—Would you please repeat your telephone number? I __________ quite catch it.

—It’s 62548239.

A.can’t B.couldn’t C.didn’t D.don’t


Their __________ to the Palace made them __________ highly honored

A.invitation, feel B.being invited, feeling

C.invited, feel D.being invited, feel


A: How much does it cost to send a parcel from Shanghai to Canada?

B: It is too expensive __________.

A.to be thinking B.even to think it

C.even to consider it D.to consider to do it


The local government is in favor of __________ more nuclear power plants to promote the economic development.

A.to build B.built C.build D.building


A: There is something wrong with the table.

B: Yes, I ________ feel it moving.

A.can B.may C.must D.ought



The world’s most famous heart surgeon, the Egyptian Professor, Sir Magdi Yacoub, has transplanted more hearts than anyone else. To the countless people 1.lives he has transformed and saved, he is a hero. Professor Yacoub 2.(inspire) in his work by his father, who was a general surgeon.

Now 66 years old, professor Yacoub still retains his energy and extraordinary enthusiasm for his career. For 43 years, he 3.(deal) with desperate patients whose combination of poor diet, inactive lifestyle and stress overload have caused them to ask for his help. Because of all these experiences, he is very aware of the role of good nutrition and regular exercise in 4.(maintain) good health. He eats very well and swims early each morning.

Professor Yacoub’ s life is always hectic(狂热的) 5.a donor heart has suddenly been found, then an operation has to take place quickly. He works long hours; he says there are no regular hours for a heart surgeon, as the surgery 6.take place when it needs to be carried out.

For relaxation, professor Yacoub enjoys gardening. One dream of his is to go to the Amazon one day 7.(see) the rare plants there. He is patron of the Chain of Hope charity, which aims to take medical expense to the developing world. Specialist teams give their time free and travel all over the world to places such as Mozambique and Jamaica to train local surgeons in techniques 8. will save lives .This charity also brings needy children to the West for necessary heart surgery.



Steve was the most amazing person in all of Minneapolis, and he was my cousin. By the age of 19, Steve was a star baseball player at the University of Minnesota. I wanted to be exactly like him. So when Steve asked me to go with him on a spring fishing trip in northern Minnesota, I was excited!

After planning the trip, we gathered clothes and supplies, and began our great adventure. We reached the Superior National Forest in northern Minnesota by early evening. On our way to the campsite, Steve pointed to a small house faraway in one of the mountains, saying that it was the ranger station (护林站) where the forester worked.

Finally, after a long walk, we reached the campsite and set up the camp as the sun was setting. Steve knew all the tricks of an experienced wilderness camper. After we gathered enough wood from the forest, he started the campfire using only stone and steel — no matches. For supper we feasted on freeze — dried beef, wild rice and pea soup. I ate greedily after all that work.

Tired enough, we climbed into our sleeping bags early and talked about our plans for fishing the next day. We were still talking quietly when a sudden north wind picked upthe temperature dropped and it began to snow. Steve found a way to increase the temperature inside the tent. He dragged a log from the forest to the opposite side of the campfire. Then he wrapped aluminum foil (铝箔) around the log. The heat from the fire reflected off the foil and into the tent. Soon images of lake fish were filling my dreams.

The snow had stopped, but sometime later a powerful wind must have kicked up the flames of our dying fire. I was suddenly awakened by Steve. Our tent was on fire. Frightened, I ran out of the tent immediately. The tent collapsed 倒塌) with Steve inside. Without any thought of endangering myself, I reached into the burning tent and pulled him to the icy lake. Fortunately, we were not seriously hurt.

Paragraph 1:

Later, as we stood by the burning tent to keep warm, we considered our difficult situation.


Paragraph 2:

Suddenly, we heard a noise in the forest.



假如你是李华,你校将于下周五晚八点在体育馆举行一场中国功夫(Chinese Kungfu)的表演。你想邀请外教Michael一起观看演出。请给他写一封邮件,内容包括:

1. 演出时间、地点;

2. 简单介绍中国功夫。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




China will emerge stronger from the coronavirus challenge, experts said at a seminar here on Tuesday, while 1. (praise) China’s efforts to stop the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic (传染病).

Speaking at the seminar 2.  (title) “Battling Coronavirus, ”Sumit Mullickchief information commissioner of India’s southwestern state of Maharashtra, said that China has created a new criterion in addressing a health issue by quarantining (隔离) Wuhan, the epicenter city of the virus outbreak.

“The coronavirus does not understand or respect borders. It does not need a visa or passport.” Mullick said. “Challenges are 3. (true) in global in nature. ”

However, Chinese labs have quickly decoded the genetic sequence of the coronavirus and shared it with the world, 4. is now working on a new vaccine, he said.

R. N. Bhaskar, a senior journalist and consulting editor with Indian English newspaper Free Press Journal, said that China is doing all it can  5. (contain) the spread of the virus and create a vaccine.

