While many of us may have been away somewhere nice last summer, few would say that we’ve “summered.” “Summer” is clearly a noun, more precisely, a verbed noun.

Way back in our childhood, we all learned the difference between a noun and a verb. With such a tidy definition, it was easy to spot the difference. Not so in adulthood, where we are expected to “foot” bills, “chair” committees, and “dialogue” with political opponents. Chances are you didn’t feel uncomfortable about the sight of those verbed nouns.

“The verbing of nouns is as old as the English language,” says Patricia O’Conner, a former editor at The New York Times Book Review. Experts estimate that 20 percent of all English verbs were originally nouns. And the phenomenon seems to be snowballing. Since 1900, about 40 percent of all new verbs have come from nouns.

Even though conversion (转化) is quite universal, plenty of grammarians object to the practice. William Strunk Jr. and E.B.White, in The Elements of Style — the Bible for the use of American English — have this to say: “Many nouns lately have been pressed into service as verbs. Not all are bad, but all are suspect.” The Chicago Manual of Style takes a similar standpoint, advising writers to use verbs with great care.

“Sometimes people object to a new verb because they resist what is unfamiliar to them,” says O’Conner. That’s why we’re comfortable “hosting” a party, but we might feel upset by the thought of “medaling” in sports. So are there any rules for verbing? Benjamin Dreyer, copy chief at Random House, doesn’t offer a rule, but suggests that people think twice about “verbifying” a noun if it’s easily replaceable by an already existing popular verb. Make sure it’s descriptive but not silly-sounding, he says.

In the end, however, style is subjective. Easy conversion of nouns to verbs has been part of English grammar for centuries; it is one of the processes that make English “English.” Not every coinage (新创的词语) passes into general use, but as for trying to end verbing altogether, forget it.

1.What can we learn about the verbing of nouns?

A.It hasn’t recently been opposed by many grammarians.

B.It is more commonly accepted by children than adults.

C.It hasn’t been a rare phenomenon in the past century.

D.It is easily replaced by existing verbs in practice

2.What is most leading experts’ attitude towards the practice of the verbing of nouns?

A.Cautious. B.Satisfied.

C.Disappointed. D.Unconcerned.

3.What does the author think of ending the verbing of nouns?

A.Predictable. B.Practicable.

C.Approaching. D.Impossible.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Are 40 Percent of all new verbs from nouns

B.Are Summering and Medaling Annoying?

C.Are You Comfortable about a New Verb?

D.Are There Any Rules for Verbing?


Stewart Island Ferry Services

While most visitors spend at least one night on Stewart Island, it is also readily accessible by ferry as a day excursion(远足) from Invercargill and Bluff. Experience Foveaux Strait in comfort and style on board our express catamarans(快艇). During the one-hour crossing between Bluff and Stewart Island keep a lookout for wildlife, especially seabirds.

Free tea and coffee on board.

Interpretation handouts are available (English only).

Wheelchair access available.

Personal baggage is carried free on the ferries—max. two bags per person. Additional baggage is by advance arrangement.

Vehicle parking available at Bluff (extra cost—reservations recommended).


Depart Bluff

All year 9:30 a.m.

Sep—May 5:00 p.m.

Oct—Apr 11:00 a.m.

Jun—Aug 4:30 p.m.

Late Dec—mid Jan 8:00 a.m.


Depart Stewart Island

All year 8:00 a.m.

Sep—May 3:30 p.m.

Oct—Mar 6:00 p.m.

Apr 5:00 p.m.

Jun—Aug 3:00 p.m.

Late Dec—mid Jan 9:30 a.m.

Other departures as locally advertised

Duration 1hr

Check in 30 minutes before to the scheduled departure time. (Check-in and boarding gates are closed 10 minutes before to times stated above.)



Buy 2 or more different excursions and SAVE 20% off all lower priced!

Kids Go FREE on selected departures during NZ School Holidays!

Kids Go FREE for travel 20 April—5 May 2020!

1.If leaving a car at Bluff, a traveler had better _____.

A.refer to the handouts first B.use wheelchair access

C.make a reservation D.park it 30 minutes before departure time

2.On Dec. 28th, John got to the ferry dock at 7:55 a.m. When did he most probably leave Bluff for Stewart Island?

A.At 8:00 a.m.. B.At 9:30 a.m..

C.At 11:00 a.m.. D.At 3:00 p.m..

3.Which of the following is not mentioned about the ferry services?

A.Tea and coffee are free for passengers.

B.Children go free for travel for about 15 days.

C.Travelers can see some seabirds during the crossing.

D.Passengers have to pay extra cost for extra pieces of luggage.



Throughout history, music spread among people of different cultures. In today's technologic advanced society, however, people spread music online, sometimes without an artist's permission. This can lead to many problems, and music companies are now dealing with this practice. Sharing music online without permission is theft (盗窃).

Sharing music online prevents recording companies from making money from their efforts. They say that sharing music online has led to a huge drop in profits and sales over the past 10 years. People who find music for free online are not paying for CDs or every MP3 downloaded. To truly understand the influence of music piracy (盗版) on creators, we must understand how many people are involved in the recording process. For the sale of each album, profits must be shared between musicians, sound engineers, music producers, managers, advertisers, and the company selling the product. Many people believe sharing music only affects the recording artist, but the reality is that sharing hurts business for all companies involved.

There are many people who don't see the harm in sharing music online and even think they have the right to do it. One online blogger states that he originally paid for an entire CD and that he should be able to do with the material whatever he wants. While he may have legally paid for the music, he does not have the right to provide permission, which means people like the blogger are thieves.

