For a long time bats  1.(be) one of the most feared creatures in the animal kingdom. Many pop culture associations with them are2.(relate) to vampire. Though these associations are  complete misunderstandings, bats do have a dark side as a  3.(danger) disease vector (传播媒介). So there is good reason to be exceptionally cautious if you come into contact with bats. However, the fact is4.bats play a significant role in keeping a balanced ecosystem.

Many organic farmers have learned about the benefits of   5.  (have) bats nearby to help manage the amount of pests that show up without pesticides. One brown bat - about      6.size of a human thumb - can consume about 600 mosquitoes and other unwanted insects within an hour. They make for a fantastic, almost essential  7.  (add) to pest management on any farm.

Even large government organizations have realized the economic benefits of bats. The United States Geological Survey estimates that bat contributions8.pest management save the country at9. (little) 3.7 billion dollars per year. Without them, we would likely experience a dramatic drop in  food production, which would eventually make10.(it) way into our weekly grocery bills.


    One of Asia’s best-known tourist attractions is taking a major stand for animals.

Following the____from animal activist groups, Apsara, the management authority for the Angkor Archaeological Park in Siem Reap, Cambodia announced in June 2019 it would____  elephant rides in early 2020. Now, the process has already_____.

Local outlet the Khmer Times reports that on November 15, two of the 14 elephants______ at the park, site of the______Angkor Wat temple, have been _____to the nearby Bos Thom community____ . Long Kosal, an Apsara press representative, told the Khmer Times that the remaining dozen_____would be relocated to the same forest by “early next year.” “The elephant is a big animal, but it is also_____and can be hurt easily. We don’t want to see the animals being used for tourism ____anymore,” Kosal said. “We want them to live in their natural surroundings.”

In 2016, an elephant named Sambo died at Angkor, drawing worldwide_____. Her death was_____a combination of heat stroke and_____from ferrying so many human beings around. Two years later, the World Wildlife Fund_____an in-depth report on the present situation of the Asian elephant, noting that the species ___had declined by 50% in just three generations.

According to Angkor Enterprise, which manages park admissions, the UNESCO-listed site is   ____a decline in tourist numbers. Its ____report says 1.8 million foreign tourists____  passes to the temple complex from January to September—a 13.7% decline over the same 10-month period in 2018. While there‟s no predicting whether Cambodia‟s ban on Angkor elephant rides will ___visitor numbers, it comes at a time when more and more_____  and tourism organizations around the world have moved to eliminate animal-related attractions.

1.A.steps B.pressure C.example D.trend

2.A.continue B.improve C.ban D.reform

3.A.stopped B.undertaken C.established D.begun

4.A.currently B.permanently C.steadily D.compulsorily

5.A.famous B.shabby C.typical D.remote

6.A.lent B.contributed C.sent D.submitted B.forest C.circus D.zoo

8.A.participants B.pets C.performers D.animals

9.A.gentle B.dangerous C.strong D.interesting

10.A.routine B.facility C.activities D.accommodation

11.A.attention B.donation C.respect D.sympathy

12.A.come from B.accused of C.led to D.blamed on

13.A.consumption B.exhaustion C.annoyance D.absorption

14.A.leaked B.claimed C.published D.investigated

15.A.popularity B.existence C.presentation D.population

16.A.solving B.facing C.emphasizing D.revealing

17.A.longest B.widest C.latest D.biggest

18.A.refused B.bought C.entered D.paid

19.A.compensate B.switch C.corrupt D.impact

20.A.volunteers B.employees D.enthusiasts


How is this virus transmitted?

This is an outbreak of disease that started in Wuhan, one of the central Chinese cities. It’s caused by a novel coronavirus that means it’s brand-new. 1.

What are the symptoms?

The virus is from a family called the coronaviruses. The symptoms of this illness are pretty mundane ( 凡的) on the face of it: it’s a dry cough fever and then breathing problems. 2. However, as for the more severe cases, people have gone on to develop viral pneumonia, and all the deaths have been among those people.


This brand-new coronavirus came from animals, and it’s believed that the source was actually a seafood market in Wuhan, which also sells wild animals. So far all the cases have come out of Wuhan. But some people haven’t picked it up there.

Should I be panicking about this outbreak?