“As  6. very big player in the global economy, there will be negative impact 7. the Chinese economy for a temporary period. However, thanks to the swift responses to the virus outbreak, the Chinese economy will overcome this crisis and emerge stronger,” he added.

Health officials at the panel discussion also listed the steps  8. (take) to fight the virus and shared their experiences in countering misinformation and creating  9.  (aware) among the public at large.

The event  10. (organize) jointly by the Observer Research Foundation, a think-tank body, along with the Chinese Consulate General in Mumbai.


    A couple in Ohio accidentally dropped off a bag containing almost $100,000 at an Ohio charity shop. Thanks to _______ employees, they got money back.

The employees were going through _______ last week when they came across a _______. Inside was $97,004. "It was so much cash," employee Kelsey Croy said. "I looked in the bag and we _______ it right there on the desk. And it was 97, 004. "Thankfully, the owners _______ a receipt for tax purposes when they dropped off _______ that morning. The employees _______ called the couple but there was no _______.

Not wanting to _______ that amount of cash in the store, they called in the Zanesville Police Department. ________ repeated calls, officers finally got a hold of the couple. The couple hadn't realized the money was ________. They told police they withdrew all their money to another bank. On the way, they ________ at the charity shop to donate a bag of clothes. That's ________ the money ended up there. "When we finally ________ them, they just asked if they could get it sometime tomorrow." the officer said.

The couple has since made contact with the original ________ who found the money to thank them. "I'm just glad that I meet with a bunch of honest and loyal people." Croy said.

1.A.honest B.generous C.brave D.clever

2.A.goods B.donations C.food D.money

3.A.suitcase B.box C.bag D.wallet

4.A.put B.counted C.hid D.cleared

5.A.asked for B.asked about C.gave up D.gave out

6.A.cards B.fruits C.bills D.clothes

7.A.surprisedly B.hesitatingly C.eventually D.immediately

8.A.concern B.information C.reply D.1etter

9.A.deposit B.1eave C.waste D.spend

10.A.After B.During C.Before D.In

11.A.found B.missing C.stolen D.forgotten

12.A.stopped B.sighed C.quarreled D.wandered

13.A.why B.when C.where D.how

14.A.inspected on B.got rid of C.got through D.dropped in on

15.A.police B.officers C.customer D.employee


    The world is a colorful landscape of different languages, skin colors, and different cultures. It’s important to have a good understanding of different cultures in order to become a well-rounded person1.

One way is to read hooks written by authors from a particular culture. Reading works by authors who have a close relationship with a particular culture allows people to gain an authentic glimpse into the food, music, language, religion, and way of a life of a particular group of people.


Another way to learn about different cultures is to try to learn a foreign language.3.A person can choose a language she has always wanted to learn and locate learning programs to help her master the language. Besides, one can enroll in a foreign language class in order to learn in a more formal setting. One can also try to visit areas of the city to establish social connection with native speakers of the language.

4.Seek out restaurants that feature authentic food from a variety of countries. Food is an important part of different cultures and allows people to gain deep understanding into a particular cultural group’s way of life.

Communicating with people from other countries through email or snail mail is another useful way to become familiar with different cultures.5.Various websites offer pen pal services, offering to connect individuals with pen friends around the world.

A. Stories based on a local culture expose one to a different culture.

B. Trying authentic food from a specific cultural group is also a great idea.

C. There are several ways to become knowledgeable about different cultures.

D.A variety of language-learning books, software, and audio programs is available,

E. The Internet has made it possible to communicate with others from different countries.

F. Making contact with native speakers of the language allows one to gain firsthand knowledge.

G. One way to develop this appreciation is to try to team about other cultures around the world.


For many, music is as important to the human experience as eating and breathing. We hear music everywhere—at home, the gym, parties and stores. But what kind of music do we prefer to listen to, and when and why do our musical preferences change?

The relationship between the change of seasons and musical preferences was the focus of a study led by psychologist Terry Pettijohn. He and his team based their research on a previous study that examined the relationship between popular music preferences and the Environmental Security Hypothesis(假设). The results showed that over time, when social and financial conditions were more risky, the songs of the year that were slower, longer, more comforting and serious were most popular. And during periods in which social and financial conditions were generally stable, the result was opposite.

Building on these findings, Pettijohn and his team wondered if the Hypothesis could also be applied to the change of seasons. For college students, the participants in this study, autumn begins at the start of the school year. Gone are the carefree days of summer, when school is out. Winter means colder temperatures, shorter days, and, in many places in the country, snow. Spring, however, is a different story. It represents a fresh start and when clocks spring forward, we gain an extra hour of daylight. As students walk into summer, they’re absorbed in the sunshine and social activities—and enjoy a break from school.

But do changing seasonal conditions influence musical preferences? To answer this question, the researchers designed two studies. What did they find? Both groups of college students favored more serious music during the seasons of fall and winter, and more active and energetic music during the spring and summer seasons. And these findings, Pettijohn argues, have practical significances.

1.The purpose of the question raised in Paragraph 1 is to ________.

