Two weeks earlier, my son, Ben, had got in touch, he’d moved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13 years since I’d _________ seen him. So imagine my _________ when he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me.

I was _________! I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to _________. The bay was _________ in sunshine, and there was a group of kayakers around 150m off the shore. Getting a little _________. I realized one kayak(皮划艇)was in _________. “Something’s not _________!” I took off my T-shirt and _________ into the water. I saw there were two instructors on board and a man lying across the middle. He was __________ violently. Linking arms with one of the instructors. I helped __________ the young man out of the water. He was unconscious and as I looked at his face, something __________ to me. Those brown eyes were very __________. “What’s his name?” I asked the instructor. “Ben,” he replied, and immediately I __________. That stranger was my son!

The instructors called for an ambulance. __________, after a brief stay in hospital, Ben was well enough to be allowed to __________ and later the family met up for dinner. We chatted about everything and then Ben __________ to me. “I just want to say thank you,” he said, “You __________ my life!”

I still can’t believe what a __________ it was. I’m just so glad I was there __________ to help my son.

1.A.also B.often C.even D.last

2.A.delight B.relief C.anger D.worry

3.A.scared B.shocked C.thrilled D.ashamed B.stay D.settle

5.A.bathed B.clean C.deep D.formed

6.A.faster B.closer C.heavier D.wiser

7.A.trouble B.advance C.question D.battle

8.A.real B.right C.fair

9.A.stared B.sank C.dived D.fell

10.A.arguing B.fighting C.Shouting D.shaking

11.A.lead B.persuade C.carry D.keep

12.A.happened B.occurred C.applied D.appealed B.pleasant C.attractive D.familiar

14.A.agreed B.hesitated C.doubted D.knew

15.A.Fortunately B.Frankly C.Sadly D.Suddenly

16.A.return B.relax C.speak D.leave

17.A.joked B.turned C.listened D.pointed

18.A.created B.honored C.saved D.guided

19.A.coincidence B.change C.pity D.pain

20.A.on board time C.for sure D.on purpose


    Anyone studying a foreign language knows the importance of memorizing words and expressions. 1. We still also tell you ways about developing a large vocabulary.

You have probably faced a situation in which you can’t remember new words. Perhaps you haven’t heard the word enough times or you haven’t used it for a very long time. 2.

The easiest way to enlarge your vocabulary is to create flashcards. The word in English can appear on one side of the card. 3. By repeatedly using flashcards, you can remember more words. The important point is that you should not try cramming (突击学习) unfamiliar words if you want to have long-term learning. This method can help students on some exams. But a couple of days later you’re not going to remember any of that information. 4. There are several websites that can help with testing. English learners can be helped by taking free language tests, which can be of great help to show you where you need to improve.

5. However, with effort, a little sacrifice, and training, you can increase your number of vocabulary words.

A.You can also try using some free online tests.

B.Building a large vocabulary is not an easy task.

C.The difficulty in remembering and using words counts.

D.A large vocabulary improves our powers of expression.

E.You need to develop a large vocabulary for language tests.

F.We will explore the reasons for developing a large vocabulary.

G.The meaning in your native language can appear on the back.


    Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going. When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers, small, tightly knit(联系) groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other. Some language experts believe that 10,000 years ago, when the world had just five to ten million people, they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages between them.

Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to become farmers, and their languages too became more settled and fewer in number. In recent centuries, trade, industrialization, the development of the nation-state and the spread of universal compulsory education, especially globalisation and better communications in the past few decades, all have caused many languages to disappear, and dominant languages such as English, Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over.

At present, the world has about 6,800 languages. The distribution of these languages is hugely uneven. The general rule is that mild zones have relatively few languages. Often spoken by many people while hot, wet zones have lots, often spoken by small numbers. Europe has only around 200 Languages: the Americas about 1,000, Africa 2,400; and Asia and the Pacific perhaps 3,200, of which Papua New Guinea alone accounts for well over 800. The median number(中位数) of speakers is a mere 6,000, which means that half the worlds languages are spoken by fewer people than that.

Already well over 400 of the total of 6,800 languages are close to extinction(消亡), with only a few elderly speakers left. Pick, at random, Busuu in Cameroon (eight remaining speakers), Chiapaneco in Mexico(150). Lipan Apache in the United States(two or three) or Wadjigu in Australia (one, with a question-mark): none of these seems to have much chance of survival.

1.What can we infer about languages in hunter-gatherer times?

A.They developed very fast. B.They were large in number.

C.They had similar patters. D.They were closely connected

2.Which of the following best explains "dominant" underlined in paragraph 2?

A.Complex. B.Advanced.

C.Powerful. D.Modern.

3.How many languages are spoken by less than 6, 000 people at present?

A.About 6,800 . B.About 3,400

C.About 2,400 D.About 1,200.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.New languages will be created.

B.Peoples lifestyles are reflected in languages.

C.Human development results in fewer languages.

D.Geography determines language evolution.


    This year’s flu season is pretty scary. To try to minimize the effects, public officials are still urging anyone who hasn’t yet gotten their flu shot to get one as soon as possible. However, even if every single person got a shot in the arm, the vaccine( )—with its excellent 36 percent effectiveness—would not prevent everyone from getting infected with the annoying virus. Knowledge is power, so here's what goes on in your body when you come down with the flu.

The influenza virus primarily attacks your nose, throat, and the tubes that lead to your lungs. But the flu is so much more than that. Your muscles ache, your head hurts, and your appetite goes down, among other things. To our surprise, almost all of these symptoms  have  less  to  do  with  the  virus  itself  than  with  your  immune( )response to them. Unfortunately, the very defense you have in place to get rid of the flu is the reason you feel so painful when you recover.

The virus usually enters through your mouth, typically by way of your hands . But it takes a few days for symptoms to set in. While this process might cause some harm to your nose and throat, it's nothing major, and nothing like the symptoms that typically accompany a bad or even mild case of the flu.

The real fun starts when your immune system begins to fight. Your immune system comes in two parts: the innate system and the adaptive. The innate immune system is essentially an all-purpose tool. As soon as your body senses the presence of any injury or invader , the innate immune system launches into action by producing tiny proteins called cytokines and chemokines. The cytokines reproduce almost immediately and start to attack the virus. This increase in immune cells creates a serious inflammation( ) throughout the body. But the worst is still to come.

