While some farmers are quick to tell visitors to get off their land, David Walston is doing the opposite. He has donated land on his family farm to create two large community vegetable gardens and invited surrounding villages to get involved.

"I thought the thing I can do fairly uniquely is provide the land and machinery to try to make people's lives better during the lockdown. " Mr Walston, 37, who runs Thriplow Farms, south of Cambridge, said. "The enthusiasm has surprised me a lot, with 114 people from five villages signing up. "

The two 1, 000sqm areas will be open for anyone to help with any job that needs doing. A wide range of vegetables will be grown, including peas, broccoli, sweetcorn, squash, potatoes and leeks. In Mr Walston's scheme, which he has called Coveg, people can do as much or as little as they like and the produce will be shared, and any surplus given to the elderly and NHS workers. None of the produce will be sold and distribution will be only loosely linked to the amount of work done.

He is lending his machinery for the backbreaking work. Farm suppliers are supporting the project, with Kings Seeds and Tozer donating seeds and Howseman Agriculture offering irrigation equipment.

Claire Mackenzie, 47, a doctor from Barrington, has agreed to bring seeds in their own gardens to the community plots. She sees Coveg as a way of connecting local people to the countryside that surrounds them. "We live in an arable area but we often do not know our farmers. This is a brilliant way of pulling people together, " she said. She hopes to get her two teenage sons involved.

Mr Walston's idea has already prompted three local farmers who also want to donate parcels of their land to contact him. They have a corner of land that would be suitable and machinery that would take the backbreaking work out of preparation. They can't wait to offer.

1.Which of the following was unexpected according to Mr Walston

A.The quality of people's lives.

B.The number of participants.

C.The decision to donate land.

D.The idea to create vegetable plots.

2.How will the vegetables be distributed

A.On a one-to-one basis.

B.According to the family size.

C.On a first come, first served basis.

D.According to the amount of work done.

3.What is Claire's attitude to vegetable garden project

A.Skeptical. B.Cautious.

C.Ambiguous. D.Favorable.

4.Which of the following can replace the underlined word "prompted" in Paragraph 6

A.Inspired. B.Discouraged.

C.Threatened. D.Persuaded.


Welcome To Activities For This Summer

Black Creativity Family Day

Art meets science during the Museum of Science and Industry's annual "Black Creativity" programming. celebrating its 50th anniversary. The art exhibition, billed as the longest running showcase of AfricanAmerican art in the nation, displays more than 100 works, some of them by student artists. Meanwhile, Innovation Studio workshops encourage visitors of all ages to design solutions to everyday challenges. Free general admission to Illinois students July 2023.

How People Make Things

Think of it as one great factory tour, with a big DIY station to put what you've learned to work That's the idea behind the new kidoriented exhibit, "How People Make Things. " Find out how humans and machines work together to make everyday objects, from boxes to shoes to toys. Then kids can use tools to cut, shape and put together what they like. This activity comes to Naperville for a long visit, opening Jan. 20 and running through Sept. 6 at DuPage Children's Museum. 13.

Traditional Chinese Concert

Traditional Chinese music and theater take the spotlight at Symphony Center. Featured performers are the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra and the Zhejiang Shaoju Opera Theatre, taking the stage at 3 pm Arrive early for preconcert activities, l30230. At Symphony Center, 220 S. Michigan Ave. 20﹣$80, or 99 for a family of four.

Meet Cartoonist Art Baltazar

Winner of dozens of Eisner Awards the Pultizers of comic books, cartoonist and Chicago native Art Baltazar has a brandnew graphic novel to delight your middle schoolers. The clever "Drew & Jot Dueling Doodles" tells the adventure of two fifthgrade boys who work together on a hero and criminal talebut a younger sister's doodles might prove the most dangerous enemy of all! Meet Baltazar at 7 pm al Anderson's Bookshop. Free to attend July 2224.

1.Which activity will you go to if you are interested in African-American art

A.How People Make Things.

B.Black Creativity Family Day.

C.Traditional Chinese Concert.

D.Meet Cartoonist Art Baltazar.

2.What is special about How People Make Things

A.It offers hands-on activities.

B.It lasts for about half a year.

C.It displays works by students.

D.It includes a 13 factory tour.

3.What kind of book is Drew & Jot Dueling Doodles

A.A folk tale.

B.A classic tale.

C.An adventure story.

D.A love story.






注意: 1.可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。


参考词汇:考察团delegation,英语讲解员English guide

Dear Smith,



Li Hua




删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。


注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I visited Mountain Dragon with several classmate today. We arrived at the foot of Mountain Dragon on half past nine and spend nearly one hour in climbing. We could see flowers and grass all the way up and the air in the mountain smelt very freshly. We did not feel tiring at all. When we got to the top, and we were all wet with sweat. We sat under a tall tree to have rest, drinking some water and eating anything. There were several temples in the mountain. We enjoyed the scenery for a long time because we had never seen it ago. It were really a beautiful mountain.



1.What do you __________(下结论) from the facts?

2.We are looking for someone who is__________ (可靠的) and hard-working.

3.__________(事实上) we do have a position in mind. Why not fill out our application?

4.We were invited to give our__________(观点) about how the work should be done.

5.Have you been on a__________(节食)? You've lost a lot of weight.

6.You will have to work hard if you are __________(成功).

7.The polluted water and air are__________(有害的) to people's health

8.They may__________(申请) to join the organization.

9.We need to promote an open__________(交换) of ideas and information.

