The Coalition for the Homeless is an organization that seeks to address the needs of the homeless population in the United States. It is a network of offices, some of which provide food and houses for the homeless population, and some of which fight for the passing of laws that of over two hundred million people living in the United States,up to three million are homeless—and the number is still growing. Since the late 1970s,fast rising house prices,large cuts in government supported housing programs, and economic recession(经济衰退)have made it impossbile for many Americans to meet housing costs. Sadly, this has resulted in a number of persons being forced to leave their homes and/or unable to find new affordable homes. According to another research,families with children appear to be the fastest-growing part of the homeless population, making up 39% of it.The old idea of a homeless person,that of the single man who gets drunk all the time,is no longer true. A much lager part of the population now finds itself homeless. Even worse, once a person becomes homeless, he often finds it impossible to find a job,since most employers require anyone who wants a job from them to provide a home address on a job application.

1.The word “address” in the first line probably means        . about with C.fight for D.write to

2.How many people are homeless in the U.S. according to the Coalition studies?

A.39% of the population. B.200 million people.

C.About 3 million people. D.About one-fifth of the population.

3.Homeless people often have difficulty finding a job because________.

A.they have no home addresses

B.they mostly have a drinking problem

C.they aren't supported by government programs

D.they often don't have enough work experience

4.What is the main cause of the rising number of the homeless in the U.S.?

A.The passing of new housing laws.

B.The fast growth of family size.

C.The slow construction of houses.

D.The ever-rising price of housing.


    I am a good mother to three children. I have tried never to let my profession stand in the way of being a good parent.

I no longer consider myself the center of the universe. I show up. I listen. I try to laugh. I am a good friend to my husband. I have tried to make marriage vows mean what they say. I am a good friend to my friends, and they to me. Without them, there would be nothing to say to you today.

So here's what I wanted to tell you today: Get a life. A real life, not a desire of the next promotion, the bigger paycheck, the larger house.

Get a life in which you are not alone. Find people you love, and who love you. And remember that love is not leisure, it is work. Pick up the phone. Send an e-mail. Write a letter. And realize that life is the best thing and that you have no business taking it for granted.

It is so easy to waste our lives, our days, our hours, our minutes. It is so easy to exist instead of to live. I learned to live many years ago. Something really, really bad happened to me, something that changed my life in ways that, if I had my choice, it would never have been changed at all. And what I learned from it is what, today, seems to be the hardest lesson of all.

I learned to love the journey, not the destination. I learned to look at all the good in the world and try to give some of it back because I believed in it, completely and totally. And I tried to do that, in part, by telling others what I had learned.

By telling them this: Read in the backyard with the sun on your face. Learn to be happy. And think of life as a deadly illness, because if you do, you will live it with joy and passion as it ought to be lived.

1.The best title of this passage probably is    

A.Love your friends B.Live a real life

C.Don't waste time D.Be a good mother and wife

2.How did the author form her view of life?

A.Through working and social experience. B.By learning from her friends.

C.Through an unfortunate experience. D.From her children and husband

3.By the underlined sentence "It is so easy to exist instead of to live" in the fifth paragraph, the author really means that people tend to            .

A.make a living rather than live a real life rather than enjoy life

C.waste a lot in life D.forget the most important lessons in life

4.What's the author's attitude toward work?

A.Do it well to serve others. B.To earn enough money to make life better.

C.Try your best to get higher position and pay. D.Don't let it affect your real life.


    I promised Michael I wouldn’t mention this until the season was over. Now l think it's time.

Early last season, I wrote a column about an art of kindness I had seen Jordan do to a disabled child outside the stadium. After it ranI got a call from a marl in the western suburbs. He said“I read what you wrote about Jordan. but I thought I should tell you another thing I saw. ”

Here it comes, I thought. It always does. Write something nice about a person, and people call you up to say that the person is not so nice.

A few weeks later Jordan and I were talking about something else before a game, and I brought up what the man had said. Was the man right? Had Jordan really been talking to those two boys in that poor and dirty neighborhood?

"Not two boys," Jordan said. "But four."

And he named them. He said four names. And what did they talk about?

"Everything,” Jordan said. " Anything. I’ve asked to see their grades so that I can check to see if they're paying attention to their study. If it turns out that one or two of them may need teaching, I make sure they get it."

It's just one more part of Michael Jordan's life one more thing that no one knows about, and one more thing Jordan does fight for. The NBA season is over now, and those boys have their memories. So do J! When the expert reviewers begin to turn against Jordan as they surely will, I'll think about those boys under the streetlight, waiting for the man they know to come. For someone they can depend on.

1.The writer wrote this story about Jordan and his young friends because ______

A.he thought highly of Jordan's deeds

B.he hated to see Jordan do something bad

C.he believed it was time to help the disabled

D.he felt sure he needn't keep the promise then

2.A man in the western suburbs made a call to ______

A.know why Jordan stopped in a bad area

B.get a chance to become famous himself

C.let the writer know Jordan was not that nice

D.offer an example to show how Jordan helped others

3.Jordan talked with the boys because he ______.

A.needed their support

B.had promised to do so

C.liked to teach them to play basketball

D.wanted to make sure they all studied well

4.The text implies that Jordan is ______. excellent basketball player

B.good at dealing with problems of life

C.always ready to make friends with young people

D.willing to do whatever he can for the good of society


    The United States has about 475,000 school buses — all painted yellow. Each day they carry more than 25,000,000 children, half of all schoolchildren in the country. But these buses, on average, use four liters of diesel ( 柴油) fuel to travel less than sixteen kilometers. When the school year began last fall, diesel averaged 55 cents a liter nationally. The price nearly doubled, to a dollar and 8 cents, by the end of school in June.

