when the lady was making no progress and was suffering terribly, we began to back off in treatment. Soon she died quietly and not in pain. As a reasonable physician, you had better move ahead and do what you would want done for you. And don’t discuss it with the world first. There is a lesson here for everybody. Assisting people to leave this life requires strong judgment and long experience to avoid its misuse.

1.Why were the first patient’s husband and son disappointed at first?

A.Their wife and mother was going to die.

B.The doctor didn’t do as they asked to.

C.Their wife and mother had to receive an artificial kidney.

D.The doctor scolded them for their cruelty.

2.The author discussed with the students________. to help patients end their lives

B.the importance of saving patients’ lives

C.whether it is ethical to keep a patient alive on a breathing machine

D.the case about an old lady

3.Why was the instructor of ethnics shocked?

A.He had never discussed helping a patient in real life to die.

B.He thought it was cruel to assist the old lady to die.

C.He was not accustomed to talking about ethnical problems.

D.He felt he was challenged by the author.

4.The author suggested that doctors _______ before they assist a patient in killing himself.

A.discuss it with the others first

B.make sure there is no other choice left required to do so first by the patient

D.give the patient enough medicine

5.Which of the following can best describe the author?

A.Cruel. B.Determined.

C.Professional. D.Considerate.


    “Our aim is to take our art to the world and make people understand what it is to move,” said David Belle, the founder of parkour.

Do you love running? It is a good exercise, yet many people find it boring. But what if making your morning jog a creative one? Like jumping from walls and over gaps, and ground rolls? Just like James Bond in the movie Casino Royale? Bond jumps down from a roof to a windowsill and then runs several blocks over obstacles on the way. It is just because of Bond’s wonderful performances that the sport has become popular worldwide.

Yes, that’s parkour, an extreme street sport aimed at moving from one point to another as quickly as possible, getting over all the barriers in the path using only the abilities of the human body. Parkour is considered an extreme sport. As its participants dash around a city, they may jump over fences, run up walls and even move from rooftop to rooftop.

Parkour can be just as exciting and charming as it sounds, but its participants see parkour much more than that.

Overcoming all the obstacles on the course and in life is part of the philosophy behind parkour. This is the same as life. You must determine your destination, go straight, jump over all the barriers as if in parkour and never fall back in your life, to reach the destination successfully. A parkour lover said, “I love parkour because its philosophy has become my life, my way to do everything.”

Another philosophy we’ve learnt from parkour is freedom. It can be done by anyone, at any time, anywhere in the world. It is a kind of expression of trust in yourself.

1.Parkour has become popular throughout the world because of     .

A.its founder, David Belle B.the film, Casino Royale

C.its risks and tricks D.the varieties of participants

2.The underlined word “obstacles” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “    ”.

A.streets B.objects

C.barriers D.roofs

3.Which of the following is true of parkour?

A.It challenges human abilities. B.It is a good but boring sport.

C.It needs special training. D.It is a team sport.

4.Which of the following is the philosophy of parkour?

A.Sports and extremes. B.Excitement and popularity.

C.Dreams and success. D.Determination and freedom.

5.What can be the best title for the passage?

A.Overcoming Obstacles B.Philosophies behind Parkour

C.Joining Us in Parkour D.Getting to Know Parkour


    The sky was getting dark as we walked through the forest. My two friends and I felt hot and ____. We were heading for a small village in northern India. The villagers were ____ us, but we were already four hours late.

As the last of the daylight ____, we began to feel very ____ and afraid. We tried to find our way to the village, but it was ____ to tell which path we should follow in the darkness. All around us, strange creatures made ____ noises as they woke up and began to hunt for food. We hoped they wouldn’t want to eat us!

Then George, who was in front, ____ suddenly. He ran towards us rapidly, pointing at a large, dark shape moving through the trees. We could ____ the black stripes (条纹) and shining yellow eyes of the most dangerous animal in the ____ We stared at the tiger, too ____ to move.

After a few seconds that felt like hours, there was the sound of branches (树枝)breaking, and the tiger jumped at us, roaring (咆哮) loudly. We ____, because we were sure it would kill us.

____, though, the tiger stopped —and then I noticed that it had six legs, two of them ____!

The “tiger” stood up, and a young man __ the striped skin covering his head and shoulders. “Hello!” he said, smiling broadly. “I’m Abi from the village. When you didn’t ____. we were worried, so I came to ____ you,” he explained. “It’s traditional for us to ____ the tiger skin to greet new guests... and I couldn’t help playing a trick on you! I hope you don’t ____.”

