Playing tennis regularly could help keep people off death, but football, rugby and running may not help people to live longer, a study suggests.

A study followed more than 80,000 people for an average of nine years to find out if certain sports protected them against early death. It found that people who played racket sports regularly were the least likely to die over the study period, reducing their individual risk by 47 percent compared with people who did no exercise. Swimmers also reduced their chance of death by 28 percent, aerobics (有氧运动) fans by 27 percent and cyclists by 15 percent. Yet running appeared to have no impact at all on dying early, and neither did playing football or rugby.

Scientists say the difference may lie in the social aspect which goes alongside sports like tennis and squash (壁球), which often involve clubs and organized activities outside of the game. It means that people often have larger social net-works and tend to keep up activities into later life, both of which are proven to be good for health.

In contrast, people who play team sports often do not move onto a new sport once their teams break up for family, or injury reasons. They become watchers rather than participants in their chosen activity.

The researchers found that playing racket sports was associated with a 56 percent lower risk from heart death. Similarly, swimmers lowered their heart disease or stroke risk by 41 percent, and people who took part in activities like aerobics, dance or gymnastics lowered their risk by 36 percent. But again running, football and rugby had no significant impact on heart deaths.

However, other experts argue that this study must not be misinterpreted as showing that running and football do not protect against heart disease. In this study both runners and footballers had a lower rate of death from heart disease.

1.Which sport has hardly any impact on protecting people against early death?

A.Cycling. B.Swimming.

C.Rugby. D.Tennis.

2.According to the study, which makes a big difference in keeping healthy?

A.Playing basketball with their friends occasionally.

B.Watching football games every day.

C.Taking up gymnastics and joining a club.

D.Doing running in the park every day.

3.What is considered more important to people's health?

A.Social networks. B.Staying at home.

C.Physical examinations. D.Setting up families.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Thousands of people participated in a 9-year research.

B.Study finds playing tennis helps people live longer.

C.It is wrong to say running has no impact on heart disease.

D.There are differences between racket sports and team games.


    A rescue group made sure hunting dogs Herbier and Hilda were adopted as a pair since Hilda helps Herbier get around.

For more than 50 years, guide dogs have been trained to help humans with vision challenges live without boundaries and enjoy independence in their homes, offices, and the community at large. Given dogs' ability to be trained, along with their skills, it seemed unavoidable that there would be an unofficial guide dog for a blind dog.

Almost more exciting is the fact that one such set, which was abandoned together in Salem about a month ago, has found a new forever home that will allow the blind dog and his caretaker dog to remain together.

A little more than a month ago, someone abandoned three dogs over the fence of a local gentleman who formerly rescued greyhounds. The man no longer rescues the little dogs of being long of body, short of leg and droopy of ears, but he did know to take them to the Marion County Dog Services shelter.

The county shelter knew immediately to contact Diane Young at Salem Dogs, a local dog rescue known for being heavy on love and affection that the county most likely has on speed dial.

The rescue director responded in time, taking in the two of the dogs. One black male was healthy and passed tests quickly and easily. He was put up for adoption at the shelter and was quickly accepted.

The other two are between the ages of 4 and 5, required a bit more care. Hilda, a long-haired, black-dappled female, was obviously connected to Herbier, a light-brown, smooth-coated brown greyhound who had vision problems.

1.What can we learn about the abandoned dogs?

A.They have been trained for their ability and skills.

B.The three dogs were abandoned because they are blind.

C.They are finally adopted to live with the man who found them.

D.The dog Hilda offers to help the blind dog Herbier get around.

2.What does the underlined word “greyhounds” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Cows who have lost their babies. B.Dogs who are abandoned by their owners.

C.Humans who become old and lonely. D.Chickens which are living with their mom.

3.What can we infer from this text?

A.The touching story of two dogs helping each other happened one month ago.

B.Humans began to train dogs for the ability and skills of guidance five years ago.

C.The two abandoned dogs are still living together at the shelter today.

D.The two dogs were abandoned most probably because they were blind.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.A moving story about two dogs. B.The Marion County Dog Services shelter.

C.A dog and a blind dog were trained. D.Two dogs were abandoned by a man.