Bob Riley speaks for the American School Bus Council. He says fuel prices for schools are not much lower than others have to pay. As a result, schools are looking for ways to reduce transportation costs. Bus routes are being redrawn or, in some cases, canceled. Some areas are buying buses that use natural gas or other alternative fuels. Other steps include fewer field trips and less travel by sports teams. And some school districts may end any bus service not required by law.

Studies show that school buses are the safest form of transportation to and from school. The American School Bus Council says cuts in bus service are bad for children and possibly the environment. It says removing buses from the road will mean an increase in other vehicles transporting students. Spokesman Bob Riley says another concern is that reducing bus services might reduce attendance.

But it could also get more children to walk or bicycle to school. And that would surely make people happy at the National Center for Safe Routes to School. More kids walking or biking safely to school is the aim of a three-year-old federal program, part of an international movement. The goal is to increase physical activity and reduce air pollution. The United States will celebrate Walk to School Day on October eighth this year. But for some students, high fuel prices could make every day a walk-to-school day.

1.What does this passage mainly tell us?

A.High fuel prices’ influences on school buses.

B.New measures to transport school students.

C.The safest form of student transportation.

D.The origin of Walk to School Day.

2.In order to cut down transportation cost, many schools take the following measures EXCEPT ______ .

A.changing some bus routes

B.stopping some bus routes

C.asking parents to drive children to and from school

D.using other types of fuels

3.The National Center for Safe Routes to School encourages more children to walk or bike to school in order to ______. more fuels and diesel for the country

B.keep the children safe on their way to school

C.make the children live a simple life

D.keep the children healthy and the environment clean


假定你是李华,你的澳大利亚朋友Tony将去中国朋友家做客,发邮件向你询问有关 习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括:

1. 到达时间:

2. 合适的礼物;

3. 其它注意事项。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



当被问及时,她确认未经允许学生不应接近湖边。(confirm; permission) (用所给单词,翻译句子)


我们最终到达了一个群山环抱的村庄,那里的美景给我们留下了深刻印象。(surround; impress) (用所给单词,翻译句子)


向老师咨询你在学习中所遇到的问题,你会受益匪浅。(consult; benefit) (用所给单词,翻译句子)


他假装对大城市的生活很熟悉,这让我很生气。(pretend; familiar) (用所给单词,翻译句子)


我们非常感谢你为保护我们的孩子不受伤害所做的努力。(appreciate; protect)(用所给单词,翻译句子)


    I had moved to Arizona just before the start of my high school. This was a new school and I did not ____anyone

On the first day of school at lunch after getting my meal, I sat down at a(n) ____table. As I began to eat, I __ another girl sitting alone, so I __ to go and sit with her. __ , there was no reason for me to have a whole table to myself, so I walked over and said, "Hi, do you __ if I sit with you?" She was __ at first, but then smiled and __ .

We chatted happily and became close friends. Towards the end of our senior year she told me she'd been __ by a college and would be moving away. I was sad that I would ___ her but also was happy for her,

She then shared with me something very ___. "Do you remember the first day of school when you __with me during lunch?" she asked. "Of course! Why do you ask?I replied. "I want to let you know how__ you are and that you really make a ___"  she continued.

"I felt really down that day, to the point that I had __ detailed plans on how I would kill myself. If you hadn't done that, I wouldn't __ be standing here. You ___my life and all it took was __ a friend."

It's been years since the __ . I still chat with her and I can't help but ___ every time. B.know D.find

2.A.common B.small C.empty D.unusual

3.A.noticed B.disturbed C.remembered D.frightened

4.A.begged B.decided C.promised D.pretended

5.A.Thus B.Instead C.However D.Anyway

6.A.mind B.doubt C.ask D.worry

7.A.moved B.surprised C.interested D.relaxed

8.A.apologized B.sighed C.agreed D.argued

9.A.inspired B.accepted C.punished D.refused

10.A.forget B.follow C.cheat D.miss

11.A.shocking B.exciting C.rewarding D.disappointing

12.A.set off B.broke up C.fought on D.sat down

13.A.honest B.serious C.special D.clever

14.A.suggestion B.choice C.mistake D.difference

15.A.changed B.prepared C.discussed D.ruined

16.A.relatively B.especially C.regularly D.probably

17.A.spared B.started C.saved D.improved

18.A.being B.expecting C.losing D.pleasing

19.A.term B.cooperation C.incident D.celebration B.debate C.explore D.compete


    The standing broad jump is an exercise where the jumpers must jump as far as possible. Unlike other classic Olympic events, the jumper cannot run to build up strength. This exercise takes great attention, and it can be difficult to improve. 1.

2. Use a form to fill out the greatest distance you have reached every workout. You should also write down which techniques you have used so that you will know what actually works on you. Set a distance goal for a future date, and once you reach this goal, set a new one.

Throughout the jump, jumpers should always look forward, toward their goal distance. 3. Try to achieve a great distance without jumping very high at the takeoff and be sure that all of your energy is pointing forward rather than upward.

