假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共有 10 处语言错误每句中最多有两处每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、 删除或修改。




注意:1.  每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.  只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

Since an early age, I have been told to be kind to others. One day I was in line at our local post office. Behind me stood a man, which coat was dirty and ragged. It was clearly that he hadn’t bathed or change his clothes for a long time. Hardly had he come in that the others stood back several foot away from him. In fact, I didn’t notice her at first. After I had my business finishing, I turned back to see what had been taken place. Turning to leave, I said to him, “Wish you nice day!”   The man nodded, a big smile in his face.


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Experts have started working on1. unbelievable project to make a robot made by NASA act like a human.

2.(name) Valkyrie, the robot looks like a woman and may be used to explorer Mars one day. It  3. (invent) by NASA scientists to compete in the DARPA Robotics Challenges(DRC). It is 1.9 meters tall and4. (weight) 125 kilograms. It comes with a series5. cameras, sonar, and other sensors spread across its body to help it move around.

Valkyrie is powered by a battery on its back, which can keep it 6. (operate) for an hour. It can walk on7.  (it) own, pick up objects and control many objects and tools,8.is part of the requirements for the DARPA challenge.

The machine can walk on two legs and perform basic9. (move) at present. However, the team from Scotland’s Edinburgh University wants to give it  10. (many) skills. It is hoped that the new and improved robot will work along with astronauts in space.


Be a Traveler, not a Tourist

Last summer, I had just enough money saved to buy a golden ticket—a 3-month train pass that would take me to the furthest reaches of Europe. Excited for my journey, I packed all the necessities —except the __________

While the convenience of the Internet was definitely a contributing factor to my ______ not to take with me the few expensive kilograms of out-of-date information, this was not the only reason why I decided to fly alone.

To be honest, my main __________ with the guidebook is that I find it __________  the pleasure of a journey—like bossy aunt who is always telling you what to do,  _______ she doesn’t always know what is the best.

Experience has taught me that there is an obvious __________  between a tourist and traveler.

While waiting in a queue, I met a man who had a checklist. He showed me his list of “Top 20 Things To Do in Italy” and ___________  off in a loud American accent that he’d seen everything Italy has to offer in just four days.

The problem I had with this man’s ____________  to travelling was that he was too _________   information  provided  by  his  guidebook.  He  was  lost  in  the   _________ attractiveness of the “must-sees” and __________  to all the wonders and adventures that might happen during the _________ trip.

So,   ______________ any  guidebook,  I  traveled  to  Estonia,  the  tiny  Baltic  country bordering Russia. In the ____________ of advance plans as guidebooks would suggest, I had no choice but to turn to some friendly faces for advice. I  __________ myself first and then asked them what was happening around the town. When this  ____________   an invitation to a beautiful Estonian home by a river where I   ___________  a 110-degree wood-stove sauna ,  __________  picked forest-mushrooms and the good  __________  of our five newfound Estonian friends, I was most glad that I had left my “bossy __________” at home.

1.A. guidebook    B. magazine    C. cash    D. map

2.A. goal    B. excuse    C. decision    D. mistake

3.A. suggestion    B. problem    C. dislike    D. connection

4.A. increases    B. annoys    C. removes    D. limits

5.A. even though    B. as if    C. as though    D. as long as

6.A. similarity    B. distinction    C. competition    D. misunderstanding

7.A. cut    B. showed    C. gave    D. put

8.A. way    B. determination    C. confidence    D. approach

9.A. cautious about    B. amused by    C. focused on    D. surprised at

10.A. likely    B. seemingly    C. orderly    D. lovely

11.A. blind    B. dumb    C. deaf    D. eager

12.A. guided    B. imagined    C. real    D. paid

13.A. without    B. beyond    C. except    D. unlike

14.A. loss    B. control    C. face    D. absence

15.A. introduced    B. warned    C. calme    D. enjoyed

16.A. resulted in    B. cut in    C. broke in    D. put in

17.A. found    B. enjoyed    C. ordered    D. bathed

18.A. locally    B. secretly    C. rarely    D. nervously

19.A. experience    B. company    C. opinion    D. time

20.A. mom    B. book    C. aunt    D. master


The “best years of your life”? Maybe not, but you can learn to make the most of your high school days.

