When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, yes, and drink all of them. Then you're ready for an adventure.

Researchers from the University of Sussex in England say they have found for the first time experimental evidence that sour tastes lead to more risk-taking behaviour in a paper published on 7 June, 2019.

In the study, 168 volunteers from the UK and Vietnam were given a 20ml solution representing one of the five main taste groups: bitter, salty, sour, sweet and umami. The tasters then took part in a computerized test that measures risk-taking: they got paid to blow up a digital balloon. The more air in the balloon, the more money they could get; they could cash out whenever they wanted. But if the balloon popped or exploded? Bye  bye , potential winnings.

When the researchers studied the performance of the volunteers, they found the people who'd tasted sour were much more likely to keep pumping up the balloon compared with people who'd gotten a taste of the other solutions. On average, sour tasters were 39% more likely to push the balloon to its limits than sweet tasters, 20.50% more than bitter, 16.03% more than salty and 40.29% more than umami.

This finding makes a degree of sense—without taking risks, we don't learn anything new. And it is obvious that people with disorders such as anxiety and depression are unwilling to take risks. So, the researchers argue, if you have these disorders, maybe adding more sour foods into your diet could help keep that aversion in check. Then you'd be more likely to take chances, like talking to a stranger, and that will lead to self-improvement.

1.Where does this passage most probably come from?

A.A travel guide. B.A novel.

C.A magazine. D.A poster.

2.What can we learn about the volunteers?

A.They came from the University of Sussex in England.

B.They got one taste drink after they filled up a balloon.

C.Those who blew up a digital balloon got more money.

D.Sour tasters were likely to push the balloon to its limits.

3.This finding may be more helpful to the people who              .

A.are in a negative mood

B.like to drink lemonade

C.joined in the experiment

D.like talking to strangers

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Good Tastes Encourage Adventures.

B.Sour Tastes Make You Risk-taking.

C.Lemonade Does Good to Health.

D.Sour Foods Keep You Happy.


    In 2009, I rescued a skittish donkey. Bo came from a nearby cattle ranch and now lives peacefully on my ranch in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana. But the key to Bo's successful recovery from nervous rescue to happy ranch animal wasn't anything I did. It was my grandson, Dylan.

Dylan came with his parents to spend some days with me on their way to Canada for a vacation. Bo kept his distance from the grown-ups, but he showed an unusual fascination with Dylan. So we decided to introduce them.

“Move slowly, be quiet, and stoop down sometimes,” I told my grandson. Dylan carefully approached Bo, step by step, holding a soft rubber currycomb. Bo held his ground, but he seemed interested by this little visitor. Dylan rubbed Bo's shoulders and neck with the comb, softly and gently.

It's hard for an almost four-year-old to stay still for long. Dylan made one quick move, and Bo was terrified running off. But Bo and Dylan were not ready to give up. Dylan approached again. It was amazing to witness a preschooler learn to control himself in such a short time.

As we watched, true love developed between this once distrustful donkey and a gentle boy. Over the next few days, Dylan felt free to sit at Bo's feet while Bo carefully nibbled his shirt collar and hair and rubbed Dylan's back with his bristly chin. Just as Dylan had earned Bo's trust, Bo came up to and hugged him --- yes, a donkey can hug — without knocking him off balance.

They met again one week later as the family passed through on their return trip. It was almost dark, but Dylan and his dad travelled far to reach the ranch. Bo came to meet them cheerfully. He is now a changed and trusting donkey.

1.What can we learn about Bo according to paragraph 1?

A.He lived peacefully on a cattle ranch. B.He was rescued from the ranch by Dylan.

C.He was from Bitterroot Valley of Montana. D.He no longer suffers from nervousness.

2.What does the underlined word “fascination” in the second paragraph probably mean?

A.Amusement. B.Interest. C.Patience. D.Respect.

3.What happened after Bo was introduced to Dylan?

A.They became friends immediately. B.They were afraid of each other.

C.Dylan's sudden move frightened Bo. D.Bo refused the combing from Dylan.

4.What can we infer from the story?

A.Dylan and Bo meet once a week. B.Dylan will stay on the ranch for Bo.

C.Dylan was knocked down by Bo. D.Dylan's gentleness has changed Bo.


