Most people agree that eating healthy food is important. But sometimes making good food choices can be tough. Now, there are apps that can help people learn about the food they eat to improve their diets.

Open Table

Open Table helps people choose restaurants when they want to go out to eat. Open Table is a free service that shows users restaurant availability based on where and when they want to dine. Open Table users can also make reservations directly through the app or website.


Epicurious is a free app and website to help users find recipes and become better cooks. The app has more than 30,000 recipes and can create a shopping list based on the ingredients (原料) in a recipe. The app rates recipes for popularity and other qualities and inform users about vegetables in season in different areas.

Happy Cow

The Happy Cow app is made freely for Vegetarians. Users can search for vegetarian restaurants and stores around the world. The Happy Cow app is based on the Happy Cow website, where users can discover places nearby or search using keywords.

Local Eats

Restaurant chains, like McDonalds, can be found almost anywhere a person might travel. But sometimes tourists want to eat like locals. The website and app Local Eats is designed for that, which can help you find local restaurants in major cities in the US and in other countries.

1.Which app can help people book a table for a meal in advance?

A.Open Table. B.Local Eats. C.Epicurious. D.Happy Cow.

2.Who might be interested in the app Local Eats?

A.App designers. B.Travelers. C.Vegetarians. D.Chefs.

3.This text introduces these apps to help people to ________. money better cooks better D.make good food


2020年初的新冠肺炎疫情席卷世界,攻克这一病毒的过程也让我们意识到了 科学的重要性,科学就离不开实验。

假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom最近对如何上好科学实验课感到很困惑。 请你根据以下提示,用英语给他写一封电子邮件,就如何上好实验课给他提一些建议。1.课前预习(实验话题和步骤);2.课上仔细观察(做笔记);3.课后认真总结。



Dear Tom,

I'm sorry to hear that you have difficulty




Li Hua



1.At the beginning of this year, f________(面对)with the severe COVID-19, we must stay at home and wait.

2.There is no need to worry about it as the government is now making every e________to provide more jobs.

3.Suddenly it o_______(突然想起) to me that I should report the accident to the police.

4.He s_________(强调)the importance of learning English well last year.

5.Everyone in our country are working hard to r______China Dream.

6.If their manager go away, who will take c_____of their company.

7.Come and see me whenever it is c_______ to you.

8.I have a four-year-old son, he is very ______(活泼).

9.The s_______as one travels by boat along the Three Gorges is beautiful.

10.Many endangered animals now face e______________(灭绝).



A Person Who Has Influenced My Life

There is always a time in one’s life when a hero comes along. Someone who has inspired you can really help you learn what life is about.

I __1__ it as if it was yesterday. I was fifteen years old that year. It was around eight o’clock one evening when my mother ___2_ a phone call from her brother-in-law, who told us my aunt was in hospital and that the doctor ___3_ them she would need an operation immediately. My family became very __4__ about my aunt’s situation.

While my aunt was in the hospital with special __5__, my cousin Mark, who is mentally disabled, spent time with my family. Mark was seventeen at the time, and had been born with severe mental disorders, which __6__ a wide range of social and physical problems for him throughout everyday life. He never had any true friend _7__ no one could relate to him. I must __8__ that at the beginning I was filled with uncertainty as to how much of a _9__ my cousin would bring on my family. Now looking back it saddens me to see the _10__ I once showed.

Over the two weeks when Mark lived with my family, I probably _11___ more about life and its meanings. Thinking back, I took __12__ in daily life for granted, believing it would always be there. I never even thought about being able to do things like walking, brushing my teeth, or going to the bathroom on my own. Now I see how __13__ I am to be able to do these things independently.

Mark was seventeen, but learned on a nine-year-old _14___. Although his learning ability was slower than most, he could still learn. He explored _15___ to do most of the things everyone else did. _16___ he did pretty well and succeeded in almost everything he tried to do. He __17__ his illness and showed an ambition to love life. To him, having a successful life means achieving goals on his own terms and at his own __18__.

Mark is my hero, for his disability has forever ___19_ my viewpoint on life. It seems like a well-deserved life when you’re fifteen, and it is amazing how in a period of time your point of view can change so ___20_.

1.A.accept B.remember C.imagine

2.A.made B.missed C.received D.used

3.A.promised B.informed C.showed D.begged

4.A.curious B.sure C.disappointed D.worried B.action C.purpose D.interest

6.A.created B.faced C.found D.influenced

7.A.unless B.although C.until D.because

8.A.believe B.regret C.admit D.decide

9.A.puzzle B.failure C.burden D.conflict

10.A.weakness B.ignorance C.relief D.mercy

11.A.understood B.dreamed C.questioned D.required

12.A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything

13.A.powerful B.brave C.lucky D.successful

14.A.variety B.level C.job D.balance

15.A.possibilities B.functions C.achievements D.difficulties

16.A.Typically B.Occasionally C.Accidentally D.Actually

17.A.challenged B.prevented C.treated D.reported B.cost C.pace D.request

19.A.represented B.changed C.formed D.supported

20.A.easily B.normally C.properly D.completely


New kinds of tourism

People are travelling more than ever before.The World Tourism Organisation says that by 2020 the number of international travellers will be more than 1.6 billion people per year.1. Here are four different kinds of tourism that have appeared recently.

Medical tourism can be for a lot of thingsfrom operations to visits to the dentist.2. A few of the popular countries offering medical tourism are IndiaCubaThailand and Jordan.

Nearly all tourists eat in restaurantsand dining is one of the top three tourist activities.But if you were in a country famous for its foodwould you learn how to cook it? Welcome to the unusual form of culinary (烹饪的) tourismwhere people go to another country to learn how to prepare its food.3.

