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注意: 1.词数80左右;


参考词汇: 俗语 saying

Dear Trevor,



Li Hua



Scientists found that air pollution may be responsible 1. a big reduction in 2. (intelligent). Research showed that air pollution led to big falls in test 3. (score) for languages and mathematics. The study called "The influence of air pollution on cognitive (认知的)performance"4.(conduct) over four years ago. Researchers analyzed speaking and mathematics tests 5. (take) by 20,000 people of all ages. They said, "Polluted air may do harm to cognitive ability as people become older. "

The study is a warning to the rest of the world ,6.(particular) those in cities. Over 91 percent of the world population live in areas with polluted air,7. is the fourth biggest cause of global deaths. Researchers discovered that the 8.(long) people were exposed to polluted air, the greater their cognitive ability went down. They said air pollution caused a year' s worth of lost education. For those aged over 60, this could be several years. A researcher warned, "There 9.be) no shortcut to solve this issue. Governments really need to take effective measures 10.(reduce) air pollution. "


    11-year-old TJ had just jumped off the scooter(滑板车)as his neighbor Kim, aged 7, and her sister Julie, 9, looked on. That was _____a man with messy hair appeared. Without a word, he picked Kim up and _______walked away.

He held her like a baby.______, the calm way the man held Kim made TJ believe he must have been a  ______. But eventually something was not _____. TJ could see Kim's face—she was scared. Her fear turned into________,  then begging for help. She began kicking and trying to ____the man's arms." What are you doing?" Julie_____.But the man, undisturbed, walked along the block until he reached an alley and _____.

TJ's first ______was to follow them. But how could an 11-year-old kid _____a grown man? So he ran to his grown-up neighbors' home and shouted" A man______picked up a little girl and took her into the alley!" Then instantly TJ was gone, back on the street 48__his little friend.

Once TJ_____the alley, he recognized the man, standing in front of an abandoned house. He was pushing the _____girl through a window. Fortunately, Julie and other neighbors, the police and the mother of the victim soon arrived _____to save the girl. Kim dashed into her mother's _____arms, and the two cried and hugged. Meanwhile, officers_____the man.

That news came as no_____to TJ's mother. She thinks this is exactly his _____. And his first thought is not of himself. It's always of others.

1.A.how B.when C.why D.where

2.A.hurriedly B.secretly C.calmly D.anxiously

3.A.On purpose B.After all C.In consequence D.In fact

4.A.father B.relative C.stranger D.neighbor

5.A.right B.common C.harmonious D.reliable

6.A.eagerness B.cheers C.sobs D.silence

7.A.get free of B.throw away C.take hold of D.deal with

8.A.reminded B.warned C.begged D.yelled

9.A.resisted B.survived C.disappeared D.returned

10.A.idea B.impression C.action D.target

11.A.prevent B.attack C.follow D.threaten

12.A.yet B.already C.even D.just

13.A.waiting for B.running after C.playing with D.staring at

14.A.found B.walked C.missed D.reached

15.A.sensitive B.worried C.panicked D.hopeless

16.A.behind time B.against time C.over time D.in time

17.A.warm B.safe C.comfortable D.welcome

18.A.shot B.arrested C.defeated D.fined

19.A.surprise B.prediction C.sense D.reason

20.A.duty B.hobby C.character D.identity


New Year's Traditions Around the World

There are many traditions around the world to celebrate the New Year. Here's a look at a few of them.

Drive off bad luck

Many cultures have traditions meant to scare off bad luck. This often involves using fire or loud noises in the form of fireworks! In Scotland, for example, people hold bonfire celebrations. Men from villages walk through the streets swinging giant burning fireballs over their heads. 1..

Food for good luck

2.. In the southern part of the United States , people often eat black-eyed peas and pork for good luck in the New Year. In Spain, as the clock strikes midnight, people eat 12 grapes, which represent the 12 months of the year. It guarantees that the year will be filled with good luck.

Clothing traditions

Many people like to wear new clothing to start the New Year. In Romania, there is a tradition that involves dressing up in a bear costume .3.,if this won't! In Brazil, some people wear colorful underwear on New Year's Eve. The most popular colors are red and yellow. 4.. Yellow is supposed to bring you money.


Many use the start of New Year as a time to try something new or change something about themselves. The New Year is a perfect time to change yourself for the better. That is why many people have the tradition of making a New Year's resolution. It is usually about living healthier or having more success in life.

These are just a handful of traditions. Tell us about a New Year's tradition in your culture!

A.Learn something new

B.I don't know what will scare off evil spirits

C.Make a New Year's resolution

D.Red is supposed to bring you love

E.Food plays an important role in people's life

F.And these fireballs are supposed to clean the coming year

G.Many cultures have certain diets that are said to bring good luck


    It began as a game: High school and college students studying computer technology figured out they could use personal computers to break into telephone company computers and make free, long-distance telephone calls. These young computer talents soon gained the name "hackers".

Police arrested a few hackers, but many went on to even more complex hacking. One of them was arrested for making illegal telephone calls and later he used a phone to change a police officer's credit records to get back at the officer for arresting him. He also used a computer to change his college records to give himself better grades.

As hackers gained experience, they began invading computers at banks, airlines and other businesses. In one case a hacker instructed an airline' s computer to give him free airplane tickets.

The U.S. government is worried that hackers may break into its networks of defense computers. The government's secrets are easily attacked because thousands of government computers are connected by telephone lines that hackers can get into.

In November 1988, a college student entered a U.S. Defense Department computer network called Arpanet. The hacker injected a computer program that made copies of itself throughout Arpanet. Some hackers use viruses to destroy all the data in a computer. But in this case, government officials shut down the network before the program reached every computer in the system. Shutting down the system angered many researchers who were using the computers. The hacker turned himself in to the police and he was charged with a crime.

