In an ideal world, we might be able to live free from discrimination. But not this one, in which we are constantly dividing everything into “us" and “them".

This is especially true during times of fear, like now, when the novel coronavirus is spreading across China and the world. It's a time when “us" means safe and clean while “them" means infectious and risky. Or at least we'd like to believe so.

But this is actually a misbelief, which has been fueled and promoted by fear, and sadly, the media. When the outbreak first started, the term “Wuhan virus" was used in some news, creating hostility (敌意)toward people from Wuhan and Hubei as a whole. There were reports of hotels refusing to accept guests from Hubei and some hospitals denied their entry even when they needed treatment for other medical problems.

Elsewhere in the world, German magazine Der Spiegel labeled the virus on its cover as “Made in China". Australia's Herald Sun, meanwhile, printed, “China Kids Stay Home" on its front page, implying that all kids from China are carriers of the virus. It's also reported that Chinese people overseas have faced harassment (骚扰)and even violence.

This kind of misbelief is exactly why and when the World Health Organization WHO was trying to come up with a name for the disease, it had to be careful. “We had to find a name that did not refer to a geographical (地理的)location, an animal, an individual or group of people," said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO, on Feb 11. And COVID-19 was the final decision.

World leaders and institutes are also sharing sensible voices. "There is no place in our country for discrimination driven by fear or misinformation," Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said at a Lunar New Year celebration in Toronto on Feb 2. Cornell University also sent an email to students and faculty, saying, “We need to remember to care for one another and not make assumptions about others' symptoms or any characteristics of identity."

It's understandable that during times like this, we want to go to extreme lengths to make sure we're safe. But fear is never part of the cure. Only love and independent thinking takes you further.

1.What is the main purpose of Paragraphs 3 and 4?

A.To explain what has brought about misbelief.

B.To show how some news media misled the public.

C.To compare how different countries responded to COVID --- 19.

D.To present what Chinese people overseas suffer from COVID --- 19.

2.Justin Trudeau and Cornell University are quoted in the text to  . positive attitudes in face of COVID ---19

B.explain why it is important to prevent discrimination

C.describe different opinions of the influence of the virus

D.introduce measures taken by foreign countries to fight COVID---19

3.What's the attitude of the author towards "discrimination"?

A.Neutral. B.Supportive. C.Opposed. D.Unconcerned.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.We should always be willing to care for others.

B.Fear and discrimination are as contagious as a virus.

C.We shouldn't let misinformation influence our own judgment.

D.The media should give people confidence during times of fear.


    Walk down any British shopping street and you will find shops with strange names. Why is the barbers called "Shearlock Combs"? Why is the opticians (眼镜店)called "Eyediology"? And who decided to name the butchers "Meat you there" and the fish and chip shop "The Plaice to Come"? What's going on?

The British love puns (双关语)----as do many other nationalities. Puns are jokes based on words that sound the same. You've probably noticed that many words in English which are spelt in different ways and have different meanings are pronounced in the same way. Think about the name of the restaurant: "plaice" is a kind of fish, so our restaurant is "the place" to eat fish. Butchers sell meat ——so we'll "meet you there" ——and opticians look after our eyes in a scientific way --- so eyed-iology (ideology) is a name that fits. Hairdressers shear (cut) your locks (hair) and comb it —— say the three words together quickly and you have the name of a famous detective. In shop titles and adverts, puns are used to get our attention.

Puns are very old. The ancient Egyptians and Romans liked to pun. Shakespeare uses many puns in his plays ——King Richard the Third (the son of York) brings "glorious summer" ——just think about a word that has the same sound as son.

Many people enjoy a good pun (pun / fun for all the family! ) —— others hate them. Puns aren't really designed to make you laugh. Here are some puns that might leave you asking for no more puns. Have you heard about the bears who voted in the North Pole? Or the cheetah (猎豹) who couldn't be trusted at cards? Or how about the clever little Australian animal that had lots of koalaifications or the camel with no humps (驼峰) that was called Humphrey (and so was free of humps ... ).

