Last year, four children waited for their school bus every day for ten minutes, on the same dirty street corner. There were old bottles, parts of old bikes, and ______ soda cans everywhere around the ______. The trees were brown and had no leaves, and there wasn't a flower in sight. It was ______.

One day, one of the children looked at the corner and ______ to do something about it. She had ______ minutes before the bus arrived. The next Monday, she brought a bag and ______ some of the old bottles to recycle. On ______ she spent another ten minutes picking up old bottles, while her best friend picked up soda cans and put them in a different ______ for recycling. On Wednesday, all the ______ picked up the remaining recyclable materials and put everything ______ in the rubbish can. The corner was ______

The corner looked ______ but it was still ugly, so the next day the girl brought some ______ seeds. She planted the seeds and watered them, and watered the ______ too. She only had ten minutes a day but that was ______. On Friday, the children found more ______ on the ground and put it in the rubbish can, or recycled it.

After one month, their ugly, dirty corner had become a beautiful ______ with pretty flowers and healthy trees. It only took ten minutes a day. Do you have ten minutes a day to ______ your city? Imagine what a beautiful ______ we would have if more people spent ten minutes a day cleaning up and making their ______ more attractive

1.A.full B.empty D.expensive B.bus C.old bottles D.bus stop

3.A.cold B.gorgeous C.useless D.ugly

4.A.had B.refused C.decided D.managed

5.A.ten B.fifteen C.twenty D.thirty

6.A.made B.collected C.bought D.gave

7.A.Tuesday B.Sunday C.Saturday D.Friday B.bus C.corner D.bag

9.A.passengers B.children C.teachers D.girls

10.A.better B.useful C.else D.hard

11.A.clean B.dirty D.gone

12.A.nice B.wrong C.larger D.better

13.A.tree B.flower C.vegetable D.fruit B.vegetables C.trees D.plants

15.A.enough C.long D.short

16.A.seeds C.garbage D.bikes B.home C.playground

18.A.see B.visit D.enjoy C.bus stop D.corner B.gardens C.villages D.surroundings


____,the student insists that he be separated from his desk-mate,who is naughty.

A.To avoid being affected B.To avoid to be affected

C.Avoiding being affected D.Avoiding to be affected


He isn't a man to depend on because his action always ______ his words.

A.disagrees with B.disagrees on C.disagrees to D.disagrees over


—Ann is in hospital.

—Oh, really? I ________ know. I ________ go and visit her.

A.didn’t; am going to B.don’t; would

C.don’t; will D.didn’t; will


Recently, violent crimes of beating, looting and burning in Hong Kong broke out, ______ an innocent old man and with more than 80 ______.

A.killed; wounded B.killing; injured C.killed; injuring D.killing; hurt


Rarely ______ so heavily in Ning Xia as it did in Hei Long Jiang last year.

A.does it snow snows C.did it snow snowed


The newly designed shirt ______ me but the color ______ me well.

A.doesn't fit; fits B.isn't fit for; fits C.doesn't fit; suits D.isn't fit; suits


The group ______ the eight richest countries in the world signed a contract last week.

A.consists of consisted of C.consisting of D.consisted of


Speaking of all the songs she has sungI think this is probably her ______ one.

A.better known B.well known known D.most known


He was worried, because he lost his bag ______ his passport, ID card and a lot of money.

A.included B.including C.contained D.containing


Our teacher always speaks slowly and clearly in class ______. as to be understood order to have understood as to understand understand


—Alice, you are supposed ______ part in the party in time.

—Sorry, but I had an unexpected visitor. take have taken be taking D.taking


It's difficult to guess what his ______ to the news would be.

A.reaction B.opinion C.comment D.impression


Since we have failed many times, we should take a new approach ______ the problem.

A.about solving solving C.of solving solving


Please choose the WRONG sentences.

A.It is so fine a day that Mijie wants to play basketball with Caixukun

B.It is such a fine day that Caojiayi wants to have a date with Lixian

C.It is such fine weather that Zhangyan wants to team up with Wangyibo.

