She is a strong-willed woman and not once _______ in to any difficulty in her life.

A. she has given B. did she give C. she gave D. has she given


The parents are making changes to their previous education methods, of ______ negative effect they begin to be aware.

A. who B. whom C. whose D. which


Was it in this room _____ he made the decision _____ he would break away from his family?

A. that ; which B. where ; which C. that ; that D. where ; that


So far no one has claimed the money ______ in the library.

A. to be discovered B. having discovered C. discovered D. discovering


Most of the top leaders expressed a common desire at the UN conference, ______ that different cultures ______ coexist with tolerance.

A. the one ; must B. the one ; should C. one ; must D. one ; should


Mr. Baker, some students want to see you. ______ they wait here or outside?

A. May B. Should C. Shall D. Will


In a room above the store, where a party ______, some workers were busily setting the table.

A. was to be held B. has been held C. will be held D. is being held


——Why are you so upset, Doctor White?

——The project didn’t        as we had expected. It was such a waste of time!

A. settle down    B. work out

C. come about    D. turn up


The limits of a person’s intelligence, generally speaking, are fixed at birth, but ______ he reaches these limits will depend on his environment.

A. whether B. where C. that D. why


--- We have decided to go for a picnic tomorrow, Jack. Are you going with us?

--- Well, ______ you are going, so will I.

A. when B. since C. if D. while


--- Do you know the answer ______ the question?

--- Yes, of course. The question is easy ______.

A. of ; to answer B. of ; to be answered

C. to ; to answer D. to ; to be answered


Your conclusions are far from worthless; they make a good deal of ______ to me.

A. meaning B. importance C. sense D. influence


--- ______.

--- Thank you. I certainly will.

A. Have a nice weekend B. Please remember me to your parents

C. Don’t forget to post the letters D. Let me help you





内容:1.唱中国歌      2.比赛用筷子      3.学习包饺子





4.参考词汇:春节联欢会:the New Year get-together

In the coming Spring Festival,







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Alice,

I was delighted to receive your letter. Thank you on the English dictionary you bought it for me. I received it this morning. There is no doubt which it is of great help to me. I’m deep grateful for your advice that I should pay more attentions to practicing my spoken English. I’ve made up mv mind to speak English both in and out of class. Next month I’ll take trip to Australia, organizing by my school. I hope I can practiced my spoken English there as much as possible. By the way, I am sending you a set of stamps with this letter, but I’ll send you more if I got any.

I do hope you will have a good holiday.





Talent shows are getting increasingly popular among China’s national and local TV programs nowadays. They help some ordinary people. 1. performance talent realize their dreams. Some of them even can become stars overnight. Even if they could not become famous, the whole progress can also enrich their life experience, 2. can make their life more colorful.

What’s more, with people’s life getting better and better, more and more people are not 3. (satisfy) by only material conditions. They are seeking for spiritual and 4. (culture) activities. At this time Talent Show Programs catch their attention and bring them pleasure and fun.

However, every coin has two 5. (side). Though talent show programs 6. (true) bring us lots of pleasure, they have caused many negative effects, especially on 7. youth. For example, many students have spent too much time and money 8. (watch) various programs, which 9. (effect) seriously their studies. What’s more, the programs give them illusion that everyone can be famous overnight.

All in all, we cannot live without amusement. As long as the talent show could entertain and inspirit 10. (we), there is great sense to encourage them.


    We have all heard how time is more valuable than money, but is it __ to have too much?

I __ back in high school I spent most of my day at school since I also __ a team sport. By the time I got home, I only had a few hours to do my homework, so I had to do it __.

When I got into college, things __. I suddenly found myself out of class before noon time. Because of all this __ time, there was no sense of __ to do my school work immediately. I was performing this action of waiting until it later became __. Once that happened, I just kept __ my studying further and further back in my day. Then I got to the point where I was __ really late at night to get my work done.

One day I __ a former classmate of mine who was __ a lot of money running a sideline (副业). Since his regular job was _. I asked him why he just didn’t do his sideline full-time. He said without the job, he would __ have too much time and would just do what I did back in __. He said that if he __ the job, he would lose his __ to work and succeed.

So, try __ up your time with other work. This is why there is a __ that if you want something done, ask a __ person to do it.

