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Are you looking for a new pastime that will create a balance between physical activity and relaxation? Then yoga may be the perfect choice for you. Yoga can be practiced by people of all ages and levels of fitness.1. It's a great way to strengthen your muscles and become more flexible.

In the 1930s, Indian Sri Tirumali and K. Pattabhi developed one of the most popular forms of yoga practised worldwide today. They worked together using an ancient Sansknt text called Yoga Korunta to create a set routine of yoga movements and breathing exercises. 2.

Ashtanga is different from other forms of yoga. It is a very powerful form of aerobic (有氧的)exercise which creates deep heat in the body. 3. In other forms of yoga, however, the routine can change each time and the stretching exercises aren't aerobic.

4.As well as making you stronger and more flexible, it can also help you to stay calm. By focusing on your breathing while doing physical exercise, you are able to get a balance between mind and body. In addition, yoga helps to make us healthier so we are less likely to get common illnesses like colds.

Furthermore, yoga encourages you to think about what you're doing. Often you will close your eyes while doing certain movements.5.After a few lessons you'll stop looking at what the others around you are doing. You will stop comparing yourself and start focusing on yourself.

A. It can also be done anywhere at any time.

B. The result of their co-operation was ashtanga yoga.

C. Whatever kind of yoga you choose, there are many long-term benefits.

D. This allows you to concentrate better and it makes you less competitive.

E. Every time someone practices ashtanga, he or she does exactly the same movements.

F.  If you're interested in yoga, but can find a class near you, then it might be   an excuse to travel.

G. Recently, it has become extremely common for beginners as well as advanced yoga students to go on yoga holidays.


    I have been dancing since I was 14 years old, when my best friend dragged me to an after-school dance class. I enjoyed that dance class so much that I have been dancing ever since. After every dance class, however, I always have to stretch out my legs and back to make myself relaxed! It feels like as much exercise as going to the gym---but dancing is not widely considered to be a sport. Does that dancing is expressive and artistic mean that it is not a sport?

Some dancers would argue that dancing is a sport, as it requires great physical stamina, strong muscles and impressive flexibility. No matter what style of dance you are participating in, you will always be using all of your muscles while dancing and this can often be for several hours a day. Additionally, in the more traditional dance style (like ballet), men often lift their female dance partners high in the air. That means the dancers are often just as athletic as footballers, runners or swimmers.

On the other hand, many people argue that dance is an art form. Dance often exhibit emotion, represent characters and tell stories. Dancing to music is creative and visually appealing to the eyes and ears, just like watching a play or a professional show. The shiny costumes, the stage make-up and the big hairstyles are artistic and imaginative. It is easy to see why many people consider dance to be an art form.

I personally believe that dance is both a sport and an art. I believe that a great dancer will be a mixture of an athlete and an artist. You could have the strongest muscles in the world but not necessarily be a great dancer. Likewise, you could be a great actress who can express emotions easily but you still might not be able to dance. However, whether you consider dance to be an art or a sport, the important thing is to enjoy it! Dancing is a great way to make new friends and it’s a really fun way to exercise!

1.Why does the author think having a dance class is like taking exercise?

A.Because she finds it also needs physical effort.

B.Because she takes interest in dancing as well as in sport.

C.Because she should do much exercise before dancing.

D.Because she finds dancing has hurt her legs and backs.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “stamina” in paragraph 2?

A.activity B.shape

C.strength D.condition

3.How is the text organized?



C.Main idea—Argument—Discussion.

D.Introduction—Supporting Examples—Conclusion.

4.What is the main artistic feature of dancing?

A.Having a large amount of exercise.

B.Being creative and imaginative.

C.Requiring great physical strength.

D.Creating emotions accurately.


    A typical child plays many roles, such as friend, neighbor, son or daughter. Simply reminding children of that fact can lead to better problem-solving and more flexible thinking, according to new research from Duke University.

Better problem-solving was just one positive finding of the study, said lead author Sarah Gaither, an assistant professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke. After thinking about their own various identities, children also showed more flexible thinking about race and other social groupings—a behavior that could be valuable in an increasingly diverse society.

