Mr. Smith let off upon me the speech he_______ to make all along.

A.had died B.died

C.was dying D.had been dying


Estella showed me the way with a candle. When she opened the side entrance, the_______ of the daylight quite confused me.

A.trend B.rush

C.crash D.increase


Once you’ve ________ the items you ordered, put this record in your file.

A.checked in B.checked off

C.checked out D.checked with


— Is it enough to finish the form for a passport, Madam?

— Your passport application form should be ________ by two recent photos.

A.updated B.accompanied

C.established D.identified


While his approach was a complete ________ from established practices, the result was satisfactory.

A. separation B. prohibition C. departure D. judgment


The village evolved into a major e-commerce center, and ______the past, the villagers owed their success to the reform and opening-up policy.

A. reviewed B. to review C. reviewing D. being reviewed



1) 祝贺他获奖;

2) 肯定他付出的努力;

3) 询问何时方便,在网上切磋棋艺。




参考词汇:the Chinese Chess Network Challenge

Dear Peter,

I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations


Congratulations again.


Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

One day, Dad and I was taking a walk by the lake while a boy rode by at a very high speed. Suddenly, we heard the loud scream. We turned around and saw the boy struggling in the lake, crying out help, Daddy and I ran towards him quickly and had pulled him out of the water. However, the boy rode away immediate without saying “Thank you”. I felt disappointing at his behavior. To my surprises, the boy came back with hot drinks and dry towels several minutes late. Seeing this, I knew I had misunderstood him and felt ashamed of me.


The Great Wall of China is more than 6,000 kilometres long. It winds 1. (it) way from west to cast, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys last it reaches the sea. The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries. The first part of it 3. (build) during the Spring and Autumn period. During the Qin Dynasty, 4. (keep) the enemy out of his empire, Emperor Qin Shi Huang had all the walls 5. (join) up. Thus, the Great Wall came into being. The Great Wall is wide enough at for five horses or ten men to walk side by side. Along the wall are watchtowers, 7.soldiers used to keep watch. Fires were lit on the towers as a 8. (warn) when the enemy came.

It was 9. (extreme)difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines. All the work was done 10.hand. Thousands of men died and were buried under the wall they built. The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men.


    I had driven home to celebrate my 38th birthday with my mother. When I arrived, I found her _______ proudly at the kitchen table, a chocolate cake and two boxes wrapped orange ribbon (丝带) in front of her. “Happy birthday!” she said, _______ at the boxes. “Open them.”

As she knows me _______ than anyone, she’d gotten me exactly what I wanted—running clothes. I _______ her and thanked her and proceeded(接着) to eat the cake.

“Too many _______,” I said, not really caring.

“You’ll run them off tomorrow,” Mom said.

Many adult children with a parent suffering from _______ memory will tell you there was one day that _______ to them that their relationship with their mother or father would be forever changed.

For me that day _______ two weeks later, when I drove back for another short _______. I came upon exactly the same ________: my mom sitting at the kitchen table; a chocolate cake resting next to two ________ wrapped in curly ribbon. The ribbon was green this time. That was the only ________ “Happy birthday!” my mom said.

I was totally ________. “What’s going on?” I asked.

Mom smiled. “Can’t I celebrate my daughter’s birthday?”

This was no ________. This was real life, and since my mother clearly only wanted to make me ________, I pushed aside my fear and fulfilled my role as the ________ daughter. I hugged her, thanked her and ________ the clothes... I did not mention to her that we’d done all this two ________ ago.

My house is her world now. My mother and I have the ________ conversation roughly 10 times a day. ________, I consider it a pleasure, because every minute is new for her. B.sitting C.singing D.dancing

2.A.shouting B.running C.staring D.gesturing

3.A.earlier B.longer C.better D.less

4.A.paid B.hugged C.comforted D.ignored

5.A.calories B.presents C.decorations D.candles

6.A.sad B.lasting C.failing D.past

7.A.signaled B.added C.appealed D.contributed

8.A.ended B.came C.changed D.disappeared

9.A.memory B.birthday D.visit B.idea C.scene D.celebration

11.A.boxes B.bags C.dresses D.hats

12.A.color B.choice C.attraction D.difference

13.A.moved B.confused C.embarrassed D.excited

14.A.pleasure B.trouble C.trick D.end

15.A.happy B.shocked C.puzzled D.upset

16.A.friendly B.successful C.forgetful D.grateful

17.A.admired B.washed C.declined D.wrapped

18.A.days B.weeks C.months D.years

19.A.previous B.annoying C.only D.same

20.A.Therefore B.Instead C.However D.Moreover


    Do you remember those times when your mother told you to avoid talking to strangers? But now you’re not a child anymore. In fact, there are many advantages of talking to strangers.