    Some libraries use specially-designed buildings to encourage visitors to explore the shelves and settle down with a new book, or use movable libraries to bring books to hard-to-reach populations. No matter how they achieve it, these novel libraries are keeping the magic of reading alive.

The Camel Library Service

To improve education in the desert of Kenya, the government created a travelling library made up of nine camels bringing books to villages. The library travels four days a week serving the region's nomadic (游牧的)people. Currently the service focuses on children, but with more funding they plan to increase their reach both in distance and the titles they carry.

Beach Library

Reading a book on the beach is a classic, and in Bulgaria, one library encourages tourists to do just that. The white, weather-resistant shelves lined up not far from the waves feature 6,000 books in 15 languages, so every visitor can find the perfect beach read to enjoy while sunbathing.

Macquarie University Library

Being environmentally friendly and technologically advanced, this building in Australia was made from recycled materials, features a green roof and was modelled after the look of a tree. It is also state-of -the-art, using robots to bring requested books to the front desk.

Seikei University Library

Libraries are usually known for their quiet atmosphere, but this one encourages conversation. Hayao designed the library in Japan with rooms preventing all sound from getting in and out. In this way, it shows respect for those who need undisturbed study, while also supporting other methods of learning; the rooms are perfect for study groups and lively discussions.

1.What is special about the Camel Library Service?

A.The library serves camels. B.The library is not a fixed one.

C.It improves tourism in deserts. D.It combines education with travelling.

2.The tree-like library may probably attract those who                   .

A.prefer sunshine B.want to be models

C.are friendly D.care about nature

3.Which library welcomes group discussion?

A.Beach Library. B.The Camel Library Service.

C.Seikei University Library. D.Macquarie University Library.


— How is your recent trip to the Great Wall?

—I've never had ______ one before.

A.the most pleasant B.a pleasant

C.a most pleasant D.a more pleasant


The storm lasted nearly a week, ______ in the garden.

A.left something eatable B.leaving nothing eatable

C.leaving eatable something D.left eatable nothing


He explained ______ for his father's birthday party.

A.why was he late B.why is he late

C.why he is late D.why he was late


Dozens were killed while fighting a fire that ______ this summer.

A.broke in B.broke out C.broke up D.broke down


Many nurses, ______ were retired, headed for affected areas to help.

A.most of which B.most of whom

C.most of them D.most of who


People were               to  find that some species were going extinct, which was a ______ trend.

A.astonishing; disturbing B.astonished; disturbed

C.astonishing; disturbed D.astonished; disturbing


Not only the students but also the teacher ______ against the plan in yesterday's meeting.

A.is B.was C.are D.were


In my view, ______ impresses me about her writing is the passion she shows.

A.who B.which C.what D.whether


Luna is a girl of great ______ for she takes a great interest in whatever she sees.

A.curiosity B.belief C.concern D.strength


The heavy rain may ______ the landslide last night.

A.accounts for B.accounted for

C.have accounted for D.accounting for



1. 每个人都需要朋友,如何交友极为重要。

2. 不管在何处,要让陌生人都能感到你的亲切。要关心别人,不要以貌取人。

3. 与别人有分歧时,不要争吵,要商量。

4. ……

Everyone needs friends. A good personal relationship is especially important with the development of modem society, so how to make true friends is very important to everybody.




From our recent survey of students, we have found that 53 percent of the students often play sports. 1.The most popular sport is basketball, which is played by 45 percent of the students. This is followed by football, which 40 percent of the students often play. 2.一小部分学生做其他运动,比如乒乓球。

We want to give the students more chances to get into shape by playing sports. For this reason, we suggest that we organize a school basketball tournament 3.since basketball is the most popular sport in school. Each class would have its own basketball team and should practise several afternoons a week. Then on sports day, 4.班级间可以互相比赛。 We could offer awards to the winning team and the most enthusiastic players. 5.This would be a good way to build the school spirit with an activity that many students enjoy.


    A group of doves (鸽子) flew long distances but did not get anything to eat. All of them were now completely ________.

A young dove asked the King Dove, “Please allow us to take a ________.” The king replied, “Have courage, my dear. We shall surely get something to eat very soon.”

