



1.Only if we do enough self-protection, we stay away from Covid-19.

2.I’m working on my essay. Would you mind turn down your music a little bit?

3.Sometimes, I start the second declaration first and sometimes, I start the first declaration the second time.

4.Simon is such responsible a boy that he is chosen chairman of the Student Union.

5.As time going by, the virus will probably become weaker and less active.

6.We are still in the middle of 2020, that is considered to be an eventful year.

7.Apart from self-protection, we have no choice but wait for the vaccine.

8.To avoid be trapped in heavy traffic at the rush hour, I usually take the subway to work.

9.Henry became addictive to online games, which had a bad effect on his schoolwork.

10.Quite a lot of species have been died out so far, resulting from urbanization.



1.I’m writing to a_______________ for the inconvenience our hotel has brought to you.

2.It seems that the major c_______________ of Donald Trump is not the spread of Covid-19. Instead, it’s whether he can be reelected president of the USA.

3.I have to a________ with shame that it was I who lost the document. I deserve the punishment.

4.Once you make a promise, you’d better s________ to it.

5.The main characters of these novels have both the good side and the e_______ side, which suggests that humanity is complex.

6.We found a homeless puppy in the mud and were wondering whether to send it to the animal s__________ or adopt it ourselves.

7.Those beautiful mushrooms which look h__________ are actually poisonous and deadly.

8.Love is i___________ to our eyes, but we can feel it with our heart.

9.It’s c_________ to cage the birds up. I have decided to set them free.

10.The queen stared at her r____________ in the magic mirror and asked who was the prettiest woman in the world.


    It seemed like any other day when fitness instructor Chantelle Lister set off to work at 7 am. It was the school holidays, so her daughters Loren and Mollie, 17 and 6, and 11-year-old son Charlie were still _______ in bed.

But within an hour, the family home in Kettering, England, went up in flames. The _______ started downstairs, and deadly smoke started _______ the second floor, where the children were sleeping.

_______, the family's beloved dog, Bailey, rushed to their _______. Although the thick smoke _______ to climb the staircase, the 4-year-old dog made his way _______ and kept barking outside Loren's door until she _______.

Loren opened the _______ to thick black smoke covering the stairs and the sound of smashing (粉碎) glass. Struggling to ________, the teenager ran into the other ________ and managed to get the ________ children out through a window and onto the roof.

After successfully raising the ________, Bailey ran back downstairs to try to get out.________, he was trapped in the ________ house.

''The firemen pulled Bailey out and tried to ________ him, but he was dead, '' Chantelle said. ''They put a blanket over him and I kept ________, 'That could have been one of my children. ' Bailey was such a character and so ________. The children wouldn't be here ________ him. He's my hero and I'll be ________ to him forever. ''

1.A.sleepy B.asleep C.awake D.silent

2.A.light B.smoke C.fire D.noise

3.A.filling B.flowing C.leaving D.escaping

4.A.Finally B.Thankfully C.Naturally D.Obviously

5.A.yard B.kitchen C.danger D.rescue

6.A.started B.failed C.happened D.stopped

7.A.out B.through C.upstairs D.downstairs

8.A.watched out B.set off C.went away D.woke up

9.A.eyes B.mouth C.door D.window

10.A.breathe B.walk C.speak D.stand

11.A.house B.classroom C.bathroom D.bedroom

12.A.angry B.curious C.terrified D.confused

13.A.alarm B.voice C.sound D.child

14.A.Surprisingly B.Unfortunately C.Occasionally D.Gradually

15.A.shining B.exploding C.broken D.burning

16.A.save B.protect C.move D.comfort

17.A.apologizing B.thinking C.explaining D.expecting

18.A.interesting B.loving C.strange D.cute

19.A.beyond B.besides C.without D.despite

20.A.loyal B.convenient C.available D.grateful


    How do you get yourself to take action now? Here are some powerful suggestions.

Focus intensely on the positive things that your actions will accomplish. 1. Whether it's something you're seeking to accomplish, or something you're seeking to be rid of. picture exactly how your life will be after the work is done. The more intensely you can imagine it, the better.

2. The only real reason you have for avoiding action is because you associate some kind of pain or discomfort with it. Therefore, it helps to associate something even more painful with not taking action. Instead of focusing on the relatively minor pain of taking action, focus instead on the major pain of not taking action.

3. Think of all the reasons you can come up with to not take action, and then destroy all those reasons with a single word —"But." Simply state the excuse, put the word "but" after it, and then finish the sentence. For example, “I’ve never done this before, BUT I can learn." Stick the word "but" in there, and challenge yourself to finish the sentence.

Take the first small step. Don't even concern yourself with committing to the whole project or course of action. Just do something very easy and very small. The point is to find a little momentum(动力)4. Then climb aboard the momentum train, and let it help you keep the effort going.

Make it fun. Realize that just about anything can be fun if you'll think of it as fun and enjoyable. Find a way to make something fun, and not only will you want to do it; you'll also be better at it. 5.

A.You always choose what to do,

B.Lay all your excuses out on the table and deal with them.

C.In your mind, picture in great detail what your actions will bring you.

D.Whatever you must do to achieve success, find a way to enjoy it.

E.Focus on the negative things that will happen if you don't take action.

F.Getting started with your biggest task or most difficult action may seem too much.

G.Once you take that small action, let yourself fully enjoy how great it feels.


    Many of us like to dine out and treat ourselves to delicious food. We are used to choosing hearty (丰盛的), fat-filled dishes and sugar-charged desserts, which are not easily cooked at home.

The recent rise of light meals, however, gives diners a smarter choice. According to Economic Daily, low-calorie, low-fat and high-fiber meals have become popular in China’s restaurants and online delivery platforms.

The country saw a rapid expansion of restaurants specializing in light meals, from just 600 in 2017 to more than 3,500 in 2018. According to a report released by Meituan, a major online food delivery platform, the number of light meals ordered online also rose 75 percent from the previous year.

Having a light meal, however, doesn’t mean eating only vegetables. Different from the meat-free lifestyle, a typical light dish avoids oily, salty and spicy food. Instead, it contains things like boiled meat, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Healthy nutrients (营养成分) are the theme of the light meal.

These dishes are useful for keeping healthy and controlling your weight. That’s probably why so many people, especially millennials (千禧一代), are into them. Diners see it as “a great way to avoid putting on weight,” wrote the Telegraph.

