Gone are the days when Chinese people were ______. China is more powerful than ever.

A.looked forward to

B.looked down on

C.looked back on

D.looked out for


 — Did you go to the cinema last night?

— Well, I had _______ to, but it was raining too hard.






 _______, I must say my spoken English is not very good, so I hope you can speak slowly. In the second place, I’m not familiar with the topic.

A.In the first place

B.On the one hand

C.In a flash

D.In a while


The boy _______ that he would return to the hometown after graduation from university.






During the conversation, Mr. Li ______ that he planned to open a company of his own.






 — Why won’t you go to the lecture?

— Well, it’s long and boring. I’ve been _______ with it already.

A.tired out

B.sick and tired

C.fed up

D.put up




Animals are being killed by hunters in America in a cruel way, says an animal protection organization. There are about 1,000 hunting farms across America whose owners offer hunters an opportunity to kill animals that are kept in fenced areas.

Russian boar, zebra, deer, antelope and many other species are raised just to be killed. Farm owners charge hunters thousands of dollars for animals that they kill, many of which are close to extinction (灭绝).

The Humane Society of the United States says this type of hunting should be stopped because it is not fair to the animals. Many owners raise their animals. Others buy from animal dealers or from zoos and circuses that no longer want them. This means that the animals are not afraid of humans and they are easy to be shot by hunters.

Owners of small ranches (牧场) keep their animals in fenced areas so that the hunters can get close to the animals before shooting at them. On large farms hunters are taken to areas where the animals are fed sometime of the day. This also makes it easy to kill the animals.

The hunters want to keep the heads and chests of the animals they kill to hang as trophies (战利品) on their walls. This means that the animals are usually  shot in parts of the body. That means they will suffer a slow and painful death.

The hunting is allowed across most of America but some parts of the country have stopped or restricted it. The Humane Society of the United States hopes that it won’t be too long before the rest parts of the country also give up this cruel sport.

1.What can be the best title for the passage?

A.Fenced Animals Are in Danger

B.Animals Are Easy to Kill

C.Hunters Pay to Kill Fenced Animals

D.Animal Hunting Should Be Banned

2.One of the main reasons why these animals are easy to be shot is that _______.

A.they don’t run very fast

B.they are not afraid of humans

C.they don’t know how to escape

D.the hunters are good at shooting

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Many animals can run away when hunters want to shoot them.

B.It is very cruel to kill the animals in the way mentioned in the passage.

C.The Humane Society of the United States considers this kind of hunting as a good sport.

D.The animals are usually hung on the walls after being shot.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A.no measures have been taken to prevent this kind of hunting

B.the animals usually get really hungry before dying

C.in most parts of America this kind of hunting has been stopped

D.people who do this kind of hunting are probably very rich


Almost every girl wants to be healthy and beautiful. They try every means to make themselves look smarter. “What are the best ways?” Many girls may have this question in mind.

Here is some advice that is very important for girls to follow.

Keep fit. Check with your doctor for your proper weight range and work to get and stay within it. Exercise, eat properly, and drink plenty of water to achieve that weight and be as healthy as you can be. As long as you’re in your healthy range, you’ll look great.

Mind your style, from top to bottom. There are two things that can make or break your look: your hair and your shoes. Look through hair magazines and talk with your hairstylist about what will look good with your face structure. Always keep your hair clean and styled. Wear clean, feminine shoes. That doesn’t mean you always have to wear high heels. Make sure you can walk comfortably in them.

Be fashionable. Learn about your body type, height, skin and preferences. Discover yourself, and fashion will come to you. You don’t have to wear designer clothes, especially if you can’t afford them. You can look through fashion magazines, pick your favourites and then find the similar ones that you can afford.

Smile, and do it like you mean it. Smile, be merry and people will notice that. It will help you in many ways.

Be nice to others. Looking pretty doesn’t give you the right to look down on others or treat them badly. Only having good appearance doesn’t mean you are beautiful.

However, in order to get slim and beautiful, some girls can easily be absorbed in losing weight, resulting in eating disorders. Keep in mind that being healthy is more important than being thin. So try to eat healthy food, take regular exercise and keep a good mood.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.How to choose clothes and shoes.

B.What is the real beauty for girls.

C.What are the ways to keep fit for girls.

D.How to be a healthy and beautiful girl.

2.The passage suggests  that girls _______ to be fashionable.

A.wear designer clothes that can make them more modern

B.wear clothes according to their body shape and preferences

C.wear the clothes that other beautiful girls like to wear

D.wear the clothes that are recommended in the fashion magazines

3.Which way is NOT recommended in the passage for the girls?

A.Eating little to get slim.

B.Making efforts to stay fit.

