Smooth balls of ice rolled ashore on a beach in Finland and piled up like a huge bunch of turtles' eggs. But where did these “ice eggs” come from?

Amateur photographer Risto Mattila stumbled upon the strange sight while walking with his wife on Hailuoto Island. The temperature remained around minus 1degree Celsius that day, he said, and the wind blew quickly across the beach. “There we found this amazing phenomenon. There was snow and ice eggs along the beach near the water line”.

The “ice eggs” littered an area the length of about one-quarter of a football field and ranged in size from that of an average chicken egg to that of a powerful soccer ball. Mattila took a photo, noting that he had “never seen anything like this during 25 years around here.” Others came upon the ice eggs, too. “I've never seen this before. The whole beach was almost full of these ice balls,” said Tarja Terentjeff, who lives in the nearby town of Oulu. Another local, Sirpa Tero, told CNN she’d seen snowballs line the shoreline before, but not over such a large area.

“Although it happens once in a blue moon, these ice eggs form similarly to sea glass or rounded stones that wash up on the beach.” said BBC Weather expert George Goodfellow. Chunks() of ice break off from larger ice sheets in the sea and either slide to shore on the incoming tide or get pushed in by strong spells of wind at the water' s surface, he explained. Waves buffet(冲击) the ice chunks as they travel, slowly eroding their rough edges into smooth curves. Seawater sticks and freezes to the forming eggs, causing them to grow like snowballs do as they roll across the ground, leaving behind nothing but smooth and shiny “eggs” for curious tourists to happen upon.

1.The underlined phrase “stumbled upon” in Paragraph 2 can be best replaced by_     _

A.pulled through B.survived from

C.ran across D.took notes of

2.What can we know from Paragraph 3?

A.It was a very unusual phenomenon. B.Ice eggs gathered in a football field.

C.Only a quarter of the area was stricken. D.The beach was completely ice-covered.

3.According to Goodfellow, how did the “ice eggs” come into being?

A.By means of sea water buffeting the wood chunks.

B.On the basis of the strong force of the cold wind.

C.By way of the special location and cold weather.

D.Through a rare combination of weather and waves.

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.An extraordinary trip of “ice eggs”. B.The power of wind and seawater.

C.A strange weather-based occurrence. D.How snowball affected the shoreline.


    Escaping the stress of work and social worries and finding yourself in a winter wonderland is a magical feeling. Try to make any of these destinations your target and you'll be happy that you did!

l. Harbin city, China

Come and enjoy one of the most memorable Ice and Snow Festival during winter. Harbin City's snow festival draws a huge crowd because tourists want to feast their eyes of the well-known splendid ice structures.

These structures are the biggest ice structures you will find nowhere in the world and they get more beautiful at night when they are lighted up by diverse colored lights. Plus, you can go ice-skating under the beautiful Chinese lights.

2. Ohrid, Macedonia

Ohrid might be everyone's summer fantasy for sunbathing and swimming but have you thought about the picturesque view of its location in the winter? This peaceful little lakeside town looks charming with snow-covered cobblestones on the narrow walks. There is nothing as good as finding a Macedonian breakfast with some strong local coffee.

3. Svalbard, Norway

Polar bears love this location probably because of its arctic qualities. Here you can find wildlife and several ancient mining towns which collectively make the group of neighboring islands a beautiful sight. However, in winter, a beauty of nature described as the Polar Night takes place here, making it the most-favored destination worldwide. The sun doesn't set and leaves a blue twilight in the sky, coloring the nearby snow-capped mountains.

4. Richmond Park, UK

The Richmond Park is one of the prides on Londoners. In winter, you can see tens of wild deer all over the woody park, either wandering or eating grass at ease. The pouring ice draws visitors who are keen hikers or just want to enjoy a nice winter time doing snowball fight, flying in the sled.

1.In which place can tourists see the world' s biggest ice structures?

A.Harbin. B.Ohrid.

C.Svalbard. D.Richmond Park.

2.What attracts tourists most to visit Svalbard?

A.Polar bears. B.Ancient mines.

C.Arctic wildlife. D.Polar Night.

3.What do the four places have in common?

A.They are all intended for foreigners. B.They all serve as winter destinations.

C.They all offer summertime activities. D.They all have snow-related exhibitions.



1.The big sculpture measure about 12 feet by 36 feet.

2.We should have respect to the elderly.

3.Everyone needs a hand when facing with challenges.