In a series of experiments, Gaither and her colleagues looked at 196 children, ages 6 and 7. In an experiment, one group of children was reminded that they had various identitiessuch as sondaughter, reader or helper. A second group of children was reminded of their multiple physical attributessuch as a moutharms and legs. All the children then needed to handle a few tasks

Children who were reminded of their various identities showed stronger problem-solving and creative thinking skills. When shown pictures of a bear staring at honey-filled beehive(蜂窝)high up in a treethese children had more creative ideas for how the bear might get the honey, such as turning over a bowl so that it became a stool(凳子). In other words, they saw a new use for the bowl. Children who were reminded of their multiple roles also showed more flexible thinking about social groupings. When asked to categorize different photos of faces, they suggested many ways to Spso. They identified smiling faces such as unsmiling ones, and old and young faces. The other childrenmeanwhile, primarily grouped people’s faces by race and gender(性别).

The-study suggests ways to promote flexible thinking for the young, which could be especially valuable for teachers." Gaither said.

“We have this tendency in our society to only think about ourselves in connection with one important group at a time” Gaither said. “When kids think that they have various identitiesthey show greater abilities. ’’

1.What are all the kids asked to do in the experiments?

A.Play different kinds of roles. B.Remind others of their roles.

C.Approach several tasks. D.Classify a group of tasks.

2.How does the author mainly clarify the conclusions of the study in paragraph 4?

A.By giving examples. B.By using experts’ words.

C.By listing a few figures. D.By showing cause and effect.

3.What can we learn from Sarah Gaither’s words?

A.Improving 5 kids flexible thinking ability is important teaching.

B.Kids tend to behave selflessly after thinking about their roles.

C.Kids’ creative thinking ability is easy to discover and develop.

D.Teachers are supposed to make the most of the kids’ flexibility.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Kids' Social Abilities Are Consistent with. Their Education

B.Considering Their Various Roles Improves Kids’ Abilities

C.Kids Have a Variety of Identities in Their Daily Life.

D.Problem-solving Ability Is Necessary for Most Kids.


    Like Indiana Jones (a fictional character), who undertakes daring adventures in his spare time, my father is a businessman by day and a thrill-seeker by night.

His enthusiasm rubbed off on me, and I have been lucky to be his companion on many adventures. We started out by riding America’s fastest, most twisted roller coasters. After that a whitewater rafting trip through the Grand Canyon(峡谷)on the Colorado River started our search for other extreme thrills across the globe.

Amazing thrills awaited us at every corner of the world. Skydiving was especially thrilling when performed from a helicopter over the breathtaking Swiss Alps. We have bungee jumped from the world’s highest platform, Bloukrans Bridge in South Africa. Most recently, in Interlaken, Switzerland, we attempted canyoning(溪降运动).

Anyone who loves a challenging thrill should try canyoning. Our adventure began with a 90-foot rope down a canyon wall into a rushing ice-cold river. Then we crossed the bone-chilling water toward the mouth of the river, our final destination, where the reward for the journey would be a whole view of the beautiful Interlaken basin. We slid over slippery rocks at one moment, jumped from waterfalls and swam through underwater tunnels the next. Back and forth we alternated, climbing rope ladders before going back into the fresh mountain water. Certainly, danger was waiting for us in each of these activities, but that very danger provided the rush. Canyoning was indeed one thrill after another, from beginning to end.

While canyoning is possible only in certain places, thrills and adventure can be found anywhere. Our beginnings in the U.S. showed us just that. We continue to seek the big thrills, but in doing so, we have learned to seek lesser excitement in daily life as well. After all, we can’t go canyoning every day, and small thrills are better than none for us thrill-seekers.

1.What do we know about the author’s father?

A.He is a very successful businessman.

B.He is doing a part-time job.

C.He likes Indiana Jones very much.

D.He enjoys experiencing adventures.

2.What does the underlined phrase “rubbed off on” mean in paragraph 2?

A.relate to B.keep off

C.affect D.confuse

3.What did the author and his father do when attempting canyoning?

A.Jumped down from waterfalls and swam across the icy water.

B.Jumped down a canyon river and crossed it.

C.Climbed over a rope ladder and swam through underwater tunnels.

D.Climbed down a canyon wall and swam across the rushing icy river.

4.What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph?

A.Small thrills in daily life are worth a try as well.

B.We had better go abroad to experience canyoning.

C.Canyoning is not suitable for everyone.

D.America is the most proper place to experience adventures.


    British people are famous for apologizing in almost every situation. Whether they are apologizing for asking a question, for their bad weather or because they sneezed, they are probably the number-one nation for apologies.

Brits pride themselves on their polite manners towards one another in public. As a result, they often use the word “sorry” quite a lot---even when they don’t really mean it! Usually, if they want to ask a stranger for the time, they would start by saying “Sorry to bother you. Do you know what time it is?” If they are five minutes late for an appointment, they would generally greet the person by saying “Sorry, I’m late!”

