Afroz Shall, a lawyer in Mumbai, hasn't had a weekend off in four years. But he hasn't spent this time preparing for _______.

His mission? Saving the world's oceans from _______  pollution.

It's a calling he found in 2015 after moving to a community in Mumbai called Versova Beach. He had played there as a child and was _______to see how much it had _______. The sand was no longer _______ because it was covered by a layer of garbage more than five feet thick - most of it plastic waste.

“The whole beach was like a _________of plastic,” he said, “It hurt me. The _______ mess.” Shah had seen is part of a global environmental crisis. More than 8 million tons of plastic _______in the world’s oceans each year. It's predicted that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. “Plastic in the ocean is a _______. And the sea-species have no choice at all,” Shah said, “We are __________ their habitats.”

In October 2015, shall began __________ up plastic waste from the beach every Sunday morning. At first, it was just him and a neighbor, and then he began calling on others to join in. Word __________ and with help from social media, more volunteers got __________.

For Shah, the work has always been a __________ journey, but it has earned global attention. After he was __________ as a Champion of the Earth by the United Nations in 2016, Shah now devotes nearly all of his free time to this ____________.

He's now spent 209 weekends on this mission, __________ more than 200,000 volunteers, some of whom are young students, to join him in what's been called the world's biggest beach cleanup. By October 2018, Versova Beach was __________ clean and Shah's cleanups expanded to another beach as well as a stretch of the Mithi River and other regions of India.

“This world talks too much. I think we must talk __________  and do action more,” he said when interviewed by CNN in October 2019. “We are a smart species. Well adapt. We'll learn. And with these youngsters rising up, I see __________.”

1.A.teaching B.housework C.court

2.A.plastic B.soil C.river D.oil

3.A.upset. B.confused. C.delighted D.hesitant

4.A.grown B.changed C.reserved D.protected

5.A.pure B.golden C.shiny D.visible

6.A.curtain B.carpet C.painting D.photograph

7.A.temporary B.permanent C.ugly D.pretty

8.A.sticks to B.keeps off back D.ends up

9.A.killer B.cleaner C.guest D.decoration

10.A.sweeping B.attacking C.visiting D.beautifying

11.A.pulling B.thinking C.picking D.looking

12.A.came B.failed C.went D.spread

13.A.involved B.lived C.stuck D.paid

14.A.easy B.tough C.personal D.general

15.A.known B.regarded C.decided D.honored

16.A.cause C.position D.fame

17.A.requiring B.rejecting C.inviting D.inspiring

18.A.originally B.finally C.politically D.theoretically

19.A.fewer B.less C.better D.worse

20.A.honor C.hope


    If you’re feeling empty, you’re not alone. Many of us feel empty in different ways. For instance, you might feel empty because something is missing in your life. Or the emptiness might stem from slowly abandoning yourselves, not listening to your own hopes and desires. Abandoning yourselves can also spark anxiety, depression, guilt and shame, 1.. Here are several suggestions to help you out.

Acknowledge the emptiness. If you're experiencing emptiness that's more like a gaping hole, acknowledge it, and be gentle with yourself. 2. If this emptiness is because of a loved one's passing, get angry with yourself.  In that case you learn to live life alongside that hole of missing that person.

Explore your feelings of emptiness. Scientists suggested exploring the below questions. We can do this while journaling, taking a walk or drinking a cup of tea.

●Do I tell myself positive things?

●What am I trying to prove or win?


●Am I blaming myself for things that are out of my control?

4. Fight the urge to turn to the outside world for fulfillment. Instead of trying to fill the emptiness with drugs, alcohol, TV, computer games or anything else, look within, and spend time with yourself. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but the more you practice devoting time and energy to yourself and caring for yourself, the less present those empty feelings, will be.

5.Whether you are experiencing difficult relationships, losses, or feeling a lack of purpose or mining, you are worthy of a fulfilling and meaningful life.

A.Explore your current feelings.

B.Spend with yourself every day.

C.How do you handle your emptiness?

D.Den t heat yourself up for feeling this way.

E.Have I been judging myself or comparing myself to others?

F.It's important to acknowledge and accept your feelings of emptiness.

G.Do you too much time on TV, computer games or anything else?


    Only 48% of school age children in the United States get 9 hours of sleep most weeknights, according to a new research being presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics ( AAP) 2019 National Conference & Exhibition in New Orleans. An abstract of the study, "Sounding the Alarm on the Importance of Sleep” , will be presented on Saturday, Oct. 26, at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans.

