Little Etiquette(礼貌)Rules for Flying on an Airplane

Being a polite passenger on an airplane starts with just a few easy steps.

Don’t hold up the security line

1..Have your boarding pass and ID ready as you approach airport security. If you’re waiting in line, start thinking ahead you can speed up the process by removing your watch and belt, pulling out your laptopand separating your liquids before you reach the conveyor. This will get you and everyone behind you to the gates faster.


As airlines squeeze in more and more people per flight, passengers fight for the same compartment(隔层) your bag vertically (垂直地)rather than horizontally on the shelf. And only put one carry-on bag in the bin the other one can fit in the open space under the seat in front of you.

Help your fellow traveler

While you’re loading your carry-on bags into the overhead compartment, offer to lift a fellow passenger’s up theretoo.4. .

Be willing to swap seats with a family

Airlines sometimes block out certain seats or charge extra fees for adjacent (毗连的) onesmaking it tough for family members to buy seats together. If you’re traveling alone, offer to switch seats so that a family can sit beside each other.5.. But be sure to delay  swapping until the plane has reached cruising altitude, as switching seats while everyone is boarding can be an inconvenience for those standing in the walkways.

A. Board and pack politely

B. Fill your limited space

C. If you dostrike up a conversation

D. It’s a kind gesture that they won’t forget

E. Proper flying etiquette begins before you even board the plane F.To maximize room in the overhead compartment for other travelers

G. Not only is it kind, but it could make the boarding process more efficient for everyone else


    Gold is one of the rarest materials on Earth and has always been considered a valuable and precious resource. It's very likely that someone in your family owns something made of gold, especially since China is one of the world's biggest buyers of gold jewellery. It's even in our smartphones - they contain parts made from this expensive material.

But where does this beautiful metal actually come from? The answer: outer space.

This August, Chinese scientists became the first in the world to witness gravitational waves(引力波)caused by the collision of neutron (中子)stars, reported Xinhua News Agency.

The sight was witnessed at China's Kunlun Antarctic Station at the South Pole, and Insight, China’s first X-ray astronomical satellite, also contributed to the discovery.

Although collisions of black holes have been recorded before, this was the first time that two neutron stars were known to have collided. It's believed that such collisions lead to huge explosions of energy, and even to the creation of precious metals such as gold and silver.

“The collision of neutron stars is like a very large gold factory in the universe,” Jin Zhipinga researcher at the Purple Mountain Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told Xinhua.

According to an article published by, scientists have long believed gold and other materials are created in this way, but it wasn't until the recent collision that their theory was confirmed.

“The origin of the really heaviest chemical elements in the universe had confused the scientific community for quite a long time,” Hans-Thomas Janka, a senior scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Germany, said in a news release. “Now, we have the first observational proof for neutron star mergers(合并) as sources.”

Indeed, the recently observed collision is thought to have produced an amount of gold that would weigh 10 times more than Earth, according to New Scientist

Don’t expect to be showered in gold any time soon, however. The collision actually took place 130 million years ago, taking all that time for the event's light to reach Earth.

But at least if you want to see a piece of space up close, all you have to do is to look at the ring on your mom's finger - or the smartphone in your pocket.

1.What's the author's purpose of writing the first two paragraphs?

A. To emphasize the rareness of gold.

B. To list some uses of gold in daily life.

C. To explain the reasons for the popularity of gold.

D. To interest readers about the source of gold.

2.What would the collision of neutron stars lead to according to Xinhua?

A. The creation of black holes.

B. The death of the stars.

C. The disappearance of gravitational waves.

D. The creation of gold.

3.What’s the text mainly about?

A. China’s Kunlun Antarctic Station does research into gold.

B. Collisions between two neutron stars result in gold

C. Collisions contribute to the discovery.

D. Gold is considered a valuable and precious rescource.

4.What can we learn from the article?