“After eating several light meals, I felt my appetite has shrunk (缩小). I now prefer light flavors,” Zou Jing, a college teacher in Wuhan, told China Daily. She shared a picture of her lunch: a mixture of beef, eggs, corn, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes.

These changes in eating behavior are connected to deeper changes in how people think about food, says Walter Willett, chair of the nutrition department at the Harvard T. Chan School of Public Health, US. “Diet quality, not quantity, is important for both weight control and long-term well-being,” Willett told The New York Times.

So the next time you have a party with friends, try a light meal. It will satisfy not only your stomachs but maybe also your hearts.

1.What are light meals?

A.Fat-filled dishes. B.Meat-free dishes.

C.Sugar-charged desserts. D.Low-calorie and high-fiber meals.

2.How does the author show the popularity of light meals?

A.By listing numbers. B.By giving examples.

C.By giving descriptions. D.By showing other people’s opinions.

3.Why do many young people enjoy light meals, according to the article?

A.They are usually colorful. B.They are simple and convenient.

C.They are cheaper than other meals. D.They can help people control their weight.

4.What do we know from the second to last paragraph?

A.Light meals will stay popular for a while.

B.Our eating habits show our personalities.

C.There is a change in attitude toward healthy eating.

D.It’s important to eat the right amount of good food.


    Small talk – the likes of “What do you have there? Popcorn?” or “The weather today is beautiful, isn’t it?” – is meaningless and a waste of time, according to some people. But scientists believe that it is actually more useful than it may appear to be.

One example comes when you are on a train or a plane. The thought of talking to the stranger sitting beside you can be scary, because you know the conversation is sure to be awkward. But a study by the University of Chicago in the US found that people who chat to strangers enjoy a better ride than those who sit in silence or occupy themselves with their phones. 

In the study, researchers asked people at Chicago train stations to start conversations with fellow travelers. Most of them refused to do so at first because they expected not to get a friendly answer. But the result turned out to be just the opposite – most strangers were not only willing to be talked to, but also pleasant to talk to. 

“Human beings are social animals,” Nicholas Epley, one of the lead researchers, told Live Science. “Other people are people, too. And it turns out that they’d like to get to know you.”

Apart from making you happier, small talk with strangers can also help you feel connected to your surroundings. Previous studies found that when people are frequently smiled at, made eye contact with and spoken to at coffee shops, they tend to have a stronger sense of belonging instead of feeling like they are being ignored and left out. 

And if you are already comfortable enough to make small talk with strangers, you should try to develop it into something “bigger”. 

A 2010 study proved that having a deep and meaningful conversation gives you even more happiness than small talk. Participants in the study – 79 college students – reported after the four-day experiment that they were much happier when they had a third as much small talk and twice as many in-depth conversations. 

But deep conversations can start with small talk, can’t they? So the first step is to start talking, no matter how casual the topic is. And who knows, maybe an opening line as simple as “I like your hat” could lead to a serious conversation in which you learn something new from a stranger.

1.What is the reason for the result of the study by the University of Chicago, according to Nicholas Epley?

A.Most people are nice to strangers.

B.People are naturally curious about others.

C.People are afraid of loneliness or boredom.

D.People try to show their good side to strangers.

2.Which of the following is a benefit of small talk according to the passage ?

A.Wasting less time. B.Getting rid of useless contacts.

C.Coping with smart phone addiction. D.Feeling like you are a part of your surroundings.

3.What does something “bigger” mean in the passage?

A.Privacy B.Small talk C.Sensitive topics D.In-depth conversations

4.What is the author’s attitude toward small talk?

A.Positive. B.Negative. C.Doubtful. D.Passionate.


    When I was 12 years old, I already knew that my teen years were going to be the worst years of my life. I was a total outsider, bullied (欺凌) at school. I felt completely alone in my small town.

But by starting to do volunteer work when I was 14, I turned my problem into a passion for helping others. The opportunity to practice kindness made me feel like my life had a greater purpose. The more positive energy I shared, the more kindness and appreciation I received. I realized that my purpose in life would be to reach out to people, specifically teenagers, and help them feel less alone.

Books were my true friends back then. I was so thankful that the authors wrote those books. The kindness they offered me with their books saved my life. One of my biggest dreams was to become an author so I could write books that would help other teenagers the way those books helped me.

After surviving terrible experiences at school and at home, I made a choice to take the optimistic, positive road in the next steps of my journey. My dream career, one I thought was only possible for the authors I loved, is what I am doing now. I have been a full-time author of teen novels since 2007 and am grateful for this amazing opportunity to reach out to readers every single day.

Kindness saved me when I needed help the most. Even small acts of kindness can change someone’s life. You never know what someone else is going through. But by practicing daily kindness, you become an architect of positive change.

1.What was the author’s life like when he was 12?

A.Boring B.Peaceful C.Unhappy D.Meaningful

2.How did the volunteer work benefit the author?

A.It made him popular in his town.

B.It helped him find the meaning of life.

C.It helped him understand others’ lives better.

D.It helped to shape his dream career.

3.Why did the author choose writing as his job?

A.He was inspired by his teacher.

B.He could pass positive energy to readers.

C.He wanted to share his school experiences.

D.He found he had a talent for writing.

4.What is the main purpose of this passage?

A.To encourage people to say “no” to bullies bravely.

B.To encourage people to face changes bravely in life.

C.To encourage people to treat others with kindness in daily life.

D.To encourage people to learn to care more about others’ feelings.


    The best thing to start your day is a good breakfast. In fact, many people believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In China, porridge with pickles (咸菜), baozi, noodles, soybean milk and youtiao are common breakfast foods. What are breakfasts in other countries like? Let’s take a look!


In the US, a good Sunday morning starts with scrambled eggs, crispy bacon or juicy sausages, and soft pancakes with butter and sweet syrup on top. On busy weekdays, most people in the US like to eat cereal with milk, bread and fruit for breakfast. Some people also drink coffee. 


Canada is the largest producer of maple syrup. People usually have pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast. Canadian bacon is a popular dish for breakfast as well. Canadian bacon is quite unlike the crispy bacon of the United States. It tastes more like ham and is served in thin round slices.


The British breakfast is similar to the American breakfast. A basic British breakfast consists of fried eggs, bacon, sausages, mushrooms, baked () beans, and tomatoes. These foods are popular among young people in Britain. Usually, British people have coffee, tea or milk to drink. Some people also like to drink orange juice.


