Every day on her walk to school, Khloe Thompson, a nine-year-old girl, kept noticing the same homeless people and couldn’t help but feel troubled. She kept asking her mom why or how they were there, and at the end of the conversation she always wondered, “What can I do to help?” Seeing these struggling individuals in her community, Khloe made a resolution to create her own charity devoted to improving the lives of local homeless people. After Khloe made the decision firmly, she quickly began to effect change in the homeless community, raising spirits while lending some much-needed assistance to those living on the street.

“No dream is too small or too big!” writes Khloe on her GoFundMe page, which was set up by Khloe and her mom Alisha and has raised $14,000 in the two months since it was established, exceeding its original $10,000 goal. “Any funds raised on this page will go toward our charity filing fees and any future volunteer projects. The more we raise, the more people we can help!”

The charity, called Khloe Kares, is a community service-oriented organization that plans different projects to give some assistance to those in need. Khloe’s first project was Kare Bags, which are intended to help the homeless. “I like to give them a nice sturdy bag that they can have forever,” says Khloe, “Sometimes they give me hugs and then they say thank you.”

“As a parent, you’re going to be concerned about her walking up to random strangers,” says Alisha, who accompanies Khloe when she hands out her Kare Bags. After seeing people’s positive reactions, she said “People really warm up to her quickly.”

As Khloe strives to help those near her, homelessness has become an increasingly pressing issue. For Khloe, Kare Bags are just the beginning. She is currently planning a toy drive for kids living in group homes, which will take place on July. She has collected about $1,000 worth of toys to give out, and additional voluntary gifts will go towards The Raise Foundation of Orange County, whose goal is to stop child abuse and neglect.

1.Khloe created her own charity to        .

A.collect money for children’s toys

B.help homeless people of the local area

C.protect more children from abuse and neglect

D.improve the living condition of the community

2.From the passage, we can know that GoFundMe page        .

A.is a community service-oriented organization

B.was set up by Khloe and some local volunteers

C.plans different projects to help those people in need

D.raises fund for filing fees and future volunteer projects

3.Which of the following words can best describe Khole?

A.Devoted and open-minded.

B.Humorous and strong-willed.

C.Determined and warm-hearted.

D.Knowledgeable and hard-working.

4.Which of the following can be the best title?

A.No Life is Easy

B.The Road to Success

C.The Power of Volunteers

D.Lend a Hand to Strangers


Dear Friends,

You may be familiar with our growing collection of remarkable true stories from around the world about young animals facing disaster and misfortune: a baby hippo orphaned during the Asian tsunami and adopted and raised by a 130-year-old giant tortoise; a baby polar bear abandoned at birth by his mother and hand-raised by a caring zookeeper at the Berlin Zoo.

We are now pleased to introduce you another remarkable true story—unlike our other land-based stories, this one rises from the sea. The name of the book is called Winter’s Tail. This is the story of Winter, a young female dolphin who injures and then loses her tail after being injured off the coast of Florida. The injured Winter is rescued from a crab trap and brought to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, a marine animal hospital, where she at first adjusts and learns to swim without her tail by moving her body with a side-to-side action. Winter’s actions and behaviors cause great concern among her caretakers because it is clear to them that she is injuring her body and internal organs with this painful and inelegant method of movement.

But luckily, an engineer designed an artificial tail that enables Winter to once again swim like a dolphin. The solution to this problem came from the miracle of modern technology. It was very challenging but now Winter is thriving and using her new tail with great command. Winter has already become an inspiration and an icon for millions touched directly and indirectly by all types of challenges.

This is an interesting book. I hope you enjoy the interesting and touching story of one brave little dolphin who learned how to swim again.

With love and hope,


1.From the passage, what can we know about Winter?

A.She was rescued by a zookeeper.

B.She gets used to living without her tail.

C.She was abandoned at birth by her mother.

D.She swims again with the help of an engineer.

2.The letter is probably written to        .

A.teenagers B.engineers

C.swimmers D.zookeepers

3.Why does the author write this letter?

A.To call on people to protect the animals.

B.To arouse people’s interest in this story book.

C.To attract more people to watch the dolphin show.

D.To inform the development of modern technology.


    My education started in a small village of India, I did not have any English then. When I discovered that famous novelist George Orwell was born in Motihari, it made me wonder if I could be a writer too. That day, it became my _________.

My father opened up the world of books for me. I must have been seven or eight, when he first _________ me a Hindi (印地语) storybook. When dad was reading the book for me, I was _______ by the stories. By the time I was in Grade 10, I had finished reading hundreds of novels. Also, my private tutor made me _________ that it was possible for me to learn the language. After 10 months with her, I started reading picture books in English.

Two years later, I began to read my first English novel. Then I _________ that I should try writing newspaper articles, improve my skills and then progress to longer forms. I approached a couple of Hindi newspapers with my writing but was promptly _________. They said my article didn’t live up to their standards. I was so _________ that I doubted my ability. At this time, I met kind-hearted Daniel who _________ my first article after heavy editing. It was an important turning point for me, my _________ as a writer began.

After writing a dozen articles and reviews, I knew it was finally time to plan my novel. ________ the plot was really tough for me. I managed to write the first __________ of my novel! Full of __________, I sent it to Mary Mount, a famous editor right away. My submission was __________ again, but I was still grateful just to hear from her.

One year later, I finished my writing work again. I __________ another editor. A month later, the feed-back landed on my table, but it was desperate, to put it mildly. I __________, believing I’d never get published.