A. present a different opinion on music

B. prove where to listen to music matters

C. stress the importance of music to humans

D. introduce the topic on musical preferences

2.What influences a person’s choice of music types according to the previous study?

A. Whether one has enough free time.

B. Whether one lives in a stable situation.

C. Whether one is exposed to sunlight.

D. Whether one chooses to change his life.

3.What does Paragraph 3 imply?

A. Students aren’t fond of school in any season.

B. Spring has a special meaning to people.

C. The Hypothesis disagrees with Pettijohn’s studies.

D. The length of summer time is longer than that of winter time.

4.How does Pettijohn feel about the findings of his studies?

A. It’s unexpected.    B. It’s humorous.

C. It’s discouraging.    D. It’s significant.


    It’s easy to think that the globe’s vast oceans would be effective barriers to the movement of land animals. An elephant can’t swim across the Pacific, after all. But it turns out that plenty of plants and animals have unintentionally floated across oceans from one continent to another. Now comes evidence that tiny, trapdoor spiders (蜘蛛) made such a journey millions of years ago.

Moggridgea rainbowi spiders can be found on Kangaroo Island, which sits off the south coast of Australia. These spiders build a silk-lined hole in the ground, notes Sophie Harrison, a biologist in Australia. The hole and trapdoor provide these spiders with shelter and protection. It also provides them an out-of-sight spot from which to wait for approaching creatures.

There is evidence, though, that the ancestors of them might have traveled millions of meters to get to Australia from Africa. That isn’t as unlikely as it might at first seem. Australia used to be connected to other continents, long ago, as part of a supercontinent called Gondwana. And humans have been known to transport species all over the planet. But there’s a third option. The spiders might have rafted (乘筏) long distances across the sea.

To figure out which story was most likely true, Harrison and her colleagues looked at the spider’s genes. They looked at the genes in seven Moggridgea rainbowi spiders from Kangaroo, and five species of Moggridgea spiders from South Africa. The Australian and African spiders split off from a common ancestor some 2 million to 16 million years ago, the genes showed.

If a large swatch of land washes into the sea, filled with arachnids (蛛形纲动物), the spiders may be able to hide themselves throughout the journey. Plus, they can “hold their breath” and survive on stored oxygen during periods of temporary flooding, the researchers note.

1.What is the common belief about land animals according to the text?

A.They are sensitive to natural disasters.

B.They are unlikely to move across oceans.

C.They can’t make a long ocean voyage.

D.They float across oceans accidentally.

2.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Biologists. B.Australians.

C.The spiders. D.The creatures.

3.How did the researchers conclude Australian and African spiders are from a common ancestor?

A.By comparing their genes.

B.By observing their living habits.

C.By making changes to their genes.

D.By studying their physical characteristics.

4.What could be the best title for the text?

A.These Spiders Traveled Globally to Hide Themselves

B.These Spiders Became More Adaptive When Traveling

C.These Spiders Crossed an Ocean to Australia for Survival

D.These Spiders Crossed an Ocean to Become Australians naturally


    A dog spent the last four years of his life waiting at a crossroad in the Thai city of Khon Kaen as if waiting for someone. At first people thought the dog had been abandoned, but then realized that he looked healthy, so people asked around about him. It turned out that the dog had indeed been spending most of his time around that crossroad, but a woman had been coming round regularly to bring him food and water.

One day, while photographing the dog everyone called Leo, a reporter met the woman who had been taking care of him. She had come to drop off some food. After learning the story about the dog and the woman, the reporter decided to share the story on social media. The post soon went viral and the photos of Leo got shared hundreds of times. And the photos reached the eyes of Leo’s old owner.

Nang Noi Sittisarn, a 64-year-old woman from Thailand’s Roi Et Province, almost had a heart attack when her daughter showed her a photo of the beloved dog named BonBon she had lost during a car trip. When she learned that he had been waiting for her in the same spot for the last four years, her heart melted (融化).

Auntie Noi told her daughter to drive her to where the dog was waiting. When she got there and called his name. BonBon, the poor dog started wiggling (扭动) his tail and came to her, but when she tried to take him home with her, he was unwilling to follow. She didn’t want to force the dog to come with her so she agreed to leave him with his new master. However, she and her daughter will come to visit him regularly.

1.Why did the dog look healthy after separation from his former owner?

A.He walked around the crossroad constantly.

B.He was kept at a woman’s home all the time.

C.A local reporter brought him food and water.

D.A woman looked after him on a regular basis.

2.What does the underlined phrase “went viral” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Changed surprisingly. B.Spread quickly.

C.Appeared gradually. D.Fell directly.

3.How did Nang Noi Sittisam feel about the dog’s waiting for her?

A.Shocked. B.Regretful. C.Touched. D.Proud.

4.What can we mainly learn from the story about the dog?

A.We need to learn to be faithful and thankful.

B.Unbelievable success is worth waiting for.

C.We should appreciate everyone we meet.

D.No one knows the result until the last minute.


