Going out guide


Released (发行) in December, "Kimberly: The People I Used to know" is the latest from R&B singer-songwriter K. Michelle, who rose to popularity through the VH I docus-series "Love & Hip Hop." The singer has been praised for her honesty on tracks like "Kim K," which addresses cultural appropriation. 8 p.m. Feb. 21. The Fillmore Silver Spring, 8656 Coiesvilie Rd., Silver Spring, Md. 301-960-9999. filbnoresilverspring.com. $58-$121.


The Architecture & Design Film Festival presents nearly 20 films over four days in its D.C.run. Movies explore topics such as design for social change and the lives of architects and designers including Charles and Ray Eames, Dries Van Noten and Bjarke Ingels. Some screenings will include discussions. Feb. 22-25. National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-272-2448. nbm.org. $15 per screening,$10 students,$125 all-access pass.


Interior (室内的) designers will draw inspiration from Marjorie Merriweather Post's lively tablescapes (桌面景观) to exhibit table settings of the past in Hillwood's dining room. Through March 10. Hillwood Estate, Museum&Gardens, 4155 Linnean Ave. NW. 202-686-5807. hillwoodmuseum.org. $18 seniors,$10 college students, $5 ages 6 to 18, free for children younger than 6.

MARCH 22-25

The musical staged by WSC Avant Bard returns. The production is about mythical (神话的) Greek king Oedipus nearing his death. March 22 through March 25. Gunston Arts Center, Theatre Two, 2700 S. Lang St, Arlington. 703-418-4808. wscavantbard.org. $10-$35.

1.Which number can one call if he or she wants to enjoy some pop music?

A.301-960-9999. B.202-272-2448.

C.202-686-5807. D.703-418-4808.

2.What can one do at the Architecture & Design Film Festival?

A.Enjoy a fashion design show. B.Meet some film stars in person.

C.Listen to a lecture about architecture. D.Learn about the lives of some designers.

3.Where can one learn about Oedipus?

A.At Gunston Arts Center. B.At National Building Museum.

C.At the Fillmore Silver Spring. D.At Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens.


    As recently as 15 years ago, if you wanted to catch up on the news, you could look at a handful of publications or a few nightly programs. And if you wanted to listen to music, you could turn on MTV or fiddle with your radio. People in major cities had more options, because a large population can support specialty shops. 1..

Today, as we all know, access to information has exploded. One consequence, according to Toure, a cultural critic writing in Salon, is that the ability of pop culture to unify us-- he refers to the massive interest in Michael Jackson’s Thriller, or Nirvana’s Nevermind--has been eroded, probably forever. Steven Hyden, also writing in Salon, counters that whatever the advantages and disadvantages of a centralized pop-culture authority, the monoculture never actually existed.

2. Even when it supposedly existed, its content largely depended on other characteristics of your little corner of the world. In the 1992-1993 school year, I was a student at a multiracial and relatively urban junior high school in California’s central valley. We listened to Salt-n-Pepa, Snoop Doggy Dogg, and Kris Kross, with the latter having inspired a trend in which kids wore their clothes backwards. The next year I was enrolled in a mostly white junior high  school in leafy Chiago suburb. One of the houses was famous for having appeared in the 1990 film “Home Alone”; the popular bands were Nirvana, Hole and the Smashing Pumpkins; and the biggest pop-cultural event of the school year was Kurt Cobain’s suicide.

But Toure’s point is about the virtues of common cultural experience. It seems he is recalling centralized media only in so far as it’s a distribution system that fostered ( 促进) that outcome.

3. It doesn’t matter whether a record is released by an important label or an indie ( 独立制片人); if it’s online, people can usually find, forward, share and promote it. But what’s interesting and perhaps surprising, given that both Toure and Mr Hyden seem to agree that the old distribution favored big media, is that we still have widely shared cultural experiences. Just think of Barack Obama doing the little hand gesture from Beyonce’s “Single Ladies ” video.

4.. It’s safe to say that the monoculture never really existed, and that some artists still reach a wide audience, whether we like it or not.

A.That suggests that we like pop culture partly because it’s a shared experience, regardless of quality.

B.However, in vast areas of the world you had to work to get outside the mainstream.

C.Whether you like it or not, “monoculture” is here with us.

D.I think Mr Hyden is correct that the concept of a “monoculture” is a bit of a myth.

E.They see globalization as being the spread of a monoculture, based on western values, which is killing the cultural diversity of the world.

F.And it’s true that the ways we now consume pop culture to some extent level the playing field.


    The case for college has been accepted without question for more than a generation. A school graduates ought to go, says conventional wisdom and statistical evidence, because college will help them earn more money, become “better” people, and learn to be more responsible citizens than  those who don't go.

But college has never been able to work its magic for everyone. And now that close to half our high school graduates are attending, those who don't fit the pattern are becoming more numerous, and more obvious. College graduates are selling shoes and driving taxis; college students interfere with each other's experiments and write false letters of recommendation in the intense competition for admission to graduate school. Other find no stimulation in their studies, and drop out-often encouraged by college administrators.

Some observers say the fault is with the young people themselves-they are spoiled and they are expecting too much. But that is a condemnation of the students as a whole, and doesn't explain all campus unhappiness. Others blame the state of the world, and they are partly right. We have  been told that young people have to go to college because our economy can't absorb an army of untrained eighteen-year-olds. But disappointed graduates are learning that it can no longer absorb  an army of trained twenty-two-year-olds, either.

Some adventuresome educators and watchers have openly begun to suggest that college may not be the best, the proper, the only place for every young person after the completion of high school. We may have been looking at all those surveys and statistics upside down, it seems, and through the rosy glow of our own remembered college experiences. Perhaps college doesn't make people intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, or quick to learn things-may it is just the other way around, and intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, quick-learning people are merely the ones who have been attracted to college in the first place. And perhaps all those successful college graduates would have been successful whether they had gone to college or not. This is heresy (离经叛道的想法 ) to those of us who have been brought up to believe that if a little schooling is good, more has to be much better.

