Sony has a new device for anyone who's ever wished they could carry their air conditioner on hot summer days.

Called Reon Pocket, the small, lightweight machine slides into the upper back pocket of a specially designed T-shirt. Controlled with a smart phone app, it's capable of heating or cooling the wearer via the Peltier effect, a thermodynamic (热力学) principle widely used in refrigeration.

The Reon Pocket comes out of Sony’ s startup acceleration program, and Sony is currently crowdfunding (众筹) the device. Supporters can choose from a few different packages, if they want multiple T-shirts for instance, but a basic one including the device and one shirt costs 14, 080. There's a catch, though: Sony only has plans to release the Reon Pocket in Japan at present.

The target audience is mostly businessmen who have to wear a suit in the summer, though the company says it will judge its wider relevance based on the crowdfunding results. Right now, though, the T-shirts available come in men's sizes, small, medium, or large.

The device is not really for all- day use so much as moving between air-conditioned or heated areas, such as travelling to work. The battery takes around two hours to charge and lasts about 90 minutes.

In a blog post from Sony's startup accelerator, Yoichi Ito, a project leader on Reon Pocket, said his team started thinking of ways to combine technology with fashion. Reon Pocket was the result. Japanese buyers looking to battle the record heat this summer will have to wait, though. If the crowdfunding is successful, deliveries of the device are scheduled to begin in July 2020.

1.Which of the following can be used to describe the new device?

A.Portable. B.Widely- used. C.Plain. D.Energy- saving.

2.What does the underlined word “packages” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Sets of T-shirts. B.Sets of programs. C.Sets of services. D.Sets of items.

3.What can we infer about the new device from the passage?

A.Only businessmen can have free access to it. B.The fundraising affects its popularization.

C.Its special design makes it sell well in Japan. D.It can be rechargeable with a long life battery.

4.What's the author's purpose of writing the text?

A.To popularize modern conveniences. B.To combine technology and fashion.

C.To introduce a new electric device. D.To raise money for a good cause.


    In a nation of schools typically named with sensible acronyms (首字母缩写词) or after the names of dead Frenchmen, 63 seems a strange title for an institution of higher learning. But then, Xavier Niel's new technology academy hardly aims to be conventional.

Niel, a friendly telecommunications manager with several billion euros to his name, set up the Paris campus this year to provide programming classes.

Its very name is something mysterious: In the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the science-fiction novel by Douglas Adams, the number 63 is the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything.

There are no lectures—the college achieves its teaching goals by combining an extreme form of “student-to- student learning” with project-based learning. Students can only find “friendly organizers" wearing T-shirts instead of lecturers. No degree will be awarded, nor must incoming students, ages 18 to 30, be high school graduates. 63 is tuition-free and has sought to attract students from the country’s poorest neighborhoods.

The school breaks with the conventional methods, and Niel believes it will produce graduates who are more creative, more employable, more diverse and more useful to the weak French economy as a result.

There were 20,000 applicants this year to enter 63. In the end, just 900 were admitted to the three- year program.

The school will teach problem-solving, its creators say. Some educators call this unworkable. To provide students with “recipes” is hardly enough, said Pierre Baylet, an administrator at the Institute Mines Telecom, a telecommunications school. “You have to teach them to cook!” Baylet told the education magazine I' Etudiant.

Still, some public officials have welcomed it, especially those who are concerned with the state of the economy.

Similar methods are used by other private universities, including Epitech, the programming college formerly led by Nicolas Sadirac (63's director) and generally considered France's best. But annual tuition there and at similar institutions runs into several thousand euros.

Corentin Denos, 18, said he would need to find a “suitcase full of money” to afford that. He scored high, survived the month long camp in Paris and was admitted by 63. The academy might strike some as “a bit strange”, Denos said. “It fits me perfectly.”

1.What do we learn about the name 63?

A.It honors a dead Frenchman. B.It was given by Douglas Adams.

C.It is from a traditional university. D.It comes from a number in a novel.

2.Which of the following is an unusual feature of 63?

A.It is run by public officials. B.It has no teachers.

C.It gives students no assignments. D.It is hugely expensive.