The incident put the spotlight on computer hacking in the United States. Many companies have hired experts to protect their computers from hackers, and many computer experts now advise companies on how to protect their computers.

The U.S. government believes foreign governments have hired hackers to try to break into top-secret defense computers.

Experts disagree over whether a computer network can ever be safe from hacking. But in the future, some of the most outstanding minds in the U.S. will be working to frustrate the attempts of computer hackers.

1.What did the first hackers do?

A.They broke into government computers. B.They destroyed airplane ticket systems.

C.They played computer games. D.They made free phone calls.

2.Why can U.S. government computers be easily hacked into?

A.They have no defense systems. B.They are connected by telephone lines.

C.They are partly accessible to the public. D.They lack complex processing programs.

3.What happened to the government computers in November 1988?

A.They lost all of the important data.

B.They were shut down by researchers.

C.They were invaded by a college student.

D.They got totally ruined by a computer program.

4.What did companies decide to do to protect their computer systems?

A.Employ computer talents. B.Build secret defense systems.

C.Ask the government for help. D.Collect and analyze the data of hackers.


    When she was studying to become a scientist, Megan Strauss rode in a small airplane to study giraffes. While a pilot flew over the Serengeti in Tanzania, Africa, the researchers looked down carefully and counted giraffes.

"I am always amazed how easily we can spot warthogs and other small animals, yet we sometimes have trouble seeing giraffes. Giraffes are slender in shape, and they may not throw a good shadow, " says Dr. Strauss, who has since become a wildlife scientist.

The Serengeti is about the size of Vermont, a state in the northeastern US, so the scientists could not study the entire area. Instead, they surveyed three areas where giraffes were studied in the 1970s. As they expected, they saw far fewer of these animals.

To find out if lions had been killing more giraffes in recent years, the team looked at the survival of young giraffes. Lions kill more young giraffes than adults, but the team found no decrease in young giraffes' survival after they are born, compared with the 1970s.

The team then looked at whether too many giraffes were being killed by parasites(寄生虫).The researchers counted parasite eggs in giraffe droppings, and they found too few to harm the giraffe population.

They looked into whether poachers (盗猎者)were killing too many giraffes. Two of the areas they studied are where giraffe meat is sometimes sold in local markets. Poachers catch more adult males than other giraffes. Researchers spotted too few males compared with females in those two areas, a sign of poaching.

When the food supply is short, the environment supports fewer giraffes and the females have fewer young giraffes. A lot of new trees have grown in the Serengeti, but many are a type that giraffes do not like to eat. The researchers found fewer young giraffes today than in the 1970s compared with the number of adult females, a sign that food was in short supply.

Dr. Strauss is working on an environmental education program for Tanzania including books for students. These materials will educate Tanzanians and help them to help giraffes. As knowledge grows and changes are made, they hope the giraffe population will increase.

1.What did Dr. Strauss find while studying giraffes in the Serengeti?

A.It was too costly to study giraffes.

B.It was hard to spot giraffes from the air.

C.The number of giraffes had increased slowly.

D.Giraffes lived in smaller areas than in the 1970s.

2.How did the team study the lion-giraffe relationship?

A.By analyzing giraffe droppings.

B.By comparing young giraffes with adults.

C.By comparing male giraffes and females.

D.By surveying the survival of young giraffes.

3.What is Dr. Strauss doing to help giraffes?

A.She is founding a national park in Tanzania.

B.She is counting giraffes in the entire Serengeti.

C.She is educating students to write about giraffes.

D.She is raising environmental awareness in local people.


    It's a tragedy (悲剧)that could be avoided: every year, more than 400 people in Britain die while waiting for a replacement organ for their bodies. Although organ transplants(器官移植)have been saving lives for more than 60 years, the right body part is often not available at the right time simply because not enough people choose to be donors. Should people therefore be required to allow their organs to be used by others after death?

The British Medical Association (BMA), which represents doctors in Britain, says yes. A system of "presumed consent (默许) " would automatically make everyone over the age of 16 an organ donor .Individuals would be allowed to put out, that is to say, decide not to be an organ donor, if that's what they prefer. The BMA points to much higher organ donation rates in countries that have opt-out systems, such as Spain, Belgium, Austria and the Czech Republic.

England's chief medical officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, also wants to change the organ-donor system from opt-in to opt-out. All of this sounds like very good news for the 7,500 people in the UK who are waiting for transplants of critical organs, tissues, skin and bones.

Britain's National Health Service (NHS) recently counts 14.3 million organ donors on a list which began in 1994. Not everyone wants to participate, however, according to the NHS, 90 percent of the British strongly support organ donation, but only 23 percent are on the organ-donor list.

Why the discrepancy(差异)? One reason is that organ donation is a personal matter. Another reason may be indecision: when families are not sure about a dead relative's wishes, 40 percent decide not to donate his or her organs. Interestingly, religion has little to do with a decision not to donate. All six of the main religions in Britain support organ donation and transplantation.

The government decided in 2018 how the system of organ donation should work--- without a policy of presumed consent. Opinion among members of parliament (议会) continues to be divided; but the tragedy goes on: as things are now, one in 10 Britons in need of an organ will never get one.

1.What does the tragedy in Para.1 refer to?

A.People are required to be organ donors.

B.Organ transplants could save lives for more than 60 years.

C.More and more donors' organs are not proper for operation.

D.Many patients have to die because of no replacement organ.

2.According to Para. 4, most British people______.

A.support organ donation without action B.want to participate in organ donation

C.are willing to donate their organs D.don't like NHS' activity

3.What' s the main idea of the passage?

A.Analyzing the tragedy of organ donation.

B.Persuading people to support organ donation.

C.Praising those people who donate their organs.

D.Listing government' s measures on organ donation.



I found the book while I was looking through some boxes in the second-hand shop down the road. It was old and a bit worn, but it was quite cheap. So I bought it immediately. The title was How to Become Master of the World Through Hypnosis(催眠).