Recovering from the ____, we began to laugh. We followed Abi to his village, where the villagers gave us a warm ____.

1.A.cold B.angry C.hurt D.tired

2.A.expecting B.doubting C.accepting D.believing

3.A.broke B.continued C.approached D.disappeared

4.A.busy B.lost C.dirty

5.A.simple C.hard D.popular

6.A.funny B.impolite C.terrifying D.encouraging

7.A.started B.stopped C.smiled D.changed

8.A.see B.forget C.miss D.imagine

9.A.zoo B.forest

10.A.excited B.puzzled C.ashamed D.frightened

11.A.laughed B.begged C.shouted D.argued

12.A.Immediately B.Unluckily C.Secretly D.Strangely

13.A.local B.human C.guests D.tigers

14.A.tried on B.took off C.threw away D.brought out

15.A.wait B.follow C.arrive D.leave

16.A.look for B.look after C.look at D.look to

17.A.send B.wear C.cut D.wave

18.A.mind D.remember

19.A.pain B.injury C.shock D.accident

20.A.heart B.feeling C.welcome D.invitation


    A couple of weeks agomy dadwho is seventysixhad an operation on his left knee. He came through the operation just fine and although they told him he would be in hospital for five dayshe only stayed there for three days. He had a local anesthetic(局部麻醉)and was able to see and hear everything that went on in the operating room.

Later in his roomhe was laughing as he told the story of hearing the hammer and saw as they took out the bone. With a smile on his facehe advised that the doctors should sharpen the sawsince he could smell the bone burning as they removed it.

The other dayone of the rubber tips on his walker wore out. Not wanting to damage the carpet or the kitchen floorhe went to his shop to find a new rubber tip. I was talking with my mom and after some time we got concernedso I went out to see if he was OK. I walked into the shop to find him sitting on his work bench laughing. I asked what he was doing. He explained that since the rubber tip would not fit his walkerhe was changing legs. It seems Mom’s walkerwhich she used five years agowas broken on the topbut the legs were better than the ones on his walker.

Together my dad and I worked and workedlaughing all the time. The more trouble we hadthe harder we laughed. I have been fortunate enough to have many such minutes with my dad.

1.When advising the doctors to sharpen the sawthe author’s father really intended to________. humorous his anger

C.make a complaint

D.make fun of the doctors

2.The author’s father went to his shop to________.

A.change legs

B.change his walker

C.find his wife’s walker

D.replace the rubber tip

3.Which of the following can best describe the author’s father?

A.Stupid. B.Smart.

C.Optimistic. D.Stubborn.

4.The author writes the text probably to ________.

A.warn us

B.encourage us

C.make us laugh on us to care for the disabled



1.—Why did you make the kite of cloth instead of paper?

—Because paper ____________ (tear) easily.

2.The young man glared ____________ the naughty boys and they kept silent at once.

3.The library requires ____________ (clean)but it’ll have to wait until Sunday.

4.You’d better get up as early as possible____________ you may miss the train.

5.We crowded ________ the halland found it crowded ________ so many people busy preparing for the job interview.

6.As far as I knowher mother hardly ever shouted at her ____________ anger.

7.Have you written back yetthanking her for her ____________ (invite)?

8.Hold ____________ a moment and I will go to your rescue.



1.Many stars are ________ (看不见的) without a telescope.

2.The store was ________ (挤满) with shoppers.

3.A ________ () of dirty clothes lay by the washing machine.

4.Seeing the young man trying to rob her bagthe lady ________ (怒目而视) at him and fought back.

5.Everyone ________ (鞠躬) as Queen walked into the room.

6.An ambulance ________ (急驰)to the scene of the accident just now.



We think that life in Chinese high school is an adventure in which we have to survive mountains of homework and exams. Yet would it be 1.(surprise) if I tell you that high school life in the US is almost as stressful and demanding as it is in China?

In US high schooleverything2.(record) and gradedincluding your grades on quizzestests and final examinations. Failing3.(turn) in your homework on time will directly affect your grade for a certain course. Perhaps contrary to 4. we used to think of the US high school studentsthey pay great attention to their academic 5. (perform) to try to get into distinguished university. 6. they’ll be disappointed after graduation from high school.