Using the power from your upper body to push yourself forward can help you achieve a great distance. This can be a great way to warm up before trying the jump. Start by standing in the correct position with your toes lined up and feet shoulder-width apart. 4. Now bend your knees and jump as your arms move forward again.

Having more strength in your legs will allow you to jump a greater distance. Practicing the standing broad jump will exercise your legs as well, but having strong leg muscles to begin with will help you achieve greater distances. 5.

A.However, improvement is well worth it.

B.This will set the direction they want the body to.

C.The best way to improve is to have a goal in mind.

D.Improving the standing broad jump requires great attention.

E.You must stand in one spot to jump without any kind of lead-in.

F.So you should exercise your legs as much as possible to build muscles.

G.Next, move your arms forward, then backward and up over your head.


    Computer technology has changed the way we deal with the world, from allowing us to communicate with others more easily to entertaining us with video chatting. Newer generations are growing up with this technology, but we should know that the computer is a double-edged sword. It does have its benefits, primarily in education and gaining information, but it can also be harmful to children during a very important time of growth. Too much computer use can affect children's physical and mental health as well as social skills.

Using the computer is an activity much like watching television. You don't get very much exercise, simply sitting down. Computers cause other health problems as well. Too much use of a keyboard and a mouse can cause hand injuries, back problems and so on. At a time when children are growing physically, it's especially important to note the benefits of physical activity.

Too much computer use can affect a child's attention and focus(专注度). Though some computer games have been shown to help a child develop certain cognitive(认知的)skills, there are still many games and other forms of computer entertainment doing nothing to develop a child's mind. Addiction(上瘾)to programs, games and videos makes it more difficult for children to focus on tasks for a long period of time, and this can affect a student's studies and grades. In more extreme cases, children with computer addiction will fail their classes completely. Computer addiction is a very troublesome thing, and once it starts, it's very difficult to stop.

Computer use is also an activity which most children enjoying doing alone, and it can go hand in hand with addiction. Children who spend more time on the computer than other people in general, may fail to develop necessary social skills. Social skills are important not only for communicating with others, but for developing self-respect and working in social environments, both of which are very important for children's growth.

1.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word in Paragraph 2?

A.Know about. B.Set down.

C.Pick out. D.Depend on.

2.In the author's opinion, kidstoo much computer use can lead to     .

A.physical violence B.cognitive disorder

C.shortage of entertainment D.poor performance in study

3.Children with computer addiction may get unsocial because     .

A.they ignore social environments

B.they seldom communicate with others

C.they think social skills unnecessary

D.they find it hard to develop self-respect

4.What is the real concern of the author?

A.Children's physical growth.

B.Children’s learning situation.

C.The influence of the computer on children.

D.The importance of computer technology to children.


    The Good Gym was created by Ivo Gormley, 29, who discovered that combining a weekly run with a visit to a housebound(足不出户的)friend of the family was just the inspiration he needed to keep him exercising. It helped that his elderly friend was a former boxer who could offer training tips. As Gormley did his suggested sit-ups, he thought about this: how few people have the time or energy to volunteer and yet use gyms to burn off energy, and how little dialogue there is between working people and the elderly.

Through working with charities and local community centers, the Good Gym matches runners with an individual(个人的)coach a housebound elderly person who would like a regular visitor. They are encouraged to take a newspaper or a modest gift to the value of £1.

Cawley, 38, a hairdresser, heard about the Good Gym through Twitter. "It seemed such a great idea," she said. It took four months for her to be checked by the Criminal Records Bureau Then she got Mulcahy to run to, based on the distance she requested.

Having a break in her running works well from a training point of view: she does a speed run to Mulcahy's house, rests there, then does a more gentle, warm-down jog on the way home. Cawley is from Stockport and has no grandparents in London, so she enjoys chatting to her elderly coach. While the Good Gym advises runners to stay for about 10 minutes, Cawley sometimes chats to Mulcahy for an hour. Although he has family, and regular visits from professional carers, Cawley thinks he enjoys a visit from someone who does not worry like relatives and is not there out of professional duty. She didn't really know what he thought of "this person turning up and chatting to him” until she told him she was going away on holiday. He said, "I'll really miss you."

1.What inspired Ivo Gormley to start the Good Gym?

A.His elderly coach's advice.

B.People's care for the elderly.

C.His own personal experience.

D.People's craziness about sports.

2.What was Cawley's attitude towards the Good Gym?

A.Unclear. B.Supportive. C.Doubtful. D.Unconcerned.

3.Why did Mulcahy enjoy Cawley's regular visits?

A.The visiting time of Cawley is longer.

B.Cawley treated him like her granddad.

C.The care from Cawley is very professional.

D.He felt more comfortable with Cawley's visits.


    My dad was a farmer in the Midwest and he spent his winters selling insurance. Dad could really talk up anyone and his favorite thing to do was find out their income. Once we were at Chicago's O'Hare airport. Dad was sitting with me as I waited for my flight to Fort Lauderdale. A Russian guy who sat down next to my dad could not speak a word of English but this did not stop my dad. He found out his business, how many children he had and of course how much he made.

I used to be a little embarrassed by this, but I changed later. It was in the last year of dad's life. As I was home visiting with my husband and twins and I was in the car with my mom, she told me a story about how she was in the doctor's office with dad and how he was his usual self-talking away to the others in the waiting room. She said he started talking to this young man in a wheel chair who could not talk, could not move his arms or head, really couldn't do anything. But dad was asking questions and got the young man to smile in response. And he carried on like that with the disabled man till he was called back to the doctor's office. When the young man and his father got up to see the doctor, the father of the young man came over and shook my dad's hands and said, "Thank you for speaking to my son. Most people just turn away when they see him.''

