Almost everyone has heard the expression “the calm before the storm.” It is usually used to describe a peaceful period just before a very stressful situation or a tense argument.

British sailors coined the phrase in the late 1600s; they noted that before certain storms the seas would seem to become still and the winds would drop.

Science has given us the reason. According to US website HowStuffWorks, a calm period occurs because many storms, tornadoes and hurricanes draw in all the warm and humid(湿热的) air from the surrounding area. As this air rises into the storm clouds, it cools and acts as “fuel for the storm, like petrol in a car”. Once the storm has taken all the energy it can from the air, it is pushed out from the top of the storm clouds and falls back down to ground level. As the air goes down, it becomes warm and dry. Warm and dry air is stable, so once it covers an area, it causes a calm period before the storm. This same process also causes the “eye of the storm” in hurricanes and tornadoes. In these conditions, the calm occurs in the center of the storm because of the strong rotating (旋转的) winds.

The Weather Network has a tip for working out how far away a storm is. First count how many seconds there are between a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder, roughly three seconds equal one kilometer. So, for example, if you count nine seconds, the storm is about three kilometers away. A good method is that if your count is below 30 seconds, you should seek shelter straight away.

However, due to the complexity of storm system, not all storms take place after calm. Given the right conditions, some storms announce themselves with heavy rain and fierce winds.

So, your best bet is to keep yourself updated with weather reports for any predictions regarding a coming storm in your area. That's the most reliable way to predict the next display(展示) of nature's temper (脾气).

1.What is the function of Paragraph 3?

A.To describe how the eye of the storm comes into being.

B.To stress why tornadoes and hurricanes are destructive.

C.To explain why a peaceful period occurs before some storms.

D.To remind how dangerous a storm can be in certain situations.

2.If you count fifteen seconds between a lightening flash and a thunder clap, the storm may be . kilometer away B.three kilometers away

C.four kilometers away D.five kilometers away

3.What can we learn from the text?

A.Heavy storms don't usually last long.

B.It is not always quiet before a storm.

C.Storms have a big influence on our life.

D.Weather reports often fail to predict a storm.

4.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A travel journal. B.A science fiction.

C.A literature review. D.A geography magazine.


    The U.S. is still out in front of global competitors when it comes to innovation (革新), but American universities-where new ideas often spread-have reason to look over their shoulders.

That's especially true for technologies like 5G phone networks and artificial intelligence. In President Donald Trump's opinion, they're exactly the fields where the U.S. has to lead - and also the ones where Asia, especially China, is catching up. Universities from China get more patents than their U.S. peers in wireless communications, according to research firm GreyB Services. In AI, 17 of the top 20 universities and public research organizations are in China, with the Chinese Academy of Sciences topping the list, says the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva.

There's a special place for universities in the development of science. Universities educate future scientists and can be incubators (孵化器) for pie-in-the-sky ideas-some of which turn out to be game-changers. The list ranges from Google's search engine to DNA technology that's behind a whole industry of gene-manipulating (基因编辑) treatments.

However, government aids to universities haven't been growing for more than a decade, meaning they've declined in real terms and as a share of the economy, leading to the cost increase for universities and meanwhile somehow discouraging the teaching staff from putting all their hearts into their scientific research.

“If you look at the federal dollars, they've not really changed considerably,” says Stephen Susalka, head of AUTM, a technology transfer association whose members include 800 universities. “Other countries are catching up. We can't be satisfied with what we have achieved.”

1.What does the underlined phrase “look over their shoulders” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.Watch out B.Take off

C.Stand up D.Hide away

2.The author mentions 5G phone networks in Paragraph 2 to show.

A.Chinese universities have obtained more patents than other countries

B.the Chinese government provides aids to Chinese universities

C.wireless communications are changed dramatically these years

D.U.S. universities may lose their lead in some high-tech fields

3.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A.Universities can be birthplaces of game programmers.

B.Pie-in-the-sky ideas from universities can be revolutionary.

C.Universities play an important role in science development.

D.Gene-manipulation helps to develop DNA technology.

4.What's Stephen Susalka's attitude towards the future development of U.S universities?

A.Worried. B.Disapproving.

C.Positive. D.Unconcerned.


    One year, a newspaper of the United States published an announcement-the Horticultural (园艺) Institute offered a reward at a high price for the pure white marigold (金盏花). The high reward attracted so many people, but in nature besides golden, the marigold is brownit is not easy to create the white one. So after they were excited for a time, many people forgot that announcement.

One normal day after 20 years, the Horticultural Institute accidentally received a letter and 100 seeds of pure white marigold. On that day the news spread like wildfire. It turned out to be an old woman of over 70 years old. The institute had always been hesitating over the fact that the letter stated with certainty that the seeds could bloom(开花) pure white marigold.

