What type of climate does the woman prefer?

A.Cool. B.Rainy. C.Hot.


Where is the girl’s towel?

A.In the bedroom. B.In the bathroom. C.In the laundry room.


Which ink has been run out of?

A.Red ink. B.Blue ink. C.Black ink.












1. 词数90左右,开头和结尾部分已经写好,不计入总词数;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 文中不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息。



Hi, Liam!

I'm really happy to be your pen friend. I'm 14 years old and I live in Calgary, Canada. I have two little brothers, Brian and Sam. I'm the only girl.

I'm active in sports and I'm always trying something interesting. I like playing hockey (曲棍球) in winter. It's fun! But summer is my favorite time of the year. I love skateboarding and rock climbing (滑滑板和攀岩) in summer.

Many girls think skateboarding is difficult, but it is easy and fun for me. I often skateboard in the park after school. I'm good at jumping with the skateboard!

Rock climbing is also really fun. I usually climb with my dad on the weekend. We can't do it on real mountains often because we live in the city. We often do indoor rock climbing.

So that's me-Little Miss Active! My friends like to call me that. I like the name. What sports do you like? Please write back soon.

Bye for now


1.How many children are there in Anne's family?

2.What does Anne love doing in winter?

3.What does Anne think of skateboarding?

4.Does Anne often go rock climbing on real mountains?

5.What do Anne's friends like to call her?



Do you feel nervous before and during exams? Are you afraid of taking the test?1.学会应对圧力很重要且必要. Here are five steps to follow.

Arrive on time. Arriving late will make you feel nervous. 2. Arriving too early will give you time to sit there and worry about things.

Plan your time. You should know how many questions to answer in the exam. Then plan your time to answer all the questions.

Don't waste time. 3.当你遇到不会做的题目时,你应该怎么做呢? Don't waste too much time on them and remember you have to answer all the questions in the exam.

Use all your time.4. If you finish the exam before time is up, you'd better make full use of the time to check your answers instead of just sitting there. It can help you make as few mistakes as possible.

Move on. 5. Once an exam is over, forget about it. The best thing you can do is to go home and study for the next one.







Vince: Hello, may I speak to Susan, please?

Susan: Speaking.

Vince: Hello, Susan! This is Vince speaking. It's Sunday tomorrow. 1.

Susan: Nothing much. Do you have any ideas?

Vince: The spring has come. I hear many flowers in the park blooming together. It must be very beautiful. 2.

Susan: Good idea. My sister Lacy also likes flowers very much. Let's invite her to come with us.

Vince Why not? 3.So we can take some wonderful photos.

Susan: Great. I like taking photos. 4.

Vince: Let's meet outside the library at half past nine in the morning.

Susan: How shall we go there?

Vince: Let's go there by bike.

Susan Oh, my bike is broken. 5.

Vince: All right. See you!

Susan: See you!

A. When and where shall we meet?

B. What about going there by bus?

C. What are you going to do?

D. Let’s take a camera.

E. Let’s buy some flowers for Lucy.

F. Is there anything I can do for you?

G. What about going to the park with me?


    Do you dream of being a reporter? Are you interested in English? If your answer is “Yes”, please come over and join us. We’re looking for 10 TV hosts and 20 actors from the whole city. They can join English Online for the coming 2020 year.

If you become a member, you can:

Interview some local leaders and other VIPs.

Write news or stories for kids with a great interest in English.

Let yourself speak loudly and dare to perform in public.

Enjoy great activities and make new friends of your own age.

By doing these things, you can deal with your shyness, build up your self-confidence and inspire your interest in language learning.

How to Enter

Visit www. English Online.com and fill in the entry form (报名表). Be sure to read the rules and share them with your parents who must sign (签名) your form. Entries must be done by December 25, 2019. You must be over 13 years of age. Good luck!

1.10 hosts and 20 actors from around __________________will join the program English Online?

A.the world B.the nation C.the province D.the city

2.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.You can interview some local leaders and other people.