4.It’s easy for you to advices, but difficult to take advices from others.

5.He felt lonely after he bury his good friend.

6.In summer it is much hot in Wuhan than in Beijing.

7.It is uncertain what side affect the medicine will bring about.

8.How many buildings have been destroyed when the hurricane ended?

9.I can’t help but to feel concerned.

10.“To have caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience,” he said.


We can never forget the days     we worked together and the days________ we spent together.

A.when; which B.which; when

C.what; that D.on which; when


A big fire broke out in the hotel at night.______, everyone in it was able to escape.

A.Fortunately B.Sadly C.Widely D.Terribly


Fitness is important in sport, but skills are of ______ importance.

A.fair B.reasonable C.equal D.proper


Now the ice isn’t hard enough ______ on. So we have no choice but ______ away. skate; to go B.skating; go

C.skate; going D.skates; going


Do you like pop music?

Yes, I do. ______ I am a super fan of it.

A.Instead B.Actually C.Hardly D.Nearly


Exercise has a ______ part to play in preventing disease.

A.major B.urgent C.ancient D.violent


Some people are wasting food ______ others haven’t enough.

A.because B.although C.while D.since


He is always full of ______ as though he never knew tiredness.

A.strength C.force D.spirit


My car broke down halfway, ______ me to come late.

A.causing cause C.having caused D.and cause


It is reported that there are over 300 people dead in traffic accidents every day ______ in China.

A.all in all B.on average total D.above all


The committee is discussing the problem right now. It will _____ have been solved by the end of next week.

A.eagerly B.hopefully

C.immediately D.gradually


She ________ Japanese when she was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely.

A.picked out. B.made out C.made up D.picked up


School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous ______.

A.contributions B.conditions C.situations D.positions


Gun control is a subject         Americans have argued for a long time.

A.of which B.with which C.about which D.into which


Building a new railway needs a lot of money, but ______ it is beneficial to the development of the local place in the long run. other words B.on the other hand

C.for one thing conclusion


The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n) ______ of courage and power.

A.feature B.disaster C.evidence D.symbol


This brand of mobile phone is quite ______ with youngsters.

A.familiar B.popular C.similar D.particular


    The eyes are the window of the soul. Having a pair of bright, clear eyes is very important.1.

Develop good reading habits. Don’t read while lying down or walking. Relax after every hour of reading.

Keep a distance from the TV set when you watch TV and give your eyes a rest every 30 minutes.

Don’t stare at the sun or try to read in the darkness.2.This can damage your eyes easily.

Get your eyes checked often. Not many people have this habit, but it is necessary. If you feel that there is something wrong with your eyes, get them checked quickly.3.

4.You can close your eyes for a few seconds or look into the distance for one or two minutes. A small break will relax your eyes and help to stop you from getting eye problems.

Be careful when you choose your glasses.5.Make sure your glasses are right for you. If they don’t feel right, get your glasses changed.

A.Rest your eyes whenever you can.

B.Make sure you get enough sleep every night.

C.Glasses that aren’t suitable for you could bring you trouble.

D.Therefore, we should protect our eyes throughout our lives.

E.Even if you’re wearing sunglasses, never look directly at the sun.

F.Eye problems can be found and treated early with regular checks.

G.Drink green tea every day as a way to protect your eyes against eye problems.


    How do young people learn best? This is something I think about a lot when teaching foreign languages to young people. I often find that traditional teaching methods are neither always effective nor interesting for young bruins to learn a foreign language.

After moving to southern Italy I was lucky to have had the chance to run a private course teaching English to under 7-year-olds. I was aware that children liked to sing and enjoyed games so I wanted to use these tools to help my students develop English conversation skills. I found some fun and easy songs online, which they loved. I also found the English versions of some nursery rhymes they recognized. All of them were very interesting and helpful but students could still not have a basic conversation in English.

I knew I wanted these guys to he fully immersed in the language I was teaching and I also wonted them to speak it. I was keen to give 90% of my lessons in English but I knew it’d be difficult to get them to speak in a foreign language they have little or zero exposure to outside our lessons, so I had to come up with a simple yet effective plan.

One day I decided to prepare a simple dialogue in English, so that I could get them to sing and chant (有节奏地反复地唱) it, rather than simply getting students to repeat the phrases. I discovered that chanting some conversational sentences was the way to get students to speak in English — it worked!

So when teaching English to young people now, I encourage them to make up their own songs and chants to help them remember expressions or complex sentences.

