Learning matters in living a full and rich life. You can take your passing interest in art and explore it more deeply. You can also improve your career prospects by learning new skills. 1.

1. They expand their library of books regularly.

As businessman Jim Rohn remarked, “Some people read so little they have rickets of the mind.” People with non-stop learning are often found browsing for books on Amazon. 2. Lifelong learners also ask friends and family for book suggestions, especially for non-fiction titles.

2. 3.

Deep engagement with learning makes the experience more valuable and easier to remember. Fortunately, this tip is easy to use. Simply take a few minutes during a class break to write down some questions about the material. If you are taking a business course, you can always ask questions about how to apply the material to your career goals.

If you are uncomfortable asking questions in front of other people, there are other options. 4.

3. They learn to earn.

5. Lifelong learners view their education as an investment with several components. For example, project management professionals are required to pursue ongoing education in three areas: leadership, technical knowledge and management.

If you are seeking to increase your income, consider learning sales and marketing skills. Those skills make a great difference even if you are not in a traditional sales job.

A.They learn from experiences that help them grow.

B.To discover the benefits of lifelong learning, read on.

C.They take the time to ask questions when they take courses.

D.Continuing education is vital to maintain your career growth.

E.Moreover, they like visiting their local library or book stores.

F.However, reading can not only broaden our vision but also cultivate our taste.

G.You can send questions by email or ask for an appointment to discuss the matter in depth.


The values of artistic works, according to cultural relativism(相对主义), are simply reflections of local social and economic conditions. Such a view, however, fails to explain the ability of some works of art to excite the human mind across cultures and through centuries.

History has witnessed the endless productions of Shakespearean plays in every major language of the world. It is never rare to find that Mozart packs Japanese concert halls, as Japanese painter Hiroshige does Paris galleries, Unique works of this kind are different from today’s popular art, even if they began as works of popular art. They have set themselves apart in their timeless appeal and will probably be enjoyed for centuries into the future.

In a 1757 essay, the philosopher David Hume argued that because“the general principles of taste are uniform(不变的) in human nature,”the value of some works of art might be essentially permanent. He observed that Homer was still admired after two thousand years. Works of this type, he believed, spoke to deep and unvarying features of human nature and could continue to exist over centuries.

Now researchers are applying scientific methods to the study of the universality of art. For example, evolutionary psychology is being used by literary scholars to explain the long-lasting themes and plot devices in fiction. The structures of musical pieces are now open to experimental analysis as never before. Research findings seem to indicate that the creation by a great artist is as permanent an achievement as the discovery by a great scientist.

1.According to the passage, what do we know about cultural relativism?

A.It introduces different cultural values.

B.It explains the history of artistic works.

C.It relates artistic values to local conditions.

D.It excites the human mind throughout the world.

2.In Paragraph 2, the artists are mentioned in order to show that _____    .

A.great works of art can go beyond national boundaries

B.history gives art works special appeal to set them apart

C.popular arts are hardly distinguishable from great arts

D.great artists are skilled at combining various cultures

3.According to Hume, some works of art can exist for centuries because_____     .

A.they are results of scientific study

B.they establish some general principles of art

C.they are created by the world’s greatest artists

D.they appeal to unchanging features of human nature

4.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?

A.Are Artistic Values Universal?

B.Are Popular Arts Permanent?

C.Is Human Nature Uniform?

D.Is Cultural Relativism Scientific?


    Scientists have discovered that rats have adapted to modern human life, even adapting their diets to the cities they live in.

The scientists claim that it could be possible that humans and rats have had similar changes in their genetic make-up, due to modern city life. The downside of the changes in the DNA is that they could make rats susceptible to the same health problems as humans, such as pollutants and sugary foods.

The study showed that rats’ diets have also adapted to their environment. In New York, you can see them eat bagels and beer; in Paris, they like croissants and butter. They adapt in amazing ways. The scientists also analyzed the genomes (基因组)of 29 New York rats and compared them with those of nine brown rats from Heilongjiang Province, north-east China. The finding showed that dozens of rat genes had been through major DNA changes over the centuries, as the rats spread from Asia to Europe and America, and from the countryside and into cities.

The changed genes were associated with diet, behavior, and movement, which added pressures and challenges for the rat to overcome. This could reflect the fact that urban rats have to move through highly artificial environments that are very different from natural habitats. So these gene changes might have evolved to help them move more easily through underground channels and pipes.

As the rats are closely associated with city-living humans, the scientists believe that it is possible that similar changes have happened in both species.

In October 2019, scientists used rats to successfully test an enzyme() that could be used to help people quit smoking. Two groups of rats were trained to self-administer nicotine, and over two weeks their nicotine intakes increased, suggesting addiction. Then, one group of rats was given the enzyme, which led to a decreased nicotine intake. The scientists say that the enzyme could be developed for human use in the future.

1.Which of the following best explains the underlined phrase “susceptible to” in paragraph 2?

A.Not likely to be cured of. B.Being disease-resistant to.

C.Very likely to be affected by. D.Being thoroughly exposed to.

2.What does the author intend to show in the third paragraph?

A.Rats in the city are particular about their food.

B.Rats in different cities have different genetic make-up.

C.Rats are distributed in every continent of the earth.

D.Rats have been adjusting themselves to the environment.

3.What is the purpose of testing an enzyme on rats?

A.To explore rats’ survival ability. B.To help people stop smoking.

C.To learn more about city rats. D.To tell apart nicotine and enzyme.

4.What is the best title of this text?

A.Rats Have Adapted to Modern Human Life

B.Rats in the City Have Varieties of Diets

C.Rats Are More Adaptable than Humans

D.Rats Have the Same Genetic Make-up to Humans


    That morningI dropped our eldest at kindergarten and returned home to let our two younger children play while I worked on my medical report. It was wonderful, but it hit me that my career in hospital wasn't making a difference in anyone's life. I needed something that would stretch my limits and push me to grow. My career enabled me to work from home. I could work from home, and become a foster(领养)mother, providing safety for a child who needed it desperately.