●You can meet a really great person.

Talking to a stranger is a good habit because you never know whom you may meet. 1. You can also meet someone who will give you a chance to get your dream job.


You have some opinion about different subjects and you know your friends’ and relatives’ points of view about them, too. But there are millions of other people who think differently and can give you unpredictable yet smart ideas that will broaden your horizons.

●You can improve your social skills.

3. Asking appropriate questions and attentive listening are two skills that many of us don’t have. You can better these skills when talking to a stranger.

●You can offer someone comfort.

The thing you’ll definitely like about talking to strangers is that you can make someone’s day better. 4. Praise people and they will think something pleasant about you. Having a sweet short dialogue is one of those perfect chances to make people cheerful.

●You can find the solutions you didn’t know about.

Talking to someone you don’t know is all about finding out something you didn’t know. You may have some problems that you can’t solve for a long time. However, someone you suddenly meet can figure out the right solution you didn’t even think about before. 5.

A.It may be a help you needed to get a long time ago.

B.You can expand your world view.

C.You can meet a person who will become your best friend in future.

D.Smile and people will smile in return.

E.Whatever social skills you have, you can make them better when talking to strangers.

F.You shouldn’t miss these unexpected chances of meeting people.

G.Why not speak to someone until your turn comes?


    From the first use of the rocket to carry satellites into space to the setting up of space stations human beings have been putting great effort into space research And so far we have achieved many successes But there are still numerous tasks in front of us and we should not stop trying to progress

The international space station ISS is an important step we should take in space exploration It is not only helpful but also essential It provides a proper space environment for many experiments that we have wanted to do for a long time It is also a base for the observations of the earth and the universe It could also be an important base for later travel to the moon and Mars In a word if we want to explore space more the first thing we should do is to set up a space station

As the space station costs a lot of money it is hard for one country alone to establish one The USA seem to be the only country that has the ability to build a space station alone and it has tried to do so but not very successful So it aggregated many other countries to work on it together Though it is still extremely expensive it is much cheaper than doing it alone It is really a job that needs everyone's effort and will benefit everyone

Led by the US and Russia the ISS is a joint project between six space agencies involving 16countries Called the greatest achievement in human cooperation the ISS has come to the end of a tenyear's hard work in construction China has applied for participation in taking part in the project many times Unfortunately all the applications were rejected which drove China onto the path of independent development As the Long March Ⅱ﹣F/T1 carrier rocket blasted off leave the ground and successfully carried the Tiangong1into space on September 29 2011 China takes a big step toward its Space Station Era

Some West media suggested that the successful launch of Tiangong1 would disturb the balance of global space power raising concerns about "China threat" China's space project is not designed for military purpose but for developing space technology to explore space resources and make use of them for mankind's wellbeing

1.From Paragraph 2we learn that    

A. the necessity of building the international space station is not realized now

B. many experiments have been done in the international space station

C. the international space station is necessary for people to explore space more

D. people have traveled to Mars from the international space station

2.Which of the following is NOT a reason for countries' cooperation in building the international space station

A. That it requires a lot of money

B. That it needs everyone's effort

C. That it will benefit every participating country

D. That it is too far away from the earth

3.The underlined word "aggregated" in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by "     "

A. united

B. scolded

C. allowed

D. forbade

4.China wants to build its space station in order to    

A. break the balance of global space power

B. show that China can build space station alone

C. raise international concerns about "China threat"

D. make use of space peacefully for mankind's wellbeing


    Camping is a good way to spend time along with your kids and to show them how wonderful nature can be. Through camping, children can discover new things about nature, such as flowers, birds, and other small animals. Camping gives kids time to get away from all the electronics (电子) of today's culture. So it is necessary to plan exciting and enjoyable family camping trips with your children while they are young.

When planning your family camping trip, consider the activities your kids like: games, hiking, swimming, boating, bicycling, etc. Select a camping place that has some of the activities the kids are interested in. Meal planning is an important part of your camping trip. Plan the meals together, and kids love to choose what they want to eat.

When starting to pack for your trip, let the kids pack their own items (物品) . Each person should have his/her own sleeping bag with a luggage (行李) bag to put it in. Personal items should be packed with their sleeping bags. Encourage the kids to put their items in a certain place and always return it when they have finished using it.

