Walter Peak High Country Farm, on the western shores of Lake Wakatipu is famous in  history. Its sheltered bays were used as camping sites by Maori travelling to the Mararoa and Oreti Rivers on Moa hunting and gathering expeditions.

Things to do

Situated on picturesque Lake Wakatipu’s wester shores, the farm is the perfect place to  spend a few relaxing hours. The Farm Tour itself is a wonderful experience for the whole family, with something to keep everyone entertained and happy. Our rural host will meet you after you leave the steamboat and take you for a walking tour of the farmyard. The first stop is the holding to help feed the sheep and deer, and even get up close to the Scottish highland cattle. Then walk slowly through the lakeside gardens to the charming Colonel’s Homestead for morning or afternoon tea. Afterwards the farmer will lead you over to the shearing shed (剪羊毛棚) where you can watch the farm dogs rounding up sheep on the hills, and see the farmer cut the wool off a sheep. You will then board the steamboat for your cruise back to Queenstown.

Ticket Information

Child Ticket $ 22. 00

Adult Ticket $ 77.00

Visitor Information

Opening Time: 10 a.m.

Closing Time: 4 p.m.

Additional Information

All tickets purchased at MyFun must make a booking at +64-3441—8166. Please mention your My Fun barcode (条形码) number when making your booking. Please print out your voucher (收据) and take along with you to the attraction. Tickets are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.

1.What can you do during the Farm Tour?

A.Ride on the farm. B.Feed the chicken.

C.Have morning tea. D.Cut the wool off a sheep.

2.How much should parents with a child pay for the Farm Tour?

A.$99. B.$ 121.

C.$ 176. D.$198.

3.What should the visitor who has bought tickets at MyFun do?

A.Call +64-3441-8166 to print out your voucher.

B.Take the voucher to the Farm.

C.Tell the Farm your MyFun barcode number.

D.Use the tickets after a year.



Choosing the right college can be a difficult task. There are thousands of colleges and universities for you to choose from and many are worthy of being considered. For each potential college, find out the success rate of students' getting their jobs, especially those related to your majors. Here are some strategies(策略)for you to make the right choice.

Colleges which offer practice in some of the fields are worthy of your attention. It can provide you with a large amount of information on job hunting. Companies often prefer employees that perform well. Practice gives you the valuable experience and necessary opportunities. Some practical skills that you learn will really prepare yourself for the certain jobs. Besides, choosing a college that has teacher members with good reputations in their fields can also be very useful since these teacher members can provide you with steps into the working world by practice.

School rankings and a national reputation of academic success are often the important factors(因素)for your potential employers. This type of information can be found easily on the Internet and in magazines. To the employers, graduates from high ranking colleges are often considered more reliable. They have a stronger ability to learn and are more likely to create wealth for the company. Sometimes it can even be a more important factor in looking for a job than the actual quality of education the college provides.

After narrowing down your choices to a few colleges, it's time to visit them. Taking a look at the campus(校园)can change your attitude to a particular school. Plan your tour and then do some research on your own. It is also important to talk to as many students as you can and find out if earning a degree from the school is helpful in getting a job. Meanwhile, you can speak to the students in the majors you're considering to know what the courses are like, what you'll learn, and what your expected outcome will be.











    I became a magician by accident. When I was nine I learned how to make a coin _______. At first the magic wasn't any good; it was just a bad_________ I spent hours each day _______ in the bathroom, running through the secret _______ in front of the mirror

One day I made the coin disappear on the playground. What a miracle(奇迹)! Dozens of people were _______ . I showed the coin to everyone. Then it disappeared. The kids _______ and laughed. It was great. Everyone went _______.

The teacher on duty crossed the playground to _______ more about it. Mrs. Tanner was a(n) _______ woman who controlled her class with an appetite(欲望)for ________ students She marched toward me and ________ to know what was going on.

The coin disappeared for her too. “Do it again,” she said angrily, and I did. My hands were ________, but when I looked up, everything had ________. I would remember the look on her face — the look of wide-eyed, open-mouthed ________.

I kept seeing my teacher's face — the strict look ________ into great wonder and joy ________. The kids' too. They had been ________ immediately from an indifferent(冷漠的)pack of creatures into real people. When the ________ of worry or pain had gone, the faces that shone without it were ________.

Magicians get to see people at their very best, and in this transformation we can see what can only be described as real, actual ________.

1.A.roll B.drop C.spin D.disappear

2.A.trick B.gesture C.joke D.word

3.A.reading B.thinking C.showering D.practising

4.A.talks B.moves C.smiles D.messages

5.A.watching B.performing C.debating D.playing

6.A.nodded B.whispered C.screamed D.sighed

7.A.crazy B.wrong C.blind D.hungry

8.A.find out B.try out C.leave out D.turn out

9.A.easy-going B.pleasant C.annoying D.clumsy

10.A.protecting B.punishing C.encouraging D.ignoring

11.A.promised B.begged C.pretended D.demanded

12.A.shaking B.rising C.flying D.dancing

13.A.started B.changed C.recovered D.ended

14.A.relief B.astonishment C.disappointment D.doubt

15.A.dividing B.falling C.softening D.breaking return a result C.all at once usual

17.A.admired B.recognized C.freed D.transformed

18.A.significance B.attempt C.weight D.example

19.A.familiar B.blank C.serious D.amazing

20.A.kindness B.magic C.talent


    People are always denying their pain. They don't want to recognize it because they want to be sensed as okay, especially at this age. People are so concerned with being cool and being popular that they don't want to be the person with problems. 1.

Talking about matters will help you deal with what is bringing you down. Figuring out what makes you feel painful can be very beneficial because a lot of the time we are so mixed up with our emotions that we need to sort them out with others' help. 2. Find someone you trust and open your heart to them. Talk to an adult, a tutor or your parent. You'd be surprised to learn how kind people will be. 3. They are willing to make sure you are okay and if you're not, they want to do whatever they can to help you.