On Monday morning, I picked up the phone and dialed the number I had googled for the nearest Department of Children’ Services. The man on the other end was receptive to my questions and explained the next step of training, involving eight weeks of classes designed to prepare and educate foster parents. We continued through all the classes, the home visits , background checks, and seemingly endless steps.

Five long months after we were approved , the phone Tang. In the middle of the night , I woke my husband and rushed to East Tennessee Children's Hospital- Our placement was waiting for us in the emergency room, sick and lack of nutrition. It didn't take long for us to realize the full depth of her suffering. Six months later, her half-brother came to us by our request. We now had five children under our care.

On August 12, 2016, our family of seven walked into a small courtroom. The children's lawyer and social worker were there. With just a few words, our adoption was finalized. These two amazing children weren't going home, because they were already home. We are their forever family5 and they are our forever children. We may not be able to change the entire world, but we have changed the world entirely for our new children.

1.How did the author feel about her hospital work?

A.Unusually demanding. B.Lacking in motivation.

C.Filled with challenges D.Packed with chances.

2.What led the author to decide to adopt children?

A.She wanted to make a difference in other people.

B.She felt sympathetic for abused children she knew.

C.She felt confident about her ability to raise children.

D.She experienced training to raise children properly.

3.What does the underlined word "placement" in Para.3 refer to?

A.The child to be adopted. B.The need to get trained.

C.The approval of adoption. D.The official at the hospital

4.Why did the author appear at the courtroom?

A.To put the adopted kids elsewhere.

B.To receive another adopted child.

C.To begin the kids5 adoption in her home .

D.To make the adoption officially legal,



About us

You don’t want just gym membership. You want membership that means something. And that means you need support, expert help and a community.

Best Body Fitness isn’t just a gym: it’s full-service fitness membership made for you.

Here’s how it works:

STEP ONE: Your assessment

We begin with an assessment session. This is a chance for you to see what we do at Best Body. Our assessment plans are no-cost and no-risk. We’ll also make a training plan specifically for you.

STEP TWO: Your training

When you decide to become a Best Body member, we show you what to do, how to do it and why you are doing it. After a few sessions with an expert private trainer you will feel comfortable working out on your own. But don’t worry, we’ll always be nearby if you have questions.

STEP THREE: Your membership

Membership works on a month-to-month basis. There are no sign-up fees and no cancellation fees. Start and stop whenever you want. And the best part? Our fees are the most competitive in the whole downtown area.

STEP FOUR: Your community

At Best Body Fitness, we see everyone as part of a big team. And when you work with a team, you can do great things. Join any of our specialized classes, led by expert instructors. Come to our nutrition classes. Participate in our regular social events. Everything is included in your fee.

Finally, share some reasons why our members have chosen us over any other fitness centre in the city.

It’s so EASY

Easy to start, stop, cancel or refund membership

Easy to access — we’re open 24/7, we never close

Easy to do exercise — we have lots of equipment, no long wait

Easy to find — in the centre of town, near public transport and with parking

1.Which statement about Best Body Fitness is correct?

A.It provides you with a fitness assessment after training.

B.It offers you a customized training plan.

C.It allows you to work out without any fees.

D.It asks you to work out on your own.

2.What is the best part of Best Body Fitness?

A.Its price is quite good. B.Its time is enough.

C.Its classes are no-risk. D.Its trainers are experienced.

3.What type of writing does this text probably belong to?

A.News report. B.Speech.

C.Announcement. D.Advertisement.


假定你是李华,你的英国笔友David对中国传统文化很感兴趣,他想让你给他推荐一本关于这方面的书。请 你给他回一封邮件,向他推荐我国的四大名著之---《西游记》。内容包括:





参考词汇:徒弟 disciple,佛经 Buddhist scriptures



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每 句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






When I was young, I dreamed for being a painter. But my mother always hoped I could be a doctor. I guess she wanted me to followed in my father's footsteps. My father, however, expected me to become photographer. But I become a teacher at 25. Life is usual unpredictable. Sometimes you may not be achieve the dream you once had in your childhood. Therefore, it doesn't mean you'll have to give up your dream. You can always leave your dream in your heart and keep them as a lifetime hobby. As for me, I'm still interesting in painting, that helps me relax in my spare time.


    One day I took an orange — and — white cat home, which I called Splash. However, I had one concern with __ her to my dog, Bee, which had a distinct __ for cats. My own cats were wise enough to ___themselves in the barn(谷仓)and fields. I was _____ that Splash didn't understand this and would be a victim.

I took Splash to the barn, but soon she __ the house and was curious about it. She made a straight line for the door. Bee enjoyed the ___ at the door, so when Splash showed up, Bee came up in ____ But Splash faced her threatener ___ and swiped at(猛击)the approaching dog. Then something ___ happened Bee pulled to a sudden stop. He __ and went back to the back door slowly.

Every day for the next few weeks, Splash would walk to the___ in the morning, and Bee would come and try to drive her away, only to find a____enemy. Over the next few months, I watched an aggressive dislike turn into a playful __ between the two. They began to share the back-door space and sometimes the __ especially for the faithful dog.

One day, seeing the two companions playing together, I ____ this dog and cat were almost the same as the nations of this world. Actually, some of us are like Bee, who started a fight with the intention of____ an unwanted invasion(入侵),and some of us are like Splash, just wanting someone to __ life with. Bee and Splash are two different animals with the natural tendency that should put them in _______. Yet they've come to a place where all the ______ are set aside, and they_______ each other fully. Why can't we?