Most people in Japan these days – at least in big cities – eat a quick Western-style breakfast like eggs, toast, juice and coffee. Those who prefer more traditional foods are likely to have tea and miso soup with rice. Steamed rice is necessary for a Japanese-style breakfast. People also add nori seaweed or a little raw egg to their rice.

1.On busy weekday mornings, most people in the US prefer _____.

A.scrambled eggs, crispy bacon or juicy sausages

B.soft pancakes with butter and sweet syrup on top

C.ham, scrambled eggs and pancakes

D.cereal with milk, bread and fruit

2.Maple syrup is popular in _____.

A.America B.Canada C.Britain D.Japan

3.The British-style breakfast includes _____.

A.scrambled eggs, mushrooms and baked beans

B.fried eggs, sausages with sweet syrup

C.bacon, sausages, mushrooms and noodles

D.fried eggs, sausages, tomatoes with coffee or tea


假定你是李华,你写信邀请朋友Henry参加China Daily为庆祝建国70周年举办的艺术展。信的内容包括:

1. 作品类别:摄影、书画、诗歌等

2. 截止日期:99

3. 投稿邮箱:news@chinadaily.com.cn

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 参考词汇:建国,the founding of the People’s Republic of China

Dear Henry,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua








Last week, I, along with the rest of my grade, went on a 18-hour survival training trip. On arriving at the destination, we put up our tents before making lunch. Then we participated in team-building activity such as dragon boat racing or rock climbing. They were extreme fun but tiring. The most exciting event was the boat racing, as I have never been in a dragon boat before. The thrilled feeling of riding over the waves will stay my mind forever. By the end of the day, they were all sweaty and exhausted. The next morning, take back with us our newly created memories, we returned back home.


    As the train pulled out, the passengers slowly settled down on their seats. I reserved the lower berth(卧铺), so I could enjoy the beauty outside from the moving train. An elderly lady _______ the front seat of mine. Looking at her, I guessed she must be in her eighties. At one point, our eyes _______, she smiled at me, and with politeness, I gave her response. Both of us were _______. And the train was _______ its speed.

It was 4:50 pm, evening time. So, _______ time was still a long way off. I couldn't _______my curiosity any longer and asked, “Auntie! Where are you going?”

She looked at me and kindly said, “_______ camp, dear.”

Suddenly my enthusiasm _______ to know the reason. I politely said, “Aunty, you are visiting someone?”

She smiled _______ and said, “Yes!”

Just to continue the ________, I talked to her in a very merry mood, “Auntie, you must be feeling so ________ to see your child or your grand children.”

Perhaps, this question ________ her a little but bravely she answered, “Oh, dear! You are so sweet! Anyways, I had only one son who joined the army but was ________ by the terrorist attack just few days before. I bought so many new winter ________ for him. I thought why I would not ________ my son's clothes to some other ________. So I would control my ________ and would be relieved ________ that my own son has worn it.”

I was shocked hearing her ________ story! But I saluted the old lady from the bottom of my heart, for her ________ heart!

1.A.occupied B.served C.covered D.offered

2.A.rolled B.touched C.met D.lowered

3.A.busy B.silent C.shy D.friendly

4.A.taking up B.picking up C.bringing up D.giving up

5.A.bed B.study C.work D.leisure

6.A.satisfy B.decide C.show D.resist

7.A.Sports B.Tourist C.Winter D.Army

8.A.doubled B.came C.stopped D.faded

9.A.secretly B.proudly C.falsely D.nervously

10.A.journey B.tradition C.conversation D.friendship

11.A.surprised B.excited C.worried D.scared

12.A.hooked B.tired C.amazed D.hurt

13.A.killed B.injured C.trapped D.frightened

14.A.food B.shoes C.clothes D.books

15.A.lent B.sold C.sewed D.spared

16.A.passengers B.soldiers C.charities D.camps

17.A.sorrow B.temper C.behaviour D.loneliness

18.A.dreaming B.realizing C.thinking D.knowing

19.A.adventurous B.interesting C.boring D.heartbreaking

20.A.sad B.light C.brave D.heavy


    If you desire to meet new friends, have fun and get into shape, basketball is the best sport for you regardless of whether you are a professional or an amateur.1.

Here are some of the benefits you can acquire from playing basketball.

• Improve your fitness levels.

Playing basketball will definitely improve your fitness levels. Basketball is an amazing cardiovascular(心血管的) exercise. 2. Moreover, it aids in oxygen circulation and blood distribution throughout the body.

• Encourage teamwork.

Basketball requires team work to achieve a common objective. 3. This sport is great for kids, as it shows them how to work together in harmony to reach the goal.


It brings individuals together and helps create friendship and bonds. This provides a great  opportunity for children who are shy, as it helps them interact with new friends, which will help your child function better in life.

5. Although there are no drawbacks associated to playing basketball, it is necessary that you perform other exercises to improve your speed and power.

A.Stay with friends.

B.Develop social skills.

C.It is beneficial to people with heart problems.

D.In all, you can play basketball as much as possible.

E.It can cure people’s illnesses about heart and blood.

F.The players have to work as a team to guarantee a win.

G.Basketball is popular worldwide due to a variety of reasons.


    Robots are increasingly being developed to think and act like humans. But one common human quality that has been difficult for engineers to recreate in machines is humor.

Most robots are powered by artificial intelligence, or AI. Some have performed better than humans in tests designed to measure machine intelligence.

Computer scientists have also hoped to give robots technical skills to help them recognize, process and react to humor. But these attempts have mostly failed.

Kiki Hempelmann is a computational language expert who studies humor at Texas A&M University. “Artificial intelligence will never get jokes like humans do,” he told the Associated Press. The main problem, Hempelmann says, is that robots completely miss the context of humor.

Tristan Miller is a computer scientist and linguist at Darmstadt University of Technology in Germany. In one research project, he studied more than 10,000 puns(双关语).

Puns are a kind of joke that uses a word with two meanings. For example, you could say, “Balloons do not like pop music.” The word “pop” can be a way of saying popular music; or, “pop” can be the sound a balloon makes when it explodes.

But a robot might not get the joke. Tristan Miller says that is because humor is a kind of creative language that is extremely difficult for computer intelligence to understand.