Learn to appreciate small things. Whether it's having a computer, having friends, having a good supply of food, a bed to sleep on, family that loves you, having a good education or simply being born in this world.1.  Be happy, and life will reward you. Remember that these are the last few years you will be able to enjoy yourself without having to worry about the responsibility of an adult, but make sure you prepare yourself for when you do become one.

2.  Unlike what many articles state, you don't have to be popular and have many friends to be happy. 3. Try to have friends that like you who you are, not just because you are wearing a certain brand of shoes or something like that. These are people who shop at the same store as you; not someone who will sympathize with you when your dog dies.

Be sociable.4.  While you only need 4 or 5 close friends, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to meet new people. Participating gives you something to do instead of sitting bored at home .

5.  Video games, for example, are good if you're the type who can get into that kind of thing. You should also find a hobby that is meaningful or practical. Use your “hobby time” to either volunteer (to gain practical skills for college apps, job resumes, and scholarships) or learn an instrument, or get into something else in the creative field like painting or dance.

A.You can pursue interests you enjoy.

B.A friend in need is a friend indeed .

C.Choose your friends wisely.

D.Participating in clubs, activities, and sports increases your chances of meeting new friends.

E. In fact, many of the “friends” you have when you are popular are not true friends.

F. Being confident in your appearance makes you more confident in other areas.

G. Remember that the point of life is for you to enjoy it.


This year’s flu season is pretty scary. To try to minimize the effects, public officials are still urging anyone who hasn’t yet gotten their flu shot to get one as soon as possible. However, even if every single person got a shot in the arm, the vaccine( )—with its excellent 36 percent effectiveness—would not prevent everyone from getting infected with the annoying virus. Knowledge is power, so here's what goes on in your body when you come down with the flu.

The influenza virus primarily attacks your nose, throat, and the tubes that lead to your lungs. But the flu is so much more than that. Your muscles ache, your head hurts, and your appetite goes down, among other things. To our surprise, almost all of these symptoms  have  less  to  do  with  the  virus  itself  than  with  your  immune( )response to them. Unfortunately, the very defense you have in place to get rid of the flu is the reason you feel so painful when you recover.

The virus usually enters through your mouth, typically by way of your hands . But it takes a few days for symptoms to set in. While this process might cause some harm to your nose and throat, it's nothing major, and nothing like the symptoms that typically accompany a bad or even mild case of the flu.

The real fun starts when your immune system begins to fight. Your immune system comes in two parts: the innate system and the adaptive. The innate immune system is essentially an all-purpose tool. As soon as your body senses the presence of any injury or invader , the innate immune system launches into action by producing tiny proteins called cytokines and chemokines. The cytokines reproduce almost immediately and start to attack the virus. This increase in immune cells creates a serious inflammation( ) throughout the body. But the worst is still to come.

Meanwhile, the chemokines work with the adaptive immune system to help create T cells. These cells are a special type of white blood cell that works in a much more specific way: They find the influenza virus, identify what's special about it, and create something unique on their surface that finds and destroys similar invaders.

1.What can we infer from Paragraph 1?

A. All the vaccine is not effective.

B. No one can avoid catching this year's flu.

C. This year's flu is the most serious one in recent years.

D. Public health officials have to use a gun when necessary.

2.Why many parts of your body suffer while you're recovering from a flu?

A. Because recovery from illness is painful.

B. Because your immune system is working against your defense system.

C. Because your body is fighting hard against the flu.

D. Because the influenza virus attacks your nose, throat and other parts.

3.The underlined word “fun” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by      .

A. joy    B. battle

C. action    D. program

4.What's the main idea of Paragraph 4?

A. The fight between innate immune system and the adaptive.

B. The categories of immune system.

C. The way immune system works.

D. The process of the development of immune system.


Does your local high school have a student newspaper? Only 1 in 8 of New York’s public high schools has student newspapers – and many of those are published just a few times a year. A few more are online, which can leave out poorer schools.

Rebecca Dwarka, an 18-year-old senior who works for her student paper said, “Facebook is the new way of finding out what happened. Nobody wants to actually sit down and read a whole article about it. This makes a ‘whole article’ sound a little like a long sentence in lonely places.”

