Sweat rolled off my forehead as my younger brother and I sat under the tree.

“Hi, Jason,” said my brother, Chad. “Do you hear the train?” I listened, but I heard only thunder in the distance. It was still miles away, but I heard it. It grew stronger and louder as it gained speed and got closer. How could that be? I wondered.

We were about to grab our bikes to see what it actually was when we stopped. What looked like a flock of birds darkened the sky overhead. When I looked at it closer, I realized it wasn’t birds. It was a tornado(龙卷风). The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as the air turned green and heavy. The sun disappeared. The wind strengthened and roared. I grabbed Chad’s arm and pulled him toward the house.

I tried to open the door, but it was as if an invisible force pushed against me. The door refused to open. When we finally managed to get inside, we found it was as dark as night. Our family had practiced a tornado safety plan many times. But I had never imagined that it would be just Chad and me at home the first time we needed to use it.

“Inside the closet!” I yelled. It was small and crowded, but we got in it anyway. Chad began to cry. “It’s going to be all right. “ I told him. But I was worried about Mom. I hope she’d found a safe place to wait out the storm.

The storm continued to rage. I heard a thud on the roof. The whole house creaked and groaned. Then it was quiet. I opened the door and we inched our way out of the closet. Rain had got in through the open window and wet the carpets. A kitchen window had shattered, its screen blown away. I looked at the backyard. The tree was uprooted, and broken branches lay on the ground.

“Jason, I can’t get service,” Chad said as he held the phone in his hand. We had no electricity, either. I glanced at the wall clock. Had it been only 20 minutes since we’d first heard the thunder?

Then I heard footsteps toward the house. Mom had made it home safely. “Boys!” she yelled. “Are you all right?”

We ran out and hugged her. The sun came out, and this time it shone bright and clear.

1.When the tornado struck, ________.

A.the boys felt terrified and asked for help

B.a flock of birds darkened the sky overhead

C.the boys protected themselves in a safe place

D.the sound of the train grew stronger and louder

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Mom had trouble in finding the boys.

B.Jason knew how to deal with a tornado.

C.The tornado lasted for over half an hour.

D.Their house was flooded by the heavy rain.

3.Which of the following words can best describe Jason?

A.Calm and thoughtful. B.Cautious and curious.

C.Dependent and sensitive. D.Creative and active.


    “Daily Star, sir,” called Jason, carrying some newspapers under his arm. The little boy had been running up and down the street, but there were still twenty____left. His voice was almost gone and his heart was____. The shops would soon close, and all the people would go home. He would have to go home too, carrying the papers____money. He had hoped to sell more papers tonight to make more money to buy a____for his mother and some seeds for his bird. That was why he had bought the papers with all his money. He____as he thought of his failure to sell all his papers.

“You don’t know the____of selling papers. You must shout, ‘Hot news! Bomb bursting!’” another newsboy Chad told Jason. “____it’s not in the paper at all,” replied Jason. “Just run away quickly____they have time to see, and you’ll____out and get your money,” Chad said.

It was a new____to Jason. He thought of his bird with no____and the cake he wanted to buy for his mother, but was____that he would not tell a lie. Though he was____a poor newsboy, he had been____some good things.

The next afternoon Jason went to the office for his papers____. Several boys were crowding around Chad, who declared with a____smile that he sold six dozen the day before. He added that Jason____money because he would not tell a lie. The boys____at Jason. “You wouldn’t tell a lie yesterday, my boy?” A gentleman at the office came up and patted Jason’s shoulder____,   “You’re just the boy I am looking for. “ A week later Jason started his new____. He lost the sale of twenty papers because he would not tell a lie, but got a well-paid job because he told the truth.

1.A.shops B.coins C.people D.papers

2.A.open B.heavy C.pure D.weak

3.A.instead of B.in return for C.in spite of D.in exchange for

4.A.cup B.card C.comb D.cake

5.A.gave in B.broke down C.got away D.showed up

6.A.difficulty B.process C.goal D.secret

7.A.And B.But C.For D.So

8.A.before B.since C.though D.unless

9.A.call B.drop C.sell D.reach

10.A.edition B.idea C.policy D.task

11.A.bread B.insects C.seeds D.water

12.A.concerned B.amazed C.excited D.determined

13.A.still B.already C.just D.also

14.A.taught B.handed C.awarded D.allowed

15.A.at once B.by chance C.as usual D.on purpose

16.A.proud B.gentle C.warm D.polite

17.A.borrowed B.lost C.made D.saved

18.A.laughed B.shouted C.nodded D.stared

19.A.bravely B.gratefully C.fondly D.modestly

20.A.duty B.business C.job D.method



要求:1)请使用括号内所给的全部单词(gather, reach, prefer, delay, effort)创作故事,并在文中划线进行标注;






Although he is only eleven years old, James helps 1.aged. Every day, he goes to Redhill by train to help three old people with housework and shopping. In this way, he has made their lives much easier. It is through James’ hard work that a Neighborhood Care Program has been started. So far, James and his friends 2. (form) a group of young volunteers to seek out the people 3.need help. They do this without funding and without recognition. Their main aim is 4.(make) a difference through personal sacrifice.



Few people I know seem to have much desire or time to cook. Making Chinese 1.(dish) is seen as especially troublesome. Many westerners who come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap it can be to eat out. I still remember  2.(visit) a friend who’d lived here for five years and I was shocked when I learnt she hadn’t cooked once in all that time.

While regularly eating out seems to 3.(become) common for many young people in recent years, it’s not without a cost. The obvious one is money; 4.(eat) out once or twice a week may be affordable but doing this most days adds up. There could be an even 5.(high) cost on your health. Researchers have found that there is a direct link between the increase in food eaten outside the home and the rise in weight problems.



The Great Wall of China is more than 6, 000 kilometers long. It winds 1. (it) way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys and at last it reaches the sea. The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries. The first part of it 2.(build) during the Spring and Autumn period. During the Qin Dynasty, to keep the enemy out of his empire, Emperor Qin Shi Huang had all the walls 3.(join) up. Thus, the Great Wall came into being. The Great Wall is wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side. Along the wall are watchtowers, 4.soldiers used to keep watch. Fires were lit on the towers as a warning when the enemy came.

