She couldn’t imagine____________. had the blind man found her B.where did the blind man find her the blind man has found her the blind man had found her


____________he’ll be able to come is not yet known.

A.That B.If C.Whether D.What



Summer holidays are coming soon. Are you going to travel? If you plan to take a plane, you will have a healthy trip by following these suggestions.


1. Bring some needed medicines in your carry-on bag.

2. Don’t leave your seat during the plane’s take offs and landings.

3. To prevent blood clots (血流不畅):


●Do leg-stretching exercises in your seat.

●Wear comfortable clothes.

4. If you sometimes get airsick:


●Keep your seat belt fastened.

●Don’t take small planes.

5. 4. Don’t take wine or alcohol.

6. Use both hands when reaching overhead for something. 5.



A.This will help prevent yourself from getting hurt.

B.Better drink water or juice when you feel thirsty.

C.Get up and walk around every 60 to 90 minutes.

D.Ask for a window seat or a seat over the wing.

E.Suggestions for a Healthy Air Trip.

F.A Plan for Summer Holidays


    Volunteering means working for free to help someone else.Mrs.Obama says volunteering is very important.  "It should be part of everyone's life,"she says.

Many teens agree.They say that helping others feels great and makes a difference.These days,more teens volunteer than work for pay.Teens clean up parks,walk dogs at animal shelters,visit the elderly,and more.

Some cities—including Seattle,Chicago,and Washington,D.C.—require high school students to volunteer. Students must volunteer in order to graduate.The student volunteers learn new skills and help their communities(社区).

Many parents subscribe to the idea—they say volunteering helps teens build job skills.But most teens don't want to be forced to volunteer.They say they are busy.And they say volunteering is only fun if it's a choice.

Read both sides of the debate and decide.


●Volunteering can help teens get into college or get a job.

●Many cities and towns need help.Volunteers can help keep important programs going.

●Not all teens will volunteer if it isn't required.Schools should require students to do all they can to get ready for adult life.


●Most teens are already very busy with classes,homework,jobs,and sports.Forcing them to do more isn't fair.

●It should be up to each person.Helping out doesn't feel as good if you have to do it.

●Finding a volunteer job isn't always easy.Students shouldn't be kept from graduating because of something they can't control.

1.It is known from the text that in Washington, D.C.______.

A.high school students won't graduate if they don't volunteer

B.every one would like to volunteer

C.finding a volunteer job is not difficult

D.volunteering is a must for college school students

2.What does the underlined phrase "subscribe to" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A.Correct. B.Like.

C.Devote. D.Revise.

3.What does the No side think of volunteer jobs?

A.They are not as important as students' homework.

B.They won't help teens prepare for their adult life.

C.Students shouldn't be stopped from graduation because of them.

D.They waste students' precious(宝贵的)time.

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.Whether volunteering is good for students.

B.Who are best to do volunteer jobs.

C.What kind of volunteer jobs students should do.

D.Whether students should be required to volunteer.


    It’s generally agreed that heroes are great and always admired by common people. However, most of us have no clear idea about heroes. At some point, we all wonder if we need a hero and what a hero really is.

Although there are a lot of differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics (特点) which give us courage and make us want to learn from them. A hero does something worth talking about. A hero usually put others before and does his/her best to help people in need. A hero has a special story to tell and is thought highly of by people.

But a hero is not just the person with great fame (名声). A hero has powers larger than himself/herself. Some people want to live like a hero, and they have to experience life with new and further meaning. A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom they serve. What do they want to live and die for? If the answer suggests they serve only their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes.

A hero has a vision (视野) from the mountaintop. He/She has the power to move people. He/She creates new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of Britain. Without Martin Luther King, Jr., Americans might take different buses, eat in different restaurants, go for walks in different parks, and shop in different stores because of the different colors of their skin.

There might be changes in society without a hero, but the speed of change would be rather slow. Thanks to heroes in history, they make the society develop so rapidly.

1.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.How to be a hero. B.What a hero is like.

C.The fame of a hero. D.The lifestyle of a hero.

2.What is a sure test for people who want to be heroes?

A.What or whom they serve. B.Money they make in all.

C.Experience they get for life. D.How or when to serve others.

3.Why did Americans take different buses before Martin Luther King, Jr.?

A.Because they liked different buses.

B.Because of the rules of bus companies.

C.Because of the different colors of their skin.

D.Because they made different amount of money.

4.What can we learn from the text?

A.We don’t need heroes any more.

B.People living just for fame can be heroes.

C.Heroes make the society develop slowly.

D.Heroes are able to create new possibilities.


    Fred was born in a rich family. His father had a big company and he had four brothers. He was the strongest of the five but he didn’t like to use his head. Of course he couldn't pass the examinations.

Suddenly the war broke out. Young men were called on to join the army His father thought for a long time and at last decided to send him to the military camp (军营). Soon after that he was sent to France where they fought with Germans. The young man hated the life in the camp: They couldn’t be supplied enough food and had to live in the cold and wet houses, sometimes they had to sleep on the hard ground and he was often afraid to be shot. He usually remembered the life in his country and tried to leave the camp.

