
Meeting people from another culture can be difficult. From the beginning, people may send the wrong signal. Or they may pay no attention to signals from another person who is trying to develop a relationship.

Different cultures emphasize (强调) the importance of relationship building to a greater or lesser degree. For example, business in some countries is not possible until there is a relationship of trust. Even with people at work, it is necessary to spend a lot of time in "small talk", usually over a glass of tea, before they do any job. In many European countries -like the UK or France -people find it easier to build up a lasting working relationship at restaurants or cafes rather than at the office.

Talk and silence may also be different in some cultures. I once made a speech in Thailand. I had expected my speech to be a success and start a lively discussion; instead there was an uncomfortable silence. The people present just stared at me and smiled. After getting to know their ways better, I realized that they thought I was talking too much. In my own culture, we express meaning mainly through words, but people there sometimes feel too many words are unnecessary.

Even within Northern Europe, cultural differences can cause serious problems. Certainly, English and German cultures share similar values; however, Germans prefer to get down to business more quickly. We think that they are rude. In fact, this is just because one culture starts discussions and makes decisions more quickly.

People from different parts of the world have different values, and sometimes these values are quite against each other. However, if we can understand them better, a multicultural environment (多元文化环境)will offer a wonderful chance for us to learn from each other.



假定你是李华,对源自爱尔兰的St. Patrick's Day很感兴趣,想了解并向同学们介绍这个节日。请你给爱尔兰的朋友Peter写一封信,询问关于St. Patrick's Day的一些信息。


1. 写信原因;

2. 需要的帮助;

3. 你的感激之情。

注意:1. 词数80左右

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




Once the capital of four dynasties in history and the capital of P.R.China today, Beijing is one of the world's truly grand cities with a 3,000 years history and 11 million people. 1.(Cover) 16,808 square kilometers in area, it is the political, 2.(culture) and economic center of the People's Republic of China.

Situated in northeast China, Beijing adjoins(邻近) the Inner Mongolian Highland and the Great Northern Plain. Five rivers run 3. the city, connecting it to the eastern Bohai Sea.

Beijing 4.(become) one of the most significant cities of the world not only because of its splendid historical heritages(遗产) such as The Great Wall, The Forbidden City, Summer Palace and Temple of Heaven, but also for its extravagant(华丽的) building5.(project) of Olympic Games 2008, such as the "Nest", the world eye-catcher stadium and "Water Cube", the 6.(large) national aquatics center of the world so far, 7. has made Beijing as the world focus of 21 Century by 8.(it) colorful culture.

The energetic city where the old and new meet remains 9. attraction for visitors from inside and outside China. Beijing reasons enough to be a must and worthy destination 10.(go)!


    There was a very wealthy man who was bothered by severe eye pain. He consulted many physicians and was being ________ by several of them. He did not stop consulting a large number of_________ experts; he consumed heavy loads of_________ and underwent hundreds of injections(注射). But the _________ was more unbearable than before.

At last, a monk who was _________ to be an expert in treating such patients was _________ by the suffering man. The monk _________ his problem and said that he should concentrate _________ on green colors and not let his eyes _________ any other colors for some time. It was a(n)_________ prescription(处方),but he was desperate and made up his mind to try it.

The wealthy man gathered a group of _________ and purchased barrels of green paint and directed that every object his eyes were _________ to see should be painted green just as the monk had directed. When the monk came to visit him after a few days, the wealthy man's _________ ran with buckets of green paint and poured it on him since he was in red, _________ their master saw any other color and his ache would _________.

Hearing this, the monk _________ and said, "If only you had bought a pair of green glasses, which are worth just a few dollars, you could have saved these walls and trees and pots and all the other articles and also could have saved a large share of his _________. You cannot paint the_________ green. "

Let us change our_________ and the world will change too. It is _________ to shape the world. Let us shape ourselves first.

