假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文 中共 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或 修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

My uncle, who had been working in a hospital in our city, is great success as a doctor. Last night I went to visit him and told him I was in low spirits because he had failed the maths test again. After hearing that I said, he told me that when he was at school, he wanted to be a doctor. He worked very harder at his lessons and tried to enter to a university. However, something unhappy happened to his family, it forced him to work for a life. But he spent his spare time studying or finally became a doctor. “The secret of success,” he said, “are to never give up whatever difficulty you may meet with in the future.”


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The world's first 5G-enabled railway station is 1. its way! China Mobile Shanghai and tech giant Huawei jointly made 2. announcement on Monday that they will start the construction of 5G network in Shanghai Hongqiao Railway station, making the station the world's first to build upon a 5G system. It 3. (expect) to realize a deep indoor 5G coverage inside the station by the end of 2020 when travelers will be able to enjoy 4.(variety) 5G network-based services. 5. (use) the super fast 5G WiFi, people can download a movie in less than 20  6. (second) in the crowded station.

A 5G network in the railway station will be part of the effort 7. (promote) the digital economy development in Shanghai. Just as Peter Zhou, chief marketing officer for Huawei Wireless Network Product Line, once 8.(say), “The railway stations of the future may be more intelligent than we can 9. (possible) imagine.

While 4G changes our life, 5G will change the society,10. means using 5G technology to connect everything, such as robotics, cars, and so on. It will make the world fully digitalized and intelligent.


    I had reached the age of twenty-eight. Still, I _______ whether the letter from my past would make it to me, all these years later. It was an _______writing task from when I was eighteen. The teacher collected our letters to our _______ selves in self-addressed envelope with stamps and _______ to mail them ten years later. But since so much time had passed, would he _______ remember?

_________ the letter, I recalled giving my future self some advice. When you're eighteen Years old, twenty-eight seems like a _______age, but I wasn't feeling as mature as I believed my younger self had _______me to be.

When the letter finally reached me, I opened it _______. It began, “How much do you bet this letter will never get to you? ” It continued to greet me casually ________we were having an IM (instant messaging) chat. As a senior in high school, facing the________SATS and college application, my eighteen-year-old self was so stressed! She was ________ not quite happy and hoped I wouldn't worry so much in the future, and that I wouldn't forget to be present and________my life!

________to my belief, my eighteen-year-old self did not have any demands of me, or expectations I might have ________ meet. Instead, she wrote, “I'll ________whatever you do. Even if you are not the one I'm imagining now, I'll ________ you, because maybe who I'm imagining is someone else, but you're not someone else, you're me.

I was touched, and tears welled up in my eyes at this________ through time. I had put a lot of pressure on myself to be the best ________ of myself that I could be. However, I came to realize what I would have ________ in ten years would pale in comparison to how I'd feel and who I'd be.

1.A.believed B.bet C.considered D.doubted

2.A.easy B.tough C.urgent D.creative

3.A.inner B.happy C.future D.young

4.A.promised B.agreed C.permitted D.acknowledged

5.A.just B.still C.never D.always

6.A.Making comment on B.Thinking back on C.Making up for D.Giving a view of

7.A.grown-up B.happy C.made-up D.promising

8.A.allowed B.convince C.encouraged D.expected

9.A.calmly B.cautiously C.eagerly D.naturally

10.A.even if B.so that C.now that D.as if

11.A.appearing B.arriving C.approaching D.approving

12.A.apparently B.severely C.desperately D.slightly

13.A.value B.enjoy C.start D.earn

14.A.Contrary B.Natural C.Surprised D.Strange

15.A.tried to B.failed to C.managed to D.determined to

16.A.pass by B.drop by C.stand by D.come by

17.A.suspect B.support C.praise D.follow

18.A.self-acceptance B.self-service C.self-defense D.self-concern

19.A.identity B.image C.status D.version

20.A.finished B.treasured C.accomplished D.consumed


Urban Wildlife

Cities are diverse ecosystems. In addition to visitors from the wild, a large number of species share our urban areas. As our cities spread, we need to think about what it is like for other species to have human neighbors.

Cities are built for humans. 1.For example, most city parks are kept neat and tidy so that humans will find them beautiful. But when we cut grass or plant flowers, we destroy natural habitats.

2.When a bridge in Austin, Texas was repaired, engineers added small gaps running along the length of its bottom. This made a good home for bats, and soon the bridge was the home of

thousands of bats. 3. Now, they have come to value their winged neighbors. The bats are a tourist attraction, and they eat lots of bugs every night.

There are also structures built with the aim of bringing wildlife into the city. The Beijing Olympic Forest Park is a good example. The park used native plants and created open, natural spaces for wildlife. The result is a zone in Beijing with over 160 species of birds. In many ways, the park is the opposite of a zoo. 4.

If we learn to share our space, we can become better neighbors to the wildlife around us. 5. Our own future will be endangered too.

A.They are built to protect birds.

B.Our actions sometimes help other species.

C.If we do not, more species will become extinct.

D.They do not always provide suitable habitats for wildlife.

E.Instead of being kept in cages, wildlife can move about freely.

F.At first, people were afraid of the bats and tried to get rid of them.

G.They would sit on it and their droppings would fall into the water.


    People have been told to stay separated — at least six feet apart— and to practice what state and local officials call “social distancing”. Some have been asked to work at home. But as people try to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus 新型冠状病毒), the resulting chaos and fear are bringing both large and small communities closer.

Simple acts of kindness are sprouting up online and in public, as neighbors, students, teachers, and others begin to connect those who can pass this long and isolating time smoothly, and the people who may not have the means to get through.

For Jesse Farren-James, helping out has taken the form of organizing trips to the

supermarkets for supplies, and use of her membership card if anyone needs to buy large quantities. She posted the offer in a Facebook group for the community residents, and some people came and turned to her. “I just feel so lucky that I have so many people in my life to rely on and so sad that not everyone has that,” she wrote in the group. In another interview, Farren-James said the “community is coming together" and “there are so many good and amazing people” offering to help where they can.