The young dove started waving his ________ with force and soon left everyone behind. After some time, he turned back and spoke to the others, “I see lots of ________ down there.”

Hearing this, all the doves started rushing towards the grains under a tree. ________ the King Dove said, “There is something wrong. It may be a trap.” But the doves were very ________, and the grains were too inviting. Without giving a thought to the king’s ________, they flew down and started eating the grains. After having a big ________, they tried to fly away only to find that they were caught in a net. Then the King Dove said, “All of you must try to fly with the ________ at the same time and in the same direction, all of you.”

Just then they saw a ________ approaching towards them. The King Dove said, “Now all of you, fly together”.

So all the doves flew away together with the net. The hunter couldn’t believe what he had just seen.

1.A.excited B.pleased C.tired D.surprised

2.A.rest B.walk C.chance D.step

3.A.wings B.claws C.feet D.hands

4.A.corn B.rice C.peas D.grains

5.A.Sadly B.Gladly C.Suddenly D.Gradually

6.A.angry B.hungry C.thirsty D.sleepy

7.A.kidding B.warning C.lying D.cheating

8.A.party B.dream C.break D.meal

9.A.net B.grains C.hunter D.leader

10.A.dog B.farmer C.hunter D.cat



Using Social Media Positively

Social media is so common in our society that almost everyone is connected to some form of it, whether it is Twitter, Facebook or even Pinterest. We are in a fast-paced, technologically evolving society and we are addicted to social media. In fact, we long for social media.

So how does one ensure a positive online reputation (名声)? It’s simple.


Be entirely sure about what you’re posting. Party photos with alcohol are an absolute no-no. Would you want to have your boss see these photos? Make sure to post contents that you feel positively reflect you, your creativity and your skills.


You have a private Twitter account so you can post anything you want? This is decidedly not the case. Privacy setting make it harder to see your full account, but it’s not impossible. Under no circumstances should you rely on privacy setting as a way to protect inappropriate contents.


Keep it classy (优等的)! Discover your brand, or what you want people to think of you. Proper spelling and grammar is always a plus, but it may not be your brand. Think about what you want people to think of you and go with it.

Follow these simple rules and you’re on your way to building, or restoring an online reputation. Using social media positively doesn’t mean you can’t have fun and use it to express yourself; however, you want to ensure that you’re OK with anyone seeing everything you post. Once you click post, there’s no looking back.

Like it or not, your social networks reflect you—make sure you look like the shining star that you truly are.

A.Keep it clean

B.Social media is common now

C.Don’t trust privacy settings

D.Ensure you’re professional


    What are you going to do if you are in a burning house? How will you escape? Do you know how to save yourself? Please read the following passage.

Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can save your life. It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family, such as stairways and fire escapes, but not lifts.

From the lower floors of the buildings, escaping through windows is possible. Learn the best way of leaving by windows with the least chance of serious injury.

The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. An average (平均高度的) person, hanging by the finger-tips will have a drop of about six feet to the ground. It is about the height of an average man. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.

Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed. Or smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may leak () into the room. On a second or third floor, the best windows for escape are those that open onto a roof. From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely. Dropping onto cement (水泥) might end in injury. Bushes (灌木丛) and grass can help to break a fall.

1.It is important to __________.

A.put out the fire in the burning house B.know the ways to escape a fire

C.jump off a burning house D.keep the door closed

2.Under what condidition may people escape through the window?

A.If there are some bushes on the ground. B.If you are strong enough.

C.If you live on a lower floor. D.If you have a long rope.

3.Keep your head low at the windows so that __________ if the building is on fire.

A.you can get fresh air B.you can call for help

C.you can easily jump off D.you can be seen first

4.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Escaping from the Windows B.Save Yourself in a Burning House

C.Knowledge on Fire D.Waiting for Help


    People often say, ''Children can't do math problems because parents can't do their children's homework. '' Here's an example to show what I mean.

The other day my daughter brought home her math homework. ''I have to subtract () 179 from 202, '' she said.