1.A.cheated B.robbed C.treated D.hurt

2.A.medical B.chemical C.technical D.physical

3.A.money B.food C.drugs D.paints

4.A.result B.ache C.stress D.anxiety

5.A.supposed B.required C.invited D.forced

6.A.taken care of B.thought highly of C.called for D.asked for

7.A.examined B.solved C.shared D.covered

8.A.mainly B.only C.simply D.mostly

9.A.land on B.drop on C.turn to D.fall on

10.A.difficult B.strange C.ordinary D.final

11.A.physicians B.experts C.painters D.artists

12.A.impossible B.unusual C.willing D.likely

13.A.friends B.children C.family D.servants

14.A.in case that B.so that C.in order that D.now that

15.A.break out B.come back C.get worse D.go up

16.A.nodded B.screamed C.laughed D.stared

17.A.fortune B.trouble C.time D.energy

18.A.room B.house C.garden D.world

19.A.mind B.vision C.plan D.way

20.A.unnecessary B.brave C.illegal D.foolish


Why Dogs Chase Their Tails

It might look like a strange activity to humans, but tail-chasing is a way for dogs to burn off some energy. In most cases, they're doing this for one of two reasons: 1..

If a dog doesn’t have anything (or anyone) to play with, it might need to entertain itself—in this case, by playing with its tail. On the other hand, the behavior could be a warning sign that your dog is becoming anxious or stressed. ''We call these displacement(替代) behaviors, similar to a human playing with their hair or tapping their foot, '' says Hartstein. ''2..''

One reason tail-chasing can be a must-do for dogs is that they start playing with their tails as playful puppies learning about their bodies.3.. ''The dog then learns it can get attention from its owners when it does that, '' says Hartstein.

4.. But if your pet is doing it every day or it seems to become an obsession(强迫), you'd better watch out. A constantly bored or stressed dog might be feeling neglected. Make sure its basic needs are being met, including exercise and socialization.

5.. If the tail-chasing started suddenly, your dog might be reacting to a medical issue, like cognitive disorder, or tapeworm(绦虫), says Hartstein. The sooner you get a medical checkup, the better. ''A lot of times, owners think, 'If I just wait, it will get better on its own, '' Hartstein says. ''But (behaviors) get more intense; they get more difficult.'' With some treatment and extra training, you and your dog will both be happier.

A. They are happy and content

B. They're bored or they're stressed

C. A visit to the vet is also a good idea

D. They gradually get into the habit of chasing tails

E. Owners often laugh at the activity and talk about it

F. They seek to do things that can comfort themselves

G. It’s normal for dogs to chase their own tails every now and then


    To help self-driving cars drive safely, scientists are looking to an unlikely place: the sea. A new type of camera inspired by the eyes of mantis shrimps(螳螂虾) could help autonomous vehicles better assess their surroundings, researchers report October 11 in Optica. The camera has roughly half a million sensors that each capture a wide range of light and dark spots within a single frame, somewhat similar to how mantis shrimps see the world.

The researchers wanted to ''imitate the animals' ability to detect a wide range of light intensities(强度), ''says co-author Viktor Gruev, a bio-engineer at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The shrimps’ visual system allows them to see both light and dark areas while moving in and out of dark cracks in shallow waters, he says.

The newly devised camera can take in a wider range of light intensities, measured in decibels (分贝), than other digital or polarization cameras. Previously, the best polarization cameras operated with a dynamic range of about 60 decibels; the new one works within a 140 decibel range, resulting in a clearer mapping of objects in the same frame.

Depending on the maker, autonomous vehicles currently use a mixture of methods to map the world around them, including lidar (light detection and ranging equipment), cameras and GPS. But the cameras currently guiding autonomous vehicles aren't good at handling sharp lighting transitions and have trouble detecting features in foggy weather. Because the new cameras are small and use many of the same parts as common digital cameras, Gruev says they could cost as little as $10, which means they are car-makers' best choice for their autonomous vehicles.

1.What do we know about the new cameras after reading the article?

A.They enable cars to go through cracks without trouble.

B.They use totally different parts from common cameras.