4. It's always okay to have secrets and things you simply want to keep to yourself. However, if something is really disturbing, meaning that you can't stop thinking about it, and that it is really bothering you, then you have to try to open up and talk about it. If you really don't want anyone to know, but still feel the need to talk about the issue and get help, there are hot lines in your area that you can call. The worst thing is to suffer alone.5. Remember that you deserve to be heard and you deserve to be helped.

A.Your silence is not making you stronger

B.A calm heart allows you to think logically.

C.It's not always possible to just rely on ourselves.

D.You don't have to share everything in your heart.

E.They worry about you and they just want the best for you.

F.People like to talk to you and share with you their inner world.

G.However, what you choose to run away from will finally catch up with you.


    Researchers have discovered a new bacterium that feeds on polyurethane, a kind of plastic that is difficult to recycle or destroy. Scientists say the discovery could help reduce a flood of hard — to — recycle plastics that are ending up in the world's landfills(垃圾填埋地) and polluting oceans.

A team from the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research in Leipzig, Germany, found the new type of soil bacteria. It was spotted in an area that contained a large amount of plastic waste. The team discovered the bacteria were feeding on polyurethane diol, which was widely used in many different products.

One problem is that recycling polyurethane requires a lot of energy. The plastic material does not melt when heated. Most polyurethane-based products end up in landfills, where they can release dangerous chemicals. The team round that the bacterium can produce enzymes(酶)that eat away polyurethane. This would make it possible to break down the material in the environment. The results were recently reported in a study in the publication Frontiers in Microbiology. Hermann Heipieper helped write the report. He said in a statement the finding “represents an important step in being able to reuse polyurethane products.”

German study noted that plastic-eating bacteria could be easily controlled and produced for industrial use. The researchers said the next step is to find more information about the bacterial enzymes that can break down polyurethane.

Scientist Douglas Rader wrote about the issue in a 2018 article for the Environmental Defense Fund. He said much more study should be carried out to learn about the complex relationships between bacteria and marine ecosystems. “Such research is needed before we can take action such as putting plastic-eating bacteria into the ocean,” Rader wrote.

1.What is the problem about polyurethane?

A.It seems difficult to transport when it goes to landfills.

B.It affects the quality of plastic products if widely used.

C.It melts easily when exposed to the sun for a long time.

D.It pollutes the environment unless recycled or destroyed.

2.What do we know about the new type of bacteria from the text?

A.It can produce harmful chemicals. B.It can gradually destroy polyurethane.

C.It is very hard to discover and control. D.It is very likely to increase plastic waste.

3.What is Douglas Rader's attitude towards the future use of the new bacterium?

A.Doubtful. B.Disapproval.

C.Cautious. D.Enthusiastic.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A.Plastic-eating Bacteria B.Plastic Waste — A Big Problem

C.Plastic and Ocean D.Polyurethane — A Bacteria killer


    Scientists have found a potentially habitable(可居住的)planet and its star outside our Solar System are more similar to the Earth and our Sun than any other known planet-star pair. For now, the planet candidate(候选)is known as KOI-456.04. If its existence is confirmed by other telescopes, the planet would join a group of about 4,000 known planets outside our Solar System.

“It's the combination of its size less — than — double that of the Earth and its solar-type host star that makes it so special and familiar” Ren6 Heller, the lead author of the new study, said in a press release. That means it could potentially host life.

To be considered habitable, planets must orbit a stable star that keeps a temperature suitable for liquid water. The vast majority of identified Earth-like planets don't meet the conditions required for life to exist. They give off either too weak light or high-energy flames that can fry the planets around them. The star that KOI-456.04 orbits is about 1.1 times the size of the Sun, with a surface temperature of only 300 degrees Celsius less than the Sun. The star also sends out visible light, like our Sun does. Plus, KOI-456.04 is less — than — double the size of the Earth, which could mean its atmospheric conditions are similar to ours. If KOI-456.04 s atmosphere is like the Earths — meaning it has a mild greenhouse effect, then its average surface temperature would be about 5 degrees Celsius, compared to the Earth's average of 15 degrees Celsius, according to the Max Planck Institute .

The system is just over 3,000 light-years away from our Solar System. Future space telescopes could study the planet candidate further. NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency plan to launch(发射)the James Webb space telescope in 2021. The European Space Agency's PLATO space telescope, scheduled to launch in 2026, will focus on finding Earth-like planets orbiting Sun-like stars.

1.What makes the newly-found planet special?

A.Its strange name. B.Its extremely large size.

C.Its potential to host life. D.Its relationship with the Sun.

2.What does the underlined word “orbit” mean in paragraph 3?

A.Move around. B.Stick to.

C.Knock into. D.Depend on.

3.Which of the following do the scientists care while studying KOI-456.04?

A.What kind of energy its host star provides.

B.Whether its atmosphere is similar to the Earth's.

C.How many agencies are willing to join in the study.

D.Why its surface temperature is lower than the Earth's.


    Growing up in an Italian-American household was, for me, pretty special. My mother, Gina, an immigrant from Calabria, held on to so many of her family's traditions that at times, regardless of the fact that I was living in the United States, our home felt like part of Italy.

To this day, my mother only speaks to me in Italian, and our conversations are, for the most part, in her mother tongue. And most of those conversations are about food. For us, food — Italian food — is an important part of our lives.

My mom Gina grew up on a farm where the fruits of their labor directly turned into the food on the table, and wasting any of it was unacceptable. Every day was “Thanksgiving” because times were tough, so food — and how it found its way onto the table ——was a holy matter. One of the greatest lessons my mother taught me in the kitchen is to cook what you have on hand, and to never let anything go to waste.