But contrary evidence is beginning to mount up.

1.According to the author, ________.

A.people used to question the value of college education

B.people used to have full confidence in higher education

C.all high school graduates went to college

D.very few high school graduates chose to go to college

2.In the 2nd paragraph, "those who don't fit the pattern" refer to ________.

A.high school graduates who aren't suitable for college education.

B.college graduates who are selling shoes and driving taxis.

C.college students who aren't any better for their higher education

D.high school graduates who failed to be admitted to college.

3.According to the passage, the problems of college education partly originate in the fact that ________.

A.society cannot provide enough jobs for properly trained graduates.

B.high school graduates do not fit the pattern of college education.

C.too many students have to earn their own living.

D.college administrators encourage students to drop out.

4.In this passage the author argues that ________.

A.more and more evidence shows college education may not be the best thing for high school graduates

B.college education is not enough if one wants to be successful

C.college education benefits only the intelligent, ambitious, and quick-learning people

D.intelligent people may learn quicker if they don't go to college


Non-Native Species

The introduction of non-native “exotic” species is now seen as a major threat to biodiversity. In 1825, a particularly vigorous female clone of itadori (called Japanese knotweed) was introduced  into Holland and later _______ throughout Europe by the plant collector and nurseryman (园丁), Von Seybold. British gardeners loved it and by 1886 it was even found growing on cinder tips in South Wales. By the turn of the century, the plant had _______ many other sites, and gardeners were advised against planting it in shrubberies. By 1994, it was almost everywhere-railways, riversides, hedgerows, cemeteries - swamping a wide range of habitats and displacing _______ species. Botanists’ fears that the plant is still spreading and may yet colonize other new habitats have generated recent attempts to eradicate it by mechanical and chemical methods, all _______ as yet.

The evidence stacked against Japanese knotweed is damning (足以定罪的). But there is a deep

_______ that behind the desire to correct human ecological cook-ups (策划)- often manifested as a passion to save endangered species and vulnerable ecosystems - is a thinly disguised xenophobia (仇外心理); that we are simply seeing yet another form of ecological imperialism (帝国主义) which defines what is “natural” based on human _______

But whatever our reaction to “problem” or alien species is, it must _______ moral decisions. And who should make such decisions and to what _______ they are accountable must also be up for review. The conclusions of scientists and other sections of society may differ _______ about what to do about the introduced animals and plants. ________ the scheme to control rabbits in Australia by deliberately spreading the disease myxomatosis was a success in that huge numbers of rabbits were wiped out for the greater good - the “health” of Australian ecosystems. But would inflicting (使遭受) such a ________ slow painful death on sentient (有感知能力的) creatures win popular support if it were proposed today?

Scientists of ________ are by their very nature concerned with the organization of species into systems and not necessarily with the interests and well-being of ________, particularly those that are seen as a threat to the maintenance of those systems. Yet there is a growing feeling for the democratization of decisions concerning nonhuman life. The ________ towards environmental values must surely involve a movement away from imperialism and a search for a relationship with nature as it truly is, rather than as we would design it. Then, when our ________ has/have long disappeared, we may yet come to honor the humble itadori.

1.A.distributed B.seen C.found D.appreciated

2.A.attached B.attracted C.colonized D.settled

3.A.rare B.abnormal C.normal D.extinct

4.A.in turn B.in vain C.in need D.in all

5.A.delight B.astonishment C.dissatisfaction D.anxiety

6.A.protection B.system C.preferences D.invasion

7.A.exclude B.involve C.object D.eliminate

8.A.scope B.intention C.extent D.respect

9.A.similarly B.intensively C.slightly D.vastly

10.A.In fact B.In other words C.For instance D.In conclusion

11.A.interestingly B.instructively C.thrillingly D.horrifically

12.A.biodiversity B.naturalism C.botany D.species

13.A.naturalists B.regions C.environments D.individuals

14.A.demonstration B.parade C.celebration D.campaign

15.A.planet B.lawns C.universe D.habitats



1.我第一次见到他时他就给我留下了深刻印象。 (the first time)

2.他决定采用一种新的语言教学方法。 (approach)

3.毫无疑问,懒惰是我国年轻人中的一个严重的问题。 (doubt)

4.无论要花多长时间,我们都得把这项工作做完。 (however)

5.我花了一下午坐在书房,完成作业。 (非谓语作状语)



1.The ______(最精彩部分) of our prom was seeing the famous dancer.

2.We must __________(委派) a new teacher to the mountain school.

3.It was __________(考虑周到) of Michael to inform us of the his delay in case we got worried.

4.The____________(最后期限) is drawing near; we can’t beg for a longer time.

5.Henry Ford was one of the ____________(先驱) in the audio industry.

6.Their relation is too ___________(复杂) to explain.

7.As is known to all, our bodies need _________(足够的) nutrition as a basis.

8.They___________(抗议) that the taxes were too high.

9.The refreshing film is very_________(幽默的) and moving.

10.He has ________() a crime and should be condemned.

11.You have to be highly _________(好竞争的) to do well in photograph nowadays.

12.As far as we know, Tom has made e_______(巨大的) progress in physics in the past few months.

13.The non-profit organization will d_________ (分配) food to the quake victims.

14.Be careful not to damage other people’s __________(财产).

15.There is no very easy _________(途径) to maths.

16.Living in the city will put you in touch with people from d_________(不同的) cultures.

17.The project was completed ahead of __________(时刻表).

18.You've already f__________(装修) your apartment?

19.Internet connections through c___________(传统的) phone lines are fairly slow.

20.It seemed that one problem was solved and a new one e____________(出现)



A recent study shows that most adults did household chores 1.(active) when they were young. Most kids today do not do as many household chores as before, 2. same study shows.

An expert said, “Parents today want their kids to spend more time 3. things that can bring them money and honour. They have stopped 4.(do) the one thing that has proven to bring success. That is doing household chores.”

