DirectionsTranslate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.


2.有志者事竟成的信念帮助他实现了梦想。(It was…


4.在古代,中国先哲们就提出读万卷书不如行万里路,彰显了游历名山大川,可承天地之灵气,接山水之精华。 (raise)


Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

College admission season is upon us. With the ever-increasing competition among college applicants, writing an effective and sincere college recommendation letter is one way high school teachers can help students stand out among the competition. Here are a few things I have learned how to write a recommendation for my students.

Try beginning your letter with something the person tasked with screening hundreds of recommendation letters will remember. I like to start with an amusing story that illustrates who the student is and how others perceive them. Make sure to use the student’s full name for the first reference and then just the first name after that. My favorite strategy is to end the paragraph with a single sentence that highlights the student’s strongest characteristics.

In the body of the letter, focus on who the student is rather than what the student has done. What college reps want to know is how the student will fit into their environment. Give specific examples of how the student achieved--did they overcome obstacles or tackle any challenges to reach their goals? I usually write two short paragraphs for the body. Sometimes the first relates character to academics, and the next relates character to extracurricular activities. Other times, I use the student’s characteristics as the main focal points.

Conclude with a sincere statement of recommendation for the student to the college of their choice. When sending the recommendation to a single college, use the college’s name in your recommendation. Lastly, I return to using the student’s full name in my final reference to him in the letter.

My last statement encourages the college to contact me with any further questions. I’ll be surely delighted to receive any of their inquiry, meaning my student is under their consideration!


Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Five-year-old Albert Einstein stared at his hand as if it held magic. Cupped in his palm was a small, round instrument with a glass cover and a jiggling needle. Albert's father called it a compass. Albert called it a mystery. No matter how he moved the compass, the needle always pointed to the north. Quietly Hermann Einstein watched his son. Albert was a chubby little boy with pale, round cheeks and thick, black hair that was usually messy. His bright brown eyes were wide with discovery.

Something was in the room with him, Albert realized—something he couldn't see or feel, but that acted on the compass just the same. Deeply attracted, Albert listened to his father explain magnetism, the strange force that made the compass needle point north. 1.To many children the compass would have been just another toy. To Albert the compass was a miracle he would never forget.

But then Albert had always been different from other children. Born March 141879, in Ulm, Germany, Albert hadn't been looked like other babies. As she cradled(摇) her new son in her arms, Pauline Einstein thought the back of his head looked strange. 2.Was something wrong with Albert? Although the doctor told Pauline everything was fine, several weeks passed before the shape of Albert's head began to look right to her.

When Albert was one, his family moved to Munichwhere his sister, Maja, was born a year later. Looking down at the tiny sleeping bundle, Albert was puzzled. Where were the baby's wheels? Albert had expected a baby sister to be something like a toy, and most of his toys had wheels.

3.But any response at all would have delighted them. At an age when many children have lots to say, Albert seemed strangely backward. Hermann and Pauline wondered why he was so late in talking. As Albert grew older, he continued to have trouble putting his thoughts into words. Even when he was nine years old, he spoke slowly, if he decided to say anything at all.

But Albert was a good listener and a good thinker. Sometimes when he went hiking with his parents and Maja, he thought about his father's compass and what it had showed to him. The clear, open meadows (草地) were filled with more than the wind or the scent of flowers. 4.The very thought of it quickened Albert's pulse.

A.Other babies didn't have such large, pointed skulls.

B.But nothing his father said made the invisible power seem less mysterious or wonderful.

C.There was so much curiosity about the world that Albert was always by himself thinking hard.

D.They were also filled with magnetism(磁性).

E.Albert was ahead of his peers in different aspects.

F.Albert's parents were amused by his confusion.


    ON AUGUST 2nd Magdalena Luczak and her partner, Mariusz Krezolek, were jailed for life for the murder of her four-year-old son, Daniel. The pair starved him for months, locked him in a small unheated room, and left him there to die. As with the deaths of Victoria Climbié in 2000 and Peter Connelly in 2007, the boy’s fate has prompted questions about how the authorities missed the abuse (虐待). Attention has again focused on social workers. Recent years have seen numerous attempts to reform and revitalize the profession. In May, a new fast-track training programme, Frontline, was launched in the hope of improving things. It is inspired by Teach First, which sends bright graduates into tough schools for at least two years.

Participants will attend an intensive five-week summer school before taking on two years of closely supervised work in local-authority children’s services. If they measure up, they will qualify as social workers at the end of the first year and gain a master’s degree after the second. Funding will come from private donors, the Department for Education and local authorities. Recruitment(招募)for a pilot scheme, targeting leading universities, begins in September.

Its founders want to boost the status of this profession. “We are dealing with a crisis,” says Lord Adonis, chair of Frontline’s board. Both recruitment and keeping staying on the job are problems: the expected working life of a social worker is eight years, compared with 14 for nurses. Last year some local authorities reported that a third of their positions were unfilled.

Unsurprisingly, given the blame often heaped on the profession, ambitious graduates tend to steer clear. Of the 2,765 people who began master’s courses in social work in 2011, just five had completed undergraduate degrees at Oxford or Cambridge. And too many courses fail to give sufficient practical grounding in hard child-protection work. Frontline recruits will work in small teams with dedicated supervisors in council children’s services.

Reactions to the initiative have been mixed. Some in the profession are angry that it has been set up by outsiders. Boosters, such as Donald Forrester of Bedfordshire University, think the newcomers will bring in much-needed fresh thinking. Another worry is that the programme is too specialized and too short. Focusing just on children’s services is like training doctors only in pediatrics(儿科).

Teach First was set up on the basis that participants would teach first and then go on to other jobs. In fact, over half stay in education. There is no “first” at Frontline. At the end of their course, recruits will be offered the opportunity to pursue further professional training, or encouraged to move up the ranks. But Mr MacAlister hopes that many will stay. This year 9% of all final-year students from Oxbridge applied for Teach First. Frontline hopes to achieve a similar result for social work.