A. The amount of gold produced by the collision was very small.

B. The collision was the largest reported in history.

C. China played a big role in the new discovery.

D. The collision took place 130 years ago.


    To a large degreethe measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live in the present moment. In spite of what happened yesterday or last year, and what may or may not happen tomorrow, the present moment is where you


Without question, many of us have mastered the neurotic (神经兮兮的)art of spending much of our lives worrying about a variety of things—all at once. We allow past problems and future concerns to dominate our present moments, so much that we end up anxious, frustrated, depressed, and hopeless. On the other hand, we also delay our happiness, often convincing ourselves that "someday" will be much better than today. Unfortunately, the same mental dynamics that tell us to look foward to the future will only repeat themselves so that "someday" never actually arrives. John Lennon once said"Life is what is happening while we are busy making other plans. " When we are busy making " other plans" our children are busy growing upthe people we love are moving away and dying, our bodies are getting out of shape, and our dreams are slipping away. In short, we miss out on life.

Many people live as if life were dress rehearsal for some late date. It isn't. In fact, no one has a guarantee that he or she will be here tomorrow. Now is the only time we haveand the only time that we have any control over. When our attention is in the present moment, we push fear from our minds. Fear is the concern over events that might happen in the future—we won’t have enough moneyour children will get into trouble, we will get old and die, whatever.

To combat fearthe best strategy is to learn to bring your attention back to the present. Mark Twain said, “I have been through some terrible things in my lifesome of which actually happened.” I don't think I can say it any better. Practice keeping your attention on here and now. Your efforts will pay off.

1.In the first paragraph, the author tells us to focus on_________.

A. the past B. the future

C. every day D. the present

2.Why do we often have some negative feelings?

A. Because we often forget what happened in the past.

B. Because we are often disturbed by what happened in the past and what will happen in the future.

C. Because we often pay attention to what is happening at present.

D. Because we often ignore what will happen in the future and what happened in the past.

3.The underlined word in the last paragraph means ________

A. depend B. deserve

C. determine D. defeat

4.The best title of this passage is___

A. Always live in the present moment

B. Never forget the past

C. Never complain about life

D. Always get prepared for the future


    I was attending a party onenight given in Sir Ross’s honor; and during the dinner, the man sitting next to me told ahumorous story based on the quotation(引语): “There’s a divinity that shapes ourends, rough-hew them how we will.”

The storyteller mentioned that the quotation was from the Bible. He was wrong. I knewthat, and I knew it positively. There couldn’t be the slightest doubt about it. And so, to get afeeling of importance and display my superiority, I appointed myself as an unwelcome committee of one to correct him. He stuck to his guns. “What? FromShakespeare? Impossible! Absurd! That quotation was from the Bible.” And he knew it.

The storyteller was sitting on my right; and Frank Gammond, an old friend of mine,was seated on my left. Mr. Gammond had devoted years to the study of Shakespeare. Sothe storyteller and I agreed to submit the question to Mr. Gammond. Mr. Gammondlistened, kicked me under the table, and then said: “Dale, you are wrong. Thegentleman is right. It is from the Bible.”

On our way home that night, I said to Mr. Gammond: “Frank, you knew that quotation was from Shakespeare.” “Yes, of course,” he replied, “Hamlet, Act Five, Scene Two. But we were guests at a happy time, my dear Dale. Why prove to a man he is wrong? Is that going to make him like you? Why not let him save his face? He didn’t ask for your advice. He didn’t want it. Why argue with him? Always avoid your sharp angle.” The man who said that taught me a lesson I’ll never forget. I not only had made the storyteller uncomfortable, but also had put my friend in an embarrassing situation. How much better it would have been had I not become argumentative.

Nine times out of ten, an argument ends with each of the contestants more firmly convinced than ever that he is absolutely right.You can’t win an argument. You can’t because if you lose it, you lose it; and if you win it, you lose it.

1.What did the author do to get a feeling of importance at the party?

A. Tell a humorous story. B. Show off his rich knowledge.

C. Teach the storyteller a lesson. D. Correct the storyteller’s mistake.

2.Why did Frank Gammond kick the author under the table?

A. Because he was humorous and played tricks on the author.

B. Because he was thoughtful and wanted to stop the author.

C. Because he didn’t know much about the Bible.

D. Because he thought the author was really wrong.

3.How did the author feel about the event that happened at the party?

A. Regretful. B. Thankful.

C. Satisfied. D. Confused.

4.What can be the suitable title for the passage?