C.They have already been widely used on self-driving cars.

D.They see the surroundings by detecting the light intensities.

2.How does Viktor Gruev feel about the cameras' practical use on self-driving cars?

A.Hopeful. B.Uncertain.

C.Worried. D.Modest.

3.What is the best title for the article?

A.Self-driving cars are already on their way.

B.Bioengineering paves the way for our future.

C.Mantis shrimps bring inspiration for new cameras.

D.The popularity of self-driving cars depends on cameras.


    In the reign of Queen Elizabeth, two plants were brought to England, for the first time, by Sir Walter Raleigh, both of which are now very much used—the tobacco-plant and the potato. Sir Walter had sailed across the seas to America, in search of new lands; and he brought back both these plants with him.

When he was in America, he had seen the Indians smoke, and before long he acquired the habit himself. He became extremely fond of smoking, and frequently indulged in the practice.

When he returned to England, he was sitting by the fire one day, and began to smoke. In the middle of his smoking, the door opened, and in came his man-servant. Now this man had never in his life seen any one smoke, and did not know that where was such a plant as tobacco. So, when he saw the smoke coming from his master’s mouth, he thought that he was on fire!

But very soon the old servant got used to seeing people with smoke coming out of their mouths; and all the young nobles of the court began to smoke because Sir Walter did so.

At first, people did not like the potato at all: nobody would eat it. Yet Sir Walter told them how useful it would be. The potato, he said, could be made to grow in England. He told them that, when the corn-harvest failed—which it often used to do—people need not starve if they had plenty of potatoes.

Queen Elizabeth, who was a very clever woman, listened to what Sir Walter said, and had potatoes served up at her own table. There the grand people who dined with her majesty were obliged to eat them. But they spread a report that the potato was poisonous, because it belongs to the same order as the deadly nightshade(龙葵属植物) and many other poisonous plants. So, in spite of all that the Queen could do, no one would eat potatoes, and they were left for the pigs.

The people did not find out their mistake till many years afterwards when the French king Louis XVI asked his people to eat them. And people began to find out how good and wholesome they were. The potato was more and more liked; and now there is hardly any vegetable that is more highly esteemed.

1.What do we know about Sir Walter?

A.He introduced the tobacco-plant and the potato to England.

B.He went to America in order to do research on plants and animals.

C.He was forced to smoke by the Indians in America during his stay there.

D.He taught Queen Elizabeth how to smoke in court with the young nobles.

2.People were afraid of the potatoes at first because ___________.

A.the Queen refused to eat them herself

B.they were used as poison by the Indians

C.they were long used as food for the pigs

D.they belong to the poisonous nightshade

3.What can we learn from the text?

A.Both the tobacco plant and the potato were native to France.

B.Young nobles in England refused to smoke for the terrible smell.

C.It was not easy to grow corn back in the age of Queen Elizabeth.

D.The English people were the first to accept potatoes as tasty food.

4.What conclusion can we draw from the two stories?

A.Only those who are willing to take risks can succeed in the end.

B.They are lots of new plants on the earth that can be used as food.

C.All people are afraid to try things that are new and strange to them.

D.The upper class had huge influence on the way people lived in the past.


    In August 2017, Southeast Texas was underwater. Hurricane Harvey dumped five feet of rain in some areas, and nearly six feet of storm surge(风暴潮) made sure that the water had nowhere to go but into the houses, businesses, and lives of thousands of residents. More than 100 people died and $125 billion in damage was recorded before the waters went down weeks later.

About 30 miles due west of Houston, Katy, Texas, a former farm town of 18,000 residents, took a hard hit. Nearly 700 of its homes and 80 businesses were damaged or destroyed. But locals didn't wait for the rain to stop before opening their doors, refrigerators, and wallets to first responders, neighbors, strangers, and even pets.