Once he made an excuse in order not to go to the front. Another soldier whose name was Bob reported the captain (上尉) about it. Fred was punished for it. He hated Bob and the captain very much. In a fight he hurt the captain and he was sent to the court (法庭)at once. “Have you hurt the captain, Fred?" asked a judge(法官).

“Yes, I have, sir,” answered the young man. “ But it was a fortuitous(偶然的) accident.”

“Oh?” the judge said in surprise. “Why?”

“The captain was standing just in front of Bob while I was shooting at the young soldier. So I hurt him by mistake.”

1.Fred couldn’t pass the examinations because____________.

A.his brothers didn't help him B.he liked to have some sports

C.he wouldn't use his head D.he wanted to be a soldier.

2.___________ so he hated the life in the military camp.

A.Fred wanted to see his parents.

B.Fred was too hungry to fight with the enemy.

C.Fred had to sleep on the wet ground.

D.Fred was afraid the Germans would shoot him

3.Fred hated Bob because___________.

A.the young soldier made him go to the front

B.the young soldier wasn’t polite to him

C.the young soldier caused him to be punished

D.the young soldier didn’t love their country

4.How many children are there in Fred’s family?

A.Two B.Three

C.Four D.Five


    Monthly Talks at London Canal Museum

Our monthly talks start at 19:30 on the first Thursday of each month except August. Admission is at normal charges and you don’t need to book. They end around 21:00.

November 7th

The Canal Pioneers, by Chris Lewis. James Brindley is recognized as one of the leading early canal engineers. He was also a major player in training others in the art of canal planning and building. Chris Lewis will explain how Brindley made such a positive contribution to the education of that group of early “civil engineers”.

December 5th

Ice for the Metropolis, by Malcolm Tucker. Well before the arrival of freezers, there was a demand for ice for food preservation and catering, Malcolm will explain the history of importing natural ice and the technology of building ice wells, and how London’s ice trade grew.

February 6th

An Update on the Cotsword Canals, by Liz Payne. The Stroudwater Canal is moving towards reopening. The Thames and Severn Canal will take a little longer. We will have a report on the present state of play.

March 6th

Eyots and Aits-Thames Islands, by Miranda Vickers. The Thames had many islands. Miranda has undertaken a review of all of them. She will tell us about those of greatest interest.



London Canal Museum

12-13 New Wharf Road, London NI 9RT

Tel:020 77130836

1.When is the talk on James Brindley?

A.February 6th. B.December 5th.

C.November 7th. D.March 6th.

2.What is the topic of the talk in February?

A.The Canal Pioneers. B.An Update on the Cotsword Canals

C.Eyots and Aits-Thames Islands D.Ice for the Metropolis

3.Who will give the talk on the islands in the Thames.

A.Miranda Vickers B.Malcolm Tucker

C.Chris Lewis D.Liz Payne
















注意:(1) 发言稿必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;(2) 发言稿开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;(3) 词数:120词左右。

Dear friends,

As we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, it’s very important for us to form healthy eating habits.


That’s all. Thank you!


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。短文中有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^, 并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Yang Hui,

I’ve heard you’ll have a two-weeks summer holiday and have decided to visit as much new places as possible. I don’t think it’s a good idea. My friend Li Hua goes to Europe last July. He visited four countries, and stayed for only three days in each of the country. He was always in hurry. Li Hua was neither on a train or a bus almost every day. When he returned back from Europe, he was very tiring. So I suggest that he travel to one country and visit only one city. Choose a city on the coast, or you’ll be able to have a good rest at the seaside.

Best wishes!


Wang Feng


    Pass Your Love On

Waiting for the airplane to take off, I was happy to get a seat by myself. Just then, an air hostess approached me and asked, “Would you mind _______ your seat? A couple would like to sit together.” The only _______ seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts (石膏绷带), a black-and-blue face, and a sad expression. “_______am I going to sit there” I thought immediately. But a soft voice spoke, “She needs help.” Finally, I _______ to move to that seat. The girl was named Kathy. She _______ in a car accident and now was on her way for _______. When the snack and juice arrived, it did not take me long to _______ that Kathy would not be able to _______ herself. I considered _______to feed her but hesitated, as it seemed too ________ to offer a service to a ________. But then I realized that Kathy’s need was more ________ than my discomfort. I offered to help her eat, and ________ she was uncomfortable to accept, she ________ as I expected. We became closer and closer in a short period of time. By the end of the five-hour trip, my heart had ________, and the________was really better spent than if I had just sat by myself. I was very glad I had reached ________my comfort zone to sit next to Kathy and feed her. Love ________flows beyond human borders and removes the fears that keep us ________. When we ________to serve another, we grow to live in a larger and more rewarding world.

1.A.losing B.changing C.taking

2.A.comfortable B.suitable C.available D.favorable

3.A.No problem B.No way C.Nowhere D.No doubt

4.A.decided B.wanted C.regretted D.promised

5.A.was B.would be C.used to be D.had been

6.A.treatment C.pleasure

7.A.know B.say C.realize D.acknowledge B.feed C.choose

9.A.offering B.needing C.stopping D.trying

10.A.impolite B.far C.close

11.A.girl B.neighbor C.passenger D.stranger

12.A.unusual C.important D.shameful

13.A.when B.although C.since

14.A.refused B.wondered C.cried D.did

15.A.warmed B. jumped C. broken D. cheered C.time

17.A.below B.through C.across D.beyond

18.A.seldom B.never C.hardly D.sometimes

19.A.separate B.independent C.silent D.upset

20.A.happen B.stretch C.wait D.continue


    Studies have shown that walking among trees makes us relaxed. 1.There’s plenty of research showing the link between being in nature and being happy, but most of the research has focused on adults.