C.Paying attention to the style.

D.Being happy and warm-hearted.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Girls should follow hairstylists’ advice to change their hairstyles every day.

B.Girls should wear high heels though they might be uncomfortable.

C.Trying to be healthy is more important than trying to be thin.

D.Having a good hairstyle is more important than wearing fashionable shoes.


My Uncle Dave posed an interesting question to my wife and me when he came to visit us the other day. He asked: “What do you think the world will be like in 50 or 100 years, in terms of technology and society and so on?”

He says he asks many of the people he meets this question to see what their thoughts are. His point is that no one really knows. I mean, in 1945, could people have even imagined surfing the net or sending e-mails as we do? No way. And the pace of technological innovation(创新) is incredible (难以置信的). We’re on a more different curve than we used to be.

One thing I’m looking forward to is real software agents. There is so much information out there, but I want something that can help me find what I really want. For instance, in about ten years, I think, there will be no longer recorded music, and there will be some big databases from which you can download music onto your hard drive or whatever. At that point, there will be so much music to choose from and you’ll be able to sample things before you buy them. But the question will be how I find what I’m looking for and how I do find the music that might interest me. Or more generally, how do I find information that I want without spending all the time myself surfing the net? How do I find people who are like-minded (具有相似目的), with whom I might really want to communicate? I want to find those people but it’s hard to do. In the future I think that one will be able to build a community of like-minded people who live all over the globe. It’s going to be very interesting, I think.

1.No one really knows what the future will be like because _____.

A.there is too much information for us to choose from

B.technological development is too fast

C.people live in different countries

D.no one is intelligent enough to answer such a question

2.The function of the first paragraph is to _____.

A.explain the question given in this paragraph

B.put forward the topic in this passage

C.show Dave is a foolish man to ask such a question

D.describe a picture about what the future will be like

3.The writer is looking forward to some real software agents so as to _____.

A.earn a lot of money

B.communicate with some like-minded people

C.help find the correct information needed

D.spare some time for surfing the Internet

4.The best title of this passage should be _____.

A.What the Future Will Be Like

B.Listen to Music Through the Internet

C.Music and Software Development

D.How to Live a Happy Life in the Future


Environmental health is defined as the control of the factors (因素) in the environment that may have harmful effects on people’s physical, mental, or social well-being (安乐). Because natural disasters expose people to danger by bringing up or threatening their immediate environment, effective management of environmental health after a natural disaster is of great importance.

The environmental health measures that must be considered after a natural disaster include the supply of appropriate shelter for individuals or groups of people left homeless, the distribution (分配) of safe and accessible water, and the protection and distribution of safe food products and so on.

To effectively manage environmental health during and after a disaster, it is important that a state of preparation is in effect before the event actually occurs. During an emergency, success largely depends on making good, rapid judgment and appropriate response measures. High-level decision makers, therefore, must be familiar with sound measures beforehand and should be given an accurate judgment of the disaster’s specific effects as quickly as possible.

This book is intended to serve as a guide for those who may be called upon to make emergency decisions after disaster strikes. The recommended environmental health measures have been listed in the order of priority in which they should be taken during an emergency. However, each natural disaster is unique in the degree or type of emergency. In response to any given disaster, decision makers may find it necessary to change the priority assigned to any particular measure.

1.The first paragraph is mainly to _____.

A.tell the reader how to understand environmental health

B.express why environmental health after a natural disaster is important

C.describe the terrible scene that is caused by the natural disasters

D.give advice on how to deal with the management of environmental health

2.In order to effectively cope with the emergency, the most important is that _____.

A.we should have enough shelters and tools

B.everyone should be familiar with the situation

C.we should be well prepared for it in advance

D.we can deal with it just as we did before

3.We can’t do just as the recommended environmental health measures because _____.

A.some of the measures have not been taken before

B.they are not the same according to different degrees or types of emergency

C.they are probably made up by someone without experience

D.they can’t be changed once they are taken by the experts

4.The best title of this passage should be _____.

A.Environmental Health Management after Natural Disasters

B.The Bad Influence of the Natural Disasters

C.Useful Measures to Avoid the Natural Disasters

D.The Importance of the Environmental Health Management


On April 10, 1815, Mount Tambora in Indonesia erupted with great force. Fifty cubic kilometers of magma (岩浆) flew from its peak (山顶) and a blanket of ash as thick as one centimeter fell over more than 500,000 square kilometers of Indonesia and the Java Sea. The eruption destroyed Tambora’s peak and formed a hole six by seven kilometers wide. The eruption and resulting tsunamis killed 10,000 people. The agricultural loss and disease brought about by the thick ash caused the deaths of 82,000 more.