Puns can be funny, but they sometimes make important points. Here' s a fashion tip: "skinny genes make skinny jeans": so don't worry if your jeans don't fit --- it's your family's fault!

1.Where can you probably enjoy fish and chips, judging from the name?

A.Shearlock Combs. B.Eyediology.

C.The Plaice to Come D.Meat you there.

2.Why are puns often used in shop titles and adverts?

A.It's a long-established tradition.

B.They help create a relaxed atmosphere.

C.They show the products are of high quality.

D.They are good for catching people's attention.

3.How does the author make his point in the text?

A.By giving examples. B.By making comparisons.

C.By following the order of time. D.By describing causes and effects.

4.What is the author' s main purpose in writing the text?

A.To compare the use of puns in different countries.

B.To introduce some popular puns in Britain.

C.To stress it is important to understand puns.

D.To explain why puns are common in Britain.


    There are some of history's most inspiring and great females who can be found on the pages of these novels.

Elizabeth Bennet Called "Lizzie" or “Eliza" by her family and friends, Elizabeth Bennet is the stubborn and clever heroine in Jane Austen's 1813 novel Pride and Prejudice. She's the second eldest of five daughters in the Bennet family and, like the rest of her sisters, she is expected to marry for status and money, not for love. To remain true of herself, she would rather remain single, a concept that was unheard at the time.

Nancy Drew She first appeared in 1932 but remains one of the most iconic female characters in all of literature. Created by Edward Stratemeyer, Nancy Drew isn't simply a pretty girl. Instead, the bold, physically strong, and fiercely intelligent Nancy uses her superior intelligence — not her look --- to solve a series of mysteries.

Josephine March Jo March is the second eldest daughter in the March family and is a central focus in the novel Little Woman, published by Lousia May Alcott in 1868. Jo struggles with challenges from society's expectations of how women in the 19th century should carry themselves, making her one of literature’ s most daring female characters.

Hester Prynne Recognized by some critics as one of the most important characters in female literature, Hester Prynne is the leading character in Nathaniel Hawthorne's 1850 novel, The Scarlet Letter. Married but separated by distance from her husband, Hester has an affair with a minister and becomes pregnant.

1.Why would Elizabeth Bennet rather remain single?

A.She doesn't want to cheat herself. B.She doesn't want to marry for love.

C.She was the eldest daughter of the family. D.She is too clever.

2.What is Nancy Drew like?

A.Kind. B.Clever. C.Outspoken. D.Proud.

3.What is the right order of the time these females appeared in novels?

a. Elizabeth b. Nancy Drew c. Josephine March d. Hester Prynne

A.dcab. B.cdba. C.adbc. D.adcb.



1. 中医的历史、地位;

2. 中医的优势(疗效好、副作用少、价格低)等。

参考词汇:中医 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)









While walk my dog this morning, I happened to see a heartwarming sight. A mother was rushing towards her car with her children’s schoolbags. Behind her was two children crying at the top of their voices. They barely moved their foot. Instead, they were too busy crying or seeking for attention. After the mother had been placed the schoolbags in the car, she ran towards her children with her arms widely open. She smiled as she approached them, held one in her left arm, the another in her right and carry them both to the car. The children's tears changed to laughter in flash.

Seeing this, I was moved by tears because of the mother's strength and love for her children.



Today, we will examine some 1. (use) no-cost things you can do before you study to help you improve your memory and learning. Three important ideas 2. (think) about before studying include exercise, study place and pre-study tests.

Before you study, doing cardiovascular exercise (有氧运动) may help you better remember what you learn. Violent exercise may be especially helpful. So far, researchers have suggested combining 3. two to get the best effects for your memory. The important idea is this: exercise 4. (be) good for your memory.

Where you study is also important for improving your learning. Researchers find that 5. (surround) play big part in how well people remember the words. Although 6. is good to have a desk or a special study area, some research suggests that changing where you study could help you remember 7. (much) of what you study.

