A walking house is ______(有能力的) of using GPS technology to travel to different places. (根据汉语意思及首字母完成句子)


All d______(捐献) blood is tested for HIV and other infections. (根据汉语意思及首字母完成句子)


In a school or college, c______(核心) subjects are a group of subjects that have to be studied.(根据汉语意思及首字母完成句子)


    Hardship comes in different shapes and sizes. But few things in life are as _______ as feeling cut off from the people we love.

Recently, while _______ against the COVID-19, my grandkids and I have to stay indoors and started _______ via Wechat. Mostly, I read to them because I love doing it, but I also do it for their parents' mental health. Besides having to stay indoors, they are _______ to homeschool their kids, who can't go to school or play with their friends.

Reading to each other is an age-old practice to me. It has _______ and healing (治愈的) power especially in current situation. When we read, we see the words with our eyes. But hearing them read is a different _______, we just need to be quiet and listen. Sometimes, the voice and the love it_______ mean far more than the words. Today, I wechatted with my grandkids, Ran and Wey, and read them a book my kids loved long ago, and they thought it _______, frequently bursting out laughing.

Now more than ever, while keeping a safe distance, we all need to _______ each other. Sometimes the words we read are so powerful that they will never be ________.

1.A.life-changing B.heartbreaking C.risk-taking D.troublemaking

2.A.sheltering B.arguing C.going D.warning

3.A.chatting B.reading C.drawing D.singing

4.A.permitted B.selected C.invited D.forced

5.A.comforting B.suffering C.controlling D.opposing

6.A.atmosphere B.experience C.exploration D.choice

7.A.identifies B.harvests C.defends D.involves

8.A.annoying B.incredible C.funny D.complicated

9.A.sing high praise for B.show respect for C.give way to D.hold on to

10.A.considered B.changed C.forgotten D.expected


Franklin’s Experiment: How Much Is True?

Benjamin Franklin’s famous lightning experiment has introduced generations of children to science. 1.

The well-known story is that Franklin flew a kite during a storm in 1752. At that time, there was much interest in electricity. People wanted to know if lightning was really produced by electricity. 2. He raised the kite with a piece of string tied to it. A metal key was attached to the string. A flash of lightning hit the kite, and electricity was conducted through the string to the key. 3. This, he said, proved that lightning was a form of electricity.

For years, schools have taught this story and it has inspired us and taught us that scientific experiments are important to establish the truth and to contribute towards later scientific discoveries and inventions.

However, neither the story nor the details of the experiment are entirely true. Although it has been proved that Franklin’s experiment took place, more than one scientist has questioned what really happened. 4. But scientists all agree that if Franklin had actually touched the key, he would certainly have died from the electric shock.

Scientists often question accepted ideas because they want to establish the facts. Some have even questioned the story about the apple that fell on Newton’s head and led him to come up with his theory of gravity.

5. But in science, facts should be proved by experiments and research, and we should not always believe everything we read or hear — even if it is a great story.

A.Franklin was one of them.

B.The detail about the string and the key is true.

C.It’s true that many discoveries start with an experiment.

D.Admittedly, fiction is often more interesting than the truth.

E.Franklin then touched the key with his finger and got an electric shock.

F.However, new research suggests that the story may be fiction instead of fact.

G.This experiment proves beyond any doubt that lightning is an electric phenomenon.


    [1] I was interested in different science fiction ideas and technologies. But there is one theme in science fiction that has always troubled me: when technology subverts (颠覆) its creators.

[2] I’ve been involved in dozens of technology projects. I have to admit that seldom in our design or business discussions have we spent much time on the possible negative impact of our work on the world. Instead, in most cases we just create technology because we see a need, or to solve a problem.

[3] Technology has been responsible for an age of distraction. Recently while driving from northern New York City to the Elmira area, I saw signs saying, “Next texting stop is three miles ahead. Don’t text and drive.” Most states have already outlawed texting while driving, and yet we hear almost weekly of traffic accidents caused by drivers tapping on smartphones. I don’t believe Steve Jobs and Apple dreamed that the iPhone, or smartphones in general, would give rise to this level of distraction.

[4] In a recent Harvard Business Review piece entitled “Liberal Arts (人文科学) in the Data Age,” the author writes about the importance of reconnecting humanism with engineering approach. Many of today’s engineers have been so focused on creating new technologies that their short term goals risk covering up unintended long-term outcomes. A few companies, such as Intel, are forward-thinking enough to include ethics (伦理学) professionals on their staff. At this point all tech companies should start getting serious about the need to hire people with backgrounds in areas such as psychology and philosophy (哲学).

[5] My hope is that we can all move a little more in creating technology that is both impactful and thoughtful in its engagement with our lives and the world.

1.What inspires people to create technologies according to the writer?

A.A desire to think and create. B.An interest in technology.

C.A need to settle a problem. D.An idea from science fiction.

2.Why is the example of “texting” mentioned in Paragraph 3?

A.To tell the arrival of a new age. B.To criticize wrong driving behaviors.

