
In the past few years, demand 1. fake meat products has surged (蜂拥而来) in the Western world, as people look for other healthier choices to replace red meat.

But long before they appeared in the West, China had been making 2. (tradition) meat-based dishes out of nuts and vegetables. Some records of monks (僧侣) 3. (eat) tofu-based "vegetarian meat" date back to as early as the Song Dynasty in 4. 10th century. It was known as "fang hun cai" or literally" imitation meat dish."

China's early 5. (adopt) of fake meat products is closely linked to its long history of Buddhism(佛教). Buddhism 6. (introduce) to China as early as the Han Dynasty, around 2,000 years ago. Today, it's practiced by around 20% of China's population — some 250 million people. A central rule of Buddhism is respect for all living 7. (creature) , and vegetarianism is common among its followers.

8. China's monasteries (寺院) provided a strict vegetarian diet, they would often have to consider the dietary choices of people 9. came for a visit. The visitors would expect 10. (have) meat-based meals and this was where the tradition came. They would get all the dishes they expected at a banquet (宴请), but made from vegetarian ingredients.


    Washington is home to lots of trees and lots of fireplaces and wood-burning_________too. But what if you lived there and couldn't cut wood or wasn't able to pay someone to do it?_________, Shane McDaniel and his twin sons, Harrison and Henry McDaniel, 21, are happy to _______ an axe (斧头). The three men cut truckloads of wood, and then_________it to those in need. "I want to help people who are _______ cardboard because they've got nothing else," Shane explained to heraldnet.com.

"The idea _______ as a father-son bonding (建立关系) project," he told msn.com. "I had to cut wood with my dad. He just loved doing it," says Shane. He wanted to pass down that feeling, so he and the twins spent the summer of 2018 cutting wood. The _______ was a great wall of wood _______ around their house. To buy that much would cost about $10,000.

It was too much for the McDaniels themselves to use, and when the weather turned _______ that November, Shane started thinking of others. He ________ on Facebook, "If you are in need of firewood and can't ________ it, please tell me! Please ________ me and my boys to make sure no one goes cold in our neighbourhood. "

The ________ was immediate. One man ________ to donate a wood-burning furnace (火炉). Others raced over to Shane's house, ________ more wood to the pile.

Single mom Katelyn Ticer and her four-year old daughter ________ burning wood as their only ________ of heat, so it was a relief to ________ a truckload of firewood from the McDaniels. "To get that much wood brought me to tears," she told msn.com. "So much ________ is off my shoulders. I couldn't be more ________. "

1.A.factories B.stoves C.stores D.lights

2.A.Finally B.Fairly C.Generally D.Luckily

3.A.repair B.make C.lend D.send

4.A.contributed B.displayed C.sold D.rented

5.A.burning B.collecting C.giving D.throwing

6.A.died B.increased C.started D.sank

7.A.duty B.will C.encouragement D.result

8.A.piled up B.caught up C.broken down D.shown off

9.A.dry B.cold C.warm D.foggy

10.A.apologized B.defended C.posted D.acted

11.A.record B.afford C.discover D.secure

12.A.persuade B.advise C.remind D.help

13.A.reaction B.comprehension C.appointment D.guidance

14.A.failed B.refused C.hesitated D.offered

15.A.tying B.attaching C.adding D.sticking

16.A.referred to B.dreamed of C.relied on D.insisted on

17.A.explanation B.state C.way D.progress

18.A.harvest B.receive C.transport D.select

19.A.injury B.wisdom C.joy D.stress

20.A.interested B.thankful C.convinced D.helpful


    Natural disasters come without warning, and this underlines the need for disaster management. Natural disasters may cause death or damage crops and properties without warning. Emergency management can reduce the damage and save more lives than if there are no systems set up for disaster security (安全).

There are steps to take when you plan for a natural disaster. Here's a list of some of them:

1. Ask your local Red Cross chapter or emergency management office for reminders of disasters and emergency management steps.1.You may also request a list of emergency steps that should be done in each type of disaster.

2. Each community has its own set of emergency signals.2.Knowing what to do at once gives you a head start in any emergency.

3.3.Include discussions on what is likely to happen and what should be done in such cases. Plan how each one of you will react and what are the responsibilities of each one, in order to be able to work as a team.

4. Set a meeting place in case of a natural disaster. It should be one within the vicinity (附近) of your workplace or home, and one outside your immediate vicinity.4.Agree on an emergency telephone that everyone should try to call.

5. Prepare a disaster supply toolbox. Stock it with first aid supplies.5.Prepare emergency lights like flashlights with batteries. Include a battery-powered radio in the kit so you can listen to updates.

A. Find out what they sound like and what they mean.

B. Discuss the dangers of different types of natural disasters.

C. Try to understand why these signals sound unfamiliar to you.

D. Everyone should try to reach it when a natural disaster happens.

E. Prepare some water and food that should be enough for three days.

F. Find out any disaster management plan that your community has.

G. This is also the best time to ask what kind of disasters may likely take place.


    It's 3 a.m. and you're wide awake for the second night in a row. You get up and come to the kitchen for some warm milk that mom says will put you to sleep. So why are you eating a bowl of ice cream with a side of cookies?

You may have heard about two hormones (荷尔蒙) that control our urge to eat: leptin and ghrelin. "The 'l' in leptin stands for lose: It controls appetite and therefore contributes to weight loss," said sleep specialist Dr. Raj Dasgupta, the associate program director of the Sleep Medicine Fellowship at Keck Medicine of USC. "The 'g' in ghrelin stands for gain: This fast-acting hormone increases hunger and leads to weight gain." When you don't have enough sleep, research shows, ghrelin levels increase while leptin lakes a nose dive. The result is an increase in hunger.

