How to Order Coffee at Starbucks

Learning how to order coffee at Starbucks can be tricky, and if you think that ordering coffee at Starbucks is confusing, you are not alone.

1.Things move quickly as their employees try to serve customers as efficiently as possible. Orders are generally taken at one of the cash registers. You will be asked for your first name, which you should state clearly. 2.. Don't be offended if they spell your name incorrectly. People who have unique or hard — to — spell names will sometimes use an easy ''Starbucks'' name when ordering, like Mike or Amy.

3. Their terms for size areTall, Grande, Venti, and Trenta. Although if you order a small, medium, large, or extra-large drink they will still understand you.

For ordering basic coffee, beyond specifying the size you want, you will need to tell the server whether you want regular or decaffeinated (脱去咖啡因的)coffee.4.  If you intend to add cream or milk to your coffee, say with room for cream, or simply, with room. If you want a full cup, say no room. Read the list above the counter ahead of time, because they may not ask you which you would like. 5..

When you order, say the size you want first, then give the name of the drink, and finally add the special instructions last.

A.Starbucks is often a very busy place

B.Starbucks offers all kinds of coffee

C.Otherwisethey will assume that you want regular

D.Sometimes they will write your name in short forms

E.The ordering process is complicated because they use terms to describe drink size

F.Finally, if you are very particular about the freshness of your coffee, ask in advance

G.Your name will immediately be written on your cup and called out when, your drink is ready


    Printed circuit boards are vital components of modern electronics. However, once they have served their purpose, they are often burned or buried in landfills, polluting the air, soil and water. Most concerning are the flame retardants (阻燃剂)added to printed circuit boards to keep them from catching fire. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering have developed a ball-milling method to break down these potentially harmful compounds enabling safer disposal (处理).

Composed of 30% metallic and 70% nonmetallic particles, printed circuit boards support and connect all of the electrical components of a device. Metallic components can be recovered from circuit boards easily using traditional methods leaving behind nonmetallic particles including those flame retardants and other additives. Scientists have found that compounds in those flame retardants can do harm to people's health, especially to those women who are pregnant. Therefore researchers have been wanting to develop a new method to remove the flame retardants from waste printed circuit boards so that they wouldn't do harm to people and the environment.

The researchers broke down printed circuit boards and removed the metallic components. Thenthey put the nonmetallic particles into a ball mill — a rotating (旋转的)machine that uses hard stone balls to make materials into very small pieces. They also added iron powder, which prior studies had shown was helpful for removing chemicals from organic compounds. After ball-milling, the harmful chemicals on the surface of the particles had decreased by 50% The researchers determined that during the ball-milling process, iron transferred electrons to flame retardant compounds causing the internal structure to stretch and break.

The authors acknowledge funding from the 111 Project, the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China and the Pearl River Star of Science and Technology.

1.People are concerned most about the flame retardants because

A.they are harmful and hard to remove B.they keep circuit boards from catching fire

C.they make up the largest part in electronics D.they are mixed up with other components

2.What is the function of the printed circuit board?

A.Making electronics small and light. B.Preventing electronics catching fire.

C.Connecting all electrical components, D.Allowing easy disposal after being used,

3.What does the author mainly intend to tell us in paragraph 3?

A.How to operate the ball milk B.The ball-milling process and its result.

C.The high efficiency of the new method. D.Why iron powder is added to the process.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The authors are short of money.

B.Over 100 projects support the authors,

C.The researchers will make much money.

D.The ball-milling method is promising.


    Lions are most successful at hunting animals during the darker period of the moon’s cycle. But how those prey (猎物) respond to changing threats as the night’s light changes throughout a month has been a mystery. Scientists spied on four of the lions' favorite prey species for several years. They fixed 225 cameras across an area. When animals came by, the cameras responded by taking their pictures.

The prey — wildebeests (角马), zebras, gazelles (瞪羚) and buffalo — are all plant eaters. To meet their food needs, such species must searching for food frequently, even at night. The cameras showed that these species respond to changing risks across the lunar cycle in different ways.

Common wildebeests, which make up a third of the lion’s diet, were the most sensitive to the lunar cycle. These animals appeared to set their plans for the entire night based on the moon’s change. During the darkest period of the month, they’d park themselves in a safe area. But as the nights got brighter, wildebeests were more willing to venture into places where run-ins with lions were likely.

Weighing as much as 900 kilograms, the African buffalo are a lion’s most tough prey. They also were least likely to change where and when they searched for food throughout the lunar cycle. But as nights got darker, the buffalo were more likely to form herds (兽群).

Plain zebras and gazelles also changed their evening routines with the lunar cycle. But unlike the other prey these animals reacted more directly to changing light levels across an evening. Gazelles were more active after the moon had come up. Zebras were sometimes up and about and doing things before the moon had risen.

These behaviors show the wide-reaching effects of moonlight. It offers a very clear example of how the presence or absence of the moon can have fundamental, ecosystem-level impacts.

1.What can we infer from the first paragraph?

A.Lions are excellent night hunters. B.How lions hunt has always been a mystery.

C.Moonlight is a threat to the lion’s prey. D.Lion’s prey likes hunting for food at night

2.What do wildebeests usually do when there is no moon at night?