Meanwhile, the chemokines work with the adaptive immune system to help create T cells. These cells are a special type of white blood cell that works in a much more specific way: They find the influenza virus, identify what's special about it, and create something unique on their surface that finds and destroys similar invaders.

1.What can we infer from Paragraph 1?

A.All the vaccine is not effective.

B.No one can avoid catching this year's flu.

C.This year's flu is the most serious one in recent years.

D.Public health officials have to use a gun when necessary.

2.Why many parts of your body suffer while you're recovering from a flu?

A.Because recovery from illness is painful.

B.Because your immune system is working against your defense system.

C.Because your body is fighting hard against the flu.

D.Because the influenza virus attacks your nose, throat and other parts.

3.The underlined word “fun” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by      . B.battle

C.action D.program

4.What's the main idea of Paragraph 4?

A.The fight between innate immune system and the adaptive.

B.The categories of immune system.

C.The way immune system works.

D.The process of the development of immune system.


    I always felt sorry for the people in wheelchairs. Some people, old and weak, cannot get around by themselves. Others seem perfectly healthy, dressed in business suits. But whenever   I saw someone in a wheelchair, I only saw a disability, not a person.

Then I fainted(昏倒)at Euro Disney due to low blood pressure. This was the first time I had ever fainted, and my parents insisted that I rest for a while after first aid. They said to me, “Never mind!” I agreed to take it easy, but as I stepped toward the door, I saw my dad pushing a wheelchair in my direction! Feeling the color burn my cheeks, I asked him to wheel that thing right back to where he found it.

I could not believe this was happening to me. Wheelchairs were fine for other people but not for me, as my father wheeled me out into the main street, people immediately began to treat me differently.

Little kids ran in front of me, forcing my father to stop the wheelchair suddenly. I was thrown back and forth. “Stupid kids! They have perfectly good legs. Why can’t they watch where they are going?” I thought. People stared down at me, pity in their eyes. Then they would look away, maybe because they thought the sooner they forgot me the better.I’m just like you!” I wanted to scream.” The only difference is you’ve got legs, and I have wheels.”

People in wheelchairs are not stupid. They see every look and hear each word. Looking out at the faces, I finally understood: I was once just like them. I treated people in wheelchairs exactly the way they did not want to be treated. I realized it is some of us with two healthy legs who are truly disabled.

1.The author once         when she was healthy.

A.helped disabled people

B.looked down upon disabled people

C.imagined herself sitting in a wheelchair

D.saw some healthy people moving around in wheelchairs

2.The experience of the author tells us that        . is the best teacher

B.people often eat their bitter fruit is so changeable that nobody can foretell should not do to others what he would not like others to do to him

3.What is the best title for this passage?

A.How to get used to wheelchairs.

B.People in wheelchairs should be treated equally.

C.People whth two lges are truly healthy.

D.The difference between healthy people and the disabled.


Personal Robot

Make your parents and teachers happy!

Are you having problems finishing your homework on time? Do you avoid tidying your room until your mom shouts at you? You don’t need to worry if you buy a Mr. Helping Hand personal robot. Mr. H can be programmed to organize your homework. Your own personal robot will follow you around, putting away books and objects that you have left on the floor or bed.

Mr. H also has these features (特点)

• weighs only 500 grams

• includes long-lasting batteries(电池)

• comes with a 5-year guarantee

• remembers simple instructions

Originally (最初) sold for $499

NOW ONLY $ 299


This is a watch that James Bond would be proud to wear!

This is NOT a watch for ordinary people!


• acts as a remote control for TVs and videos.

• gives you a daily weather forecast.

• reminds you when to hand in your homework.

• sets off a silent warning alarm when parents or teachers are near.

Besides, your PENGO WATCH CONTROL will always tell you the time accurately!

Originally sold for $199


For further information, click here.

1.With help from a Mr. H, you can ________.

A.stop using batteries

B.finish your homework on time

C.remember your teacher’s instructions

D.get your room tidied on your way home

2.You can get your Mr. H for ________.

A.$499 B.$299 C.$199 D.$99

3.A PENGO WATCH CONTROL can help you to ________. your TV B.organize your homework a James Bond D.know what the weather is like

4.Where would you be most likely to find the two texts?

A.On a notice board B.In a company brochure

C.On a teenage website D.In a college newspaper


假如你是班长李华,你们班的外教 Smith 最近生病住院了,请代表你们班的同学给他写封慰问信,内容包括:

1. 表示难过; 2. 感谢他的付出; 3. 希望给他一些帮助。

注意:1. 词数:100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Smith,



Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

For 65 years, Mr Li has been walk around our neighborhood twice the day. It’s a part of his daily exercise routine. He is a retiring biology teacher. As Mr Li gets older and older, he has to rest several times along his route. Therefore, he still gets up early and sticks his routine. The neighbors have noticed his stop. We place different chairs along our route and invite him to sit and took a rest. Now, the mile-long route is spotted with chairs. When we see Mr Li to go by, we realize we should also get out but have a walk.


    2-year-old Truett Palmer was born in Missouri, with a genetic disorder and an inborn (先天的)_________disease. He has_________from more than a dozen surgeries, including three open heart surgeries and a heart transplant. One thing Truett_________during his most recent hospital stay was weekly visits from a therapy dog named Zuri. The dog was a Goldendoodle with curly hair and it was just kind of_________. Truett has sensory issues and he_________anyone touching his feet, but with Zuri, he would just run his feet through her fur. When Truett was with Zuri, it seemed the world didn't_________.

After Truett left the hospital, his mom Danielle began_________getting a Goldendoole for him, but found the breed (品种) especially_________. “Financially, going through a transplant and hospital stay, it wasn’t going to work out in our_________,” she said. Danielle____________Truett’s story and dream on Facebook, hoping there would be a miracle.

In Seattle, Gray, a nursing student, lived alone on several acres surrounded only by her dogs. One of Gray’s beloved dog just had puppies and she’d love to____________one child with special needs a(n)____________friend in time for Christmas. When she____________Truett’s story, she knew he would be the new____________of the puppy. “He’s got____________more than I could possibly imagine. Seeing how strong he is and how positive his family is about that all, I am deeply moved.” Gray said.