    Looking for some San Diego events February 2020? We've got a great list of fun things to do in San Diego California. Enjoy these winter 2020 San Diego events and February Valentines Day fun. If it rains, don't worry. February is museum, with half price on many museums. And most importantly, don't forget to plan a romantic Valentine's Day activity!

Whale Watching in San Diego

California Gray Whales undergo their annual migration from Alaska through San Diego and onto Baja California. During February — April, whale watching is at its best, as the whales migrate close to shore and can be seen from land or sea. One of the fun San Diego events. For more information see San Diego Whale Watching.

Explore San Diego Tide Pools

February 5 to 11 and 18 to 24,2020 at various times in the afternoon at low tide. Fall and winter are the best times to explore the San Diego tide pools. $ 10 for adults, children aged 11 and under free. Reservations recommended. 603-437-6722.

Super Bowl 2020

Watch the Super Bowl game Sunday February 2,2020. Even if you don't like football, the commercials are worth it. Still cant convince you to watch? It's a great time to shop in the empty stores.

Hotel Coronado Historic Walking Tour

Monday and Friday at 10: 30 AM, Saturdays and Sundays at 3 PM. 60-minute walking tour of the famous historic Hotel Coronado, led by docents from the Coronado Historical Association. It's free and one of the best kids' activities in San Diego.

1.Which month is suitable time to watch whales in San Diego?

A.January. B.June.

C.March. D.October.

2.How much will a couple and their 10-year-old boy pay to attend the activity — Explore San Diego Tide Pools?

A.$20. B.$25.

C.$30. D.$ 15.

3.Which of the following events best suits an economical father with kids?

A.Super Bowl 2020.

B.Hotel Coronado Historic Walking Tour.

C.Explore San Diego Tide Pools.

D.Whale Watching in San Diego.



On Christmas Eve,seventy-three-year-old George selected his food carefully.Skim milk was $2.99 white bread,89 cents with a 10-cent discount Leaving the cashier,he calculated that he had saved 80 cents today.

At the exit, the wind reminded him of his gloves.”Where are they?”Not in the coat pockets.Not in the grocery bag either.He was sure he was wearing them when he entered the store.He clearly remembered putting them into the pocket of this coat.George made a second thorough search of all his pockets,again including the grocery bag.Now he was sure they must have been dropped somewhere inside the store.

Old George had bought the black leather gloves at a 25discount,for just $35.00,ten years ago.They were soft and warm and very durable.He had taken care not to let a drop of water or rain touch his expensive gloves,so they looked like new.Losing this favorite possession was almost like losing a child to him.

George,calm on the outside but nervous inside,re-entered the store.He followed the same route he had walked before,starting at the bread counter,to the milk section,the corner where salt and sugar were placed,then the rest of the store.Several minutes of anxious searching turned out to be in vain.He asked the customers whether they saw a pair of black leather gloves,but they said no.Then he went over to the cashier without hesitation to ask if she had received any lost gloves,but only received the same answer.His heart grew heavier.

“Society has changed,people have changed,”he murmured to himself.”Years ago,if somebody picked up something lost,they would give it back.Now a good action is lost.”

Yet he did not give up hope.He started to stare at anybody wearing black gloves to see if they looked like his.The first two persons he saw did wear gloves,but one was women’s and the other not black.a

注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;




Paragraph 1:

Suddenly,he found a man looking like a lawyer,wearing black leather gloves.


Paragraph 2:

During the whole holiday,he was always thinking whether to buy a new pair.












Do you have a fear of public speaking? For the longest time,I had such kind of fear.It's common.In fact,various scientific reports have shown that the fear of speaking in public 1. (rank) higher than the fear of 2. (die).This may sound a bit extreme to many of you but get nervous and sweat like crazy just at the thought of speaking in front of people,then you probably know that the fear is somewhat understandable.

I remember I used to fear public speaking.My legs would get weak as I 4.(walk)to the front of the audience.I would avoid eye contact unless I found someone with a 5.(smile)face.Then I would just stare at hat person for 6.whole speech.