But food is food, so that doesn't explain why we want candy instead of carrots. To answer that, you have to look at another system of the body: The endocannabinoid (内源性大麻素) system. It manages everything from sleep to appetite to pain and more.

In a study published in 2016, Hanlon compared the circulating levels of 2-AG, one of the most abundant endocannabinoids,in people who got four nights of normal sleep (more than eight hours) with those in people who only got 4.5 hours. People who were sleep-deprived (缺乏睡眠) reported greater increases in hunger and appetite and had higher afternoon concentrations of 2-AG than those who slept well. They also had a rough time controlling their urges for high-calorie snacks.

All of this research is so new that science doesn’t yet know how it all fits together or what can be done about it. And that brings us to the bottom line: There's not going to be a pill any time soon for the sleep-deprived junk-food people. Instead, you'll have to do what the doctor says to reduce your improper cravings (渴望) in the middle of the night: get more sleep.

1.How does the author develop paragraph 2?

A.By giving examples. B.By making comparisons.

C.By following time order. D.By making explanations.

2.What did the study published in 2016 find?

A.Most 2-AG is produced during sleep.

B.Normal sleep makes levels of 2-AG go up.

C.High levels of 2-AG can result in strong appetite.

D.Lack of sleep decreases appetite for high-calorie food.

3.What may be a solution to the problem of eating junk-food at midnight?

A.Buying a pill from the hospital. B.Visiting the doctor at midnight.

C.Getting normal amount of sleep. D.Checking the levels of 2-AG often.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Lack of sleep makes you crave junk food.

B.2-AG controls your hunger and appetite.

C.Enough sleep is important in losing weight.

D.Leptin and ghrelin together make you sleepy.


    At least 200 elephants have died in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe in the past two months due to a serious drought (干旱) in the country. National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority spokesman Tinashe Farawo told The Associated Press. Other animals, including giraffes, zebras , hippos and buffaloes are also dying due to the drought."The situation cannot improve until it rains, "Farawo said.

"Almost every animal is being affected," Farawo said. "Of course, elephants are easily noticed, but some bird species are seriously affected because they can only breed (繁殖) in certain tree heights and those trees are being knocked down by elephants."

"In a desperate attempt to locate food and water, animals have come in the park and nearby communities, threatening human populations as well. Thirty-three people have died because of these animals this year," the park said.

"Six hundred elephants and two lion prides will be moved to less crowded parks. A pack of wild dogs, 50 buffaloes, 40 giraffes and 2,000 impalas will also be relocated, " Farawo said.

"The animals have exceeded their ecological carrying capacity (生态承载力)," he added."If the populations go unchecked, the animals will threaten the very ecosystem they depend on for survival."

Typically, park leaders follow a policy of not intervening (干预) to help the animals , but the hard conditions have persuaded them otherwise. Fearing more deaths before the rainy season, they have started bringing in food to help the animals, which usually rely on natural vegetation.

"We used to say nature should take its course,"said wildlife officer Munyaradzi Dzoro."We are now forced to intervene. We are not sure when and how we will receive the rain. To avoid losing animals, we have to intervene to maintain population sizes.

In addition to a lack of food and water, muddy ponds have turned into death traps for the animals. Many have gotten stuck in the clay (泥土) while attempting to reach Long Pool, the park's largest watering hole, which has shrunk to 5% of its normal size, the Associated Press reports.

The drought has affected an estimated 11 million people, according to the World Food Program, which is planning large-scale food distribution.

1.Why are some bird species being affected?

A.They can't find enough food and water.

B.They lose many proper breeding places.

C.They are often killed by big land animals.

D.They become ill easily because of other animals' death.

2.What measure will be taken to improve the serious situation?

A.Building fences between the park and nearby communities.

B.Killing the animals which went into human communities.

C.Providing enough water for the animals in the park.

D.Moving some animals to less crowded places.

3.What did Farawo think is the basis for the survival of animals?

A.A healthy ecosystem. B.A policy of not intervening.

C.Large populations of animals. D.Limited ecological carrying capacity.

4.Muddy ponds have become deadly to the animals because_________.

A.their clay is very attractive B.much of their water is gone

C.they have become much deeper D.there is much food in their water


    Twenty-year old Brian, our eldest son, was riding his motorcycle home from work when a drunken driver ran him down. The driver, Ruben Gonzalez, was accused of man-slaughter (过失杀人). For three years we had waited. Now we were to be in court (法庭) in three weeks' time, when the judge would sentence (判决) Gonzalez at last.

"Jeri," our lawyer said,"there is a chance that the judge might delay (延期) Gonzalez's sentence because his boy has a bad heart and may only live six months. Please be prepared." "Prepared for what?" I shouted. "The possibility of Brian's killer going unpunished?"

In the car, I sat in silent agony as my husband Charles drove us home. I believed that the man who had killed my beautiful son should be punished. It might teach others a lesson about drinking and driving. All I wanted was a twenty-month prison term.

On the day of the sentencing, the courtroom was filled with our relatives and friends. When it was time for me to read my statement, I glanced at Mr. Gonzalez and said, "I pray that God will let your boy live. But if you lose him, you will know the feeling we have known losing our son." Then judge Gilroy called Gonzalez forward and pronounced the sentence. Twenty months in prison, to be served immediately.

I just sat there, feeling no relief. The lawyer said we could go if we wished, but I couldn't move. My mind spun all the next day. I said to Charles, "I know this sounds strange after all we've been through, but I feel very strongly that we should ask the court to let Mr. Conzalez be with his son." Relief flooded my husband's face and I knew he felt the same. He picked up the phone and dialed the judge's office. "I hope it's not too late, " Charles said.

The next day we were back in the courtroom. Ruben Gonzalez was called forward by judge Gilroy and told that he would be allowed to spend his son's final days with him, after which he would complete a six-month prison term.