Also, parents in Dorchester have gathered together online. In a Facebook group called DotParents, parents have been raising money to buy food and supplies for students and families in the community. Lisa Graustein has been organizing this activity. On Thursday, she used the more than $2,000 raised by neighbors to purchase food in a restaurant supply company. A group of volunteers packed the food and planned to distribute to schools for those who may need it.

“Food shortage is real in our city and this crisis is going to be severe.” Graustein said. “But here's something we can do that deal better with the hard time”. This idea is spreading. She said friends in four other states had being running similar campaigns. Next, she wants to find a way to get landlords to temporarily abandon rent for residents in financial difficulties because of the outbreak.

1.The underlined phrase in paragraph 2 “sprouting up” can be best replaced by  .

A.Disappearing B.Growing

C.Connecting D.Helping

2.What do we know about Jesse Farren-James?

A.She is a shopping assistant working for a supermarket.

B.She is wealthy and always ready to help others.

C.She lent her membership card to the people in need.

D.She felt sad that not everyone has enough food.

3.What did parents in Dorchester do to offer help?

A.They bought food from the supermarket for community children.

B.They set up a restaurant supply company to provide food.

C.They raised money to deal with food shortage.

D.They distributed money to community residents.

4.Which is the best title for this passage?

A.Acts of kindness in coronavirus outbreak

B.Effects of social media in coronavirus outbreak

C.Social distancing in the online community

D.Helping each other in financial difficulties


    Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) recently tested an oven they used to bake five chocolate chip cookies. We now know the results of that experiment: the cookies took a lot longer to bake in space than on Earth. The cookies that came out best required two hours of baking time inside the International Space Station. The baking time for cookies on Earth is generally only about 20 minutes.

The cookies returned to Earth earlier this month aboard a SpaceX-built spacecraft that splashed down in the Pacific Ocean. The cookies are the first food baked in space from raw food materials. They remain frozen in a laboratory in Houston, Texas. The American company Nanoracks designed and built the cookie oven. Hilton DoubleTree hotels supplied the cookie dough.

The makers of the oven did expect some difference in the baking time in space, but they were surprised that that difference was so large. "There's still a lot to look into to figure out really what's driving that difference, but definitely a cool result," said Mary Murphy. She is with the company Nanoracks, which is based in Texas. Murphy said the baking results will continue to be examined in order to better understand why space baking took so much longer. In addition, researchers will study the effectiveness of the baking tray, which was designed to work in microgravity conditions.

The five chocolate chip cookies were frozen when they were sent to space. Each had to be baked separately in the oven. Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano took charge of the baking experiment in December. He reported that the first cookie stayed in the oven for 25 minutes at 149 degrees Celsius. When it came out of the oven, it was seriously under-baked. For the next two cookies, Parmitano more than doubled the baking time. Those cookies came out better, but were still under-baked. The fourth cookie stayed in the oven for two hours, after which Parmitano was able to report success. "I can't tell you whether it's cooked all the way or not, but it certainly doesn't look like cookie dough anymore," he reported to controllers back on Earth. For the fifth cookie, Parmitano turned the oven temperature up to 163 degrees Celsius and baked it for 130 minutes. This time, he reported the best baking results.

No one has tasted the space-traveling cookies just yet. Organizers of the experiment say additional testing will need be carried out to determine whether they are safe to eat.

1.How long do it takes to bake cookies in ISS?

A.About 20 minutes. B.25 minutes.

C.About an hour. D.2 hours.

2.What is the oven maker's attitude towards the large difference?

A.Critical. B.Amazed.

C.Indifferent D.Worried

3.What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?

A.The baking experiments ended up in a success.

B.Each of the five cookies was cooked in different time.

C.The more time, the better baking results.

D.The five cookies were frozen after baking.

4.What can be concluded in the passage?

A.The space-traveling cookies are safe for astronauts to eat.

B.Cookies on Earth are the same as the space-traveling cookies.

C.More tests will be taken for the space-traveling cookies.

D.The five cookies ended up in the Pacific Ocean.


    A decade ago, colored lights danced around the living room on New Year's Eve and happy music was played. Upstairs, the children were asleep. But I wasn't feeling happy. In mid-December, my husband and I had been informed that he had cancer and that he was going to die. He had less than a year left, the doctors said.

In the years since that painful season, I have come to look back upon New Year's Eve as an ending and a beginning. New Year's Eve brings a halt to the endless commitments that fill our daily lives and a chance to reflect.

New Year's Eve is full of possibility and anticipation. What will be the surprising experiences and delightful successes in the coming year? But also, what disappointments are waiting for us in the next twelve months?

In many ways, New Year's Eve and the days that surround it are a line between past and future. That line is made up of a series of moments of transition that take us out of the old and into the new. Transition can be challenging for many of us. It's about letting go of the familiar and diving headlong (迅猛地) into the unfamiliar.

Just as, back then, I had to face letting go of the life I had led with my beloved husband and stepping into a new world as a widowed (丧偶的) mom. I find that each year I have to step out of the version of me that suited the year that is ending and ease into the version of me who will rise to the goals I am holding for myself for the year ahead.

Last year at this time, I sat in a chair in southern France and drank in the stillness and beauty of the countryside around me. The three children and I had brought into this world talked and laughed around the table beside me as we enjoyed a lunch of bread and cheese.

I was filled with a sense of joy and I had a glowing heart that was full of hope. It was another ending and another beginning. May we all transition into the best of what lies ahead. May we all find happiness this holiday season.

1.What does the underlined word “halt” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Stop. B.Beginning.

C.Meaning. D.Tradition.

2.What does the author think people should do at new year?

A.Set challenging goals for the next year.

B.Break with daily routines and form a new habit.

C.Spend more time with family members.

D.Think about the past and get ready for the future.

3.What is the author's attitude toward the future?

A.Calm. B.Indifferent.

C.Doubtful. D.Expectant.

4.What is the main purpose of the article?

A.To memorialize her husband.