2. Explaining the motivation behind the study, researchers note that with environmental issues such as global warming, more studies are focusing on the relationships between humans and nature to find solutions to these problems, and the future of the planet lies in the hands of children and their actions. However, few studies focus on this aspect.

For the study, researchers worked with 296 children between the ages of 9 and 12. To measure how connected they were to nature, the kids were asked how much they enjoy activities like seeing wildflowers and wild animals, hearing sounds of nature and touching animals and plants. 3.They also found that the more concerned children were about the environment and nature, the more likely they were to be happy.

So exposure to nature is related to active behaviors and happiness of children. What does that mean to adults? As we all know, children usually tend to follow adults’, especially their parents’ behaviors. That’s to say, when adults are outside and appreciate nature, kids learn by example. 4.

Researchers say that children need role models who can gently guide them to nature with excitement and an attitude of a lifelong learner. 5. What’s more important is that they spend time together with children by exploring a fun and safe environment.

A.It’s so good going for a walk around trees.

B.Even just smelling the trees helps reduce anxiety.

C.And if parents enjoy being close to nature, so will their children.

D.Parents don’t have to be experts in environmental science or nature studies.

E.They found that the kids connected to nature were more likely to behave actively.

F.In a new study researchers wanted to see if kids get the same benefits from being outdoors.

G.Researchers will study more about the connection between children’s happiness and nature.


    General Motors (GM) shared the first details of its third-generation electric vehicle (EV) and Ultium battery system just about a month ago, but it won’t be the only automaker using this new EV hardware. Honda(本田) is now planning to build two new electric models based on the GM tech.

Sharing of EV technology across automakers is becoming an increasingly common practice. Last summer, Ford reached an agreement to build at least one European battery electric vehicle (BEV) based on Volkswagen’s platform and more recently, Hyundai(现代) announced plans to use the electric platform from California-based startup Canoo.

This hardware sharing makes sense for automakers since the technology is expensive to develop but once it’s built into a vehicle, there won’t be much to distinguish(区分) one from another. Sharing allows the development cost to be spread over more vehicles, which is crucially important for a company to seize market share in the fierce competition.

While Honda has an excellent reputation for designing traditional engines, having even supplied some to GM in the past, it has struggled with BEVs. The Japanese automaker has focused more on fuel cell(电池) technology whose adoption is very limited at present. The only BEV that Honda currently offers in the U.S. market is the Clarity EV which offers just 89 miles of range on a charge. While Honda’s own BEV efforts don’t seem to have gained any progress, they have been working with GM on battery module design since 2018 and likely had a hand in the development of Ultium battery system.

The so-called “top-hats” which make up the body and inside of the vehicle will be designed and developed by Honda, however, the propulsion system and battery will come from GM. The first of the new Honda BEVs are scheduled to go on sale in 2024 and be produced at GM factories.

1.Which automaker will probably use the new EV hardware besides GM?

A.Ford. B.Honda. C.Volkswagen. D.Hyundai.

2.What is becoming more and more common among automakers?

A.Using electric platform. B.Building electric models.

C.Sharing EV technology. D.Seizing car market share.

3.Why is hardware sharing necessary to automakers?

A.Because making vehicles is difficult.

B.Because designing engines is important.

C.Because distinguishing vehicles is necessary.

D.Because developing technology is very expensive.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Honda has defeated GM in developing BEVs.

B.Honda will be better than GM in developing BEVs.

C.Honda and GM will be partners in developing BEVs.

D.Honda will purchase GM factories to produce BEVs.


    If you live in a town or city on the edge of a desert or coastline where sand dunes form, you might understand the threat they can have. It’s, sometimes, a piece of cake for them to cover roads, buildings, farms and other man-made developments with their unpredictable movements. Thus, figuring out how they move is important for preventing some natural disasters.

Now scientists have discovered that dunes have been secretly moving in ways we never knew before. There are different explanations on dune interaction, however, Karol Bacik, first author on the new dune study, and his colleagues have found a new one for dune movement. The researchers employed high-speed cameras to observe how dunes separated by distance can act as if they’re connected.

It turns out, currents flowing over sand dunes can carry “information” to other dunes downstream in the form of swirls(旋涡). For instance, as wind or water flows over the top of a dune, it slightly moves. This can generate “swirls” on the back of a downstream dune and push it in a direction opposite the movement of the front dune.

It’s the first time that researchers were able to provide causal explanations for some of these strange, previously unpredictable movements. The team also hopes to get out of the laboratory and into the real world, to see if their models can be applied to dune movements in complex natural systems. They plan to use satellite images over large deserts to track groups of dunes over long periods.

Perhaps they can start to alter the dune marching orders in the near future. Imagine being able to tell a dune field exactly how you want it to move. That’s the idea that this research might one day make possible.

1.We can learn that the purpose of the study is to _________.