1.What had the author and her husband probably waited for?

A.Apology from Gonzalez. B.The police arresting Gonzalez.

C.The court putting Gonzalez into prison. D.The judge delaying Gonzalez's sentence.

2.What does the underlined word "agony"in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Doubt. B.Pain.

C.Shame. D.Peace.

3.What can we know from the original sentence for Gonzalez?

A.It brought much relief to the author.

B.It completely met what the author had wanted.

C.Gonzalez was slightly punished because of his son.

D.The author's statement had a large influence on it.

4.Which of the following can best describe the author and her husband?

A.Heartless. B.Undetermined.

C.Merciful. D.Honest.


    Here are four fun Thanksgiving tradition facts.

Turkey and cranberry sauce (小红莓果酱)

While the Native Americans and Pilgrims are believed to have feasted on geese, lobster, cod and deer, present-day Thanksgiving dinners mainly feature turkey. Some experts believe the birds were selected because they were cheper, and easier to rise. The bird was suggested by Sarah Josepha Hale to make Thanksgiving a national holiday. Since President Abraham Lincoln loved roasted turkey, he happily included the bird on his Thanksgiving menu. The idea of pairing the bird with cranberry sauce is believed to be the brainchild of Civil War Union General Ulysses S. Grant in 1864.

Turkey Trots

Many Americans build up their appetites (食欲) for the holiday feast by participating in their town or city's morning runs, or "Turkey Trots". The fun tradition was started in 1896 by six people of Buffalo, New York. It is the world's oldest footrace, attracting over 14,000 runners of all ages and abilities every year.

Thanksgiving parades

American retailer Macy's has been holding a Thanksgiving parade along Manhattan's 77th Street and Central Pack West since 1924. Though the popular event, which attracts over 3.5 million people in person and about 50 million television viewers, now contains giant floats (花车), the first parade featured animals from New York's Central Park Zoo.

The Presidential turkey pardon

Every year, two lucky turkeys escape the Thanksgiving table due to a special pardoning supported by the US president. People credit the fun tradition to President Harry Truman (April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953). Though at first, just one bird could be freed, a "spare" was added in 1981, after a turkey named Liberty escaped by accident before President Ronald Reagan was able to grant (授予) his pardon at the ceremony.

1.Which of the following traditions has the longest history?

A.Turkey Trots. B.Thanksgiving parades.

C.Turkey and cranberry sauce. D.The Presidential turkey pardon.

2.Which is a benefit of many Americans observing the tradition "Turkey Trots"?

A.Building good relationships with others. B.Winning awards given by the government.

C.Adding a new tradition to the festival. D.Physically preparing for the coming holiday feast.

3.The presidential turkey pardon was changed in 1981 probably to ___________.

A.make it easy to name the turkeys B.attract more people to participate

C.give the pardoned turkey a partner D.make sure the pardon could be carried out



1. 写信目的;

2. 时间和地点;

3. 活动内容。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。








1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I seldom have the chance to talk native English speakers, even though I have learned English for many years. Last year my school had a cultural exchange program or there were some foreign students came to study in my school. I was lucky to become the foreign student's partner. My job was to help him solve daily problem. At first, I was such nervous that I couldn't speak very fluent when we talked in English. As we communicated more, he taught me some interested idioms, which made me to sound like a native speaker. How a valuable experience!



Lijiang Ancient Wall Painting is a special culture and art1.(absorb) the culture of other nationalities. These wall paintings 2. (find) in tens of temples of minority villages in Lijiang County, Yunnan Province. Baisha Town, Yunnan, is the place 3. the most people of Naxi nationality live in. The wall painting of the Big Baoji Palace in the town of Baisha 4.(be) considered to be the center of the Lijiang Ancient Wall Painting and it was well preserved.

There are the 5.(language) of Han and Tibetan (藏语) on the walls of the palace. There is a large painting, 6.(paint) with 118 statues. In the late Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, people found that each ancient wall painting melts many different kinds of figures from different nationalities. The painters are 7.(most) from Naxi nationality. However, the making level cannot reach 8. formerwall paintings.

The value of the Lijiang Ancient Wall Painting is from the artists of Han, Tibet, and Naxi nationalities, which reflected the 9.(society) life of Naxi nationality. Nowadays a lot of people10. all over the world are attracted to the Lijiang Ancient Wall Painting every year.


    Every Friday and Saturday night I deliver food for a local food delivery company. I need this second job to pay off the _______ that resulted from an accident a few years ago.

Last night I got a(n) _______ in which the restaurant and the customer's house were pretty far away from each other. This was actually a _______ thing. The customer got charged a higher delivery fee, which would be paid to me.

I _______ the customer's food and drove to his house. Though I used Google Maps, I still had problems_______ his house. I called the customer and he told me that the address on the order was _______. When I knew this, I became very _______. By this time I had already _______ half an hour on this order. What's more, I had_______ another order which got reassigned (再分配) to another person during the time.

Another 30 minutes later I got to the customer's door. I ________ him to be in a bad mood because his delivery had taken so long. ________  I was greeted by a very pleasant customer. He________ to me that his wife's eyesight was not that great so she had put in the wrong address in the order ________, so the whole thing was their ________

Knowing the________, I didn't complain to the customer. I________ my anger towards the couple. But he said he felt so ________ for me and decided to give me an additional 30 cash for my ________. I knew I needed money, but I also knew forgiving was a virtue. So I ________

Later the company ________ me for what I had done and I was given an extra amount of money as a reward. You can't imagine how happy I was!