I went home and read the book in an afternoon. Okay, I didn’t understand all of it. But the main points I remembered were:

1. A good hypnotist can make people obey him just by looking into their eyes.

2. Hold your index finger in front of the eyes of the person you want to hypnotize and move

it slowly from side to side.

3. Unfortunately, many people refuse to accept hypnosis for a number of different reasons.

It sounded really easy. I decided to try out some hypnosis immediately.

My cat Claw was asleep on my bed as usual. I woke him up very gently because he hates being disturbed when he’s asleep. Then I stared into his eyes and moved my finger from side to side.

“You will obey me... My wish is your command. Get off this bed!”

Claw looked at me for a few moments then he jumped gracefully off the bed.

Unbelievable! It worked! I was a real hypnotist! My heart beat fast as I gave him another order. “Now you will get back on the bed!”

Again, Claw obeyed me! Cool! Then suddenly, I had a thought. Maybe it was just a chance? After all, I had only asked him to do what he normally did. To make sure I had really hypnotized him, I had to try something quite different. I moved my finger in front of his nose again and said, “Go and sleep in the bin!” Claw looked bored. Then he curled up in a ball and went back to sleep.

In spite of this failure, I decided to carry on with my experiment. After all, maybe my cat refused to accept hypnosis.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

I went into the sitting room where my dad was watching the news on the television.


Paragraph 2:

I went to the baker’s and asked for a chocolate cookie.




After two days’ travel, the girls began to realize that Canada is quite empty. At school, they had learned that most Canadians live 1. a few hundred kilometers of the USA border, and2. Canada’s population is only 3. over thirty million, but now they were 4. to see such an empty country. They went 5. a wheat-growing province and saw farms that 6. thousands of acres. After dinner, they were back in an 7. area, the busy port city of Thunder Bay at the top of the Great Lakes. The girls were surprised at the 8. that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes. Because of the Great Lakes, they learned, Canada has more9. water than any other country in the world. In fact, it has one-third of the world’s total fresh water, and much of 10. is in the Great Lakes.



The famous Peking opera artist Yuan Huiqin hosted two culture talks 1. were called “Charm of Peking Opera” in Stockholm and St. Petersburg last year. The two sessions 2. (organize) by Chinese embassies and local cultural organizations. Members of Chinese embassies, famous sinologists(汉学家) and those 3. (show) an interest in Peking opera, attended 4. two culture talks. During the talks, Yuan Huiqin 5. (patient) shared the charm of Peking opera in more than one way.

With the help of the local sinologist, 6. (she) talks were translated into Swedish and Russian. These words explored the concepts and artistic characteristics of 7. (tradition) Chinese operas, which got the audience 8. (experience) the distinct charm of Peking opera.

In addition, young 9. (artist) from the China National Peking Opera Company performed classic opera selections. During the interaction of the talks, some opera lovers performed 10. young artists and on the spot the audience tried costumes(戏装) of Peking opera with great curiosity.


    I love music. From the time I was a preschooler, I remember ______ my father play jazz on the piano and my family sing with ______. As I grew up and took piano lessons, I became very ______ of classical music. In the early 60s the Beatles was ______ and I was attracted to “pop” and “rock” music.

As time went on, I ______ to like almost every type of music, from opera to new age. Music did ______ for me. It helped me in every mood and ______ me up. My husband and I can go to a Broadway musical, or an opera. What is it that ______ us to music? Why do we have iPods today with thousands of songs? It’s ______ music is a part of the earth and our nature.

Music is for every ______. It is thought that babies hear ______ before they are born. Mothers sing lullabies (摇篮曲) to their babies and are able to put them to ______. When ________, pre-school children listen to music. It is also thought that it helps them ______ the beginnings of mathematics. It has been used in ______ settings as a way to comfort and help cure victims of stress syndrome(综合症). It also helps people keep ______, when music is played and sung during a memorial.

While we ______ music every day, we don’t think about all of this. ______, we listen to music regularly because it is a (n) ______ part of our earth’s rhythms. So, the next time you listen to music, think of it as a ______ that you share at any time and can have with you always.

1.A.seeing B.feeling C.hearing D.helping

2.A.records B.stories C.speeches D.movies

3.A.tired B.sure C.sick D.fond

4.A.hopeless B.popular C.sensitive D.secure

5.A.learned B.agreed C.grew D.offered

6.A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing

7.A.cheered B.brought C.picked D.packed

8.A.forces B.orders C.teaches D.attracts

9.A.how B.because C.when D.where

10.A.moment B.singer C.age D.baby

11.A.sound B.noise C.voice D.music

12.A.sleep B.move C.talk D.speak

13.A.old B.young C.strong D.honest

14.A.change B.watch C.understand D.accept

15.A.medical B.physical C.chemical D.political

16.A.nervous B.healthy C.still D.calm

17.A.make B.enjoy C.play D.copy

18.A.Besides B.Therefore C.However D.Instead

19.A.important B.common C.ordinary D.regular

20.A.toy B.game C.treat D.gift


    Many people think of bullying (欺凌) as one child pushing or hitting another, but bullying is not only physical.

When I was in junior high, the girls in my class would laugh at me. Once a girl looked at me and announced loudly, “I don’t want to sit next to her!” Their comments didn’t hurt me physically, but they did make me feel terrible.

Bullying is a widespread problem in schools, and some adults even have to deal with it at work. 1.

Be kind

You may not think of yourself as a bully, but do you make jokes at others’ expense? If the other person isn’t laughing, your words or actions may hurt more than you think.

Many bullies were once victims (受害者) of bullying or faced other difficult experiences and now bully others to feel powerful. 2. Instead, get rid of your pain by treating others well. Despite your experiences, being kind will make you truly powerful.