Beaver Aplin, owner of the popular Buc-ee's chain of convenience stores, was preparing for the grand opening of his newest location just outside Katy. The 50,000-square-foot store was fully stocked with everything from food, water, and toiletries to batteries and Band-Aids. When the storm hit, Aplin opened the store early without thinking twice. He put the word out to first responders, telling them to take what they needed, free of charge.

Meanwhile, locals ran, drove, and paddled to rescue their neighbors stuck in the water. When the water was too deep, rescue came by boat. Pat Lester drove his air-boat into town from his home on the outskirts(郊外). He had seven life jackets, so he scooped up seven people at a time, starting with pregnant women, the elderly, and anyone who was ill.

These are just a small part of the stories of heroism that came out of Katy and all over Texas during one of the worst natural disasters the country has ever seen.

Even first responders coming from outside Katy could instantly feel the town's selfless spirit. ''We helped people in lots of other areas too, but Katy was amazing. Neighbors were going from house to house checking on people and helping everyone they could, '' David Scherff told Katy Magazine.

1.What was the result of Hurricane Harvey?

A.It killed almost 700 people. B.It cost $125 billion in damage.

C.It totally destroyed Katy. D.It forced all businesses to close.

2.What can best describe the people in Katy after reading the story?

A.Brave and selfless B.Driven and focused

C.Optimistic and open-minded D.Calm and intelligent

3.Why did Katy Magazine quote David Scheff’s words in the last paragraph?

A.To show respect to the first responders in Katy.

B.To point out the importance of natural disaster relief.

C.To praise Katy people for their heroic behavior in the floods.

D.To emphasize the need to help each other through hard times.



A knock at the front door announced a visitor. Phil Radcliffe opened the door, looked down, and found a small boy of about 10, head down and face hidden, nose sniffling(抽鼻子), obviously in some unhappiness.

Phil and his wife Molly lived in this neighbourhood for almost three decades. The families here all knew and trusted one another. Youngsters bounced from home to home looking for friends and entertainment. In the school holidays, Molly and Phil had been known to take children at a time to the local cinema to give some of the parents a break.

Having taken him to the living room and had him seated, Phil asked the boy, “Philip, what’s happened?”

The boy seemed genuinely upset by the inquiry. “Sorry, Mr. Radcliffe,” he sobbed, “My dad’s just left home. He’s not going to live with us anymore. Mum’s crying. It’s made me cry. I don’t think I’m going to see him again.”

Phil sat down next to him and put a comforting arm around his shoulders, trying to reassure the youngster, “I’m sure that you’ll see your father again very soon, Philip. You’re a lovely boy and he’ll want to see you a lot. And your teachers will understand if sometimes you’re a bit sad.”

The boy wiped away his tears with the back of a hand.

“Let me get something for us,” Phil suggested. He went into the kitchen, and then returned with an orange juice for the boy, a coffee for himself and a selection of biscuits for them. However upset he might have been, young Philip was obviously happy with the drink and concentrated on the chocolate samples among the biscuits.

Once the boy seemed more settled, Phil proposed, “Perhaps you should call your mum and tell her where you are, so that she doesn’t worry.”

“It’s OK, Mr. Radcliffe,” he insisted. “I’ll go home in a few minutes. But I like talking to you.”

“You can stay as long as you want, Philip. I just don’t want your mother to think that she’s lost you.”


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

The response surprised and troubled Philip.


Paragraph 2:

On the doorstep, young Philip looked up at his friendly neighbor.









Dear fellow students:

I'd like to share with you some of my thoughts.________________________________________________









Li hua



Do you know the UK government has 1.(successful) passed a law banning branding on packs of cigarettes? That means tobacco manufacturers will be forced 2.(pack) their cigarettes in plain packets. The motivation behind this 3.(decide) is to make smoking less appealing to people, especially children. A similar law 4.was passed in Australia in 2012 has resulted 5.a fall in smoking rates from 15.1% to 12.8% for people aged 14. As for January 2015, 22% of adult men and 17% of adult women smoke in Great Britain. The possibility of smoking in the UK increases with age so that at the age of 15, 8% of school children 6.(be) regular smokers. It is thought that children will be less attracted to cigarettes 7.(sell) in unbranded boxes. Smoking is one of 8.biggest causes of preventable deaths in England. Every year about 80,000 die and over 450,000 9.(send) to hospital due to smoking. This places a large strain(压力) on the health service and is also a factor in why the government would like to prevent people from 10.(take) up smoking or help them quit.