Another study finds that compared with the kids 5. didn't do household chores, young adults beginning chores at ages 3 and 4 were more likely 6.(succeed). They had better family relationships, did better in school, performed better at work and were more independent.

Personal happiness 7.(say) to come from strong relationships. It begins by learning to be kind and 8.(help) to their parents at home.

If your kids say they have to skip chores because it's time they 9.(deal) with their homework, you’d better not let them off the hook. If you do, your child may think grades are more important than caring about others. “What may seem like small 10.(message) at the moment add up to big ones over time,” says an expert.


    When things went wrong, Ittleby Fein always had something nice to say.

When Dad forgot about the pizza and it burned, Ittleby said, “Don't ______. It'll still taste good.” And he was ______. The pizza edges were dark, ______ the middle wasn't bad.

Ittleby looked on the ______ side. And everyone, except Hazel, ______ that about him.

Hazel was the  ______ student in class. On her first day, Ittleby said, “Nice to meet you, Hazel. I think you'll like it here.” Hazel looked at him, “I ______ it.” Ittleby didn't know what to do. He'd never ______ anyone like Hazel.

____ Mr. D. said they'd have recess (休息) inside ______ the rain, Hazel said, “Bad things come in threes. No outdoor recess is number one. What will the ______ thing be?”

The class didn't have to ______ long to find out. Greta was carrying a box of paints during art class. She ____, and paint went flying. Hazel turned to Ittleby, “That was the second ______ thing. What will the third be?”

Ittleby didn't know what to say. Hazel seemed so ______ about the Rule of Three Bad Things.

Emma came to look at Ittteby's ______. She picked it up, not realizing she had paint on her fingers. Hazel pointed, “Ittleby's picture is ruined (破坏)! There's number three.” Emma looked  _____. “I'm sorry, Ittleby.” “It's OK, Emma. If I add wings, the fingerprint (指纹) could look like butterflies,” said Ittleby.

So Ittleby added wings. ______ he said, “Everyone, let's make a field of butterflies.”

Everyone put a fingerprint on Ittleby's paper. Only Hazel didn't.

“Want to add one?” Ittleby asked her. Hazel thought about it, and she carefully added wings.

“It looks ______. I like it very much,” said Ittleby. Hazel _____, “You know, I don't really think there's a Rule of Three Bad Things.” Ittleby nodded, “Bad things happen. But good things happen, too. And sometimes, there are good things hiding where you don't expect them.”

1.A.laugh B.worry C.talk D.stop

2.A.hungry B.different C.right D.wrong

3.A.and B.but C.if D.as

4.A.humorous B.easy C.bright D.back

5.A.liked B.hated C.heard D.trusted

6.A.shy B.good C.poor D.new

7.A.forget B.want C.enjoy D.doubt

8.A.met B.helped C.asked D.believed

9.A.Unless B.When C.Before D.Though

10.A.according to B.along with C.instead of D.because of

11.A.second B.last C.first D.third

12.A.walk B.work C.wait D.stand

13.A.calmed down B.went down C.fell down D.looked down

14.A.strange B.bad C.funny D.interesting

15.A.sure B.sorry C.excited D.disappointed

16.A.pen B.butterfly C.painting D.book

17.A.happy B.surprised C.angry D.sad

18.A.Then B.Thus C.Yet D.Still

19.A.old B.dirty C.great D.normal

20.A.answered B.cried C.shouted D.smiled


    We all know it is not always so easy to be happy. We also know how stressed you are, with homework, exams, sports meets and extra outdoor activities, let alone trying to have a life outside school. 1.


Physical activity produces all sorts of things which help us to relax and feel good. Exercise can also make us feel more confident, which certainly makes us happier. You don’t have to be a future Olympian.2.If you hate P. E. , find something less competitive: go for a walk, dance around your room or hit a park.


It is easy to take the good thing in life without thinking about them or showing you’re thankful.3. An easy way to do this is to make a list before bed of five things you’re thankful for. They can be big things, like your family and friends, or little things, like a good hair day.


4. But research has shown that a good laugh reduces stress and, even if you start by forcing yourself to laugh, improves how you feel.


Get enough sleep.5. Not getting enough sleep makes you angry and sad, so leave your phone outside your room, turn off the lights and let yourself have a good sleep. Sweet dreams!

A. Teens especially need at least eight hours.

B. If you’re feeling blue, know that you’re not alone.

C. You can increase happiness if you exercise with a friend.

D. So here are our top tips on being happy and staying happy.

E. Everyone can get something good from moving a little bit.

F. But studies have shown that giving thanks can make you happier.

G. Some days, laughing is just about the last thing you feel like doing.


    It’s often said of British people that they are very aware of each other’s social rank. Britons can usually work out a fellow countryman’s background from the way they speak or dress, and may even treat them differently based on this. But although this may have been truer in the past than it is today, visitors to Britain say that they still notice it. The comic play Pygmalion (1913), by the Irishman George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), is a famous exploration of the importance of social rank in British society.

The main story of the play concerns a working class girl, Eliza Doolittle, a flower seller from London. Two upper class gentlemen try to see if they can get Doolittle to appear like an upper class lady after sending her for elocution lessons. Professor Henry Higgins, a language expert, says it can be done; his friend Colonel Pickering says that it’s impossible. Even so, Higgins sets out to teach Eliza how to “speak properly”.

Of course, Eliza isn’t a lump of clay; she has her own will. She can see that it’s in her best interest to go along with Higgins’ plan to “improve herself”. She wants to be able to sell flowers in a shop rather than on the street. After the training, Eliza proves that a flower girl can pass herself off as a lady at a ball. She is a triumph (赢家), and Higgins has won his bet.

But what happens next? Eliza has her future to worry about. She may be able to fool the upper class into thinking she’s one of them, but she isn’t really one of them.

Shaw seems to be telling us that social rank is about more than the way someone talks-it’s about wealth and privilege. The whole experiment proves the idea that accents and classes are very superficial (肤浅的). The way one speaks and dresses are only markers of class. The class system itself, however, is something completely different.

