Great Activities for Nature Lovers


One of the easiest and most accessible ways to get close to nature is by setting out on a good old fashioned hike. Hiking generally doesn't require any fancy equipment or special skills, just a piece of map and a thirst for adventure. This activity can be as relaxing as you make it.

Backcountry Camping

Why limit yourself to just a day hike when you can have a full weekend for a longer adventure? Backcountry camping involves packing your tentsleeping gear ,food, and water on your back to set up camp in a remote location. I you’re an experienced hiker and camper ,this is an excellent way to test your survival skills and explore the wilderness.

Mountain and Road Biking

Unlike long hikes through the woods , biking allows you to cover more ground and travel farther in nature. Mountain biking typically involves riding up and down steep slopes , between trees , and over rocks. If this sounds too intense or your tires aren't suited for rugged terrain( 地形) , consider taking a road bike on paved trails through forest preserves or along country roads.


Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to travel beyond your own backyard to experience the beauty of nature every day. If your personality is less adventurous or your mobility restricted, consider planting a garden to grow your own vegetables , fruit , herbsor flowers. There's something truly satisfying about mixing up a salad with fresh ingredients you grow yourself. One of the best parts about spending time in gardening is that it doesn't have to break your budget and anyone can do it.

1.W hat do hikers need for hiking?

A.Practical skills. B.Necessary equipment.

C.A useful map. D.A relaxed mood.

2.W hat's NOT the advantage of gardening according to the text?

A.You don't need to go far to enjoy the beauty of nature.

B.It gives you a sense of satisfaction when cooking with fresh ingredients.

C.It doesn't take any energy or money to do it.

D.I’s easy to start it for anyone who likes it.

3.Which of the following can take you to travel farthest?

A.Hiking. B.Backcountry Camping.

C.Mountain and Road Biking. D.Gardening.









Dear Mike,



Li Hua








(2) 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

When I was studying in China, my school held a singing contest. I signed up although I really loved singing. I sang with a girl named as Jenny. She’s one of my best friend. Unfortunately, I forgot the lyrics for a moment while they sang. I was standing onstage, look nervous. Not surprisingly, we lose the contest. I felt very sadly. Jenny comforted me by saying, “There will be another chance.” One week late, at our school’s art festival, we sang a song together again. It was unforgettable and touching afternoon. I want to thank Jenny, whom didn’t give up on me when I felt down.


    Two old beggars(乞丐)were sitting on a busy street corner of a big city. They watched ___________as a lot of people walked by without looking at them. Sometimes, a kind-hearted woman or a small child would___________a few coins in the hats in front of them.

Today was not a ___________day for begging. The men were able to___________enough for a big meal. As it was getting dark, they started to___________their things.

Just as they were getting ready to leave, they___________a man walking towards them. He was a ___________man—they could tell that from his fine clothes. The first beggar said to the second with_____________, “He’s coming our way!” The man stopped, ___________into his pocket and took something out. What looked like a piece of hard______________, wrapped(包裹)in white paper, hit each of their waiting hats. The rich man turned and ____________ his way.

“He could have easily left us a few____________or a bill, but he laughed at us with a piece of rock candy,” said the first beggar. He looked at the offering____________. “We can’t____________this at all—we have no teeth.” With these words, he picked up the thing and threw it away. Then he collected his things and ______________.

The second beggar wanted to do the same, ____________a second thought made him change his____________. “ I haven’t had anything like this for ages,” he thought. “How______________of that man to offer me something so sweet!” With that, he opened the white paper. To his____________,there was no rock candy inside.____________ , a shiny white pearl worth thousands of dollars fell into his hand.

1.A.helplessly B.happily C.uselessly D.quickly

2.A.steal B.lose C.drop D.take

3.A.lucky B.bad C.rainy D.cold

4.A.collect B.pick D.find

5.A.carry B.hide D.pack

6.A.felt B.heard C.noticed D.believed

7.A.kind B.strong C.tall

8.A.worry B.excitement C.fear D.politeness

9.A.turned B.looked C.went D.reached

10.A.candy B.cake D.bread

11.A.forgot B.left C.missed D.continued

12.A.books B.coins C.sweets

13.A.angrily B.proudly C.nervously D.quietly

14.A.smell D.put

15.A.slept B.sat C.left D.cried

16.A.if B.although D.but

17.A.habit B.way C.mind D.rule

18.A.nice B.funny C.clever D.strange

19.A.interest B.sadness C.surprise D.pity

20.A.Besides B.Instead C.However D.Again


    After entering high school, you must wonder how to study well. Here are some good skills for you, which will be helpful to you.