That they say sorry does not only mean they feel sad for someone else because of their problems or misfortunes. Another main dictionary definition of “sorry” is feeling regret because they have done something wrong. And now, think about this. Normally, when they want to ask a stranger a question, they start with “Sorry to disturb you”. In this situation, they aren’t saying sorry because they feel sad for that person or because they feel regret.

In the British culture, apologizing, in general, is a way to be polite, especially to people who they don’t know very well. Furthermore, it also can bring them other benefits in their daily life. In a recent experiment, an actor approached different strangers on a rainy day to ask if he could use their mobile phones to make a call. When he approached one group of strangers and asked them without apologizing first, he was only 9% successful in borrowing their phones. However, when he apologized to another group of strangers about the bad weather before asking if he could use their mobile phones, he was 47% successful.

1.Why do British people say “sorry” so much?

A.To respect others.

B.To show their politeness.

C.To express their regret.

D.To apologize for their mistakes.

2.What can we infer about the word “sorry” from the third paragraph?

A.It is used in more situations than before.

B.It is embarrassing to use sorry improperly.

C.It has different meanings in different situations.

D.It meaning is always hard to understand.

3.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.The benefits of saying “sorry”.

B.The ways of borrowing a phone.

C.The secrets to dealing with strangers.

D.The keys to being a polite man.


阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。

Perhaps you’ve heard the old saying “curiosity killed the cat.” It’s a phrase that's often used to warn people - especially children - not to ask too many questions. Yet it’s widely agreed that curiosity actually makes learning more effective. In fact, research has shown that curiosity is just as important as intelligence in determining how well students do in school.

Curiosity can also lead us to make unexpected discoveries, bring excitement into our lives, and open up new possibilities. In science, basic curiosity-driven research can have unexpected important benefits. For example,one day in 1831, Michael Faraday was playing around with a coil and a magnet when he suddenly saw how he could produce an electrical current. At first, it wasn't clear what use this would have, but it actually made electricity available for use in technology, and so changed the world.

However, curiosity is currently under the biggest threat, coming from technology. On one level, this is because technology has become so advanced that many of us are unable to think too deeply about how exactly things work any more. While it may be possible for a curious teenager  to take a toaster apart and get some sense of how it works, how much do you understand about what happens when you type a website address into a browser? Where does your grasp of technology end and the magic begin for you?

In addition to this, there’s the fact that we all now connect so deeply with technology, particularly with our phones. The more we stare at our screens, the less we talk to other people directly. All too often we accept the images of people that social media provides us with. Then we feel we know enough about a person not to need to engage further with them.

That means we end up inside our own little bubbles, no longer coming across new ideas. Perhaps the real key to developing curiosity in the 21st century, then, is to rely less on the tech tools of our age.



假定你是李华,你的外籍朋友 Mr Brown 对中国文化很感兴趣,请给他写一封邮件,邀请他来参加浙江非物质文化遗产(non-material cultural relics)展览活动。内容包括:

1. 写信目的; 2.时间、地点; 3.活动内容。注意:

1. 词数 80 左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




It is widely accepted that optimistic attitudes promote health as well as happiness. The secret of a long life is 1. (universe) desired and has long been sought. Today we can reveal it: always look on the bright side. A huge research project2.(lead) by scientists at the Boston University School of Medicine concludes that optimists live3. (long).

Lewina Lee, lead author of the study, said, “A lot of evidence4.(suggest) that exceptional longevity( 寿 ) is widely accompanied by a longer span of good health and living5. disability. Therefore our findings raise an exciting possibility6. we may be able to promote health and  happiness by7.(develop) positive attitudes such as optimism.”

However, the study doesn’t suggest that we should aim for great pleasure. Sadness is8. important part of the human condition. Any normal person sometimes experience disappointment, ambitions and the9.(lose) of loved ones. But for many people, these matters of human existence 10. (transform) into an abnormal state of despair. There is a vital place in public health for providing mental treatment in helping to correct these cognitive errors. It is not weakness to be defeated by setbacks. It is merely a mistake.


    I was a shy girl and I was afraid to talk to people I didn’t know. I enjoyed the___ of exploring nature. _____, at school I had to spend all day in the company of others. My______was reading. I spent a lot of time studying and was ____ good grades. My only failure was Spanish - I’d get all As on my written work and tests, but Ds and Fs on the___ part.