It was 5.(extreme) difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines. All the work was done 6.hand. Thousands of men died and were buried under the wall they built. The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men.


    Where did your family eat dinner last night? In the car on the way to sport? At McDonald’s? Or at the dinner table? A survey taken a few years ago found that 28% families ate dinner together at home seven nights a week. Another quarter said they ate together three or fewer nights a week.

Once upon a time the situation was different. 1. Plates, forks and spoons would be laid out. As dinner time approached, an increasing number of hungry mouths would begin to appear with the question, “What’s for dinner”?

2. The data seems to point to two main issues: overworked parents and over-scheduled children. When mum or dad do get home in the evening, they are soon in the car again to send the children to soccer, music, tutoring, and a host of other events.

This nightly ceremony around the dinner table is both vital and fruitful; it is what keeps a family together. Sure, the conversation is not always significant and children argue. And sometimes the deepest and most meaningful times in a family are not at the table at all. 3.The dinner table is the place where a family builds an identity. Stories are passed down, jokes are exchanged and the wider world is examined through the lens(镜头) of a family’s values. Children pick up vocabulary and a sense of how conversation is structured. 4.  Dinner time is “family time”. Coming back daily to the same place helps gain familiarity.

The significance of dinner time is more than above. Studies show that the more families eat together, the less likely the children are to smoke, drink, get depressed, and develop eating disorders, and the more likely they are to do well in school and learn how to socialize. One professor at Rutgers University in New Jersey stated, “A meal is about civilizing children. 5.

So start by planning some stay at home family dinners together. Just family talk.

A. It’s a time to teach them to be a member of their culture.

B. Each night the dining table would be set with a simple cloth.

C. Why not cut back on a few activities and have dinner with your family?

D. What accounts for this decline in families eating together today though?

E. They also learn good table manners, something that will benefit them for life.

F. It was important for children and parents to sit down together and get to know each other.

G. However, there is still something unique about the time a family spends around the dinner table.


    By now, we are all aware that social media has had a powerful influence on our culture, in business, on the world at large. Social media websites revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize on the Web. However, besides seeing your friends' new baby on Facebook, or reading about Justin Bieber's latest conflict with the law on Twitter, what are some of the real influences?

Social networks offer the opportunity for people to reconnect with their old friends and acquaintances, make new friends, share ideas and pictures, and many other activities. Users can keep pace with the latest global and local developments, and take part in campaigns and activities of their choice. Professionals use social media sites like Linkedln to improve their career and business development. Students can work together with their peers to improve their academic and communication skills.

Unfortunately, there are a few downsides too to social networking. If you are not careful, immoral people can target you for cyber bullying(网络欺凌) and disturbance on social sites. School children, young girls, and women can fall victim to online attacks which can create tension and suffering. If you are a victim of cyber bullying, do not take it lying down, but try to take appropriate legal action against the attacker.

Many companies have blocked social networks as addicted employees can distract (分心)themselves on such sites, instead of focusing on work. In fact, studies show that British companies have lost billions of dollars per year in productivity because of social media addiction among employees.

Also, what you carelessly post on the Net can come back to trouble you. Leaking personal information on social sites can make users easily harmed to crimes like identity theft, stalking(尾随犯罪), etc. Many companies perform a background check on the Web before hiring an employee.  If a potential employee has posted something embarrassing on social media, it can greatly affect their chances of getting the job. The same holds true for our relationships too, as our loved ones and friends may get to know if we post something undesirable on social networks.

Social media has its advantages and drawbacks as each coin has two sides. It is up to each user to use social sites wisely to improve their professional and social life, and exercise caution to ensure they do not fall victim to online dangers.

1.Paragraph 2 mainly shows that social networks        .

A.benefit users in various ways B.offer professionals good chances

C.guide users to make right choices D.help students finish their homework

2.Faced with problems caused by social media, some companies        .

A.take legal action against the attackers

B.avoid posting embarrassing information

C.refuse to hire potential addicted employees

D.forbid the use of social networks during work time

3.The main purpose of this passage is to        .

A.remind people to wisely use social media B.provide some advice on social problems

C.raise public awareness of social problems D.share experiences in using social media

4.Which of the following shows the development of ideas in this passage?

I: Introduction    P : Point     Sp : Sub - point (次要点 )     C : Conclusion

A. B. C. D.


    “When I grow up, I want to be a runner.” These words are spoken by thousands of Kenyan children. 50 percent of the Kenyan top runners are members of Kalenjin, one minority race of the country. They make up less than two percent of Kenya’s population. This fact has puzzled sports scientists. They have spent considerable time and effort trying to answer one question: What enables the Kalenjin people to run so fast?

Although the question seems simple, finding the answer has proven to be difficult and controversial. A team of Danish sports scientists spent 18 months and discovered the Kalenjins had remarkably slow heart rates even when running long distances. The Kalenjins live in high-elevation(高海拔) villages in the Rift Valley in western Kenya. People living at high elevations produce more red blood cells, which aid in the transport of oxygen throughout the body. Because the air is thinner and contains less oxygen at high elevations, the body produces more red blood cells. Scientists believe there is a connection between increased red blood cells and low heart rates and that both may enable high-altitude athletes to outperform those who train at low altitudes. The Danish scientists also studied the bodies of the Kalenjins and compared them to those of the Danes. They found that the Kalenjins have longer “birdlike” legs. The Kalenjins also have lower body mass indexes (a measure of body fat based on weight and height) and shorter bodies than Danish people.

As a result of the Danish study, some scientists made the conclusion that the Kalenjins possess what is called a “speed gene(基因)”. However, Kenyan runners were offended by this conclusion They credited their success to hard work and endless hours of training.

Although the controversy over the “speed gene” remains unsolved, British runner Mo Farah’s experience offers an interesting perspective on the subject. In 2005, he realized he wasn’t meeting his potential as a runner. A group of Kenyan runners were training in England then. After he accidentally observed the Kenyans’ strict training routines and dedication to their sport, Farah said it was like a switch had been turned on in his head. He began eating healthy foods, going to bed early, and training harder than he had ever trained in his life. As a result, Farah’s running career exploded. He has won seven world and Olympic titles in the 5000m and regularly beats Kenya’s top runners!