Like university studentsUS high school students have the 7.(free) to choose the courses that most interest 8.(they). Even a 9thgrader can sit 9. the same classroom as 12thgraders. But this also means he or she has to work very hardbecause the teacher will not treat him or her differently just because he or she is a few years 10.(young).


    If you were to see a coldhungry cat in front of your housewould you feed it or walk awayMost people would walk away instead of taking the time to make sure the cat is okay. 1. They usually have so much to deal with in their daily life as to ignore their surroundings.

Now here’s another question: If you see a group of kids hitting and abusing an animalwould you stop them2. Some people do not believe that animal abuse is a big issue.

Every day animals are abused in their homes or on the streets. It seems as if politicians do nothing to stop this issue. Everyone is worried about education and global warming. What about animals3. These are the rights that allow animals a place to staya shelter if they have no place to staythe right not to be abused and many other rights. Are we taking away animals’ right by not giving them a place to stayYeswe are. Since I was bornmy mothermy sister and I have taken in over fifty homeless catsfed themcleaned them and sent them to good families.

Some people probably give different viewssaying4.” It’s true. There are people in the world that need help but we cannot forget the animals. We are all living on this Earth togetherwhy not help each other?

5. You can volunteer at your local animal shelterraise money for animal sheltersand inform your community about animal abuse. You can easily buy a cheap box of dry cat/dog food to feed the animals.

A. Again people would walk away.

B. There are many things you can do to help animals around.

C. Many people have little knowledge about old animals.

D. Animalslike us Americanshave rights.

E. The problem is that people generally live busy lives.

F. I’m only one person and I can’t make a difference.

G. There are people in the world who need more help than old animals.


    Americans wear black for mourning. Chinese wear white. Westerners think of dragons as monsters. Chinese honor them as symbols of God. Chinese civilization has often shown such polarities (极性) with the Westas though each stands at extreme ends of a global string. Now in the University of CaliforniaBerkeleya psychologist has discovered deeper polarities between Chinese and American cultures—polarities that go to the heart of how we reason and discover truth.

His findings go far toward explaining why American cultures seem so contentious and Chinese cultures so passivewhen compared to each other. More importantlythe research opens the way for the peoples of the East and the West to learn from each other in fundamental ways. The Chinese could learn much from Western methods for determining scientific truthsaid Kaiping Penga former Beijing scholarwho is now a UC Berkeley assistant professor of psychology. And Americans could profit enormously from the Chinese tolerance for accepting contradictions (矛盾) in social and personal lifehe said.

“Americans have a terrible need to find out who is right in an argument” said Peng. “The problem is that at the interpersonal levelyou really don’t need to find the truthor maybe there isn’t any. ”Chinese peoplesaid Pengare far more content to think that both sides have flaws (缺陷) and virtuesbecause they have a holistic awareness that life is full of contradictions. They do far less blaming of the individual than do Americanshe added.

In studies of interpersonal argumentfor examplewhen subjects were asked to deal with contradictory information stemming from conflict between a mother and a daughter or a student and a schoolPeng found that Americans were “noncompromisingblaming one side—usually the mother—for the causes of the problemsdemanding changes from one side to attain a solution and offering no compromise”in dealing with the conflict. Compared to this angryblaming American stancethe Chinese were paragons (模范) of compromisefinding fault on both sides and looking for solutions that moved both sides to the middle.

1.In Paragraph 1the author sets examples in order to ________.

A.expose the contradiction between Chinese and Americans the differences between Chinese culture and American culture

C.find the reason for the differences

D.generalize the main idea of the passage

2.The underlined word “contentious” in Paragraph 2 probably means “________”.

A.conservative B.aggressive

C.objective D.optimistic

3.Compared with AmericansChinese are ________.

A.likely to find the truth in life

B.reluctant to admit their failure

C.reluctant to have a general idea of things

D.likely to know advantages and disadvantages of things

4.The studies show that ________. American treats his or her mother badly

B.different ideas of treating the aged

C.different personalities of Chinese and Americans

D.different conflicts of Americans and Chinese



1.To show sadnesshe hangs his head and holds a hand up to his face in a ________ (手势) of grief.

2.We all got a warm ________ (招呼) on our arrival.

3.She went to college with great ________ (期望).

4.I am unconnected with questions of ________ (宗教) or morality.

5.Take it easy. You have just a ________ (轻微的)fever. It is not serious at all.



