





Dear David,



Li Hua


    My son has been in hospital again, this time with an emergency admission. He was _______ in an ambulance from our local health centre to the children’s hospital.

In this country, all ambulances are driven and manned by firemen and it was no _______ this time. While one fireman drove, the other was in the back with me and my son. He started _______ my son as soon as he was carried in, asking him whether he’d prefer English or Portuguese.

When my son _______ either of them, the fireman requested speaking English so that my son could _______ it with him. Of course, that gave him plenty of _______ to draw my son’s attention to offering “tuition (学费)”-It was just a joke. The pair of them chatted for the full hour. _______ he had been assigned the task of keeping my boy _______. He did so so skillfully that our son didn’t  _______ that I was tearing along with lights flashing.

Actually, the back of an ambulance is a ________ place for me, and then I got sick and had to open the window a little. It was cold, so this absolutely wonderful guy took his own jacket off and  ________ it around our son’s head and neck.

These excellent guys ________ with us during check­in procedure, and finally ________ when I made sure that my husband was on his way in the car.

I can’t be ________ enough to the firemen. They’re our firemen, and they are all ________ of course.

1.A.treated B.sent C.protected D.limited

2.A.exception B.pity C.excuse D.problem

3.A.chatting with B.catching up with C.spying on D.looking down upon

4.A.refused B.abandoned C.said D.appreciated

5.A.practise B.remember C.write D.forget

6.A.feelings B.courage C.loss D.opportunities

7.A.Obviously B.Abruptly C.Frequently D.Selfishly

8.A.asleep B.upset C.awake D.reliable

9.A.fear B.regret C.ignore D.realize

10.A.pleasant B.horrible C.safe D.private

11.A.wrapped B.wiped C.threw D.delivered

12.A.parted B.debated C.stayed D.agreed

13.A.remained B.recovered C.burst D.left

14.A.beneficial B.calm C.rude D.grateful

15.A.enemies B.heroes C.employers D.engineers


    I just counted how many foreign languages I've studied so far in my life and it's been twelve!

I always follow my interests and find ways to put my language learning into things I'm already interested in.I like to read blogs(博客)in other languages.1. .For the most partbloggers tend to write the same way they speakso I don’t have to worry much about adopting strange terms that are only used in writing.

Movies are also a really good toolespecially if you can find subtitles in the language you’re learning.2.they will still keep your brain listening and reading in the same language.Music is another way to start listening to things in your new language.PersonallyI'm so bad at understanding lyrics(歌词)even in Englishso this one doesn’t really work for mebut I have friends who learn a language through lyrics.Games are of course also an excellent way of studying a new language.A lot of language learning computer programs include games.I'm super competitive and if I play any of themI can be hooked for hours.3. .

When the initial excitement of learning a new language begins to fadeit can be hard to stick with it.The hardest bit for me is when I'm comfortable enough with a language to understand most things and make myself understood.I'm actually stuck at this stage in Norwegian.4. .Ideally I should sign up to take a big language exam.Each time I start getting self-satisfiedit's time to take a new course or sign up for online lessonsor take up some sort of challenge that will require me to level up my skills.

5. .The best language class I've ever taken was my beginner’s Russian course at university where my professor never used any English.It got to the point where I would kind of just forget about English while in Russian classwhich helped me to really immerse myself in the Russian language and do a whole lot with the limited Russian I had.

A.That’s really uncomfortable

B.Whatever languages they’re translated into

C.I also try to think in the language I'm learning

D.It’s time well spent if I'm learning the language

E.Computer games always make me feel worn out

F.Though they don’t always exactly match what’s being said

G.I found them the perfect learning tool because they’re usually written in oral language


    We humans love to stare into our smart devices. We gaze for hours-about 10 hours and 39 minutes a day-at our computers, smartphones,tablets and televisions. Is all this staring bad for us? It might be mainly because as we stare at our devices we are exposing ourselves to blue light.