Farah’s story proves what Kenyans have known all along. Regardless of genetics, their success would not be possible without hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and mental toughness. Their “secret” is simple. Train hard, run fast, and never give up.

1.What interested the sports scientists?

A.Kenyan sports history.

B.Kanlenjins’ running ability.

C.Kanlenjins’ training methods.

D.Kenyans’ enthusiasm for sport.

2.According to Danish scientists, what leads to the Kanlenjins’ success?

A.Physical condition. B.Hard training.

C.Living style. D.Strong will.

3.How did Kenyan runners think about Danish research result?

A.Convincing. B.Astonishing.

C.Unacceptable. D.Important.

4.Why is Mo Farah’s story mentioned in the passage?

A.To show running methods count.

B.To encourage British athletes.

C.To prove effort pays off.

D.To support gene theory.


    When I was 17, I read a magazine article about a museum called the McNay, once the home of a watercolorist named Marian McNay. She had requested the community to turn it into a museum upon her death. On a sunny Saturday, Sally and I drove over to the museum. She asked, “Do you have the address?” “No, but I’ll recognize it; there was a picture in the magazine.”

“Oh, stop. There it is!”

The museum was free. We entered, excited. A group of people sitting in the hall stopped talking and stared at us.

“May I help you?” a man asked. “No,” I said. “We’re fine.” Tour guides got on my nerves. What if they talked a long time about a painting you weren’t that interested in? Sally had gone upstairs. The people in the hall seemed very nosy (爱窥探的), keeping their eyes on me with curiosity. What was their problem? I saw some nice sculptures in one room. Suddenly I sensed a man standing behind me. “Where do you think you are?” he asked. I turned sharply. “The McNay Art Museum!” He smiled, shaking his head. “Sorry, the McNay is on New Braunfels Street.” “What’s this place?” I asked, still confused. “Well, it’s our home.” My heart jolted (颤动). I raced to the staircase and called out, “Sally! Come down immediately!”

“There’s some really good stuff up there.” She stepped down, looking confused. I pushed her toward the front door, waving at the family, saying, “Sorry, please forgive us. You have a really nice place.” Outside, when I told Sally what happened, she covered her mouth, laughing. She couldn’t believe how long they let us look around without saying anything.

The real McNay was splendid, but we felt nervous the whole time we were there. Van Gogh, Picasso. This time, we stayed together, in case anything else unusual happened.

Thirty years later, a woman approached me in a public place. “Excuse me, did you ever enter a residence, long ago, thinking it was the McNay Museum?”

“Yes. But how do you know? We never told anyone.”

“That was my home. I was a teenager sitting in the hall. Before you came over, I never realized what a beautiful place I lived in. I never felt lucky before. You thought it was a museum. My feelings about my home changed after that. I’ve always wanted to thank you.”

1.What do we know about Marian McNay?

A.She passed away.

B.She worked as a community leader.

C.She helped in the museum.

D.She wrote articles for magazines.

2.Why did the author refuse the help from the man in the house?

A.She disliked people who were nosy.

B.She felt nervous when talking to strangers.

C.She knew more about art than the man.

D.She mistook him for a tour guide.

3.How did the author feel about being stared at by the people in the hall?

A.Puzzled and annoyed. B.Concerned and anxious.

C.Frightened and upset. D.Delighted and excited.

4.What could we learn from the last paragraph?

A.People should have good taste to enjoy life.

B.People should spend more time with their family.

C.People tend to be blind to the beauty around them.

D.People tend to educate teenagers at a museum.


Pacific Science Center Guide

Visit Pacific Science Center’s Store

Don’t forget to stop by Pacific Science Center’s Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or souvenir to remember your visit. The store is located(位于) upstairs in Building 3 right next to the Laser Dome.


Our exhibits will feed your mind, but what about your body? Our café offers a complete menu of lunch and snack options, in addition to seasonal specials. The café is located upstairs in Building 1 and is open daily until one hour before Pacific Science Center closes.

Rental Information

Lockers are available to store any belongings during your visit. The lockers are located in Building 1 near the Information Desk and in Building 3. Pushchairs and wheelchairs are available to rent at the Information Desk and Denny Way entrance. ID required.

Support Pacific Science Center

Since 1962, Pacific Science Center has been inspiring a passion(热情) for discovery and lifelong learning in science, math and technology. Today, Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and brings inquiry-based science education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State. It’s an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other social organizations. Visit pacificsciencecenter.org to find various ways you can support Pacific Science Center.

1.Where can you buy a souvenir at Pacific Science Center?

A.In Building 1.

B.In Building 3.

C.At the the Laser Dome.

D.At the Denny Way entrance.

2.What does Pacific Science Center do for schools?

A.Train Science teachers.

B.Distribute science books.

C.Inspire scientific research.

D.Take science to the classroom.

3.What is the purpose of the last part of the text?

A.To encourage donations.

B.To advertise coming events.

C.To introduce special exhibits.

D.To tell about the Center’s history.


Music to My Ears

Robby was 10 for his first piano lesson in my class. Much as he tried, he ______even the basic rhythm. However, he dutifully reviewed the pieces that I required.

Over the months he tried and tried while I ______and encouraged him. At the end of each lesson he'd always say, "My mom's going to hear me play some day." ______  it seemed hopeless.

I only knew his mother from a ______  as she waited in her aged car to pick him up. Then one day Robby stopped coming. I was secretly ______  that he stopped because of his lack of ability.

Weeks later I informed the students, including Robby, of the coming recital(独奏). To my _____, Robby asked me if he could be included. I told him he really did not qualify because he had _______ out. He said his mom had been sick and unable to take him to lessons but he was still ______  .

“I've just got to play!" he _____. Something inside me let me allow him to.

Then came the recital night. The gym was _______  with parents. I put Robby up _______, thinking that I could save his poor performance through my “curtain closer(谢幕).”

The recital went off smoothly. Then Robby came up on stage. His clothes were wrinkled and his hair was ______. "Why didn't his mother at least make him comb his hair for this special night?" I thought.