    The story I’m going to tell you happened two years ago when I was in high school in Poland. I came to school early on a sunny day, ____ I felt that there was something wrong. Students from my class were behaving ____.

I noticed that Tom was absent from school that day. Later, I ____ what happened. Tom had got sick and he had lung cancer, a very serious disease. It was _____ for my friends and me. I couldn’t believe that this had happened to him. He was so ____ and he was good at sports.

____ he had lung cancer, so he had to have an operation. It was successful. After that, he returned to school and felt very good. Twice a month he went back to the ____ for medical examinations just to make sure that everything was going well.

One day, the doctors noticed that the cancer had ____ to his brain. When I heard this ____, I felt like bursting into tears, “God, why do you do this, it is not ____.”

A lot of my friends ____ their faith and hope, and they even thought that there was no ____ for him to live, but he was strong. Tom was eager to live, and he said: “No way, I’m not going to ____. I will fight!”

The doctors made another operation on his brain. The operation ____ well and now he feels great and everything is fine. From Tom’s ____, I learned that whatever happens in our lives, we can’t give up or lose heart.

1.A.so B.but C.for D.and

2.A.strangely B.interestingly C.naturally D.impatiently

3.A.spoke out B.pointed out C.worked out D.found out

4.A.disappointing B.frightening C.shocking D.amusing

5.A.kind B.humorous C.clever D.healthy

6.A.Therefore B.Thus C.Besides D.Anyhow

7.A.stadium B.hospital C.school D.home

8.A.adapted B.crashed C.turned D.moved

9.A.research B.evidence C.idea D.information

10.A.fair B.perfect C.honest D.reliable

11.A.held B.lost C.rebuilt D.kept

12.A.need B.wonder C.chance D.doubt

13.A.give off B.give up C.give out D.give in

14.A.went B.observed C.command D.charged

15.A.misfortune B.achievement C.accident D.experience


Four Habits to Help You Succeed

Nobody would like to experience failure. We all want to succeed. For those who have tried and failed, success seems difficult to understand. 1.

• Know your values.

Finding your values is in line with creating motivation.2.Pick a handful of things and write them down. Remind yourself of your values every day and reflect on whether you are honoring those values through your work.


Choose one goal to start something large enough that will give you a sense of achievement, while adjusting well to your values. If you want to achieve your goal, focus is the key here. 4.If you perform many tasks at a time, you might never finish your projects because they will take far too long.

• Set a time for success.

Set a date for success. Know when you hope to realize your goal.5.By setting a time limit, you are making the process realistic.

• Don’t give up because of failure.

Failure can’t be avoided when you take risks. By its very definition, the desire to succeed means you are risking failure. Many people tend to give up far too early. Don’t fall into this trap! Use failure. Treat it as a good thing, and go on.

A. Make the right decision.

B. Pick a goal and focus on it .

C. The more focused you are on one goal, the higher chance you have of success.

D. Keep it realistic, while not giving yourself too much time.

E. I have made a list of four habits to help you set goals and realize them.

F. Sit and reflect on what you value most.

G. Push yourself to be courageous, and take that next step.


    If you have never ever heard of pawpawyou are not alone. Most Americans do not know of the fruitalthough it is native to the United States. Oncehoweverit was one of the most popular fruits in North America. Happilythose who love the pawpaw are trying to return it to its former position in American foods.

The pawpaw is a kind of fruit that grows on trees found all over the eastern United States. It is similar in size to a typical mango. It has a dull green-colored skinand a softalmost creamy orange inside. Most people agree that the pawpaw tastes like a combination of bananasapricots (杏)and mangos. Most people are very surprised by its sweet taste. The fruit has a very short harvest seasonfrom two to three weeks in September and October.