As we can see, older people are ending up in hospital with the virus. They’re usually over 40, and the very youngest person diagnosed is about 13 or 14 years old. So it doesn’t appear to be affecting small children.

4.. Basically, their immune systems are not very strong, and they’re going to find it very hard to fight off a virus.

It’s necessary for ordinary people to wear masks and doctors should wear protective clothing.

How is this virus transmitted?

We’ve only just discovered that the new coronavirus is actually transmitted from one person to another. It was hoped at first actually that it just came from animals as all coronaviruses do.  5. .So   we’ve    got people to people transmission, because the market has been closed for sometime, and there are cases in people who’ve never been near it.

A.It seems quite mild in lots of people.

B.Where have cases been confirmed so far?

C.It is so new that actually it doesn’t have a name yet.

D.People diagnosed with viral pneumonia will die.

E.It is a brand-new virus so we don’t know how it’s going to behave.

F.Those confirmed cases who have died tend to have heart disease or cancer already.

G.Now it looks as though it is actually passed from one human being to another, however.


    While many of us may have been away somewhere nice last summer, few would say that we’ve “summered.” “Summer” is clearly a noun, more precisely, a verbed noun.

Way back in our childhood, we all learned the difference between a noun and a verb. With such a tidy definition, it was easy to spot the difference. Not so in adulthood, where we are expected to “foot” bills, “chair” committees, and “dialogue” with political opponents. Chances are you didn’t feel uncomfortable about the sight of those verbed nouns.

“The verbing of nouns is as old as the English language,” says Patricia O’Conner, a former editor at The New York Times Book Review. Experts estimate that 20 percent of all English verbs were originally nouns. And the phenomenon seems to be snowballing. Since 1900, about 40 percent of all new verbs have come from nouns.

Even though conversion (转化) is quite universal, plenty of grammarians object to the practice. William Strunk Jr. and E.B.White, in The Elements of Style — the Bible for the use of American English — have this to say: “Many nouns lately have been pressed into service as verbs. Not all are bad, but all are suspect.” The Chicago Manual of Style takes a similar standpoint, advising writers to use verbs with great care.

“Sometimes people object to a new verb because they resist what is unfamiliar to them,” says O’Conner. That’s why we’re comfortable “hosting” a party, but we might feel upset by the thought of “medaling” in sports. So are there any rules for verbing? Benjamin Dreyer, copy chief at Random House, doesn’t offer a rule, but suggests that people think twice about “verbifying” a noun if it’s easily replaceable by an already existing popular verb. Make sure it’s descriptive but not silly-sounding, he says.

In the end, however, style is subjective. Easy conversion of nouns to verbs has been part of English grammar for centuries; it is one of the processes that make English “English.” Not every coinage (新创的词语) passes into general use, but as for trying to end verbing altogether, forget it.

1.What can we learn about the verbing of nouns?

A.It hasn’t recently been opposed by many grammarians.

B.It is more commonly accepted by children than adults.

C.It hasn’t been a rare phenomenon in the past century.

D.It is easily replaced by existing verbs in practice

2.What is most leading experts’ attitude towards the practice of the verbing of nouns?

A.Cautious. B.Satisfied.

C.Disappointed. D.Unconcerned.

3.What does the author think of ending the verbing of nouns?

A.Predictable. B.Practicable.

C.Approaching. D.Impossible.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Are 40 Percent of all new verbs from nouns

B.Are Summering and Medaling Annoying?

C.Are You Comfortable about a New Verb?

D.Are There Any Rules for Verbing?


    The annual Canadian commercial seal hunt is the world's largest hunt of marine mammals. A few weeks old, the seal cubs are prized primarily for their skins and also for the omega-3-rich oil used in food supplements--products that are shipped around the world.

This month, the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, Switzerland, is expected to announce whether products from commercial seal hunting can be marketed in Europe. At present, they cannot. Such products have been banned by the European Union (EU) since 2009 to protect ‘public morals’. Canada and Norway have asked the WTO to overturn the ban - the first of its kind -- and the trade body will soon deliver its final decision.

As an official observer, I have seen the hunt from the ice and from helicopters. The details are grisly. That is why the WTO originally agreed that the EU could act to limit trade on the grounds of public morals - the first time that such a restriction had been put in place.