C.To stress Steve Jobs’ contributions. D.To show negative impact of technology.

3.Which of the following can best replace “give rise to” in Paragraph 3?

A.Cause. B.Resolve.

C.Confirm. D.Permit.

4.According to the writer, forward-thinking tech companies should ________.

A.value liberal arts professionals B.put huge profits first

C.focus on creating new technologies D.hire bookish engineers

5.What does the writer want to get across to readers?

A.The significance of Liberal Arts. B.Less dependence on technology.

C.The importance of humanism in technology. D.Diverse views on science fiction.


    [1] In 1856, a British survey team measured the height of Qomolangma with the result of 8,840 meters above sea level. However, the exact measurement has never been settled. In 1955, the figure was adjusted by an Indian survey team to 8,848 meters, and later to 8,850 meters according to a US team in 1999. And in 2005, a Chinese team gained a height of 8,844 meters, but that result wasn't widely accepted either.

[2] On May 6, 2020, a 30-member Chinese survey team, equipped with the latest technology, including a Global Navigation Satellite System receiver and a radar to measure the mountain's snow cap, is determined to settle the dispute (争议).

[3] But measuring Qomolangma is no easy task. The average air temperature there is -29 and hurricane-like winds blow all the time. According to Li Guopeng, leader of the No.1 Geodetic Survey Team of China's Ministry of Natural Resources, despite advanced technologies we now have — the likes of robots and drones — it’s uncertain that they can operate smoothly under extreme conditions, which is why sending human experts to the peak is still necessary to ensure a precise reading.

[4] But ______

[5] The truth is that measuring the height of Qomolangma is much more than just getting that one particular number. Mount Qomolangma is the perfect window for observing crustal (地壳的) movements. Tiny changes to the peak's height can indicate whether the two plates, the Eurasian plate and the Indian plate, are heading toward or away from each other. The survey team will also get firsthand information about the condition of the snow and other natural materials at the top, which could be an indicator of climate change on the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau.

[6] It might be true that settling a dispute was the driving force for continued exploration, but the good thing is that we always end up discovering so much more.

1.What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?

A.The importance of Qomolangma. B.The dispute of Qomolangma’s height.

C.The difficulty in measuring Qomolangma. D.The change of Qomolangma’s height.

2.What does Li Guopeng think of the new devices they carried?

A.They can read and deal with the results precisely.

B.They might break down under unusual conditions.

C.They are the latest advanced technology in the world.

D.They will work properly without human’s instructions.

3.Which of the following is best for the blank in the text?

A.what is the process of China’s measurement?

B.how is the latest technology used for the research?

C.does a tiny difference really matter for a huge mountain?

D.do extreme conditions actually affect the measurement?

4.What is to be discovered through the exact height of Qomolangma?

A.The depth of snowcap. B.The diversity of natural materials.

C.The state of crustal movements. D.The change of worldwide climate.

5.What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To recommend a good way to settle a dispute.

B.To show the history of measuring Qomolangma.

C.To advertise China’s latest advanced technology.

D.To stress the value of China’s latest exploration in Qomolangma.


    [1] It happens countless times a day. A flower’s bright color and the smell of sweet nectar (花蜜) attract a bee. The bee stops by for a quick taste and small grains of pollen (the powder produced by a flower) stick to its body. The bee then travels to another flower of the same type and leaves the pollen as it has another meal. This is an example of animal pollination (授粉) — a process extremely important to plant reproduction.

[2] It’s not only plants that depend on animal pollination — humans do, too. Worldwide, nearly a thousand plants that we grow for food, spices, clothing fibers, and medicine depend on it. If pollination suddenly stopped, we would have no apples, tomatoes, coffee, and many other goods.

[3] This important process is carried out by more than 200,000 different animal species known as pollinators. Flies and beetles - the original pollinators - date back 130 million years to the first flowering plants. Birds, butterflies, and ants also do their part. Even nonflying mammals help out: monkeys tear open flowers with their hands, accidentally spreading pollen into the air and onto their fur.

[4] Pollinators are therefore important, but they are also at risk. Climate change, habitat loss, and invasive predators (入侵捕食者) all threaten them. The United States, for example, has lost over 50 percent of its honeybees over the past ten years. A serious threat facing bees is colony collapse disorder, when worker bees mysteriously disappear from their colony. Scientists are still trying to identify its cause.

[5] There is a quote attributed to Einstein that if bees ever disappeared, man would only have four years left to live. Whether that’s true or not does not really matter, says wildlife photographer Louie Schwartzberg: the key point is that there is a real danger. “The healthiest food we need to eat,” he says, “would disappear without pollinating plants. It’s pretty serious.”

1.What might be left on flower B, as is shown in the picture?





2.What can be inferred from the text?

A.Pollination means a lot to fruits and grains.

B.Nearly a thousand plants depend on pollination.

C.Monkeys are the only nonflying mammal pollinators.

D.There are more than 20,000 different species of pollinators.