When I shared it with my friend, she __________ me a lot. Her feedback and support helped me improve my manuscript further. Then I submitted it to a few publishers and a few days later, I got a __________ from a publisher. To my __________, he informed me that my book would be published. What surprised me was that a few production houses had expressed interest in my novel. One of the directors __________ intended to adapt it for the screen. It is because of my __________ and the encouragement from my family and friend, after 21 years struggling, that eventually I fulfilled my dream.

1.A.dream B.career C.memory D.ability

2.A.returned B.lent C.drew D.bought

3.A.attracted B.frightened C.amused D.warned

4.A.remember B.regret C.believe D.suggest

5.A.admitted B.realized C.explained D.complained

6.A.put down B.written down C.broken down D.turned down

7.A.worried B.surprised C.depressed D.excited

8.A.published B.refused C.copied D.recited

9.A.program B.report C.drill D.journey

10.A.Creating B.Sharing C.Comparing D.Deleting

11.A.chapter B.draft C.line D.question

12.A.pride B.energy C.expectation D.patience

13.A.praised B.rejected C.accused D.collected

14.A.invited B.helped C.protected D.contacted

15.A.laughed B.cheered C.cried D.clapped

16.A.rewarded B.donated C.thanked D.encouraged

17.A.call B.book C.gift D.task

18.A.sorrow B.delight C.disappointment D.embarrassment

19.A.hardly B.just C.even D.only

20.A.talent B.effort C.bravery D.modesty



1. 礼物是什么?(比如国画、茶、剪纸等);

2. 礼物的意义(至少两点);

3. 祝福。




参考词汇:国画 Chinese painting 剪纸 paper cutting

Dear Tom,



Li Hua








Do you hate exams? If you do, you are not alone. Students in other country hate them as well. Lucky for them, British students have few exams than Chinese students, and they only have them once a year. Every summer they take a test in each subject and each test last about an hour. It is amazed, isn’t it? When the results are come out, they are placed in a end-of-year report. The report is sent the child’s parents. It describes what the student performed and behaved throughout the year. The report is private, so only the teacher, the student and parents can see them.


    It was coming up on Mother’s Day. John ______ tried to make it back home, but this year he was just too ______ with his business. When he ______ by a flower shop, he said, “I’ll send Mom some roses.” He went into the shop and saw a boy ______ to the clerk. “How many roses can I get for six dollars?” The clerk was trying to explain that roses were ______.

“I have to have roses,” he said. “My mom was sick so much last year and I didn’t ______ much time with her. I want to get something ______. It has to be red roses, because that’s her ______.”

John was ______ by the boy’s voice. He ______ mouthed to the clerk that he would pay for the boy’s roses. The clerk said, “Okay, a dozen roses for six dollars!” The boy took the flowers excitedly and ______. It was worth the extra 35 dollars just to see that kind of ______. John ordered his flowers and had the clerk leave a ______ telling his mother he loved her. He left the shop, and later saw the boy enter a cemetery. He pulled over and began to ______ the boy. The boy ______ by a small monument (墓碑) and went to his knees. He ______ laid the roses on the grave (坟墓). John stared at the little boy’s trembling body and ______ his crying, “Mommy, why didn’t I tell you how much I love you? ” John ______, tears in his eyes, and walked to his car. He drove back to the ______ and told the clerk he would take the flowers ______. He wanted to tell his mother one more time just how much he loved her.

1.A.usually B.never C.seldom D.sometimes

2.A.happy B.tired C.pleased D.busy

3.A.hurried B.drove C.walked D.stood

4.A.discussing B.shouting C.talking D.pointing

5.A.boring B.beautiful C.important D.expensive

6.A.save B.waste C.spend D.give

7.A.cheap B.special C.new D.interesting

8.A.favorite B.dream C.life D.belief

9.A.worried B.touched C.surprised D.frightened

10.A.silently B.loudly C.excitedly D.repeatedly

11.A.sat down B.turned back C.ran out D.gave up

12.A.disappointment B.embarrassment C.excitement D.amazement

13.A.rule B.word C.story D.note

14.A.follow B.miss C.remember D.find

15.A.passed B.stopped C.jumped D.rushed

16.A.impatiently B.gladly C.kindly D.carefully

17.A.listened to B.waited for C.worried about D.saw to

18.A.smiled B.turned C.cried D.continued

19.A.street B.shop C.home D.car

20.A.slowly B.differently C.personally D.aimlessly


    These days, being a teenager isn't easy. Teens' schedules often include doing too many after-school activities, sports practice, and homework. 1.

About a quarter of all U.S. high school students participate in the workforce. 2. Research has shown that working over the standard limit negatively affects teens in a variety of ways.

Researchers published a recent report finding that working more than 20 hours a week during the school year leads to academic problems. The more hours a student works, the more likely their grades are to be lower. 3. They are more likely to complete high school. However, students who work more than 15 hours each week are more likely to drop out.

4. It has been considered as a major cause in at least 100,000 police-reported traffic crashes each year, killing more than 1,500 Americans and injuring another 71,000. Young drivers aged 25 or under are involved in more than one-half of fall-asleep crashes.

Work helps teens gain valuable experience, teaches them much needed skills, and provides necessary spending money. 5. The student workweek should be limited to 20 hours or less and should not go past 10 p.m. on a school night. Safe and healthy youth work experiences don’t just happen—teens, parents, and employers must work together to make them happen.