D.It is so a fine weather that Zhangyueyao wants to kiss Wangjunkai.


What's your father's attitude to your new job?

I ______ ideas with him up to now. However, he always lets me make up my mind.

A.won't exchange B.didn't exchange C.don't exchange D.haven't exchanged



One day, during the long summer holiday, Mrs. Martins took Brendon and his younger brother and sister to the beach. As soon as they got there, the three children raced down to the sea to try out their new surfboards. They were soon swimming out to the waves and riding back on their boards.

After a while, Brendon noticed that Kim was floating away from him and his sister. “Come back, Kim, "he shouted. "Mum said we have to stick together(团结). "Kim put his arms over the side of his board and began paddling (划水), but instead of getting closer, he began moving further away.

“Brendon, help!” called Kim."I' m caught in a rip(离岸流)." Brendon quickly paddled over to his brother.

“Hold on to the back of my board and I’ll pull you in,” Brendon told the frightened boy. But the rip was too strong and soon both Brendon and Kim were moving further from the beach.

“Kylie, come and help,” Brendon yelled to his sister. Soon all three children were floating away from the beach.

" It's no use fighting, "said Kylie, "We’ll just tire ourselves out. We have to stick together and hope the current takes us onto the beach again. "For the next 20 minutes, the frightened children held onto each other’s boards and let the current pull them along.





Paragraph 1:

“I can’t even see the beach any more,” cried Kim. …


Paragraph 2

“Thank goodness!” cried their mother running up to hug them.…






Dear Jack



Li Hua



A new research shows that nicer people are likely to be poorer than people who are not so nice. Researchers studied how the personalities of different people1.(affect) how rich they were. They found that people2. a nice and warm personality were 3.(poor)than people who were more selfish. They also found that it was more difficult for kinder people to look after their money because of their “agreeableness”. The research suggests that agreeableness4.(associate) with various signs of financial hardship, including lower savings and higher debt.

Researchers looked at data from different5.( source), including two online surveys taken by almost 4,000 participants. The data included answers to questions on people's financial situation6. people’s attitude towards money. They compared this data with findings of some other surveys, in7.almost 5,000 people answered questions about their personality and their agreeableness. The researchers say agreeable people seem8.(care) less about money so they do not manage their money9.(wise). Researcher Sandra Matz says that10.(be) kind has "financial costs " but that kinder people “always have a happier life”.


    Two-year-old Nancy is deaf. However, that hasn’t stopped her from being a(n)  ______ little girl trying to “chat” to anyone she meets. As soon as she goes out into town with her parents, she starts ________ in the hope that the person she is talking to  _______ sign language too.

Normally, hearing loss is a social _______  for those who don’t know how to use sign language. Anyone Nancy tried to talk to ________ this and felt so sorry they couldn’t _______. They wished they could  _______ her and say something back, but they found themselves completely _______ .

Then, something amazing happened. Instead of causing a _______ , this barrier brought the community together. Determined to _______ sign language so that they could talk to Nancy, her _______ hired an instructor on their own, and now they are ________to taking classes together. The teacher ________ that this is really remarkable because, quite often, even the parents of deaf children don’t _________to learn the language. But here Nancy has a full community that is signing and communicating with her, and it is a _________story.

The teacher also says that this level of inclusion will make a huge difference in Nancy’s _______ . It almost certainly guarantees that she will be a happier and more ______  individual in the future. Nancy’s parents are already noticing a ________ in their daughter and they have no words to express how _______ they are to their neighbors.

With a little girl and a lot of love, the neighbors ________ make the neighborhood a community.