4. Examples include tours to New Orleans after Hurricane  (飓风)  Katrinato  parts  of Thailand after the tsunami (海啸) or tourist visits to ground zero in New York.This kind of tourism is  not  very  popular  with  local  people  for understandable reasons.

Another growing area of tourism is literary (文学的) tourism.5. It can be connected to the life of an authorfor examplevisiting the author’s home or favourite placesor connected to the lives of characters in a story.It can also be a visit to a place where a film was made.

A.Cooking holidays are growing in popularity now.

B.It is known that few sites of disasters can be visited.

C.Many people enjoy these historical tourist attractions.

D.Disaster tourism is the act of visiting the site of a disaster.

E.This is a kind of cultural tourism and there are several types.

F.This kind of tourism includes going to a different country for health care.

G.The increase in the number of tourists also means an increase in the kinds of tourism.


    The new study shows that we spend more time using the mobile Internet to read newspapers and magazines or do some other things. According to the Interactive Advertising BureauIAB),the average European spends 4.8 hours reading newspapers and magazines but 1.6 hours more using the mobile Internet per week.

The IAB questioned 15,000 people in 15 European countries, looking at how people were using the Internet and its influence on their everyday lives. It found that the mobile Internet is increasingly finding its way into the public awareness. Over 71 million Europeans now have Internet access on their mobile phones. In the UK, 10 million people now access the Internet through their mobile phones and spend 6.3 hours doing so per week averagely.

Unsurprisingly, young generations in the UK are leading the way, with nearly half of the country's 16-to 24-year-olds and a quarter of 25-to 34-year-olds using the Internet, spending 6.5 and 6.2 hours online each week.

Entertainment plays a main role in our mobile Internet liveswith one in five British people using their phones for online gamesa third listening to the online radio and 39 percent watching filmsTV or other videos at least once a week. One third of those using an Internet phone said they received videosimages or other multimedia on their mobileand 61percent said they passed on the contents they had received.

From a communication point of view80 percent of those questioned agreed that the Internet had made it easier for them to stay in touch with friends and family.

Alison Fennahdirector of the IABsaid the use of the mobile Internet had come to the point that marketers should be looking to strategies(策略)that connect them with consumers more effectively. "Better tools as well as improved consumer motivation that start coming together in 2011 can make a great difference to extending the online experience" Fennah said.

1.How long does a European spend on the mobile Internet per week according to the IAB

A.6.4hours. B.6.2hours.

C.4.8hours. D.1.6 hours.

2.What do people mainly use the mobile Internet for

A.Communication. B.Entertainment.

C.Study. D.Advertising.

3.It can be known from the passage that __________.

A.more than half of the people in the UK use the mobile Internet

B.the Internet is the most effective way to stay in touch with friends and family

C.the UK has the largest number of people who use the mobile Internet in Europe

D.better tools and improved consumer motivation help extend the online experience

4.The author wrote the passage to tell us __________. to use mobile phones to surf the Internet

B.newspapers and magazines will disappear soon

C.more and more people use the Internet in Europe the Internet influences our daily lives


Panic Buying

Shoppers around the world are crazy buying because of fears over the coronavirus(新型冠状病毒), which caused a critical plague in China and even other countries at the beginning of 2020. People in countries such as England, Japan, Singapore and Australia have been emptying supermarket shelves of toilet paper, face masks, hand wash products and dried and canned food. Photos and videos of shoppers in Australia quarreling over the last pack of toilet roll in a supermarket have spread across social media swiftly.

However, governments have advised their citizens that there is no need to “panic buy”. They added that panic buying would only reduce the supply of products needed by patients and medical staff, which could exacerbate the problems the COVID-19 virus is causing. Singapore's prime minister comforted Singaporeans that: “We have enough supplies. There's no need to stock up.” A week after the panic buying fever, things have calmed down and shoppers have gone back to purchasing items in normal quantities.

Psychologists say panic buying is an “unwise” behaviour that is part of a condition called FOMO - the fear of missing out. Dr. Katharina Wittgens said a herd mentality(从众心理) sets in during disasters that causes people to copy the actions of others. People watch the news of items being bought in quantity and immediately rush out to the stores to do the same. She said people were taking on too much the risks of dying from the coronavirus. She said: “Far more people die in car accidents or household accidents per year but we don't panic about these things in the morning before we go to work.”

1.What made shoppers in different countries crazy buying?

A.The approach of 2020 New Year’s Day.

B.The shortage of resources and supplies in their nations.

C.Their concern about the virus.

D.The discount from supermarkets.

2.What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.solve B.release C.worsen D.quicken

3.What is the reason for this behavior according to expert?

A.People tend to follow others’ actions in the period of disaster.

B.People are wiser in making decisions.

C.People think no one needs the supplies.

D.People do not believe what others said.

4.What can be concluded from the last paragraph?

A.People should not panic over the virus.

B.More people die from car accidents.

C.People buy little when they go to the stores.

D.We should panic about the situation.


    A bicycle may be seen by most people as just another vehicle(交通工具), but for many Londoners, cycling is a way of life. According to a UK government survey in 2017, about 570, 000 bike journeys were made every day in London. In fact, almost half of the vehicles that pass over London Bridge each day are bikes.

London introduced a public bike-sharing system in 2010. “There can be no doubt that our trusty bicycles have changed the way people get around our great city,” Johnson told The Guardian in 2015.

In London, bikes are used for more than just taking short trips to and from the subway. No matter where you want to go in the city, riding a bike is usually the quickest and easiest choice.

And it’s not just shared bikes that the government is encouraging people to ride. In many companies across the UK, the UK government’s Cycle to Work scheme(计划)allows workers to buy a brand new bike without having to pay any tax(税). This means that it's common to see many people cycling to and from work, and some companies even provide showers and lockers in the workplaces for their workers. More importantly, a cycle-friendly boss may let you off for being late if you ride a bike to work.