Blue light is a type of electromagnetic(电磁的) radiation with a very short wavelength that produces a high amount of energy. While it’s true that light can damage our eyes under certain circumstances, there’s no scientific evidence suggesting that blue light is harmful to our eyes. But many people still think it is, which is why blue-light-blocking glasses are so popular. So do the glasses work?

“Everyone is very concerned that blue light may be causing damage to the eye, but there’s no evidence that it may be causing serious damage,” Dr. Rahul Khurana, clinical spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology,told Business Insider.

Blue light exposure is nothing new. In fact,the sun is the largest source of blue light. Moreover, blue light is also present in LED light. But if blue light isn’t harmful, then why are we constantly rubbing our eyes when we’re looking at our screens? The answer is eyestrain(眼疲劳): More than 60 percent of people experience eye problems associated with digital eyestrain. And blue light, it seems, isn’t the cause. Instead, our eyes are so strained because most of us blink less when we stare at our digital devices. So if eyestrain is the issue, blue-light-blocking glasses are probably of little use.

1.What do we know about blue light?

A.It is a kind of nuclear radiation.

B.It has the shortest wavelength.

C.It may come from electronic devices.

D.It consumes a great deal of energy.

2.What causes the popularity of blue-light-blocking glasses?

A.Evidence of their benefits to eyes.

B.Belief in blue light's harmful effect.

C.Widespread use of smart devices.

D.Scientific understanding of blue light.

3.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A.Blue light exposure is hardly avoidable.

B.Eye problems are not easy to deal with.

C.Blue light may connect with tired eyes.

D.Rubbing eyes makes people strained.

4.According to the text, wearing blue-light-blocking glasses may be________.

A.tiring B.harmful

C.useless D.beneficial


    In a long­sleeved shirt and jeans, Dieudonne Twahirwa looks nothing like the traditional African farmer. The 30­year­old owner of Gashora Farm knows what a difference that makes.

“You need more role models” he said, standing among knee­high rows of chilli(辣椒) plants. “If you have young farmers, having land and driving to the farm, others may think, ‘Why can’t I do that’”

Mr. Twahirwa, a university graduate, bought a friend’s tomato farm six years ago for $150. He made $1500 back in two months. “You have to link farming with entrepreneurship and real numbers” he said.

Many young Africans are abandoning areas in the countryside, choosing not to work hard and for a long time in the fieldsa job made tougher by climate change.

But Twahirwa is one of the growing band of successful farmers working to make agriculture’s image on the continent more attractive. Some 1000 farmers now produce chillies for him. He is starting a fourth farm of his own, and exports fresh and dried chillies and oil to Britain, the United States, India, and Kenya.

Africa has the world’s youngest population and 65 percent of its uncultivated arable land(耕地后备资源). Yet accessing land and loans is difficult, and African productivity is low with crop yields just 56 percent of the international average.

“Agriculture is mainly associated with suffering and no young person wants to suffer” said Tamara Kaunda. She believes African agriculture needs a change to get rid of its old­fashioned image of very hard and tiring work with a hoe. “Show young people tractors, green fields, nice irrigation systems and smartphones” she said.

Getting young people involved in agriculture does not mean they have to work on a farm. For example, in coffee production, the beans go from the farm to the washing station, then to be separated from the husks(外壳).

1.What does “Why can’t I do that” in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Why can’t I drive to the farm?

B.Why can’t they farm?

C.They follow the example of those farmers.

D.They bought a friend’s tomato farm.

2.What makes it harder for farmers to work?

A.Poor land. B.Climate change.

C.Low income. D.Long working hours.

3.What can we learn about Twahirwa according to paragraph 5?

A.He made a fortune by growing chillies.

B.His chillies are superb in the world.

C.Farmers working for him live a simple life.

D.The locals aren’t willing to buy his chillies.

4.When it comes to agriculture in Africa, what do people think about it?

A.Loans are difficult.

B.Most land is uncultivated.

C.Crop yields are rather low.

D.Farming methods are out of date.