1.A. independent B. helpful C. outgoing D. generous

2.A. signing B. cheering C. waving D. smiling

3.A. accepts B. appreciates C. recognizes D. knows

4.A. mistake B. barrier C. conflict D. stress

5.A. discussed B. ignored C. realized D. denied

6.A. respond B. apologize C. return D. agree

7.A. inspire B. protect C. trust D. understand

8.A. at risk B. in surprise C. at a loss D. in a hurry

9.A. debate B. separation C. complaint D. panic

10.A. create B. learn C. translate D. improve

11.A. classmates B. parents C. teachers D. neighbors

12.A. devoted B. opposed C. accustomed D. addicted

13.A. warns B. predicts C. admits D. regrets

14.A. fail B. bother C. hesitate D. refuse

15.A. relaxing B. popular C. satisfying D. beautiful

16.A. plan B. hearing C. life D. opinion

17.A. well-adjusted B. mature C. well-behaved D. considerate

18.A. potential B. belief C. strength D. difference

19.A. friendly B. grateful C. important D. familiar

20.A. truly B. almost C. merely D. even


How you open your car door matters to cyclists

Typically, a person sitting in the driver's seat of a car opens the door with the hand closest to it.1.Pull the handle, and the door is open. but if you do that at the wrong time, you may create a barrier for a passing cyclist. The cyclist will be knocked off the bike, and the car door is likely to be damaged by the fast-moving bicycle.

Luckily, there's a simple way to solve the problem: open your car door with your other hand, using the Dutch reach.2.This will force you to turn your body. At least, you'll look into your side view mirror to check for any traffic. This way, you can prevent harm to cyclists.3.

The Dutch reach is just what Dutch people do. They are used to opening their car doors this way. All Dutch are taught it.4. The technique dates back about 60 years in the Netherlands, but it didn’t really become known as the Dutch reach until a retired American physician named Michael Charney started the Dutch Reach Project in 2016 in an effort to popularize the practice in the United States and other countries. He was motivated by the death of a 27-year-old who rode into an open car door and died just five blocks from his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

5. When people do it, it works. To make it a habit, Charney recommends attaching a ribbon to the door handle as a visual reminder to use your other hand.

A. It's part of regular driver education.

B. The Dutch reach is a simple behavioral solution.

C. Every child is taught about the danger of careless driving.

D. And you might also keep your car door safe in the process.

E. It makes sense since doors are designed to be opened that way.

F. Cyclists usually don't pay much attention to the cars around them.

G. That is, instead of using your left hand, reach for the door with your right.


    Millions of Americans sit behind a computer screen, chained to their desk all day because the vast majority of stable, high-paying professions are “office jobs”. However, having a successful career does not require you to sit behind a desk and plug away at a computer all day.

In fact, there are a large number of non-desk jobs in a variety of industries that are growing and offering workers a direct path to the middle class, according to a new analysis of labor market information from CareerBuilder. While most of the highest-paying non-desk jobs are medical professions that require a doctoral or professional degree, there are 170 non-desk professions that pay $15 per hour or more, do not require a bachelors degree for a typical entry-level position, and have seen at least 6 percent job growth over the last four years.

The US workforce has gradually changed to office-based work because of the rise of the professional service economy and productivity gains associated with information technology,” Rosemary Haefner, Vice President of Human Resources Officer at CareerBuilder, said in a statement.

But some of the healthiest areas of job growth year after year are in middle-skill professions that don’t require workers to sit in front of computer monitors and phones for 40 hours a week.”

Here are the top-paying jobs that don’t require you to work at a desk in various kinds — none of which require a four-year college degree — and their hourly salary and growth rate since 2010: professional assistants : $26.57, 14 percent; elevator repairers: $37.81, 6 percent; mechanical engineering technicians: $25.19, 10 percent; and electromechanical technicians: $24.68, 8 percent.

While they tend to pay less than traditional office jobs, non-desk professions provide a variety of benefits. Haefner points to a 2014 CareerBuilder survey that discovered workers who don’t work at a desk all day are less likely to complain about their work environment and less likely to report being overweight.

1.What does the underlined phrase “plug away” in the first paragraph probably mean?

A.Turn off a switch. B.Look for a job.

C.Keep on working. D.Give up working.

2.What conclusion can we draw from the second paragraph?