B.To show how she got through a hard time.

C.To share her view of New Year's Eve.

D.To remind us that uncertainty is part of life.


    Kinder Camp

This is a week-long camp, Monday through Friday, for children from three years old to those entering first grade in the fall. Early childhood educators guide your child through activities including songs, games, stories and walks in the woods. Daily themes include dirt, furry animals, insects and more! Parents sign up to bring a snack(小吃). Choose from either morning or afternoon sessions, from June 9 to July 1, 2020.

Kids Camp

Children explore all day in the natural world. Art, music, cooperative games and hikes through the woods are some of the activities in this fun-filled week. Each grade level has its own camp program especially designed with the campers’ interests in mind.

Camp takes place Monday through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm. Level 1 (completed 1st grade): July 28 to August 1, 2020.

Level 2 (completed 2nd grade): August 4 to 8, 2020.

Level 3 (completed 3rd grade): August 11 to 15, 2020. Please note: children must bring their own lunches.

Outdoor Expeditions

Send your child on a traveling adventure. Teenagers will investigate the natural, cultural and historical facts that make their hometown a great city. Activities will include unique field trips and tours.

Outdoor Expedition: from 9 am to 3 pm, August 11 to 15, 2020. Please note: children must bring their own lunches.

Rainbow Camp

Campers enjoy all kinds of activities including arts and crafts, music and singing, drama, active games, cooking and a host of special events that go with our theme weeks! Special guests are invited to the camp every week to entertain our campers and may include storytellers, musicians and magicians.

Week-long camp, June 14 to 18.

Campers must be at least 4 years old to take part.

For more information, call Frick Environmental Center at (412) 422—6538.

1.According to the passage, we can infer that Kinder Camp is probably organized to ____.

A.help children learn about nature while playing

B.get children prepared for primary school

C.offer parents a chance to play with their children

D.develop children’s language skills

2.Jack, aged 13, interested in nature and is free in August, would probably take ____ .

A.Rainbow Camp B.Kids Camp

C.Kinder Camp D.Outdoor Expeditions

3.Of the four camps, the common thing is that ____ .

A.they are all whole-day camps for children

B.they all last five days for each group

C.they all require campers to bring their own lunches

D.they are all for children over five years old


假如你是李华,你的英国朋友 Peter 生日降将至,他喜欢中国文化,生肖马,为此你绘制一幅国画“马”寄给他。请你写一封邮件给 Peter,内容如下:




注意:1. 词数 100 词左右。

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。








1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

On the afternoon of May 25th, a charity sale held by the Students’ Union on our school playground. In order to keep everything organized, we made fully preparations. Before the sale, from the student we collected various used books and second-hand goods which were still in a good condition. Then we classify them. When the day came, students and teachers both came and took an active part in it. In the end of the activity, we raised 5000 yuan in total. All the money which we raised will be sent to the students from poor families in our school to help finishing their studies. It’s such meaningful an activity that students are all looking forward to the next charity sale.


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式

The State Council made an announcement on January 27 1. 2020 Spring Festival holiday would 2.(extend) to February 2. The concern was to reduce the risk of infection by encouraging residents to stay at home during the holidays. In 3. (respond) to the call of the state to reduce going out and reduce the possibility of virus spread, people from all over the country chose to stay at home during the Spring Festival 4.(express) their support and determination for epidemic control.

The epidemic 5.(shut) down travel plans during the Spring Festival, but it gave families extra time to stay reunited and connected. Staying at home, people found new ways to amuse 6.(them): playing table tennis in the living room, counting melon seeds, doing housework, writing calligraphy and so on have become the ways of entertainment. Reducing travel will have a certain negative impact 7.tourism, transportation entertainment, retail. restaurants and other industries. 8. with the booming development of online shopping, people can 9. (easy) enjoy take-out food without going out, or shopping on Taobao. 10. netizen in Jiangsu wrote impressively on Weibo that staying at home changed nothing since online delivery platform can bring them convenience.


    Coronavirus(冠状病毒) is not only a globally terrible story, but a window to people's soul Coronavirus erupted in many countries and resulted in a great number of deaths, leaving the world _______.To control the spread, the Spanish government _______ announced lockdown(防范紧闭)and _______ people to stay at home.

With the 80-year-old birthday _______, Charo intended to prepare for it, which fell just days after the _______. At the thought of the lockdown, _______, the urge to celebrate it wasn't as particularly strong as ever.

On the birthday, having her simple meal, she was called out by her neighbor when she was a bit _______. With the door opened, Charo was _______ to find there was nobody, but a gift. It was a cake with a birthday candle that was placed _______ on a table outside her front door! She was ________. Who could remember the special day? Her friends and neighbors, who were familiar with her, had moved away.

As Charo ________ up the cake and stepped out to find the visitor, her neighbors suddenly appeared behind their apartment windows, ________ singing the birthday song. ________ of what happened, the elderly woman struggled to hold back ________ when she returned to her house. After a while. she rushed back to the window to ________ at her neighbors and expressed ________ with a round of applause(鼓掌).

The lockdown didn't stop a(an) ________ from getting together. Fear around emergencies can also provide ________ examples. In the face of threat, these adorable people are helping people, ________ the lives of one another in their ________ways.

1.A.at ease B.at risk C.at war D.out of work

2.A.urgently B.mildly C.frequently D.constantly

3.A.forbade B.permitted C.appointed D.urged

4.A.passing B.celebrated C.approaching D.missed

5.A.celebration B.invitation C.announcement D.treatment

6.A.however B.anyway C.otherwise D.besides

7.A.content B.upset C.desperate D.delighted

8.A.annoyed B.alarmed C.astonished D.disturbed

9.A.falsely B.roughly C.appropriately D.unbelievably

10.A.embarrassed B.cautious C.puzzled D.anxious

11.A.cut B.held C.packed D.picked

12.A.bursting out B.looking forward to C.dreaming of D.having a gift for

13.A.Regardless B.Tired C.Fond D.Aware

14.A.anxiety B.anger C.laughter D.tears

15.A.glare B.wave C.glance D.yell

16.A.appreciation B.enthusiasm C.admiration D.agreement

17.A.community B.committee C.association D.league

18.A.ridiculous B.inspiring C.controversial D.frightening

19.A.balancing B.destroying C.threatening D.supporting

20.A.generous B.reliable C.heartwarming D.humorous


    Traveling green takes a little extra effort at first, but it soon becomes second nature and those extra steps can enhance every trip you take. Here are our tips for going green with ease and making travel better for everyone.