1.The author presents the topic of this article by ______. cases of child abuse

B.urging us to care for children

C.attracting our attention to child abuse

D.showing concern for the abuse of children

2.Which of the following about social workers is true?

A.Their training lasts for 8 years.

B.They are prospective in the future.

C.They receive little practical grounding.

D.They should graduate from top universities.

3.The expression “steer clear” in the 5th paragraph means _____. involved B.stay away

C.touch on D.clear out

4.What is probably the best title of the passage?

A.A topic which starts heated debates.

B.An uncertain fate of a much-needed market.

C.A promising field with strong supporters.

D.An initiative to revive an unfavorable profession.


    There are several ways of retelling “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. In 2005 Hollywood focused on Willy Wonka, the factory’s owner, portraying him as a purple-gloved man-child. A new musical production of Roald Dahl’s children’s story at the Theatre Royal in London concentrates on the up-from-poverty fortune of Charlie Bucket, the boy who finds the golden ticket.

Tales of upward social mobility attempted or achieved are crowding the London stage. “Billy Elliott”, the story of a miner’s son who strives with the death of family strikes to make it as a ballet dancer, recently celebrated its four-millionth visitor. “Port”, an account of a Stockport girl’s attempts to escape her depressing origins, was a success at the National Theatre this spring. Last year “In Basildon” described strivers in the typical upwardly-mobile Essex town.

It is a respectable theatrical (and literary) theme, but it is being handled in a different way. John Osborne’s 1956 play “Look Back in Anger” showed a working-class man’s anger at the middle class he had married into. By the 1970s and 1980s writers were looking down their noses at social climbers, in plays like “Top Girls” and “Abigail’s Party”, in which a middle-class arriviste (暴发户) serves inferior snacks and the wrong kind of wine.

Social mobility moved away as a topic for a while, as playwrights like David Hare turned to examine carefully the state of the nation. Now it has returned—and is described much more sympathetically. Dominic Cooke, who directed “In Basildon” at the Royal Court Theatre, says this may be a delayed reaction to the collapse of state socialism in Europe.

A possible reason for the sympathetic tone is that upward mobility can no longer be taken for granted. In 2011 researchers at the London School of Economics concluded that intergenerational social mobility, assessed by income for children born between 1970 and 2000, had suspended. Another study, by Essex University academics, found matters had not improved during the crisis.

So it is fantastic fun to see people make it. Charlie Bucket does so spectacularly(壮观地). At the end of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” he is a pint-size entrepreneur(企业家), with an immigrant workforce of Oompa-Loompas to ensure he does not fall back down the social ladder.

1.What are the versions of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” mentioned in the passage?

A.Magic and ballet. B.Movie and musical.

C.Drama and painting. D.Novel and documentary.

2.What does “It” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.The story of a miner's son.

B.The topic of upward social mobility.

C.An account of a Stockport girl's attempts.

D.A striver in the upwardly-mobile Essex town.

3.According to the author, ______ may attribute to(归因于) being classified as middle-class.

A.gaining by dishonest means

B.serving others what they like

C.being involved in social climbing

D.marrying the one sharing your background

4.How does the author feel about social mobility in reality?

A.Curious. B.Optimistic.

C.Pessimistic. D.Concerned.


    Welcome to Iceland! I hope that your trip will be pleasant and that __________ will help you during your stay. It includes very important information you might find useful for your travel and we hope you will enjoy it.

Iceland is becoming a very popular place to visit all year round and we are not surprised. The country with its spectacular, unspoiled, fragile and raw nature, hot springs, icebergs and waterfalls is a feast for the eyes both during summer and winter. Our history and culture is young compared to most other countries. We speak our own language, Icelandic, which due to the country’s isolation in the past, has been very well preserved.

Driving in Iceland can be a bit different from many other countries. We do have a number of gravel roads, single lane bridges, narrow roads, rough mountain roads with unbridged rivers, animal stock near or on the road and weather conditions can change quickly. Therefore driving in Iceland needs your full care during your stay because we want you back safe and happy.

We kindly ask you to help us improve our quality by giving us feedback on how we are doing and what we can do better. Not less importantly, we ask you to help us preserve the Icelandic nature which can be very fragile. Off-road driving is strictly forbidden and please do not litter.

In case of trouble, accident or breakdown please don’t hesitate to contact our emergency phone numbers 840-6010 for south and west Iceland, or 840-6000 for north and east Iceland or one of our many locations around the country and we will do our very best to help you to safely continue your journey.

I trust that your travel in Iceland will be comfortable and pleasant. I wish you a safe journey.

1.Which of the following statements might be most suitable for the blank in Paragraph 1?

A.our travel agency magazine B.this newspaper article

C.the traffic regulations D.police travel guides

2.Which of the following is TRUE about Iceland?

A.Travelling in Iceland is only popular in summer and winter.

B.The country is not much visited because of its special language.

C.Travelers can enjoy nice food when travelling in Iceland.

D.A traveler can both have hot and cold experiences in Iceland.

3.What can a traveler do if his car suddenly breaks down in west Iceland according to the passage?

A.He may have his car repaired.

B.He may call 840-6010 for help.

C.He may push his car off the road.

D.He may drive in the other direction.


    Over the centuries Shakespeare’s plays have gained a reputation for being difficult to understand. But if his work is experienced on stage as Shakespeare intended, then it can become much clearer. In fact 95% of the words used in Shakespeare’s plays are the same words we use today.

The meanings of some words have altered significantly, _________, because Shakespeare was writing at a time of great linguistic change. This gave him a certain amount of _________ license in his language.

So what can Shakespeare’s plays tell us about how people really spoke at this time? And did anyone really speak like his characters? The lines spoken by Corin to Rosalind and Celia in As You Like It probably weren’t _________ of an Elizabethan shepherd.