Despite the difficulties, Darmstadt University’s Miller says there are good reasons to keep trying to teach humor to robots. It could make machines more relatable, especially if they can learn to understand sarcasm(讽刺), he noted. Humans use sarcasm to say one thing but mean another.

But Texas A&M’s Kiki Hempelmann is not sure such attempts are a good idea. “Teaching AI systems humor is dangerous because they may find it where it isn’t, and they may use it where it’s inappropriate,” he said. “Maybe bad AI will start killing people because it thinks it is funny,” he added.

1.Which is difficult for robots to gain according to the passage?

A.Thinking. B.Humor.

C.Intelligence. D.Action.

2.What does Kiki mean by saying robots’ missing the context of humor?

a. They lack creativity and skills.

b. They have no sense of humor at all.

c. They don’t understand the situation.

d. They have no related ideas that make a joke funny.

A.ab B.ac

C.bd D.cd

3.What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.The risk of teaching humor to AI.

B.The necessity of making AI smart.

C.The reason to keep robots humorous.

D.The possibility of robot understanding humor.

4.Which is the best title of the passage?

A.To Be Smarter, Be Humorous.

B.AI can Get Jokes Like Humans.

C.How to Help Robots Learn Humor?

D.Why Robot Humor Mostly Falls Flat.


    In emergency medical services (EMS), the treatment of choice for unconscious patients that are breathing is to place them in the recovery position. The idea is to prevent getting stomach contents into the lungs.

The problem with the recovery position is the same as many other first aid treatments: it sounds good in theory but nobody knows if it really works. Positioning someone to prevent them from aspirating(吸入) is absolutely free. Because there's nothing to gain, very few people do research on things like the recovery position.

There is only one study that looked at the effectiveness of different body positions on aspiration. In that study, the recovery position was better if the unconscious person was lying flat on his or her back. However, the best option for protecting the airway—at least according to this  study—was to make the patient lying on his or her belly. It turns out that if you are lying flat with your mouth at the lowest point, then the stuff coming out of your stomach won't find its way into your lungs.

Of course, it's not quite that simple. Most of us would hesitate to have our patient lie over completely.

The recovery position is taught in a very precise way. Some first aid textbooks—and more advanced texts as well—have the rescuer put the patient on his or her side with one leg bent and the head resting on an arm. However, the real world isn't like that. Understanding what you need to accomplish is more important than how you do it. Keep stuff out of your patients' lungs. If that means you roll them almost all the way on their bellies, do it. Make sure you are watching their breathing and if they stop, roll them back over and start CPR.

1.Why should unconscious patients be placed in the recovery position?

A.To assist them to recover consciousness.

B.To make them feel comfortable.

C.To keep them from choking.

D.To cure them of their illnesses.

2.Which is the best way to protect the unconscious person in the study?

A.Lying with his or her face up.

B.Bending one leg and having a rest.

C.Lowering his or her head and sitting.

D.Lying on his or her stomach.

3.What does the underlined word “precise” mean in Paragraph 5?

A.Clear and accurate.

B.Perfect and helpful.

C.Valuable and important.

D.Simple and interesting.

4.What does the author mainly tell us in the passage?

A.First aid is necessary for an unconscious patient.

B.A suitable recovery position in first aid is important.

C.Reading books about first aid can help treat some patients.

D.Laying a patient on the ground can help him or her recover.


    When she was just 17 years old, Jerry crashed into the back of a truck that was waiting to turn in a left turn lane. The crash is a life-changing one for her. Because of the crash, she’s blind in one eye, lost her sense of smell, lost some of her hearing, lost the ability to create tears, and she cannot fall asleep naturally.

“Initially, I thought I would not be defeated but clearly I was completely wrong. Apart from the medical problems, the hardest part about my life after the car accident was the fact that I was alone.” Jerry said, “Everyone was away at college, I wasn’t. I couldn’t drive, couldn’t go to college. My friends who used to hang around with me were there for me at first, but after a while they stopped coming by.”

“I looked up on her Facebook page, and she said on there: Can anybody please hang out with me today? I don’t have any friends.” recalled Jerry’ s mother, Ketty.

In time, Jerry and her mother teamed up with the US Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to make a video. They want to get the point across that texting while driving can have life-transforming consequences.

In the video Jerry appealed to drivers not to text while driving. She admitted she was checking and sending messages via her phone when she crashed her car into the back of the truck.

“Don’t text your loved ones when you know they’re driving,” said Jerry’s mother. “It can change their lives forever.”

“If you get a text, don’t look at it,” Jerry said. “It’s not worth it.”

1.What happened to Jerry when she was 17 years old?

A.She lost all her friends.

B.She couldn’t cry naturally.

C.She suffered a traffic accident.

D.She was waiting to turn left.

2.What was Jerry’s hardest part in her life after 17?

A.Having no chance to attend college.

B.Having no ability to live on.

C.Having unsolved medical problems.

D.Being alone without friends around her.

3.Why did Jerry regret texting while driving?

A.Because it caused her a life-changing result.

B.Because she couldn’t see the message clearly.

C.Because she was afraid to miss the message.

D.Because she couldn’t send the message quickly.

4.The purpose of making the video was to           .

A.warn people not to use phones while driving

B.call on people to help accident victims

C.ask teens to be careful while riding

D.expose the truth of the car crash


    A long layover(滞留)can be absolutely annoying. What are you supposed to do if you've got six, eight, or 12 hours to kill before your next flight? Most of the time, your options are to eat an overpriced meal, or to browse an overpriced bookstore. Well, you might have more choices than you think. These are the airports with the world's coolest activities you'd never expect.

Munich Airport (MUC), Munich: Brewery(酿酒厂)tours

Where else but in Germany would you find not only a lively beer garden at an airport but also the actual brewery that supplies it? Airbräu is home to an award-winning lineup of cold ones and even offers brewery tours if you've got the time.

Los Angeles International (LAX), Los Angeles: Canine Friends

You're already anxious enough at the airport, and a long layover is bound to make it worse. Sounds like you need to take advantage of the therapy dogs at the Pets Unstressing Passengers program (PUP for short).

Incheon International (ICN), Seoul: Ice-Skating Rink

There's tons of stuff to do at Incheon International, including catching a movie or checking out a cultural museum. But what really sets it apart is the free ice-skating rink and ice forest, which opens seasonally. Don't worry: inline skating(直排轮滑) is available year-round.