1.A.selling B.introducing C.comparing D.donating

2.A.wish B.sympathy C.preference D.dislike

3.A.check B.cure C.hide D.teach

4.A.worried B.glad C.grateful D.relieved

5.A.ruined B.noticed C.decorated D.crashed

6.A.celebration B.noise C.darkness D.freedom

7.A.horror B.anger C.sadness D.excitement

8.A.sincerely B.selflessly C.shyly D.fearlessly

9.A.unexpected B.thrilling C.dangerous D.attractive

10.A.remained B.exploded C.turned D.agreed

11.A.cage B.zoo C.field D.door

12.A.lazy B.stubborn C.terrified D.strange

13.A.graduation B.discussion C.friendship D.examination

14.A.treats B.jokes C.tests D.risks

15.A.heard B.announced C.doubted D.realized

16.A.dealing with B.escaping from C.looking for D.taking in

17.A.improve B.change C.share D.abandon

18.A.order B.conflict C.peace D.charge

19.A.differences B.conversations C.comments D.connections

20.A.praise B.inspire C.guide D.enjoy


    It truly doesn't take much to encourage others and, best of all, it is very affordable and requires no special equipment. Here are some simple ways to encourage others.

Take an interest.

I believe this is one of the most practical ways of encouraging others.

Show that you're interested in what they're doing. 1.People like to talk about themselves and once you get them talking, you fire up their enthusiasm.

Acknowledge a job well done.

Great achievements take time and effort. You can encourage others by acknowledging their efforts. A simple “well done" or “thank you" can be influential. 2.

Lend a hand.

3. In fact, you can be the first one to lend a hand. If a person sees you are willing to spend your time and energy on their interests, they will be more encouraged to see it through and less likely to give up.


Thank someone when he/she does something for you. Thank your partner after he/ she cooks a nice meal. Thank a friend for lending you a book. A simple “thank you" lets others know what they have done is meaningful to you.

Give a call to your friend.

As you know, we're all busy, and in the age of emails and texts, phone calls seem ancient to many people.

5. Even if they miss the call they'll appreciate the effort and your message. Make an effort to do this just once a week for one person and see how your connections respond to the encouragement.

A.Get them talking.

B.Show your appreciation.

C.Do something unexpected.

D.But people love hearing from friends.

E.You don't have to wait for someone to ask you for advice.

F.Haven't you felt important when someone asked for your advice?

G.These words can make a difference between going on and giving up.


    Is there anybody out there? For centuries human beings have been wondering. As we've gained greater understanding of the universe, however, our searches have taken on a more concrete form. Questions about aliens have become a subject for science rather than science fiction and philosophy.

Now a new cooperation(合作)between the Very Large Array observatory in New Mexico and the privately funded Seti Institute in California could mean that our curiosity about aliens is closer than ever before to being satisfied. Data from the VLA's 28 giant radio telescopes will be fed through a special supercomputer that will search for distant signals. Scientists who work at the Seti Institute said the announcement means their research is now “almost mainstream".

How likely it is that a signal will be found, and what this might mean, are hard questions to answer. Seti's existing projects haven't detected any life signals from other planets so far. But recent discoveries in space and Earth sciences have provided some encouragement to those who are enthusiastic about the likelihood, however remote, of detecting other civilizations.

While once it was thought that our solar system could be unique, since the discovery of the first exoplanet (a planet in another solar system) in the 1990s, thousands more have been located(确定位置). Around one in five stars are now thought to have a planet in their orbit in a so-called “habitable zone"—that is at a distance from the star where the temperature(neither too hot nor too cold) means that life is theoretically feasible.

If there is another life form somewhere, could it be as intelligent as us? Or cause a risk to us, as the physicist Stephen Hawking once warned? As investigations of Mars continue, our interest in the possibility of alien life appears clear—especially when conditions in our own earth appear even more unstable.

1.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?

A.Global cooperation helps to study aliens.

B.Searching for aliens is becoming a trend.

C.Aliens have caught wide attention globally.

D.There are many uncertainties about aliens study.

2.What is the encouraging news to searchers for distant civilizations?

A.VLA has developed new radio telescopes.

B.Seti has detected signals from other planets.

C.More and more exoplanets have been found.

D.Other civilizations have been located in a habitable zone.

3.What does the underlined word “feasible" in paragraph 4 most probably mean?

A.Possible. B.Tough.

C.Easy. D.Certain.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Literature. B.Health.

C.Education. D.Science.


    When there’s a heat wave, ocean temperatures rise. That heat causes coral reefs (珊瑚礁) to lose their color, which shows the corals are dying. Fish then leave, and without the fish activity, reefs fall silent. A new study finds playing the sounds of a healthy reef can attract fish back to dead or dying areas. Indeed, those sounds could help bring a reef back to life.

Tim Gordon, a biologist at the University of Exeter in England, studies the effect of sound on sea animals. He and his research group “felt surprised at so many different sounds you can hear on a healthy reef”. They were shocked by how quiet the reefs became as they died. That got them wondering: Could sound help renew dying reefs by attracting fish?

So Gordon used pieces of dead coral to create small patches (小块) of reefs along the Great Barrier Reef. He placed them at least 25 meters from each other and from other reefs. Gordon left eleven patches alone. These served as his controls. He set up a loudspeaker around another eleven patches. The speakers played healthy reef sounds. The last eleven patches served as a different type of control. They got a set-up that looked like the loudspeaker but played no sound.

Fish arrived at all three types of patches. But they showed up more quickly at the ones that had sound. Besides, those small reefs ended up with twice as many fish by the end of the experiment. Reefs with sound also had more species overall. Gordon found no difference between the two types of controls. It was sound, not the speaker set-up , that had attracted the extra fish. Playing healthy reef sounds adds another powerful tool to restore our reefs, Gordon says.

1.What has led to the death of coral reefs?

A.Too many fish. B.Noise pollution.

C.Loss of their color. D.High ocean temperatures.

2.What is the purpose of the second paragraph?

A.To introduce sounds of a healthy reef. B.To raise doubts about dying coral reefs.

C.To explain the reason for the new study. D.To show the positive effect of fish on corals.

3.What did Gordon and his team do in their study?

A.They played healthy reef sounds for two groups of patches.

B.They created 33 patches with the collected pieces of dead coral.

C.They set up a loudspeaker around all the patches of dead coral.

D.They played sounds to attract fish to approach all the patches.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Healthy coral reef sounds attract fish back to dead reefs.