Speak up

3. Many bullies are motivated by a desire to look cool, so if you tell them you’re not impressed, they’ll stop. If they don’t, walk away, and tell an adult about the incident.

Stand tall

If you’re being bullied, don’t try to face it alone, but ask a parent or other trusted adults for help. Similarly, in places where bullying happens, stay close to a friend since bullies often aim at people who are alone. 4. Leaving will keep you safe.

Finally, remember that what is happening is not your fault. The terrible things bullies say reflect who they are, not who you are. You are valuable for who you are, and nothing anyone says or does can change that. 5.

A.Bullying is a common school problem.

B.What can you do about a big problem?

C.But anyone can take action to stop it.

D.When you’re being bullied, walk away calmly.

E.If that’s you, don’t make up for it by hurting others.

F.If you notice one person bullying another, please tell them to stop.

G.When you meet people weaker than you, remember they are valuable, too.


    A recent study showed that disordered eating has negative effects on health including lower self-evaluation of health, which isn’t too surprising. What was really shocking was how common the disordered eating behaviors seemed to be in our culture.

Individually, these behaviors aren’t something to be overly concerned about, but when they add up, it became a roadblock to healthy living. Ask yourself the right questions to find out if you, too, have gone beyond healthy habits and worry about your weight.

For example, starchy(含淀粉的) foods can make people feel uneasy about eating them. Sometimes an ingredient, like fat, causes anxiety, even if it’s used to make healthy foods like olive oil. If you’re skipping foods and blaming it on an allergy(过敏) reason, but your real motivation is to lose weight, that’s a red flag.

A strict eating schedule might seem like a smart way to provide structure throughout your day, but overdoing it can leave you feeling hungry.

Not having control over how your food is prepared can be a concern, especially if you have food allergies. It’s when that anxiety is baseless and prevents you from otherwise enjoying a night out that it becomes a problem.

Tracking calories can be a useful tool to understand which foods are rich in calories, which ones aren’t, and what calorie range you should be eating. If it becomes overbearing, it’s no longer a healthy method. It’s the right way to pay attention to your hunger and satiety(饱足), and rely on those to decide when to start and stop eating.

Disordered eating is common, but it’s not harmless. Seek out help if you see yourself in these behaviors, and make sure you recognize the signs that you’re already at a health weight.

1.What does the underlined part “a red flag” in the third paragraph mean?

A.A good means. B.A negative attitude.

C.A warning sign. D.A normal situation.

2.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Tracking calories can be a useful tool to keep fit.

B.Disordered eating is common but harmful.

C.Skipping foods won’t help you lose weight.

D.Knowing how your food is prepared can be beneficial.

3.If you have disordered eating problems, you’d better ______ accordingly.

A.avoid starchy foods B.lose weight

C.prepare your food well D.turn to the doctors

4.The author proves her point by ____________.

A.using examples B.making a comparison

C.asking and answering D.analyzing causes and effects


    “If you take care of the birds, you take care of most of the big environmental problems in the world.”

That’s what Thomas Lovejoy, a well-known biologist, says. He helped introduce the term “biological diversity” to the world. And he long ago predicted that by the early 21st century, the Earth would start losing a surprising number of species-a prediction, unfortunately, that is turning out to be true.

We were taken with what Lovejoy said about birds and decided to use it as a launch pad(跳板) for marking 2018 as the Year of the Bird by National Geographic. Hopefully, this will help raise people’s awareness of this problem. In this 12-month multiplatform exploration, we’ll examine how our changing environment is leading to great losses among bird species around the globe. And just as important, we’ll record what we can do about it.

At National Geographic we’ve been looking at the planet’s health from a bird’s-eye view for a long time. This magazine has featured birds on its cover more often than it has featured other popular creatures-at least 30 times, 13 times compared with apes. And the National Geographic Society has awarded hundreds of funds(资金) for the scientific study of birds.

In 2018, we’ll take our coverage of topics affecting birds to a new level. In this issue we launch a year of storytelling with “Why Birds Matter”, an essay by best-selling author Jonathan Franzen. It’s paired with remarkable photographs of birds created by National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore.

Why is National Geographic focusing so much attention on birds? That’s just another way of asking, as Franzen does. Why do birds matter? Among his fluent answers: “They are our last, best connection to a natural world that is otherwise moving gradually away from us.”

1.Why is the year 2018 called the Year of Bird?

A.To introduce different kinds of birds.

B.To record what we can do to help birds.

C.To draw public attention to the loss of bird species.

D.To examine the environmental influences on birds.

2.What is “Why Birds Matter”?

A.It is a magazine with many essays. B.It is an article with many photos.

C.It is a report with many topics. D.It is an organization to raise money.

3.What can we know about National Geographic from the passage?

A.It focuses more on birds than other creatures.

B.It receives sums of money to research on birds.

C.It’s the last connection between man and nature.

D.It’s popular with famous biologists and authors.


    I like staying overnight at my granny Ruiz’s house until she starts telling me how wonderful my cousin Maya is. Then it’s Maya this and Maya that until I don’t ever want to hear another word about her.

That’s why I wasn’t too excited when granny called me to “come on over”. When I got there, it was worse than I expected. Maya sat there, all dressed up.

Maya was taller than I’d remembered her from her last visit four years ago. She was talking about how nice to see me again. But I could tell that she didn’t really think so.

I couldn’t remember what it was I didn’t like about her. The last time she was there, we’d had hours of fun together. After that, I’d heard about her only through granny’s tales. Now Maya looked great with the latest haircut and a beautiful dress. I glanced down at my jeans and sneakers. It was bad enough that she was granny’s favorite-smarter and more talented than I was-but elegant, too? This was too much.

Maya’s words crashed through my thoughts, “I hear you like skating,” I was surprised, wondering how she knew about my skating.

“I hear you take piano lessons,” I countered. A funny look crossed her face and she nodded.