Although we don't spread today's music the same way we did before, there's no doubt that people around the word love to share music. However, Internet piracy would prevent musicians from continuing producing albums for fear of theft. Therefore, if people want to continue listening to their favorite artists, they need to buy their music so that artists will make enough profits to continue their music careers.




1. 欢迎他来中国学习;

2. 高中生常参加的课外活动;

3. 你喜欢的课外活动。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




A robot used for housework was tested out in a family. He looked like a tall and handsome man with smooth hair, 1. (speak) in a deep voice. Larry was going to be away from home so he hired such a robot 2. (accompany) his wife Claire. Claire didn’t like the idea at the beginning, 3. she agreed to it at last. 4. her first sight of Tony, Claire was alarmed. When Tony offered to help her get dressed, Claire 5.(embarrass). 6.(gradual), Tony began to win Claire’s trust. He helped Claire realize her dreams by making her home elegant, giving her a new haircut, changing the makeup she 7.(wear) and giving her advice on her dresses. Therefore, at the party the guests 8. were invited were filled with admiration when they saw her house was completely changed. After the test, the company 9.(satisfy) with Tony’s report because he had successfully made a woman regain her 10.(confident).

Cloning has always been with us and is here to stay. It’s a way of making 11.exact copy of another animal or plant. Cloning has two major uses. Firstly, gardeners use it all the time to produce commercial quantities of plants. Secondly, it’s 12.(value) for research on new plant species and for medical research on animals. Cloning animals is a difficult task 13.(undertake). At last the determination and patience of the scientists paid off in 1996 with a breakthrough — the cloning of Dolly the sheep. The fact 14. she seemed to develop normally was very 15.(encourage). Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill and she only lived six and a half years.

Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of 16.(object) and had a great impact 17. the media and public imagination. Newspapers told stories of evil leaders hoping to clone 18.(they) to attain their ambitions. Religious leaders raised moral questions. Now some governments have 19.(forbid) research into human cloning, 20. others think cloning is useful for humans.


    I walked into a bank in town a couple of days ago and waited in the queue. I was the second______and I couldn’t help overhearing the_______in front of me. The bank clerk must have been having a(an) _______ day and after asking how the_______was and so on, he began to complain about our government, _______them for not doing enough to_______the coast from storms and floods as this had been much on the news at the time.

He was in_____spirits and you could tell that he was really_______about a lot of things going on in the world.

My heart went out to him. I was _______ next and all I could do was_______. 1didn’t have any words. Afterwards, it _______to me something that had been running under my own thoughts.

So I left the bank, found a_______and on it I wrote: Sometimes the bad parts of the world seem so_______. There are so many sad things going on in the news. They make it hard to see _______going on around us. But that doesn’t_______life right now can’t be beautiful. All you have to do is open your eyes. It’s in the gaps(缝隙) that beauty is_______.

I_______the postcard back into the bank, wandered around and_______ it on a table, ______that the bank clerk would find it. Whether he did or not, I never found out, but it_______would do someone some good, which I’m certain of.

1.A.in sight B.in the way C.in line D.in time

2.A.story B.noise C.quarrel D.conversation

3.A.perfect B.bad C.nervous D.unfortunate

4.A.customer B.farmer C.thinker D.officer

5.A.praising B.blaming C.doubting D.punishing

6.A.prevent B.remove C.separate D.protect

7.A.low B.high C.good D.strange

8.A.excited B.trouble C.cautious D.curious

9.A.served B.paid C.refused D.invited

10.A.comfort B.smile C.scream D.criticize

11.A.seemed B.happened C.came D.looked

12.A.pen B.desk C.postcard D.book

13.A.disappointing B.encouraging C.delightful D.interesting

14.A.fight B.pollution C.luckiness D.beauty

15.A.tell B.feel C.mean D.teach

16.A.found B.built C.missed D.neglected

17.A.passed B.mailed C.took D.lost

18.A.wrote B.hid C.announced D.left

19.A.advising B.hoping C.watching D.guessing

20.A.surely B.suddenly C.hardly D.lately


    What roles do your parents play in your family? 1. But in modern families, mothers have their own careers, and fathers also help out when it comes to doing household chores and taking care of the kids.

This is probably why recently, the slogan “Loved by kids, approved by mums” on a brand of cereal (麦片粥) from US company Kellogg’s led to a heated discussion online. Some US campaign groups complained that the slogan was biased (歧视) against stay-at-home men. 2.

Indeed, the roles of men and women have changed over time. As the number of dual-income households increases, more and more men have changed their views on their roles in families, accounting for a more equal distribution of labor between mothers and fathers. And many choose to be stay-at-home dads. 3.They have to struggle with career and childcare, but also face doubts over whether they’re doing enough. “4.You’re also measured by how much time you’re able to spend with your kids and how much you’re able to do with your family.” Matt Schneider, co-founder of a US-based network serving for stay-at-home dads, told CBS News.

However, there is no need for stay-at-home fathers to feel cast down. 5.There are always special moments that make it worthwhile for them. “When my son crawls towards me, hugs me and says ‘I love you’, I wonder if he knows what that means.” a stay-at-home dad called Scott Durkin told ABC News. “But you get all … warm inside.”

A.Their hard work is bound to pay off.

B.However, the biggest problem has come.

C.It’s not just about being a paycheck (薪水) father anymore.

D.Before being a father, you are mainly measured by your work.

E.In the past, women were more likely than men to look after family members.

F.Staying at home can hardly help them form a close relationship with their kids.

G.They even charged the company with what they described as “cereal discrimination(歧视)”.


    Grown-ups are often surprised by how well they remember something they learned as children but have never practiced ever since. A man who has not had a chance to go swimming for years can still swim as well as ever when he gets back in the water. He can get on a bicycle after many years and still ride away. He can play catch and hit a ball as well as his son. A mother who has not thought about the words for years can teach her daughter the poem that begins "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" or remember the story of Cinderella or Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

One explanation is the law of overlearning, which can be stated as follows: Once we have learned something, additional learning trials increase the length of time we will remember it.