Testing is good way of 8. (make) yourself remember new information. In 2018, researchers found that students who took a test before learning a new material did much better after studying the material. The students failed the test, but they were better able to remember the material than students who 9. (ask) only to read the information. So try to take a pre-study test. While you might not know the answer, you will probably be better able to learn and remember the answer when you study it 10. (late).


    The coronavirus pandemic and the threat of a national lockdown have caused some people to buy essential supplies ________ until there’s ________ on grocery store shelves for anyone else. Not only is it ________ and inconsiderate, it also affects the age group that is most sensitive to the virus: the elderly. But there are plenty of people who’ve been helping the elderly with their ________, and also by offering them ________.

Helena Ellis ________ a Facebook post, saying that she saw an old man standing with an empty trolley (手推车) staring at empty shelves of bread. ________, she gave him one of the last two ________ that she had taken. She ________ other people to help out the elderly and spare them something that people could do ________. “In a time of madness and ________, please don’t forget those aged people,” Ellis wrote.

Liam Elkind, junior at Yale University enlisted (征募) over 1,300 volunteers to help deliver food and medicine to seniors. ________ themselves Invisible Hands, the group offers the elderly the ________ of filling out a delivery request form and having their shopping done.

Jayde Powell, another college student, ________ started a network of Shopping Angels to deliver groceries to the elderly in her area. “We’re doing this to try and ________ to people who are completely alone in this situation,” Powell told CNN.

Tonka, a ________ dog, is used to visiting his senior friends to give some “feel-good” at the nursing home in Texas. But when the nursing home ________ all visitors in an effort to protect its ________ from the spread of coronavirus, Tonka’s owner, Courtney Leigh, decided to ________ Tonka’s visits, just from outside the nursing home’s windows, holding a sign that ________ “We Miss You.” vain panic demand surprise

2.A.nothing B.a little C.something D.a few

3.A.necessary B.careless C.critical D.selfish

5.A.comfort B.respect C.mercy D.passion

6.A.put on B.put in C.put off D.put up

7.A.Desperate B.Undoubted C.Heartbroken D.Hopeless

8.A.trolleys B.shelves C.hotdog packs lists

9.A.urged B.ordered C.inquired D.appealed

10.A.within B.without C.with D.out

11.A.wars B.Conflicts C.ruins D.chaos

12.A.Calling B.Called C.To Call D.Being    Called

13.A.privilege B.option C.promise D.challenge

14.A.uniquely B.ultimately C.similarly D.surprisingly

15.A.find out B.look out C.reach out out

16.A.therapy C.detection D.rescue

17.A.turned off B.turned out C.turned in D.turned down

18.A.residents B.guests C.immigrants D.families

19.A.postpone B.pause C.transmit D.continue

20.A.writes B.prints C.says D.speaks


    We all go through times when we feel we are not good enough. We might feel that way at work or in school or even as a parent. Here are some things to remember when you feel like that.

1. When I started my Ph.D. program, I felt like the dumbest person in every class. I couldn’t believe how many smart people were there. I didn’t know if I could measure up to their intelligence or compete in the same league with them. Years later, I found out that almost everyone felt this way, too.

You are unique and have special talents. If you can barely make Hamburger Helper, don’t compare yourself to your sister who is a chef(厨师). I’m sure you can do many things that she can’t. 2. You are you. You are not your sister.

You need to stop chasing perfection. It doesn’t exist. What’s perfect to me is not perfect to you. So if you think that there is some objective measurement of perfection and that the rest of the world is judging you against, then you are wrong. 3.

4. Our sense of self-worth is based in our thoughts. We have been programmed for many years with thoughts about ourselves. Messages come from our parents, our peers, teachers, the media and our own labels. But guess what? They are only thoughts. Just because you think these thoughts, it doesn’t make them true. 5.