Following a(n)____________effort by Gray and the Palmer family to transport Zeda____________state lines, the Goldendoodle puppy was in Truett's arms just in time for Christmas morning. “He was so excited,” Danielle said. “You could just see the____________on his face the moment she’s placed on his lap. He’s just so happy and____________her his baby. They’re just best friends.”

Truett is now on the road to good health and____________to his transplanted heart well. Danielle says she hopes their story will encourage others to consider organ donation.

1.A.lung B.heart C.kidney D.eye

2.A.experienced B.undergone C.resulted D.suffered

3.A.took part in B.turned down C.look forward to D.dealt with

4.A.different B.patient C.gentle D.helpful

5.A.dislikes B.enjoys C.disapproves D.keeps

6.A.appear B.exist C.change D.stop

7.A.planning B.arranging C.considering D.permitting

8.A.expensive B.affordable C.economic D.modest

9.A.schedule C.background D.budget

10.A.reported B.focused C.posted D.found B.sell

12.A.novel B.furry C.old D.certain

13.A.took down B.looked for C.compared with D.came across

14.A.shelter C.owner D.employee

15.A.along B.through C.away D.down

16.A.worried B.accepted C.thrilled D.combined

17.A.on B.beneath C.into D.across

18.A.shock B.disgust D.sorrow

19.A.told B.called C.explained D.claimed

20.A.adjusting B.devoting C.referring D.using


    Each summer, Craig Stihler and Jack Wallace, scientists for the state of West Virginia hike to Peacock Cave to count Virginia big-eared bats. 1.. They want to see if the number of bats is going up or down.

I was there to learn about the bats for my book. After we arrived at the small entrance to Peacock Cave, Craig and Jack unpacked their equipment. Crale said, “2. .Hibernating (冬眠)bats may be awakened and fly around and burn up the fat they've stored in their bodies. Without that food supply, they might not live until spring when they can eat insects again. And bat mothers may drop their babies. “

As night settled inthey set up a night-vision scope (观察仪器).3. .They also set up a radio-like bat detector outside the cave. It picks up bat sounds that our ears can’t hear. For the next two hours, Craig counted the bats by speaking into a handheld voice recorder each time five bats flew out of the cave. By the time the last bat left the cave at about 10:30 p. m., Craig and Jack had counted 1,242 bats! 4. .Craig explained that when the first count was taken at Peacock Cave in 1983, there were only 160 Virginia big-eared bats. Projects to help protect bats have helped the bats make a remarkable comeback. Today the total number of Virginia big-eared bats there are more than 25,000.

5. .They will continue to need human’s help if they are going to survive into the future.

A.Why do they do so?

B.It allows them to see the bats in darkness.

C.Virginia big-eared bats are medium-sized.

D.Bats are important because they eat insects.

E.They want to catch some bats for their research.

F.Bats living in caves can suffer if disturbed by people.

G.That was the most Craig and Jack had ever counted there.


    When you drink a glass of water or take a shower, think of glaciers. Why? Glaciers contain at least 75 percent of Earth’s fresh watermuch more than all our planet’s lakes and rivers combined.

Glaciers grow by adding a new layer of snow each year. It’s easy for scientists to see the annual layers in an ice core by lighting it from beneath. They can then count the layers to determine the age of any section…much like you can count tree rings to determine a tree’s age.

Glaciers form by the accumulation, press and recrystallization of snow. It requires very specific conditions of climate and geography, which means that they are found in or high mountain regions where snowfall is heavy in winter, temperatures stay below freezing for long periods, and summers are cool.

“Hot” ice! Is that possible? Actually, ice is one of the hottest solids in existence, for it is unsteady and easy to melt when heated. Glaciers are always moving, but because ice is hot, they like liquids rather than solids. They slide over the ground on melt-water, a very thin layer of water from melted ice, and “creep” when their icy layers glide over one another because of their weight. Different parts of the same glacier slide or creep at different speeds. The center moves more rapidly than the sides; the surface moves more rapidly than the bottom, because the sides and bottom are restricted by friction. Most glaciers move several feet per year, while others “race” a few miles.

Unfortunately, glaciers are shrinking throughout the world. Melting glaciers will raise sea levels, forcing people to move from low-lying areas.

1.What does the underlined word “it” refer to in paragraph3?

A.The change of glaciers. B.The press of glaciers.

C.The accumulation of glaciers. D.The forming of glaciers.

2.Why do we say the ice is “hot”?

A.Because it keeps sliding or creeping. B.Because it is close to its melting point.

C.Because it absorbs too much sunshine. D.Because the surrounding temperature is low.

3.What is happening to glaciers?

A.They are spreading. B.They are disappearing.

C.They are rising. D.They are racing.

4.What is the best title of this passage?

A.The History of Glaciers. B.The Development of Glaciers.

C.The Secrets about Glaciers. D.The Danger Glaciers are facing.


    Ultrasound(超声)is used widely in medical imaging, but in recent years scientists have started developing it for another use: stimulating nerves to treat disease. In two new studies in mice, researchers focused the sound waves on nerves in the spleen(脾)that communicate with the immune system, reducing symptoms. If the approach proves safe and effective in people, it could serve as a treatment for diseases such as arthritis(关节炎).

In one study, led by scientists at the Feistein Institute and GE Research, mice receiving a few minutes of ultrasound treatment to the spleen nerve had a diminished symptoms to an injected(注射)poison. In another study, researchers at the University of Minnesota and their colleagues reduces symptoms of arthritis in mice by stimulating their spleen nerves for 20 minutes every day for a week. “Zeroing in on the spleen may provide a more precise approach than focusing on the vagus nerve(交感神经), which connects with the immune system via a second nerve that stimulates the spleen.” says Hubert Lin, lead author of the latter study. “When we’re targeting the spleen we have less of an effect all over the body.”

“Little is known about how repeated ultrasound affects the spleen or whether it has other harmful effects,” says neuroscientist Denise Bellinger of Loma Linda University, who was not involved in either study. An ongoing clinical trial aims to assess the treatment’s safety in humans with arthritis. A bigger unknown is how ultrasound activates in general. Scientists are now exploring the use of ultrasound on other parts of the nervous system, including the brain. “We know how to control nerves with electricity, and we’ve been doing it for more than 100 years,” neuroscientist Kevin Tracey says, “But the idea of controlling nerve signals with ultrasound is a brand-new field.”

1.What do scientists expect of the new application of ultrasound?

A.It'll be applied in medical imaging

B.It'll be used to activate nerves to treat disease.