Robby pulled out the piano bench and began. I was not _______  for what I heard next. His fingers were _______  on the keys. Never had I heard Mozart played so well by people of his age. After he ended, everyone was ________ their feet in wild applause.

In _______  I ran up on stage and put my arms around Robby. "I've never heard you play like that, Robby! How did you _______  it?"

Robby explained, "Well, Miss Hondorf…remember I told you my mom was sick? …________ she had cancer and passed away yesterday. She was born deaf, so tonight she could hear me play in heaven. I wanted to make it special."

There wasn’t a _______  eye in the house. That night I felt he was the teacher and I was the pupil, for it was he who taught me the meaning of perseverance and ______.

1.A.had B.lacked C.showed D.got

2.A.learned B.checked C.listened D.played

3.A.And B.But C.So D.Or

4.A.conversation B.performance C.distance D.picture

5.A.guilty B.anxious C.glad D.sad

6.A.surprise B.relief C.pleasure D.satisfaction

7.A.stepped B.worn C.run D.dropped

8.A.acting B.practicing C.performing D.recording

9.A.insisted B.suggested C.complained D.threatened

10.A.packed B.lined C.piled D.covered

11.A.least B.most C.first D.last

12.A.cool B.messy C.neat D.dull

13.A.eager B.concerned C.prepared D.grateful

14.A.hesitating B.crawling C.touching D.dancing

15.A.over B.under C.in D.on

16.A.chaos B.return C.silence D.tears

17.A.find B.feel C.make D.like

18.A.Gradually B.Suddenly C.Frequently D.Actually

19.A.bright B.curious C.dry D.wet

20.A.love B.talent C.regret D.courage


假定你是李华,你市将举办中国民间艺术节"Chinese Folk Art Festival".请写封邮件邀请 在你市留学的新西兰朋友Bryan参加,内容包括:

1. 时间、地点;

2. 活动内容;

3. 欢迎他参加。











Our city sets up a project about environmental protection three years ago. Many people have been taken part in it since it was run. It is obvious what people's awareness of environ- mental protection are increasing. Some people think factory owners have much responsibility for preserve the environment. Environmentalists have made many statement to support their own opinions so far.Some factory owners focus on enlarging production in order to make a largely amount of money. Their actions have resulted from much pollution. I think they should be punishing by law, I want to be environmental expert to make a contribution to protecting our beautiful homeland.



The glass bridge is one of the most attractive tourist 1.(destination) in North China's Shanxi province 2. (know) as a “5D glass bridge, it has attracted quite a few visitors during the seven-day National Day holiday.

This "5D glass bridge” is 3. (difference) from typical glass bridges which can just simulate (模仿)"glass breaking”. 4. addition to that, the bridge can also simulate scenes like "a sea of flowers and “a blue sea”. It's 168 meters long, and the highest part of the bridge floor 5. (be) 108 meters from the valley. It is made of hundreds of transparent glass bricks and it employs 5D technology. Similar bridges 6. (appear) in China’s tourist attractions in recent years.

Earlier this year, a glass bridge called "Flying Dragon in the Sky" was opened in Maren- qifeng tourist area in Wuhu City. The management of the tourist praised it as a “skyhigh" high-tech glass bridge 7. combines cultural elements (元素)and a unique experience 8. (perfect).A dragon made of fiber plastics stands at both ends of 9.bridge, and smoke can pour from its mouth.

Videos10.  record tourists walking on the glass bridges also spread on the Internet, with many of them crying, laughing and lying on the bridges, refusing to walk on.


    Everyone is calling this lovely long-haired cat a hero. And when you hear what Masha did on that day, you'll know how this furry friend ____ a babys life!

After finding an abandoned baby boy on the street, Masha ____  into the box the boy had been deserted in as if to keep him _____ . Then, the caring mother cat got ____ by crying non-stop to draw _____to the poor 3-month-old baby boy.

A retired woman, Irina, who _____ nearby, walked out to empty her household waste. Suddenly she heard Masha crying out loudly and _____ .She spotted Masha. It was a lost cat that she and her neighbors had begun ____. and she knew Masha was normally very calm and ____.

"When I heard her crymg, I thought that perhaps she had ____ herself because she would come to greet me or give me a sign for help,” Irina said. Concerned for the cat, Irina  went to _____  , and then  she spied the cat ____ her from the abandoned box in the middle of the cans.

She walked closer ,and was completely _____ ,She could not believe her eyes when she looked inside the box and saw the baby there with Masha ______next to him! Clearly her mothering nature had taken over her and she  wanted to ______the child from the cold,

Quickly,  Irina  called a(n) _______ , and the baby was directly taken to hospital where he was given a ____ Unexpectedly, doctors said the baby was ____  . A hospital spokesman said, "The baby had only been outside for a few _______ and thanks to Masha and the child's clothing, he was not damaged, a hero. Now the _______like Irina on the street are treating Masha as a hero.

1.A.ended B.threatened C.saved D.replaced

2.A.climbed B.dropped C.broke D.looked

3.A.still B.warm C.peaceful D.cheerful

4.A.surprise B.sympathy C.power D.help

5.A.attention B.love C.trust D.comfort

6.A.worked B.inspected C.performed D.lived

7.A.softly B.secretly C.urgently D.calmly

8.A.putting up with B.taking care of C.thinking little of D.catching up with

9.A.friendly B.punctual C.ridiculous D.dusty

10.A.hidden B.injured C.enjoyed D.amused

11.A.flee B.examine C.wipe D.explore

12.A.discouraging B.depending on C.prohibiting D.staring at

13.A.puzzled B.terrified C.astonished D.sensitive

14.A.arising B.suffering C.lying D.surviving

15.A.protect B.raise C.violate D.ignore

16.A.parent B.driver C.owner D.ambulance

17.A.rest B.check-up C.shelter D.cover-up

18.A.unharmed B.inspected C.unconscious D.innocent

19.A.months B.weeks C.hours D.days

20.A.wanderers B.boys C.workers D.residents


    Teaches should assess every student's ability authentically. 1.Its more important for students to develop the learning skills and habits of mind that are important in the class- room and the rest of their lives. Here are tips to help you use authentic assessments in yourschool.