Look for certified green hotels that use renewable energy, recycle, use environmentally friendly cleaning products and so on. Staying in smaller, locally run hotels and B&Bs is often the greenest method around, which will make your stay environmentally and socially responsible as well as being a more direct boost to the local economy.

Use public transport, bike or walk

Instead of renting a car, hop on a local bus: take a walking tour or view the countryside by bike. 2..

Eat locally

Sourced food support the region’s farmers, get a more authentic taste of the cuisine and cut your carbon footprint even more. Look out for restaurants advertising local produce or, eat local dishes at mom-and-pop-style places that will most likely use what’s produced nearby. 3..

Leave a light footprint

4.. Research your destination by Internet or ask around to find out if there are water shortages, how energy is produced and if there are any resource issues to be aware of.

Don’t dump your stuff

Some less-developed areas don’t have the means to dispose of large, man-made items like old electronics or used batteries. If you leave them, they could remain in a landfill for hundreds of years after you’re gone 5.. As for clothing and items that may be of use to local people, donate them to local charities or religious organizations so they can reach those most in need.

A.Choose a green hotel

B.Choose a green tour company

C.Pack your trash and take it home

D.Whatever you do, don’t eat endangered species like turtle or over-harvested shellfish

E.Take simple steps such as taking short showers and turning off lights when you don’t need them

F.For long distances consider trains, which allow to meet locals and experience a culture in a slower, more detailed way

G.We believe responsible travel can open hearts and minds, give us a broader understanding of the world, and inspire us to make a difference


    The Mars 2020 rover(02W), which sets off for the Red Planet this year, will not only search for traces of ancient life, but pave the way for future human missions, NASA scientists said Friday as they introduced the vehicle.

The rover has been constructed in a large, sterile room at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, near Los Angeles, where its driving equipment was given its first successful test last week.

Shown to invited journalists on Friday, it is scheduled to leave Earth in July 2020 from Floridas Cape Canaveral, becoming the fifth US rover to land on Mars seven months later in February.

“It's designed to seek the signs of life, so we’re carrying a number of different instruments that will help us understand the geological and chemical context on the surface of Mars,” deputy mission leader Matt Wallace told AFP.

Among the devices on board the rover are 23 cameras, two “ears” that will allow it to listen to Martian winds, and lasers used for chemical analysis.

Approximately the size of a car, the rover is equipped with six wheels like the former US rover, Curiosity, allowing it to travel along rocky land.

Speed is not a priority for the vehicle, which only has to cover around 200 yards(180 metres) per Martian day -approximately the same as a day on Earth.

Fuelled by a tiny nuclear reactor, Mars 202(has seven-foot-long(2 metres) articulated arms and a drill to crack open rock samples in locations scientists identify as potentially suitable for life.

We are hoping to move fairly quickly. We'd like to see the next mission launched in 2026 which will get to Mars and pick up the samples, put them into a rocket and finally bring them back to the Earth, "said Wallace. NASA’s Mars 2020 will remain active for at least one Martian year, which is around two years on Earth.

1.What does the underlined part “pave the way” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.Making preparations B.Finding suitable landing sites

C.Setting up research centers. D.Constructing roads.

2.What can we know about the Mars 2020 rover?

A.It looks much like a car with six wheels.

B.It is an updated of the US rover Curiosity.

C.It is solar-powered and can crack open rock samples.

D.It is able to perform different tasks on Mars in search of the signs of life

3.If you search the passage on the website of China Daily, where can you probably find it?

A.Lifestyle B.Regional

C.World D.Culture

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.The Mars 2020 rover has successfully passed its first driving test.

B.NASA is planning a new round of space exploration

C.Future human missions on Mars are on the way

D.A new rover will be launched to carry out scientific research on Mars


    In advance of World Book Day on April 23, the Chinese Academy of Press and Publication released its 17th annual report on the study of Chinese people's reading habits on Monday.

Based on a survey that ranged from August 2019 to February 2020, the report showed 81.1 percent of adult Chinese surveyed have a habit of reading, whether in print or on digital devices, a slight increase of 0.3 percent from 2018. Wei Yushan, director of the academy, said the survey covered 55 cities and towns in the country and it can credibly represent the situation of the whole population.

In 2019, adult Chinese read on average 4.6.5 books in print and 2. 84 digital books, while in 2018 it was 4.67 and 3. 32, a small drop for both.

While the report said most Chinese feel they 're not satisfied with the amount of books they read in a year. 11.1 percent read more than 10 books in print, and 7.6 percent more than 10 e-books. As for children and young people under 17, "the results are more encouraging, according to Wei. The survey revealed they read 10.36 books a year on average, 1. 45 more than in 2018.

Audio(有声的) books are attracting more Chinese, as 30.3 percent of adults and 34.7 percent of minors had a habit of listening to audio books in 2019, increasing by 4.3 and 8.5 percent compared to2018. The report found mobile phones were the top choice of medium when Chinese people read. On average, adults spent 100.41 minutes a day on mobile phones, 15.54 minutes more than in 2018.

A closer look at the report shows people's priority when using the Internet was to socialize (60.2 percent), followed by getting news (59 percent) and enjoying video clips (56.9 percent). Only 20.5 percent of them used it to connect to books, newspapers or journals.

Still, there's good news in the data from younger readers. Wei said 94.3 percent of Chinese families with children under 8 had a habit of reading, and parents spent almost 25 minutes every day reading with their kids, 2.37 minutes more than 2018

1.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?