1.What is the passage mainly talking about?

A.How to make young learners like a foreign language.

B.How to teach foreign languages to young people.

C.How to run a private course in southern Italy.

D.How to help the younger children with studies.

2.What does the underlined word “immersed” mean in the 3rd paragraph?

A.Amused B.Buried

C.Retaled D.Informed

3.How did the author feel when faced with difficulty in teaching?

A.He found it impossible to teach children with little English.

B.He tried to be a patient and responsible teacher.

C.He realized he was unable to finish the task of teaching.

D.He actually kind of discouraged and disappointed.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Mistakes are an important part of education.

B.A teacher can never tell where his influence stops.

C.A teacher should understand his students’ needs.

D.Confidence is the first step on the way to success.


Fire Prevention Information

The University of Adelaide employs a full-time staff of fire prevention professionals. They inspect all campus buildings and test and maintain all sprinkler (喷水灭火装置)systems fire alarms and fire extinguishers (灭火器). They also provide educational programs or fire safety in the residence hall. Whenever you move to a new area, you should locate the fire alarm pull stations and the two exits nearest your room.

Fire Alarms

The floors of all campus buildings are equipped with manual (手动的)fire alarm systems which include fire alarm pull stations and pipes. Most are also equipped with automatic fire alarm systems consisting of heat detectors, smoke detectors and sprinklers. For your safety, never tamper with (胡乱摆弄)these systems. False fire alarms are illegal and may lead to imprisonment.

Fire Drills

A fire drill will be conducted in your residence hall every semester. During a fire drill, please do the following:

·Take your room key and ID, close and lock the door to your room.

·Exit immediately from the nearest emergency exit ,do not use a lift.

·Meet outside of your residence hall and wait for further instructions.

Smoke Detector

A smoke detector is on the ceiling in your room. Some buildings also have heat detectors on the ceilings. Do the following to ensure the safe operation of your smoke detector:

·If your smoke detector is working properly, the red light should be on. If the red light is not blinking(闪动), contact residence hall staff immediately.

·Do not cover or block your smoke detector in any way.

·If a smoke detector sets off an alarm and there is no fire or smoke, inform your hall staff.

1.What is the main duty of the fire prevention professionals?

A.To provide part-time jobs for students.

B.To lead the students to the nearest exits.

C.To check and maintain fire prevention equipment.

D.To train teachers to be fire prevention professionals.

2.What do the automatic fire alarm systems include?

A.Pipes and smoke detectors.

B.Smoke detectors and sprinklers.

C.Fire alarm pull stations and pipes.

D.Sprinklers and fire alarm pull stations

3.In a fire drill, the students should ________.

A.rush quickly to a lift

B.gather at the nearest exit

C.shut the door and leave at once

D.wait for instructions in the hall

4.To ensure the safe operation of the smoke detector, one should_________. the hall staff regularly

B.cover the things that burn easily

C.start the smoke detector in a fire

D.make certain the red light is working


    Fifty years ago on a hot July 4th afternoon, an agent showed us a house in the South Farmingdale—North Massapequa area. My husband and I liked the house. The price was _______ our reach. So we made our decision to buy it.

But there was one issue. It was a corner property (房产). We both agreed there had to be a _______. So after moving in, my husband put up a fence and I painted it _______.

There have been many_______ in our lives since that fence went up. Our four children have grown up and _______. Most of the old _______ have been replaced with new ones. _______ , the fence remains, and at the moment, so do I.

The fence has been _______ more often than I can remember. Most times a broken board or two was _______ repaired. During the past ten years, it has been repainted professionally.

But more ________, the white fence had turned green with mildew (霉菌). The boards were too old to paint. So this spring I had it rebuilt and repainted. Within a week, however, I was________ to discover that a part of it was destroyed.

A post () was ________ and some boards were left lying on the ground. 1 don’t know who or what did this. The fence is ________ a thing, not a life, but for the first time in the years I had spent on my corner, I felt defeated (被打败). I felt as if possibly there was a(n)________: Time to move on, stop trying. Defeat is not usually part of my make-up. This time it was.

As I was taking a photo of the damage for a police report, a young man ________me from across the street. He ________ himself as a relatively new neighbor, and offered sympathy (同情) for the________. I appreciated meeting him, and also his ________.

The next evening as I ate my dinner, I heard a ________ outside. When I walked into the yard, I realized the sounds came from my property. As I walked closer, I saw the neighbor I had just________ repairing my fence.