1.What can we learn about speaking and dressing from Paragraph 1?

A.They determine Britons’ social rank.

B.Britons are stricter in them nowadays.

C.Britons no longer care about them.

D.They could affect others’ opinion of a person.

2.Which can replace the underlined word “elocution”?

A.dress B.manners

C.speech D.dance

3.What happens to Eliza Doolittle during the experiment?

A.She is forced to give up selling flowers on the street.

B.She is unwilling to participate in the experiment.

C.She is thought of as an upper-class lady at the ball.

D.She is hopeful about her future.

4.Which of the following would Shaw probably agree with?

A.One can enter the upper class after receiving training.

B.People should try their best to improve their accents.

C.The way people speak greatly affects their social status.

D.Social rank can t he judged by dressing or speaking.


    Although Paris is often considered the city of romance, close to a million adults who call it home are single. Many single people say that France’s capital is one of the most difficult places to meet people. The complaints of this lonely group have inspired a new phenomenon known as “supermarket dating”. At Galerie Lafayette Gourmet, singles can shop for more than just the items on their grocery list. They can look for someone who has blue eyes, brown hair, and is 1.8 meters tall, or whatever may be on their romantic shopping list.

At this Paris location, single people of all ages can schedule their shopping for Thursday nights between 6:30 and 9:00 p.m. When they walk through the door, they pick up a purple basket to advise that they are looking for love. They try to arrive early because the baskets disappear quickly, and then they have to wait in line for their turn to wander the store aisles. With purple baskets in hand, shoppers can consider their romantic options while they pick out their groceries. When they are ready to pay, they can go to the checkout line for singles who want to chat.

Most of the people who look for love in the supermarket are skeptical of Internet dating. They know that it is easy to embellish (美化) one’s appearance or to lie about one’s age over the Internet. The supermarket, on the other hand, is considered a safe and casual environment in which to meet a potential match. In addition, what one finds in another’s grocery basket can say a thing or two about that person’s character or intentions. Buying pet food can be a man’s way of showing a potential match that he has a sensitive side. Women who fill their baskets with low-fat food show their healthy style of living. These days it’s possible to find much more than food at a grocery store.

1.What do many single people in Pairs complain about?

A.The difficulty in finding a match.

B.The idea of supermarket dating.

C.The items on their grocery list.

D.The inconvenience in shopping.

2.Which of the following can be inferred but is not clearly stated in the second paragraph?

A.The dating supermarket is located in Paris.

B.The dating supermarket is open only on Thursday evenings.

C.Only single people can shop in the supermarket.

D.The dating supermarket has very good business.

3.How do love shoppers meet one another?

A.They schedule their meeting in advance.

B.They go through a special checkout.

C.They pick out their groceries with great care.

D.They dial the phone numbers on their shopping items.

4.Why do the people prefer the supermarket dating to Internet dating?

A.The supermarket dating is more convenient.

B.The supermarket dating is more fun.

C.The supermarket dating is more trustworthy.

D.The supermarket dating is more economical.


    Full of old-style houses, Wuzhen in Zhejiang province has long been a tourist attraction. But a few days ago, this ancient town was unusually full of people. It hosted the third annual World Internet Conference, held between Nov 16 and 18.

Tech firm bosses, academics and government officials went there to share their understanding of the event’s theme – “Innovation-driven (创新驱动的) Internet Development for the Benefit of All – Building a Community of Common Future in Cyberspace (网络空间)”.

When it comes to innovation, many tech firms in China are looking at artificial intelligence.

Baidu’s latest development is based on AI technology. It’s called Baidu Brain, an artificial intelligence project that aims to greatly improve computing by copying the way the human brain operates. It can be used to tell which diseases patients have. According to a test at Peking University International Hospital, 80 percent of its technology’s diagnosis (诊断) results agree with the opinions of doctors.

Another tech giant, Alibaba, is also trying to make use of AI.

During the conference, Alibaba’s Ant Financial company showed off its “Smile to Pay” technology. Registered (注册的) users can complete transactions (交易) by simply having their face scanned by a computer screen at the cashier’s (收银员的) desk, without having to put in a PIN number or open an app, according to China Radio International.

The Chinese market for AI technology is huge. But Zhang Yaqin, president of Baidu, told Xinhua, “AI cannot do everything, but it will certainly free people from repetitive jobs. Our ultimate (最终的) goal is to let people do more creative and interesting things.”

1.Wuzhen is mentioned at the beginning of the passage because ______.

A.it is full of people

B.it has many old-style houses

C.it has long been a tourist attraction

D.it hosted the World Internet Conference

2.What do we know about Baidu Brain?

A.It aims to replace the human brain.

B.It can be used to diagnose diseases.

C.It can cure 80% patients of their diseases.

D.It is developed by Peking University International Hospital.

3.Who are most likely to use “Smile to Pay” technology?

A.The cashiers at the desk.

B.China Radio International.

C.Alibaba’s Registered customers.

D.Alibaba’s Ant Financial company.

4.The main purpose of developing AI technology is to ______.

A.help people do repetitive jobs

B.free people from creative work

C.let people share their understanding of AI

D.inspire people to be more innovation-driven


Dear daughters,

Most parents tell their children, “You can be anything you want when you grow up.” I feel the same and I say this often. But I also want you to understand that realizing your dreams comes from hard work, some good luck and good timing.

Here are some words of wisdom for you as you make your way in the world, from an entrepreneur (企业家) and from your mama.

1. Be open-minded to changing your path along the way

In high school, I wanted to be a politician. I left my hometown and went off to college in Washington,

DC. There, I discovered that I loved to support women. It taught me that I’m creative, a strong leader and great at marketing. As a result, I moved on to be the head of a national healthcare nonprofit. Becoming a mother while in that job opened my mind to launching a breast pump bag (储奶袋) business. Now I run a highly successful company that I started up on my own. I'm not a politician!