So, when I take a perfect little arancini(意大利饭团)out of the hot oil. I am immediately transported back to my childhood: I am a little girl getting off the bus and running through the back door to the smell of the food. This small snack symbolizes so many important tenements(经济公寓)in my life about my heritage(传承)through food.

Heritage food is Sunday dinner with the family. When we preserve and recreate dishes like that, we feel a sense of pride and also a sense of continuity. Heritage food is the love we receive from our parents and grandparents, and it's the love we in turn give to our children and grandchildren. Heritage food is food that makes you feel safe and protected wherever and whenever you eat it.

Eating arancini, and all the other recipes my mother continues to make here in the U.S. after leaving Italy, allow her to teach me who I am, where I come from, and why I should be proud of it all.

1.What can we know about the author's mom?

A.She is very strict with her children.

B.She refuses to learn to speak English.

C.She thinks her life in the U.S. special.

D.She values her family's traditions a lot.

2.What does the author imply by mentioning “Thanksgiving” in paragraph 3?

A.She enjoyed the food her mother cooked.

B.This holiday was very important for her mother.

C.Her family treasured the food that didn't come easily.

D.The food was delivered to her family on Thanksgiving.

3.What does the author think of heritage food?

A.It is becoming popular among American families.

B.It passes on family love from generation to generation.

C.It offers a sense of safety when one lives in America.

D.It reminds parents to take good care of their children.



1. 暑假的大致时间;

2. 你的暑假安排(至少两点);

3. 询问美国学生的暑假情况。

注意:1. 词数100字左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Mike,

Learning that you are interested in the summer vocation in China, I’m writing to tell you something about it.



Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Nowadays many children show no appreciation for that their parents have done. I really feel disappointing with them. Their parents give birth to us, bring us up or shape us into intelligent ones. So we should be grateful them. One of my parents’ dearest wishes are that I can be excellent in my study. So I made the most of my precious time to study hard. When at the home, I always do as many housework as possible. Dear friend, don’t wait to be loved.


    Before my birth, my parents had very little knowledge about or exposure to blind people.

Like many parents, mine went from doctor to doctor trying to have my ________ restored (恢复). Finally, a doctor told my parents, “________ going up doctors. Take her home and treat her just like the rest of your children.” For a second they ________ putting me down on the seat and leaving me there. Then, my mother remembered a blind man she had known. He had led a very ________ life. He was married, had children and ________ a job. She decided if that was possible for him, then it would be possible for me.

When I went to new places and heard noises I had ________ heard before, I was ________ because I couldn’t associate the ________ with anything I recognized. My mother kept exposing me to the things I was afraid of, explaining them and making me ________ as much as possible. ________, my father was ________ me where things were in our house. He said I could not be ________ them and I must learn my way around.

When graduating from college, I was encouraged to ________ higher education. I ________ to do this because I wanted to get a job in social work. I thought in the back of my ________ that I could compete in something ________ work with the blind. Later, I heard about a job opening in the Minnesota Services for the Blind, ________ for it, and was hired.

I realize that I was ________ to have the parents I had, who taught me early in life that they had high ________ for me and that I could live a normal and ________ life.

1.A.sight B.hearing C.illness D.problem

2.A.Allow B.Quit C.Forget D.Keep

3.A.imagined B.expected C.considered D.regretted

4.A.wonderful B.formal C.normal D.special

5.A.held B.lost C.offered D.made

6.A.usually B.ever C.frequently D.never

7.A.curious B.frightened C.excited D.stressed

8.A.sound B.environment C.surrounding D.darkness

9.A.taste B.see C.smell D.touch

10.A.Therefore B.However C.Meanwhile D.Though

11.A.teaching B.showing C.explaining D.bringing

12.A.working on B.looking into C.breaking in D.running into B.share C.learn D.try

14.A.refused B.reviewed C.risked D.accepted

15.A.memories B.parents C.mind D.soul

16.A.but for B.other than C.rather than D.except for

17.A.begging B.interviewed C.searched D.applied

18.A.confused B.proud C.fortunate D.discouraged

19.A.blessings B.expectations C.praises D.promises

20.A.perfect B.terrible C.unlucky D.meaningful


    To reduce the spread of the pandemic (流行病), Corona Virus, our product manager has announced businesses to start working from home. For those who are working from home, dealing with this situation can be challenging. 1..

Create a work area. Your first challenge is to pick a corner in the home and create a work-space that is perfect for work from home. 2.. You can make a large coffee table as a work desk. Keep the desk neat and tidy.

3.. Get your laptop, cell phone diary in the right place. If you are in a noisy home, search for your noise cancellation headphone. Use your mouse for increased productivity. Find out who will take care of children as the schools are closed. Organize the home.

Learn technologies. It is important to learn technology for smoother communication. You can make use of Google Hangouts, Slack or other video tools for messaging. 4..

Ensure proper lighting is there. 5.. Locating the office where you receive natural lighting is the best way to increase productivity. Ensure you have enough artificial lighting arrangements.

A.Be organized

B.Create a private area

C.Here’s how you can master it

D.Certain apps can help you to organize the day

E.Find out the right furniture and ensure it is comfortable

F.These tools can help you to communicate with your co workers effectively

G.It is important to choose that corner of the home where there is proper lighting


    Short video applications are not only developing rapidly and successfully in China, but gaining more strength as people across various age groups and geographical locations are using them to kill time, record lives, and even make a fortune.

Douyin, the most popular short video app in the country, said on Monday that the number of daily active users on its app had risen to 400 million by January, 2020. That represented a whopping rise from the 250 million recorded during the same period a year ago. Such an achievement is successful, considering that the app first appeared in 2016.