Hong Kong International (HKG), Hong Kong: Golf Simulator(模拟器)

Hong Kong Airport used to be home to a real nine-hole golf course, but it was closed in 2015 due to an expansion of the airport hotel. Still, while you're waiting for your flight, you can borrow some clubs and hit the Golfzon simulator located in Terminal 2. It's probably better for air traffic control this way.

1.If your flight from Munich to Hongkong is delayed, you may choose to________

A.walk a therapy dog

B.hit the Golfzon simulator

C.visit a beer garden

D.enjoy the beer festival

2.What makes Incheon International better than others?

A.Visiting a cultural museum .

B.Going skating as you like.

C.Watching an interesting movie.

D.Wandering in the ice forest year-round.

3.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A.To show must-see tourist attractions.

B.To inform tourists of the airport facilities.

C.To introduce interesting layover activities.

D.To tell passengers unique airports worldwide.



The darkness was gathering as she wobbled(颤颤巍巍)in high heels (高跟鞋) along the side of the highway. The car had come to an unexpected stop, and like a normal teenager she did the only thing she could think of..get out and walk.

It was cold and late, and home was far away. This could be a long night. If only someone would stop and offer her a ride. She prayed for help and dragged herself forward.

The lights of a truck shone from behind as it approached. "Maybe he will stop," she hoped. The brake lights flashed on as it stopped. Next moment, the car door opened. A wordless invitation was extended and she understood. Without hesitation, the girl climbed up into the seat and closed the door. Slowly the truck pulled back onto the road and disappeared into the night, never to be seen again.

I woke up in a cold sweat, frightened. Was it a dream or was it a vision? It was unbelievably real, and the girl was my daughter! I jumped from my bed and ran to her room. Her bed was empty.

I stood in horror trying to think why she hadn't come home. As the mental fog began to lift, I remembered she was visiting her friend that evening. Perhaps she stayed there for the night. It was 1:30 a.m., but I raced to the phone and dialed a number.

"Hello?" The voice was heavy with sleep.

"Hey. Sorry to wake you. Becki didn't come home tonight and I was wondering if she stayed at your place."

"No, she left here a few hours ago. She should have been home at least by midnight!" The voice on the other end began to reflect my own panic.

Over the next forty-five minutes I alternated between lying in pray and pacing the floor in anxiety.

At 2:15 a.m. lights appeared as a car turned up our long driveway. I could tell immediately that it was not my daughter's car.


1. 所续写短文词数应为 150 左右;

2. 应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词;

3. 续写部分分为两段, 每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

My face pressed against the window and found it was hard to breathe.


Paragraph 2:

"Mom, she gave me a ride home." Becki said.




Dear Li Hua,

I have some problems. Due to the COVID-19, all of us now have to keep social distance and take online courses at home. I find it hard to constantly focus on studying. I feel tired easily. Worse still, I have become so anxious and short-tempered. I do want to change the situation, but I don’t know how. What should I do?


注意:1. 词数 80 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



    Andrea Silvera is always good at taking handwritten and detailed lecture notes. She had never _______she could make money with the skill until she was introduced to a(n)_________. OneClass provides course notes and study guides _______by excellent students for college students around the nation.

“I accidentally saw an article published by OneClass about difficult class. ” Silvera says. “There was a _________to become a note taker and I tried. After I______my notes and my trial period (试用期)was over, I was _____ . ” What is surprising, Silvera says, is the _________of views her notes receive. “In a class of 300, over 100 students usually view my notes. To get responses from a third of the class is ________, which makes me feel needed. ”

The founders of OneClass began the site_______ to help other students. But unexpectedly, it gained fame and wealth. Ninety percent of students who had used OneClass notes got better grades as a _______, and 68 percent of note takers also saw great_______in their studies. But note takers don't just take the job for_______benefit. Silvera has made $1,500 in just a year of note  taking for OneClass. “My notes are not just handwritten,” she said, “I________many  extra explanations that the________gives. ”

Silvera finds that working her way through college as a note taker has been ___________. However, she said she needed to _______other students who might be________ in taking the job: “If you want to do this, you have to put in the time and actually_________the classes. And you can’t trust that someone else’s notes are going to be ________because nobody can meet your every need—you need to take them_____.

1.A.believed B.puzzled C.heard D.thought

2.A.organization B.company C.newspaper D.website

3.A.written B.typed C.read D.sent

4.A.plan B.chance C.dream D.way

5.A.found B.sold C.offered D.held

6.A.employed B.impressed C.touched D.refused

7.A.number B.quality C.speed D.strength

8.A.terrifying B.tiring C.amazing D.relaxing

9.A.simply B.equally C.nearly D.slightly

10.A.present B.end C.goal D.result

11.A.trouble B.progress C.difference D.experience

12.A.social B.educational C.environmental D.personal

13.A.desert B.refuse C.include D.create

14.A.professor B.president C.friend D.partner

15.A.welcomed B.challenging C.moving D.meaningful

16.A.correct B.admire C.remind D.order

17.A.spent B.experienced C.spotted D.interested

18.A.attend B.teach C.review D.enjoy

19.A.brief B.perfect C.useless D.direct

20.A.in advance B.by accident C.by yourself D.in public


    Do you feel your life is losing its passion (热情)— as though everything you do, like work and study, is boring and empty? A life passion isn’t something that drops on you from the heaven or appears from thin air.1.If you want to begin today to display your true self and regain your own passion in life, here are some measures you can take to get started.


Get a small pocket notebook and keep it with you. Keep the memory of times when you feel happy and fulfilled. What are you doing when you feel good? Write it down in your notebook. Pay attention to what feels good to you.

Let go of shoulds

3. I should stay in this job because I cant’s find a better one. I should became a teacher because my parents want me to. I should not try something new because I’ll look foolish. Throw away this word from your vocabulary while on your passion search.

Appreciate your skills.

Maybe you aren’t an artist at something, but you have many skills. 4.Ask your friends   and parents what you are good at---no matter how small. Make a list of your skills, and make note of the skills you really enjoy.

Keep trying

The process of finding your passion may take a couple of years. You may have to try a few and give up a few things before you discover what you feel great. It may gradually surround you rather than knock you in the head.   5.

A.Recognize your joy.

B.Have patience and keep digging.

C.You may not recognize them, but others do.

D.Discovering your passion is a process of self-discovering.

