
1. 比赛目的和时间;

2. 参赛人员和比赛规则;

3. 比赛反响。

注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Dear David,


Best wishes!


Li Hua


    Klaila had hiked five miles up La Luz Trail (小路) and was heading back down when she heard a dog’s cries. She finally found it down at a valley. The ______ dog, weighing about 100 pounds, was breathing heavily, shaking and lying on its side.

With no one else ______, Klaila knew it was up to her to go down to help the dog, which she couldn’t ______ leaving to die alone. Klaila called 911, but couldn’t ______. She tried to ______ the large dog, but was not strong enough. She had no choice but to make her way back up to the trail to flag someone down for ______.

Jason, a marathon runner, 45, was halfway into his weekly run up La Luz when he saw Klaila ______ her arms. Knowing what happened, Jason rushed down to the dog, picked it up and took it back up to the trail. ______ to carry this huge dog down the trail, Jason was so ______ that he rested often.

Then a couple on vacation ______ the rescue. But trying to carry the dog with two people on a ______ trail turned out to be too ______. So Jason lifted the dog onto his shoulders, carrying it until they made it to the trailhead, where the dog’s owner was anxiously searching for it.

It is really ______ that a group of ______ came together to save the dog of someone they didn’t know. Having ______ contact information, the four rescuers went their separate ways.

1.A.abandoned B.massive C.small D.dangerous

2.A.in sight B.in charge C.in need D.in trouble

3.A.forbid B.admit C.stand D.resist

4.A.give in B.hold on C.drop in D.get through

5.A.lift B.comfort C.cure D.identify

6.A.advice B.attention C.help D.faith

7.A.raising B.waving C.folding D.exposing

8.A.Failing B.Offering C.Struggling D.Planning

9.A.concerned B.embarrassed C.discouraged D.tired

10.A.joined in B.benefited from C.disapproved of D.kept records of

11.A.broad B.narrow C.distant D.flat

12.A.relaxing B.dramatic C.silly D.challenging

13.A.common B.impossible C.touching D.amusing

14.A.passengers B.strangers C.pioneers D.guides

15.A.discussed B.withdrawn C.transformed D.exchanged


    The WHO says that 80% of the world’s teens don’t get enough exercise to live healthy lives. The report was based on research done with students aged 11 to 17 in 146 different countries. 1. It’s a pity that not much has changed since then, as the WHO reports.

Doctors say 60 minutes of exercise daily is needed for teens to build up their bone and muscle strength. It’s also hugely important for the health of the heart and lungs. 2. Besides, more and more research is showing that exercise doesn’t just help the body, but also the brain, improving thinking, test scores, and school grades.

3. They were also very different between boys and girls. In the US, for example, 64% of boys were not active enough, compared to 80% of girls. South Korea was the country with the lowest activity levels — 91% of the boys and 97% of the girls didn’t get enough exercise.

One big reason for the lack of activity in today’s teens is technology, such as smartphones, computers and TVs. Many teens find it hard to pull themselves away from them. 4.

So the WHO warns that teens need to do less playing in the digital world, and more playing in the real world. Teens should take part in sports, whether on official teams or just playing around on the playground. 5. For many people, walking or biking to school is one way to make that happen. It’s very important for young people to build these habits now, because the positive effects of those habits can carry through into adult life.

A.Exercise benefits you academically.

B.Activity levels vary from country to country.

C.The WHO has spared no effort in the research.

D.Such inactivity can severely affect their growth.

E.Exercise can also be built into a normal day’s activities.

F.Regular activity can help them control their weight, too.

G.The WHO has been studying teen activity levels since 2001.


    We live in a society that labels everything. We like the convenience of neatly packaged words so we can sum up the person, place or thing and know what to expect. However, especially with children, even harmless labels (标签) can play a lasting role in self-respect, behavior and long-term personality.

Children develop and define their sense of self by processing what others tell them about who they are, what they are good at, how they behave and so on. The communication principle of the “Looking-Glass Self” from Charles Cooley can be applied. Cooley believes that by reflecting back to us who we are, other people function as mirrors for us. Every time a teacher says he or she is a “good student” or a coach says “average player”, that helps define the way the child views himself or herself. Typically, that label will follow them for years to come.

However, parents often refer to children with less severe labels that are just as significant. If you notice one child follows musical interests, he becomes “the musician”. Another loves sports, and she becomes “the athlete”. Another excels in school and is the “brainiac”. None of those labels has negative ideas, but can classify children into pre-defined boxes. What if the “brainiac” really wants to try soccer? Unfortunately, there is already an “athlete” in the family, which creates a fight or flight response. The child can either fight to redefine his or her place as a smart child who also plays soccer, or go back to where he or she has already been.

Labels have much more of an impact that we realize, and we need to be mindful of how we talk about our children. If you must define certain things about them to yourself or others, try to choose positive versions of the same quality, i.e. “cautious” rather than “timid” (胆小的). Keeping the focus on the child’s positive qualities, while avoiding labels, can encourage children to become healthy and happy.