When you have arrived at your campsite, make all the camping activities a family activity, which will help children to realize how important team-work is. Everyone can have his/her own job sitting up the campsite. Meal time can be a fun time. So let the older ones help with the cooking on your outdoor camping stove while the younger ones get the picnic table ready.

1.Which of the following is the best place for a family camping?

A. A place covered with forests.

B. A place with a river and wild animals.

C. A place where kids can find various foods they like.

D. A place which provides many interesting activities.

2.What does the author advise parents to do while planning a family camping trip?

A. Encourage the children to take care of their own things.

B. Keep the children away from animals.

C. Take more food to meet the children's need.

D. Let the children learn by watching.

3.When at the campground, it is necessary to __________.

A. allow the children to cook

B. give children enough time to play

C. make everyone have work to do

D. keep the picnic table full of food

4.For whom is the passage most probably written?

A. Teachers B. Parents.

C. Kids. D. Teenagers.


    Though sometimes we may lose our ability to do something we love, passions don’t have to end. Suzelle Poole of Dallas, Texas is living proof of that. The 79-year-old has been dancing for more than seven decades.

Suzelle started ballet when she was just 7 years old, and her devotion only grew stronger as her talent increased in the following years. In fact, Suzelle was so talented that she went to perform all around the world! Like most professional ballerinas (芭蕾舞女),Suzelle expected a short-lived career. “When I was about 26,1 knew I only had a few years left,”she said. It’s simply the nature of the art form because the movements are so hard on people’s bodies. But Suzelle’s body didn’t wear out at 26 — or even 56! At one point, she broke her arm but she was dancing again by the following week.

Nowadays she focuses on teaching the next generation of ballerinas at the Royale Ballet Dance Academy, where she and her students regularly perform for senior residents in assisted living facilities.

Suzelle has become such an inspiration that CBS News reporter Steve Hartman and his 5-year-old daughter Meryl recently traveled to Dallas to interview her. Steve’s little girl couldn’t wait to meet and dance with the woman she wants to become.

During the interview, Suzelle shared a piece of wisdom: “Ballet helps everything,” she said. “If you’re not feeling very well, you go to a ballet class, and you feel better after.” Meryl nodded knowingly. She also added, “Ballet could always cheer me up whenever I feel depressed.”

It’s no wonder Suzelle has no plans to hang up her pointed shoes. Why would she give up something that brings her so much joy?

1.Why did Suzelle at her 26 think her career would end soon?

A.The nature of the body didn’t allow lasting performance.

B.The audience didn’t like her performance.

C.She injured her arm in a training course.

D.She had to look after her family.

2.Why did Steve Hartman take his daughter Meryl to meet Suzelle?

A.To help Meryl with her problems.

B.To make Meryl experience a reporter’s work.

C.To inspire Meryl to pursue her dancing dream.

D.To realise Meryl’s dream of dancing with famous people.

3.In Suzelle’s opinion, ballet dance ___________.

A.benefits people’s mental health

B.should be taught at primary school less attractive to the young

D.raises people’s interest in art

4.What does the underlined part in the last paragraph probably mean?

A.Suzelle will go to find other joy of life.

B.Suzelle will carry on her ballet career.

C.Suzelle will put away her ballet shoes.

D.Suzelle will devote herself to art teaching.


    The dream to travel the world has always been in the mind of many. The national geographic and Discovery Channel videos are just not enough. You can only feel the excitement of experiencing all those fascinating wildlife, countryside or adventure tourism documentaries by traveling the world. Here are the best destination countries based on safety, culture, ease of transportation, and accommodation for single travelers in 2018.

Bali Island, Indonesia

The cheapest of all countries to visit. Living in a comfortable room, having three meals a day and a few beers for only 25 dollars per day! Accommodation and goods are cheap everywhere, especially when you move further to the north.


Lined with olive trees, hilltop towns, and wonderful beaches, Italy is one of the most sought-after destinations; Not forgetting the wine and wine-cooked barbecues. All the cities of Italy are always full of tourists all year around.


Vietnam suburbs or the city of Hanoi is just where you need to be. Amazing landscapes, friendly locals, cheap food and affordable services, Cab services are a mere 10 dollars or less compared to cab services in the States which can get as high as 30 dollars for a couple of blocks away.


You don’t talk of France without mentioning Eiffel tower. At night, it gives the most incredible view of France. Avoid the long lines to the tower and book your trip earlier For Catholics or historians, the Notre Dame and its surroundings will attract you with its ancient mummified (制成木乃伊的) cats, while Les Invalides military museum has all types of the world war weapons.

1.Which country will probably be your choice if you like beaches?