1.A.debt B.ticket C.product D.tax

2.A.form B.reply C.order D.position

3.A.clear B.difficult C.dull D.good

4.A.picked up B.cut up C.paid for D.waited for

5.A.fixing B.finding C.designing D.judging

6.A.common B.strange C.wrong D.secret

7.A.worried B.relieved C.nervous D.angry

8.A.got B.saved C.enjoyed D.wasted

9.A.lost B.finished C.signed D.forgotten

10.A.needed B.wanted C.expected D.proved

11.A.Anyhow B.Besides C.Therefore D.However

12.A.admitted B.explained C.complained D.suggested

13.A.in return B.with pleasure C.by accident D.on purpose

14.A.excuse B.fault C.choice D.request

15.A.truth B.goal C.decision D.opinion

16.A.understood B.regretted C.expressed D.canceled

17.A.anxious B.ashamed C.sorry D.afraid

18.A.trouble B.courage C.progress D.patience

19.A.changed B.refused C.accepted D.agreed

20.A.employed B.fired C.charged D.praised


    How to Prepare for a Hike Hiking is a very unique way of traveling. It lets a person find unexpected sides of their own personality.1. Here are several important steps to ensure your hiking experience.

Buy the equipment

Although proper equipment can be expensive to buy all at the same time, it can serve for years. 2.

They should be light so it is easier to carry them. You will also need a large backpack to store all the things you will need during a hike. As for the clothes, you should be comfortable in them as you will spend a lot of time walking.

Prepare a route

3. As for beginners, we would recommend starting with no more than a 2-dayhike. You need to determine the starting point as well as a destination. Moreover, it is better to calculate how many kilometers you will walk a day and where the stopping points will be.

Improve leg strength

Hiking usually takes a lot of walking with the weight of your backpack, and it is better to work on your leg strength before going hiking. 4. If you come unprepared, your legs will hurt and be swollen after hours of walking daily.

Go with a group of friends

An experienced hiker usually does individual adventures. However, for the first couple of times, we suggest gathering a group of friends and share this incredible experience with them. It will be a lot more fun doing it. Moreover, if a difficult situation occurs, it will be easier to deal with it with some friends. 5..

A.Be prepared mentally.

B. The route should be fairly easy.

C. However, it is not an easy task for beginners.

D. The first thing you need to consider is a tent and a sleeping bag.

E. You are supposed to practice working out with weight regularly.

F. You can also save money on the equipment as several people can sleep in one tent.

G. Spending a couple of days getting close to nature without social network can be difficult.


    50 kilometers outside the capital of Malaysia, in the middle of a palm plantation (种植园), mountains of plastic waste lie abandoned. Much of it has come from wealthy countries in Europe and North America.

Local residents are suffering the consequences. “Tons of non-recyclable plastic is just dumped (倾倒) here every day, and then workers burn it in the backyard of this factory. So, those harmful smog actually already caused many health problems to the residents.” People living around the factory showed great anxiety.

In 2017, China banned the import of plastic waste, sending the global industry into turmoil. “Wealthy countries are exporting their own plastic waste overseas”, says Greenpeace. “They have a good collection of facilities to recycle their own plastic waste. However, they are still sending half of their collective waste to other countries.” Before the ban, they just ran to China for recycling. And now they just find other new places to send their recyclables to.

The Greenpeace report says more than half of that waste, three million tons a year, is being redirected (转向) toward Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand. The problem is that these countries have no ability to handle such a large amount of imported foreign waste, which can easily cause pollution to the local environment. In response, many Southeast Asian countries are putting more restrictions on plastic waste imports, forcing the rubbish into less controlled markets, such as Indonesia and India.

At a United Nations conference, 180 countries are discussing a suggestion that plastic waste exporters should ask for permission in advance from the countries that will receive the waste. But ecologists from the University of Texas stated, “Changes can’t come soon enough.” They added, “‘We are killing ourselves by using too much plastic.’ ‘We are too dependent on plastic…’ ‘Please manage and handle your own rubbish.’ Such voices would not stop in the near future…” Greenpeace also concludes that the best solution does not lie in improving, recycling, but in greatly reducing plastic production and consumption worldwide.

1.What made the local residents anxious? ______

A.Health problems caused by plastic waste.

B.The abandoned palm plantation.

C.The burning backyard of the factory.

D.Tons of non-recyclable plastic.

2.What does the underlined word “turmoil” in paragraph 3 probably mean? ______





3.What can we infer from the last paragraph? ______

A.Developing countries lack enough facilities.

B.Developed countries will take action soon.

C.The situation of plastic waste is very terrible.

D.There are practical ways to handle plastic waste.

4.What’s the main idea of the text? ______

A.Plastic waste caused serious results.

B.People are too dependent on plastic.

C.China banned importing plastic waste.

D.Plastic waste is a concern of the world.


    The $380,000 aircraft, called the "Speeder", will be able to reach at least 150 miles per hour and have a 45-mile range and fly as high as 15,000 feet when it is on sale next year, according to David Mayman, CEO of JetPack Aviation, one of the companies that create and sell flying vehicles. This motorcycle can take off vertically (垂直地) from the grassland or a street and land on the other side of the city in a similar position. This idea has always been treated like science fiction.

At some point, the Speeder could be adapted to use electric energy, which is more environmentally friendly, but for now, Mayman said, no battery cells come close to the speed and potential power created by jet engines. Besides, like other developing similar craft, currently the Speeder will only be used for recreation and sport until laws and regulations begin to change in America.

Mayman argued that there was a large role for the Speeder to play in both civilian and military life. He said his company has been working for several years to develop a jet pack that could be used by Special Forces soldiers. As their cost continued to increase, he said, engineers began designing a personal aircraft that eventually turned into the Speeder.

Mayman said that the aircraft could be used to transport heavy loads or move soldiers on and off the battlefield, especially in areas too dangerous for helicopters. Unlike other flying vehicles, the craft is small enough to sit on the back of a boat or can be easily delivered by a common fighting vehicle.