A.stop the sand dunes from moving around

B.figure out the track of sand dune movements

C.prove the interaction of dunes with each other

D.examine a model of sand dunes in the real world

2.What does the underlined word “one” in Para. 2 refer to?

A.A study. B.An interaction. C.An explanation. D.A dune.

3.Which of the following can we know from the passage?

A.A sand dune communicates with another only by currents.

B.Swirls on the back of a dune are the power to move itself.

C.Some strange dune movements have got causally explained before.

D.Researchers think it unnecessary to study further on the dune models.


    Last year marked the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. There were events around the world in memory of those who died in the conflict. We have picked out three of them in European countries. Let's take a look.


In a park, the famous Belgian artist Koen Vanmechelen had an exhibition called Coming World, Remember Me. The work consisted of 600,000 individual(个别的) clay sculptures, one for each person killed during the World War. In the center of the exhibition was a big egg made of clay, symbolizing a new world.


In a small town called Aldridge, almost 100 houses in one street were covered with 24,000 poppies and statues of soldiers. They stood for the men from the area who had been killed in the war. The flowers were chosen because of a poem written by the Canadian doctor John McCrea in 1915. They made people think of fields of blood.


The British artist Guy Denning arrived in La Feuille, a small town in the northwest of France, to stick life-size drawings of soldiers who never came back home. Armed with glue and a brush, Denning stuck his drawings carefully on walls. Before long 112 men, mainly young adults, were brought back to mind, if not to life.

1.What do we know about Coming World, Remember Me?

A.It's the name of an exhibition. B.It's a film about World War I.

C.It's a work standing for peace. D.It's a sculpture made of clay.

2.Why were poppies chosen to symbolize the dead soldiers?

A.The British people preferred them. B.They showed the cruelty of war.

C.A Canadian doctor suggested them. D.The fields were filled with them.

3.How was the end of World War I marked in France?

A.A memorial to the dead soldiers was built.

B.112 wounded soldiers in the war were helped.

C.Drawings of some dead soldiers were put up.

D.Young adults were encouraged to join the army.


假定你是李华,每年6月是世界环保月,请你代表学校学生会,以从我做起,爱护环 为主题,向全校同学写一封倡议书。




参考词汇:世界环保月 World Environment Month

Dear students.


The Students' Union

Jun. 22th. 2020






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

It was a Sunday afternoon. My parents and I were watching TV excited when suddenly I spotted the pigeon on the balcony. It was a white pigeon with a ring around one of its foot. It rested there quietly, refuse to fly away. Realizing it must have been lost its way back home, I managed call the Pigeon Association up for help. In the same time, my parents brought the pigeon inside and gave it some bird food, what helped refresh it. Before long, the owner got the message but came to take the pigeon back. He thanked us a lot. My parents and I both felt happy for what we had done.


    Since I was young. I've noticed _______ in people's hairstyles, clothes, facial expressions and behaviors. I like noticing the world around me and I _______ the power of paying attention.

I grew up on our family farm. My grandpa always had an eye on the sky, _______the clouds and their various colors. He knew when the soybeans got the _______ of brown paper bags it was time to _______. Farming is about noticing and paying attention.

My mother and grandmother _______ everything from curtains to clothes. My mother made quite a few of my _______ and her pattern work was so _______. My aunt Becky knit socks and sweaters. The patterns looked like a foreign language to me, but they were road maps my mother followed _______ If she noticed a __________ stitch(一针), she would follow seriously __________ The women in my family practiced __________crafts, requiring precision and an eye for __________ attention to color combinations and a love of a __________ world.

Noticing was all around me. It was the clothes on my body, the __________ in the fields, and the clouds in the sky.

I'm teaching how to write and seeing details is my job. Nothing is too small to __________Paying attention is my occupation. Through paying attention to my __________carefully, I can get to know more about them than before. So if I notice that their eyes look __________ instead of bright. I will know why. The world is __________ one detail after another, and by opening my eyes to each of them, I can see the world much more __________much more broadly.

1.A.decorations B.inventions C.figures D.changes

2.A.believe in B.think of about D.look into

3.A.introducing B.complaining C.interpreting D.painting

4.A.shape B.color C.weight D.size

5.A.grow B.water C.weed D.harvest

6.A.sewed B.bought C.ploughed D.designed

7.A.bags B.beds C.clothes D.books

8.A.adequate B.precise C.complicated D.fragile

9.A.badly B.carelessly C.rudely D.seriously

10.A.dropped B.broken C.sharpened D.shortened

11.A.yet B.too C.again D.though

12.A.troublesome B.conventional C.demanding D.simple

13.A.detail C.perfection

14.A.patterned B.wandering C.rough D.noisy B.workers C.fruits D.crops

16.A.hear B.ignore C.concern D.share

17.A.parents B.colleagues C.neighbors D.students

18.A.big B.dull D.clever

19.A.made up for hold of C.composed of D.knocked out of

20.A.clearly B.bravely C.hopefully D.easily


Why Walking Makes You a Better Worker?

We’re busy at work, distracted by technology and often live in urban environments far from wild spaces.

1. The average American, for example, spends about 90% of their life indoors. But what happens if we make time for an hour outside each day?