A.Look for food. B.Wander in the filed

C.Stay in a safe place. D.Explore dangerous places.

3.How do buffalo deal with the risk from lions when it is darker?

A.They stay still at a place. B.They troop to search food.

C.They ignore the lion. D.They change places frequently.

4.Which part of the site might this article come from?

A.Food. B.Animal.

C.Astronomy. D.Environment.


    Even if you’ve never been to Phoenix, you know this about the place: It’s hot. But that doesn't stop hikers from attempting the 1.3-mile trek (跋涉) to the top of the city’s famed Camelback Mountain. Signs warn that the trail is “extremely difficult”. If you continue, a posted checklist suggests at least a liter of water per person. And if you keep climbing, another sign farther up declares; “If you’re halfway through your water turn around!”

Unfortunately, many people do not pay attention to the warnings. Fortunately, Scott Cullymore does. The 53-year-old man hikes up and down Camelback a couple of times a day giving out cold bottles of water to worn-out hikers. He has helped so many hikers that he has earned a heavenly nickname: the Water Angel. I’d like a more manly name, but, you know, he told azfamily, com.

Cullymore was on Camelback Mountain one day in 2015 when a British tourist died after being lost for nearly six hours in the July heat. That experience inspired him to start helping people caught unaware by Arizona’s unforgiving version of Mother Nature. “They underestimate the mountain, and they overestimate what they can do, and they get themselves in trouble,” he told the Arizona Republic. If a hiker has a red face and is not sweating anymore, Cullymore reaches into his insulated (隔热的) backpack, pulls out a frosty bottle, and hands it to the person. “It’s misleading that we’re in the middle of the city. You can die up here, and no one would know.”

One hiker who received Cullymore’s water agrees. “You think you know the heat, but then you get out here in the desert and it surrounds you like a blanket,” he said, pointing to Cullymore, “but we are lucky, we run into this good man here.” And with that, the Water Angel goes in search of another hiker in need.

1.What is the purpose of the signs along the hike way?

A.To show the trek is difficult. B.To warn hikers to take enough water.

C.To frighten people to give up. D.To avoid hikers getting lost.

2.What does Scott Cullymone think of his nickname?

A.It’s womanish. B.It’s manly.

C.It’s ironic, D.It’s appropriate.

3.Who will Scott offer his help to?

A.Anybody he meets. B.Those in the middle of the trek.

C.Anyone in need of water. D.Those who sweat a lot.

4.What can be the best title of this text?

A.A Desert-Like Mountain B.Fighting against Heat

C.Necessities for Hiking D.Water Angel


Amsterdam Destination Guide

Amsterdam is one of the most popular travel destinations in the world, famous for its beautiful canals, top art museums and cycling culture.

Must-See Attractions

Most visitors begin their Amsterdam adventure in the Old Centre, which is full of traditional architecture, shopping centers and coffee shops. Don't miss the Dam Square and the areas around Spui and Nieuwmarkt. You'll also want to check out Amsterdam's Museum Quarter in the South Districtwhich is great for shopping and having a picnic in the Vondelpark, The top museums to visit are the Rijksmusuem, the Ann Frank House, and the Van Gogh Museum.

If You Have Time

There are several other unique districts in Amsterdam, and you should try to explore as many of them as time allows. The Canal Ring is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was originally built to attract wealthy home owners and is a center for celebrity spotting and nightlife today. The Plantage area has most of the city's museums, including the Jewish Historical Museumthe Scheepvaart Museumand the botanical gardens.


Travelers should be aware that Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is one of the busiest airports in the world. This airport is located about 15 kilometers southwest of city center. You can catch a train from Schiphol to Amsterdam Central Station, which has many connecting routes. It's typically not a good idea to drive a car to the city center because traffic is very busy and parking is difficult to find. Cycling is incredibly popular here, and it's easy to find cheap bike rentals around town. Amsterdam has a flat place and is a great city to explore on foot.

Recommended Restaurants

Amsterdam is a top destination for foodiesso it can incredibly difficult to narrow down your dining choices. You are sure to find a restaurant that suits your taste.

1.Which place do most visitors see first in Amsterdam?

A.The Old Center. B.The Dam Square,

C.Spui and Nieuwmarkt, D.The Museum Quarter.

2.What do we know about the Canal Ring?

A.It was built by rich people. B.It is a beautiful natural river,

C.Many famous people live here. D.Visitors here are all museum lovers.

3.How can you get to the city center from the airport?

A.By bike. B.By train,

C.By car. D.By bus.


假定你是李华,由于新冠病毒(COVII-19/nove1 coronavirus)爆发,你校决定推迟开学,请你给回国度假 的留学生Jack写封邮件,告知此事。内容包括:








假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错 误,毎句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。


 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ )划掉。




I like reading novels, that has earned me the nickname “novel fan”. I like all kinds of novel and I read them whenever I have time. The stories always attract me when I went into them. Every time a novel is in my hand, I will forget to eat , sleep and even me. My mother is very worrying about me, so she makes a arrangement for my spare time. Sometime, when I am fascinated by the story in a novel, I will read it under my quilt to avoid discovered by my mother. But at recently, my eyesight has become poorer. I have decided to change my habit. I want to be health as well as knowledgeable.



