Cassidy and his friends were waiting for other members of their running group. They met_______ every Thursday but on this day last January, it would not be their _______ run.

The first _______ that something was unusual was the man who ran _______ past them.

“Running at such a fast pace,” Cassidy said to his friends in_______.

Cassidy _______ why the man was so swift when another man ran by, _______, “Help! He took my phone!”

At that, they ran, tracking the _______ down the streets _______ he disappeared in a construction site. Cassidy ran around to the far side of the site to cut the thief off while the others ____________ the neighborhood hoping he had thrown away the phone in a backyard.

No ____________ So they decided to ask the citizens whether they’d seen the guy. They knocked  on one door after another. To their ____________, as one owner opened the door, the suspect rushed out and right ____________ the arms of the police, who’d already joined the search.

“Running is typically a useless sport where you turn fat cells into heat, but occasionally it can be____________,” Cassidy told the Philadelphia Inquirer, “and here was one of those ____________.”

1.A.roughly B.eventually C.regularly D.curiously

2.A.exhausting B.flexible C.normal

3.A.clue B.sight C.risk D.decision

4.A.slowly B.desperately C.steadily D.aimlessly

5.A.panic B.admiration C.relief D.anger

6.A.tried out B.let out C.picked out D.figured out

7.A.adding B.complaining C.whispering D.screaming

8.A.member B.athlete C.suspect D.colleague

9.A.after B.until D.whether

10.A.searched B.served C.warned D.harmed

11.A.luck B.doubt C.way D.wonder

12.A.sorrow B.surprise C.embarrassment D.disappointment

13.A.over B.through D.into

14.A.useful B.useless C.tiring D.tough

15.A.purposes B.opportunities C.plans D.tricks


Are you doing it right? Writing a thank-you note

I have always been a big advocate of thank-you notes. People will always think better of you for saying thank you properly. 1. For example, we can all send a WhatsApp message. However, it is not the same as sitting down, putting pen to paper, getting a first-class stamp and sending it off in the post. 2. A thank-you note like this is less likely to get lost in the digital noise.

3. You are supposed to send your thank-you note as soon as possible after the event has taken place, or after you have received your gift. Christmas is the only occasion where you have a week or so to respond. Princess Diana supposedly started her thank-you letters before the event. 4.

Don’t start with “thank you”, though: it is dull and predictable. 5. And then go on to the thank you. The more kindness you have received, the longer the message should be. Try to make sure the stationery (文具) is fairly nice; some people use postcard-sized cards, so their notes are only a couple of lines long. If you are using paper, go for A5 and write a maximum of two separate pieces of paper. Never write on the back.

A. It meant she never forgot.

B. What is the best time to send it?

C. Many occasions require thank-you notes.

D. At modem times, we may have many choices.

E. In fact, that will mean a lot more to a person.

F. Being thankful for the kindness of others is natural.

G. Start something personal about the experience or gift.


    Technology has become so advanced that the previously impossible seems to occur on a daily basis. And yet — we still have no cure for the common cold.

According to Peter Barlow, a scientist at Edinburgh Napier University in the UK, the main challenge lies in the many different types of cold viruses. There are at least 160 types. They changed so easily that they quickly become resistant to drugs, or learn to hide from our immune systems. In other words, a single cure isn’t likely to work on every type of cold.

However, researchers from Stanford University have found a possible answer. They discovered a protein that the viruses need. Without it, they can’t spread inside your body. To  identify the gene(基因) which produces the specific protein needed by the viruses, researchers used a gene-editing technique to test all genes. These modified (改变的) cells were then exposed to a range of viruses, including ones causing the common cold. All the viruses were unable to replicate (复制) inside cells without a gene that produces that specific protein.

Then, they tested genetically modified mice, which were completely unable to produce the protein. The mice were able to live normal lives without the protein. “Lacking that gene protected the mice completely from viral infection,” associate professor Jan Carette, from Stanford, told the BBC. “These mice would always die, but they lived through and we saw a very strong reduction in copying viruses and very strong protection. We have identified a fantastic target that all cold viruses require and depend on. Take that away and the virus really has no chance. ”

Carette said the plan is to find a drug which can temporarily control the protein, instead of producing genetically modified humans.

1.Which of the following can best describe common cold viruses?

A.Severe and deadly. B.Mysterious and stubborn.

C.Diverse and changeable. D.Challenging and oversized.

2.How does the protein work?

A.Help viruses spread. B.Reduce physical infection.

C.Fight against other viruses. D.Strengthen the immune system.

3.What can we learn about the genetically modified mice?

A.They caught cold easily. B.Their health worsened.

C.They produced more protein. D.They were able to survive,

4.What is purpose of the research?

A.To control certain genes. B.To conquer the common cold.

C.To test a new drug. D.To cure genetically modified mice.


    When baby turtles first come out of eggs, they head to the sea by nature. The beach surface goes down, which is one directional clue they follow. Another is light: The horizon (地平线) over the sea is brighter than the horizon over land.

But lights from towns and beach developments can confuse the baby turtles. The sky shining above a city can mislead them to wander. And particularly bright lights can draw them away from the sea.

You’d think the extra time crawling (爬行) might wear out baby turtles, which need energy  once they get in the water to swim for about a day to get to their destination in the sea. In a normal trip from nests to waves, the babies build up chemicals that show they have been pushing themselves.