10.There were a few__________(焦虑的) moments in the baseball game.


    Smith, an old man ,lived in the middle of town. One day he found his watch_______in his own store. It_______a lot to him because it was from his wife. After searching up and down in the_______for a long while,he _______to ask for help from a group of children playing outside the store. He_______them that the person who found it would be rewarded_______ this, the children hurried inside the store, went through and around the_______store, but still couldn't find the watch.

Soon the man felt hopeless and wanted to_______. A little boy went up to him and asked for another_______.The man looked at him and though, “Why not? __________,this kid looks sincere enough. “__________,the man sent him back in the store. After a while the boy__________with the watch in his hand ! The man was very__________,and he asked the boy how he found it while the others had__________. The boy replied, “I did nothing but sit on the ground and__________.Then I heard the ticking of the watch and just looked for it in that __________.”

We usually do something in a hurry and don't think about our own needs, which can't bring peace into our mind, __________, we need to think about ourselves and keep peaceful for a while, which can produce a __________result, So allow a few minutes of__________to your mind every day, and see how it helps you deal with your work and make __________ as you expect to !

1.A.broken B.lost C.hidden D.put

2.A.meant B.learned C.performed D.bargain

3.A.town B.playground C.street D.store

4.A.forgot B.agreed C.decided D.pretended

5.A.promised B.taught C.worried D.warned

6.A.Seeing B.Hearing C.Wearing D.Feeling

7.A.silent B.empty C.busy D.whole

8.A.calm down B.set off C.give up D.show off

9.A.chance B.reason C.reward D.date

10.A.So far B.After all C.At first D.In short

11.A.However B.Meanwhile C.Moreover D.Therefore

12.A.ran away B.fell down C.came out D.went back

13.A.amazed B.proud C.nervous D.angry

14.A.finished B.failed C.regretted D.doubted

15.A.played B.waited C.watched D.listened

16.A.room B.situation C.direction D.darkness

17.A.Instead B.Otherwise C.Besides D.Afterwards

18.A.clear B.straight C.good D.natural

19.A.exercise B.silence C.pleasure D.conversation

20.A.noise B.sense C.mistake D.progress


    Here are five cooking habits that could be costing you important nutrients, causing you to overeat——or even making you sick.

Boiling vegetables

A 2015 review showed that boiling vegetables resulted in a high loss of vitamin C. 1. "If you're not drinking a soup, you're missing out on nutrients," says Nishta Saxena, a dietitian based in Toronto .

Washing chicken

While your favourite old cookbooks likely tell you to wash a chicken before cooking, this outdated advice is a safety risk. Cleaning meat in water may remove some of the bacteria, but it's also likely to pass it around your kitchen. 2. And clean your hands after you've finished the cooking.

Removing skins from fruits and vegetables

"Large amounts of nutrients are found in the skins." says Liz Powell, who is a dietitian from Vancouver. " Concern about chemical remains isn't a good enough reason to do the removing. 3."

Mixing everything

A smoothie (a mixed drink) is a smart way to eat some greens. 4. They're often short of protein and healthy fat. These things work together to keep us feeling full and satisfied. Without them, it's not really a balanced meal, Powell suggests adding some foods which contain protein or having a piece of wholewheat(全麦的)bread on the side.

Overdressing salads

We think we can add anything to salads, and they'll still be a nutritious choice. But it's just not true. If you're topping your bowl with dried strawberries and sweet cheese, you've easily added 30 grams of sugar to your so-called healthy lunch. 5.

A.You should choose healthy produce for your family.

B.But these kinds of drinks are likely to be unbalanced.

C.To stay safe, don't wash the meat when preparing it.

D.Cabbage. for example, loses about 33 % of its vitamin C.

E.Nuts are better choices to improve the taste of your greens.

F.The skins of potatoes contain more nutrients than its inside part.

G.Washing your produce will remove some chemicals from the surface.


    Usually, when you listen to music you will expect it to be enjoyable. Music is everywhere these days. It can make an experience much more pleasurable, unless we are watching a horror movie. Then, we expect something different, or something that is also horrible!

Mark Korven writes music for movies and TV. He provided the music for a successful horror movie called The Witch .Its director, Robert Eggers, asked Mark not to use any electronic music for this movie. He wanted to create a more real sound. Following this experience, Mark began to think about how a more natural sound could be made for future horror movies. He got in touch with his good friend, Tony Duggan-Smith, a musician and maker of musical instruments. Tony camp up with something great.

Tony created a special instrument that he calls The Apprehension Engine. It looks a little like a mechanic or engineer's workshop table. The handmade instrument was inspired by something called the Soundtrack Box, invented by the Oslo-based new- music technologist Koka Nikoladze. Every section of the instrument is there to create a sound or noise that can scare you.

Mark has said that his purpose when writing music for the The Apprehension Engine is to help produce sounds that are disturbing. He showed his skills recently by giving a hugely successful performance one dark evening in Brooklyn, New York on Friday 13", of course! In the shadow of candles, members of people jumped out of their skin.(吓得魂不附体)

So, is The Apprehension Engine a musical instrument, a machine, or an engine? If you believe that the purpose of music is to excite the listener, you can probably call it a musical instrument-it’s just that the sounds the instrument makes do not necessarily make you feel happy or relaxed.

1.What did Robert Eggers require Mark Korven to do?

A.To invent a new instrument. B.To avoid using electronic music.

C.To work with others to make music. D.To make pleasant music for his movie.

2.What is unusual about The Apprehension Engine?