When they are born, seal cubs have white fur. They are abandoned by their mothers at about 12 days of age. Stranded on the unstable ice, they remain alone and unfed for up to six weeks, and during this time their fur changes from white to grey --and the hunters arrive.

The cubs are either shot from boats, or clubbed with a wooden bat or an iron-tipped pole called a hakapik. Some shot and injured seals slide into the water and are lost. Many shot and injured animals could potentially suffer for several minutes while the hunters drive their boats close enough to club them unconscious. If the ice is too unstable for the hunters to cross, shot and injured but conscious and reactive seals can be dragged into the boats with long hooked gaffs (鱼叉) before being clubbed.

As a human and as a scientist I consider the hunt to present real and significant welfare concerns. The available scientific evidence supports that opinion. But science, of course, is only one of the factors at play. Perhaps the final word should go to a statement attributed to Mahatma Gandhi: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

1.Why is WTO’s ban introduced in the passage “the first of its kind”?

A.It is the first to take little notice of the economic results.

B.It is the first to take moral standards into account.

C.It is the first to have been overturned in history.

D.It is the first to put animals’ welfare in place.

2.The underlined word “grisly” most probably means          .

A.accurate B.unpleasant C.vague D.available

3.The writer describes the process of seal hunting in detail in paragraph 5 in order to         .

A.prove it requires much experience B.introduce what tools are needed readers how violent it is D.stress how helpless seals are

4.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A.WTO is going to lift the ban on seal hunting

B.Canada decreases its commercial seal hunting

C.The moral problem with commercial seal hunting

D.How animals are treated vary from country to country


    You should see the photo. I’m sitting in red dirt, wearing an ugly purple T-shirt. My face is pink and my hair is wet with sweat. Flies buzz around my head. I’m in the Outback of Australia’s Northwest Territory, on a school trip with 20 parents and 20 kids.

It was an odd choice for a holiday. I like sitting by the pool with a cola, not flies and frogs. I like being alone and quiet, not a busload of kids. I like freshly washed sheets, not dirty-looking blankets.

But here’s the thing about that photo: I am smiling!

The trip sounded good when I signed up. Guides would take us into the heart of the place, and I would see a new part of Australia, learn about local culture and bond with my youngest daughter. I would also bond with 40 strangers. I just hoped there would be good coffee.

In Darwin, we were herded onto a bus. It quickly became tiresome. The kids were loud and I hate making small talk. But later, when I looked out at the vast, empty land, I was surprised at and moved by its beauty. Our guide told us about the land and his culture. I felt far from home.

At a national park, we enjoyed a natural swimming hole. Kids and parents had a great time.

Then we got to the outback. The cabin I shared with my daughter was a brick cell, full of geckos (壁虎) and crickets (蟋蟀), but too dark to see them.

It didn’t matter. The next nine days were packed: waterfalls, lakes, community visits and a trip around Katharine Gorge. We even saw giant crocodiles and baby wallabies.

On our last night, a water pipe broke. We awoke to a mess. Usually, I would have complained and asked for a refund, but it just seemed normal to be dirty.

Indeed, it was impossible to stay clean. We were hiking in red dirt, with temperatures of 35 degrees. Still, I felt a kind of energy I hadn’t experienced in years.

Yes, the coffee was bad, but I was too focused on keeping crickets off my face.

I love that photo of me in the dirt. I look messy, but also happy. Sometimes, it’s another way of traveling. There is beautiful scenery, there is dirt. There was always someone to talk to, someone to laugh with.

1.What were the author’s previous trips like, according to the article?



C.Peaceful and comfortable.

D.Packed with outdoor activities.

2.What do we know about the author’s trip with her daughter?

A.Their journey was relaxing without too much sightseeing.

B.Their living conditions were fairly poor during the trip.

C.The scenery on the trip disappointed them.

D.The parents seemed to enjoy themselves more than the children.

3.How did the author feel during the later part of the trip?

A.Impatient. B.Positive.

C.Disappointed. D.Exhausted.

4.What is the author’s main purpose in writing this article?

A.To warn readers to choose their trips wisely.

B.To share the benefits of traveling with children.