Some researchers took the baby turtles to a lab, where they ran on a treadmill and swam in a tank while their blood and breathing were monitored. The finding is surprising: even after hours of crawling, the turtles were fine by all measures and swam as well as turtles that didn't have an extra crawling period.

The reason is that they often stop while crawling if they are doing U for a long time, unlike the disturbed trip they make when heading straight to the water. So misled turtles are not worn out.

But the misleading lights are still a problem for the babies. The longer they spend on the beach wandering, the more they are exposed to natural enemies. They can also end up losing their lives in the heat of the sun.

1.What attracts the baby turtles away from the sea?

A.Bright lights. B.Vast beaches.

C.Buildings in cities. D.Noises from towns.

2.What does the underlined word “they” refer to in paragraph 3?

A.Chemicals. B.Nests.

C.Waves. D.Baby turtles.

3.Why don’t the baby turtles feel exhausted after long crawling?

A.They travel by night. B.Their trip is undisturbed.

C.They take frequent breaks. D.They are refreshed by city lights.

4.What may happen to the baby turtles exposed to misleading lights?

A.They are in great danger.

B.They avoid their natural enemies.

C.They will wander on the beach for a while.

D.They are more likely to find the destination.


    My love for libraries blossomed when I joined the public library. From the age of 8 I was allowed to walk from my home to the downtown library, housed above the police station. Once the librarian gave me my first membership card, I could enjoy a range of books, which started with Little House in the Big Woods. I was addicted instantly, and this love of libraries and reading would change my life, allowing me to one day create a safe space for high-school kids, too.

By the time I was in high school, I could read the authors that we were studying in class, including Charles Dickens, Mark Twain and Emily Bronte. During the summer months, I got caught up in Gone with the Wind.

When I studied English literature at university, I thought it was time to build my own library. For the next 40 years, I continued to collect books. Until one day, I realized that all my books had become a part of the house, like wallpaper.

Toward the end of my teaching career, I became a teacher-librarian at my old high school, where I had first learned English literature. This position enabled me to regain my love and appreciation for libraries. I had a generous budget for my classes, so I searched for novels that would interest my teenage audience and hopefully spark a love of books. Fantasy, science-fiction, graphic novels -I bought almost any type of books that my students wanted to read. I bought sofas and comfortable chairs, turning the library into a safe public space, for everyone.

In doing so, I realized that the library isn’t just a place to do research. They are, in fact, places that offer an opportunity to connect with the past, present and future. All that is required is a tiny bit of curiosity. Libraries are places that should be full of life. They help us adjust to the world, and their doors must be kept open to everyone for free!

1.What inspired the author to set up a library for students?

A.Some well-known classics.

B.His early experience of reading.

C.The suggestion of a librarian.

D.The book: Little House in the Big Woods.

2.When did the author begin to build his own library?

A.In primary school. B.In high school.

C.During university years. D.After leaving college.

3.What does the author intend to tell us in paragraph 4?

A.What his career was like.

B.Where he stored his books.

C.Why school kids loved reading.

D.How he improved the school library.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A.A private library B.Read with curiosity

C.A librarian’s life D.More than just books


    More than one million single-use straws (吸管), most of them plastic, are used in the United States each day. They end up in waterways, harm sea animals, and break down into micro-plastics. Quantities of places have passed plastic-straw bans as a way to start handling the global plastic waste problem.

Straw materials: advantages and disadvantages

1. Metal

Made of stainless steel, aluminum, or even titanium, metal straws have become popular. They draw some criticism for having a metallic taste and conducting heat from a hot drink, but they’re strong and can be reused.

2. Paper

Paper drinking straws, which date from the late 1800s, often absorb liquid over time and can leave a taste or fibers in drinks. They’re the most popular throwaway choice in places with plastic-straw bans.

3. Glass

Though glass straws may be more breakable and thus less portable than reusable straws of other materials, they hold up well to washing and reuse. Some straws are made to look artistic, with colors and blown-glass designs.

4. Bamboo

This natural material can be sustainably produced and is a plant-based replacement of plastic straws. Bamboo straws are easily disposed of and turned into fertilizer. They are reusable but can be hard to clean completely and may absorb flavors.

1.What is the major problem with plastic straws?

A.Function. B.Flavor.

C.Weight. D.Pollution.

2.Which of the following belongs to single-use straws?

A.Metal straw. B.Paper straw.

C.Glass straw. D.Bamboo straw.

3.What is the advantage of the bamboo straw?

A.It can become fertilizer. B.It is easy to clean.

C.It is portable and bendable. D.It has different designs.



1. 李时珍生于1518年,是明朝著名的医学家。

2. 他花费了37年的时间完成了他的著作《本草纲目》。

3. 这本书被认为对我国医学发展有重要的影响。

4. 长城可以追溯到两千年前,全长8851.8千米,是伟大的奇观之一。

5. 在过去,长城被修建来抵御敌人,在保护国家方面做出重大贡献。

6. 现在,长城成为受欢迎的旅游景点,每年会吸引很多来自世界各地的游客。

注意:1. 字数100左右;

2. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;

3. 不能逐字翻译,可适当扩展内容,使语句通顺。

参考词汇:医学家medical scientist 《本草纲目》"Ben Cao Gang Mu"

奇观 wonder 抵御敌人 withstand enemies

旅游景点tourist attraction

Dear Jack,

I am very glad that you are interested in Li Shenzhen and the Great Wall in China.