A. You Can’t Win an Argument B. You Can’t Make Mistakes in Public

C. Do Have an Open Mind D. Mind Your Manners at a Party


Family Fun in Canadian Museum of Nature

Bring the whole family to rediscover our fully redecorated museum.


Check out What’s On for all the events, educational activities and HD movies happening during your visit.Care for birds, dive down into the depths at the helm (舵柄) of a research submersible(潜水器) or explore a cave… on the first floor. Don’t miss our gallery play areas on the third floor when visiting with kids. By visiting here, your children will learn more about nature. Check out Our Exhibitions which presents our special exhibitions and our galleries.Be sure to stop at our Nature Boutique on the second floor for a vast selection of games, books and nature-related souvenirs from 9:30 am until the museum closes for the day.


Opening hours:

Regular Hours (September 4 -May 31)

9 am-5pm except Monday and Thursday

Summer Hours (June 1-September 2)

9 am-6 pm(Saturday-Wednesday)

9 am-8 pm(Thursday and Friday)

General Admission: Free for members.

Adult: $14.50

Senior (65+): $12.50

Student (18+): $12.50

Student (13+): $12.50

Child (3–12): $10.50

Tiny Tot (0–2): Free

A general admission ticket is required—even when the price is free, as it is for members and Tiny Tots—if you want to see a movie or a special exhibition. Buy a combo that includes both tickets already. Ticket combo includes general admission and a 3D movie.

Adult: $18.50

Senior (65+): $16.50

Student (18+): $16.50

Student (13+): $16.50

Child (3–12): $14.50

Tiny Tot (0–2): Free

Member: $3


Paid parking is available on the Canadian Museum of Nature grounds. Rates:

$3 per half hour

maximum of $14 per day (until 4:30 am)

evening flat rate: $5 (4:30 pm -4:30 am)

Charges accumulate (evening and next day) for vehicles that are parked overnight.


The Canadian Museum of Nature provides a host of information, images and videos on our websites about nature, such as and The museum also participates in several social networks. Follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.

1.In Canadian Museum of Nature, visitors can _____________.

A. exhibit their own nature-related works

B. raise their general awareness of nature

C. be trained to drive submersibles professionally

D. buy souvenirs on the second floor as soon as it opens

2.As a member of the museum, you take your wife and two children (13 and 9) driving to pay a whole-day visit to the museum and children enjoy a 3D movie, how much should you pay at least?

A. $ 52.5 B. $ 74

C. $ 45.5 D. $ 59.5

3.What is the purpose of the last part of the text?

A. To talk about the museum’s reputation.

B. To encourage participation in developing the museum.

C. To provide some contact details of the museum.

D. To advertise upcoming events for the museum.


    I used to hate running. It seemed too hard, and pushing outside my comfort zone was not what I was ________ to do. My husband Charles had been a serious competitive ________ for many years. After our marriage, he wouldn’t ________talk- ing about how much he missed it. So he picked it up again, and after about a year, I started to ________ him at the track. Just a few weeks later, Charles________ us both up for a five-kilometer race. I ________ about doing it. It was too soon.

But on race day, there I was. The gun ________. Thousands of runners pushed forward. The first kilometer was tough. “I don’t think I’m gonna make it.” I was already breathing ________ and painfully aware of the group of runners pounding past me. “No, you’re doing great,” said Charles. He was trying to encourage me, to get me focused on something else _______ my discomfort. “I can’t,” I said, barely audibly (听得见地). He tried a ________ way to persuade me. “Just make it to that house and let’s see how you __________.”

After another minute I saw the three-kilometer mark. All I could think of was that I was dying and that my husband made me _______. Miserable doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt. “You’ll be fine. You’ve got less than a kilometer to go.” I rounded a corner, and saw both sides of the street ________ with people watching the race, all cheering the runners on. I willed my ________ to keep going. Then I looked up and saw the clock. The seconds ticking away gave me ______. I knew that if I ____

finished this race I would achieve something. ________, I straightened up and kicked it. I had my arms held higher when I passed through the finish line. A volunteer ________ a medal around my neck.