C.To tell about her latest trip and explain what she learned from it.

D.To show the advantages of going to different places.


    From the most talked about politicians to the most popular TV shows, the social media platform—Twitter has unveiled what its users have been most fixated (最关注的) with over the past year.

Most tweeted-about TV shows 2019

HBO’s “Game of Thrones” claimed the title of the most tweeted-about TV show of the year, despite many criticizing the series for an anti-climatic finale.

It was followed by streaming giant Netflix‟s “Stranger Things” and long-standing animated sitcom

“The Simpsons”.

Most tweeted-about films 2019

2019 American superhero film “Avengers: Endgame” became the highest-grossing film of all time when it was released earlier this year, grossing nearly $2.8 billion worldwide and its success was reflected on Twitter, making it the platform‟s most-talked about movie of the year. It was followed by “Toy Story 4” and American psychological thriller “Joker”.

Most tweeted-about hashtags 2019

The top news-related hashtags worldwide included NotreDame after France‟s landmark cathedral caught fire, causing irreversible damage to the building which dates back to 856 and is considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture.

Other popular news hashtags included Brexit, Christ Church and Climate Strike, in line with the biggest stories that have been dominating the global news agenda.

Most tweeted-about politicians 2019

US politicians topped the list for the most tweeted-about politicians worldwide, with President Donald Trump weighing in first. Former US President Obama was next on the list, followed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Also in the top 10 is US Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, popularly known as AOC, who made waves on the US political stage this year and is a strong supporter of the Green New Deal. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and French President Emmanuel Macron were also in the top 10.

Most tweeted-about emoji 2019

The social media platform kept track emoji usage as well, finding that the laughing face with tears of joy was the most used, followed by the crying face and heart eyes emoji.

1.Which of the following can be WRONG from Most tweeted-about TV shows 2019 and Most tweeted-about films 2019?

A.No film has earned more money than “Avengers: Endgame” so far.

B.When you see “Joker”, there is possibility that you will feel thrilled.

C.“Toy Story 4” is second only to “Avengers: Endgame” in popularity.

D.“Game of Thrones” enjoys a great success without any criticism.

2.It can be inferred that “hashtags” mainly refers to .

A.topics that people show little interest in

B.particular subjects that arouse people‟s attention worldwide that have controversial endings

D.subjects that are prohibited from being talked about

3.According to Twitter, we can know that from the last two parts.

A.there is no Asian politician on the list of Most tweeted-about politicians 2019

B.crying face is used more frequently than the laughing face with tears

C.US politicians are relatively more influential than politicians from other countries in 2019

D.US Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is strongly against the Green New Deal



1.Tom’s arrival upset their daily r _____.

2.Different from the old Olympics, the c _____ Olympics were first held in 1896, in Athens.

3.C _____ to people’s belief, evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans.

4.U _____ for the bad guy, the police had been informed and were waiting outside.

5.Keep in m _____ some people may need your help and contribution.

6.Out of work for a long time, I accepted the job without h _____.

7.I’m firmly convinced that this book is based on h _____ events.

8.I’d like to make c _____ about the noise. I really can’t bear it any longer.

9.People were evacuated(撤离) from the coastal regions in a _____ of the hurricane.

10.The twins are so alike that I always have difficulty d _____ one from the other.

11.At  the  conference,  the  director made an o _____ statement that the company decided to fire some employees.

12.On realizing they had got lost, the team p _____. How they should have stayed calm!

13.The full name of our great motherland is the People's R _____ of China.

14.They took Socrates to court for c _____ the young people of Athens.

15.Many a student usually c _____ the teacher before making important decisions.

16.She is s _____ to me, as she joined the business before me.

17.He does excellent work and obviously he is a man of very high i _____.

18.The Great Wall is so well-known a tourist attraction that millions of people p _____ in every year.

19.O _____ with all kinds of housework, the middle-aged woman could hardly spare any time to get relaxed.

20.A _____ the message to its leg, he set the bird loose, which immediately flew into the air and disappeared in the dark.


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Pollution takes away all the beauty of the beaches of Hawaii. I hate to go to the beaches on  1. (sun) weekends and see rubbish bags lying on the sand, cigarette butts(烟头) 2. (bury) in the sand, and soda cans floating in the ocean.