“Long-term sleep loss is a serious public health problem among children,” said abstract author Hoi See Tsao, MD, FAAP. "Insufficient sleep among adolescent, for example, is associated with physical and mental health consequences including increased risk of depression and obesity and negative effects on mood, attention and academic performance.”

Dr. Tsao said, "Our research shows that children who get enough sleep are more likely to flourish(健康成长)in comparison to children with insufficient sleep."

Researchers analyzed responses from parents and caregivers of 49,050 children ranging in age from 6-17 years old in the combined 2016-2017 National Survey of Children's Health. They answered questions on how many hours of sleep a randomly selected child in their household slept on an average weeknight. For the study, sufficient sleep was defined as sleeping greater than or equal to 9 hours on an average weeknight.

The researchers found that sufficient sleep, was positively associated with several individual flourishing markers, as well as the combined childhood flourishing measure. The researchers also identified risk factors associated with insufficient sleep, which included lower levels of parental or caregiver education, the presence of mental health conditions and so on.

Dr. Tsao said the study strengthened the importance of increasing efforts to help children get the recommended amount of sleep for their age. “Interventions like these may help children demonstrate more measures of childhood flourishing, enhance their development and give them brighter futures, " she said.

1.What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The harm of long-term lack of sleep.

B.The cause of long-term lack of sleep.

C.The way to improve sleep quality.

D.The advice against sleep loss.

2.Who were questioned in the study according to the passage?

A.Children and parents. B.Researchers and caregivers.

C.Parents and researchers. D.Parents and caregivers.

3.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A.Dr.Tsao denies the efforts

B.Dr. Tsao thinks highly the study.

C.New interventions can help children sleep

D.New interventions are of little importance.

4.Where can we most probably read this test?  .

A.In a science report. B.In a personal diary

C.In a travel magazine. D.In a geography textbook.


Seven years without a cold?

More and more people saying they just don't get colds anymore. They are using a new device made of pure copper, which scientists say kills cold and viruses. Doug Cornell invented the device in 2012. “I haven't had a single cold since then,” People were skeptical but EPA and university studies demonstrate repeatedly that viruses and bacteria die almost instantly when touched by copper. That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. Scientists say the high conductance (传导性) of copper disrupts electrical balance in a microbe (微生物) cell and destroys the cell in seconds.

So some hospitals tried copper touch surfaces like taps and door handles. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives. Colds start after cold viruses get in your nose, so the vast body of research gave Cornell an idea. When he next felt a cold about to start, he fashioned a smooth sheet copper and rubbed it gently in his nose for 60 seconds. “It worked!” he exclaimed, “The cold never got going.”

He asked relatives and friends to try it. They said it worked too so he patented CopperZap and put it on the market. Now tens of thousands of people have tried it. Nearly 100% of feedback says the copper stops colds if used within 3 hours after the first sign. Pat McAllister, age 70, received one for Christians and called it “one of the best presents ever.” “This little jewel really works,” People have used it on cold sores and say it can completely prevent outbreaks. It kills germs picked up on fingers and hands to protect you and your family. Copper even kills deadly germs that have become resistant to antibiotics.

CopperZap is made in America of pure copper. It has a 90-lay full money back guarantee. It is $ 69.95. Get $ 10 off each CopperZap with code USA3. Go to or call toll-free 1-888-411-6114.

Buy once, use forever.

1.How does the CopperZap work?

A.The device is made in America of pure copper.

B.The device can cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses.

C.Copper in the device kills all germs that have become resistant to antibiotics.

D.Copper in the device disrupts the electrical balance in a cell and destroys the cell.

2.What does the underlined word “It” refer to in Paragraph 2?

A.Body of research. B.His nose.

C.A. smooth sheet copper. D.A cold about to start.

3.How much will you pay if you want to buy a CopperZap with code USA3?

A.$79.95. B.$69.95.

C.$59.95. D.$49.95.

4.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A.To introduce us a new device.

B.To persuade people to buy the product.

C.To explain to us a way not to catch a cold.

D.To show the device is Useful against colds.


    It was late, about 10:15 p.m, when Janice Esposito arrived at the New York train station and began the 20-minute drive home. She had traveled the route so many times that she almost drove on autopilot (自动驾驶):a left onto Station Road, then a left on Montauk Highway, and then-bang! Out of nowhere, a car T-boned Janice’s car, pushing her backward onto the railroad tracks.

As it happened, Pole DiPinto was gelling ready for bed. He'd just closed his book when he heard the loud crash not far outside his bedroom window. A volunteer firefighter and retired teacher, 64, never stopped to think, He grabbed a flashlight and still in his pajamas (睡衣), ran out the door. “Any firefighter would have? done what I did,” he said, “We're always on duly.”

