





I went to the seaside to spending my summer holiday with my family We stayed there for about two week The weather was much hotter than in my hometown but I got used to it or felt at home Every morning I got up early than my parents and went for breakfast ahead of the time Then I went to have a chat with my new friend John whom I happen to come across during my holiday John was a native and quite warmheartedly and he was familiar to the seaside Soon we became very good friends After we parted we have kept write to each other



Should naps(小睡) actually1.    take during the day Well we certainly know from2.evident in the sleep center and that of many other scientists that naps can give you benefits for both your brain3.  your body But naps can actually be4.doubleedged sword because while we're awake during the day we're building up sleepiness or sleep pressure So when you try to fall asleep at night you'll fall asleep quickly and then you'll stay asleep And when we sleep we actually release that sleepiness so that we wake up the next morning feeling5.refresh).

So if you take a nap during the day especially if you take it too late in the afternoon you will actually release some of that sleepiness and it will make it much6.hard to fall asleep and stay asleep soundly throughout the night So the advice would be if you don't struggle with your sleep and you can nap7.regular), then naps are just fine

But if you do find it difficult8. fall asleep or stay asleep at night then you should avoid naps and try to build up that healthy sleepiness in the evening

The ideal nap depends on9.  you want from that nap Different stages of sleep actually give you different types of brain and body10. benefit).


    When I was a boy there were no smart phones or computers Still I never felt bored The fields______and woodlands around my home were the perfect playground I can remember once hiking to nearby______and walking slowly around it At the back of it I was amazed to find an old dirt road that I had never seen before It was full of muddy tyre tracks and deep woods bordered it on both sides but ______it still seemed like a fine adventure

I ______on and on for what seemed like hours I was sure my guardian angel(守护天使) was______in my ears to turn around and ______back home but I was ______and even a bit stupid so I walked on There was still neither a car nor a house _____ My legs were getting tired I noticed that the sun was starting to go down and I grew _____ I didn't want to end up ______on this road in the dark of night and I was worried that it would be dark ______I could make my way back to the lake again

I continued to walk on with the fear growing inside of me My heart was ______faster and my legs were aching more seriously than before When I ______one last corner and saw a house that I _____ I jumped up and down and laughed out loud I knew the way home! It was still over a mile away but my ______felt like feathers I ______into the house with a big smile just in time for dinner Then I ended my adventure with a good night's sleep

I remembered this recently when I saw a _____ saying "All roads lead home" This is true I also remembered a sage (圣人) compared life to a journey Are we going to make this life a terrible ______or are we going to make the life a joyful one  It______ our own choice

All roads no matter how they twist and turn can ______us home in our hearts May you always walk your path with love! May you always help your fellow travelers along the way!

1.A. towns B. hills C. farms D. villages

2.A. farmhouse B. highway C. forest D. lake

3.A. exploring B. appreciating C. introducing D. refusing

4.A. drove B. flew C. walked D. rode

5.A. waving B. singing C. whispering D. scolding

6.A. head B. land C. pace D. wander

7.A. sad B. stubborn C. mature D. anxious

8.A. in order B. in comfort C. in need D. in sight

9.A. pleased B. scared C. astonished D. disappointed

10.A. exposed B. injured C. trapped D. worried

11.A. though B. if C. when D. before

12.A. blocking B. sinking C. beating D. dancing

13.A. turned B. searched C. checked D. examined

14.A. owned B. recognized C. overlooked D. defined

15.A. arms B. hands C. head D. legs

16.A. stormed B. danced C. dragged D. dived

17.A. design B. signature C. sign D. signal

18.A. trip B. scene C. event D. sight

19.A. refers to B. deals with C. decides on D. depends on

20.A. lead B. urge C. move D. transport


How to stay focused in class

Being relaxed during class is a bad habit and it is also bad to your grade Focusing in class not only proves to teachers that you are a capable student but also shows that you have the ability to control yourself which will be very important

1. No matter how much you want to sit with your friends during the class try your best to avoid them Talking with friends around you is not going to give you the focus in class This will get you into trouble

Look at teacher and make eye contact Your teacher is not just standing up there talking2. Show the teacher that he or she has your full attention by looking them in the eye This person should have your full attention at all times during class

Take notes By taking notes you'll be able to "get into" the lesson Write down key points as your teacher speaks And listen to the key phrases such as "This is  important" "This is the main idea" "This will be the test" etc3.