C.It’ll be applied in spleen transplantation.

D.It'll be employed to rebuild immune system.

2.What does the underlined word “diminished" in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Complicated. B.Worsened.

C.Decreased. D.Associated.

3.What is the concern of Denise Bellinger?

A.Side effect. B.Time length.

C.The procedure. D.The cost.

4.What is most likely the next step of the study?

A.Assessing the treatment' s safety on humans.

B.Activating nerves in general with ultrasound.

C.Exploring the use of ultrasound on the brain.

D.Controlling nerve signals with ultrasound.


    DNA analysis has revealed family relationships between more than 10 generations of Stone Age people at megalithic (巨石的) tombs in Ireland and Sweden.

The evidence suggests that megaliths, prehistoric large stone structures, sometimes acted as graves for family groups in northwestern Europe thousands of years ago. The latest findings throw new light on the origins and social structure of the groups that built megaliths in this region—a history that has long been hidden in mystery.

For their study, the international team of researchers analyzed the genomes—the complete set of genetic material in a cell—of 24 Stone Age individuals from five megalithic burial sites in Ireland, Scotland and Gotland, a large Swedish island in the Baltic Sea.

This analysis showed that many of the individuals buried at each megalith, who all lived between  3,800 B.C. and 2,600 B.C.,  according  to  radiocarbon-dating  of  their  remains,  were closely related via family ties.

The results also showed that the individuals buried at the megaliths were related to Neolithic farmers in northern and western Europe but genetically distinct from other hunter-gatherers. This was particularly noticeable at the Ansarve site on the island of Gotland.

“The people buried in the Ansarve tomb are remarkably different on a genetic level compared to the individuals dug out from hunter-gather contexts, showing that the burial tradition in this megalithic tomb, which lasted for over 700 years, was performed by distinct groups with roots in the European Neolithic expansion,” Magdalena Fraser, co-first author from Uppsala University, said in the statement.

1.What’s the significance of the new findings?

A.It reveals the family ties between people in Ireland and Sweden.

B.It implies that many people buried in the tombs were closely related.

C.It indicates the long-hidden mystery concerning DNA analysis.

D.It suggests that the megaliths became tombs thousands of years ago.

2.How did the researchers reach their findings?

A.By interviewing individuals. B.By travelling to different regions.

C.By analyzing genes. D.By studying the burial sites.

3.Which is true according to the latest findings?

A.Some people buried in the tombs were related to farmers.

B.Few people buried in the tombs were genetically different.

C.All the people buried at megaliths had family relationships.

D.People buried in the Ansarve tomb were dug out 700 years later.

4.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.Megaliths served as tombs thousands of years ago.

B.People buried at the megaliths were recently analyzed.

C.Latest findings shed light on a mystery about burials.

D.Stone-Age people in Ireland and Sweden had close ties.


Summer Boarding Courses

Summer Boarding Courses(SBC)is an award-winning UK summer school provider for international students aged 11-17. Please join the students from over 100 countries.

SBC Canford Summer School(Ages 11-15)is located at Canford School,Tatler School  Awards Public School of the Year 2019. It is within easy reach of the coastal town of Bournemouth and is one of the most popular UK destinations for English language learning outside of London.

Dates:Monday 6 July-Monday 10 August 2020 nam stt

Teaching Hours:15 Hours Per Week

Courses:General English,English Literature,Introduction to Business

Headington Oxford Summer School(Ages 13-16)is located in the beautiful city of Oxford, just a 30-minute walk from the city centre.It provides students with a wonderful setting in which to study and meet other students from around the world.

Dates:Saturday 4th July-Saturday 18th July 2020

Teaching Hours:20 Hours Per Week

Courses:General English,Summer Study,Global Young Leaders

SBC at Eton College(Ages 11-16),only 34 kilometers from London,provides students with the opportunity to study at one of the world’s most famous schools.Founded in 1440 by King Henry VI,Eton College has educated 20 British Prime Ministers as well as many authors,scientists,actors and explorers.

Dates:Monday 13 July-Monday 24 August 2020

Teaching Hours:15 Hours Per Week

Courses:General English,Mathematics,STEM(Science,Technology,Engineering,Maths)

Oxford College Summer School(Ages 15-17)gives students the chance to experience the very best of what Oxford has to offer.Students live and study in the famous university city of Oxford.For over 800 years it has been home to the leading academic minds in scientific and  cultural studies.

Dates:Monday 6 July-Monday 17 August 2020./

Teaching Hours:15 Hours Per Week


1.Which school doesn’t provide General English?

A.SBC Canford Summer School.

B.Headington Oxford Summer School.

C.SBC at Eton College.

D.Oxford College Summer School.

2.What makes SBC at Eton College different from the others?

A.It has produced many heads of government.

B.It has educated some leading academic minds.

C.It has invited authors and scientists as educators.

D.It has become a winner of Tatler School Awards.

3.Which age range is Headington Oxford Summer School for?

A.Ages 11-15.

B.Ages 13-16.

C.Ages 11-16.

D.Ages 15-17.


假设你是红星中学高一学生李华,你班交换生Jim计划在暑假期间学习汉语,向你咨询。请你给Jim写封邮件,内容包括:1. 很高兴他打算学习汉语;2. 提供学习建议(如参加课程、阅读书籍、与人交流等);3. 表达愿望。

Dear Jim,



Li Hua



1.The news of Scott’s death shocked the world. ________ (Scott没有赢得到达极地的比赛,但是他和队友们展示出的勇气使他们成为英雄).

2.Reeve undertook an intense exercise programme to help him achieve the goal. ________ (他参加了修复肌肉力量的各种运动,并且取得了显著成效).

3.________ (当这位著名作曲家12年来第一次走上舞台,观众立即报以热烈的掌声).

The theatre’s musical director, Michael Umlauf, joined him and together the two men took charge of the orchestra.

4.In China, more and more cities have their own “white bike” programmes. ________ (无论本地人还是游客都愿意使用共享单车,因为这是一种便宜而便利的方式用以节约能源、 减少空气和噪音污染、享受在城市中锻炼的益处).

5.Most people assume that the human brain is set on “automatic”—that means it learns all by itself. But this isn’t always true. ________ (我们要训练自己成为更好的学习者,要积极主动地参与到学习过程中,并且要经常反思所学内容).