Top Sites to See in New York

Central Park

For more than 150 years, visitors have come to Central Park’s 843 green acres in the heart of Manhattan. Since 1980, the Park has been managed by the Central Park Conservancy, in partnership with the public. You can visit the official website of Central Park to learn more about Park happenings and activities and to learn how to help Central Park.

Telephone: 212-310-6600

Location: 59th to 110th Street, Manhattan Borough, from Central Park West to 5th Avenue, New York City, NY10022

Open Hours: 06: 00-23:00

The National 9/11 Memorial Museum

The national 9/11 Memorial & Museum is a place of remembrance honoring those who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The 9/11 Memorial Museum displays Monumental artifacts linked to the events of 9/11, while presenting stories of loss, sympathy and recovery that are central to telling the story of the 2001 attacks and the consequence. It also explores the global impact of 9/11 and its continuing significance.

Telephone: 212-312-8800

Location: 180 Greenwich St, World Trade Center, New York City, NY 10007

Open Hours: 09: 00-20: 00

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

At New York City’s most visited museum and attraction, you will experience over 5,000 years of art from around the world. The Met is for anyone as a source of inspiration, insight and understanding. You can learn, escape, play, dream, discover and connect.

Telephone: 212-535-7710

Location: 1000 5th Avenue, New York City, NY 10028-0198

Open Hours: 10: 00-17: 30

1.How can you get more information about the activities in Central Park?

A.By calling the park.

B.By visiting its website.

C.By consulting the staff.

D.By writing to the manager.

2.Where can you go if you’re interested in art?

A.59th to 110th Street.

B.180 Greenwich St.

C.World Trade Center.

D.1000 5th Avenue.

3.Where can you probably find the text?

A.An official report.

B.A popular magazine.

C.A tourist brochure.

D.A product handbook.










假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及-个单词的增 加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( N),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线( \)划掉。




We teenagers spend our pocket money on different ways. Almost half of us spent the money on meaningful things,and some cannot manage their money well. The following tips may be helpful. Firstly, divide the money into various part.This can be done basing on the importance of things. By doing so, we can well understand that where to spend our money and how much to spend. Second, make a budget, which helps us get into a habit of spending money wisely. Thirdly, open a bank account. If possiblysave some extra money up for future use. For example, I always put some money aside in case I buy parents a birthday gift or help people in need.



China has named 24,126 primary and middle schools across the country specialist football schools 1.(lead) youth football development, according to the Ministry of Education (MOE). It's required that at least one football class 2.(offer) each week in these schools so that they can encourage their students to 3.(active) participate in football training and matches.

China aims to have 50,000 schools specializing in youth football by the end of 2025, said Wang Dengfeng, an official with the MOE, 4. (add) that to realize this goal, the ministry will take various measures that include building school football fields, training football coaches and providing extra funding and policy support. 5. those measures in schools, 47 football training camps have also been built in  6. effort to promote the sport among young people. And outstanding or 7. (gift) players will also have the chance to join inter-school teams for regional 8. (compete) and even national summer camps.

In the past four years, local education departments have trained about 40,000 football teachers, 8,000 of 9. have obtained coaching certificates. Moreover, the country 10. (step) up its efforts in promoting football in schools since it set up a seven-department joint task force, including the education, sport and finance authorities as well as the Chinese Football Association.


    For over four years, I learned ballet. It was a ___part of my life. I loved it because of the challenge, the ________required to improve every single day. However, when the teachers in Florida told us to_____ I found myself designing an unhealthy weight. Unfortunately, as my weight went down, my ___got worse.

I'd heard about eating disorders but I never_____that it would happen to me. Because I had lost so many________in such a short amount of time, my organs ___ I had to stay in the hospital for four nights and five days.1 realized the serious_____ I had caused to my body, and I was ready to____

As part of recovery from an eating disorder, I was not ___to exercise for a few weeks. During this time, I_____ballet and whether I truly wanted to continue it. Did it buy my____? Not any more. It was something that I could ____. So I did, but not even once have I ever____it. I began with walks around the neighborhood with my mom when I was _____allowed to exercise, and I also took long hikes. These ___were incredibly enjoyable for me. Being outside in the sunshine was_____I became happy.

As for where I'm in my recovery, I take every day as a(n) ___to get a little bit better. I celebrate every minute I exercise, and every day I am ___of anorexia ( 厌食症). I do not exercise to____ calories, and I do it because I love it.