3.What threat are honeybees faced with?

A.Climate change. B.Habitat loss.

C.Invasive predators. D.Colony collapse disorder.

4.What does the underlined “a real danger” in the last paragraph refer to?

A.Bees are disappearing. B.Humans can only survive 4 years.

C.Food shortage is serious. D.No pollinating plants, no healthy food.

5.Which might be the best title?

A.The Importance of Pollinators B.The Creator of Nature

C.The Wonder of Reproduction D.The Secret Life of Bees


阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

It was almost dark and some streets were already lighted. Everyone seemed to go home in a hurry. Passing a well-dressed man, little ragged Rafiq called again, holding a paper high up with one hand," Daily Star, Sir, only eight cents..."But the man went on without a word. Rafiq had been up and down the street the whole day crying but there were still twenty papers under his arms.

The shops would soon close and he would have to go home too, carrying papers instead of money. He had longed to have more money tonight to buy a cake for his mother and some bird-seed for his favourite pet Bulbul which was a gift from his father before he died. He had spent all the money both he and his mother possessed to buy papers. It was heartbreaking and more than he could bear to think about that.

"An unlucky day!" sighed Rafiq and his eyes fell on the last page of Daily Star.

An honest boy wanted ---Truefulness and honesty is what he owns.

(Public, 425 Lafayette St.212-967-7555, Mr.Iskandar)

"Honesty?" Rafiq breathed deeply.

"Hello, Rafiq. Haven’t you sold your papers yet? I sold mine 2 hours ago." Rafiq looked up and saw Sardul, another news boy.

"Why? That’s more than 160 copies."

"Rafiq," said Sardul as he drew near to him so that no one would hear what he was going to say. "You must run quickly up the street and shout ‘Hot newsBomb bursting at local school. Many died’."

"But it’s not in the paper!"

"Nobody will catch you. Just run away quickly before they have time to see, and you’ll sell out and get your money."

Paragraph 1

Rafiq dipped his hand into his pocket, feeling the few notes and coins there, lost in thought.


Paragraph 2

The next day at the newspaper office, Rafiq heard Sardul laughing at his failure, and then spotted a gentleman listening patiently outdoors.



假如你是李华,你的新西兰笔友Pal想学做一道中国传统美食,参加学校即将举办的美食节(Food Fair)。请你就此回复邮件,内容包括名称及做法等。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息。



    Looking at these professional wildlife images, it’s easy to assume the person behind the camera is an adult with decades of ______. But these photos were taken by 14-year-old Josiah Launstein.

From time to time, I hear about kids who ______ me. Young Josiah Launstein is one of them. He is only 14 and he’s been into ______ for 9 years. He grew to become a passionate wildlife photographer, and he even started getting awards for his ______ and skill.

He’s received numerous awards and his work has been shown in museums and galleries worldwide. CBC Arts(加拿大广播公司艺术频道)______ Josiah in a YouTube video, where he got to say a bit about himself and his interest in photography. Josiah started using his dad’s ______ when he was only five years old. As he ______, he took it more seriously when he was seven. Josiah says that he ______ being in the wilderness and spending time with animals, so it seems he put his two passions together. It’s _______, really!

Josiah explains that wildlife photography requires a lot of ______ and determination. He

____ rain, sleet, snow and freezing temperatures. To frame the perfect ______, there’s a lot of waiting and ______ days. He especially likes photographing bighorn sheep, and one of his photos of these wonderful animals ______ him Young Outdoor Photographer of the Year award. He has been granted this ______ three times so far. His last awarded photo, Raindrops, is currently on exhibit in Natural History Museum in London.

1.A.experience B.progress C.passion D.curiosity

2.A.amuse B.respect C.trust D.amaze

3.A.business B.fashion C.entertainment D.photography

4.A.talent B.knowledge C.success D.imagination

5.A.evaluated B.presented C.helped D.consulted

6.A.picture B.book C.camera D.method

7.A.complains B.explains C.proves D.understands

8.A.risks B.avoids C.enjoys D.practices

9.A.absurd B.complicated C.easy D.wonderful

10.A.training B.observation C.patience D.research

11.A.records B.dislikes C.expects D.bears

12.A.animal B.weather C.shot D.nature

13.A.long B.terrible C.cold D.free

14.A.left B.earned C.showed D.prepared

15.A.title B.scholarship C.photo D.permission


    Think “art”. What comes to your mind? Is it sculptures in the Louvre, or Chinese painting in the Palace Museum? Or maybe, just maybe, it’s a dancing pattern of lights?

The artworks by American artist Janet Echelman look like colorful floating clouds when lit up at night. Visitors can not only enjoy looking at them, they can also interact with them — literally.

1. Exhibits such as these are certainly new and exciting, but are they really art?

Whatever your opinion, people have been expressing their thoughts through art with various tools and technologies for thousands of years. Yet Michelangelo and others have been labelled as “artists” rather than “technicians”. 2.