Thanksgiving, as we know, was invented by a lady 1. (name) Sarah Joseph Hale during the nineteenth century. She was a book editor and wrote Mary Had a Little Lamb. She came across a book, which had a passage that described a fantastic meal 2. (it) writer had following a fantastic harvest. This 3. (include) four huge turkeys that were shared with Native Americans of the Wampanoag Tribe. The passage inspired her enough 4. (fill) magazines with recipes for pumpkin pie and stuffed turkey that were to be used for celebrations. It needs to be noted that nowhere in the passage was the 5. (tradition) Thanksgiving food mentioned. She also wrote several 6. (article) where she mentioned how important it was to recognize the day. Her writings acted as an inspiration for many decorated stories as well as paintings on the subject of 7. first Thanksgiving meal. For five years she also sent letters to Abraham Lincoln appealing 8. the government to mark it as a federal holiday. It was in 1863 9. the first official Thanksgiving announcement was made by Lincoln thus 10. (make) it an official holiday.


    Damian Languell was woken up at 6:15 in the morning by so loud a sound that he thought it came from inside his house. As he _________ to examine, he heard another _________ , this one coming definitely from outside. _________ out of the window, he spied a car wrapping around the base of a tree, its engine on _________ .

He picked up buckets of water and ran down to the _________ site. The car, a 1998 Buick Regal, was split _________ in two, and the tree was where the driver's seat ought to have been. No one should have _________ this crash. Yet there was 16-year-old Quintin Thompson, his _________ face pressed against the driver's side window, in visible _________ . Languell tried putting out the fire with his buckets of water but failed. He __________ that he had to get into the car and get him out of there as __________ as possible.

In spite of his own __________ , Languell opened the back door and crawled in. Thompson was __________ to get free but he couldn't because his legs were badly hurt. Using a pocketknife, Languell __________ through Thompson's seat belt. He __________ him out through a rear window, and then dragged the teen to safety __________ the entire car was swallowed by flames. Thompson was __________ , though he suffered multiple fractures (骨折)to his legs, spine and face.

Languell __________ that day often. “The situation is so __________ that it doesn't allow me to think twice," Languell said, “My __________ goes out to Thompson. When you are that close to that level of hurt, you feel it so directly." up B.went down C.ran out D.turned back

2.A.scream B.voice C.cry D.sound

3.A.Coming B.Looking C.Jumping D.Heading B.event C.disaster D.crash

6.A.nearly B.completely C.hardly D.easily

7.A.witnessed B.experienced C.survived D.caused

8.A.surprised B.terrified C.puzzled D.embarrassed

9.A.danger B.pain C.need D.peace

10.A.imagined B.argued C.admitted D.realized

11.A.carefully C.soon D.gently B.future C.identity

13.A.struggling B.waiting C.shouting D.preparing

14.A.went B.cut C.passed D.broke

15.A.picked B.carried C.pulled D.let

16.A.after B.when C.until D.before

17.A.released B.fined C.knocked D.saved

18.A.thinks about B.looks into C.turns to D.suffers from

19.A.complex B.desperate C.urgent D.familiar

20.A.gratitude B.heart C.respect D.admiration


How to Order Coffee at Starbucks

Learning how to order coffee at Starbucks can be tricky, and if you think that ordering coffee at Starbucks is confusing, you are not alone.

1.Things move quickly as their employees try to serve customers as efficiently as possible. Orders are generally taken at one of the cash registers. You will be asked for your first name, which you should state clearly. 2.. Don't be offended if they spell your name incorrectly. People who have unique or hard — to — spell names will sometimes use an easy ''Starbucks'' name when ordering, like Mike or Amy.

3. Their terms for size areTall, Grande, Venti, and Trenta. Although if you order a small, medium, large, or extra-large drink they will still understand you.

For ordering basic coffee, beyond specifying the size you want, you will need to tell the server whether you want regular or decaffeinated (脱去咖啡因的)coffee.4.  If you intend to add cream or milk to your coffee, say with room for cream, or simply, with room. If you want a full cup, say no room. Read the list above the counter ahead of time, because they may not ask you which you would like. 5..

When you order, say the size you want first, then give the name of the drink, and finally add the special instructions last.

A.Starbucks is often a very busy place

B.Starbucks offers all kinds of coffee

C.Otherwisethey will assume that you want regular

D.Sometimes they will write your name in short forms

E.The ordering process is complicated because they use terms to describe drink size

F.Finally, if you are very particular about the freshness of your coffee, ask in advance

G.Your name will immediately be written on your cup and called out when, your drink is ready


    Elephant, horse and cow wastes could be endless sources for a key element needed to make paper. It is good news for some nations where trees are scarce while animal wastes come in especially handy.

The idea for the unusual use of elephant and cow wastes first came to mind when researcher Dr Alexander Bismarck noticed something strange about goat wastes while vacationing in Greece. He observed some goats eating summer-dry grass and came to an interesting conclusion about what they digest.