A. Indonesia. B. Vietnam.

C. France D. Italy.

2.What can you do in Bali Island?

A. See mummified animals. B. Appreciate splendid scenery.

C. Buy cheap things. D. Have wine-cooked barbecues.

3.What can you infer from the text?

A. You can take a taxi at only 25 dollars in Vietnam.

B. You can see different kinds of weapons in France.

C. You can taste wine and barbecues from all over the world in Italy.

D. You can spend only 10 dollars to have a comfortable day in Indonesia.


请以“A Great Disaster”为题,介绍20041226日上午8点左右发生在亚洲国家的由印度洋的大地震引发的海啸,内容包括以下要点:


2、受灾国家: Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka 等国家






[评分标准] 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。




1.Air pollution is one of the biggest problems that we can’t i___________. We should pay more attention to it.

2.Because of being taken good care of by her mother, the injured girl soon r______________.

3.Workers set up some s___________ for the stricken people who were homeless.

4.He found it difficult to remember the English words and failed in the English exam because of his poor English v________.

5.We can’t j_________ a person only by his appearance.

6.They couldn’t repair the windows _______ (损害) in the typhoon for they were broken completely.

7.After returning home, he _________(劝说)his parents to buy him a MP3.

8.He can speak English ________(流利地) as he was in America for 2 years.

9.Women have very little_______ (地位) in many countries.

10.There is no clue to the ________ (身份) of the thief.




Bill – was late getting up today so hasn’t had time to make breakfast. He wants to pick up something to eat before he goes to work so he has enough energy to last through to lunch time. 1.

Julie – works in the city and wants to get some lunch. She doesn’t want anything too special so long as it is tasty and not too expensive. Julie likes all kinds of food but because she is on a diet she wants to avoid anything containing meat. 2.

Sally – has friends visiting her from out-of-town and wants to take them to dinner. She wants to take them somewhere they can enjoy the atmosphere and have fun. She is a university student so doesn’t have a lot of money and doesn’t like her food too hot. 3.

Albert – is a businessman who will meet an important European client for a business dinner next week. Want to book a table at a quiet restaurant that will impress his guest with both its food and its surroundings. 4.

Robert – is meeting his friend Ben for lunch today (Tuesday) and wants to take him to a nice restaurant. Both Robert and Ben enjoy good quality spicy food. Robert doesn’t like arranging things in advance so he hasn’t booked a table. 5.

A.Pasta House – new Italian restaurant located in the heart of the city. Simple but delicious inexpensive meals. Also has a good range of vegetable-only meals. It’s always crowded so be ready to order take-away or share a table. Open 11 a.m. to midnight.

B.A Taste of India – famous for its spicy curries and many southern Indian dishes using chilli. You will usually be able to find a table during the week but if you’re planning to go on the weekend make sure you book a table in advance. Open noon to midnight.

C.Paris Match – this is the finest French restaurant in the city. Wonderful food you can enjoy in luxurious surrounding. The perfect place to have a romantic meal or impress a business partner, but be prepared for a large bill. Open noon to 2 a.m. Booking essential.

D.Mountain Diner – not fancy but tasty. Excellent Asian and European dishes. Countryside location surrounded by forest. It’s at least an hour’s drive from the city so you might want to stay at the nearby Mountain Hotel overnight. Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

E.Owl Café – open 24 hours a day the café has a large selection of set breakfast, lunch and dinner meals for you to choose from, or you can enjoy one of their many delicious snacks and desserts over a cup of freshly made coffee.

F.Greek Bistro – a lively restaurant that serves great-value Greek food and has live Greek music played by a local band. Customers are encouraged to take part in the entertainment so be ready for a night of loud fun and laughter. Open 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.


    My teenage son Karl became withdrawn after his father died. As a single parent, I tried to do my best to talk to him. But the more I tried, the more he pulled away. When his report card arrived during his junior year, it said that he had been absent(缺席的) 95 times from classes and had six falling grades for the year. In this way he would never graduate. I sent him to the school adviser, and I even begged him. Nothing worked.

One night I felt so powerless that I asked God for help. “Please God, I can’t do anything more for my son. I’m at the end of my rope. I’m giving the whole thing up to you.”

I was at work when I got a phone call. A man introduced himself as the headmaster. “I want to talk to you about Karl’s absences.” Before he could say another word, I choked up(哽咽)and all my disappointment and sadness over Karl came pouring out into the ears of this stranger. “I love my son, but I just don’t know what to do. I’ve tried everything to get Karl to go back to school and nothing has worked. It’s out of my hands.” For a moment there was silence on the other end of the line. The headmaster seriously said, “Thank you for your time”, and hung up.