A.A non-desk job may provide you with a middle-class life.

B.The last four years has seen an increase in desk jobs.

C.The college degree is the ticket to a position.

D.A non-desk job cannot offer you a secure life.

3.What is the key reason for the US workforce to change to office-based work?

A.High salary. B.Medicine.

C.Information technology. D.Work environment.

4.The writer attempts to tell us that _________.

A.“office jobs” are appealing to the middle class

B.non-desk jobs are a good choice for us jobs” are secure and high-paying

D.non-desk professions are better than office jobs


    "Is this making us old or keeping us young? "my husband asked as he lifted the three heavy backpacks from the canoe.

"I don't know, I replied. The heat and mosquitoes were getting to me, and I was wondering whether we were crazy to have started a canoe trip during the hottest week of the summer. But even in fall, our canoe trips ---- while certainly cooler --- are no easier.

I've always loved getting away from civilization to enjoy the peace of nature, to be on a news blackout(中断)and to reflect on the past year and the year to come, which is why we've been doing this regularly for most of the 38 years we've been together.

Now as we’re getting older, it's getting harder-aching knees, aching feet, aching backs. So, we're changing our habits. Instead of extreme whitewater trips in the far north, we’re going on lake trips closer by. Instead of pulling on the heavy pack myself and rising from a sitting position, my husband lifts it up while I thread my arms through the belts. Along the way, I might stop to admire the green plants beside the path or feel the soft surfaces of the moss, and my husband is usually waiting at the other end, wondering why it's taken me so long. During the night, we no longer stay up late to see the stars. Instead, we now get into the tent by 9 p. m. ---exhausted after one day's hard work --- and drift to sleep listening to birds sorrowful call.

Over the years, my canoe-tripping experience has evolved to focus less on the physical and more on the abstract things. Like a solar battery, I store up the energy I absorb from the forest, rocks and waters to help me through the rest of the year. The rhythm of paddling becomes a process of deep thinking rather than an endurance test.

"How long can we continue doing this?” asked my husband at the end of the last trip.

“I don't know,” I answered, but inside, I thought: "As long as our bodies and minds hold out. I hope forever.”

1.According to the passage, the author and her husband's canoe trips ______.

A.were difficult to complete

B.had made the couple crazy

C.made the couple look younger than their age

D.became dangerous because of the summer heat

2.By writing “we no longer stay up late to see the stars”, the author wishes to show that ______.

A.the stars are not beautiful any more B.birds night call is more attractive now

C.their habits have changed over the years D.they are too tired to do the same things

3.What can be the best title for the text?

A.An Unforgettable Trip B.My Trip with My Husband

C.Life Is a Hard Trip D.Love for Canoe Trips


Smart Kids Festival Events

Smart Kids is a collection of one hundred events scheduled in October. This year, it is experimenting with Pay What You Decide (PWYD). That is, you can decide to pay what you want to or can afford, after you have attended an event. You can pre-book events without paying for a ticket in advance. Here are some of the director’s picks.

Walk on the Wild Side

Not ticketed, Free

Join storyteller Sarah Law to hear science stories about animals. Along the way you’ll meet all sorts of beautiful creatures and discover life cycles and food chains. Best suited to children aged 5-9. Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult.

Introduction to Waves

Pre-book, PWYD

Subjects range from sound waves to gravity waves, and from waves of light to crashing waves on the ocean. Mike Goldsmith explores the fundamental features shared by all waves in the natural world.

Science in the Field

Not ticketed, Free

This storytelling night features a scientist sharing his favourite memories of gathering first-hand data on various field trips. Come along for inspiring and informative stories straight from the scientist’s mouth. Join Mark Samuels to find out more in this fun-filled workshop.

Festival Dinner

Pre-book, £25 per person

Whether you want to explore more about food, or just fancy a talk over a meal, join us to mark the first science festival in London. Which foods should you eat to trick your brain into thinking that you are full? Find out more from Tom Crawford.