The first thing to remember about Shakespeare’s work is that he wrote plays to entertain. They are _________ works, and the dialogue was exploited to suit the stage. Therefore his characters’ language did not always _________ how real people would have spoken.

For instance, in As You Like It when Corin, the shepherd, talks of love, his lines are beautiful and poetic – but _________ unrealistic. The lines Shakespeare gave Corin probably wouldn’t have been used by an Elizabethan shepherd – instead they _________ to highlight the drama.

Another example of how the theatrical style enriched Shakespeare’s text can be seen in the structure of his lines. According to the practice of the time, Shakespeare wrote his poems in iambic pentameter(抑扬格五音步) so it was _________ for his actors to learn. When Shakespeare was writing, new plays were performed every day so this 10-beat structure was a great help for anyone having to learn a lot of lines for the next day’s play.

_________ this structure meant that, on occasion, Shakespeare made up or adapted words to fit. __________, on several occasions Shakespeare changed the word “vast” to “vasty” when “vast” did not fit the __________ of the line. But if we look beyond the dialogue to the words themselves we can find out a little of how people really spoke.

We can come close to this thanks to “original pronunciation” which is a system of __________ that reproduce how the Elizabethans are believed to have spoken. Today it sounds like a West Country accent, with echoes of other parts of the country. When we __________ this to Shakespeare’s dialogue, rhymes and puns(押韵与双关) that are not heard in modern English are suddenly revealed.

So through Shakespeare’s plays we can __________ a great deal about how people really spoke. His dialogue was on the whole representative of the language of the time and area and now provides us with invaluable insight into a(n) __________ language.

1.A.otherwise B.furthermore C.however D.hence

2.A.creative B.significant D.practical

3.A.critical B.typical C.proud D.afraid

4.A.valuable B.outstanding C.efficient D.dramatic

5.A.reflect B.mean C.sign D.signal

6.A.luckily B.essentially C.generally D.naturally

7.A.construct B.produce C.function D.illustrate

8.A.easier B.worse C.wiser D.slower

9.A.Falling into B.Varying from C.Agreeing to D.Sticking to

10.A.By contrast B.For example C.What’s more D.In consequence

11.A.structure C.rhythm D.form

12.A.speech B.writing C.communication D.symbol B.devote C.apply D.input

14.A.keep up B.find out C.take on D.bring about

15.A.lost B.difficult C.ongoing


Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

“Melting pot” means a place where people from many different ethnic groups or cultures form a united society. The idea comes from 1. (heat) metals in a container. When they melt, the metals unite and become  2. new and stronger. This term has been used to describe the United States as a nation created from people who came here from many different countries.

A Frenchman who was living in America expressed the idea more than 200 years ago. J. Hector de Crevecoeur 3. (publish) a book called Letters From an American Farmer in 1782. He wrote that America had people from many different countries. He said that they would become a new people 4. work would one day change the world.

For many years, Americans generally accept the idea 5. their country is a melting pot. They welcome immigrants from many nations. Yet some of those immigrants criticize the melting pot idea. They feel they are forced to lose their culture and language 6. (accept) in America. Other people also criticize the idea. They say the aim of the melting pot is to make different cultures disappear into the one 7. (represent) the largest group.

New groups of immigrants from Asia and Latin America are changing the United States today. Some are resisting learning American culture and language. Reports say some Americans fear that the nation is separating into many groups that have no 8. (share) purpose. Others say the melting pot is no longer changing the nation’s immigrants, but the immigrants are changing America.

Some experts who study immigration say they now compare American society 9. a salad bowl. A salad is made of many different foods. They each keep their own taste 10.being part of a successful product. In this way, cultural groups keep their customs and language and are still part of American society.


假定你是李华,曾交换去英国学习,现已回国三个月。你想念在英国的老师Mrs. Smith,请根据以下要点给她写一份封信:

1. 感谢他曾经对你的帮助;

2. 介绍自己现在的学习情况;

3. 邀请他端午节来中国感受中国文化。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I'm writing to



Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Nowadays in China, either in the morning nor after dinner, people, especial elderly women, gather in squares to dance to popular music. More and more young people are also participating the square dance now.

There are many reasons for their popularity. First of all, China has made a great progress in the social and economic development in the past decades, and people had more time and energy to enjoy their lives. Besides, do the square dance is a good way for people to get fit.

However, dancers play loud music and occupy lots of public places, where makes many people annoying. Maybe square dancers need to make some change.



Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge is one of the most challenging constructions of its kind as well as the world’s 1.long) sea-crossing bridge. Its life span 2.(set) at 120 years. It3. (reported) can stand magnitude-8 earthquake, scale-16 typhoon as well as the collision with  4.300,000-ton ship. The bridge is the national key project featured with strategic significance, large involvement, highly difficult level of construction, long construction time, high 5. (require) on technical design and environmental protection, many participant parties, complex management and coordination. Due to the long distances6.the cities, the project is actually a series of bridges and tunnels,7.(connect) by artificial islands. British newspaper “The Guardian” named the mega-structure one of 8.  (it) “seven wonders of the modern world.”

It will be the first new land transport link between the east and west coasts of the Pearl River. The bridge will benefit the economic development of the whole of the Delta and create a regional transport network,9.(improve) upon considered to be a weak land transport network currently in place.


    My story is about love and loss.

I was lucky. I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I _______Apple in my parents' garage when I was 20. We worked hard and in 10 years Apple had _______from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4000 _______.

We just released our finest creation—the Macintosh a year earlier. And I had just turned 30 and then I got fired. How can you get _______ from a company you started. Well as Apple grew we hired someone ,who I thought was very _______, to run the company with me. And for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge(分歧). And _______we had a  _______. When we did, our Board of Directors _______ with him. So at 30, I was out and very _______out. What had been the ________of my entire adult life was gone. And it was destructive. I really didn't know what to do for a few months. I felt I was a very public ________ and I even thought about running away from the valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me. I still loved ________I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been ________ but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over.