Today, however, technological advances have led to a combination of art and technology. As a result, the art world is changing greatly. 3. Take for example one of China’s most famous paintings, Along the River During the Qingming Festival. As this artwork is rarely on display, people have sometimes queued a long time for a chance to see it. Thanks to technology however, millions more people have been able to experience a digital version of it with 3D animation.

4. Not only can we interact with art, but also take part in its creation. With new technological tools at our fingertips, more and more people have created exciting new art forms, such as digital paintings and videos.

However, such developments are making the line between art and technology less distinct. Is the artist the creator of the art itself, or the maker of the technology behind it?

5. But one thing is for sure — with so many artists exploring new possibilities, we can definitely expect the unexpected.

A.Now art is more accessible to us than ever before.

B.Where technology will take art next is anyone’s guess.

C.It’s not important whether they are artists or technicians.

D.They do this by using their phones to change their colors and patterns.

E.They watch as the different scenes change from daylight into nighttime.

F.The art-tech combination is also changing our concepts of “art” and the “artist”.

G.This means that art and technology have always been seen as two very separate things.


    Both online learning and distance learning require similar online learning tools, but there the similarity ends.

The key difference between them is location. With online learning, students can be together in the classroom with an instructor while working through their digital lessons and assessments. When using distance learning, students work online at home while the teacher assigns work and checks in digitally.

Next, used as a mixed learning technique along with other teaching strategies, online learning will involve in-person interaction between you and your students on a regular basis. On the contrary, with distance learning you’ll likely rely on digital forms of communication such as messaging apps, video calls, discussion boards, and your school’s learning management system.

Both online learning and distance learning are effective teaching strategies, they do have their own distinct advantages.

To start, online learning can increase student engagement with a variety of instructional resources and teaching methods to deliver content in multiple ways. Second, using online learning tools makes it easier for you to differentiate your instruction. When using tools like digital curriculum, you will have more flexibility and control for differentiating your lessons. Finally, online learning is a time saver. Many digital curriculum tools do the heavy lifting for you by providing ready-to-use lesson plans, instructional materials, and assessments. Many online learning tools also automatically grade those assessments and post them to your teacher dashboard.

Compared to online learning, distance learning can continue without disturbance even in events like snow days or the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, distance learning provides greater flexibility for students to work at their own pace and review work as needed. This also ties in with the fact that students can access your course material at the times that work best for them, which is important for students who may have irregular work schedules.

1.What’s the distinctive feature of the interaction in online learning?

A.Communicating face to face regularly. B.Interacting via digital apps.

C.Communicating with discussion boards. D.Interacting privately irregularly.

2.Complete the diagram. (S-student; T-teacher)

A. S: highly motivated;                    S: learn at their own pace

B. T: deliver different lessons easily;        S: enjoy more flexibility

C. T: do the heavy lifting;                T: more accessible

D. S: enjoy more flexibility;                T: regular work schedules

3.Whom is the text intended for?

A.Parents. B.Students. C.Technicians. D.Teachers.

4.About the two methods, what will be talked about following the last paragraph?

A.Their advantages. B.Their differences.

C.Their disadvantages. D.Their similarities.


    Throughout history, humanity has existed side-by-side with viruses and bacteria. From the bubonic plague to smallpox, humanity has evolved to resist these bacteria and viruses. However, there are now new ways for them to infect us.

Climate change is melting permafrost(冻土) areas that have been frozen for thousands of years. As the permafrost melts, so too the ancient bacteria and viruses that have been frozen. These ancient bacteria and viruses, which previously lay inactive in the ice, may spring back to life as the earth’s climate warms.

In August 2016, a 12-year-old boy in the Arctic Circle died and at least twenty people there were hospitalized after having been infected by anthrax(炭疽).

Experts studied and concluded that over 75 years ago, a reindeer infected with anthrax died and its body was frozen and trapped under a layer of permafrost. It stayed there, with the disease inactive, until a heatwave in the summer of 2016. The heatwave melted the permafrost and exposed the reindeer body, which then released the infectious pathogen(病原体) into the nearby water and soil, and then into the food supply. More than 2,000 reindeer feeding near the body became infected, which then led to a small number of human cases.

While you may think the incident is isolated to that area, the fact that long-inactive viruses and bacteria might wake up soon due to climate change will affect us all. Pathogenic viruses might be preserved in old permafrost layers, including some that have caused global epidemics in the past.

With climate change, who knows what deadly viruses and bacteria hidden beneath permafrost areas are threatening us. Perhaps it is time for everyone to do their part to stop global warming.

1.What does the underlined “new ways” refer to?

A.Ancient bacteria and viruses came back to life.

B.Bacteria and viruses have evolved into new types.

C.Bacteria and viruses become more resistant to medicine.

D.Ancient bacteria and viruses remain active in frozen permafrost.

2.Which is the right order of the case of anthrax in 2016?

A 12-year-old boy died and many others were infected.

Over 2,000 reindeer feeding near the body became infected.

The bacteria went into the nearby water, soil, and then food supply.