Those seeds finally took root in the earth. The wonder appeared after one year: large fields of pure white marigold swung in the light wind. As a result, the old woman became a new focus.

Originally, the old woman was just a flower-lover. When she happened to read the announcement 20 years ago, her heart kept beating wildly. But her eight children all opposed her decision. After all, a woman who never knew the seed genetics(遗传学) couldn't complete what the experts could never accomplish! Still, the old woman didn't change her mind and went on working without hesitation. She spread some of the most common seeds and took good care of them. A year later, when the marigold bloomed, she chose one faintest (暗淡) from those golden and brown flowers and made it wither (凋谢) naturally in order to get the best seed. The next year, she again grew them and chose the faintest from these flowers to plant  Year after year, through many cycles of spring sowing and autumn harvest, the old woman's husband died; her children flew far and high; a lot of things happened in her life but only the desire to grow the pure white marigold took root in her heart. Finally, after 20 years on the day we all know, in the garden, she saw a marigold, which was not nearly white but as white as silver or snow.

Such a difficult problem as even experts couldn't cope with was readily solved by an old woman who didn't understand genetics. Was it a wonder? Take root in the heart and even the most common seed can grow into a wonder!

1.Why was a great reward offered by the Institute?

A.White flowers could be sold at a higher price

B.Pure white marigold was more beautiful in nature

C.It was very difficult to develop pure white marigold

D.Scientists wanted to know how marigold grew in nature

2.What can we know about the old woman from the passage?

A.She was 70 when she first read the announcement.

B.She sent pure white marigold flowers to the institute.

C.She got professional support from scientists.

D.She kept trying for years before she succeeded.

3.The underlined word “readily” in the last paragraph probably means .

A.easily B.quickly

C.honestly D.luckily

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Seeds Take Root in the Heart B.White Marigold is Never Alone

C.Marigolds Grow from Bravery D.White Flowers Bring Success


    Watching kids' cartoons can be an effective way to learn a language. The basic plot lines of kids' cartoons are fairly simple and the characters speak more slowly, and the dialogue is typically standard and casual. Here are four worldwide popular kids' cartoons which may help you with your English learning.

Peppa Pig

Peppa Pig, the pink piggy, has gained worldwide popularity. There are even videos showing an American child speaking in a British accent to her mom after watching the popular cartoon.

The Simpsons

The Simpsons in the ' 90s was smart, culturally savvy (有见识的), and unbelievably entertaining TV about an average American family. At its height, no show - animated or otherwise - could reach The Simpsons' greatness. From the cleverness of “Marge vs. the Monorail” to everything Lisa Simpson ever said. The Simpsons was fearless and game-changing television.

Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time is a French educational animation, created by Procidis. There are seven series (系列), each focusing on different aspects of knowledge. These are mostly historical, focusing on the overall history of mankind or specified historical fields, such as the lives and achievements of the explorers or inventors.


Sazae-san is more than a kids' show. It's a cultural institution, a national treasure and the longest- running animated series in the world, ever!

It's about a typical Japanese big family living together in Tokyo. The central character is an outspoken but somewhat clumsy woman in her early 20s, living with her husband, son, father, mother, brother and sister all under one roof.

All of the characters are colorful and funny, and all are named after fish!

1.Why does the American girl speak in a British accent?

A.She was born and brought up in Britain. B.Peppa Pig has strongly influenced her.

C.The British accent is popular in America. D.She wants to make fun of her mother.

2.What will a fan of history choose to watch?

A.Peppa Pig B.The Simpsons

C.Once Upon a Time D.Sazae-san

3.What can you learn about Sazae-san from the text?

A.It is about an average American family. B.It is the longest-running of the four.

C.It is a well-received French cartoon. D.It includes seven different series.


假定你是李华,你校英国交换生Peter打算加入你校围棋社团(Weiqi Club)。请你给他写一封电子邮件,告知他相关信息,内容包括:














Last Sunday, almost all the school staff and student in our school have paid a visit to Hanyangling Museum. It is about 10 kilometers away from our school.

We started off at 800 am from our school gate, so the whole journey took us two hours. We visited the museum about ten o’clock. when features the history of our hometown. Be-sides, we enjoyed the beautifully scenery outdoors. Before having some photos taking and a picnic together, we returned to school on foot. Though the hike made us tiring, it provided us with a opportunity to take in the area’s great winter scenery.



Pandas are 1. (easy) identified due to their black-and-white fur patterns, 2. we've never known what purpose their colorization serves. Now, the same team of researchers that figured out why zebras have their stripes ()are suggesting an 3. (explain) for pandas’ unique markings.