A. You need to change your thought patterns.

B. So focus on your own passions and talents.

C. You have the power to change your future.

D. You are not the only one who feels this way.

E. If you love yourself for who you are, other people will notice.

F. One of my favorite sayings is, "Don’t believe a negative thought you think!"

G. Most people are too worried about their own lack of perfection to judge you.


    It sounds almost too good to be truebut a new study on sleeping brains suggests that listening to languages while you sleep can actually help you to learn them

For the studyresearchers played recordings of foreign words and their translations to subjects enjoying slow-wave sleepa stage when a person has 1ittle consciousness of their environmentTo ensure that the results were not compromised by foreign language words that subjects may have had some contact with at some point in their waking livesresearchers made up totally nonexistent foreign words

When the subjects woke upthey were presented with the made-up words again without their translationsThe subjects were then asked to imagine whether this made-up word indicated an object that was either smaller or largerThis vague(模糊的)way of testing their understanding of the words is an approach that is supposed to tap into the unconscious memory

Unbelievablythe subjects were able to correctly classify the words in this way at an accuracy rate that was 10 percent higher than random chanceThat’s not a rate high enough to have them suddenly communicating in a foreign tonguebut it is enough to suggest that the brain is still absorbing information on some leveleven during sleep

Researchers have long known that sleep is important for memorybut previously its role in memory was thought to relate only to the preservation and organization of memories acquired during wakefulnessThis is the first time that memory formation has been shown to be active during sleep

In other wordsour brains are listening to the worldand learning about iteven when our conscious selves are not present

The next step for researchers will be to see if new information can be 1earned quicker during wakefulness if it was already presented during sleepIf soit could forever change how we train our brains to learn new thingsSleep learning might become a widespread practice

1.Why did researchers use some made-up words in the study?

A.To guarantee the accuracy of the test result

B.To increase the difficulty of testing information

C.To avoid the subjects cheating in the experiment

D.To test if our brain are good at learning something new

2.What were the subjects asked to do in the study?

A.Classify what they heard by size

B.Make up a word to represent“large”or“small”

C.Repeat the words they heard in the sleep

D.Imagine the meanings of the made-up words

3.What conclusion did researchers draw from this study?

A.Sleep is necessary for a good memory

B.Memory formation goes on during sleep

C.Listening during sleep is good for our brain

D.Learning languages in sleep has better effects

4.What will be the researchers’next plan?

A.To train people how to learn during sleep

B.To prove the existence of unconscious memory

C.To dig out the reason for unconscious learning

D.To study the effect of sleep learning on conscious learning


    Eudaimonia is an Ancient Greek word, particularly stressed by the philosophers Plato and Aristotle, which deserves far more attention than it has because it corrects the shortfalls (缺失)in one of the most central, but troubling words in our modem language: happiness.

When we nowadays try to clearly express the purpose of our livesit is the word “happiness” that we commonly turn to. We tell ourselves and others that the most important principle for our jobs, our relationships and the conduct of our day-to-day lives is the pursuit of happiness. It sounds like an innocent enough idea, but too much reliance on the term means that we frequently unfairly tend to quit or, at least, heavily question a great many challenging but worthwhile situations. The Ancient Greeks did not believe that the purpose of life was to be happy; they proposed that it was to achieve Eudaimonia, a word which has been best translated as “fulfilment”.

What distinguishes happiness from fulfilment is pain. It is very possible to be fulfilled and—at the same time—under pressure, suffering physically or mentally, overburdened and, quite frequently, in an irritable (易怒的)mood. This is a slight psychological difference that is hard for the word “happiness” to capture, for it’s tricky to speak of being happy yet unhappy, or happy yet suffering. However, such a combination is readily accommodated within the respected and noble-sounding idea of Eudaimonia.

The word encourages us to trust that many of life’s most worthwhile projects will sometimes be in conflict with contentment, and yet will be worth pursuing. Properly exploring our professional talents, managing a household, keeping a relationship going, creating a new business venture or engaging in politics... none of these goals are likely to leave us cheerful and grinning on a daily basis. They will, in fact, involve us in all manner of challenges that will deeply exhaust and weaken us, provoke (激怒)and wound us. And yet we will perhaps, at the end of our lives, still feel that the tasks were worth undertaking. Through them, we’ll have achieved something deeper and more interesting than happiness.