In childhood we usually continue to practice such skills as swimming, bicycle riding, and playing baseball long after we have learned them. We continue to listen to and remind ourselves of words such as "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" and childhood tales such as Cinderella and Goldilocks. We not only learn but overlearn.

The multiplication tables(乘法口诀表)are an exception to the general rule that we forget rather quickly the things that we learn in school, because they are another of the things we overlearn in childhood.

The law of over learning explains why cramming(突击学习)for an examination, though it may result in a passing grade, is not a satisfactory way to learn a college course. By cramming, a student may learn the subject well enough to get by on the examination, but he is likely soon to forget almost everything he learned. A little overlearning, on the other hand, is really necessary for one's future development.

1.What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

A.People remember well what they learned when they were little.

B.Children have a better memory than grown-ups.

C.Poem reading is a good way to learn words.

D.Stories for children are easy to remember.


2.The author explains the law of overlearning by_________.

A.presenting research findings B.setting down general rules

C.making a comparison D.using examples

3.According to the author, being able to use multiplication tables is_______.

A.a result of overlearning B.a special case of cramming

C.a skill to deal with math problems D.a basic step towards advanced studies


    One of the easiest ways to stop the spread of disease is to simply wash your hands. Twenty seconds of handwashing with soap and water can reduce illnesses and save lives. But, many people, especially children, do not have good handwashing habits. One problem is that children do not wash their hands often enough or long enough. Children may think that it is a tiresome thing to do.

To help handle this problem, two businesswomen from India created a product to turn handwashing into a fun activity. Amanat Anand and Shubham Issar created a tool called SoaPen, aimed at teaching kids good handwashing habits and encouraging kids to wash their hands with soap appropriately and regularly.

“It's such a simple habit to do, but the fact is that people aren't doing it, and it's resulting in actual deaths-which is shocking. So, we decided to come up with a fun method,” said Issar.

As the name suggests, SoaPen is a pen made out of soap. The children draw on their hands with the soap pen and then wash the drawing off. If they don’t spend enough time washing it off, the colors remain on the children’s hands. Issar said it makes sure that children take enough time to wash their hands. This may be especially helpful in a classroom. Often a teacher does not have the time to make each child wash his hands properly.

Kids actually wash their hands for the proper amount of time because they're drawing on their hands. To obliterate the drawing, they actually wash their hands instead of just going under water and, you know, a one-second wash and off.

Good news is that the school children in Mumbai, India, will soon most likely wash their hands after handling a pet. Issar and Anand stated that SoaPen to be created everywhere will help promote good habits through handwashing in the city across the globe.

1.Why does SoaPen come into existence?

A.To cure kids of some kinds of diseases.

B.To teach kids the importance of soap.

C.To help kids wash their hands correctly.

D.To make money from children consumers.

2.Which of the following does Issar agree with?

A.Handwashing is anything but little.

B.SoaPen is designed for classrooms.

C.Some teachers ignore kids’ health in school.

D.Kids don't know the right way of handwashing.

3.What does “obliterate” underlined in paragraph 5 mean?

A.Show. B.Reserve.

C.Learn D.Remove.

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.SoaPen has become popular worldwide.

B.The inventors think Soapen has a bright future.

C.SoaPen has been applied in Mumbai schools.

D.Kids' health should be paid more attention to.


    We all like fantasy stories, and grow up reading and listening to fantasies. These tales fuel our imaginations, and satisfy our longings for adventures. The most interesting thing about fantasies is that their plots involve magical beasts and heroesanimal creatures talking like humansand other things we can’t see in real life. Also, fantasies have a distinguished writing style, with freedom of expression.

Toy Fantasy

In toy fantasy stories, narrators(叙述者)bring their beloved toys to life that can live, talk, thinkbreathe and behave like human beings. You would see modern toy fantasies in a picture book format. Representative works are A. A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh and Carlo Collodi’s The Adventures of Pinocchio.

Animal Fantasy

The animal fantasy tells tales about animals behaving like human beings, experiencing emotions, and having the ability to talk. However, animals in fantasies hold their various animal characteristics, too. Examples include The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, Charlotte's Web by E. B. White, and The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter which influences children around the world.

Magical Fantasy

In a magical fantasy, you see a character having magical powers, or a strange magical object becomes the subject of the story. Stories of this type began widely spreading long ago, including Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and William Steig’s Sylvester and the Magic Pebble.

Modern Folktales

Modern folktales are types of fantasy that narrators tell in a traditional tale accompanying some typical parts, such as strong conflict, little description of characters, and sometimes magical elements. These tales come before all others and are popular, as authors throughout history, have written them. Hans Christian Andersen has written several tales of this category including The Nightingale, The Emperor’s New Clothes and Thumbelina.

1.What is the common feature of the fantasies?

A.Their characters are highly popular.

B.Their events occur in the unreal world.

C.Their writing styles show desires for freedom.

D.Their plots encourage people to have adventures.

2.Who made a great contribution to the animal fantasy?

A.Carlo Collodi. B.Beatrix Potter.

C.William Steig. D.Hans Christian Andersen.

3.Which type of fantasy has the longest history?

A.The toy fantasy. B.The animal fantasy.

C.The magical fantasy. D.The modern folktales.


假定你是李华,是你校学生会主席,暑假将带队去英国友好学校交流。请你给对方负责人Mr. Smith写信洽谈相关事项。内容包括:






Dear Mr. Smith,


Looking forward to your reply!