My father ended up dying later that month, a sudden heart attack. Fortunately, all the 9 children of his had been home that summer to visit. I told this story at his funeral(葬礼). Truly, my dad was one who never knew a stranger.

1.What was the author's dad most interested in when talking with strangers?

A.What fields they worked in.

B.What insurance they bought.

C.How much they made yearly.

D.How many children they had.

2.The young man's father thanked the author's dad for .

A.calling in the doctor in time

B.chatting with his disabled son

C.comforting the other patients

D.teaching his disabled son to smile

3.Why did the author tell the story mentioned in Paragraph 2 at her dad's funeral?

A.To well remember her dad.

B.To entertain the whole family.

C.To introduce her dad's business.

D.To change strangers, opinion of her dad.



An 80-year-old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45-year-old highly educated sonSuddenly a crow perched on their window

The father asked his son, "What is this"The son replied, "It is a crow"

After a few minutes, the father asked his son for the second time, "What is this"The son said, "Father, I have just now told you, it's a crow!"

After a little while, the old father again asked his son for the third time, "What is this"

At this time some expression of irritation was felt in the son's tone when he said to his father with a rebuff"It's a crow, a crow"A little while later, the father again asked his son the fourth time, "What is this"

This time, the son shouted at his father, "Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again, although I have told you so many times‘IT IS A CROW'Are you not able to understand this"

A little later the father went to his room and came back with an old tattered diary, which he had maintained since his son was bornOn opening a page, he asked his son to read that page. When the son read it, the following words were written in the diary






Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, ____________________________________




After reading the diary, the son _______________________________________________________________







要点如下:1. 对其表示关心和同情。2. 对其表示安慰并提供帮助。3. 表达愿望和祝福。

注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Lily,

__________________________________________________________________________________________ _




Li Hua


    I was 11 years old when asked my mom for piano lessons in 2010. We were in the fallout of the recession(经济衰退). She said a polite “no”.

That didn’t stop me. I googled the measurements for a keyboard, drew the keys on a piece of paper and stuck it on my desk. I would click _______on an online keyboard and “play” them back on my paper one - keeping the _______they made on the computer in my head. I spent six months playing without touching a real piano. Once my mom saw that I was _______, she borrowed money and bought me 10 lessons.

I still remember the first one. I was _______by how real the sound of the piano was. I sat my grade one after eight lessons. Once I started secondary school, we couldn’t _______lessons again. I passed grade three, then grade five, practicing only on my piece of paper.

One evening, When I was about 13, my mom said she had a surprise for me; it was an electronic keyboard, bought with more _______money. It was the first time I’d played for her. She was in shock.

My school didn’t offer music A-level. I found the Purcell School for young musicians. The tryouts(选拔) were _______. Some of the questions _______an estimation (评价) of the composer(作曲家) or when it was written. I felt overwhelmed. To my _______I was offered a place.

At Purcell, I spent two years working as hard as I could. I performed to ________money and saved enough to buy my first piano.

When I left Purcell, I was __________the senior piano prize and senior academic music prize. I am now at the Guildhall School in London. I feel __________: it’s been 10 years since I drew my paper piano, and I’m at one of the world’s __________ music schools.

The irony is that I continue to do a lot of my practice away from the piano: What we call ________ practice. The paper piano helped spark my __________about how music works, the building blocks that form the pieces.

1.A.notes B.lines

2.A.shape B.gesture C.move D.sound

3.A.careless B.serious C.modest D.kind

4.A.beaten B.struck C.amused D.entertained

5.A.receive B.accept C.afford D.teach

6.A.paid B.used C.chosen D.borrowed

7.A.easy B.difficult C.wonderful D.ugly

8.A.involved B.reminded C.collected D.kicked

9.A.regret B.sorrow C.amazement D.sadness

10.A.raise B.give C.donate D.deliver

11.A.lent B.rewarded C.awarded D.achieved

12.A.relaxed B.excited C.merciful D.proud

13.A.conducting B.performing C.leading D.multiplying

14.A.physical B.mental D.practical

15.A.enthusiasm B.self-respect C.confidence D.self-control


Great friendships made over time

What kind of relationship do you think will provide you with more life satisfaction, better health and complete happiness? 1.  A familial (家庭的) one? Surprisingly, the answer is friendship.

However, it’s not possible to have true friends without first making regular friends. Have you ever thought about how long it takes to turn an acquaintance (认识的人) into a true friend? 2. According to lead study author Jeffrey Hall, we need to spend at least 80 hours with another person to create a true friendship with them.

3. One group consisted of 429 adults who had recently relocated (搬家), while the other was made up of 112 freshmen from the University of Kansas. The results showed that the more time each person spent together, the faster friendship formed in both groups. But it seemed that Hall wasn’t satisfied with the result. 4. According to the survey, “casual” friends are generally formed after spending about 30 hours together. And people will go from casual friends to regular friends after another 50 hours. However, it takes a lot longer to get really close to someone: A “close” friendship takes about 140 hours to create and “best friends” need about 300 hours.

But spending time together isn’t the only factor (元素) when it comes to making friends. “It’s not so important to just be in the company of someone… 5.,”  Since time is precious, Hall suggested taking advantage of our school years by making as many friends as we can.