The first car he came upon was the one that had hit Janice. Once DiPinto concluded the driver was OK, he looked around and spotted Janice's car lay across the railroad tracks. And then he heard a terrible sound: the bells signaling an on-coming train.

DiPinto rushed to Janice's cur and banged on the driver's side window. She just looked at him, her eyes unfocused. “I don't know where I am,” she said. She seemed unhurt. “Honey, you're on the railroad tracks,” DiPinto shouted, “We have to get you off right now!” He pulled hard on the door handle, but it didn't work. The heavy train, traveling at 65 miles per hour, was heading toward them. DiPinto ran to the passenger side and threw open the door. “Please, God, don't let her be trapped”, he thought. He pushed aside the airbags, grabbed Janice's arms, and pulled her toward him across the passenger seat until he could help her out and walk her to safety. Within six seconds, he estimated, the train crashed into the car.

“It was like a Hollywood movie,” DiPinto told reporters the next day. But this one had a difference. That night, the hero arrived in pajamas, not in a fire truck.

1.Which of the following words can best replace the underlined word "T-boned" in Paragraph 1?

A.Crashed into. B.Came across.

C.Pushed forward. D.Scratched the side of.

2.What do we know about Pete DiPinto?

A.He was the volunteer firefighter who was on duty that night.

B.He wasn't aware of the coming train when he was rescuing Janice.

C.He was in sound sleep in his bedroom when the accident happened.

D.He first confirmed the other driver before he came to Janice's rescue.

3.What can we infer from Paragraph 4?

A.Janice didn't know where she was.

B.The airbags protected her in some way.

C.DiPinto rescued Janice without difficulty.

D.All the doors of Janice's car were in good condition.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.A Hero in Pajamas. B.A Hollywood Movie.

C.A Dangerous Heavy Train. D.A Horrible Car Accident.


Australian's Favourite Steam Train

Puffing Billy is one of the finest preserved heritage steam railways in the world and operates everyday of the year, except

Christmas Day, thanks to the tireless efforts of our volunteers. The Railway was built in 1900 to serve the local communities that lived in the hills, carrying anything from passengers to potatoes and plants.

Today, Puffing Billy Railway is a major tourist attraction and invites visitors to come and experience a century old tradition.

1.Which of the following can the reason for Puffing Billy still being in use?

A.It is ordinarily preserved.

B.Volunteers offer tireless efforts.

C.It carries passengers and goods.

D.The railway was built in the 20th century.

2.Which word can describe Puffing Billy?

A.Pet-friendly. B.Student-friendly.

C.Disability-friendly. D.Smoker-friendly.

3.What can you do on the train?

A.Drink beers with relatives and friends. B.Sit on the carriage ledge to have a rest.

C.Put your head out to enjoy the scenery. D.Open the door when the train is moving.


洪水、火山爆发、地震和海啸等自然灾害经常会不期而至。面对自然灾害我们应该怎么做呢?请你根据以下要点提示以How to deal with natural disasters为题写一篇英语短文。

1. 自然灾害造成的损失惨重;

2. 我们应该掌握有关自然灾害的知识并做好充分准备;当自然灾害来临时,要坚定信念,并团结一致,保持镇静,努力自救和帮助他人。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。









It was cloudy day with little rain in the air. I stood at the roadside waiting for a taxi while suddenly I felt a voice beside me. It was a boy who was wearing poor cloth. I felt very disgusted that I tried to pull myself away. The boy kept follow me shouting out "Big brother! Big brother!" and I didn't answer him at all. I heard him call out again, which makes me angry. So I shouted at him that we had no money to spare. However, the boy said to me, "Brother, will you please to help me cross the road?" I held the boy’s hand firm and helped him cross the road.



I worked in a professional training company. My job was 1. (interview) as many people as possible and fill at least 30 questionnaires within 6 hours. The lunch was well fast, the boss said we had only 15 minutes 2. lunch. But on a Saturday morning, I was the target of a 3. (beauty) and selfless act of a guy. Not all people wanted to respond to the questionnaire and on Saturdays it was much 4. (hard) to get support from people.

I was in a square near a bus station,5. was the busiest place in town on Saturdays. I saw him 6. (sit) on the bench, a simple guy. I 7. (speak) to him and he agreed to answer to my questionary.8. (sudden) he took a package and offered me an apple. I was quite 9. (surprise), but he insisted so I ended up giving in and I thanked him.

He saw that I worked hard and he decided to give me a gift,10. simple gift but that was from his heart.