The permafrost melted and the bacteria in the dead reindeer woke up.

A.  B.  C.  D.

3.Why does the writer write this text?

A.To introduce an ancient virus, anthrax.

B.To call on people to stop global warming.

C.To encourage people to study ancient viruses.

D.To warn of the danger of melting permafrost.

4.In which section can we most possibly read this text on a website?

A.Geography. B.Environment. C.Education. D.Medicine.


    Organizers of Paris 2024 have suggested that breakdancing(霹雳舞) should be included as a new sport in the Olympic sports. The committee is pleased with the suggestion as it is in line with its aim of rejuvenating the Olympics. But, what is breakdancing on earth?

Breakdancing is not simply a style of dance. It’s a unique culture with its own history. Popularized by African Americans and US Latinos, breakdancing is an energetic form of dance including stylized footwork and moves such as spinning on the head, hands or knees. It arose in New York City during the late 1960s and early 1970s from martial arts moves. The moves, originally learned as a form of self-defence eventually developed into the complex and athletic moves of today’s breakdancing.

Breakdancing is largely improvisational(即兴的) without standard moves or steps. The key is on energy, movement, creativity and certain danger. The people who perform this style of dance are known as b-boys or b-girls. They are also called breakers.

From those early roots, breakdancing began to add different moves to their routines, such as “pops” and “locks”, which brought a robotic quality to the dance. That style was popularized in the early 1970s by artists of the time. In the 1980s breakdancing reached a greater audience when it was adopted by mainstream artists like Michael Jackson. Jackson’s moonwalk, a step that involved sliding backward and lifting the soles of the feet so that he appeared to be sliding or floating, caused huge excitement among teens of all races.

With the growing popularity over the years, breakdancing has gone from a street phenomenon to one that is accepted by the wider culture.

Breakdancing is universal and it is popular with more than one million b-boys and b-girls in France. We hope the energetic dance is to be in the Olympic Games.

1.Which of the following best describes breakdancing?

A.Unique and defensive. B.Standard but dangerous.

C.Energetic and creative. D.Improvisational but simple.

2.What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us about breakdancing?

A.Its features and history. B.Its birthplace and audience.

C.Its changes and culture. D.Its moves and complexity.

3.Why did breakdancing attract more people in the 1980s?

A.It took on a robotic look. B.It caused excitement among teens.

C.It involved pops and locks. D.It was adopted by mainstream artists.

4.What might be the purpose of writing the text?

A.To popularize breakdancing worldwide.

B.To explain what breakdancing is on earth.

C.To promote breakdancing to an Olympic sport.

D.To introduce the development of breakdancing.


    I took a trip to Antarctica last December. My favorite moment in Antarctica was the one I enjoyed in Wilhelmina Bay.

Wilhelmina Bay was extremely large in size. But after we got into our kayaks (皮艇)we realized what made this part of Antarctica special, at least on the day of our visit.

Kayak cruises are like adventures, if there’s a good wildlife sighting around, the driver radios the other boats and tells them to come and see it. Throughout Antarctica you would see the kayaks gather in the same place to watch a whale, or a group of seals, or some cartoon-like Adelie penguins.

But in Wilhelmina Bay, it seemed like every kayak had its own group of whales to watch. They were everywhere! We had plenty of them getting close to us. Then one got a little too close. All of a sudden, it rose in front of our kayaks. This wasn’t the “logging” where they gently rise and fall — this whale knew exactly what he was doing.

We were shocked. It was so close. Was it going to fall on us? It happened so quickly that I didn’t get a chance to take a photo. Thankfully there were some kayaks on the other side, getting shots of what we later called “the moment the drysuits became not so dry”.

“I’m always surprised at what we see, but I’m not often impressed,” our kayaking guide Michael told us. “The only thing better than that would have been, like, if a killer whale jumped out of the water right over the kayaks .”

1.What makes the visit in Wilhelmina Bay special?

A.The large size of the Bay. B.The thrilling whale-watching.

C.The wildlife sighting around. D.The adventurous Kayak cruises.

2.How did “this whale” in Paragraph 4 impress the writer?

A.It jumped out of the water right over the kayaks.

B.It rose ahead so suddenly that no picture was taken.

C.It jumped so close to the kayaks that visitors got wet.

D.It floated like a log in the water, gently rising and falling.

3.What is the text mainly about?

A.The greatest show on the earth. B.Amazing adventures in Antarctica.

C.The wildlife in Wilhelmina Bay. D.An unforgettable experience in Antarctica.



An 80-year-old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45-year-old highly educated son. Suddenly, a crow rested on their window.

The father asked his son, “What’s this?” The son replied, “It is a crow.”

After a few minutes, the father asked his son for the second time, “What’s this?” The son said, “Father, I have just now told you, it is a crow!”

After a little while, the old father again asked his son the third time, “What’s this?”

At this time, some expression of anger was felt in his son’s tone when he said to his father with a firm reply. “It is a crow, a crow.” A little while later, the father again asked his son the fourth time, “What’s this?”