A.It is the idea of a director. B.It was first played in Brooklyn.

C.It looks more like a machine. D.It is made up of different instruments.

3.W hat does the underlined word “disturbing”in Paragraph 4 mean?

A.Disappointing. B.Surprising.

C.Worrying. D.Relaxing.

4.What's the text mainly about?

A.The advantage of music. B.A special musical instrument.

C.How to mix different music. D.How to create music for horror movies.


    At just 17, McGarry is a rising star of the food world and has been dubbed(……取别名) the “Justin Bieber” of American cooking.

Flynn McGarry's cooking career started when he was 11, partly thanks to his mother. “My mom didn't really like cooking, and when she did cook, I didn't really like her food. I was watching something on the Food Network channel and I thought, ‘I could do this,’ so I went to the bookstore and looked for the biggest cookbook I could find.”

Within a year, he had produced most of its recipes(菜谱) and was ready for a bigger challenge. He said, “I wanted to create my own dishes and I started to cook for more people than just my family too.” His parents allowed him to build a test kitchen in his bedroom. “At first, they were fine with it, but then they asked if I wanted to sleep next to a stove(火炉) and I said yes ! It started off as two tables with some gas burners, my desk and my bed, but then I needed more space for cookingso I gave up the desk and got a foldaway bed(折叠床).” Then Flynn'S older sister, whose bedroom had more space, went off to college. He moved down to her room and fitted it with a large stove, four work stations, and a long area for preparing the end results on plates.

Flynn and his mother set up Eureka, a supper club pop-up business that organizes monthly events inside his room. Flynn, who has also cooked in top-class restaurants around the US, says he’s not doing it for the money, but because he loves cooking. “At the point in your life where you stop caring if you,re going to be famous or do well, your dream will come to you. I did something with my gift and people recognized it. I hope to keep getting better and better.

1.Why did Flynn begin to cook?

A.His mother never cooked at home. B.He thought he might have the ability.

C.His mother suggested it as a future career. D.He saw information about a cookbook on TV.

2.Flynn's parents asked him if he wanted to sleep next to a stove, because _________.

A.they had some doubts B.they strongly disagreed

C.they were unsure if it would work D.they were angry about it

3.What's the best title for the text?

A.Eureka, A Worldwide Supper Club B.A Famous Food Network Channel

C.Meet With Delicious American Food D.The Justin Bieber of Food--Flynn McGarry


Four interesting books about adventures for children

See You in the Cosmos

See You in the Cosmos by Jack Cheng is about Alex and his crazy life. Alex goes to a rocket festival, finds out he has a stepsister, loses his dog, gets seriously injured, and travels around the country, while recording his adventures on his iPod to send to space. Maiah Weidemann, 11, said, “This is one of the best books I've ever read, and I seriously recommend(推荐)it.”

The Cricket in Times Square

The Cricket in Times Square is a 1960 children's book by George Selden and pictured by Garth Williams. It won the Newbery Honor in 1961. The story is about a cricket(蟋蟀)who got lost and ended up in Times Square, New York. He makes friends there that are kind and loving. The question is: Does he get back home?

A Year Without Autumn

A girl named Jenni and her family go on their yearly trip to Riverside Village. Jenni meets up with her best friend, Autumn, at Riverside Village. But when Jenni goes to visit Autumn's apartment and takes an unfamiliar lift, it transports Jenni one year into the future. She works to return to the present, Liz Kessler tells us a story about what true friendship is all about.

The Mysterious Benedict Society(series)

This exciting series by Trenton Lee Stewart is an adventurous story about a group of four kids who are on a mission(使命)to save the world. Each of them has been through lonely times, but they’re working together to save their lives. Nothing is safe, not even their homes. They have to leave their loved ones behind and go into dangerous places undercover. This is a time to remember, and it will change their lives forever.

1.Who is the main character in See You in the Cosmos?

A.Alex. B.Jack.

C.George. D.Maiah.

2.What is The Cricket in Times Square probably about?

A.War. B.Space.

C.Future. D.Friendship.

3.Which novel is set in dangerous environment?

A.The Mysterious Benedict Society. B.The Cricket in Times Square.

C.A Year Without Autumn. D.See You in the Cosmos.



1. 对她的情况表示理解;

2. 建议她找出原因并吸取教训;

3. 鼓励她树立信心。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last weekend I travelled by the air for the first time in my life. I usual travel by train or bus. In comparison, it’s all cheaper and safe. But to fly in the sky was something new to me. In the beginning I feel a little nervous. But very soon I became excited when I found myself high up in the sky among the clouds. I also found that mountain, fields, rivers and so on was interestingly small. I enjoyed the frightened but comfortable journey very much. So now, with my opinion, it is more interesting take a plane than to take a car.


    Mike had many bookmarks (书签). He had _________ them over the years. He was _________ and weak and would celebrate his 80th birthday.

Trying to find out what to buy Mike was a(n) _________ task as he always asked for little. He love to _________, and had many books. But, to buy him a book seemed impossible _________ I did not know what books he had. So, when I found a special custom bookmark, I thought it was _________; it might be different from what he had collected.

The custom bookmark had the following _________ written on it: To live is to function (起作用). When Mike opened the _________, he smiled. Then he told me it was _________ by Oliver Wendell Holmes. It was just part of Mr. Holmes’ __________. He then went and got a newspaper clipping (剪报) that had Mr. Holmes’ words written in his nineties.