1.What can we infer about the Speeder according to paragraph 1? ______

A.It can fly 150 miles without stop.

B.It is created by several companies.

C.It has already appeared in markets.

D.It can land on a school playground.

2.What limits the use of the Speeder at present? ______

A.The financial crisis.

B.The government policy.

C.The bad environment.

D.The technology development.

3.What was the Speeder first intended for? ______

A.Sports games.

B.Military force.

C.Electrical engineering.

D.Public transportation.

4.What advantage does the Speeder have when compared to other flying vehicles? ______

A.Its high speed to move heavy loads.

B.Its potential to use electric energy.

C.Its ability to replace helicopters.

D.Its small size that makes it convenient.


    Many years ago my dad was diagnosed (诊断) with a terrible illness. He was unable to work at a steady job. But he wanted to do something to keep himself busy, so he decided to volunteer at the local children hospital. My dad loved kids. He would talk to them and play with them. Sometimes, he would lose one of the kids. In certain cases, he would give comfortto the sad parents of these children.

One of his kids was a girl with a rare disease that paralyzed (使……瘫痪) her from the neck down. My dad decided to help her. He started visiting her in her room, bringing paints, brushes and paper. He stood the paper up against a backing, put the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint. He didn't use his hands at all. Only his head would move. He would visit her whenever he could paint for her. All the while he would tell her," See, you can do anything you set your mind to."

Eventually, she began to paint using her mouth, and she and my dad became friends. Soon after, the little girl was discharged (允许出院). My dad also left the children hospital for a little while because he became ill. Some time later after my dad had recovered and returned to work, he was at the volunteer counter one day and noticed the front door open. In came the little girl who had been paralyzed, but this time she was walking. She ran straight to my dad and hugged him really tightly. She gave my dad a picture she had done using her hands. At the bottom it read, "Thank you for helping me walk."

1.Why did the writer's dad volunteer at the local children hospital? ______

A.To forget his illness by keeping busy.

B.To spent his spare time by working.

C.To work as the father of the children.

D.To have a chat with the poor children.

2.How did the author's dad help the girl according to paragraph 2? ______

A.By persuading her to cheer up.

B.By painting for her with his mouth.

C.By bringing her much tasty food.

D.By telling interesting jokes to her.

3.What do we know from the text? ______

A.Love sometimes can make people recover.

B.The author's father cured the girl's sickness.

C.The girl was able to walk again finally.

D.The children hospital once closed down.

4.Which of the following can best describe the writer's dad? ______

A.Kind and helpful.

B.Ordinary and healthy.

C.Outgoing and generous.

D.Knowledgeable and serious.


    Top 4 Places to Visit in California Santa Catalina Island

There are many action-packed adventures you can go on, including the Catalina Island Zip Line Eco Tour, the Cape Canyon Expedition, and the Ocean Runner Ribcraft Dolphin Tour. Besides, you can enjoy camping, horseback riding, sunbathing and so much more. If you're looking for an island holiday filled with excitement, you'll definitely find it here.

Death Valley National Park

This place isn't as frightening as the name suggests. The national park actually lies below sea level. At that altitude, it's one of the driest, lowest, and hottest national parks throughout America. The beautiful park has some unique features. For example, you're going to see splendid snow-capped mountains, beautiful hills of sand, and a wide variety of natural oases (绿洲) and other habitats.

Los Angeles

There are various amazing cultural attractions here. To truly make the most of LA, you can listen to the LA Philharmonic (交响乐团) at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, spend some time hanging out on Malibu beach, go for a hike through the Santa Monica Mountains, ride a bike through the city.

San Diego

If you're enthusiastic about culture and art, you'll definitely love San Diego because it's a place with more than 90 museums and nine different art districts.

1.Where will you go if you are interested in taking risks? ______

A.Santa Catalina Island.

B.Death Valley National Park.

C.Los Angeles.

D.San Diego.

2.What will you see in Death Valley National Park? ______

A.Various man-made oases.

B.Horseback riding shows.

C.Snow-covered mountains.

D.Attractive sandy beaches.

3.Which of the following is not the way to explore Los Angeles? ______

A.Wandering on the beach.

B.Listening to concerts.

C.Touring different museums.

D.Hiking in the mountains.


假定你是李华。英国笔友 Peter来信向你咨询如何学好普通话。请给他回信,内容包括:

1. 找好资料;

2. 听读结合;

3. 熟能生巧。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I clean out Dad’s cupboard yesterday. There were two things I couldn’t throw away: his work shirts and his two pairs of Red Wing boot. He couldn’t remember birthdays or anniversaries, but he remembered the date on that he’d bought her first pair. I remember it either—April 16, day after Tax Day. What does a child do with her dad’s most favorite boots? I think I will make a planter out of them or use them to storing something valuably. You can’t throw away a man’s favorite boots. You’ve got to keep them but pass them down.



Ji’an lies next to the Luoxiao Mountains with the Gan River 1. (run) through the middle of the city. It’s a place 2. pleasant climate and abundant rainfall. Mountainous and 3. (hill) regions (区域) occupy more than seventy percent of its land.

As an ancient cultural city, Ji’an, went through wind and storm for thousands of years, with so many 4. (hero) making a commitment to this land. The great 5. (write) Ouyang Xiu and the national hero Wen Tianxiang were 6. representatives of the 2855 successful candidates and 18 No. 1 Scholars in the highest imperial examinations (科举考试), 7. are the pride of the local people.

There is picturesque scenery of the endless cloud-kissing mountains, the clear water and attractive view sights; everyone is 8. (amaze) at the strange flowers, the bright bird singing, as well as the unusual animals. The Mount Wugong, and the Mount Jinggang 9. (be) both famous tourist attractions, As the Beijing-Kowloon high-speed railway goes through here, Ji’an will be refreshed not only in the image of an old revolutionary base area, 10. also the deep-rooted traditional conception.