1.Beijing has many famous______ (和历史有关的) sites which are visited by many people every year.

2.How about making Paris our next vacation______ (目的地).

3.I've______(限制)myself to 1000calories a day to try and lose weight.

4.Personally speaking, I would______ (当然地,明确地) choose to have a loose schedule.

5.It is very______(冒险的) to go to examine an active volcano.

6.Let's______(显示,展示) the figures and see what we have.

7.Owning the business______(许可证) is a must if we want to open a restaurant.

8.Their success is all the more______(令人印象深刻的) when you consider the efforts they've made.

9.Senior citizens will be able to get around using high-tech cameras______(系;连接)to their head.

10.The teacher asked us to recite one of the______(诗) written by LiBai after class.


At this time tomorrow, I______ on the beach.








Nowadays, have sports is becoming more and more popular. As we know, a person who keeps on taking exercise regular will keep fit and live happy life.

My favorite sport is playing basketball. After school I usually spent half an hour on it, that not only builds up my body but also makes me refreshed. Playing basketball help me relax after a period of tired study and improves my study efficiency. Besides, because playing basketball needs cooperation, so I have learned the spirit of teamwork. It is also a good way for me to make new friend. In a word, playing basketball enriches my life and makes me more confidence.

Come on! Let's do sports together and enjoy a healthy life.


    I was tired and hungry after a long day of work. When I walked into the living room, my 12-year-old son looked _______ at me and said, "I love you.” I didn't know what to say.  _______ several seconds all I could do was to stand there and _______ down at him. My first thought was that he must need _______ with his homework or he was trying to _______ me for some news. Finally I asked, "What was that all about?" "Nothing.” he said. "My teacher said we should _______ our parents that we love them and see what they say. It's a(n)_______."

The next day I called his teacher to find out more about this "experiment" and how the other parents had _______. "Basically, most of the fathers had the _______ reaction as you did, "the teacher said. “When I first ________ we try this, I asked the children what they thought their parents would say. Some of them thought their parents would have heart trouble.” “The ________ is," the teacher explained, "feeling love is an important part of ________. It's something all human beings ________. What I'm trying to tell the children is that it's too ________ that we don't all express those feelings. A boy should be ________ to tell his dad that he loves him." The teacher, a middle-aged man, understands how ________ it is for some of us to say the things that would be good for us to say.

When my son came to me that evening, I held on to him for ________ second. And just ________ he pulled away, I said in my deepest, most manly voice, "Hey, I love you, too."

I don't know if saying that made either of us healthier, but it did feel pretty good. Maybe next time if my child says "I love you", it would not take me a whole ________ to think of the right ________.

1.A.down B.away C.out D.up

2.A.After B.For C.At D.On

3.A.glance B.glare C.stare

4.A.patience B.time D.paper B.prepare C.answer D.apologize B.tell C.ask D.make

7.A.thing B.experiment C.word D.sentence

8.A.said B.reacted C.done D.explained

9.A.same B.different C.usual D.ordinary

10.A.suggested B.agreed C.allowed D.planned

11.A.point B.idea C.way D.cause


13.A.have B.know C.take D.require

14.A.bad B.good C.late D.early B.ready C.nice

16.A.easy B.much C.often D.difficult

17.A.a more B.a full exact extra

18.A.before B.after C.because D.if B.week C.afternoon D.night

20.A.answer B.key C.reason D.Experiment


How to Pick a Good Book

It’s not news that we spend more time texting and surfing online than ever. But a recent study shows that more teenagers are reading good old-fashioned and ink-on-paper books. Reading is a good way to widen your knowledge and learn about yourself. You probably know how to find the best application programs for your phone. 1.

1.Start with your interests

Reading on your own isn’t like reading for school. 2.It could be ancient martial arts, computers, or fashion design. If you can name the subject, you can find books about it.

2. Find your “type”

3. Books of fiction, like novels or short-story collections, can transport you to another world or help you to imagine something beyond your own experience. Not all fiction is the same. Try some different types of fiction and see which one you prefer. Non-fiction books give you the “who”, “what”, “when” and “why” of something. They tell stories using facts, but that doesn’t mean they are dull.

3.Read the “blurb(简介)”

The reviews and quotes on the back and inside covers of many books are known as “blurbs”. These comments not only give you an idea of what the book is about, but also help you to pick out future books. If you find a book you really like, take a minute to read the blurb and see which authors praised the book.4.

4. 5.

Your local library can provide you with a lot of great books. Explain your interests and mention any writer you like, and the librarian can point you towards books that you will like. Then you can enjoy what you’re reading in a quiet place.

A. Often, they will have similar styles, and you might find you like books by those authors, too.

B. You can pick something that suits your interests.

C. Read in a quiet place.

D. Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?

E. Ask an expert.

F. It is necessary to work out what the book is mainly about before reading.

G. But do you know how to pick a book that you will really like?


    In the office of the German prime minister Angela Merkel, there is a picture of Catherine the Great, the legendary (传奇的) Russian Empress. When asked why she has the picture, Merkel says, "She was a strong woman". Many say the same of Merkel.

The most powerful woman in the world, according to US Forbes magazine, was in China last week. She came to discuss trade and environmental issues with China's top leaders. Germany's first woman leader is known as a brave and practical statesman (政治家).