Go to class.

If you want to do well at school, going to class is the first step in studying well. If you miss (错过) classes, you will miss what the teacher thinks is important; as a result, you'll miss what is the most likely to end up on the test. 1.

Take good notes.

Try not to write down everything. 2.Write down unfamiliar terms. After class, review (复习) your notes as soon as possible. You can fill in details that you missed and review the material while it is still fresh on your mind. 3.

If you are struggling in class, talk to your teacher. He or she may be able to give you more help or tutor (指导) you before or after class. Most teachers have little sympathy (同情) for students who just become worried about failing during the last few weeks of the grading period.

Take part in class discussions.

In order to learn more in class, it is helpful to take part in class discussions. Asking questions and having eye contact (交流) with your teachers and classmates can increase your participation (参与) and your focus during the class discussion.4.This helps you make your point clear in class.

Form study groups.

5.Make sure that everyone is familiar with the material because you do not want to spend time re-teaching material to people who do not understand it. Be careful! Sometimes group sessions can become chatting sessions.

A.Talk to your teacher if you need help.

B.Don't be late for your class.

C.So if you want to study well, go to every class.

D.You should write down all the new terms.

E.All you need is to put the main points in your own words.

F.Get students together who want to do well in class.

G.If the material is difficult, you'd better read it before class.


    Reading can be a social activityThink of the people who belong to book groupsThey choose books to read and then meet to discuss themNow the website BookCrossingcom turns the page on the traditional idea of a book group

Members go on the site and register the books they own and would like to shareBookCrossing provides an identification number to stick inside the bookThen the person leaves it in a public placehoping that the book will have an adventuretraveling far and wide with each new reader who finds it

Bruce Pedersonthe managing director of BookCrossingsays"The two things that change your life are the people you meet and books you readBookCrossing combines both"

Members leave books on park benches and busesin train stations and coffee shopsWhoever finds their book will go to the site and record where they found it

People who find a book can also leave a journal entry describing what they thought of itE-mails are then sent to the BookCrossers to keep them updated about where their books have been foundBruce Peterson says the idea is for people not to be selfish by keeping a book to gather dust on a shelf at home

BookCrossing is part of a trend among people who want to get back to the"real"and not the virtual(虚拟).The site now has more than one million members in more than one hundred thirty-five countries

1.Why does the author mention book groups in the first paragraph ______

A.To explain what they are

B.To introduce BookCrossing

C.To stress the importance of reading

D.To encourage readers to share their ideas

2.What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 2 refer to ______

A.The book

B.An adventure

C.A public place

D.The identification number

3.What will a BookCrosser do with a book after reading it ______

A.Meet other readers to discuss it

B.Pass it on to another reader

C.Keep it safe in his bookcase

D.Mail it back to its owner

4.What is the best title for the text ______

A.Online ReadingA Virtual Tour

B.Electronic BooksA new Trend

C.A Book Group Brings Tradition Back

D.A Website Links People through Books


Have you ever thought about why malls, restaurants, and even theaters have music? Well, to understand this, you simply just look back at how you felt when you heard music in these places. Music is known to improve the mood of people. Often music helps us pay attention to what we are doing. Music helps patients feel good and helps them recover faster and better.

Depression(沮丧) is a state of mind that most of us experience at some point of time. There are some periods in our life when everything seems difficult. It seems that everything is getting worse and we have no control over our life. Studies have shown that music can be an important mood lifter in such situations. Music also plays a great role in making us feel less nervous or worried. Anxiety(焦虑) can often cause loss of sleep and other illnesses.

Music is often known as an international language. We may not know the language another person is speaking, but most of us respond to music in the same way. Music can often be the best way to connect with someone.