Get involved in class discussions This is a wonderful way to become a more focused successful student When a teacher asks a question offer to answer it4.This shows the teacher that you are listening carefully during the class

Ask a question5.This really shows your teacher that you want to be better and can recognize the things you are having difficulty with Chances are that someone else in the class has the same question and was too afraid to ask!). They'll be relieved and so will you

A Avoid sitting with friends

B This can help you listen more attentively

C If he or she ask for an opinion share your own

D Talking with friends makes you lose interest in class

E He or she is trying to give you an acceptable education

F The more quickly you answer the more attention you pay

G If you don't understand something never be afraid to ask


    Even plant can run a fever especially when they're under attack by insects or disease But unlike human plants can have their temperature taken from 3000 feet away straight up A decade ago adopting the infrared(红外线) scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under stress The goal was to let farmers precisely(精确的) target pesticide(杀虫剂) spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field which always includes plants that don't have pest problems

Even better Paley's Remote Scanning Services Company could detect crop problems before they became visible to the eye Fixed on a plane flown at 3000 feet at night an infrared scanner measured the heat sent out by crops The data were transformed into a colorcoded map showing where plants were running "fevers" Farmers could then spotspray using 50 to 70 percent less pesticide that they otherwise would

The bad news is that Paley's company closed down in 1984 after only three years Farmers resisted the new technology and longterm supporters were hard to find But with the renewed concern about pesticides on produce and refinements(改进) in infrared scanning Paley hopes to get back into operation Agriculture experts have no doubt that the technology works "This technique can be used on 75 percent of agricultural land in the United States" says George Oerther of Texas A& M who recently retired from the Department of Agriculture thinks remote infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade But only if Paley finds the financial support which he failed to obtain 10years ago

1.Plants will give out an increased amount of heat when they are     

A. facing an infrared scanner

B. sprayed with pesticides

C. exposed to extreme sun rays

D. in poor physical condition

2.In order to apply pesticide spraying precisely we can use infrared scanning to     

A. draw a colorcoded map

B. evaluate the damage to the crops

C. locate the problem area

D. measure the size of the affected area

3.The application of infrared scanning technology to agriculture met with some difficulties of     

A. the lack of official support

B. its high cost

C. the lack of financial support

D. its failure to help increase production

4.Infrared scanning technology may be brought back into operation because of     

A. full support from agricultural experts

B. the forceful promotion by the Department of Agriculture

C. the desire of farmers to improve the quality of their produce

D. growing concern about the over use of pesticides on crops


    One of the most important things in the world is friendship In order to have friends you have to be a friend But how can you be a good friend at school

Listen Listen when they are talking Don't say anything unless they ask you a question Sometimes it's not necessary for you to have anything to say they just need someone to talk to about their feelings

Help them If your friend is ever in need of something be there to help them You should try to put them first but make sure you don't do everything they want you to do Try to take an extra pencil or pen with you to classes in case they forget one Have a little extra money in your pocket in case they forget something they need

Be there for them Be there for your friends to help make them feel better in hard times Marilyn Monroe a famous US actor once said "I often make mistakes Sometimes I am out of control but if you can't stay with me at my worst you are sure not to deserve to be with me at my best" Always remember this! If you don't want to stay with your friends when they're in hard times then you don't deserve to be with them when they're having a good time!

Make plans Try to make plans with your friends Go shopping go for ice cream have a party go to a movie and so on Take time to know each other even better by doing something you both enjoy By planning things together you both can have a good time And you'll remember these things when you're all old!