B.Dead coral reefs are especially dependent on healthy sounds.

C.The speaker set-ups of coral reefs are attractive to most fish.

D.Underwater speakers may remind coral reefs of possible threats.


    My mom was a beauty who seldom spent time and money on her physical appearance—especially in terms of fancy clothes or hairstyles. She just kept beautiful in her way rest, water, exercise, vegetables and laughter.

My mom would tell me her father had her run his little corner store from the age of ten. She saw poor people come in, looking for food and making hard choices, like meat or cheese. She took their coins with an eye on the bottom line. It was up to her to ensure the register balanced at the end of the day. So from a young age, my mom had her mind conditioned about money.

However, my mom had one weakness diamonds. In 1958, my teenage dad gave her a diamond chip as an engagement(订婚)ring, which she proudly wore until she saved enough for an “upgrade". By then, she was in her thirties. Over the years, my mom also acquired other diamond pieces like earrings. Mom wore them proudly and she simply loved the way her diamonds sparkled(闪耀).

On my parents' 50th wedding anniversary, I treated them to dinner at a restaurant. It made her happy, but Mom had her eye on a big diamond to mark the occasion. My dad found her a six-carat(克拉)one. Mom said each carat represented a decade that she loved my dad, plus one to grow on. For the next six years, she never took it off her finger.

Knowing how my mom loved that diamond made it more special when she left it to me. After wearing it on my hand for a year, I decided to set it into a necklace where it'd be closer to my heart. It reminds me of my mom every day, no matter what I'm doing, and it speaks to me in unique ways.

1.What can we know about Mom?

A.She spent much on her makeup. B.She was a vain beautiful woman.

C.She kept beautiful in a natural way. D.She was proud of her appearance.

2.What made Mom careful about spending money?

A.The words of neighbors.

B.Her life in a poor family.

C.The choice of the poor people.

D.Her experience in her father's store.

3.Mom most probably thinks of the diamonds as a sign of_____ .

A.luck B.love C.status D.wealth

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Mother's Love for Diamonds B.Love Between Mother and Daughter

C.Memories of Beautiful Diamonds D.Strong Love for a Determined Mother


Online EventWhat Happened at the Big Bang(爆炸)?

Over the past few decades, we've made unbelievable discoveries about how our universe developed over the past 13. 8 billion years. But we still know very little about what happened in the first seconds after the big bang.

In the latest New Scientist online event, the speaker Dan Hooper will examine how physicists are using experiments to re-create the conditions of the big bang, and to deal with mysteries like how our universe came to contain so much matter and so little antimatter.

•Early bird ticket offer £ 12, and your ticket includes:

—Live lecture lasting 40 minutes

—Question & Answer with Dan Hooper

—On-demand access to a recording of the lecture and Q & A, available(可得到的)to watch for 12 months —An additional 40-minute physics lecture

● About the speaker:

Dan Hooper is a senior scientist and the head of the theoretical astrophysics group at the Fermi National Accelerator Lab, as well as a professor of the University of Chicago. He is especially interested in questions about dark matter and the early universe.

●Event information:

This online event will start at 6 pm on Thursday, July 9 and will last for about one hour. Access to a recording of the event will be available from July 10 to ticket buyers for the 12 months following the live event.

●Booking information:

Tickets are only refundable(可退还的)if New Scientist stops this event. New Scientist Ltd has the right to change the event and its arrangement, or stop the event. Tickets are only available in advance through New Scientist website.

1.What benefit can the ticket buyers enjoy?

A.Interviewing the speaker face to face.

B.Taking someone else to attend the lecture.

C.Getting a video tape of a 40-minute physics lecture.

D.Watching a recording of the event within one year.

2.What can we know about Dan Hooper?

A.He works at a university.

B.He is a world-famous writer.

C.He is the head of New Scientist Ltd.

D.His study focuses on questions about online events.

3.What do you have to do if you want to attend the event?

A.Get in touch with Hooper. B.Buy a ticket ahead of time.

C.Arrive before 6 pm on the day. D.Get permission from the organizer.




I woke at 5:30 A.M. after a restless night’s sleep. I slowly unzipped the tent door to inspect the new day. Just like yesterday, the wind had dropped. It was another beautiful Arctic day. I crawled out of my sleeping bag unwillingly. I am normally a morning person but the intense cold outside made that morning most unappealing. Anyhow, it was time to greet Charlie and start the day.

My dog Charlie was up and it was bouncing up and down at the end of his chain looking well rested. I poured what looked like a pound of dog food into his bowl.

Stepping out of the tent, I looked around for bears or tracks and saw none. It would never be a good thing to meet a polar bear. An Inuit (因纽特人) once told me that I should watch out for polar bears. He said that if I met a polar bear, I should keep the following rules in mind. First, keep eye contact, move sideways or slightly forward, never backward, stay calm. Do not show fear and stand beside a large object to make myself appear as large as possible. Weapons like flare gun(信号枪) are necessary, but do not shoot unless forced to. Don’t wound a bear, or you'll make it even more dangerous, and never run.

It was only six o’clock, so I decided to have a leisurely breakfast of a bowl of milk powder, coconut flakes, and butter mixed with warm water. I sat on my sled(雪橇) to enjoy my first breakfast of the expedition only to find that after the third spoonful it was frozen. So much for leisurely breakfasts! I added more warm water and ate the rest as fast as possible.

Suddenly I heard a deep, long growl coming from Charlie’s throat. In a flash I looked at him and then in the direction in which he was staring. It was a female polar bear followed by two cubs(幼崽) slowly, purposefully, toward me. They were two hundred yards away.

Paragraph 1:

With my heart quickening, I grabbed my loaded flare gun and carefully walked sideways a few steps to Charlie.


Paragraph 2:

The whole event lasted fifteen minutes but seemed years long.









Dear James,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


    As our Earth’s temperature warms up because of climate change, it is having unexpected effects on our world’s forests. When temperatures rise, trees close their skins to ___________ the loss of water, and this, in turn, slows down the ___________ of photosynthesis(光合作用). As a result, these trees are shorter and grow slowly, as well as have a ___________ death rate.