I didn't see it then. But it________ that getting fired from Apple, was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the ________of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It ________me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life. During the next 5 years, I started a company named NeXT and created the world's first computer animated feature film "Toy Story". And it is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable ________of events, Apple bought NeXT. And I returned to Apple.

I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened, if I hadn't been fired from Apple. It was ________ tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life's gonna hit you in the head ________a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm ________that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did.

1.A.started B.began C.set D.made

2.A.learnt B.separated C.grown D.benefited

3.A.volunteers B.employees C.assistants D.players

4.A.unemployed B.paid C.promoted D.hurt

5.A.optimistic B.generous C.confident D.talented

6.A.suddenly B.particularly C.eventually D.fortunately

7.A.falling out B.letting out C.breaking out out

8.A.faced B.sided C.headed D.shouldered

9.A.publicly B.secretly C.simply D.merely

10.A.memory B.lack C.basis D.focus

11.A.success B.failure C.loss D.figure B.that C.which D.what

13.A.admitted B.accepted C.rejected D.persuaded

14.A.turned down B.turned out C.turned up D.turned over

15.A.loneliness B.happiness C.lightness D.darkness

16.A.advised B.enriched C.forbade D.freed

17.A.turn B.procedure C.development D.process

18.A.awesome B.awful C.effective D.fearful

19.A.over B.on D.with

20.A.amazed B.satisfied C.convinced D.inspired


    A 2015 survey found that two out of three U.S. teens owned an iPhone. For this reason, I call them iGen, and as I explain in my new book “iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids are Growing up Less Rebellious(反叛的), More Tolerant, Less Happy-and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood,”1..

What makes iGen different? 2.. They spend so much time on the internet, texting friends and on social media—in the large surveys I analyzed for the book, an average of about six hours per day—that they have less leisure time for everything else.

That includes what was once the favorite activity of most teens:3.. Whether it’s going to parties, shopping at the mall, watching movies or aimlessly driving around, iGen teens are participating in these social activities at a significantly lower rate than previous generations.

4.: In the annual Monitoring the Future survey, the percentage of high school seniors who read a nonrequired book or magazine nearly every day dropped from 60 percent in 1980 to only 16 percent in 2015.

This isn’t to say that iGen teens don’t have a lot going for them. 5. . They also seem to have a stronger work ethic and more realistic expectations than millennials(千禧一代) did at the same age.

To be clear, moderate smartphone and social media use—up to an hour a day—is not linked to mental health issues. However, most teens (and adults) are on their phones much more than that.

A.spending most of their free time on screens

B.hanging out with their friends

C.They would rather see their friends in person than communicate with them using their phones

D.Growing up with a smartphone has affected nearly every aspect of their lives

E.They are physically safer and more tolerant than previous generations were

F.They’re the first generation to spend their adolescence with a smartphone

G.In addition, iGen reads books, magazines and newspapers much less than previous generations did as teens


    Dutch officials toasted on Tuesday the opening of what is being called the world’s first 3D-printed concrete bridge, which is meant to be used by cyclists. There was applause as officials wearing hard hats and workmen’s jackets rode over the bridge on their bikes at the opening ceremony in the southeastern town of Gemert.

“The bridge is not very big, but it was rolled out by a printer which makes it unique,” Theo Salet, from the Eindhoven University of Technology, told Dutch broadcaster NOS. Work on printing the bridge, which has some 800 layers, took about three months after starting in June and it is made of pre-stressed concrete, according to the university. “One of the advantages of printing a bridge is that much less concrete is needed than in the conventional technique in which a mould (泥浆) is filled,” it said on its website, adding “a printer deposits the concrete only where it is needed.”

The eight-metre (26-foot) bridge crosses a water-filled channel to connect two roads, and it was tested for safety to bear loads of up to two metric tons in cooperation with the BAM Infra Construction company. Although designed for bikes, it could take up to 40 trucks, the designers said “We are looking to the future,” said the head of BAM, Marinus Schimmel. “3D printing meant fewer rare resources were needed and there was significantly less waste,” he added.

The Netherlands is among countries, with the United States and China, taking a lead in the cutting-edge technology of 3D printing, using computers and robotics to construct objects and structures from scratch without using much traditional manpower. Last year a Dutch architect unveiled (提示) a unique 3D printer with which he hopes to construct an “endless loop” building. And a Dutch start-up called MX3D has begun printing a stainless-steel bridge, of which a third is already completed. The aim is to finish printing by March and lay the bridge over an Amsterdam canal in the future.

1.According to the text what makes the bridge unique?

A. It adopts 3D printing

B. It opens only to cyclists.

C. It is made of new material.

D. It uses much less concrete.

2.According to Marinus Schimmel. the bridge ________.

A. fails to bear heavy loads more safely

B. needs no concrete and mould

C. is designed for bikes and trucks

D. is cost-efficient and eco-friendly

3.According to the last paragraph, which of the following statement is true?

A. The 3D-printed bridges are all designed for bikes.

B. 3D-printed construction saves much human labor.

C. United States and China develop slowly in 3D printing.

D. The stainless-steel bridge by MX3D has been put into use.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. The Value of the 3D Printing Technology

B. The Netherlands Leads the Way in 3D Printing

C. World’s First 3D-printed Bridge Opens to Cyclists

D. 3D Printing is Widely Used in Building Bridges


    Many people enjoy the beauty of the snow. But do you really know the snow? Here are three biggest snow myths that will surprise you.

First of all, it’s a myth that no two snowflakes are the same. In 1988, a scientist found two identical snow crystals that had both formed in a snow storm in Wisconsin, USA. Since then scientists have come to learn that snowflakes can only form into 35 different shapes. Although scientists are also unsure why exactly the various shapes of snowflake form, they have identified eight major shapes, with each of these eight shapes having several different variations.