One thing that really annoys me is that I see 3. (tour)who visit Hawaii leave their rubbish on the beaches. I was always taught after drinking soda to throw the can into the place 4. it should stay—the trash can. Another thing that annoys me is that some people walk right by rubbish 5. pretend that it’s not there.

The dogs or the fish are not to blame 6. it. It’s our fault and we must blame 7. (we). Everyone has to do his or her part 8. (solve) this problem. It can’t be difficult to do the job. There are a lot of things that we can do. First of all, we can help pick up rubbish along the beaches. We could also form organizations that help clean up our beaches. More 9. (important), we need to start now before the beaches 10. (damage) beyond repair.


    Volunteering is a great way to support an organization and make a difference in your community. It can also be an opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills. 1. And what should we plan for? Heres a guide for beginners.

Step 1: 2.

Do you want to help the world, or your community? Do you want to build your own skills, make new friends, and learn? Do you love what you do? Do you want to share your gifts with others or give something back? Think about these kinds of questions. That can help you to choose the right direction for your volunteer work.

Step 2: Choose an organization that is meaningful to you.

If you feel strongly about literacy (读写), for instance, volunteer at your local library or find out if there is an organization of volunteer tutors in your area. There are organizations doing all sorts of work. 3.

Step 3: Start small.

If you already have a busy school life, volunteer your time for an hour or two a week, or perhaps one day a month..4. Then, if you find you enjoy the work and have more time to do it, take on more time by time.

Step 4: Get training.

If there is a training course, attend it. If not, talk to the group leaders and other volunteers about their experiences. 5.

Step 5: Try not to give up.

Volunteer work sometimes involves unpleasant tasks, difficult fellow workers, busy days, or bad management. If you find your work difficult, however, try to work through it before you decide to quit.

A. Do you love to work with people?

B. But how do we go about volunteering?

C. Get to know others in the organization.

D. It is important that you choose something that you like.

E. Think about why you want to volunteer.

F. Youll pick up some good tips to make your work there more productive.

G. You might be surprised by how much you can do in even a little bit of time.


    One day, I was in class, feeling fine, when all of a sudden my heart started racing. I broke out in a sweat, feeling hot and cold all over. My chest hurt, I was dizzy, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Everything went blurry around the edges. Sure I was about to faint, I jerked up from my desk and ran from the room, terrified. I didn’t care what the teacher thought, or that the eyes of the entire class were on me. I just had to get out of there.

I ran to the nearest water fountain and drank some water. For several minutes, I just stood there holding on to the fountain. What was happening? Was I having a heart attack? Slowly, the lightheadedness went away. My heart stopped racing, and every other symptom faded too. I still had no idea what had happened but I was so glad it was over.

Still I was really worried. I’d never felt that bad in my life. What was wrong with me? What if it came back?

And then, an hour later, it did the pounding heart, the dizziness, the feeling that I was dying. Once again, I couldn’t breathe. And this time. there was also pain throughout my entire upper body. I burst into tears and ran for the hallway again, actually afraid for my life. My teacher ran after me asking what was wrong. Panicking, I managed to choke out, “I need an ambulance: Please. “I was sure I was dying.”

To my surprise, though, my teacher didn’t grab her phone for help. Instead, she put her hand on my arm and told me to slow down. “Breathe, ”she said. “you’re going to be okay. You just need to calm down.”

I felt like I was going crazy. Here I was totally losing it, and she was acting like nothing was wrong! She kept on trying to calm me down, but I wasn’t ready to listen. I was sure she didn’t understand how I felt. How could she? How could anyone? Finally, my teacher explained that she was pretty sure I was having a panic attack. (They are also called anxiety attacks.) She knew, she said, because the same thing had happened to her when she was my age. She told me how she’d felt, and it was almost exactly how I was feeling now. She also explained that panic attacks are caused by anxiety (basically, excessive worry and fear that is part of your everyday life).

I was shocked. I had no idea that there was even a name for what I was feeling, let alone that it happened to other people, too! When I realized that she really did understand, I felt so relieved.