“You did great! I’m so proud of you!” Charles was ________ that I’d made it. “That was AMAZING! I want to do another race. This running stuff is amazing!” I proudly ________ my medal as we walked to the post-race festivities. My lungs and my comfort zone both expanded.

1.A. accepted B. permitted C. pushed D. raised

2.A. runner B. policeman C. doctor D. lawyer

3.A. regret B. mind C. stop D. forget

4.A. follow B. attend C. join D. urge

5.A. signed B. gathered C. involved D. registered

6.A. commented B. hesitated C. wondered D. enquired

7.A. went off B. went out C. broke off D. broke out

8.A. smoothly B. heavily C. quickly D. abruptly

9.A. or rather B. more than C. rather than D. better than

10.A. pleasant B. reasonable C. casual D. different

11.A. react B. describe C. feel D. realize

12.A. ashamed B. painful C. embarrassed D. nervous

13.A. rich B. loose C. ready D. thick

14.A. arms B. mind C. heart D. legs

15.A. strength B. patience C. expectation D. wisdom

16.A. formally B. immediately C. normally D. actually

17.A. However B. Therefore C. Yet D. Instead

18.A. rewarded B. handed C. put D. presented

19.A. thrilled B. amused C. shocked D. frozen

20.A. enjoyed B. hugged C. kept D. seized


阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

Water makes up a big majority of your body weight because every single celltissue and organ needs it  1. (function)It’s so important 2. you need to get a certain amount each dayP1ain water should be 3. (you)primary source of fluid even though juicesodacoffee and other drinks can count towards your water intakeHoweverthese other drinks increase your 4. (consume)of sugarcalories and caffeine in the case of sodacoffee and tea This can make you urinate(小便)more and wind up dehydrating(脱水)you as 5. result

Water recommendations are 6. (difference) for men and womenMen should aim for 37 litersor about 125 ounceswhich is a little more than 155 cups of water each dayIt  7. (recommend)that women have 27 liters dailywhich is roughly 91 ounces of water and a little less than 115 cupsIf you are pregnantthis minimum requirement 8. (go)up to 3 literswhich is approximately 101 ounces or a bit 9.  (much)than 125 cups It increases again if you’re breast-feedingIn this casebump up your daily fluid intake to 38 literswhich is equal 10.  about 132 ounces










参考词汇:1.府文庙the Confucius Temple   2.木偶戏puppet show

Dear Chris








Last weekend, my British friend, Jim, spotted paper-cutting stand when we were wandering on the street. Had never seen paper-cuts, he immediately bought one. Therefore, the seller shook her head at the moment she saw the 100-yuan note Jim handed over to her. She had no changes! How disappointed Jim was! He was about to quit while I took out my cellphone, scan the QR code on the stand and paid five yuan. Jim was very surprising. I explained to her that nowadays we could pay with a cellphone for almost everything. “Wow! ” Jim said, “The paper-cut looks great, and the payment method seems even great!”



Hunter Adams spent many years in a special hospital for people with mental health problemsand he was unhappy. When he left hospitalhe went to Medical School in VirginiaUSAwhere he did things in a1.(difference)way. For examplewhen he visited his patientshe wore shirts with2.(flower) on them in an effort to make them laugh. He spent a lot of time with children in the hospitalputting a special red nose on his face to look 3.a clown(小丑).

Adams believed that people in hospital need 4.(much)than medicinetrying 5.(help)them not only as patientsbut also as people. When he finished medical schoolhe opened his own hospital called "The Gesundheit Institute". He wanted be a place with a special way of 7.(communicate)with sick people.

In 1998Universal Pictures 8.(produce)a film about Hunter Adams. It was very successful. In the filmRobin Williams played Adams. Williams said"Hunter is a9.(true)warm personbelieving that patients need a doctor a friend.I enjoyed playing him."


    When you think of friends, you often think of those who accompany you for a long time. But there is another kind of _______ ---one that does not unfold over a _______period of time but springs entirely from a particular_______

In my eighth gradethere was Jenny. I_______to stay at her farmhouse with cats and dogs. Eighth grade was a terrible year. We both_______ itbut we didn't talk about it. On cold winter daysshe _______ me how she lied on her pony Redwing's back. Then we would _______on long journeyriding and walkingShe left in ninth grade and I _______her. We had gotten each other through a _______time.