People of almost all ages use the app, and they double as both viewers and content creators, the company said. For instance, those in their 50s were. more keen on creating dance-related videos and enjoyed watching video clips on wedding scenes. Those born in the 1980s liked recording childhood memories with phones and watching beautiful scenery while teenagers and younger customers were keen on videos about animes (日本动漫), comics (漫画) and cute pets.

As an emotional bond, Douyin saw 1.76 million new born babies, 180,000 college entrance exams, 380,000 graduations and 7.09 million shares, of weddings as users chose to record and upload videos of these important occasions in their life onto the platform.

With flowers increasing at high seed for top influencers, businesses are also sensing marketing opportunities. This year more marketing dollars will be given to short videos for better contact with customers and the creation of interesting content, according to Maggie Wang, president of data marketing technology firm AdMaster.

“For social marketing, it has become more important to create original content,” she said. “It’s highly likely to tum clicks into cash if the contents are to viewers’ tastes.”

1.The underlined word “whopping” in Paragraph 2 most probably means “__________”.

A.gentle B.gradual C.popular D.huge

2.What can we learn from the text?

A.Most of the people just watched video clips on Douyin.

B.People in their 30s liked watching beautiful scenery on Douyin.

C.The number of daily active users on Douyin was about 150 million in 2019.

D.The users preferred to upload funny videos on Douyin.

3.Which of the following would Maggie Wang most probably agree with?

A.Short videos will get more financial (金融的) support this year.

B.All of the users of Douyin will be given money this year.

C.The viewers will pay for the contents that are to their tastes.

D.The more videos the viewers watch, the more dollars they’ll be given.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A.Douyin: An App for People to Record Lives.

B.Douyin: The Most Popular App around the World.

C.Short Videos Apps: Fast Becoming Popular in China.

D.Social Marketing: An Important Key to Business.


    Many students think about how to best spend their time while studying, But what comes before study sessions can be important too-especially if you want to improve your memory of what you have learned. There are some useful, no-cost things you can do before you study to improve your memory and learning.

Before you study, doing cardiovascular exercise (有氧运动) may help you better remember what you learn. In a 2018 study, published in the journal Physiology and Behavior, researchers found that a group of young people who did 15 minutes of cardiovascular exercise remembered more words. Some studies have also shown cardiovascular exercise can help improve the memories of older people.

Location is also important for improving your learning. Some research suggests that changing where you study could help you remember more of what you study. Our memories sometimes depend on things in our environment. Researchers found that environmental context played a big part in how well people remembered words. The researchers noted that subjects who learned from a list remembered an average of 15.9 words, while subjects who learned in two different contexts remembered an average of 24.4 words.

Another way you can improve your study session is taking a pre-study test. Students often consider the test the final step to show how much they have learned. But, students need to test themselves often. Testing is one of the best ways to make yourself remember new information. In 2018, researchers found that students who took a test before learning new material did much better after studying the material. The students failed on the tests, but they were better able to remember the material than students who were only asked to read the information.

1.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To tell you doing exercise is good for health.

B.To introduce some good ways to deal with a test.

C.To teach you how to best spend time while studying.

D.To introduce several ways to do before study to improve your memory.

2.According to Paragraph3, how can we remember more words?

A.By studying in the same environment. B.By studying in different contexts.

C.By reading aloud when remembering words. D.By remembering the things in our environment.

3.What can we learn from the studies in 2018?

A.The students who took a test after studying the material did much better.

B.The students failed on the tests for they didn’t take a test before leaning.

C.Cardiovascular exercise helps improve the memories of both the young and the old.

D.Young people doing cardiovascular exercise remembered more words than older people.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Entertainment. B.Sports. C.Business. D.Education.


    Born in Oak Park, Illinois, on January 17, 1922, Betty White was the only child of Horace and Tess White. Indeed, while most young kids were begging their parents for pets, White said she was the lucky little girl whose parents went for a walk and would come home with a dog or a cat.

The personal passion for animals has often mixed with her professional work. She created, produced and hosted a 1971 animal show called the Pet Set, which featured both wild animals and her friends’ own pets. She also wrote the 2011 book Betty & Friends: My Life at the Zoo and even lent her voice to the animated series (动画系列) of Pound Puppies.

“I’m the luckiest person in the world—my life is divided in absolute half: half animals, half show business,” she said.

She started working with the Los Angeles Zoo in the 1960s. “My interest in zoos started early on, because my mom and dad went to the zoo often, not just to please their little girl, but because they enjoyed the experience,” she wrote in her book. She worked with the Los Angeles Zoo because she was kind of shocked that Los Angeles had such a poor zoo inside. She said, “I’ve never been one to stand outside and criticize (批评). I’d rather get inside and see what’s going on, see how I can help.”

“Zoos don’t only exhibit animals; they do a lot of wonderful protection work,” she said. “Many people have a closed mind on zoos. They think no animal should be kept in zoos. Instead, they should all be in the wild in their own habitat. Well, of course, that is a myth.”

1.White said she was lucky because __________.

A.she could often read books on animals

B.her parents often kept pets at home

C.her parents often took a walk together with her

D.she lent her voice to the animated series of Pound Puppies

2.What can we infer from the text?

A.Only wild animals performed in the show “Pet Set”.

B.White started working in a zoo several years ago.

C.Betty & Friends: My Life at the Zoo was written in 1971.

D.White’s interest in zoos was developed under the influence of her parents.

3.What did White do after seeing the Los Angeles Zoo?

A.She just stood outside to criticize.

B.She got inside and saw the animals.

C.She decided never to visit the zoo again.

D.She worked with the zoo and did something to help.

4.What is White’s attitude towards zoo?

A.Supportive. B.Indifferent (漠不关心的).

C.Hopeless. D.Disapproving.


Four International Books Every Child Should Read

Konstantin, Gerda Wagener

Written in German, this book follows a shy crocodile named Konstantin who plays the instrument in secret in the jungle. The jungle’s other inhabitants are hiding and listening to him play. In the end, the shy and lonely animal finally finds friendship through his music.