Karl's next report card showed a marked(显著的) improvement in his grades. Finally, he was even on the list of the best students at school. In his fourth year, I attended a parent –– teacher meeting with Karl. I noticed that his teachers were surprised because he had changed himself completely. On our way home, he said, “Mum, remember that call from the headmaster last year?” I nodded. “That was me. I thought I'd play a jokebut when I heard what you said, it really hit me how much I was hurting you. That’s when I knew I had to make you proud.”

1.Which of the following has the similar meaning as the underlined word “withdrawn” in the first paragraph?

A.Quiet and lonely B.Relaxed and excited

C.Talkative and lively D.Happy and easy-going

2.According to the first report card, Karl _________.

A.often went to school late B.failed in all the exams

C.did a good job at school D.didn’t do well at school

3.When the mother said “It’s out of my hands.” to the headmaster, she meant that she ___________.

A.didn’t know what to do about her son

B.would drive her son away from the house

C.had no money to support the family

D.she would have to hang up

4.Who was it that telephoned Karl’s mother that day?

A.The headmaster. B.The school adviser.

C.Karl himself. D.The passage doesn’t tell us.

5.From the passage we can learn that _____________.

A.children in single – parent families always have mental problems

B.mother’s love plays an important role in teenagers’ life

C.parents should give their children as much help as possible education still works well without support from parents


    Fishing is a popular activity and every fisherman knows the rule: Keep the big ones, throw the smaller ones back. The idea behind it is simple — larger fish are probably older. If you keep the smaller young fish, they won’t be able to reproduce, so there will be fewer fish.

But fishing out the largest fish from a population may also have an unwanted effect: Over time, fewer adult fish get really big. If only the smaller fish reproduce, then future generations become smaller.

One scientist, Dr David Conover has spent the last decade studying the effects of the “keep the big ones” rule.

In his experiment, Conover used six groups of fish. For two groups, Conover followed the “keep the big ones” rule and took out the biggest fish. For two other groups, he removed only the small fish. For the last two groups, he removed fish at random (随意地).

After five years, he measured the fish in each group. In the two groups where the largest fish were regularly removed, the average fish size was smaller than the average size in the other groups. It showed that if only small fish survive to reproduce, then future generations of fish will also tend to be small.

For the second five years of his experiment, Conover changed the rules and took fish randomly from each group. At the end of the experiment, he found that the fish that were in the “keep the big ones” groups for the first five years had started to get larger again, although he calculated it would take at least 12 years for the fish in those two groups to return to their original size.

In other words, it takes much more time to recover.

1.The underlined word “it” (Paragraph 1) refers to “________”.

A.the activity B.the fish

C.the rule D.the fisherman

2.What’s the purpose of the “keep the big ones” rule?

A.It helps to protect fish numbers.

B.It helps to protect fish size.

C.It teaches people how to fish.

D.It helps people catch bigger fish.

3.After the first five years of his experiment, Conover found the “keep the big ones” rule ______.

A.made no difference to fish size

B.made the fish smaller on average

C.made the fish bigger on average

D.made the fish reproduce more quickly

4.What is the author’s intention in writing this article?

A.To encourage people to stop fishing.

B.To urge governments to forbid fishing.

C.To describe a scientific experiment about fishing.

D.To introduce the rules of fishing to readers.


    For hundreds of years, Japan has been hit, from time to time, by tsunami(海啸), which is caused by earthquakes or underwater volcanoes. The story of the boy Yuuki is the story of such a disaster.

Yuuki lived with his family in a seaside village, below a small mountain. One day, as he played on top of the mountain, Yuuki felt a small earthquake but it was not strong enough to frighten anybody. Soon after, however, Yuuki noticed the sea darken and begin running away from the shore very fast, leaving behind wide areas of beach that had never been seen before.

Yuuki remembered reading that just before a terrible tsunami, the sea suddenly and quickly rolls backward. He ran to the beach, warning the villagers who had gathered to admire the new beach land.

But no one listened. They laughed at him and continued playing in the new sand.

Desperate, Yuuki could think of only one thing to do. He lit a tree branch, raced to the rice fields and began burning the harvested rice. Then he called out, “Fire! Fire! Everyone run to the mountain! Now!”

When everyone reached the mountain top, a villager cried out, “Yuuki is mad! I saw him set the fire.” Yuuki hung his head in shame, but said nothing as the villagers screamed at him.

Just then, someone shouted, “Look!”