This time, the son shouted at his father, “Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again, although I have told you so many times ‘IT IS A CROW’. Are you not able to understand this?”

A little later the father went to his room and came back with an old diary, which he had kept since his son was born.

On opening a page, he asked his son to read the page.

When the son read it, the following words were written in the diary:

“Today, my little son aged 3 was sitting with me on the sofa, when a crow was sitting on the window. My son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a crow. I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question. I did not at all feel angry but I rather felt love for my innocent son.”

Paragraph 1:

After reading the diary, the son burst into tears, feeling sorry for what he had done to his father.


Paragraph 2:

Feeling ashamed, the son got down to his knees before his father.




As schools close and millions of people across the United States work from home, the promise of companionship is prompting(促使) some to take in animals. The 1. (decide) to adopt pets flies in the face of some conventional wisdom that discourages adding a new animal 2.a household during a stressful or busy time of the year, such as the holidays. But so far, the novel coronavirus 3. ( create) an almost parental leave-like situation for many people.

“There are times 4. animals provide incredible comfort and companionship, especially during times of crisisand they 5. (true) appreciate the attentionso we encourage people 6. (continue) to adopt animals in need,” said Malt Bershadker, president and chief executive of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

People are bringing home all kinds of living creatures for companionship during an unprecedented(空前的) time of social isolation(隔离), and they’re sharing 7. (photo) or social media to provide a break from darker news.

Pets can also entertain younger family members at homeKenneth Lynch and Lauren Wakefield bought 8. unique blue-and-silver betta fish for their two young children to help develop a strong sense of responsibility by 9. (feed) it and cleaning the tank. “It is 10. (benefit) to occupy some of their time in a more healthy manner while they are home from school”, said Lynch.


    My education started in a small village of India, I did not have any English then. When I discovered that famous novelist George Orwell was born in Motihari, it made me wonder if I could be a writer too. That day, it became my ________.

My father opened up the world of books for me. I must have been seven or eight, when he first ________ me to a Hindi (印地语) storybook. When dad was reading the book for me, I was _____with the stories. By the time I was in Grade 10, I had finished reading hundreds of novels. Also, my private tutor made me beileve that it was _________for me to learn the language. After 10 months with her, I started reading picture books in English.

Two years later, I began to read my first English novel. Then I realized that I should try writing newspaper articles, improve my skills and then progress to longer forms. I _________a couple of Hindi newspapers with my writing but was promptly turned down. They said my article didn’t _________ their standards. I was so ________ that I doubted my ability. At this time, I met kind-hearted Daniel who published my first article after heavy editing. It was an important turning point for me, my _________ as a writer began.

After writing a dozen articles and reviews, I knew it was finally time to plan my novel.

Creating the plot was really ________ for me. But I managed to write the first ________ of my novel! Full of ________, I sent it to Mary Mount, a famous editor right away. My submission was ________ again, but I was still grateful just to hear from her.

One year later, I finished my writing work again. I contacted another editor. A month later, the feed-back landed on my table, ________ it was desperate, to put it mildly. I cried, believing I’d never get it published.

When I shared it with my friend, her feedback and support helped me improve my manuscript further. Then I submitted it to a few publishers and a few days later, I got a call from a publisher. To my delight, he informed me that my book would be published. What surprised me was that a few production houses had expressed interest in my novel. One of the directors even intended to ______it for the screen. It is ________my effort and the encouragement from my family and friend, after 21 years struggling, that eventually I fulfilled my dream.

1.A.dream B.career C.memory D.ability

2.A.drew B.lent C.introduced D.bought

3.A.sacred B.spellbound C.sensitive D.interested

4.A.out of curiosity B.out of ignorance C.out of the question              D.out of question

5.A.attracted B.approached C.expressed D.responded

6.A.look forward to B.do harm to C.look up to D.live up to

7.A.worried B.surprised C.depressed D.excited

8.A.program B.report C.drill D.journey

9.A.demanding B.amazing C.rewarding D.convincing

10.A.chapter B.draft C.line D.question

11.A.pride B.energy C.expectation D.patience

12.A.praised B.rejected C.accused D.collected

13.A.but B.so C.otherwise D.thus

14.A.adapt B.donate C.adopt D.encourage

15.A.out of B.regardless of C.because of D.at the mercy of


    The artificial lighting which lines the world’s coastlines could be having a significant impact on species that rely on the moon and stars to find food, new research suggests.

Creatures such as the sand hopper(沙蚤) orientate(确定方位)their nightly migrations based on the moon’s position and brightness of the natural night sky. However, a study by Bangor University and the University of Plymouth shows the presence of artificial light originating from cities several kilometres away (also known as artificial sky glow) disrupts the lunar compass they use when covering long distances.

In some cases, this can lead to animals travelling towards the sea and away from food, while in others it reduces the chance of them venturing out for food at all. Writing in Current Biology, researchers say this could pose a distinct threat not just to the health of sand hopper populations but also the wider ecosystem, since they play an important role in breaking down and recycling algae washed up on coastlines.