My teacher talked to my parents, and they found me a counselor to help me deal with my anxiety. I’d been going through a tough time that year. My best friend had moved to a new school, and I wasn’t sure how to fit in with the girls in my class. I’d never told anyone, though—I just kept it to myself. My counselor helped me understand that not dealing with my feelings can lead to panic attacks, and that I need to talk to someone when my life is stressful.

Now when I start feeling overwhelmed or sad, I talk to my parents or friends and my counselor about whatever is bothering me, and they all help me sort things out. This way, I’m dealing with my anxiety and stress before it gets out of control.

My counselor has also taught me some relaxation techniques and strategies that help me calm my body down at the first sign of a panic attack. I’ve learned to take deep breaths and relax my muscles. Or I’ll focus on something else, or just tell myself I’m going to be okay. If one thing doesn’t work, I’ll try another one.

It turns out that about one in every ten people has some kind of an anxiety disorder! Knowing that it’s common and that life is stressful for a lot of girls my age has helped me realize that I don’t have to be ashamed or embarrassed about it.

By sharing my story, I want other girls my age to know that you’re not as alone as you feel, and that talking about it really does help.

1.What happened to the author at the beginning of the story?

A.She suffered from a terrible anxiety.

B.She couldn’t calm herself down.

C.She had a heart trouble.

D.She felt dizzy.

2.What is the author’s purpose in sharing her story?

A.To inform people of an anxiety attack.

B.To give advice on how to get over an anxiety disorder.

C.To describe her feelings when suffering from a panic attack.

D.To help other girls who are going through what she went through.

3.What is NOT the proper way to deal with anxiety attacks according to the passage?

A.Comforting yourself.

B.Focusing on something else.

C.Talking to somebody you trust.

D.Taking deep breaths and doing exercises.

4.The counselor in the passage may be ______. educational psychologist B.a clinical psychologist parents friend teacher’s friend

5.Which part does the passage probably belong to in a magazine?

A.Teen Life B.Chicken soup

C.Read for Fun D.Literary World


    Online programs to fight depression are already commercially available. While they sound efficient and cost-saving, a recent study reports that they're not effective, primarily because depressed patients are not likely to engage with them or stick with them.

The study looked at computer-assisted cognitive (认知的) behavioral therapy (CBT) and found that it was no more effective in treating depression than the usual care patients receive from a primary care doctor.

Traditional CBT is considered an effective form of talk therapy for depression, helping people challenge negative thoughts and change the way they think in order to change their mood and behaviors. However, online CBT programs have been gaining popularity, with the attraction of providing low-cost help wherever someone has access to a computer.

A team of researchers from the University of York conducted a randomized (随机的) control trial with 691 depressed patients from 83 physician practices across England. The patients were split into three groups: one group received only usual care from a physician while the other two groups received usual care from a physician plus one of two computerized CBT programs. Participants were balanced across the three groups for age, sex, educational background, severity and duration of depression, and use of antidepressants(抗抑郁药).

After four months, the patients using the computerized CBT programs had no improvement in depression levels over the patients who were only getting usual care from their doctors.

"It's an important, warning note that we shouldn't get too carried away with the idea that a computer system can replace doctors and therapists," says Christopher Dowrick, a professor of primary medical care at the University of Liverpool. "We do still need the human touch or the human interaction, particularly when people are depressed. "

"Being depressed can mean feeling lost in your own small, negative, dark world," Dowrick says. Having a person, instead of a computer, reach out to you is particularly important in fighting that sense of isolation. "When you're emotionally fragile, you're even more in need of a caring human being," he says.

1.What does the recent study say about online CBT programs?

A.Patients may not be able to carry them through for effective cure.

B.Patients cannot engage with them without the use of a computer.

C.They can save patients trouble visiting physicians.

D.They have been well received by a lot of patients'

2.What has made online CBT programs increasingly popular?

A.Their effectiveness in combating depression

B.The low efficiency of traditional talk therapy.

C.Their easy and inexpensive access by patients.

D.The recommendation by primary care doctors.

3.What is Professor Dowrick's advice concerning online CBT programs?

A.They should not be neglected in primary care.

B.Their effectiveness should not be overestimated.

C.They should be used by strictly following instructions.

D.Their use should be encouraged by doctors and therapists.

4.Which is more important to an emotionally vulnerable person?

A.A positive state of mind. B.Appropriate medication.