Li Hua








As it is known to all, the Great Wall is the most famous places of interest in China. Everybody wants to go there, but I am no exception. Then, this summer vacation, the day I have been looking forward to coming at last. I got up very early that day and set off with my brother Tim followed behind. After two hours’ bus ride, we arrived at what looked like the large market, which there were millions of people talking, pushing and photographing. At that, my enthusiasm immediate disappeared. Indeed, the Great Wall is really something must be experienced with a little ease and privacy.



Zhao Zong, a 26-year-old man from Central China’s Henan province, recently became 1. hit on the internet for pushing his 97-year-old grandmother in a wheelchair around during a tour of Xian, Shanxi province. The behavior was pretty 2. (admire) and received numerous thumbs ups (点赞) on Chinese social media platform Weibo.

3. (depart) for the destination on Sept 1, Zhao spent nearly a week taking his grandmother to the popular sites, like the Terracotta Warrior. He didn’t want his grandmother to be tired 4. the trip, so two weeks before the journey he bought a foldable wheelchair for her.

Zhao 5. (raise) in his grandparents’ home. When he was 3, his parents couldn’t take care of him for a 6. (vary) of reasons, and from then on, he lived with his grandmother. “That’s 7. I have deep feelings for her.” Zhao explained. “It 8. (be) my dream to take my grandmother on a trip since I was in college. Now I feel so excited that my dream 9. (eventual) came true.”

As long as conditions allow, Zhao next arranges 10. (tour) Qingdao with his grandmother to see the sea, and hopefully more places in China.


    There is an old suitcase in my house which represents the dreams and hopes of my family.

I’m always taking photos of the little _________ I find in the world around me. A few weeks ago, I visited my parents. My father was an _________ when he was young. I took a photo of something that I would _________ as a pretty big wonder. At first _________ it might not look like much. It was just a _________ brown suitcase with two silver locks up on the top. But to me, it’s _________ what a miracle (不可思议的东西) looks like.

That suitcase is the very one my dad brought with him when he _________ to the U. S. from Turkey in 1965. He was just a 19-year-old boy at the time who didn’t know a _________ of English. He _________ all his fiends and family, __________ that he would become an excellent engineer one day. That suitcase carried my dad’s most valuable __________ — many black-and-white photos from home and his science and math textbooks, etc.

As a kid, I was __________ aware of the suitcase. It lived on the top of my bookcase. I never __________ to it, though. It wasn’t until I got __________ that I actually asked my dad about it. Looking inside, I found tons of photos and the __________ my parents wrote to each other, back and forth between the U. S. and Turkey.

That’s when I __________ how beautiful that dirty old suitcase actually was. It’s a __________ of not only the hardships my parents __________, but also all the wonderful things they __________, how they found love, how their dreams __________ and how they got through them all.

1.A.secrets B.numbers C.wonders D.treasures

2.A.artist B.architect C.author D.engineer

3.A.see B.act C.use D.work

4.A.thought B.time C.light D.sight

5.A.lovely B.common C.special D.strange

6.A.possibly B.exactly C.normally D.quickly

7.A.turned B.wrote C.moved D.returned

8.A.word B.name C.card D.sign

9.A.left B.missed C.refused D.called

10.A.fearful B.hopeful C.proud D.grateful

11.A.achievements B.prizes C.things D.lessons

12.A.unsuitably B.undoubtedly C.uncomfortably D.uncleanly

13.A.paid much attention B.paid a visit C.belonged D.talked

14.A.stronger B.thinner C.older D.braver

15.A.books B.letters C.papers D.reports

16.A.showed B.praised C.admitted D.realized

17.A.reminder B.source C.result D.cause

18.A.got B.suffered C.won D.deserved

19.A.wanted B.found C.expressed D.experienced

20.A.disappeared B.ended C.came true D.woke up


The "Greener Grass" Syndrome

Have you ever met the situation where you kept thinking that there are better opportunities out there compared to your current one you are having? This is the syndrome when one is always looking at the other side of the fence and thinks that the grass is greener there.1.

Why are you like this? Uncertainty and curiosity play a big part in creating the "greener grass" syndrome.It is because we arc uncertciin of whether what we arc holding onto now is the best for us and whether there are any better choices out there.

2. In fact, it sometimes does us more harm than good because often looking out for the "greener grass" will exhaust our energy and attention and finally we can grow even angrier, or at least more dissatisfied.3. We mostly prefer new over old because new things arc fascinating and our curiosity keeps reminding us to explore the other side of the grass.These are the two factors that cause us to feel dissatisfied with what we have and always thinking of finding the greener grass at the opposite side.

If you have this syndrome, chances are you are missing out lots of things you currently have now. So what can you do to cure the greener grass" syndrome? The first thing is to recognize that your current job is your best choice right now..4.

Secondly, always apply your best efforts to your current job. Otherwise, what can you make out of your job when you hardly devote any effort? Last but not least, always keep this truth in mind.The grass is always greener on the other side, and the other side is always greener no matter which side you arc at.5.

A.Try to focus on "what is" instead of "what if".

B.Such uncertainty causes us to keep looking into alternatives.

C.Humans are also curious by nature and we love new things.

D.Focus on "what if” and seek for the best choice.

E.Choose a side, stick to it and make the best out of it.

F.This is what I call the "greener grass" syndrome.

G.It has its own origin, primarily rooted in fantasy and fear.


    For a few months twice a year, the waters off California are home to gray whales moving north or south between the coast of Mexico and the Bering Sea. This year, however, it seems that fewer whales are surviving the journey north. So far this year, a total of 30 dead gray whales have washed up on the West Coast: Eight in Washington, one in Oregon and 21 in California. Those numbers are unusually high.