    A pioneering dancer is proving that you can chase your dreams-even in a wheelchair. Since the age of three, Chelsie Hill had _________ of becoming a dancer. “The only thing that I _________ was dance,” she told CBS News.

That ambition nearly _________ one night in 2010. Hill, _________ a 17-year-old high school senior in Pacific Grove, California, was in a car accident that put her in the _________ for 51 days and left her paralyzed (瘫痪) from the _________ down.

For most people, that would have _________ any hope of a dancing career. For Hill, it was the _________. Far from being an obstacle (障碍), her wheelchair _________ her. “I wanted to prove to my community—and to myself-that I was still ‘__________,’” she told Teen Vogue. “Whatever normal meant.”

Normal for her meant __________ so Hill did it in her wheelchair right __________ her nondisabled high school dance team. “Half of my __________ was taken away from me, and I have to move it with my __________,” Hill told Today. “It definitely __________ a lot of learning and patience.”

After  __________, Hill wanted to expand her dance network to include __________ like her. She met people online who had suffered various physical injuries but shared her determination, and she invited them to dance with her. “It was such a(n) __________ experience.” Hoping to reach more people in a larger city, Hill __________ to Los Angeles in 2014 and formed a team of dancers with disabilities she calls the Rollettes.

“I want to__________ the stereotype (模式化观念) of wheelchair users and show that dance is dance, whether you’re walking or you’re rolling,” she told CBS News.

1.A.dreamed B.heard C.approved D.complained

2.A.remembered B.rejected C.learned D.loved

3.A.formed B.ended C.came D.woke

4.A.now B.recently C.once D.then

5.A.home B.vehicle C.school D.hospital

6.A.shoulder B.waist C.wrist D.ankle

7.A.realized B.hatched C.dashed D.afforded

8.A.beginning B.misfortune C.hope D.conclusion

9.A.defeated B.failed C.encouraged D.greeted

10.A.useful B.average C.helpless D.normal

11.A.standing B.dancing C.quitting D.studying

12.A.throughout B.without C.alongside D.outside

13.A.body B.life C.time D.mind

14.A.feet B.hands C.ankles D.legs

15.A.knew B.met C.made D.took

16.A.graduation B.operation C.employment D.retirement

17.A.students B.volunteers C.females D.dancers

18.A.amazing B.bearable C.willing D.affordable

19.A.applied B.moved C.returned D.contributed

20.A.bring about B.put away C.break down D.build up


    Improving your lifestyle can seem like an unachievable goal. Changing everything about your life all at once is probably not realistic, but there are lots of small changes you can make to enjoy your life more. 1.. Before you know it, you’ll have the lifestyle you’ve always wanted!

Eat healthy. You may be flooded by all of the appealing diets, but eating healthy is really not all that complicated Try a variety of fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Avoid salty foods, added sugar, and fatty foods as much as possible. 2.. Fruits and vegetables are thought to increase feelings of positivity, while fats and sugars are linked to feelings of depression.

Exercise. 3.. Try to include at least 150 minutes of walking or 75 minutes of running or dancing into your weekly schedule. In addition to improving your physical health, regular exercise can also decrease symptoms of depression. Staying active is much easier if you find an activity that you enjoy. Try several new sports or exercise classes until you find something you really want to do. Having an exercise friend can also help keep you on track.

4.. If you are overweight, there are a few really easy things you can do to lose a few pounds, which can add up to major health benefits. Try keeping healthy snacks like fruits and vegetables in your house for those times when you get the urge to eat between meals. You should also try to be aware of your motivations for eating. 5. like going for a walk.

A. Take simple steps to lose weight

B. Stick to a healthy diet for losing weight

C. Start small by making one or two changes at a time

D. Your diet can also have an effect on your mental health

E. Regular exercise is an important component of a healthy lifestyle

F. If you eat because you’re sad, try finding other ways of handling the feeling

G. Although eating out with your friends costs you much, it is completely for exercise


    The school year has barely started in Denver, and French teacher Tiffany Choi is already worried that her students are suffering from absent-mindedness. The problem isn’t texting, playing video games or passing notes. It’s Denver’s ongoing heat wave.

“Today was a little bit hot, so I noticed kids were very sleepy and they were having to get up to drink water quite often.” said Choi, who works at Denver’s East High School. “If you lose too much water, and you have to keep going to the water fountain, that can take away from their classroom experience.” While nodding off in class on a warm day may seem like a right of passage for the average teen, Choi’s observation carries a bigger consequence than parched (干燥的) lips.

“There’s been quite a few media reports about teachers noticing that students weren’t able to focus on hotter days,” said R Jisung Park, a researcher, “Does a hotter climate during the school year actually affect the rate of learning?” The drops in academic achievement couldn’t be explained by hotter weekends or hotter summers, but the trend was connected to higher temperatures on school days alone.

The connection between lost learning and a greater number of hot days is one more example of how climate change is already affecting our lives-and it’s an alarm bell for what we stand to lose in the future. Humans still have time to lessen the worst consequences of continued global warming. But unless significant changes occur in the next decade-which seem more and more unlikely—the world will be locked into an inescapable period of heat waves unlike our species has ever seen.

1.What may cause students absent-minded according to the text?

A.Video games. B.Text messages.

C.Heat waves. D.Classroom notes.

2.What can be inferred from the second paragraph?

A.Lacking water is vital for kids being sleepy.

B.Extreme heat may lower a kid’s ability to learn.

C.Nodding off in class is a sign of respecting teachers.

D.Kids are more interested in drinking water than sleeping.

3.How does the author feel about dealing with the future global warming?

A.Optimistic. B.Uncertain.

C.Worried. D.Firm.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.The hotter it grows, the less kids are learning.