The pawpaw has never been sold commercially. The fruit requires a very special environment-lowwet areas that sometimes flood. In additionthe fruit is good to eat for only two to three days after harvesting. This makes it hard to sell anywhere distant from the pawpaw trees.

Planters are again growing pawpaw trees and harvesting the fruit. In several states farmers have organized “pawpaw festivals” to reintroduce the food to people.

Farmers are trying to grow different kinds of paw paws that will be easier to ship and sell commercially. Donna and Jim Davis are pawpaw farmers in WestminsterMaryland. They told National Public Radio that they purchased their pawpaw trees in the 1990s and now sell the fruit at farmer markets and online.

So, who knows? Maybe the pawpaw will show up soon at a market near you.

1.What is the pawpaw's most outstanding nature?

A. It grows on trees all over the US.

B. Its sour taste is like an apricot.

C. It looks like a combination of bananas and mangos.

D. It is very rich in sugar.

2.Why is it difficult for the pawpaw to become a big business?

A. It has to be sold far from the pawpaw tree.

B. It is difficult to harvest in the low and wet areas.

C. It is hard to keep its freshness for long.

D. It needs expensive transportation to the market.

3.What do farmers do to deal with the disadvantage of paw paws?

A. They advertise on National Public Radio.

B. They plant improved pawpaw trees.

C. They organize pawpaw festivals.

D. They sell the fruit at farmer markets.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. A forgotten American fruit is becoming popular again.

B. Fruit of pawpaw plays an important part in America.

C. Most people have hardly eaten fresh paw paws.

D. A traditional fruit has changed people's diet.


    There is such a group of singers in the western musical circle at present, who enter the business as online celebrities(名人)and then become top idols and giant stars globally.They become popular for their videos online and then they are discovered by talent agents and gradually cause huge storms in the musical circle.For example, Troye Sivan, a singer who is nicknamed “chuoye”, became popular on You tube from an early age.

As a popular video sharing website, You Tube has given rise to plenty of stars, creating a new celebrity culture.Providing a platform where anyone can post videos, You tube presents the opportunity for anyone to achieve fame by simply uploading a short video.Sivan has been making you tube videos since he was 12 to show his singing talent.In the digital age, Sivan has already developed large devoted audience online and his sensitive video blogs have earned him extreme popularity.

A.survey has showed that US teenagers are more attracted with You Tube stars, which is a surprising result.You Tube stars are judged to be more attractive, outstanding and related than traditional stars.Looking at the survey comments and feedback, teens enjoy a close and real experience with You Tube celebrities, who aren't carefully directed by design.Teens also say they appreciate YouTube stars sense of humor and risk-taking spirit, which are often limited by Hollywood stars.As a result, singers who make their first show in the traditional way no longer have a complete advantage in front of the audience.Online platforms open up a lot of doors for people.They become the best place to be discovered.

1.How do online celebrities become popular?

A.By acting in Hollywood.

B.By writing blogs on the website.

C.By posting their videos online and gain recognition.

D.By meeting audience across the country.

2.Why does the writer mention Troye Sivan in Paragraph I and Paragraph 2?

A.To give an example of becoming successful by working hard.

B.To give an example of becoming a well-known singer with the help of the website.

C.To give an example of holding a successful concert.

D.To give an example of sticking to great determination.

3.What can we infer about Hollywood stars according to the last paragraph?

A.They never give performances online.

B.They are more outstanding than YouTube stars.

C.They write less sensitive video blogs than YouTube stars.

D.They are less humorous and risk-taking than YouTube stars.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards online platforms like You Tube?

A.Positive. B.Negative.

C.Uncaring. D.Doubtful.


    My six-year-old son, Stephen, was in front of the TV and smiled. His favorite show was about to begin---a Phoenix Suns basketball game.