Even since her time at school, she had the habit of getting everything in order. Every day before doing her homework she would clean the desk and think about what to do next. "I prefer a long time for full preparations to make my decision. But once I decide, I will stand up for what I believe, "Merkel said. Perhaps it was good habits that helped her do well in her studies. At 32, she got a doctor degree in physics and then she worked as a researcher.

However, the life of a scholar couldn't put off her love of politics. While working in labs, Merkel took time off to read political books and at last joined a political party. "Her calmness helped her stand out in the party. She could always find a way out while others felt hopeless," said one of her old friends.

In her first big political job as Minister for the Environment in 1994, her scientific background proved very useful. In 2005 she became Germany's youngest prime minister since the second World War.

Now half way through her four-year term, the 53-year-old woman has made a name for herself both in Germany and abroad. At the EU summit (欧盟峰会) in 2005 when France quarreled with Britain over the EU budget (预算), some people believed the EU was close to breaking down. But Merkel didn't give up. She shuttled (穿梭) between the heads of the two powers and had them reached an agreement.

"Strength comes from composure (镇定) and courage. Many people say I am a strong woman. But I would rather say I have perseverance, "said Merkel.

1.Why does Merkel put a picture of Catherine the Great on the wall of her office? ______

A.Because Catherine the Great is beautiful.

B.Because Merkel wants to be a strong woman too.

C.Because Merkel likes the drawing skill of it.

D.Because it is very expensive.

2.What is the correct order of the following events? ______

a. became the German Chancellor (总理)

b. got a doctorate (博士学位) in physics and then she worked as a researcher

c. joined a political party

d. took part in the EU summit

e. worked as Minister for the Environment

A.bcade B.cbdae C.bcead D.cbaed

3.Which statement is NOT true according to the passage? ______

A.Merkel usually hurries to make a decision when facing difficulties.

B.At the EU summit in 2005, the relationship between French and Britain was in tension (紧张).

C.Merkel is a well-known leader all over the world.

D.She is outstanding because of her calmness.

4.What is the best title for the passage? ______

A.An excellent lecturer B.Germany's iron lady

C.The change of a scholar D.The youngest chancellor


Babysitter Wanted

I am seeking a babysitter for my 6-month-old son. A few hours on Saturdays and Sundays to help me and then other times as needed. He or she should be over 18, responsible, loving, warm, and have some experience in caring for babies. This position also suits a college student with experience looking for a part-time job. The pay is10 an hour.

If this sounds like a good job to you, please reply to or call 800-4964.

Office Manager Wanted

Our company is looking for a full-time experienced manager to run the business. Strong skills in organization and business management are required for this position. The office manager will be responsible for keeping financial (财务的) records, so he or she should be familiar with computers.

Please reply to or call 800-6978 to apply.

Waiter/Waitress Wanted

A restaurant is looking for an experienced waiter/waitress. Knowledge of wines and experience in dining are necessary. Must work well under pressure and understand the basics of fine dining and customer service.

If you're interested, please contact us at to apply.

This is apart-time job.

Office Cleaner Wanted

Looking for a Part-time job? A position in the Mississauga area needs an office cleaner! Part-time 4 hours a day from 10:00 am — 2:00 pm.

Duties include

●Cleaning the washrooms

●Cleaning the furniture

●Sweeping the floors

●Other general cleaning experience is necessary. Pay:15 per hour

Reply to: or call 800-8197.

1.Which of the following position is a full-time job? ______

A.Office manager. B.Babysitter.

C.Waiter/waitress. D.Office cleaner.

2.If a college girl with some experience caring for children wants to apply for a job, where should she send an email? ______

3.What can we learn from the passage? ______

A.The office cleaner has to work three hours each day.

B.Experience is necessary for all these four jobs.

C.A babysitter earns5 more than an office cleaner per hour.

D.One can apply for a waiter or waitress by telephone.


    Do you find it difficult to put down your mobile phone?

If yes, you’re not alone. These days, many people suffer from the stress of FOMO (fear of missing out). They reach of their mobile phones when they wake up in the morning, and for the rest of the day, they constantly check their social media apps for the latest updates.

Despite the convenience smart phones bring, many people struggle with their digital habits. This is why Google introduced an app called Dashboard for Android operating system. This new app includes well-being functions that aim to help users manage the time they spend on their digital devices.

It all starts with a bird’s-eye view. Dashboard allows users to look at all the details of their phone habits. For example, a user can see how many times they’re unlocked their phone and how many times they’re checked their social media apps, as well as how much time they spend on each app every day.

Once the users see this information, they’ll be able to make some changes. With the App Timer function, users can set a time limit for how long they can use each app for every day.

But even if users become more mindful of their usage, they’re still likely to be drawn in by notification(通知). Such feature automatically(自动地)silences incoming calls and notifications when a user puts their phone face down.

If people truly want to make full use of their free time instead of losing hours using their smart phones, these new functions are just one way of doing that.

The easiest answer would be just to use your willpower.

1.Who are the target users of Dashboard?

A.People who know little about smart phones.

B.People who have trouble dealing with stress.

C.People who are slow at researching of things online.

D.People who wish to manage the time they spend on their smart phones.

2.What can Dashboard do?

A.Lock the phone at a certain time.

B.Limit some apps to certain users.

C.Limit the time certain apps can be used.

D.Silence app notifications at night.

3.The underlined word “mindful” in Paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to ________.

A.serious B.careful

C.prepared D.creative

4.What does the author think of Dashboard?

A.It’s not very useful. B.It’s perfectly designed.