Not only is it great for the environment and our body, cycling is also good for the mind. According to National Geographic Magazine, “Bike riding can improve people’s happiness.”

1.How does the author show the popularity of cycling in London

A.By using numbers.

B.By giving examples.

C.By making comparisons.

D.By using famous sayings.

2.What’s Johnson’s attitude towards the bike-sharing system in London

A.Disappointed. B.Concerned.

C.Supportive. D.Uninterested.

3.What can workers get from the government under the Cycle to Work scheme?

A.Free bike-sharing services.

B.Showers and lockers in workplaces.

C.Shorter working hours.

D.Tax-free bikes.

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage

A.Cycling, a healthy way of life

B.How cycling has become popular in London

C.Why Londoners are encouraged to ride bikes

D.London’s public bike-sharing system


    Whatever your age or interests, Buxton has something to see or do to make your visit truly memorable.

High energy

If you desire physical activities, you can choose activities from swimming to horse riding.

Explore the heights with Go Ape, the high wire forest adventure course, or journey under the earth at Poole's Cavern. And don't forget: we are surrounded by a natural playground just perfect for walking, caving, climbing and cycling.

High minded

Buxton is proud of its cultural life and you'll find much to suit all tastes with art, music, opera and the performing arts at Buxton Opera House & Pavilion Arts Centre and Green Man gallery. There are plenty of opportunities for the creative person to become involved, including workshops and events.

Keeping the kids happy

Children love the small train and playgrounds in the Pavilion Gardens and there’s plenty more to explore at the Buxton Museum. There's a new indoor play center, plus the special events and workshops, and others during school holiday periods

1.If you want to take an underground journey, which place is the best choice?

A.Poole's Cavern. B.Pavilion Gardens.

C.Buxton Museum. D.Green Man Gallery.

2.Buxton Open House&Pavilion Arts Centre is special because it offers         .

A.rides in small train in modem arts

C.artistic and cultural activities D.basic courses in horse riding

3.Where can you go if you want to keep the kids happy?

A.Poole's Cavern. B.Pavilion Gardens.

C.Buxton Opera House. D.Green Man Gallery.




参考词汇:共享自行车shared bike

Dear Bryant,




Li Hua



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号() ,并在其下面写出该加的词.




I’ve been living with my grandparents since I am a child. I especially like spring, where there are quite a few flowers in the yard. One day this spring, I found the tree with beautiful flowers. Looked closer, I was surprised to find a nest among the leaf. I became curious about them and got a ladder to see what was inside. Just now, Grandma came running to stop me. She said the nest shouldn’t touched .Otherwise, the birds would give it up and the young birds would die quickly. Although my exploration had to be stopped, but fortunately I didn’t cause any seriously trouble.


    A policeman moved along the street. Near the door of a dark shop a man was_______. “It’s all right, officer,” he said. “I’m Bryan and waiting for a friend. Twenty years ago we agreed to_________ here tonight.”

Bryan appeared wealthy with a large_________ jewel in his necktie(领结). “Jimmy Wells and I _________together here in New York, like two_________. The next morning I was to start for the West. I was going to find a _________ and make a great success. We agreed that night that we would see each other here again in twenty years.” “I hope your friend comes all right.” the policeman said to Bryan and then_________.

About twenty-minutes he_________, and then a tall man in a long coat came across the street .He went _________ to the waiting man. “Is that you, Bryan?” he asked, uncertainly. “Is that you, Jimmy Wells?” cried Bryan at the door. The new man took Bryan’s__________ in his. “It’s Bryan!”

The two men started walking along the street, arm in arm. Bryan stopped suddenly at a shop bright with lights and __________his arm away. “You’re not Jimmy Wells,” he said.

“You’ve been under arrest for ten minutes, Bryan. Are you__________ with me quietly? That is __________. But first here is something I was asked to__________ you. You may read it here at the window. It’s from a__________ named Wells.”

Bryan opened the little piece of paper. He began to__________ as he read.

“Bryan: I was at the place__________. I saw the face of the man wanted as a(n)__________ by Chicago policemen. I didn’t want to__________ you myself. So I went and got another policeman and__________ him to do the job. JIMMY.”

1.A.observing B.screaming C.standing D.escaping

2.A.argue C.debate

3.A.valuable B.horrible C.dull D.local

4.A.took off B.fed up C.watched out D.grew up

5.A.brothers B.hunters C.explorers D.actors

6.A.spirit B.job C.solution D.trick

7.A.reacted B.forgave C.defended D.left

8.A.waited B.behaved C.advanced D.considered

9.A.faithfully B.directly C.elegantly D.rudely

10.A.head B.shoulders C.hands D.fingers

11.A.threw B.put C.pulled D.hid

12.A.coming B.connecting C.joining D.dealing

13.A.convenient B.sensitive C.reliable D.wise

14.A.transport B.give C.award

15.A.journalist B.shopkeeper C.policeman D.businessman

16.A.shake B.laugh C.announce D.perform some ways the flesh C.on purpose D.on time

18.A.employee B.thief C.educator D.partner

19.A.conduct B.evaluate C.arrange D.arrest

20.A.advised B.warned C.sent D.motivated


Where Do Mosquitoes(蚊子)Go in Winter?

Why do mosquitoes ,everywhere in warmer months,disappear completely in winter?1.Mosquitoes are cold-blooded insects, meaning that they don’t like the cold and prefer temperatures that are 80 degrees .Fahrenheit or more. When the temperature drops, they actually lose their ability to fly and become motionless.

2.They would never be able to fly far enough. The actual answer to the question is different for male and female mosquitoes. Male mosquitoes? They die. But that’s not just because of the cold. Male mosquitoes have far shorter lifespans(寿命) than females, and they die in autumn.