With the word Eudaimonia in mind, we can stop imagining that we are aiming for a pain-free existence—and then blaming ourselves unfairly for being in a bad mood. We’ll know that we are trying to do something far more important than smile all the time: we're striving to do justice to our full human potential.

1.What do we know about “Eudaimonia” from the passage?

A.It was first created by two Greek philosophers.

B.It has received a lot of attention from the public.

C.It still has some shortfalls that need to be corrected.

D.It was regarded as the purpose of life in ancient Greece.

2.According to Paragraph 3, happiness      . the opposite of fulfillment free from physical or mental pain

C.stresses the psychological difference

D.serves as a respected and noble life goal

3.We can learn from the passage that     .

A.aiming for happiness may lead to wrong self-blaming

B.goals that wound and weaken us result in happiness

C.challenges leading to contentment are worth undertaking

D.feeling fulfilled means we should avoid tough situations

4.The passage encourages the readers to      .

A.find fulfillment with all efforts for a pain-free existence

C.keep optimistic whatever happens D.balance happiness and suffering


    Recently, I was interviewed by a parenting magazine for a story it was running on eco-parenting (环保式育儿).

The reporter explained that it was expensive to be an eco-parent, with organic baby food and clothing to buy.

But I told her, “I’m sorry, but eco-parenting isn’t about buying ecologically-produced versions of products we think we may need. It’s about discovering what we don’t need.” I told the reporter about my daughter Sarah’s simple wish for a pink balloon on her birthday, but she felt that things would inevitably (不可避免地) change as Sarah grew up and adopted more materialistic desires.

I agreed that Sarah may not always be interested in such simple gifts as balloons, but I couldn’t agree that a birthday needs to be about materialistic desires. To me, a birthday is an opportunity to celebrate the life and the development of person. Do we need to see a table covered with gifts to know that our family and friends love us? Somewhere in our consumer culture, we’ve confused material items with expressions of love and gratitude.

My own birthday was just a few days ago. It came and went in the middle of a snow storm, and my birthday party was canceled. While my husband and I spent much of the day clearing the snow, Sarah made some little dolls for me.

And when we came in to rest, Ula climbed onto my lap and sang Happy Birthday. Throughout the day, my friends called to wish me a happy day, and my mother called, upset that she couldn’t visit.

Later, my husband apologized that he was unable to do anything special for me that day. “I had a fantastic birthday,” I replied, as thought of all the love I’d felt.

1.What does the author think eco-parents should do according to the article?

A.Buy organic foods and clothing for their kids.

B.Teach their kids to protect the environment.

C.Try to avoid buying useless things for their kids.

D.Allow their kids to make their own choices in life.

2.What does the author intend to express with Sarah’s story?

A.A pink balloon is the best birthday gift for girls.

B.Kids’ material desires will change as they grow up.

C.We don’t have to express our love with expensive gifts.

D.A birthday is a good occasion for us to seek new experiences.

3.Why did the author think that her birthday was fantastic?

A.Her husband did something special for her.

B.Many friends came and celebrated it with her.

C.She received meaningful gifts from her children.

D.She felt a lot of love from her family and friends.


How do I Book a Place on Airbnb?

When you book a place on Airbnb, you’re making arrangements to stay in someone’s home. Each host has their own style of hospitality, starting with how they like to get to know their guests. Some hosts want to approve reservations, while others are comfortable letting you book their place instantly without waiting for approval.

1. Complete Your Personal Details

In either case, it’s important to know that Airbnb is a community that relies on trust. Complete your personal details before you request a reservation with a host, so they can know a little bit about you when they confirm. Your personal details should include photos and verifications (身份证明), especially because some hosts require guests to have a profile photo and verified ID in order to book.