Dr. Thomas Davies, Lecturer in Marine Conservation at the University of Plymouth (UK), said, “Artificial sky glow is the most geographically widespread form of light pollution. Surveys have shown it can currently be detected above 23% of the world’s coasts nightly, and with coastal human populations set to at least double by 2060, its effects are only going to increase. Our results show it is already having obvious impacts on biological processes that are guided by celestial(天上的)light signals.”

Through the study, researchers find increasing evidence that light pollution from coastal cities can influence marine species inhabiting nearby beaches, rocky shores and even the seafloor. These results highlight how pervasive(遍布的)city lighting could be in shaping the ecology of coastlines kilometres distant from their nearest urban centres. They also highlight the potential for artificial sky glow to impact other species that undergo migrations using the moon as a compass.

“While our understanding of the impacts of street lights on nature has improved dramatically, artificial sky glow has been largely overlooked. More work is urgently needed to fully understand the extent to which it is shaping the natural environment.” Dr. Thomas Davies added.

1.Which of the following could best replace “disrupts” in paragraph 2?

A.disturbs B.makes C.unites D.replaces

2.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.The ways of creatures hunting food.

B.The causes of animals migrating at night.

C.The results of ecosystems being destroyed.

D.The influence of artificial light on creatures.

3.What have researchers found about light pollution?

A.It is the main pollution in cities.

B.It shapes the ecology of the ocean.

C.It has a great influence on surroundings.

D.It affects the migrations of sea creatures.

4.What does Dr. Thomas Davies think of the study of artificial sky glow?

A.It is useless. B.It is essential.

C.It is doubtful. D.It is challenging.


    Race walking shares many fitness benefits with running, while most likely contributing to fewer injuries. It does, however, have its own problem.

Race walkers are conditioned athletes. The longest track and field event at the Summer Olympics is the 50-kilometer race walk, which is about five miles longer than the marathon. But the sport’s rules require that a race walker’s knees stay straight through most of the leg swing and one foot remain in contact with the ground at all times. However, it’s this strange form that makes race walking such an attractive activity.

Like running, race walking is physically demanding. According to most calculations, race walkers moving at a pace of six miles per hour would burn about 800 calories per hour, which is approximately twice as many as they would burn walking, although fewer than running, which would probably burn about 1,000 or more calories per hour.

However, race walking does not pound the body as much as running does. Runners hit the ground with as much as four times their body weight per step, while race walkers, who do not leave the ground, create only about 1.4 times their body weight with each step.

As a result, some of the injuries associated with running, such as runner’s knee, are uncommon among race walkers. But the sport’s strange form does place considerable stress on the ankles and hips, so people with a history of such injuries might want to be cautious in adopting the sport. In fact, anyone wishing to try race walking should probably first consult a coach or experienced racer to learn proper technique. It takes some practice.

1.What is the problem of race walking?

A.It most likely contributes to fewer injuries than running .

B.Race walkers have to obey certain rules while walking.

C.Just like running, race walking is mentally demanding.

D.Race walkers hit the ground with stronger force per step.

2.Which of the following usually burns more calories?

A.Race walking. B.Walking.

C.Running. D.Sleeping.

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Race walking is likely to cause knee injuries.

B.Race walking is fit for people with hip injuries.

C.Turning to experts before trying race walking is a good idea .

D.Practice more and you will surely benefit from race walking.

4.This passage is probably taken from __________.

A.a story book B.a textbook

C.a travel journal D.a sports magazine


    "Keep your eyes open. This is where the Ewoks live.'' The one-hour drive outside of San Francisco, covered in clouds along windy roads, has inspired my husband to say this sentence at least a dozen times.

We finally arrive at Muir Woods National Park. I explain the strange green stuff on trunks of trees as we pass by--mos (苔藓), something my 5-year-old son Cole has never seen in the desert where we live.

"Mom, are Ewoks real? I think they maybe aren't real. " There's a question in Cole's voice,like he's trying on this idea.

We've been down the road of pretending versus reality before, what with all the talk of superheroes and such around our house. "I think you are right. Ewoks are just in the movies. But it would be cool if they were real, right ?"

Cole's silent for a while, thinking. "I just saw an Ewok’s ear back there!" Coles spotted an additional Ewok arm and one full body of the tiny hairy creatures. It does indeed look like we are in the Ewok forest of Star Wars.

Cole's imagination is more than I can understand. What do plants eat? Which is the best planet? Which rocks float? He loves life. He loves his inner world and outer existence equally.

I hear a lot of worry from parents about media sucking the souls from our children, taking away their time for creative play. For us, this hasn’t been the case. Cole and his brother are quite knowledgeable in the realities of life when it comes to Angry Birds, Curious George, and the adventures of Indiana Jones. These characters, and others of their own invention, live in my home like visitors, joining us on walks and outings. I appreciate them, though not all the time, for the company they give my sons and their busy minds.