2. You’ll have to stand up and move, which is beneficial if most of your day involves sitting in front of a screen. Research shows short breaks can improve work enthusiasm, and a quick break in natural light will deliver a shot of vitamin D.

There’s also a lot of work on the mental benefits of being in nature — on the state of being happy and on your brain’s ability to make sense of life. “When people are all out in nature, even in urban nature, people tend to have more positive emotion and energy than when they are indoors. 3.” says Lisa Nisbet, associate professor at Canada’s Trent University.

The idea that nature is good for us has been gaining ground since the 1980s. 4. Afterwards shinrin-yoku, the Japanese concept followed that absorbing the atmosphere in forests can benefit your health. Researchers of shinrin-yoku have since found plenty of physical and mental benefits, while global studies suggest time in nature can, for example, restore our ability to focus, increase creativity, and even help us live longer.

Of course, many of us live in cities with no ready access to forests or wilderness. 5. Various studies have shown that green environments in cities have beneficial effects.

A.There are some obvious benefits to going outside.

B.But it doesn’t have to be a forest.

C.spending time in nature makes us healthier and happier.

D.In other words, people are happier in nature.

E.We also don’t get out much.

F.Green and blue spaces are better than busy city streets.

G.First came the theory that humans have a basic desire to connect with nature.


    You've probably heard that brick — and — mortar retail(实体零售)is in trouble. Even industry giants are closing hundreds of stores. Given retail's gradual change to mobile and e-commerce, you may be wondering. What will retail look like in the future? Nobody knows. But here are a few things you can expect to see based on current technology.

Ultrafast delivery is coming. Today, the normal practice is two — day delivery. But if you've been paying attention, you know that's changing. In fact, a surprisingly high 25% of consumers said that they would abandon their orders if one — day delivery wasn't available. Of course, that's just the beginning. Two-hour delivery is coming in the foreseeable future, and Amazon has already been trying 30-minute delivery.

Your kitchen will resupply itself. You won't have to worry about running out of essentials like coffee, pet food or snacks because your containers will sense stock levels and replace those items without you having to lift a finger. No more waking up to find your coffee store is empty or last-minute trips to the grocery store because you forgot to buy pet food.

Know exactly what's in stock and where. Have you ever gone to a store hoping to buy something, only to learn that they were out of stock? A new feature from Google Home allows people to ask Google Assistant to find in-stock products at the closest store. For example: "Google, where can I find the Nintendo Switch console?" An assistant will tell you how many stores have it right then and how close they are. Of course, it isn't currently available for all stores in all locations, but you can already see a future when it has become standard.

Convenience, experience, and options——retail will take on a new look.

1.How does the author develop the passage?

A.By asking and answering.

B.By arguing and debating.

C.By analyzing and commenting.

D.By comparing and concluding.

2.What can we know from Paragraph 2?

A.Consumers can't get their orders in one day now.

B.It is possible to deliver goods within two hours in the future.

C.The delivery will be in two days in the future.

D.Superfast delivery has widely been used now.

3.According to the passage, what will happen in the future?

A.Retail will disappear gradually.

B.Industrial giants will rule the whole retail trade.

C.Shopping will be more convenient and effective.

D.People will ask Google Assistant to purchase goods.

4.What's the best title of the passage?

A.What will retail be like in the future?

B.How will new technology change the world?

C.How will we run the retail trade in the future?

D.What benefits will high-tech bring in the future?


    There were far fewer cars on the streets and crowds were not seen in the shopping malls in Central China's Wuhan on Jan. 24—the Eve of the Chinese New Year. The scene was quite different from the occasion in the previous years because of the novel coronavirus, which had resulted in 41 deaths in China by the end of New Year's Eve. Mostly in Wuhan, according to the National Health Commission.

Chen Li, a doctor in a Wuhan hospital, spent the Chinese Lunar New Year's Eve at home to quarantine herself for having had contact with infected patients, but luckily she has no signs of symptoms for the time being. Chen's husband is at the forefront of the fight against the epidemic. “We haven't seen each other for over a week," said Chen. On Saturday morning, she put on protective clothing again and returned to work.

Wuhan is following Beijing's SARS treatment model in 2003 to build a makeshift hospital with 1,000 beds for receiving infected patients. It will be completed and put into use prior to Feb. 3, less than 10 days away. "It's going to be another all-nighter. We need to speed up the work said Lyu Jun, a young truck driver at the construction site. This is his first Spring Festival away from home.

For ordinary people, this year's Lunar New Year’s Eve lacks some gatherings. Yin Yeqiong. from Hunan Province, refunded her tickets back home after much debate. “I had it in my mind to still go home, but finally decided to stay in Wuhan," she said. “Our stay will help reduce panic in other places.

Doctors, nurses and experts from across the nation have been selected to join the battle, and manufacturers have restarted their plants to produce medical consumables that have been running short in many places.

“This is going to be an unforgettable Spring Festival," said Chen Ying, a writer. "Because I feel that at this moment, there are so many families that I do not know, in every corner of this city, praying for our home.”

1.What does the underlined word "quarantine" mean in Paragraph 2?

A.Support. B.Recover. C.Examine. D.Separate.

2.Why did Yin Yeqiong decide to stay in Wuhan?

A.She couldn't afford the ticket back home.