There were still warm-hearted people who loved our community and reached out to a stranger in my time of need.

1.A.below B.beyond C.within D.between

2.A.fence C.wall B.yellow C.white

4.A.decisions B.changes C.stories D.chances

5.A.moved out B.come back C.settled down D.turned around

6.A.friends B.classmates C.neighbors D.workmates

7.A.Thus B.Therefore C.Besides D.However

8.A.replaced B.repaired C.removed D.cleaned

9.A.hurriedly B.gradually C.suddenly D.easily

10.A.recently B.importantly C.secretly D.seriously

11.A.worried B.nervous C.shocked D.excited

12.A.fixed B.found C.dropped D.broken

13.A.just B.still C.also D.ever

14.A.order B.message C.note D.reply

15.A.greeted B.passed C.approached D.called

16.A.introduced B.expressed C.regarded D.described

17.A.cause B.mistake C.difficulty D.damage

18.A.promise B.idea D.understanding

19.A.conversation B.noise C.voice D.laugh

20.A.noticed B.met C.caught D.recognized




1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:诵读 recitation




1.My mother has always made sure we eat very _______ (健康地).

2.After graduation, I only see my old classmates _______ (偶尔).

3.She acted in the _______ (信念) that she was doing good.

4.Qi Baishi ________ (采用) the traditional Chinese style in his paintings.

5.We became the best of friends and he _______ (影响) me deeply.

6.Beijing and Shanghai are the _______ (金融的) centers of China.

7.He _______ (承认) that he had made some mistakes.

8.Smoking can _______ (缩短) your life.

9.Of the six people injured in the crash, only two _______ (活下来).

10.I was very _______ (印象深刻的) with my new English teacher.



Antarctica is one of the last real wildernesses 1. (leave) on the earth. Since it was first explored in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, various countries 2. (try) to use it for different purposes.

However, in 1961, 12 countries agreed to sign the Antarctic Treaty. This means that the entire area was 3. nuclear-free zone and could only be used for 4. (peace) purposes. Antarctica became the biggest laboratory in the world, with many scientists 5. (conduct) research there. Today 42 countries have signed the treaty, and have sent scientists to study in the area. Every summer, 3,000 scientists arrive to carry out a variety of research 6. (project).

Unlike the Arctic in the north, 7. is just made up of ice, Antarctica is an actual land mass. In fact, it is one 8. (ten) of the land surface of the earth. Over 140 million years ago, Antarctica was a green and living place. However, the land mass 9. (gradual) moved to the colder areas in the South, and now it is just as frozen as the Arctic.

Tourism has finally reached the great frozen wilderness. People come to see the local bird life, to go mountaineering, or to visit the South Pole. 10. we are not careful, it will not remain a wilderness for much longer.


    Adrian’s “Amazing Race” started early when his parents realized that he, as a baby, couldn’t hear a thing, not even loud noises. In a ______ school for the hearing-impaired (听觉受损的)he learned   sign language and got to mix with other ______ children. However, the sight of all the disabled children communicating with one another ______ his mother. She wanted him to lead a(an) ______ life. So after speaking to an advisor, she sent him to private classes where he learned to read lips and pronounce words.

Later on, Adrian’s parents decided to send him to a(an) ______ school. But the headmaster tried to ______ them from doing so, saying regular school couldn’t ______ a special needs student. His parents were determined to take the ______ and push him hard to ______ his work every day because they wanted to prove that, given the ______, he could do anything. Adrian made the grade and got ______. It was a big ______. The pace(节奏)was ______ so he had to sit at the front of the class and really pay attention to the teacher, which wasn't always ________. But he stuck to it and did a lot of ______ work after school.

The ______ made by Adrian and his parents paid off. Adrian graduated with good grades and got into a top high school. He also achieved a lot in life ______ school. He developed a love for the outdoors and went to Nepal to climb mountains. He ______ entered the World Yacht Race 05/06----being the first hearing-impaired Asian to do so.

But none of these achievements would have been ______ without one of the most important lessons from his mother. “If you ______ yourself and work hard, you can achieve great results.” She often said.