2. Find the Right Place

With over 800,000 unique listings around the world, you’ll want to make sure the place you choose has everything you need for a comfortable and memorable trip. When searching for a place, make sure to include your dates and number of guests to get the most accurate pricing. Read reviews, descriptions, house rules, and facilities for each place to see if it’s the right fit for your trip. You can always contact the host if you have any questions about their home.

3. Book It!

You’ve found the perfect place, and now it’s time to make it official. This is where the host’s preferred way of booking will determine how you’ll confirm your reservation.

● Instant Book

For hosts who don’t want to approve each reservation, you’ll see a button on their listing that says Instant Book. Like the name suggests, you can confirm a reservation at these places right away.

● Request to Book

Many hosts prefer to approve reservations before they’re final. In this case, you’ll see a button on their listing that says Request to Book. To submit a reservation request, you’ll need to enter your payment details. Hosts have 24 hours to accept your request, and your reservation is automatically confirmed once they do.

● Pre-approvals and Special Offers

If you decide to contact the host to ask questions before attempting to book, the host may respond to your message by inviting you to make a reservation with either a Pre-approval or a Special Offer. A Pre-approval is an invitation to finish booking for the dates and number of guests you noted in your message. A Special Offer gives the host the opportunity to provide special pricing, dates, and other reservation details before you book.

1.When filling in your personal information, you need to ________.

A.request a reservation with a host B.provide your proof of identity

C.ask for approval from the host the community where you live

2.To know the exact price, you should ________.

A.check the listings online in advance

B.confirm your dates and number of guests the host to ask questions first previous reviews made by other users

3.If you click the Request to Book button, you can ________.

A.get some special discounts

B.receive Pre-approval message

C.get the approval immediately

D.know the result within a day

4.Where is the passage most probably from?

A.A travel magazine. B.A news report.

C.A shopping guide. D.A research paper.







1. 词数不少于50




Dear Peter,



Li Hua







1.I need more advices.

2.You can’t consider him a honest man.

3.He drove too fast, and the police stopped her and handed him a ticket.

4.The bad news made us feel sadly.

5.He made up his mind work hard.

6.He like collecting coins.

7.I clean up our classroom yesterday.

8.This is an amazed story.

9.Which one do you like to eat, apples and bananas?

10.Last week, I met a boy be called Li Ming in the library.


根据下列句子的中文意思或所给单词的首字母写出空缺单词。在填写答题卡时, 请写出完整单词的适当形式,每空限填一词。

1.The news completely ______ (使心烦)them.

2.Art was an ______ (表达) of his thoughts.

3.What’s your ______ (态度) towards his behaviour?

4.I felt as if my heart would ______ (爆发)with joy.

5.Students should take an ______ (积极的) part in after-class activities.

6.I have some ______ (怀疑) whether they will come here on time.

7.He was ______ (接纳) as a member of the Communist Youth League.

8.He made an ______ (申请) for the job last week.

9.More and more people have realized the ______ (重要性) of protecting wildlife.

10.We are ______ (自信的) that we will do better.



More than 220 people 1. (kill) in the fire 2. destroyed the Capital Building on February 4th, 1974. The building was finished only a few 3. (month)   before the fire; it was Sao Paulo’s newest building. All the 25 floors of the office building were 4. (complete)  destroyed. 5. fire also destroyed cars which belonged 6. the people who worked in the building.

Over 500 people were working in the building 7. the fire broke out on the 11th floor. No one knows how the fire started. Perhaps it was started by an 8. (electricity) fire in the ceiling of one of the offices. Office workers tried to put out the fire, 9. it was impossible to control it. Soon the whole floor was on fire and it was impossible for people on the floors above 10. (escape).


    Mandela, South Africa freedom fighter, was put in prison on a lonely island for 27 years. In those years he was ______ treated though already reaching his ______ age.    The rocky island, which is covered with snakes, seals and other ______, is 7 miles ______         from the capital.  In the day time, Mandela had to work on a stone pit, ______ big stones  into small  pieces  or  go to  the sea,  collecting kelp( ) out  of the ______ seawater.  Being a major criminal( ), he was specially ______ by three men, who  were always finding mistakes in what he did and then ______ him.