Female mosquitoes, though, can live through the winter. They hibernate (冬眠). In autumn, the females will go into hollow logs or cracks in the ground and enter this still state.3.They put off their development, typically for months.

When it warms up again, the females will come out from hibernation. At this point, they’re getting ready to lay their eggs and they need as much blood as possible to help the eggs develop. The females must find a blood meal to provide the protein(蛋白质) needed by their eggs to develop, just in the time, when humans are outdoors in short sleeves enjoying the warming weather.4.

It actually doesn’t have to be what we humans would consider “cold” to put a mosquito in danger. While these pests live actively when it’s around 80 degrees F, most species can start heading into hibernation when it drops to around 50.5.This is when female mosquitoes start looking for a place for sleep.

A.The obvious answer is that it’s cold.

B.Now it’s time for male mosquitoes to wake up.

C.It’s only the female mosquitoes that are biting you.

D.Unlike birds,mosquitoes don’t fly south for the winter.

E.Anything below 50 degrees is already too cold for most mosquitoes.

F.They carry on with life only when there is enough water for their needs.

G.They can hibernate for up to six months in freezing or waterless conditions.


    Not long ago, Egypt marked the 150th anniversary of the opening of the Suez Canal. The canal connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. It helped speed world trade between the East and the West. But the man-made waterway has also helped speed the rise of other things, such as invasive(入侵的)non-native species (物种). Scientists say the invasive creatures have damaged the Mediterranean’s environment and caused native species to disappear.

The number of non-native creatures has risen since the Suez Canal was widened in 2015. The “New Suez Canal” has raised concerns in Europe and brought disagreement from many Mediterranean countries. Bella Galil is an Israeli biologist who has studied the Mediterranean for over 30 years. She says much of the ecological(生态的)damage cannot be repaired. She said urgent action is needed to ease the effects of the invasive fish and other sea life.

Galil works at Tel Aviv University’s Steinhardt Museum of Natural History. She noted that the widening and deepening of the Suez Canal has created a “moving aquarium” of species. These creatures could make coastal waters almost unusable for human beings. Galil believes the number of invasive species has reached 400. That is twice the number 30 years ago. She said this is a “historic example of the dangers of unintended consequences.”

Israel is now dealing with huge numbers of poisonous(有毒的) jellyfish that affect coastal power centers and keep people from visiting the seashore. Other poisonous species, such as the lionfish and silver-cheeked toadfish, are also appearing.

Galil said the problems of invasive species can be compared to those of climate change, pollution and over-fishing. She argues that the new species have caused a major “restructuring” of the environment. This has endangered native species.

Some experts have suggested that increasing salt levels in the canal itself could create a barrier(障碍物) that would keep invasive species out.

1.What lesson can we learn from the effects of the Suez Canal?

A.Seeing is believing. B.Every coin has two sides.

C.Let nature take its course. D.Everyone makes mistakes.

2.What’s the attitude of many Mediterranean countries towards the“New Suez Canal"?

A.Uncaring. B.Unclear. C.Supportive. D.Against.

3.What is the ecological environment like after the Suez Canal reconstruction?

A.It is from bad to worse. B.It remains the same.

C.It improves a great deal. D.It has become a completely new one.

4.Why did Galil mention climate change,pollution and over-fishing in paragraph 5?

A.To add some background information. B.To stress the harm of invasive species.

C.To solve the problem of invasive species. D.To compare their similarities and differences.


    Ford is showing its first all-electric sports utility vehicle, or SUV—the Mustang Mach E, marking a major change in the U. S. car industry. Auto industry reporters got their first look at the new electric vehicle Sunday. The new Mustang can travel from 370 to 480 kilometers before needing an electrical charge(充电). Experts say the Mustang Mach E marks the start of an increase in electric vehicles offered by top U. S. carmakers.

There are 18 electric vehicle models for sale in the U. S. The research group IHS Mark it expects that number to grow to 80 by 2022. New vehicles will include pickup trucks and SUVs that are popular with American buyers.

Last year, electric vehicles made up only 1.5 percent of new vehicle sales worldwide. Auto Industry research company LMC Automotive predicts(预言) that will rise to 2.2 percent this year. In the U. S., electric vehicles were only 1.2 percent of sales in 2019. It is expected to be the same in 2020.

Automakers,however, see room for growth. They note that electric vehicles are getting 250 miles or more on a single charge. That means a buyer no longer needs to worry about running out of power during a day’s usual drive. Because of the added models and increased power, LMC predicts that they will make up 17 percent of worldwide sales and 7 percent of U. S. sales in 2030.

The first-generation of electric vehicles were simply existing models that were changed to electricity to meet government fuel economy rules. They did not sell well largely because they could not travel more than 100 miles between charges. But now, many can go farther than the average one-day driving distance. The five-passenger Mach E looks like a traditional Mustang. Engineers say the least costly model will be able to travel about 370 kilometers on one charge. The most costly model will be able to travel 483 kilometers.

1.What can be known from the first two paragraphs?

A.Americans like pickup trucks and SUVs best.

B.There will be more vehicle models to meet customers’needs.

C.Ford is the first company to make all-electric sports utility vehicles.

D.The long travel distance between charges is the car’s greatest advantage.

2.What do we know about the growth of electric vehicles in America in 2030 according to LMC?

A.It’s the fastest in the world. B.It is much below the world average.

C.It’s the same as the world average. D.It hasn’t changed very much.

3.How did the author develop the last paragraph?

A.By giving examples. B.By introducing new ideas.

C.By making comparisons. D.By following time order.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Ford Starts New Electric Vehicles B.Electric Vehicles Are Better for Environment

C.Old Electric Vehicles Will Be Knocked Out D.Electric Vehicles Will Take Over the Market


    Recently I invited a homeless man to have lunch with me at the Soup Plantation so that he could eat as much as he wanted to fill his stomach. I met him over the phone when I was calling Father Benno’s, a soup kitchen. Something within stirred me to invite him to lunch. Since he did not have a car, I offered to pick him up.