B.You can write for kids who have a great interest in English.

C.You can let your child learn to perform in public.

D.You can make new friends of your own age.

3.What should you do first of all to join the program English Online?

A.Visit the website and fill in the entry form. B.Read the rules and share them with your parents.

C.Ask your parents to sign your entry form. D.Do your entry before March 19, 2019.

4.How old must you be to join the program English Online?

A.12 years old. B.10 years old.

C.More than 13 years old D.Less than 13 years old.

5.Where is the text most probably from?

A.A story book. B.An entertainment magazine. C.A newspaper. D.A science book.


    People depend on plants. We use plants for food, cloth, shelter (住处), and even the air we breathe (呼吸).

Plants keep our air and water clean. Green plants give us oxygen (氧气). Oxygen is part of the air we breathe.

Plants are also part of the water cycle (水循环). Most of the water that a plant takes in goes back into the air.

Plants give us a lot of the food on the earth. Fruits, vegetables, and grains (谷物) come from plants. Without plants, we would not have bread, rice, carrots, apples, oranges, or bananas! Many people are growing plants to eat in their own gardens at home. Having your own garden helps the earth as well.

When you grow your own fruits and vegetables, you help cut down on pollution because big trucks don’t need to take your food to shops. You also help reduce the amount of rubbish because you don’t need to use bags for packing your food. You can just pick it out of the ground or off a plant and put it into a basket!

Trees are an important plant resource (资源). Trees provide wood to build homes and furniture. Trees are used to make lots of things around your home and at your school. And trees provide fruits that are good for you. Without trees, the earth would be a very different place.

1.____________________is part of the air we breathe.

A.Sunlight B.Water C.Food D.Oxygen

2.What happens to most of the water that a plant takes in?

A.It goes back into the air. B.It stays in the plant.

C.It goes into the ground. D.It stays in the river.

3.What does the phrase “cut down on” mean in Paragraph 5?

A.Cause. B.Accept. C.Reduce. D.Expect.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.A Different Place B.The Uses of Plants

C.Food on the Earth D.Gardens at Home

5.You would find the passage in ____________________.

A.an interesting novel B.a book about animals

C.a popular play D.a book about nature


    In southern England there stands a circle of huge stones! Local people call it Stonehenge. It’s said that it was built around 5000 years ago.

Stonehenge has about 80 stones and each is about five meters tall. They were 380 km away from where they were made. The ancient British people had only wooden tools. The stones might be moved by tree trunks. So it was a wonder to build Stonehenge. Scientists say it took millions of man-hours to move and raise the huge stones.

How did people move these huge stones from so far without machines? Nobody knows the answer. One record said the great stones were carried to England by magical aliens!

Some scientists believe that Stonehenge was a temple. Some believe it was a place to bury dead people or it was probably used for studying the stars and the sky at night. Others think it was even used to tell the time. Whatever the stones were used for, they have always been the pride of British people.

In modern times, Stonehenge has become a huge hit with tourist.

1.Stonehenge is made up of ___________________.

A.some huge stones B.huge stone that can change colors

C.pieces of wood that look like stones D.huge stone holes

2.Which of the paragraph tell about the use of Stonehenge?

A.Paragraph 1 B.Paragraph 2 C.Paragraph 3 D.Paragraph 4

3.We can infer(推测) from the passage that___________________.

A.the great stones were carried to England by aliens.

B.even scientists don’t know what Stonehenge was built for.

C.ancient people had basic wooden and metal tools.

D.British people are proud of the use of Stonehenge.

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Stonehenge is a place of interest in England.

B.Maybe the Stonehenge was a temple.

C.The stones have always been the pride.

D.British men carried heavy stones for burying dead people.

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Stonehenge B.A wonder by Hand

C.More Visitors to Stonehenge D.Some Uses of Stonehenge



Student Helper Wanted

Are you good at English? Can you be good with children? The English Study Center needs a weekend student helper for primary school students.    

Please call us at 4435667.