E.These skills may make you stronger and more confident.

F.How can you live with passion when you have a hole in your heart?

G.Many people hold themselves back from happiness because of the word “should”.


    Can a fish be depressed? This question has been floating around my head ever since I saw a sad-looking Siamese fighting fish in a hotel. His name was Bruce Lee, according to a sign beneath his little bowl.

On the bottom of the little bowl was Bruce Lee, totally still, his lower fin( ) somewhat  injured. When  he did  finally move, just slightly,  I  got the sense that he would prefer to be dead.

The pleasant woman at the front desk convinced me that he was well taken care of. Was I simply incorrectly supposing his lethargy was a sign of mental suffering?

Later on, I sought answers from scientists. It turns out that not only can our gilled( ) friends become depressed, but some scientists consider fish to be a promising animal model for developing anti-depressants. New research has been completely changing the way scientists think about fish, building a case that pet and owner are not nearly as different as many suppose.

Dr. Pittman likes working with fish, in part, because they are so obvious about their depression. He can reliably test the effectiveness of anti-depressants with something called the “novel tank test.” A zebra fish gets dropped in a new tank. If after five minutes it is hanging out in the lower half, it’s depressed. If it’s swimming up top — its usual behaviour when exploring a new environment — then it’s not. The seriousness of the depression, he says, can be measured by quantity of time at the top vs. the bottom, all of which seemed to confirm my guess about Bruce Lee.

“One of the things we’re finding that fish are naturally curious and seek novel things out,” said Dr. Braithwaite.

In other words, your goldfish is probably bored. To help prevent them from depression, she suggests introducing new objects to the tank( ) or changing the location of items.

Dr. Brown agrees, pointing to an experiment he conducted, which showed that if you leave a fish in an enriched, physically complex environment — meaning a lot of plants to bite at and cages to swim through — it decreases stress and increases brain growth.

The last time a guest posted Bruce Lee to Instagram he was looking good and lively. Perhaps that new green leaf in his bowl had provided the enrichment he desired.

1.What does the underlined word “lethargy” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.suffering B.sorrow

C.anxiety D.laziness

2.What can be known from the new research?

A.Fish can be used to develop anti-depressants.

B.The way scientists thought about the fish proves totally right.

C.Pets and owners sometimes have the same feeling.

D.Many people suppose pets are quite different from people.

3.Why can fish become bored according to the text?

A.They are not born to be curious.

B.They lack new things to explore.

C.They can’t locate the positions of items.

D.They need oxygen from the air.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Fish have their own feelings.

B.Fish can be a boring pet.

C.Fish need better care.

D.Fish depression is not a joke.


    However exciting space travel sounds, astronauts must still suffer with bad food. Now, food in space has to be dehydrated ( 使 ) or pre-cooked and stored. This means astronauts aren’t really eating fresh food.

New technology may change this. Scientific American reports that a specially-designed oven will be sent into space this autumn with NASA’s NG-12 cargo (货物) mission (太空飞行任务).

Far from the common vacuum-packed (真空包装的) meals, astronauts may get to enjoy freshly baked cookies before the end of 2019.

Why aren’t they baking cookies in space already? For one thing, there’s the risk of a fire. Engineers also have to overcome the challenge of microgravity ( ), which prevents heat from circling inside ovens the same way it does on Earth.

Astronauts will still have to wait a while before they can have their cookies, though. After baking, the results will be sent back to Earth for safety testing. If successful, this will be the first oven to bake food in space.

“I believe ... that will be game-changing for both science and astronauts,” food technology researcher Maeena Naman Shafiee told Scientific American.

One of the main driving forces behind this project has been NASA’s 2018 research into the effects of “confinement (封闭) and isolation (隔离)”. Unlike on the International Space Station (ISS), astronauts traveling out of Earth’s orbit (轨道) may not be able to speak to their loved ones on future missions, which could lead to negative feelings.

It’s hoped that the chance to bake and sense familiar smells can bring joy to crews (宇航人员).

“Is the ISS going to smell like fresh-baked cookies? We don’t know,” said NanoRacks’ communications manager Abby Dickes. “But that’s a feeling we all know and love ... that will make someone feel at home.”

Baking cookies in space would mark an important step, offering a small comfort in the difficult and unfamiliar environment of space travel. Astronauts have already grown plants aboard the ISS.

With commercial ( ) space travel now being planned, who knows what other developments may surprise us in the future?

1.What can the new technology help astronauts to do in space?

A.Enjoy fresh cookies.

B.Store more food.

C.Quickly prepare food.

D.Cook many different kinds of home-made meals.

2.Why is it difficult to bake cookies in space?

A.It’s difficult and costly to send food into space.

B.Microgravity stops food from staying in one place.

C.Baking cookies in space would pollute the spaceships.

D.It is hard to heat food properly because of microgravity.

3.What was the main purpose of the cookie project?

A.To improve astronauts’ health.

B.To make improvements in space travel.

C.To encourage more people to travel to space.

D.To make space travel more comfortable for astronauts.


    I'm now living in the south of France with my husband Keith and three small children, and I feel like a fish out of water everywhere but one place-the Saturday street market.It's been operating in our small town of Sommieres since the 13th century,but we've only lived here for three months.

From Monday to Friday,life is all about the kids.I'm busy helping my children deal with life in a French school.It's not easy,and their stress is the whole family's stress,as Keith and I are occupied with the daily school runs,piles of homework and school notes in French.

But on Saturday,the market is for me.I feel so peaceful as I walk along the quiet street toward the busy town square.The knife-sharpening man is there, operating a machine that looks like it dates from the Industrial Revolution.There' re street musicians with guitars and microphones,and the sound of beautiful songs fills the air.And the food,of course,is delicious.The cheese man doesn't speak-he just points and cuts,offering a piece from his knife.Lines come out of the door for fresh bread at the bakery.Organic vegetables,herbs and desserts are a feast for the eyes,before being put into the bag to be enjoyed later for lunch.The noises and smells of the market are unfamiliar and thrilling,but their procedures are clear to me.This is part of why I love the place so much:Unlike during the week,when I'm constantly faced with my own difficulties,I know how this place works.My terrible French isn't the barrier to communication that it is in other circumstances.

At school and in the village,I can't joke or join a conversation,and although the other parents at the school are kind,I'm an outsider.But at the market,I'm just another customer with a basket.Surrounded by day trippers,I feel like a local- greeting people I know and petting dogs.