''It's quite easy, '' I said. ''You put the 202 over the 179. ''

''But we need a 10 here. Where is the 10? ''

''I don't know where the 10 is. Lets just subtract 179 from 202. Nine from two is three. You carry one and add it to seven. Eight from zero is two. The answer is 23. ''

''We can't do it that way. We have to use the 10. ''

''Well, I'm going to call your teacher to see how she subtracts 179 from 202. ''

Over the telephone, I said that I was having a bit of trouble with the homework she had given to my daughter. The teacher said, ''In the right-hand column () we have units of one. The two in that column counts for two ones. The zero in the center counts for zero tens. The two in the left-hand column counts for hundreds. Are you clear? '' But I didn't think I was clear.

I hung up and found my way to the medicine box. My head was now hurting. I started putting pills of medicine into my mouth. ''How many did you take? '' My wife asked. ''I took one and then I took another—I know one and one was two, but don't ask me what it is now. ''

1.The daughter wanted __________ the other day.

A.to give her father a lesson B.to show how difficult math was

C.her father to phone her teacher D.her father to help her with her homework

2.What does underlined word ''units'' in Paragraph 8 mean?

A.Whole numbers less than 10. B.Whole things.

C.Groups of lessons. D.The smallest numbers.

3.What the teacher said made the father __________.

A.angry B.ashamed C.sad D.tired

4.Can you guess what would happen next in the story?

A.The father would go to school and begin to learn math.

B.The father would become very ill and have to take more medicine.

C.The father would never do his daughter's math problems again.

D.The father would go to school and fight with the teacher.


    Tour operators have seasonal deals on holidays to Australia and other countries in a new year.


Holidaymakers can save up to 30% on a trip to Australia with the Austravel sale, which runs for about a month. It also includes a fourteen-day-long trip to Perth and a west coast self-drive trip from £795 per person including flights in May or July.

● austravel. com

Thomson and First Choice

Some deals are being launched this week by Thomson and First Choice, with early booking offers including free places for kids, lower deposits (押金) and up to £300 off per couple on a lot of destinations.

● thomson. co. uk, firstchoice. co. uk


The camping company is offering thousands of Easter and May half-term holidays for under £350, such as an Easter break at La Baume on the French Riviera for just £25 a night, based on a stay in a two-bedroom holiday home. Early bookers can save up to 25% and secure a holiday with a deposit of just £99.

● eurocamp. co. uk


Running from Christmas Eve, the Kuoni sale includes a wide range of offers. These offers include ten nights full board in the Maldives from £1,599 and seven nights in Phuket, Thailand from £999 per person—both including flights and transfers (换乘).

● kuoni. co. Uk

1.How long may you stay in Perth with Austravel?

A.One month. B.Two weeks. C.One week. D.Four night.

2.What does the author say about Thomson and First Choice?

A.It requires no deposit.

B.It offers cheap return flights.

C.It is suitable for family travel.

D.It can save up to £300 per person.

3.If you want to travel in Chrismas holiday, which of the following is the best choice?

A.Austravel. B.Thomson and First Choice.

C.Eurocamp. D.Kuoni.

4.What do Eurocamp and Kuoni have in common?

A.Both have various offers.

B.Both include flights.

C.Both offer a discount for early booking.

D.Both need a deposit to secure a holiday.



1. 写信目的;

2. 讲座的时间和地点;

3. 讲座的目的和主要内容。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均为仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Several years ago, my tire went flatly while I was driving with my young son who was being asleep in the backseat. It was a heavily traveled road, but I pulled over. I looked my mirror and saw that the man had pulled up behind me. He offered to help. As he installed the tires, we talked. What surprised me was which he was from a long distance away. His face was kind, his voice gentle. My son awakes, and I went to care for him. When I looked back, the man was going. Do angels exist? I believe we do.


    My Ph.D. adviser called me into his office and started by saying, “Anurag, this conversation isn’t going to be easy.” My mind was instantly ________ into a burst of thoughts about what was to follow. He looked me in the eye and announced, “You are fired from the lab.” I stared back in ________, “Is he joking?”

I ________ my Ph.D. adviser, and my experiments progressed as planned. Though I made a few mistakes in the lab, I wasn’t ________ that my adviser noticed them, and he never spoke to me about any concerns. That’s why I was caught ________ in his office that day. I suspect he fired me because of those mistakes. He wasn’t ________ that I could complete my research.

I tried to change his mind with ________ results, but he remained unchanged. I was soon thrown into a state of ________, and I could not break the news to my family.