We had a wonderful four-hour lunch. I learned a lot about his struggles but more importantly, I finished lunch, feeling greater gratitude(感激) for a roof over my head, a warm shower, a comfortable bed , and food on the table—all of which we may not think twice about. He, too, enjoyed the connection, his lunch, and a rest from spending his afternoon on the streets.

I learned long ago that one person alone cannot solve the problem of the homeless people in California or the United States of America. However ,each person can make an effort to help the homeless in their own way. Do you know that 40% of the U.S. population live paycheck (薪水) to paycheck? Should a sudden financial(财务的) case appear, any one of those 40% can end up homeless in the streets.

For this holiday season, perhaps you may want to try something new. Buy a meal for the person asking for money instead of giving them spare change. If you can make the time and find courage, invite them to share a meal with you. Jesse Jackson once said, “Never look down on anybody unless you are helping them up,” and Rumi told us, “When we practice loving kindness and pity, we are the first one to benefit from it.”

1.What does the underlined word “stirred” in the first paragraph probably mean?

A.Limited. B.Allowed. C.Begged. D.Encouraged.

2.What was the author thankful for?

A.The homeless man. B.The length of the lunch.

C.The condition of his life. D.The connection with the man.

3.What does the author think of those who live on paycheck?

A.They live a comfortable life. B.They just make ends meet.

C.They are really homeless people. D.They look down upon the homeless.

4.Which of the following doesn’t the author advise us to do?

A.Try something new. B.Buy a meal for a person.

C.Give money to the homeless. D.Invite a person to share a meal.


These Children’s Books Written by Celebrities(名人) Are Perfect for Your Little Kids

Kelly Clarkson Wrote a Book Inspired by Her Daughter

When Kelly Clarkson wrote River Rose and the Magical Lullaby, she named the main character after her young daughter. The story follows Rose, who finds herself in a magical dream world, guided by the voice of her mother. Writing the book offered the American Idol winner a new challenge. She said, “It’s so helpful with learning.”

Jim Carrey Is on a Roll with This Book

Jim Carrey’s 2013 book, How Roland Rolls, however, is very much for the little ones. The winner of the 2013 Gelett Burgess Children’s Book Award, How Roland Rolls is about a wave who worries about what will happen when he finally hits the beach. His fear disappears when he realizes he’s more than just a wave, but he’s the entire ocean! Coming up, this horror film star isn’t trying to scare(使害怕) any kids with her book.

Jamie Lee Curtis Has Been Writing Since the 1990s

You might know her best from the Halloween series movie. This Is Me is a story about immigration(外来移民). Curtis says she has no political intentions with her book, saying, “Every person has an immigrant story about their ancestors, and we’re losing that. I thought it was important to connect that thread back to who we are.”

Steve Martin’s Books Prove He’s a Comedian for All Ages

You may have ever read one of his books, like Shopgirl. If you’re a fan of his and you have kids, you’ll be happy to know that now your kids can read his books, too. Since getting into children’ literature, Martin has written and published several books, including Late for School and The Alphabet From A to Y with Bonus Letter Z. Each letter of the alphabet is paired with a poem by Marin.

1.Which book describes a character that is not a human being?

A.This Is Me. B.Late for School.

C.How Roland Rolls. D.River Rose and the Magical Lullaby.

2.What can This Is Me remind readers of when they read it?

A.Their roots. B.Their dreams. C.Their children. D.Their school life.

3.Who wrote a book about the English alphabet?

A.Jim Carrey. B.Steve Martin. C.Kelly Clarkson. D.Jamie Lee Curtis.



In September 1960, I woke up one morning with six hungry babies and just 75 cents in my pocket. Their father was gone. My boys were from three months to seven years, and their sister was two.

I cleaned up the kids until they looked brand new, and then put on my best homemade dress. I put them into the old car and drove off to find a job. The seven of us went to every factory, store and restaurant in our small town. No luck.

The last place we went to was now called the Big Wheel, and an old lady named Granny owned the place. Finally she told me she needed someone to work from 11 at night to seven in the morning. She paid 65 cents an hour, and I could start that night. I returned and left the children at home.

Then I left to start my new job at the Big Wheel. As the weeks went by, the tires(轮胎)on the old car began to leak(漏气). I had to fill them with air on the way to work and again every morning before I could go home.

One cold fall morning, I dragged myself to the car to go home and found four tires in the back seat. New tires! There was no note, just those beautiful brand new tires.

Christmas was coming, and I knew there would be no money for toys for the kids. So, I found a can of red paint and started repairing and painting some old toys. Then I hid them in the basement so there would be something for Santa to deliver on Christmas morning. Clothes were a worry too. I was sewing patches(补丁)on top of patches on the boys’ pants, and soon they would be too far gone to repair.



1. 你喜欢哪一天;2. 喜欢这一天的原因。

注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear John,



Li Hua


    I just ended a six-year relationship. I found myself alone, feeling ________, often with an empty room for company(陪伴)on weekends. For the first time, I wondered if I had a mental ________.

After weeks of feeling ________ and sitting on my sofa crying, I decided to take action to turn my ________ around. I realized I didn’t have disease. I just hadn’t been meeting my basic needs in a ________ and balanced way.

After taking action to ________ a new diploma(文凭), I reflected(思考)on how much better after I was meeting my basic needs, and how happy and ________ I felt as a result. I also recognized that I was meeting the ________ in a new way. People were amazed when I told them what I was ________.

Seven years later, I never ________ the basic need. At the moment I am ________ for my third marathon. People tell me how ________ I am when I am running. I feel very happy, so I look after my body better. I have achieved a goal, and I go on to do something ________ with my time to meet other needs.