Bamboo turns out to be the key to at least half 4. mystery. This plant isn't particu¬larly packed with nutrients, and that means pandas have to search for food in5. (difference) areas if they want to keep eating. Since they don't hibernate (冬眠)during the winter, 6. (find) bamboo in snowy climates means they need to mix in, thus the white fur on the face, neck, stomach and bottom. But since bamboo is 7. (they) primary food source, pandas often have to adventure into jungle-like areas, 8. their black legs come in¬to play, helping them to hide from enemies.

The markings on the panda's face—black ears and the black fur around the eyes—have nothing to do with bamboo and camouflage (伪装).The researchers suggest that the dark ears 9. (mean) to be frightening—"GRR! Stay away!"—while the circles around the eyes may be used 10. (identify) markers among pandas.


    Two weeks of volunteer work lay ahead and my mood _______. I realized that good _______ and a trip to Spain would not be enough to make the _______ that I had hoped for. My volunteer service was in a shelter in Peru. I was where I wanted to be, but, without the communication _______ I needed.

One morning the founder of the shelter , Miguel Rodriguez , _______ the story of how, after the death of his baby, he started feeding and taking in _______ children. He eventually _______ his family, wealth, and life to setting up what is now a shelter for over 1,300 chil-dren. As he finished, I asked''I can _______ how the walls, the food, and the facility came to be, but, how did you _______ the atmosphere of love, respect, and care among these children? ''

His response was simple''Use the language of love. '' He ________ , ''The language of love is done with your eyes, your hands, and your smile. ''  ''________ are not only for work. They are for hugging, holding, and ________ . Do this, and they may well ________ the example. ''

This simple statement carried ________. These children had communicated love, respect, and ________ to me and each other without a word being ________. These emotions, so ________ to convey, did not need translation at all.

For the remainder of my service, I was determined to worry less about my ________ of Spanish, and instead, focus on using the language of love. When I returned home, I ________ myself to use it more in my everyday life and to be mindful that being a(n) ________ is sometimes all the power that is needed.

1.A.mattered B.sunk C.disappeared D.rose

2.A.intention B.appreciation C.introduction D.application

3.A.decision B.arrangement C.impression D.difference B.desire C.skills D.course

5.A.Changed B.heard C.shared D.reformed

6.A.unconscious B.careless C.dangerous D.homeless

7.A.committed B.dragged C.convinced D.compared

8.A.stress B.understand C.explore D.predict B.decorate C.recognize D.create

10.A.wondered B.explained C.imagined D.claimed

11.A.Lips B.Eyes C.Hands D.Cheeks

12.A.fighting B.performing C.kissing D.comforting

13.A.include B.follow C.analyze D.describe

14.A.weight B.signals C.reference D.limitations

15.A.wisdom B.advance C.warmth D.freedom

16.A.overlooked B.spoken C.mistaken D.prepared

17.A.simple B.important C.specific D.hard

18.A.lack B.practice C.demand D.record

19.A.challenged B.expected C.condemned D.questioned

20.A.angel B.talent C.example D.hero


    Americans spend nearly 40 minutes a day cleaning their homes. Fortunately, you can re-gain those precious minutes with these genius cleaning tips that only the professionals know 1.!

Freshen up your garbage disposals (处理器)with some lemons.

With all the junk we throw into our garbage disposals, it's no wonder that they're real petri dishes (培养皿)with the awful smell to prove it. Thankfully, making them a whole lot cleaner is easy Simply drop some cut lemons down your drain.2..

Make the bathtub clean with grapefruit and salt.

3.. So the next time you’re at the supermarket, make sure to throw an extra grapefruit into your cart—not for eating, but for cleaning. Just cut the fruit open and cover it in salt. The salt creates a special texture while the acid in the grapefruit will help break down stains.


Research published in 2015 in Scientific Reports suggests that our coffee makers are an absolute hotbed of bacterial activity, which means that we might just be taking in some of that disgusting stuff along with our dark roast. 5.? A monthly vinegar wash should do it. Simply fill your coffee maker's reservoir with a few tablespoons of white vinegar mixed with water, run it once more with only water to remove any remaining vinegar smell.

A.What problem will be caused by the bacteria

B.This his fruit is the perfect solution to a dirty tub

C.So, how should you fight with all that bacteria

D.Clean out your coffee maker with some vinegar

E.Get ready to have your home look twice as spotless in half the time

F.These tricks can help you be more subjective and work more efficiently

G.As your disposals covers up those skins, it will start to smell fresh and great


    According to a study published in the pre-print website bioRxiv, a team of Israeli scientists recorded tomato and tobacco plants producing sound frequencies which humans cannot hear in stressful situations—such as when they experienced a lack of water or their stems were cut. The team identified the sounds with microphones placed around 10 centimeters (around four inches) away from the plants, though the scientists say the noises could potentially be heard several feet away by some mammals and insects, such as mice.