A.Watch a movie together ?

B.It matters how you spend the time.

C.Hall surveyed two groups as they began new chapters in their lives.

D.A romantic relationship?

E.You can engage (参与) in friendly competition by playing video games.

F.A new study published recently might have the answer to that question.

G.He wanted to find out exactly how many hours it takes to form a friendship.


    As an internet influencer, there seems to be nothing special about Miquela Sousa. The 19-year-old lives in Los Angeles, US, posts pictures of herself sporting fashionable looks, and has just made her way into the March edition of Vogue magazine. But Miquela isn’t real – she is an electronic character.

Her fans don’t seem to mind – she has 855,000 followers on US social networking platform Instagram. And her first single Not Mine – yes, she “sings” too – also reached No 8 on music streaming (流媒体) platform Spotify last August.

It’s kind of curious that in a time when authenticity (真实性) and “being real” are valued more than ever, “fake” celebrities like Miquela are appreciated and seen as icons (偶像).

Perhaps the reason for Miquela’s popularity lies behind the fame of a similar star, Hatsune Miku. This 16-year-old animated(动画的) singer from Japan has held singing concerts not only in her home country but also in the US and China.

Even though Hatsune’s no more than a 3-D figure projected (投射) onto the stage, her fans are more than willing to pay to actually see her “in person”, because to them, she’s better than human singers. “She’s rather more like a goddess: She has human parts, but she transcends human limitations. She’s the great post-human pop star,” wrote reporter James Verini on Wired magazine.

Critics may say that 3-D stars could never replace humans, but when it comes to being authentic, are humans really the best example of how to do it?

Most of us edit our photos before posting them online, and we tend to create a fantasy that we’re living a perfect life by letting people only see the brighter side of it.

“Miquela is no less real to me than any other internet stranger with whom I’ve interacted,” wrote reporter Leora Yashari on the website Nylon. “Her existence in itself represents a new breed (种类) of influencer – someone who is breaking the boundaries of what is real and what is fake.”

1.What is the best title of the passage ?

A.A character with animated talents. B.A computer-generated role model.

C.A new sports star with fashionable looks. D.An experienced life-like dancer.

2.What does the word “ transcend” in paragraph 5 means

A.take over B.look like C.go beyond D.hold up

3.What is the purpose of the author when he mentioned Hatsune Miku?

A.To show the similarities 3-D stars share. B.To make a comparison with Miquela Sousa.

C.To explain why 3-D stars are well received. D.To stress how 3-D stars go beyond human limitations.

4.What message does the passage agree with ?

A.Animated heroes could match the authenticity of humans one day.

B.3-D stars are not as real as human celebrities.

C.Human celebrities have greater influence than animated ones.

D.3-D icons can also be as influential and authentic as humans’.


    When you open your closet (壁橱), chances are that you will see some unwanted clothes lying in the corner. But instead of throwing them away, wouldn’t you rather give them a second chance to shine? Well, people around the world are doing just that.

This spring, upcycled denim (牛仔布) and sustainable (可持续的) lace are gaining popularity. They are part of the “ethical” (合乎道德的) and “sustainable” trends that have become the biggest buzzwords in fashion in recent years, the Guardian reported.

Upcycling, according to sustainability website TriplePundit, is a way to process an old item to make it just as good, or even better, than it was originally. For example, you could turn some old pajamas (睡衣) into a new summer dress.

Among upcyclable fabrics (面料), denim is one of the most comfortable and fashionable. That’s why many people like to create their own unique upcycled denim items, such as cutting a headband (头带) from a denim shirt.

Many fashion companies have also joined the trend. For example, there are upcycled denim companies that combine the spirit of vintage (复古的) denim with the principles of sustainability. “For as long as denim has been around, we have found ways to reuse it and upcycle it,” US stylist Kelly Nagel told fashion website “Denim is such a great fabric for so many things, and I especially love it when it has been ‘worn-in’ (磨平的). That is when denim has the most character.”

Lace is another timeless fabric that can be repurposed. According to the Guardian, it can be created from recycled fishing nets and other nylon (尼龙) waste products and used for making elegant dresses or beautiful decorations.

Indeed, fashion holds up a mirror to society. Now, the fashion industry cares not only about creating new looks, but also about its impact on the environment. “Choosing better fabrics is essential to us transforming this industry for the better,” Clara Vuletich, a Sydney-based sustainability expert, told the Guardian. “If you consciously decide to purchase clothes made using a recycled material or an exciting new fiber (纤维), such as cruelty-free leather (皮革) made in a lab, you are supporting companies creating new markets, and avoiding the negative impacts associated with conventional textiles (纺织品).”

1.What is likely to be the most suitable title for the passage?

A.Unwanted clothes to shine B.Denim or lace ,which is getting more popularity?

C.Fashion, a mirror to society. D.Trend for recycled fashion

2.What is the idea lying behind upcycled denim and sustainable lace?

A.Making use of advanced production techniques.

B.Making money for charity with unwanted clothes.

C.Being more friendly to the environment.

D.Changing fashion trends as quickly as possible.

3.Why does Kelly Nagel think denim is especially suitable for upcycling?

A.It is a material that lasts a long time. B.It shows character after being worn in.

C.It matches well with many other fabrics. D.It is the cheapest fabric to upcycle.

4.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.How fashion reflects social changes. B.How fashion benefits from social development.

C.The bright future of the fashion industry. D.Potential problems of upcycling.