3.How did Pierre Baylet seem to look at 63?

A.It was creative. B.It forgot to teach cooking skills.

C.It wouldn't succeed. D.It shouldn't offer students recipes.

4.What did Corentin Denos say about colleges like Epitech?

A.He considered their tuition fees too high. B.He didn't like their teaching methods.

C.He dreamed of going to such colleges. D.He thought they were a bit strange.


    My youngest son has a severe form of Autism (自闭症). Even though he is in his twenties now he still has the mind of a small child. Things I find silly delight him and little changes that wouldn't bother me at all bother him greatly. Most of the time he is happy but there are also times when he can be terribly upset. He will tear up things and cry for no reason. It always hurts me to see him suffer this way especially when there is little I can do to help.

This morning was particularly trying for him. He broke a new shirt and cried on and off for an hour. Finally he calmed down. I was still feeling stressed, however, and tiredly sat down at my computer to see if I could get a little work done. As I was turning it on, I heard my son laugh for the first time all day. I turned my head and saw him standing directly under the glass angel hanging from our ceiling fan. The light from our house lamps seemed to shine brightly all around him like a halo (光环). His eyes lit up as the little angel swung gently above his head.

At that moment my heart opened. I could see that the miracle was reminding me that my son was more than his Autism. I instead saw the shining soul within. I saw the love and light of his spirit and knew he was here for a purpose. My eyes watered and I appreciated this minor miracle and gentle reminder of his love for all of us.

Miracles are all around us, but we can't always see them with our eyes. We often have to see them with our hearts. Keep your heart open to them then. And let yourself be the miracle you were meant to be!

1.What can we learn about her son from the first paragraph?

A.Nothing can bring joy to him. B.He is always lost in his own world.

C.Any help from his mother is in vain. D.His upset arises from obvious reasons.

2.What does the underlined word “trying” mean in paragraph 2?

A.Terrifying. B.Embarrassing. C.Exhausting. D.Annoying.

3.What makes his mother grateful to him?

A.His burst of laughter. B.His changeable emotions.

C.His soul full of love. D.His eyes full of curiosity.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Miracles come in moments. B.A mother's love never changes.

C.Autism calls for public concern. D.Communication comes from hearts.


Free Level Test: Spanish courses in Sydney

Let your language journey begin.

Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world and the official language of more than 20 states, including Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, etc.

If you are planning a trip or just want to learn Spanish, consider taking a free Spanish Level Test at Instituto Cervantes Sydney, the official Spanish language and cultural centre in Australia.

Instituto Cervantes Sydney is home to Spanish language classes whose purpose is to develop students’ ability to understand, speak, read and write in Spanish. All teachers are university qualified and use the most up-to- date teaching methods.

If you already have some knowledge of Spanish, this Level Test is fit for you, as you will be tested by one of the teachers before being put into a class. You can also have all the information you need to start learning Spanish here, including courses and costs.

Ask the customer service team members about information on the free library service for students and the exciting cultural activities held all year round.

If you haven't studied Spanish before, you can enroll(注册) online in a level A1.1 ( Beginner Course). You can also enroll at the reception during business hours.

Don't miss out on discounts. Learn Spanish with up to a 7% Early Bird Discount if you enroll before the 20 of April. Students at Instituto Cervantes Sydney also enjoy special discounts on activities such as dance classes, cinema tickets and much more.

Begin your Spanish language journey with Instituto Cervantes Sydney today by joining a free Level Test this summer; there are different classes to choose from between the 11h and 18 of April.

For more information on Instituto Cervantes Sydney and their classes and cultural activities, please visit sidney. cervantes. es/ en/ default. shtm.

1.To a student who has learned Spanish, the class he will be in is decided by _______.

A.which country he is from B.his grades in a Level Test

C.when he enrolls for the course D.his reasons for learning Spanish

2.What do we know about the Spanish courses?

A.They are about business Spanish. B.They center on learners' listening.

C.They are run with cultural activities. D.They are taught with traditional methods.

3.Why are learners advised to enroll before the 20" of April?

A.They can save some money. B.They can go to free dance classes.

C.They can start their classes earlier. D.They can choose their favorite teachers.