Plants exposed to drought stress have been shown to experience cavitation (空化现象)— a process where air bubbles (气泡)form, expand and explode inside tissue that transports water. These explosions produce sound, but they have only ever been recorded using devices directly connected to the plants. The latest study, meanwhile, is the first to identify plants making sounds which can be detected over a distance. And the researchers say that cavitation could potentially be the source of these sounds.

The team detected the tomato plants made 35 sounds an hour on average when they were exposed to drought conditions, while the tobacco plants produced 11. When the stems of the plants were cut, the tomato plants made 25 sounds an hour on average and the tobacco plants produced 15. As a comparison, unstressed plants made less than one sound hour on aver-age, according to the study.

The team say that while they only tested tomato and tobacco. It's possible that other plants could also produce sounds, adding that the latest findings could have implications for agriculture. ''Plant sound emissions could offer a novel way for monitoring crops' water state—a question of vital importance in agriculture, '' the authors wrote in the study. ''More Precise irrigation can save up to 50 percent of the water consumption and increase the output, with dramatic economic implications. ''

''According to Anne Visscher from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in the U. K., the idea that the sounds could be used in precision agriculture is 'practical' though she urges caution regarding the Israeli team's suggestion that other animals could hear the sounds at a distance, '' New Scientist reported.

1.What do the Israeli scientists find about plants?

A.Stressed plants tend to lack water.

B.Some plants can understand humans' sounds.

C.Stressed plants can make more frequent sounds.

D.Some mammals and insects can communicate with plants.

2.What can we learn about cavitation?

A.It may contribute to the plants' sounds.

B.It may lead to plants experiencing drought.

C.It is determined by the number of air bubbles.

D.It was identified and recorded for the first time.

3.How many sounds do the tomato plants make per hour on average when cut?

A.11. B.15.

C.25. D.35.

4.What's Anne Visscher's attitude to applying the study to agriculture?

A.Supportive. B.Cautious.

C.Reserved. D.Opposed.


    Given a wide range of available entertainment options and the way we consume information, visits to the library may seem like an old-fashioned entertainment. But according to a new Gallup poll (民意调査),Americans took more trips to the library than to the movie theater in 2019. The poll surveyed 1,025 adults throughout the United States who were asked how many times they participated in nine different leisure (休闲)activities, including visiting a library, watching a movie, or attending a sporting event. Library visits came out on top as the favorite, with those surveyed visiting an average of 10.5 times annually. Movies were second with respondents heading to the cinema an average of 5.3 times throughout the year. The zoo came in the last place with only 0.9 visits.

Although it’s not the only determining factor, cost appears to play a part. Activities at the bottom of the list such as theme parks and zoos are typically expensive. Libraries are free, as are many of their available services like Wi-Fi, in addition to the endless amounts of books. A Pew Research Center study indicated that although most people visit libraries to check out reading materials, 29% of surveyed Americans over the age of 16 use libraries for computers, Internet and public Wi-Fi.

People between ages 30-49 were most likely to engage in leisure activities, according to the Gallup poll. This was perhaps because of “their relative youth combined with mid-life stability” Gallup’s Justin McCarthy told Smithsonian. McCarthy also notes that libraries are typically visited most often by adults from low-income households and less often by adults from high-income households. In this poll, the youngest age group—those who are 18 to 29 years old—visited the library the most. This could be because college students are in that group.

Regardless of the reasons why people visit libraries, they’re far from outdated. Libraries have stood the test of time, which is good news for book lovers, those needing to drop in for Internet use, or anyone just looking for some quiet time. If there was ever any doubt that libraries would simply fade away, research suggests that they’re not going anywhere anytime soon.

1.Which activity ranks last according to the survey?

A.Going to a library.

B.Visiting the zoo.

C.Attending a sporting event.

D.Watching a movie in the theater.

2.What can be inferred from paragraph 2?

A.Age plays a key role in going to a library.

B.Teenagers go to libraries mainly for free Wi-Fi.

C.Theme parks and zoos are less favored among the young.

D.The majority of Americans visit libraries mainly for reading materials.

3.Who visit libraries most according to McCarthy?

A.Adults with high income.

B.People between ages 30-49.

C.The young at the age of 18 to 29.

D.Teenagers from low-income households.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Why people love reading more than ever

B.We love movies, but we love libraries more

C.Reading in libraries makes you a better person

D.Why more young people go to libraries for free Wi-Fi


    Anna Heusler and a group of cyclists were riding towards Adelaide on Friday when they spotted a koala sitting in the middle of the road. It wasn’t the first time that Heusler had seen koalas out and about on the roads while riding—but this koala’s reaction amazed her. ''We stopped the bikes to help the koala get off the road, otherwise it would get hit by cars. But the koala walked up to me very quickly. It was obviously very thirsty, '' Heusler told CNN.