A.The 17th World Book Day will be celebrated on April 23.

B.The report is released every year by the Chinese Academy of Press and Publication.

C.More than 80% of the adult Chinese prefer to read on digital devices than in print.

D.The survey was conducted throughout the country in2019.

2.What does "they"" in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Kids and teenagers



D.The results

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Chinese people spent more time reading audio books in 2018 than in 2019.

B.The report indicates Chinese readers' growing interest in online reading.

C.There was a drop in the number of books read by average adult Chinese in 2018.

D.More Chinese readers tend to read through the mobile phones.

4.What is Wei Yushan's attitude toward the data from younger readers?

A.Unclear B.Positive

C.Skeptical D.Casual


    Carol Lee Lindner climbed into the 40-foot boat tied to the Fairmount Boathouse dock, and gave the new members their first lesson in the ancient sport of dragon boating.

The 25 women, aged 29 to 65, watched their coach carefully. All had breast cancer and survived. Their decision to join the Philadelphia Women's Dragon Boat Team was brave and crazy.

Over the months of training, one would be told that cancer had spread to her bones and another would be hospitalized for radiation treatment side effects. But these strong and determined womeneach and every one of themtook part in the International Dragon Boat Racing Championship.

In theory, it's a terrible sport for women whose muscles and nerves have been damaged. Doctors generally advised them to avoid hard and repetitive arm exercise. But seven years ago, Canadian Donald Mckenzie, a sports medicine physician, showed dragon boating is good for survivors. “It builds both their physical and mental strength.” Mckenzie said.

Coach Lindner, 60, was inspired by that and included the 25 women in her three-year-old Philadelphia Women's Dragon Boat Team.

The survivors tried hard and did their best. No self-pity.

Renata Whitaker, her hair growing back, began feeling more confident. But she grew tired and easily got out of breath. She had to be in hospital for a week. As she got better she called Lindner, saying she had got well enough to be in the game. Lindner told her if she felt up to it, she would be with the team.

“But you are not going to paddle,” Lindner said, “Remember what I said, “To be strong, fit women for life. I want you by my side for the rest of our lives, not just for one race.”

These women tested their limits. A 500-meter race lasted about three minutes.

As the city darkened in the heat, the team finally paddled toward the Fairmount Boathouse.

Soon, the river was filled with the sounds of painful but happy women singing Merrily We Roll Along.

1.What do the twenty-five women have in common?

A.They are crazy about dragon boating

B.They are cancer survivors.

C.They were inspired by Donald Mckenzie and have trained together for three years

D.They have broken the record of the International Dragon Boat Racing Championships

2.Why did Lindner refuse Whitaker's request?

A.Because Whitaker wasn’t really good at paddling.

B.Because Whitaker easily got tired and out of breath.

C.Because Whitaker hadn't recovered completely.

D.Because a new paddler would be in Whitaker's place.

3.Which of the following will Mckenzie support?

A.Dragon boating will help repair patients' damaged nerves

B.Patients should feel sorry for themselves if they don t take part in dragon boat races

C.Dragon boating will benefit the patients physically and mentally

D.Cancer survivors should avoid hard and repetitive arm exercise

4.What can we know about Lindner?

A.She enjoys the sport of boat racing B.She is tough with her team members

C.She is also a cancer survivor. D.She is helpful and inspiring.


    Do you want a part-time job to earn some extra money? Check out the list and find one that suits your fancy.


It seems almost everyone has a friend who is a technical genius. Such people earn money using their talent. If you are one of them, you could be responsible for technical support in your college or university and get your part-time job. You can enjoy the process of earning money while doing your favorite thing.


A lot of students hire a tutor to help them in high school or college. If you are good at some subjects, why not work as a peer tutor? You help your friends and earn money at the same time. If you know foreign languages, you can make more money. All you need to do is to make an appropriate advertisement of your services using college newspapers. One of the best things about being a tutor is that you can set your hours.


If your college or university has a fitness center and if you are a sporty person, go and sign up to get this job. You will have an absolute free opportunity to engage yourself in sports. You need to be a good psychologist, because you are going to work with people and it'll be your job to persuade and motivate them to become sporty, healthy and strong. Being a fitness instructor is a perfect position for those who love to help other people and want to make more friends. OFFICE


Nowadays many companies cooperate with college students giving them part-time jobs. Some of the major job duties of an office worker are answering calls and scheduling appointments. If you are interested in doing this job. contact the representatives of different companies to find out if they’re currently hiring anyone.

1.If you want to have a flexible schedule while earning some money, which of the following suits you most?

A.Technical support B.Tutor

C.Fitness instructor D.Office worker

2.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.As a part-time office worker. you are responsible for answering emails.

B.If you work as a fitness instructor, you should be sporty and sociable.

C.If you are good at foreign languages, you are able to earn more as a tutor.

D.The four kinds of part-time jobs are intended for college students.

3.How can one get a job as a part-time office worker?

A.By submitting the application

B.Through an online interview

C.By advertising on the newspaper

D.By contacting the representative of the company


假定你是李华,暑假在澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院参观时结识了当地青年Jack,参观过程中他为 你提供了很多帮助。在你即将回国之际,给他写一封感谢信。内容包括:




参考词汇:悉尼歌剧院Sydney Opera House

Dear Jack,



Li Hua


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Last Friday we students in the five grade were organized to offer service at the railway station. We were dividing into small groups to finish different tasks. Upon their arrival in the early morning, we soon got down to help the others. Some picked up rubbish on the ground and provides information for passengers. Some helped the passengers with heavy luggages, and the rest taught passengers what to use the ticket vending machine. Tired as we were, we felt happily when receiving thanks. It is believed that if by helping each other we will make the society better place.



When HarmonyOS, the Chinese self-developed operating system for Huawei mobile devices, 1. (release) on August 9, it quickly became a hot topic on 2. (society) media.

Many believe it not only represents the rise of the country as a tech power, but also 3. (show) respect for classical Chinese culture by 4. (name) the system "Hongmeng" in Chinese.