“Snow is white” is the second biggest myth. It’s actually colorless. Snow is made up of ice particles, and ice is translucent, which means that light does not pass through it easily, but rather it gets reflected. When light hits a snowflake, it gets reflected back from the snowflake’s many surfaces, often bouncing between these surfaces, and because of this that light is reflected back to our eyes as the color white. This is why, up close or magnified, a snowflake always looks clear, yet in reality appears as white.

Lastly, snow doesn’t always appear to us as the color white. Not counting the infamous yellow snow that everyone knows never to eat, you can also get naturally blue snow or even pink snow.

Deep snow can sometimes appear blue in color because the extra layers of snow create a filter for light, which causes more red light to be absorbed by the snow than blue light, meaning that it looks blue.

Likewise, snow can sometimes appear pink in mountainous regions or coastal Polar Regions due to it containing cryophilic fresh-water algae that have a red pigment in them.

As an interesting bonus fact, the fur of Polar Bears is actually made up of translucent fibers, trapping light between its many surfaces and making the Polar Bear look white, when in actuality if you were to examine a single piece of Polar Bear fur up close it would look clear – just like a snowflake.

It’s also a commonly known fact that, if shaved, a Polar Bear would be black in color. The reason a Polar Bear’s skin is black is because black is the color which locks in the most heat.

1.According to the passage, the underlined word “myth” means _________.

A.tale B.riddle

C.mystery D.misunderstanding

2.Why does a snowflake appear as white?

A.Because snow is white.

B.Because snow is made up of ice particles.

C.Because ice is translucent, light does pass through it easily.

D.Because the lights reflect back and forth between the snowflakes’ surfaces.

3.Which of the statement is true?

A.Polar Bears’ black skin can help them keep warm.

B.The color of the snowflakes are white, yellow, blue and pink.

C.Scientists have identified eight minor shapes of the snowflake.

D.The snow absorbs more blue light than red light, making it look blue.

4.Which of the following doesn’t belong to the three biggest snow myths?

A.Snow is white B.Snow always looks white

C.No two snowflakes are the same D.Polar Bear fur looks clear--just like a snowflake.


    “We wish you a merry Christmas” with pictures of Elvis Tsui seems to be the latest trend among Chinese netizens during this year's Christmas.

Born in 1961, Hong Kong veteran actor Elvis Tsui has become the latest internet icon thanks to the classic character he played in the 1992 comedy movie, where he looked a bit similar to Santa Claus, with a red hat and white beard. The movie Tsui starred in was adapted from The Deer and the Cauldron, a novel by late Hong Kong novelist Louis Cha. Tsui played the role of Oboi, a malicious and greedy military officer who conspires to fight for the throne.

Also, the character's name Oboi is pronounced similar to “all buy” in English, which encourages people to buy some gifts for loved ones during the Christmas season. And the coincidence further increases the popularity of Tsui.

Reputed as China's Santa Claus, Elvis Tsui has been frequently searched on Dec 24 on Sina Weibo, China's answer to Twitter, and his images have been adapted into micro videos, gifts and emojis at very short notice. Some clever business minds have produced tailor-made products on China's e-commerce platform Taobao.

On Dec 25, an image of Tsui's character from the film has already been added into the Sina Weibo emoji list for users to choose from. “I have been waiting for more than two decades to find the Chinese Santa Claus, and he just appeared. I believe that he is the perfect image in my heart,” said weibo user Xiao Midou1993.

In response to the enthusiasm shown by online users, the 57-year-old was pleased to receive the new title, and wrote on his official weibo account, “It's Christmas and the old man with a red hat and white beard is bringing you the best wishes!”

1.Why has Elvis Tsui become the latest internet icon?

A.Because he played in the 1992 comedy movie.

B.Because he is a veteran.

C.Because he encourages people to buy gifts during the Christmas season.

D.Because his character in the 1992 movie seemed similar to Santa Claus.

2.What has already been added into the Sina Weibo emoji list?

A.An image of Tsui's character B.A micro video

C.A tailor-made product D.A gif

3.The underlined word “title” in paragraph 6 means______.

A.Gift B.Name C.Wish D.Image

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.An introduction to Elvis Tsui B.Wish you a merry Christmas

C.Chinese Santa Claus storms the internet D.Hong Kong veteran actor Elvis Tsui


    Many people spend more than four hours per day on WeChat, and it is redefining the word “friend.” Does friending someone on social media make him or her your friend in real life?

Robin Dunbar, a professor at Oxford University, found that only 15, of the 150 Facebook friends the average user has, could be counted as actual friends and only five as close friends. WeChat may show a similar pattern.

Those, with whom you attended a course together, applied for the same part-time job, went to a party and intended to cooperate but failed, take up most of your WeChat friends. In chat records, the only message may be a system notice, “You have accepted somebody’s friend request”. Sometimes when seeing some photos shared on “Moments”, you even need several minutes to think about when you became friends. Also, you may be disturbed by mass messages sent from your unfamiliar “friends”, including requests for voting for their children or friends, links from (a Chinese e-commerce platform that allows users to buy items at lower prices if they purchase in groups) and cookie-cutter blessings in holidays.

You would have thought about deleting this type of “friends” and sort out your connections. But actually you did not do that as you were taught that social networking is valuable to one’s success. Besides, it would be really awkward if they found that you have unfriended them already. Then, you keep increasing your “friends” in social media and click “like” on some pictures that you are not really interested. But the fact is that deep emotional connections do not come with the increasing number of your friends in social media.

If the number of your friends reaches 150, maintaining these relationships can be tough to you, and sometimes even will make you anxious. According to Robin Dunbar, 150 is the limit of the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships.

1.What can we learn from Robin Dunbar’s finding in Paragraph 2?

A.A Facebook user has 250 friends on average.

B.Most of the social media friends can be actual friends.

C.Among our social media friends, only a few people matter.

D.Only 15 people of a person’s Facebook friends can be close friends.