1.In which event can you decide the payment?

A. Walk on the Wild Side

B. Introduction to Waves

C. Science in the Field

D. Festival Dinner

2.Who will talk about experiences of collecting direct data?

A. Sarah Law.

B. Mike Goldsmith.

C. Mark Samuels.

D. Tom Crawford.

3.What do the four events have in common?

A. Family-based.

B. Science-themed.

C. Picked by children.

D. Filled with adventures.








Dear Zoey,

I am writing to tell you something about the present transportation in China.



Li Hua





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

On the 70th anniversary of our motherland, my classmates and I shoot a video to celebrate it. The video was consisted of solo performances. I was one of the solo singer, and I had practiced hard for it. Two girls designed the dance to enrich the video. Beside, our English teacher joined us, provided us with lots of help. The video’s success was true a team effort. Everyone taking part learned a great deal from it and determined work harder. Our country’s rapid development makes it possible of us to grow up with good living conditions. We will take on the responsibilities of contributing to your country.



From her remarkable work as former First Lady, to her influence on fashion and pop culture, Michelle Obama has become one of the most important women in the world.

In recent years, the hard work effort she put into social issues such as poverty, healthy living, and education 1. (become) widely known, but Michelle has always fought for important social issues. In 1988, she graduated from Harvard Law School in Massachusetts, 2. (make) her the third First Lady with a postgraduate degree. She then returned to her roots in Chicago, 3. she met her husband just one year later. In 1991, she gave up her law career 4. work in public service.

For the next several years, she directed various public 5. (program) for youths in education. She visited 6. (home) shelters and appeared at public schools to stress the importance of education. When her husband became president in 2009, she became the first African-American First Lady in American history. She 7. (public) supported healthy living, and she introduced healthier lunches at high schools across the country. Because of these appearances, Michelle became 8. fashion symbol, and her dresses 9. (feature) in many magazines. This is 10. many of her international fans appreciate most about her.


    Liz was quite excited these days. She was going to travel to Asia with her mom. Neither of them had ______ traveled out of the United States before. They were going to ______ to Hong Kong. They would travel on their cruise(乘船游览) ship to Shanghai and Beijing after ______ in Hong Kong for three days.

“Beijing is inland, so we have to _____ about a two-hour bus ride to get there from the port. I _____ the name of the port. Anyway, we’re going to ______ the Great Wall, the Tian’anmen Square, and the Forbidden City. It's going to be so ______!” she told her neighbor Jane.

From China, the cruise ship would go to Pusan in South Korea, and ______ to Tokyo. From Tokyo, they would _____ a flight back to Los Angeles.

“The trip is going to ______ three weeks. It's only going to ______ us about $ 2,800 each if we don’t _____ anything.” She laughed.

“I hope your trip is more _______ than mine was” said Jane. “I took a cruise to the Bahamas, _____ almost all the passengers got _______. I caught some kind of disease that made me ______ for almost three days. They ______ us a discount(折扣) that we could use on a _____ trip. No more cruising for me. That is really a pity.”

“We’ve ______ those things,” said Liz. “Mom and I are going to be ______ our hands every 30 minutes, and we’re bringing surgical masks with us.” Good preparations may help a lot in the travel and make it a pleasant and successful one.

1.A.ever B.never C.still D.also

2.A.walk B.ship

3.A.trying B.searching C.staying D.studying

4.A.know B.take C.look D.practice

5.A.leave B.choose C.forget

6.A.find B.remember C.pass D.see B.difficult C.terrible D.disappointed

8.A.sadly B.finally C.secretly D.simply

9.A.make B.miss D.catch B.prepare C.last D.stop

11.A.cost B.offer D.give


13.A.important B.confusing C.funny D.helpful

14.A.if B.because C.but

15.A.mysterious B.sick C.angry D.nervous B.dream C.regret D.waste

17.A.refuse B.give C.cheat D.order

18.A.familiar B.normal C.future D.quick

19.A.heard about B.looked forward C.called back D.made up

20.A.watching B.washing C.using D.changing


    Motivate yourself to be on time, and trick yourself into punctual(准时的) habits, with these tips.