The History Museum

Time: 9:00-17:00 from Tuesday to Sunday

Ticket: 30 yuan

Add: 186 Guangming Road

Telephone: 9817745


This medicine is for colds. Adults should take 2 pills each time, three times a day. Children should take 1 pill each time, three times a day.


T-shirts for teenagers, cut off by 10% each one; sports shoes, cut off by30% each pair.

Call at 3796174 for more information.




1.You can’t visit the History Museum on ____________________.

A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Saturday D.Wednesday

2.Jane is twelve. She feels uncomfortable today because she has a cold. She can take the medicine ___________.

A.two pills each time, twice a day B.one pill each time, three times a day

C.two pills each time, three times a day D.one pill each time, one time a day

3.Ann does well in English and loves children. She can call ________________ to ask for a job.

A.9817745 B.9817475 C.3796174 D.4435667

4.Alice wants to buy sports shoes for herself. The price is 100 yuan. She should only pay _______ yuan for them.

A.thirty B.sixty C.seventy D.fifty

5.Betty wants to be a student helper in the English Study Center. She should be good ____________.

A.at sports B.with children C.at drawing D.at speaking


    Have you ever made something that no one else had made before? People who make something new are called ____________.

Victor Ochoa was one of those people. He ____________ many things and one of them was a flying machine. In 1908, he was thinking about ____________ birds used their wings and went into the sky. He hoped to make a machine that ____________ like a bird. Soon he took action and began to ____________ birds carefully to learn how their wings worked.

Finally, he used what he learned to build a plane. The body of the plane was made of two ____________ side by side. The plane had a small motor (发动机) that sat between the two bikes. The back was shaped like a bird’s tail. The wings were ____________ from a common plane.

They could even be folded (折叠) down like a bird’s wings. Amazing!

Victor wanted to help people with his ideas. His mind was like a motor that never turned ____________. He was always trying to make life better and easier. He did not let any ____________ stop him from making other things.

However, not all of his ideas worked. No one who tries something new is ____________ every time. The most important is to keep trying and never give up.

1.A.dreamers B.inventors C.players D.drivers

2.A.collected B.fixed C.sold D.made

3.A.how B.when C.where D.why

4.A.stood B.ate C.flew D.sang

5.A.look for B.look at C.look after D.look up

6.A.bikes B.chairs C.boxes D.sticks

7.A.absent B.free C.far D.different

8.A.off B.over C.up D.on

9.A.habits B.difficulties C.feelings D.choices

10.A.grateful B.colorful C.successful D.careful


My computer doesn’t work. Could you please repair it for me, Steve?

Oh, ________________, I can make it in just 2 minutes.

A.it's a piece of cake B.use it or lose it C.it serves you right D.Practice makes perfect


My cousin Jim from the US is coming to visit me. I’m thinking about ______________________.

A.what present did I give her B.how I will give her a surprise

C.where will we have a big meal D.whether I planned a trip for her


I hope to take the DIY course at weekends.

Good idea. ________________ more about it, visit the website.

A.Know B.Knew C.Knowing D.To know


The 23rd Pear Blossom Festival is coming. ________________ I wish to take a flower tour there!

Good idea. I’d like to go with you.

A.How B.What C.What a D.What an


Oh, I'm sorry for being late.

It doesn't matter. The movie ________________ for just five minutes.

A.started B.has started C.has been on D.had been on


Because of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (新冠病毒), we have to ____________ our singing competition.

A.find out B.put off C.give away D.put out


Great changes have taken in our hometown. It’s getting ______________.

A.beautiful and beautiful B.more beautiful and more beautiful

C.more and more beautiful D.much beautiful


______________ of the students in our class ______________ going to the summer camp in Beijing next week.

A.Two fifths; are B.Second fifths; are C.Two fifths; is D.Two fifth; are


—Can you understand what I meant just now?

I’m sorry, sir. I can ________________ follow you. Would you please speak slower?

A.always B.hardly C.almost D.often


—Kate, can you tell me the name of the flowers?