2.What does the third paragraph tell us about most of your WeChat friends?

A.You have deep communication with them.

B.You benefit a lot from their mass messages.

C.You just have a nodding acquaintance with them.

D.You become friends with them in important occasions.

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.We will be anxious if we make friends online.

B.We should avoid making any friends in social media.

C.We should make as many friends as possible in social media.

D.We have difficulty managing relationships with over 150 people.








参考词汇:秋分:autumn equinox 24节气:24 solar terms  民俗表演:folk culture performances

Dear John,

As for your last letter asking about the Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival,               



Li Hua








One Sunday morning, I went for a walk along a quietly path. When I was sitting down for a rest, the black dog suddenly appeared. It ran up to myself and lay down at my feet. I touched its heads. When I decided to walking home, it still followed me. I called the nearest police station and told the police that I found a dog and I will keep it until its owner called for it. I gave the police with my name and address. Two days later, an old man came to my home, look for the dog. To express his thanks, he offered me ten dollars, and I did not take it. Then he invited me to visit him someday.



It was a sunny day, and I got a call. A man 1. (represent) the Sunergy Solar company called me to ask if I was interested in Solar Installation. I told the man I was but I couldn't afford it. However, two days later, a man came to my door, 2. was nice, experienced, and gave me all the information. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to pay for the solar panels(太阳能板), so I kindly refused and 3. (explain) my story to him. I lived in a world where I couldn't afford 4. (pay) for electricity and I couldn't get it 5. free. Moving forward, I got a call again, and this time it was 6. owner of Sunergy Solar. As a company they wanted to help me by 7. (give) me a system for free. The owner said he wanted to pay it forward. I 8. (have) the panels now for a month and I couldn't be 9. (happy). Yes, get free electricity from the sun. But, I couldn't believe that generous, thoughtful people still exist in the world. I want to thank Sunergy Solar for their generosity. I 10. (true) couldn't stop crying, but this time from happiness.


    I loved working with my dad, but I hated a summer job he gave me. He owned a small _________ in Bank Street. In his shop, the most recently _________ person got the worst job, and the boss son was also _________.

I didn't want to spend hours _________ the frost on the ceiling of the walk-in freezer(冷库), and it was the Saturday afternoon's job that I hated most. We received fresh _________ every day. Chicken sat in wooden boxes and was _________ with crushed ice(碎冰). During the week, the ice and the blood of the chicken slowly leaked into the container _________ the chicken, creating its bloody smell.

There was only one _________ to get rid of the blood and wash the container: hold my _________ and carefully slide the container from under the chicken, as I tried not to __________ the contents over my clothes, and then __________ into the drain(下水道).

Soon, students who have cut lawns, painted houses, worked in offices, __________ maybe even worked in the butcher's like me will __________ to school. Some will have great memories __________ others will come back with __________ ones.

Looking back, I think my father could have __________ me from my weekly hell. However, my dad, who'd dropped out of school to help support his family after his father died, was a teacher for me __________ He knew treating me __________ from his other employees would be an unfair thing. Most importantly, he taught me to __________ those who do the hard and __________ tasks in life.

For the next six summers, I returned not as the boss' son, but as one of other guys, and I cleaned the dirty container every Saturday afternoon, whatever splashed over my clothes. B.chain C.butcher's

2.A.invited B.hired C.received D.trained

3.A.interested B.offered C.affected D.included up B.tearing up C.looking into D.carrying on

5.A.fruit B.vegetable C.chicken D.grain

6.A.impressed B.surrounded C.accompanied D.cooked

7.A.under B.beside C.below D.above

8.A.chance B.reason D.way

9.A.arm B.nose C.head D.breath

10.A.splash B.notice C.find D.touch

11.A.break B.empty C.divide D.allow

12.A.and C.or D.but

13.A.adapt B.return C.go D.apply

14.A.while B.when C.since D.because

15.A.exciting B.good C.amazing D.unpleasant

16.A.forced B.treated C.spared D.pushed school advance case fact

18.A.kindly B.differently C.carefully D.warmly

19.A.appreciate B.witness C.hurt D.influence

20.A.vital B.easy C.dirty D.funny


    Ice cream is certainly the world's favorite dessert. 1. Of all the people across the world, more ice cream is eaten in Australia than in any other country: 16.6 liters per person per year.

A form of ice cream was eaten in China about 4,000 years ago. 2. Sounds strange today.

Ice cream was brought to Europe in the 16th century, but at that time only the super-rich could afford it. When the Italian princess Catherine de Medici married the future King Henry of France in 1533, a different kind of ice cream was served every day a month! 3.

Ice cream was introduced to America in the 1700s, but mostly enjoyed by the wealthy. Around 1800, special ice houses were invented and ice cream became an American industry. 4. In 1946, they ate more than 20 liters of ice cream per person.

The world's most popular flavor is vanilla(香草), which was produced from vanilla beans. 80% of the world's vanilla beans grew on the island of Madagascar, off the east coast of Africa. 5. And of all the days of the week, most ice cream is bought on Sunday!

A.Ice cream didn't become available to the ordinary people in France until 1660.

B.In Europe alone, about 11 billion dollars a year is spent on ice cream.

C.Americans celebrated the victory of World Warwith ice cream.

D.California produces more ice cream than any other state.

E.More than 90 percent of the US families buy dessert.

F.It was made of milk rice, fruit and snow!

G.The most favorite topping is chocolate.


    Rapid progress in artificial intelligence, also called AI, and the wide use of robots across different industries are causing the worry about the growth in joblessness. People have different opinions on this development, and they mainly have focused on what to do to make sure that robots don't steal jobs.

Bill Cates, for example, have called for taxing(对征税)robots that take away jobs. This has led to disagreement from other leading figures, such as Larry Summers, who thinks that robots are job creators and that it is totally wrong. Another idea is to use a basic income for all-the ides that everyone receives the lowest income-to pay for influence of technological unemployment. This idea also causes disagreement.