1.What can we learn from the principle of “Looking-Glass Self”?

A.One tends to satisfy others’ curiosity.

B.One gains the sense of identity by mirror.

C.Children will live up to the expectations of their parents.

D.People shape self-concepts by understanding how others view them.

2.If the “brainiac” girl decides to play soccer, what will happen?

A.Her family will be in favor of her.

B.She must struggle or she must quit.

C.Her family will deny her athletic talent.

D.She can’t but give in to parental authority.

3.Which word can best describe a child who performs well in class interaction?

A.Active. B.Influential.

C.Intelligent. D.Competitive.

4.What’s the author’s attitude towards labeling children?

A.Uncertain. B.Indifferent.

C.Negative. D.Positive.


    Cara Clarkson and her family were overjoyed when spotting two young grizzly bears (灰熊) — one with rarely seen all-white fur, alongside the Trans-Canada Highway.

“White grizzly bears are unheard of, so it was a luxury and incredible experience,” said Cara, sharing her images and videos on social media and saying that was a real treat given that the family was out celebrating her husband’s and son’s birthdays. Mike Gibeau, an animal

specialist, said the Clarksons who encountered the white bear — now called Nakoda, are truly lucky, for white grizzly bears are incredibly rare.

The expert doesn’t believe the grizzly’s white fur is a case of albinism, a disorder in which an animal fails to produce melanin, which is responsible for skin, hair, and eye color. Instead, he thinks the bear’s unusual coloring is the result of a recessive (隐性) gene (基因), the characteristics of which are often covered by those of dominant genes. However, if both parents carry the same recessive gene — in this case, one that results in white fur — it can be passed on to latergenerations.

Though this is the first time the world has seen the white grizzly, park officials, who have known of Nakoda’s existence since 2018, never publicized the unique bear due to fear that it would be heartlessly run after by fans eager to see these unusual-looking animals.

As it turns out, they were right. Nakoda’s photos and videos, which have gone viral, have led to crowds of people rushing to the bear’s current location, resulting in unsafe parking and traffic jams. The concerned officials enforced a 10-kilometer no-stopping zone, which they hope will inform visitors to travel through the area safely and to prevent these bears from getting hit on the highway.

Wildlife experts, who are trying to lead the young grizzlies away from the highway, hope to help them develop a behavior of avoidance of humans and eventually head to the forests, where they can live a long, healthy life.

1.For the Clarksons, what does “a real treat” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Observing two birthdays.

B.The reunion of the family.

C.Sharing their experience online.

D.The sighting of a white grizzly bear.

2.What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A.The classification of genes.

B.The effect of a physical disorder.

C.The possible cause of the bear’s white fur.

D.The characteristics of recessive and dominant genes.

3.Why did the park officials hide Nakoda’s existence from the public?

A.To save the trouble of further explanation.

B.To protect it from crazy disturbance.

C.To stop it being mercilessly shot.

D.To avoid enthusiastic reporters.

4.What do wildlife experts expect of the young grizzlies?

A.They’ll stay where they belong.

B.They’ll ignore human activities.

C.They’ll safely cross the highway.

D.They’ll live in harmony with humans.


    The amount of rubbish that piles on our shore lines is hugely worrying and a growing problem for the planet. It seems like no matter how remote you hike and how high you climb, there’s always a dropped plastic container there waiting for you.

Mariah Reading, an American artist, spends the majority of her time outdoors looking for inspiration for her art, based in nature and our natural surroundings. On noticing the amount of waste filling her natural areas, she decided she had to reflect it in her works.

For her latest project, Mariah is looking at both the problem of wasteful littering and the way that art itself can be wasteful in materials, taking the dropped items that fill her natural spaces and painting them to reflect the place in which they were left.

Applying paint to create her masterpieces, Mariah has collected trash (垃圾) from different mountains and parks. “I’ve been considering my relationship with art and the large amount of waste it can produce,” says Mariah. “I wanted to find ways I can confirm art and its important purpose by working with recycled materials found in landscape environments.”

“Since the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service, I’ve especially appreciated and been inspired by the natural beauty the parks offer, and found how easily we can take these precious places for granted. I seek to gather as much trash as possible, sculpt it into a canvas (画布), and paint the scene where the trash originated onto the trash itself,” says Mariah.

As well as through this project, Mariah has explored nature in her art in various different ways and through exhibitions. Mariah’s work might not solve the litter problem, but it’s just another way that we can get people talking about the problem and the ways we can prevent it from growing any larger.

1.What gave Mariah the idea of the latest project?

A.The beauty of nearby scenery.

B.The rubbish-covered surroundings.

C.The potential security risks of beaches.

D.The high energy consumption of her artworks.

2.What’s the important purpose of Mariah’s art?

A.To keep people from wasting natural resources.

B.To remind people of the litter problem.

C.To encourage people to explore parks.

D.To make full use of rubbish.

3.What is special about Mariah’s new artworks?

A.They are made of oceanic rubbish.