Have you experienced these things? They are not 7.(exact)good experiences.I will share my experiences in overcoming fear of public speaking.The most important thing is to practice.You can do this 8. joining such kind of clubs.If that’s not possible,then just practice doing speeches in front of anyone,even yourself in the mirror an imaginary audience. Volunteer 9.(do)short speeches whenever you can get the chance.The more you do it,the 10.(easy)it will become.


    I would like to send a huge shout out Valerie,a manager at Home Depot.I together with my son-a boy with special needs,came in to _______up a refrigerator box that she _______for me. I was _______to use it to build a police car for Halloween around my son’s wheelchair.When I explained the _______to Valerie,she did not _______to offer help.After getting the box,Valerie started to _______down to cut the box for me. My son was happy to _______her and they got along well with each other in doing the work.

After we got the box loaded,Valerie helped us brainstorm and find the other _______ we would need.Then as we neared the checkout,she had the entire order _______. I tried to refuse but she just said that it would bless her ________.My disabled son may not have understood anything ________that Valerie was kind and patient with him,but I really appreciated this huge act of ________.The biggest blessing for me was the way she ________my son and the way he responded to her.

Thanks to Valerie,Home Depot was also ________their Saturday craft work-shops(手工艺作坊)into my son’s school.This way,our special kids could have ________ to a wonderful environment,where they could make their own crafts! Almost all kids in the class were ________ at the activities,which made them feel the value of themselves.It turned out to be ________with all of them at last.

I think one of the most ________things that special-needs parents need to understand is that it's OK to let other people in.Sometimes it's hard to accept others’________,but when you refuse it,you ________stand in the way of letting other people bless you and in turn that blesses them. B.pick D.cut

2.A.kept B.bought C.made D.chose

3.A.commanded B.planning C.studying D.instructed

4.A.theory B.problems C.rules D.project

5.A.hesitate B.pretend C.Agree D.Dare

6.A.bend B.take C.turn D.put B.pity C.please D.Join

8.A.material B.methods C.ideas D.assistance

9.A.changed B.shared C.paid D.arranged

10.A.quickly B.privately C.quietly D.greatly

11.A.along with to C.instead of D.other than

12.A.understanding B.kindness C.harmony D.politeness

13.A.considered B.treated C.taught D.charged

14.A.transforming B.adapting C.bringing D.adding

15.A.admission B.access C.attachment D.reaction

16.A.embarrassed B.confused C.surprised D.excited

17.A.demanding B.imaginary C.popular D.familiar

18.A.difficult B.important C.pleasant D.meaningful

19.A.respect B.guidance D.invitation

20.A.even B.clearly C.exactly D.actually


    The idea that I would be rewarded if I worked hard enough was deeply rooted in me.So I spent long hours in the lab,steadily filled pages in my notebook,and was praised for my hard work.When my experiments didn’t produce the exciting results they were expected to,I thought I just needed to work more.1.I didn’t know what to do.It was late in the evening.One other person was still in the lab:A postdoc(博士后),who noticed my situation,came over and gently asked how I was doing I told him about my struggles with the experiment and that I felt like a failure. 2.After we talked through the experiment,the postdoc said,”I think it's time to go home and get some sleep”He added with a smile,”Taking a break is also hard work,you know?”

Those comments planted the seed of a new approach:novel ideas do not come from a mind constantly under pressure.My best ideas and”aha”moments almost always come after I allow my mind to relax-whether that’s playing video games with my brother,cooking a nice dinner,or going on long hikes with my wife.3.

Today,a decade after that eye-opening evening in the lab.I try to pass this mindset on to my own students.Not too long ago in the lab one night,I walked by one of my students.I gently asked how she was doing.With a defeated look,she responded that the plan for the experiment refused to work,again,despite many attempts.I couldn’t help but see myself all those years ago.4.I asked her why we do what we do.Often it comes down to pursuing curiosity and passion.

How can we foster that spirit? 5.Work-life balance is not a harmful thing to excellent research,or an optional bonus,but a fundamental pan of it.

A.So I worked even harder,ignoring the result.

B.Part of working smarter,I realized,call be taking a break.

C.The answer does not include working ourselves to exhaustion.

D.By striking a balance between working hard and getting some sleep.

E.I didn’t tell him that I was also wondering what was wrong with me.

F.Yet here I was,working harder than ever-but not getting anywhere.