1.A. true B. fair C. possible D. strange

2.A. admit B. remember C. understand D. expect

3.A. played B. loved C. watched D. coached

4.A. at last B. of course C. right away D. as usual

5.A. happened B. repeated C. mattered D. changed

6.A. extra B. difficult C. valuable D. limited

7.A. duty B. achievement C. direction D. urgency

8.A. burden B. habit C. relief D. risk

9.A. taking B. pushing C. setting D. calling

10.A. leaving out B. depending on C. staying up D. consisting of

11.A. treated B. met C. helped D. hired

12.A. making B. wasting C. demanding D. raising

13.A. safe B. rewarding C. important D. boring

14.A. hardly B. luckily C. simply D. hopefully

15.A. college B. town C. childhood D. business

16.A. found B. quit C. accepted D. kept

17.A. heart B. chance C. way D. drive

18.A. filling B. giving C. saving D. trading

19.A. message B. story C. fact D. saying

20.A. reliable B. careful C. busy D. kind


    How can we keep safe personal information on our computers or cellphones? 1.

View emails with a careful eye

It’s best to view all emails with care. Hackers (黑客) can make emails look like real company emails. 2. It’s best to search for the original source of the information, and try to find the direct link from the site instead of using the link provided in the email.

Use two-factor authentication (双重认证)

Two-factor authentication adds a second level of safety to an account. 3. It’s a safety option that requires a password as well as an additional piece of information only the user would know.

Update apps and operating systems

4. While these updates may appear to only change the way your phone’s software looks, they often come with safety improvements. There may be a bug (软件漏洞). Those bugs are discovered by cell providers or smartphone makers, so it’s a good idea to upgrade them.


It’s no surprise that changing your password has always been a basic form of protection. But what we pick as passwords and how we manage them are important. First, passwords should never include your personal information. So stay away from names and birthdates. Ideally, passwords are a combination of lowercase (小写) and uppercase (大写) letters and random characters. It could be a strong, long password that doesn’t have any personal information, making it harder to remember.

A. Manage passwords safety

B. Here are some steps to make it.

C. It can trick readers into clicking on dangerous links.

D. Often users are unwilling to update their mobile devices.

E. Combine your personal information with random figures.

F. Here are some ways to create your online personal passwords.

G. Do it if there’s an option for your email, banking site or social media site.


    Photos of eight-year-old Wang Fuman, nicknamed by “Snowflake Boy” in Yun Nan, shared by his principal on Tuesday, showed the boy had a red face from the low temperatures and apparently did not wear enough clothes to keep warm. He also suffered from frostbite. He stood alone with his white hair and eyebrows while other classmates behind were clearly amused and laughing. The picture drew widespread attention around the whole world. Many netizens (网民) were sympathetic to the boy’s difficulties, with many Mircoblog users giving comments under the report.

Just after the report, a donation of 100,000 yuan was sent to his Primary School. Constantly, help still pours in for the Chinese boy. But the local authorities call on others to pay attention to other similar rural areas and give them timely aid. In China, there are still so many children just like Fuman living by himself with parents migrating to cities to make a living.

Boy’s hair is completely FROZEN after he walked an hour to school on a harsh winter morning in rural (and there was no heating when he got there).

The third-grade pupil in Yunnan, China, walks 2.8 miles to school every day.

He braved minus nine degree weather yesterday morning to sit an exam.

His hair and eyebrows had turned into icicles when he aimed at the school.

---Abstracted from Daily Post


I have tears in my eyes reading this... Poor little soul doesn’t even have a hat or gloves, and I can’t imagine how cold he must have felt. But he did it! Wish the little boy all good things in life. Hope he become a brilliant adult and success in life and happiness.

---Mng. PL, Mauritius, 19 hours ago


This kid is amazing. If I were him, I probably would have frozen to death. And this is why China will rule the world soon! He’ll fight a war tomorrow for his motherland! Take note you poor snowflake students of the UK. If this happened in the UK, they would arrive to find the school closed. Our kids are too soft!!!

---Honest John, Birmingham, 18 hours ago


He walked an hour in that weather and still got 99% in the math exam. Wow! With such an attitude and perseverance, I hope that he succeeds in life and gets all the good things that he deserves. Now he is not a snowflake.