Music is one of the best ways to improve your moods, but this can depend largely on the kind of music you listen to. While happy music can certainly make you feel better, sad music can further lower your spirits. Listening to classical music can often make you feel a lot more powerful, while soft music can be the perfect way to relax at the end of a long way. If you want to use music to change the way how you are feeling, you need to understand the role of it, learn to recognize the kind of music that lifts your mood and helps you feel better. Once you realize the kind of music you can use, you can use it to change the way you feel. The right kind of music can be the perfect way to help us feel happier.

1.The passage is mainly about __________.

A.what meanings music has we control our moods music affects our moods

D.what kind of music we listen to

2.According to the passage, playing music in restaurants is to __________.

A.welcome the customers

B.make customers feel good

C.make customers dance

D.make customers feel powerful

3.From the passage, we can know that __________.

A.most of us suffer depression all the time

B.most of us respond to music in different ways can be a good way to connect with others

D.any kind of music will help us improve our moods

4.According to the passage, which kind of music can relax ourselves from a long day’s work?

A.Soft music. B.Classical music.

C.Sad music. D.Rock music.


It’s school time again! You’re probably feeling excited and maybe a little sad that summer is over. Some kids feel nervous or a little scared(害怕) on the first day of school because of all the new things: new teachers, new friends, and even a new school. Luckily, these “new” worries only stick around for a little while. Let’s find out more about going to a new school.

Most teachers kick off the new school year by introducing themselves and talking about all the stuff you’ll be doing that year. Some teachers give students a chance to tell something about themselves to the rest of the class, too. When teachers do the talking on the first day, they often go over classroom rules and school rules so you’ll know what’s allowed and what’s not. Please pay close attention.

You might already know a lot of people in your classes on the first day, but it’s a great day to make a new friend, so try to say hello to kids you know and new ones that you don’t. Make the first move and you’ll be glad you did, and so will your new friend!

Seeing friends you haven’t seen for some time can make the first day a good one. You can make the day feel special by wearing clothes that you really like. Maybe you got a great T-shirt on one of your vacations, or a pair of sneakers(运动鞋). It also can make you feel good to be prepared and have all the things you need, such as pencils, folders, and whatever else you’ll be needing. But make sure that you pack them the night before in case you don’t have time in the morning.

1.The underlined phrase “kick off” in the second paragraph probably means “________”.

A.start C.find D.teach

2.The last paragraphs mainly tell us about ________.

A.what to know about a new school to prepare for a new school

C.what to do on your first day of school to spend your first day of school

3.According to the passage you usually do everything on the first day of school except _______.

A.introduce yourself B.learn about the school rules

C.make new friends D.go over your new lessons

4.If you happen to see an old friend on the first day of school, from the passage we know that you will feel ________.

A.nervous B.lucky C.happy D.excited


    The following are a few of my favorite TV shows, each of which have some educational value.

Blue Peter

As a child, this was one of the only programmes I was allowed to watch. It is the longest-running children's TV show in the world, but seemed to have fallen out of fashion recently. The crafts on the show were always good fun, and you would often learn about different countries around the world—for example, one presenter went to the Amazon rainforest in South America!

The Great British Bake Off

This show is all about making cakes, biscuits, and pies. The aim is to find British’s best amateur(业余的)baker. You can watch the show to get some ideas of new things to try baking and the recipes are often available online.

Frozen Planet

David Attenborough has produced many wildlife documentaries. I love this show not only because of the cute animals in it, but also because it teaches us about the effect we have on the planet and what need to do to save these regions. David narrates each episode(电视剧的一集); because he speaks clearly and slowly, his show might be of interest to English language learners.


This show is a general knowledge quiz show. Each round will feature a different category(e.g. Sport, music, films) and a topic will be given, for example “Teams which have won the World Cup”. Before the show, 100 people will have been asked the same question. Then they have to think of an answer and the aim is to find an answer which none of the 100 people asked before the show thought of. I've learnt a lot from this show!

1.If you are a food lover, you may be interested in _______.

A.Blue Peter B.The Great British Bake Off C.Frozen Planet D.Pointless

2.Which of the TV shows may attract English language learners?

A.Blue Peter B.The Great British Bake Off

C.Frozen Planet D.Pointless

3.What's the passage mainly about?