Give cards a try. Cards are a great way to know where your students are in their learn- ing. Ask students to answer one or two questions on a card on the way into class as a warm- activity, on the way out of class, or as homework. 2.The cards can reveal a lot of help. ful information to guide your instruction.

Use a variety of tracking tools. There are a variety of low-and high-tech tools that can

help you track your students' progress. Technology lovers use applications lik Easy Grade Pro to track Particular skills. Others prefer a more traditional approach. 3. Find whatworks for you and look at trackmg as part of the whole assessment process '

Do your own assessments. 4. Let them explain their process and approach to a  certain skill as well as their opinions on the current unit ,text or concept .How they are thinking about the concept is as important as their ability to give a “right” answer.

5. Children are interested in so many things, which help them take ownership of and deepen their own learning. For example, students who enjoy art and creative writing create graphic novels. Kids who love video games study projectile motion in the online game World of Warcraft. So pay attention to their interests, you'll make an authentic assessment of them,

A.Take advantage of students'  interests.

B.You can then quickly review the cards.

C.Try to learn many things as quickly as possible.

D.You don*t have to base assessments on your teaching standards.

E.This assessment goes beyond getting the “right" answers on tests.

F.They use pen and paper to track students' progress at any given time.

G.Set aside time for kids to reflect and write about their own progress.


    Experts say farmers will need to produce about 70 percent more food by the middle of the century. They predict that 9 billion people will need to be fed worldwide by 2050. The prediction means experts will need to develop more effective farming methods that cause less harm to the environment to produce more food. Experts say living things called bacteria could help achieve that goal. A bacterium is an organism.It is so small that it can be seen only with a microscope.

Researchers are finding extremely small organisms in the ground. One gram of soil contains between 100 million and one billion bacteria. Bacteria are taking part in a healthy ex- change with the plants that share the soil. Around plant roots, bacteria change chemicals in the air and soil into food for the plants. The bacteria include the material known as fungi(真菌). Some bacteria act as bodyguards. They produce anti-bodies and other chemicals to fight harmful bacteria.

Plants make sugar through a process called photosynthesis (光合作用).This happens when a plant receiving light changes water and carbon dioxide into food. Much of the sugar is pumped down through the roots. There, it is turned into sugar-based food and released into the soil. That is done to get bacteria to help the plants grow better. Some of the organisms turn chemicals in the air and soil into food that the plants can eat.

The biosciences company Novozymes already sells one kind of fungi. It has found a way to produce it in very large quantities and offer it to farmers as.a bio-pesticide (生物农药).A bio-pesticide protects crops from animals and bacteria. If so, farmers can harvest more crops.

1.What do the experts’ statistics in paragraph 1 show?

A.Bacteria have a good effect on farming.

B.There will be more harmful bacteria in 2050.

C.There's no need to worry about the problem of future food.

D.More food will be needed to feed more people in the future.

2.What's the connection between plants and bacteria according to paragraph 3?

A.Bacteria can't live without plants. B.Plants get benefit from bacteria .

C.They make sugar cooperatively. D.They compete for more sunshine.

3.What does Novozymes do?

A.It sells crops and animals.

B.It beautifies the environment.

C.It provides farmers with materials free of charge.

D.It produces fungi as a bio-pesticide.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Crops of High Quality Need Developing

B.Bacteria May Help Meet Food Needs of the Future

C.A Large Quantity of Farmland Should Be Improved

D.Diseases and Pests Can Be Controlled in the Future


    Fruit growers in the United States depend heavily on immigrants to grow and harvest their crops. Most immigrants working on American farms are Hispanic and come from Mexico or Central America. Many of them entered the United States, and have settled in rural communities across the country. They often raise families by working in the fields. Just like US citizens, they should perform some duties and tax is also often paid on their goods and services.

Recently, in the eastern state of Pennsylvania, fruit farmers are concerned about the government's immigration policies. The fear is that they will not have enough workers to stay in business. Spring is pruning season for apple trees in Adams County, Pennsylvania. Hispanic immigrant workers care for the trees in many of the area's apple orchards (果园).

The work takes many hours and is tiring and repetitive. An apple grower says very few Americans are willing to do this kind of work anymore. She helps monitor her family's farm and orchard in Adams County. And, she worries that immigration officers will take her work- ers away.

Some of the immigrants who secretly came to America and now work on the farms live in the town of York Springs. Almost half of the people in the town speak Spanish. But, these days, they would rather stay at home than go out on the streets in the community. They are fearful now because of recent arrests by immigration officers.

An estimated 800,000 workers harvest crops in the United States. About 40 percent of them arc thought to be immigrants who entered the country secretly.

The Rice Fruit Company is the largest apple-packing house in the eastern United States. It prepares apples from Adams County farms for shipping to buyers across the country. But, if inmigrant workers start to leave the area, Rice says his company will be forced to reduce operations.

Rice says the company is exploring ways to reduce labor costs now, including using more machinery and robots. He says his company may also need to work with only the most profitable, efficient orchards.

1.What can We learn about immigrants in America from the text?

A.They have to pay taxes.

B.Most of them are from Africa.

C.None of them entered America secretly.

D.They often monitor their farm owners* families.

2.What are American farmers most worried about recently?

A.They will lose their workers.

B.Their work is tiring and repetitive.

C.They will face immigration officers' questioning

D.Their orchards are short of harvesting machinery.

3.Why do many immigrants in York Springs choose to stay inside now?

A.To fight for higher pay.

B.To protest for proper working conditions.

C.To avoid being driven out of America

D.To stay away from working in the fields.

4.What is the Rice Fruit Company doing now?

A.Stopping its operations.

B.Encouraging immigrants to stay.

C.Asking for help from the local government.

D.Considering using more technological equipment.


    Tired of seeing so much garbage along the bank of River Schie in Rotterdam Dutch artist Tommy Kleyn decided to step up and do something about it. He alone organized a cleanup of the entire bank without leaving any garbage, proving that anyone can indeed make a difference if they want to.