Climate change also increases the ___________ of droughts and wildfires. After wildfires, it takes a while for the forest systems to ___________ , and in some cases, the forests are ___________ permanently. Trees that are stressed are also ___________ to attacks by bacteria(细菌). In tropical forests, vines that use the trees as ___________ can often choke the trees and rob them of nutrients. Finally, humans have ___________ the forest landscape through logging. When trees are replanted on the soil, they will never grow as large as the ____________ trees that were cut down.

As these forests disappear, species that once called them “home” are forced to change, ____________ the variety of those systems. ____________ , some endangered species are unable to ____________ and die. Old-growth forests are disappearing in all regions of our world. When forests die, younger forests that are reestablished in the same area grow back weaker and smaller ____________ poor vegetation. With trees dying increasingly and continuously, will future generations ____________ out on the wonders of forests?

1.A.protect B.prevent C.save D.free

2.A.movement B.situation C.process D.operation

3.A.higher B.firmer C.lighter D.smaller

4.A.choice B.measure C.qualification D.chance

5.A.grow B.rescue C.recover D.decline

6.A.ignored B.lost C.hurt D.left

7.A.accessible B.enjoyable C.acceptable D.favorable

8.A.attention B.command C.trust D.support

9.A.frightened B.paid C.ruined D.wasted

10.A.common B.original C.distant D.strong

11.A.affecting B.improving C.forgetting D.reflecting

12.A.Besides B.Surprisingly C.Otherwise D.Unfortunately

13.A.devote B.keep C.adapt D.lead

14.A.due to B.in addition to C.instead of D.in spite of

15.A.pass B.miss C.break D.bring


    Being able to communicate effectively with others is an essential skill for people of all ages. 1. People who want to develop those skills can learn how to do this from self-help books, workshops, and from the advice of other people.

2. Active listening involves a person listening carefully and attentively to the person speaking, restating what the other person has said — or what comes across — in a brief and nonjudgmental manner. 3. Becoming effective at active listening is one way to increase trust and understanding in a relationship, whether it is a personal or professional one.

Another tip to developing and improving interpersonal communication skills is to use feedback for different types of communication. Before giving speeches and presentations, it is always well advised to practice them before an audience and to ask for feedback before giving the real speech or presentation. 4.

It also is essential in developing communication skills to use appropriate body language and eye contact. 5. For example, using direct eye contact and body language that indicates openness, such as uncrossed arms, can help to get across that a person is ready and willing to listen and to speak openly.

A.It is essential to learn how to communicate politely.

B.These nonverbal signals can convey the true feelings.

C.Most people can benefit from improving their communication skills.

D.Being active listening doesn’t mean people have to employ it continuously.

E.This kind of listening focuses more on understanding than on giving advice.

F.By doing so, we can ensure the messages are easily understood and come across as intended.

G.One of the best tips for developing communication skills is to learn and practice effective listening.


    Tell a child they need to experience another painful medical procedure, and you’ll probably have a kid filled with fear and anxiety. Tell that same child they’ll have a chance to strike flying cheeseburgers in outer space while their doctor works on them, and they might feel a little different.

That night-and-day difference in how kids respond to the treatment of their doctors is the reason for Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford’s innovative use of virtual reality technology. Packard Children’s lets kids participate in experiences that can significantly reduce their anxiety — and even their pain.

This isn’t the first time Packard Children’s has introduced those innovative methods. In 2015, Thomas Caruso, M.D., the founder of Packard Children’s Childhood Anxiety Reduction through Innovation and Technology (CHARIOT) program, introduced the Bedside Entertainment and Relaxation Theater (BERT). The system projects videos on a large screen attached to patients’ gurneys(装有轮子的床) so they can watch movies and music videos all the way to the operating room. And in early 2017, CHARIOT launched an interactive video game called Sevo the Dragon, which projects on the BERT screen, so the tiniest patients have something fun to do while breathing medicine through a mask.

“Children shouldn’t grow up being afraid to go to the doctor to have a shot, but certain experiences can cause strong unreasonable fear that last into adulthood. Needle phobia(晕针) is a common example of that, and it is the primary reason adults avoid important immunizations(免疫) like flu shots.” Caruso told Stanford Medicine News Center.

VR distraction therapy is being used for kids at Packard Children’s as young as age 6 in specific areas like the emergency department, and the tool will be widely used in all of the Children’s Health’s surgery clinics by the end of 2020.

1.What is paragraph 1 mainly about?

A.Doctors’ favor of eating cheeseburgers.

B.Kids’ fear and anxiety towards doctors.

C.Doctors’ working on saving the children.

D.Kids’ different reactions to medical treatment.

2.What is the purpose of the CHARIOT program?

A.To ease the patients’ worries.

B.To introduce a new technology.

C.To help children to breathe medicine.

D.To show advertisements to the patients.

3.What does the underlined word “it” refer to in paragraph 4?

A.A kind of flu. B.The fear of needle for no reason.

C.The immune system. D.A kind of medicine for children.

4.The VR therapy offers __________ experiences to the patients.

A.disappointing B.conventional

C.relaxing D.unreasonable


    The British people have just discovered a new country. It’s called the UK! More and more people are choosing to take their holidays in their own country rather than travel abroad.

In the late 1970s, air travel became affordable for the average family in the UK, and more and more British people started travelling abroad for their summer holidays (July-August). After all, the British weather isn’t very good, even in summer, so a lot of Britons leave the UK for a vacation. Particularly popular with families on a budget is the “package holiday”, where the cost of flights and accommodation are offered as one discounted price by travel agents.

In the 1980s and 1990s, young people in the UK became more wealthy. As a result, the Club 18-30 holiday became popular. Young people started to go abroad in groups, to places such as Spain and Greece. Once at their destination, they socialised with other groups of young people and had one long party.