I felt __________. At 80, he immediately __________ the author of the saying on the bookmark. To my greater __________, he even had the newspaper clipping. Mike then told me he read these __________ words by Mr. Holmes every year on his birthday. He said, “The words __________ me that no matter how old you are, there is a reason why you are here. And, you need to have __________ no matter what your age.”

As I __________ Mike’s house, I thought how true those words are. I __________ some people who were much __________ than Mike but achieved so little. Mike was at 80, still setting his goals, still aiming to __________ himself and to help others! What a great man!

1.A.sold B.collected C.examined D.made

2.A.humorous B.successful C.busy D.old

3.A.difficult B.pleasant C.simple D.important

4.A.swim B.write C.read D.talk

5.A.though B.and C.but D.as

6.A.cheap B.perfect C.useful D.real

7.A.joke B.story C.saying D.note

8.A.present B.pocket C.door D.book

9.A.discovered B.passed C.appreciated D.written

10.A.life B.roles C.words D.advice

11.A.excited B.happy C.worried D.amazed

12.A.liked B.recognized C.guessed D.affected

13.A.surprise B.knowledge C.delight D.mind

14.A.soft B.great C.secret D.foreign

15.A.warm B.promise C.tell D.ask

16.A.goals B.friends C.ideas D.abilities

17.A.found B.entered C.left D.built

18.A.thought of B.depended on C.picked up D.played with

19.A.more active B.younger C.richer D.more outgoing

20.A.express B.help C.follow D.improve


    Years ago, I lived in a building in a large city. 1. There was a woman living there, and I had never met her, yet I could see she sat by her window each afternoon, sewing or reading.

After several months had gone by, I began to notice that her window was dirty. 2. I would say to myself. “I wonder why that woman doesn’t wash her window. It really looks terrible.”

One bright morning I decided to clean my apartment, including washing the window on the inside.

Late in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest. What a surprise ! Across the way, the woman sitting by her window was clearly visible (看见). 3.

Then I came to understand that I had been criticizing (批评) her dirty window, but all the time I was watching hers through my own dirty window.

4. How often had I looked at and criticized others through the dirty window of my heart, through my own shortcomings (缺点)?

Since then, whenever I wanted to judge someone, I asked myself first, “Am I looking at him through my own dirty window?” 5.

A.Her window was clean!

B.She got on quite well with her neighbors.

C.I should respect others’ opinions and beliefs.

D.That was quite an important lesson for me.

E.Everything was unclear through the dirty window.

F.The next building was only a few feet away from mine.

G.I try to clean the window of my own world to see the world about me more clearly.


    When talking about colds (感冒), maybe some people say it is very common. During the cold winter days, many people will complain the cold winter makes them catch a cold, and what they feel upset about are not only the headache, cough but also the runny nose. It is so embarrassing when they forget to take tissue (纸币) along with them.

Want to stay away from colds? Put on a happy face.

Compared to unhappy people, those who are cheerful and relaxed are less likely to suffer from colds, according to a new study. It’s possible that being happy helps the body fight illnesses, say the researchers from New York University.

“It seems that positive (积极的) feelings may reduce the danger of illness,” said the study’s chief researcher Sheldon Cohen.

In an earlier study, Cohen found that people who were cheerful and lively caught coughs and colds less often. People who showed feelings were also less likely to tell their doctors that they felt ill.

In this study, Cohen has interviewed 193 adults every day for two weeks. During the interviews, the people told researchers that they were given colds by doctors and had to stay alone in a room for six days.

The results showed that everyone in the study was equally likely to get ill. But for people who said they felt happy during the research period, their illness are less serious and lasted for a shorter time.

Cohen believes that when people experience positive feelings, their body may produce a chemical: that helps fight illness and disease. So if you are worried about your health, look on the brighter side more often.

1.Which can replace the underlined part in Paragraph 5?

A.got sad B.were clever C.were outgoing D.got thoughtful

2.What did the study find?

A.People with positive feelings had less serious illnesses.

B.People with good feelings became ill more easily.

C.People’s feelings didn’t influence their health.

D.People who felt happy never got ill.

3.According to Cohen, which of the following may help fight illness?

A.Sleeping. B.Eating. C.Crying. D.Laughing.

4.What is the best title for this text?

A.Causes of colds found B.Smiles can fight colds

C.The ways of preventing colds D.How people get sick


    Last night, I found my mother sit with her legs crossed on the sofa, looking through her iPhone with her glasses. This is not the first time I have caught her like this. My father once tapped () away on his phone with a serious look on his face, saying the “I’ll be with you shortly” line. I have learned by now that this is to tell me to leave him alone for the next 10 minutes. Although they don’t like admitting it, both of my parents            couldn’t go without their phones as I do.

Growing up, we are repeatedly reminded that we are those who prefer to text our friends in the same room rather than make eye contact with them. We are ruining the English language because we like using heart-eyes emojis (表情符号) instead of spelling it out. And even though I can recognize myself as a social media (媒体) addict, I think parents should at least consider that not only the young generation (), but also they like phones.

I get upset when I receive the “I’ll be with you shortly” line from a parent. But, at the same time, leaving the room to wait until my father is finished with his “serious business” has now become the norm.

Whether you want to escape your noisy children for a while, or want to stay up late tapping through Twitter, all of these are common. But you should fully understand it. We—your children—know how addictive it can be and how difficult it is to turn it off. So before calling us out and telling us to “put our phones away at the table” or even worse, saying how damaging social media can be to us, maybe you should lead by example and consider how much time you spend on the phone as well as how this is influencing your children and your relationship with them. Maybe in this way we can work on our addiction together.