    J. K. Rowling frequently shows there is magic every day.Her Harry Potter series has helped people through times of stress and depression and she is always there to deliver wise words of encouragement.

She is one celebrity who is very active on Twitter. So when a single dad named Matt Burke sent her a message thanking her for the series, she noticed. Her series had helped strengthen his relationship with his 9­year­old daughter Bailey.

He included a link to his article titled Being a Broke Parent. He explained how he hadn’t found a level of financial stability that allowed him to pay bills on time and take his daughter on more activities and events. The family also doesn’t have the Internet or TV, which means there’s no “digital babysitter” and he has to rely on his own creative ways to bond with his daughter. Since he received the series, the main thing that has occupied them these days is reading books together.

Burke admits that he thought he was “too cool” for the books when they first came out and he was in his twenties, but he’s loving reading them now. “We switch off chapter by chapter reading them out loud” Burke explains.”This not only allows her to get more used to reading aloud in front of someone, but it gets me directly involved in something she loves, and it gives me the chance to be very dramatic when I read my chapters and bring myself into the characters in the book, which has proven to be a ton of fun.”

After hearing Burke’s story, Rowling said how honored she was when Harry Potter was a part of his family’s life and offered Burke more books. Besides, people are also offering to send Burke more books as gifts. For Burke, this experience, far more than gifts, will be what he treasures.

1.Why did Burke thank J.K.Rowling according to the text?

A.She guided him how to write a good story.

B.She encouraged him when he was in trouble.

C.Her books helped him through times of confusion.

D.Her books helped him improve his bond with his daughter.

2.What is implied in Burke’s words in paragraph 4?

A.He has found it interesting to read the series.

B.He was too old to understand the series better.

C.He has chosen a better way of reading the series.

D.He hopes to play a role in the drama in the future.

3.Which word can best describe Burke’s experience according to the text?

A.Unique. B.Normal. C.Precious. D.Funny.

4.What is the main idea of this text?

A.J.K.Rowling chooses to help improve kids’ health.

B.J.K.Rowling gives a magical gift to a single father.

C.J.K.Rowling has a deep influence on others’ growth.

D.Burke comes to know J.K.Rowling through her series.


Places of Interest in Wales

Conway: On the north Wales coast, Conway is where you’ll find the world’s smallest house, as well as a much larger “house”Conway Castle, which was built in the 13th century.

Anglesey: This beautiful island is joined to the rest of north Wales by a road bridge and a railway bridge, and it’s just a short drive from Conway. Here you can visit the village of Llanfair Pwllgwyngyll which has the strangest name in Europe. Don’t miss the station. The sign runs the complete length of the platform! Also on Anglesey is Beaumaris Castle, which was started in the 13th century and to this day remains unfinished.

Sonwdonia: Just a couple of hours’ drive from Beaumaris is the Snowdonia mountain range, which takes its name from the highest mountain in Wales, Mount Snowdon. From there, visit the famous Swallow Falls at nearby Betws­y­Coed.

Portmeirion: In 1925 Clough Williams­Ellis bought an attractive piece of Welsh land for less than 5,000. He then set out to show the world how a naturally beautiful castle could be built without being damaged and spent the next 50 years building the town of Portmeirion with a style of Italy.

For more information, order our full­colour brochures:

Things to See in Wales

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1.What do we know about Anglesey?

A.It is far from Conway.

B.It can be reached by train.

C.It lies in the south of Wales.

D.It has the smallest house in the world.

2.Where can visitors go if they want to see the Italian­style building?

A.Conway. B.Anglesey. C.Sonwdonia. D.Portmeirion.

3.What can visitors get from the brochures?

A.Introduction of the climate in Wales.

B.Characteristics of buildings in Wales.

C.Information about adventure activities.

D.Detailed information about people in Wales.



1.When does the speech probably take place?

A.At the beginning of a term.

B.In the middle of a term.

C.At the end of a term.

2.How long is the office open during the weekday?