1.A.challenging B.significant C.traditional D.harmonious

2.A.trend B.chance C.effort D.technique

3.A.slim B.exercise C.train D.compete

4.A.performance B.appetite C.spirit D.disease

5.A.doubted B.noticed C.acknowledged D.imagined

6.A.things B.meals C.pounds D.businesses

7.A.faded B.struggled C.died D.suffered

8.A.damage B.trouble C.pressure D.loss

9.A.dance B.drop C.return D.recover

10.A.forced B.asked C.permitted D.expected

11.A.thought about B.gave up C.called for D.focused on

12.A.wonder B.joy C.admiration D.trust

13.A.run out of B.get tired of C.take advantage of D.let go of

14.A.regretted B.remembered C.prayed D.advocated

15.A.instantly B.eventually C.simply D.constantly

16.A.programs B.services C.activities D.routines

17.A.safe B.dreamlike C.ordinary D.magic

18.A.reward B.promise C.opportunity D.attempt

19.A.free B.aware C.ashamed D.scared

20.A.digest B.consume C.count D.waste


    When it comes to creativityone of our biggest concerns is usually how we can be more creative, or how to come up with better ideas. I've gathered some of the most practical studies to help improve creativity.1.

Many people think that happiness is the ideal state to create something. Recently a study on creativity made a great conclusion. 2.I don't want you to put yourself in a bad mood to create something, but next time you're in strong feeling, try to sit down and focus that energy on creating something.

3.Reading or feeling absurd ( or dreamlike) things can help boost( 促进) pattern recognition and creative thinking. Because the mind is always seeking to make sense of the things that it sees, and such objects put it in"overdrive" while the mind tries to work out exactly what it is looking at or reading. I like reading interesting short stories like The Last Question when looking for inspiration.

You can also get moving, because it's suggested that exercise can actually improve creative thinking as well, due to its ability to get the heart pumping and put people in a positive mood. 4. I's not necessarily the act; it's the change in moods. f you’re stuck in a creative job and want to take a break, try exercise while your brain is subconsciously at work. 5. I tend to jogging outdoors in this caseand it's truly helpful for me.

A.Why not stick to reading?

B.Experiencing something unreasonable works.

C.It may help to speed up your " Aha!" moment.

D.Creativity increases when whatever feelings run high.

E.Try a few out for yourself and see which ones work best.

F.It can produce more creative thoughts just like thinking about love.

G.We are in two very different states of mind when trying to create something.


    Crude oil (原油) taken from fields in Alaska's North Slope near Prudhoe Bay is carried by tube to the port of Valdez. From there it is shipped by tanker to the West Coast of the United States. Just after midnight on March24, 1989,the Exxon Valdez, a tanker more than three football fields long, went off course in Prince William Sound near Valdez and hit rocks underwater. About 42 million liters of oil poured out from several slices in the ship, creating the worst escape of oil ever in the U. s. waters.

In 1990the National Transportation Safety Board NTSB) found the captain of the tanker guilty of drinking before sailing and of leaving the bridge and turning over the ship to an inexperienced and tired third mate. The NTSB ruled that the accident was the result of drinking of the captain, an overworked crew member, and inadequate traffic control by the Coast Guard.

In the early 1970s, conservationists said that a large, damaging oil escape would occur in these dangerous waters containing hidden rocks and frequented by icebergs and violent storms. They urged that Alaskan oil be brought to the lower 48 states by tube over land to reduce potential damage.

Officials of Alyeska, a company formed by the seven oil companies taking oil from Alaska's North Slope, said that a tube would take too long to build and that a large escape of oil was " highly unlikely". They assured Congress that they would be at the scene of any accident within five hours and have enough equipment and trained people to clean up any spill. However, when the S4-ilion Valdez leak occurred, Alyeska and Exxon officials did too little too late.

In the early 1970s, Secretary of the Interior Rogers Morton told Congress that all oil tankers using Alaskan waters would have double hulls( 船体). Later, under pressure from oil companies, the requirement was dropped. After the disaster,the oil industry had much to answer for. The accident led to an international push for double-hulled oil tankers.What if the Exxon Valdez had a double hull?

1.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The consequence of drunk sailing.

B.The cause of the Valdez accident.

C.The responsibility of the captain.

D.The role of the Coast Guard in the accident.

2.We can infer that conservationists advised

A.building an oil tube to save delivery time

B.stopping shipping oil in dangerous waters

C.bringing Alaskan oil to the lower 48 states

D.making full preparations for any oil escape

3.What did the author indicate in the end?

A.The Exxon Valdez had a double dull.

B.Morton worked for an oil company.

C.The accident might be preventable.

D.Oil companies favored the requirement.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Valdez: The Predicted Oil Leak

B.Alyeska: Lessons Not Learnt

C.The Oil Accident: Who to Blame

D.The Valdez Disaster: What to Remember


    Our dog Sandy is a golden retriever( 寻回犬). Once we performed an experiment to see how keen his nose was.There was one particular pile that must have had hundreds of sticks. We picked up one stick carved an X on it, walked away from the pile and then threw it back into the pile, not once but a dozen times into the pile. It was impossible for us to tell with any certainty which stick we had originally chosen. Each time he brought back that stick. It wasn't the shape or the size or the look of the stick that he used to pick it out from all the others. It was the smell we left on the stick. It is hard to imagine, but for dogs every living creature has its own distinctive smell.

The noses of people have about 5 million cells that sense smell. Dogs' noses have anywhere from 125 to 300 million cells. Moreover, these cells are closer to the surface than cells in our noses, and more active. It has been estimated that dogs such as Sandy have noses that are a million times more sensitive than ours. Clothes that we haven't worn for week,and places we've only touched lightly indicate our presence to dogs.