You don’t have to spend money or even leave your desk to protect the environment. Here’s how to do your bit.

● Buy nothing

“Stop shopping—start living’’ is the slogan (口号) of the Buy Nothing Day ( BND) movement. Every 24th or 25th November, activists take a 24-hour retail (零售) break and… stop shopping!

BND was founded in 1992 by Canadian artist Ted Dave and it has been a great success ever since. People stop shopping on the day, expressing their concern about the environmental problem. So if you are used to shopping every day, BND gives you a chance to have a break! You might change your habit not just for one day, but for life!

● Stop eating prawns

You’ve probably got prawns ready for a quick and easy meal. But how are they produced? Well, most prawns come from Asia and Latin America, where they are fished or farmed.

Unfortunately, prawn fishing causes harm to marine (海洋的) life because huge nets are pulled along the sea bottom. 10 kilos of dead fish are thrown away for every kilo of prawns caught. Prawn farming is no better—a lot of forests are destroyed to make room for the farms. So think again about the prawns on your plate!

● Save the rainforest

Now only 2 million square miles of rainforests are left, and another 1% is being destroyed every year. The trees are being cut down for their wood, and the remaining rainforests could have been used by 2050. Over half of the world’s plant and animal species are found in rainforests. It is believed that extinctions (灭绝) take place every day due to cutting down trees.

Why not go to www. worldlandtrust. org? Donate the price of a cinema ticket for a piece of rainforest. It will be saved with your simple click of the mouse. If we don’t actin 30 years from now the rainforests will have been destroyed.

1.What do people do on BND?    (不多于四个单词)

2.Why is prawn farming bad for the environment?    (不多于十个单词)

3.How long will the remaining rainforests be used?    (不多于三个单词)

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?    (不多于八个单词)


The Beauties of the Stone Age

I have just come home after viewing some amazing works of art that were recently discovered in Church Hole Gave in Nottinghamshire. They are not drawings but etchings—shapes cut into the rock—and they describe different kinds of wild animals.

First of all, the number is great: there are 90 in all. Moreover, 58 of them are on the ceiling (天花板). This is quite unusual in cave art, according to Dr. Wilbur Samson of Central Midlands University. “Wall pictures are the usual way,” he says. “The Church Hole etchings are an artistic achievement. It was thought that ice-age hunters in this country were separated from those in central areas of Europe, but the Church Hole etchings proved that they were actually part of a way of living, thinking and seeing the world that had spread right across Europe.”

News of such exciting discoveries spreads quickly, and thanks to the Internet and mobile phones, a great many people have known about this discovery. However, an examination of the etchings last year failed to show the presence of them. The reason lay in the expectations of the researchers. They looked for the usual type of cave drawings, which show up best under direct light. So they used powerful torches (火炬), shining them straight onto the rock face. However, the Church Hole etchings are not drawings on the rocks, like the other cave ones. They are modifications of the rock itself and can’t be easily made out. They show up best when seen from a certain direction in the natural light of early morning.

Dr. Samson feels that the lighting factor provides important information about the function of these works of art. I think the artists knew very well that the etchings would hardly be seen except early in the morning. We can decide that the cave was used for important events like animal worship (祭拜), and that they were conducted just after dawn, as the beginning of the day’s hunting.

To which I can only add that I feel very lucky to have been able to view Church Hole. It is a site of great importance culturally and is part of the traditional values, not only of this country, but the world as a whole.

1.What is the significance of the etchings in Church Hole Cave?

A.They show the existence of an ice-age culture.

B.They describe a more advanced life of Europeans.

C.They prove that ancient people hunted in large areas.

D.They indicate that fewer people settled in central Europe.

2.According to the passage, ________.

A.the methods taken to protect the etchings are useless

B.the etchings are various from the usual cave paintings

C.the discovery of the etchings should not be made public

D.many people visited the cave within hours of its discovery

3.What does the underlined word “modifications” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Small changes. B.Free gifts. C.Good examples. D.Different areas.

4.What does Dr. Samson state from the lighting factor?

A.The search took place at the wrong place of the cave.

B.The artists never planned to let the etchings seen by others.

C.The torches people used in the examination were too bright.

D.The etchings were intended to be seen at a certain time of day.


Is It a Healthy Interest?

The Guinness Book of World Records describes Ranulph Fiennes as the world’s greatest living explorer. His journeys include the first polar circumnavigation (极地环行) and the first unsupported crossing of the Antarctic continent on foot. So when he suffered a heart attack, it came as something of a surprise.

Exercise is highly beneficial as it reduces both the pulse (脉搏) rate and the blood pressure so reducing stress on the heart as it brings blood round the body. It also helps to keep the artery (动脉) walls more elastic (有弹性的).

But can you push yourself too much? On the subject of exercise, it is good to take several parts of “moderate” exercise a weekwhich is a little more than quick walking. “We need to be careful when we’re doing extreme sports,” says expert Len Almond. “Extreme stress can make almost impossible demands on the body’s ability to recover. The stress of extreme sports forces biochemical changes in the body, and the physical response to that kind of activity will be too extreme.”

We all know how the Olympics began. The man who ran 26 miles from the town of Marathon to Athens with news of a victory died as soon as he arrivedand the cause of his sudden death might be the heart attack. Further research was done by scientists. They studied cyclists (自行车运动员) on a race that covers 230km with a height change of 5,500m. They were interested in one particular enzyme (), high concentrations of which are found in those who have suffered a heart attack. The scientists found that levels of this chemical increased in most of the cyclists who completed the race. The largest increases were seen in the fastest cyclists who had trained the hardest.

Most of us will never put our bodies to such extreme sports. But if, when you hear about someone like Fiennesyou ask whether exercise is worth it. I advise you to consider your own condition. Personally, I agree with the saying: “Run not to add years to your life but to add life to your years.”

1.According to the passage, taking exercise can_______ .

A.speed up the heart rate B.increase stress on the heart

C.reduce the blood pressure D.keep the artery walls straight

2.What does expert Len Almond suggest?

A.Our bodies can easily deal with physical stress.

B.Playing extreme sports is harmful to the human body.

C.We need a long period of recovery after extreme sports.

D.There is more to learn about the effect of physical stress.

3.Why is the research on the cyclists mentioned in Paragraph 4?

A.To suggest a different area of research.

B.To support the activity of taking part in sports.

C.To explain the effect of a height change on cyclists.