B.She was eager to work as a volunteer.

C.She didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

D.She was not allowed to go back to her home.

3.What can we learn from the text?

A.The Spring Festival in China this year is the same as before.

B.Chen Li and her husband are fighting against the novel coronavirus in Wuhan.

C.Lyu Jun and his coworkers will help complete the hospital in Beijing.

D.There is no need to worry because we have plenty of medical consumables.

4.What does the text intend to tell us?

A.The Chinese are fighting against the epidemic together.

B.The epidemic is not so serious that we can enjoy our normal life.

C.Coronavirus, a highly infectious disease. is spreading around China.

D.Not until the makeshift hospital is completed will the doctors find the cure.


    Going to college was not optional. In my family, it was just another step toward the American dream. As soon as I graduated. I enrolled in the English Department of Colorado State University. I went on to earn two scholarships, and membership in the National Honor Society. I truly believed the hard work was worth it.

It wasn't until a few months ago that I realized how clueless I was. I had been combing through the classifieds when my eyes fell upon my dream job: ''National College Magazine looking for writers''

Thrilled, I spent the weekend composing a resume. Needless to say. I was stunned when the interviewer barely took one glance before throwing it aside.

''No experience'', he said flatly.

I felt like screaming, "What do you mean, no experience? Look at these grades. ''

I was left to absorb the shock of rejection, thinking that nobody ever told me that a 4.0 student would be turned down for a job.

Didn't all of my hard work count for anything?

I see plenty of demands for two years of experience at a print publication, but none requiring extensive knowledge of how to write academic papers. Yet 95% of my energy in school went toward the latter, leaving me little time to devote to anything else. If career preparation is supposed to be the point of college, then why isn't it the focus?

Has a college degree just become another societal status symbol like fancy cars or designer clothes?

Given my experience. I feel that a college degree would be a lot more valuable if students were required to get some outside experience to supplement their in-class knowledge. Instead of requiring four science classes, why not three science classes and an internship? In my college career. I took one class that taught me how to write and submit essays for publication. This ever so brief taste of the real world was like holding an ice cream sundae in front of a child and only giving her a small bite.

1.Why did the author study so hard at college?

A.To maintain a family tradition.

B.To land an ideal job.

C.To fulfill parents' expectations.

D.To pay for the tuition.

2.What accounted for the author's failure in job hunting?

A.His fancy resume.

B.His misjudgment in high scores.

C.His lack of experience.

D.His poor performance in the interview.

3.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph imply?

A.Academic writing is a small part of college life.

B.College education always covers unimportant things.

C.Competition in college is not as fierce as that in the real world.

D.The author feels held back by his lack of real-world experience.

4.What does the author want to tell us by writing this article?

A.Get a college degree and you will go far.

B.College students should make the best of their time.

C.Career preparation is a necessity for college education.

D.Landing a successful career is better than a college degree.


72 hours in Beijing

Traveling to China is no longer a luxury for many foreign passport holders. The Chinese government has permitted a 72-hour visa-free policy that offers access to visitors from 53 countries including the US, France and Austria. Let’s start with the capital of China, Beijing. Here's a pick of the best in Beijing!

Mutianyu Great Wall

Your trip to Beijing isn't really complete without seeing one of the “New Seven Wonders of the World” the Great Wall of China. The Mutianyu section of the Great Wall is by far the most well-preserved of all. Taking a one-hour bus ride, Mutianyu would be your ideal location for a half-day of hiking away from the large crowds in the city. Also, the authorities have allowed tourists to paint graffiti on a specific section of the Great Wall since 2014. The Great Wall was designated (把….定名为)

a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987.

Summer Palace

Located in northwestern Beijing, the Summer Palace is by far the city's most well-preserved royal park. With its huge lake and hilltop views, the palace offers you a pastoral escape into the landscape of traditional Chinese paintings. The Summer Palace was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1998.

798 Art Zone

This would be on the top of my list! Named after the 798 factory that was built in the 1950s, the art zone is home to various galleries, design studios, art exhibition spaces, fashionable shops and bars. You could easily spend half your day wandering around the complex, feeling the contrast of the present and the past.

Sichuan Provincial Restaurant

While in Beijing, apart from trying the city's best-known Peking duck, the Sichuan provincial restaurant is one of places where you can enjoy regional delicious food. It offers one of China's eight great cuisines, Sichuan Cuisine, which ranges from Mapo tofu to spicy chicken.

1.How does the author describe Mutianyu Great Wall?

A.Tourists need a half-day to arrive there.

B.Tourists are allowed to paint graffiti anywhere.

C.It is the most well-maintained part of the Great Wall.

D.It was named a UNESCO World Heritage site 20 years ago.

2.Where would you go first if you were the author?

A.Mutianyu Great Wall. B.Summer Palace.

C.798 Art Zone. D.Sichuan Provincial Restaurant.

3.Who is the passage intended for?

A.The tourists who prefer to travel for free.

B.The foreigners to stay in Beijing for 3 days.

C.The visitors coming from every corner of China.

D.The foreigners coming to Beijing for the first time.







(参考词汇:与某人相处get along with sb. 科目subject)

注意:1. 100词左右;

2. 开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3.不要逐条翻译,适当发挥,使文章连贯。

Dear Wang Peng,

I’m glad to receive your e-mail.