In Northern California, three out of four of the dead whales that have been examined so far appear to have died of starvation and the fourth was killed by a ship strike, said Barbie Halaska, a research assistant at The Marine (海洋的) Mammal Center (TMMC), a nonprofit organization that rescues and rehabilitates (使康复) marine mammals in California. Halaska and her colleagues examined the four whales—three young whales and one adult male — and planned to examine the remaining dead whales in the region in the next couple of days.

Gray whales were once severely threatened by whalers. Only around 2,000 of them lived in the ocean in 1946, so an international agreement to stop gray whale hunting was signed in order to help the population recover. Gray whales were removed from the endangered species list in 1994 when the population reached 23,000 individuals and TMMC predicts there are now around 26,000 gray whales in the Pacific Ocean, which is about the number before the whaling boom got up steam almost 200 years ago.

Although the gray whale population has recovered to a certain degree, the number of dead whales washing up this year is alarming, Halaska said. Climate change and declining fish stocks are likely key factors in the whales’ poor health, she said .

Halaska stressed that boaters and beachgoers on the West Coast should watch out for gray whales this time of year.

1.What are the statistics in paragraph 3 about?

A.Severe conditions facing gray whales.

B.An agreement to stop killing whales.

C.The evolving development of gray whales.

D.The number of gray whales in different times.

2.What’s Halaska’s attitude towards the population of gray whale?

A.Worried. B.Discouraged.

C.Optimistic. D.Uncaring.

3.What may be talked about following the last paragraph?

A.The importance of gray whales.

B.Gray whales’ living environment.

C.Things to do to help gray whales .

D.Ways to increase gray whales’ population.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Gray Whales Are Threatened by Whalers

B.Why Many Gray Whales Died on California’s Coast?

C.Gray Whales Are in Great Danger of Dying Out

D.Where Gray Whales Move to Avoid Being Hunt?


    On a bright early summer morning, many young swimmers gather at a local swimming pool in the state of Maryland. They are members of a competitive summer swim team, and that’s a regular part of their daily life. As they train and cut seconds off their times, which makes them closer to the championship in the following large-scale (大规模的) competitions, they are getting lots of physical exercise and vitamin D from the sun. However, the benefits of belonging to a sports team are not just honor or health related. You can learn useful life skills.

Paul Waas, coach of the swim team, explains, “The discipline (自制力) comes into play when you’re talking about concentrating on the details that your coaches are saying as it makes you faster rather than going up and down the pool the same way you have every time. When you focus on what you’re doing right and what you can do better, then you’ll see the improvement.”

Besides, there is also responsibility, goals and workings within a group. Again, here is Coach Waas. “It’s really great! It’s so fun to watch from year to year. I’ve had kids who as 7-year-olds on the team could barely pay attention in practice and were only interested in who was going first. Now they’ve come back as 8-year-olds, having set some goals and having things that they want to achieve. These skills can help them a lot.”

But playing the sports is not without harm. Some can be hard on the body. Young athletes suffer serious injuries that follow them into adulthood. Coach Waas says that in fact, swimming is different from most others. First, it poses a lower risk of injury. The second one relates to how swim teams are structured. Actually, children are not the only ones who can benefit. Adults can also benefit from team sports.

1.Why do the swimmers gather at a swimming pool in the early morning?

A.To obtain vitamin D from the sun. B.To build practical skills for future.

C.To join in a large-scale competitive. D.To carry out their routine practice.

2.What do Paul Waas’ words imply in paragraph 2?

A.Swimmers should concentrate on details.

B.Members get disciplined and focused in the team.

C.Coaches play a key role in layers’ improvement.

D.Most swimmers enjoy sinning in the same way.

3.What happens to the kids after a year’s training?

A.They are more aware of what to do. B.They pay less attention to training.

C.They devote more time to practice. D.They care more about who goes first.

4.What does the author want to convey in the text?

A.Exercise benefits everyone. B.Swimming is better than other sports.

C.Team sports teach life lessons. D.Physical exercise should be a habit.


    Before my daughter, Evelyn, was born, I eagerly expected her first year of life. I imagined celebrating every milestone --- bonding with her as a newborn, seeing her smile for the first time, hearing her say her first word. 1 didn't think of feeding tubes, long hospital stays or an organ transplant( 移植). For Evelyn, the first year included all and more.

Evelyn came into this world at just 34 weeks, weighing less than 3 pounds. Genetic testing revealed she had Alagille syndrome, a genetic disorder that can damage the liver(肝脏),heart and other organs. Soon, we received the news that baby Evelyn needed a liver transplant. Our family moved nearer to UPMC Children's Hospial of Pittsburgh so that we were closer if a liver was available for Evelyn.

When Evelyn was added to the organ donation wait list, I was under the liver allocation policy in place at that time,which was map-based. This policy lacks any special consideration for transplant candidates.We were told it would likely take three months. Just then, a new policy for liver allocation was tried out.Under the new system, the sickest child patients get first priority(优先).The new policy was only in effect for a litle over a week, but in that period, Evelyn received her liver transplant. Had it been just one week earler or later, we would not have received the call.

As Evelyn recovers from her transplant, we are grateful for the change.I am also sad, because the new policy was short-lived. That means another mom like me might not receive that phone call with good news.

Other children should have the same opportunity as Evelyn to live healthy, happy lives. When it comes to liver transplant policy, we can and must do better for children.

1.What probably happened to Evelyn shorly after she was born?

A.She failed to give a smile.

B.She had a serious liver failure.

C.She said her first word quickly.

D.She suffered from a heart attack.

2.Why did the author's family move nearer to the hospital?

A.To save time.

B.To have money.

C.To see a doctor.

D.To get first priority.

3.What does the author mean by the underlined sentence?