Of course. It’s very ________________ in our city. You can see them everywhere.

A.special B.fresh C.fantastic D.common


He was waiting ________________ the bus stop ________________ about 2 hours.

A.for; for B.for; at C.at; for D.for; in


—Why were you late for class this morning?

I stayed up ________________ late ________________ I overslept this morning.

A.so; that B.such; that C.too; to D.enough; to


—Excuse me, may I use your ruler? ________________ is at home.

—Certainly. But remember to return ________________ on time.

A.I, it B.Me, one C.My, its D.Mine, it


—I don’t have the ________________ to tell Peter the news.

It doesn't matter. He’s old enough to face it bravely.

A.courage B.pride C.interest D.chance


Look! Who's ________________ boy under the tree?

Oh, He is my brother, Jim. He is ________________ honest boy.

A.that, a B.the, the C.the, a D.the, an


假定你是李华,你的留学生朋友James来信询问你市即将举办的中国民谣节(the Chinese Balled Festival)的情况,请给他回信。




3.邀请James 一同前往。











Last term, I went to America for a student exchange programme. Before go, I was quite proud in my English. But everyone in America spoke so fast that I couldn’t make out that what they were saying. Being in completely different culture was frightened and I even wanted to go straight back home.

However, thing soon got better and better. The host family was very kind. Fortunately, the boy that I stay with was crazy about football, that made my stay enjoyable. Beside, being an exchange student offered me a chance improve my English.


    Cats have no emotions. At least, that’s what my husband once claimed(声称). I _______ that my two cats experience emotions. They feel anger, fear, and _______. He agreed with me, but _______ his opinion that cats don’t feel love. _______, my tuxedo cat, Sebastian, would teach him otherwise.

When my next-door neighbor moved in, he had a she cat named Juliet. She was an indoor lady, always watching _______ through the window.

Then one day when I _______ my cat to the backyard for his playtime, Sebastian _______ Juliet staring at him behind the window. It soon became _______ that they were attracted by each other. So every day there after, whenever I let Sebastian out, he would rush _______to the backyard next-door and they would sit staring ________ at each other through the screen, she inside, and he outside. Even my husband watched ________, and he would murmur, “But cats can’t feel love... can they?”

Five months later, my neighbor had to ________ because of work. My heart sank. I wondered how Sebastian would ________ to Juliet’s leaving. For months after Juliet moved away and the new neighbor moved in, I often ________ Sebastian sitting by Juliet’s window, looking into the apartment ________his lady. The new neighbor didn’t mind having the “Peeping Sebastian” after I ________ his reason for being there.

Sebastian ________ the small area outside that window as his territory(领土). Other male cats were allowed in the ________, but not near Juliet’s window, which he guarded until his ________.

Even now, when my husband and I walk through the backyard and see that window, he ________ me of the lesson Sebastian taught him that cats do indeed fall in love.

1.A.quarreled B.discussed C.suggested D.argued

2.A.energy B.power C.happiness D.strength

3.A.referred to B.stuck to C.prepared for D.approved of

4.A.Therefore B.However C.Besides D.Meanwhile

5.A.the environment B.the sky C.her owner D.her boyfriend

6.A.forbade B.accompanied C.prevented D.left

7.A.called attention to B.caught sight of C.took charge of D.paid a visit to

8.A.innocent B.doubtful C.skillful D.clear

9.A.secretly B.quietly C.straight D.worriedly

10.A.lovingly B.angrily C.hungrily D.greedily

11.A.in trouble B.in sorrow C.in amazement D.in horror

12.A.move B.travel C.come D.stay

13.A.react B.reply C.reduce D.replace

14.A.took B.sensed C.met D.caught

15.A.in place of B.on the basis of C.in search of D.on account of

16.A.explained B.requested C.blamed D.asked

17.A.discovered B.marked C.preserved D.persuaded

18.A.street B.village C.window D.backyard

19.A.birthday B.survival C.death D.arrival

20.A.reminds B.informs C.tells D.cures


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