''As I was giving it a drink from our water bottles, it climbed up onto my bike. I've never seen a koala move so quickly. They're usually not pet animals, they stay up in the trees and people admire them from afar. ''

''None of us have ever seen anything like it. We gave it as much as we could and then made sure it was off the road and back to safety. ''Heusler shared the adorable yet heartbreak-ing images to her blog, showing the koala drinking water from her bottle. ''Australian Koala Bears suffered severe thirst in a heatwave. This koala walked right up to me as I was going down and climbed up onto my bike while I gave it water, '' she captioned the image. The video has since gone viral online, ranking top of millions of views on social media around the world. ''There's nothing but tragedy in Australia. It's burning out of control'' Heusler said. ''I hope this incident helps spread awareness. ''

Severe fires in the Adelaide Hills have burned 25,000 hectares of landleaving koalas searching for food and water hard. Adelaide Koala Rescue's Jane Brister is currently caring for 46 koalas that have had their homes destroyed. She said the centre doesn’t normally care for this many koalas at once and the increase was due to the fires. ''A big problem we’ re noticing now is that koalas are coming in starving… there's just no food, '' Ms Brister said. Koalas eat eucalyptus (桉树)leaves—but thousands of trees have been destroyed by fires. Firefighters now across the country are taking time to care for wildlife when they find them before handing them to the correct authorities.

1.How did the koala surprise Heusler during her trip?

A.It approached her for the water.

B.It arried its baby to beg for her help.

C.It sat still in the middle of the road.

D.It was hit seriously by a car.

2.What can we know about koalas from paragraph 2?

A.They usually walk fast.

B.They are highly social animals.

C.They often rely on people to survive.

D.They usually don't stay close to humans.

3.Why did Heusler post the koala pictures online?

A.To spread people's awareness of the fire.

B.To stress the worsening climate change.

C.To remind people of the naughty koala.

D.To get more likes online.

4.What does Jane Brister's work focus on now?

A.Putting out the forest fire.

B.Looking for koala babies.

C.Protecting the endangered trees.

D.Looking after starving koalas.


    Here are the most popular festivals and fair events in New York this year.

Fanfaire NYC—High School of Art and Design

FromToday, Feb 8, 1000 am To: Tomorrow, Feb 9, 600 pm $5.00-$20.00

The Fanfaire NYC is a fun way to spend the day burying yourself in your love of comic book art and meeting many people who help make it a reality. Super affordable to attend, and a nice way to spend the day with your fellow fans. Don't miss out.

New Jersey Convention & Exposition Center

FromFriday, Mar6, 1000 am ToSunday, Mar8 600 pm $8.00-$10.00

Celebrate all that is handcrafted and see what's NEW at Sugarloaf Crafts Festival!

Find special things never available online! Shop the latest in fashion, jewelry, art accessories, furniture, décor, special foods and much more! Discover unique and memorable gifts you can't find anywhere else to make your spring gift giving celebrations extra-special. Mother's Day, Father's Day, birthdays, graduations, weddings and more—you’ll find per-fectly hand-made joy at Sugarloaf!

American Fine Craft Show at Brooklyn Museum

From Thursday, Nov 19, 600 pm To Sunday, Nov 22, 600 pm $8.00-$16.00

American Fine Craft Show at Brooklyn Museum will crown the holiday season with 90 ex-hibits of art and handmade fine crafts for sale from artists and artisans from Brooklyn and around the country in the museum's landmark Beaux-Arts Court. In addition to fine art, exhibitors will sell ceramics, art glass, decorative fiber, fashion and fashion accessories, furniture, jewelry and mixed media.

On Air Fest 2020

From Friday, Dec 6, 900 am To: Sunday, Dec 8, 400 pm $149.00-$375.00

On Air Fest is a rally point for leading voices, new movements and curious listeners in-spired by the art of sound. Coming into its fourth year in 2020, the flagship Brooklyn event at Wythe Hotel will feature over 100 artists who bring forward innovative ideas and present new work.

1.Which event charges the highest prices?

A.On Air Fest 2020.

B.New Jersey Convention & Exposition Center .

C.Fanfaire NYC—High School of Art and Design.

D.American Fine Craft Show at Brooklyn Museum.

2.What can we learn about New Jersey Convention & Exposition Center?

A.Its goods can be booked online.

B.It lasts the longest time among the events.

C.It only sells goods made by hands.

D.It gives the visitors free festival gifts.

3.Which section of a newspaper may the text be taken from?

A.Food and drink. B.Performing arts.