Eventually I went to college. During my third year of college, I had____of being shy and determined to change my outlook and behavior. One day while at school, I noticed an advertisement for ___on the local classical music radio station. I had _____listening to classical music, and I could easily pronounce names such as Tchaikovsky and Chopin.

I had no background in radio, and absolutely no hope of getting the job. The idea of___ thousands of listeners in “radio land” terrified me. However, I ____ survived the interview. I was  given brief descriptions of symphonies(交响乐)and a public service announcement to read, and a list of composers’ names___ . It wasn’t hard for me. I left the recording session(录音场次)with a sense of relief and a sense of _____. About two weeks later I actually landed the job. It was a ____ job, but I grew to___ it greatly. I began to feel comfortable talking to people.

Although I now spend many hours each week talking with people, I’m____ basically a quiet  person. Perhaps it is my soft voice and my ______ nature that helps draw people out when they respond to my questions when I___ them. My former shyness is a____, as I can relate to people who feel discomfortable when they talk to reporters. I still enjoy moments of loneliness and the___ found in nature. But I’m also glad I decided to make a___ in my life that has opened many doors and opportunities that I never knew existed.

1.A.loneliness B.adventure C.pleasure D.excitement

2.A.Therefore B.However C.Besides D.Additionally

3.A.excuse B.reason C.escape D.assignment

4.A.mixed with B.provided with C.rewarded with D.awarded with

5.A.written B.spelt C.listened D.spoken

6.A.enough B.nothing C.much D.little

7.A.assignments B.positions C.professions

8.A.woken up B.picked up C.taken up D.grown up

9.A.explaining to B.talking to C.listening to D.complaining to

10.A.deliberately B.occasionally C.luckily D.randomly pronounce type identify copy

12.A.depression B.humor C.failure D.accomplishment

13.A.pleasant B.challenging C.comfortable D.painless

14.A.hate B.tolerate C.enjoy D.adjust

15.A.even B.also C.seldom D.still

16.A.quiet B.outgoing C.optimistic D.lively

17.A.persuade B.inform C.remind D.interview

18.A.fortune B.devotion C.heritage D.commitment

19.A.wealth B.sound C.peace D.wildness B.change C.promise D.conclusion


    Friends should always be honest with you, right? So when they lie, it can be really hard to take. You want to trust your friends and that means knowing that they’ll tell it to you straight no matter what it is. 1.Why does this happen?


One of the biggest reasons friends lie is simply to avoid hurting your feelings. Some people don’t understand the difference between being gently honest with a friend and being so straightforward that they leave a verbal wound. They choose to avoid these two extremes in the form of a lie.

They feel embarrassed.

Sometimes friends will lie about things in their life because they are too embarrassed to admit the truth. Maybe they are going through a rough time and they just don’t want you to know about it. Avoid trying to badger ( ) your friends into telling you what’s wrong.3.

Avoid an argument with you.

Perhaps your friends know that if they tell you the truth, you’ll get angry with them. Make sure that if a friend tells you something unpleasant, you don’t overact.4. If you do end up arguing, do  it in a respectable way.

Exclude you.

Lying isn’t always a sign that friends are trying to protect you, however. 5. When you find out with certainty that your friend is lying to you, try and face it. If you feel your friend is lying because he or she doesn’t want to be around you, that’s your wake-up to move on.

A.Protect your feelings.

B.They want to be your closer friends.

C.But a friend who lies isn’t always trying to hurt you.

D.Consider what’s being said and why your friend is telling you this.

E.Being honest and making a sincere effort can keep the friendship strong.

F.Sometimes they lie because they don’t want you to be included in their plans.

G.Instead, make it clear that you are there for them when and if they are ready to talk.


    I always wanted to be extraordinary at something. Not just as in,”Great job, Jimbo!” No, I wanted to be best-in-class, awe-inspiring, tiptop; a world-famous genius,like Michael Phelps or Mark Zuckerberg.

Unfortunately, my version of reality did not quite line up with this delusional vision. I was a good swimmer, but I peaked at the collegiate State Championships level. My academic record was pretty solid, but I never would have made it into one of those ivy-league schools.

Though I rose to above-average status in a couple of areas, the disappointing truth was that I would never amount to anything more than a mid-sized fish in a small pond. God apparently had other plans.

What drove me crazy, though, was the superstar talent thrown in my face at every turn. Some folks just seemed to get an unfair intensive dose(剂量)of it. Why couldn’t I be like Bernie William, the famed New Yorkees player who also happens to be a world-class jazz guitar virtuoso(艺术大师)?