Anyone with children knows the rapid friendships formed with parallel parents. To Julie, I will be forever ________. We met on a ________in New Jersey. Her twin boys were about the same ________as my daughter. She lived in the beach town. I lived alone with my ________ a block away. My husband had left for North Dakotaleaving me to ________out what to do ext. Now, ________, there was someone I could talk to. For the next weekswe met at the beachand I would go ________with her so that the ________could go on playing. The normal state of her little home________my broken heart.

Such friends as these often ________when your own life is off balancethey ________you till the world settles on its axis()once again.

1.A. classmate B. friendship C. marriage D. neighbour

2.A. brief B. special C. consistent D. long

3.A. custom B. festival C. ceremony D. moment

4.A. loved B. tended C. attempted D. demanded

5.A. overlooked B. knew C. forgot D. preserved

6.A. inspired B. required C. consulted D. showed

7.A. go out B. make up C. slow down D. fall behind

8.A. followed B. admired C. missed D. forgave

9.A. cheerful B. difficult C. grand D. decisive

10.A. reliable B. merciful C. generous D. grateful

11.A. beach B. farm C. playground D. square

12.A. size B. intelligence C. age D. weight

13.A. daughter B. husband C. sister D. parents

14.A. turn B. puzzle C. point D. carry

15.A. punctually B. ridiculously C. suddenly D. theoretically

16.A. home B. downtown C. shopping D. swimming

17.A. adolescents B. boys C. children D. girls

18.A. ached B. hardened C. comforted D. bled

19.A. withdraw B. arrive C. disappear D. gather

20.A. recommended B. promoted C. tolerated D. supported


    Imagine an area 34 times the size of Manhattan. Now imagine it covered ankle-deep in plastic waste---- a total of about 19 billion pounds of garbage.  1..

“We're being overwhelmed(淹没)by our waste”said Jenna Jambeck, an environmental engineer who led the 2015 study that determined this astonishing number. 2., unless something is done to stop the tide of garbage.

Plastic----a widely-used material----has in many ways been a benefit to humans but it has also caused a growing problem. Today, plastics are the No.1 type of garbage found in the sea. Ocean Conservancy, a nonprofit that organizes an annual coastal cleanup event worldwide, said plastic waste makes up around 85 percent of the garbage collected from beaches and oceans.

Ocean Conservancy says plastics are believed to threaten(威胁)at least 600 different wildlife species(物种). 3. ; a growing body of evidence suggests humans are consuming plastics through the seafood we eat. A research suggests some plastics could be poisonous to humans, and could potentially increase the risk of health problems.

4.. At the Economist World Ocean Summit this week, ten nations announced to reduce plastic sea liter as part of UN Environment's CleanSeas campaign. 5.Corporations also have a role, as do individuals. We can start by thinking twice before using single-use plastic products----and when we do use them, we should take care to properly throw them off or recycle.

A. The following is what we should do

B. And it's not just wildlife that's threatened

C. And this figure is likely to double by 2025

D. But it's not just countries that need to do their part

E. By 2050,that figure is expected to rise to 1000 pieces

F. That's how much plastic waste ends up in our oceans every year

G. All of us have an important role to play in dealing with the problems


    Skyscrapers are the symbol of Urban life.City people are used to seeing tall buildings and apartments. Farmson the other hand,are associated with rural(农村的)life.Howeverthere are experts who think skyscrapers should become farms to meet the increasing food needs.

By the middle of this century, some scientists suggestalmost 80% of the earth's population could live in cities. In additionthe population could increase to 9.1 billion people during that time yet the amount of  land available for farming will be the same.If current farming practices don't changewe will need an area of new land to produce enough food for the planet.

Vertical farms, where urban farmers could grow crops in environmentally friendly skyscrapers, could be the solution. In spite of concerns over high costs, experts want to make it a reality and use these skyscrapers to grow crops.

Vertical farms would have many advantages, supporters say. Unlike traditional farming, vertical farming could be free of chemicals and diseases. Besides, crops would not suffer from problems like flooding. Finallyvertical farms would reduce the cost and negative effects of transporting food over long distances.