1. 选考科目;

2. 选考某一科目的原因。


1. 词数不少于100

2. 可适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯。

参考词汇:选考科目 elective course




Reading with Rover is a reading program where children read to dogs. In addition to Reading with Rover, which is based on Washington state, there are many such reading programs around the country. The goal of all these programs is to improve the reading skills of children with reading problems by having children read to dogs.

When reading aloud in the classroom, many children with reading problems and poor reading skills feel frightened. They have little confidence in themselves and are afraid of being laughed at. They may also feel that reading is difficult, boring and stressful. However, when children read to dogs, reading becomes a fun and non-stressful experience for both the children and the dogs. Dogs don’t criticize, judge or laugh at the children’s reading ability.

Reading with Rover and other programs like it have been a huge success, resulting in improved reading skills for a significant number of participating children with reading problems. In addition to making learning enjoyable, when children read to dogs, it increases their sense of worth and self-confidence.

As part of the Reading with Rover program, the children read to dogs that are registered therapy dogs. These are dogs that have been trained and tested. Along with their owners, these dogs have become registered therapy teams.

A recent research study was conducted by the University of California, which concluded that when children read to dogs, it can increase their reading skills by thirty percent.

Children who took part in this study remarked, “I feel relaxed when I am reading to a dog because I am having fun.” “The dogs don’t care if you read really badly so you just keep going.”

When children read to dogs and improve their reading skills, it becomes just another example of how wonderful dogs are and how important they are to our society.

1.What’s the aim of Reading with Rover?(no more than 10 words)

2.Why does reading become a fun and non-stressful experience when children read to dogs?(no more than 12 words)

3.What’s Paragraph 3 mainly about?(no more than 12 words)

4.What does the underlined word “conducted” mean in the fifth paragraph?(no more than 2 words)

5.What do you think of Reading with Rover and other programs like it? Please explain.(no more than 25 words)


    A school in North Carolina has banned skinny jeans and other excessively (过度地) tight-fitting trousers unless worn with a top or dress that must cover the bottom in its entirety. The school board introduced the ban because it says some girls were bullied (欺凌) when wearing tight-fitting trousers. Some parents think the ban is ridiculous and that more time should be spent on monitoring student behavior instead of banning clothing choices.

As a former teacher and a current parent of two girls, I have my opinion on the issue. Non-educators often seem to think “monitoring student behavior” is something as easy as putting on a pair of shoes, and that if teachers “just did their jobs better,” 99-100% of student discipline issues would never happen. The truth is that teachers can’t possibly monitor and control every single moment of a student’s life during the school day.

This is where my view as a parent of girls comes in. Girls of middle-high school age are dealing with their own bodily development, what TV and movies tell them a girl should dress and look like “to be pretty”, and what other girls at their age say they should look like and wear “to be pretty.” This means there isn’t a flawless outfit (套装) that some other girl won’t find “something wrong with” and then make fun of. Assuming we’re talking about girls in public schools, what they wear should be comfortable but also follow common sense. Wearing something that’s too tight probably isn’t that comfortable, but if it is, having some way to cover up certain areas accented (突出) by the tight clothing is a good idea.

Modern fashions might disagree, but psychology tells us tight clothes only cause a distraction.

School isn’t a fashion show. It’s a place of learning with some social interaction, and for those things to happen and also succeed, everyone needs to work together.

1.Why are some parents against the school ban?

A.It is not the proper time to introduce it. B.It will influence student behavior.

C.It is none of the school’s business. D.It will put girls at a disadvantage.

2.Which of the following about “monitoring student behavior” would the author agree with?

A.It is unfair to students. B.It’s a difficult job for teachers.

C.It can solve most student discipline issues. D.Teachers shouldn’t devote much time to it.

3.What does the underline word “flawless” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.tight B.perfect

C.casual D.comfortable

4.What should be the principle of dressing for school girls in the author’s opinion?

A.Modesty. B.Fashion.

C.Neatness. D.Prettiness.

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.How to monitor students’ behavior?

B.How to prevent campus bullying?

C.Should parents require their children what to wear?

D.Should “skinny jeans” be banned in school?