A.However, basic rules should be followed.

B.They work part-time for extra spending money.

C.Some students work between 1 and 15 hours a week.

D.Working over 20 hours leads to higher dropout rates.

E.It leaves many teens feeling overworked and stressed.

F.Most states make 20 hours a week the standard limit.

G.Working over the standard limit also causes sleepiness.


    You might be surprised that dollar stores typically have a variety of products that can be found at a better price than regular stores—though, there are some things you should never buy at the dollar store.

A dollar store is a variety store, meaning they sell a wide range of products. Party supplies, cleaning supplies, and paper products are some of the great, cheap finds you can find at dollar stores. But, not every product is always priced at just one dollar. In fact, dollar stores often have a wide range of products at prices between $1 and $10.

“Dollar stores are able to profit, in part because operating costs are kept low by employing only a handful of people, and by limiting the amount of cold chain storage in their stores (which is necessary for fresh foods like produce),” says Minovi, a policy associate, focusing on healthy retail policies.

Dollar stores can provide a lot of items at a cheaper price, but that doesn’t mean the item will last longer or function at the best quality. With that in mind, these are the things you should have been buying from the dollar store this whole time.

“Dollar stores in the United States typically seek to open locations in economically disadvantaged communities that lack a full-service grocery store,” adds Minovi. “Unfortunately, the food on offer is largely calorie-dense (高热量) and nutrient-poor, so this model depends on selling nutritionally poor food to mostly low-income customers.”

1.What’s the obvious advantage of dollar stores?

A.Varieties of goods are sold cheaply.

B.Customers can get cheap but perfect goods.

C.Goods never bought at regular stores are offered.

D.All the products in the store are sold at one dollar.

2.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.What goods a dollar store sells. B.How a dollar store makes money.

C.Why a dollar store employs people. D.How a dollar store keeps cold foods.

3.Which of the following does Minovi agree with?

A.Dollar stores make money by cutting down employees.

B.Much cold frozen food can be bought in dollar stores.

C.Food from the dollar stores is nutritional and healthy.

D.Dollar stores are popular with low-income customers.

4.What is probably the best title for the text?

A.Locations of Dollar Stores B.The Service of Dollar Stores

C.The Operation of Dollar Stores D.Disadvantages of Dollar Stores


    Plastic waste is a huge problem in Indonesia, and this has led the country's second-largest city to come up with a novel approach to encourage residents to recycle—free bus rides in exchange for used plastic bottles and cups. The city of Surabaya launched the initiative back in April—the first Indonesian city to put it into practice, and citizens can ride city buses by either dropping off the plastic bottles and cups at terminals(终点站) or using the plastic items to pay their fare directly.

Under the new recycling initiative, a two-hour bus ticket costs up to five plastic bottles or 10 plastic cups, depending on the size. The city hopes this scheme will help it meet its target of becoming free of plastic waste by 2020.

''Garbage, like plastic bottles, piles up in my neighborhood, so I brought it here, so the environment is not only cleaner but also to help ease the workload of garbage collectors,'' said Linda, a resident of Surabaya.

According to Reuters, data show that 15 percent (nearly 400 tons) of the city's daily waste is plastic. The data also show that one bus can collect up to 550 pounds of plastic each day, totaling about 7.5 tons each month. After collecting the plastic waste, workers remove labels and bottle caps before the plastic is sold to recycling companies. This money then goes toward bus operations and to fund urban green spaces.

1.What does the underlined word ''initiative'' probably mean?

A.A new price of riding buses.

B.Dropping off the plastic bottles.

C.Selling plastic items to get fares.

D.The first action to recycle plastic.

2.What's Surabaya’s new way to deal with plastic waste?

A.Plastic items are only sold to companies.

B.Citizens are encouraged to sort plastic bottles.

C.Natives can take city buses instead of driving.

D.People can trade plastic waste for free bus rides.

3.What's Linda's attitude towards the program?

A.Doubtful. B.Supportive. C.Negative. D.Uncaring.

4.What's the purpose of Surabaya's taking the measure?

A.To develop the city's economy.

B.To call on green travel in the city.

C.To raise the environmental awareness.

D.To solve the worldwide social problem.


    It was a cold day and I had no desire to drive to my daughter Carolyn’s house. But she had insisted I see something on top of the mountain. So here I was, unwillingly making the two-hour journey through fog.

After I parked the car, we walked along a path with thick pine needles and huge evergreens towering over us. Gradually, the peace and silence began to fill my mind. Then we turned a corner and stopped—and I breathed in amazement!

From the top of the mountain, covering several valleys, were rivers of daffodils(水仙花) in bloom. All kinds of colors spread like a carpet before us. It looked as if the sun had spilled gold down the mountainside. At the center hung a waterfall of roses. Here and there were colorful tulips(郁金香). How fantastic the wonder was!

A lot of questions filled my mind. Who created such beauty? Why? How?

Nearing the center of the garden, we saw a sign that read: ''Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking.'' The first answer was: ''One Woman—Two Hands, Two Feet, and Very Little Brain.'' The second was: ''One at a Time.'' The third: ''Started in 1958. ''

As we drove home, I was so moved that I could scarcely speak. ''She changed the world,'' I finally said, ''one bulb at a time. She started almost 40 years ago, probably just the beginning of an idea, but she kept at it.''

1.The author didn't want to make the trip because __________

A.she didn't want to see her daughter.