Besides "Hongmeng", Huawei has also registered many of its 5. (product) under the names of legendary creatures from Chinese mythology. For example, the company’s server chip is called "Kunpeng", a mythical creature  6. changed from a fish into a giant bird.

In fact, Huawei is not alone in using traditional culture for modem enterprises. 7. (base) on the well-known work of classical Chinese mythology The Investiture of the Gods, Ne Zha is shown as a rebellious underdog, who has to overcome hardship and his dark fate to become a hero, 8. (like) his attractive heroic character in previous cinematic works.

As Global Times put 9.“Ancient mythology has the power to stimulate contemporary imagination in young people." After all, imagination is 10. beginning of creation.


    On Friday, March 15, 2019, hundreds of thousands of kids from over 80 countries skipped and took to the streets. However, the __ strike is not a protest against too much _____ or long school hours, but to __ government officials to take immediate action against climate change.

The worldwide youth environment movement _____ a teenager—16-year-old Greta Thunberg. The Swedish girl was first ____ to climate change when she was just eight years old. Her teachers showed her films of floating plastics in the ocean. __ polar bears and so on. She cried ____ all the films. Those pictures were __ in her head and she decided to take action. Over the next few years, the girl convinced her parents to ___their carbon footprint. Her mother, a world-famous singer, stopped __ even though it severely impacted her ___  In 2018, the young girl decided to take her __ to a national level. She organized a strike to increase climate change ______ From August 20, 2018 to September 9, 2018, Greta __ school and spent the days sitting outside the government building in central Stockholm. On the first day, she sat alone. And then on the second day, people started ____ her. After that, there were people there all the time. Greta now __ every Friday protesting outside the government building. She plans on continuing this until the Swedish government __ the environmental policies according to the Paris Climate Agreement. The girl has also become the __ face of the environmental debate. She has had meetings to __  climate change with several leaders, including French President Emmanuel Macron. The teenager's movement has also inspired kids and teenagers worldwide to take up the ____ and finally led to the international protest on March 15,2019.

1.A.local B.global C.violent D.nationwide

2.A.homework B.housework C.teamwork D.deskwork

3.A.beg B.urge C.order D.prevent

4.A.went with B.communicated with C.began with D.agreed with

5.A.related B.addicted C.used D.exposed

6.A.swimming B.starving C.walking D.sleeping

7.A.above B.beyond C.across D.through

8.A.stuck B.interested C.lost D.absorbed

9.A.remove B.measure C.discover D.reduce

10.A.walking B.shopping C.driving D.exercising

11.A.career B.skill C.performance D.image

12.A.hobbies B.pleasures C.concerns D.gifts

13.A.happiness B.awareness C.business D.kindness

14.A.started B.attended C.skipped D.quitted

15.A.helping B.amusing C.feeding D.joining

16.A.wastes B.spends C.uses D.scarifies

17.A.updates B.maintains C.ensures D.reads

18.A.pretty B.rare C.strange D.familiar

19.A.discuss B.ignore C.promote D.spot

20.A.reason B.exam C.cause D.flight


Traditional Chinese Culture

Chinese culture is over 5000 years old. 1.

The spirit of the tea ceremony

Xi Hu Long Jing West Lake Dragon Well and Yunnan Pu'er have long been, world famous. 2. .The spirit of the Chinese tea ceremony captures the Chinese attitude towards life and spirituality. These are the things that people all over the world can benefit from.

A handful of good tea leaves with some boiling water and a set of lovely tea ware are the perfect way to spend a sunny afternoon and gain some insight into the wisdom of this ancient civilization.


During the 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, many different flavors, styles, and cuisines (烹饪)have developed based on traditional philosophy and culture. This ancient food culture has had a direct impact on the countries, such as Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, Thailand, and Singapore. It has benefited billions of people around the world through such innovations as Chinese vegetarian culture, tea culture, vinegar, pasta medicated diets, ceramic tableware, and the use of soybeans in the diet.

Chinese Confucianism

Confucianism has flourished during the last 2,500 of China's 5,000-year history. 4. . This school of thought has had the most profound and long lasting influence in China's history. Seventy-four Nobel Prize winners and many other highly respected scholars have stated that for the benefit of mankind's livelihood and development into the next century, these teachings should be promoted and adopted worldwide. 5. .

A.Chinese cuisine

B.Traditional Chinese culture

C.It has been the mainstay (支柱〉of this ancient civilization

D.They are pretty popular due to their superior color and flavor

E.The following three items of traditional Chinese culture have had a worldwide impact

F.This wonderfully rich food culture has also had an impact on Europe, America and Oceania

G.This would provide long lasting benefits for man, helping to ensure a peaceful and happy life


    As the COVID-19 pandemic (新冠肺炎)rages, with ongoing lockdown (封城)measures affecting millions of people around the globe, levels of air pollution are falling dramatically in many parts of the world. This trend has been highlighted by a new report published by Swiss company IQAir looking at ten key global cities that normally suffer from high levels of pollution.

The report compared measurements from ground-based monitoring stations regarding a type of pollutant known as PM2.5— tiny inhalable particles measuring 2.5 micrometers or smaller that are emitted (排放)by various sources such as vehicles and power plants. It found significant falls in nearly all the locations listed.

This is, perhaps, not surprising considering the large decreases in vehicle traffic and industrial activity that have occurred with lockdown measures imposed (实施)on these cities.

The report examined data collected over a three-week period for each city while they were under lockdown conditions. IQAir then compared these measurements to the same time period for the years between 2016 and 2019.

IQAir found that nine out of the ten cities in the report experienced significant reductions in PM2.5 compared to the same period for 2019. Those with historically higher levels of PM2.5 pollution saw the greatest drops including New Delhi -60 percent Seoul -54 percent and Wuhan -44 percent. Besides, seven of the cities saw reductions in PM2.5 of 25 to 60 percent compared to the same period last year.

Wuhan—where the COVID-19 pandemic was first identified—experienced the cleanest air on record for February and March. The city was placed under one of the strictest lockdowns in the world on January 24, which was only lifted after 10 weeks.