My dear friends, as we head into the New Year, I’d like to ________ you to spend an evening together, ________ some music you enjoy, look at each of the different needs and check how well you are meeting each one of your needs.

1.A.excited B.joyful C.curious D.lonely

2.A.enjoyment B.disease C.determination

3.A.helpless B.cheerful C.fortunate D.content

4.A.body B.sofa D.title

5.A.strange B.broad C.healthy D.traditional

6.A.get B.make C.sell D.mend

7.A.alone B.alive C.asleep D.awake

8.A.condition B.friend C.stranger D.need

9.A.studying B.buying C.teaching D.missing

10.A.forget B.misunderstand C.ruin D.gain B.searching C.reporting D.watching

12.A.intelligent B.troublesome C.confident D.tiresome

13.A.generous B.unimportant C.violent D.positive

14.A.allow B.invite C.order D.employ

15.A.put off B.put away C.put down D.put on


    Can a bowl of chicken soup help fight a cold? Maybe. But will going outside with wet hair make you sick? No. 1. Here are some more.

Feed a cold, starve a fever. Being sick often makes you eat less. But force-feeding won't help. What will help is drinking more water and getting enough calories. A 2008 study found that mice having flu took longer to recover and were more likely to suffer ill effects if they were dieting. 2.

Vicks VapoRub(薄荷膏) in your socks treats coughs. A widely spread post on line once suggested putting Vicks VapoRub on feet at night and covering them with socks to treat coughs. 3.VapoRub is usually used on a child's chest or throat to reduce cough. So it would not work in your socks. Still, some fans stand by this treatment.

4. Colds and flu are caused by viruses. They do spread during cold-weather seasons, but you're more likely to pick them up inside than out. In fact, going outside and getting more physical activities-and not just during cold and flu season-may help prevent sickness.

A wet head can make you sick. You'll probably feel cold if you don't blow your hair dry on a cold day, but not much else will happen. 5. Unless you are so cold that you get a low temperature, which could make you sensitive to flu, wet hair or clothes won't increase your possibility of catching a cold.

A.It became an internet popularity.

B.You'll get sick if going out without a coat.

C.Again, colds are caused by a virus.

D.That's just an incorrect traditional belief in cold.

E.But you have to actually wear it for the health benefits.

F.Experts suggest adding medicines three times a day to your meal.

G.The researchers' suggestion is to stop dieting until after flu season.


    Earlier research had suggested we're best at learning grammar in early childhood. Then we hit a dead end around age 5. It's supposed to be much harder for older kids. The time when people can learn the rules and structure of a language well appears to last until around age 17 or 18. “But that's not so, ”says psychologist(心理学家)Joshua Hartshorne.

Hartshorne asked friends to take an online English grammar test. After completing the test, volunteers answered questions about where they had lived,  the languages they had spoken from birth and the age at which they first started learning English. Hartshorne also asked how long they had lived in an English-speaking country. As he had hoped, people shared the test widely online. This let Hartshorne's group study the answers from 669, 498 native and non-native speakers of English. The researchers used statistics to find out when people with different English-speaking experiences reached their top grammar ability.

If people moved to a new country and began speaking English by age 10 to 12, they finally spoke it as well as folks who had learned both English and another language from birth. But both groups scored a little worse than people who spoke English only, the researchers found. The test results showed that around age 17, people's ability to learn grammar took a sharp drop. And those who started learning English after age 10 or 12 never reached the same level of English skillfulness as people who started younger. WhyThe researchers think it's because they had fewer years to practice before their skills dropped off at surpriseLanguage learning did not end at 17. People's English skills kept improving a little until around age 30, the new study found. And this was true among both native speakers and those who learned English as a second language. Still, most language learning happened by age 20, the new study decided.

1.What age period is best for grammar learning according to earlier research

A.From 17 to 20. B.From 5 to 12.

C.Before age 5. D.From 20 to 30.

2.How did Hartshorne get his study statistics

A.By experimenting in the lab. B.By making an online survey.

C.By studying historical records. D.By collecting earlier study results.

3.Which of the following agrees with Hartshorne's study results

A.Language learning needs much practice.

B.Language learning ends at the age of 17.

C.The more languages you learn, the better.

D.It is best to learn language after 20 years old.

4.What is the best title for the text

A.How native speakers learn English

B.What's the best age to learn a language

C.What's the best way to learn a foreign language

D.Why non-native speakers can never master a second language


    Churchill, Manitoba is a small town. The northern winds roll through it from Canada's Hudson Bay. It might be just another point on the map if not for its seasonal settlers.

It happens like clockwork every fall that hundreds of polar bears make their way through the town to the freezing bay where they hunt for seals after the ice packs enough to support their weight. The animals have been connected with Churchill since at least 1619. That's when Norwegian explorer Jens Munk and his sailors recorded making a meal of one bear while they wintered in the area. “It was of good taste and did not disagree with us. ”That's what Munk wrote in his journal.

Over the years, the animals' coming has earned the town the name of“Polar Bear Capital of the World. ”Today, Churchill's bear population goes beyond its human population. There used to be about 7, 000 residents but now only 813 living there. There was no such thing as an organized tour group to see the bears until 1980. The town might have been in terrible financial hardships. But the growing bear tourism industry helped.

Today, some 10, 000 tourists come to the town to see polar bears for six weeks in autumn every year. But the reasons why they come are different from before. Everyone was happier and they had such a good time seeing polar bears. Now things have changed because the word is out that this Western Hudson Bay population of bears, Churchill Bears, are going to be the first population of polar bears to die out. So when the tourists come up, they all have a little bit of a lump in their throats(如鲠在喉)because they're looking at a beautiful bear, but they're also looking at a dying-out bear, which makes the whole attitude toward the bears different. Unfortunately, that's becoming the major part of the whole attraction of the tours as well. Come and see the bears before it's too late.