1.What can we learn about the author’s parents?

A.They become addicted to phones like him.

B.They’ve been forced to use phones by him.

C.They like buying their phones online at home.

D.They often communicate with him by phone.

2.What is the young generation’s weakness according to paragraph 2?

A.Having fewer chances to learn social skills.

B.Failing to express themselves in a right way.

C.Getting angry easily when facing their parents.

D.Giving up the ways of communicating directly.

3.What does the underlined word “norm” in paragraph 3 mean?

A.Fixed tradition. B.Accepted behavior.

C.Expected decision. D.Unforgettable experience.

4.What advice is given to parents in the last paragraph?

A.Behaving well in front of children. B.Putting the phones away at the table.

C.Taking more time to stay with children. D.Having good communication with children.


    As a teacher we all have those memories of students—we wonder if we were able to teach or reach those students who had a need to get out of their seats every five minutes or so.

I recently received an e-mail from one such student, Paco. Paco’s e-mail brought back memories of one particular (特别) class.

In our high school’s first year, our classes were 80 minutes long instead of the traditional 40 minutes. On this particular day, I was being observed by two college professors. Of course, I was proud of the fact that the class was conducted entirely in Spanish and the students felt comfortable expressing themselves in Spanish.

On that day, Paco came running through the door with a toasted cheese sandwich in hand, saying “Senora Mike. I’m hungry and I hope you don’t mind if I just quickly eat this great toasted cheese sandwich.” I said, “Go ahead, Paco.” Paco sat down and finished his sandwich. Paco had now noticed our two visitors. Of course, our two visitors noticed Paco the minute he ran through the door.

The lesson was going along quite well, and all the students were working in their groups. Suddenly, Paco raised his hand and said, “Senora, esta lloviendo en mis pantalones.” (“Mrs. Mike, it is raining in my trousers.”) Now, being Paco’s Spanish teacher, I understood what he wanted. I knew that it was his way of requesting to go to the bathroom. You could just imagine the laughter from the other students.

I always wonder just how much Spanish Paco learned in that class, but I know he learned more than just Spanish based on an e-mail he recently wrote to me:

I know I didn’t behave myself but you actually cared. You knew I had potential (潜力). So even though I messed up a lot, you never gave up... I’m deeply thankful to you for everything you taught me about Spanish. My attitude and life will stick with me the rest of my day...

You see, Paco was my student ten years ago.

1.What can be inferred about Paco?

A.He did well in his lessons. B.He didn’t behave well enough.

C.He didn’t see the two professors. D.He showed no respect for his teacher.

2.Why did Paco raise his hand in class?

A.To have his classmates laugh. B.To give a suggestion.

C.To answer a question. D.To make a request.

3.Why did Paco write an e-mail to the author?

A.To express his thanks. B.To ask for help.

C.To make an apology. D.To tell him his success.

4.What does the author intend to tell us by writing the text?

A.How to teach a successful lesson. B.How to get on well with students.

C.A teacher’s influence on students. D.Students’ attitude to their teachers.


    STA Travel, the world’s largest students and youth travel agency, beats any price! Every day we’re working with our partners around the world to get you (students, teachers and anyone under 26) the cheapest and most comfortable fights and accommodations. This part of www.statravel.com provides great tips for green travel—how to pack, how to leave your house or apartment, and how to plan for your trips. You’ll also find a great number of green travel adventure (探险) trips to all comers of the world.

Green travel means responsible travel! Leave as little influence as possible on the places you visit and protect the environment both at home and during your trip. Think “Green” when you pack and when you travel. You’ll help prevent long-term effects on the communities you leave and visit!

Here’s some advice on how to do that.

Before you leave

Tum your water heater to its lowest setting.

Turn off your water from the outside.

Pack suitable clothes in your luggage, none of which is to harm the environment.

While you travel

Try products made from recycled materials.

Don’t buy souvenirs produced from endangered species (物种).

Carry a reusable bottle for water and refill it as you go.

Use the bathroom in the airport, NOT on the plane. The fuel used for a single flush (冲洗) could run a car for six miles.

1.What do green travelers care most about?

A.Flights. B.Prices. C.Pleasure. D.Nature.

2.What are the readers advised to do during their trip?

A.Use environment-friendly products. B.Take as much water as possible.

C.Pack as few things as possible. D.Learn about adventure travel.

3.Where can we most probably read the text?

A.In a travel magazine. B.On a travel website.

C.On an environmental poster. D.In an environmental research paper.


假如你叫李华, 你的外国朋友Mark来信说到一家中国餐厅吃饭, 发现那些菜肴味道鲜美, 对中国菜产生了兴趣, 决定暑假来中国学做中国菜. 请你给他写封回信, 内容包括:




提示词:Chinese cuisine

注意:1. 开头与结尾已给出;

2. 词数100左右;

3. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯.

Dear Mark,



Li Hua


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文. 文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处. 每次错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词.


修改:在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词.

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10, 多者(从第11处起)不计分.

Rain is great importance to us. Without rain, our water supply would be cut off and we would die, so will plants and animals. Therefore, too much rain does a lot of harm to us. It floods fields, towns and cities, causes us great losses. So far man's control over rain had never ceased. If they can gain more effective control over rain, we will enjoy more free from nature. Fortunate, we human beings have taken steps, such as planting more trees and using weather forecasts, it helps avoid flood damage and protect our water supply. I am greatly convinced that only if we join the hands to fight our common enemy can we live a rosy life.