A.Evelyn is healthy now.

B.They waited too long.

C.They were one week earlier.

D.Her daughter is fortunate.

4.What does the author want to express in the last pargraph?

A.We must guarantee kids have healthy livers.

B.Kids should have chances of a liver transplant.

C.The sickest kids should get liver transplants first.

D.The old policy lacks special consideration for kids.


    We all like fantasy stories, and grow up reading and listening to fantasies. These tales fuel our imaginations, and satisfy our longings for adventures. The most interesting thing about fantasies is that their plots involve magical beasts and heroesanimal creatures talking like humansand other things we can’t see in real life. Also, fantasies have a distinguished writing style, with freedom of expression.

Toy Fantasy

In toy fantasy stories, narrators(叙述者)bring their beloved toys to life that can live, talk, thinkbreathe and behave like human beings. You would see modern toy fantasies in a picture book format. Representative works are A. A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh and Carlo Collodi’s The Adventures of Pinocchio.

Animal Fantasy

The animal fantasy tells tales about animals behaving like human beings, experiencing emotions, and having the ability to talk. However, animals in fantasies hold their various animal characteristics, too. Examples include The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, Charlotte's Web by E. B. White, and The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter which influences children around the world.

Magical Fantasy

In a magical fantasy, you see a character having magical powers, or a strange magical object becomes the subject of the story. Stories of this type began widely spreading long ago, including Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and William Steig’s Sylvester and the Magic Pebble.

Modern Folktales

Modern folktales are types of fantasy that narrators tell in a traditional tale accompanying some typical parts, such as strong conflict, little description of characters, and sometimes magical elements. These tales come before all others and are popular, as authors throughout history, have written them. Hans Christian Andersen has written several tales of this category including The Nightingale, The Emperor’s New Clothes and Thumbelina.

1.What is the common feature of the fantasies?

A.Their characters are highly popular.

B.Their events occur in the unreal world.

C.Their writing styles show desires for freedom.

D.Their plots encourage people to have adventures.

2.Who made a great contribution to the animal fantasy?

A.Carlo Collodi. B.Beatrix Potter.

C.William Steig. D.Hans Christian Andersen.

3.Which type of fantasy has the longest history?

A.The toy fantasy. B.The animal fantasy.

C.The magical fantasy. D.The modern folktales.



1. 合理饮食;   2.加强锻炼;   3.保证睡眠。

注意:1. 词数:100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。









After watching the program “Where Are We Going, Dad?”, I can't help think of my parents. There're also many unforgettable memory between us. One Sunday ten years later, my dad and I went camping. He prepared all the equipment and taught me how to put up a tent, that for a boy of seven wasn't easy. He guided me patient and thanked me for my work, making me to feel I was very helpful. That was what my pride and confidence came. As the program told us, parents play important role in the growth of children. I'm grateful to my parents for their devotion of accompanying me.



The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in Canada has organized a group of doctors to help sick people in the past few months. The doctors will send patients to art galleries, instead of 1.(give) them medicine. The museum is involved in ten experiments on patients to find out how art has an effect 2. health. The patients include people with breast cancer (乳腺癌), eating disorders and mental health 3. (problem). Thomas Bastien, director of education and wellness at the museum, believes that art can heal. He said, “We saw that the museum was good for people, so we 4. (decide) to start this program with the doctors a few months ago. If you have breast cancer, you can come to the museum and you might feel much 5. (well)”.

Dr Helene Boyer, 6. has a lot of experience in helping to heal people with art treatment, spoke about its advantages. She said, “There’s more and more scientific evidence that art treatment is good for your physical health.” She said that looking at art increases 7. same kinds of hormones (激素) in 8. (we) bodies that are produced when we exercise. The museum’s director-general said, “I am 9. (complete) sure that in the 21st century, art will be what physical activity was for health in the 20th century. I am very 10. (confidence) in it.”


    Mark Twain was a famous American writer. He wrote many stories and many of them were _________ stories. These stories are still read by many people all over the world. _________writing, he also liked hunting and fishing very much, so one year he went to _________ for a holiday and spent three very pleasant weeks in the _________ there.

When he had to go back home, he drove to the station with his _________. There he asked a porter to put it into the train. Then he got into the smoking car and _________ in one of the comfortable seats there. The car was _________ when he got in, but a few minutes later, _________ man got in and sat down on the seat opposite his. Mark Twain looked at the man and thought that this man looked quite _________. However, it would be __________ to say nothing in that situation, __________ he said good morning to the man, and they began to talk.

First they talked about the __________ and then they talked about Maine. The stranger said, “We have some beautiful woods in Maine. It would be a __________ to come to Maine without spending some time there. I suppose you have been in our woods, haven’t you?” “Yes, I have.” answered Mark Twain. “I’ve just __________ three weeks there and I had a very good time, too. And let me tell you something. __________ fishing isn’t allowed in Maine at this season, I’ve got two hundred pounds of beautiful fish with my baggage in this train. I like to eat fish, so I packed it in ice to __________ it home with me. May I ask who you are, sir?”

The stranger looked at Mark Twain for several __________ and then answered, “I’m a __________. My job is to catch people who hunt and fish during the wrong seasons. And who are you?”

Mark Twain was surprised and __________ when he heard this. He thought quickly and then answered, “Well, I’ll tell you, sir. I’m the man who tells the biggest __________ in America.”