“Ladies and gentlemen," the announcer’s voice was heard, “here is your starting lineup (首发阵容).” The arena (球场) darkened and the lights flashed when the players ran into the court to sing their team song. Stephen clapped and danced around. My wife Lorrie and I laughed. Stephen had been performing this for months. “One day I’m going to take you to a game, son,” I promised.

About a year later, the construction company where I worked finished a project for a Suns player. One afternoon my boss called me. “The player has two extra tickets for tonight’s game! Just pick them up at my office,” he said. I picked up the tickets, but felt a little disappointed when I looked at the clock. Even if I had had a helicopter, we would never have gone to the arena in time for the player introductions. Stephen would miss his favorite part! I grabbed my key, got Stephen in my car and hit the road. “Lord,” I prayed, “I’d love to see the joy on Stephen’s face. Help us make it on time.”

When I drove, it began to rain heavily. Suddenly, lightning flashed right near the arena! I turned on the radio to listen to the game. The announcer said there’d been a power failure at America West Arena. Everyone was fine, but there would be a delay until they got everything running. Finally, I parked the car and we walked in hurriedly to take our seats. I hoped that we hadn’t missed the introductions.

The very moment we entered the arena, the lights darkened. The music started. “Ladies and gentlemen, here’s your starting lineup!” Stephen’s eyes grew wide. There wasn’t enough space for him to dance around, but I could tell that his heart was leaping more than his body was able to. Thank heaven, he hadn’t missed a thing. And neither had I.

1.How did the author get the tickets?

A. His boss bought the tickets from a Suns player for him.

B. He bought the tickets from his boss.

C. His boss gave him the tickets as a reward for his work.

D. A Suns player offered the tickets for their work.

2.Why did the author feel disappointed when he got the tickets?

A. The game had already begun when he picked up the tickets.

B. The arena where the game would take place was too old.

C. It was too late for them to catch the beginning of the game.

D. He had no way to get a helicopter to take his son to the arena.

3.What might cause the delay of the game?

A. The arena was too wet and dirty after the heavy rain.

B. Lightning destroyed something at the arena.

C. The audience did not come to the arena on time.

D. The players came to the arena late because of the heavy rain.

4.What did the author mean by saying “And neither had I”?

A. He kept his promise to his son. B. He didn’t lose his job.

C. He didn’t miss a great match. D. He felt his son’s joy.


    Alabama: Priester’s Pecans

Dessert in the South basically starts and ends with an ooey-gooey pecan(核桃) pie. Especially in Alabama, where the pecan is the official state nut. While there are plenty of farms that pick and package pecans, perhaps the most famous is Priester’s, a family-run business that’s been supplying Alabama with its favorite nuts for over seven decades.

Alaska: Salmon jerky

Forget beef jerky(肉干)in Alaska, it’s all about the salmon jerky. Home to five different species of the flavorful fish (king, red, pink, silver, and chum), the northernmost state produces nearly one-third of the wild salmon consumed around the world. Bonus: Salmon is one of the seven healthiest fish you can eat.

Arizona: Saguaro cactus

The largest cactus(仙人掌) in the United States, the saguaro cactus is found only in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert. Living to be up to 200 years old, the cacti, whose flower is also the state’s flower, are generally around 30 feet tall and can grow unlimited arms. Want to see for yourself? Visit one of these 10 outstanding desert escapes in America.

California: Wine Guide

It isn’t called “Wine Country” for no reason. Northern California, specifically Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley, produce over 60,000 registered wine labels, making vino(酒类产品) the state’s most valuable agricultural product. If you’re looking for the most popular varietals(优质酿酒葡萄汁), the top two frequently planted grapes are chardonnay and cabernet sauvignon.

1.How long has the Priester’s farm lasted?

A.About 7 years. B.About 30 years.

C.About 70 years. D.About 200 years.

2.Which state is famous for salmon?

A.Alaska. B.Arizona.

C.Alabama. D.California.

3.Where does the text probably come from?

A.A library guide. B.A news report.

C.A project handbook. D.A travel guide.