However, jobs are not created or lost because of a single technology, but because of the business system designed to make use of the power of the technology.

We have seen a similar example in history, with recorded music in the last century. It wasn't the 1930s recording technology itself that affected the jobs of the live musicians. It was its connection with radio broadcastingjukeboxes(自动唱机)and the way businesses operated that led to the job losses. Hotels, restaurants and bars replaced live musicians with jukeboxes. A single recording could be placed over and over without requiring the appearance of the musicians.

The early recording of music destroyed the jobs of some live musicians and made them earn less money than before. The social dissatisfaction was largely about monopoly power(垄断势力)and less about the technology itself.

Job creation or loss has to be considered with everything considered. This is the best explained by looking at the difference between recorded music in the last century and robots now.

1.What's people's main attention according to the first paragraph?

A.Artificial intelligence. B.The growing opportunities.

C.Not letting robots take away jobs. D.Stopping the wide use of robots.

2.What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.The idea of taxing robots. B.The belief that robots steal jobs.

C.Rapid progress in artificial intelligence. D.Disagreement between leading figures.

3.What can we know about Larry Summers?

A.He agrees with Bill Gates' opinion. B.He thinks robots can create jobs.

C.He supports the idea of taxing robots. D.He praises using a basic income for all

4.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A.There will be more social dissatisfaction in the future.

B.Monopoly power is a terrible social phenomenon.

C.We should tell job creation or loss with full consideration.

D.Recorded music is completely different from robots.


    France has everything you could possibly wish for in a holiday, and not including things like the Eiffel Tower, there are many other landmarks and tourist attractions to experience.

You can choose to book one of the inclusive holidays in France or plan your own trip and stay at one of the Paris hotels or B&Bs. In fact there are more hotels in Paris than any other city in France, as this is such a popular place for a short weekend break. But for a break with a difference, how about staying in one of the castles that have been changed into famous hotels in luxury?

On the other hand, if you enjoy taking a touring holiday, there are thousands of French campsites in France, where you can put up your own tent, but on many campsites for more convenience you could even live in a chalet(棚屋).

You can easily find campsites with excellent facilities that include swimming pools, shops clubs, bars, entertainment, playgrounds, etc. These are good for the whole family holiday and some even offer other activities such as tennis, fishing, swimming and more, which can make for an ideal self-help holiday at very little expense, yet please do not forget about your holiday insurance.

And, for those who love adventure holidays, you will not be disappointed with a lot of activities on offer in France, such as boating, rafting, horse riding, hiking, which mean holiday insurance is even more necessary.

So for your next holiday to France, why not start planning to see more of the real France, with all of its history, culture, landmarks and heritage.

1.What does the author want to tell in the passage?

A.France is a country full of the adventure.

B.France is a popular place for the tourists.

C.France is a good attraction for wine lovers.

D.France is a good place for people to live in.

2.If you decide on an inclusive holiday,       . have a chance to visit a famous castle don't have to visit a place in a hurry don't have to worry about housing will surely save a lot of money

3.What is the advantage of choosing a campsite?

A.You can enjoy yourself best with less money.

B.You can experience different French culture.

C.You will enjoy the wonderful chalet.

D.You will be offered holiday insurance.

4.What will you do if you are an adventure lover?

A.It is better to stay with your family or friends.

B.It is important to choose easy activities.

C.It is necessary to buy holiday insurance.

D.It is necessary to visit landmarks or heritage first.


    October 15th is Global Hand Washing Day. Activities are planned in more than twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap.

Experts say people around the world wash their hands but very few use soap at so-called critical moments. These include after using the toilet, after cleaning a baby and before touching food.

Global Hand Washing Day is the idea of the Public-Private Partnership for hand washing with soap. The goal, they say, is to create a culture of hand washing with soap. The organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing disease-causing germs. They say the correct way to wash is to wet your hands with a small amount of water and cover them with soap. Rub it into all areas including under the fingernails. Then, rinse well under running water. Finally, dry your hands with a clean cloth.

The Partnership says soap is important because it increases the time that people spend washing. Soap also helps to break up the dirt that holds most of the germs. And it usually leaves a pleasant smell, which increases the chances that people will wash again. It also says that washing hands with soap before eating and after using the toilet could save more lives than any medicine. It could help reduce cases of diarrhea(痢疾), which is the second leading cause of children deaths. Do remember October 15th-Global Hand Washing Day!

1.What's the best title for this passage?

A.Say no to washing hands.

B.Hand washing: so important—it gets a day of its own.

C.Find out why washing hands carefully is so important.

D.Want to live a longer life?—wash your hands.

2.The underlined word "rinse" in Paragraph 3 probably means       . dry your hands clean your fingers rub your hands carefully wash away the soap

3.The last paragraph mainly tells us       .

A.why washing hand with soap is so important to wash your hands correctly

C.the dangers of washing hands without soap

D.when we should especially wash our hands with soap

4.In which part of newspaper would you most probably read this passage?

A.Entertainment B.Health report

C.Public service D.Advertisement


    Sam Martin, 24, from Belfast

I do all my shopping on Christmas Eve because I prefer to get it done quickly. I certainly don't enjoy shopping. It doesn't matter when I shop-I probably won't buy gifts that people will want anyway. I just choose from whatever is there. I am never disappointed because I don't know what to buy for others before I get to the shop, and I don't care about getting it at the best price. My friends call me last-minute shopper.

Lucy Collins, 34, from Liverpool

I've always finished all my shopping by the middle of August. I buy when things are cheap and when I can afford to. I also enjoy trying to buy as many gifts as possible at less than the full price. This year, I've spent £230 and saved £695 on the prices.

I think Christmas is a magical time so I like looking for gifts throughout the year. I also like knowing I've bought presents that people will enjoy, rather than picking through whatever is left in the shops on Christmas Eve.