    Dad is a reserved man of few words but is always strict. What's more, he is quite _______ from other fathers and he believes a dutiful _______ is the product of the stick.

When I was 8, Dad _______ himself outside in the day time because of his tight schedule but began to take me to task for whatever I did _______ at table after supper. He would _______ me with a belt, leaving my arms many  _______. I was emotionally upset and disturbed, so I used to _______ with other kids in the neighborhood and Dad would _______ me more heavily the next time, making it impossible for me to _______ on my lessons. Everything went from bad to __________ for me so much that I even couldn't __________ out the English alphabet. Later, I was even  __________ into a reformatory school(少年管教所).

This time bitter tears were in his eyes, __________, "Son, it is not that I don't love you, but that I should not have been so angry at your __________ to live up to my expectations!"

Twenty years later, the Ph. D. graduation ceremony was around the __________ and my parents were __________ invited to show up. Dad didn't say a single word in praise of me but __________ bitterly again this time, and at this very moment, my mind was filled with mixed __________ and I stood on the stage with warm tears __________ up in my eyes the first time you shed tears bitterly for my being __________, but this time you did so for my being a Ph. D.

1.A.optimistic B.different C.stupid D.positive

2.A.father B.friend C.enemy D.son

3.A.busied B.blamed C.praised D.teased

4.A.right B.acceptable C.wrong D.amusing

5.A.blow B.frighten C.confuse D.pat

6.A.spots B.stains C.symptoms D.scars

7.A.correspond B.fight C.debate D.explore

8.A.polish B.scold C.belt D.criticize

9.A.depend B.take C.turn D.concentrate

10.A.better B.worse C.healthier D.poorer

11.A.pick B.write C.bring D.give

12.A.cast B.moved C.led D.pointed

13.A.reading B.screaming C.saying D.laughing

14.A.success B.review C.service D.failure

15.A.corner B.crossing C.center D.pavement

16.A.accidentally B.honorably C.casually D.unwillingly

17.A.sang B.whispered C.smiled D.cried

18.A.problems B.sentences C.emotions D.words

19.A.rising B.going C.welling D.keeping

20.A.naughty B.warmhearted C.independent D.outgoing


    It's Alarming: What Wakes You Up Each Morning?

How do you wake up in the morning? If you set an alarm on your phone or clock that sounds like this: beep beep beep? 1. Sleep inertia is another term for grogginess(昏睡), which means a person has a heavy feeling when waking up, and has trouble getting moving again after sleeping,

2. A recent study says yes. The answer is music. Researchers say alarms that have a melodylike the beginning of this songcan help people feel fresher in the morning.

The study, carried out by researchers in Australia, involved 50 people. The study subjects answered questions about the alarm sound they like to wake up to, how they feel about that sound and how they feel when they wake up. 3. However, it is early days and more work is needed to fully know the answer.

So, what makes musical alarms better for waking up? The researchers think the music may be more successful in reducing grogginess because it has several tones, compared to the single tone of a "beeping" alarm. 4. And is there a kind of music that is best to wake up to? There may be 5. However, no matter how you wake up, experts say, the amount of sleep you get also matters a lot.

A.Can musical alarms work wonders

B.So, is there a better way to do the trick

C.This can help you fall asleep more quickly and easily.

D.Alarm sounds that are tune full and easy to hum or sing along with may be good choices.

E.The researchers found that people who wake up to musical alarms reported feeling more awake and alert.

F.The changes over time between the music tones may help increase a person's attention when waking from sleep.

G.That hard, unpleasant sound may be making it harder to shake off the sleepy feeling in the morning known as grogginess.


    As pet ownership booms, a troubling question raises its head: who owns whom?

There is a range of theories about how human came to rule the planet. Opposable thumbs, brain size, altruism(利他主义) and cooking all played a part, but central to the man's success was its ability to dominate other species.

As humanity has got richer, animals' roles have changed. People need their services less than before. Fewer wolves and burglars meant less demand for dogs for protection; the gasoline engine made horses redundant; modern health systems kept rats in check and made cats less useful. No longer necessities, domestic animals became luxuries. Pet-keeping seems to become common when household incomes rise above roughly 5, 000. It is booming.

The pet business is growing even faster than pet numbers, because people are spending more and more money on them. No longer are they food-waste-recyclers, fed with the leftovers that fall from their masters' tables. Pet-food shelves are filled with delicacies, including ice cream for dogs and foods for pets that are old, diabetic or suffer from sensitive digestion.

In the business this is called “pet humanization(人类化)”the tendency of pet owners to treat their pets as part of the family. This is evident in the names given to dogs, which have evolved from Fido, Rex and Spot toin AmericaBella, Lucy and Max. It is evident in the growing market for pet clothing, pet grooming(美容) and pet hotels.

People still assume that pets must be working for humanity in some way, perhaps making people healthier or less anxious. But the evidence for that is weak. Rather, new research suggests that dogs have evolved those irresistible “puppy-dog eyes” precisely to dominate human emotions. It has worked. Sentimental Americans often refer to themselves not as catowners but as the cat's “mommy” or “daddy”. South Koreans go one further, describing themselves as cat “housekeeper”, catering to every cute action. Watch a dog-walker trailing “his” dog, plastic bag in hand to pick up its mess, and you have to wonder: who's in charge now?

1.What is the main cause for human being to become the ruler of the planet?