C.Festivals and fairs. D.Sports and active life.



1. 表示安慰;

2. 给出建议;

3. 寄予希望。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头与结尾均已给出。

Dear Harry,



Li Hua









Recently, a famous basketball player has caused public angry by writing on the Great Wall. In the fact, this happens in many place of interest. I had some suggestions to solve this problem.

First, make more posters to inform the public the damage of graffiti (涂鸦). Besides, punishments, such as a fine, is necessary to tourists with so bad behavior. Also, I think it’s helpfully to put up some boards along the tourist attractions that tourists can leave messages.

I’m sure with our efforts, more and more people will become concerning about protecting cultural relics.



The novel coronavirus(冠状病毒), which1.(originate)in the Chinese city of Wuhan and has now spread to many countries, has much in common 2. seasonal flu. They are both viral infections, share similar symptoms and crucially(关键地) can spread from human to human. In the midst of flu season in much of the northern hemisphere, 3.(tell) the difference between the two will be vital in stopping its spread.

Human corona viruses, of 4. there are four, can cause respiratory (呼吸道)infections similar to flu: while many symptoms are mild, both can lead to pneumonia(肺炎) and become lethal(致命的). However, the novel corona virus is 5.(serious) than a “typical influenza infection,(流感)”says Ian Jones, a professor of virology at the University of Reading.

“This virus appears to go6.(far) down into the lungs than would generally be the case. Therefore, it will give you7. (symptom) of pneumonia(肺炎): the lungs becoming flooded, they don't function very well and the patient gets into breathing difficulty.”

While the mortality rates and symptoms of flu and novel corona virus may end up being similar, humans' ability 8.(fight) off the viruses differs greatly.

Flu can spread from person to person from up to six feet away, 9.(large)caused by liquid emitted when the inflicted cough or sneeze. Those infected are usually contagious for around three days following the beginning of 10. illness, although this time-frame could stretch to over a week.

All this and more remains a mystery as for the new coronavirus.


    When your child is supposed to be doing homework, are they chatting with their friends on Facebook or playing games? Many studies have shown that multitasking doesn’t_______, _______your child is probably proudly claiming they can do ten things_______! Many people believe that they can_______two or more tasks at the same time, but Dr. Edward Hallowell says this is_______. The reality is that multitasking_______poor job performance.

New hand-held_______such as smartphones, iPads, games and social networking sites make it very easy to multitask and “attention_______” leading to difficulty focusing on the task_______, such as listening in the classroom or doing homework.__________, the brain actually__________kids for multitasking even though when your child is supposed to doing homework performance on every task gets worse and worse. Kids don't know that they are doing__________because they feel better when they multitask,” says Dr Edward Hallowell.

__________the appearance of hand-held devices and social networking sites, teachers have noticed a difference in__________performance, critical thinking skills and how information is__________. “Multitasking prevents people from gaining a deep understanding of the information they are trying to learn,” says Dr Edward Hallowell. Kids have a difficult time sticking with adifficult to understand" topic and__________to allow themselves to be distracted(分散的), to tune out and switch__________ to Facebook or using their cell phones__________working harder at understanding a difficult subject or problem. In the long__________, multitasking affects grades. One study showed that kids that use the Internet while in class did__________on tests resulting in lower grades. B.understand C.use

2.A.only if B.even though that wonder once B.right away no time random

4.A.advocate C.perform D.prefer

5.A.impossible B.important C.impatient D.impolite

6.A.results in B.results from C.exists in D.exists from

7.A.designs B.discoveries D.evidence

8.A.attract B.draw D.share hand B.on time C.on schedule times

10.A.Uncertainly B.Unfortunately C.Universally D.Undoubtedly

11.A.remains B.rewards C.regards D.reflects

12.A.better B.well C.bad D.worse

13.A.Since B.Before C.When D.While

14.A.accidental B.accurate C.accessible D.academic

15.A.produced B.processed C.possessed D.promoted

16.A.tend B.attend C.intend D.pretend

17.A.out B.on D.over

18.A.except for B.rather than C.more than D.apart from B.walk C.journey D.distance

20.A.hardly B.successfully C.poorly D.mildly


    A Finnish cartoon — Matti, a socially awkward stickman has become a hit in China — even inspiring a new word in Mandarin (汉语). 1..

Privacy is something of a luxury in China, a land with a population of 1. 4 billion. 2.. Pushing is a basic skill in cities. If you fail to push with others to get on a crowded subway, you'll be met with impatient stares.

The concept of “private property” or “private space” used to be seriously criticized and the situation didn’t change today. 3.. They can have a nap in an office pantry (食品贮藏 ),on a park bench, even in a museum or concert hall foyer and it seems they are as comfortable as in their own living room.