D.To prove that extreme sports may cause heart attacks.

4.The author believes that exercise_______.

A.helps you have a regular life B.adds years to your life

C.should be done in moderation D.will be worth the effort


    If you were asked to imagine a scientist, what image would come to your mind? The idea that most of the kids have is a man wearing a white lab coat with messy hair, big glasses, and cups of colorful liquids giving off clouds of smoke. As for adults, the majority regard scientists as strange people who spend a lot of time working in a lonely lab. However, the reality is quite different.

Recently I’ve had a chance to take part in a scientific experience far from my lab and into Costa Rica. It has a large amount of wildlife due to its geographical placement between North and South America. It is home to more than 500,000 species (物种), which represents nearly 4% of the species worldwide!

First we worked to protect wildlife at a leatherback turtle (棱皮龟) protection center. We helped the volunteers to remove rubbish from the beach to create a safe environment for turtle eggs to come out. After that we stayed at Mount Arenal where we studied seismic (地壳的) activity relating to earthquakes. During our stay at Arenal, we rode over the mountainous areas and took a long walk through the rainforest. On the last day we got a professional introduction of rocket (火箭) science and learned about new rocket technology that will be used on the international space station.

During my Costa Rica experience, I know that being a scientist doesn’t mean working in a lab all day and night. A scientist is the one who loves learning and getting a better understanding of the world from helping protect wildlife, learning about earthquakes or inventing rockets. I think that science is so much more than wearing a lab coat and mixing chemicals. Kids need to be aware of the excitement and adventures science can bring!

1.According to Paragraph 1, scientists are often believed ________. do experiments in messy labs spend too much time in labs wear clothes in a different way work in dangerous conditions

2.In Costa Ricathe author ________.

A.experienced an earthquake B.took part in rocket experiments

C.picked up rubbish on the beach D.helped the volunteers collect turtle eggs

3.What does the author learn about science from his experience?

A.Science is full of boring experiments.

B.Science is related to chemical liquids.

C.Science is more than working in a lab.

D.Science is about wildlife and earthquakes.

4.What is the best tide for the passage?

A.What a Scientist Is Like B.Where a Scientist Works

C.How I Traveled in Costa Rica D.Why I Chose to Study Science


Dear Sir/Madam,

As you know, next month will see the Have a Heart activity, which is a part of the heart research. As part of support for it, several students here at Trent High School have decided to organize a half-marathon event on August 1st. All the money that we hope to raise by doing this will go to Have a Heart.

In order to raise as much money as possible, we are doing two things: a) asking members of the public to sponsor (赞助) individual runners in the race, and b) looking for companies to help raising money. It is for this second reason that I am writing to you now.

As the leader of Trent High School’s half-marathon committee, I am writing to ask if your company would be willing to consider providing sponsorship for our event. What we had in mind, if you are agreeableis to put the sponsor’s name on the numbers of each runner, and to have the sponsor’s name on banners (横幅) along the way as well as at the finish line. We believe that our sponsor will get a lot of positive publicity.

It is difficult, of course, to make a request for a specific amount of money, but we are hoping that the company which sponsors us would do so to the amount of £1,000 or more, and would perhaps also contribute to the making of banners etc. We do hope that more people and companies can give your love to the heart research.

Should you be interested, please get in touch with us at the above address.

Thank you for giving our request your attention. We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

James MacDonald

1.Why will the half-marathon event be held?

A.To make the school highly popular. B.To support the Have a Heart activity.

C.To raise money for the poor students. D.To encourage students to take exercise.

2.The half-marathon committee promises to ________.

A.provide money to the public the runners finish the race banners for the company D.put the sponsor’s name on banners

3.The main purpose of the letter is to ________.

A.ask the company for sponsorship B.invite people to the committee

C.explain the details of heart research D.apply for the rules for the event

4.We can learn that James MacDonald is ________.

A.a professional runner B.a school teacher

C.the leader of a company D.the organizer of the event


A Good Heart to Lean (倚靠) On

More than I realized, Dad has helped me keep my balance.

When I was young, I didn’t want to be seen with my father. He was short and crippled (), and when we _________ together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would look at us. It was _________ to coordinate (协调) our steps, and we didn’t _________ much as we went along, just keeping silent _________ as we started out, he always said, “You set the pace (步伐). I will try to stay with you.”

In my memory, my father went to work every day, rain or shine. He almost never _________ a day, even if others could not. Meanwhile he had to _________ the unkind laughter from others. When I think of it now, I am surprised at how much _________ it must have taken him to make a living under such _________. Although disabled, my father still tried to take part in activities in his own way. When a baseball team didn’t have a managerhe kept it _________. He was a knowledgeable baseball fan and often took me to the __________. He also liked to go to parties, where he could have a good time __________ sitting and watching.

I now __________ that he took part in some things through me, his only son. He __________ me all the time. When I played ball, he “played” too. When I joined the Navy, he “joined” too. He was __________ to spend all his time staying with me.

He never talked about himself as an object of __________, nor did he show any envy (嫉妒) of the more fortunate. What he __________ in others was a “good heart’’, and if he found one, the owner was good enough for him. Now that I am older, I believe that is a proper rule by which to __________ people, even though I still don’t know exactly what a “good heart” is. Sometimes I wonder if he __________ my unwillingness during our walks. If he did, I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was, and how I __________ it. At such times I would put my hand on his arm to get my __________, and say, “You set the pace. I will try to stay with you.”

1.A.called B.walked C.listened D.laughed

2.A.dangerous B.popular C.strange D.difficult

3.A.try B.mix C.say D.act

4.A.But B.Nor C.So D.Unless

5.A.covered B.shared C.enjoyed D.missed

6.A.lose B.bear C.send D.earn

7.A.talent B.luck C.courage D.duty

8.A.stress B.power C.loss

9.A.lasting B.going C.waiting D.pushing

10.A.projects B.offices C.matches D.stations

11.A.still B.even C.seldom D.just

12.A.understand C.promise D.declare

13.A.checked B.followed C.searched D.reasoned

14.A.crazy B.sorry C.eager D.nervous B.fear C.hope D.pity

16.A.looked for B.gave up C.heard of D.worried about

17.A.imagine B.judge C.control D.attract

18.A.mentioned B.treated C.sensed D.passed

19.A.doubted B.avoided C.confirmed D.regretted

20.A.balance B.challenge C.advantage D.position



1. 表达谢意;

2. 个人感受;

3. 表达信心。

注意:1. 词数100-120

2. 开头已给出,不计入总词数;

3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:传染病epidemic;新型冠状病毒novel coronavirus

Dear medical workers,

I am Li Hua from Sunshine School.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Volunteering has a positive affect on our community. It benefited us in several ways. First of all, volunteering can help us learn much about society and gain value experience. Secondly, volunteering provides us a good opportunity to put what we have learned to a good use. I hope more and more students will join the voluntary club of your school. Let’s express our concern for the old and disable people around us but offer a helping hand. Let’s clean the parks near our home. Let’s go to nursing homes to bring love to those who is in need. Remember, we can make a difference to society if we are willing to lending a helping hand, so let’s act now.