My Saturday experiences allow me to hope that in the near future I'll feel equally confident in my everyday life.Until then,Saturdays prepare me for the coming week of school runs.

1.What does the author mean by saying “I feel like a fish out of water”?

A.She feels uncomfortable in new surroundings.

B.She feels free out of her daily housework.

C.She feels lonely without her children.

D.She feels unable to make a living in another country.

2.What can be learned about the author's life during weekdays?

A.She learns French together with her children.

B.She devotes herself to her children in a French school.

C.She runs to school every day to help her children.

D.She tries to balance her job and the housework.

3.Why does the author like going to the Saturday market?

A.She wants to get away from her family's stress.

B.She can talk with other customers freely there.

C.She feels relaxed and comfortable there.

D.She tries to gain confidence in the busy atmosphere.


假设你是红星中学高二学生李华,你的英国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他对北京正在实行的垃圾分类 (garbage classification) 很感兴趣。他向你咨询相关信息,请给他回信。内容包括:




参考词:recyclables, kitchen waste, harmful waste, other waste




Dear Jim,



Li Hua



At the start of nearly every doctor's visit, chances are that you will be asked to get your weight measured for that day's exam record - and you would be hard-pressed to find a person whose physician has not brought up his or her weight at some point, and doctors' recommendations to drop pounds are still extremely common. But many conversations around weight have become a barrier, not a help, in the campaign to make people healthier.

Higher body masses are associated with increased risk for hypertension, diabetes and coronary disease. Many studies have shown that heavier people are at higher risk for these illnesses. But the big picture is not the whole picture. Researchers have identified a smaller group of overweight people considered to be ''metabolically (新陈代谢地) healthy'' - meaning they do not exhibit high blood pressure or other diseases.

Research over the past two decades has shown that health professionals have negative attitudes toward fat people. Some refuse to see these patients at all, as the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported in 2011. Such practices keep people from regular annual exams and prevent the finding of serious underlying conditions. Not only that but doctors' appointments with fat patients are shorter on average, and they routinely use negative words in their medical histories of such people. And research suggests that the stress of being a heavy person may cause metabolic changes that may lead to more poor health outcomes.

To achieve better health outcomes, doctors should focus on behaviors that have proven positive outcomes for health instead of the weight-centric health care practice. And people of all sizes are entitled to evidence-based factors that empower them and keep them healthy. Lifestyle changes, such as eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains, along with increased physical activity, can improve blood pressure, levels and sensitivity - often independently of changes in body weight.

1.What will you be asked to do when visiting a doctor for the first time? (不多于4个单词)


2.Why does the stress of being a heavy person may lead to more poor health outcomes? (不多于6个单词)


3.What are doctors expected to do to achieve better health outcomes? (不多于10个单词)


4.What is the passage mainly about? (不多于4个单词)












5.从他所说的话来判断,他已经厌倦了现在的工作。(be fed up with)



    Convincing someone to change their mind is really the process of convincing them to change their tribe (部落). If they abandon their beliefs, they run the risk of losing social ties. You can’t expect someone to change their mind if you take away their community too.

The way to change people’s minds is to become friends with them, to combine them into your tribe, to bring them into your circle. Now, they can change their beliefs without the risk of being abandoned socially.

The British philosopher Alain de Botton suggests that we simply share meals with those who disagree with us: “Sitting down at a table with a group of strangers has the incomparable and odd benefit of making it a little more difficult to hate them without punishment. Prejudice and conflict between groups of people from different nations or races feed off abstraction. However, during a meal, something about handing dishes around, unfolding napkins (餐巾纸) at the same moment, even asking a stranger to pass the salt makes us less likely to hold the belief that the outsiders who wear unusual clothes and speak in distinctive accents deserve to be sent home or attacked. For all the large-scale political solutions which have been proposed to ease racial or cultural conflict, there are few more effective ways to promote tolerance between suspicious neighbours than to force them to eat supper together.”

Perhaps it is not difference, but distance that produces tribalism and unfriendliness. As proximity increases, so does understanding. I am reminded of Abraham Lincoln’s quote, “I don’t like that man. I must get to know him better.” Facts don’t change our minds. Friendship does.

The Japanese writer Haruki Murakami once wrote, “Always remember that to argue, and win, is to break down the reality of the person you are arguing against. It is painful to lose your reality, so be kind, even if you are right.”

When we are in the moment, we can easily forget that the goal is to connect with the other side, cooperate with them, befriend them, and integrate them into our tribe. We are so caught up in winning that we forget about connecting. It’s easy to spend your energy labeling people rather than working with them.

The word “kind (family and relatives)” originated from the word “kin (old fashion of family and relatives).” When you are kind to someone, it means you are treating them like family. This, I think, is a good method for actually changing someone’s mind. Develop a friendship. Share a meal. Gift a book. Be kind first, be right later.

1.People are likely to change their mind when they _____.

A.change their beliefs B.are made friends with

C.move to a new community D.are given somewhere to go

2.What does the underlined word “proximity” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.Nearness. B.Action. C.Communication. D.Politeness.

3.The author quotes from Haruki Murakami to imply that _____.

A.breaking down one’s reality is easy

B.kindness is more important than right

C.arguing and winning are not important

D.losing one’s identity is a painful process

4.According to the passage, sharing meals is effective in building connections because it ____.

A.pleases people with different beliefs or accents

B.makes people focus on eating rather than conflicts

C.brings benefits to the people having dinner together

D.promotes understanding and tolerance among people


    GENETIC testing cannot tell teachers anything useful about an individual pupil’s educational achievement. That is the conclusion of a study that looked at how well so-called polygenic scores for education predict a person’s educational achievements, based on a long-term study of thousands of people in the UK. “Some people with a very low genetic score are very high performers at age 16. Some are even in the top 3 percent,” says Tim Morris at the University of Bristol, UK.

And while Morris expects the accuracy of polygenic scores for educational achievements to improve, he doesn’t think they will ever be good enough to predict how well an individual will do. Even relatively simple qualities such as height are influenced by thousands of genetic variants, each of which may only have a tiny effect. It has been claimed that polygenic scores can be used to make useful predictions, such as a person’s likelihood of developing various diseases. One company is even offering embryo screening (screening of an unborn baby in the very stages of development) based on polygenic scores for disease risk.