4.. Matti, a socially awkward Finnish cartoon character in the Finnish Nightmares comic series, is not only welcomed by Chinese, but also has created a new word in Mandarin: Jing fen, referring to people who dislike socializing and take their personal space “extremely seriously”.

Matti’s fear of crowds and small talk and his tendency to be easily embarrassed has struck a chord with many Chinese readers. 5.. “Finland is a paradise for people with social anxiety disorder,” wrote Wechat user in a post, showing his preference to Finland. “I can see myself in Matti. We’re all afraid of loneliness, but we long for our personal space and privacy to be respected,” wrote an anonymous user. It is a real sentiment for many people in China.

A.Loneliness is not a familiar concept to many ordinary Chinese.

B.Personal space is not a familiar concept to ordinary Chinese.

C.But its Finnish culture itself that has also struck a chord.

D.Why has it struck a chord with many Chinese?

E.Chinese are happy to lie down for a nap almost everywhere.

F.People’s longing for privacy has been voiced via Matti.

G.So it is a surprise to see Matti become a celebrity (名人) in China.


    Friday and Saturday were full of surprises for Chinese, as two places in China were listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites. The first, a World Natural Heritage, is composed of a series of migratory bird sanctuaries(候鸟保护地)along the coast of the Yellow Sea in Yancheng, East China's Jiangsu Province. The second, the Liangzhu Archaeological Site in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang Province, was listed as a World Cultural Heritage site.

China began the application process for the bird sanctuaries in 2017. It only took two years to successfully complete the process. The reason the migratory bird sanctuary application was successful is because of the special geographical category of the area. It is the largest intertidal mudflat seashore in the world. The success of this application marks the beginning of China's world natural heritage from land to sea. The migratory bird sanctuaries are the central node of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway and many endangered species, especially threatened migratory birds including red- crowned cranes and flamingos, go there to hunt for food during the migration season. The birds usually take a month to finish their migration. At about 10 days into their migration, they must stop and find food in order to have the energy to continue their journey.

Compared to the short turnaround for the World Natural Heritage's application, the Liangzhu application was far more complicated. The application team spent six years making their dream a reality. A lot of archaeological work had to be carried out for the Liangzhu site, which means the application and assessment(评定)process takes a longer time. The site in Liangzhu is evidence of the existence of an early regional state in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River during the late Neolithic period in China, which helps fill in the gaps in the history of the rice-cultivating civilizations of China and East Asia more than 5000 years ago. The site was one of the 20th century's most important archaeological discoveries in China.

With these two new additions, China now has 55 World Heritage sites, the highest number in the world. The successful application means greater responsibility and obligations(义务). Protecting these places is much more important and is our future work. The new status of the migratory bird sanctuaries might boost local tourism industries but this too poses a challenge as local governments will need to control tourist volume so as not to impact the birds' migration patterns. Meanwhile, the sheer area that the Liangzhu Archaeological Site covers, some 14.3 square kilometers, makes protection a difficult issue to handle. Those workings at the site are busy constructing protective shelters for the site and even reburying certain areas to protect them from exposure. Plans are also underway to build a local museum for the storage and display of artifacts, so visitors can come and learn more about the history of the nation.

1.What is special about the migratory bird sanctuaries?

A.It's the first China's world natural heritage on the sea.

B.It provides safe habitats for endangered species.

C.It's located along the coast of the Yellow River.

D.It supplies abundant fresh water to migratory birds.

2.According to Paragraph 2, how do migratory bird sanctuaries protect birds?

A.By creating warm places to produce baby birds.

B.By preventing them from being killed by hunters.

C.By providing food supplies during their migration.

D.By curing the endangered birds after their journey.

3.Why is Liangzhu chosen for the world heritage site?

A.It shows the long history of China.

B.It proves the wisdom of the people.

C.It witnesses the civilization of an age.

D.It reveals the food of the late Neolithic.

4.What is the last paragraph mainly talking about?

A.The application success's promotion of tourism.

B.Chinese responsibilities after the successful application.

C.The two places' influence on Chinese history.

D.Chinese challenge of protecting birds' migration.


Taktak tabulaba?

You probably don’t know how to answer that question---unless you happen to be one of the about 430 people in the world who speak a language called Matukar Panau. Then you would know it means “What are we doing?” Matukar Panau is one of the world’s rarest languages. It is spoken in just two small coastal villages in Papua New Guinea.

Several years ago, David Harrison, a language expert didn’t know much about Matukar Panau either. No one had ever recorded or even studied its words and rules. With so few speakers, the language risked disappearing soon. It was endangered.

Harrison didn’t want that to happen to Matukar Panau. So in 2009, he set out for Papua New Guinea. His goal: use modern technology to help the remaining speakers preserve their native tongue.