Dr Bismarck said “I realized what comes out in the end is partially digested plant matter so there must be cellulose (纤维素)there". Animals eat dry grass containing cellulose, chew it and digest it in their stomach and then produce wastes. Up to 40 percent of those wastes are cellulose, which is easily accessible. Therefore, making paper from the partially digested            material would take much less energy than using raw wood. Additionally, it would require fewer chemical treatments.

This supply of raw material is plenty parks in Africa that are home to hundreds of elephants produce tons of wastes every day, and enormous cattle farms in the US and Europe produce mountains of wastes.

In order to make paper, the material must be processed with a special method. But it requires little because there is no need to break it down into small parts for use in paper, in contrast to conventional methods which need a lot of energy to break down wood.

Using wastes, we can reduce the number of steps needed in papermaking, simply because the animal already chewed the plant and attacked it with acid in their stomachs. You inexpensively produce a paper staff that has the same or even better properties than that from wood, with lower energy and chemical consumption.

1.What is mainly talked about in paragraph 2?

A.The observation of goat wastes. B.The usage of animal wastes.

C.The origin of the unusual idea. D.The vacation spent in Greece.

2.Animal wastes can be used to make paper mainly because ________.

A.they will never run out B.they are easy to access

C.they are partly digested D.they contain much cellulose

3.What is the advantage of making paper from animal wastes?

A.It is more profitable. B.It is energy-saving.

C.It needs less material. D.It fits all parts of the world.

4.What is the probable explanation of the underlined word “attack"?

A.Treat. B.Mix.

C.Clean. D.Protect.


    Agriculture plays an essential role in the rise of the human civilization. Even though agriculture is contributing to employment of a significant part of the population in majority nations, over the years, the percentage of workers has witnessed a steep decline. According to world-wide estimations, not even five percentage of the population in rich nations is employed in the agricultural sector.

Agriculture is still the backbone of the economy in several nations of Africa. According to data released by the World Bank in 2017, the top ten countries where agriculture plays a vital role in employment are in Africa. Burundi, the landlocked nation on the eastern side of the continent, has 91% of its population dependent on it. However, only 15% of the total agricultural production goes to the market. Sweet potatoes, beans, bananas and corn, are some major crops produced on the land.

The second largest employment in agriculture was also registered in an African country Chad with 87% population working on the field. Other nations which follow on the list are Somalia, Central African Republic, Malawi, Eritrea, Guinea-Bissau, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Niger, Mauritania, Madagascar and Mozambique. Amid the developing countries of BRICS, it is India where more people are employed by agriculture. The agriculture in India can be traced back to the era of Indus Valley Civilization. By 2017, 43 % of the Indian population is dependent on the agriculture sector for employment.

Meanwhile, many developed countries witness less than 15 percent of their population engaged in the agriculture sector. These nations include Greece, Malaysia, Russia, New Zealand, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Australia, France, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and many others. At the bottom of the list stand United Arab Emirates , Singapore and Hong Kong, with 0 % of its people employed in agriculture.

1.What does the writer want to highlight in the first paragraph?

A.Agriculture is the foundation of civilization.

B.Agriculture is the main sector of employment.

C.Agriculture is the backbone of the economy.

D.The agricultural population is in sharp decline.

2.Most part of the agricultural produce in Burundi ________. for family use B.goes to the market used for export D.goes to the government

3.Where does Central African Republic rank in employment in agriculture in the world?

A.Second. B.Third.

C.Fourth. D.Fifth.

4.We can infer from the text that the larger population in agriculture ________.

A.the more developed the country B.the less developed the economy

C.the more advanced the civilization D.the longer the history of a country


    Even if you’ve never been to Phoenix, you know this about the place: It’s hot. But that doesn't stop hikers from attempting the 1.3-mile trek (跋涉) to the top of the city’s famed Camelback Mountain. Signs warn that the trail is “extremely difficult”. If you continue, a posted checklist suggests at least a liter of water per person. And if you keep climbing, another sign farther up declares; “If you’re halfway through your water turn around!”

Unfortunately, many people do not pay attention to the warnings. Fortunately, Scott Cullymore does. The 53-year-old man hikes up and down Camelback a couple of times a day giving out cold bottles of water to worn-out hikers. He has helped so many hikers that he has earned a heavenly nickname: the Water Angel. I’d like a more manly name, but, you know, he told azfamily, com.

Cullymore was on Camelback Mountain one day in 2015 when a British tourist died after being lost for nearly six hours in the July heat. That experience inspired him to start helping people caught unaware by Arizona’s unforgiving version of Mother Nature. “They underestimate the mountain, and they overestimate what they can do, and they get themselves in trouble,” he told the Arizona Republic. If a hiker has a red face and is not sweating anymore, Cullymore reaches into his insulated (隔热的) backpack, pulls out a frosty bottle, and hands it to the person. “It’s misleading that we’re in the middle of the city. You can die up here, and no one would know.”

One hiker who received Cullymore’s water agrees. “You think you know the heat, but then you get out here in the desert and it surrounds you like a blanket,” he said, pointing to Cullymore, “but we are lucky, we run into this good man here.” And with that, the Water Angel goes in search of another hiker in need.

1.What is the purpose of the signs along the hike way?

A.To show the trek is difficult. B.To warn hikers to take enough water.