A.8 hours. B.11 hours. C.12 hours.

3.What can Jarrod Howard help with?

A.Study-related problems. B.Information about jobs. C.Money matters.

4.Whom should students turn to if they have personal problems?

A.Rodney Reid. B.Jim Smith. C.Laura Lea.



1.What does the man do in the supermarket?

A.He deals with shelves.

B.He works at the cash desk.

C.He handles customers’ complaints.

2.How long has the man worked in the supermarket?

A.One week. B.Two weeks. C.Three weeks.

3.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Leave his job. B.Ask for a higher position. C.Apologize to the boss.



1.What does the woman want to know about?

A.The man’s eating habit.

B.The man’s way to solve problems.

C.The man’s life in the host family.

2.How does the man feel about having meat or cheese every morning?

A.Unbearable. B.Just so-so. C.Satisfied.

3.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Change a host family. B.Prepare breakfast himself. C.Communicate his ideas to the host.



1.Who is the woman probably?

A.A reporter. B.A passer-by. C.A listener.

2.What can we know from the conversation?

A.The roads have been cleared up.

B.All people have been rescued.

C.The river bank is broken.

3.What is the purpose of the conversation?

A.To give a warning. B.To cover a story. C.To ask for help.



1.Why does the woman look tired?

A.She didn’t sleep well.

B.She had some trouble at work.

C.She looked after two teenagers.

2.What happened to the teenagers eventually?

A.They were beaten by the security guard.

B.They were sent to the police station.

C.They were picked up by their parents.


When was Tim born?

A.On February 24. B.On February 28. C.On February 29.


What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.The whales. B.The weather. C.A voyage.


What does the man think of the seats on the plane?

A.Wide. B.Comfortable. C.Small.


How did the man spend his free time with his friends

A.They played sports. B.They watched TV programs. C.They played computer games.


Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a shop. B.In a restaurant. C.In a supermarket.



1. 过度消费的危害;

2. 提出合理的建议。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:蚂蚁花呗Ant Credit Pay







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Things have become differently since I cut my hair short. There were no special reason for me to do this. I just chose from a hairstyle I liked. One day, I go to the theater with my mom. A little boy besides me was looking at my face while I was waiting my popcorn. He might have thought I was a boy. I just turned around, smiled at him and said “hello” polite. He was surprised and apologized at once. He might have realized that I am actually the cute girl. I know people look at me out of curious. Beauty has many forms. I think the most beautiful thing is being confident and appreciating you.


Forgiving My Father

I grew up on a small farm. My father worked in the city as a welder (焊工). He was quiet, distant. He was a man made of leather and chewing tobacco who tried to teach me useful things, including respect. He also had a _______. I did not like him very much.

One day I came home from school. Once inside, I was told by my mother that he didn't feel well. His back hurt. Multiple myeloma, I _______, is a type of blood cancer. For the last year of my father's life, his entire day consisted of rising from his hospital bed in the living room and walking to his _______to sit and think. He was _______in that chair when I came home one day during the ninth grade. I do not remember where my mother and brother were, but the two of us were alone. He asked me to sit down.

What followed still _______me these decades later. He told me about his _______: his family growing up, what it was like in the Pacific during World War II, his loves, his heartbreaks. It was as if a pipe had _______, his inner self rushing out to me in a great flood. He had been speaking for maybe an hour or more when I realized that he was doing more than _______. He was asking to be _______. All it took was understanding that that was what he________, and I forgave everything, immediately.

When he died, I didn't ________to school for a few days. My biggest ________going back was gym class. It was poorly ________, and bullies ran the show. On my first day, I was standing there when a (an) ________voice yelled, ''Lensch! '' It was a guy who had given many of us a few lumps (包,肿块) over the years. I turned to face him and said, ''What do you want? '' The other boys didn’t say a word as they waited for the ________.