His ears are also remarkable. He can hear sounds that humans can't and at distances which are astonishing. It is over our head to know and understand that world. Yet we have the advantage of being able to imagine what his experience is like, though he probably doesn't think too much about how we see the world.

The environment is the world that all living things share. Living creatures are born into the environment and are part of it. Yet there is no creature who perceives (感知到) all of what is and what happens. For a dog like Sandy a book isn't much different than a stick, whereas for us one stick is pretty much like every other stick. There is no one world experienced by all living creatures.

1.Why did the author conduct the experiment?

A.To train Sandy to pick out sticks.

B.To show how fast Sandy found sticks.

C.To prove sensitivity of Sandy's nose.

D.To teach Sandy to tell different smells.

2.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 2?

A.Support the conclusion with numbers.

B.Summarize the previous paragraph.

C.Provide some advice for the readers.

D.Introduce a new topic for discussion.

3.What does the underlined idiom in paragraph 3 mean?

A.Amazing. B.Difficult.

C.Reasonable. D.Inconvenient.

4.Which of the following best expresses the author's opinion in the last paragraph?

A.Worlds to experience.

B.An environment to share.

C.No environment, no creatures.

D.One environment, many worlds.


    When I first got to the dojo( 柔道馆) at around 6, the first thing that I remember seeing was these groups of people,lined up to fight each other, which shook me. I really didn't want to come back. But I did. I stayed until my Blue Belt. After that, progressing was a little frightening. But my friends and instructors got me to keep coming.

I was progressing well, but that took a turn as soon as I reached the Red Belt. My parents were switching jobs, and it was very difficult to match our schedules so that 1 could come to the dojo. During that year, 1 didn't come to the dojo as much. It was hard for my parents, as well as myself, to be able to fit it into our schedule as often.

When I finally started coming regularly, it was bitter for me to see that all of my friends and peers were ahead. And that taught me a lesson: You should never be upset about yourself if other people are achieving something that you aren't.If anything, you should do the opposite for them. After that year, everything was back up to speed, and I entered Level 3. I couldn't believe how fast my training was going, and I was finally into the Brown Belt.

Getting through the Brown Belt tests as a young student, and a girl, was very tough. And here, in one of the last stages before my First Degree Black Belt, I learned the biggest lesson - - I could do anything that I wanted to and I was capable of anything that I set my mind to. I just didn't think I could. But I proved myself wrong, and I was able to do it.

Finally, getting my First Degree Black Belt is a dream that comes true, literally. I have been dreaming about these I days for months on end, and it never loses the excitement that it gives me. And even after my ceremony, I think I will I look back on this dayand remember every secondevery moment.

1.How did the author feel when she first got to the dojo?

A.Scared. B.Thrilled.

C.Annoyed. D.Disappointed.

2.What made the author unable to come to the dojo regularly?

A.Her dislike of her instructors.

B.Her parents' not supporting her.

C.Her little progress in the training.

D.Her parents' changes of jobs.

3.The author thinks that when others did better than you, you should

A.be respectful to them B.be happy for them

C.learn from them modestly D.work harder and harder

4.Which saying can conclude the biggest lesson the author learmed?

A.No pain, no gain.

B.Well begun is half done.

C.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

D.All things are difficult before they are easy.



Mathematical Induction

By Titu Andreescu & Vlad Crisan

ISBN: 9780996874595

Price: US $ 84. 63

Buy now at a 20% discount!

`I serves as a very good resource and teaching material for anyone who wants to discover the beauty of induction(归纳法) and its applications. The authors explore 10 different areas of mathematics, including topics that are not usually discussed in an Olympiad-oriented book on the subject.

The Flight of a Buttrfly or the Path of a Bullet ?

By Larry Cuban

ISBN: 9781682531372

Price: US $ 32.00

Buy now at a 10% discount!

In this book, Larry Cuban looks at the uses and effects of digital technologies in K-12 classrooms, exploring if and how technology has transformed teaching and learning. In particular, he examines forty-one classrooms across six districts in Silicon Valley that have devoted much to including digital technologies into their education practices.

The Fight for America's Schools

By Barbara Ferman

ISBN: 9781 682530962

Price: US $ 60. 00

Buy now at a 15% discount!

This book examines how parents ,communities ,teachers, unions,and students are working together to oppose market-based reforms in education. Drawing on a series of rich case studies, the book explains how different groups work together toward common goals.

The White Chalk of Days

By Mark Andryczyk

ISBN: 9781618116611

Price: US $ 27.05

Buy now at a 10% discount!

It presents translations of literary works that imaginatively involve important problems in today's Ukraine and express its suffering and happiness. Featuring poetryfiction, and essays by fifteen Ukrainian writers, the anthology (选集) offers English-language readers a wide collection of the most appealing literature written in Ukraine in the past fifty years.