    If there is any such thing as a sea monster, chances are that it looks much like a frilled shark (皱鳃鲨)! This fearsome but interesting creature is one of the most rarely sighted species on earth. Let’s take a closer look at the habitat, appearance and feeding behavior of the frilled shark.

While very little is known about the frilled shark, it is thought to live in the deepest, darkest parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and only come to the surface when sick or injured. It is believed that they are able to survive at a depth of about 5,150 feet but are more commonly found in waters 50-200 feet deep. There is a small but convincing body of research that suggests the frilled shark is a vertical migrator, moving from deep to deeper waters on a regular basis.

While this mysterious beast is called a shark, many believe it looks more like an eel with a long, slim body about five to six feet in length. It has a head that’s triangular in shape similar to that of a poisonous snake and large oval eyes giving off a strange and frightening green light. The unusual creature has six pairs of gills (), each with the frilled edges for which the sea monster was named.

The feeding behavior of the frilled shark has never been studied or even observed by human eyes. However, it is almost certainly a predator (食肉动物). After all, researchers believe, why else would it need 300 sharp teeth?! Scientists theorize that these dangerous teeth make it possible for a slow moving fish like the frilled shark to catch squid and other deep-sea creatures.

As research into the habitat, appearance and feeding behavior of this strange creature continues, there’s a good chance that we will gain a full understanding of this unusual species one day. Until then, the frilled shark remains one of the great mysteries of the deep.

1.What can we infer about the frilled shark from Paragraph 2?

A.It is hard to see them in a healthy state on the ocean surface.

B.They migrate from ocean to ocean in the deepest waters.

C.They usually live in oceans at a depth of over 5,150 feet.

D.It is a rare species threatened by human activities.

2.Where can you find the information about the shark’s appearance?

A.In Paragraph 2. B.In Paragraph 3.

C.In Paragraph 4. D.In Paragraph 5.

3.The frilled shark got its name because of______.

A.the place where it was found B.the place where it was born

C.its appearance D.its character

4.How do scientists know the frilled shark is a predator?

A.From its behavior. B.From its habitat.

C.From its teeth. D.From its gills.

5.What is the author’s attitude to solving the mystery of the frilled shark?

A.Doubtful. B.Cautious.

C.Disapproving. D.Optimistic.


    In 2010my mother-in-law gave me her rather simple but graceful, antique “secretary desk.” The desk easily fit into the tiny room at the top of the stairs. I felt so secure, and confident when I sat down and began each writing session. Despite the desk’s appeal, its limited storage capacity meant that I often put file folders and books on the small floor space around me. After each writing session, I painstakingly gathered the tools of the trade and placed them on a nearby shelf until the next session.

A few years into my writing journey, we moved into a bigger home and I acquired my own office. My husband, Bill offered on more than one occasion to buy me a new desk for my office, but I ignored his offer.

One day, we stopped at the local office supply store. Bill found what he thought  was the perfect desk for me. “ I want to buy this for you, sweetie. My writer needs a bigger desk.” He hugged me.

“Thanks, but I don’t want a bigger desk!” I said.

“Why don’t you want a bigger desk?” he said. “You must be afraid of something.”

“I’m not afraid of anything,” I said. “ Like I said, I really like my little desk. So don’t ask me again”.

He didn’t.

A few weeks later, while working in my new office, I looked around at the folders , books and papers lying all over my office floor but couldn’t find what needed to meet a contest deadline. My heart raced. I looked around my office. The room basically swallowed the tiny desk, making it look slightly out of place. Maybe I did need a bigger desk. Was Bill right? Was I afraid of something?

Unable to write, I pulled C.JoyBell C.’s book of poetry, All Things Dance Like Dragonflies, from the bookshelf. I flipped through its pages, and her words about faith jumped off the page into my heart. She talked about how she had trained herself to love the feeling of not knowing where she was going, and just trusting that as she opened up her wings and flew off in an unknown direction, things would work out.

At that moment, I recognized that a bigger desk symbolized bigger possibilities, stepping out in faith, and leaving my comfort zone.

1.What was the limitation of the “secretary desk”?