A.Some popular TV shows in English

B.Some educational TV shows

C.How to choose the TV shows for kids

D.The differences between some TV Shows


My mother told me that practice ______ perfect.

A.made B.making C.makes D.make


I looked through my test paper again and again ______ I wouldn’t make any mistakes. B.because that D.until


You can trust Frank. We never doubt ______ he is honest. B.that C.whether D.if


I’ll never forget the factory ________ I worked five years ago.

A.where B.which C.what D.when


The hospitals _________ we built last month have been put into good use.

A.that B.those C.where D.when


—Eric, what about ______ the movie My Country and I this weekend?

—Good idea! Let's make it Sunday afternoon. watch D.watching


Jane is my new pen pal. I often look forward to ___________ her.

A.hear from B.hears from C.hearing from D.heard from


—My model ship doesn't work.

​—Don't worry. I'll have it _________this afternoon.

A.repairing B.made C.repaired D.mend


—There is a lot of wind in North China.

—Well, more trees ________ every year to stop the wind.

A.must be planted B.can plant

C.should planted D.must been planted


The teacher with his students ______ lots of medical things to Wuhan over the past three months.

A.has donated B.have donated C.donate D.donates


I'm afraid physics is completely ________ me and I have to ask you for help.

A.beyond B.over



— Mom, these boxes __________ too much room in my study.

— Well, I’ll take them away.

A.look after B.find out C.take up D.put on


Simon is creative enough ___________ new ideas.

A.come up with come up with

C.come out with D.come down with


The film made by Walt Disney _______ all over the world. used to show used to showing

C.used to show D.used to be shown


Don't talk to anyone about the bad news —________ not my mother.

A.hardly B.usually C.especially D.simply


— I think her dress comes from the 1970s.

— It ________ be from that time. It looks so modern on her.

A.mustn't B.can't C.won't D.wouldn't


Of the three reading rooms, one is near, but ______   two are far.

A.other B.the others C.the other D.others


Here is the book. First _________ it and then tell me what you think of it.

A.look for B.look through C.look up D.look after


My uncle stopped __________ to talk to me when he saw me.

A.working work C.worked


— Did you go to the fair on May 18th?

— Of course. There were many kinds of Taiwan fruits       .

A.on show B.on duty C.on business D.on purpose



A.J. shut the door of the truck. “Ready” he said. His dad started the truck. It was six o’clock and freezing, but the strong morning sun promised warmer temperatures. It had been colder than normal over the past week, and the ground and ponds were already frozen.

“After we check on the cows” Dad said, “you should have some time to practice roping.” A.J. wanted to enter the rodeos(竞技表演) in which cowboys rode wild horses, and caught cattle with ropes.

The best professionals could break from the gate on horseback, rope a calf(小牛), and hog­tie the calf in less than ten seconds. So far, A.J. needed nearly a minute and a half, but he’d only been at it a few months.

The truck bounced down the dirt road. In a few minutes, they turned through the field gate. A.J. pulled a pair of telescopes(望远镜). The black spots of cows on the far hill took shape. The cows gathered around the pond. A.J. guessed they wanted the water locked under the ice. The windmill­powered water pumps sometimes froze, leaving the cows with nothing to drink.

As they reached the top of the hill, they heard extremely frightened shouts from one cow and an answering bellow from another. Dad stopped the truck, and he and A.J. stared at the frozen pond anxiously.

A calf lay on the ice in the middle of the pond. A cow, no doubt the calf’s mother, stood onshore, shouting desperately. The calf struggled to get up but slipped and fell each time.

Suddenly, the morning sun seemed warmer. Too warmer. A.J. knew that the situation was urgent. If the calf lay there too long, she could fall through the ice and drown.

Dad eased the pickup down the hill and stopped at the edge of the pond. “No telling how long she’s been there” he said.”The ice could be about to melt through. I don’t think we can risk it.”

“But, Dad...” Dad shook his head. “It’s just not safe.”

Paragraph 1:

A.J. watched the calf, whose eyes were wide with fright.


Paragraph 2:

It would be just like rodeo practice, A.J. thought, trying to stay calm.



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