---Lucial Cathey, Liverpool, 15 hours ago



1.What can we learn about Fuman from the text?

A. The boy didn’t do well in the examination.

B. The boy lives in rural area with his parents.

C. The boy’s school has some simple heating appliance.

D. The boy managed to take exams despite of bad weather.

2.Why does Honest John call the UK students poor snowflake?

A. British like to name teenagers as snowflake.

B. The students in UK are fond of being called snowflake.

C. The students in UK are too weak to endure extreme weather.

D. UK always has heavy snow storms in winter as Yun Nan.

3.Which best describes the netizens’ attitude toward Wang Fuman?

A. Sympathetic B. Uncaring C. Cautious D. Dissatisfied

4.What can we infer from the text?

A. All the British students don’t like to walk in the snow.

B. There are still people living hard in mountainous areas in China.

C. The school in the newspaper will rebuild in the near future.

D. The boy gained much donation from people around the world.


    How many men do housework? Recently a European commission (委员会) tried to find out people’s ideas and reactions to the women’s movement. As part of their survey, they asked many men and women the question, “Who does the housework?” The men answered very differently from the women!

The housework they asked people about was: preparing meals, washing dishes, cleaning the house and babysitting. 48% of British husbands said they did these things. 37% of Danish (丹麦的) men helped in the house. But only 15% of Italian men said they did the housework; many of them said they never helped at all!

But there was an interesting point of view from the wives. According to British wives, only 38% of their husbands helped in the house. And Italian wives said that their husbands hardly ever helped. The Italian and British men did not tell the truth! The Commission found that Danish men were the most truthful husbands; their answers were the same as their wives’ answers.

Do the men you know help in the house? Do you think the survey gives a true picture in your experience? Write and tell us what you think.

1.The subject of the survey is ________.

A. how many boys do the housework

B. who does the housework at home

C. how many women do the housework

D. who are more diligent, wives or husbands

2.From the passage we can see that ________.

A. there were more husbands who did the housework than wives

B. wives did almost all the housework at home

C. husbands did half of the housework all the time

D. there were more wives who did the housework than husbands

3.More ________ husbands help in the house than ________ husbands.

A. Danish; British B. Italian; British

C. British; Danish D. Italian; Danish


    A mystery surrounds my grandmother’s collection of salt cellars (盐瓶). No one in the family seems to know when she started collecting them, or exactly how many she had.

My grandmother died just over two years ago. At 91, she had spent 30 years without her right leg, which was removed due to cancer the year I was born. She was a poet, an artist, a food lover and a salt cellar collector. The funny thing about the salts, as she called them — I never once heard her say salt cellar — was that although everybody knew they were her hobby and everyone was always searching for them at yard sales or in stores, nobody seemed to know what they meant to her and they just wanted to make her happy. Grandma kept her salts in a dark wooden corner display case in the living room. Since her death the case has remained exactly as she left it. Grandpa tries his best to preserve his memories of her just as they are.

Now I am collecting, too. Collecting memories about my grandmother’s hobby, a way she spent her time. And as I hold one of them in my hand, I picture her holding it in her hand on the day she got it. She is smiling. My mother and her two sisters all have small collections, but my mother admits that she was more interested in finding salts to send to Grandma.

Grandma once wrote a poem titled “When April Comes”. The poem contains the line, “When April comes and I am not around, remember me when daffodils are found.” Now, Grandpa is working on a poem with the line, “April came and you were not around”.

But she was, somehow. She was there in the memories left behind by her possessions.

1.It can be inferred from the text that the author’s family_______ .

A. are very proud of their interesting family history

B. value the wonderful poems Grandma wrote

C. are much influenced by Grandma’s interest

D. know much about grandparents’ love

2.In writing the text, the author expressed ________.

A. her love for her grandma B. her desire to collect more salt cellars

C. her sadness at losing her grandma D. her curiosity about her grandma’s possessions

3.The underlined part “her possessions” in the last paragraph refers to ________.