In the distance a huge dark wave of water was speeding towards the shore. When it hit the shore, it destroyed everything.

On the mountain everyone stared at the village ruins in terror.

“I'm sorry I burned the fields,” said Yuuki, his voice trembling.

“Yuuki,” the village chief answered. “You saved us all.”

The villagers cheered and raised Yuuki into the air. “We were going to celebrate our rice harvest tonight,” said one, “but now we’ll celebrate that we’re all still alive!”

1.Where was Yuuki when the earthquake struck?

A.On the beach. B.On the mountain.

C.In the rice fields. D.At home.

2.In what order did the following events take place?

a. Yuuki ran to the rice fields.

b. The villagers paid no attention to Yuuki’s word.

c. Yuuki went to warn the villagers.

d. The village was in ruins.

e. The people were screaming at Yuuki.

A.c, b, d, a, e B.a, c, d, b, e

C.c, b, a, e, d D.a, c, d, e, b

3.How did Yuuki save the villagers from the disaster?

A.He told them about the earthquake.

B.He explained why the sea was flowing out.

C.He told the village chief to warn the people.

D.He set fire to the rice field.

4.What were the people planning to do before the tsunami struck their village?

A.Burn the rice crop. B.Play on the beach.

C.Climb the mountain. D.Celebrate the rice harvest.



Nowadays, more and more parents pay great attention 1. their children. 2. when it comes to the topic of communication, most of 3. acknowledge(承认)the lack of it.

More than one reason contributes to the problem.

To begin with, the ever heavier social pressure on parents 4.(make) them ignore their children. They have to work harder and therefore spend 5. (little) time with their children. The second, some of the parents don’t know much about the skills of communication 6. the necessary knowledge of education, 7. they are eager to talk with their children. However, the most important reason may be the traditional ideas of authority(权威)8. most parents have. Thus, when facing the children, parents are not likely to communicate 9. them as friends.

To sum up, everything that we are concerned about is to diminish(减少) 10. gap between parents and children. Therefore, in order to make a better atmosphere in which the children grow up, the parents should ensure the stability(稳定)of the family and act as good friends to the children.


    In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened(夷平) America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. A father _______ to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as_______as a pancake.

He remembered the _______ he had made to his son: "No matter what, I'll always be there for you!" And tears began to _______ his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins, it looked_______.

He began to direct his attention towards where he walked his son to class at school each morning. He started digging through the ruins.

As he was digging, other helpless _______ arrived, saying: "My son!" "My daughter!" Some well-meaning (善意的) parents_______to pull him off what was left of the school, saying: "It's too _______! They're all dead!"

To each parent he answered with one_______: "Are you going to help me now?" And then he ________ to dig for his son, stone by stone. The fire chief ________ and wanted to pull him off the school's ruins, saying, "Fires are breaking out. You're in ________. We'll take care of it. "

But he still went on because he needed to know for himself: "Is my boy alive or is he ________?" He dug for eight hours...12 hours...24 hours...36 hours...then, in the 38th hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his son's voice. He screamed his son's name, "ARMAND!"

"Dad? It's me, Dad! I told the other kids not to ________. I told them that if you were alive, you'd come. You ________ it, Dad!"

1.A.passed B.rushed C.came D.went

2.A.strong B.high C.flat D.large

3.A.decision B.promise C.plan D.lie

4.A.ruin B.hold C.drop D.fill

5.A.hopeless B.familiar C.terrible D.hopeful

6.A.reporters B.teachers C.parents D.students

7.A.thought B.tried C.refused D.commanded

8.A.serious B.heavy C.difficult D.late

9.A.line B.doubt C.lesson D.problem

10.A.stopped B.continued C.remembered D.failed

11.A.gave up B.looked up C.showed up D.picked up

12.A.danger B.trouble C.dark D.surprise

13.A.happy B.frightened C.reliable D.dead

14.A.hide B.worry C.shout D.suffer

15.A.saved B.kept C.did D.said


假如你是李华,计划周末和同学去老年之家(nursing home)帮忙。请给你班留学生Tom写信,邀请他一同前往。内容包括:

1. 出发及返回的时间;

2. 活动过程;

3. 期待对方参加。

Dear Tom,



Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Garbage classification, whether you are accustomed to it or not, is making a change to the way how we live. Taking our community as a example, dustbins in different colors have been putting into use and most residents are clear about the rules of classification but willing to follow it. Though it takes a little more time for individuals sort out their own garbage, it saves the government a largely amount of time and allows more things to be recycled. By this way, we are shouldering our share of responsibility as citizen.