    In such a small town as Hampton there was never a single man of importance who would dare to have housekeepers younger than sixty, for fear that people might say he was a(n) _________. However, when I needed housekeeper I _________ a girl called Bella Casey, a lovely little girl of seventeen from a village up the coast. But I _________ my choice carefully. I drove out there one day when she was at home, and I had a look at the cottage and a _________ with her mother and a cup of tea, and after that I did not need anyone to say that she was _________. I knew if there was anything Bella did not do _________, her mother would not _________ long to correct her. After that there was only one _________ to raise.

“Have you a _________, Bella?” said I.

“No, doctor, I have not,” said she with a simple expression that did not __________ me a bit. As a doctor you soon get used to innocent __________.

“Well, you’d better __________ and get one.” Said I, “__________ I’m not going to take you.” __________ this she laughed. __________ what seemed only a short time, she came and started working at house. She proved to be very __________ and efficient. Of course she was so good-looking that people who came to my house used to pass __________ about us. But that didn’t matter. They did not dare to hire a pretty girl themselves for __________ of what people would say. But I knew as long as a girl had a man of __________ to look after she would give me no __________. And, of course, I would be happy and at ease.

1.A.inclusion B.conclusion C.exception D.intention

2.A.chose B.married C.fired D.met

3.A.made B.offered C.regretted D.settled C.quarrel D.journey

5.A.pretty B.clever D.busy

6.A.quickly B.immediately C.secretly D.properly

7.A.expect C.cost D.take B.test C.question D.statement

9.A.girlfriend B.boyfriend C.wife D.husband

10.A.interest B.cheat C.encourage D.notice

11.A.feelings B.looks C.sounds D.voices

12.A.hurry up B.turn up C.take up D.come up

13.A.or B.but C.and

14.A.At B.On C.To D.For

15.A.Until B.After C.While D.Since

16.A.young B.strong D.gentle

17.A.letters B.notice C.information D.remarks

18.A.fear B.horror C.reason D.cause

19.A.herself B.her own C.himself D.his

20.A.service B.luck C.trouble D.notice


    Brain fitness has basic principles: variety and curiosity. 1. If you can do the crossword puzzle in your sleep, it’s time for you to move on to new challenge in order to get the best workout for your brain. Curiosity about the world around you, how it works and how you can understand it will keep your brain working fast and efficiently. Use the ideas below to help improve your mental fitness.

1. Learn a New Skill

2. Your memory comes into play, you learn new movements and you associate things differently. Reading Shakespeare, learning to cook and building an airplane out of toothpicks all will challenge your brain and give you something to think about.

2. Tell Good Stories

Stories are a way that we strengthen memories, interpret events and share moments. 3. Some basic storytelling techniques will go a long way in keeping people’s interest both in you and in what you have to say.

3. 4.

Your brain needs you to eat healthy fats. Focus on fish oils from wild salmon, nuts such as walnuts, and seeds. Eat more of these foods and less saturated fats (饱和脂肪).

4. Read Something Different

Books are portable, free from libraries and filled with infinite interesting characters, information and facts. Branch out from familiar reading topics. If you usually read history books, try a contemporary novel. Read foreign authors, the classics and random books. 5.

A.Eat for Your Health

B.Eat for Your Brain

C.Not only will your brain get a workout by reading different time periods, cultures and peoples, you will also have interesting stories to tell about your reading.

D.Practice telling your stories, both new and old, so that they are interesting and fun.

E.When anything you do becomes your second nature, you need to make a change.

F.Learning a new skill works multiple areas of the brain.

G.There are formal courses, websites and books with programs on how to train your brain to work better and faster.


    First and foremost, “The Great Salmon Run (鲑鱼洄游)” looks amazing. It is beautifully filmed, done in completely natural and sometimes friendly way and never looking still. The editing is always brief and smooth and the scenery is pure magic. A wide diversity of the different landscapes are included rather than just one habitat. The music fits very well, beautiful and appropriate.

Again, like so many Attenborough’s nature/wildlife documentaries, “The Great Salmon Run” fascinates, teaches, moves, entertains and attracts. In terms of the facts there is a very good mix of the known ones and the unknown. Some facts are familiar to us while some are going into details about the different animals, their challenges and some truly amazing wildlife events in their struggles for survival and interaction with other animals whether prey (猎物) or predator (捕食者).

Certainly the salmon are a thing of beauty but the brown bears similarly have impressive moments as well. It may not be novel territory for Attenborough, but animals are what one can’t get enough of. Besides, there is so much freshness to the material that it won’t make one feel going round in circles but absorbed.

Narration (解说) by Attenborough helps significantly. He clearly knows his stuff and knows what to say and how to say it. He delivers it with his usual richness, soft-spoken enthusiasm and sincerity, never talking down to the viewer and keeping them wanting to know more. Viewers care for what goes on in front of and behind the camera.

At no point does “The Great Salmon Run” ever feel like just a series of scenes. Instead, it feels like its own story and journey, with real, complex emotions and conflicts and animal characters, all of which are developed in a way a human character would in a film.

Overall, amazing.

1.The writer thinks in narration, Attenborough ________.

A.changes his usual style

B.keeps the viewers interested

C.ignores what the viewers want to know

D.thinks what to say is more important than how to say it

2.According to the passage, what do we know about The Great Salmon Run?

A.It not only entertains.

B.It is set in only one main habitat.

C.It is Attenborough’s finest work.

D.It focuses on the struggle between the salmon and man.

3.What is the writer’s attitude towards The Great Salmon Run?

A.He considers it average. B.He is negative about it.