''I heard your dad died, '' he said. ''Is that true? ''

I quietly replied, ''Yes. ''

He didn't ________me. He didn't even move. Instead, he said, ''I'm sorry. ''

I was________. I'm sure I cried. Those two words are how I have remembered that kid ever since. What do you do when your ''enemies'' reveal that they are also ________? I think you either forgive and move ________or hold on to resentment (怨恨)and live in the past. I'm certainly not glad that my father got________, but at the same time, I realize that if he hadn't, I might never have come to love him.

1.A.temper B.taste C.fame D.nerve

2.A.meant B.doubted C.learned D.felt

3.A.bench B.chair C.bedroom D.balcony

4.A.predictably B.acceptably C.hopefully D.surprisingly

5.A.touches B.annoys C.educates D.encourages

6.A.life B.career C.youth D.achievement

7.A.burst B.leaked C.moved D.frozen

8.A.teaching B.telling C.supporting D.complaining

9.A.known B.forgiven C.mistaken D.forgotten

10.A.found B.received C.needed D.escaped

11.A.contribute B.adapt C.head D.return

12.A.relief B.favor C.lesson D.fear

13.A.understood B.prepared C.regulated D.attracted

14.A.angry B.warning C.pitying D.familiar

15.A.defeat B.quarrel C.miracle D.fight

16.A.punish B.beat C.disappoint D.scold

17.A.frustrated B.shocked C.thrilled D.frightened

18.A.classmates B.friends C.humans D.families

19.A.backward B.away C.around D.forward

20.A.depressed B.hurt C.sick D.lost


    How do you get yourself to take action now? Here are some powerful suggestions.

Focus intensely on the positive things that your actions will accomplish. 1. Whether it's something you're seeking to accomplish, or something you're seeking to be rid of. picture exactly how your life will be after the work is done. The more intensely you can imagine it, the better.

2. The only real reason you have for avoiding action is because you associate some kind of pain or discomfort with it. Therefore, it helps to associate something even more painful with not taking action. Instead of focusing on the relatively minor pain of taking action, focus instead on the major pain of not taking action.

3. Think of all the reasons you can come up with to not take action, and then destroy all those reasons with a single word —"But." Simply state the excuse, put the word "but" after it, and then finish the sentence. For example, “I’ve never done this before, BUT I can learn." Stick the word "but" in there, and challenge yourself to finish the sentence.

Take the first small step. Don't even concern yourself with committing to the whole project or course of action. Just do something very easy and very small. The point is to find a little momentum(动力)4. Then climb aboard the momentum train, and let it help you keep the effort going.

Make it fun. Realize that just about anything can be fun if you'll think of it as fun and enjoyable. Find a way to make something fun, and not only will you want to do it; you'll also be better at it. 5.

A.You always choose what to do,

B.Lay all your excuses out on the table and deal with them.

C.In your mind, picture in great detail what your actions will bring you.

D.Whatever you must do to achieve success, find a way to enjoy it.

E.Focus on the negative things that will happen if you don't take action.

F.Getting started with your biggest task or most difficult action may seem too much.

G.Once you take that small action, let yourself fully enjoy how great it feels.


    How did we get the alphabet? It was a long process, covering thousands of years.

The first people to write things down carved symbols onto rocks or shells. These symbols represented people or things.

These people who lived a long time ago had simple lives with simple needs. One of the most basic needs was food. Before the introduction of agriculture, people were called Hunter­Gatherers because they hunted animals and gathered nuts and berries for food. To tell each other about how to hunt animals or where to find them, these people drew on cave walls or on animal hides. Soon, people were growing their own crops. They were also using a system of symbols to stand for people, places and things. The best ancient example of this was found in Egypt, where hieroglyphs (象形字) were used. These people believed in many different gods. Each god had its own symbol. Symbols were also used to stand for water, buildings, food, and other parts of life.

But these picture drawings and hieroglyphs represented whole words, not just sounds. How did we get an alphabet? Recent research suggests that the idea of an alphabet was first used in Egypt about 1900 BC. Civilizations that traded with or fought against Egypt were exposed to this alphabet, and the idea spread.