Frankie Bircham, 31, from Hertfordshire

I've always finished shopping by the end of September. I like the satisfaction of giving people presents they want-I don't like "Oh, that'll do". I prefer to buy online so I can compare prices to make sure I' m getting the best possible deal. It's cheaper than travelling into London to go shopping and I can easily return anything I don't like when it arrives.

Andi Euridge, 40, from London

I start my shopping in January and have always finished it by November. I don't like onlir shopping because then you have the craziness of parcels not arriving in time.

I live on a tight budget and I cannot afford to buy all my gifts with one month's pay. So I prefer picking up a present here and there throughout the year.

1.We can learn from the text that Sam Martin       . an organized shopper B.always buys presents at a discount

C.hates shopping in a hurry D.enjoys doing some last-minute shopping

2.What do Lucy Collins and Frankie Bircham have in common?

A.They do shopping when the shops are quiet.

B.They choose presents everywhere.

C.They like online shopping

D.They care about the receivers' feelings.

3.Why does Andi Euridge dislike online shopping?

A.It causes anxiety when parcels don't arrive in time.

B.It's not much cheaper than shops.

C.Returning the goods troubles him.

D.It makes him run over budget.



1) 祝贺他获奖;

2) 肯定他付出的努力;

3) 询问何时方便,在网上切磋棋艺。





Dear Tom,



Li Ming



As a general rule, a band may start as a group of high-school students 1. (share) the same interest in music. They may first practice their music in someone’s house. Sometimes they may play to 2.(passer-by) in the street or subway. And then the musicians may get the chance to give 3. (perform) in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid4. cash. As time goes by, they gradually become known to the audience and some even make records!

The Monkees, 5., started in a different way. Of 6. (it) four members, only one was good enough and the other three just pretended 7. (sing) during the broadcasts. To be honestit couldn't a real band in the beginning.

Anyhow,the band became so popular and sold many records. 9. (fortunate), the Monkees broke up about 1970. But they reunited in the mid-1980s and produced a new record in 1996, 10.was to celebrate their former happy time.


    NASA  scientists have found evidence of flowing water on Mars. This opens up the possibility of _______ and wonders we cannot begin to imagine. The _______ undoubtedly is an astonishing achievement.

We may be excited by the thought of living things on another _______, but we seem to have lost _______ in our own. In the past four decades, the world has_______ 50% of its vertebrate(脊椎动物)wildlife. But across the latter half of this period, there has been a steep _______ in media coverage of the subject.

Think of what would change if we valued _______ on the earth as much as we value the possibility of water on Mars. _______3% of the water on this planet is fresh and of that, two-thirds is frozen. Yet we lay waste to the _______ part. Sixty per-cent of the water used in farming is ________ by careless irrigation. Rivers, lakes and aquifers (地下蓄水层)are sucked dry, while what remains is often so bad that it ________ the lives of those who drink it. As for salty water, which so interests us ________apparently detected on Mars, on Earth we express our ________ by destroying it. A new report suggests fish numbers have halved since 1970. Coral reefs are under such ________ that most could be gone by 2050.

A couple of weeks ago, I launched a column(专栏) focusing on extreme consumption, and ________ suggestions. They have flooded in. here are just a few of the ________. Wigs(假发)for babies, to allow “baby girls” with little or no __________ at all the opportunity to have a beautifully realistic hair style”. The iPotty, which ________ little children to keep playing while toilet training. A smartphone for dogs to take pictures of themselves…

As clever new ways of wasting stuff are continually ________, we become more used to the ________ consumption of the world’s precious resources. Isn’t it time for us to have seconds thoughts about our lifestyle?

1.A.peace D.danger

2.A.appearance B.discovery C.performance D.operation

3.A.planet B.stage C.level D.island

4.A.courage B.hope C.pride D.interest

5.A.spread B.lost C.ignored D.found

6.A.climb B.turn C.increase D.decline

7.A.water B.plants C.animal D.air

8.A.Often B.Only C.Even D.Last

9.A.private B.public C.unclear D.accessible

10.A.checked B.chosen C.wasted D.polluted

11.A.saves B.threatens C.enriches D.changes

12.A.when B.If C.because D.though

13.A.complaint B.doubt C.appreciation D.surprise

14.A.pressure B.control C.guidance D.attention

15.A.made B.considered C.invited D.followed

16.A.benefits B.reasons C.features D.products

17.A.time D.knowledge

18.A.permits B.promises C.persuades D.advises

19.A.criticized B.reported C.replaced D.created

20.A.expensive C.pointless D.sustainable


    We have all heard of superfoods whether it is from articles or in the news. But what are they? 1. Superfoods are things you eat that do more than satisfy your hunger because they help your body work better. Think of your body as a car. The better the gas you put in your car, the better it will run. 2.

As the saying goes, "You are what you eat." This is very true because if you are eating foods that are full of fat, your body will most likely show it. On the other hand, if you are eating energy-filled foods, your body will show that as well.

3. They are filled with fiber (纤维), proteins, and important nutrients that are easily used by the body. To become a superfood officially, a food has to meet three requirements. First, it must be available (可获得的) to everyone. Second, it must contain nutrients that help you live longer. 4.

Eating superfoods can change your life in many ways. Not surprisingly, people who start eating them lose weight quickly. One reason for this is that many superfoods are naturally low in calories (卡路里). 5. With most diets, people concentrate on what shouldn't be eaten. With superfoods, they focus on all the great things they can eat. There are other benefits to adding them to your diet as well. Eating superfoods over time helps keep you looking young, fights heart disease and cures some cancers.

A.Some of the top superfoods are berries, nuts, and whole grains.

B.Our bodies are just the same.

C.Another reason is that sticking to eating them is very easy.

D.This is a good question with a simple answer.

E.Getting a wide variety of foods, superfood included, is the better solution.

F.Lastly, its health benefits must be proven by scientific studies.

G.If you want to start adding superfoods to your diet, do it at your own pace.


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