C.Timely encouragement. D.Human interaction.


    The world is witnessing the worst refugee crisis(难民危机) since World War II. Tens of thousands of people are fleeing civil war and unrest(动荡) to find new homes in Europe — sometimes with sad consequences(后果).

On Aug 27, Austrian officials found the dead bodies of 71 Syrian migrants(移民) in a deserted truck near Austrian-Hungarian border, just as European leaders were holding a meeting in Vienna to figure out how to deal with the refugee crisis. On the same day, 200 migrants were found dead and 200 rescued as two boats packed with refugees sank off the coast of Libya, according to media reports.

The terms “migrant” and “refugee” are often used interchangeably. But there’s a big difference between them, says an article in the Atlantic magazine. Here is how the United Nations defines refugees:

“Refugees are persons fleeing armed conflict( ) or ill-treatment. Their situation is often so dangerous and intolerable that they cross national borders to search for safety in nearby countries. …These are people for whom denial(拒绝) of protection has possibly deadly consequences.”

Migrants, on the other hand, move mainly to improve their lives by finding work, or for education, family reunion or other reasons, said the agency.

Countries should offer refugees certain protections under their international treaty obligations(条约义务).

This is why some states hesitate to admit those people who are fleeing unrest in their home countries.

When talking about refugee and immigration problems, many media outlets use “illegal immigrant”. Critics say that it gives the impression that it’s the person that is illegal rather than their actions. The UN and the EU parliament have called for an end to the phrase, the BBC reported.

1.The differences between “refugee” and “migrant” are written with the purpose of _____.

A.defining the two words clearly

B.indicating why some states are not willing to admit refugees

C.showing that refugees are more than migrants

D.urging European countries to accept more refugees

2.According to the text   “refugee” differs from “migrant” because _____.

they both cross national borders but with different purposes

refugees are illegal while migrants are legal

refugees may face deadly consequences while migrants are relatively safe

refugees are treated badly while migrants are highly respected

A.①④ B.①③ C.②③④ D.①③④

3.According to the text, what may be discussed in the next several paragraphs?

A.Explanations for “illegal immigrant”.

B.Examples about the refugee crisis in Europe.

C.Measures to offer refugee protections.

D.Causes of the refugee crisis in Europe.


    During the outbreak of novel coronavirus, cities are locked down and borders are closed. Science, on the contrary, is becoming more open. And this “open science” is already making a difference.

Soon after the epidemic started in China, a research team from Fudan University in Shanghai successfully sequenced (测定序列) the DNA of the virus. But they didn’t keep the information to themselves. Instead, they placed the sequences on GenBank, an open-access data platform, so researchers around the world could  download them for free and start studying the virus.

Due to this openness, pharmaceutical ( ) companies across the globe are now able to work simultaneously (同时地) to develop a vaccine. “There may be room for multiple different vaccines for different purposes and different age groups,” Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security in the US, told Al Jazeera. “The bigger menu we have of vaccines, the more resilient (有适应力的) we’ll be against coronavirus outbreaks in the future.”

Major drug companies around the world are also sharing their study results. Remdesivir, a drug originally developed by US company Gilead Sciences to treat Ebola, is found to be promising in fighting against the novel coronavirus. Currently, two trials of the drug are already underway in China, and the results might be available as soon as April, according to The Verge.

1.Which of the following statement is not the main things the epidemic has caused?

A.Cities are locked down.

B.Borders are closed.

C.Borders is becoming more open to fight against it.

D.“Open science”plays an important role.

2.What are mentioned as the examples of “open science” in this part?

a. A research team from Fudan University placed the sequences of the virus onto an open access data platform.

b. Companies across the globe share their developed vaccine.

c. Major drug companies share their study results.

d. US company Gilead Sciences developed drugs to treat Ebola.

A.ab C.bc

3.What if Chinese scientists kept the information to themselves?

A.The research process could be delayed and the chance of defeating the virus would be lessened.

B.They could let the world download the information for free.

C.The world could develop the vaccine more quicker than now.

D.Chinse scientists could work to help the world.


    For most people, a family member would be their inspiration. As for me, _______ my mother and father were both great influences, my greatest influence came from a television program Gilmore Girls. Nearly every day after _______, I would come home, _______ on the couch, and turn on the television.