C.It should include more functions. D.It may be helpful to some people.


Letter One

Dear Editor,

After I finish my homework, I often go online and chat with my friends. Sometimes I play computer games. But my parents hate to see me playing games on the computer. Maybe they have heard too much news about how QQ and computer games harm children. Once I went to a net bar(网吧) to play games after school. But after that I told my parents that I was playing basketball at school. I said so because I didn't want to make them unhappy. I feel bad about it. However, I need to rest for a while by playing computer games after studying for a long time. I really want my parents to understand that. Do foreign parents do the same to their children? Please help me.

Li Ping, Beijing

Letter Two

Dear Li Ping,

I don't think it's strange for parents to keep their children away from anything bad. Foreign parents will do the same as your parents! They may not let their children watch TV for too long a time,or like your parents,they don't want their children to play computer games.

Talk to your parents and be honest to them, I think. Tell them what you are doing and why you are doing so to make them understand you. It's never good to do things behind your parents. They aren't fools as you think sometimes! Our parents seem to know what is the best for us.

Remember: to be honest is the best way.

Good luck,


1.From the passage we can learn that Li Ping often ________.

A. talks with his friends on the Internet

B. plays basketball after school

C. plays computer games at home

D. chats online before homework

2.The boy goes online ________.

A. to get news on QQ    B. just to have a rest

C. to show he hates study    D. to make new friends

3.The underlined sentence in Letter Two means “________”.

A. You must do everything in front of your parents

B. You must always listen to your parents carefully

C. You should not do anything that makes your parents worry about you

D. You should tell your parents what you do before or after doing it

4.The editor thinks ________.

A. children should play computer games in the net bar secretly.

B. playing computer game can be very helpful to children’s studies

C. children should be honest and try to make their parents understand them

D. foreign parents don’t care for their children as much as Chinese parents


假设你是某高中学生李华,你的美国笔友Tom 来信询问你校学生最喜爱的运动,请你根据下列信息给与回复。








Dear Tom,



Li Hua



1.Mary always behaves well when visitors come. That’s why everyone loves her and says she has good ______________ (礼貌).

2.She______________  (乐于分享) her sorrow and happiness with her close friends.

3.The police ______________ (呼吁) the audience not to panic, saying that there was no immediate danger.







Most of today’s Chinese Americans are the descendants(后代)of some of the early miners and railroad workers. From the start, the Chinese had lived apart in their own separate neighborhoods. Later those came to 1.knowas “Chinatowns”. In each of them the residents organized 2. unofficial government to make rules for the community and to settle disagreements. Chinese Americans keep many aspects of their ancient culture, even after having lived here for several generations. For example, their family ties continue to be 3. (considerable) strong. Members of the family lend each other moral support and also 4.(practice) help when necessary. From a very young age, the old values and attitudes, 5.(include) respect for their elders and a feeling of 6.(responsible) to the family, are passed from the older generation to the young. Saving money and passing down their fortune to their young is always the custom. The high regard for education, deeply rooted in Chinese culture, and the willingness to work very hard to gain advancement, are other important characteristics of 8.(they).

Chinese Americans make 9.only a tiny part of American population; there are fewer than a million, living chiefly in California, New York, and Hawaii. As American attitudes toward minorities and ethnic differences 10.(change)in recent years, the Chinese Americans have gained wide acceptance.


    On a hot summer day in America, a little boy decided to swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. He ______ into the cool water, not realizing that as he swam towards the middle of the lake, a ______ was swimming towards him.

His ______ in the house was looking out of the window and saw the two as they got closer and closer. In great ______, she ran out, shouting to her son as ______ as possible. Hearing her voice, the little boy became ______ and made a U-turn to swim to his mother. It was too ______. Just as he reached her, the crocodile reached him. From the shore, the mother ______ her little boy by the arms as the crocodile snatched his legs. That began a(an) ______ tug-of-war ( 拔河比赛) between the two. The crocodile was much _____ than the mother, but the mother was too committed to ______. A farmer happened to drive by, heard the screams, raced from his truck, took ______ and shot the crocodile.

______, after weeks in the hospital, the little boy _____. His legs were extremely scarred by the attack of the animal. And, on his ______ were deep scratches where his mother’s fingernails dug into his flesh in her effort to _____the son she loved.

The newspaper reporter, who interviewed the boy, asked if he would show his ______. The boy ______his legs. And then, with obvious ______, he said to the reporter, “ But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them because my Mum wouldn’t let go.”

Never ______ another person’s scars, because you don’t know how they were made.

1.A.dived B.walked C.dropped D.dashed

2.A.snake B.crocodile D.whale

3.A.friend B.father C.mother

4.A.surprise B.shock C.anger D.terror

5.A.quickly B.confidently C.anxiously D.loudly

6.A.guilty B.eager C.alarmed D.awkward

7.A.early B.late D.dangerous

8.A.pulled B.inserted C.transformed D.tied

9.A.hopeless B.unbelievable D.absurd

10.A.hungrier B.bigger C.stronger D.crueler

11.A.let go B.let alone C.let off D.let out

12.A.arrow B.bow C.claw D.aim

13.A.Originally B.Exactly C.Remarkably D.Cautiously

14.A.survived B.awoke C.yelled D.expanded

15.A.legs B.arms C.head D.feet

16.A.make room for B.have power over C.get hold of D.hang on to

17.A.scars B.marks C.symbols D.signs

18.A.confirmed B.operated C.lifted D.measured

19.A.appreciation B.apology C.mercy D.pride

20.A.pretend B.judge C.blame D.forgive


Chopsticks Taboos: Unholy Ways to Pick Up Your Food

The use of chopsticks to pick food up from the plate will earn you several complements from Chinese people. But over time, once in a while your close friends might remind you about some basic chopsticks etiquette(礼节) such as never insert chopsticks vertically(垂直地) into a bowl of rice. 1., here are several rules to keep in mind.