C.To frighten people to give up. D.To avoid hikers getting lost.

2.What does Scott Cullymone think of his nickname?

A.It’s womanish. B.It’s manly.

C.It’s ironic, D.It’s appropriate.

3.Who will Scott offer his help to?

A.Anybody he meets. B.Those in the middle of the trek.

C.Anyone in need of water. D.Those who sweat a lot.

4.What can be the best title of this text?

A.A Desert-Like Mountain B.Fighting against Heat

C.Necessities for Hiking D.Water Angel


Amsterdam Destination Guide

Amsterdam is one of the most popular travel destinations in the world, famous for its beautiful canals, top art museums and cycling culture.

Must-See Attractions

Most visitors begin their Amsterdam adventure in the Old Centre, which is full of traditional architecture, shopping centers and coffee shops. Don't miss the Dam Square and the areas around Spui and Nieuwmarkt. You'll also want to check out Amsterdam's Museum Quarter in the South Districtwhich is great for shopping and having a picnic in the Vondelpark, The top museums to visit are the Rijksmusuem, the Ann Frank House, and the Van Gogh Museum.

If You Have Time

There are several other unique districts in Amsterdam, and you should try to explore as many of them as time allows. The Canal Ring is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was originally built to attract wealthy home owners and is a center for celebrity spotting and nightlife today. The Plantage area has most of the city's museums, including the Jewish Historical Museumthe Scheepvaart Museumand the botanical gardens.


Travelers should be aware that Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is one of the busiest airports in the world. This airport is located about 15 kilometers southwest of city center. You can catch a train from Schiphol to Amsterdam Central Station, which has many connecting routes. It's typically not a good idea to drive a car to the city center because traffic is very busy and parking is difficult to find. Cycling is incredibly popular here, and it's easy to find cheap bike rentals around town. Amsterdam has a flat place and is a great city to explore on foot.

Recommended Restaurants

Amsterdam is a top destination for foodiesso it can incredibly difficult to narrow down your dining choices. You are sure to find a restaurant that suits your taste.

1.Which place do most visitors see first in Amsterdam?

A.The Old Center. B.The Dam Square,

C.Spui and Nieuwmarkt, D.The Museum Quarter.

2.What do we know about the Canal Ring?

A.It was built by rich people. B.It is a beautiful natural river,

C.Many famous people live here. D.Visitors here are all museum lovers.

3.How can you get to the city center from the airport?

A.By bike. B.By train,

C.By car. D.By bus.


假定你是李华,你代表你班邀请外教Mr. Smith一起游玩泰山,请按以下要点写信邀请。内容包括:

1. 提出邀请;

2. 介绍泰山;

3. 说明游玩的时间和安排。




Dear Mr. Smith,



Li Hua








It’s been a long time before I left my hometown. I remember it was the beautiful place with an excellent environment, and people there were very kind-hearted. Last weekend, I make a call to a friend living there, but he sent me some pictures of the city by e-mail.

From the photo, I can see that great changes have been taken place there. For example, the streets have become wide, and the buildings higher. Beside, the people are dressed modern clothes. Several modern shopping malls are being built.

My hometown has changed very greatly that I can hardly believe my eyes. I hope my hometown can become better and better in the future.


阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

An old man was seated in the train with his 25-year-old son. As the train started, the young man was filled with much joy and 1.(curious).

He was seated on the window side. He stuck out one hand feeling the 2.(pass) air. He shouted, “Papa see all the trees are going behind”. The old man smiled and admired his son’s emotions.

There was a couple 3. were seated beside the young man. They were just sitting and listening to the conversation between the father and the son. They probably felt somewhat awkward, 4.(observe) the 25-year-old man was behaving like a small child.

Suddenly the young man again shouted, “Papa see the pond and animals. Clouds are moving with the train”. The couple was watching the young man, 5.(obvious) ashamed of him.

Now it started raining and some waterdrops touched the young man’s hand. He was filled with even more joy and he closed his 6.(eye). He shouted excitedly again, “Papa, it’s raining; the water 7. (touch) me, see papa”.

The couple couldn’t help themselves any 8.(long) and asked the old man, “Why don’t you visit a doctor and get your son 9.(treat)?” The old man said, “Yes, we have come from the hospital. Today my son got eyesight first time in10.(he) life.”



1.Cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great convenient to our life.

2.At no time I feel they were being unreasonable.

3.Unlike you, I am not accustomed to tell lies.

4.Three months before, I bought an e-book reader, which is light and handy.

5.As a rule, doctors in the hospital are paid by hour.

6.Our diet was largely consisted of vegetables.

7.Fortunate, I was selected as one of the student representatives to pay a visit to your school.

8.He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others.

9.Her room was furnished with some old furnitures.

10.In the past few days, he has recited several articles, two poems including.



1.He was surprised that his question should have caused such a strong _______________(反应).

2.Your _______________(表现) as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.

3.Don’t you believe in _______________(平等) between men and women.

4.This is a copy of the famous picture, and the _______________(原来的) work is now in the British Museum.

5.The US wants big cuts in European _______________(农业的) export subsidies, but this is meeting resistance..

6.E_______________ your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult.

7.Most people would rather the c_______________ were sentenced to life in prison.