B.They appear in the form of sculpture.

C.They reflect the trash places on trash itself.

D.They’re designed to inspire people’s love for painting.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.The Growing Problem of Rubbish

B.Mariah Reading: a Sociable Artist

C.An Artist Turns Waste into Amazing Works

D.Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the National Park Service


    Long Island’s hiking trails (路线) offer an escape for family time. It’s a relaxing thing to do in the stressful time, so open your senses.

Southampton Trails

Many guided trails are run in Hamptons, some suitable for kids. Behind the South Fork Natural History Museum is a small field with butterflies and birds flying about. Upon arrival, check out the posted map that shows the trails through the fields with a connection that goes all the way to Sag Harbor.

Arboretum State Historic Park, Oyster Bay

Half the park is woodland that includes nature walks and a greenhouse. You’ll see lots of wildlife from foxes to birds, a delight for kids. Pick up a map on the website and enjoy the historic Gold Coast property. Walkers can select from different paths, covering about six miles in total, as well as all different lengths to accommodate different ages and abilities.

Richard D. Fowler Preserve, Southampton

A pleasant short hike right in Southampton Village. The trail begins near the intersection of Wickapogue Road and Narrow Lane and heads through a wooded area with a river. Dress properly, for it could be a little muddy. The trail features hedges (树篱) along one side and plantings along the other. It reaches the site where the first settlers spent their first winter about 1640. This trail takes about one hour.

Downs Farm Preserve, Cutchogue

This family-friendly place is an easy walk with the trail a mile long. It’s a very peaceful location to see wildlife and birds. The trail is flat and pushchair-friendly. You’ll also find Downs River, with chairs along the way to rest. Home to the defence works of the Corchaug Indians, the preserve is on the National Park Register of Historic Places and is considered ancient land.

1.What do Southampton Trails and Arboretum State Historic Park have in common?

A.They distribute free tourist maps. B.They’re convenient to get to.

C.They offer guided trails for all ages. D.They’re ideal places for bird watching.

2.What can you do in Downs Farm Preserve?

A.Visit a historical site. B.Appreciate the hilly landscape.

C.Feed wild animals at random. D.Communicate with local Indians.

3.In which hiking trail is appropriate clothing suggested?

A.Southampton Trails. B.Arboretum State Historic Park.

C.Richard D. Fowler Preserve. D.Downs Farm Preserve.


















I am glad that I have become one of the volunteer of the Animal Protection Association.

Our missions is mainly consist of two parts. One is to advocate our work in communities, aroused the residents' interest in protecting animals so that we can appeal them to support us. The other part was to take care of stray (流浪的) animals, including feeding it and finding homes for them. Our missions need many time. So we need to have flexible time, when guarantees our devotion to the work. We are also supposed to have rich experiences in taking care of animals.

We are like a big family filling with love.


    A mail carrier nicknamed (绰号)“Mailman kyle” is delivering supplies for the elderly along his route. Kyle West, also known as “Mailman Kyle”, has been _______ essential items like milk and toilet paper to _______ people on his mail route.

West said a lot of people along his route are elderly and are _______ to go out in public. “One of my customers came out and _______ me to get him toilet paper. From then, I _______ that some people just can't do it themselves  _______,” he said. _______ started sending the people on his route a different kind of _______. It says, “If you are at risk and need help getting _______ items, let me know. I will do ________ I can to help you,” He ________ the letter “Mailman Kyle” and wrote his phone number.

“The results has been a lot more than I ________,” West said. “I delivered nearly 400 of those letters and I've ________something from almost every person.” As a mail carrier in Ohio, West is delivering more than ________ these days.

But West says he doesn't want anything in return for his ________ effort. “Seeing a lot of my ________ putting on suits to just get essential items. I figured if I'm already there, it won't hurt me to ________ what they need,” he said happily.

We should try our best to help others just like Kyle West. As the saying ________, those who help others would get ________ from others in return. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you ________ it.

1.A.putting off B.dropping off C.taking off D.turning off

2.A.young B.friendly C.elderly D.disabled

3.A.afraid B.forced C.willing D.determined

4.A.forced B.taught C.allowed D.asked

5.A.remembered B.realized C.promised D.predicted

6.A.importantly B.carefully C.necessarily D.conveniently

7.A.However B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.Suddenly

8.A.letter B.greeting C.book D.message

9.A.essential B.large C.dangerous D.expensive

10.A.why B.how C.which D.what

11.A.drew B.watched C.signed D.sent

12.A.ignored B.expected C.controlled D.compared

13.A.heard B.bought C.borrowed D.saved

14.A.drink B.milk C.food D.mail

15.A.real B.extra C.same D.right

16.A.members B.neighbors C.customers D.colleagues

17.A.consider B.reject C.understand D.bring

18.A.goes B.writes C.suggests D.reads

19.A.comfort B.help C.thank D.happy

20.A.claim B.enjoy C.take D.share


    Trees are commonly cut down for wood and paper. 1.. The unique chemical process that trees and plants use to turn light energy from the sun into oxygen is known as photosynthesis (光合作用).