1.What can we learn about Churchill polar bears from the text

A.They have eaten up the seals in the Hudson Bay.

B.They come to Churchill at the same time every year.

C.They move to Churchill to escape the northern winds.

D.They are so dangerous that most natives left their home.

2.What did Munk report in his journal

A.They fed many polar bears. B.Polar bears were dangerous.

C.They hunted a bear for food. D.They found some seals in the bay.

3.How do polar bears benefit Churchill

A.They make many people settle down. B.They attract many hunters to come here.

C.They bring much tourist income. D.They supply food to locals.

4.What is the main reason why tourists go to Churchill now

A.To say good-bye to Churchill Bears. B.To help polar bears become happier.

C.To take photos with Churchill Bears. D.To stop polar bears going to the town.


    “What's your ‘Thing of the Day’”I asked my fourteen-year-old son as he got a piece of potato onto his plate. This is a question our four kids and whichever friends are staying for supper expect to be asked each evening at suppertime. Usually, it's followed with, “Uhh……Umm…We had pizza for lunch. ”And then I have to refuse the response and ask for something meaningful-either something he learned or something that happened with his friends.

But, this day, my son surprised me as he went into great detail about how he had been honestly wronged by a couple of classmates and laughed at in front of the class. I asked more questions and learned that the teachers were aware of the situation. The issue had been dealt with as much as the teachers and staff were able to. It was really just a matter of kids being mean and deciding to play a trick on someone.

I thought about the situation all night. I vacillated between meeting the teachers, meeting the parents of the classmates, and not doing anything since the story had been told to me in a matter-of-fact way-not overly excitedly.

I waited until the next day after school. On the car ride home, I questioned my son what about today after yesterday's situation. My son was surprised that I brought it up again. “WhatNo, it's over, Mom. They're my friends. They were just being stupid. They apologized. Forgive and forget, you knowWe're all good. ”

I was worried that perhaps he was trying to hide his concern or sadness about the thing. But as I watched him over the next days and weeks, everything seemed “normal”. Wouldn't it be great if everyone could live the “forgive and forget” way of life

1.How are children's usual answers to the author's daily question

A.Serious. B.Worrisome. C.Meaningless. D.Detailed.

2.Why was the author sleepless that night

A.Her son was made fun of unkindly. B.Her son invited his friends to dinner.

C.Her son was punished by his teacher. D.Her son lied to her about his mistake.

3.What does the underlined word “vacillate” in paragraph 3 probably mean

A.Give suggestions. B.Make sense. C.Persuade oneself. D.Be undecided.

4.What did the author learn from the whole story

A.It is good to forgive and forget. B.It is necessary to watch her son.

C.It is difficult to understand children. D.It is surprising for her son to apologize.


    World Earth Day is on April 22. It's a day when people around the world work to help the planet, including kids. Here are what four kids have done for the planet.

Speaking Out

Jaysa Hunter-Mellers, 14, spoke at the City Hall to ask leaders to shut the last coal power station nearby which brought her an asthma(哮喘)attack. She didn't think that people would listen to her, a kid. But the coal power station later said it would close. Jaysa learned to speak to her local government at a young age and now she wants to teach others to speak up too.

Helping Butterflies

When Aiden Wang was 6, he learned that local butterflies were in trouble because they needed a kind of grass, milkweed, to survive. But milkweed was disappearing. So Aiden started growing milkweed in his house, on which the butterflies lay eggs. Aiden is now 13 and he cares for eggs and lets them go when they turn into butterflies.

Doing Good for Gorillas

When Addy Barrett was in the first grade, she learnt that the mountain gorillas were in danger. She wanted to protect them and set up a program called Gorilla Heroes. So far, Gorilla Heroes has raised more than $11, 000 to help mountain gorillas. Addy says, “The feeling of having a fine effect on the world is like no other. It feels so good to know that I am making a difference. ”

Educating the Youth

In the fourth grade, Jeremy Clark and Charlie Abrams saw a picture of the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像)up to her waist in water. It was meant to show what the statue would look like if all the ice in the world is turned into water. In 2019, they started a team called Affected Generation to urge young people to become climate activists. The two also want schools to teach about climate change.

1.Why did Jaysa call on the government to close the coal power station

A.It made too much noise. B.It caused health problems to her.

C.She wanted to set an example for others. D.She wanted to warn government leaders.

2.How does Aiden Wang help butterflies

A.By collecting their eggs. B.By feeding them on milk.

C.By turning eggs into butterflies. D.By planting grass they lay eggs on.

3.Who set up a team to protect the environment

A.Aiden Wang. B.Addy Barrett.

C.Jaysa Hunter-Mellers. D.Jeremy Clark and Charlie Abrams.











Dr. Zhong Nanshan is one of the famous medical scientist in the 21st century. After graduating from high school, he entered into Beijing Medical College in 1960. In the first Chinese National Games, he sets up a National record of the men’s 400m Hurdles.

In spring of 2003, Zhong Nanshan took an active part in the battle against SARS. At that time, most people had no naturally defenses against the disease. Dangerous although it was, he worked hard day and night treated the patients. Through their hard work, Zhong Nanshan and our workmates achieved remarkable results. Soon the SARS epidemic was stopping.

Zhong Nanshan, that has been working in the medical field for over 60 years, is respected by all the people in China.


    My teenage son Karl refused to talk to others after his father died. As a single parent, I tried to do my best to talk to him. But the more I tried, the more he ________. When his report card arrived during his junior year, it said that he had been absent 95 times from classes and had six ________ grades for the year. At this rate he would ________ graduate. I sent him to the school adviser, and I even begged him. ________ worked.