Some argue that although crops growing in a tall glass building would get natural sunlight during the dayit wouldn't be enough. For this reasonvertical farms would need additional light sources(来源), such as artificial light.

Another way of growing fresh food is to build urban farms on rooftops. This more practical approach may be more achievable than the idea of farms in skyscrapers, researchers suggest. Experts agree that innovative(革新的)farming practices are needed to support the need for more food at affordable costs, both to the farmer and to the consumer,but the best ideas could be yet to come.

1.What primary problem could vertical farming settle

A. Poor state of rural life.

B. Shortage of food supply.

C. High cost for transporting crops.

D. Environmental pollution by transitional farmings

2.What is the advantage of vertical farming?

A. It can produce organic food.

B. It requires little care.

C. It can benefit transport industry.

D. It needs very low cost.

3.What is a big challenge to make vertical farming a reality?

A. Farmable land. B. Crop diseases

C. Light sources. D. Climate conditions.

4.What can be the best title of the test?

A. Future Food Needs

B. Symbol of Urban Life

C. Farming on Rooftops

D. Farms of the Future


    When my grandmother died at the age of 96, there were two things she left behind in abundance---nearly 100 photo albums documenting decades of travel and home life, and a dozen quilts, one of which my mother gave me.

Quilting is the process of sewing together fabric(作料)to make one large piece of fabric. In my familyquilting and sewing is a tradition that has been passed down through the generations. My mother says her great-grandmother would occasionally travel around New York State to sew clothing for other families.

In the United Statesquilting was a craft(手艺)that started as a necessity and eventually became much more. In 1862, the U.S. government offered millions of acres of land to Americans who wanted to move west. This allowed families to settle on land that that could eventually own. They often built their own homes and lived off the vegetables in their gardens and the livestock they had. Sewing was very important for women because they were responsible for clothing their families and keeping them warm.

Quilting also became a chance for women to socialize with each other.They would gather for so-called “quilting bees”where they would meet up and work on one quilting project together. This provided a much-needed relief from the lonely life of living on a large piece of land.

Throughout history, the different patterns on American quilts have conveyed all kinds of information. From thenwe can tell where a person livedwhat region of the world they originated from, or sometimes a story is told in pictures on a quilt.

Even todaywomen still gather to quit together in a show of friendship and a love for the craftjust like the old days.My sister has tried quilting a few timesand hopefullyher two daughters may one day continue this family tradition.

1.What do we know about quilting

A. It is a lost traditional craft.

B. It is a major means of making a living in the USA.

C. It is a craft that has become a cultural symbol.

D. It was a way to carry on the American history.

2.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 3

A. Introduce a new topic for discussion.

B. Summarize the previous paragraphs

C. Add some background information.

D. Praise the U.S.government's policy.

3.What does the underlined word“this”in paragraph 4 refer to

A. Working on the land.

B. Participating in“quilting bees”.

C. Designing a quilting project.

D. Clothing the family.

4.What is the author's purpose in writing the text

A. To instruct how to sew together fabric.

B. To show the author's skills of quilting.

C. To tell about the struggle of women.

D. To appeal for preservation of quilting.


    Ashley Power's mother bought a computer for her when she was eight. When she was thirteen, she was surfing the Internet on a regular basis, but she couldn't find anywhere for teenagers to meet and talk. And one day she thought, "If I had my own website, I'd make it a really interesting site for teenagers."

Consequently, when Ashley was sixteen, she started her own website called GooseHead. She had no idea how big a success it would be, but three years later, the site was the most successful teen site in the USA! It was getting 100,000 hits every day, and Ashley had about 30 employees.

After a few years, the website closed down. Then Ashley, who lived in Los Angeles, was asked to write a book called The GooseHead Guide to Life. The book is about how to design a website and start a business. It begins with a section called"All About Ashley", where Ashley tell readers what it's like to be the boss of a company when you' re only sixteen-not always easy!

In her book, Ashley talks about the problems that teenagers have today plus the importance of friendship. She also focuses on being independent. "Learn to love your friends but not rely on them. I did that by creating GooseHead on my own."