The production of oxygen is a result of photosynthesis, but it is not the main purpose of this process. 3.. Plants create their own food through photosynthesis. During this process, a plant’s roots absorb water from the ground, and its leaves take in light energy and carbon dioxide. The plant uses these elements to make fats and proteins that are then used to maintain the plant’s life.

The process of photosynthesis

The first step in photosynthesis is using the sun’s energy. During this process, chlorophyll (叶绿素) absorbs the light energy of the sun. The energy from the sun then acts upon the water absorbed by the roots of the plant. Carbon dioxide sent into the atmosphere by animals and humans is then absorbed by the plant’s leaves and paired with the hydrogen to produce sugar. The sugar is turned into plant food. 4..

Threats to tree photosynthesis

5.. Today, only about 30 percent of Earth’s land is covered in trees. This is contributing to global warming since trees are necessary to consume the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Experts believe planting trees is vital in order to ensure the preservation of the delicate balance that enables photosynthesis.

A.The purposes of photosynthesis

B.The advantages of photosynthesis

C.In fact, oxygen is simply a by product

D.It is also responsible for giving plants their green color

E.During this process, extra oxygen is produced and released

F.The trees that change carbon dioxide into oxygen are disappearing rapidly

G.But the greatest value of trees comes from their ability to turn the sun’s energy into chemical energy


    Although air travel comes with jet lag, delays and awful food, it offers a brief digital detox—a precious few hours away from the wave of emails, messages and app announcements. But not anymore, In flight Wi-Fi is getting faster and cheaper, and is an increasingly common offering on budget and flagship airlines.

But how does in-flight Wi-Fi actually work? To simplify, there are two ways for an internet signal to reach your device when you’re up in the clouds. The first is via ground based mobile broadband towers, which send signals up to the aircraft’s antennas (天线). As you travel into different sections of airspace, the plane automatically connects to signals from the nearest tower, so there is (in theory at least) no interruption to your Internet. But if you’re passing over large areas of water or particularly remote zones, connectivity can be an issue.

The second method uses satellite technology. Planes connect to satellites in space (35,000 km above the planet), which send and receive signals via receivers and transmitters. Information is transmitted to and from your smart phone via an antenna on the top of the aircraft. These are the same satellites that are used in television signals and weather forecasting. Information is passed between the ground and the plane via the satellite.

All of that technology is expensive. The costs are usually passed on to customers. Over half of the world’s aircraft will be equipped with in-flight Wi-Fi within the next few years. It is set to become a billion-dollar industry by 2020. In the near future you’ll need to find a better excuse than “Sorry I missed your message—I was on a plane”.

1.What sends signals up to the aircraft’s antennas?

A.Internet companies. B.Ground-based receivers.

C.Budget and flagship airlines. D.Ground-based mobile broadband towers.

2.Who will pay for the in-flight Wi-Fi technology in the end?

A.Aircraft passengers. B.Satellite company.

C.Broadband towers. D.The local government.

3.What can we infer about in-flight Wi-Fi from the last paragraph?

A.It serves every customer. B.It has a bright future.

C.It develops very slow. D.It’s a high-tech industry.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.How to Use In-flight Wi-Fi? B.Why Only Some Airlines Have In-flight Wi-Fi?

C.Why Is In-flight Wi-Fi Expensive? D.How Wi-Fi Works on a Plane?


    To me, Shakespeare is a bit of a touchy subject in the theatre industry. I believe Shakespeare’s plays to be the most challenging in terms of language. When you have challenging language, then understanding the plot and topics will become a challenge as well. It’s like a chain. If you don’t understand it from the start, it makes things hard later on and people tend to give up on it. Regardless of all of this, I believe Shakespeare is important in the sense that it’s where true theatre started. William Shakespeare is a name everyone knows regardless of whether you enjoy his works or not.

Many high schools or colleges put on at least one Shakespeare play every few years and I like that. I think it’s important to expose students to plays that are a bit more challenging than they used to be. Of course. it’s not easy to understand these plays but then think about the people who act in those plays. When acting, you have to understand your character and not only that, you need to completely know everything going on around you as well. So to understand the script (剧本) is one thing. but to act in a Shakespeare play is a whole another thing. How about memorizing the lines? That’s one of the hardest things actors have to get through. It is such heightened language that it’s almost like learning a foreign language. Shakespeare is tough and that’s what I think I love it the most. The challenge is understanding. Once you have that then you have room to play with it.

Therefore, if people walked into a Shakespeare play with more of an open mind, their experience would be so much better. There is a large amount of exploration and discovery in his plays and the experience can be really satisfying. It’s hard stuff, but it’s fascinating and we should be embracing it.

1.What’s the biggest challenge in understanding Shakespeare’s plays?

A.The challenging language. B.The variety of its topic.

C.The complicated plot. D.The memorable characters.

2.What’s the author’s attitude towards putting on Shakespeare’s plays at colleges?