It pay to put garbage into different categories, for our own sake and the sake of nature.



The driver, Zhang Sai, hesitated outside 1. apartment building in Wuhan, the central Chinese city at the heart of the coronavirus outbreak. He 2. (order) not to take food to customers’ doors in order to minimize the risk of 3. (infect).

But the woman on the phone was begging, he recalled. The food was for her mother, 4. couldn’t go down to meet him. Mr. Zhang finally agreed. He would drop off the order and rush away. 5. he placed the bag on the floor, Mr. Zhang said, the door opened. 6. (Frighten), he rushed away. Without thinking, he pressed the elevator button with his finger, touching a surface he feared could transmit the virus.

That was how Mr. Zhang, 32, found 7. (he) speeding back to his delivery station with one finger 8. (hold) high in the air, careful not to touch the rest of his hand.

For many people in China, delivery drivers like Mr. Zhang 9. (be) the only connection to the outside world. Once a common but invisible presence on the streets of nearly every Chinese city, the drivers are now being praised 10. heroes.


    Madagascar was not the paradise I expected. A reporter and I were ______ there to find out who was helping with drought relief and the prevention of famine(饥荒).

After a three-hour ride in a van, we ______ in the small town of Ambovombe.Peter immediately headed over to the hospital to speak with a local ______ on our topics of interest. Since I didn't need to photograph the background ______ with the doctor, I wandered out to the road.

I raised my ______ to get some images before the sun went down. I've ______ been to Madagascar before, and until you've actually photographed in a place, you don't know how people will ______ to the camera.

I ______ a handsome man who was leaning against a wall in the golden light of dusk. No reaction. I took a breath. After a while, everyone within a 20-yard radius had ______ me. Some called out to each other, playfully teasing those I'd ______ .

Soon after, a mother encouraged me to photograph her young children.I ______ a moment. They were dressed in ______ clothes. One of them may not have even had any pants on---not because her parents were neglectful, but because they couldn't ________ them.

Their mother really ______ me to photograph them. This happens everywhere I go. Parents, ______ of their children, ask me to take a photo. I'd taken this photo of cute smiling children over and over. I don't usually save ________ but I saved this one.

Why? The children's _________ .It's something so powerful yet so ______ that we sometimes miss it. This mom, despite all the ________ obvious to an outsider's eyes, found in her children something she wanted a photograph to remember. That's because she saw a(n) ______ picture: She saw them with a mother's heart. As should we all.

1.A.expected B.assigned C.allowed D.persuaded

2.A.arrived B.explored C.searched D.camped

3.A.reporter B.nurse D.patient

4.A.discussion B.interview C.program D.practice

5.A.paper B.hand C.head

6.A.just B.seldom C.never D.already

7.A.respond B.adapt C.return D.contribute

8.A.discovered B.greeted C.asked D.photographed

9.A.caught B.noticed C.found D.suspected

10.A.helped with B.stared at C.referred to D.focused on

11.A.watched B.regretted C.hesitated D.choked

12.A.beautiful B.funny C.dirty D.colorful

13.A.serve B.afford C.choose D.bring

14.A.wanted B.informed C.reminded D.paid

15.A.afraid B.sure C.aware D.proud

16.A.images D.words

17.A.clothes B.kindness C.mother D.expectation

18.A.emotional B.changeable C.sensitive D.common

19.A.adventures B.disadvantages C.curiosity

20.A.different B.natural C.broad D.interesting


    How long does a year last? 1. But your parents might say that a whole year can pass “in the blink of an eye”. Why does time seem to pass faster as we get older?

2. This physical change causes the rate at which we take in and process new information to decline. Babies, for example, move their eyes much more often than adults because they’re processing images at a faster rate. They take in a lot of information and do many things in a single day. 3. However, as people’s brains degrade over time, fewer images are processed in the same amount of time. Therefore, older people receive less information during a day than younger people. This causes things to seem as though they’re happening more quickly.

4. People may measure time by the number of memorable events that can be recalled within a certain period. Have you ever noticed that when you recall your firsts (first day of school, first family vacation, first birthday party, etc.), they seem to be in slow motion? That’s because when something is a “first”, there are many exciting things to remember. Recalling these memories makes you feel like they took forever.

For many adults, life is routine. When they look back, they might feel like there are not many novel (新奇的) things to remember. 5.

A.Children might say that a year lasts forever.

B.Therefore, time seems to be moving faster to them.

C.Different people have different feelings toward time.

D.This makes them feel like a single day lasts for a long time.

E.As we grow older, we become less interested in new things.