A.It was a bit small in size. B.It was too old to be functional

C.It competed with the shelf for room D.It prevented the author focusing on writing.

2.What happened to the author at the local office supply store?

A.She talked her husband into buying a desk. B.She had a quarrel with the salesperson.

C.She managed to overcome her fear. D.She declined her husband’s offer.

3.When did the author want to buy a new desk?

A.After she was stuck in a mess B.When she finished writing a book.

C.When she moved into a bigger house. D.After she missed an important contest.

4.What was the author afraid of before?

A.Unemployment B.Uncertainty

C.Loss of friendship D.Lack of trust

5.What would be the best title of the passage?

A.My writing journey. B.On the wings of change.

C.Why I love writing. D.A quarrel between my husband and I.


    We have all imagined what it might be like to go into space and to land on Mars. Now at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Florida you and your family can live it. There are two parts to the new program, the Astronaut Training Experience (ATX) and Mars Base 1.

The Astronaut Training Experience

The virtual reality (虚拟现实) Walk-on-Mars, Land-and-Drive-on-Mars full-motion simulator (全动态模拟器) and Spacewalk Training are all parts of the ATX. If you or your children already love science and have a deep interest in space, this will bring that love to life. Prepare for your mission to Mars by training like a real NASA astronaut headed to space. Ever wanted to take a spacewalk? How about a zero-gravity experience, where you fix space equipment like a real astronaut would?

You can do any of these as “mini missions” if you don’t have time to do them all at once. Each stage takes about 30-45 minutes.

Mars Base 1

What could be cooler than a day actually spent on Mars? Not an hour or a walk through a display, but a real day working and surviving on the planet’s surface doing real science? Become a “rookie (新手) astronaut” participating in simulations and scientific research to grow and analyze crops in the Mars Botany Lab, or use robots to accomplish tasks. Yes, you actually take part in these activities, and grow real food that is really used and consumed.

Both the ATX and Mars Base 1 offer the magic of space travel without leaving the ground.

1.Who are the intended readers of the text?

A.Students. B.Educators.

C.Astronauts. D.Parents.

2.Which of the following is NOT the part of the ATX?

A.The virtual reality Walk-on-Mars

B.The Land and-Drive on-Mars full-motion simulator

C.The Rookie Astronaut

D.The Spacewalk Training

3.What can participants do at the ATX?

A.Grow space plants. B.Use robots to do tasks.

C.Get trained like a real astronaut. D.See space equipment exhibitions.

4.How long does each stage last in the Astronaut Training Experience?

A.About 20-45 minutes. B.About 30-45 minutes.

C.About 30-40 minutes. D.About 40-50 minutes.

5.What do the two programs have in common?

A.Both offer real food to taste. B.Both take less than an hour.

C.Both provide hands-on activities. D.Both recommend mini missions.


    Have you seen people who take pictures of food for more than 10 minutes before eating? How about those who beautify their selfie (自拍) so much that they can't be_______? There must be one or more who_______ in your social media. No matter_______they choose to share, they share the best but the most unreal.

Take my friend Chen. Every time we went to a restaurant, she would not take a_______ until all the dishes we _______were on the table.Then, she would spend five minutes on_______the dishes in a seemingly random but in fact _______order.Then the most important part: taking pictures.After that, she would choose one of the_______and click in the filter(滤镜) app.The food eventually looked 10 times more delicious than it really was,but we had no _______to really enjoy it— it all went cold.Actually Chen's real life is much less elegant. For example, she hates to wash the dishes,so she leaves them in the sink for________.

Many people care too much about others' opinions and try too hard to ________ others. They find it hard to be ________ and to accept themselves, and thus they are afraid to show their ________ life on social media.What they are trying to prove is________what they lack in reality.But this will not bring any________ to reality,as they still________ the same old pattern of life.

If they really want an elegant life,they should put more________ into achieving it________fabricating(伪造) it. Being more confident,________themselves and trying their best to be better is much more meaningful than________ their life on social media.