A.Critical. B.Cautious.

C.Favorable. D.Indifferent.

3.What does the text suggest people do when enjoying Shakespeare’s plays?

A.Act them out. B.Remember the lines in them.

C.Learn Shakespeare’s language. D.Enjoy them with an open mind.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.The characteristics of Shakespeare’s plays.

B.The plots and topics of Shakespeare’s plays.

C.The importance and way of enjoying Shakespeare’s plays.

D.The stress from performing Shakespeare’s plays.


    Richard Dermer is a pizza shop owner. But he is better known for his hobby. As a extraordinary kite collector, people are impressed by kites covering the walls from all over the world when they walk into his pizza shop.

Dermer worked at Hideaway. He bought the pizza shop in 1960. Then, in 1970, his game-partner and manager at Hideaway was the first to market the Japanese version of the game Go in the United States. It was this game that led Dermer to kites, and from there he took off—eventually becoming president of the American Kiefliers Association.

Dermer now has a huge kite collection. He told Collectors Weekly, “Initially, I was a novice, but I enjoyed learning, trying to acquire more about kites. And the more I got into kite festivals and collecting kites, the more I discovered and the deeper the subject became.”

What Dermer’s collection and hobby brings to the United States is an international perspective and history on kite flying. In India, for example, kite flying is a fierce, sometimes violent sport, while in Thailand, kite battles reflect the war of the sexes between men and women. Kites were used in World War II, to distract German planes and for target practice.

When Dermer started stunt kite (特技风筝), it was pretty new. All the kites were triangular, and they all looked the same. But soon with his efforts, that changed. People could see kites of all shapes, sizes and colors flying in the sky. During the 1980s and 1990s kites went through quite a developmental stage where they were getting better and better as new lighter, stronger materials were being developed. Dermer even set up the new rules for judging these stunt kite competitions, which take into account how much control the flier has, and the difficulty of the moves.

1.What is Richard Dermer’s occupation?

A.A plane pilot. B.A food businessman.

C.A kite seller. D.A sales manager.

2.What does the underlined word “novice” in paragraph 3 mean?

A.Advanced person. B.Learned person.

C.Inexperienced person. D.Well-known person.

3.What can we learn about the kites from paragraph 4?

A.Kites are not popular in the USA. B.Flying kites is illegal in Thailand.

C.Kites played a part in World War II. D.Flying kites is an interesting sport in India.

4.With the efforts of Richard Dermer, kites became ________.

A.portable B.diverse C.available D.delicate


    The Shanghai Disneyland theme park officially reopens to the public on May 11, 2020. During the initial reopening period, the majority of Shanghai Disneyland’s attractions, rides, shows and shopping, accommodation and dining locations will resume operations, with controlled attendance. Some interactive attractions and experiences, such as children play areas, and theater shows will remain closed.

Guests shall obey the following requirements when Shanghai Disneyland reopens:

1. Purchase dated admission tickets for Shanghai Disneyland online, as on-site sales will not be available. Annual Pass holders must make a reservation for their visit date and time on-line before their visit to the park.

2. Provide basic personal information for each guest visiting the park, including name, phone number and ID number via Shanghai Disney’s official website after purchasing a ticket and before arriving at the park. A Shanghai Disneyland Reservation QR Code will be provided after the success submission of the required identification information, and guests will be required to present the code before entering the theme park.

3. Undergo temperature screening procedures upon arrival.

4. Wear a mask during the entire visit to the park except when dining.

1.Which of the following is closed during the initial reopening period?

A.The theater. B.The shop. C.The restaurant. D.The hotel.

2.What is mentioned about the Annual Pass holders in the text?

A.They needn’t provide basic personal information. B.They can enter the theme park at any time.

C.They can’t use the Annual Pass at present. D.They have to book the visit in advance.

3.What is a must during the visit?

A.Arriving on time. B.Wearing a mask.

C.Bringing food and water. D.Being accompanied with friends.






2. 给予对方鼓励。



2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;


参考词汇:汉语书法 Chinese calligraphy

Dear Peter,

I’m delighted to learn that you are very interested in Chinese calligraphy.



Li Hua



Sophie and Miles sat on the shore watching their cousin surf.Kerry was a few years older than Sophie and Miles,and she had started surfing almost before they were able to walk.

Kerry rode a wave into shore,and then jumped off her board and ran over to where Sophie and Miles were sitting.”Are you two.ready to give it a try?”she asked.

Miles took a deep breath and nodded.He was worried about looking silly in front of his cousin,but he had a feeling he was going to love surfing.He expected it to feel like riding his bike down a hill without using the brakes(刹车).

“Don’t go out too far!”shouted Mrs.Taylor,and Sophie cheerfully waved back to her parents.Sophie was usually good at the things she tried.She learned quickly and wasn’t afraid to dive in,even if she had never done something before.Miles admired these characteristics in his sister,but knew he just wasn’t as adventurous as she was.