    One day an old woman’s youngest son went to find work in the city but had no luck. On his way home, he saw a dead _______ .He picked it up and took it back to his mother. But knowing that the snake would not make a good _______ for them all, she threw it onto the _______.

On that same day, when the queen was having a _______ in a beautiful lake, her expensive _______ was taken away by an eagle. After flying for a while, the eagle _______ the dead snake on the roof. She _______ the necklace there and _______  the dead snake as supper.

The next day, the old woman _______ the shining necklace. She understood that this was the queen’s ________ necklace and that the queen ________ wanted it back. So At Diwali festival (排灯节), she went to the queen’s palace. ________ the queen saw her necklace, she was very ________ and promised to give the old woman a large amount of money.

But the old woman ________ . Instead she requested that on the night of Diwali only her household be allowed to ________ oil lamps.

The queen was surprised but was so ________ for her help that she agreed.

At midnight, the Goddess of Wealth came for her yearly visit. She was ________ to see darkness everywhere in the kingdom. Then she saw ________ lights shining from the old woman’s house and quickly ________ her way straight there and knocked on the door and stayed in her house forever so that the old woman’s family lived ________ prosperity (繁荣) and happiness.

1.A.body B.eagle C.snake D.woman

2.A.meal B.fame C.decision

3.A.table B.roof C.street D.rock B.bath C.ride D.sleep

5.A.treasure B.dress C.ring D.necklace

6.A.saw B.missed C.needed D.remembered

7.A.enjoyed B.buried C.left D.destroyed

8.A.woke up B.put aside C.looked for D.took away

9.A.spotted B.wore C.caught D.tested

10.A.stolen B.hidden C.broken D.deserted

11.A.hardly B.never C.badly D.quickly

12.A.Unless B.When C.While D.Although

13.A.sad B.proud C.happy D.careless

14.A.left B.declined C.defeated D.accepted

15.A.sell B.exhibit C.make D.light

16.A.angry B.general C.grateful D.wealthy

17.A.delighted B.satisfied C.shocked D.disappointed

18.A.beautiful B.strange C.weak D.electric

19.A.pushed B.made C.felt D.fought B.on C.without


    An obvious reason for learning a new language is to be able to communicate with the people who speak it.1. People in every country prefer it when tourists make an effort to speak the local language, even if all you can say in it is “hello” and “please”.

Cultural understanding

Speaking a new language helps you to get to know another people and culture, as language and culture go hand in hand.2. It shows new ways of looking at the world. In addition, when you speak another language, you can enjoy literature, film, and music in the original language. It is extremely difficult for a translation to be a perfect replica (复制品) of the original. 3..

Business and careers

4. Schools and employers tend to prefer candidates who speak one or more foreign languages. Even though English is widely spoken in much of the world, the fact is that the global economy depends on communication. When dealing with France, for example, someone who speaks French will have an obvious advantage over someone who doesn’t.

Language improvement

Learning another language can help you to understand your own. Many languages have contributed to the development of English.5. Also, in learning how another language differs from your own, you will increase your understanding of your own language. For many people, language is innate (与生俱来的) — we know how to say something, but we don’t necessarily know why we say it that way. Learning another language can change that.

A.Language is helpful in making foreign friends.

B.The best way is to read what the author actually wrote.

C.Learning another language opens one’s mind to new ideas.

D.Your trip will be comfortable if you speak the local language.

E.Speaking more than one language will increase your market ability.

F.It is true that mastering another foreign language is very beneficial.

G.Learning those will teach you where words and even grammatical structures are from.


    Curiosity is what drives us to keep learning, keep trying, keep pushing forward. But how does one generate (产生) curiosity, in oneself or others? George Loewenstein, a professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, offered an answer in the classic1994 paper, “The Psychology of Curiosity.”

Curiosity arises, Loewenstein wrote, “when attention becomes focused on a gap in one's knowledge. Such information gaps produce the feeling of deprivation (匮乏) labeled curiosity. The curious individual is motivated to obtain the missing information to reduce the feeling of deprivation.” Loewenstein's theory helps explain why curiosity is such a force: it's not only a mental state but also an emotion, a powerful feeling that drives us forward.

Scientist Daniel Willingham notes that teachers are often “so eager to get to the answer that we do not devote enough time to developing the question.” Yet it's the question that stimulates (刺激) curiosity; being told an answer stops curiosity before it can even get going.

In his 1994 paper, George Loewenstein noted that curiosity requires some basic knowledge. We're not curious about something we know absolutely nothing about. But as soon as we know even a little bit, our curiosity is aroused and we want to learn more. In fact, research shows that curiosity increases with knowledge: the more we know, the more we want to know. To get this process started, Loewenstein suggests, take steps with some interesting but incomplete information.