Everyone Poops, Taro Gomi

Written in Japan, this book features the introduction of the toilet habits of a range of animals before explaining that everyone has to use the toilet. Designed to teach children that going to the toilet is nothing to be embarrassed about, the book helps kids to deal with toilet training.

Pettson and Findus, Sven Nordqvist

Pettson and Findus is a series about the adventures of an old man, Pettson, and his cat, Findus, living in the countryside. These stories are beloved in their home country of Sweden. The book describes lots of funny stories which will delight any child.

The Three Musketeers, Alexandre Dumas

The Three Musketeers was written in France in 1844. A young man named D’Artagnan who leaves home to pursue his dream of joining the Musketeers (火枪手) of the Guard. D’Artagnan isn’t accepted at first, but in the end manages to befriend three musketeers. This book is a must-read for any fans of action and adventures.

1.Which book tells of an animal who can play the instrument?

A.Konstantin. B.Everyone Poops.

C.Pettson and Findus. D.The Three Musketeers.

2.What is special about Everyone Poops?

A.It helps children to deal with toilet training.

B.It helps children develop an interest in Japanese.

C.It begins by introducing the toilet habits of animals.

D.It stresses the importance of training children in going to the toilet.

3.What do Pettson and Findus and The Three Musketeers have in common?

A.Both of them were written in France. B.Both of them were written in the 19th century.

C.They both contain adventures. D.They both tell a story about an old man.


假定你是李华,是某高中的一名学生。你的外教想了解上个月在赣州市举办的2020年旅发大会(Tourism and Development Conference)。请给你的外教Mr. Smith写一封电子邮件,介绍这个活动。邮件的内容包括:













Dear David,

I'm happy to know that you're coming to my city tomorrow.

Having written to each other for years, I can't wait for to see you. Therefore, I am sorry to tell you that I can't meet you at airport. My sister fall ill so I have to take care of him in the hospital. But I've asked Li Lei to pick you up and take you to the booking hotel. What's worse, I have recommended some places of interest, that I think you may be interested in. Of course you can also visit many tourist attraction by yourself and I will call you when I am available.

I expect your arrival and sincere hope you will enjoy your stay here.


    A 69-year-old American soldier who served in Vietnam is living the American dream by starting his retirement early thanks to a considerate gesture by his boss of over 13 years.

Albert Brigas was a ______ car mechanic who 's worked for Rudy Quinones since 2006. He was planning to ____ after paying off his mortgage(贷款) next year. But thanks to Quinones’ big ______ Brigas can now retire and live in his long-time house, with his long-time wife, but without his long-time mortgage payment. “Rudy Quinones ______ his people and what happens,” Brigas said.

Rudy Quinones, the owner of Renown Auto Restoration, said, “He would come to work everyday even when he was _____  Just that level of loyalty, the ______ you just don't find anymore.” Quinones has known about Brigas’ ______ to retire for a while. Quinones said, “Albert has been complaining about that for the past year. His final ______ was to retire and have the mortgage on his house ______ off.” Last month he ______ Brigas into his office. Quinones added, “I asked Albert to come into my office. ______, when an employee has to come to his boss's office, there's always some ______ for him to come in.” Then Quinones ______ out a check for about USS5,000. Brigas said, “He gave me the ______ mortgage on the house. We went to the ______ and paid it off.”

“Not enough good news is out there and this is one of those things that I think should be ______, so people know there are people out there who do ______ things for other people,” said Joseph Winkler, another employee of Quinones.

Now Brigas has more ______ to spend with his family. “We ______ up our 12-year-old granddaughter and she's doing great, and now we've got a nice little grandson.” Brigas said. Quinones added, “To give them something they've been ______ for their whole lives, it's fantastic.”

1.A.funny B.loyal C.crazy D.perfect

2.A.marry C.retire

3.A.heart B.freedom C.plan D.effort

4.A.believes in B.cares about C.depends on D.agrees with

5.A.energetic B.sick C.sad D.hopeless

6.A.imagination B.reaction C.admiration D.determination

7.A.habit B.wish C.advice D.doubt

8.A.goal B.decision C.potential D.opinion

9.A.cut C.kept D.paid

10.A.followed B.guided C.called D.employed

11.A.Exactly B.Simply C.Usually D.Hardly

12.A.pride B.offer C.anxiety D.excitement

13.A.filled B.looked C.turned D.helped

14.A.middle B.common D.special

15.A.factory B.home

16.A.asked B.used C.discovered D.shared

17.A.good B.terrible C.strange D.wise B.time C.power D.duty

19.A.took B.set C.put D.brought

20.A.doing B.losing C.practicing D.expecting


    Who are the top ten people in your life? Do they know they are important to you? The following are things you can do to cherish (珍惜) life and the people in your life.

1. A couple of months ago my grandchildren planned on coming to Arizona for a week's visit. I decided I would fly to Detroit, rent a car and fly back with them. 1 cherish my grandchildren.

Tell the people in your life how you feel about them. If it doesn't come natural to you, do it often. 2. Of course, “I love you” is what everyone wants to hear. Other phrases are, “I'm happy to see you. I care about you. You mean so much to me. 1 think of you often.” Everyone has three things in common: They need to receive love, give love and know that they matter. Tell people they matter!

Become grateful. If you have friends and family, you are blessed. Share your gratitude with them. 3. In the world of texting and email, receiving a card is a rare treat.

Don't hide yourself from others. Let your light shine. Be yourself. 4. Real people are attractive people. The world needs the unique you, not a scaled-down (缩小比例的) version of you.

Cherish yourself. Tell yourself how important you are and stop self-hatred. 5. Treat yourself to concerts.

The world would be a happier place if we all practiced cherishing. It would be a more loving place as well.