B.The consequences of continued global warming.

C.The reasons why kids are absent-minded in class.

D.The hotter it grows, the more focused kids become.


    People all have something to say. Some express their passion (强烈的感情) through clothe, art, or community involvement. Others express themselves with poetry, which has diverse poetic forms to express unique thoughts, experiences, and imagination at the fourth annual People’ s Poetry Festival held Feb. 28 through March 2.

“The People’s Poetry Festival keeps getting bigger and bigger—it’s an event we’re really proud of,” said Dr Mark Hartlaub, College of Liberal Arts Dean at Texas. The festival covered a wide variety of topics including nature, humor, women and history. From the panels to the open microphone night, the islander’s community, along with 43 published poets from around the country, local high school students, and the general public came together to share their love of poetry.

The panels were full of passionate readings and lively discussion. For the first time ever, musical poetry was performed at the event. The “Homebrewed” panel was made up of all local poets. The “From Page to the Stage” panel focused on slam (抨击) poetry, and the “Humor” panel greeted levels of laughter from the crowd. All the panels were live streamed on the People’s Poetry Facebook page. “The poetry and poets were all my students wanted to talk about in class this week,” said Dr. Chuck Etheridge, professor of English who attended many of the panel readings.

Celebrating exceptional writers is another part of People’s Poetry Festival. On opening night, the People’s Poetry Festival committee named Madeline Ricondo of Tuloso-Midway as the winner of the Robb Jackson Writing Award for high school students. This award honors the late Dr. Robb Jackson, Texas A&M University System Regents Professor and professor of English at A&M-Corpus Christi, whose poetry shared his life experiences and observation of Corpus Christi. Ricondo received a $100 gift card, plus, three poetry books with local ties including a copy of Jackson’s “Open Heart”. The people’s Poetry Festival committee also recognized Juan Manuel Perez, award-winning poet and local history teacher, as the 2019—2021 Poet Laureate (桂冠诗人) of Corpus Christi.

1.What can be inferred about the People’s Poetry Festival?

A.It tends to last a week. B.It is held once a year.

C.Its poetic form is single. D.It is catching on globally.

2.Which can possibly replace the underlined word “panels” in Paragraph 2?

A.Groups. B.Days.

C.Topics. D.Poems.

3.What was special about the 4th People’s Poetry Festival?

A.It was on live television.

B.Diversity was highlighted.

C.All the poets were local.

D.Musical poetry was introduced.

4.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.Celebrating award-winning poets.

B.Honoring the late Robb Jackson.

C.The 4th Peoples Poetry Festival.

D.Poet Laureate of Corpus Christi.


    A woman in Pulaski, Virginia, says she was stopped by a squirrel, who pulled on her leg repeatedly and led her to help its injured baby.

Tia Powell was walking in Kiwanis Park when she was “approached by a squirrel”, the Pulaski Police Department wrote on Facebook. The squirrel stood in her way on the path. After realizing that the squirrel did not mean any harm and wasn’t going to leave her side, Powell turned around and the squirrel led her down the path to a baby squirrel with an injured leg.

At one point, Powell wasn’t sure she could help and she began walking and the squirrel followed her again and actually pulled her trouser leg! So, she fed the squirrels a sandwich she had with her and watched them try to Jump up into a tree. When she realized the baby squirrel was still struggling to get up the tree, she decided to call in backup. Powell called the Pulaski Police Department.

Powell didn’t know how the baby squirrel got injured, but she thought a nearby street cat was the culprit (肇事者). So, the group of rescuers decided to move the squirrels to safer area. “We were able to get the baby and mother to a different area with more trees and it was able to climb all the way up and they looked very happy,” Powell said.

She went back a few days later to show her kids where it all went down. In the trees, Powell spotted two squirrels staring at her, and couldn’t help but wonder if they were the same squirrels she rescued.

1.Why did the squirrel stop Tia Powell?

A.To attack her side.

B.To save its baby.

C.To ask her the way.

D.To pull her trousers.

2.What did Tia Powell do after feeding the squirrels?

A.Turned and walked away.

B.Helped them into a tree.

C.Left a sandwich for them.

D.Reported them to the police.

3.Who did Powell think injured the baby squirrel?

A.The baby squirrel itself. B.The mother squirrel.

C.A street cat. D.Tia Powell’s kid.

4.How did the squirrel feel after getting rescued?

A.Cheerful. B.Doubtful.

C.Sensitive. D.Unhappy.


    The best movies for teenagers are listed here. You can pick one for your teen to watch it with you or their best friends.

1. Eighth Grade

Kayla is a shy, socially anxious girl trying to get by the last few weeks of middle school. She earns the “most quiet” girl title in school, but at home, she posts online self-help and motivational videos that not many people watch. Kayla is raised by her single father Mark, who tries to disconnect Kayla from the social media.

2. Dead Poets Society

Mr. Keating, an English teacher, introduces his students, all set to become doctors and lawyers, to poetry and free-thinking. Each of his students deals with several issues. He encourages them to form the Dead Poets Society where they read and write poetry.

3. The Hunger Games

Based on a book by Suzanne Collins, the story is set in a country called Panem, which was once the ruins of North America. Every year, young boys and girls from the 12 districts of Panem fight in the Hunger Games, a televised competition in which the contestants (参赛者) compete against death.

4. The Break fast Club

It begins with five students at the Shermer High School, Claire, a princess, John a criminal, Andrew, an athlete, Brian, a bookworm and Allison, an unfortunate person, who are forced to spend 9 hours together on a Saturday. In spite of their differences, they find that their social problems are more similar than they think. The film tries to encourage breaking social boundaries for positive self-identification in the world.

1.Who helps teenagers form a society?

A.Mr Mark. B.Mr Keating

C.Suzanne Collins. D.Ms Claire.