Unfortunately, these sharp improvements in air quality have coincided (同时发生)with significant economic disruption, suffering and loss of life across the globe. Furthermore, experts warn that without sustained action to control pollution once the crisis ends, levels will likely rebound, as has been witnessed following previous economic downturns.

1.The levels of air pollution in the nine cities drop dramatically probably because                 .

A.the global economy suffers downturns

B.vehicle traffic and industrial activity decrease sharply during the pandemic

C.the governments of these cities take effective measures to reduce air pollution

D.people around the world have raised their awareness of environmental protection

2.Why does the author list the numbers in paragraph 5?

A.To show the data from IQAir are true.

B.To make a comparison between the cities.

C.To show the significant reductions in levels of air pollution.

D.To prove the measures carried out in these cities are effective.

3.What does the underlined word "disruption” in the last paragraph mean?

A.destruction B.eruption

C.break D.construction

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.The introduction of PM2.5.

B.The COVID-19 pandemic has caused great loss across the globe.

C.IQAir measured the air pollution levels in major global cities during the pandemic.

D.Air pollution has fallen significantly in nine major global cities during the pandemic.


    Anyone who would like to check their vision from the comfort of their own home may be interested in a new automated eye test called the EyeQue VisionsCheck. The new technology is a device that is used with a smartphone to help check your vision whenever you like.

The device tests your eyes and gives you a number that tells you how good or bad your eyesight is. You can then take this result to an optician (验光师)to order a pair of glasses. It is more than just an eye check — you'll be able to measure and store results of your pupillary distance, get details at eyeque.com or in-app, upload prescriptions to compare vision history and use it to order your glasses online.

The new device is from a startup company called EyeQue. It has been used to test the eyes of 50,000 people. The company says the patented technology has shown all-time accuracy and received praises from many of the users over the past two years. The simple device costs just $30. An updated version will come out later this year and will cost between $50 to $70.

An EyeQue spokesman said the device was better than going to visit an optician. He said, "The reason for that is when you go to the eye doctor it's one moment in time. You may be having a bad day. You may be nervous. The doctor may be in a hurry. What we do is different measures over time. We are able to average it out, and we get a better result." However, the spokesman said the device wasn't a replacement for the optician. An optician will check for things the device cannot check for, like some eye diseases.

Renu Thapar, an optician said, "The EyeQue, used correctly and regularly, could actually speed up identification of problems which an optician could then help with. But VisionCheck. cannot completely substitute a regular eye test. After all, the condition of the eyes can be very complicated; you'd better see a medical professional."

1.What is the basic requirement for using this new technology?

A.Using a smartphone.

B.Consulting an optician.

C.Measuring pupillary distance.

D.Ordering glasses from their official website.

2.According to the EyeQue spokesman, why is their result more accurate?

A.It can identify eye diseases. B.It is a single professional test.

C.It is the average of multiple tests. D.It has the most advanced technology.

3.What can we learn from Renu Thapar's words?

A.The test results of VisionCheck are not reliable.

B.Frequent use of EyeQue may speed up eyes' problems.

C.VisionCheck should be used with the help of an optician.

D.VisionCheck can't completely replace a regular eye test.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.A New Way to Restore Eyesight

B.EyeQue VisionCheck DIY Eye Test

C.A New Device to Check for Eye Diseases

D.EyeQue VisionCheck, Substitue of Regular Eye Test


    In 2012, Mary Davis, who works at an enrichment center .for young children, and her husband, Ari Kadin, who is in property management, were expecting their first child when Davis miscarried (流产). They were desperately heartbroken. But the couple, who were volunteering with adults in a Skid Row homeless shelter, refused to let their heartbreak break them.

"In 2013, our child would have been one year old,” says Davis, 38, "and we kept seeing these kids at the shelter, and I said to my husband, 'We couldn't throw a birthday party for our child, so let's do it for these kids. '"

They took over a room in the Union Rescue Mission and filled it with streamers (飘带), gifts, a cake — all the makings of a great party. Since then, the couple has thrown a party every month. They routinely attract 250 kids and their parents. An hour before each party, volunteers arrive to set up the decorations and activities: face painting, balloon artists, a DJ, cake, and pizza. There are small presents for the kids celebrating their birthdays that month, but Davis makes sure there are more than enough to go around.

"I remember a mom came with her two kids," Davis says, “and her child had a birthday. We had an extra gift for her—pink headphones. The little girl was so excited that she was jumping up and down. And her mom …she's crying, 'Yesterday was her birthday. I had nothing to give her. I really didn't expect a birthday party for my child.'"

Doing her best to normalize(使正常化)these kids' lives is both heartwarming and bittersweet. Davis says, "If you look down, you see so many homeless people on the street, which reminds you that these kids don't get to leave this area after the party. "It may be why, after throwing 88 parties, she still cries after each one.

1.Why did the couple volunteer in a Skid Row homeless shelter in 2013?

A.Because they love children.

B.Because they are warm-hearted.

C.Because they enjoy the procedure of helping others.

D.Because they didn't want to be stuck in the pain of loss.

2.What do we learn from the passage?

A.Davis' child is 8 years old now.

B.The kids' parents are volunteers in the shelter.

C.Davis always prepares to get more presents for the kids.

D.The mother was very grateful to the couple for what they did for her kid.

3.How long have the couple volunteered to hold parties for the kids according to the passage?

A.Less than 6 years.

B.Less than 7 years.

C.Nearly 7 and a half years.

D.Nearly 8 years.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The kids won't leave the shelter after the party.

B.Davis doesn't want the kids to be homeless again.

C.Davis always sees many homeless people on the street.

D.Davis cries after each party because she suffers a lot in the volunteer activities.


    Welcome to Edinburgh, the world's leading festival city.

Edinburgh International Science Festival

Time: 6 April to 20 April

Edinburgh International Science Festival, founded in 1983, is the world's first public science festival. The two-week festival gives audiences amazing experiences through a diverse program of inspiring events. Alongside the annual festival in Edinburgh, the organization has a strong focus on education and runs a touring program that visits schools around Scotland throughout the year.