2. Failure is critical to your success

Failure can be heartbreaking. But I will tell you that every failure I’ve had along the way has absolutely made me better.

Failing the big math exam in high school and going to summer school was embarrassing. I eventually passed, and I’ve never failed an exam again. I learned from that experience to ask for help. Now, I ask for help in business all the time.

I’m proud to be a role model to you as a mom and an entrepreneur. I hope I inspire you to believe that you can be anything you want. It will be my pleasure to watch your lives unfold before my eyes.


Your mom

1.In the writer’s opinion, what does it take to realize one’s dream?

A.Failure, hard work and good timing.

B.An open mind, failure and hard work.

C.Hard work, good luck and good timing.

D.A good dream, an open mind and hard work.

2.What did the writer learn from her failure?

A.Failure can make us embarrassed.

B.We shouldn’t get angry when we fail.

C.Don’t care too much about your failure.

D.It’s important to turn to others for help.

3.Which of the following words best describe the writer?

A.Political and proud.

B.Caring and cautious.

C.Modest and unlucky.

D.Flexible and successful.



1. 地点:中央公园第二广场(the second square of Central Park);

2. 活动时间:每周六上午8:30-11:00

3. 活动的意义。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




1.The club provides all kinds of __________ (活动) including tennis, swimming and Yoga.

2.The river was so __________ (污染) that it actually caught fire and burned.

3.The introduction __________ (解释) the author’s purpose for writing this article.

4.When someone says something __________ (无聊的) I usually shut my eyes and pretend to go to sleep.

5.We are all proud of the __________ (传统) culture of our nation.

6.I wonder if you can give me a ____________ (描述) of the celebration.

7.Then they told the other ____________ (好奇的) travelers about their adventure in the desert in details!

8.The book obviously has a ____________ (负面的,消极的) impact on the readers, so don’t let the students read it.

9.Thank you for sharing this ____________ (鼓舞人心的) story with us, which has increased our confidence and passion.

10.In the old days, it usually took weeks for letters to be ____________ (递送).



Wilma Rudolph was a girl born in a poor family. When she was four years old, a deadly 1. (ill) made her left leg useless. She had to wear an iron leg brace (支架). Yet she was fortunate in having a mother 2. encouraged her to have courage.

At nine years of age, she removed 3. leg brace and took the step which was impossible according to the doctors. Then she got the dream that she would like to be the world’s greatest woman runner. At the age of 13, she entered a race. But she came in last in every race. Everyone advised her 4. (stop). However, one day, she came in next to last. And then one day, she got the first place in a race! From then on, Wilma Rudolph 5. (win) every race that she entered.

Years 6. (late), Wilma went to Tennessee State University, where she met a coach 7. (name) Ed Temple. He trained her so well 8. in 1960 she went to the Olympic Games in Room. There she beat a German girl Jutta Heine, the 9. (great) woman runner of the day. That day Wilma made history as she became the first woman who had won three gold 10. (medal) in the same Olympic Games.


    I was born in North Elmham, Norfolk and grew up in Belton, a Norfolk Village. My father was the headmaster of the primary school, ______ my mother stayed at home writing and ______ the children. We all went to my father’s primary school, and then, ______, we all got scholarships to go to the Friends’ School.

The Friends’ School was a large building on a hill, with the most wonderful, large playing ________ at the back. It was a school where there wasn’t any ______ to push you through, and as football took all my ______, and as I actually found the work rather ______, it meant that I didn’t think ______ about my schoolwork, and I was doing badly. My reports would be covered with red ______, although now and then there’d be the line of ______ from the sports master, which ______ me more pleasure than any dissatisfaction with the crosses.

I don’t have any ______ of my parents putting pressure on me about my work either. My parents suggested I ______ school at 15 and take up car repairing, which they ______ was the kind of thing I’d be good at, although now I ______ if perhaps that was because they were ______at my school reports.

But one summer a ______ arrived in the holidays saying that I was to be held back a year. I can still ______ myself standing on the stairs, ______ the letter, and being ______ with horror at the future.

1.A.while B.or C.with D.however

2.A.teaching B.looking after C.loving D.organizing

3.A.nervously B.luckily C.particularly D.sharply

4.A.tools B.moments C.fields D.topics

5.A.pressure B.impression C.stage D.gym

6.A.view B.money C.engine D.attention

7.A.interesting B.humorous C.active D.difficult

8.A.carefully B.nothing C.a lot D.deeply

9.A.crosses B.words C.space D.questions

10.A.message B.praise C.reply D.progress

11.A.brought B.made C.took away D.led

12.A.idea B.time C.report D.memory

13.A.start B.attend C.leave D.be after

14.A.doubted B.invented C.managed D.thought

15.A.wonder B.ask C.notice D.mention

16.A.glad B.disappointed C.eager D.calm

17.A.teacher B.stranger C.letter D.message

18.A.improve B.picture C.prepare D.serve

19.A.writing B.answering C.reading D.receiving

20.A.frightened B.pleased C.intelligent D.proud


    School life is a very important part of one’s life. It provides opportunity for study and discipline (纪律). It is also a preparatory period for entering public life.

School helps students understand discipline better. 1. They show good behavior in the classroom, playground, library and other places.

School is a meeting place for students and teachers. School life is generally a period of youth.2. They read together, play together and sit together. At this time, they have early dreams which will come true as they grow older.

3. Students take part in games and competitions. School also gives opportunity for the budding (崭露头角) poets, scientists, writers, doctors and painters. It is in school that the students enjoy the pleasure of achieving their goals.

4. In school, teachers try to lead students away from bad thoughts. And at the same time, they teach them good qualities.

In the library, in class and in competitions, students get chances to improve themselves. Above all, in examinations they try to show their best sides. Thus, they get the opportunity to take part in more activities. School has clearly a healthy influence on students. But some students are satisfied with bad friends and try to avoid the influence of their teachers. 5.

A.In school, all the students study together.

B.School is the right place to realize early dreams.

C.Those students will miss the joys of their school life.

D.Teachers are those who guide the students on the right path.