I am not nostalgic about high school student newspapers and never worked for mine. I put out what was then called a personal magazine with a group of friends because we wanted to write about peace, war and rock ’n’ roll without school officials warning us not to make jokes about the local officials.

School newspapers are in decline because students now find out what happened on social networking websites. This is a little discouraging because it proves that for millions of Americans, journalism is becoming a do-it-yourself thing. Every citizen can be a reporter.

When something happens, we look for social media messages. Facebook posts and Tweets have become the means by which citizens and reporters can prove, deny, pass on stories and express opinions without the press’ challenging, researching or slowing the message.

But truly good journalism is a craft, not just a blog post. It requires seeing something carefully and it uses an eye for details to help prove a larger view. And even journalism that conveys an opinion tries to be fair. If school newspapers begin to disappear, I hope there are other ways for students to learn that.

1.What can we infer from Rebecca’s words?

A. Students like reading detailed articles.

B. School newspapers are becoming unpopular.

C. Facebook is the quickest way of spreading news.

D. Long sentences are becoming popular in lonely places.

2.What does the author think of social media messages?

A. They make journalism become a craft.

B. They represent the power of small voices.

C. They are usually discouraging for readers.

D. They are coming without careful research.

3.What should good journalism do according to the author?

A. Ignore some details.

B. Spread a message quickly.

C. Convey an opinion in a fair way.

D. Act as blog posts in modern times.

4.Which might be the most suitable title for the passage?

A. Social media or newspapers?

B. Everyone can become a reporter at present

C. Social networking brings about new journalism

D. High school newspapers – an endangered species.


Most heroes are not super. They don’t appear in comic books, on television, or in movies. They just do what they believe needs to be done to make their world a better place. Bike Batman is one of them.

Bike Batman is a 30-year-old married engineer who lives in Seattle, Washington. He’s a cyclist who also buys and sells bikes as a hobby.

About three years ago, he was looking for a bike for his wife. He found one on Craigslist, a website where people list things they want to sell. As he often does, he also looked at Bike Index, a popular website that allows users to register their bikes and post reports when they’re taken. The bike, which he was considering purchasing, clearly matched one reported stolen on Bike Index.

Then he called the person who claimed to be the bike’s owner and arranged to meet him— supposedly to complete the sale. When the two men met, Bike Batman told the thief, “You’ve got two options. You can wait until a police officer gets here, or you can just get out of here.” You can imagine what the thief did.

After that first success, Bike Batman developed a safer routine. When he sees questionable bike ads on Craigslist, he cross-references the image with bikes reported on Bike Index. Once he has confirmed it with the owner, he arranges a meet-up with the thief and will call the Seattle police department so that officers can participate in the action. In more than half of the 22 cases in which he has got back and returned bikes, the thieves have been arrested. In one case, Bike Batman even helped a family recover a wide range of prized possessions that suspects had stolen during a home burglary.

His nickname came from a discussion with a police officer who suggested he be called “Robin Hood”. Since he wasn’t exactly stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, “Batman” seemed a better fit. The idea of a superhero punishing criminals feels pretty silly to him, but the main reason he continues his work is to keep up Seattle’s reputation as a friendly city.

1.Bike Batman is           .

A. a superhero    B. a website manager

C. a Seattle citizen    D. a police officer

2.When Bike Batman discovers a questionable bike, he will first           .

A. contact the owner of the stolen bike    B. look up the bike’s information

C. call the police department    D. arrange to meet the thief

3.Bike Batman helps find the lost bikes to           .

A. become famous    B. help poor people

C. punish bike thieves    D. build a friendly city

4.From the passage, we can learn that           .

A. Bike Batman felt relieved to see the thieves arrested

B. Bike Batman began his good deeds by accident

C. the police failed to perform their duties

D. the thieves refused to return the bikes


If you have the opportunity to visit some places in New Zealand, then the list below is our recommendation.

Fiordland National Park

This  park  is  part  of  the  South  Westland  World  Heritage Area  and  is  New Zealand’s largest national park and one of the largest in the world. The scenery in Fiordland is nothing short of extremely beautiful, with steep mountains, wild waterfalls, and abundant rain forests. Being able to come back and forth in its deep bay attracts most of the visitors.

The area has some of the world’s greatest walks including the world famous Milford Track, which was described as the finest walk in the world in the early twentieth century.