Upon hearing the theme song and seeing the _______ faces, I was overcome by a sense of _______ and total peace. All the day’s hardships would _______. I would forget about any _______ stress. When it was about five o’ clock, I would sit in front of the TV to _______ another episode of Gilmore Girls. It was what I had to _______ in my day, because I was having a ________ day and I simply loved to laugh at their humorous dialogues. Each of the characters had a ________ personality, unlike anyone I had ever known. The more I watched Gilmore Girls, the more I found myself wanting to be a “Rory Gilmore”.

Much of Rory’s success came from her mother. In the process of ________ Harvard or any college, I have recently discovered it is a long process. My ________ has also encouraged me to follow my dreams and to make my own ________. I am a particularly hesitant person, so ________ this task is not easy for me. In ________ and developing into her own person, Rory Gilmore discovered her dreams and how to achieve them; that was how she ________ me.

Although I am a girl who is ________ trying to find my true self, Rory made me feel as if I could ________ everything. No matter which college I may ________, I’ll always know that the road, which I travel to get there, is a road well worth traveling.

1.A.unless B.because that D.even though

2.A.dinner B.communication

3.A.pick up B.lie down C.lay down up

4.A.common B.unusual C.familiar D.strange

5.A.relief C.honor D.surprise

6.A.pause B.disappear C.decrease D.stop

7.A.casual B.formal C.certain D.previous

8.A.survey B.identify D.notice

9.A.look forward to B.make up for attention to D.take charge of

10.A.lazy B.tough C.big D.happy

11.A.unique B.good C.strange D.ambiguous

12.A.passing by B.thinking of C.searching for D.getting into

13.A.Rory C.mother D.friend

14.A.efforts B.experiments C.decisions D.trips

15.A.proposing B.quitting C.confronting D.undertaking

16.A.speeding up B.growing up C.hanging out D.holding on

17.A.inspired B.envied C.admired D.calmed

18.A.hardly B.still C.almost D.seldom

19.A.conquer B.find C.analyze D.afford

20.A.know B.conduct C.admit D.choose


The Chinese language __________  Western languages __________  , instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or ideas.

A.differs from; in which different from; in that

C.differs from; in what different from; in where


As a stopping point on the famous Silk Road, Loulan is believed __________  by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 400. be gradually covered over gradually cover over have been gradually covered over gradually have covered over


No one in the department but Tom and I ______ that the director is going to resign.

A.have known B.know

C.knows to know


When it __________  advertisements, we must use our intelligence and not be a slave to them!

A.sticks to B.comes to

C.goes to D.occurs to


The situation is so urgent that we must __________ an effective way to solve the problem right now.

A.let out B.pick out

C.figure out D.put out


Indeed a lot of skillful methods are used in many advertisements to cheat consumers. Not all ads play tricks on us__________.

A.instead B.though

C.still D.anyway


I practiced a lot in the training center so that I could pass the driving test at my first __________.

A.attempt B.experiment

C.flight D.glance


—Who will ask Mr. Finkelstein to keep his dangerous dog in his house or ______?

—I will give it a go. He often listens.

A.tied up B.tying up tie up D.tie up


To help the blind, young Louis Braille created a system _________ six raised dots representing different letter; _____ the blind can easily recognize Brail with the fingers now.

A.made up of; but B.consisted of; thus

C.making up of; but D.consisting of; thus


—Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale University yesterday?

—Yeah, but I have no idea _____________ he did it; that’s one of his favorite universities.

A.when B.why



I found these problems are easy ____________. be worked out work them out work out be worked them out


Beneath the books _________ a photo, which showed the city had _________ huge changes.

A.were; gone through B.was; gone through

C.was; got through D.were; got through


It was in his iron-fist way _____ corruption in the southern state _____ the 70-year-old man built a political name. fighting, where B.of fighting, that

C.of fighting, where fighting, that


_________ jokes are likely to contribute to a pleasant atmosphere, you’ve got to be careful not to hurt others.

A.Since B.While

C.If D.As


_____ the honored national hero, we set up a primary school _____ after him.

A.In honor of; naming B.In face of; named

C.In place of; naming D.In memory of; named


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