1.While your friend is talking to you about his or her feelings you should     

A. give him or her some advice

B. calm him or her down

C. just listen unless asked

D. share your feelings as well

2.When we provide help for our friends we should     

A. put them before ourselves

B. try to do everything for them

C. change their bad habits first

D. ignore their faults

3.What can we learn from Marilyn Monroe's words

A. Life without a friend is death

B. A friend is easier lost than found

C. A man is known by his friends

D. A friend in need is a friend indeed

4.What is probably the best title for the test

A. How to find a good friend

B. How to be a good friend

C. How to help friends in trouble

D. How to make more friends


    The other day I was shopping at the local Chinese grocery storeThere was a line at the fish counterbut only one staff person was there to take care of the customers Some customers ordered quite an amount of fish for that staff person to work on At last I was the second in lineall I wanted was a couple of crabs and should get out of there in no time

Noticing it was very busy at the fish counter another staff person came over to help I was ready to be served but the staff person went to the end of the line and began to help a couple of ladies with snails (蜗牛).The customer in front of me being servedturned around and looked at me sympathetically and the customer behind me called to the staff person"You should start her"pointing at meHe waswellignored

If someone asked me"What is the most important rule to follow in America"I would reply without hesitation"Wait your turn at all times"Wherever you go here in this country you will find people waiting in a line quietly to get anything whether in the supermarketsdepartment storesbus stopsor gas stations it's just a matter of waiting your turnIn a larger sense"wait your turn"is more than just a guidelineit is a very basic norm (准则)that reflects the fundamental value of the western cultures But in some situations your turn does not always come based on when you get there and how long you have waited in line just like my case at the storeEven though this did not often happen it did make me feel upset

1.What happened to the author at the store

A. He wasn't served upon his order

B. He was illtreated by a customer

C. He was asked to be served later

D. He was asked to do others a favor

2.What is the author's opinion about Queuing Rule

A. Wait until being served

B. Serve people as one likes

C. Wait until your turn comes

D. First comelater served

3.What does the underlined word "this" in the last paragraph refer to

A. His belief

B. His experience

C. His culture

D. His rule

4.Why did the author write the text

A. To emphasize his kindness to others

B. To introduce some western cultures to us

C. To show his disbelief in Queuing Rule

D. To express his belief and his feeling


The hottest cities in the world

The locations below are the hottest and also travel destinations on the planet


According to the data Bangkok is the hottest city on the planet not because of any particularly impressive high temperatures but because it is consistently hot all the year round The city has an average annual temperature of 29℃, coupled with high dampness and an average of 128rainy days per year while the highest temperature on record is 40℃.

Timbuktu Mali

Located on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert the African city of Timbuktu is similar to everything remote It's also one of the hottest cities in the world with a hot dry climate offering record highs of 49℃. Throughout April May and June average maximum temperatures are beyond 40℃. Modernday Timbuktu is slowly being swallowed by the desert and is certainly a shadow of the trade center that it once was

Ahvaz Iran

Built on the bank of the Karun River Ahvaz is an industrial city with average highs of around 46 during July its warmest month The city's record high is 54℃, making it one of the world's hottest cities during the summer Frequent sand and dust storms and an absence of rain from July to September mix with its skyhigh temperatures

Kuwait City

The wealthy capital of Kuwait is another competitor for the title of the world's hottest summertime city with average highs of over 45 from June to August Nightfall brings little respite(缓解), with afterdark low temperatures often over 30 during the summer months Kuwait City's record high is 52℃, while it rains on an average of just 19 days per year

1.What is the Bangkok famous for in climate

A. The highest temperature

B. The hot weather all year round

C. The highest annual temperature

D. The lack of rainfall all year round

2.Why is Timbuktu no longer a trade center

A. The small population of Mali

B. The war lasting for many years

C. The influence of the Sahara

D. Its location of the center of a desert

3.Which city holds the record of the highest temperature

A. Ahvaz

B. Bangkok

C. Timbuktu

D. Kuwait City


假如你是天津晨光中学的学生李津, 你在互联网上看到关于加拿大Columbia International College将举办冬令营的计划及课程安排的信息,你很感兴趣。现在请你根据以下提示给该学院的Christine写一封信咨询相关情况。








4)参考词汇  申请表 application form

Dear Ms. Christine,

I am Li Jin, _______________________________________________________________________________








Yours Sincerely

Li Jin



I stood at the edge of the cliff. The wind stung my eyes, cutting into my skin. Dark-feathered birds circled the air, swooping (俯冲) low over the ocean every now and then to catch their dinner. Hundreds of feet below, the deep ocean beat against the rough sandy shore. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with excitement — and at the same time, fear.