1991 saw Mandela’s release( ) from ______. One of his touching moments happened on his ceremony( ) of his coming into ______. As elected President of   South Africa, he first introduced the political( ) ______ from all over the world. He said he was pleased to meet them at his introduction into Presidency(主席的职位). But, to his joy, the three guards also attended the ______. He ______ them to rise from their seats in order to be introduced to everybody ______. Being old he slowly stood up from his seat and ______ to the three men. A silence occupied(占据) the hall. Being so ______, Mandela made all the whites, who cruelly treated him for many years, ______ to death. His behavior won him universal admiration(敬佩).

Later, he explained to his friends that he was bad-tempered when he was young. It was ______  that he learned to control himself and was able to ______ from the hard years. “When I   stepped out of prison and threw myself into ______, I was aware that  if I can’t leave    hatred and sorrow behind in the prison, I remain imprisoned.”

1.A.badly B.well C.equally D.seriously

2.A.young B.old C.tall D.short

3.A.plants B.wood D.animals B.over C.away

5.A.picking B.digging C.putting D.breaking

6.A.cold B.warm C.beautiful D.wonderful

7.A.served B.guarded C.liked D.cured

8.A.punished B.killed C.watched D.fired

9.A.sentence B.election C.prison

10.A.palace C.library D.power

11.A.questions B.leaders C.demands D.differences

12.A.lesson party C.ceremony D.funeral

13.A.let B.demanded C.ordered D.asked

14.A.around B.nearby C.present D.faraway

15.A.saluted B.greeted C.apologized D.talked

16.A.experienced B.broad-minded C.generous D.mean

17.A.pitiful B.painful C.delighted D.ashamed war church prison school

19.A.fight B.survive C.make D.spend

20.A.freedom D.politics


    1. Many students feel stressed around big moments in their lives like during final exams or when applying to college. Stress can be a pretty dangerous thing, because it can cause you to become sick. Here are some ways to deal with stress:

Laugh .Laughter is really one of the best medicines. When things get stressful, do things that make you laugh. Watch a funny movie. 2. Chat with friends and family.

Take a Deep Breath. Breathing is a great way to reduce your stress. Taking deep breaths or doing breathing exercises may seem silly, but it does help you relax and clear up your mind.

Plan Ahead .Most students tend to study hard when test time comes close or do their homework right before it is due. 3. Give yourself the proper amount of time to complete tasks, and break those tasks down into manageable positions.

Sleep .Sleep is another great tool in reducing stress. It is necessary that we allow our bodies to recover from daily stress. 4. As you know, a lack of sleep can be bad for your health.

Learn to Say “No” .5. So there are times when it is okay to say “no” to the requests of friends, families and teachers. If it is going to add too much to your stress level, just say so.

A.There are a lot of ways to deal with problems.

B.Sometimes life gets pretty stressful.

C.Read an interesting book.

D.Some stress comes from doing everything you’re asked to do.

E.You should be getting at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

F.However, having a plan will do a lot to decrease your stress.

G.You can lose yourself for a while in the music.


    Protecting wildlife has become a tough problem in today’s world. As one of the effort, many countries formulate(制定) related laws to protect wildlife. The need for such protection was realized centuries ago in India.

About 300 BC an India writer described forests that were somewhat like national parks today. The game of killing animals was carefully controlled. Some animals that became dangerous to human visitors were trapped or killed outside the park.

The need for wildlife protection is greater now than ever before. About a thousand kinds of animals are in danger of extinction(灭绝), and the speed at which they are being destroyed has been increasing. With mammals(哺乳动物), for example, the speed of extinction is now about one kind every year. From AD 1 to 1800, the speed was about one kind every fifty years. Everywhere, men are trying to solve the problem of saving   wildlife while caring for the world’s growing population(人口).

1.“Protect wildlife” means ______.