Abel Tasman National Park

Abel Tasman may be New Zealand’s smallest national park, but the attractions are huge. Located in one of New Zealand’s sunniest spots, the area also has the best beaches in the country.

The popular Abel Tasman Walk is a great way to see this park. It takes 3-5 days to complete. Sea taxis are also available and can drop you off at any number of beaches within the park.


Accessible from New Zealand’s biggest city, Auckland, Rotorua is famous for its volcanic activities. Rotorua is also famous for its plentiful lakes which are great for swimming and fishing. The surrounding area contains plenty of native bushes and some famous walks.

Rotorua is also the best area in the country to experience and learn about Maori culture.

Mt Cook National Park

Mt Cook as well as the surrounding area is an alpine( 高山的) park within the World Heritage listed in South Westland. The biggest peaks in all of Australasia are here. The park doesn’t contain many trees or plants due to the altitude. Walks range from a two-hour walk to difficult tracks suitable for experienced mountaineers only.

A helicopter or plane ride gives visitors excellent views of the mountains with the option of landing at the top of Tasman Glacier, a true permanent snow-covered alpine environment.

1.The most impressive experience in Fiordland National Park may be               

A. rock climbs    B. forest camps

C. water jumps    D. boat trips

2.If you are interested in folk customs, you can go to visit      

A. Fiordland National Park    B. Rotorua

C. Mt Cook National Park    D. Abel Tasman National Park

3.If you go to visit Mt Cook National Park, you can               

A. view some amazing waterfalls    B. enjoy some tropical fruits

C. step on the top of Tasman Glacier    D. take walks in various bushes




1. 告知写信目的;

2. 你选择该专业原因和个人情况简介;

3. 表达信心和感谢。


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a Chinese high school student










Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Recently campus safety has become public concern since a series of violent attacks happen, which caused serious damage. It makes us aware of the fact that safety should always come firstly in our daily life.

In this case, we should take effective measure which can solve this problem. Firstly, our students should realize we must follow our school or traffic rules, and pay attention to food safety. Many incidents happen just because of we are too careless. Secondly, you should take training of security so that we can keep calm if faced with conflicts. Thirdly, our government and schools should provide surroundings in that our students can focus on acquiring knowledge.

As far as I am concerned, improve campus safety is very important that we all should try our best to make everyone on campus safe and sound.



Hero writer who wrote of heroes has passed away

1.there are Chinese speakers, there are his readers.”

That sentence highlights the huge influence of Louis Cha Leungyung, 2.(well) known by his pen name Jin Yong, one of the most 3.(influence) Chinese novelists. Over three hundred million copies of his books have been sold in the Chinese-speaking world alone.

A hero who writes heroes

In their condolences (哀悼) to his family, many people called Cha a “hero” even though he considered 4.(he) a writer of hero stories.

That’s because of the humanistic concerns in both his novels and his newspaper articles. In all his martial arts stories, he shows a strong anti-war tendency. In The Legend of the Condor Heroes, 5.novel which impresses us deeply , he wrote how Genghis Khan was moved by the hero’s words and regretted his 6. (kill) before his death.

“He has mercy for everybody in this mortal (凡人) world, ” Wang Xiaolei, owner of a WeChat public account that specializes in analysis of Cha’s works, 7.(write) in his condolences.

8.their popularity, only The Deer and the Cauldron as well as other three novels 9.(translate) into English. Legends of the Condor Heroes, was scheduled 10.(hit) bookstores in February in 2018.


Until a few years ago, I had what most people would call a good life. I had a _____job that paid the bills; I had a good family that I was close to, and I had a place to live and money in the bank for trips and ________, and there was nothing much wrong in my life.________, I was bored.

I wanted more. I wanted to live ________ and loudly and make sharp memories instead of the ________ ones of everyday life. But I was ________. I’ve never had any ________ in myself. As a child, even buying something in a shop caused me a great deal of ________, and even though I did get better as I got older, I never quite ___________ that childhood shyness.

And I tried everything, like reading books about confidence. I took tiny steps leading to my goals. But none of them really ________.

So I ________ that the small steps weren’t enough. I signed up for an internship(实习期)teaching English in Vietnam, an ________ huge step, one that ________ me as much as it excited me. And then the day came and I left my home and my loved one. I was alone in a country where the food was ________ and the streets were dirty. I had no idea whether I would be able to ________ everything this very strange environment would ________ at me.