Behind me, I heard the rest of the crew start to mutter. I was here for the shooting of a movie as I was one of the lead actors in the film Dangerous Things, and this scene was right in the middle of the climax (故事的高潮). It was vital that this went right.

The director had talked to me about getting a stunt double (替身演员), but I’d persuaded him that I could handle the dive. I’d taken a diving course a few years ago, and I’d been taking swimming lessons since I was five years old. I had been pretty confident that I could do this — up till now.

Someone called out, “Ceria, you don’t have to do this! Are you sure you want to dive?” It was one of the producers, Callie Evans. I knew I couldn’t turn back now. I couldn’t bear to see the disappointed look on the director’s face when he was told that I couldn’t do it.

At that moment, all my fears and worries broke free. The expectation of adventure and victory seemed to move all the hesitation. I swooped downwards. The air on either side of me cut into my extended arms. I knew that this wonderful feeling of flight would only last a few seconds, yet time seemed to slow down so I could hear the thrilled whoops of my crew and a round of applause that seemed to echo in my pounding ears.

1.At the beginning, how did the author feel about what she was going to do?(No more than 3 words)

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean in English?(No more than 15 words)

3.Why was the author that confident in diving?  (No more than 10 words)

4.What was the crew’s reaction while the author was diving down?  (No more than 10 words)

5.How do you like the author? Please explain why.  (No more than 25 words)


    With child behavior, there is almost much more than it meets the eye. Because it occurs at so many different levels, child behavior that seems simple at one level can often be much more complex and meaningful at another.

For instance, a little child’s pattern of getting into cupboards, drawers and closed rooms, even after being told not to, is easily considered as bad behavior. When viewed at that level, the pattern is unacceptable and could lead to punishment. But it can be viewed at a more complex and meaningful level, namely child exploration. If a child regularly experiences an angry parent who seems determined to prevent any exploratory activities, the child will decide to continue to achieve future discoveries. When parents view this behavior as born out of natural curiosity rather than simple opposition, they are more likely to accept and appropriately monitor it. Although it may lead to warning responses to ensure the child’s safety, it is less likely to lead to punishment.

There are countless other examples. Holding a goldfish outside its bowl is foolish at one level but also can be seen as a young child’s attempt to express physical affection for a pet. Spending time with friends rather than family is selfish at one level but also indicates a teen’s need for independence.

The point here is that child behavior is often exhibited in simple forms that can appear to be oppositional, selfish or generally unacceptable if viewed only at that basic level. However, when viewed at a more meaningful level, the same apparently simple behavior can be seen as something larger and potentially more adaptive. This doesn’t mean the behavior should be ignored, especially if it is inappropriate. But looking at the bigger picture of a child’s behavior, adults might gain a fuller understanding of what they’re dealing with, which can create more flexibility in how they respond.

1.According to Paragraph 1, we can know that child behavior ________.

A. is very changeable B. is inacceptable

C. occurs at different levels D. is fully understood by adults

2.The example in Paragraph 2 mainly shows that ________.

A. parents should properly punish child behavior

B. parents should keep children’s safety in mind

C. children’s behavior shows their interests

D. there are different attitudes to child behavior

3.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?

A. The child will insist on doing things with determination.

B. The child will have to make frequent decisions.

C. The child will make new discoveries in the future.

D. The child will develop a strong sense of achievement.

4.It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that ________.

A. child behavior usually reflects a child’s need

B. what a child does can mean differently when seen from different aspects

C. children tend to do something to show their dependence to their parents

D. children spending time with friends show their selfishness

5.What does the writer suggest parents should do with a child’s behavior?

A. Have a positive attitude towards it.

B. Ignore the improper behavior.

C. View it at the basic level.

D. Watch over it from head to foot.


    Have you ever found yourself in this situation: You hear a song you used to sing when you were a child — a bit of nostalgia (怀旧) or “blast from the past,” as we say. But it is not a distant childhood memory. The words come back to you as clearly as when you sang them all those years ago.

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh studied the relationship between music and remembering a foreign language. They found that remembering words in a song was the best way to remember even one of the most difficult languages.

Here is what they did. Researchers took 60 adults and randomly divided them into three groups of 20. Then they gave the groups three different types of “listen-and-repeat” learning conditions. Researchers had one group simply speak the words. They had the second group speak the words to a rhythm, or beat. And they asked the third group to sing the words.