Li Hua








Li Ming is a friend of mineI’m glad he had changed greatly in the past two yearsI clearly remember he was quite fat two years beforeHe got tired so easy that he couldn’t take exercise, that made him very upset. Laterhe realized unless he went on like thathe would end up achieving nothingSohe made up his mind to make a changeHe went running every morning and playing basketball every afternoonBesidehe followed a diet of more vegetables and less meatHe did all that he could lose weightHe is now an energetic boy in a good healthSo when faced with problemswe should overcome it with great determination and strong willpower


    I truly learned what a best friend is in my first year in high school. Kate and I were good friends . We spent every day together and always had a good________.

Then basketball competitions started and we were on the________team. After a few games,________, Kate got moved up to the Rose Cup full-time. I wouldn't admit it then, but actually I envied her. Having________practice times, we started to see less of each other. Soon I started to hear that she was talking ________my back.

One night, I called Kate to tell her about my new________. To my ________, the next day at school she told everyone I ________her style because she had told me she wanted to get hers cut like this. At noon she handed me a letter and walked away_________talking with me. I couldn't accept the_______ words on the paper. In great ______, I wrote right back to her.

Over the next week, we exchange more_______ notes. I cried myself to sleep every night, ________our friendship was over. One night my mom took me to Kate's home. Our moms looked at each other _______. Kate's mom asked us questions but ______of us responded(反应). At last I let everything out and we each talked about _______we were feeling. It was all out. Suddenly Kate ______ from her seat, crossed the room and hugged me with tears. It was five months_______ we had broken with each other.

It makes me happy that we are _______to care about each other more. I now know that ______ I am asked about my friends, Kate will be at the top of the list. B.time C.example

2.A.right B.good C.famous D.same

3.A.however B.but C.still D.yet

4.A.regular C.different D.strange

5.A.on D.behind

6.A.haircut B.clothes C.necklace B.surprise C.pleasure D.sorrow

8.A.caught B.gained C.copied D.created spite of B.instead of C.except for well as

10.A.cruel B.foolish C.attractive D.beautiful

11.A.anxiety B.anger C.curiosity D.doubt

12.A.serious B.dangerous C.regretful D.hurtful

13.A.meaning B.hoping C.believing D.proving

14.A.happily B.nervously C.excitedly D.surprisingly

15.A.neither B.either C.both D.none

16.A.what C.which D.why

17.A.rose B.raised C.set

18.A.if B.when C.because D.since

19.A.planning B.pretending C.learning D.arranging

20.A.whenever B.whatever C.however D.whoever


    If you are planning to organize a summer camp, you need to have a good plan of action. Children look forward to attending summer camps. They want to learn new things, and make new friends. So, your summer camp planning decides whether the kids are going to enjoy it or not. 1.

Summer Camp Themes

When you plan a summer Camp, you ought to have a theme. For example, you can have a swimming summer camp. 2.An art camp would have a theme like “paint the world”, and so on.

Summer Camp Games

If the summer camp is going to be an overnight program, then you have to prepare all kinds of activities for kids. 3. Games act as one of the best and simple relaxing skills for kids. They also help kids get along with each other and develop the ability to work in a team.

Adventure Sports

The most interesting part of a summer camp is adventure sports! Plan for sports like rock-climbing, river-crossing, etc. 4. However, words giving kids encouragement are always welcome.

A Special Day

5. You can have a party or something like that. You can also have a cultural day or a talent day when the children get to exhibit their culture or tradition they belong to, and at the same time, get to know about other cultures, too.

Just head on and carry out all the above things. Make it the most fun and interesting camp ever, so that you have them coming back to you each time you plan for a summer camp in the future!

A.So plan interesting and fun games.

B.Your summer camp program can have a special day.

C.A kid could feel bad if he / she is not doing well at the camp.

D.Kids who are interested in swimming would join your camp.

E.Kids on the summer camp need to be on their own sometimes.

F.Make sure you do not force kids to play a sport they are afraid of.

G.Here are some ideas to help you make the camp more interesting and fun.


    Some people say chili peppers (辣椒) can help you breathe better if you have a cold. Others believe that chilies give you more energy. We cannot tell whether these ideas are true or false. But we can tell you that people have been growing chilies for centuries, and there are many kinds—about two hundred kinds of chili peppers.

Chilies need a warm climate to grow better. If you plant the seeds outside when the weather is cold, place the seeds in a glass. That will add more warmth from the sun so as to make the temperature inside higher than outside.

If you plant inside, fill a pot with soil. The pot should have holes in the bottom so water can run out. Drop several seeds over the surface of the pot and cover them with some soil. Then cover the top of the pot with a piece of plastic. Place the pot in a warm area.

Take off the plastic when the chilies start growing; when the plants have reached about two centimeters high, place each one carefully in its own pot.

When the roots show through the holes in the bottom of pot, put each young plant into a bigger pot which is about twelve centimeters high. When the plants are twenty centimeters high, tie the plants to a stick placed in the pot to support them.

When the chili peppers are thirty centimeters, get rid of the tops. That will make new branches grow. When the first flowers show, give the plants some potash fertilizer (钾肥). When the weather is warm, put them outside. Make sure that they get plenty of light and water.