8.One of the s_______________ to the heavy traffic problem is to reduce the number of vehicles.

9.We have v_______________ summer camps for your holidays. You can choose one based on your own interests.

10.Roger turned down the i_______________ to speak at the science conference.


    It was 1972and I was in second grade.In the classroom the teacherMs.Boyettewas ____ aloud to us from Island of the Blue Dolphins.And we had just come to a part of the book where the main ____ was training a wild dog.I was listeningcaught up in the ____   of all.

Not far away from methere seated a boy who always frightened or ____ othersso I was ___ of this boy.While Ms.Boyette was readingI looked over at himfor he was someone I was in the ____ of keeping an eye on.I ____ that he was listening toothat he was engaged by the ____ that he was leaning forward in his seat and listening with all his heart.I ____ at himopen-mouthed.I was ____ with a sudden knowledge that this boy was in fact just ____ me.He was a kid who liked a story.The boy must ____ my eyes on himbecause he turned.Then something ____ happened.He smiled at me. ___ I smiled backunafraid.We were two ____ smiling at each other.

Why have I never forgotten this ____ moment? Why do I still ____ every detail of it? I think its because that moment illustrates so beautifully the _____of reading out loud.

It shows us into a safe roomwhere everyone involvedthe reader and the listenercan have that chance to ____ each other.We humans long not just for the storynot just for the flow of languagebut for the ____ that comes when words are read aloud.

1.A.shouting B.singing C.talking D.reading B.character C.reader D.listener

3.A.wonder B.silence C.warmth D.comfort

4.A.greeted B.touched C.hurt D.refused

5.A.aware B.terrified C.bored D.guilty

6.A.habit B.form C.effort D.hope

7.A.predicted B.imagined C.promised D.noticed

8.A.speech B.story C.journey D.diary

9.A.pointed B.nodded C.stared D.waved

10.A.struck B.mixed C.cheated D.confused

11.A.behind B.beyond C.around

12.A.ignore B.feel D.observe

13.A.useful B.natural C.serious D.amazing

14.A.Then B.Again C.Instead D.Besides

15.A.strangers C.teachers D.enemies

16.A.funny B.busy C.lucky D.small B.organize C.recall

18.A.power B.courage C.amusement D.ability

19.A.cheer B.see C.miss D.mention

20.A.challenge B.knowledge C.choice D.connection


    Having confidence isn’t always an easy thing to gain no matter who you are. Let me help you by giving some tips on how to improve your self-confidence.

Make sure you understand the concept of acceptance. You must accept who you are. 1.Everyone has good qualities and it’s important to understand that about yourself.

Make a list of the positive things about you. Forget your flaws or what you aren’t good at. 2.If you aren’t really sure, then ask family and friends.

Go out and experience challenges.3. Learn more about yourself. We don’t know everything about us. Try new things. Challenging yourself to experience other things will make you learn more about who you are. This will help you feel prouder of yourself.

4. Set your own standards and realize everyone is different. You don’t have to live up to what others expect to feel confident. They don’t know what is best for you. Everyone’s idea of being successful can differ from others’.

Make sure you’re honest with yourself and others. I’ve discovered if people aren’t honest with themselves, others usually aren’t very confident in them.5.Honesty is the secret to many good things. Start being honest with yourself and others, and it can make you a better person with more confidence.

A.Forget the idea of having to please others.

B.It’s easy to lie, while it’s hard to tell the truth.

C.Don’t be afraid to do something you’ve never done.

D.Feel confident in yourself no matter what happens to you.

E.Write down what you enjoy doing and what you are good at doing.

F.It is necessary for you to find out the reasons why you are less confident.

G.You can’t change who you are and must realize you have good qualities.


    For most kids, back-to-school time is usually bitter-sweet. The bitter part is saying goodbye to carefree, unscheduled summer days. The sweet part is saying hello to a new school year and school friends.

This exciting time is filled with smells of new books, paper and pencils. Children might wear a new set of clothes. And, of course, there are the first-day-of-school pictures that parents share with family and friends.

However, going back to school can also be a stressful time for children and families. Every kid must make the transition from easy summer life to routines, schedules and homework. Families will have financial concerns. Parents often need to pay school fees or to buy new school clothes, sports equipment, musical instruments and school supplies.

Back-to-school stress is different for different ages. Younger children may feel scared to leave their families. Making new friends and dealing with bullying can also cause stress for them. Older students may be stressed about their appearances, grades and getting into a good college.

However, parents, teachers and children can all help to make the transition back to school easier. Mary Anne Aidala, an award-winning teacher, advises parents to focus on the basics — let kids get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and turn off electronics before bedtime.

Lori Bambina has been a teacher for 22 years. She teaches first grade in NY now. According to her, routines and knowing what a teacher wants in the classroom help to reduce stress in kids. So, she focuses on the class routine during the start of the new school year. “Well, for the students, I have my classroom set up with a very clear system. So, I will introduce the system. Then I will revisit the system because at this young age they enjoy routines. And that routine is very comforting and will not cause them stress if they know exactly where things are located and what type of behavior is expected of them.”

1.Back-to-school time can be stressful for parents because ________.