Never explain why you're late. If you don't allow yourself to make excuses, you'll stop letting yourself off the hook. And you'll realize how often you've been handing out reasons as if everyone didn't already know them. There's a classic headline, "Woman Constantly Treating Herself for Once." Don't be "Person Constantly Delayed for This One Good Reason." 1. That's the decent thing to do.

2. If you're paid hourly, find out how much less you make when you clock in late. If you take more expensive modes of transportation, calculate the cost difference. See how much you spend each year on lateness.

Imagine being late to meet someone. 3. Think about the worst-case reaction they could have, whether that's frustration or a "not mad just disappointed" that makes you feel like a real dick. Now visualize being early. Think about the peace of mind as you wait for the other person. Think about standing from your seat and warmly greeting them, grandly forgiving their own lateness.

Think about your most chronically late friend or colleague. Gin up all the frustration you've ever felt with them, all the disdain. Wow, kind of harsh on your friend, but now think about other people feeling that way toward you. 4.

Plan exactly what you'll do on your phone while you wait for everyone else to show up. 5. Get excited, not for the thing you're heading to, but for those five minutes alone before it starts.

A. So, avoid being late.

B. Feel the shame and the panic.

C. Promise not to be late frequently.

D. Calculate the expense of your lateness.

E. You will never be forgiven if you are often late.

F. Instead of focusing on causes, apologize for the effect of your lateness.

G. That’s the free time, like playing a mobile game with zero guilt.


    Most squirrels don’t hibernate(冬眠). Instead, they store food for the cold season and spend the winter in their nests. But the 13-lined ground squirrel, one species of squirrel in the U.S. Midwest, is not the case. For up to 8 months, the tiny mammals won’t eat or drink anything at all and the heart rate, metabolism(新陈代谢), and body temperature dramatically drop during their long rest, which is similar to bears and other hibernating animals.

To find out how the hibernating squirrels hold back their thirst, a powerful force that could potentially wake them up, and researchers measured the blood fluid of dozens of squirrels. Generally, a high blood concentration(血液浓度) makes animals, including humans, feel thirty. The sleeping squirrels' blood concentration was low, preventing them from waking up for a drink. Even when researchers woke up the torpid squirrels, they wouldn’t drink a drop until the team artificially increased the concentration of their blood serum.

Next, the researchers wanted to know how the squirrels’ blood concentration dropped so low. Perhaps the squirrels drank a lot of water before hibernation to dilute(稀释) their blood, the researchers thought. But when they filmed squirrels preparing for their winter snooze, they found the animals actually drank less water than they normally did.

Instead, chemical tests revealed the squirrels regulate their blood concentration by getting rid of electrolytes(电解质)like sodium and other chemicals like glucose and urea and storing them elsewhere in the body (possibly in the bladder), the researchers reported last month in Current Biology. The finding could also explain how other hibernating animals stay containing water.

This new knowledge might one day help humans with conditions such as diabetes(糖尿病), or astronauts who have launched on long space flights. Unfortunately, even if people can figure out how to drop their blood concentration, it’s unlikely they’ll ever be as cute as sleeping squirrels.

1.What do we know about the 13-lined ground squirrels?

A.They don’t hibernate like many other squirrels.

B.They are endangered species in the U. S. Midwest.

C.They can live for months without water during hibernation.

D.Their heart rule and body temperature are extremely abnormal.

2.The hibernating squirrels don' feel thirsty because of their___________.

A.high blood concentration B.low blood concentration

C.low body temperature D.high heart rate

3.Hibernating squirrels adjust their blood concentrations by_____________.

A.Drinking much water before hibernation

B.Not eating anything during hibernation

C.Drinking less water than they normally do

D.Removing certain chemicals and storing them somewhere

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the new findings?

A.Objective B.Positive

C.Disappointing D.Uncaring


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