1.How much is Mathematical Induction now?

A.About $ 16. 93. B.About $ 64. 63.

C.About $ 67. 70. D.About $ 84. 63.

2.What do we know about the book written by Larry Cuban?

A.It focuses on technological reform in education.

B.It aims to improve pre-school education.

C.It helps with students' mathematical ability.

D.It is based on various academic studies.

3.Which book is the most culture-specfic?

A.Mathematical Induction.

B.The Flight of a Butterfly or the Path of a Bullet? .

C.The Fight for America's Schools.

D.The White Chalk of Days.



Three boys and three girls were going to the beach. When they boarded the bus, they were carrying sandwiches and wine, dreaming of golden beaches. Suddenly, they noticed Vingo. He sat in front of them, eyes fixed upon a photo, completely in silence.

Deep into the night, the bus pulled into Howard Johnson’s, a service area, and everybody got off except Vingo. The young people began to wonder about him. When they came back, one of the girls sat beside him and introduced herself. “Want some wine?” she said. He smiled and took a swig from the bottle. He thanked her and became silent again.

The next morning, they awoke outside another Howard Johnson’s, and this time Vingo went in. The girl insisted that he join them. He ordered black coffee and some cookies. When they returned, the girl sat with Vingo again. After a while, slowly and painfully, he began his story. He had been in prison for the past four years, and now he was going home.

“Are you married?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” she said.

“Well, when I was in prison I wrote to my wife,” he said, “I told her that I was going to be away for a long time, and that if she couldn’t stand it, if the kids kept asking questions, and if it hurt her too much, she could just forget me. I’d understand. ‘Get a new guy.’ I said. She’s a wonderful woman. I told her she didn’t have to write me. And she didn’t. Not for three and a half years.”

“And you’re going home now, not knowing?”

“Yeah. Well, last week, when I was sure the parole (假释) was coming through, I wrote her again. We used to live in Brunswick, and there’s a big oak (橡树) tree just as you come into town. I told her that if she didn’t have a new man and if she’d take me back, she should put a yellow handkerchief on the tree, and I’d get off and come homeIf she didn’t want me, forget it — no handkerchief and I’d go on through.”

“Wow,” the girl exclaimed, “wow.”

She told the others, and soon all of them were in it.





Paragraph 1

Looking at the photo, the young people found a young woman and three children in it.


Paragraph 2

Vingo sat there amazed, staring at the oak tree.



假定你是李华,你们学校和一所美国学校签署了教师交流协议。在过去的一年里,你们的英语老师是来自这所学校的Sue Wood。不久前她回到美国任教。请根据要求写封电子邮件:

1. 对她表达感谢之意;

2. 介绍她离开后自我和班级发生的事情;

3. 期望了解她的近况。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




Monkeys do not like it when others get more food 1. they do, according to a new study.

Researchers from Yale and Harvard universities found Capuchin monkeys punish monkeys 2. get more food. "This sort of, 'If I can't have it, no one can' response is because 3. psychological spite (怨恨), and it was4. (previous) thought unique to humans," said Kristin Leimgruber of Harvard University. She is a co-author of the research study. The researchers watched as some Capuchin monkeys 5. (give) more food than others. They found that monkeys getting the 6. (small) share pulled a rope to fold up a table holding the other monkey's bigger share.

Another lead researcher, Laurie Santas, 7. (explain) over email, "I think what we can conclude about humans is that some of our more embarrassing tendencies have relatively deep 8. (root)." Santos said the spiteful response was not present with another member of the ape species—chimpanzees(黑猩猩).

An earlier study, she said, showed chimpanzees would fold up the table of other chimpanzees 9. (steal) food from them. But they would not punish chimpanzees who just happened 10. (have) more food, Santos said. In other words, it was fine if another chimpanzee had more food as long as they did not steal it.


    I had driven home to celebrate my 38th birthday with my mother. When I arrived, I found her _______ proudly at the kitchen table, a chocolate cake and two boxes wrapped orange ribbon (丝带) in front of her. “Happy birthday!” she said, _______ at the boxes. “Open them.”

As she knows me _______ than anyone, she’d gotten me exactly what I wanted—running clothes. I _______ her and thanked her and proceeded(接着) to eat the cake.

“Too many _______,” I said, not really caring.

“You’ll run them off tomorrow,” Mom said.

Many adult children with a parent suffering from _______ memory will tell you there was one day that _______ to them that their relationship with their mother or father would be forever changed.

For me that day _______ two weeks later, when I drove back for another short _______. I came upon exactly the same ________: my mom sitting at the kitchen table; a chocolate cake resting next to two ________ wrapped in curly ribbon. The ribbon was green this time. That was the only ________ “Happy birthday!” my mom said.

I was totally ________. “What’s going on?” I asked.

Mom smiled. “Can’t I celebrate my daughter’s birthday?”

This was no ________. This was real life, and since my mother clearly only wanted to make me ________, I pushed aside my fear and fulfilled my role as the ________ daughter. I hugged her, thanked her and ________ the clothes... I did not mention to her that we’d done all this two ________ ago.