“I hear you were captain of your softball team,” she said.

“Wait a minute,” I said. “How do you know this?”

Maya shrugged and looked down. “I hear about you all the time from granny’s letters.”

“Granny tells me about you all the time, too!” I said. “I even know you wear a size-three shoe!”

Maya laughed. I also smiled, knowing now that granny had two favorites.

1.We can infer that the author felt ______ every time granny talked about Maya.

A.excited B.curious

C.surprised D.uncomfortable

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Maya and the author hadn’t met each other for about four years.

B.They both knew a lot about each other through their granny.

C.Maya was happy about the get-together but the author wasn’t.

D.The author loved sports, such as skating and playing softball.

3.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Fun Time with Maya B.Granny’s Favorite

C.Our Loving Granny D.A Surprise Get-together



Ariana caught another whiff(难闻的味道) and tried to hold her breath. She moved away slightly, but Ashley only moved closer and continued talking. Ariana felt trapped. She wanted badly to tell Ashley that she didn't smell very good. But how could she do that without hurting her feelings? Instead, she gathered the remains of her lunch to throw in the trash, thankful for the excuse to get some fresh air. She looked back to see Ashley eating quietly. Ashley's hair was tangled(乱糟糟的) , and her clothes were dirty. Ariana forced herself to go back to the table and take her seat, vowing(发誓) that she would not sit with Ashley tomorrow.

When Ariana got home from school, she complained to her mother, ''There's a girl named Ashley who likes to sit next to me in school, but she smells bad. ''

''She's probably having a tough day, '' said her mother.

''No, it's not just one day. She smells bad a lot, '' Ariana explained. ''Nobody else likes to sit next to her, either. ''

''I don't think you understand Ashley's situation, so let me ask you this..., '' Her mother's tone was serious. ''Who makes sure that your hair is combed every morning so you'll look nice when you go to school? ''

''You do, '' answered Ariana.

''Who makes sure you're bathed and cleaned every day? And your clothes are washed and neatly ironed? ''

''You and Daddy, '' Ariana said again.

''Do you live in a nice home? Do you have enough to eat? ''

Ariana nodded, beginning to feel guilty. She was starting to understand now. Ashley couldn’t help her situation because she was only seven years old—the same age as Ariana. Grown-ups are supposed to take care of kids.

''Why doesn't her family take better care of her? '' Ariana asked.

''Not all children live in the best situation, '' her mother said. ''The best thing you can do for Ashley is to treat her with kindness and sympathy. ''

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

Ariana bit her bottom lip. Sadness for Ashley filled her heart.


Paragraph 2:

At the end of the school year, the second grade prepared to go on a field trip to the zoo.



假如你是李华,今年双十一你网购了一件物品,但是没有按时收到,而且物品有质量问题。于是你决定向店家的客服(Customer Service)写信投诉。










A new study has found that graduate students are six times more likely to show depression symptoms 1. the general population. Researchers led by Evans, a scientist, surveyed 2,279 students in 26 different 2. (country). Approximately 40% of the surveyed graduates scored middle 3. severe for anxiety. Nearly 40 percent of the surveyed graduates also showed signs of middle to severe depression. It’s not hard 4. (understand) why life as a master student can drive some people crazy. Long hours in researching, social loneliness and feelings of not being respected 5. (complete) can break even the most motivated persons among us. When this situation persists, the anxiety and depression can become part of their life. The relationship 6. their teachers is another aspect 7. can deeply influence a graduate student’s mental health. Among the graduates with anxiety or depression, only half agreed that their professional teachers 8. (provide) real help. These unbelievable high rates of anxiety and depression, when 9. (compare) to the general population, are alarming and should serve as 10. wakeup call for the academic world, expert Evans says.


    I live in an apartment building in a planned community, including private roads. I have lived in this _______ of mostly professionals and retirees for over three years, but I had met only a few of my _______.

After the _______ had stopped falling, we were left to _______ ourselves because the city and state services didn't work. I went out to the parking lot to dig out my and my girlfriend's _______. I took a large metal piece of my desk to _______ as a shovel. After about 30 minutes of digging, some of the neighbors _______ with snow shovels and told me if I helped them, they would _______ me. I agreed and we dug out each other's cars. The streets were _______ due to a state of emergency declared by the governor, so we had ________ to go.

As I said, I only know my ________ neighbor, one who is elderly. But we all (we were 10 guys, all together, in the beginning) put our heads together and figured out who was too ________ or too ill to dig themselves ________ and went about, as a team, helping them. ________ the day went on, more and more people ________ us, men and women. We became an army of snow ________. Our only motivation was concern for the people who were ________ and our growing friendship.

Everyone was concerned for each other. Someone asked me if I had enough ________ to get by. It was typical of the spirit of the day. I ________ a lot of friends that day and we were planning a party to be held at the club house in spring.

Kindness and ________ for others has countless rewards!

1.A.hometown B.city C.community D.country

2.A.friends B.neighbors C.workmates D.classmates

3.A.snow B.rain C.wind D.dust

4.A.know about B.communicate with C.look for D.care for

5.A.wheelchairs B.bicycles C.cars D.coaches

6.A.mend B.buy C.treat D.use

7.A.kept out B.came out C.broke out D.took out

8.A.miss B.offer C.help D.provide

9.A.kept B.locked C.trapped D.closed

10.A.nowhere B.somewhere C.anywhere D.everywhere

11.A.strange B.humorous C.immediate D.clever

12.A.young B.old C.unhealthy D.unconfident

13.A.out B.up C.in D.down

14.A.Because B.As C.While D.Although

15.A.fell B.saw C.greeted D.joined

16.A.diggers B.supporters C.players D.helpers

17.A.beat B.stuck C.pressed D.struck

18.A.meat B.drink C.water D.food

19.A.trusted B.met C.made D.visited

20.A.concern B.confidence C.happiness D.honesty


How to clean your dirty laptop

You know your laptop is dirty, But when's the last time you cleaned it? 1.. The keys are clean, the screen is free of smudges(污迹) and you fall in love with that three-year-old laptop all over again.