Ashley says that The GooseHead Guide to Life is not a book of teenage advice."It isn't a book that's going to tell you what to do. I hope you can work that out yourself," she says."I just want to provide a little inspiration to teenagers. Maybe after reading my story, you' ll start your own website! But perhaps you' ve got a better idea? Well, if I were you, I'd just do it, whatever it is. Maybe it won't work---but maybe it will."

1.Why did Ashley start GooseHead?

A. To promote the sale of her book.

B. To update her mother's computer.

C. To teach teenagers how to use the Internet.

D. To create a platform for teenagers to communicate.

2.Where can you find the information that best shows the success of Ashley's website?

A. In Paragraph 1. B. In Paragraph 2. C. In Paragraph 3. D. In Paragraph 4.

3.What do we know about The GooseHead Guide to Life.

A. It serves to fuel teenagers' motivation.

B. It is meant to give teenagers tips.

C. It advises teenagers to depend on friends.

D. It is about ways to be boss of a company.

4.What does Ashley inspire teenagers to do

A. Follow their dream.

B. Start their own website.

C. Buy a copy of her book.

D. Be a model for others.


Things to Do on a Sunny Day in San Francisco

San Francisco doesn't take its sunny days for granted.Once the sun comes out and the temperatures riseeveryone races to seize a spot to take in an unbelievable city view or heads to one of their favorite attractions.

Find Thrills at a Theme Park

Experience thrill rides and attractions at Six Flags Discovery KingdomNorth America's only theme park of wildlife, sea life and thrilling rides. It's a wonderful entertainment experience for the whole family, with one-of-a-kind adventures across three worlds.

Cruise(乘船游览)on the Bay

Sail under one of the “Modern Wonders of the World". Watch sea lions and seals at play.

And learn all the secrets of the fantastic city by the Bay. For people who like the thrill of speed and wind in their hair, the seasonal Rocket Boat(May-October)is the option for you.

Tour AT&T Park

It's home to the famous baseball team San Francisco Giants from April to October every year, but you can take a tour inside AT&T Park any time for a"player's eye view." You'll have access to the baseball field, the visitors' clubhouse, the press box and so on.

Ride a Bike over the Golden Gate Bridge

Explore the beautiful, bike-friendly streets and waterfront paths of San Francisco all the way to the Golden Gate Bridge with an all-day bike rental from Blazing Saddles. Their easy-ride bikes, combined with their new, free mobile app full of helpful tips and sightseeing suggestions make the self-guided tours easy and fun for everyone.

1.What can tourists do at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom?

A. Experience thrilling rides. B. Learn all the secrets of San Francisco.

C. Take a player's eye view over a park. D. Admire the scenery of the Golden Gate Bridge.

2.Which event attracts tourists loving speed and wind most?

A. Find Thrills at a Theme park B. Cruise on the Bay

C. Tour At& T Park D. Ride a Bike over the Golden Gate Bridge

3.Which of the following offers tourists a free mobile app?

A. Watching wildlife. B. Sailing on the bay.

C. Visiting a baseball field. D. Renting a bike from Blazing Saddles.



1.What motivated Joy to found a club?

A. A story B. A documentary C. A weather broadcast

2.What do the club members usually do?

A. Broadcast news B. Reduce PM 2.5 levels C. Share low carbon advice

3.How did the speaker promote the club?

A. By posting environmental information

B. By taking public transportation

C. By shouldering responsibility

4.Why does the speaker make the speech?

A. To be admitted by a new school

B. To attract more members

C. To found a new club



1.Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a language lab. B. In a studio C. In a bookstore

2.What does the man owe his success to?

A. Hard work B. Classes in poetry C. His mother’s guidance

3.What does the man find most difficult in writing?

A. Choosing right words B. Describing experiences C. Getting a perfect chance

4.What does the man think of his own writing?

A. Creative B. Encouraging C. Successful



1.What does the man do

A. A journalist B. A tourist C. A teacher

2.When did the woman come to the UK? 2o four

A. In2014 B. In 2015 C. In 2019

3.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Losing weight B. International students C. Culture shook



1.Why does the man make the phone call?

A. To fix an appointment B. To make records C. To manage the clinic

2.When will the man go to the clinic?