1.A.public B.special C.middle D.primary

2.A.disabled B.naughty C.dirty D.happy

3.A.upset B.excited C.surprised D.annoyed

4.A.special B.normal C.amazing D.excellent

5.A.regular B.better C.unusual D.funny B.allow C.ask D.prevent

7.A.look for with C.take care of D.bring up

8.A.time B.advice C.change D.risk

9.A.go through B.make up about D.give up B.opportunity C.luck D.strength

11.A.criticized B.lost C.accepted D.away

12.A.joke B.mistake C.challenge D.journey

13.A.faster B.different C.easier D.difficult

14.A.painful B.easy C.awful D.correct

15.A.dull B.familiar C.strange D.extra B.efforts C.courage

17.A.outside B.except C.besides D.beyond

18.A.frequently least C.still D.even

19.A.founded B.avoided C.possible D.enjoyable

20.A.refer to B.come up with C.belong to D.believe in


    An 18-year-girl Kayla Perkins explains what is in her bedroom, “I throw something on the floor and I know right where it is.” However, her parents, Steve and Deborah Perkins, of Mckinney, Texas, don’t think so. Even Kayla admits that, at the worst, her room is a mess.

Most families at some point have at least one child whose room looks like a landfill. 1. Dirty clothes pile up; dirty dishes get lost in the mess and smell bad; homework is lost; and valuable things are ruined.

Some parents let it go, believing that a bedroom is private space for children to manage as they wish. 2. What doesn’t work, parenting experts say, is constant lectures, verbal threats or getting very angry.

Mrs. Perkins says they picked up all the clothes on Kayla’s floor and hid them. They cleaned everything up. When Kayla came back to a bare bedroom, there was screaming and shouting, “How can I live without my clothes?” Mrs. Perkins asked Kayla to earn her clothes back by doing housework. 3.

4.  For example, since Jessica, the 14-year-old daughter wasn’t bothered by the dirty clothes all over her floor, the whole family started using her room as a place to store dirty clothes. Her attitude changed after her family did that. By the time she gave in and cleaned up her room a few days later, even she was laughing.

Parenting experts, Jim Fay, also recommends that parents first ask children in a nice way to clean up and agree on a reasonable time limit. 5.

A.Children often behave better if you treat them with respect and high expectations.

B.It’s easy said than done.

C.Humor can help, too.

D.Others lecture their children, offer rewards for cleaning, or punish them when they don’t.

E.The mess can disturb the whole household.

F.These days, she keeps her room clean.

G.Every family has different ways of dealing with it.


    Earlier this month, 6-year-old Isaac went on vacation to Fort Walton, Florida, with his family. While they were there, his mother Garrett learned about LuLu, a restaurant that offers food to customers with food allergies(过敏).

At LuLu, Isaac could eat a salad and a bowl of chicken soup with rice. “Isaac looked at me as if asking, ‘Is this OK?’ ” Garrett said. Once his mom gave the OK, Isaac enjoyed for the first time the experience of eating at a restaurant. “That look on his face was like, ‘This is the coolest thing I’ve ever done,’ ” Garrett added.

Garrett and her family rarely eat out because of Isaac’s food allergies. When they do, she cooks something for Isaac at home before they leave and brings it with her to the restaurant. “It’s not fun and it feels unfair,” she said.

Their night at LuLu marked a celebration for Isaac. Garrett shared the moment on the restaurant’s Facebook page. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving Isaac this wonderful experience,” she wrote in her post.

Barnett, the restaurant’s manager, said, “When customers tell the staff that someone in their group has a food allergy, I assist with the order by passing it to the kitchen, ensuring it’s cooked in a separate station and delivering the finished food to the guests. We have been improving this process over the past ten years since our allergy program was started.”

On Garrett’s Facebook post, LuLu thanked Garrett for sharing her story. “Thank you for sharing your experience with us,” the restaurant wrote in a comment, “We are excited to see your son so happy!” Garrett is hoping her post’s popularity will persuade other restaurants to be more considerate. “LuLu takes it seriously as we take it – nothing could make us happier than that,” she said.

1.What does the underlined word “This” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Eating chicken soup with rice.

B.Eating at a restaurant.

C.Eating with her mom.

D.Being on vacation with her family.

2.What will Barnett do when guests with allergies come to dinner?

A.He will personally assist with the order.

B.He will deliver the menu to them.

C.He will introduce the allergy program.

D.He will cook dinner in a separate station.

3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.The popularity of her post made Garrett excited.

B.Garrett is unsatisfied with other restaurants.

C.LuLu thanks Garrett for eating in the restaurant.

D.Garrett hopes more restaurants will follow LuLu’s steps.

4.From which is the text probably taken?

A.A biology textbook. B.A health magazine.

C.A research paper. D.A travel brochure.


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