Gather your supplies

“You don't need much to clean a computer,” said Jolie Kerr, a cleaning expert. “I use exactly found things to keep my laptop clean: Rubbing alcohol, microfiber cloths, cotton swabs(棉签) and canned air.” 2.. They'll work fine, but they’re probably overpriced compared with what you have at home.

Start with the inside

3.. If there are visible dust bunnies in the vents, you' re let it go far too long without a cleaning In that case, you may want to open it up or take it to a repair shop for an in-depth cleaning.

Wipe down the outside

4.. “The most critical thing when cleaning a laptop or desktop computer is to app the cleaning product to the tool you're using to clean, never ever directly onto the computer” Ms. Kerr said.

Get rid of bad smell

Let's say you have a particularly terrible case of dirty laptop, and even after the above steps, your laptop still carries the bad smells. Getting rid of those is a challenge. 5.For that you can turn to the world's best natural deodorize(除臭剂): Charcoal.

A. Next comes the fun part: Making that laptop shine again.

B. Then, take your computer apart and check it carefully.

C. Don’t bother with specialty cleaners you see at electronics stores.

D. Once you’ve gathered your tools, it's time to start cleaning the inside.

E. They also make nice add-on gifts for those in need of a new computer.

F. Cleaning the surface can help, but a lot of those smells may also be inside.

G. Using a freshly cleaned laptop is almost as satisfying as getting a new one.


    Next week, strangers with a truck will take away everything we own, except the clothes on our backs, the car we will drive, and as much stuff as we can pack into it. It's called moving. Some people do it often. For others, like me, it's a rare experience. In all my adult years, I've moved only three times.

My first husband and I moved into our first house with a bed, our clothes and a few gifts. That was a lifetime ago. Over the years, I filled that house with three children, a few dogs and enough stuff to reach the ceiling.

When the kids grew up, I lost my husband to cancer, and I began to learn about letting go. First, I let go of the idea of being in control. Life isn’t about being in charge of what happens; it's about being in charge of what we do with it. Next, I let go of putting off the things I care most about, like keeping in touch with the people that mean the most to me. I let go of the people whose lives are about anger or hatred, and tried instead to surround myself with those who shine with kindness. Finally, I let go of being alone---I remarried. I eventually moved to a new city with my new husband, and after that move, I promised I'd stop collecting meaningless things. But 12 years later, here I am, still learning about letting go.

Yesterday, while cleaning out a dresser, I found a box filled with old keepsakes. Nothing in that box may mean much to anyone, except me. They are treasures for me because of the memories they preserve. We finally decided to keep them, hold them close and never let them go. We’ll all move someday from this world to the next, but we won't need a truck to do it. We'll take nothing with us and leave behind a memory of the life we lived, the mistakes we made, and all the love and kindness we tried to show. That memory might not be a treasure, but if we're lucky, someone will keep it and hold it close and never let it go.

1.According to paragraph 3, which of the following might the author advise?

A.Never let all the memories go as they are.

B.Put off the things that mean the most to you.

C.Wherever you go, you should be kind to others.

D.Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you deal with it.

2.The underlined word ''keepsakes'' in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_________.

A.something memorable B.something expensive

C.something unpleasant D.something beautiful

3.What is the author's main purpose in writing the article?

A.To stress the importance of letting the past go.

B.To give advice on how to make choices before moving.

C.To share how she learned to make important choices in life.

D.To explain how our memories can pass on to later generations.


    Of all my dreams, my least favorite is the one where I'm in a car. It always begins with me driving, but eventually I realize that for some reason I'm sitting in the back seat. I can’t keep the car under control, rushing toward the roadside until, screaming, I wake up.

This is like the passenger experience in Waymo's self-driving cars. You sit in the back seat of a vehicle and watch as the wheel turns itself above an entirely empty driving seat.

''We made you live your nightmare, '' a Waymo staff member joked after I exited one of the company's fully self-driving car, following a quick drive inside its secret testing site. Waymo, a self-driving car company, arranged these rides for 40 journalists at this site.

There were also some demonstrations(演示). We watched as a Waymo car was cut off by a speeding vehicle. Then the employees created a situation in which a pile of moving boxes fell into the street just as another car passed in the opposite direction. Throughout the day, the cars performed impressively, driving with the level of care you might take if you had a wedding cake in the back seat.

During these demonstrations, Waymo gave information about what it was planning to do with these vehicles. The company has laid out four ways that its technology could be made available to the public. But Waymo's CEO, John Krafcik, wouldn’t show which of these was likely to come to market first, or on what kind of timeline.

I can't help but admire that Waymo is succeeding in developing this technology. There are countless possibilities at play on the road. The task of programming software to react to all those situations is unimaginably complex. What a great breakthrough!

1.How did the author feel about her self-driving experience in her dream?

A.It was puzzling. B.It was terrifying.

C.It was amusing. D.It was inspiring.

2.The author is probably _______________.

A.a newspaper reporter B.a professional driver

C.a software developer D.a Waymo staff member

3.What did the author intend to prove by mentioning the wedding cake in paragraph 4?

A.The employees performed well.

B.The self-driving cars worked well.

C.The self-driving cars ran at the same speed.

D.People could depend on the cars in emergencies.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.The self-driving car will come to market soon.

B.The programming software needs to be improved.

C.The technology will make a difference to people's life.

D.The company still has no plan to put the technology into practice.


    According to a recent report, about 15% of the people in the UK are members of gyms. But are they more likely to be fit?