B.the road condition was not so good.

C.the weather was bad and the trip was long.

D.the forest was so thick as to make one depressed.

2.What was the author amazed at after turning a corner?

A.The silent forest.

B.The grand scenery.

C.The tough journey.

D.The colorful tulips.

3.What can we infer from paragraph 5?

A.The woman created the wonder by herself.

B.The garden was created with others' help.

C.Five people helped make the garden.

D.The garden was soon built.

4.What does the author intend to tell us from the story?

A.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

B.An eye finds more truth than two ears.

C.Chance often favors the prepared mind.

D.He who walks with wise men should be wise.


    Edinburgh is the world’s festival city with twelve festivals throughout the year. Here are some of the events you can enjoy.

The Edinburgh International Festival

This is the original Edinburgh festival which began in 1947. Actors, musicians, dancers and opera singers from all over the world perform to huge audiences. You need tickets for most events which take place in theaters around the city.

The Edinburgh Art Festival

This festival is modern and has been celebrated for around ten years. It is a fantastic opportunity to see some of the city’s best visual art in art galleries and museums. Most events are free and include events such as fashion shows and art exhibitions.

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe

This is the largest arts festival in the world with thousands of shows which take place across the city. Anyone can perform in the festival and over 20,000 artists take part, so there is always a huge variety of acts to choose from. Go to the Royal Mile to watch performers such as magicians and comedians for free. However, it can get very busy as thousands of tourists and local people fill the city streets to enjoy the shows.

The Edinburgh International Book Festival

The largest book festival in the world began in 1983 and takes place every year in Charlotte Square Gardens in the centre of Edinburgh. There are over 700 events for children and adults who love books. You can meet many authors, talk to them, ask them to sign a book or listen to them talk about their stories.

1.Which Festival has the longest history?

A.The Edinburgh Art Festival.

B.The Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

C.The Edinburgh International Festival.

D.The Edinburgh International Book Festival.

2.What can tourists do in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe?

A.Ask authors to sign books.

B.Perform with artists together.

C.Go to theaters to watch plays.

D.See the best visual art in galleries.

3.Where does the passage come from?

A.A story book. B.A science fiction.

C.A news report. D.A travel magazine.










Dear Tom,

How’s it going? I am glad to receive your last letter.


Looking forward to your early reply!


Li Hua








Neighborhood does help. Six years before, at the hottest day of the year, I saw man working on the grass at the bank next door. I didn’t know him, and I decided to do something kind. I went in the house, take a Cola from my fridge and returned outside. Then I stood at the place that he could see me. I held up the drink and pointed to her. He nodded. When he came to accept the bottle from me, he thanked me immediate. He said that he was thinking about get something to drink.

He has helped me a lot of since then. He gives me advices whenever I need help.


    About six years ago, I was sitting on a plane next to a woman. I was _______ and wanted to take a rest, but she tapped (轻拍) me on the shoulder to _______ herself.

“Hi, my name is Helga.”

As we _______, it came up that I had started an organization called Acts of Kindness. As I described what we did, Helga got very _______ and said to me, “There is nothing more important in the world than _______.” She began telling me a _______ about the last time she had _______.

It was three years ago and she was  _______ back to her hometown because her father had become very _______. Just as the plane was about to ________, her father’s doctor ________ to tell her that her father had ________ passed away. For the three-hour plane ride, she sat in shocked silence. When she arrived at the airport, She sat down on a sofa and ________. For two hours thousands of people just walked by.

“Not a single person ________ and asked if I was OK that day. On that day I ________ kindness isn’t normal.”

Her story has ________ me for all these years. We spend so much time worrying about our own problems that we ________ and take no notice of other people in need of kindness. So, I’ve made it my ________ to do my part in making kindness “normal”.

Now, I travel to schools to give ________ about our need for kindness. And when I give my talks, I always have my ________ with Helga in the back of my mind.

1.A.excited B.energetic C.tired D.sad

2.A.enjoy B.introduce C.praise D.describe

3.A.rested B.talked C.watched D.read

4.A.serious B.amused C.nervous D.worried

5.A.safety B.trust C.health D.kindness

6.A.joke B.story C.promise D.plan

7.A.cycled B.driven C.flown D.made

8.A.heading B.looking C.running D.riding

9.A.old B.lonely C.poor D.ill

10.A.return B.disappear C.land D.leave

11.A.wrote B.forgot C.called D.expected

12.A.suddenly B.slowly C.secretly D.finally

13.A.shouted B.slept C.cried D.waited

14.A.stopped B.moved C.continued D.escaped

15.A.accepted B.realized C.admitted D.remembered

16.A.cheated B.discouraged C.attracted D.impressed

17.A.walk by B.believe in C.look after D.depend on

18.A.memory B.topic C.duty D.reason

19.A.choices B.speeches C.plans D.decisions

20.A.interview B.trouble C.dream D.conversation


Why I love volunteering?

Over the last few years, I have discovered that one of my favourite things to do in my free time is to volunteer. I have volunteered for different organizations and carried out different roles. These have included simple, everyday activities as well as some more professional roles. 1. Here are my top four reasons why I think volunteering is so meaningful.

● It’s an opportunity to get experience and skills.

By volunteering, you are carrying out a job — even though you’re not being paid — so you can get valuable experience and skills which are likely to be useful in the future. 2.

● You can meet new people.

3. They are likely to be very interesting and inspiring people and might just turn out to be great friends too.

● It’s a way to get confidence.