G.We talked for a while about academic life and what it means to be a researcher.


    Shop with Your Doc is part of a broader and still growing movement in US medicine to  shift the focus away from simply treating disease toward caring for the whole person.It is meant to help people make educated,healthy choices,one grocery cart at a time.Across the country,hospitals are setting up food banks and medical schools are putting cooking classes on the curriculum.Nonprofits are connecting medical centers with community resources to ensure that low-income Americans have access to fresh fruits and vegetables.

For centuries,Western medicine’s mission was to cure disease.”But over the past  generation,two significant trends are of concern to the medical community,”says Timothy  Harlan,executive director of Goldring Center for Culinary Medicine at Tulane University in  New Orleans.Healthcare costs began to increase sharply,and relatively inexpensive,  poor-quality food became more common.”There’s a very straightforward link between people  improving their diets and improving the condition that they have,”Dr·Harlan says.

The connection drove the medical and nonprofit communities to rethink their approach 10  health.What emerged(浮现)was the concept of the”social determinants of health”-the  concept of taking into account the biological,physical,and socioeconomic circumstances  surrounding a patient.A healthy person isn’t just someone who is free from disease,the theory  goeshe or she also enjoys”a state of complete mental,physical and social well-being.”

The question the medical community now faces is how to get patients-especially  low-income families-to recognize these determinants and make it possible for them to eat and  live healthier.In Boston,medical experts responded by creating an on-site pantry(食品室)at  Boston Medical Center.Since its founding in 2002,the pantry has evolved into a kind of  nutrition center when primary care providers at BMC send patients food.Today the pantry,  which gets 95 percent of its stock from the Greater Boston Food bank,hosts free cooking classes and serves about 7,000 people a month.The Greater Boston Food Bank has also launched its own initiatives(倡议),striking partnerships with four community health centers across the state to offer free mobile produce markets.The organization also helped develop toolkits(软件包)that map local pantries,markets that accept government food vouchers(代金券),and other resources.

At Tulane in New Orleans,Harlan is leading the development of a curriculum that  combines medicine with the art of food preparation.His philosophy:Doctors who know their  way around a kitchen are better at helping their patients.And empowering(增强自主权) patients to take charge of their own diets is one way to help them deal with the incredible costs of health care,Harlan says.The curriculum has since been adopted at 35 medical schools around the United States.”Chipping away at bad habits is a good place to start getting patients to think about the choices they make for themselves and their families,”says Dr Maureen Villasenor,the Orange County pediatrician(儿科医生).

1.The aim of Shop with Your Doc is to________. patients relax before an operation

B.assist patients in finding food fit for them

C.control people’s food consumption in supermarkets

D.persuade low-income families to take more fruits and vegetables

2.Paragraph 2 mainly talks about___________.

A.the role Western medicine has been playing a new concept of health came into being

C.medical communities’worries about food safety

D.why low-income families are less reliable on healthcare

3.What do we know about the Greater Boston Food Bank?

A.Its cooking classes are free of charge.

B.It treats many a patient from BMC.

C.It helps people locate pantries and markets.

D.It was founded at the beginning of the 21st century.

4.What can be inferred about the curriculum developed by Harlan?

A.It appeals to a number of us medical schools.

B.It is specially designed for doctors in communities.

C.Its content has little to do with medicine.

D.Its philosophy is questioned by Dr.Maureen Villasenor.


    Your colleague’s sharp comment keeps replaying in your mind.Two of your students are trapped in a”he said/she said”battle.When you reflect on your emotional reactions,you sometimes get caught up in cycles of negative feelings,which can make you feel even worse.If so,the answer may lie in a skill called”self-distancing”,the ability to take a step back and view yourself more objectively.According to a research,when people adopt self-distancing while discussing a difficult event,they make better sense of their reactions,experience less emotional suffering,and display fewer signs of stress.

But what might self-distancing look like in action? Consider a typical”he said/she said”student conflict where they are each focusing on their own feelings.One is thinking,‘‘I can't believe he did that to me”And another insists.”She really hurt my feelings”However,if you ask them to take the self-distancing,they might step outside of themselves and ask broader questions:”Why was he so hurt in this situation?”or”How did her anger affect him?”