The everyday signs of conscientiousness (认真尽责) ——being punctual, careful in doing work, self-disciplined, and scrupulous (一丝不苟的) in attending to responsibilities ——are typical characteristics of the model organizational citizen, the people who keep things running as they should. They follow the rules, help out, and are concerned about the people they work with. It’s the conscientious worker who helps newcomers or updates people who return after an absence, who never abuses sick leaves, who always gets things done on deadline.

Conscientiousness is a key to success in any field. In studies of job performance, outstanding effectiveness for almost all jobs, from semi-skilled labor to sales and management, depends on conscientiousness. It is particularly important for outstanding performance in jobs at the lower levels of an organization: the secretary whose message taking is perfect, the delivery truck driver who is always on time. Conscientiousness also offers a buffer (缓冲) against the threat of job loss in today’s constantly changing market, because employees with this quality are among the most valued.

But conscientiousness in the absence of social skills can lead to problems. Since conscientious people demand so much of themselves, they can hold other people to their own standards, and so be overly judgmental when others don’t show the same high levels of model behavior. Factory workers in Great Britain and the United States who were extremely conscientious, for example, tended to criticize co-workers even about failures that seemed unimportant to those they criticized, which damaged their relationships.

When conscientiousness takes the form of living up to expectations, it can discourage creativity. In creative professions like art or advertising, openness to wild ideas and spontaneity (自发性) are scarce and in demand. Success in such occupations calls for a balance, however; without enough conscientiousness to follow through, people become mere dreamers, with nothing to show for their imaginativeness.









Dear Sara

As we drove off from ColumbiaI wanted to write a letter to you to tell you all that is on my mindFirstI want to tell you how proud we areGetting into Columbia College shows what a great well-rounded student you areYour academicartisticand social skills have truly blossomed in the last few yearsWhether it is getting the highest grade in mathematicscompleting your elegant fashion designsuccessfully selling your painted running shoesor becoming one of the top speakers in Model United Nationsyou have become a talented and accomplished young womanYou should be as proud of yourself as we are

College will be the most important years in your lifeIt is in college that you will truly discover what learning is aboutThis will be the period where you go from teacher-taught to master-inspiredafter which you must become self-learnerSo do take each subject seriouslyand even if what you learn isn’t critical for your lifethe skills of learning will be important to you forever

Follow your passion in collegeTake courses you think you will enjoyDon’t be trapped in what others think or sayDo your best in classesbut don’t let pressure get to youYour mother and I have no expectations for your gradesIf you graduate and learn something in your four yearswe would feel happySo please don’t give yourself pressure

I told your mom I’m writing this letterand asked what she wanted me to sayShe thought and said“Just ask her to take care of herself”Please listen to your mother and take care of yourself

So please treasure your college yearsmake the best of your free timeand become an independent thinkerlearn and grow through your successes and challenges


Dad(& Mom)

1.Sara’performance in the last few years makes his parents ____________

A.annoyed B.proud C.upset D.concerned

2.What did Father mainly write about in Paragraph 2

A.Learning skills B.College courses

C.Learning attitude D.Ways of self-learning

3.What do we know about Mom and Dad from the letter?

A.They expect too much of Sara

B.They put lots of pressure on Sara

C.They love their daughter very much

D.They advise Sara to make more friends



1.Mrs. Wang was unhappy because her husband forgot their ________ (婚礼)anniversary.

2.Pollution is a serious problem in major cities ________ (遍及)the world.

3.These cats look exactly ________ (十分相似的)so how can you tell which is which?

4.My mom is busy preparing rooms for the ________ (接待) of guests.

5.Mr. Green got a present from his students at the ________ (学期末) ceremony.

6.Jeff and David were in the back yard setting off ________ (烟花).

7.He looks so ________ (熟悉的)but I can’t remember his name.

8.In order to ________ (确保) successwe must make a complete and thorough plan.



A hutong is an ancient city street typical in Beijing. 1.(surround) the Forbidden City, many were built during the Yuan, Ming and Qing 2. (dynasty). In order to establish the strongest power, emperors planned the city and arranged the residential areas. 3. center of the city Beijing was the royal palace—the Forbidden City.

At the end of the Qing dynasty, after 4. (close)China came under the influence from abroad, many old hutongs lost 5. (they) former neat arrangement.

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, hutong conditions 6.(improve). But in recent years, the houses in many hutongs have been pulled 7. and replaced by modern buildings. And the hutong today is fading into the shade for 8. tourists and local people.

However, in the urban district of Beijing houses along hutongs still occupy one 9. (three) of the total area, providing housing for half population, so many hutongs 10. (survive). In this respect, we see the old in the new in Beijing as an ancient yet modern city.