My house is her world now. My mother and I have the ________ conversation roughly 10 times a day. ________, I consider it a pleasure, because every minute is new for her.

1.A.cooking B.sitting C.singing D.dancing

2.A.shouting B.running C.staring D.gesturing

3.A.earlier B.longer C.better D.less

4.A.paid B.hugged C.comforted D.ignored

5.A.calories B.presents C.decorations D.candles

6.A.sad B.lasting C.failing D.past

7.A.signaled B.added C.appealed D.contributed

8.A.ended B.came C.changed D.disappeared

9.A.memory B.birthday C.party D.visit

10.A.day B.idea C.scene D.celebration

11.A.boxes B.bags C.dresses D.hats

12.A.color B.choice C.attraction D.difference

13.A.moved B.confused C.embarrassed D.excited

14.A.pleasure B.trouble C.trick D.end

15.A.happy B.shocked C.puzzled D.upset

16.A.friendly B.successful C.forgetful D.grateful

17.A.admired B.washed C.declined D.wrapped

18.A.days B.weeks C.months D.years

19.A.previous B.annoying C.only D.same

20.A.Therefore B.Instead C.However D.Moreover


Try This at Home!

Are you looking for a new pastime that will create a balance between physical activity and relaxation? Then yoga may be the perfect choice for you. Yoga can be practiced by people of all ages and levels of fitness.1. It's a great way to strengthen your muscles and become more flexible.

In the 1930s, Indian Sri Tirumali and K. Pattabhi developed one of the most popular forms of yoga practised worldwide today. They worked together using an ancient Sansknt text called Yoga Korunta to create a set routine of yoga movements and breathing exercises. 2.

Ashtanga is different from other forms of yoga. It is a very powerful form of aerobic (有氧的)exercise which creates deep heat in the body. 3. In other forms of yoga, however, the routine can change each time and the stretching exercises aren't aerobic.

4.As well as making you stronger and more flexible, it can also help you to stay calm. By focusing on your breathing while doing physical exercise, you are able to get a balance between mind and body. In addition, yoga helps to make us healthier so we are less likely to get common illnesses like colds.

Furthermore, yoga encourages you to think about what you're doing. Often you will close your eyes while doing certain movements.5.After a few lessons you'll stop looking at what the others around you are doing. You will stop comparing yourself and start focusing on yourself.

A. It can also be done anywhere at any time.

B. The result of their co-operation was ashtanga yoga.

C. Whatever kind of yoga you choose, there are many long-term benefits.

D. This allows you to concentrate better and it makes you less competitive.

E. Every time someone practices ashtanga, he or she does exactly the same movements.

F.  If you're interested in yoga, but can find a class near you, then it might be   an excuse to travel.

G. Recently, it has become extremely common for beginners as well as advanced yoga students to go on yoga holidays.


    The world's first hydrogen-powered trains have begun running in Germany. They began carrying passengers Monday in Germany's northern Lower Saxony state. The new train will run 100-kilometer trips and can travel up to 140 kilometers an hour.

A French railroad company called Alstom built the two trains. Team in Germany and France cooperated on the project, which was supported by the German government. The new train model ,called the Coradia ilint, signals the beginning of efforts in Germany and other nations to move away from pollution-producing diesel(柴油) trains.

The Coradia iLint is designed to run on non-electrified train lines with low levels of noise.

It uses a process that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electrical power. If the system produces more energy than the train needs at that time, it can store the extra energy in batteries. The only emissions (排放物) are water and steam.

A single tank of hydrogen can run a Coradia iLint train for about 1,000 kilometers. This is very similar to the distance a diesel-powered train can run on with a single tank.

Hydrogen-powered trains cost more than diesel trains to build. But Alstom officials say the operating costs are much lower. The company plans to provide another 14 Coradia iLint trains to Lower Saxony by 2021.

The head of railroad operations in the area, Carmen Schwab, praised replacing diesel trains with hydrogen. She said the move was an important first step in using clean-burning technologies to reach climate protection goals.

Officials say the area's many wind turbines (涡轮机)will produce part of the energy to create the hydrogen to power the trains.

Alstom says several other European countries have also expressed interest in developing hydrogen train systems. France has already said it wants its first hydrogen train to be operating by 2022.

1.Why did Germany build the new trains?

A. To replace diesel trains.

B. To carry more passengers.

C. To make traveling much easier.

D. To develop friendship with France.

2.What is one advantage of the Coradia iLint?

A. It runs without making any noise.

B. It doesn't use electrical power.

C. It costs much less to run.

D. It is cheaper to make it.

3.It can be concluded that hydrogen trains________.

A. are widely used

B. are environmentally friendly

C. can stop air pollution

D. can produce water and oxygen

4.What might be the best title for the text?

A. Saving Natural Resources

B. Efforts to Reduce Emissions

C. World's First Hydrogen Trains

D. A New Way to Make Electricity


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