One night I felt so ________ that I got down on my knees and pleaded for ________. “Please God, I can’t do anything more for my son. I’m at the end of my rope. I’m giving the whole thing up to you.”

I was at work when I got a phone call. A man introduced himself as the headmaster. “I want to talk to you about Karl’s absences.” ________ he could say another word, I choked up and all my ________ and sadness over Karl came ________ out into the ears of this stranger. “I love my son ________ I just don’t know what to do. I’ve tried everything to get Karl to ________ to school and nothing has worked. It’s out of my hands.” For a moment there was silence on the other end of the line. The headmaster ________ said, “Thank you for your time”, and ________ up.

Karl’s next report card showed a marked ________ in his grades. Finally, he ________ made the honor roll. In his fourth year, I attended a parent-teach meeting with Karl. I ________ that his teachers were astonished at the way he had turned himself around. On our way home, he said, “Mum, remember that ________ from the headmaster last year?” I nodded. “That was me. I thought I’d play a joke but when I ________ what you said, it really ________ me how much I was hurting you. That’s when I knew I had to make you ________.”

1.A.lighted up B.pulled away C.drove away D.cheered up

2.A.comforting B.encouraging C.satisfying D.falling

3.A.seldom B.always C.usually D.never

4.A.Everything B.Something C.Nothing D.Anything

5.A.worthless B.careless C.powerless D.fearless B.pleasure C.forgiveness D.change

7.A.When B.Before C.Until D.While

8.A.enjoyment B.argument C.disappointment D.embarrassment

9.A.pouring B.cutting C.taking D.digging

10.A.and B.but C.or

11.A.look forward B.go back C.settle down D.look up

12.A.excitedly B.delightedly C.casually D.seriously

13.A.gave B.cleared C.kept D.hung

14.A.improvement C.treatment D.assessment

15.A.still B.only C.even D.ever

16.A.noticed B.promised C.allowed D.declared

17.A.speech B.hope D.promise

18.A.heard B.ignored C.forgot D.observed

19.A.occurred B.knocked C.caught D.hit

20.A.perfect B.proud C.ready D.suitable


    These days, everyone seems to take photos with their phone. So let’s take a look at how to get the best photos with your phone.

1. Plan your photo.

First, identify your subject. Place the subject a little bit to one side, not in the centre. 1. Lines from walls, sidewalks or fences can point to the subject, creating an interesting picture. But make sure the background is not too busy. You don’t want the subject to get lost.

2. 2.

Have you noticed that you get more blurry(模糊) photos with your camera phone than with your usual camera? It’s not your imagination. The shutter speed is slower, and you can’t vary the exposure settings. So for best results, hold the phone as still as you can.

3. Provide enough light.

3. Artificial lights tend to be dim (光线暗淡的) and can sometimes turn objects strange color. Even if your phone has a flash, it is probably pretty weak. If you need a flash, move very close to make sure it hits the subject.

4. Optimize (使最优化) the camera settings.

4.If there’s an ISO setting, take it off Auto. When you’re outdoors in daylight, set the ISO to its lowest value to minimize the digital noise in your picture. Likewise, you might have some control over the JPEG image quality. Always go for the best quality option available.

5. Don’t zoom in (拉近)

When the subject is far away, most people try zooming in. This looks fine on a phone’s small screen. 5.Instead of zooming in, try standing closer until the subject almost fills the picture.

A.Keep your phone steady.

B.Choose your subject wisely.

C.You may want to get pictures with your camera phone.

D.If possible, try to take your photos outside using sunlight.

E.But when the picture is enlarged, it won’t look sharp or clear.

F.Surround the subject with contrasting colors to make it stand out.

G.Your camera phone probably has a few settings you can use to optimize your exposures.


    I read with interest a recent article on Galactocorp’s planned Shuttlejet flight later this year. I cannot imagine more stupid thing than this, so-called space tourism, and can’t help wondering what on earth humanity is coming to if this can be successful business.

Many may think that space travel is the highest human achievement, which may be the condition when scientific endeavor (努力) is the aim. However, when it comes to space tourism, think we may have found the top of human stupidity. Consider the high cost of getting into space, the billions of dollars wasted on building the Shuttlejet, and the many thousands spent by the passengers—and for what? So that forty fat cats can have a first-class meal along with six minutes of weightlessness, before returning to earth? Never before has so much money been spent for so little benefit (利益). I invite all space tourists to come around to my house. I can treat them to a big dinner and they can have jump on the trampoline (蹦床), and they’ll only need to pay me half the price of Galactocorp.

Further, the money can be used in a smarter way. Think of the many worthy causes that would benefit from the money that has been thrown away on this project already. There are many medical programs in those poor countries. A few hundred thousand dollars could make a big difference to the lives of thousands of people. The benefits would last far longer than six minutes.

Not only is the Shuttlejet a terrible waste of money, it’s also a terrible waste of resources (资源). Think about the materials required to build and the things required to drive the Shuttlejet. Do we really want to pollute the environment for such a pointless exercise and waste so much money for such a pointless exercise?

In a word, we all need to come back down to earth and forget this stupid dream of space tourism.

1.What’s the author’s purpose in writing this text?

A.To ask for advice. B.To stop project.

C.To share his idea. D.To express his interest.

2.What offer does the author make in Paragraph 2?

A.Helping the fat cats lose weight.

B.Asking people to have fun in his house.

C.Providing a trampoline for space tourists.

D.Preparing first-class-meal for the forty cats.

3.What is the author’s main idea against space tourism?

A.It costs space tourists a lot of money.

B.It is just a scientific aim.

C.It is bad for the environment.

D.It causes a lot of waste in money and resources.

4.What does the author mean by saying“come back down to earth”in the last paragraph?

A.The project is unrealistic. B.The project is unscientific.

C.The money should be spent on earth. D.Space is nothing compared with earth.


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