Some people like to harvest chilies when they are green. Others like to harvest them when they are red. Both give color, taste and different amounts of heat to salads, soups, dishes and other foods.

1.We can know from the passage that _________.

A.chilies can make us breathe better

B.chilies can give our body more energy

C.chilies has been grown for a long time.

D.a red chili is hotter than a green one

2.In the cool weather , the glass which the chili seeds are placed in can ___________.

A.increase the temperature inside B.make the air inside cleaner

C.stop the sun drying up the seeds D.stop wind blowing away the seeds

3.What’s the right order to plant chilies inside?

Getting rid of the tops of the chili plants.

Covering the top of the pot with plastic

Dropping chili seeds onto the soil in the pot.

Giving potash fertilizer to the chili plants.

A.②③①④ B.①④②③ C.①③②④ D.③②①④

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.The meanings of planting chilies B.The steps of planting chilies

C.The advantages of planting chilies D.The varieties of chilies


    The Internet has become part of teenager’s life. There’s a report on 3375 students aged from 10 to 18 in seven Chinese cities. It says that 38 percent of them believe they use the Internet often. While most of them get useful information and use the Internet to help in their studies, some are not using it in a good way. Many are playing online games too much. A few even visit Web sites they should not look at. Bad things can happen if young people spend too much time on the Internet.

In order to help young people use the Internet in a good way, a textbook on good Internet behavior has started to be used in some Shanghai middle schools this term. It uses real examples to teach students all about good ways of using the Internet. It gives useful advice such as it’s good to read news or find helpful information to study. Some students also make online friends. But if you are meeting a friend online, let your parents know.

Teachers and parents all think the book is a very good idea. It will teach students how to be a good person in the online world. It will be a guide for teens to use the Internet and keep students away from the bad sites.

1.The underlined word “it” means______.

A.the book

C.the Internet D.useful information

2.From the report, about _______ students between 10 and 18 years old in the seven cities use the Internet often.

A.3375 B.1280

C.2100 D.3000

3.What do most of the students do on the Internet ?

A.To make online friends

B.To play online games

C.To get useful information to help in their studies.

D.To visit Web sites they should not look at.

4.Why do teachers and parents think the book is a good idea?

A.Because it helps with the students studies.

B.Because it gives useful information for studying.

C.Because it is used in Shanghai middle schools.

D.Because it deals with how to behave well on the internet.


    An old man lived alone in Minnesota. He wanted to spade() his potato garden, but it was hard work. His only son, who would have helped him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and mentioned his situation:

Dear son, I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won’t be able to plant my potato garden this year. I hate to miss doing the garden, because your mother always loved planting time. I’m just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. If you were here, all my trouble would be over. I know you would dig the plot for me, if you were not in prison.

Love, Dad

Shortly, the old man received this telegram:

“For Heaven’s sake, Dad, don’t dig up the garden!! That’s where I buried the GUNS!!”

At 4 am the next morning, a dozen FBI agents and local police officers showed up and dug up the entire garden without finding any guns.

Confused, the old man wrote another note to his son telling him what had happened, and asked him what to do next.

His son’s reply was :“Go ahead and plant your potatoes, Dad. It’s the best I could do for you from here.”

No matter where you are in the world, if you have decided to do something deep from your heart, there is nothing that can stop you from doing it. It is the thought that matters , not where you are or who you are.

1.Why did the old man write a letter to his son?

A.To show his love for him. B.To ask about his situation.

C.To tell about his trouble. D.To give him some advice.

2.The police officers dug up the old man’s garden_______. search for some gold search for some guns offer him some help give him a surprise

3.After the police officers left, the old man felt_______ about what had happened.

A.puzzled B.worried C.satisfied D.excited

4.We can infer from the story that the son is______.

A.lazy B.honest C.clever D.brave


    King's College Summer School is an annual(每年的) training program for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English. Courses are given by the teachers of King' s College and other colleges in New York. Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized. This year's summer school will be from July 25 to August 15.

More information is as follows:

Application date

Students in New York should send their applications before July 18, 2011.

Students of other cities should send their applications before July 16, 2011.

Foreign students should send their applications before July 10, 2011.


English Language

Spoken English: 22 hours

Reading and Writing: 10 hours

American History: 16 hours

American Culture: 16 hours


A letter of self-introduction

A letter of recommendation(推荐)

* The letters should be written in English with all the necessary information.


Daily lessons: $200

Sports and activities: $100

Travels: $200

Hotel service: $400

*You may choose to live with your friends or relatives in the same city.

Please write to:

Thompson, Sanders

1026 King' s Street

New York, NY 10016, USA

E-mail: KC-Summer-School@



1.Which of the following is true about King' s College Summer School?

A.Only top students can take part in the program

B.Visits to museums and culture centers are part of the program.

C.King' s College Summer School is run every other year

D.Only the teachers of King' s College give courses.

2.What information can you get from the text?

A.You can write to Thompson only in English.

B.The program will last two months.

C.As a Chinese student, you can send your application on July 14, 2011.

D.You can get in touch with the school by e-mail or by telephone.

3.You can most probably read the text in ________.

A.a textbook B.a travel guide

C.a newspaper encyclopedia(百科全书)


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