Some researchers - notably Robert Plomin of King’s College London - think that schools should start using polygenic scores for educational achievement. In most cases, the scores may reflect qualities such as persistence as well as intelligence.

To assess the usefulness of polygenic scores in education, Morris and his colleagues calculated them for 8,000 people in Bristol who are part of a long-term study known as the Children of the 90s. The participants’ genomes have been queued and their academic results are available to researchers. Among other things, the team found a correlation of 0.4 between a person’s polygenic score and their exam results at age 16. But there would need to be a correlation of at least 0.8 to make useful predictions about individuals, says Morris.

Plomin, however, argues that the results support his opinion. “A correlation of 0.4 makes it the strongest polygenic predictor in the behavioural sciences,” says Plomin. “It’s so much stronger than a lot of other things we base decisions on. So it’s a very big finding.”

Morris says schools already have access to other predictors that are more accurate, such as a pupil’s earlier test results. Looking at parents’ educational achievements is also a better predictor of a pupil’s academic results than studying their genome, his results show. Providing teachers with an extra predictor based on genetics would just confuse matters, says Morris, and the cost cannot be justified.

1.In paragraph 2, Morris talks about “height” in order to tell readers that _____.

A.some qualities are hardly affected by any genetic variants

B.some qualities are influenced by thousands of genetic variants

C.genetic scores are useful in predicting one’s potential diseases

D.genetic scores can help children improve their scores at school

2.How did Morris prove the effect of polygenetic scores in education?

A.By providing opposite examples. B.By explaining how the genome works.

C.By listing findings from another scientist. D.By presenting facts and data from research.

3.According to Plomin, a correlation of 0.4 is reliable because it is _____.

A.useful in telling you how intelligent and persistent children are

B.useful in predicting people who might struggle academically

C.stronger compared to other factors in behavioural sciences

D.strongly correlated to children’s academic achievements

4.Morris suggested that schools should _____.

A.study every pupil’s genomes

B.spend some money on genetic tests

C.know about parents’ educational achievements

D.provide teachers with students’ genetic information


    Are you preparing for a standardized English exam? Do you find the listening section particularly challenging?

The world of standardized examinations to assess candidates’ abilities in the English language has grown rapidly, especially in the last 30 years. Most of these exams include a listening paper, in which a number of micro-skills are tested, such as listening for detailed information, understanding an author’s attitude and more. Despite the different types of exams out there, they all share many things. We can call them “skills”, as they can be applied while taking the listening test.

You need to exercise your skills to make “educated guesses” although you won’t ever have super powers. Most standardized tests give you some time to read ahead. You must use this time wisely, as this is crucial to predicting as much as possible a number of things. You should quickly ask yourself: What is their relationship? Where are they? Why are they talking? What are their tones?

By doing this, you will be able to set the situation and expect specific vocabulary which might be used in the coming listening materials. All this can be done very quickly. If the passage contains gaps that you must fill out, you should try to predict the type of word or expression (noun, adjective, verb, etc.). Do not try to read everything in detail; only focus on the key words. With practice, you will be able to predict with a certain level of precision. Even if you find it difficult, trying to make a prediction will always help you concentrate on the task, thus making it a lot more manageable and understandable.

Becoming a successful candidate takes time and practice. Unless you have had enough practice in English, you won’t probably be able to get your desired score. Keep in mind that most standardized exams are more about skills than knowledge.

1.The underlined term “educated guesses” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced with _____.

A.efforts to achieve high scores B.quick decisions about the choice

C.better options using the same words D.predictions with a certain level of precision

2.What should be stressed more in a standardized listening test according to the passage?

A.Skills. B.Vocabulary. C.Scores. D.Knowledge.

3.Who do you think the passage is intended for?

A.Teachers. B.Managers. C.Speakers. D.Candidates.


    Whistler Olympic Park, having hosted ski jumping, cross-country skiing and biathlon (冬季两项) for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, remains an active centre for competitors, the local community and visitors. Located a short drive south of Whistler, the park offers activities and programs all year-round.

Winter at Whistler Olympic Park

Discover Whistler Olympic Park through cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, biathlon and more.

Find yourself in the park’s fantastic landscape and discover its Olympic history.

Take a lesson such as ski jumping in the youth program.

Gather around the outdoor open fire or in the warm Day Lodge restaurant after a day out in the snow.

Summer at Whistler Olympic Park

Open daily for tours, self-guided activities and sightseeing from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

There is a small park access fee ($15/vehicle). This fee is for the benefit of local, national and international Nordic athletes for summer and winter training. Free park entry for 2020/2021 season pass holders and non-motorized vehicles.


Olympic Biathlon Tour

Feel like an Olympian with this hands-on introduction to biathlon! On your walk to the shooting range, learn about the park’s sports and history. It also provides the best angle for taking photos of the Olympic monuments.

Take aim and shoot a real gun! In a mini race, including walking and running, get your heart rate up, stay focused and take aim to hit the targets!

Tour Dates: Daily from June 28 – September 1, 2020

Ages: 8 and up (under 19 with an accompanying adult)

Pricing: Adult $55, Youth $45

E-Bike & Biathlon Adventure Tour

The comfortable electric assist mountain bikes have wide wheels for a smooth ride, and an electric motor to help you climb hills with ease.

Visit the Olympic monuments and enjoy breathtaking viewpoints, such as the Top of the World lookout with views of Black Tusk and surrounding mountain ranges.

Test your skills at the biathlon range, shooting at Olympic targets.

Tour Dates: Daily from June 28 – September 1, 2020

Ages: 10 and up (under 19 with an accompanying adult)

Pricing: $95 per person

For more information, please log in from our homepage.

1.If you want to learn ski jumping, you should probably go to _____.

A.Olympic Biathlon Tour B.Winter at Whistler Olympic Park

C.Summer at Whistler Olympic Park D.E-Bike & Biathlon Adventure Tour

2.Which group of visitors can enjoy free park entry?

A.Season pass holders. B.Children under age 8.

C.Locals from the community. D.Teenagers with parents.

3.What can you do during the E-bike tour?

A.Ride a bike around the lake.

B.Gather around the open fire.

C.Visit the Olympic monuments.

D.Photograph monuments at the best angle.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.A sports and leisure centre. B.Exciting sports adventures.

C.Year-round training programs. D.History of an Olympic Park.


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