All three groups studied words from the Hungarian language for 15 minutes. Then they took part in a series of language tests to see what they remembered.

Why Hungarian, you ask? Researchers said they chose Hungarian because not many people know the language. It does not share any roots with Germanic or Romance languages, such as Italian or Spanish. After the tests were over, the singers came out on top. The people who learned these new Hungarian words by singing them showed a higher overall performance. They did the best in four out of five of the tests. They also performed two times better than those who simply learned the words by speaking them.

Dr. Katie Overy says singing could lead to new ways to learn a foreign language. The brain likes to remember things when they are contained in a catchy or memorable tune.

Dr. Ludke said the findings could help those who struggle to learn foreign languages. On the University of Edinburgh’s website Dr. Ludke writes, “This study provides the first experimental evidence that a listen-and-repeat singing method can support foreign language learning, and opens the door for future research in this area.”

1.The “song” mentioned in the first paragraph is intended to ________.

A. recall the past B. amuse the readers

C. introduce the topic D. compare the past with the present

2.According to the passage which language doesn’t share the same root with Germanic or Romance languages?

A. Hungarian B. Spanish

C. Italian D. English

3.From the last two paragraphs, we can conclude that ________.

A. singing is the best way to learn a foreign language

B. brain probably works best when foreign language learners sing the words

C. a listen-repeat method is very effective for any language learner

D. Dr. Katie Overy and Dr. Ludke disagree with each other

4.What’s correct about the study undertaken by the researchers at the University of Edinburgh?

A. Altogether twenty adults were tested in the study.

B. People in the 3rd group performed as well as the other 2 groups.

C. People in the 2nd group were asked to speak the words to a beat.

D. In the study 60 adults were divided into 3 groups according to abilities.

5.In which situation can the finding of the research be applied?

A. A mother is going to teach her baby how to speak.

B. A child is going to have his first music lesson.

C. A student is going to learn a new English song.

D. An American is going to learn some Chinese.


    During this shopping season, salesmen will come up with different strategies to get your business. Many product companies use specific colors to cause positive emotions and compete for a sale. However, sight is not the only sensory (感官的) retail that companies use. Sounds and smells can also influence consumers’ purchasing decisions.

Nobel Prize-winning research shows that our sense of smell has great power to cause an emotional response. A study published earlier this year compared purchasing in a French flower shop when the smell of lavender (薰衣草) was given off and when it wasn’t. It found that the smell increased the number of consumers’ purchasing items and the amount of their purchases. An earlier study using Nike shoes found that consumers desired the shoes more, and were willing to pay more, when the room had a mixed smell of flowers. Realizing the subconscious impact of smell, many stores apply artificial scents (气味) through their heating and air-conditioning vents (通风口) or place scent machines above their doors. For instance, a coconut scent might make that bikini more appealing as you long for a vacation.

Ever felt frenzied due to a store’s fast-paced music? Or calmed by a piece of light music? A retailer’s choice of music can have a big impact on consumers’ moods. One study found that when subjected to loud music, consumers will spend less time in a store. But interestingly, the researchers did not find a difference in sales or customers’ satisfaction. Another interesting finding from a recent study was that customers actually shop longer when exposed to unfamiliar music. Just as department stores use different scents in certain departments, many use different music in some areas to appeal to varying consumers.

Well, you could always leave the store and take a break, but the food court probably isn’t your best choices as brands like Cinnabon and Panera Bread also use scents as part of their customers’ experience. Online retailers (零售商) use a variety of other strategies to get your business, but you can always neglect those and enjoy the familiar scents of home.

1.The passage is mainly about ________.

A. consumers’ favorite sounds and smells while shopping

B. shopping malls’ strategies for satisfying consumers

C. some special services from super shopping malls

D. two factors affecting consumers’ shopping decisions

2.What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

A. Decorating stores with flowers becomes a fashion.

B. Shops with special smells can attract more consumers.

C. Smells can actually help businessmen gain more profits.

D. The products with a kind of special smell are more popular.

3.How does music have an effect on consumers?