A. Grandma’s experience B. Grandma’s strong will

C. Grandma’s talent D. Grandma’s hobby

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A. Grandma’s Salt Cellar Collection B. The Mystery of Grandma’s Salt Cellars

C. Grandparents’ Lifelong Devotion D. A Family’s Collection History


    Happy birthday

The China National Opera (CNO) will give a concert to celebrate its 50th birthday.

Different generations of CNO vocalists, like Li Guangxi, Yao Hong and Ma Mei, will present the concert which will feature both songs from famous Chinese operas like “The White-haired Girl” and “The Hundredth Bride”, as well as, arias of such Western opera classics as “Madame Butterfly”, “La Traviata” and “Rigoletto”.

Time/ date: 7:30 p.m., September 7th, 8th

Location: Tianqiao Theatre

Tel: 6551-4787, 8315-6170

Tickets: 60-500 yuan (U.S. $7.2- 60.2)

Folk music

A concert will be held to feature some recently composed traditional Chinese music works. The concert, given by the Folk Orchestra of the China Opera and Ballet Theatre, will include such pieces as “Memory of Childhood”, “Memorial Ceremony for God” and “Wine Song”.

Time/date: 7:30pm, September 13th

Location: Concert hall at the National Library of China

Tel: 6848 –5462, 6841-9220

Tickets: 30-200 yuan (U.S. $3.6-24.1)

Moon music

A concert of traditional Chinese music will be given on the eve of the Moon Festival which falls on September 21st this year. The concert will feature a number of famous pieces centered on the theme of the moon, such as “Moonlight”, “Spring night on a Moonlit River” and “Lofty Mountain and Flowing River.”

A number of established traditional Chinese music performers like Zhou Yaokun and Fan Weiqing, will play solos as well as collaborate with the folk music orchestra.

Time / date: 7:30 pm, September 21st

Location: Grand Theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities

Tel: 6606-8888, 6606-9999

Ticket: 40-240 yuan (U.S. $4.8-27)

1.“Madame Butterfly” is ________.

A. a Chinese opera B. a piece of music

C. a Western opera D. a song

2.If you want to buy tickets for listening to the music “Memory of Childhood”, you will dial ________.

A. 6551-4787 B. 6606-9999

C. 8315-6170 D. 6848-5462

3.Which statement is right according to the passage?

A. Li Guangxi, Yao Hong and Ma Mei stand for the same generation of CNO vocalists.

B. “Lofty Mountain and Flowing River” is a traditional Chinese music.

C. “Rigoletto” is a famous piece on the theme of the moon.

D. Zhou Yaokun will play solos and Fan Weiqing will collaborate with the folk music orchestra.

4.In which column of a newspaper will the article be published?

A. People. B. Entertainment.

C. Culture. D. Sports.




关键词:bandage (用绷带包扎)        bleeding (流血)        stable (固定的)

wound (伤口)           first aid (急救)

Spencer’s parents taught him basic first aid when he was young. One day, Spencer saw a boy 1. on the ground. The boy’s 2. was badly injured. Several people had stopped to help. Spencer used a cloth to 3. the bleeding and used his own T-shirt to make the boy s arm stable. Spencer showed someone how to apply pressure to the boy’s wounds and talked to him to keep him 4.. When the ambulance arrived, the medical workers 5. Spencer for his good work. If Spencer had not acted so quickly, the boy would have been in even greater 6.. By the next day, the whole school heard about what had happened. Spencer’s parents were very 7. of their son for his good work in the face of an emergency.






生词:magic trick魔术               magician魔术师               hostess女主持人


Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question.







4.Who advised Jerry to do magic at first?


5.When did Jerry join the Young Magicians’ Club?


6.How often does Jerry perform magic shows now?


7.Where did the hostess find the card during the magic show?


8.What language does Jerry want to learn?



假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,给校刊英语板块写一篇稿件,以“The Belt and Road Initiatives”为题,介绍上周你校开展一带一路系列活动的全过程。


提示词:知识竞赛  knowledge competition

一带一路  The Belt and Road lnitiatives









Dear Jim,



Li Hua


Does Using Technology in the Classroom Help College Students?

Almost anywhere in the world, you are likely to find people doing the same thing in public places, on trains and buses or wherever else you look. They spend their day looking at laptop computers, smartphones or other personal electronic devices. They are thinking mainly about their electronic devices, and not much else.