F.According to scientists, our brains degrade  and change over time.

G.In addition, people may also “feel” time differently due to psychological reasons.


    Have you ever had a burger without meat? You might think that a vegetable burger will take away the real meaning of a burger as it will not have the juicy taste of meat. Despite these concerns, the company, Beyond Meat, has managed to successfully make plant-based meat.

On May 2, the company became the first vegan company to become public. Beyond Meat’s initial share price was expected to range from $19 to $21. Impressively, just hours later, Beyond Meat’s stocks rose to $73!

Instead of killing animals, Beyond Meat obtains these components from different plants and combines them to make vegan meat. It contains pea protein that gives the chewy, meaty texture along with canola oil, coconut fat and other binding agents. In addition, the company uses beet juice to simulate the bloody look of beef! The plant proteins are subjected to intense heating, cooling and pressure so that their structure becomes fibrous and copies that of animal meat.

For people who have changed their diet but miss the taste of meat, Beyond Meat satisfies their taste buds. It also has all the nutrients and elements that meat has, but does not come from an animal.

Plant-based meat is also beneficial as fewer animals are killed. As our world’s population continues to grow beyond 7 billion, so does the demand for meat. Livestock farming is not sustainable as it requires more land, consumes more energy and is one of the largest producers of greenhouse gases. Beyond Meat uses 99 percent less water and 93 percent less land. It also has 90 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and it uses 46 percent less energy.

However, there are some people who do not like the smell of a Beyond Meat patty. Others question that processed foods are unhealthy and it is safer to choose whole vegetables instead. Regardless, with another company, Impossible Burger, looking to go public soon, as well as companies such as Tyson Foods and Nestle looking to enter the market, plant-based meat is here to stay. These companies hope to convince many people to switch from meat to plant-based alternatives.

1.Why did Beyond Meat’s stocks rise sharply?

A.People found it convenient to buy plant-based meat.

B.People believed the bright future of the company.

C.People preferred to spend more money buying meat.

D.People are becoming vegans in life.

2.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.What is made up of meat.

B.Why plants can be made into meat.

C.How plant-based meat is made.

D.Whether plant-based meat is allergenic.

3.What is one of the features of plant-based meat?

A.It makes farming sustainable.

B.It contains all the nutrients people need.

C.It doesn’t have the taste of meat.

D.It is environmentally friendly.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Plant-based meat will become a new trend.

B.All people prefer plant-based meat.

C.Vegan companies produce unhealthy food.

D.The smell of plant-based meat is disgusting.


    Joshua Plotnik and his colleagues carried out the tests on six 12-45-year-old Asian elephants living in the grounds of a hotel in northern Thailand. The buckets containing the seeds were not clear enough to see through and had a lid with small holes to let the smell out. In experiments, the elephants chose the greater quantity of seeds in each pair, regardless of the quantity of seeds presented. The accuracy of the prediction was better when the difference between each pair increased.

This is thought to be the first time that an animal is able to use its sense of smell to make a simple calculation of whether one of two quantities is more or less than another-the most basic form of math.

Many animal species have shown an ability to tell apart between more and less when presented with different amounts of food. But they have used vision to discriminate. Dogs have been unable to show they can perform the same trick in tests of their abilities to smell.

For an elephant this ability could be very important. Elephants often travel long distances to find better-quality food and water, which can differ according to seasonal availability, changes to their environment, and a risk they could be attacked by humans. The best performers were able to get it right more than 80 per cent of the time.

The scientists suggest that male elephants are better at the task because they need to eat more food, making it more important that their sense of smell is keener. Males also have to sniff out females in heat over long distances in order to reproduce.

They say that while elephants do use vision, particularly in close contexts where they react to each other’s body language, they use it mainly to match their more powerful senses-hearing, smell and touch.

That elephants have a powerful sense of smell is perhaps unsurprising. They have more genes related to smell than any other animal: 2,000 compared to around 800 for a dog.

1.What special ability do elephants have?

A.Use their trunks to find different smells.

B.Distinguish between more and less food.

C.Smell the differences of food quality.

D.Per form the basic math calculation.

2.What does the underlined word “discriminate” mean?

A.Choose. B.Indicate.

C.Measure. D.Distinguish.

3.Why do elephants often travel long distances?

A.To find where the better food is.

B.To find where humans wait to attack them.

C.To find where the environment has changed.

D.To find where they can adapt to the climate.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Elephants can do simple math puzzles

B.Elephants can “count” with their trunks

C.Elephants can smell the quality of food

D.Elephants can use vision to communicate


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