A.having opposable thumbs B.getting wealthier

C.possessing altruism and cooking skills D.taking hold of other species

2.What does the underlined word “redundant” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.unnecessary B.unavailable C.uncertain D.unfavorable

3.What might pet owners do in the past?

A.feed ice cream to their dogs B.prepare foods for pets that are diabetic

C.feed the pets on what remained D.spend much money on pets

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Wolves used to be in great demand. B.Pets can be beneficial to people's health.

C.Pet owners tend to give their pets new names. D.People become subject to pets emotionally.


    Chicago's Open Books a 13yearold organization tries to put books into every child's hands citywide, starting at birth. The group, which sells donated books online to raise money for its programs, has teamed with Dolly Parton's Imagination Library to expand its reach to children who most need libraries of their own. In just a few months, Open Books has accepted nearly 1, 000 children into the program. The process behind the Imagination Library is simple. Parents fill out a form to sign up their children to have a free book mailed to each child every month, from birth to age 5.

This means a child can receive up to 60 books, chosen by a group of early education experts, before he or she enters kindergarten. "Our job is to get children served, and to raise money so that we're paying the cost of the books and they remain free to parents, " said Eric Johnson, Open Books' director. That's one reason Open Books chose to team up with the Imagination Library because Parton has the ability to get highquality books at the lowest cost, Johnson said.

The imagination Library has started in the underserved and lowincome neighborhoods of Austin, Garfield Park, Little Village and North Lawndale. Parents in those neighborhoods can sign up their children now. Open Books will continue to expand the Imagination Library to other neighborhoods soon, so other Chicagoans should be patient.

Studies show that a homebased library can lead to a child's school success and on average a middleclass family has about 13 books for each child, Johnson said. Yet, in Chicago and nationwide, more than 60 percent of lowincome households have no children's books. "That's an important difference, since a child's greatest brain growth takes place from birth to age 5, and by age 3, almost 85 percent of a child's brain is already formed, " Johnson said. "The possibility to get kids 'kindergarten ready' is endless. "

1.What does Open Books do for children under 5

A.It encourages them to visit libraries.

B.It builds some kindergartens for them.

C.It mails them each a free book monthly.

D.It gives them money for books monthly.

2.Who decide on the books given to children

A.The director of Open Books.

B.Experts in early education.

C.Children themselves.

D.Children's parents.

3.What conclusion can be drawn from the last paragraph

A.Every family should have a homebased library.

B.Each child should finish 13 books before kindergarten.

C.More attention should be paid to early children's mental development.

D.Children should be well prepared for kindergarten as early as possible.

4.What is the author's purpose in writing the text

A.To show his love of children's books.

B.To introduce an Open Books program.

C.To share his childhood reading experience.

D.To advertise Parton's Imagination Library.


    For Matt and Dani Fontanesi, everything was going according to plan. The American newlyweds had just been married in February and were preparing for their honeymoon. They would leave their home in New Zealand to set off on a tour of the United States.

Matt developed a bit of a cold before leaving but didn't think much of it. During the first 14-hour leg of their flight, though, Matt's simple cold developed into a high fever. When they got to Idaho, he felt even worse. As three days passed and Matt stayed in bed, Dani took him to the hospital. When the doctor came back with the blood test results, his lighthearted attitude from earlier had noticeably changed. The patient's white blood cells were dangerously low. It was either AIDS or cancer.

Three days later, the news came: acute myeloid leukemia(急性骨髓性白血病). About 90 percent of Matt's blood was cancerous, so he'd have to start chemotherapy(化疗) right away. There was a catchtreatment would mean Matt could never have kids. Even knowing their chances of starting a family were gone, they had no choice but to continue.

Chemotherapy clearly was not enough, so Matt needed a bone marrow transplant(骨髓移植). His sister was the perfect match, and they flew to San Diego for the treatment. The bone marrow transplant destroyed what was left of Matt's immune system and got rid of the cancer.

In the middle of Matt's fight against cancer, they received all 80, 000 they needed within about a week, much of it from complete strangers.

The treatment went better than expected, and a year later, Matt was already back at work in San Diego. But he and his wife have never stopped thinking about the unexpected generosity that came their way. “How do we responsibly accept this?” says Matt. “We recognized we needed to pay this forward and to help fight against leukemia.” The two have been volunteering with the Leukemia &Lymphoma Society, supporting other families going through similar struggles.

“We have a new appreciation for life. Our lives are richer now because of it,” says Dani.

1.What can we learn about Matt after he arrived at Idaho

A.He started his honeymoon happily. B.He prepared to go back home.

C.He was terribly weak. D.He caught a cold.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word "catch" in Paragraph 3

A.Failure. B.Chance. C.Solution. D.Disadvantage.

3.What can we infer about Matt's treatment

A.It was successful. B.It was impractical.

C.It was kept secret from his families. D.It was mostly supported by an organization.

4.How did Matt' s experience influence him

A.He managed to become a doctor.

B.He decided to help others in return.

C.He started to found a charity for poor patients.

D.He promised to give the money back to the strangers.


The Top 4 Beaches on the East Coast

Nantucket, Massachusetts

Great point, at the easternmost end of the island of Nantucket, is one of the most secret beaches in the world. That's because you need a fourwheel drive vehicle and a beach permit to get there. Once you do, you'll find miles of beachfront and a historic lighthouse.