1.. More and more college students have no problem walking into a classroom and immediately opening their laptops. Others may spend an entire study period with a smartphone in hand. 2. But recent research suggests that using technology during class time may harm college students’ ability to remember and process the subject material they are learning.

Arnold Glass, a professor in Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and a student researcher investigated the issue of divided student attention. During half of their daily class periods, the students in their study were permitted to use any electronic device as much as they wanted. 3.

The students’ academic performance was measured in several ways throughout the semester. They took a short test every day, longer tests every few weeks and a final exam covering all the class material. The researchers found that the average daily quiz results showed no evidence of harmful effects from the use of technology. 4. They showed that all the students performed poorly on questions covering material taught on days when they were permitted to use technology in the classroom.

Glass says that it shows the use of electronic devices in the classroom prevents students from processing information. The students hear what the professor is saying. But they might be buying things online or reading unrelated emails at the same time, for example. So they are not thinking deeply about the subject matter as they are hearing it. 5.

A. The same can be said about the world of college education.

B. However, the average results of the larger tests and final exam told a different story.

C. And that, Glass says, makes it harder for the information to enter their long-term memory.

D. Technology, in general, is not the only way that students find to distract themselves in class.

E. But even if technology is helpful to some students, there are times when it needs to be turned off.

F. Some students argue that the increasing use of technology can have many helpful effects on society.

G. During the other half, researchers closely watched them to make sure no one was using any technology.


    Play time is in short supply for young children these days and the lifelong consequences for developing children can be more serious than many people realize.

An article in the most recent issue of the American Journal of Play details not only how much children’s play time has declined, but how this lack of play affects emotional development, leading to the rise of anxiety, depression, and problems of attention and self control. “Since about 1955, children’s free play has been continually declining, at least partly because adults have applied ever-increasing control over children’s activities.” says the author Peter Gray, Ph. D, Professor of Psychology at Boston College.

We can describe the unstructured freely-chosen play as a testing ground for life. It provides critical life experiences without which young children cannot develop into confident and competent adults. So kids need more of it, not less. Because play is how young children learn important social and emotional skills such as sharing, cooperating, communicating, and empathizing. It helps them develop fit bodies, strong minds, and brave hearts, so they can take on new challenges and risky situations.

Gray’s article is meant to serve as a wake-up call regarding the effects of lost play. We must know that lack of childhood free play time is a huge loss that must be paid attention to for the sake of our children and society. But parents who keep a lookout over and disturb their children’s play are a big part of the problem. It is hard to find groups of children outdoors at all, and, if you do find them, they are likely to be wearing school uniforms and following the directions of coaches while their parents dutifully watch and cheer.

Actually, when children are in charge of their own play, it provides a foundation for their future mental health as older children and adults. Play gives children a chance to find and develop a connection to their own self-identified and self-guided interest. It is through play that children first learn to make decisions, solve problems, improve self-control, and follow rules. Play helps children make friends and learn to get along with each other as equals. Most importantly, play is a source of happiness.

When parents realize the major role that free play can take in the development of emotionally healthy children and adults, they may wish to reassess the priorities ruling their children’s lives. The needs for childcare, academic and athletic success and children’s safety is important. But perhaps parents can begin to identify small changes——such as openings in the schedule, backing off from quite so many supervised (有监督的) activities, and possibly slightly less keeping watch on the playground that would start the slow returning to the direction of free, imaginative-directed play.

1.What do we know from the first two paragraphs?

A. The rise of children’s anxiety is more serious than people realize.

B. Lack of play time leads to kids’ unhealthy emotional development.

C. More young children are suffering from depression due to free play.

D. Playing too much leads to problems of kids’ attention and self control.

2.According to Peter Gray, unstructured freely-chosen play _______ .

A. is full of challenges and risky situations

B. should be balanced with adult-directed activities

C. does harm to children’s confidence and competence

D. has good effect on children’s social and emotional skills

3.The article is intended for ____________.

A. parents B. teachers

C. coaches D. children

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. Do Children Need More Self-guided Play?

B. Are Children Interested in Guided Play?

C. Can Children Guide Themselves?

D. Are Children’s Problems Serious?


    A recent experiment proves that bees can save time and energy when they fly around to different flowers.