Some say greatness is simply a function of putting in the practice time. Around ten thousand hours, to be precise, according to author Malcolm Gladwell. I don’t question the theory of devoting extraordinary efforts to developing one’s expertise, but it seems that raw talent is equally important. You either have it or you don’t.

I’ve heard that as people approach middle age, their life satisfaction increases because they begin to accept the gap between the expectations for themselves and the reality. After a few decades of frustration without the desired results, we eventually come to terms with how our lives turned out, even if it falls far short of our idealized youthful expectation.

Hope bends, it seems.

1.What does the word “delusional” in Para2 most probably mean?

A.Imaginary B.Realistic C.Abstract D.Practical

2.In the passage, the writer thinks of himself as  .

A.a world-famous genius B.a mid-sized fish in a small pond

C.a world-class virtuoso D.a student in an ivy-league school

3.According to the writer, what makes “greatness”?

A.Extraordinary efforts B.Ten thousand hours of practice C.Raw talent D.Talent and time

4.Which of the following might be the best title ?

A.Hope Bends B.Frustrating Decades

C.Practice Works D.Youthful Expectation


    Life for almost anyone is increasingly influenced by screens. Not only are screens themselves cheap to make, but they also make things cheaper. Any place that can fit a screen in can cut costs. And any activity that can happen on a screen becomes cheaper. The physical experience of learning, living and dying is becoming smooth glass. All of this has led to a curious new reality: Human contact is becoming a luxury good (奢侈品).

“What we are seeing now is the luxury of human engagement,” Milton Pedraza, the chief of the Luxury Institute, said. Expected spending on experiences such as enjoyable travel and dining is outpacing spending on goods, according to his company’s research, and he sees it as a direct response to the rapid increase of screens.

Screens exposure starts young. And children who spent more than two hours a day looking at a screen got lower scores on thinking and language tests, according to early results of a landmark study supported by the National Institutes of Health. The study focuses on brain development of more than 11,000 children. Most disturbingly, the study is finding that the brains of children who spend much time on screens are different. For some kids, their cerebral cortex (大脑皮层) would become thinner before expected time. In adults, one study found an association between screen time and depression.

There is also the reality that in our culture of increasing separation, in which so many of the traditional gathering places and social structures have disappeared, screens are filling a vital gap.

For normal people, running away from the screen becomes impossible. It’s not a luxury, and it’s easy to get. It is normal for more people to need the network constantly. In addition, it has become an important part of social interaction.

1.What can we infer from Paragraph 1?

A.Screens make everything in life cheaper.

B.People’s life is totally controlled by screens.

C.It is difficult for people to contact each other.

D.Face-to-face communication is decreasing nowadays.

2.According to the text, which of the following WON’T be caused by long screen time?

A.More social interaction. B.Depressive state of mind. C.Different brain structures.              D.Poorer academic performance.

3.What is the author’s attitude towards the popularization of screen?

A.Favorable. B.Skeptical. C.Concerned. D.Opposed .


    I was thrilled to go on an adventure with my master Rev.Young, a tall man with kind eyes.Mr. Muir was going too. But he said, “Such a helpless creature will only be in the way.” I was disappointed when I heard what he said, and yet I still wanted to follow him.

One stormy morning, Mr. Muir set out alone to study nature. He ordered me to stay behind. But I could not let him go alone, so I followed him into the wild weather. We crossed Taylor Glacier and endless sheet of ice, which was cut by cracks. I was unafraid and sailed over these bottomless holes. Mr. Muir was delighted that he was not crossing them alone.

As dusk fell, we reached an enormous crack that was impossible to jump across. In between the two sides was a U-shaped bridge of ice, so thin that one wrong step would mean dropping to your death. Daylight was disappearing, and gusty winds blew snow into my eyes. I turned to return to camp the way we came. However, Mr. Muir decided to cross the crack. He sat down and rode the narrow U-strip as if it were a horse. Once safe on the other side, he called out to me. But I had never been so terrified before. “I am not good at climbing steep slopes.” I was scared and thought.

Then I looked at Mr. Muir, already across on the safe side. Slowly, I began to cross it. I could feel his eyes on me the entire way. Before I knew it, I made the happiest landing of my life. I ran round and round and jumped up and hugged him. From that day on, we spent every moment together.

1.Why didn’t Mr. Muir want to take me with him at the beginning?

A.He suggested that I need some rest.

B.He possessed great self-confidence.