The ancient Greeks adapted this alphabet and created their own. The ancient Romans polished it up to a state almost like our modern alphabet. The idea of stringing letters together to make words was born. You can see by looking at letters from the Roman alphabet that these letters survive almost unchanged in our modern English alphabet.

This was the case in the Western world. Actually, a similar thing also happened in the East. You can see many examples in such areas’ language development.

1.Why did Hunter­Gatherers use drawings?

A.To assist them in searching for food.

B.To put a series of symbols into a system.

C.To warn their companions to hide safely.

D.To record some methods of growing crops.

2.What does the development of the alphabet reflect?

A.The difficulties ancient people have learning languages.

B.The different kinds of religious beliefs in the same god.

C.The poor living conditions and agricultural development.

D.The needs of ancient people to survive and communicate.

3.How did the ancient Romans influence the alphabet?

A.They made improvements to it.

B.They created it all by themselves.

C.They managed to keep it unchanged.

D.They turned it into the modern one.

4.What will the author probably write about next?

A.The effects of the alphabet on global languages.

B.Why the alphabet grew better in Western world.

C.How the alphabet appeared in the Eastern world.

D.A number of examples of language evolution.


    By analyzing the movement of the smile across a person’s face, the software developed by researchers at the University of Bradford can determine whether or not the expression is true. The most significant movements detected by the software were around the eyes, supporting popular theories that a true smile is one that can be seen in a person’s eyes.

“A smile is perhaps the most common of facial expressions and is a powerful way of signaling positive emotions (情绪)” says Hassan Ugail, Professor of Visual Computing at the University of Bradford, who led the research. “Techniques for analyzing human facial expressions have advanced a lot in recent years but distinguishing between true and false smiles remains a challenge because humans are not good at picking up the relevant messages.”

The software works by first mapping a person's face from within a video recording, and identifying the mouth, cheeks and eyes of the subject. It then measures how they move through the progress of the smile and calculates the differences in movement between the video pieces showing true and false smiles. They found significant differences in the way the subjects' mouths and cheeks moved when comparing the true and the false expressions. The movements around the subjects’ eyes, however, showed the most striking difference, with true smiles producing at least 10 percent more movement in these muscles (肌肉).

“We use two main sets of muscles when we smile — the zygomaticus major, which is responsible for the movements upwards of the mouth and the orbicularis oculi which causes movements around our eyes,” explains Professor Ugail. In false smiles it is often only the mouth muscles that move but, as humans we often don’t spot the lack of movement around the eyes.

He adds, “An objective way of analyzing whether or not a smile is true could help us develop improved interactions (互动) between computers and humans. It could also be important to scientists aiming to gain more understanding into human behavior and emotion.”

1.Why is it hard for humans to recognize a false smile?

A.Humans are good at hiding their smiles.

B.The relevant details are hard to catch for our eyes.

C.Humans often put on too many facial expressions.

D.Techniques for analyzing facial expressions are hard to develop.

2.What do the researchers find by the software?

A.People usually use two main sets of muscles when smiling.

B.True smiles produce more muscle movement around eyes.

C.Mouths and cheeks move the same for true and false smiles.

D.True smiles are a powerful way of signaling positive emotions.

3.What can we infer from Professor Hassan Ugail?

A.There are different sets of muscles on every human’s face.

B.The software can improve humans’ behavior and emotion.

C.Humans can spot the movement around the eyes in true smiles.

D.The interactions between computers and humans remain to be improved.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Eyes Can Smile

B.Smiles Can Show One's Personality

C.More Smiles, Longer lives

D.True Smiles, False Movements


    Severe plantar fasciitis (足底筋膜炎) meant I’d been a full-time wheelchair user since I was 12. By the time I was 16, I just wanted my leg off. It took six years for the doctors to operate as they insisted on waiting until I was older and in a good enough place mentally. I held off until I finished my degree. Afterward, with an artificial leg fitted, the world felt like a different place. I’d not walked in years. Suddenly I was a lot taller and no longer in any pain.