Although this approach may sound too simple to be effective,studies indicate that a change in point of view can have a powerful effect on the way people think,feel,and behave. Here are several different techniques you can try.

First,consider how a thoughtful friend might respond after quietly observing their situation.Besides,avoid using the pronoun”I”.Focus on using third-person pronouns,he,she,they,and they were able to see the stressful event as challenging rather than threatening.Finally,ask yourself,”How would I feel about this one week from now or ten years from now?”This form of mental time travel may be effective because our attention is directed away from our immediate,concrete circumstances.

1.What is self-distancing?

A.Getting stuck in negative emotions.

B.A stressful situation.

C.A study on relieving emotional stress.

D.Reflecting on yourself objectively.

2.Which of the following statement uses the techniques of self-distancing?

A.I’m angry with him.

B.How did these two people get to this point?

C.How I wish I could go back to the past!

D.He grabbed my notesand thenand then…

3.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Why Self-distancing Matters

B.The Disadvantages of Self-distancing

C.Breaking the Cycle of Negative Reflection

D.Ways to Reflect on Emotional Reactions


    Shana,Robyn,and I stood on the high platform near the tops of the rainforest trees.We were wearing heavy helmets on our heads and had thick leather straps around our waists,which made seats that hung from a thick wire overhead.The wire was hung between the platform we stood on and another platform far in the distance.

This was the zip line,an adventure I had sworn I would not do on our family trip to Costa Rica.I was afraid of heights,afraid of falling,and afraid of zipping through the air above the rainforest at 30 miles per hour.Yet here I was,fastened in and ready to go.

“Who goes first?”our guide asked. My sisters exchanged a glance-neither of them stepped forward.I’d been teased for being a”scary cat”ever since I was four when I tripped(绊倒)and fell on an escalator.Even my parents,while relieved by my cautious ways,were worried that I’d miss out on enjoyable activities.No longer willing to let life pass me by,I stepped to the edge of the platform,sat back in the leather seat,and pushed off.Absolute terror filled me as I screamed and zoomed through the trees with my eyes squeezed shut.Before I could totally process what was happening,I landed safely on the second platform.

As my sisters flew in behind me,the guide attached me to the next wire,and I was off again.This time,fear was replaced with excitement,and I was able to look around me as I zipped.There-a toucan(犀鸟)!And was that a sloth(树懒) right at eyelevel?

By the time we had finished all the zip line journeys,I was shouting not with terror but with joy.And to think how close I’d come to missing it all!

1.Why had the writer sworn not to go on the zip lines?

A.She thought she would not see anything.

B.She had a fear of heights.

C.She was afraid of the rainforest animals.

D.She hated wearing the helmet and straps.

2.What made the writer decide to go on the zip lines?

A.The support of his parents. B.The tease of his sisters.

C.The encouragement of his own. D.The order of his guide.

3.How did the writer find the zip line Journey in the end?

A.Risky but rewarding. B.Nothing but frightening.

C.Tiresome and unhappy. D.Joyful but fruitless.



1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.A visit to Arab. B.The business in Arab. C.The Arabs’ customs.

2.What is an unpleasant behavior for Arabs?

A.Talking business immediately.

B.Having refreshments before talking.

C.Discussing business in front of strangers.

3.What should people do when a meeting is interrupted?

A.Stop talking and leave.

B.Pretend not to hear and goon.

C.Let someone know your displeasure.

4.Why do Arabs rarely say”No”directly?

A.They consider it impolite to a guest.

B.They think it is disrespectful to God.

C.They want to have lots of time to consider.



1.What is the man?

A.An inventor. B.A professor. C.A reporter.

2.Who is Hermione Granger based on?

A.The woman.

B.One of the woman’s best friends.

C.The woman’s favorite teacher.

3.What was beyond the woman’s expectation?

A.The publication of the Harry Potter books.

B.The popularity of the Harry Potter books.

C.The inspiration for the Harry Potter books.

4.How different will the woman’s future books on Harry Potter probably be?

A.Rather exciting. B.More realistic C.Rather scary.



1.What does the man ask the woman to do while he is dialing?

A.Make a shopping list.

B.Arrange the place for the party.

C.Find some fun things for the party.

2.Who won’t come to the party?