I spent five months in Vietnam, teaching and exploring and laughing. I’d learned to ________ myself, my skills, my abilities and my decisions. I returned home ________, even to myself, let alone to others. The ________ that had controlled my life and the self-doubt were completely________.

That one big chance changed everything for me, and in me.

1.A. stable    B. temporary    C. contemporary    D. demanding

2.A. sacrifices    B. rewards    C. treats    D. fines

3.A. Thus    B. Instead    C. Otherwise    D. However

4.A. cozily    B. brightly    C. peacefully    D. modestly

5.A. bitter    B. miserable    C. gray    D. entertaining

6.A. addictive    B. innocent    C. outgoing    D. afraid

7.A. pride    B. confidence    C. enthusiasm    D. shame

8.A. stress    B. excitement    C. confusion    D. distraction

9.A. added to    B. talked about    C. got over    D. suffered from

10.A. continued    B. survived    C. failed    D. helped

11.A. decided    B. promised    C. predicted    D. suspected

12.A. equally    B. impossibly    C. unnecessarily    D. occasionally

13.A. ignored    B. impressed    C. annoyed    D. terrified

14.A. optional    B. accessible    C. strange    D. adequate

15.A. adopt    B. handle    C. abandon    D. obtain

16.A. point    B. throw    C. shout    D. aim

17.A. trust    B. accept    C. excuse    D. forgive

18.A. unconcerned    B. unregulated    C. unchangeable    D. unrecognizable

19.A. fear    B. respect    C. courage    D. exhaustion

20.A. picked up    B. forgotten about    C. worn away    D. broken down


Main Types of Water Pollution

When we think of Earth’s water resources, we think of huge oceans, lakes, and rivers. 1. The most obvious type of water pollution affects surface water. For example, a spill from an oil tanker creates an oil layer that can affect a vast area of an ocean.

2. A great deal of water is held in underground rock structures known as aquifers(含水层). Water stored underground in aquifers is known as groundwater. Aquifers feed our rivers and supply much of our drinking water. They can also become polluted, for example, when weedkillers used in people’s gardens drain into the ground.

Surface water and groundwater are the two types of water resources that pollution affects. 3. If pollution comes from a single location, such as a pipe attached to a factory, it is known as point source pollution. 4. A great deal of water pollution happens not from one single source but from many different sources. This is called nonpoint source pollution.

Sometimes pollution that enters the environment in one place has an effect hundreds or even thousands of miles away. 5. One example is the way radioactive waste travels through the oceans from unclear reprocessing plants in England and France to nearby countries such as Ireland and Norway.

A. Besides, we think of bottled water.

B. This is known as transboundary (跨界的) pollution.

C. Not all of Earth’s water sits on its surface, however.

D. Water resources like these are called surface water.

E. There are also two different ways in which pollution can occur.

F. Pouring oil from your car down a drain can lead to water pollution.

G. Another example of point source pollution is an oil spill from a tanker.


El Nino, a Spanish term for"the Christ child", was named by South American fisherman who noticed that the global weather pattern, which happens every two to seven years, reduced the amount of fishes caught around Christmas. El Nino sees warm water, collected over several years in the western Pacific, flow back eastwards when winds that normally blow westwards weaken, or sometimes the other way round.

The weather effects, both good and bad, are felt in many places. Rich countries gain more from powerful Nino, on balance, than they lose. A study found that a strong Nino in 1997-98 helped American’s economy grow by $15 billion, partly because of better agricultural harvests: farmers in the Midwest gained from extra rain. The total rise in agricultural incomes in rich countries is greater than the fall in poor ones.

But in Indonesia extremely dry forests are in flames. A multi-year drought(干旱) in south-east Brazil is becoming worse. Though heavy rains brought about by El Nino may relieve the drought in California, they are likely to cause surface flooding and other disasters.

The most recent powerful Nino, in 1997-98, killed around 21,000 people and caused damage worth $36 billion around the globe. But such Ninos come with months of warning, and so much is known about how they happen that governments can prepare. According to the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), however, just 12% of disaster-relief funding in the past two decades has gone on reducing risks in advance, rather than recovery and rebuilding afterwards. This is in spite of evidence that a dollar spent on risk-reduction saves at least two on reconstruction.