A.Do nice things for yourself.

B.You will begin to feel natural soon.

C.Surround yourself with memories.

D.Surprise them with a card in the mail.

E.Don't waste time on unimportant things.

F.Spend time with your friends and family.

G.Learn to feel good about yourself and respect who you are.


    Asthma (哮喘) and allergy (过敏) attacks have increased in the United States, despite the fact that our outdoor air quality has improved. Some researchers think these problems have increased because kids are spending too much time indoors.

When outdoors, we are exposed to different kinds of pollen (花粉) and dust. But when indoors, we are also exposed to allergens (过敏源) . Allergens cause allergies and most people know that allergens can make you sneeze, have runny eyes, and other cold-like symptoms (症状). But allergens can also lead to asthma attacks, which are more serious. Asthma symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, especially during exercise and tightness in the chest. Allergic asthma affects about three million children (8 to 12 percent of all children) and seven million adults in the United States each year!

You can get rid of the allergens from your environment! Most children with asthma are allergic to something, so staying away from the allergen should help control the asthma. If you have asthma or allergies, stay away from animals, remove the teddy bears, rugs and curtains in rooms that you spend a lot of time in. Removal of dusty things can help you breathe more easily. If it's trees and pollen that affect you, air conditioning and air filters(空气过滤器) should help.

And research helps, too! Children whose parents, brothers or sisters have asthma are more likely to develop it themselves. But even though our genes do play some part in whether or not we'll have asthma, researchers hope to make the most progress in fighting the disease by looking at the environmental aspect (方面) of asthma. The hope is that if kids are exposed to fewer allergens early in life, they'll be less likely to develop allergic responses. Asthma research is performed at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases(NIAID).

1.What makes asthma and allergy attacks increase in the United States?

A.Poor outdoor air quality. B.Not enough outdoor time.

C.Too much pollen and dust. D.The decrease of people's physical condition.

2.What can we know in the second paragraph?

A.Allergens in home environment can affect our health.

B.The number of allergens in the average home has decreased.

C.Asthma symptoms are the same as those of the common cold.

D.Allergens from outdoors are more dangerous than those in our homes.

3.What do we know from the passage?

A.Allergies are more serious than asthma.

B.People do not get asthma when they are outdoors.

C.We should stay away from allergens to help control asthma.

D.Children whose parents have asthma are certain to develop it.

4.Where can you most probably find this passage?

A.In a storybook. B.In a news report.

C.In a travel guide. D.In a health magazine.


    Chef Wolfgang Puck told Fox News on Tuesday that the nationwide near-shutdown of the restaurant business will not only be a disaster for its workers due to the novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒), but also will have a bad effect on the nation's economy in the long term.

Puck said that the American restaurant industry gives jobs to 15.6 million people nationwide. He added that in a normal year, the food service industry provides USS I trillion to the U.S. economy.

“How are we going to continue this way with no work for so many people?” Puck said, “It's really a tragedy to have so many people out of work, not getting their money.”

Puck said Congress must act to protect the restaurants and help them get back on their feet when the coronavirus contagion(扩散) declines. “If every restaurant should go to the government, local state or federal individually and say, 'We need money', it would be impossible. We would be waiting for ten years.” He said, “We've seen in the time after Hurricane Katrina how long it took to get money from the federal government to the people in need. We really need it now. We cannot wait a month.”

Puck pointed out that some restaurants survive on takeouts (外卖) and delivery orders, but it is not possible in the long term.

Puck was joined by chef Thomas Keller, who said the federal government is the most effective way to bring relief to the food service industry right away. “The most important thing is that the restaurants survive,” Keller said.

1.What can we learn about the American restaurant industry?

A.It can't be saved by the government.

B.It can survive on takeouts in the long term.

C.It has a bad effect on the nation's economy.

D.It provides jobs for a large number of people.

2.Why did Puck mention Hurricane Katrina?

A.To stress how serious the current economic situation is.

B.To show that the government failed to provide timely help.

C.To tell us that the country has gone through too many disasters.

D.To compare the different effects of the hurricane and the coronavirus.

3.Who could save the restaurant industry according to Thomas Keller?

A.Insurance companies. B.The federal government.

C.The food delivery industry. D.Restaurant owners and employees.

4.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.People are dissatisfied with the federal government.

B.The novel coronavirus has not influenced restaurants.

C.The restaurant industry needs relief in the United State.

D.The restaurant industry is important in the whole economy.


    With attractiveness in its structure and in its presence, the Eiffel Tower has become a symbol of France and Gustave Eiffel's architectural (建筑的) wonder. Do you know how tall the Eiffel Tower is? Standing at 1, 063 feet tall, this is the second tallest monument in France after the Millau Viaduct, a road bridge over the river Tarn. The tower was built between 1887 and 1889 as the entrance arch for the World Fair. About 18,038 pieces of iron were put together with millions of rivets (铆钉). Gustave Eiffel was helped by several design engineers. Ironically, at first, the tower was considered unpleasant by a lot of artists. Several members from the arts community said it only ruined the empty skyline of the Paris city. French novelist Guy de Maupassant expressed his dislike for the tower by eating lunch everyday at the tower's restaurant-his explanation was that it was the only place in Paris where one could not see the structure!

The tower, weighing 10,000 tons, includes several non-metallic (非金属的) parts as well. The metallic parts used in the structure weigh 7, 300 tons, which, if melted, will fill up a 125-meter square with a depth of 6 cm. At the time when the tower was built, the great structure amazed lots of engineers and common people. The Eiffel Tower needs 50-60 tons of paint every seven years to keep the rust(铁锈) away.

Being one of the most visited sites in the world, the Eiffel Tower still remains an architectural wonder! To sum up its beauty, here's a quote by Gustave Eiffel, “I ought to be jealous (嫉妒的) of the tower. She is more famous than I am!”