________ I collected myself. I thought of a movie, one line from which ________ to me: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade (柠檬汁).” What kind of “lemonade” could I make out of my current ________?

My desire to complete a Ph.D. was never in doubt. After much ________, I reminded myself that one ________ attempt was not the end of the world, and that I needed to give it another try. I emailed potential advisers and ________ to other programs. Within 2 months, I received a(an) ________ from a Ph.D. program in Italy—my goal of completing a Ph.D. was ________ once again.

I’m ________ that I didn’t give up on my dream and that I found another ________ professor who accepted me. So, if you find yourself in ________ situations and life gives you lemons, ________ yourself: “How can I make lemonade?”

1.A.sent B.changed C.steeled D.broken

2.A.silence B.anger C.disbelief D.response

3.A.got along with B.argued with C.put up with D.dealt with

4.A.discouraged B.ashamed C.afraid D.aware

5.A.beyond control B.without delay C.off guard D.on purpose

6.A.delighted B.satisfied C.confident D.tolerant

7.A.annoying B.promising C.disappointing D.amusing

8.A.tiredness B.anxiety C.confusion D.terror

9.A.Somehow B.Indeed C.Instead D.Otherwise

10.A.drew up B.stuck out C.came across D.went down

11.A.situation B.job C.dream D.dilemma

12.A.appreciation B.hesitation C.reflection D.instruction

13.A.planned B.failed C.mistaken D.ignored

14.A.contributed B.appealed C.adjusted D.applied

15.A.offer B.refusal C.appointment D.call

16.A.ruined B.achieved C.perfect D.alive

17.A.convinced B.determined C.regretful D.thankful

18.A.generous B.famous C.strict D.willing

19.A.awkward B.urgent C.similar D.absurd

20.A.believe B.ask C.tell D.persuade


    Are you an angry bird? When you’re angry, your body becomes tense. 1. Here are some other simple tricks to chill and think before you act.

Understand your anger

Think like a detective and track down clues about the kinds of situations, people, and events that set off your anger. 2. Even if you can’t get away from them, at least you’ll have more time to prepare for them so they don’t affect you so negatively. You can also think of the situation as an opportunity to practice not getting mad.

Go for a walk

When you get really angry, walk away from the source. A 5-minute walk outside or another calming activity like yoga are both great strategies for dealing with anger. If your anger arises from the traffic jam you’re stuck in, turn up the radio and sing at the top of your lungs. 3.

Write letters

4. So if you’re trying to calm down fast, grab your journal and write it all out. You can simply write your own feelings or try writing a letter to the person who upsets you. You never have to send it and just writing it will help you feel better.

Talk about your anger

It’s not just writing that helps relieve anger. 5. The trick is not to unload your anger on the person making you upset but to release your pressure by talking with a neutral (中立的) friend, family member, or specialist. A neutral observer can bring reasonable judgment to the situation. You can even try talking out loud to yourself about it.

Now that you’ve learned how to keep your anger in check, try some of these little changes that will make you a happier person.

A.Expressing it orally can also be incredibly calming.

B.Once you’re aware of them, try to avoid them if possible.

C.Writing out your feelings really does help you feel better.

D.The idea is to create a mental or physical escape from the situation.

E.Losing your temper makes you look like the bad guy to everyone else.

F.Deep breathing is just one of the ways you can instantly turn a bad mood around.

G.Exercise can help people lower their levels of anger and other negative emotions.


    Nowadays medical technology seems to be advanced enough for doctors to perform brain transplants (移植). Though this procedure has only been successfully performed on animals so far, doctors are still hoping to perform this procedure on humans. However, in my opinion, brain transplants should not be performed at all, especially not on humans because of the large number of problems and side effects that could come along with. Hopefully these dangerous side effects will convince doctors not to perform this procedure on humans.

Despite many benefits technology brings, I do not think this medical technology of brain transplants will help. We were all born with one brain and through childhood to adolescence our mind developed into who we are, so if with a different brain we would no longer be unique. A person with a different brain would seem to be a total stranger and in many ways they would be. No one should steal our identity from us, even if we are seriously injured, and change it to a completely new one. Also for the people who have died with healthy brains, that was their identity and it should not be given to anyone else.