Indonesia was rocked again in 1883. On August 26, a small volcano on an uninhabited island between Sumatra and Java, erupted. The eruption produced an ash cloud 80 kilometers high and was heard in Australia—4,800 kilometers away. The eruption also caused a tsunami, which pounded (击打) the shores of Java and Sumatra—killing 36,000 people.

In 1902, St. Pierre was a thriving (兴盛的) community and the largest town on the French colony of Martinique in the Caribbean Sea. Mont Pelee cast a shadow over the town from where it stood, eight kilometers to the north. The townspeople were used to the light continuous sounds of the mountain, but in May, 1902 Pelee started to get really unstable. Clouds of steam and ash poured from the volcano and on May 8, Pelee erupted. Superheated gas and steaming volcanic ash flew out, pouring down the mountain at high speed. Within seconds, the deadly gas cloud had destroyed the town of St. Pierre and incinerated everyone in it — except one prisoner in a basement cell. It was the worst volcano disaster of the 20th century.

1.How many people died because of the eruption on April 10, 1815 ?

A.About 10,000.

B.More than 82,000.

C.About 36,000.

D.More than 92,000.

2.The underlined word “incinerated” in the last paragraph can be replaced by “_____”.

A.brought up

B.burned up

C.woke up

D.shut up

3.Only one prisoner survived the volcano eruption of Mont Pelee on May 8 because _____.

A.he was on a ship then

B.he was kept underground

C.he stayed in the water

D.he was hidden in a well

4. We can know from this article that _____.

A.no measures can be taken to protect people from a volcano eruption

B.volcanoes usually caused a series of earthquakes

C.sometimes a volcano can completely destroy a city

D.volcanoes are much more violent than the earthquakes


I am sure many people have said about me, “He must be the happiest man in the world!” But they were wrong. 36   I was famous and had 37 money, I was not really happy. I found myself asking, “ 38  does all this not give me real happiness?”

Newspapers said, “Kriss Akabusi is the European champion. He has also  39   an Olympic bronze medal.” Now before all this happened, I had  40  , “If I can become a champion, I will be happy. I will  41   a lot of money and then enjoy  42  . I will have a good time.”

When I went to the Edinburgh Games, in my hotel  43  I found a book by my bedside. It was called What’s Real Happiness in Life? I  44   this book up and read some of the stories in it. The book mainly told about the happiness brought by helping others. But I said to  45  , “All these things are too  46   for me to do.”

But that night I had a  47  . I found myself standing by a river. I 48   a voice calling to me from the other side of the river. The voice said, “You know helping others is as  49   as crossing the river, and it’s not as difficult as you imagine.” Then suddenly I awoke. I realized I was  50   now when compared to before. I found I had real  51   of mind.

So I can now tell my friends what I have  52  . Being famous and having a lot of money  53   gave me happiness. So all I can say to you is this—we are  54   when we think that to be famous and rich will make us happy. Now I have a children’s TV program called Record Breakers. I have no  55   about what tomorrow will bring.









B.a little
















































































































It’s cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella. _______ it rains.

A.Take it easy

B.Just in case

C.It just depends

D.All right


When and where to go for our holiday _____ yet.

A.are not decided

B.have not been decided

C.is not being decided

D.has not been decided


He will never tell lies, and it’s against his _______ for he’s such an honest man.






He would have come here on time, but he _____ in the heavy traffic on the way.


B.had caught

C.was caught

D.had been caught


 — Why is the librarian staring at me?

— You _____ to read aloud in the reading room.

A.don’t suppose

B.haven’t supposed

C.are not supposed

D.are not supposing


 _____ Li Ming and Xiao Fang, there were also many other students attending the lecture.

A.Regardless of

B.Except for

C.As well as

D.Apart from


 The number of _____ species increases every year with their natural habitats disappearing.






In a few years, China will be able to produce camera recorders on a large ______.






The bridegroom, together with the bride, went into the hall, with a flower ______ onto his suit.






 She sings quite well. But _____, she is an English teacher, not a music teacher.

A.as a result

B.as a rule

C.as a whole

D.as a matter of fact


The plan was canceled after someone presented _____ objections to it at the meeting.






The thief was caught by the police in the railway station before he was able to _____.






 The construction workers completed the bridge three months _____ time and were praised by the local people.

A.in accordance with

B.in front of

C.ahead of

D.prior to


 A lot of revolutionaries _____ their own lives for the liberation of our country.






The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and modern communication means. Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems .One of the biggest problems is pollution. To pollute means to make things dirty. Pollution comes in many ways ,We see it ,smell it, drink it and even hear it .

Man has been polluting the earth. The more people ,the more pollution. Many years ago, the problem was not so serious because there were not so many people ,When the land was used up or the river was dirty in one place, man moved to another place, But this is no longer true.