A.David. B.Jane. C.David’s girlfriend.

3.What will the man do?

A.Call those boys once more.

B.Go to visit David’s girlfriend.

C.Do shopping with the woman.



1.What do we know about the walking shoes?

A.They’re sold with a pair of socks.

B.They’re soft because of the material.

C.They’re too loose without the inner sole.

2.What is the man unsatisfied with?

A.The shoes polish. B.The original shoelaces. C.The color of the shoes.



1.How was the rain last month?

A.It had been raining for half a month.

B.It rained heavily and washed away the soil.

C.The rainfall was half of the monthly average.

2.What is the season now?

A.Autumn. B.Summer. C.Spring.


What do we know about the man?

A.He hasn’t got the chance to perform.

B.He hasn’t much time to practice.

C.He is sure of winning the contest.


What happened to the man?

A.He was asked to go back home.

B.He caught a bad cold days ago.

C.He gave the bug to his workmates in the office.


Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a laboratory. B.In a hospital. C.In a lawyer’s office.


How will the man go to Hong Kong from Shanghai?

A.By air B.By subway. C.By bus.


What kind of sports did the man like very much?

A.Football. B.Tennis. C.Basketball.



While waiting to pick up a friend at the airport in Portland, I had one of life-changing experiences. It happened only two feet away from me.

In order to find my friend among the passengers, I noticed a man walking toward me carrying two light bags. He stopped right next to me to greet his family.

First he smiled to his younger son, about six years old, as he laid down his bags. They gave each other a long hug(拥抱). I heard the father say, "It's so good to see you. I missed you so much! " His son smiled shyly and replied happily, "Me, too, Dad! ”

Then the man stood up, cupping (捧着) his son's face in his hands and said, "You are already quite a young man. I love you very much, Zach! "Then the father gave son a warm hug.

At the same baby girl was squirming(来回扭动) excitedly in her mother' s arms The man said, "Hi baby girl! "as he gently took the baby from her mother. He kissed her face. The little girl felt satisfied in her father's arm.

After that. he handed the baby to his son and gave his wife the longest and warmest hug He gently said, "I love you so much! " They looked at each others eyes with big smiles on their faces.

At that moment, they reminded me of newly -married couples, though it couldn't be possible by the age of their son. Full of admiration, I asked, "Wow! How long have you two been married?" "Almost 10 years in total. " the father replied.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1

When asked how long he had been away from his family, he said it was only two days.


Paragraph 2

“I hope my marriage is similar to your!" I talked to him.



假定你是李华,请给你的英国朋友 Peter写封信,谈谈你在高中的学习情况,内容包括:

1. 一件在高中学习中令你印象深刻的事情;

2. 个人对高中学习的感想和展望。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已经为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Peter,



Li Hua



I have several1.teacher who have greatly changed my life. One is Ms. Jones because she was my first English teacher in the United States.

I2.move to the U.S.—in fact, a small town in Tennessee with very few immigrants(移民)- at the age of 11. I spoke no English3.I had a love for the language. My English teacher Ms. Jones recognized this. After two years in the country, I spoke and wrote quite4.fluent. It was Ms. Jones who helped me begin to master American English. Teaching a classroom of more than 30 5.noise13-and 14-year- old students, she still took the me with my English lessons. She bought me a book7. explains idioms(成语), a non-native speaker's nightmare(噩梦). She praised efforts with all things about English grammar. She really helped me a lot during my high school.

Ms. Jones probably didn’t know at the time that, finally, she excited my interest of high education. Fourteen years 9.late, I got a degree from a famous university. I’m a who manage public relation and communication activities for over 150 house hold brands(品牌) worldwide.


    My husband and I once had a good friend. We would invite him for meals and we spent much time doing things _______. We considered him as our family member. It was such a _______ relationship that we even bought a _______ near his home. Our friendship was built on “fun times” and activities.

After some years, we moved away but stayed in touch. As time passed, _______, we heard less and less from our friend. Later, when we heard things _______ badly in his life, we were happy to be there for him and _______ him. He finally moved to where we lived. Though his life became worse, we supported him in every _______. However, he chose to live a meaningless life, which _______ us deeply, so we gave him lots of help.