Edinburgh International Book Festival

Time: 10 August to 20 August

Edinburgh International Book Festival is the largest public celebration of the written word in the world, which was first held in 1997. Every August around 1,000 writers and thinkers from across the world gather with the audiences in Edinburg. Here book lovers can rub shoulders with world-renowned authors --- or just relax in the sunshine with a deckchair, a drink and a favorite read.

Scottish International Storytelling Festival

Time: 19 October to 31 October

Beginning in 1989, the Scottish International Storytelling Festival is the largest storytelling event in the world. Drawing heavily on traditional tale-tellers from Scotland — as well as international guests with stories from their own cultures, the festival is a very special celebration of the oral tradition. Skilled storytellers draw their audiences in, bringing together past and present, real and unreal, for an attractive 10 days.

Edinburgh International Children's Festival

Time: 25 May to 2 June

Edinburgh International Children's Festival is the one dedicated specifically to children. It brings some of the world's best theatre, dance and plays made for young people to Edinburgh for nine days of inspiring and entertaining shows and special events. The Festival began in 1980 and is now spread over 10 activity fields, attracting a loyal audience of 10,000 families, schools and artists.

1.What is the duration of Edinburgh International Science Festival?

A.About one week. B.Less than 10 days.

C.About two weeks. D.More than half a month.

2.What can the tourists do in Edinburgh International Book Festival?

A.Meet world-famous authors. B.Buy all their favorite books.

C.Relax by listening to stories. D.Share stories with audiences.

3.Which festival has the longest history?

A.Edinburgh International Science Festival.

B.Edinburgh International Book Festival.

C.Scottish International Storytelling Festival.

D.Edinburgh International Children's Festival.



1. 俱乐部特色;

2. 招募条件;

3. 联系方式(邮箱 chinesekungfu@126.com)。


1. 词数 100左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 文章的开头部分已经给出。

Dear International Students,


Yours sincerely,

                                                   Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

My little cousin is greatly interesting in science. And he does some dangerous experiments sometimes. Although his parents want to encourage him to be great scientist, at times they worry about his safety. Last week, if my cousin was doing an experiment, he hurts his thumb. My aunt felt sadly and wanted him to stop from doing that experiment. However, my cousin didn’t want to give up. She said, “Many scientists got hurt when they were doing experiments, so they didn’t give up.” My aunt had to let him finish the experiments and he finally succeeded in finish it.


    Returning for its second season, Spy in the Wild aims to give viewers 1.  unparalleled look into a hidden natural world of the animal kingdom. 2. (sponsor) by the BBC, the documentary follows the tradition of the first season while introducing camera technology that goes beyond the animal kingdom.

In this season, more than 50 spy robots 3. (allow) to explore animal groups in all kinds of territory, 4. under the Pacific Ocean to the harsh Arctic cold.      But these undercover 5. (agent) don’t just record everyday goings-on – they capture the relatable emotional connections shared between animals, first-hand. The documentary also won plaudits among critics. Brad Newsome of the Sydney Morning Herald wrote, “It’s right from the start as ingeniously designed robot animals bring us6. (incredible) intimate footage (详尽的镜头) of 7. (they) flesh-and-blood counterparts (同类).

8. (speak) to PBS, the show’s director John Downer said, “The whole point is trying to get 9. (close) than we ever have before to capture those elusive  moments 10. they start to reveal the kind of emotions we have.


    Tim Cook is both blind and deaf. And try as they might, staff on a recent flight just couldn’t figure out how to _______ with the man, who was travelling all alone.

But then, a 15-year-old girl used sign language and genuine compassion(同情心) to _______ the day.

Teenager Clara Daly was _______ with her mother Jane from Boston to Los Angeles when the flight attendants made a(an) _______ over the speaker. They were _______anyone onboard who knew sign language.

Clara _______ the call button, as she’d studied a year of American Sign Language in school. She was the only one on the plane _______ of truly communicating with Tim, and her heart went out to him.

_______ six hours of just not being able to talk to anyone,” she said.

Clara used fingerspelling to talk to Tim, which is where you _______ each letter in every word. This way, Tim could __________ Clara’s hands and they could communicate. First, Clara helped the flight attendants __________ all of Tim’s needs were met. Then, she spent the rest of the time just __________ with him.

Together, they shared stories about their families and Clara’s future plans, while Clara __________ about Tim’s past as a salesman.

A nearby passenger named Lynette Scribner took a photo and __________ it on social media. She mentioned how __________ she was to have witnessed such incredible __________.

After writing about Clara’s real-life act of __________ on social media, Lynette’s post__________. In fact, it has since been shared over 730,000 times on US social media platform Facebook.

The __________ teen was quick to point out that she just did what any one of us should do when given the opportunity: help out.

“Everyone should just be __________ each other just because that’s the nature of people, ” Clara said.

1.A.cooperate B.connect C.communicate D.meet

2.A.save B.enjoy C.spend D.live

3.A.shopping B.travelling C.working D.staying

4.A.forecast B.effort C.suggestion D.announcement

5.A.looking for B.waiting for C.standing by D.hearing from

6.A.picked B.fixed C.hit D.made

7.A.afraid B.capable C.aware D.fond

8.A.Notice B.Predict C.Describe D.Imagine

9.A.draw B.mark C.sign D.say

10.A.feel B.see C.shake D.move

11.A.discover B.ensure C.prove D.recognize

12.A.chatting B.dealing C.playing D.joking

13.A.cared B.thought C.heard D.learned

14.A.considered B.missed C.shared D.printed

15.A.contented B.amazed C.nervous D.doubtful

16.A.compassion B.adventure C.courage D.wisdom

17.A.politeness B.bravery C.patience D.kindness

18.A.put up B.came up C.put off D.took off

19.A.proud B.funny C.modest D.thankful

20.A.believing B.helping C.accepting D.understanding


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