E.School life is of great importance to both students and parents.

F.Good quality of discipline is developed in pupils.

G.School provides chances for students to fill their brain with knowledge.


    Online, English has become a common language for users from around the world. In the process, the language itself is changing. There are now thought to be some 4.5 billion web pages worldwide. Some language experts predict that within 10 years English will occupy the internet — but in forms very different to what we accept and recognize as English today.

That’s because people who speak English as a second language already outnumber native speakers. And increasingly, they use it to communicate with other non-native speakers, particularly on the internet where less attention is paid to grammar and spelling and users don’t have to worry about their accent (口音).

Users of Facebook already socialize in a number of different “Englishes” including Indian English, Spanish English and Korean English. While these different styles have long existed within their cultures, they’re now expanding and coming online. Technology companies are introducing newly-developed English words with products aimed at enabling users to add words that are not already in the English dictionary. And most large companies have English websites, while smaller businesses are learning that they need a common language — English — to reach global customers.

The increasing popularity of the internet allows more languages to develop quickly.

“Most people actually speak several languages — it’s less common to only speak one,” says Mr. Munro. “English has taken its place as the world’s common language, but it’s not pushing out other languages.” Instead, other languages are pushing their way into English, and in the process creating something new.

1.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.English is a common language around the world.

B.There are now many different language styles.

C.English language is developing with the Internet.

D.Smaller businesses are learning a common language.

2.Which of the following is NOT true about online communication?

A.People need to spell exactly.

B.Grammar is not so important.

C.People do not care about their accent.

D.Most English-speakers are not native speakers.

3.What can we infer from the text?

A.We can only communicate online in English.

B.It’s impossible to find all the English words in the dictionary.

C.Some technology companies start to publish English dictionaries.

D.Smaller businesses are not allowed to have English websites.

4.What can we learn from what Mr. Munro said?

A.The other languages are enriching English.

B.One can’t live well without speaking several languages.

C.English will become the only language in the world.

D.Chinese used to be the world’s common language.


    Most heroes are not super. They don’t appear in comic books, on television, or in movies. They just do what they believe needs to be done to make their world a better place. Bike Batman is one of them. Bike Batman is a 30-year-old married engineer who lives in Seattle, Washington. He’s a cyclist who also buys and sells bikes as a hobby.

About three years ago, he was looking for a bike for his wife. He found one on Craigslist, a website where people list things they want to sell. As he often does, he also looked at Bike Index, a popular website that allows users to register (登记) their bikes and post reports when they’re taken. The bike, which he was considering buying, clearly matched one reported stolen on Bike Index. Then he called the person who claimed (声称) to be the bike’s owner and arranged (安排) to meet him — supposedly to complete the sale. When the two men met, Bike Batman told the thief, “You’ve got two options. You can wait until a police officer gets here, or you can just get out of here.” You can imagine what the thief did.

After that first success, Bike Batman developed safer steps. When he sees questionable bike ads on Craigslist, he compares the bikes with those reported on Bike Index. Once he has made sure about it with the owner, he arranges a meet-up with the thief and will call the Seattle police department so that officers can take part in the action. In more than half of the 22 cases in which he has got back and returned bikes, the thieves have been arrested (逮捕).

His nickname came from a discussion with a police officer who suggested he be called “Robin Hood”. Since he wasn’t exactly stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, “Batman” seemed a better fit. The idea of a superhero punishing criminals feels pretty silly to him, but the main reason he continues his work is to keep up Seattle’s reputation (名誉) as a friendly city.

1.What’s the author’s purpose of writing the text?

A.To explain what is a superhero.

B.To introduce a hero in Seattle.

C.To encourage citizens to catch bike thieves.

D.To show how badly the police perform their duties.

2.What can we infer from paragraph 2?

A.Bike Batman began his good deeds by accident.

B.The thief refused to return the bike.

C.The police failed to catch the thief.

D.Bike Batman doesn’t like online shopping.

3.What will Bike Batman do first when he discovers a questionable bike?

A.To contact the owner of the stolen bike.

B.To surf the net for more information of the bike.

C.To call the police department immediately.

D.To arrange to meet the thief at once.

4.What kind of person do the underlined words “Robin Hood” in the last paragraph refer to?

A.A superhero who always punishes criminals.

B.A clever person who is good at buying and selling bikes.

C.Someone who hates the rich and is friendly to the poor.

D.A heroic person who likes robbing the rich to help the poor.


    The cultures of the East and the West are really different from each other a lot. This is because the culture systems are two separate ones on the whole.

The origin (起源) of the Eastern culture is mainly from two countries: China and India. Both of the two cultures are developed by rivers — the Yellow River in China and the Hindu River in India. They helped the two cultures develop for centuries and form their own styles.

When the two mother rivers gave birth to the Eastern culture, another famous culture was up on the Mesopotamian Plain — the Mesopotamian Civilization. This civilization later on developed into the cultures of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. And these two are well-known as the base of the European culture. Like the Chinese culture, the European culture also crossed waters. When the British settled down in America, their culture went with them over the Atlantic Ocean. So the American culture doesn’t have much difference from the European culture.

At the same time, some other differences add to the cultural differences. Take the language system for example. In the East, most languages belong to the pictographic (象形) language while the western languages are mostly based on the Latin system. Other causes like human race differences count as well. But what’s more, due to the far distance and the steep areas between the East and the west, the two cultures seldom communicate until recent centuries. So they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no interference from the other.

The differences are everywhere. They are obvious and make people’s ways of thinking and their views of the world different. But different cultures make the world of 21st century more colorful. The cultural difference should not be the obstacle (障碍) to the civilization of human being. It ought to be the driving force of our going farther.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A.The origin of cultures. B.Culture differences.

C.Language systems. D.Colorful world.

2.Why is the American culture similar to the European culture?

A.Both of the two cultures have a very long history.

B.They have the same mother rivers as the Chinese culture.

C.The early settlers from Britain brought their culture to America.