Block Island, Rhode Island

Accessible by ferry, Block Island oozes New England charm. It's worth the effort to get to Mohegan Bluffs, where you can experience a set of 141 wooden steps leading down to the sand. With clay cliffs and a view that reaches Montauk at the eastern tip of Long Island, this beach is especially unique.

East Hampton, New York

Named the best beach in the county in 2013, Main Beach in East Hampton is known for its wide stretch of sand plus a snack bar, bathrooms, and lockers. Onsite parking is only available to village residents but there are free beach shuttles available.

Jekyll Island, Georgia

Located off the coast of Georgia, this 5, 700acre barrier island is famous for its nesting sea turtles and hermit crabs. Glory Beach got its name because producers of the 1989 movie Glory, featuring Matthew Broderick, Morgan Freeman, and Denzel Washington, built a long boardwalk to the beach that remains in place.

1.Which has one of the most private beaches in the world

A.Jekyll Island, Georgia.

B.Block Island, Rhode Island.

C.Nantucket, Massachusetts.

D.East Hampton, New York.

2.What may attract the visitors to go to Mohegan Bluffs

A.Climbing the clay cliffs.

B.Experiencing the warm sand.

C.Admiring the scenery of Montauk.

D.Walking along a set of 141 wooden steps.

3.What can we learn about Jekyll Island according to the passage

A.Jekyll Island is famous for its nesting sea fishes and hermit crabs.

B.Jekyll Island is located on the east coast of the United States.

C.There is a wide boardwalk to Glory Beach on Jekyll Island.

D.Glory Beach is named after the producers of the movie Glory.
















To improve our English website, I' m writing to offer the follow suggestions. The website is main intended for us students. It is advised that larger number of photos about our school life can be provided to make it more attractive. Beside, I hope the online news are updated more often to keep us inform of what's going on in the world. Furthermore, a new section Reading Salon will be welcomed. We all love reading but we lack of a platform which we can publish reviews of the books we have read. I sincerely hope the advices above can be of some help.


    Friendship is pleasant and necessary to people's life. A man without _______ is an angel without wings, _______ life will suffer because of _______ and depression. Friendship is the mother of our soul, which will warm us when _______ occurs. We have much to _______ with our friends in life, confusion, excitement, bitterness etc. And it's great to _______ up a sincere friendship.

It _______ many special qualities to make a friend. _______ should come first. Only when we get a better understanding of each other can we gain a(n) _______ and meaningful friendship. We may find our hobbies of __________ interests. This feeling of natural attraction gets us closer and closer. It also takes a special kind of love that seems to know no end. Never __________ to show your kindness to your friend when he/she is __________. Love is not selfish. Love is a(n) __________ by God that we should treasure all our life. Tolerance(宽容) is the third __________ part in friendship. There is no doubt that we are __________ persons. This personal difference may __________ disagreements between us in every aspect of our life. Don't just think about ourselves. Try to tolerate him/her in an easy mood. Saints(圣人) are not perfect, __________ those ordinary people like us. Afterwards, we should get a good communication.

Understanding, __________ and tolerance are the first three essences that come to a sincere friendship. Other qualities are also __________ such as thoughtfulness, trust and __________. Remember, friendship is your spirit's guard, treasure it.

1.A.classmates B.partners C.competitors D.friends

2.A.who B.whose C.that D.which

3.A.loneliness B.responsibility C.independence D.friendship

4.A.injury B.hurt C.wound D.ache

5.A.argue B.connect C.share D.consult

6.A.give B.keep C.put D.hold

7.A.takes B.costs C.spends D.pays

8.A.Recognizing B.Interests C.Understanding D.Patience

9.A.convenient B.natural C.peaceful D.sincere

10.A.common B.regular C.usual D.ordinary

11.A.struggle B.hesitate C.intend D.escape

12.A.in relief B.in surprise C.in trouble D.in danger

13.A.reaction B.experience C.thought D.quality

14.A.exciting B.necessary C.meaningful D.effective

15.A.similar B.contradictory C.different D.dependant

16.A.intend B.lead C.avoid D.cause

17.A.let alone B.let go C.leave alone D.leave out

18.A.success B.communication C.love D.trust

19.A.developed B.listed C.understood D.concerned

20.A.patience B.comfort C.ease D.safety


    It's good to have a healthy sense of what ' s dangerous

What good is fear?

Fear is a tool that the brain uses to keep the body safe. 1.. Faster heartbeat and breathing send more blood and oxygen to the muscles so they are ready when they’ re needed. Stress chemicals can make a person more alarmed. 2.. We keep a close eye on babies because they don' t understand what might hurt them. As babies grow, they learn what’ s unsafe, and their brains store those memories. Then their brains use fear to warn them of dangers.


Experiences can lead to long-lasting fears that may stop a person from trying new things. We're born with the ability to feel fear, but a lot of what we're afraid of is learned. “Being afraid doesn't mean you're weak. ”Dr. Kerr says. 4.. And your brain doesn't want you to have it again. If a dog bit someone, that person might feel afraid of all dogs. Other people may have no special fear of dogs but may be afraid of other things, such as heights, snakes or spiders.

How to feel less afraid

Many people have beaten their own fears. Here's one method: Instead of listening to their imagination, they learn the facts about anything that seems scary. 5..

A.Too much can be harmful

B.Our memories also help protect us

C.For some people, choosing to be scared can be fun

D.Knowledge can help a person feel less afraid

E.It urges a person to hide, run away, or defend oneself

F.Understanding the fact gives me a sense of confidence

G.A long-lasting fear can mean you've had a bad experience


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