When I was in a wheelchair I discovered a real love for sport. I started to compete in wheelchair racing, and soon found I was good at discus (铁饼) throwing. I started competing in Tough Mudder (an endurance event series), progressing from walking with crutches to blade (小腿假肢) running. I now compete in sports internationally and have won the silver medal for adaptive judo at the World Judo Games.

At the time of the surgery I worked as an accountant, but I soon realized I didn’t want to be sitting in an office all day as I’d been in a wheelchair for so long. Therefore, as soon as the revision surgery was complete, I handed in my notice.

My career took a different path after I was asked to be a guest presenter for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards. Now I speak to schools, colleges and organizations about a wide range of subjects such as disability, discrimination, disability in sport, and perseverance. I share my own personal stories, whether that’s how I lost my leg and what I learned from it, my perseverance, and how I followed my dream.

Now most of my income comes from working as a motivational speaker, which I’ve been doing full time for a year. I love what I do, and if I continue to inspire others to do what they want to in life, then I’m happy.

1.How did the author probably feel after his leg was cut off?

A.Anxious. B.Relieved. C.Hopeless. D.Annoyed.

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The author’s passion for sports.

B.Awards the author won playing sports.

C.What sports the author is good at.

D.How the author prepared for Tough Mudder.

3.What do the underlined words “handed in my notice” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Quit the job.

B.Asked for leave.

C.Got promoted.

D.Spread the news to others.

4.What’s the main reason for him to be a motivational speaker?

A.It was his dream during childhood.

B.He enjoys the fame it brings him.

C.It brings him money and a sense of fulfillment.

D.He wants more people to care about the disabled.


Chicago Botanic Garden


Midwest Fruit Explorers

March 31-April 10, 1–4 pm

The Midwest Fruit Explorers presents this hands-on workshop with step-by-step instructions on how to graft (嫁接) and care for fruit trees.

    Midwest Daffodil (水仙花) Society Show

April 22-28, 10 am–4:30 pm

The Midwest Daffodil Society Show features hundreds of daffodils on display that will be judged by the society. The show includes floral (花卉的) design and photography competitions.

    Ikebana International Show

May 11-19, 9 am–3:30 pm (Saturday & Sunday only)

The Ikebana International Society presents an exhibition of traditional Japanese flower arranging.

    Gardeners of the North Shore Show & Sale

The Gardeners of the North Shore host this annual show.

June 27-30, 9 am–4:30 pm

This show includes a judged exhibition with more than 500 entries of anything a home gardener can grow, including flowers, vegetables, herbs (草本植物), and houseplants.

    Garden tours & trams

Enjoy a tram tour for an overview of popular areas. Return each season to experience different views.











Children (3-12 yrs)



Children (2 and under)



Ten-visit pass




Accessibility at the garden

Service animals

Service animals are welcome. No pets please.

Electronic Convenience Vehicles (ECVs)

They are available for rent in the Visitor Center on an unreserved, first-come first-served basis. The following fees apply: members: $15, nonmembers $20. ECVs will not be rented for indoor use.


Wheelchairs are available free at the Information Desk in the Visitor Center.

Daily Hours: 8 am–7 pm

Garden View Café: 8 am–4 pm

Garden Shop: 10 am–4 pm

1.What can you do at Midwest Fruit Explorers?

A.Design flower patterns

B.Learn about tree planting.

C.Take part in its photography competition.

D.Buy some fruit at a good price.

2.At which show can you enjoy traditional Japanese flowers?

A.Midwest Fruit Explorers.

B.Midwest Daffodil Society Show.

C.Ikebana International Show.

D.Gardeners of the North Shore Show & Sale.

3.What service can visitors enjoy in the garden?

A.They can rent ECVs for indoor use.

B.They can visit the garden with their pets.

C.They can have free coffee from 8 am to 4 pm.

D.They can use free wheelchairs if they need to.