2.Which film is adapted from a book according to the passage?

A.Eighth Grade. B.Dead Poets Society.

C.The Hunger Games. D.The Break fast Club.

3.Whom is the passage likely to be intended for?

A.Teachers. B.Teens.

C.Friends. D.Parents.


假定你是某国际学校的学生李华。你市正在实施垃圾分类,请你给21 st Century tens投稿。内容包括:

1.垃圾分类的好处;   2.你打算如何做;   3.你的倡议。

参考词汇:垃圾分类garbage classification



Dear editor,



Li Hua








Last Sunday, I watched the amazed FIVB Women’s Volleyball World Cup on TV. I jumped with joy as the Chinese team win the championship with eleven straight victory. The success is a timely but inspiring birthday gift to our country. Besides, it makes I understand the spirit of the Chinese women’s volleyball team--never give up, particular in difficult situations. This spirit dates back to early 1980s. At this time, young Lang Ping attracted the entire nation's attention with her excellent performances on the court. Ever since then, almost four decades has been witnessed the rise and fall of the Chinese team. However, the spirit has inspired one generation to another, both within the team and across the country.



The popular Chinese teen drama film “Better Days”(少年的你)has netted over 1.5billion yuan at the box office since its release, and also won an1.astonishhigh score of 8.4 on film rating website Douban.2.countmovie-goers have made the movie a trending topic across social media platforms,3.say they can’t help but be deeply touched.

The drama is one of the very few4.movieaddressing school bullying(欺凌). Starring award winning actress Zhou Dongyu and boy band TFBoys member YI Yangqianxi, the story5.tella touching relationship between two youngsters as victims of school bullying and6.the issue shapes their fates.

7.sad, there is bullying at school all over the world and it is not rare in China. About half of student8.agebetween 13 and 15 worldwide, or 150 million of them, have been bullied in and around school.

According9.the Supreme People’s Court’s China Justice Big Data Service Platform, Chinese courts heard almost 800 cases of school violence in 2017, almost half of10.involved students between the age of 16 and 18.


    I learned a valuable lesson from my 13-year-old son last week. We were hiking in the woods on our very hilly, rocky farm. He stopped near a cliff (悬崖) and started ______ some rather large stones towards the edge, seeing how ______ he could break them into pieces on a large rock lying at the ______. I got tired of ______ him do this after about 20 minutes and suggest that we ______ on. He refused and kept on his constant picking, ______ and throwing stones.

Finally after some time I said, “Do you ______ that you have been-picking up stones for more than half an hour? This is just the ______ task as Dad asks you to do every weekend to help ______ the fields. But you always do it for no more than two minutes, and then find a( n) ______ to quit.” His reply was, “But this is ______!”

This hit me like a rock. How many tasks that we are tired of can be ______ something fun? I know this sounds like a ______ because sometimes things are just not fun at all. ______, with some creative thinking, I bet there are ______. For example, you can try turning on some pleasant music and then dancing ______ the vacuum cleaner (真空吸尘器), or you can write a secret message in the dust on your dresser and erase it when you clean it.

For ______, organizing competitions for your employees can create some fun and increase ______. If you ______ a business yourself, you can compete just with yourself. Simply set your goals and choose a(n) ______ for your completion. The idea is to make achieving goals fun. So, make your work fun and get it done.

1.A.throwing B.piling C.building D.pushing

2.A.naturally B.successfully C.reasonably D.confidently

3.A.side B.top C.line D.bottom

4.A.watching B.helping C.hearing D.having

5.A.look B.hold C.move D.take

6.A.cutting B.carrying C.packing D.hiding

7.A.understand B.advise C.insist D.realize

8.A.right B.free C.same D.hard

9.A.clear B.plant C.protect D.create

10.A.cure B.duty C.matter D.excuse

11.A.fun B.boring C.sensible D.familiar

12.A.left out B.tumed into C.asked for D.made up

13.A.challenge B.news C.pity D.statement

14.A.Besides B.Therefore C.However D.Instead

15.A.invitations B.experiences C.varieties D.possibilities

16.A.to B.for C.with D.by

17.A.workers B.managers C.experts D.coaches

18.A.intelligence B.courage C.communication D.motivation

19.A.expand B.own C.guide D.analyze

20.A.chance B.honor C.prize D.profit


Tips for Writing a Great Speech

How to write a strong speech? There are a lot of different ways to answer that question. 1.

Read your speech out loud.

Unlike almost all other forms of writing, speech-writing is designed for listeners. So, when reviewing your text, read it to yourself and pay attention to how the words sound and feel. 2. If your phrases make you stumble (结巴),they are guaranteed to make your boss stumble as well. Just remember that good writing is not necessarily good speech-writing.

Simple phrases are your friends.

Keep your sentences short and sweet. Compound phrases with multiple clauses may look great on paper, but are likely to confuse your audience and decrease the effectiveness of your speech. Limit yourself to one or two ideas per sentence. 3.

Do your research.

Before beginning a speech, make sure to familiarize yourself with the subject. 4. The creative aspects of speech-writing are only effective when backed by a strong foundation of knowledge by the speaker. The audience must trust your words in order for their meaning to sink in. If you' re well-prepared, it will show.


Your listeners should be a strong determining factor of the content, tone and style of your speech. Before drafting remarks, think about who you' re speaking to, the place you' re speaking at and the timing of your speech. There's a time and a place for every type of remarks. It's your job to figure out when and where you are.

A. Know your audience.

B. Show respect to your listeners.

C. Express them as clearly and powerfully as possible.

D. Thus, you can write about it with confidence and authority.

E. Do they slip off the tongue or are they clumsy and awkward?

F. Different writers are most likely to adopt diverse approaches to speech-writing.

G. Here are rules that all writers should follow in order to write a winning speech.


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