Later he moved away and told another friend of mine he didn't_________ us for anything. We were ____________ by his words and we realized though we had____________ true friendship to him, it was only one-sided. We weren't interested in____________ the things he chose to do. He wanted us to follow him to walk on a____________ we would never enjoy. As we often see, friends always____________ in the end. Our friend and we had different hobbies and goals, so our friendship was ____________ finally.

To build a true friendship, we should show ____________, kindness and understanding to others. Being a true friend not only means being there when things are ____________, but also being there when everything is crumbling(崩溃). We didn't walk away when our friend’s   __________ got hard. Though we may never speak again in this lifetime and our friend is ____________ to us, we love him anyway. We do make him____________ that we are always true friends to him.

1.A.differently B.frequently C.completely D.together

2.A.strong B.strange C.simple D.normal D.pool

4.A.therefor B.suddenly C.besides D.however

5.A.regretted B.fitted C.went D.ended

6.A.taught B.helped C.warned D.forced

7.A.choice C.way D.step

8.A.worried B.calmed C.encouraged D.moved

9.A.blame B.send C.remind D.thank

10.A.inspired B.hurt C.educated D.hit

11.A.explained B.described C.shown D.introduced

12.A.hearing about B.joining in C.making up D.setting down

13.A.path B.hill C.beach D.street

14.A.unite B.agree C.separate D.succeed

15.A.valuable B.prevented C.sweet D.finished

16.A.hope C.ability D.habit

17.A.difficult B.independent C.personal D.traditional

18.A.feeling B.situation D.job

19.A.polite B.kind C.dangerous D.cold-hearted

20.A.remember B.celebrate C.follow D.mind


    So what's high school really like? Is there more work or more pressure? Will it be difficult to go from one of the oldest middle school students to one of the youngest high school students? 1. Here are some tips for high school freshmen(新生).

2. There are hundreds of teens experiencing what you are experiencing at this very moment! Although you may feel a series of different things, just remember that there are plenty of high school students feeling the same way. Put those feelings aside and give yourself a big smile!

You can make new friends. At the start of high school, a lot of high school students will probably prefer staying around the friends they already know, 3. As a result, it is almost impossible to make new friends. They may be too shy. So don't be afraid to go out and introduce yourself to a new person.

Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you don't understand why, ask your teacher right ay! It's possible that your classmates also don't get it and want to ask the same question. 4.

Join a club you like. High school is the time to try new things. 5. There are so many clubs to choose from, like the environmental club, Spanish club ng club, and so or Many schools also offer many sports activities, Joining a club or sport team is also a great way to meet people.

A.You are not alone.

B.Go to be a volunteer.

C.Lots of freshmen have the same worries.

D.It seems like everyone already has a friend group.

E.You can turn to your teacher for help after class.

F.They'll be glad someone has asked the same question.

G.Luckily, high schools have many different kinds of clubs to offer.


    Driving is one of necessary skills that each person should have if they wish not to get trouble during their life. You had better start learning to drive when you are eighteen. Experience tells that the older you become, the harder it is to learn to drive.

Learning to drive may be the very last thing on your mind when you graduate from a university, but it is helpful to look for a job and pay off the money which is spent on your study.

So, the best way is to start out early to take driving lessons. Many teens in recent times are choosing not to drive. If so, you are really missing out on a huge part of growing up and losing lots of benefits on a whole. The top reason for not learning to drive is the high costs of driving lessons. But, we are here to tell you why you should ignore the costs and pay much attention to the many advantages.

At times you aren't or can't be depending on public transportation. Those are the times you are probably depending on a friend, or your parents for a ride. Knowing how to drive yourself will make you independent and you wouldn't have to fit your plans according to other people s plans.

In the recent job world, there may be plenty of jobs. However, you won’t be thought to be an eligible candidate(合格的候选人)because you don' t know how to drive.

1.When is the best time to learn to drive according to the text?

A.When you are in your free time. B.When you are eighteen.

C.After you have some driving experience. D.After you find a job.

2.Why do many teens give up learning to drive?

A.They are busy looking for jobs.

B.They find public transportation more convenient.

C.They are unwilling to pay high cost.

D.They show no interest in driving.