C.He holds an objective view. D.He thinks highly of it.

4.The passage is probably a ________.

A.journal guide review report


    “Fighting like cats and dogs” is a common phrase that people use to mean people argue, fright or don’t get along. If you like cartoons, you’ve probably seen many that describe cats and dogs fighting like sworn enemies (不共戴天的仇敌). There have even been movies made that describe cats against dogs.

As with many questions in life, there’s simply no easy answer to the question of whether dogs and cats can get along. Dogs and cats are different in many ways that can make it difficult for them to get along. However, with patience and the right circumstances, cats and dogs can be best buds (兄弟).

For example, dogs tend to be social animals that are naturally playful. Cats, on the other hand, tend to be more independent. A dog that wants to play might seem aggressive and frightening to a cat. This may lead the cat to defend itself against an attack although that’s really just a desire to play. Similarly, dogs—especially puppies—like to chase each other. It’s a fun game. Chasing cats can be just as fun as chasing other dogs. Again, cats may interpret such playful behavior as a threat.

Even there’s something dogs and cats have in common, tails, but tails can make things confusing. When dog wags (摇摆) its tail, it’s sending a friendly message: “I’m happy. Let’s play.” Cats, however, wag their tails when they are angry. You can see how this might lead cats and dogs to become confused if they’re facing each other with wagging tails!

Although dogs and cats aren’t really sworn enemies dogs are hunters by nature. This means that they might hunt and chase anything that moves-including a cat. This natural behavior that could cause problems between dogs and cats can be controlled by special training called socialization when the animals meet for the first time.

1.By saying “fighting like cats and dogs”, parents most probably mean that ________.

A.they like neither cats nor dogs

B.their kids don’t get on well with each other

C.cats and dogs fight like sworn enemies

D.the fights between cats and dogs are often made into movies

2.What may happen when dogs are chasing cats?

A.Dogs become tired out. B.Cats are very happy.

C.Dogs feel enjoyable. D.Cats get injured easily.

3.Which of the following may be one of the reasons that dogs and cats fight often?

A.They couldn’t understand each other. B.They are worried about their behaviors.

C.They enjoy exactly the same hobbies. D.They wag their tails too often.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Dogs are good at hunting animals.

B.Dogs don’t like cats naturally.

C.Cats usually like playing with dogs.

D.Dogs and cats can possibly live in harmony.


    Josh Morrison, 17, dreamed of raising $100, 000 to build a home for a low-income family. After years of hard work, his dream has come true. The house is now in the early stages of building.

Six years ago, Josh and his dad went into a Habitat for Humanity Restore, a home improvement store and donation center run by the nonprofit organization. They were there to buy a sink. Josh, then 11, also noticed a collection of pennies. “I instantly felt the urge to help out with that,” he said. Josh set fundraising (筹款) deadline of four years. Many people doubted whether he could reach his goal of $100,000, but it didn’t’ shake his faith. He raised money at his school and other nearby schools He collected money from neighbors, got publicity from local newspapers, and placed cans in stores so that people could donate extra change.

Josh’s fundraising efforts began to produce results. Still, there were challenges. Four months before his deadline, he was $30,000 short. He decided to hold a Family Fun Fair and Spaghetti Dinner in Uxbridge, which is in the province of Ontario. The event raised $19,000.

“I didn’t care how long it took me,” Josh said. “I would raise $100,000.” With three weeks left, a company called Josh’s house offering to donate $18,000. Eventually, Josh reached a total of $124,000 before his deadline. “The momentum just kept going, and we decided to do more,” he said. “Josh’s Penny House” is being built by Habitat for Humanity in the city of Oshawa, along with 24 new townhouses. Josh has helped with some of the construction, as have other volunteers. He will choose the family that moves into the unit.

Next year, the 17-year-old will head to college in British Columbia, Canada’s westernmost province. As a 11-year-old kid when starting fundraising. Josh was able to send a powerful message across the world. No matter how old you are, if you have a dream and are willing to do anything to achieve it, it can come true.

1.Which word can best describe Josh Morrison in Paragraph 2?

A.Straightforward. B.Open-minded.

C.Determined. D.Cautious.

2.Why was the Family Fun Fair and Spaghetti Dinner event in Uxbridge held?

A.To call for more attention.

B.To attain his goal.

C.To win approval from the locals.

D.To find sponsors for a family.

3.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?

A.His project became more popular.

B.He received continuous donations.

C.The result was beyond expectations.

D.He got more support from the company.

4.What will be the best title of the text?

A.An Astonishing Fundraiser B.Boy with a Warm Heart

C.Kindness from a Company D.The Penny House Dream


Great Part-Time Jobs for a College Student


It seems almost everyone has a friend who is a technical genius. Such people earn money using their talent. If you are one of them, you could be responsible for technical support in your college or university and get your part-time job for a college student.

You are able to help your friends with programs install and you can market services on different sites and social media. Set your hours free and enjoy the process of earning money by doing your favorite thing.


A lot of students hire a tutor to help them in high school or college. If you are good at some subjects, why not work as a peer tutor? It’s dual thing because you help your friends and earn money at the same time. If you know foreign languages, you can make more money. All you need to do is to make an appropriate advertisement of your services using college newspapers and other tools of spreading information One of the best things about being a tutor is that you can set your hours.


If your college has a fitness center and if you are a sporty person, go and sign up to get this job. You will have an absolute free opportunity to engage yourself in sports. You need to be a good psychologist, because you are going to work with people and it will be your job to persuade and motivate them to become sporty, healthy and strong. Being a fitness instructor is a perfect position for those who love to help other people and want to make more friends.


Nowadays many companies cooperate with students, giving them part-time jobs. Some of the major duties of an office worker are answering calls and scheduling appointments. If you are interested in doing this job, contact the representatives of different companies to find out if they are currently hiring anyone.




1.What kind of part-time job suits you best if you have impressive academic performance?

A.Technical support. B.Tutor.

C.Fitness instructor. D.Office worker.

2.What do you probably do if you want to be a technical support?

A.Go to different sites and social media to market your services.

B.Contact the representatives of different companies.

C.Have a friend who is technical genius.

D.Cooperate with college students.

3.What is special about being a fitness instructor?

A.You can earn more money.

B.You can be good psychologist.

C.You can enjoy the fitness equipment for free.

D.You can set your hours.


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