1.A.frightening B.funny C.terrible D.moving

2.A.Except B.Except for C.Besides D.But for

3.A.America B.Miami C.New Jersy D.Maine

4.A.forest B.woods C.village D.country

5.A.backpack B.suitcase C.baggage D.diploma

6.A.took down B.took off C.sat down D.sat up

7.A.crowded B.full C.noisy D.empty

8.A.the other B.another C.other D.others

9.A.satisfied B.unpleasant C.surprised D.embarrassed

10.A.enthusiastic B.friendly C.relaxed D.impolite

11.A.so B.while C.but D.since

12.A.climate B.breakfast C.weather D.journey

13.A.pleasure B.pity C.fun D.shame

14.A.lived B.spent C.taken D.journeyed

15.A.Because B.Unless C.Until D.Although

16.A.take B.carry C.bring D.fetch

17.A.minutes B.hours C.days D.seconds

18.A.shop assistant B.headmaster C.interviewer D.police officer

19.A.disappointed B.exhausted C.frightened D.shocked

20.A.stories B.jokes C.intelligence D.lies


    Even if you wake up every day with a perfect smile on your face, it can easily be ruined by the difficult people you meet at your workplace. You can’t avoid them because they are already part of your daily life. They make your day stressful which gives you a terrible feeling to leave the work immediately. 1. I will share a few effective strategies which will help  you to deal with these difficult people.

Don’t take it personally.

Difficult people see others’ opinion as conflicting (冲突) to their belief. Their behaviour is already a habit to them so if you take it personally, they may even plan to make your life more terrible. Remember the problem is not only with you.2.

Listen to what they say.

Sometimes what difficult people want is someone’s attention and love. There are also difficult people who don’t even speak but will just throw you with sullen ( 愠怒的) looks to make you feel uneasy. 3.  The thought of you standing there and waiting for a response  will make them feel uncomfortable and they will just decide to speak up. If they do, listen carefully and analyze it.

Don’t get discouraged.

I have already told you that it would be really difficult for you to change their behaviour but never give up. It should be you affecting them and not them affecting you.4. They  would not interfere (干扰) with you again. If they realize that, you can already enjoy your stay in the office or in the school.


Instead of dealing with their pessimistic attitude every day, try to look at what advantages these people have. That way, they will start to like and appreciate you. Also, they won’t give you cold stares any more.

A.See what’s good in these people.

B.Choose topics that you both like.

C.Difficult people are sometimes suffering from low self-esteem (自尊).

D.If this happens, ask them and wait for a minute until he or she speaks.

E.What’s worse is that they can even make your enjoyable day unhealthy.

F.There must be many people who feel annoyed with their unpleasant behaviour.

G.Once they feel that you are different and they can’t beat you, they’ll learn to become distant.


    In Africa, Christmas Day begins with groups of carolers (欢唱颂歌的人) walking to and from through the village, along the roadway, by the houses of the missionaries (传教士), singing the lovely carols known to the world around. Often people may be awakened by a group of carolers beginning to gather at the house of worship(敬神活动). They return home to make final preparations as to the clothes one must wear and also as to their offering for the Christmas service.

The most important part of their Christmas worship service is the love offering. This is the gift in honor of Jesus. At about 8 or 9 o’clock everyone goes to the celebration of the birthday of Jesus. Everyone who attends the service goes forward to lay down their gift upon the raised platform near the Communion table. No one will attend the service without giving a gift.

Christmas in South Africa is a summer holiday. There is no snow, but it has many flowers, many beautiful varieties of wild flowers being in their full pride.

In Ghana, most churches show the coming of Christmas by decorating the church and homes beginning with the first week in Advent, four weeks before Christmas. This season happens to be the time of cocoa harvest, so it is a time of wealth. Everyone returns home from wherever they might be such as farms or mines.

In Africa, it is the traditional dinner of turkey, roast beef, mince pies, or suckling pig, yellow rice with raisins, vegetables, and plum pudding, crackers. In the afternoon, families go out into the country and usually there are games or bathing in the warm sunshine, and then home in the cool of the evening. Boxing Day is also a proclaimed (正式宣布的) public holiday usually spent in the open air. It falls on December 26 and is a day of real relaxation.

1.The purpose of this text is to ________.

A.persuade us to have a holiday in Africa

B.describe some important holidays in Africa

C.tell us how people celebrate Christmas in Africa

D.introduce to us when Christmas came into being

2.What is the most important part of Christmas worship service?

A.One must sing a carol on the platform.

B.One must appear in fantastic clothes.

C.Food is shared among carolers.

D.Everyone carries a gift to the scene.

3.If you visit South Africa on Christmas Day, you’ll find _____________.

A.the church and homes are being decorated

B.there are flowers all over the country

C.everyone returns home to harvest cocoa

D.it is snowing heavily everywhere

4.The correct time order of the following festivals should be __________.

A.Christmas→ Boxing Day→Advent

B.Boxing Day→ Christmas→Advent

C.Christmas→ Advent→Boxing Day

D.Advent→Christmas→Boxing Day


    The day was September 5, 2015, when for the first time I left my country Bangladesh for China to get Master of Environmental Engineering at Chongqing University, thanks to the Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC). I always wanted to know and learn new language, culture and tradition.

At the beginning, because of the language prevention, going to canteen or restaurant or visiting places or buying things were a challenge. Later, when I began learning Chinese, considered one of the most difficult languages in the world, life became much smoother. In addition, I took part in after-school activities organized by the university or by Chinese friends. In the past four years I have visited many places in China such as Yichang, Beijing, Kunming and Sichuan province. I enjoy Chongqing's delicious hotpot, tofu, traditional Chinese tea. China covers a large region and has many ethnicities (少数民族), so there's a variety of Chinese food. China is a country with a time-honored civilization and a land of ceremony. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they prefer and serve them the tea in the right teacups.

China is one of the few countries in the world which depend on coal as the main energy source. At present, coal accounts for about 70 percent of the energy structure in China, which produces serious environmental pollution and ecological (生态的) damage. After years of efforts, China has made achievements. Related technologies have been used in large companies in China.