British holidaying habits have begun to change, however. Climate change means that the UK now has a warmer climate than before, so people don’t always feel they need to go overseas to find good weather. Also, the world seems a less certain place as interconnected economies rise and fall, which means that the cost of foreign holidays is less predictable than it used to be. As a result, more and more Britons are choosing to spend their summer holidays in the UK.

In recent years, British hotels in areas such as the English Lake District have seen a large increase in bookings. That rise is mainly owing to the British staying in their own country for their holidays. In addition, for some foreign tourists, the UK is a cheaper place to visit than previously because of changes in the value of the British pound.

The UK has always been famous for its international explorers, but now it is starting to discover itself.

1.What is the feature of the Club 18-30 holiday?

A.Young people went abroad with their family.

B.Young people got lots of money from their family.

C.Young people took part in social activities abroad.

D.Travel agents offered a better discount to young people.

2.Why do British people prefer domestic holidays now?

A.They are wealthier and more social.

B.The global weather is becoming predictable.

C.The UK is famous for its beautiful scenery.

D.The expense on foreign holidays is unsteady.

3.How is the text mainly organized?

A.In order of frequency. B.In order of time.

C.In order of space. D.In order of importance.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Holidays and Habits B.Weather and Scenery

C.Travels and Economies D.Package Holiday and Culture


    Every week, two converted blue buses packed with children’s books carefully drive along the streets of Kabul, avoiding areas where deadly explosions are common. These travelling libraries stop off at schools in different parts of the city, delivering a wealth of reading material directly to youngsters who have limited access to books.

“A lot of schools in our city don’t have access to something as basic as a library,” says Freshta Karim, a 27-year-old Oxford University graduate who was inspired to start Charmaghz, a non-profit organization, in her home city having grown up without many books herself. “We were trying to understand what we could do to promote critical thinking in our country.”

While for many people a bus or train journey presents a rare opportunity to get stuck into a book, in some cities public transport is being used as means of getting books to communities that need them most. Afghanistan, for example, has one of the world’s lowest literacy rates, with only three in 10 adults able to read, according to UNESCO. The majority of public schools in Kabul do not have libraries and the city’s libraries do not offer many children’s books. For Karim, buses were a cost-effective, efficient way to get books to children.

Charmarghz rents them from a state-owned bus company. “We go to nearby schools,” she says. “We try to stop inside communities rather than on the main streets where explosions often happen.”

The organization is funded by donations from local business and communities, and also rents a third bus that acts as a mobile cinema. Over 600 children visit the buses each day to read, socialise and play games. “They are often very excited,” she says. “Our biggest challenge is that so many children want to come inside the bus, but we can’t have all of them in one day.”

1.Why does Freshta Karim set up the organization?

A.To raise money for the poor. B.To recycle abandoned buses.

C.To build libraries for the local schools. D.To offer the children more reading opportunities.

2.What is special about Charmarghz?

A.It’s funded by UNESCO. B.It’s a state-owned organization.

C.It buys buses from a company. D.It aims to inspire critical thinking.

3.What is the most pressing problem for Charmarghz?

A.Deadly explosions. B.Poor public transport system.

C.Shortage of travelling libraries. D.Lack of support from the government.

4.Which of the following best describes Freshta Karim?

A.Caring and courageous. B.Humorous and ambitious.

C.Demanding and enthusiastic. D.Honest and hardworking.


Global Hotel Study: When to Book & How to Save

While vacation rentals are a great option for any trip, 56% of Americans prefer to stay in a hotel. Meanwhile, Americans are also looking for a stay that’s budget-friendly. Knowing that your day-to-day costs can be the biggest part of your travel budget, we’ve rounded up several tips on how to get the best price on your hotel.

Unlike with flights, those who wait until the last minute to book can often score a great deal on a hotel room. We found that booking your hotel 1-3 days in advance of your stay can save you between $15-20 per night when you’re staying somewhere in the US. For international trips, booking as little as 6 days ahead for a shorter stay can help you save around $6/night. With these points in mind, here’s our best advice on when to book your hotel and how to save.

When to Book



Cheapest Day to Book

Friday/ Saturday


Most Expensive Day to Book



Cheapest Check-In Days


Sunday or Tuesday

Most Expensive Check-In Days



Our tips will help you create a good foundation for getting the best price possible when you search. And in order to be sure you’re getting the hotel you want, we’ve created powerful filters(筛选程序) that’ll narrow down all your options to the perfect one. These are the most popular filters used on KAYAK.

Whatever your plans are for your next stay, we’ll search hundreds of travel and hotel sites at once. So you can be confident you found the best price on the perfect hotel.

1.Which is the best way to save money while traveling in America?

A.Book on Friday and check in on Sunday.

B.Book on Monday and check in on Friday.

C.Book on Saturday and check in on Monday.

D.Book on Saturday and check in on Thursday.

2.Which factor is most valued according to KAYAK?

A.Swimming pool. B.Included breakfast.

C.Free Internet access. D.View from hotel room.

3.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A report. B.A website.

C.A research paper. D.A magazine.


假定你叫李华,你与班上来自英国的交换生Mike约定周日去购买他喜欢的中国历史书籍,但你临时有事 不能赴约。请你给他写一封邮件说明情况,内容包括:


2. 解释失约原因; '






假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





Our class joined in a meaningful activity during the winter vacation. First, we went to visit the old lady who lived all alone. Some chatted with her while others help do a thorough cleaning for us. When the work was done, the house looked real neat and tidy. Then we went to the sport center, where all equipment needed polished. We set out to work at once. At no time everything was dust-free. Having done all this, we saw a pleasant community than before. Tiring as we were, we felt happy as all of our work was paid off.


    I glanced at the magazine covers while paying for some goods. Then I _______ Taraji P. Henson confidently on the cover of a magazine. The caption _______ All I can be is me. " Considering that I run a non-profit organization _______ positive perception(认识)of the body and encouraging people to accept their bodies, I'm _______about that it took me so long to know it.