1.Which of the following about the Eiffel Tower is TRUE?

A.It runs across the river Tarn. B.It's the tallest monument in France.

C.Gustave Eiffel was its leading designer. D.It has become a less popular landmark.

2.What does the underlined word “Ironically” in the first paragraph mean?

A.Impolitely. B.Excitingly.

C.Surprisingly. D.Carefully.

3.How much paint was probably used from1996 to 2016 on the tower?

A.About 7,300 tons. B.About 170 tons.

C.About 10,000 tons. D.About 55 tons.

4.What is the purpose of the second paragraph?

A.To show how grand the Eiffel Tower is.

B.To show what the Eiffel Tower was used for.

C.To show what was used to build the Eiffel Tower.

D.To show how difficult it is to clean the Eiffel Tower.


General Library of the University of Tokyo

Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday: 8:30-22:30

Weekend: 9:00-2 1:00

National Holidays: 9:30-17:00

Rules and Regulations:

Please keep quiet.

No smoking.

No eating.

No photography.

Drinks only in spill-proof(防溢的) containers are allowed.

Phone calls are only allowed in the lounge(休息厅) (2F).


Current students or faculty (教员) of the University of Tokyo: .

A student ID or faculty ID card is required to enter the General Library.

In some cases, it is necessary to register or renew your ID at your department library. If you don't have an ID card, please contact your department library. If there is no library in your department, please ask at the General Information Desk.

Former students of the University of Tokyo:

A “University of Tokyo Library Pass (UTL Pass)” is required to enter the General Library. With this pass, you can use the General Library during its opening hours. (On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, only books and journals in the open-shelf section are available.)

Students and staff of other universities:

Show your university ID card at the reception desk to fill out the application for a one day pass (from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays). If you bring a litter of introduction, you may use the General Library continuously for an extended period of up to two weeks, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. (On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, only books and journals in the open-shelf section are available.)

1.What time can you go to the library on Saturday?

A.At 8:00. B.At 10:00. C.At 21:00. D.At 22:00.

2.Where can you make phone calls?

A.At your department library. B.Outside the reading room.

C.In the lounge on the second floor. D.At the General Information Desk.

3.How can students of other universities enter the library?

A.By showing a student ID. B.By showing a faculty ID card.

C.By showing a UTL Pass. D.By applying for a one-day pass.


你校将举办一次主题为“我和我的祖国(Me and My Motherland)”的英语征文比赛,你受学生会委托为学校宣传栏的英语天地写一则通知。内容包括:

1. 征文比赛的具体要求;

2. 动员大家参加。

注意: 1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Tom was three year old. He liked to watch TV with his parents after the supper, but his parents never let him stay too longer. His mother would say, “It’s eight o’clock now, and it’s time of you to go to bed, Tom.” “But how don’t you go to bed?” Tom always asked. “We are adults,” his mother would say“And adults go to bed lately.” One evening Tom asks his mother for an apple. She didn’t want to give him anything eat at bedtime, so she said, “It’s too late, and the apples are already asleep.” “But not both of them, Mom,” Tom said. “The baby apples is perhaps asleep, but their parents are surely awake.”


    Like many parents, I enjoyed reading a bedtime story to my two sons each night before they went to bed. After the story was over, we would turn out the lights, and talked until they fell ______.

One night after the lights were out, my 3-year-old son, Will, ______ me to tell them a story ______ by myself, not one from a book. So I ______ told him a story about the first thing that came into my ______. But to my surprise, he ______ it so much that he asked me to do that the next night.

Thus a story-telling tradition was ______ in our family. Ever since that night, they seemed not to be able to sleep without hearing one of my ______ stories. Of all the things I do for my ______my storytelling is what they love most. It has created a special ______ between us. And they find that their day isn’t ______ without one of my stories, and so do I.

When I see how ______ my storytelling is in their lives, I come to realize how much our television and video-oriented (以视频为导向的)society has ______ in terms of the personal connections that storytelling brings. Before the ______ of television, computers and smartphones, a family’s ______ was built around storytelling. Many of the stories we have today originated from the oral(口述的) tradition. It was ______ down from generation to generation until someone finally ______ them down.

Storytelling serves as a creative way to ______ for me. During the storytelling, I forget about the pressure of the day and enjoy the ______ time I can spend with my children. I hope that other parents can gain ______ from storytelling, too.

1.A.asleep B.short C.ill D.silent

2.A.warned B.forced C.begged D.allowed

3.A.made up B.taken up C.picked up D.brought up

4.A.frequently B.casually C.secretly D.carefully C.mouth D.mind

6.A.believed B.doubted C.loved D.knew

7.A.ended B.followed C.born D.destroyed

8.A.crazy B.funny C.strange D.original

9.A.parents B.children C.students D.relatives B.argument D.difference

11.A.difficult B.bad C.sad D.complete

12.A.valueless B.important C.helpless D.common

13.A.earned B.progressed C.contributed D.lost

14.A.familiarity B.operation C.invention D.discussion

15.A.evening C.morning D.dinner

16.A.died B.passed C.broken D.thrown

17.A.wrote B.cut C.slowed D.broke

18.A.struggle B.relax C.fight D.escape

19.A.unusual B.boring C.precious D.difficult

20.A.confidence B.courage C.knowledge D.happiness


    Hanfu is a traditional robe(长袍) of the Han people, which has a history of thousands of years in China. The number of people adopting the ancient style of dress in modem times has. grown significantly these days. The hanfu clothing industry is now worth one billion yuan(US$140.7 million). 1. However, it may be too early to call it a “revival”(复兴).

2. And it sounds impressive that about 2.2 million people in China wear hanfu. But considering that the clothing retail(零售) industry was worth 1.92 trillion yuan in 2017, one billion yuan is a small number. Similarly, 2.2 million seems a small number considering that China’s population is more than 1.3 billion.