Kleyn would cycle past a part of the Rotterdam riverway and see so much garbage along the bank. The situation troubled him, so he decided to spend 30 minutes every day cleaning the place up, filling one garbage bag a time. And when he posted pictures of his work on Facebook, a few of his friends volunteered to join as well. In five weeks, they had a 100 meter riverbank clean and completely rubbish-free.

Kleyn's action has received great support online, and he has managed to turn it into a small movement. He has set up a Facebook page through which he challenges people to spend 30 minutes a year to fill a garbage bag with rubbish. “It feels great and you'll make a big difference," he wrote. “People are free to share their 'before' and 'after' pictures on the page. The challenge has attracted people in countries The people came from as far as China to respond with their own photos and stories!"

“I want to show how easy it is to remove rubbish," he added. “Hopefully there will come a time when makers are thoughtful and their goods are no longer wrapped in layers of plastic."

Local officials praised Kleyn's work on the riverbank and helped him raise money for future projects as well. “People can sign up to help me one day a year. For this, they received a coupon, like going to a local restaurant at the lowest price. You can imagine what I've man- aged to do in 22 days, and what 22 men could do in a day. he said.

1.What happened after Kleyn posted pictures of his work on Facebook?

A.Some of his friends were forced to join him.

B.The whole riverbank was completely rubbish-free.

C.His Pictures received little attention from foreigners.

D.His work on the bank of River Schie started to pay off.

2.What do we know about Kleyn's action?

A.It has influenced many people.

B.It is opposed by local officials.

C.It is difficult for Chinese to accept.

D.It has made people stop using layers of plastic.

3.What does the underlined word "coupon” in the last paragraph refer to?

A.A job lasting 22 days.

B.A kind of plastic garbage.

C.A piece of printed discount paper.

D.A fund for supporting future projects.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.River pollution in Dutch has been solved by Tommy Kleyn.

B.A Dutch eco-hero proves that one man can make a difference

C.Environmental protection needs support from the government

D.Facebook plays an important role in environmental protection.


    Scientific Books

Amazon offers a wide range of books for readers to choose from. Here are some splendid books for lovely kids.

How to be a Scientist

Steve Mould

Price: $8.81

This book is for the child who is forever asking questions. It encourages young readers to hug those questions, seek out answers, and try out some fun experiments that will entertain the whole family. We can't wait to get our hands on this one!

LEGO Women of NASA: Space Heroes


Price: $11.72

Not only is this splendid book filled with many LEGO characters, but it's also filled with educational facts! Your little one will love learning about ladies like Mae Jemison, Sally Ride, Margaret Hamilton, and Nancy Grace Roman through this fun-to-read book.

Hidden Figures

Margot Lee Shetterly

Price: $12.75

You've likely seen the Academy Award-winning film Hidden Figures, but now you can introduce these amazing women to your kids as role models. This picture book explores the story of these amazing mathematicians and the barriers they overcame to have extraordinary careers with NASA.

If I Built a Car

Chris Van Dusen

Price: $ 6. 39

It' s a fact—kids love things that move. They are cars, planes, trains, and all you name it! This fun story describes little Jack's dream about designing a perfect car, including a pool, a fireplace, and much more. The young engineer in your family will be begging you to read If I Built a Car each night before bedtime.

1.For whom is the book How to be a Scientist most suitable?

A.Parents admiring famous scientists.

B.Parents loving entertainment.

C.Kids with curiosity about science.

D.Kids with a preference for Chinese characters.

2.Which of the following books was made into a film?

A.How to be a Scientist

B.If I Built a Car.

C.LEGO Women of NASA : Space Heroes.

D.Hidden Figures.

3.Who wrote the book about a young designer?

A.Chris Van Dusen. B.DK.

C.Steve Mould. D.Margot Lee Shetterly.



Ten-year-old Sami loved to visit his grandfather's house. The house was near the beautiful blue sea. At the seaside stood thick and tall palm trees with green coconuts hanging from them. When the coconuts fell down, Sami would break them open and drink the coconut water. Sami liked to play under the trees. It was always great fun to spend the holidays at Grandpa's place.

This winter vacation, Sami was surprised when he came to his grandfather's village. There were hardly any trees left. He saw houses built near the sea. People had cut down many palm trees and there was hardly any greenery left.

Grandpa's house was different. He never allowed his trees to be cut. He hugged each palm tree in his courtyard. He also named the two big trees near the front door--one was Petu, and the other Betu. He had planted them with his own hands and today they had become large, massive trees with thick trunks. They were tall and green and gave the sweetest, juiciest coconuts.

One night, Sami was awakened by a strange sound. He could not sleep. He tossed(辗转)and turned in bed.

Suddenly, the ground shook as if the earth was splitting. He sat up straight and then ran to Grandpa. He clung(附 着)to his grandpa tightly. Grandpa cried out, “It's an earthquake! It's an earthquake!" They ran outside the house. They thought that would be safe.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound; the earth was not splitting but the sea was roaring. People were shouting, screaming and crying, “The sea is rising! The sea is rising." The villagers started running away from the beach.

Sami watched dumbstruck(呆若木鸡).

The waves were rising higher and higher. Sami thought, “How big the waves are!" He went into the house again and saw water coming in from all sides. He was scared.

Sami remembered his mother telling him long ago, “You must always get out of the house if the floods come too near." He ran outside the house with Grandpa. But the water came surging(汹涌) in.

Waves about twelve meters high came rushing in, drowning everything. Water was all around and everywhere.

Paragraph 1

Grandpa held Sami's hand tightly but a huge wave separated them.


Paragraph 2

“Sami, Sami!” Grandpa cried. “Don't be scared, little one, come to me, quickly.”




1. 行程信息;

2. 钱包特征;

3. 联系方式。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




Agricultural experts say crop diversity is important to feed the1.(increase) population of our planet. They say having a large variety of plants also2.(help) to protect against possible crop diseases and future crises. But many experts say the number has decreased sharply during the past century.

One of the world's 3.(large) seed conservation projects has predicted further losses. The Millennium Seed Bank Partnership is warning that up to one hundred thousand plant species could 4. (permanent) disappear. The rich collection of genes5. decide their qualities would disappear with them.