I used to make _______ on my mom that she looked young for her age her skin didn't have lots of _______ , and she had few age spots. But I suddenly realized with a _______ eye that day that I had been _______ forcing a young value system on my mom. So I _______ for telling her that, and she accepted with a smile.

I want my mom to grow old, feel the  ________ to age and enjoy everything during the process.  It's a privilege to grow older ________ ,we lose sight of this when we are ________ with countless perfect pictures of aging women and anti-aging fever. The phenomenon ________ a larger cultural problem that the perfected and forever ________appearance has become the norm—or ________ the popular norm.

Now I value the ________ older women have acquired through their life experiences. I believe we need to celebrate them for what they've ________in life. I want to see older women ________ as themselves with loose skin, grey hair and everything else that comes.

Wanting to be________to others isn't a bad want, but our culture's addiction to staying young has destroyed an entire age group of women. To restate the magazine's __________  ,let women actually be themselves.

1.A.noticed B.thought C.admired D.watched

2.A.wrote B.read C.showed D.concluded

3.A.learning B.promoting C.influencing D.representing

4.A.pleased B.satisfied C.worried D.embarrassed

5.A.appeals B.donations C.responses D.comments

6.A.wrinkles B.marks C.scars D.blackheads

7.A.cautious B.sharp C.fresh D.cold

8.A.deliberately B.aimlessly C.abruptly D.unintentionally

9.A.sighed B.apologized C.scared D.complained

10.A.freedom B.urge C.duty D.risk

11.A.Besides B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.However

12.A.surrounded B.crowded C.frozen D.buried

13.A.describes B.worsens C.indicates D.handles

14.A.confident B.youthful C.fashionable D.gentle

15.A.at length B.at last C.at least D.at most

16.A.beauty B.honor C.peace D.wisdom

17.A.lost B.abandoned C.weathered D.changed

18.A.show up B.show off C.hold on D.hold back

19.A.important B.similar C.attractive D.unique

20.A.cover B.caption C.theme D.picture


    How to think outside the box

Being open to dissenting(持异议的)opinions is not the only way to think outside the box. 1.

A break in our everyday life may provide the force needed to shift the direction of our thinking.  So we can change environments. 2. for example, reorganizing our desk or taking a new route to work.  However, for others , bigger changes such as a new job or a marriage are required,

A famous concept is approaching routine situations as if we met or saw them for the first time. In other words, we should look at them as if we'd never seen them. 3. For instance, when we brush our teeth, take a moment to look at the toothbrush as if we never laid eyes on such an object and noticed its color and shape. Think about the flavor of the toothpaste and notice how our mouth feels as we move the brush back and forth.

4.. The mere presence of a group of people with diverse experiences, views and backgrounds in our everyday life creates an atmosphere in which people can better respond to change. Why? Because they are key drivers of the development of new ideas and solutions.

Unlike negative emotions (情感)that cause specific reactions(for example, fear drives us to flee) ,positive emotions help us broaden our attention, explore our environment, and open ourselves to absorbing information.

5.. They can be those that are going well or for which we are grateful. This shifting — into — positivity process will automatically brighten our mood—and free our brain.

A.It's also helpful to seek for the difference

B.For some people, small changes might work

C.We should show respect for different cultures too

D.Some small techniques could help broaden the way we think

E.Take a few moments to think about the beautiful things in our life

F.Positive emotions play an important part in unfreezing our thinking

G."Beginners' mind" allows us to remain open to experiences despite any knowledge we may have


    Plastic is piling up in ecosystems all over the world. Although its harmful impacts on both species and ecosystems have been documented, a few animals—like bowerbirds and hermit crabs—are doing what they can to recycle it. And according to a recent study, wild bees in Canada have joined the effort, which is a rare observation of behavioral flexibility in species especially insects, in increasingly plastic-rich environments.

The researchers found two species of leafcutter bees putting plastic into their nests. One of the bees they studied, the alfalfa leafcutter bee, normally bites off pieces of leaves and flowers while the second bee gathers sticky substances from trees. Leafcutter bees don't build big nests or store honey like honeybees, choosing instead small nests in underground holes, tree holes or cracks (裂缝)in buildings. But the researchers found that three of eight brood cells(育雏巢室)contained pieces of plastic bags, replacing 23 percent of the cut leaves in each cell on average.

While they don't make honey, alfalfa leafcutter bees still make money for the U. S. and Canadian farmers by pollinating(给......传授花粉)crops including alfalfa , carrots and melons. The European insects were introduced to North America in the 1930s for that purpose, and they've since become wild, joining the continent's many native species of leafcutter bees.

In a separate study conducted in Argentina between 2017 and 2018, researchers found a bee nest made entirely of plastic, which consisted of three separate cells. It's the first known example of such construction worldwide. Compared to the other nests the researchers examined, which were made of natural materials, this one had a pretty lower success rate of the bees' survival. One of the cells had a dead baby bee , another seemed to have housed an adult that had left the nest, and the third was unfinished.

1.What does the animals' use of plastic show according to the study?

A.How widely plastic is used.

B.How strange the behavior of wildlife is.

C.How some wildlife is adapting to plastic.

D.How plastic pollution has harmed them.

2.What do leaves mean to alfalfa leafcutter bees?

A.Food. B.Shelter.

C.A plastic substitute. D.Traditional nest materials.

3.Which is one characteristic of leafcutter bees?

A.They have great economic value.

B.They store honey like honeybees.

C.They prefer to live in tree holes.

D.They have evolved into a new species.

4.What was the nest made entirely of plastic like?

A.It might be warmer. B.It might be unhealthy.

C.It might be easy to finish. D.It might be recyclable.


    It goes without saying, but bears repeating, there are too many cats and dogs without homes. While there are countless shelters and rescue centers that exist, some potential pet owners look to pet shops to find their furry friends. All too often, however, these animals come from puppy and kitten mills(繁殖场)that treat the creatures in cruel ways. San Francisco, however, is doing its part to stop this abuse with pet store adoption. Officials recently voted to ban the sale of non-rescue dogs and cats in local shops.