“Okay,”Kerry began,"I’m going to start you two out on longboards.They are easier to handle,especially for beginners.”Here are some tips.First,never paddle(划桨,划动)your surfboard out farther than you can swim back without it.Know what weather conditions to expect.Never surf alone,and always remember your limitations.Don’t forget that,for the ocean isn’t something to take lightly.”Kerry paused for a moment and looked at the serious expressions on her cousins’ faces.

“Now for the fun part,”Kerry said,"You need to position yourself in the center of your board,between the nose and the tail.When you’re positioned the right way,the nose should be a couple of inches above the water’s surface.When a wave catches the tail of the board,start paddling.Try to remember the sweet spot on your board,because you’ll want to position yourself the same way each time you go out.”

Sophie smiled widely at Kerry.”I had no idea that surfing was so technical.I thought you just catch a big wave and try to ride it without falling off.”

1.When did Kerry start surfing?


2.Why did Miles take a deep breath?


3.What is the difference between Sophie and Miles in character?


4.Why did Kerry make her cousins begin with longboards?


5.What conclusion could be drawn from Sophie’s words in the last paragraph?




1.During both World War I and II,pigeons were e_____________to carry messages to and from the front lines.

2.It is much better to say”I’m sorry,but I think you may be m______________”rather than”You’re wrong!”

3.Ads are a good way to make people a___________________of the needs of others and the dangers around them.

4.In order to keep fit,you should make exercise a part of your daily r_____________

5.Trump made American people have the false i_______________that they could keep the coronavirus under control.

6.The woman was______________(控告)of stealing in a grocery,but she insisted she was innocent.

7.Sales of our Snowman ice cream have____________(成倍增加)after we gave it a new package.

8.Limited supplies of food and water led to kangaroos____________(竞争)with sheep and cattle.

9.Old French made other__________(贡献)to Middle English as well.

10.In the 1950s the Chinese government introduced______(简化的)Chinese characters.


    Courtney Holmes offers his young customers a little something extra with their haircut.

“HEY,HOW YOU DOIN’? I’m Courtney. What _______are you in? Third? What’s your favorite book? Elephant and Piggy? Yeah, I got it.” If you thought you’d walked into a_______with a greeting like that,you wouldn’t be too far off._______, you’ve entered the _______of Courtney Holmes,also known as the Storybook Barber.

Two years ago,Holmes began to donate his time and give _______ haircuts to kids from poor families so they’d look _______ on that first day of classes,although Saturday was his _______haircutting day. “The kids should earn their free haircut by having to read a book to me,”Holmes said.The idea was so _______that he continued it the first. Saturday of every month for the next two years. Five-to-ten-year-old boys would _______a favorite book,settle into the barber chair,and read aloud ________Holmes cut hair.After the haircut,they’d review the book-just like in school,but more________Holmes,who has two sons,________ that not every parent has the time to read with their kids.” I get it. You have four ________ to look after,and you’re working two jobs.You have to clean the house or cook dinner.Sitting down and listening to them read is the ________ thing you have time to do.________ I say bring your kids in and let them read to me.”Holmes admits he,too,________ from the free cut-and-reads.

“There was a seven-year-old who had difficulty reading________ through his book,” said Holmes. He had the boy take the book home and ________When the child came back a few days later. He read it with________problems. That inspires me.”

“The world today is one with guns and ________,”he says, “it’s a safe place for the kids to come to the barbershop and read books.”

1.A.school B.grade C.class D.group

2.A.library B.museum C.park D.supermarket

3.A.On the contrary B.On the whole C.In brief D.In fact

4.A.studio B.bedroom C.workplace D.office

5.A.unusual B.fashionable C.different D.free

6.A.sharp B.secure C.pleased D.academic

7.A.cheapest B.earliest C.busiest D.happiest

8.A.amazing B.fancy C.unique D.popular

9.A.design B.buy C.choose D.pack

10.A.while B.until C.since D.after

11.A.serious B.fun C.difficult D.formal

12.A.announces B.comments C.recognizes D.urges

13.A.tasks B.kids C.houses D.problems

14.A.last B.interesting C.first D.dull

15.A.Or B.And C.So D.But

16.A.learns B.escapes C.evolves D.benefits

17.A.struggling B.glancing C.complaining D.whispering

18.A.quit B.practice C.stare D.play:

19.A.true . B.other C.some D.no

20.A.weakness B.violence C.darkness D.distance


How to plan the perfect walking holiday

As health and wellbeing is at the forefront of everyone’s mind,walking holidays are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to the beach trip.1. Below we have discussed some of the top things to consider to ensure your walking holiday is absolutely perfect.

Choose the Right Location

Location is key for a walking holiday as you’ll be spending the majority.of your time in the outdoors.Routes(路线)weather and nearby hotels are all important things to consider and knowing what you want from your holiday will finally decide where you go.2. Once you’ve decided on the location you will want the best place to rest,so it’s important to get your. hotels right.Dorset Holiday Cottages are the perfect place to call home during your trip.