A.保护野生动物 B.保护每一个生命

C.猎杀野生动物 D.关爱野生动物

2.The reporter says that the need for protecting wildlife ______.

A.was understood in India centuries ago

B.was described by an India writer about 3,300 years ago not met in many centuries ago not carried out in the forests as well as in national parks

3.The reporter says that in India forests of long ages, ______.

A.hunters were given permits to hunt games

B.all animals were to be killed

C.the game of killing animals was controlled killing of animals was allowed


4.According to the report, men trying to save wildlife are thinking about ______ as well.

A.the animals in national parks B.stricter laws against hunting

C.the trees in the forests D.the growth of the population


    How does a place become a World Heritage Site  ( ) It takes a lot of people to decide.

1) If a country wants one of its places to be on the World Heritage List, it has to ask JUESCO (联合国教科文组织).The place must be important and special. UNESCO put the Great Wall on the list in 1987 because it said it was great part of Chinese culture and beautifully made to go with the land. When a country asks, it must also make a plan for taking care of the place.

2) The World Heritage committee of UNESCO talks about different places and decides whether to put them on the list. The committee meet every June. Many experts help the committee to decide.

3) After a new place goes on the list, UNESCO gives money to help keep it looking good. If a place is in serious danger, it may be put on the List of World Heritage Sites in Danger. UNESCO gives special care and help to those places.

4) Countries have to give UNESCO regular reports about places on the list. If UNESCO thinks a country isn't taking good care of a place, the site will be taken off the list.

1.When did the Great Wall became a World Heritage Site?

A.1987 B.1988 C.1997 D.1977

2.The passage mainly discusses ______.

A.what the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO is the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO protects a World Heritage Site the Great Wall becomes a World Heritage Site a place becomes a World Heritage Site

3.The purpose of putting a place on the World Heritage List is ______. attract more tourists from other countries get more money and help from other countries have it taken better care of make it known to other countries


    Baron Pierre de Coubertin was a Frenchman. At his time sports were not taught in French schools. De Coubertin believed that sports should go hand in hand with studies. He had an idea. His idea was to begin the Olympics all over again.

Sports teachers of other countries liked De Coubertin ideas. So in 1896, the modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece. Since then the Olympics have been held once every four years, except three times, when there were wars.

The modern Olympic games have many foot races and field sports programs. The longest race in the games is called marathon.

Before the start of the Olympic Games, runners carry lighted torch( 火炬 ) through many nations towards the stadium where the games will be held. These sportsmen are from different countries. Yet they work together to carry the Olympic torch. It is passed from runner to runner, When the last runner enters the stadium, he or she places the torch in a special basin filled with oil. It catches fire. It is then, only then, that the Olympic Games can begin.

The Olympic flame burns throughout the games. It is the flame of peace.

1.Before 1896 French schools didn't teach ______.

A.match B.history

C.sports D.physics

2.Where were the first Olympic Games held?

A.In Athens,Greece B.In German

C.In French D.In Russia

3.According to this passage, the third modern Olympic Games should have been held in ______.

A.1896 B.1904

C.1915 D.1924


After she found she had lost the car, she and her husband ______ to find it.

A.made up their minds B.made their minds

C.made up our minds D.made minds


They will finish the work ______ the help of his friends.

A.with B.under C.of D.for


______ catch the first bus, he got up very early this morning.

A.In order to B.In order that C.So to D.So that


How do you ______ a car accident when it happens? about with with about


There have been seen so many school bus accidents recently. ______, people are concerned about the school bus safety much.

A.As a result B.After all C.In spite of D.Instead of


We came to a place ______ they had never paid a visit before. which which C.what D.which


A new cinema _____ here. They hope to finish it next month.

A.will be built being built

C.has been built built


---- How long ____ at this job?

---- Since 1990.

A.were you employed B.have you been employed

C.had you been employed D.will you be employed


I don’t know when he ______ to work in that country, perhaps next week.

A.was tested B.will be tested C.has been tested D.tested


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