Many people who do voluntary work say that it has helped them to feel more confident in all sorts of ways. 4. My volunteering experience has helped me to get confidence in talking to strangers and even in front of a crowd!


Doing an activity that you wouldn’t normally do, with like-minded people, should mean that you have a really fun time. You will also feel good knowing that you are doing something for a good cause.

A.You can have lots of fun!

B.I have always been quite a shy person.

C.If you like, you can start with something small.

D.Look for volunteering opportunities in your local town or city.

E.However, no matter what kind of volunteering, I have always loved it.

F.One of the best things about volunteering is meeting the other volunteers!

G.For example, volunteering roles will help you get working or social experience.


    The microplastics(微型塑料) problem in the oceans has made its way to sea turtles in a big way. A new study has found microplastics in the stomach of every single turtle they tested—a total of 102 sea turtles.

The researchers tested more than 100 sea turtles from all seven kinds and three different oceans, and they were looking for man-made things less than 5 mm long. The most things the team found were fibers, which most likely came from clothing and fishing equipment.

“The influence of these particles on turtles is unknown,” said Emily Duncan. “Their small size means they can pass through the stomach without causing a problem, as is frequently reported with larger plastic pieces.”

The researchers found more than 800 man-made particles in the turtles, but since they only tested part of the stomach, they believe the total number of particles could be 20 times higher. They don’t know how the turtles take in the particles, but they think they are from polluted seawater and polluted plants.

Professor Brendan Godley said that eating microplastics isn’t the biggest problem to sea turtles at the moment, but it is a clear sign that we need to do a better job watching global waste.

This turtle study shows that we need to reduce the amount of plastic waste, so we can keep clean and healthy oceans for future people.

1.The underlined part in paragraph 1 probably means “________”.

A.has gone into B.has made great effect on

C.has been walking to D.has tried to escape from

2.How did the researchers find out the microplastics problem

A.By giving examples. B.By comparing sea life.

C.By studying different sea animals. D.By testing turtles from different seas.

3.What can be inferred from Emily?

A.Larger plastic pieces cause trouble to sea turtles

B.Eating microplastics is the biggest danger to sea turtles

C.Scientists know clearly how sea turtles eat plastic pieces

D.The number of particles inside sea turtles is much higher

4.The purpose of the text is to call on people to ________.

A.stop killing sea animals B.find out more plastic waste

C.control pollution to oceans D.carry out further researches


    Named after Camp Creek Road, its place of origin, the fire started on November 8, 2018 and killed at least 71 people. More than 1,000 people are reported to be missing, although officials say that number could increase.

The fire has been heavily sweeping the Sierra Nevada forest since last Friday, according to the California firefighting office, Calfire. 1,500 firefighters were sent to the affected area, but difficult conditions have prevented their activities and access to the area.

The fire has had huge fuel(燃料) as a result of wood from dead trees—27 million died last year after years of dry weather — plus leaves and grass dried by heat.

Evacuations(疏散) were ordered in several camps and in other areas. Calfire asked people to get ready to escape, considering high temperatures for the next few days.

The fire forced the shutdown of a highway and one of the entrances to Yosemite National Park. Meanwhile, scores of people have become sick and the air in northern California has been listed the world’s worst.

Heavy rain is coming next week that could reduce the flames but also bring floods on hillsides.

According to experts, the main causes of the wildfires are the weather, climate change and population change.

1.Where did the fire happen at the beginning?


B.Sierra Nevada

C.Camp Creek Road

D.Yosemite National Park

2.What made the fire continue?

A.Climate change.

B.Firefighters’ action.

C.People’s evacuation.

D.Dry wood in the forest.

3.What result has the fire caused?

A.Floods happened there.

B.27 million trees were dead.

C.The Yosemite National Park was closed.

D.The air became worse in northern California.

4.What’s the text mainly about?

A.The main causes of the fire.

B.A forest fire in California.

C.The measures to stop the fire.

D.The influences on people’s life.


    My grandma was the best grandma a girl could have. She never said a bad word about anyone. She always found good in a person.

When I was young, Grandma worked hard all spring and summer to buy a new coat for the winter. She sold eggs, fruit and anything her garden produced to earn enough money. Her old coat had seen better days, and she had repaired it quite a few times. When she finally had enough money saved up, off to town we went. Grandma looked so nice in her new coat, and I was proud of the hard work she did to earn it.

That winter, in the small town where she lived, a family with three small girls lost their house in a fire. They needed clothes, food and household items. Grandma decided to cut up her new coat and make three coats for the little girls. I asked her not to do it, but she kissed away my tears. She told me those girls needed coats much more than she did. Grandma made the dolls, coats, and apron on her old sewing machine.

When they were done, we loaded up the small red truck with the coats, an apron for the mother, blankets, food, and three little dolls. When the family saw what was in the truck, the mother started crying and the girls hugged the dolls.

On Sunday, Grandma wore her old coat to church and she was the nicest grandma there.

1.What did Grandma do to get herself a new coat?

A.She made a new one for herself. B.She was rich enough to buy one.

C.She sold something and saved money. D.She changed her old coat for a new one.

2.Grandma cut up her new coat to ________.

A.make some dolls B.offer help to a family

C.buy a new sewing machine D.make a coat for her granddaughter

3.On receiving the gifts, the family felt ________.

A.sad but excited B.moved and happy

C.thankful but nervous D.embarrassed and surprised

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage ?