A study found that gym members were 14 times more active than people who didn’t belong to any health club. Gym members did six hours more exercise a week, and this activity did make them fitter than non-gym members. They also spent less time sitting down every day than non-gym members. The results were the same for men and women.

The study included 405 people between the ages of 30 and 64, and the main characteristics of those who were gym members were the same as those who were not. ''But gym members did more training than non-gym members, '' said the lead author, Elizabeth Schroeder of the University of Illinois.

While it might seem clear that gym members exercising more are healthier than non-members, Schroeder says this has not been directly shown before. However, the study is only designed to show a tie between gym membership and more exercise. It may be that active people like to join gyms. In the study, people who exercised as much as gym members were also in good health.

You can get the same benefits wherever you exercise. This study shows a gym membership can make you do more exercise, but other research shows that exercising outside has other help. Outdoor activities can make you feel happy about life—especially if you run through a forest.

Outdoor exercise is also more enjoyable than going to the gym. The first five minutes of outdoor exercise is especially helpful in making people feel good. But Schroeder says that a gym may also encourage greater exercise because it can be social and fun.

1.What did the new study find out?

A.Gym members had healthier eating habits.

B.There were fewer women gym members than men.

C.Gym members did at least eight hours of exercise a week.

D.Gym members were more active than non-gym members.

2.In the study, researchers studied ____________________.

A.some sports lovers

B.405 gym members

C.people from different age groups

D.30 gym members and 64 non-gym members

3.Which of the following will Elizabeth Schroeder agree with?

A.Women should do more gym exercise.

B.We should be careful with outdoor training.

C.Outdoor exercise is better than gym exercise.

D.It is easier to keep exercising if you go to the gym.



1. 告知自己的旅游详细计划(时间、地点、方式、住宿等);2. 邀请Sarah一起旅行。


2. 可适当发挥,以使文章内容充实、连贯;

3. 信的格式与开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Sarah

I am writing to tell you my detailed traveling plan this summer.


Yours sincerely

Li Hua



1.What’s your ____________(目的地)

2.My ___________(预算) is tight.

3.This is a __________(连锁店) market.

4.Where is my ___________(行李)

5.You can pay in ____________.(现金)

6.Please _________(调整) the height of the chair.

7.Your mistake can’t be____________.(原谅,宽恕)

8.He is a __________man.(慷慨的,大方的)

9.The woman is ______(有能力的) of doing the job well.

10.There is no ______(药剂,疗法) for cancer now.



When Jack was a small boy, he was once asked to give a speech about “A Big Challenge in My Life”. To talk before the whole class, he was 1. (terrible) shy the moment he thought of so many eyes 2.(stare) at him. He had no other 3.(choose), though. First Jack was to draft the speech, which was just a piece of cake for him because he was a good writer. But the hard part 4.(lie) in his oral presentation, for it was not allowed to read from the paper. He had to give the speech 5. his memory and in front of such a big audience!

A real trial began when Jack stood on the platform with his legs trembling and his mind blank. How much time had passed by, he didn't know. His listeners were still waiting patiently and without any signs of laughing. Gradually he found himself back, 6.(give) out his speech  without much difficulty. After what seemed to be a hundred years, he found the audience applauding. He made 7.! From then on, his fear of talking before an audience disappeared. Actually with his confidence 8.(build) up, Jack now turns out to be a great speaker. As we  know, the greater difficulty we meet on our way to 9.(success), the 10. likely we will be to achieve our goals.


    About 10 years ago I was having my annual party and my niece came to see me. As she _______  around the room, she noted that my employees seemed happy. Then, I asked her how she thought I did that. “I'm sure you treat them _______” she replied. “That's half of it.” I said. “Do you know _______ the other half is?”

She didn't have the answer. So what's the answer? I _______the unhappy people. People laugh at this point. I wish I were _______. I'm not. I have learned that as a manager you cannot make everyone happy. Good _______  requires training, communicating and patience.

Don't _______ me wrong. This doesn't happen a lot. There's no joy in the _______ of firing someone. And it's not always the employee's _______— there are many bad bosses out there. And not all employees __________ your company. I don't have a Ph.D., an MBA, or even an economics degree.What I do have is a __________ company. Now I know some people argue that a business is __________  making money, and not everyone has to be happy. When you __________ a company, you have the right to __________ yourself with the people you choose.

I have a good day today. Not __________ I've got a big order or great __________ reports. I have wonderful people working for me. They care. They are committed (尽心尽力的). __________, they understand the whole customer-­staff-­company triangle, where all of the aspects __________ each other. When you have the right people, business is much __________. I know because I have __________ it.

1.A.showed B.looked C.turned D.came

2.A.nicely B.firmly C.strictly D.seriously

3.A.which B.that C.what D.who

4.A.trick B.hire C.dislike D.fire

5.A.crying B.joking C.cheating D.regretting

6.A.assessment B.agreement C.management D.employment

7.A.bring B.think C.treat D.get

8.A.way B.chance C.act D.form

9.A.decision B.failure C.fortune D.fault

10.A.fit B.believe C.choose D.understand

11.A.funny B.busy C.happy D.large

12.A.with B.beyond C.into D.about

13.A.leave B.join C.own D.share

14.A.relax B.help C.amaze D.surround

15.A.until B.because C.after D.that

16.A.physical B.medical C.political D.financial

17.A.Besides B.However C.Otherwise D.Therefore

18.A.support B.fight C.hold D.hurt

19.A.busier B.easier C.safer D.higher

20.A.made B.forgotten C.got D.put


    You often find somebody who works around you complaining all the time, don’t you?1. About 70% of Americans say being around nonstop complainers sometimes has a bad influence on them. Luckily, here are 4 tips to help form positive patterns.

1. Self-awareness

When a negative thought pops into your mind, immediately correct it. Instead of telling yourself “That’s a nice shirt, but I can’t afford it,” change the message to “That will look great with my black pants when I can afford it.” 2.