I think of media characters as an add-on to already busy minds, by carefully monitoring who gets invited into our lives, they become part of the parenting team. They teach loyalty adventure, curiosity--lessons I'm trying to convey, but in a much cooler way than I can.

Pretence is awesome. It provides practice for real life without the ordinary interfering.

1.Where are the family heading for?

A.The cinema. B.A park. C.San Francisco. D.A desert.

2.What can we know about Cole from the passage?

A.He is proud of himself. B.He is full of curiosity.

C.He is courageous. D.He is considerate.

3.What do many parents think of their children playing via media?

A.It wastes children's time.

B.It can make their children relaxed.

C.It can engage their children in learning actively.

D.It can accompany their children in their absence.

4.What's the authors attitude to the media characters in parenting children?

A.Indifferent. B.Critical. C.Supportive. D.Disapproving.


Flies won’t transmit COVID-19

With the arrival of summer, many people are worried about contracting COVID-19 through mosquitoes or flies.

In response to the concern, Wang Liping, a researcher from the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said there is not yet evidence of people getting infected with the novel coronavirus through a mosquito or fly. She made her remarks at a news conference on Saturday. She said the virus is mainly spread through respiratory droplets and physical contact.

Djokovic gets COVID-19

Novak Djokovic tested positive for the coronavirus on Tuesday after taking part in a tennis exhibition series he organized. His wife also tested positive.

Djokovic has been criticized for organizing the tournament and bringing in players from other countries during the coronavirus pandemic (全国或全球性流行病). Viktor Troicki said Tuesday he and his pregnant wife have both been diagnosed with the virus, while Grigor Dimitrov, another tennis player, said Sunday he tested positive.

Kids are more prepared against virus

Children may be protected from coronavirus because they catch so many colds, scientists have suggested. Figures from the Office for National Statistics suggest children are just as likely to pick up the virus, but few ever develop serious disease, or even show symptoms.

While adults pick up a cold around two to four times a year, school age children catch an average of 12 colds annually, studies have shown. It may allow youngsters to build up some ongoing resistance that adults do not have.

Special bonds are to be issued

China will issue 100 billion yuan in special government bonds for COVID-19 control measures to balance epidemic control with economic and social development, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) said Monday. The MOF will issue two kinds of bonds, including 50 billion yuan in five-year bonds and 50 billion yuan in seven-year bonds, the MOF said in a statement. Both will be traded on June 23, 2020. China will pursue a more proactive and impactful policy this year to release more funds for companies and individuals.

1.Who is less likely to get COVID-19 according to the passage?

A.Children. B.Adults. C.Males. D.Females.

2.Which of the following is true?

A.People will get infected with the novel coronavirus if they are bitten by mosquitoes or flies.

B.Novak Djokovic,Viktor Troicki, Grigor Dimitrov and their wives were all tested positive.

C.Children who often catch colds are more easily to be infected with the novel coronavirus.

D.China is actively taking measures to balance epidemic control with economic and social development.

3.What does the news have in common?

A.They tell us to keep away from mosquitoes or flies.

B.They tell us something about the novel coronavirus.

C.They advise us to ignore the virus and take more exercise.

D.They advise us to make full use of our savings to make money.



1.What does the speaker introduce first about Liverpool?

A.The reputation.

B.The culture.

C.The business.

2.What kind of transport has been most important to Liverpool?

A.Rail transport.

B.Sea transport.

C.Road transport.

3.What is RMS Lusitania?

A.It is a famous pop group.

B.It is a top football club.

C.It is a well-known ship.

4.What has been the best-known export in Liverpool since the 1960s?

A.Music. B.Coal. C.Cotton.



1.What is the girl doing?

A.Looking for a missing friend.

B.Searching for a lost pet.

C.Helping the man make a poster.

2.Where was Charlie last seen according to the man?

A.At the park.

B.On the street.

C.In the girl’s yard.

3.What do we know about Charlie?

A.He is young.

B.He has poor eyesight.

C.He has brown eyes.

4.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.They are strangers.

B.They are neighbors.

C.They are family members.



1.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In the school hall.

B.In a classroom.

C.In the teachers’ office.

2.What do we know about Eric from the conversation?

A.He is overconfident.

B.He is quiet.

C.He is enthusiastic.

3.What will the woman probably do next?

A.Organize a study group.

B.Eat lunch with some students.

C.Prepare for the next class.



1.Why does the man call the woman?

A.To fix the door.

B.To save his daughter.

C.To help him enter his house.

2.How does the man probably feel now?

A.Amused. B.Anxious. C.Angry.



1.How was the woman convinced to take the dance lesson?

A.Her friend persuaded her.

B.She overcame her fear on her own.

C.She saw everyone having a good time.

2.How many kinds of dance does the woman mention?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.


What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.Booking a hotel.

B.Looking for the directions.

C.Making comments on a flight.


What just happened in the conversation?

A.The cat played with the man.

B.The cat destroyed the woman’s sofa.

C.The cat scratched the woman.


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