D.Both the British and the American live along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

3.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “interference” in paragraph4?

A.difference B.influence

C.confidence D.environment

4.Where is the passage most likely from?

A.A diary. B.A magazine.

C.A novel. D.A guidebook.


    Lake Tahoe offers some amazing lodging (住宿) options that will fit what you’re looking for.

Harrah’s Lake Tahoe Resort & Casino

It offers convenient (方便的) location, comfortable rooms, and a lot of health clubs to make for an enjoyable vacation. The resort is just a few minutes’ walk from Tahoe’s main ski gondola, and Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course is a short walk. All of the resort’s rooms offer two bathrooms, desks, WiFi availability, coffeemakers, and TVs.

Marriott’s Timber Lodge

Located in South Lake Tahoe, CA, it is just miles from Heavenly Village where guests can enjoy shopping and local area restaurants. The Heavenly Gondola is right outside waiting to take guests for a day of skiing. The lodge features an activity center, restaurant, sauna, whirlpools, fitness center and heated outdoor pool. Guests rooms are villas (别墅) that include a kitchen, high speed internet, coffee maker, sofa and hairdryers in all bathrooms.

Lake Tahoe Vacation Resort — Ski Run Boulevard

It is located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of South Lake Tahoe, California. The hotel is only minutes from a variety of dining options, and local attractions such as Tahoe Axe Throwing, Wyland Galleries, Van Sickle State Park, and Heavenly Gondola. The shores of Lake Tahoe are just steps away. Hotel facilities (设施) include a sauna, indoor and outdoor pools, and a fitness center.

Resort at Squaw Creek

In 1960 the Winter Olympics was held at Squaw Creek in Olympic Valley, CA. Since this time, Squaw Creek has become a family-friendly resort town. The resort at Squaw Creek is a AAA Four Diamond resort with activities for every age. Young children age 4-12 can take part in rock climbing, board games, snowball fights, or swimming.

1.What can you do only at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe Resort & Casino?

A.Having an enjoyable vacation.

B.Going skiing conveniently.

C.Having coffee without going out.

D.Playing Golf nearby.

2.Where can you swim indoors?

A.At Harrah’s Lake Tahoe Resort & Casino.

B.At Marriott’s Timber Lodge.

C.At Lake Tahoe Vacation Resort -Ski Run Boulevard.

D.At Resort at Squaw Creek.

3.Why does the author use “family-friendly” to describe Resort at Squaw Creek?

A.Because a Winter Olympics was once held at Squaw Creek.

B.Because it is a famous AAA Four Diamond resort.

C.Because travelers can play board games and go rock-climbing here.

D.Because there are various activities for people of all ages.





3.我昨天看到的恐怖片起到了让我胃口倒掉的效果。( achieve)

4.通过看区分事实与错误观念的电视节目,青少年可以受到影响从而做出正确的选择。( decide )


    As you grow older, you’ll be faced with some challenging decisions. Some don’t have a clear right or wrong answer—like should you play soccer or field hockey.1..

Making decisions on your own is hard enough, but when other people get involved and try to pressure you one way or another it can be even harder. People who are your age, like your classmates, are called peers. When they try to influence how you act, to get you to do something, it’s called peer pressure.

Peers can have a positive influence on each other. You might admire a friend who is always a good sportsman and try to be more like him or her. 2. For example, a few kids in school might try to get you to cut class with them.

Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, to fit in, or because they worry that other kids might make fun of them. The idea that ‘everyone’s doing it’ can influence some kids to leave their better judgments, or their common sense, behind.

3. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do.

Even if you are faced with peer pressure while you are alone, you can simply stay away from peers who pressure you to do stuff you know is wrong.

If you continue to face peer pressure and you’re finding it difficult to handle, talk to someone you trust. 4.

A.You might follow whatever he or she does.

B.But sometimes peers influence each other in negative ways.

C.Talk to the peer who pressure you and you will feel much better.

D.It is tough to be the only one who says ‘no’ to peer pressure, but you can’t do it.

E.Other decisions involve serious moral questions, like whether to cut class, try cigarettes, or lie to your parents.

F.Talking to a parent, teacher, or school counselor can help you feel much better and prepare you for the next time you face peer pressure.


    Attachment Parenting is not Indulgent Parenting. Attachment parents do not "spoil" their children. Spoiling is done when a child is given everything that they want regardless of what they need and regardless of what is practical. Indulgent parents give toys for tantrums(发脾气), ice cream for breakfast. Attachment parents don’t give their children everything that they want, they give their children everything that they need. Attachment parents believe that love and comfort are free and necessary. Not sweets or toys.

Attachment Parenting is not "afraid of tears" parenting. Our kids cry. The difference is that we understand that tantrums and tears come from emotions and not manipulation. And our children understand this too. They cry and have tantrums sometimes, of course. But they do this because their emotions are so overwhelming that they need to get it out. They do not expect to be "rewarded" for their strong negative emotions; they simply expect that we will listen. We pick up our babies when they cry, and we respond to the tears of our older children because we believe firmly that comfort is free, love is free, and that when a child has need for comfort and love, it is our job to provide those things. We are not afraid of tears. We don’t avoid them. We hold our children through them and teach them that when they are hurt or frustrated we are here to comfort them and help them work through their emotions.

Attachment Parenting is not Clingy Parenting. I do not cling to my children. In fact, I’m pretty free-range. As soon as they can move they usually move away from me and let me set up a chase as they crawl, run, skip and hop on their merry way to explore the world. Sure, I carry them and hug them and chase them and kiss them and rock them and sleep with them. But this is not me following them everywhere and pulling them back to me. This is me being a home base. The "attachment" comes from their being allowed to attach to us, not from us attaching to them like parental leeches. Attachment Parenting is not Selfish Parenting. It is also not selfless parenting, We are not doing it for us, and we are not doing it to torment (折磨)ourselves.