I'm lucky to here working as a doctoral researcher at the department of environmental science and engineering. I should have the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills that I need to build a bright future planet. By gathering scientific knowledge in this field, I have plans to create new opportunities for policymakers of my country Bangladesh. I value the chance to serve my beloved homeland!

1.The best title of the passage should be ________.

A.the Chinese government helps less developed countries a lot

B.Chinese, the most difficult language in the world

C.from Bangladesh to Chongqing, learning from China

D.Sichuan as well as Chongqing is home to delicious food

2.We can know from the second paragraph that ________.

A.buying things is a challenge in China

B.the writer probably wrote this article in 2019

C.serving tea is necessary as tea is a healthy drink

D.the writer joined in after-school activities to meet new friends

3.About the author (作者), we can know that ________.

A.she majored in Chinese as a new language in Chongqing University

B.she considered Chinese as one of the most difficult languages in the world

C.she would work as a doctor to help the patients after she returned to her country

D.she loved her country, Bangladesh

4.In the writer’s eyes, ________.

A.China, like many countries, uses coal as the main energy source

B.China is a country with much beautiful scenery and tasty food

C.environmental pollution will be a serious problem in China

D.China acts as the top country in the field of environmental science and engineering


I’ve loved my mother’s desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat doing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the more wonderful thing in the world.

Years later, during her final illness, mother kept different things for my sister and brother. “But the desk,” she’d said again, “it’s for Elizabeth.”

I never saw her angry, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed it in action. But as a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter.

They never happened. And a gulf opened between us. I was “too emotional(易动感情的)”. But she lived “on the surface”.

As years passed I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive me.

I posted the letter and waited for her answer. None came.

My hope turned to disappointment, then little interest and, finally, peace— it seemed that nothing happened. I couldn’t be sure that the letter had even got to mother. I only knew that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.

Now the present of her desk told, as she’d never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside —a photo of my father and a one-page letter, folded and refolded many times.

Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.

1.The passage shows that ______.

A.mother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughter

B.mother was too serious about everything her daughter had done

C.mother cared much about her daughter in words

D.mother wrote to her daughter in careful words

2.The word “gulf” in the passage means ______.

A.deep understanding between the old and the young

B.different ideas between the mother and the daughter

C.free talks between mother and daughter

D.part of the sea going far in land

3.What did mother do with her daughter’s letter asking forgiveness?

A.She had never received the letter.

B.For years, she often talked about the letter.

C.She didn’t forgive her daughter at all in all her life.

D.She read the letter again and again till she died.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.My letter to Mother B.Mother and Children

C.My mother’s Desk D.Talks between Mother and Me


    Shakespeare’s Globe Exhibition & Tour is a unique international resource to explore Shakespeare’s work. Open all year round, it gives you an opportunity to learn more about the most famous playwright, Shakespeare, and helps you seek to further the experience and international understanding of him.

Group Visits to the Exhibition & Tour

Opening Hours

Theatre Tours:   Monday - Sunday          9:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Exhibition:      Monday - Sunday          9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Groups of 15 people or more are required to pre-book their visit, and each group will have its own guide for free. To make a reservation, please fill in a Group Request Form and return it to us via email.

Exhibition and Tour Prices

Adult:                             $15.00

Senior (60+):                    $13.50

Student (with valid ID):        $11.50

Child (5-15):                     $ 8.00

Complimentary:                Every 16th person free

Getting here

Shakespeare’s Globe 21 New Globe Walk, London SEl9DT, UK

Visitors are advised to arrive by public transport or by taxi. There is a car park on Thames Exchange on the north side of Southwark Bridge (open 24 hours, seven days a week). Cabs may be found all year round on Southwark Bridge. It may also be possible to pick one up from outside the entrance hall on New Globe Walk.

Where to eat

Swan at Shakespeare’s Globe serves modern British seasonal food for dinner, afternoon tea or drinks in our beautiful bar and restaurant set over two floors, available for pre- and post-theatre dining.

Swan Restaurant

Monday- Friday:    12 noon - 2:30 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.- 10:30 p.m.

Saturday:             12 noon- 3:30 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.

Sunday:               12 noon- 9: 00 p.m.

1.When can you pay a visit to the exhibition?

A.Friday at 12:00 p.m. B.Monday at 8: 00 a.m.

C.Saturday at 5: 30 p.m. D.Sunday at 7: 00 p.m.

2.If a group of 20 children visit the Exhibition & Tour, what is required for them to do?

A.They need to hire a guide themselves.

B.They must be accompanied by an adult.

C.They have to pay $160 for tickets in total.

D.They need to email for a reservation in advance.

3.What can we know about Swan Restaurant?

A.Afternoon tea is not served on Sunday.

B.It serves traditional seasonal food for diners.

C.It is closed from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on workdays.

D.It serves three meals, drinks and afternoon tea.










注意:1 可以适当增添细节,以使行文连贯。


3. 高科技:high-tech ( adj.)

Teenagers are spending too much of their parents’ hard-earned money buying branded products. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



1.The other day I am showing the boys the weekly chemistry when the mixture bubbled everywhere.

2.Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is with these students.

3.It was such privilege to have spent a day with Tombe’s family.

4.You have to get used to a whole new way of life, that can take up all the concentration in the beginning.

5.Two centuries later, the Spanish had settled in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of where we now call the United States.

6.Humans differ with other animals in their ability to speak.

7.He found the problem difficultly to solve.

8.The position of the classroom with its view made me felt like I was dreaming.

9.The question that the sports meeting will be held on time will be discussed tomorrow.

10.The criteria is so strict that it is difficult to get new ideas accepted unless they are truly novel.


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