1.A.envied B.admired C.recognized D.defeated

2.A.exist B.survive C.flood B.what C.where D.whom

4.A.bow B.break C.breath D.bite

5.A.ordered B.served C.offered D.prepared B.washing C.setting D.collecting

7.A.messy B.arranged C.casual D.correct

8.A.dishes B.restaurants D.tables

9.A.chance B.choice C.excuse D.reason

10.A.months B.years C.hours D.days

11.A.comfort B.please C.inspire D.discourage

12.A.independent B.generous C.responsible D.confident

13.A.secret B.real C.peaceful D.healthy

14.A.rarely B.hardly C.exactly D.nearly

15.A.difficulty B.change C.guidance D.harm

16.A.question B.dislike C.doubt D.follow

17.A.effort B.ambitions C.feelings

18.A.other than B.more than C.rather than D.less than

19.A.identifying B.accepting C.persuading D.amusing

20.A.simplifying B.ruining C.beautifying D.worsening


—Would you mind if I used your car tomorrow?

— _______. Be my guest.

A.I’m sorry B.Never mind C.Forget it D.Of course not


While it wasn’t the goal of the trip, I was rewarded with fresh insights, ones that ________ to me during the regular course of business.

A.might never happen B.could never have happened

C.should not happen D.needn’t have happened


As a new diplomat, he often thinks of ______ he can react more appropriately on such occasions.

A.what B.which C.that


______me tomorrow and I’ll let you know the lab result.

A.Calling B.Call C.To call D.Having called


An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a person’s characters however, they are not always_________.

A.practical B.avoidable C.permanent D.beneficial


The information tells me that the way of education in Canada is quite different from _____ in China. C.that D.those


These comments came ______________ specific questions often asked by local newsmen. memory of response to touch with possession of


Passengers are permitted ________ only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane. carry B.carrying be carried D.being carried


“Spit-take” refers to an act ________ someone spits liquid out of his or her mouth when he or she hears something funny or surprising.

A.that B.which C.where D.why


Though the twin brothers _______ each other in appearance, they are quite different in characters.

A.evaluate B.distinguish C.appreciate D.resemble


They won the game, _____ they didn’t really deserve the victory.

A.if B.though C.before D.since


Those who suffer from headache will find they get ______ from this medicine.

A.relief C.defense D.shelter


—Why were you late for work yesterday?

—I didn’t wake up when my alarm clock ______.

A.went off out C.started off D.went out


—Can he get the first prize for running in this sports meeting?

—Impossible now. He _____ to do so, but he has just hurt his leg. expected B.had been expected C.was expected D.would expect


—The Youth League Committee is looking for volunteers for the promotion of rubbish-sorting. Would you like to join in?

—________. Everyone should do his bit.

A.You asked for it B.You bet

C.You have my word D.You’ve got me there


下面是《21 世纪报中学生班》(21st Century School Edition )刊登的一封读者来信,请你以编 辑张华的身份给这位中学生写封回信。

Dear editor,

I spend most of my time studying; I hardly talk to my classmates. Sometimes I don’t care much about others, but I do want to talk. I just don’t know what to talk about and how to begin a conversation.

I feel so lonely. How I wish I had a good friend! Could you give me some advice?


Jin Jing


1 要相信自己,你最大的问题是缺乏自信;

2 微笑面对同学,让他们相信你是友好的;

3)先试着与一个和你同样害羞的或与你有同样爱好的同学交谈,可以问一些学习上的问题, 谈谈共同的爱好;

4 帮助学习和生活上有困难的同学。

2.  信的开头已写好,不计入总词数;

3.  词数: 100---120 词(不含已写好的部分)。








注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均限一词。

2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

Last summer I go to America and studied at a language school. I had many wonderful experience, but I also had a sad one. One day, the school held a party, where I invited to talk about Tianjin. After which they asked me a lot of things about China. But I couldn’t explain it in English Clearly. I felt sadly. I learnt a lesson from this experience. I have already studied English for eight years, but I can’t use it very good. I must work hard to improve my speaking English so that I will not be able to communicate freely with foreigners. I hope I can be a bridge between China and others countries in the future.