Attachment parenting is not Helicopter Parenting. I don’t hover, I supervise, I follow, I teach, I demonstrate, I explain. I don’t slap curious hands away, I show how to do things safely, I let my child do the things that my child wishes to do, first with help and then with supervision(监督) and finally with trust, I don’t insist that my 23 month old hold my hand when we walk on the sidewalk because I know that I can recall him with my voice because he trusts me to allow him to explore and he trusts me to explain when something is dangerous and to help him satisfy his curiosities safely.

Most of the negative things that I hear about "attachment parents" are completely off-base and describe something that is entirely unlike Attachment Parenting. Attachment Parenting is child-centric and focuses on the needs of the child. Children need structure, rules, and boundaries. Attachment Parents simply believe that the child and the parent are allies, not adversaries, and that children are taught, not trained.

1.According to the author, what should parents do when their kids cry?

A.Providing comfort and love.

B.Trying to stop kids crying.

C.Holding them till they stop.

D.Rewarding kids with toys.

2.What does "free-range” mean according to the passage?

A.Willing to give kids freedom of movement.

B.Ready to play games with my kids.

C.Curious to watch what games they play.

D.Fond of providing a home base.

3.Which of the following is NOT attachment parenting?

A.Fostering their curiosity B.Helping them do the right thing

C.Showing them how things are done D.Standing by and protecting

4.What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.How to foster love in children B.Different types of parenting

C.How to build child confidence D.Parent-child relationship


    Cynthia Kadohata wrote Kira-Kira and never thought it would be so popular among students. It is a book about a young Japanese-American girl, Katie Takeshima, and the difficulties that her family have to face when they are forced to move to Georgia. This book tells the story of one family’s journey to a new place, their experience of racism, and the ability of people to move forward through hard time.

In the book, Kate and Lynn Takeshima are sisters. The story begins in Lowa, where their parents’ small family-owned store runs out of business. Soon after, the Takeshimas begin to face financial difficulties and they have to go in search of a new living. The family moves to Georgia where they work at a hatchery(孵化厂)with their uncle. On the way to their new home in Georgia they experience racism. They have difficulty in “fitting in” when a hotel manager tells them to go to “the back” where the “Indians” have to stay.

Life gets even harder for the Takeshimas when they begin to work at the hatchery. Katie’s parents are over-worked there. They have to stay in a cramped apartment with little space. And as if that isn’t enough, Katie has too much schoolwork to do. During Katie’s struggle, Lynn becomes sick and Katie feels unsafe, because she has always looked up to Lynn. There are hard times that Katie and her family have to experience. This story is a beautiful-example of resilience (适应力) and friendship. It also opens the reader’s eyes to some of the struggles that Asian Americans are facing.

1.Why does the family have to move to Georgis?

A.They are not used to the life in Lowa.

B.They don’t have enough money to live in Lowa.

C.People look down on them in Lowa.

D.They want to open a hatchery in Georgia.

2.From the second paragraph, we can infer that Indians ___________.

A.run the hotel B.are not friendly

C.have a hard life D.like staying in the back

3.The underlined word “cramped” in the third paragraph probably means ____________.

A.comfortable B.crowded

C.quiet D.bright

4.Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?

A.Katie’s parents died in the hatchery.

B.Lynn really looked up to Katie.

C.Katie’s uncle owned the hatchery.

D.Katie went on schooling in Georgia.


    Every year the United Sates exports "cultural products" to the rest of the world while it only imports similar products from other countries equal to about one percent of the amount exported. Movies, for example, are one such_______. The movie industry in countries like England and Italy is almost completely_______on American exports. Both countries report that 85% to 95% of all movie tickets sold each year are for movies produced in the United States. Millions of people worldwide buy American pop, rap, and rock music. Billions of people drink Coca-Cola and eat McDonald's hamburgers. American software_______the computer market.

Can all of the above products be called "cultural", however? That depends on how one_______culture. Most people _______culture into two forms: "high" culture and "low" culture. High culture is the kind produced by writers and_______. It is more concerned with stimulating thought in the people who view or use it and does not_______care how marketable people find it Low culture,_______ is viewed as a product usually for entertainment and is only as good as how well it sells. Because it is_______by masses of people, this type of culture can also be called "mass culture". The________between low and high culture are not very clear.

Pierre Guerlain, a professor of English and American Studies in France, points out that when a cultural product is imported, the product cannot cover the existing culture, thus________it. The imported product is changed to adapt to the local context. Anyone who believes that a society which imports American products of mass culture will become a ________of America is being naive(幼稚的).

America may seem to have the strongest hand in exporting cultural products, but there is a boomerang(相反的) ________for being more of an exporter than importer. Because Europeans and Japanese import so many cultural products from the United States, they know a lot more about American culture________than Americans know about European or Japanese culture. It is a definite advantage for the Europeans and Japanese to be bilingual as well as bicultural. These countries can use their knowledge of American society and________to increase their chances of success in the American market

1.A.aspect B.product C.example D.project

2.A.fixed B.emphasized C.called D.dependent

3.A.dominates B.abandons C.enters D.grasps

4.A.defines B.presents C.absorbs D.creates

5.A.prefer B.divide C.alter D.view

6.A.designers B.technicians C.composers D.artists

7.A.comprehensively B.temporarily C.necessarily D.representatively

8.A.as a result B.as a whole C.on the average D.on the other hand

9.A.consumed B.produced C.invested D.sponsored

10.A.connections B.distinctions C.ranges D.advantages

11.A.overcoming B.accepting C.attracting D.replacing

12.A.source B.supplier C.copy D.target

13.A.effect B.feedback C.disadvantage D.idea

14.A.in particular B.in general C.in contrast D.in the meantime

15.A.values B.economy C.policies D.characteristics


This is the little girl __________ the famous artist said was thought of as a very talented and promising painter in the future.

A.whom B.who C.whose D./


He wouldn’t give up smoking__________ the doctor told him it was a matter of life and death.

A.except when B.after C.until D.in case


Tommy__________ for he has gone out hunting without permission.

A.will have been punished B.is punished

C.has been punished D.will be punished.


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