Simple improvements to infrastructure(基础设施) can reduce the spread of disease. Better sewers(下水道) make it less likely that heavy rain is followed by an outbreak of the disease of bad stomach. Stronger bridges mean villages are less likely to be left without food and medicine after floods. According to a paper in 2011 by Mr Hsiang and co-authors, civil conflict is related to El Nino’s harmful effects—and the poorer the country, the stronger the link. Though the relationship may not be causal, helping divided communities to prepare for disasters would at least reduce the risk that those disasters are followed by killing and wounding people. Since the poorest are least likely to make up for their losses from disasters linked to El Nino, reducing their losses needs to be the priority.

1.What can we learn about El Nino in Paragraph 1?

A. It is named after a South American fisherman.

B. It sees the changes of water flow direction in the ocean.

C. It forces fishermen to stop catching fish around Christmas.

D. It takes place almost every year all over the world.

2.What may El Ninos bring about to the countries affected?

A. Agricultural harvests in rich countries fall.

B. Droughts become more harmful than floods.

C. Rich countries’ gains are greater than their losses.

D. Poor countries suffer less from droughts economically.

3.The data provided by ODI in Paragraph 4 suggest that _________.

A. more investment should go to risk reduction

B. governments of poor countries need more aid

C. victims of El Nino deserve more compensation

D. recovery and reconstruction should come first

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To introduce El Nino and its origin.

B. To explain the consequences of El Nino.

C. To show ways of fighting against El Nino.

D. To urge people to prepare for El Nino.


Guests arriving at the Aloft Hotel in Manhattan or one in Silicon Valley will soon be able to do something hotels have dreamed about offering for years: walk past the check-in desk and enter their rooms by using a smartphone as a room key. The boutique hotel brand from Starwood to

Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. plans to offer this feature at two hotels, in the Harlem neighborhood and in Cupertino, Calif, before the end of the quarter.

Starwood officials are hoping this will be one of the biggest technological changes in the industry since free Wi-Fi. "We believe this will become the new standard for how people will want to enter a hotel." says Frits van Passchen, Starwood's CEO. "It may be a novelty at first,but we think it will become table stakes for managing a hotel.

Not everyone is so sure. Past attempts to use technology to streamline the check-in process have had mixed results. Robert Habeeb, president of the First Hospitality Group, which is the owner of 55 hotels in the U.S, says he pulled out check-in kiosks at two of his Holiday Inn hotels after finding that most guests ignored them. He found that many travelers will sacrifice speed or ease to talk with a staff member and ensure their room has the right view or location, or to try for an upgrade. Other guests may still want to be greeted when they arrive.

Hotels have never been known for being in the forefront of technology. The industry is often a delay, in part because many hotels are owned and managed by separate companies, making investments in technology more complicated. Nevertheless, many hotel operators have been searching for ways to remove the bottlenecks that can form at a hotel's front desk. The delays are the bane(祸根)of many a road warrior's travel experience. “Everybody has to check in, but we are all doing it pretty much the same way we were 100 years ago, ”says Christopher Nassetta, chief executive officer for Hilton Worldwide holdings Inc.”It' s something we are seriously addressing.

Yet it is still not clear that virtual keys will do better than previous attempts to beat traditional check-ins. An effort several years ago to allow guests to enter rooms with the magnetic strip on their credit cards never became popular . Guests worried about security and were unwilling to give their kids credit cards instead of room keys.

1.According to the first two paragraphs, which of the following is NOT true.

A. Aloft of Hotel in Manhattan will allow guests to use a smartphone as a room key

B. All Starwood Hotels plan to offer the new room key before the end of the quarter.

C. Hotel officials hope the new room key will be a great change in hotel industry.

D. The new room key may become a new standard of choosing a hotel

2.The word streamline(Para. 3) is closest in meaning to _____________.

A. simplify    B. strengthen

C. change    D. unify

3.Christopher Nassetta would most likely agree that _____________.

A. it's a good idea to cancel check-in

B. the way of check-in needs to be changed

C. the management of hotel needs to be improved

D. it's time to make use of technology in hotel industry

4.From the text we can see that the writer thinks the future of the new room key is __________.