Of course, everyone complains sometimes. But the less frequently you complain, the better you will feel.

2. Distance yourself

3. Excuse yourself and go somewhere quiet, somewhere outdoors in the fresh air. Think of something pleasant before returning. You have to take this seriously because negative people can and will pull you into the quicksand (困境).

3. Don’t try to change complainers

If you find yourself trapped in a group of complainers in a meeting or at a social event, simply choose silence. Let their words bounce (弹起) off you while you think of something else. Attempting to stop the complaining can make you a target. 4. If someone says, “I hate Mondays, weekends are too short,” try to think, “I’m glad I rested up over the weekend, so I’m ready to make some improvement on that big project.”

4. 5.

When someone is shouting at you angrily, throw the responsibility back at them by asking, “So what do you intend to do about it?” In most cases, complainers don’t really want a solution. They just want to speak them out. If you make them aware that they themselves have to find the solutions, they will leave you alone and find someone else to complain to. If so, you will be happy.

A. Find solutions

B. Change responsibility

C. You have got a lot of company.

D. By doing this, it will lead to positive behaviors.

E. But you can redirect the discussion in your own mind.

F. You will never know what they are going to talk about.

G. Whenever possible, escape from negative conversations.


    As globalization continues to make the world a smaller place, and goods become more accessible across borders,concerns about food safety in the Asia­Pacific region have steadily risen over the years. An APEC forum is being held in Beijing, to find ways to better address the problem.

156 participants from 19 APEC economies and 4 non-APEC members attended the APEC Food Safety Cooperation Forum. Created 7 years ago, the forum has been actively looking for ways to strengthen food safety standard in the region, without affecting trade.

“As consumers are faced with more varieties of food, the potential food safety risk also becomes bigger. This forum has helped APEC economies to cooperate in supervision (监督), exchange information, and improve the overall food safety standard in the Asia­Pacific region,” said director of China's General Administration of Quality Supervision Wu Qinghai.

For the first time the forum has brought together high­level regulators, academics, and industry stakeholders to talk about their respective roles in safety supervision. They say governments alone cannot shoulder this heavy duty.

In China, the continuous food safety problems have greatly hurt consumers' confidence in domestic products; therefore more turned to imports. However, problems related to quality of those imported goods also began to show. In July this year, more than 400 batches ()of food imports from 35 countries and regions were found substandard by the country's top quality supervisor.

Governments and industries have been brought closer by this forum. As food moves more freely beyond borders, this forum is hoped to promote safety control cooperation, so APEC  members can better benefit from the economic integration (经济一体化).

1.What kind of function can the forum play?

A.It has greatly influenced the economy in the area.

B.It has long been able to put every side's efforts together.

C.It helps to bring government regulators and industries together.

D.It has found ways to deal with safety problems.

2.The last but one paragraph tells us that ________.

A.the Chinese customers are more satisfied with their food safety

B.food imported from other countries are indeed high in quality

C.many Chinese customers would rather buy some foreign food

D.there are only 35 countries and regions exporting food to China

3.The underlined word “address” in the first paragraph can be replaced by “________”.

A.send a letter about B.deal with

C.deliver a speech on D.call off

4.According to the article, which of the following statements is WRONG?

A.People can buy foreign food more easily than ever.

B.The more varieties of food, the bigger the potential food safety risk.

C.Food safety problems have appeared many times before this forum.

D.Governments have started their cooperation with academies and industries before this forum.


    Friendly doctors are “bad for their patients’ health”, researchers have warned as a new study revealed two thirds of young doctors struggle to be truthful with patients they like.

Blurring (使……模糊) the lines between social and professional relationships can affect the level of care offered and prevent patients from being honest about important side effects.

“Doctors should avoid adding patients as friends on Facebook, they should not hug or allow patients to call them by their first names.” regulators have warned. “Those who break the boundaries will face some punishment.”

It comes as a survey of 338 oncologists (肿瘤科医生) under the age of 40, found 59 per cent said they found it difficult to tell the truth to those patients they liked. Sixty per cent of respondents said if doctors felt too close to their patients, it could prevent them from making objective decisions about a person’s care.

Lesley Fallowfield, of Brighton and Sussex Medical School, said: “Oncology is a profession that can be enormously rewarding but is filled with many challenges. Young oncologists have to master dealing with anxious patients who are facing a life-threatening disease; conveying the true prognosis (预后); discussing the complexity of modern treatments; and explaining the unavailability of some drugs, the side-effects of treatment, and likely treatment aims.”

But she said, “Those doctors who have entered the profession in the age of the ‘Internet world’are more likely to fall victim to blurring the professional boundaries with patients.”

She said: “The difficulty, if you hug and kiss patients, if you allow them to call you by your first name, is that quickly the relationship can become confused as a social one rather than a professional one. Doctors become confused, ‘I really like this person, how can I bear to tell them that they’re going to die?’ They find it more difficult to be objective.”

1.Why are friendly doctors bad for their patients’health?

A.They don’t like to cheat patients.

B.They are not good at treating patients.

C.They find it not easier to be objective to the patients.

D.They seldom blur the relationship with patients.

2.What should doctors do according to the regulations?

A.Add patients as friends on Facebook.

B.Have close connection with patients in life.

C.Always be cold to patients.

D.Keep a proper distance to patients.

3.Which opinion will Lesley Fallowfield agree with?

A.Oncology is a rewarding profession without challenges.

B.The Internet makes it easier for young doctors to break the boundaries.

C.It’s not the duty of doctors to deal with patients’ anxiety.

D.Becoming friends with patients will help them recover soon.

4.Young oncologists will face the following challenges except_____________.

A.dealing with a lot of life-threatening diseases

B.discussing difficulties of treatment with patients

C.explaining the reason for the lack of some medicine

D.informing patients of the possible results of the treatment


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