Dr Nigel Raine, from the Royal Holloway University of London, has always been interested in finding out why animal behave like they do. He is also interested in bees. It was not a surprise when he and some other scientists from Queen Mary University of London discovered that bees can quickly solve a problem that takes computers many days.

Flowers make pollen (花粉), and when bees visit them, they carry the pollen to other flowers. The plants need the pollen to make seeds that will grow. Dr Raine notes that we get a lot of our food from plants, so it is important to know how the bees move around and take the pollen between flowers. The scientists wanted to examine the journey that the bees take and how they save energy when they do this. They completed the experiment on the roof of Queen Mary University, using artificial flowers and a large amount of nectar, a sweet liquid produced by flowers. They taught one bee to visit all the flowers in one place at the same time. When the bee got to know the location of the flowers well, they saw how it flew around and returned home with the nectar. After this, they changed the locations of the flowers. The scientists thought the bee would follow the route it knew already. This would mean that it followed a longer route than it needed to, and so it would use more energy. They watched the bee carefully as it travelled between the flowers in their new location, and they made notes. But in the experiment, the bee changed its route and flew a shorter distance.

The problem that the bee solved is similar to a maths puzzle called the ‘travelling salesman problem’. A salesman who goes to different places to sell things wants to travel the shortest distance. But he has to calculate the length of many possible routes to know which one is the shortest. A computer can calculate this but the experiment shows bees can do the same calculation quickly with a tiny brain. Scientists are very interested in how they do this. It would help us to understand how pollen is moved around. In addition, if they find this out, it could help us to improve communication networks. This might help humans to reduce traffic jams when there is an accident, for example.

1.The underlined word “nectar” in the third paragraph means_________.

A. powder B. honey

C. vitamin D. water

2.The researcher’s experiment found _________.

A. bees could manage to avoid accidents

B. bees showed signs of being very intelligent

C. bees could take the same route they knew before

D. bees were faster at calculating distance than computers

3.According to the last paragraph, the next step of the study is to discover how _______.

A. pollen is moved around

B. traffic jams can be reduced

C. bees can calculate so quickly

D. communication networks are improved

4.Where does this passage probably come from?

A. A novel. B. A website.

C. A science magazine. D. An advertisement.



World’s First Virtual Reality Cinema

Going to the VR CINEMA offers you the opportunity to watch movies like you’ve never done before. You can see 360 degree movies using a VR headset. In the VR CINEMA, ringing mobile phones and noisy visitors belong to the past. Furthermore, traditional red cinema chairs or the big white screen are nowhere to be found. Instead, a Samsung Galaxy S6 (smart phone) together with the Samsung Gear VR (virtual reality glasses) transports you to a completely new world. Headphones shut out background noise, and above all, offer super sound quality. Turning chairs allow you to freely look around and see what’s happening above, below, behind, in front, on the right and on the left side of you. So no sore neck, we promise.

In the VR CINEMA, you will experience 30 minutes of the coolest virtual reality films. We proudly present four film selections in different themes in order to please every virtual reality lover. Are you brave enough for our scary films? Will you immerse (沉浸于) yourself in VR documentaries from around the globe? Do you prefer to go on an adventurous journey like no other? Or do your kids want to swim with dolphins, interact with magical characters, and experience the moving stories beyond imagination? Supernatural, Documentary, Journey and Fun are waiting for you!

For kids, young and older ones, there’s the cheerful and colourful selection. The only thing you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy the VR experience of your choice.

Location: Oosterdokskade 5, 1011 AD Amsterdam The Netherlands

Tel: +31(0) 6 27 00 69 16


Ticket Price: 12.5

Opening hours: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 14:00-21:00

Saturday & Sunday: 12:00-22:00

1.According to paragraph1, we know that the headphone functions as a(n)_________.

A. cellphone B. screen

C. earphone D. reader

2.What is the VR CINEMA like?

A. It has a big white screen. B. It is full of noisy visitors.

C. It offers 360 degree movies. D. It is equipped with red chairs.

3.What’s the main purpose of the text?

A. To introduce new VR films. B. To present VR film schedules.

C. To report development of VR films. D. To attract people to the VR CINEMA.


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