Another problem with brain transplants is how doctors can choose what are “healthy” or “normal” brains. An elderly person who has died would have an aged brain that would not be as efficient as a younger person’s brain. Then would doctors have to find healthy brains of the same age as the person who needs it? This could also bring up other factors such as intelligence, gender, or physical problems that a person might have had before death. Also another problem might be how long a brain can be kept “alive” after death and how it can be kept “alive” without damage.

Overall, my feelings about this surgery are that it should not be done on humans until doctors have overcome all the problems and obstacles (障碍) that stand in their way of making human brain transplants successful.

1.Why does the author think brain transplants should not be performed at all?

A.The cost of the surgery is extremely high.

B.Doctors are not able to perform brain transplants.

C.A good many problems and side effects may arise.

D.This procedure has only been successful on animals.

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.People shouldn’t give their healthy brains to others.

B.Having a brain transplant means losing one’s identity.

C.Transplanting brains is changing old brains into new ones.

D.Having brain transplants indicates stealing identity from others.

3.What do we know about “healthy” brains?

A.Aged brains aren’t healthy brains. B.Young brains are always healthy.

C.Healthy brains cannot be kept “alive”. D.It’s very difficult to tell healthy brains.

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A.To encourage brain donation.

B.To stress the importance of brain operation.

C.To argue against brain transplants on humans.

D.To introduce the technology of brain transplants.


    When life gives you pineapples—and hundreds of millions of tons of pineapple waste—what do you do? Engineers in Singapore and Vietnam decided to tum all the waste into something useful—the heat barrier for their pineapple juice. Not only does their new material keep drinks cool better than many commercial coolers, but it could also offer a final resting place for the world’s pineapple waste.

To find a use for those leftovers, the researchers mixed pineapple fibers, which they cut up in an electric device, with a sticky agent as a solvent. They then treated the mix with sound waves at frequencies greater than 20 kHz and heated it in an oven at 80 for 2 hours. The suspension that formed was then cooled before being freeze-dried.

The result was a pale yellow aerogel (气凝胶) that is lightweight, flexible, and more than 96% porous (多孔的)—qualities that make it an ideal material against both heat and sound.

When the researchers wrapped a sheet of the pineapple aerogel around a military-style canteen bottle, they found that the aerogel could provide three times the heat exchange reduction of commercially available alternatives—they reported this month in Materials Chemistry and Physics. The gel-wrapped bottle kept -3 water cooled below 0 for 6 hours and liquid heated to 90 above 40 for 2.5 hours. What’s more, the pineapple gel also acted as a sound barrier; in another test, the gel did a better job of preventing noise from getting in or out than Basmel, a popular kind of sound barrier.

The findings provide a new, eco-friendly approach to recycling agricultural cast-offs—and a good excuse to get a better electric device for your kitchen.

1.Why do engineers come up with the idea of the heat barrier?

A.To lower the cost of heat barriers. B.To make good use of pineapple waste.

C.To find a better cooler for pineapple juice. D.To turn pineapples into something more useful.

2.What is the last step of making the pineapple aerogel?

A.Freeze-drying the suspension. B.Cooling the formed suspension.

C.Cutting up the pineapple leftovers. D.Treating the mix with sound waves.

3.What can we learn about the pineapple aerogel from paragraph 4?

A.It kept the liquid heated to 130 for about 2.5 hours.

B.It kept the water cooled below -3 for nearly 6 hours.

C.It could be three times as effective as other heat barriers.

D.It did a better job as a sound barrier than as a heat barrier.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.A Better Way to Keep Drinks Cool. B.An Alternative Way to Recycle Waste.

C.Pineapple Waste, a Wonderful Drink Cooler. D.Pineapples, One of the Most Common Fruits.


    As temperatures approached 90 degrees in New York City last July 4th, three police officers hurried into a Whole Foods Market to get something cold to drink. What they walked into was a heated human drama.

Once inside, the cops (警察) , Lt. Louis Sojo and Officers Esanidy Cuevas and Michael Rivera, were approached by a store security guard who asked for help with a suspected thief. The woman in question didn’t have the look of a career criminal. She was obviously scared, and her cheeks were wet with tears.

The cops looked quickly inside her bag. “Al1 we saw was containers of food. We didn’t see anything else,” Cuevas told CBS New York.