A. It controls consumers’ desire for shopping.

B. It influences how long consumers stay in a shop.

C. It gives consumers the satisfaction of enjoying shopping.

D. Whether consumers are willing to buy things depends on it.

4.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “frenzied” in Paragraph 3?

A. Satisfied. B. Depressed.

C. Surprised. D. Excited.

5.What does the writer try to express in the last paragraph?

A. Online shopping is becoming more and more popular nowadays.

B. People should spend more time at home with family members.

C. People can choose to get rid of salesmen’s promotion strategies.

D. Smells and sounds are important for consumers’ shopping experience.


    Below is a web page from http://www.parents.com/ .

Kid of the Year Photo Contest

Enter your kid’s photo today and win ! We’re giving away 52 weekly $250 prizes from Readers’ Choice votes. PLUS our editors will select one entry (参赛作品) to win our grand prize of $7,000.

Official Contest Rules

No purchase necessary to enter or win. The Kid of the Year Photo Contest entry period begins at 12:00 a.m. March 23, 2019, and ends on January 21, 2020 (the “Entry Period”). Entries must be received by 9:00 p.m. on January 21, 2020 (“Entry Deadline”). Entries will not be acknowledged or returned.

SPONSOR: Meredith Corporation, 1716 Locust Street, Des Moines, Iowa.

ENTRY: There will be two methods of entry.

Share My Entry:

Visit http://www.parents.com/photos/photo-contests-1/kid-of-the-year/ and click the button to enter. Then complete the registration form and follow the instructions to upload one album of up to six photos of your child aged three months to eight years. Photos must be taken by entrant, non-professional, unpublished and may not have won any prize or award. Photos must be .jpeg or .bmp image formats (格式) and cannot exceed 3 MB.

Facebook Entry:

Visit Facebook.com/ParentsMagazine and click the Kid of 2019 tab. Fill out the registration form and upload one album of up to six photos of your child aged three months to eight years. You may provide one description and one album title that will be applied to all photos. Photos must be taken by entrant, non-professional, unpublished and may not have won any prize or award. Photos must be .jpeg or .bmp image formats and cannot exceed 3 MB.

This promotion is in no way sponsored, supported or run by, or associated with Facebook. You are providing your information to Parents Magazine and not to Facebook. The information you provide will only be used to run the promotion and register for Parents.com.

Photos must not contain material that infringes the rights of another, including but not limited to privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights, or that constitutes copyright violation. Photos must not contain brand names or trademarks.

LIMIT: One entry per household, per eligible (有资格的) child, per week. One weekly prize per child. For entries of more than one eligible child in the household, the entry process must be completed separately for each child. No group entries.

1.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A. you should buy something first before you enter the contest

B. your entry will not be returned even if you don’t win the contest

C. you should send your entry before 12:00 p.m. on March 23, 2019

D. the editors of the contest will decide who will win the 20,000 dollars in prizes

2.Linda, a mother with seven-year-old twins, wants to enter the contest. She MUST ________.

A. provide a description and an album title for the kid’s photos

B. go to Meredith Corporation to fill out the registration forms

C. complete the entry process separately for each of her kids

D. provide the information to Facebook if she chooses Facebook Entry

3.To enter the contest, photos must ________.

A. have won some prize or award

B. be taken by non-professional entrants

C. contain brand names or trademarks

D. contain parents’ personal information

4.What does the underlined word “infringes” mean?

A. violates. B. obtains.

C. grasps. D. cheats.

5.The purpose of the passage is ________.

A. to advertise the website Facebook. com

B. to make profits by attracting photographers’ interest

C. to introduce two methods of entering a photo contest

D. to encourage parents with children to enter a photo contest


    I never knew how well Mother could keep a trust until I was going through her things after she died. I discovered something I had _______ forgotten, something that happened to me as a child.

One day, as I went to sleep after my sisters and I had said our prayers, I recalled the events of the day and how _______ I had behaved toward Mother. “I must make things right now,” I thought.

Quietly I _______ out of bed and picked up the pencil and paper from the dresser, and then tiptoed into the hall. The _______ from the living room shone dimly. I knew Mother was downstairs still doing some sewing.