    Organic food is very popular. It is also expensive. Some organic food costs twice as much as nonorganic food. Some parents and pet owners pay up to 200 percent more for organic food while some people think organic food is a waste of money.

There is one main difference between organic and non-organic food. Organic farms do not use agricultural chemicals, such as pesticides (杀虫剂). This makes sure that the products are natural.

Some people think “organic” means “locally grown”. At the beginning, this was true. Over time organic farming became more difficult. The demand for organic food grew larger than the supply. Small companies had to sell out to large companies. There weren’t enough organic materials. This made it difficult for many organic companies to stay in business. Today, many large companies have an organic line of products.

Is organic food more nutritious? This is part of the debate. Many farmers and consumers believe it is. They think agricultural chemicals cause health problems, such as cancer. Many health experts disagree. Few studies prove that organic food prevents health problems. Health experts worry more about bacteria. These can come into contact with organic and non-organic food. Doctors recommend washing produce very carefully.

Most people agree that naturally grown food tastes better. Is tastier food worth the extra money? This is a matter of opinion. Whether it is healthier or not may require more research. However, organic consumers argue it is better to be safe than sorry.

1.Which is the NOT the advantage of organic food for most people? C.healthy. D.tasty.

2.What is the doctors’ suggestion?

A.Reduce the use of pesticides B.Wash the food very carefully

C.Grow organic food on your own. D.Buy large companies’ products

3.Which of the following problems about organic food do people debate on?

A.It is more nutritious. B.It tastes better

C.It contains more fat D.It has more bacteria

4.Where does this text probably come from?

A.A chemistry paper B.A restaurant menu.

C.An advertisement D.A health magazine.


Some American National Parks

Theodore Roosevelt National Park

The 28th American president Theodore Roosevelt established the park to escape the reminder of his mother and wife, who died of illness on the same day. The park has three main areas -- the South Unit, the North Unit, and the Elkhorn Ranch(大农场) Unit. In the South Unit, visitors can drive along the Scenic Loop road. It offers many places to see wildlife and the surrounding badlands. Many visitors st op to look at Painted Canyon(峡谷). Trails near the canyon offer visitors a chance to see animals, from the huge American bison to small black-tailed prairie dogs. The North Unit also offers several hiking trails. The third area of the park is what Roosevelt described as his "home ranch."

Olympic National Park

The park is located in the western state of Washington. It is on the Olympic Peninsula, in the northwest part of the state. The park covers more than 400,000 hectares. It has several different ecosystems. Visitors will find temperate rainforests, glacier-covered mountains, and almost 120 kilometers of wild coastline. Olympic National Park has meadows and lakes. It has glacier-fed rivers and mountain peaks that rise more than 2,300 meters. To protect the nature of the area, President Grover Cleveland declared the Olympic Peninsula's forests as the Olympic Forest Reserve in 1897. And in 1938, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the bill that established the Olympic National Park.

Voyageurs National Park

The state of Minnesota is known as the land of 10,000 lakes. Voyageurs National Park covers almost 88,500 hectares. About half of that surface is water. Much of the park is accessible only by boat. President Richard Nixon signed the bill that finally established Voyageurs as a national park in 1971. Nature and art meet at the Ellsworth Rock Gardens in the park. A carpenter and artist from Chicago named Jack Ellsworth built a summer home. He designed, built and created about 200 rock sculptures from native stone. Voyageurs National Park may be best seen at night. The most special light display on Earth is sometimes visible at Voyageurs.

Petrified Forest National Park

The word "forest" may mislead visitors. The park is in a desert. And the word "petrified" -- which can mean "afraid"-- may scare visitors away! But fear not. "Petrified Forest" gets its name from the trees that have, over millions of years, turned to stone. That natural process is called fossilization (化石化). The Petrified Forest National Park is one of the wonders of Arizona. The oldest geological formations in the park are about 227 million years old. Differently colored formations show different time periods. Long before humans entered the area, dinosaurs dominated. Petrified Forest National Park is a world-class area for fossil research.

1.If a traveler is interested in animal fossils, which park is the best choice?

A.Olympic National Park B.Petrified Forest National Park

C.Voyageurs National Park D.Theodore Roosevelt National Park

2.What is unique about Voyageurs National Park ?

A.People can experience different ecosystems within it.

B.The park was established by an American president.

C.Visitors can appreciate sculptures and light show.

D.Visitors can get close to various wild animals.

3.Which park has NO connections with American presidents?

A.Petrified Forest National Park B.Olympic National Park

C.Theodore Roosevelt National Park D.Voyageurs National Park



The doctors sent my mother home to die. As a fifteen-year survivor of breast cancer, she had suffered two heart attacks when advanced cancer was found in her lung. The doctor told me sadly, "She has a few days, maybe a week. Her heart is weak and unstable. "Mom had struggled to raise three daughters while holding a full-time job, yet worked hard to maintain a warm home for her family. My plan for Mom’s final days was simple: she would live with love, and die with grace.

I took mother to my home, small but comfortable, which was a heaven to four cats and a dog. The animals had the run of my house. We equipped the bedroom with an electric hospital bed and an oxygen machine, which frightened the cats. I’d moved their furniture and the cats were annoyed. The dog, on the other hand, an immature dog with bad habits, was excited by all the changes in the house. He jumped up, barking. He is Otto who was not afraid of the hospital bed, the oxygen machine or the medical smells. Nor was he afraid of the weak woman who had scolded him. Otto jumped onto the foot of Mom's hospital bed, and stayed. With the exception of eating and using the litter box, Otto never left Mom's room.