But Matukar Panau is far from the only language facing loss. Studies suggest that by the end of this century, nearly half of the 7,000 languages now spoken worldwide could disappear. They’re in danger partly because the only people left speaking them are elderly adults, Harrison says. When those individuals die, their language will die with them. In addition, children may discard a native language and instead use more common global languages, such as Chinese, English or Spanish.

In the United States alone, 134 native American languages are endangered. Harrison says, “language hotspots” exist all over the world. These are places with endangered languages that haven’t been recorded. They include the state of Oklahoma, pockets of central and eastern Siberia, parts of northern Australia and communities in South America.

1.The purpose of using the question “Taktak tabulaba?” is to ________.

A.introduce a new foreign language

B.introduce the topic of the text the difficulty understanding Matukar Panau

D.stress the importance of Matukar Panau

2.The underline word “discard” in Paragraph 4 means _______.

A.get rid of B.pick up

C.hear of D.learn about

3.The last two paragraphs imply that endangered languages are _________.

A.dying quickly in Siberia

B.popular in some special places

C.becoming a worldwide problem

D.some native tongues


    Teens For Planet Earth

This is a social networking site for teenagers who want to get involved in protecting our planet. They can connect with other green-minded teens, choose a project or create their own. Teens For Planet Earth encourages young folks to get busy in their own communities. They offer guidance on local projects with categories such as habitats, animals, water and education. Awards are given to active members.


At Meez, teens can create their own avatars(头像), rooms and virtual pets. It is a social community of creative people that combines avatars, virtual worlds and games. Meez offers contests and chat as well as homework help, a fashion central and a writers’ corner. A chat area for younger teens is available. Other areas are music, geek(极客)central, art and sports.


Cyberteens is another cool site that celebrates the teen years. Here teenagers can find community, games, and news. There is a link called “creativity” where teens can share their poems, stories, photos and artwork. The “cool links” section offers a huge variety of options to the curious teens. This site also has surveys and helps with jobs and school work. is a resource site for teens and high school students. Its social network has over 900,000 members. Members earn points to win prizes just by browsing and they offer several multi-player games. Points are used to buy items at auction(拍卖会). is filled with useful information and articles.

1.What is Teens For Planet Earth aimed to?

A.Set up a project.

B.Give awards to teens.

C.Get young folks busy.

D.Give advice on local projects.

2.What makes special among these websites?

A.It has the most members.

B.Teens can read articles on it.

C.It offers help on school work.

D.Teens can make purchases on it.

3.What can we infer about the websites mentioned in the text?

A.They provide game platforms.

B.They benefit teens in their social life.

C.They award outstanding teens.

D.They offer various study guidance.



1.Where is this interview taking place?

A.In Tokyo. B.In Istanbul. C.In Paris.

2.How much longer will the woman’s trip take?

A.More than seven months. B.Twelve months. C.Five months.

3.What did the woman like about the Middle East?

A.The people. B.The scenery. C.The climate.

4.Why can’t the woman go on a regular vacation?

A.She is too busy. B.She is going to the Olympic Games instead.

C.She doesn’t care about seeing the world.



1.Why is the woman calling?

A.To take a survey. B.To ask for a contribution.

C.To give the man some information.

2.What is included in the report?

A.Names. B.ID card numbers. C.Addresses.

3.Where does the woman work?

A.In a factory. B.In a police station. C.In a company.

4.What does the man probably want to forget?

A.All the beans he ate. B.His childhood. C.His former wife.



1.When is the new appointment?

A.Friday at 2:30 p.m. B.Friday at 4:30 p.m. C.Wednesday at 9:00 p.m.

2.Where does the conversation most likely take place?

A.In a hospital. B.In a meeting room. C.On the phone.



1.Why does the woman seldom read the paper?

A.She prefers to watch TV. B.It’s a sad experience for her.

C.She doesn’t have the time.

2.What makes the woman happy?

A.Watching cartoons on TV. B.Going to entertainment parks.

C.Spending time with her family.

3.What does the woman think of the news on TV and in the newspaper?

A.They are similar. B.They are quite different.

C.She never watches or reads them.



1.What are the speakers doing?

A.Watching TV. B.Listening to the radio. C.Doing an interview.

2.Who is Christiane Amanpour?

A.A housewife. B.A TV program host. C.A journalist.


What is wrong with the man?

A.He has a stomachache. B.He doesn’t want to eat. C.He has a high fever.


What are the speakers talking about?

A.The eggs. B.The smell. C.The onions.


What do we know about the man?

A.He is not at home now. B.He is calling the woman.

C.He wants to have lunch with the woman.


What does the woman want to drink?

A.Coffee. B.Green tea. C.Black tea.


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