. Do not use chopsticks of different lengths. This will remind people of a Chinese idiom “three long and two short”, 2., because a coffin without a lid is composed of five boards, three long, and two short.

. Don’t use chopsticks to poke at each dish without knowing what you want or only one chopstick to fetch the food in the plate.

. 3.. Chinese people believe that their ancestors are resting underneath the earth, and dropping chopsticks would disturb them.

. Don’t make noise with chopsticks by hitting the side of your bowl, 4. .

. While passing someone a bowl of rice or noodles, never insert the chopsticks vertically in the middle of the food for convenience. 5..

A. Do not drop your chopstick on the floor.

B. because only beggars do that to get attention.

C. In Chinese culture, the sign of crossing is negative.

D. which is used as another name for coffin,

E. If you want to master the art of using this old tool

F. Do not drop food and liquid from your chopsticks to the table.

G. The action would remind people of burning certain sticks in the pot in memory of the dead.


    Electronic book publishing has many of the same risks and opportunities as electronic music publishing. By delivering text directly to the reader's computer screen, the e-book could cut down costs, and allow creators to deal directly with their audience, bypassing traditional publishers and traders. But it also raises the possibility of mass piracy(盗版). Phil Rance, founder and managing director of Online Originals, a London-based e-book publisher, sums it up“No one wants Napster to happen to books.”

Indeed, the most popular MP3 may have put the frighteners on an industry that generally operates some way behind the “bleeding edge”. The Meta Group, a leading US-based market researcher, says publishers are far too concerned about protecting their rights,“ We believe all the recent legal control over Napster is like putting a finger in a river that is already overflowing. Publishers need to deal with reality and come up with new ways to develop wide electronic distribution, asking the question, ‘How can we change the certainty of wide distribution to our advantage?’ ”

At the moment, most publishers would like to limit the use of e-books to the person who bought them, or to the computer used to download them. If that can be done, e-books become just an extra income stream in a publishing industry that would continue to operate the way it does today, according to Terry Robinson, business manager for the digital rights aspect, “you've cracked the market,” he says.

Robert Nichols, Books Director at BOL agrees, “Rights management is absolutely important. Publishers just say that, ‘until copyright is secure, we're not going to talk’

1.According to the text, what is the similarity of e-books to electronic music

A.They both result in piracy.

B.They both lead to price reduction.

C.They both bring in much money to creators.

D.They both avoid industry management.

2.From the text, we can infer that_____.

A.wide use of e-books may increase the income.

B.the publishing markets should be brought back to normal.

C.publishers haven’t agreed on rights management up to now.

D.most publishers prefer e-books for the extra income.

3.What are most publishers concerned about according to the text?

A.copyrights management B.price control share D.original works

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.A Magic Book

B.The Fight Against Mass Piracy

C.Risks and Challenges Go Hand in Hand

D.The E-book----a New and Big Challenge


    Born in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan Province, to a Canadian missionary family in 1915, Crook came into the world.  While Isabel Crook's parents were engaged in setting up schools and education institutions in Southwest China, Crook herself was more interested in anthropology(人类学) and the many ethnic minority peoples in China. She was very curious about what was going on around her.

At the age of 23,Crook graduated from a Canadian college with a master's degree and began carrying out field research in Li County of Sichuan Province.  In 1947,Crook and her journalist husband were warmly welcomed by the Communist Party of China (CPC) to observe and study the revolutionary land reform taking place in China. In 1948 the couple accepted an invitation from CPC leaders to teach at a newly-built foreign affairs school. The school was the forerunner of today's Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), which has seen over 400 ambassadors(大使) and 1,000 counsellors(参赞) walk through its doors. As a teacher at BFSU she laid the foundations for foreign language education in China.

As two of the first three foreign teachers at the school, Isabel and David Crook brought new Western teaching methodologies to the classroom. Michael Crook noted that since some students were extremely poor during the 1950s and 1960s, his parents were especially sensitive to their situation and did what they could to help them while protecting their self-esteem. For example, they would bring food such as eggs and bread for picnics and share them with students who brought steamed corn bread.

According to the younger Crook, because of his parents' belief in communism, they chose to use political texts as their teaching materials, such as works once admired by Karl Marx. Understanding that the students would become diplomats representing the People's Republic of China, his parents tried to help students gain knowledge in different fields to better prepare them for communicating with foreigners in English.

On December 15th 2018, Isabel got the award of ‘The Most Influential Foreigner throughout 40 Years of China’s Development’ from the Chinese government. On September 17, 2019, Isabel was awarded “the Friendship Medals” by the Chinese government for her lifetime of devotion to China.

1.What did Isabel Crook independently do?

A.Teaching English

B.Performing field research

C.Helping the poor students

D.Introducing new Western teaching ways to China

2.Why did his parents use political texts as teaching materials according to the younger Crook?

A.They themselves were crazy about Chinese politics.