When I was thirteen, my family moved from Boston to Tucson, Arizona. ______ the move, my father ______ us in the living-room on a freezing January night. My sisters and I sat around the fire, not ______ that the universe would suddenly change its course. “In May, we’re ______ to Arizona.” The words, so small, didn’t seem ______ enough to hold my new life. But the world changed and I awoke on a train moving across the country. I watched the ______ change from green trees to flat dusty plains to high mountains as I saw strange new plants that ________ mysteries yet to come. Finally, we arrived and ______ into our new home.  ______ my older sisters were sad at the loss of friends, I ______ explored our new surroundings.

One afternoon, I was out exploring ______ and saw a new kind of cactus(仙人掌). I crouched() down for a closer look. “You’d better not ______ that.” I turned around to see an old woman. “Are you new to this neighborhood?” I explained that I was, ______, new to the entire state.

“My name is Ina Thorne. Have you got used to life in the ______? It must be quite a ______ after living in Boston.” How could I explain how I ______ the desert? I couldn’t seem to find the right words.

“It’s vastness,” she offered. “That vastness ______ you stand on the mountains overlooking the desert — you can ______ how little you are in comparison with the world. ______, you feel that the possibilities are limitless.” That was it. That was the feeling I’d had ever since I’d first seen the mountains of my new home. Again, my ______ would change with just a few simple words. “Would you like to come to my home tomorrow? Someone should teach you which plant you should and shouldn’t touch.”

1.A. During    B. Until    C. Upon    D. Before

2.A. gathered    B. warned    C. organized    D. comforted

3.A. hoping    B. admitting    C. realizing    D. believing

4.A. going    B. moving    C. driving    D. flying

5.A. good    B. simple    C. big    D. proper

6.A. picture    B. ground    C. scene    D. area

7.A. suggested    B. solved    C. discovered    D. explained

8.A. settled    B. walked    C. hurried    D. stepped

9.A. If    B. After    C. Once    D. While

10.A. bitterly    B. easily    C. proudly    D. eagerly

11.A. as well    B. as usual    C. fight away    D. on time

12.A. move    B. dig    C. pull    D. touch

13.A. of course    B. in fact    C. after all    D. at least

14.A. desert    B. city    C. state    D. country

15.A. luck    B. doubt    C. shock    D. danger

16.A. found    B. examined    C. watched    D. reached

17.A. why    B. when    C. how    D. where

18.A. prove    B. guess    C. sense    D. expect

19.A. However    B. Otherwise    C. Therefore    D. Meanwhile

20.A. idea    B. life    C. home    D. family


Making Peace with Your Parents

As a teen, you’re going through big changes physically and mentally. Your interests are increasing. 1. Here is the challenge: Kids need to explore the world in new ways, and parents need to protect them from the dangers that are all out in that world. These conflicts can easily set off fireworks in otherwise calm houses. Sometimes conflicts can’t be avoided. But by paying attention to the building blocks of successful relationships, you can work towards making home a happy and healthy place for you and your parents.

For example, try to find a time to talk when your parents are not angry, tired, distracted or hungry. A good time to talk is when you’re all relaxed. Timing is everything. If the conversation begins to turn into an argument, you’d better calmly and coolly ask to stop the conversation for now. 2. Listen to what your parents are saying, and repeat it back to them. This shows them that you’re listening. 3. Respect is the building block of good communication. People who respect each other and care about each others’ feelings can disagree without getting things ugly. 4. How do you build trust? Trust comes by actually doing what you say you’re going to do. Some teens find that doing fun activities with their parents can improve their relationships. Sometimes we forget that parents are more than rule-maker—they’re interesting people who like to watch movies and go shopping—just like their teenagers!

What do you do if you are trying your best, but your relationship with your parents continues to be rocky? 5. You can find supportive adults, such as a teacher or a coach, who can lend an ear. Remember you can only change your own behavior. Your parents are the only ones who can change theirs.

A.You may consider seeking outside help.

B.And then you’ll be able to accept what your parents say.

C.You can pick it up again when everyone’s more relaxed.

D.Faced with the challenge, children don’t know what to do.

E.And your desire to take control of your own life is growing.

F.It also gives them a chance to clear things up if you’re not on the same page.

G.You are more likely to get along with your parents and have more independence if your parents believe in you.


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