Man is now slowly polluting the whole world.

Air pollution is still the most serious .It’s bad for all living things in the world , but it is not the only one kind of pollution. Water pollution kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us angry more easily.

Many countries are making rules to fight pollution, They stop people from burning coal in house and factories in the city. And from putting dirty smoke into the air. Pollution by SO2 is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution, It is caused by heavy traffic .We are sure that if there are fewer people driving . there will be less air pollution.

The earth is our home, We must take care of it . That means keeping the land. Water and air clean And we must take care of the rise in pollution at the same time.

1.______,our world is becoming much smaller

A.Because of the rise in pollution

B.Thanks to science development

C.Because the earth is being polluted day and night.

D.Because the earth is blown away by the wind every year

2.Hundreds of years ago., life was _____it is today

A.much easier than

B.as easy as

C.much harder than

D.as hard as

3.Pollution comes in many ways , We can even hear it , Here “it “means ________

A rubbish(垃圾)    B. noise pollution  

C. air pollution     D. water pollution

4.Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution because_____

A.it makes much noise

B.it make us angry more easily

C.it makes our rivers and lakes dirty.

D.It’s bad for all living things in the world.

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Many countries are making rules to fight pollution

B.The pollution of the earth grows as fast as the world population does

C.The problem of pollution is not so serious because there are not so many people living on the earth.

D.If people could go to work by bus or bike instead of car or motorbike, it would be helpful in fighting against the problem of SO2


The opera house in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is one of the most beautiful in the United States. It is small and open, with one roof over the stage where singers perform and another roof over part of the audience. This opera house in the mountain is one of the best in the country, which may seem surprising because performances are only given during seven weeks in summer, and because Santa Fe is a very small city.

One reason why the Santa Fe Opera is so good is that it attracts many excellent young singers .They all hope to sing in famous opera houses like Metropolitan in New York someday. And they work hard to become well-known during the summer. The musicians and directors are experts who come from the best orchestras(管弦乐队) and operas in the country during their vacations. They enjoy working there because they like to live in Santa Fe, which is near both the mountains and the desert. It is very beautiful there in summer.

The state government of New Mexico advertises the Santa Fe Opera in newspapers all over the country, and a great many tourists come to New Mexico because of the opera ,Still ,most of the audience does come from Santa Fe and other nearby cities. And all the seats in the theater are sold for every show.

There is only one thing that some people do not like about the Santa  Fe Opera, and that is the cold weather .Because the theater is open, performances cannot start before it gets dark at nine o’clock in the evening, and then the mountain air becomes very cool. Sometimes people complain about the cold air ,but because the opera is good , these people come back again wearing warm coats.

1.This passage mainly introduces__________

A.a mountain city

B.young musicians

C.an opera house

D.the tourism in Santa Fe

2.Young singers come to perform in Santa Fe Opera because_______.

A.the music quality is high

B.they enjoy the climate there

C.they want to be famous

D.they like the scenery there

3.It seems surprising that Santa Fe becomes famous because______

A.it is only a very small place

B.it is between the mountain and desert

C.all the seats are sold for every show

D.musicians there are form the best orchestras

4.Audience complain because ___________.

A the opera is so good   

B the temperature at night is very low

C there are so many people watching the performance.   

D the text doesn’t tell us

5.From the passage ,we can learn that ________.

A.the opera house is open without any roofs

B.musicians always work in Fe

C.the government advertises to attract more musicians

D.performances are held in Santa Fe only after it is dark


 As she waited at the edge of the ice for her music to start, Peggy took a quick look at her father standing nearby with a group of parents and teachers. He smiled at her . Then she (1) out at the audience , hoping to see her mother. These two , Alvert and Doris, Flemint, had driven all the way from California more than 2,000 miles away, to see their (2) compete in this sports meet in Cleveland, Ohio.

The music (3) and Peggy moved onto the ice, letting the music carry her along into her turns, and she began skating with much (4) in herself . The cold fear she always had in the last seconds before skating onto the ice was (5) . She was feeling the movement of the (6) and letting it carry her. She skated easily , then did some jumps, a final turn and her performance was finished.

The crowd loved it and cheered as she skated off the ice. ”Nice job,” said one of the other (7) . It was the remark that always came after a free-skating performance. But what should the (8) say? Standing  beside her father , Peggy young skaters , some waiting (9) alone, others with a parent .Shortly before 10 o’clock the results were (10). The new United States Women’s Figure Skating Champion was Peggy Fleming of Passdena, California.

1.A looked         B. watched      C. found          D. stepped

2.A friend          B. children      C. son            D. daughter












































A.carried out

B.let out




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