Days passed and Mom started to rally. “Not unusual,” I was told, “a rally is often a sign of imminent death(回光返照)” I was heart-broken. But Otto would not give her up so easily. He used her improved condition to reposition himself from the foot of her bed to her side. Her thin fingers found his soft coat. He leaned into her body, as if holding tight the strings of her will to live. Though weak, she petted the dog and would not allowed me to take him. Days turned into weeks and Mom continued to fight.

Paragraph 1

Once, after the nurses had gone for the day, I heard the sound of Mom’s voice coming from her room. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2

Three years later, Mom together with Otto is still here, medicines and nurses long gone. __ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Frank将来你校参加国际中学生汉语夏令营(International Chinese Summer Camp),请你写一封邮件告诉他相关信息,内容包括:









    A mother was criticizing her daughter after watching the girl was not good enough to compete at a championship level during the daily training in the gymnastics camp.

The scene reminded me of my ________ of the day when one of my own gymnastic performances put me close to tears.

My mother became seriously ill when she was young, and she has ________ a wheelchair ever since. But she never let that ________ her.

She has raised five children and has a career as well.

One day I joined a gymnastics program at a nearby park. Before long, I was totally ________ in it. By 1972, I was on the National Gymnastics Team for the Olympic Games. I couldn’t think of anything else but ________ a gold medal.

Before the competition, all in my mind was ________ not to disgrace(使……丢脸)my country and myself. But, though I tried my best, I didn’t win a gold medal. I was so ________ . When the winners were receiving ________ , I joined my parents in the stands, and we all cried. “I'm sorry. I did my best, ”said me.

She said nothing but ten words I never ________ , “Doing your best is more important than being the best. ” Suddenly I understood my mother ________ than ever before. She had never let her handicap(残疾) ________ her from always doing her best.

Now I approached the crying girl and put a(n) ________ around her. “Honey, ” I said. “I know you have done your best, and doing your best is more important than being the best. I'm ________ you. ”

She ________ at me with tears in her eyes. Maybe somewhere, someday, she’ll ________ those words along.

1.A.experiences B.success C.regrets D.memories

2.A.needed B.made C.wanted D.expected

3.A.control B.challenge C.discourage D.disturb

4.A.confident B.absorbed C.involved D.trapped

5.A.finding B.winning C.earning D.making

6.A.determination B.satisfaction C.encouragement D.effort

7.A.annoyed B.disappointed C.embarrassed D.worded

8.A.applauses B.rewards D.awards

9.A.remembered B.ignored C.understood D.forgot

10.A.faster B.better C.closer D.easier

11.A.prevent C.protect D.forbid

12.A.arm B.hand C.ring D.scarf

13.A.curious about B.concerned about C.proud of D.sure of

14.A.glanced B.smiled C.laughed D.shouted

15.A.continue B.treat C.pass D.use


    In China, poetry is an important part of the curriculum and, with recent changes announced by the Ministry of Education, the number of poems students will have to memorize and recite is being increased from fourteen to seventy-two. Now, before you gasp in horror, let’s think about the reasons why studying so many poems, especially ancient poems, is important.

First of all, poetry is an essential part of traditional Chinese culture. 1.It is also the key to understanding the thoughts and emotions that are common to everyone but which we may be unable to express—the joy of Li Bai dancing with the moon, for example. Everyone has feelings of joy, love, loneliness, sadness and even anger. 2. .

3.In a few short lines, even something commonplace can become beautiful. Here is a poem called “Fog” by Carl Sandberg: The fog comes / on silent haunches (弓腰蹲着) / and then moves on. Yes, fog does move smoothly, silently and mysteriously like a cat, and Sandberg captures that feeling and image, and makes it beautiful.

4. After all, a poem is really just a song without music. Most ancient poetry, especially Western poetry, was actually spoken before it was written. Take Homer’s Iliad, for example. The story was apparently told for hundreds of years in palaces and on street corners before Homer wrote it down.

The American poet Robert Frost said, “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” And poems are very concise—there is not a wasted word. 5.

A.Few people read it for pleasure.

B.Poems can also express beauty.

C.Poetry is difficult to recite.

D.Of course, to really appreciate poetry, it has to be read aloud.

E.You are lucky that you now have seventy-two poems to learn!

F.It is a pathway to understanding your history and your society.

G.A good poem can put those emotions into words and bring us self-understanding.


    When there are some strangers in front of us, which of them will we trust?

According to a new study in the online PLOSOne, people make their decisions to trust others largely based on their faces. Your appearance can do a lot for you, especially if you are in the financial industry. The more trustworthy you look, the more likely people will buy what you’re selling.

Researchers from Britain’s University of Warwick Business School, University College London, and Dartmouth College, US, did a number of experiments.

The research team used computer software to make 40 faces, from the least to the most trustworthy-looking. The study said that the difference between a trustworthy face and one that isn’t as trustworthy comes from features that look slightly angry or slightly happy, even when the face is at rest. However, a slightly happy face is more likely to be trusted. Researchers gave participants some money and asked them which face they trusted to invest the money for them. Then researchers gave some good and bad information about the people with these faces, and asked the participants again whom they trusted. The results showed that even if they got different information, the participants didn’t change their choices. They were still more likely to invest their money with the more trustworthy-looking faces.