B.They wanted to spread the spirits of Karl Marx

C.They had to teach many objects including politics.

D.They believed in communism and wanted to prepare students for overall development.

3.What can we infer from Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3?

A.In the 1950s, Crook’s husband worked as a reporter in China.

B.Isabel and her husband taught students only in Western teaching methods.

C.Isabel Crook made great contributions to China’s foreign language education.

D.Isabel Crook and her husband were very rich at that time.

4.Which of the following can best describe Isabel Crook?

A.caring B.patient

C.strict D.romantic


    Smoking in your own home in Thailand may now be considered a crime, if the smoke is considered harmful to other people in the house.

The new law, Family Protection and Development Promotion Act, aiming at controlling smoking at home which might be hazardous for others' health living under the same roofwas initiated by the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and was announced in the Royal Gazette on May 22, 2019. It came into force on August 20.

According to the center for research and knowledge management for tobacco control, at the Faculty of Medical Science of Mahidol University, there are about 4.9 million households where one or more family members smoke. An average of 10.3 million people have unwittingly(不知不觉地) become passive smokers because they’ve been breathing smoke at home. Scientific studies show that passive smokers are at greater risk of being affected by cancer. Of 75 child patients from houses where smoking is practiced, 76% of them were found to have nicotine traces in their urine(尿液), with 43% of them having nicotine content exceeding(超过) permissible levels.

Smoking at home also “may lead to physical or emotional violence” because of aggressiveness when there is a lack of smoking, and might as well ruin relationships between smokers and non-smoker family members.

According to the new law, anyone who thinks they are affected by domestic smoking can report to government departments concerned so that officials will be sent to investigate and take legal action against the smokers. Once convicted(证明有罪的), the court may order a person to receive treatment to quit smoking in an attempt to protect the person's family.

1.What does the underlined word “hazardous” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.risky B.beneficial

C.influential D.dangerous

2.How does the author organize Paragraph 3 ? listing figures giving examples comparing the differences explaining the reasons

3.We can learn from the passage that__________

A.smoking anywhere in Thailand is considered a crime.

B.passive smokers are more likely to have lung cancer .

C.76% of the children in Thailand have nicotine traces in their urine.

D.smoking at home may hurt other family members both physically and emotionally.

4.According to the new law, ___________

A.anybody must report to the officials once they are affected.

B.officials will take legal action against all the people concerned .

C.smoking in one’s own home in Thailand may now be considered a crime.

D.the court may order a smoker to stop smoking to protect all nonsmokers .


    My People, My Country, an epic seven-part anthology(选集) to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, records the nation's greatest technological and cultural achievements.

Each part focuses not on the heroes of the hour, but on everyday people and how their lives connect personally with China's advancement.

The opening part by Guan Hu, The Eve, sees an engineer, played by Huang Bo, race against time to perfect an automatic flag-raising mechanism before the ceremony in 1949 to mark the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The second story, directed by Zhang Yibai, is about a scientist working on China's first atomic bomb who had to bid farewell forever to his lover in the 1960s.

In Xu Zheng's lighthearted offering, The Champion, a young boy must secure a TV aerial(天线) to the roof of his home so his neighbours can watch the Chinese women's volleyball team play in the 1984 Olympic final.

Going Home is about Hong Kong's return to China in 1997. It focuses on a Chinese soldier tasked with hoisting the national flag on the stroke of midnight.

Hello, Beijing, is about a taxi driver who gets a ticket of the opening ceremony of 2008 Beijing Olympics. Though he planned to give it as a birthday gift to his son, who had been away from him for a long time, the good-hearted man gives the ticket to another child suffering from Wenchuan Earthquake.

One for All, directed by Wen Muye, focuses on a top female fighter jet pilot who helps her fellow pilots complete a smooth aerial performance, part of the military parade to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in 2015.

1.What does the underlined word “hoisting” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?

A.mending B.buying

C.raising D.making

2.What do we know according to the passage?

A.The engineer finally got the mechanism working successfully.

B.The young boy watched the national volleyball team play.

C.The taxi driver didn’t give the ticket to his son because of lack of love.

D.The male fighter jet pilot finished the performance with team members.

3.Where does the passage probably come from?

A.a book review B.a film review ad D.a magazine


假定你是李华。最近 China Daily 如何看待中国传统文化面向社会征稿。请你用英语给编辑写一封信,谈谈你自己的想法。要点如下:

1) 表明自己的立场(传统文化应该得到保护和传承)

2) 给出你的理由;

3) 呼吁社会共同参与。 参考词汇:传承 inherit








2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从十一处起)不计分。

I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on what to learn Chinese well. Here are few suggestions. First, it is important to taking a Chinese course. Then you’ll be able to learn from the teacher and practice with you fellow students. Then, it also help to watch TV and read books, newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possibly. Besides, it should be a good idea to learn and sing China songs. By doing so you’ll learn or remember Chinese words more easily. You can also make more Chinese friend. They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese. Try and write to me in Chinese at next time.



1.The editor __________(评论) that article was well written.

2.Through these websites, I can read some __________(经典的) English passages, poems and novels.

3.The two sides haven’t reached a __________(妥协;和解) and they are in need of more time to think about the situation.

4.We must try every means to __________(使成熟) the late crops more rapidly.

5.It is urgent that we should carry out the __________ (供选择的) plan.

6.There was a time when I was so proud that I o__________ my peers.