I quickly _______ a note asking Mother to excuse me for being so _______. I didn’t want my sisters to know my business so I _______ a postscript, “Please don’t let anyone else see this.” Then I _______ moved into my parents’ bedroom and put the letter under Mother’s pillow.

The next morning when I _______ my bed after breakfast, I ________ found a return note under my pillow. Mother wrote that she loved me and ________ me. This became my way of apologizing whenever I talked ________ or disobeyed. Mother always left a return note, but she never ________ our under-the-pillow messages in front of the family. Even when we were ________, she never mentioned them when we sisters ________ our childhood.

When Mother passed away, I had to go through her personal belongings. In her desk was a bundle of notes tied with a faded ribbon. On top was a message in handwriting which read, “In the event of my death, please ________ these.”

I ________ the package and glanced at the handwriting on the bottom. To my ________, I recognized my childish writing, “PS. Please don’t let anyone else see this. Love, Edie.” I gently placed the unopened bundle in the ________ along with other things for the rubbish burner. “Lord,” I prayed, “make me like ________.”

1.A. long B. hardly C. never D. often

2.A. well B. politely C. happily D. badly

3.A. went B. rushed C. slipped D. moved

4.A. moon B. light C. gas D. lamp

5.A. found B. sent C. wrote D. took

6.A. lazy B. late C. careless D. naughty

7.A. took B. added C. brought D. placed

8.A. quietly B. quickly C. calmly D. hurriedly

9.A. searched B. left C. made D. folded

10.A. secretly B. unexpectedly C. happily D. fortunately

11.A. favored B. understood C. supported D. forgave

12.A. over B. back C. loudly D. big

13.A. spoke about B. put on C. gave out D. got around

14.A. alone B. curious C. older D. interested

15.A. reminded B. forgot C. missed D. recalled

16.A. keep B. destroy C. hide D. announce

17.A. turned over B. tore open C. looked through D. picked up

18.A. sadness B. embarrassment C. surprise D. excitement

19.A. drawer B. wastebasket C. bedroom D. dresser

20.A. God B. an angel C. a bird D. Mother


--- I’ll pay a visit to Hong Kong. Would you mind keeping an eye on my house?

--- Not at all. ______.

A. I’d rather not B. I’d be happy

C. I’ve no time D. I’d like to


--- What did she want to know, Tom?

--- She wondered ______ we could complete the experiment.

A. when was it B. it was when that

C. it was when D. when it was that


--- Thank you for reminding me of the time, or I       late for the flight yesterday.

--- Don’t mention it.

A. will have been B. would have been

C. must be D. could be


--- Dad, have you seen my Christmas card?

--- ______ you painted last night? I’m afraid I haven’t seen ______.

A. One ; one B. The one ; it

C. One ; it D. The one ; that


______ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may influence genes in human bodies.

A. Having exposed B. Being exposed

C. To expose D. Exposed


--- Where will you start your work after graduation?

--- Mum, it’s not been decided yet. I ______ continue my study for a higher degree.

A. need B. must

C. would D. might


--- Is it convenient to you if I call you up at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning?

--- I’m afraid not. I ______ a meeting then.

A. will have attended B. was attending

C. will be attending D. am attending


--- Why didn’t you help the little boy?

--- Oh, he had struggled to his feet ______ I could run over and offered any help.

A. before B. after

C. when D. since


The only problem was ______ we kept getting lost! But people in Tianjin are very friendly and helpful.

A. why B. whether

C. that D. how


This restaurant has an inviting, homelike atmosphere ______ many others are short of.

A. where B. when

C. that D. what


Nearly all educators believe that a challenging situation can often ______ the best qualities of a person.

A. cheer up B. take over

C. bring out D. put away


The coat I bought yesterday is not expensive at all. As a matter of fact, I would gladly have paid ______ for it.

A. as much twice B. much as twice

C. as twice much D. twice as much


Think carefully before you answer questions online. You may be ______ into giving away very important personal information.

A. caught B. addicted

C. seized D. trapped


Everybody was touched ______ words after they heard her moving story.

A. without B. beyond

C. against D. despite


--- I’ve got something weighing on my mind. Could you give me some advice?

--- ______. Tell me all about it and I’ll do what I can.

A. Don’t mention it B. No wonder

C. No problem D. My pleasure


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