Shoes and trees are  _______(具体的) objects. (根据汉语意思填空)


The prisoners  __________ (企图,尝试) to escape, but failed. (所给词适当形式填空)


The money was collected for a ________(特定的) purpose. (根据汉语意思完成句子)


    Valerie was very worried about her dad. For some time now she had noticed he was _______ his hair. One day, she asked him, “Daddy, every day you have less hair. _______ is that?” Her father smiled and said, “It’s the hair thief. He visits my _______during the night when I’m asleep. One by one he pulls out my hair, and there’s no way to _______him.”

This worried Valerie, but she was _______to help her dad. That night she stayed _______as long as she could. When she was _______her dad and mom had fallen asleep, she took a hammer and went to their bedroom slowly and _______. She didn’t want the hair thief to _______her. When she arrived at her father’s side, she carefully inspected her father’s head in order to catch the hair thief as soon as he __________. Before long, she saw a shadow on her father’s head and she __________it with the hammer.

Her father __________a loud cry and got out of bed at once. He turned the __________on, and trembling with __________, he saw Valerie waving her hammer in the air. “Daddy, I __________got him. But it looks like he __________!” said Valerie. Meanwhile, the mother __________. She burst into __________when she knew what had happened.

So Valerie’s father had to explain that the hair thief didn’t exist, and that losing hair is something that just happens naturally to most fathers. Valerie still __________about her daddy, but she no longer waited for the hair thief. __________, she bought her father a very nice sleeping hat.

1.A.checking B.losing C.touching D.protecting

2.A.When B.Where C.Why D.What

3.A.neck B.face C.ears D.head

4.A.catch B.throw C.hold D.keep

5.A.excited B.determined C.expected D.allowed

6.A.awake B.asleep C.afraid D.alone

7.A.glad B.sorry C.upset D.sure

8.A.sadly B.nervously C.loudly D.quietly

9.A.disappoint B.know C.hear D.catch

10.A.appeared B.left C.returned D.followed

11.A.caught B.felt C.hit D.covered

12.A.came out B.let out C.sent out D.set out

13.A.radio B.television C.computer D.light

14.A.shock B.delight C.care D.hope

15.A.still B.hardly C.nearly D.never

16.A.stayed B.escaped C.failed D.moved

17.A.woke up B.showed up C.looked out D.turned around

18.A.shouts B.tears C.laughter D.cheers

19.A.knew B.thought C.wondered D.worried

20.A.Though B.Instead C.Otherwise D.Besides


How to Enjoy Life As a Teen

The “best years of your life”? Maybe not, but you can learn to make the most of your high school days.

1.. Whether it’s having a computer, having friends, having a good supply of food, a bed to sleep on, family that loves you or simply being born in this world. Remember that the point of life is for you to enjoy it. Be happy, and life will reward you. Remember that these are the last few years you will be able to enjoy yourself without having to worry about the responsibility(责任) of an adult.

Choose your friends wisely. Unlike what many articles state, you don’t have to be popular and have lots of friends to be happy. 2.. Try to have friends that like you who you are, not just because you are wearing a certain brand of shoes or something like that. These are people who shop at the same store as you; not someone who will sympathize(同情安慰) with you when your dog dies.

3.. Having a healthy body leads to a healthy and happy mind. Being confident in your appearance makes you more confident in other areas. Be sociable. 4.While you only need 4 or 5 close friends, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to meet new people. Participating gives you something to do instead of sitting bored at home and wallowing in self-pity.

5.! If you have a special girl/guy you want to ask out, dance with, etc. just ask! You probably won’t be rejected(拒绝) but if you are, remember that there will always be someone else that likes you for who you are. Don’t go to sleep that night with regret.

A.Go for it.

B.Keep your grades up.

C.Play a sport or work out.

D.Learn to appreciate small things.

E.If you are not good at sports, join a band or choir.

F.In fact, many of the “Friends” you have when you are popular are not true friends.

G.Joining in clubs, activities and sport increases your chances of meeting new friends.


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