C.He considered me as a burden to him.

D.He thought I was too weak to make a trip.

2.How did Mr. Muir manage to cross the crack?

A.By climbing steep slopes.

B.By sliding over the U-strip.

C.By leaping across the crack.

D.By riding the narrow ice bridge.

3.Which of the following words best describes their trip?

A.Horrible. B.Risky. C.Well-planned. D.Pleasant.



1.Why did Fagin come to the speaker?

A.To rent her house. B.To buy her house. C.To decorate her house.

2.Why was the speaker hesitant about Fagin’s offer?

A.She disliked him.

B.The money was not much.

C.They’d damage some of her belongings.

3.How long did it take to prepare the house for he film

A.Four days. B.A month. C.Two months.

4.What did the speaker do when the crew left?

A.She watched a film. B.She visited her relatives. C.She repainted the living room.



1.Which city does the man book a shuttle bus for?

A.London. B.Milton. C.Toronto.

2.What is the woman doing?

A.Taking the man’s information.

B.Offering the flight timetable

C.Conducting an interview.

3.When will the man probably leave for Milton?

A.At 11:30. B.At 12:00. C.At12:30.

4.What does the woman advise the man to do?

A.Book his return ticket in advance.

B.Collect his luggage first.

C.Have some coffee.



1.What is the purpose of the call?

A.To accept a position.

B.To advertise a job opening.

C.To check on a job application.

2.For what day is the man’s appointment scheduled?

A.Tuesday. B.Thursday. C.Friday

3.What does the woman ask the man to do?

A.Call her later.

B.Meet with Victoria Smith.

C.Wait at the front desk.



1.What is the woman’s opinion about the computer screen?

A.Big B.Nice C.Stylish.

2.What brings the man a bit of trouble?

A.The screen. B.The keyboard. C.The mouse.



1.What will the woman do on Saturday afternoon?

A.Do her homework. B.Enjoy a concert. C.Watch a game

2.Where will the woman go on Sunday?

A.To a park. B.To a hospital. C.To the man’s house.


What relation is the man to the woman?

A.Her customer. B.Her co-worker. C.Her boss.


What are the speakers talking about in general?

A.trip. B.Food. C.The weather.


Why is the woman leaving work early?

A.To take care of her mother. B.To post a package. C.To pick up a car


When will the meeting be held?

A.At 11:30. B.At 12:00. C.At 1:00.


What will the man do first?

A.Learn more about prices. B.Find a supplier. C.Do reports.



When Mom said we had to give away Sam, I didn’t say a word. I just picked up Sam and walked out to the shed () that used to be Dads workshop.

What Mom said to me wasn’t a surprise. I saw it coming.

My name is Nathan. Sam is my cat. Not long before Dad died, he found Sam behind his store. No one wanted a little cat, so Dad brought him home. Sam is black, with wise eyes and big ears. But all most people notice is his big white feet.


Sam knows I’m upset. I wonder if I could explain to Sam about Anna. She’s my younger stepsister (继妹), and if it weren’t for her, I could keep Sam. But I don’t explain, and Sam couldn’t understand his situation. He likes to run up and down in the shed’s dusty sunlight.

No one uses the shed now except our elder neighbors, Mr. Sims and Mr. Irvin. They make wind chimes (风铃) to sell at the market. Dad used to help them. I grew up loving the sounds that filled our shed. Mom says people love those chimes because their music is mixed with laughter.

I wonder how things are going to change now that I have a stepsister. Last week we had to take Anna to the hospital quickly. She couldn’t breathe. Mom thinks it was because Sam slept in her room. Anna is allergic (过敏的) to cats. Mom told me that Sam had to be sent away. She asked me who was more important, Sam or Anna. I couldn’t answer.

“Isn’t there anything else we can do?” I ask. I look at Sam. Sam is playing with things left over from the wind chimes. When he hits metal against metal, it rings loudly. Sam is happy. But I’m not.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

Then, I remember Anna on the way to the hospital, her face frightened and pale.


Paragraph 2:

In the end, our neighbors Mr. Sims and Mr. Irvin take in Sam, so Sam gets two homes.



假定你是李华,你的英国笔友 Terry得知北京2022年冬奥会吉祥物冰墩墩揭晓了很高兴,写信向你询问市场上是否有该吉祥物的礼品在出售。请你给他写一封回信,内容包括:

1. 感谢他对吉祥物的关注;

2. 给他邮寄一个吉祥物;

3. 欢迎来中国观看奥运比赛。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




6-year-old Jermaine Bell of Jacksonville, Fla. was saving up money to take a vacation to Disney World for his birthday on Sept. 8. However, when the day finally came, instead of going to Disney World, Jermaine Bell 1. (ask) his parents to go to South Carolina. It turned out that Bell had decided to use the vacation money to help feed people evacuating (撤离) from Dorian.