Know Your Abilities

Before you start walking on your first day it’s important that you know your abilities.If you’ve been training for months for this holiday and are good at map reading,taking to the outdoors may seem like a piece of cake.3. It is also vital to check the weather before you depart on your days walking to ensure it’s clear enough for a safe walk....

Pack Carefully

4. Making a list of things needed can really help.Outline the items which are necessary for your overall trip,and the things you may need to take with you in your day bag. Items such as spare clothes,the right footwear,walking sticks and of course food and water for the longer day trips are all necessary.Remember to pack light in your day bag but ensure you have everything you need for a day out of civilization!

Relax and Enjoy

Remember that this is a holiday and take time out of your day to relax and enjoy the amazing views and wildlife around you.Walking holidays are a fantastic way to spend time in the outdoors and reconnect with nature,whether you’re travelling in a big group or going solo.5.

A.But as with any holiday,planning should go first.

B.This is also an excellent way to meet new people.

C.Remember to take it easy and enjoy every second.

D.If you are alone,join up with another group of hikers.

E.It is important to carefully consider each item you prepare.

F.For example,a calming coastal walk or a tiring mountain climb?

G.But for those with little experience,prepare your routes in advance.


    In November,a cold,unseen stranger that killed many people came to visit the city..

Johnsy lay on her bed,seriously ill.Her friend Sue saw she was looking out the window and counting-counting backward.”Twelve,”she said,and a little later”eleven”;and then”ten”and”nine”;and then”eight”“and”seven,”almost together.

Sue looked out the window.An old ivy vine(常青藤)going bad at the roots,climbed half way up the wall.The cold breath of autumn had stricken leaves from the plant until its branches, almost bare(光秃秃的)hung on the bricks.

“What is it,dear?”asked Sue.

“Leaves.On the plant.When the last one falls I must go,too.

“Oh,what have old ivy leaves to do with your getting well?Try to eat some soup now,”said Sue.”And,I must call Mister Behrman up to be my model for my drawing.Don’t try to move until I come back.”

Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor.Behrman was a failure in art.For years,he had always been planning to paint a work of art,but had never yet begun it.He was a fierce(暴躁的)little,old man who protected the two young women in the studio apartment above him.

Sue told him about Johnsy and how she feared that her friend would float away like a leaf.

Old Behrman was angered at such an idea.”This is not any place in which one so.good as Miss Johnsy shall lie sick,”yelled Behrman.”Some day I will paint a masterpiece,and we shall all go away.”

The next morning,Johnsy and Sue were surprised to find there yet stood against the wall one ivy leaf after the beating rain and fierce wind that blew through the night.It was the last one on the vine.It was still dark green at the center.But its edges were colored with the yellow.It hung bravely from the branch about seven meters above the ground.

“It is the last one,”said Johnsy.”It will fall today and I shall go at the same time.”

But the next morning,the ivy leaf was still there.Johnsy lay for a long time,looking at it. And then she called to Sue,who was preparing chicken soup.”

Something has made that last leaf stay there to show me how bad I was.It is wrong to want to die.You may bring me a little soup now.”said Johnsy.

The next day,the doctor came,and told Sue Johnsy was out of danger.

Later that day,Sue came to the bed where Johnsy lay,and put one arm around her.”Mr. Behrman died of pneumonia(肺炎)today.He was sick only two days.They found him the morning of the first day in his room downstairs helpless with pain.His shoes and clothing were completely wet and icy cold.They could not imagine where he had been on such a terrible night. And then they found a lantern,still lighted.And a ladder that had been moved from its place. And art supplies and a painting board with green and yellow colors mixed on it.”

“Look out the window,dear,at the last ivy leaf on the wall.Didn’t you wonder why it never moved when the wind blew?Ah,darling,it is Behrman’s masterpiece-he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell.”

1.In the first paragraph,”a cold,unseen stranger”refers to____

A.a person B.an illness C.a beast D.an object

2.What does Johnsy mean when she says”when the last one falls I must go,too.”?

A.She will leave the city. B.She will die soon.

C.She will fall with the leaf. D.She will recover.

3.Who plays the most important part in helping Johnsy recover?

A.Sue. B.The doctor. C.Behrman. D.Johnsy herself.

4.What can be a suitable title for the passage?

A.The last leaf B.A kind painter C.A deadly disease D.The valuable friendship


    You wait 50 years for a flying car,and then three come along at once.First up is Vahana:an airbus project to develop batterypowered,single- seater aircraft,designed to follow predetermined routes,only changing directions to avoid accidents.Propellers(螺旋桨)on the wings will let it take off and land without a runway.

Second,Dubai recently announced plans to use self-controlled air taxis as a way to beat the terrible traffic jams.The Volocopter is an electric multi-copter with 18 propellers and a fully self-controlled system.It’s essentially a self-controlled aircraft with two seats and up to 30 minutes of flying time.