3.How will you be if you can drive according to paragraph 4?

A.Independent of parents.

B.Easy-going for your workmates.

C.Reliable for your boss.

D.Eligible for jobs.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Why Is Driving Comfortable? B.Why Should You Learn to Drive?

C.The Methods of Learning to Drive D.Learn to Drive to Find a Job


    After 13 years with the Royal Mail, you might think Peter Willis could happily spend his retirement(退休)without ever seeing another post box.

But the postman has decided to keep himself busy by photographing as many of Britain's 115, 000 post boxes as possible.

The 67-year-old man has covered thousands of miles taking pictures of 2,500 post boxes since he started this great activity five years ago.

Mr Willis, who worked as a Royal Mail manager before he retired, said, “It started out as a bit of a hobby but has developed into a bit of an obsession(痴迷). There is something wonderful about discovering a post box which is in a strange location or is particularly old but is still being used by people to communicate with each other. When I've taken a picture of a post box, I will remove it from the list. I'm not sure whether I can get round all 115,000. I’ve done around 2,500 boxes and I'm always looking out for the next one. ”

He takes his wife Dianne, 64, with him along the way. "She often stands guard if I’m in the middle of the road taking pictures as I get down on my hands and knees to record the bases, which have details of the producers on them. She is usually telling the passing public that I’m not actually mad. I suppose she gets a bit bored sometimes. Sometimes she’ll let me go off on my own. ” said Mr Willis.

Over the past years, Mr Willis has photographed post boxes in Inverness, Dublin and across England. His photos include unusual locations, such as several post boxes at the top of hills and even one inside a theatre.

When he finds a new post box, Mr Willis photographs the base to record the producer's name and gives a grid reference(坐标参考)on a map.

1.What's Peter Willis hobby?

A.Searching for special post boxes.

B.Photographing beautiful post boxes.

C.Collecting and sending letters for free.

D.Taking pictures of post boxes.

2.What has Peter Willis done in the past 5 years?

A.He has pictured 2, 500 post boxes in Dublin.

B.He has been to theaters to see movies about post boxes.

C.He has been abroad to produce post boxes.

D.He has taken photos of post boxes in different places.

3.Why does Peter Willis need his wife to go with him?

A.She may make certain that he is safe.

B.She helps to communicate with the post box producers.

C.She has a huge database of post boxes.

D.She helps to record the names of post box producers.


    I still remember a lovely girl, though I don't know her name.

We met in the Children’s Hospital, I was 11. I was born with a hole in my heart. So was the five- year-old girl in the bed beside me. We were both recovering from the same operation. Because I was older and wiser, I thought it was my job to look after her. “Do you want to hear a story? ” I asked her one afternoon. “Great! ” she said.

It was so easy to make her happy. She seemed always to be smiling or singing songs.

Life wasn't fair. She passed away. My recovery went well. “You’re really lucky nurse told me. ” But how come my operation was so easy and hers wasn’t?  "I asked. “Easy?” my dad said. “David, your operation wasn't easy at all. We thought we were going to lose you. For two weeks after your operation many things could go wrong. You’re really lucky When you were in the coma(昏迷),she used to come over to your bed and sing to you. She was watching over you. ” my dad said.

My surgery scars(疤痕)are hidden under my shirt along with the memory of that little girl. She will be at my side like a small angel(天使). I am old and wise enough now to know that I watching over me whenever life is fair or unfair.

1.Why did the writer look after the little girl?

A.He thought it was his duty B.Her parents were busy.

C.She wanted to hear stories. D.She was his best friend.

2.What was the girl's character like?

A.Shy. B.Kind

C.Careful. D.Humorous.

3.What can we learn about the writer?

A.He stayed in hospital for a short time.

B.It was easy for him to recover from illness.

C.A nurse in the hospital said he was unlucky.

D.He treasures the memory of that little girl.



1. 124日(除夕)上午900 在汉中柳林机场接他;

2. 你们的春节活动(写春联、吃年夜饭、到人民公园看灯展等);

3. 征求Bill的意见。

注意:1. 词数100左右;邮件的开头结尾已经为你写好,不计入总词数;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 参考词汇: Spring couplets 春联 family reunion dinner年夜饭 lantern show灯展



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