Chris Olivola, one of the study’s authors, said in the University of Warwick’s press release: “It seems we are still willing to go with our own instincts about whether we think someone looks like we can trust them.”

1.According to the study, which of the following faces is most likely to be trusted?

A.An embarrassed face. B.A disappointed face.

C.A smiling face. D.A nervous face.

2.What do we know about the experiments?

A.Most participants gave their money to the trustworthy-looking faces.

B.Researchers took photos of the 40 people’s faces in colleges.

C.The trustworthy faces were given good information.

D.Participants liked to choose the faces with good information.

3.Which of the following best explains “instincts” underlined in the last paragraph?

A.Feelings rather than opinions or ideas based on facts.

B.Judgements that are easily changed by others.

C.Good information that are given by people around.

D.Opinions that grow out of social practice.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.Why people trust a stranger with good appearance.

B.People usually judge strangers according to their faces.

C.How different information affects people’s decisions.

D.Why the research team carried out the experiment.


    Dolphins are universally regarded as some of the cleverest creatures in the world. In captivity ( 圈养), they can be trained to complete complex tasks such as jumping through hoops and somersaulting through the air.

But their intelligence doesn’t stop there. In a recent study of cetaceans (鲸目动物)--a group of animals that includes dolphins and whales--researchers created a list of intelligent behaviors observed in 90 different cetacean species, reported the Guardian. For example, the smartest cetaceans hunt in groups, share knowledge through mimicry (模仿) and even care for each other's children. Some even consider their behavior to be human-like.

“There is the saying that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ seems to be true for both whales and humans,”

Michael Muthukrishna of the London School of Economics, co-author of the study, told the Guardian.

However, cetaceans don’t just use their brain power for survival. The study suggests that dolphins might even gossip. That's because some species greet each other with specific whistles, just as humans greet each other by name, the Guardian reported. Sometimes, a group of dolphins whistles the “name” of a dolphin that isn't there. Could they be speaking about their “friend” behind its back?

For the researchers, dolphin small talk is a big deal. As they found that the most social cetaceans also have the largest brains, they argue that cetacean intelligence developed to meet the demands of complex social groups.

Known as the “cultural brain hypothesis (假设),” it had only been used to explain the intelligence of humans and other primates (灵长目动物). The new study aimed to find a common pathway for the evolution of intelligence among biologically different species.

“It is interesting to think that whale and human brains are different in their structure but have brought us to the same patterns in behavior, ” Luke Rendell, a biologist at the University of St Andrews, told the Guardian.

Indeed, we still have a lot to learn about our intelligent ocean-dwelling neighbors. “We don’ t have to look at other planets to look for aliens,” Muthukrishna told the Guardian, “because we know that underwater there are these amazing species with so many parallels to us in their complex behaviors.”

1.The recent study was intended to ______.

A.learn more about intelligent creatures of the sea

B.explain the intelligence of humans and cetaceans

C.create a list of intelligent behaviors of different cetacean species

D.see whether the intelligence of different species evolved in the same way

2.The implied  meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 3 is that ______.

A.villagers have the responsibility  to raise any child in the village human beings, whales even help raise each other’s babies

C.cetaceans have social behaviors very similar to human beings is not easy for one villager to take care of his or her own child

3.It can be inferred from the passage that ______. is unnecessary to look for aliens and do research into them

B.some cetaceans have the same intelligence as human beings

C.both dolphins and whales greet each other with specific whistles

D.both dolphins and whales have a lot in common with humans in behaviors

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A.Aliens living underwater B.A study of intelligent dolphins

C.Intelligent creatures of the sea D.Reasons for the intelligence of sea creatures


    When it comes to the most famous 20th century painters of the United States, Grandma Moses should be mentioned, although she did not start painting until she was in her late seventies. As she once said to herself , “I would never sit back in a rocking chair, waiting for someone to help me”. No one could have had a more active old age

She was born on a farm in New York State, one of five boys and five girls. At 12 she left home and was in domestic service until at 27 she married Thomas Moses, the hired hand of one of her employers. They farmed most of their lives, first in Virginia and then in New York State, at Eagle Bridge. She had ten children, of whom five survived; her husband died in 1927

Grandma Moses painted a little as a child and made embroidery (刺绣) pictures as a hobby, but only changed to oils in old age because her hands became too stiff (僵硬的) to sew and she still wanted to keep busy and pass the time. Her pictures were first sold at the local drugstore and at a market and were soon noticed by a businessman who bought all that she painted. Three of the pictures were exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art, and in 1940 she had her first exhibition in New York. Between the 1930’s and her death, she produced some 2,000 pictures: careful and lively portrayals of the country life she had known for so long, with a wonderful sense of color and form. “I think really hard till I think of something really pretty, and then I paint it” she said

1.What can we learn about Moses?

A.She stopped painting in her late seventies.

B.She still led an active life when she was old.

C.Her marriage life was not happy.

D.She painted oils as a child.

2.What did Grandma Moses spend most of her life doing?

A.Embroidering. B.Farming.

C.Nursing. D.Painting.

3.What does the underlined word “portrayals ” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Directions. B.Stages.

C.Surveys. D.Descriptions.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage

A.Grandma Moses: the Best Woman Painter

B.Grandma Moses and Her Farm Life

C.Grandma Moses and Her Exhibition

D.Grandma Moses : A Famous Woman Painter of 20th Century


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