A.teachers will set many challenging tasks for them

B.they don’t know how to reduce stress in their children

C.they need to organize everything well for their children

D.they have to spend a lot of money for the new school year

2.When older students go back to school, they may ________. unwilling to go to college worried about their studies afraid to leave their parents D.have difficulty making friends

3.Lori Bambina believes students will feel less stressed ________.

A.the classroom is decorated beautifully B.teachers have low expectations of them

C.they know what they are expected to do D.they have a good relationship with teachers

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.Causes of back-to-school stress B.Mixed feelings about going back to school

C.Getting school life back to normal D.Dealing with back-to-school stress


    Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, made full use of the greatest resources of the English language. Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of English; Shakespeare in his works used about twenty­five thousand! There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare used it. Such a study is well worth the effort, even though some aspects of English usage and the meaning of many words have changed since Shakespeare’s day.

However, it is surprising that we should know comparatively little about the life of the greatest English author. We know that Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon, and that he died there in 1616. He almost certainly attended the Grammar School in the town, but of this we cannot be sure. We know he was married there in 1582 to Anne Hathaway and that he had three children. We know that he spent much of his life in London writing his masterpieces. But this is almost all that we do know.

However, what is important about Shakespeare’s life is not its details but the products, the plays and the poems. For many years scholars have been trying to add a few facts about Shakespeare’s life to the small number we already possess and for an equally long time critics have been theorizing about the plays. Sometimes, indeed, it seems that the poetry of Shakespeare will disappear under the great mass of comment that has been written upon it.

Fortunately, this is not likely to happen. Shakespeare’s people have long delighted not just the English but lovers of literature everywhere, and will continue to do so after the scholars and critics and all their works have been forgotten.

1.What’s Para.1 mainly about?

A.The great varieties in writing styles.

B.The great length of Shakespeare’s works.

C.The richness of the content in Shakespeare’s works.

D.The rich English language used by Shakespeare in his works.

2.According to the passage, which of the following remains uncertain about Shakespeare?

A.His date of birth. B.His marriage.

C.His life in the Grammar School. D.His date of death.

3.What does the last sentence in Para.3 mean?

A.People can’t see the poetry of Shakespeare any more.

B.The comment is printed on the poetry of Shakespeare.

C.People don’t think the poetry of Shakespeare good any more.

D.Some people pay more attention to the comment than to Shakespeare’s poetry.

4.The underlined phrase “Shakespeare’s people” in Para.4 refers to ________.

A.the characters in Shakespeare’s works B.the people whose native language is English

C.the people living in Shakespeare’s day D.the readers of Shakespeare’s works


    Coca-Cola, which reportedly produced more than 3 million tons of plastic packaging in 2017, announced Thursday it wants to “help fix the world’s plastic waste problem one community (社区) at a time.”

The soda giant is doing so by providing $ 5.4 million for recycling programs in cities like Atlanta, Boston, Denver and Houston. In these cities, partners, like The Green Blue Institute and The Recycling Partnership, which receive the money, will work together to improve recycling rates.

“We focus on areas where we have the ability to make the biggest influence on communities through the funding and expert skills of Coca-Cola employees,” Carlos Pagoagoa, Coca-Cola’s group director of community partnerships, said in a statement. “In each city, local partners will work together to identify barriers to recycling on a local level and test a range of solutions,” he added. “We hope the learnings from these ‘model markets’ can offer solutions to other cities facing similar challenges.”

As part of the effort, The Recycling Partnership and the city of Atlanta, where the cola company’s headquarters are based, will send street teams out to open recycling carts and leave citizens cards informing them what they can and can’t recycle, and let them know how their efforts work.

“Two of the most urgent problems with recycling in the U. S. today are lack of access, followed by pollution in recycling,” Keefe Harrison, CEO of The Recycling Partnership, said in a statement. “We know from the success of Atlanta in 2017 that the citizens want to recycle, and that communicating with them in the street works.”

Last year, Coca-Cola announced its task to collect and reuse a bottle or can for each one it sells, and increase the amount of its products out of recycled materials to 50% by 2030. The brand also aims to make all its packaging fully recyclable by 2025.

1.What does Coca-Cola company intend to do in the program?

A.Produce less packaging.

B.Help deal with plastic waste.

C.Pick up waste in communities.

D.Build a plant to recycle plastic waste.

2.What’s Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.How Coca-Cola conducts its program.

B.What organizations participate in the program.

C.How Coca-Cola chooses cities for the program.

D.What the local people do in Coca-Cola’s program.

3.What do street teams do to help?

A.Sort out various waste in the city.

B.Look into the cause of pollution.

C.Instruct local people what to recycle.

D.Hand cards to the locals in person.

4.What does Keefe Harrison think of the program?

A.Promising. B.Difficult. C.Pioneering. D.Costly.


    The skin under the eyes is delicate, which is why it sometimes appears sunken and has darker coloring than elsewhere on the face. Aging and health problems play a role in sunken eyes but other factors can contribute too, so it may affect younger people as well.


The most common cause of sunken eyes is dehydration, or not having enough water in the body. Consuming too much coffee, soda, and prepackaged drinks may increase production of urine, which may lead to dehydration.