“I’m hungry,” she explained quietly.

Caught red-handed, the woman no doubt expected to be cuffed (带上手铐) and put into prison for the crime of being hungry while poor. But the cops had other ideas. “We’ll pay for her food,” Sojo told the surprised security guard.

There’d been no discussion among the three men, no need to see whether they were all in. It went unsaid. Instead, they picked up the woman’s bag and escorted (护送) her to a cash register, where each contrilbuted $10 to pay the bill. She would not be arrested today.

All the woman could do was weep in thankfulness. Covering her face with a handkerchief and drying her eyes, she repeated, “Thank you, thank you.”

She wasn’t the only one touched by this act of sympathy and understanding. “It was a very beautiful, genuine moment,” says Paul Bozymowski, who was at the store. He was so taken by what he’d witnessed that he posted a photo on Twitter for all to see.

But attention was never what the officers sought. They were driven by a far more common emotion. As Sojo told CNN, “When you look at someone’s face and see that they need you and they’re actually hungry, it’s pretty difficult as a human being to walk away from something like this.”

1.Why did the woman weep at first?

A.She was scared of being arrested. B.She was wrongly accused of stealing.

C.She was too poor to pay for the goods. D.She was touched by the act of these cops.

2.What does the underlined word “red-handed” in paragraph 5 refer to?

A.In the act of committing a crime. B.For lack of knowledge or experience.

C.Because of the blood-covered hands. D.On account of her pretended innocence.

3.We can infer that the cops paid the bill for the woman to __________.

A.seek attention of the public B.gain both fame and wealth

C.solve the problem as soon as possible D.help the hungry and poor woman out of trouble

4.Which of the following best describes the three cops?

A.Patient. B.Caring.

C.Humorous. D.Ambitious.


Go to college or university in Ontario, Canada

Come and learn the relevant information about Ontario’s 20 public universities, 24 colleges or 400+ registered private career colleges.

Admissions standards and what to offer

In most cases, you need a high school diploma to go to college or university in Ontario. If you are 19 or older without a diploma, you can still apply to most, if not all schools.

Colleges offer certificate programs, diplomas, and degrees. Universities offer under-graduate and graduate degrees and other professional programs. All programs vary in length and preconditions—the pre-work or qualifications you need to be eligible (符合条件) for a program.

Check a school’s website or contact them directly for specific information about admissions.

How to apply

The process depends on where you want to go to school and your personal situation. If you live in Ontario, anywhere else in Canada or abroad, you apply through 1 of 2 places:

Colleges: www.ontariocolleges.ca

Universities: www.ouac.on.ca (the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre)

You will need to apply directly through a school if you are:

● planning to study part time

● a mature student (generally of a certain age and away from formal education for some time)

● an international student

● applying for graduate studies (e.g., a Masters or Doctoral degree)

● planning to attend a private career college

Loans, grants (补助金), scholarships

Canada Student Loans, Grants and Scholarships are open to all Canadians.

Canadian citizen and Ontario resident for at least 12 months: you could be eligible for OSAP (the Ontario Student Assistance Program) and other financial aid programs.

Canadian students living outside of Ontario: you can apply for financial aid through your home province or territory.

International students: you can apply for scholarships offered through the federal (联邦的) government, community agencies and colleges and universities directly.

1.What do universities in Ontario offer students?

A.Honors degrees. B.Associate degrees.

C.Certificate programs. D.Professional programs.

2.Where can international students apply for scholarships?

A.Through community agencies. B.Through their home governments.

C.Through other provinces in Canada. D.Through the Ontario Student Assistance Program.

3.From which is the text probably taken?

A.A scientific journal. B.A research paper.

C.A travel brochure. D.An official website.








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Dear Steven,

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Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming









Will our parents check our homework? Not really. Since having already growing up, we can’t act like little baby and rely on our parents all the time.

When I was in Grade Three, my parents asked us to check my homework by myself. I don’t know what to do in that time, so I cried. Before that, I got used to correcting my own homework and became more independent.

Check homework by ourselves is very good habit. It can not only help us find mistakes in exams more easy but also let our parents worry less about our studies. Because parents will leave us some day, so we should learn to do everything by ourselves.


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