1.What is the first prize?

A.A two – week holiday. B.A 500 – pound camera. C.Two plane tickets to Jamaica.

2.When will the result of the competition come out?

A.On August 25. B.On August 31. C.On September 15.

3.What requirement do the photos need to meet?

A.They must be in black and white. B.They must be taken by kids over 18.

C.They must have been taken on holiday.

4.What does the speaker remind the competitors to do?

A.Write their information on the back of the photos.

B.Take part in next month’s super sports competition.

C.Get their photos back after the competition.



1.How many persons will share the house?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.

2.Which year of university is the woman in now?

A.The first year. B.The second year. C.The third year.

3.Why doesn’t the woman like the second house?

A.It’s too expensive. B.It’s not big enough. C.It’s not near the university.

4.What do we know about the last house?

A.It has a big garden. B.It is well furnished. C.The price is attractive.



1.Which team does the man cheer for now?

A.Seattle. B.New York. C.Los Angeles.

2.What did the woman think the man liked?

A.Football. B.Gardening C.Painting.

3.When do the two speakers plan to go bungee(蹦极) jumping on Saturday?

A.At 9:00 am. B.At 12:00 noon. C.At 2:00 pm.



1.What is one thing the man is not going to pack for the trip?

A.A sweater. B.A coat. C.A jacket.

2.Which occasion will the man take part in definitely?

A.A party. B.A date. C.A wedding.



1.What activities is the man organizing?

A.A school reunion. B.A birthday party. C.A meeting.

2.Why does the woman recommend the Omni Hotel?

A.The price is quite reasonable. B.She likes the party rooms there.

C.Her brother works there.


How will the woman go to the city church?

A.By bike. B.By bus. C.By car.


Why does the woman look upset?

A.She experienced a theft. B.She was given a parking ticket.

C.She couldn’t find a parking space.


What is the woman probably going to do?

A.Make a list. B.Do some shopping. C.Make a chocolate pie.


What does the man want to do first?

A.See the elephant. B.Have a cup of tea. C.Watch the dolphin show


Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a restaurant. B.In a furniture store. C.In the woman’s company


假如你是李华,下个月你市将举办青少年长跑运动会,你想邀请你的好友Peter 和你一起报名参加,请给他写信,内容包括:



注意:1. 词数100左右。 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:a long-distance running race  长跑比赛








1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

It was a fine day last Sunday. Father and me went to my school playground to fly a kite. Father had me hold on to my kite until he told me let go. I stayed in one place while he walked to another places. Then I heard “Now.” Immediately I let go of the kite, hope it would go out. So it fell to the ground. Father then made the tail of the kite heavier. Certainly, this time a kite was able to go higher and higher. I looked as farther as I could. What proud and excited I was! Now whenever I saw a kite, I remember the wonderful day I spent on with my father.



注意:每空一词。部分单词给了首字母。范围:BOOK 5 Unit 1-Unit 5

1.He smiled suddenly, e__________ a set of amazingly white teeth. (to show sth that is usually hidden)

2.Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious c__________ we face. (a new or difficult task that tests sb’s ability and skill)

3.The West Lake is very beautiful and it is beyond _______________.(a piece of writing or speech that says what sb/sth is like )

4.I will make ________________ for you to be met at the airport. (a plan or preparation that you make so that sth can happen)

5.Only by practicing c_____________ can we learn English well. (happening all the time or repeatedly)

6.____________ studies have also indicated that milk can be excellent for helping sleep.(happening or existing before the event or object that you are talking about )

7.Elsie a_____________ a good knowledge of Chinese while staying in China. (to gain sth by our own efforts, ability or behavior)

8.I have great a_____________ for her as a writer. (a feeling of respect and liking for sb/sth )

9.He has built up a s_____________ library of Mozart’s music. (excellent, very impressive, very beautiful)

10.He doesn’t like to work under ___________ or in a competitive environment. (difficulties and feelings of anxiety that are caused by the need to achieve or to behave in a particular way)


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