But,if you want something more like the flying cars of 1950s science fiction,try Urban Aeronautics’ Fancraft.The Israel-based company wants to realize the dream of”an aircraft that looks like the classic vision of a flying car:doesn’t have a wing,doesn’t have a propeller that can be seen,and can fly exactly from point to point,”says Janina Frankel-Yoeli,Urban Aeronautics’ vice president of marketing.Earlier flying cars needed runways to take off and land which was,as Frankel-Yoeli says,”not much better than owning a car and an aircraft.”To go from point to point requires vertical take-off and landing,but for many years that could only be done by helicopters or larger aircraft.Urban Aeronautics’ solution is to use light but powerful engines,lightweight materials,and a self-controlled system.Their fan design-propellers housed in some special tubes-is powerful but unstable,so the Fancraft would be challenging for a human to fly without any help.Instead,computer-aided control technology takes over the tiny,quick changes required to keep the car stable at speeds of 160km/h or more.

But don’t be glad too early yet.The main problem to a sky full of flying cars is rules.Not only will every aircraft need to pass strict safety tests,but a new system of air traffic control will be needed to deal with 3-D traffic jams above people who are not aware of what is happening in the sky.NASA is already working on that.Tests have shown that multiple unmanned(无人的) flying cars can communicate with each other to avoid accidents.In the meantime,flying cars will mainly be reserved for emergency services and a few VIPs.

1.Vahana is different from the Volocopter in that____

A.it is power-free

B.it is self controlled

C.its routes are fixed

D.its propellers can be seen

2.The underlined word”vertical”in the third paragraph most probably means____

A.going straight up or down

B.flying high and fast

C.going across back or forth

D.flying quietly and safely

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.NASA helps flying cars to communicate.

B.There will be no traffic jams if cars can fly.

C.Rules for flying cars have already been made.

D.It is unusual for ordinary people to use flying cars.


Medical Practices in Ancient Egypt

Learning from the Dead

To find out why people have died,today’s medical examiners perform autopsies(尸体解剖).They cut open the body and study its parts.Ancient Egyptians also performed autopsies to help understand causes of death.In addition,autopsies helped ancient Egyptians study the human body.By comparing the hearts of people who were different ages,for example,Egyptians could determine what a young,healthy heart was supposed to look like.

Keeping a Written Record

The Egyptians not only studied the human body,but they also kept detailed records of what they discovered.They wrote and drew their observations on papyrus,a form of paper.The papyrus records became the medical textbooks of that time.Their observations allowed Egyptian doctors to share their knowledge,including how to treat various diseases.

Edwin Smith Papyrus

In 1862,an American named Edwin Smith purchased a medical papyrus in Luxor,Egypt. Smith was not a medical expert,but he knew a lot about old documents.He knew that what he had found was valuable.The papyrus turned out to be an ancient textbook on surgery.The papyrus was probably written around 1600 BC,but it was based on information from a thousand years before that.The papyrus presents the information as case studies,including an analysis of how patients survived or died.

1.By performing autopsies,ancient Egyptians could____

A.determine the causes of illnesses

B.learn about different body parts

C.keep detailed records on textbooks

D.share what they had discovered

2.The document bought by Edwin Smith was valuable because it was____

A.originally written on papyrus

B.an ancient medical textbook

C.discovered by a medical expert

D.written a thousand years before

3.This article is probably from____

A.a story book

B.a health leaflet

C.a medical magazine

D.a biology textbook



1.What is the talk mainly about?

A.Education in America.

B.Movements of people in America.

C.Employment opportunities in America.

2.What can we learn about Americans from the talk?

A.They may go to school in several cities.

B.They enjoy their school days a lot.

C.They don’t like changing jobs.

3.What is the speaker’s attitude toward changing jobs a lot?

A.Negative. B.Confused. C.Positive..

4.Who benefits from the new ideas and skills being offered?

A.The public. B.The workers themselves. C.The owners of companies.



1.What time is the store closing today?

A.At 5:00 p.m. B.At 6:00 p.m. C.At 7:00 p.m.

2.Why are the opening hours changed today?

A.It is getting cold. B.The days are shorter. C.The store needs cleaning.

3.What will the man do next?

A.Put his groceries back.

B.Continue buying things.

C.Go to another shop.

4.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Salesgirl and customer. B.Boss and worker. C.Husband and wife.



1.What animal is linked with more than one country?

A.Pandas. B.Eagles. C.Bears.

2.Which country has the dragon?

A.Russia. B.Australia. C.Britain.

3.What kind of pet does the man have?

A.A cat. B.A dog. C.A chicken.



1.What kind of cellphone does the woman want?

A.A fast one. B.An old one. C.A cheap one.

2.How much will the woman probably spend on a phone today?”

A.About$400. B.About$700. C.About$1000.



1.What is shown on the woman’s bag?

A.Batman. B.Superman. C.Spiderman.

2.Where does the man seldom buy things?

A.In a mall. B.At a market. C.On the Internet.


Where are the speakers?

A.In a park. B.In a school. C.In a museum.


What do we know about the dish?

A.It tastes too salty. B.It is too much to eat it up. C.It was cooked by the woman’s mother.


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