A.A Brave Act B.My Great Grandma

C.Grandma’s New Coat D.A Disaster to a Family


    We have separate house rules for kids to make sure the LearnEnglish Kids site is a safe environment. So you must follow these rules, and read them carefully.



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We read all comments before we publish them. We do not publish comments that break the house rules. If you think a comment is breaking the house rules, please contact us.

Remember: LearnEnglish Kids is for children who are learning English. If you are a parent or teacher, you can become a member, but you must create a parents or teachers account (账户).

If your child is 12 or younger, they can create a kids account on LearnEnglish Kids.

If your child is 13-17, they can use our website for teenagers.

1.When you make comments on the site, you should ________.

A.use Chinese B.write down your own name

C.write in the children’s section D.respect other people’s views

2.The purpose of LearnEnglish Kids is to ________.

A.create a safe environment B.make sure the safety of a kids account

C.help kids learn English through the website D.make sure the safety of kids’ personal information

3.The passage is probably taken from ________.

A.the Internet B.a newspaper C.a magazine D.a story book



A zoo keeper had been working at a zoo for 15 years and never experienced any problems. He always worked the evening shifts (夜班) because he was trusted to properly lock up the zoo. On a warm summer night in late June, the zoo keeper turned off the lights and wished all of his animals a good night. He left the zoo and walked to his car in the parking lot. As he reached in his pocket, he realized that his keys had been left in the office. He quickly walked back to the zoo.

When he arrived at the door, to his surprise, it was unlocked. In fear of triggering (触发) the alarm that he had just set, he did not turn on the lights. He turned on the flashlight on his phone and began to make his way to the office. When he walked by the panther's () cages, he saw the young cubs playing together. He liked the zoo better at this hour because at night was when the animals come to life.

At last, he made it back to the office. Unfortunately this time the office door was locked and he knew that if he were to break the window, he would set off the alarm. Knowing there was no way inside, he decided it would be best to spend the night inside the zoo. The zoo keeper walked towards the bird cages because he knew he could sleep comfortably on the benches near the cages.

A few hours later, the zoo keeper heard a door slam (砰的一声) that woke him up.

“Quiet!" a voice whispered.

“What? There's no one here, another voice said. "The old man left hours ago”

"Alright, let's just grab the animals and get out of here.”

The zoo keeper didn't know what to do. He began to weigh his options: he could trigger the alarm but that would raise questions as to why he was inside, or he could face the thieves but that could potentially put him in danger. Then he turned the corner but made sure not to be seen so that he could see who had entered the zoo.












    The squirrel, Bella, had a rough start to life. At the age of four weeks old, an owl (猫头鹰) had _________and badly wounded her.

Bella stood no _________ of surviving her wounds in the wild. _________ , Ruby Harrison took her home. Ruby not only gave Bella a home, but a  _______  with three other adopted squirrels. They grew strong, but Ruby didn't domesticate (驯养) any of the squirrels. "They are part of the _______ rather than a pet," she said.

It was time to say goodbye in April 2009. Ruby saw them _________ into the trees and never expected to see them often. Then, initially, the other three came back for a ___________once and stopped coming by, but Bella was _________ . She seemed to have a strong _________ with the Harrisons that kept her visiting almost daily.

In the past ten years since her release, it's not just Ruby herself who gets Bella's __________. "Bella sits right at the front door to look in for someone's __________." Ruby described, "My husband rushes out of the door to be ________and happily runs back inside to the big bowl of nuts for her.”

More amazingly, this spring came with a(n) __________. Bella came round again with her ________family, with her three babies__________someone to notice.

1.A.approached B.attacked C.followed D.advanced

2.A.risk B.test C.chance D.use

3.A.Suddenly B.Clearly C.Strangely D.Luckily

4.A.family B.series C.hospital D.location

5.A.park B.wild C.yard D.earth

6.A.look B.break C.escape D.disappear

7.A.treat B.pity C.praise D.rest

8.A.normal B.traditional C.different D.extraordinary

9.A.taste B.connection C.touch D.smell

10.A.sight B.reach C.company D.observation

11.A.attention B.permission C.respect D.interest

12.A.found B.greeted C.passed D.lifted

13.A.surprise B.event C.group D.story

14.A.amusing B.invited C.interesting D.extended

15.A.afraid of B.forcing C.waiting for D.applying for


    In springtime, many Americans take on a major project: cleaning their homes from top to bottom. We often call this kind of work "spring cleaning." Part of spring cleaning often involves clearing out clutter (杂物). We do away with things we no longer need.

If we are to believe the many stories on Marie Kondo, the Queen of Clean, clutter adds unnecessary stress to our lives. Clutter is holding us back from our dreams and goals. 1.

An expert on the subject, Sabine Kastner of Princeton University, has been studying how the brain processes clutter for 20 years. The media, Kastner says, often writes about clutter in a very simple, black-and-white way: Clutter affects the mind and we need to clear it out. But it is much more complex than that. For starters, our brains are designed to deal with clutter. Very early in the development of our eyesight, we begin to group objects that we see. 2.

According to Kastner, there is not a one-size-fits-all solution. 3. In fact, some people need to see their work. If something is carefully put away, to them it does not exist anymore. Out of sight, out of mind. For other people, objects can stimulate their creativity and give them ideas.

4. Kastner notes that some people may get distracted by having lots of things around them. These people may need more organization and less clutter to work well.