Vitamin shortages

Shortages of vitamin C, vitamin K, and iron can cause eyes to become sunken. Vitamin C helps with absorbing iron and decreasing bruising, while vitamin K is responsible for blood thickening, the lack of which may cause unhealthy skin. Easy bruising and unhealthy skin will result in sunken eyes.

Weight loss

Most people tend to lose weight in their face first. Sometimes, the weight loss is sudden enough to make blood vessels below the eyes easy to see, and the skin clear, producing the appearance of sunken eyes. Sudden weight loss may also cause nutritional shortages, which can lead to sunken eyes.

Not enough sleep or poor-quality sleep can cause sunken eyes and a person’s DNA or the habit of smoking can also contribute to sunken eyes. Most cases of sunken eyes relate to the quality of an individual’s nutrition and healthy living. When these causes are corrected, sunken eyes can be resolved without further treatment. This means that causes can be avoided or treated in good time to prevent the recurrence of sunken eyes.

1.What can we do to prevent dehydration according to the text?

A.Have certain drinks less. B.Refuse coffee.

C.Drink more water. D.Say no to soft drinks.

2.What will lead to bruising below the eyes?

A.Lack of vitamin K. B.Water shortages.

C.Lack of vitamin C. D.Nutritional shortages.

3.Which of the following should be avoided for people losing weight?

A.Pale faces. B.Sudden weight loss.

C.Clean skin. D.Narrow blood vessels.








Dear Sir,

I sincerely hope that my family can have the honor to be a host family.



Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

It was a Sunday afternoon. My parents and I were watching TV excited when suddenly I spotted the pigeon on the balcony. It was a white pigeon with a ring around one of its foot. It rested there quietly, refuse to fly away. Realizing it must have been lost its way back home, I managed call the Pigeon Association up for help. In the same time, my parents brought the pigeon inside and gave it some bird food, what helped refresh it. Before long, the owner got the message but came to take the pigeon back. He thanked us a lot. My parents and I both felt happy for what we had done.



1.We found those facts were i_________(有影响的) in solving the problem.

2.In the past few years, man has gone through all kinds of natural d________(灾难).

3.The new cinema is l_______(位于) in one of the liveliest districts.

4.Two million people in the city live in p________ (贫穷).

5.No e______(证据) has proved that eating too much is the main cause of the weight problem.

6.Many people went to the southern parts of China to make their f________(财富).

7.N_____(自然地), you will feel a little nervous when you first perform for the public.

8.Not having finished his homework, he was f_______(禁止) to watch TV.

9.The difficulty which we had c_______ (交流) with the local people has now been removed.

10.John received an i________ (邀请) to dinner, and with his work finished, he gladly accepted it.



Recently 1.Internet slang word Foxi, or "Buddhist", has become popular, encouraging young people to remain calm and peaceful and avoid conflict as much as possible, 2.other words, to live like a Buddha.

The phrase 3.(create) in Japan in 2014 to describe young men who no longer bother to follow someone else’s life path. They prefer to stay in their own world without 4.(disturb) and care little about passion and success.

Now, Chinese Internet users 5.(pair) the phrase with other words to describe a similar mindset. For example, "Buddhist students" are those just the right amount — they don’t cut class, but they don’t burn the midnight oil, either. However, some are worried about it, for they say that Foxi actually reflects the 7.(real) that young people are losing their will 8.(fight). They are pretending to keep a healthy and wise attitude toward failure 9.(simple) because they’re incapable of succeeding.

But no matter what, there is one thing that "Buddhist youngsters" should keep in mind: you may want to keep a calm mindset regarding failure, should also be passionate and positive about school, work and life.


Five biggest career mistakes young workers make

When you begin to dive into the working world, there are a few common mistakes you should try to avoid.


Whether it is asking for a raise or just voicing an opinion, it is important to stand up for yourself in the office. As long as you do it in a respectful and professional way, your colleagues will be impressed by your confidence.

Goofing off(混日子)

You may think no one is looking at what you are doing all day, but the fact is your computer screen can be seen by all who pass by.2.

Even though your boss may seem relaxed, he is not going to appreciate an employee who seems to care more about his friend’s status updates than his actual work.

Dressing inappropriately

One thing that can either help or hurt you is how you present yourself. If you dress too casually, you could be sending the wrong message to your coworkers. Just because you have it doesn’t mean the office is the place to wear it. 3.

Being late for work

You could be the hardest worker in the office or do extra work at home, but if you are consistently late for work, you give off the impression that you are lazy.4.Your professional reputation is a vital part of getting ahead in your industry and being late for work might be unimportant, but could result in all your hard work being gradually ignored.

Acting too confidently

It is a common problem with young professionals. It is sometimes hard for recent college graduates to change from top-of-the-food-chain seniors to professional “freshmen.” 5.In addition, you must know your place in the company.

A.If you want to be taken seriously, dress seriously.

B.Talking unprofessionally.

C.So it is important to limit the amount of time you spend on non-work-related sites.

D.Being afraid to speak up.

E.Sometimes, it can be difficult to be taken seriously as a young professional.

F.Now that you are out of the college, you must remember to be modest.

G.People notice who stays late and who comes in early and will form an opinion about you.


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