The effect is twofold. First, it will stop the popularity of the large-scale mills, which are famous for the miserable conditions cats and dogs are kept in. Second, it will help facilitate the adoption of thousands of animals that are waiting for their forever homes in San Francisco shelters. District 4 Supervisor Katy Tang, who serves on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, supported law-making on the ban. “Dogs and cats sold in pet stores often come from inhumane puppy and kitten mills that treat animals with no regard for their health or well-being,” she wrote on Facebook. In her message, she also called on the U. S. Agriculture Department to reinstate information on its website that documents these types of animal cruelty cases—it was removed earlier this month.

San Francisco's law-making is a victory for those concerned about animal rights, and it isn't the first city to pass this type of measure. Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, and Austin also have similar laws in place, with hopefully more places to follow suit.

1.What happened to the dogs or cats before they got in the pet stores?

A.They were treated cruelly.

B.They received warm welcome.

C.They were abandoned on the streets,

D.They were raised in shelters and rescue centers.

2.Which of the following may Katy Tang agree with most?

A.People should adopt the dogs and cats.

B.Animals are too cruel to human beings.

C.Government can choose to kill all the dogs and cats.

D.It is not right to ban the sale of non-rescue dogs or cats in local shops.

3.What does the underlined word "reinstate" in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Update. B.Replace. C.Post again. D.Download.

4.What does the last paragraph mainly focus on?

A.No Chinese city joins this type of movements

B.San Francisco is the last city to ban pet stores,

C.More and more cities are involved in protecting animal rights.

D.Americans care about animals more than others.


    Jayce Crowder began noticing when he was in kindergarten that he looked different from his classmates. They had two hands. He had one.

It started when one boy teased him, said his mother, Cortney Lewis. He'd return to their home in Des Moines, Iowa with questions:Why am I different? Why me? Why? How could she provide answers to her son's questions when she had never found those answers herself?

A few weeks later, Lewis came home and turned on the TV. There was a news story about an eighth grader from Washington, Iowa. Trashaun Willis, then 14, had become an Internet sensation after posting videos of his slam dunks, and, like Jayce, most of his left arm was missing. Lewis called Jayce in. He was amazed, watching dunk after dunk.

At the time, it seemed that watching Trashaun would simply be an inspiring moment for Jayce. But little did Lewis know that a family friend had already reached out to The Des Moines Register, asking the newspaper to help set up a meeting with Trashaun to build up Jayce's confidence. The day was not spent on self-pity. They rode bikes around the schools hall ways, took photos, played hide-and-seek, and shot baskets.

At one point, Trashaun did get serious with Jayce. He talked about their left arms. He told Jayce he was perfect the way life made him. He asked Jayce not to let anyone drag him down and not let words shake his confidence. "It reassured me," said Lewis. "I know in my heart that everything's going to be OK. Trashaun has grown up to be a wonderful kid. And I know Jayce is too. As a parent, that's all you want to knowEverything's going to be OK. "

Since that meeting, Lewis has seen a pronounced difference in her son. He recently started wrestling and loved it. Lewis pointed to Trashaun's influence. Meeting him, she said, made Jayce understand that there were others like him.

As for Trashaun, his relationship with Jayce made him look forward to helping more kids, perhaps as a youth coach in NubAbility, a non-profit organization dedicated to coaching kids with limb differences.

1.What was Lewis' reaction to her son’s questions?

A.She was in shock. B.She felt lost.

C.She felt embarrassed, D.She was in pain.

2.How did the two boys reach out to each other?

A.Jayce called a newspaper.

B.A family friend helped a lot.

C.Lewis made efforts to do that.

D.Trashaun met Jayce by chance.

3.What do we know about Trashaun?

A.He had been a role model for Jayce.

B.He was a hit on the Internet for his kindness.

C.He was a volunteer for children with disabilities.

D.His good performance in basketball made Jayce down.

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Jayce and Trashaun set up a non-profit organization.

B.Jayce and Trashaun became best friends.

C.What Trashaun did to Jayce made him a young coach.

D.Trashaun tended to devote more to kids with disabilities.


    It’s no secret that your personal characteristics directly affect how you interact with the world, but you might be surprised at just how deep it goes. Experts think that your personality can even affect how you exercise and influence what sports are suitable for you.

Highly Sensitive

Highly sensitive people may be more uncomfortable with group exercise classes or team sports where they feel their every move is being observed. Additionally, they may feel more upset over an ineffective or poor workout, says researcher Elaine Aron.

For such people, individual or non-competitive activities like biking, running and hiking are ideal.

Type A Personality

Type A individuals often have an “all or nothing approach” to exercise. This personality type is known for sticking closely to their plan, not to mention being super competitive. However, this can cause them to stick too closely to a fitness routine, which means they might try to push past an injury.

To get better exercise results, Type A people need to be aware that following an exercise plan too strictly may limit their progress. They should be more flexible and listen to their body, especially when they are in pain.

Type B Personality

This laid-back group may get too lazy about their exercise plan, which prevents them from seeing results. They are often less willing to devote enough time and energy to their fitness goals, especially if exercise is something that makes them anxious.

Type B individuals succeed in creative and co-operative environments, so team sports and group gym classes may be perfect.

Remember, there are plenty of ways you can adapt a fitness plan to suit your needs, regardless of your characteristics. Just keep in mind what you like.

1.Why might highly sensitive people be unwilling to take part in group sports?

A.They will feel like they are being evaluated.

B.They don't like socializing with other people.

C.They don't consider themselves to be athletic.

D.They fear they'll be let down by their teammates.

2.Type A personalities can be best described as_________.

A.committed B.flexible.

C.independent. D.sensitive.

3.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To help people understand what personality type they are.

B.To explain how personal characteristics affect exercise habits.

C.To identify the dangers of doing the wrong type of exercise.

D.To describe different types of workouts that are available today.



1. 回答中国学生是否做兼职;

2. 谈谈学生做兼职的利弊;

3. 这个假期你是否会做兼职。

Dear Peter



Li Hua


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