    Want to feel healthier and have lots of energy each day? 1. You don’t have to make big changes in your lifestyle in order to improve your health. You can do it without actually noticing it. Read on to find out smart little things you should do to feel better every day.


Probably the healthiest thing you can do to feel better each day is to exercise early in the morning. 2. Even doing several easy exercises like walkingsitups or jumping the rope will help you feel better in no timePlusexercise is good for your health and waistline.

Get enough sleep

Againdue to our busy scheduleswe don’t get enough sleep each night. If you have trouble falling asleepavoid watching TV or surfing the Internet right before bed. 3.

Stay productive

When you are productiveyou feel happier. When you feel happieryou feel better. Stop watching TVavoid gossipsand try to do more useful things during the day. 4. It will help you stay organized and accomplish your tasks with less stress.

Stay positive

I’ve always believed that positivity is the key to a longer life. 5. Life is full of stressful situations and it’s hard to stay cheerful when everything goes wrongbut your positive attitude can help you solve any problem and fight any stress faster and more easily. Your positive attitude is especially good for your heart health. Smilestay positive and live a longer life!

A. Don’t forget to make your todo list in the morning.

B. Alsodon’t drink tea or coffee too late in the day.

C. Few people can hold a positive attitude to their life.

D. Positive thoughts can help improve your overall health.

E. You don’t have to run a few hours or the whole morning.

F. It is a good idea to turn to others for valuable advice.

G. There are a few essential things you should do to achieve this goal.


    Are you angryUnhappy in your jobWish you had an outlet for those feelings?

Well, if you lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina, you could go to the Break Club. It’s made up of a group of people who get together to smash up rubbish as a way of venting (发泄) their aggression. They can throw bottles at the wall, or take their frustration out on an old computer.

Mora, a club member, is a 22-year-old media producer who works hard and is always stressed out. She says, “I have to deal with deadlines, with so many people and so many things every day. . . My nerves are at breaking point. Well, now it’s time I should break something too. ”

She wears overalls, thick gloves and visor (脸盔) to protect her eyes. In her hands there’s a baseball bat ready for action. After trashing an old computer monitor, Mora is almost breathless but has a smile on her face. “I feel like a new person. I’m happy! After this, I’m ready for anything” she says.

Do you fume when your own computer crashesPerhaps you’d feel better if you could do what 27-year-old Yamilla did to her keyboard-attack it with a hammer! The club’s creator, Guido Dodero, says Argentinians are a bit angry by nature and they like psychoanalysis. He thinks the key to the club’s success is being a mix of both.

About 85% of his clients are young women. Dodero explains: “This is still quite a macho (大男人的) country. Women feel they need to take certain roles in society. They need to break from that every now and then and the club is the place for that. ”

Some members bring a picture of an ex-fiancée to destroy. Others bring a picture of. . . Well, it could be of you or me. Natasha works in a call center and does to the old equipment what she might like to do to her callers. The young woman says her job drives her mad.

The Break Club’s creator says this is the only one of its kind in South America, but he’s heard that there are similar places in Spain, Japan and the US. Who knows, one day there might be one near you. Do you feel like breaking things?

1.The Break Club is a place where you can ________.

A.break anything as you like

B.tell your frustration to the experts

C.vent your aggression by breaking rubbish

D.share your terrible experiences with others

2.What does the underlined word in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.Get angry. B.Get nervous.

C.Feel shocked. D.Feel helpless.

3.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.Dodero creates and manages the club

B.Mora is tired of working with many people

C.Yamilla takes a computer apart when angry

D.Natasha vents her anger through calling friends

4.Why are the clients in the club mainly young women?

A.They have no job and have more free time.

B.They are fighting with men for equal rights.

C.They enjoy themselves in such a kind of club.

D.They greatly need to reduce their pressure.



1.His ________ (最初的) reaction was feeling shocked.

2.Though your essay is not badyou’d better ________ (润色) it.

3.People began to laugh at his ________ (愚蠢).

4.I have never met a ________ (外国人) who speaks such perfect Chinese.

5.Only after you have ________ (获得) enough basic skills can you produce creative works of art.

6.Nowadaysmore and more people take up yoga exercises to improve their general ________ (健康).

7.Magicians have to practise their routinewhich is the only way to ________ (保证) a successful performance.

8.Whatever happenswe must take a ________ (积极的) attitude towards life.


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