Many experts blame climate change and loss of habitat, normal growth area, for damaging plant life. They say human6.(activity) and poorly planned, overly heavy use of land also are responsible. Modern business farming is responsible7.loss of farmers' traditional crop varieties. The "Green Revolution" of the twentieth century changed agriculture. Some experts say the use of modern commercial farming methods saved millions of people from8.(starve). Farmers planted, watered, and fertilized their crops with the help of machines. They treated their fields with chemicals9.(control) diseases and insects. Harvests grew larger and higher quality,10. another result was that some traditional crops were lost. Damage to the environment over the past century makes people believe that crop diversity also suffered.


    As is known to all, most stories of kindness do not begin with formerly drug-addicted celebrity (名人) bad boys. Mine does.

When this ___took place, I was accompanying my grandmother at a huge garden party. Suddenly, Robert Downey Jr., in a nice cream-colored suit, came in. I pointed out this big movie star to Grandma ____, but she was far more interested in piling her paper plate with cheese.

As my 80-year-old grandmother rose for the _______after the party, she fell into a wheelchair ramp (坡道) nearby. The sharp ramp ______her leg open and it was bleeding.

I should have quickly taken control of the situation— but due to my blood faint, I didn’t. Luckily, Robert Downey Jr. _______.

He called an ambulance immediately, and  asked  someone to ____a  blanket.  He  took  off  his  suit and _____his suit around her leg. The cream color turned dark red. Robert surely knew how to speak to her, _____, distract her. He stayed with my grandmother until the ambulance came, _____her hand and telling her she was breaking his heart by leaving so early. I hurried into the ambulance without a word, feeling too shy to thank him.

Some 15 years after that garden party, and five years since he’d been set free from prison for possession of drugs in his car, I came across Robert in  a  fancy  restaurant. I was ____to respect people’s privacy and never ______someone having a meal. But on this day, I decided to   _______the code.

“I don’t have any ____if you remember this...” and I told him the story. “I just wanted to tell you that it was simply the kindest act I’ve ever ______.”

It’s never too late to express our appreciation for kindness which lies in everyone, even a celebrity bad boy. ______, appreciation itself is a sort of kindness.

1.A.party B.kindness C.accident D.story

2.A.excitedly B.surprisingly C.fortunately D.successfully

3.A.garden B.wheelchair C.star D.exit

4.A.tore B.broke C.cut D.pushed

5.A.got across B.turned up C.got ready D.calmed down

6.A.buy B.rent C.lend D.fetch

7.A.tied B.covered C.placed D.pulled

8.A.instead B.for example C.otherwise D.or rather

9.A.shaking B.waving C.holding D.pressing

10.A.persuaded B.born C.raised D.forced

11.A.bother B.talk to C.stare at D.upset

12.A.abandon B.set C.follow D.improve

13.A.idea B.trouble C.doubt D.interest

14.A.called for B.witnessed C.heard of D.performed

15.A.However B.After all C.Therefore D.On the contrary


A memorable science project

If someone tells you to remember a phone number or address, it feels like an easy task at first. You repeat the numbers to yourself, either aloud or in your mind. But after just a few seconds you might find yourself starting to doubt your own memory. 1. Thus, it will try to throw away information that seems old or irrelevant. There are ways of helping our minds retain (记住) information, however, and in this activity you will explore ways that we lose and keep memories

Short-term, or working memory, is a way of describing most people’s abilities to store a small amount of information for a brief period of time in a readily accessible form 2. People don’t have to stop and think to remember something in short term memory.

3. Such techniques include visualizing (观察) the information in a surprising way or linking pieces of information together so that one reminds you of the other. In the case of visualizing information, this could be as simple as remembering you parked your car on the fifth floor in the D section by picturing five dogs sitting in your car! 4. If you need to purchase cereal (谷物), milk, fruit, cheese and eggs, you could imagine the cereal in a bowl, with milk pouring over it and pieces of fruit on top. Then imagine cracking an egg over everything, and it’s full of melted cheese! These may seem simple or even silly. 5. In this activity you’ll test the recall of a few friends or family members, and learn a few tricks for improving memory!

A. There are many techniques for improving memory.

B. Our brain is always seeking new and useful information.

C. Short-term memory has a short duration but is quickly and easily accessed.

D. In addition, linking information could help you remember your grocery list.

E. Retaining that information over longer periods of time becomes difficult yet.

F. Your short-term memory has a limited amount of space to store information.

G. However, they are proved to be good ways for improving memory by scientist.


    For grown-ups, an afternoon snooze (打盹) is often easier said than done. But many of us have probably experienced just how simple it can be to catch some sleep in a gently rocking hammock (吊床). By examining brain waves in sleeping adults, researchers reported in the June 21 issue of Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, that they now have evidence to explain why that is.

“It is a common belief that rocking causes sleep: we fall asleep in a rocking chair soon and, since ancient times, we cradle our babies to sleep,” said Sophie Schwartz of the University of Geneva. “Yet, how this works had remained a mystery. The goal of our study was made up of two parts: to test whether rocking does indeed improve sleep, and to understand how this might work at the brain level.”

Schwartz, Michel Mühlethaler, and their colleagues Laurence Bayer and Irina Constantinescu asked twelve adult volunteers to nap on a custom­made bed or “experimental hammock” that could either remain still or rock gently. All participants were good sleepers who didn’t typically nap and did not suffer from excessive sleepiness during the day. Each participant took two 45•minute afternoon naps, one with the bed still and one with the bed in motion, while their brain activity was monitored.

“We observed a faster transition to sleep in each and every subject in the swinging condition,” Mühlethaler said. “Surprisingly, we also observed a dramatic boosting of certain types of sleep­related brain waves.”

More specifically, rocking increased the length of stage N2 sleep, a form of non•rapid eye movement sleep that normally occupies about half of a good night’s sleep. The rocking bed also had a lasting effect on brain activity, increasing slow brain waves and bursts of activity known as sleep spindles (纺锤体).

Schwartz and Mühlethaler say the next step is to find out whether rocking can improve longer periods of sleep and to find out whether it may be useful for the treatment of sleep disorders, such as insomnia (失眠).

1.What does the June 21 issue of Current Biology tell us according to Paragraph 1?