A. On Tuesday B. On Wednesday C. On Thursday



1.What was the program about?

A. Sports. B. Horses C. Entertainment

2.What will the woman do this weekend?

A. Work on a farm B. Go horse riding. C. Attend a wedding


How does the man feel about his food.

A. Hot B. Salty C. Tasteless


What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Colleagues B. Waiter and customer C. Boss and employee


How much does the woman have to pay?

A. $2 B. $3 C. $4


When does the rainy season start?

A. In January. B. In February C. In November


Where are the speakers?

A. In a restaurant B. In a hospital C. In a shop














注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限- -;


During my last summer holiday, I go to the countryside to enjoy myself. I saw mother bird stay in her nest in a big tree, watching some of her baby flying away. I thought she must be very proud of her children, that were able to find her own food now. But she might also feel a sense of loss since they wouldn't need of her day-to-day care any long. For my parents,things are much easier. We have set up our family blog to posting our photos and journals.Once I leave for college, we can convenient share our experiences but support each other.Their“nest" will never be empty.



A recent study found that people who live in colder climates consume 1.( much)alcohol than people who live in warm weather.

“Alcohol is something that everyone thought harmful for2.( decade), but no one has scientifically demonstrated it,”a professor wrote in a press release.

Why do people in Russia drink so much? Everybody3.(assume) that' s because the weather is cold. But we couldn't find a single paper4.( link) climate to alcohol intake.Since alcohol could increase warm blood flow in the skin, last month, the researchers in a study5.(suggest) that people should reach for booze(豪饮) when it's cold outside. The researchers combed through data to compare climate factors and alcohol consumption per capita(每人的) also found that as temperatures and sunlight hours decrease,alcohol consumption goes up. Shorter hours of sunlight and cooler temperatures also relate 7. higher rates of depression,8. is linked to an increase in drinking.

The professor hopes this data will help influence health policies on alcohol abuse.“Knowing that colder places have more drink related problems could be9.(help)to the efforts in these areas 10. ( determine) better policies," he said.


    I still keep the photo taken by my mom and treasure it as my life. That was many years ago when I was taking summer_____ in college and was moving into an apartment. I was carrying two __ with everything that I was going to need to __ the 6 weeks of classes. It is the last time I can remember ever traveling that __

Since then my possessions have____ . Though most of them like my furniture are __ there are occasions when I feel __ down by all of them. I am sure that I will need two trucks rather than two suitcases if I ever_____ again.

One thoughthowever, brings me____ . It is the knowledge that when I make my __ journey from this world- I am dead, I won't____1 any of those things with me. The only things I will take with me will be what I have packed in the suitcase of my __ .I will be carrying with me every __ thing I ever did, every loving thought I ever shared, and every bit of______I ever brought into this world to make others laugh. I will be carrying all the goodness I gave to others, all the_____ I was able to share, and all the joy I created. These things won't be weighing me down. Instead, I will be surely_____

As you are_____ for your own final trip completely prepared, make sure that you should not make your___heavy. Make sure that the belongings in your home_____ take second place to the love in your heart. When you____ it in Heaven, God and all His angels will smile.

1.A. journeys B. holidays C. lecture D. classes

2.A. trucks B. suitcases C. books D. computers

3.A. bring out B. take away C. get through D. pay for

4.A. hard B. light C. unforgettably D. happily

5.A. gone B. appear C. lessened D. grown

6.A. expensive B. useful C. beautiful D. enjoyable

7.A. weighed B. put C. turned D. calmed

8.A. treasure B. possess C. move D. demand

9.A. confusion B. matter C. hate D. comfort

10.A. final B. pleasant C. tiring D. latest

11.A. compare B. take C. fill D. stand

12.A. soul B. body C. home D. college

13.A. strange B. little C. kine D. smart

14.A. knowledge B. hope C. thought D. laughter

15.A. love B. information C. time D. money

16.A. burst out B. worn out C. given up D. lifted up

17.A. read B. eager C. fit D. responsible

18.A. world B. weight C. travel D. heart

19.A. hard B. always C. rather D. never

20.A. cover B. wrap C. unpack D. unite


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