“These days people 2. (travel) to go to other 3. (place). I want them to have some food 4. (eat), so they can enjoy the ride to the place that they’re going to stay at,” Bell said.

Bell turned 7 on Sunday and when Disney found out about his 5. (kind), it planned a big surprise. A group of people, 6. made a surprise visit to his home in Jacksonville, Fla., told him that he and his family were provided with n 7. free VIP vacation for later this month.

Video of Bell 8. (receive) the good news was posted on You Tube by Disney, 9. the caption (字幕), “Six-year-old Jermaine Bell of Jacksonville, Fla. spent more than a year saving money for an upcoming birthday trip to Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. However, hurricane (飓风) Dorian changed Jermaine’s plans 10. (great). Millions of people have been moved by the story of this little boy’s selfless act ever since.”


    An 8-year-old boy achieved the wish of his late (已故的) mother to climb Jade Mountain. Tzou Ze Gang, along with his father, _________ their two-day climbing _________ on August 18. Along the way the boy _________ a photo of his late mother. They _________ to reach the top of Jade Mountain on August 20. Standing at 3, 952 meters above sea level, Jade Mountain is seen as the _________ mountain in Taiwan.

Tzou was only 4 years old when he first _________ Jade Mountain and he had dreamed of climbing it ever since. For the locals, the mountain is _________ believed the home of the Goddess of Life.

The boy was _________ by the mountain and promised his mother that they would both climb it one day. _________, years later his mother had to __________ leg surgery (手术), which made her unable to __________ the mountain. “When you __________ the world in the future, you can bring Mummy’s things along,” his mother told him. Unluckily, she __________ last year. Tzou’s father __________ the child during their training by saying, “Jade Mountain is the highest point in Taiwan. I’m sure we’ll be __________ to Mummy over there.”

The climb was __________ for Tzou. He felt __________ and was out of breath (气喘吁吁). He __________ felt sick even after resting. But Tzou’s father said Tzou felt much better when they were on their last __________, adding that the final 200 meters was a piece of cake for him.

Upon reaching the top, Tzou pulled out his mother’s __________ and shouted, “Mummy! We’ve reached the top. I carried you to the top of Jade Mountain!”

1.A.shared B.started C.enjoyed D.described

2.A.competition B.event C.program D.experience

3.A.watched B.kept C.carried D.lost

4.A.managed B.tried C.preferred D.promised

5.A.highest B.smallest C.farthest D.coldest

6.A.searched B.walked down C.removed D.heard of

7.A.foolishly B.secretly C.truly D.wrongly

8.A.troubled B.attracted C.moved D.frightened

9.A.However B.As a result C.Instead D.What’s more

10.A.join in B.beg for C.carry out D.go through

11.A.climb B.imagine C.reach D.notice B.understand C.explore D.create

13.A.fell ill B.passed away injured D.broke down

14.A.rewarded B.encouraged C.raised D.punished

15.A.more honest C.more polite D.closer

16.A.easy B.exciting C.difficult D.relaxing

17.A.unhappy C.uncomfortable D.enjoyable

18.A.quickly B.never C.hardly D.just

19.A.point B.half D.part


    Everyone has bad days at work. You met unexpected difficulties with a project you’ve been working on for weeks. 1. You forget to put something on your timetable and leave a key customer waiting. Whatever the reason for your workplace problem, one influence it has is to make you feel more alone.

In those bad moments, you can only rely on yourself. 2. Sure it might seem hokey (矫揉造作的), but there’ s a reason why gratitude (感激) is always showing up on tea bags and in self-help books.

According to research, practicing gratitude can help make you happier. The next time you’re troubled by a problem at work, take a minute and think of someone in your life that you’re grateful for. Write a sentence or two on a notebook about why you feel appreciative.

3. Gratitude is often a feeling when someone else has done something helpful for you that they didn’t have to do. Those persons have done something to make your life a little better. 4. It might be a relative who took care of you when you were little or a teacher who helped you out in a hard situation. Taking time to practice gratitude will make you happy. The more gratitude you feel, the happier you will be.