A. optimistic    B. negative

C. bright    D. uncertain


As her son Cameron sits at his laptop completing a task for his math degree course. Alison Thompson, a full-time mum is busy helping her daughter Emma (two years younger than Cameron) get dressed. While help has always been available for Emma, Alison and her husband also have to fight to get Cameron the support he needs. “People could see that Emma has special needs but because Cameron was doing so well at school, his teachers never thought there was a problem with him,” says Alison.

It took Alison and her husband a while to realize their son was different. Cameron’s ability didn’t become clear until he began primary school. Once he even corrected the teacher when she told the class that zero was the lowest number. Cameron told her she was wrong because there were negative numbers. He was four at the time. Now 14-year-old Cameron is at secondary school, studying for a distance learning math degree with the Open University, having sailed through his GCSE at 11 and his A-level at 12, achieving top grades.

Bethany, another daughter of Alison, is bright too, but not gifted. She is the one who will remind absent-minded Cameron to put on his coat. She also helps him out in social situations.

Emma attends a specialist school and the family is quick to celebrate her success too.

“The other day she did up the buttons on her coat, which was real progress,” Alison says.

Late last year the Thompsons took part in a television documentary to prove that not all gifted children are the result of extremely ambitious parents. Gifted children need support too, but their lives don’t have to be that different. Cameron is an example.

1.Which can be the best title for the passage?

A. Ambitious Parents    B. Thompson’s Children

C. Special Gifts    D. Different Lives

2.What does paragraph 1 indicate?

A. Both Cameron and Emma need parental support.

B. Teachers at school ignored Emma’s problems.

C. Cameron helps Emma with her math tasks.

D. The couple often have fights because of Cameron.

3.There are at least _______________ people in Mrs. Thompson’s family.

A. three    B. four    C. five    D. six

4.What can be known from the passage?

A. Emma has learned to take good care of herself.

B. Cameron showed his gift before primary school.

C. The children of the family are bright and gifted.

D. Gifted kids are not so different as people expect.


Harlequino: Onto Freedom

Date:Nov.19-20 7:30 p.m.

Venue:Beijing Comedy Theater

Price:80-680 yuan

The drama discusses the true essence(本质) of are with the humor of Italian improvisational(即兴的 ) comedy. The performers discuss the purpose of art, reflect on how history is written and survey what is funny and what needs to be liberated.

Plastic Fantastic--Minirichi in Shanghai

Date:Nov.17  7:30 p.m.

Venue:Shanghai Dancing Theater

Price:100-380 yuan

Four Ukrainian “kidult” comedians decide to throw a wild party using plastic of all shapes and colors. Plastic Fantastic delivers a series of short comic stories that mix improvisation, mime, clown art and sound to draw you into their crazy world.

The Collection of American Modern Dance from Paul Taylor

Date:Nov.19  7:30 p.m.

Venue:National Center for the Performing Arts

Price:100-480 yuan

Paul Taylor, one of the most accomplished artists this nation has ever produced, has continued to shape America’s homegrown art of modern dance since he became a professional dancer and pioneering choreographer in 1954. Taylor first presented his choreography with five other dancers in Manhattan on May 30,1954. That modest performance marked the beginning of a half-century of unmatched creativity,and in the decades that followed, Mr.Taylor became a cultural symbol and one of the history’s most famous artists .

The little Singers of Paris in Suzhou

Date:Nov.30  7:30 p.m

Venue: Zhangjiagang Poly Theater

Price: 30-480 yuan

The boys’choir Les Petits Chanteurs a la Croix de Bois was created in 1907 and is now famous worldwide. Each world tour is a huge success. The choristers are between 9 and 15 years old and are proud of their choir’s long history of over 100 years and are still fulfilling childhood dreams. They have to leave their families in order to be part of this extraordinary adventure: traveling, sharing their passion for singing and enabling others to discover the joy of music.

1.Tourists are likely to appreciate American modern dance in ________.

A. Beijing Comedy Theater    B. Shanghai Dancing Theater

C. Zhangjiagang Poly Theater    D. National Center for the Performing Arts

2.Which of the following may appeal to those who are crazy about short comic stories?

A. Les Petits Chanteurs a la Croix de Bois    B. Italian improvisational comedy

C. Plastic Fantastic    D. Harlequino: Onto Freedom

3.With the cheapest admission ticket, tourists can have access to the performance____.