Having played a major role in China’s clothing history, hanfu remained popular until the late 1600s. 3. After pursuing Western fashion, it’s natural that Chinese people are returning to traditional clothing in search of their cultural identity.

But what is the obstacle of hanfu’s revival, despite people’s love for it? 4. The hanfu trend appeared five years ago, so the industry is quite young. And many tailors are still learning how best to make hanfu from historical TV dramas and so on. But most of these historical dramas are fictional, as are many of the clothes the characters wear.

Short-video and live-streaming apps are the other sources that promote the hanfu culture. But most of these live streamers have their own shops. 5. To fulfill their selfish interests, those behind the short videos and live-streaming blame one another instead of working together to revive the hanfu culture.

If these live-streamers really want to develop the hanfu culture, they should change their attitude and work together for the betterment of the hanfu industry.

A.One billion yuan is a huge figure.

B.The lack of a standard seems to be the main problem.

C.The popularity of hanfu reflects the diversity of Chinese culture.

D.This means they promote hanfu culture to increase their own profits.

E.Even the traditional Korean and Japanese costumes originated from it.

F.This has prompted many to say it symbolizes the revival of Han or hanfu culture.

G.It is natural for Chinese people to show their love for traditional culture by wearing hanfu.


    Do you sometimes find yourself drawing random patterns(图案)during meetings and lectures? Some people believe it shows you aren’t listening or paying attention. However, there are studies which claim the opposite, and that doodling might actually be beneficial.

Doodling seems to be popular. In the past, it was seen as a mindless activity and a product of the absentminded. However, in 2016, an article on the Harvard University website discussed the idea that random drawings may assist memory retention(保持)and concentration.

The article stresses that 26 of 44 American presidents were known to doodle, with Ronald Reagan famous for drawing cowboys. A 2009 study conducted by psychologist Jackie Andrade asked 40 people to listen to a “dull and boring” voice message. Half of the group were asked to doodle and shade in a picture. Those who did were able to recall 29% more of the information contained in the message.

Some experts believe that willingly accepting your creative and artistic sides during meetings may engage your mind. Jesse Prinz, a famous professor of philosophy, actively encourages his students to doodle. He believes that doodling is the “attentional sweet spot”.

And it might not just be good for your concentration. An artist known as Mr Doodle has made a career out of his scribbles(乱涂乱画).He sells his art online and also goes to people’s homes to decorate their walls.

It seems that random drawing to aid concentration might be becoming more of a thing. People like Sunni Brown, an advocate for doodling, teach adults how to sketch and scribble in the workplace. So, the next time you see someone randomly drawing pictures during a meeting, it might be a sign that they are listening more than you think.

1.Which phrase has the same meaning as doodling?

A.A product of the absentminded.

B.Random drawing.

C.Scribbles in the workplace.

D.Drawing on the walls.

2.The author refers to Ronald Reagan in order to ________.

A.inform readers of Reagan’s ability

B.provide some background information

C.introduce a new topic for further discussion

D.give an example of the advantages of doodling

3.Why does Jesse Prinz think that doodling is the “attentional sweet spot”

A.He thinks that it draws more attention.

B.He thinks that it promises a good career.

C.He believes that it helps to engage the mind.

D.He believes that it can bring economic benefits.

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A.To state the benefits that you can get from random drawing.

B.To provide guidance on leading a random drawing life.

C.To stress the need of distraction at work and in our life.

D.To suggest a way of pursuing concentration in our lifelong career.


    Is it to control their body temperature? Save energy? Find food? Tiger sharks at the Ningaloo Reef are thought to search the seafloor for prey as they dive down and swim up. But could there be other reasons why the sharks often move up and down through the water column?

That’s what UWA student Sammy is hoping to find out for her Ph.D. research. Sammy caught 24 tiger sharks at the Ningaloo Reef and attached tracking devices to them for up to 48 hours. The devices recorded activity rates and other data 20 times a second. The tags also contained video cameras, so Sammy could see the habitats the sharks moved through and the animals they met. She watched how the sharks reacted to prey and how the prey reacted to them.

Tiger sharks can be pretty lazy — something as simple as a turtle noticing a shark and turning away could cause the shark not to bother hunting it.

“Stomach content analysis has found their normal prey items, such as turtles, rays and fish,” Sammy said. “But have also found some really interesting things, such as license plates, cans and nails.”

Sammy said that studying tiger sharks can help her better understand the ecosystem as a whole. How they move through the Ningaloo Reef and feed can help her figure out how they might be impacting the animals beneath them in the food chain.

But hours of watching tiger sharks hunt hasn’t put Sammy off the animals at all. She said her time tagging sharks at the Ningaloo Reef was the best month of her Ph.D., if not her life. “At first, I was a bit apprehensive about it ... getting that close to some very big animals,” Sammy said. “But they were very frightened once you had them restrained alongside the boat. They’d just sit there; you’d attach the tag; you’d take the line off and they’d just swim off really calmly. It was pretty amazing to see these. They’re just absolutely beautiful animals.”

1.What can be the function of the first paragraph?

A.To give an example. B.To introduce the topic.

C.To make a comparison. D.To provide the background.

2.What does Sammy want to know through her research?

A.Why tiger sharks swim up and down. B.What tiger sharks like to hunt and eat.

C.How tiger sharks react in front of humans. D.Whether tiger sharks are endangered or not.

3.What can be inferred from the stomach content analysis?

A.Tiger sharks live happily in the sea. B.Tiger sharks are sensitive to some food.

C.Tiger sharks are lazier than expected. D.Tiger sharks have a very broad diet.

4.What does the underlined word “apprehensive” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Careless. B.Curious. C.Fearful. D.Cautious.


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