Picking one of helpers out and reminding (提醒) yourself of why you’re grateful to them have two advantages. 5. It also reminds you of the deep social connections you have so that you don’t feel lonely anymore.

A.This happens for a few reasons.

B.Why will practicing gratitude make you feel better?

C.A coworker shouts at you in a meeting.

D.We all have such people around us in our lives.

E.At the moment, a little gratitude can help.

F.For one, it gets you thinking about something good, which lifts your heart.

G.People are helped by sharing their troubles with close friends, family or loved ones.


    An American cancer survivor ha become he first person to swim across the English Channel four times on end.

Sarah Thomas, 37, completed the great achievement on Tuesday after over 54 hours of swimming. Her record-breaking achievement came just a year after she completed treatment for breast cancer (乳腺癌).

In a video on Facebook, a small group of people could be seen cheering on the swimmer from Colorado as she made her final arrival to beach at Dover. Supporters congratulated Mrs. Thomas on her non-stop swim, handing her chocolate and other gifts. In the video, Mrs. Thomas admitted to feeling “a little sick” but said she had been encouraged to keep going by her husband and her team.

Before the start of her challenge, Mrs. Thomas wrote that she was “fearful” and admitted she was “going to need some luck”.

In a Facebook post made on Saturday, she dedicated (奉献) the swim “to all the survivors out there”, adding, “This is for those of us who have wondered hopelessly about what comes next, and have overcome the pain bravely.”

After her swim, Mrs. Thomas said, “I’m really tired and I’m losing my voice from all the salt water.” Asked what the worst part of her challenge was, she said, “Probably dealing with the salt water over two days. It really hurts your throat, your mouth and your tongue.” She praised her support team for helping her stay strong, adding that she was very prepared for the weather, currents(k it)and cold water. “I feel just mostly stunned right now. I just can’t believe that we did it.”

1.What’s the attitude of Mrs. Thomas’s husband to her swimming challenge?

A.He refuses to support her.

B.He never cares about it at all.

C.He is angry about her decision.

D.He encourages her to keep trying.

2.What was the biggest challenge for Mrs. Thomas?

A.The weather. B.The currents.

C.The salt water. D.The cold water.

3.What does the underlined word “stunned” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A.Frightened. B.Surprised.

C.Upset. D.Powerful.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A.A Successful Swimmer

B.A Woman Beat Breast Cancer

C.A Record-breaking Achievement

D.A Cancer Survivor Made a New Record


    Living with your parents has its advantages… at least when it comes to raising your kids—their grandkids. Because two new studies add to the evidence that grandmothers can improve the survival of grandchildren. That is, unless Grandma’s too old or lives too far away.

Humans are unusual in that women live long past the age at which they stop having babies. “We don’t really see that in nature. Most of the organisms (生物) will reproduce up to their very last moment,” says Patrick Bergeron, a teacher at Bishop’s University in Quebec. This increase in post-reproductive longevity (寿命) is often explained by the so-called “grandmother effect (效应)”.

To explore the “grandmother effect”, Bergeron and his researchers examined nearly 200 years’ worth of French-Canadian population records from the 17th and 18th centuries. At the time, life was hard. In some years, a third of the kids were not even making it to one year of age. But the researchers found that having a grandmother still alive was an advantage. Families with grandmothers alive were larger by about two and the survival of these grandchildren to age 15 was much improved.

This good effect was only seen when the grandmothers lived nearby, which suggests that grandmothers help by playing an active role in their grandchildren’s lives.

Unluckily, that role is harder for them to achieve as they get older, which brings us to the second study. Researchers at the University of Turku in Finland used church records from the 18th and 19th centuries. They found that the advantages connected with having a grandmother on hand depended on her age. Once grandmothers hit 75, the grandchild survival advantages disappeared. In other words, it was better for grandchildren to have no living grandmother at all than it was to live with an old one or one that was in poor health. So a healthy grandma helps make for a healthy grandchild

1.What’s “grandmother effect”?

A.Having a grandmother alive is an advantage.

B.Grandmothers are helpful to their children whatever their age.

C.Grandmothers are helpful for the survival of their grandchildren.

D.Healthy grandmothers living nearby are good for grandchildren’s health.

2.What can we know about the second study?

A.Researchers used French-Canadian population records.

B.Researchers used church records from the 17th and 18th centuries.

C.It was done by researchers from the University of Turku in Finland.

D.It found that it was good for grandchildren to have no living grandmother.

3.Where does this text probably come from?

A.A science report. B.A diary

C.A storybook. D.A textbook.


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