A. on Nov.30    B. on Nov.20

C. on Nov.19    D. on Nov.17



1.When did the speaker and his family come back to the United States?

A. Three years ago.    B. Four years ago.    C. Twenty years ago.

2.Why don’t the speaker’s family return to Britain now?

A. They don’t like Britain.

B. The daughter has to continue her study.

C. They’re happier living in the United States.

3.What is the purpose of the speaker’s six-week trip in England?

A. To see his friends.    B. To go sightseeing.    C. To advertise his new book.

4.What does the speaker think of his six-week trip?

A. Expensive.    B. Difficult.    C. Satisfying.



1.What is the topic of the picture for this year’s art competition?

A. Family.    B. The countryside.    C. Friends.

2.Why can’t the girl take part in the art competition?

A. She is not interested in it.    B. She isn’t good at drawing.    C. She is over the age limit.

3.What may the boy’s sister use to draw in the competition?

A. Colored pencils.    B. Oil paints.    C. Water colors.

4.What is the prize for the winner this year?

A. A computer.    B. A camera.    C. A television.



1.When does the boy go to the language club every week?

A. On Tuesday.    B. On Wednesday.    C. On Thursday.

2.What language will the boy learn next month?

A. French.    B. Chinese.    C. Japanese.

3.Where do the language club members meet?

A. In Room 2.    B. In Room 3.    C. In Room 4.



1.Who does the man think he saw today?

A. The girl’s art teacher.    B. The girl’s history teacher.    C. The girl’s woodwork teacher.

2.What does the girl’s history teacher look like?

A. He has a beard.    B. He has no hair at all.

C. He has some hair around the sides.



1.What did the woman do this morning?

A. She played tennis.    B. She prepared the fish.    C. She cooked a meal.

2.What will the man put on the table?

A. Glasses.    B. Knives.    C. Forks.


What are the speakers talking about?

A. A dress.    B. A sale.    C. Some shoes.


Where are the speakers?

A. On a bus.    B. On a train.    C. On a plane.


What happened to the woman?

A. She was late for work.    B. She offered bad service.    C. She was asked to leave her job.


What kind of weather does the man like?

A. Rainy.    B. Sunny.    C. Cloudy.


What is the woman looking for?

A. Her glasses.    B. Her keys.    C. Her books.


假定你是李华,你们班的外教Steven将于下周回英国, 你和同学们打算为他举办一场派对,感谢他对大家的辅导和帮助。请你用英语给Steven写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加派对。内容主要包括:

1.派对的时间和地点;2. 活动的内容。


Dear Steven,









Yours sincerely,

Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last year, my father promised when I did well in my exams, he would give me the special prize. After that I worked hardly and finally got very good marks. Knowing my dream was to see some real snow, my parents took me a local ski resort(滑雪胜地) for my winter holiday. As we climb through the mountains, we saw the snow on the tree. No one in my family had ever been touched snow before. We were all exciting like little children but delighted to play with the snow! We picked the snow up, made snowballs and threw it at each other!



This morning, they left on a long trip to Hawaii. They were as 1.(excite) as if it were their honeymoon(蜜月).

When my parents married(结婚), they had only enough money for a three-day trip fifty miles from home. They made an 2.(agree) that each day they would put a dollar in a special metal box and save it for a honeymoon in Hawaii for their fiftieth anniversary(周年纪念).

Dad was a policeman, and Mom was a school teacher. They lived in a small house and did all 3.(they) own repairs. Raising five children was a challenge, and sometimes money was short, 4. no matter what emergency came up, Dad would not let Mom take any money out of the “Hawaii account(账户)”. As 5. account grew, they put it in a saving account and then bought CDs.

My parents 6.(be) always very much in love since the day they got married. I can remember Dad 7.(come) home and telling Mom, “I have a dollar in my pocket,” and she would smile 8.him and say, “I know how to spend it.”

When each of us children married, Mom and Dad gave us a small metal box and told us their secret, 9.we found attractive. All five of us are now saving for our dream honeymoon. Mom and Dad never told us how much money they had managed 10.(save), but it must have been fairly large because when they cashed in those CDs, they had enough for the flights to Hawaii and a hotel room for ten days and plenty of spending money.


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