5.Whether the area is cluttered or clear-they work the same. And for others it may depend on the project. For administrative work, they might need a clear workspace. But for more creative projects, they may need many things around them. It is complex.

A.But is it true?

B.What is working and what is not?

C.Some people do not care either way.

D.This helps us to structure our environment.

E.People need to be able to design their workplaces.

F.The idea that an uncluttered workplace is better, is not universally true.

G.However, other people are unable to work in a cluttered environment.


    Playdohjust one of the many waggy-tailed (摇尾巴的) residents at the Scottish SPCA’s (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) rescue centre in Aberdeen shire -is being introduced to a new sensory garden, getting used to new surroundings.

It is really a dog’s playground -providing scent stimulation and exercise many of them haven’t experienced before. So, we do rescue lots of sort of, abandoned, abused animalsand this garden will help to rehabilitate them. It's going to enrich their life and it's going to give them skills that will help them in the future. And hopefully it will give them a bit more confidence and help them to find their new homeswhich is the main aim.

In recent years- the North East (of Scotland) has become something of a hot spot for illegal animal activity. The puppies were born at the rescue center after their mother was taken into care following a recent raid in Moray. Some puppy farm dogs have never been out of a doghouseso they haven't been outside, they haven’t even walked on grass.

The sensory garden is somewhere safe that they can come and learn these skills. This garden is really going to help them with their confidence and help them to socialize. Some of them haven't even learnt basic, basic skills- so this is really going to boost that for them.

The center currently has 22 dogs waiting for a forever home. But in the meantime, the sensory garden, a new space filled with new pleasant smells, surfaces and barriers, is preparing them for “walkies" outside the center.

1.What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.The Scottish SPCA. B.The new sensory garden

C.The dogs’ new home. D.The North East of Scotland.

2.What does the underlined word “rehabilitate” in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Save. B.Dominate C.Restore. D.Feed

3.Which is the main aim of the sensory garden?

A.To make the dogs adapted to their future life. B.To protect the dogs from illegal animal activities.

C.To train the dogs for specific skills. D.To sharpen the dogs sense of smell.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Playdoh-a lucky dog B.New challenges for dogs

C.Dogs waiting for a forever home D.Dog garden


    This may look like an ordinary plastic straw (吸管), but it is not made of plastic. Cameron Ross started the Celise Bio-products company, to produce single-use plastic alternatives from plant materials like these. They are made of poly lactic acid (聚乳酸) known as PLA from com starches (淀粉).

Cameron Ross said, "We work with food service providers, mainly larger brands, to help them get quality sustainable and cost-effective solutions, made from plants to start getting rid of single-use plastics." Single-use plastics such as bottles or straws are major cause of pollution. When we throw these away, they end up in a landfill or in the water like rivers. According to researchers, it could take up to more than 500 years for them to properly break down.

Ross says he wasn't always so environmentally conscious himself. But ever since the hiking trip in West Virginia, when he spent more time picking up trash than enjoying nature, his priorities changed. That meant making biodegradable products that can break down in only a few years.

While many cafes and restaurants are choosing paper products to be more eco-conscious, it isn’t cheap. Paper straws can cost about eight times more than plastic straws. But bio-plastic straws cost less a penny a straw, not even double the price of plastic ones.

Another problem with paper straws is that they get soft and wet. You don't want to be sipping (啜饮) something that alters your drink, or starts to melt while you're drinking and then you have to get which creates more wastes than needed. Ross hopes his Washington DC-based company will provide an eco-friendly solution for food service providers.

1.Which aspect is NOT the focus of the Celise Bio-products?

A.Material. B.Appearance.

C.Quality. D.Cost.

2.What inspired Ross to start the Bio-products company?

A.High profits. B.Requests from food service providers.

C.Lower cost. D.His changed environmental awareness.

3.What can we learn about the new straws?

A.They are widely used in cafes and restaurants.

B.They cost less than paper ones.

C.They may soften or even melt while carrying water.

D.They produce more waste.

4.What's the author's purpose of writing the passage?

A.To persuade more food service providers to work with Ross.

B.To explain the development of straws.

C.To introduce a new eco-friendly straw.

D.To compare different straws.


    Officer Michael Rivers, a policeman who was snapped and the image shared on Facebook, as he sat sharing his lunch with a homeless woman at the side of the road in North Carolina, in the USA, is praised.

According to Chris Barnes, his wife Cassie took the photo while she was on her lunch break. She saw the pair sharing a pizza and soft drink while they were having a friendly chat. Mr. Barnes uploaded the image with the notes:" Cassie was out on her lunch break and observed the officer enjoying lunch with a homeless person.”

Officer Rivers recalled seeing the woman earlier that day. He told Yahoo news: “I was leaving the parking lot of Walmart and she was standing by the stop sign. Her shirt read, 'Homeless the fastest way of becoming a nobody.’ I hated that she felt that way.” He added: “I always try to talk to the homeless just to see how they got into their situation. You know, because it can happen to any one of us, at any given moment.”

After he drove away, he circled back to ask if the woman was hungry and if she wanted food. The officer said she was honored by his offer. He bought them both pizza and Mountain Dew and when the pair sat down to eat, he learned of her family struggles and told her: “Hey, you still got stuff to live for, you still got your life ahead of you. It's never too late.”

Officer Rivers, who does recruiting for the Goldsboro PD, hopes to send a message of sympathy for others. He added: “When the younger or newer guys come in, I let them know, ‘Hey treating the community like human beings is the most important thing in the world.’”