7.Einstein is a b__________ man but he was ahead of his time and his theories were rejected by people at that time.

8.The bell indicating the end of the period rang, i__________ our heated discussion.

9.He was a__________ for spreading rumors on the Internet.

10.With three goals in the first period they had a promising victory, but s__________ they lost.


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Why do many of us find 1. difficult or impossible to fall asleep in a bed other than our own? Is it because the bed is 2.(comfort)? According to a new study published in Current Biology, a significant reason is 3. the scientists call “first night effect”. They believe that one side of the brain acts as a “night watch” to warn us about potential dangers. It forces us 4.(stay) awake on the first night in a new environment.

For the study, 35 young volunteers 5.(ask) to sleep in a sleep lab for several days. Meanwhile, researchers watched their brain activities.

According to the researchers, on their first night, the left brains were 6.(active) than the right brains and people had a hard time sleeping. However, left-brain activity decreased as days went by, 7.(fall) even to the point of complete calm. In this process, the participants got an increasingly better sleep experience.

The 8.(finding) suggest that the different rhythms of the sides of the brain affect our sleep. When the two sides work 9.(different), the balance between them is broken. Thus, the brain can’t relax and is sensitive to anything strange in the surroundings, just 10. it is in the daytime.


    In the summer before I entered middle school, I read the book They Cage the Animals at Night. It’s a story about Jennings, a boy living in various orphanages(孤儿院)with only his stuffed animal(毛绒玩具), Doggie, for companionship. It’s a fascinating book, but little did I know how it would _______ my life and the lives of others.

One day, as I looked across my room at the pile of stuffed animals, a(n) _________ came to me. I would _________  stuffed animals for children like Jennings. _________ , I contacted agencies  that  support  those  children  and  they  said  the  stuffed  animals  would certainly _________  children’s spirits.

I named my project “Cuddle Buddies”. I wrote articles for the local and  school  newspapers, _________  donations of  the  “buddies”— stuffed animals. My phone _________ ringing; schools, families, and toy factories all wanted to help. Much to my _________ , by the second week my living room looked like a zoo. Whenever Mom and I _________ the “buddies” to the agencies, the kids would be waiting there with their eyes down, too ____________ to look but shaking with excitement.

Six years after its launch, Cuddle Buddies continues to ____________ . Now over 25,000 stuffed animals have been ____________ to agencies worldwide. Simon, a seven-year-old boy in an African Children’s Home, couldn’t sleep at night after he lost his parents. When asked to choose his “buddies”, Simon ____________  a panda and soon after was sleeping through the night. I never dreamed Cuddle Buddies would   ____________ this way.

Upon graduating from high school, I designed a website,, to ____________  the project. The response was ____________ . More and more people joined me and two dozen Cuddle Buddies ____________  were established across the nation.

This has been a great experience. I’ve learned how to follow through on an idea and how  to ____________  impact  a  life.  I  will  go  to  college with  these ____________  in  mind  and continue my work with Cuddle Buddies, even when I ____________  a whole new set of exciting academic and nonacademic pursuits.

1.A. touch B. risk C. lead D. save

2.A. chance B. idea C. explanation D. word

3.A. display B. repair C. purchase D. collect

4.A. Previously B. Occasionally C. Immediately D. Gradually

5.A. capture B. reflect C. lift D. record

6.A. putting aside B. turning down C. asking for D. getting back

7.A. delayed B. kept C. stopped D. meant

8.A. knowledge B. taste C. regret D. delight

9.A. delivered B. applied C. rented D. returned

10.A. shy B. content C. weak D. eager

11.A. reform B. expand C. dominate D. divide

12.A. produced B. adopted C. sold D. donated

13.A. picked out B. came across C. showed off D. brought up

14.A. decline B. work C. increase D. react

15.A. promote B. start C. evaluate D. examine

16.A. confusing B. amusing C. automatic D. enthusiastic

17.A. companies B. committees C. branches D. institutes

18.A. financially B. positively C. socially D. physically

19.A. plans B. images C. lessons D. motives

20.A. work out B. keep off C. rely on D. engage in


    Last summer over 12,000 fans were at Wembley Arena in London, shouting and cheering. Thousands more were watching online. 1. It was e-sports, or competitive computer gaming.

Millions of people in the UK play computer games for fun. Some of them have become professional gamers, playing games as their full-time job. 2. They practice for ten or more hours a day, five or six days a week. They do exercises like typing something and trying to type it faster and faster. They also study videos of other players and plan ways to beat them.

3. Are players athletes? Some say no. E-sports players don’t need to run, jump, throw or do big physical actions. At the moment, the UK government classifies e-sports as kinds of games, not as sports.

But others say yes: e-sports are sports. Players do need some physical skills, especially hand-eye coordination, reflexes, accuracy and timing. If darts, snooker and shooting are classified as sports, then perhaps e-sports should be too.

4. And they will be an official medal sport in the Asian Games starting from 2022. Next step: the Olympics?

For many e-sports fans and players, though, the most important thing is that e-sports are growing in popularity and importance. 5.

A. But are e-sports really sports?

B. All like playing computer games.

C. It’s not easy being a professional gamer, though.

D. But this wasn’t a football, basketball or tennis match.

E. It is certain that e-sports will come into the 2024 Olympics.

F. In fact, China and South Korea do classify e-sports as sports.

G. If e-sports are not as important as sports now, they definitely will be in the near future.


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