A.It is more difficult for grown•ups to fall asleep.

B.People today like to sleep in a rocking hammock.

C.Many people nowadays suffer from excessive sleepiness.

D.There comes the evidence for why rocking benefits people’s sleep.

2.What can we learn from Sophie Schwartz’s words?

A.Her team aimed to answer two questions.

B.The study is going to benefit babies a lot.

C.The study had been kept secret before being finished.

D.People used to believe rocking was bad for sleep.

3.What finding was beyond the researchers’ expectation?

A.The rocking seemed to improve participants’ sleep quality.

B.All the participants fell asleep faster in the swinging condition.

C.Some participants couldn’t fall asleep in the swinging condition.

D.Participants had a tendency to sleep excessively in the swinging bed.

4.What is the best title?

A.Take a Snooze Easier Said than Done

B.Want a Faster Sleep? Change Your Sleeping Habits

C.Need a Nap? Find Yourself a Hammock

D.Suffer from Sleep Disorder? New Treatment Found


    This season, the bushfires in Australia have burned more than 12.35 million acres of land. At least 25 people have been killed and 2000 homes destroyed. According to the BBC, this is the most casualties(伤亡) from wildfires in the country since 2009. The University of Sydney estimates that 480 million animals have died in South Wales alone.

Zeke Hausfather, an energy systems analyst and climate researcher at Berkeley Earth, said warmer temperatures and extreme weather have made Australia more susceptible to fires and increased the length of the fire season. “The drier conditions combined with record high temperatures in 2019 created main conditions for the disastrous fires. Australia’s fires were worsened by the combination of those two. 2019 was the perfect storm for being the warmest year on record for Australia and the driest year on record for Australia,” Hausfather added on Friday.

Kevin Trenberth, a senior scientist at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research, said warmer ocean temperatures are also contributed to more variable weather around the world. Trenberth believes that global warming contributed to energy imbalances and hot spots in the oceans, which can create a wave in the atmosphere that locks weather patterns in places, causing longer rain events in Indonesia, for example, and at the same time contributing to drought in Australia. He said that once an area experiences drought conditions for two months or more, it increases the risk of fires catching and spreading. Those changing weather patterns due to global warming make drought events longer.

Climate experts stress that climate change is not the only factor in the severity of wildfires. How land is managed can also impact the amount of fuel available for fires. Practices like controlled burns and other factors can impact the risk to people and property, such as warning systems and the type of development in a given area. Changing those policies has great potential to limit future damage from wildfires along with changes to how fire management resources are dispatched(派遣).

1.What do the numbers in paragraph 1 show?

A.The causes of Australian fires.

B.The results of Australian fires.

C.The damaged areas of Australian fires.

D.The property destruction of Australian fires.

2.Which of the following best explains “more susceptible to” underlined in the second paragraph?

A.Quick to adapt to. B.Sure to cause.

C.Sensitive to. D.Easy to be protected from.

3.What can we infer from Trenberth's research?

A.Global warming is the root cause of the bushfires.

B.Longer dry weather contributes to global warming.

C.Warmer ocean temperatures promote fires spreading.

D.The imbalanced energy leads to the temperature rising.

4.What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph?

A.To stress the effects of Australia fires.

B.To show the methods for controlling burns.

C.To predict the seriousness of Australia fires.

D.To provide some advice about reducing damage.


    It was the small hours of the morning when we reached London Airport. I had cabled London from Amsterdam, and there was a hired car to meet, but there was one more unfortunate happening before I reached my flat. In all my travels I have never, but for that once, been required by the British customs to open a single bag or to do more than state that I carried no goods liable to duty. It was, of course, my fault; the extreme tiredness and nervous tension of the journey had destroyed my diplomacy (外交). I was, for whichever reason, so tired that I could hardly stand, and to the question, “have you read this?” I replied with extreme foolishness, “yes, hundreds of times.”

“And you have nothing to declare?” “Nothing.”

“How long have you been out of this country?” “About three months.”

“And during that time you have acquired nothing?” “Nothing but what is on the list I have given you.”

He seemed momentarily at a loss, but then he attacked. The attack, when it came, was utterly unexpected. “Where did you get that watch?’

I could have kicked myself. Two days before, when playing water games with a friend in the bath, I had forgotten to take off my ROLEX, and it had, not unnaturally, stopped. I had gone into the market and bought, for twelve shillings and six pence, an ugly time piece that made a strange noise. It had stopped twice, without any reason, during the journey.

I explained, but I had already lost face. I produced my own watch from a pocket, and added that I should be grateful if he would confiscate (没收) the replacement.

“It is not a question of confiscation,” he said, “there is a fine for failing to declare dutiable goods. And now may I please examine that Rolex?”

It took another quarter of an hour to persuade him that the Rolex was not contraband (走私货). Just when I let out a sigh of relief, he began to search my luggage!

1.When did the writer arrive at London Airport?

A.In the early morning. B.Late at night.

C.At noon. D.Late in the morning.

2.What can we conclude from the questions asked by the customs officer?

A.He was just doing his duty by asking the passenger some usual questions.

B.He must have noticed the writer's ugly watch.

C.He wanted to embarrass the writer.

D.He must have noticed the writer's tiredness.

3.What did the writer think of the watch he bought in the market?

A.He was fond of the watch because it was a Rolex.

B.He found the watch useful though it was very cheap.

C.He didn't like the watch at all.

D.He was interested in the watch.

4.After reading the story we can infer that the writer ______.

A.knew little about the customs regulations

B.spent a long time at the customs but was not fined

C.was punished because of carrying many contraband goods

D.must have failed in catching the hired car


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1.What is true about the “Dayrider” ticket?

A.You need the correct change to buy it.

B.You can use it to travel anywhere in the city.

C.It can be purchased with your mobile phone.

D.It can be used with any bus company.

2.If you want to go sightseeing around of the lake areas, which ticket is the most suitable?

A.Dayrider. B.Bus and Boat.

C.Sightseeing. D.Student tickets.

3.What is needed if you want to buy a student ticket?

A.A photo of yourself. B.Your name.

C.The bus app. D.Valid student ID.


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