“So, if we as police officers show that love and sympathy to everybody, no matter their age, financial background or race, the world would be a better place.”

1.Why did Chris Barnes share the photo on Facebook?

A.Because it was taken by his wife. B.Because the officer was his friend.

C.Because the officer was handsome. D.Because he was impressed by the officer's action.

2.Why did the officer come back for the homeless woman?

A.Because she asked him for food.

B.Because her situation was serious.

C.Because he wanted to make a difference to her.

D.Because he wanted to become an internet celebrity.

3.What does the officer want to pass on to his new colleagues?

A.Anyone can become homeless at any given moment.

B.Policemen should be sympathetic and caring.

C.Policemen should become heroes.

D.People should learn to draw others’ attention.

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.A policeman seen sharing lunch with a homeless woman. B.How policemen help the homeless.

C.A lucky homeless woman. D.How to become a good model for policemen.


    For some of us who long to travel, it can be difficult to find someone to journey with. Friends and family members are tied down in jobs, struggling to save money, and don't always want to go to the same places. The solution, of course, is to go it alone.

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne is a hot-spot travel destination, which has beautiful beaches as well as busy and lively city life. Australia as a whole is considered a safe destination for international travel, and because of that, many solo (单独) travelers go there. Melbourne is incredibly easy to get around because you can walk or bike practically anywhere!


Thailand is great for solo travelers-perhaps because it is one of the Buddhist mentality, which promotes equality among the sexes. Thailand is known for its friendly hospitality, and as a travel hot-spot, there are plenty of chances to meet other like-minded travelers. Overall known for being very cheap, especially in the north, it's a good choice if you want to get away on a budget.


Bhutan is one of the most cultural countries in the world. It is also home to the world's highest unclimbed peakGangkhar Puensum. The mountain is sacred(神圣的)and entry is only possible on a pre-booked tourwhere you are accompanied around by your own personal guide. Plastic bags have been banned in Bhutan since 1999 and in 2004, it became the first country in the world to outlaw tobacco.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a great place if you're looking for adventure, with surfing, volcanoes and other recreational activities. You'll never get a chance to feel lonely because there's an abundance of exciting adventures to experience! Costa Rica has never seen political unrest, class struggles or revolutions commonly associated with other Latin American Countries. What's more, it doesn't have or need an army because it's such a peaceful country.

1.Which place is suitable for travelers short of money?

A.Melbourne, Australia. B.Thailand.

C.Bhutan . D.Costa Rica.

2.What can we learn about travelling in Bhutan?

A.You can climb the mountain without booking ahead.

B.You can prepare some plastic bags for your rubbish.

C.You can experience the rich culture there.

D.Smoking is allowed at the foot of the mountain.

3.Where does this text probably come from?

A.A historical document. B.A science magazine.

C.A travel guide. D.A book review.



1. 新学校基本情况介绍;

2. 与同学及老师相处情况;

3. 最喜欢的教师及理由。






Dear Tom,

How’s it going?



Li Hua








Yesterday, our class had the heated discussion about if it is necessary for students to learn money management. We have different opinion. Some think it’s necessary. First, it helps students to better understand what difficult it is for parents to earn money. Besides, it helps them to develop a correctly view of consumption, which will benefit their future life. But, others disagree. They think they have so little pocket money that they needn’t to learn how to manage them. As for me, I think it is necessary because only when we had the ability to control a small amount money can we manage more wealth in the future.


    One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by sending newspapers door to door in a town, was so hungry that he decided to beg for a _______ at the next house.

However, he _______ his courage when a lovely young woman opened the door. _______ a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked _______ so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, “_______ do I thank you?”

“You _______,” she replied. “Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”_______ these words, Howard Kelly left that house.

_______ later the woman became badly ill and was _______ sent to a hospital in a big city. Dr. Howard Kelly, now famous, was __________ in. When he heard the name of the __________ where she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Dressed in his doctor’s clothes, Kelly went into her room and__________ her at once. From that day on, he gave __________ attention to her, and __________ to do his best to save her life.

At last the woman was saved. Dr. Kelly asked the office to pass the final bill to him. He looked at it and then __________ something on the side. The bill was sent to her room. She was__________ to open it because she was sure that it would take the __________ of her life to pay for it off. Finally she looked, and the __________ on the side of the bill __________ her attention. She read these words:

“Paid in full with a glass of __________, Dr. Howard Kelly.”

Tears of joy filled her eyes.

1.A.rest B.stay C.night D.meal

2.A.gave B.increased C.had D.lost

3.A.Instead of B.Away from C.Out of D.Inside of

4.A.lovely B.hungry C.thirsty D.poor

5.A.When B.Why C.How D.Where

6.A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.can’t D.shouldn’t

7.A.With B.About C.For D.From

8.A.Months B.Days C.Years D.Weeks

9.A.never B.finally C.slowly D.always

10.A.forced B.shown C.carried D.called

11.A.house B.room C.city D.town

12.A.forgot B.recognized C.knew D.saw

13.A.special B.no C.little D.such

14.A.refused B.agreed C.decided D.stopped

15.A.wrote B.took C.found D.realized

16.A.happy B.afraid C.moved D.excited

17.A.start B.end C.whole D.rest

18.A.picture B.message C.note D.money

19.A.paid B.caught C.had D.kept

20.A.water B.juice C.milk D.coffee


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