Language teachers have long used communication in exercises that open an information gap and then require learners to communicate with each other in order to fill it. For example, one student might be given a series of pictures for the beginning of the story, while the student's partner is given a series of pictures showing how that same story ends. Only by speaking with each other (in the foreign language they are learning, of course) can the students fill in each others' information gaps.

1.When one notices a gap in his knowledge, he       .

A.desires to fill it

B.tends to be afraid

C.might get tired and sad

D.will become focused on his learning

2.What does Daniel Willingham imply in the article?

A.Answers are more important than questions.

B.Teachers should be eager to get to the answer.

C.Teachers know how to stimulate students’ curiosity.

D.Teachers are partly to blame for students’ hating school.

3.According to George Loewenstein’s paper, curiosity about something occurs only when you       .

A.have read a lot of books B.know little about something

C.have some related information D.are given incomplete information

4.What is the article mainly about?

A.Why students hate school.

B.Why curiosity is important.

C.How to stimulate curiosity.

D.What makes people hungry for knowledge.


    When it comes to making healthy lifestyle changes, which should come first — changing your diet or becoming more physically active?

Previous studies suggested that providing people with too much information about nutrition and physical activity at once tends to be discouraging. That has led to the popularity of advising people to make changes gradually, and set smaller goals.

So the scientists divided 200 inactive participants who were age 45 or older into four groups. One group was instructed about making diet and fitness changes at the same time, the second group was taught about diet changes first, then fitness changes four months later, the third group changed their exercise habits first and made changes in their eating habits four months later, and the final, control group was not instructed about either diet or fitness changes but about how to manage their stress.

The researchers tracked the groups for a full year. Compared to the control group, the three intervention (干预) groups made healthy changes in their diet. Those who changed their fitness habits first significantly increased the amount of exercise they received daily compared to the other groups after four months. However, at the end of the year, the group that changed both diet and exercise at the same time was the only one that met the nationally recommended targets for both exercise and nutrition levels, while those who worked on improving their nutrition first were unable to meet the recommended levels of fitness after a year. The researchers suspect that changes to diet are easier to make than changes to physical activity.

The findings show, however, that pairing diet and exercise changes may help to overcome some of the barriers people face in adding more physical activity into their lives. If folks change diet and exercise orderly, the scientists say, they may end up placing more importance on the first set of behavior changes and feel less pressured to address the second set.

1.The advice mentioned in the second paragraph seemed       .

A.popular B.dangerous C.scientific D.unsatisfactory

2.Which group made progress earlier than other groups in increasing the amount of daily exercise?

A.The first group. B.The second group.

C.The third group. D.The control group.

3.The reason why those improving their nutrition first failed to meet the levels of fitness after a year might be that       .

A.they might be very lazy

B.they wouldn’t like to change their behavior is much harder to change physical activity

D.they might put on weight before changing their physical activity

4.Which of the following does the author probably approve of?

A.Pairing diet and exercise changes.

B.Becoming more physically active first.

C.Changing diet and exercise following a fixed order.

D.Changing diet first and placing more importance on it.


    When I was a child, I dreamed of becoming many things. Sometimes, I wished I was an astronaut going up into space, finding new planets and jumping around in a cool space suit. Other times, I imagined being a cowboy in the Wild West, wearing stylish cowboy boots. On other occasions, I pretended to be a famous footballer, using my skills to score lots of goals for my team.

Looking back, I realize that imagination is a wonderful thing. I was able to create entire environments and scenarios in my head, using nothing more than my brain, and to be able to adapt things in my everyday surroundings to fit the specific story of the day. Growing up with siblings (兄弟姐妹) also helped, as it meant that even bigger stories could be created, combining our ideas and putting our thoughts into action. It also allowed for more varieties in the stories, as sometimes I could be the hero while on other occasions, I would be the bad guy.

One of my all-time favorite memories as a kid was playing in my back garden. I played the role of Indiana Jones, which cleaned up at the cinema at that time, with my younger sister as my assistant and my brother as a bad person. We used everything in our garden, from the path to the fence, as part of the storyline to create obstacles that needed to be overcome, and we would keep the story going for hours!

My personal favorite game was Indiana Jones and the Stolen Easter Eggs, where my brother hid small chocolate eggs around the garden and my sister and I had to find them by answering questions or solving a puzzle. It was difficult, but eventually we found all the eggs and shared them together.

Since then, I have seen many great things and met many amazing people. The elements of fun and varieties of my creative imaginations are what I try to bring into every part of my positive life. So I can enjoy sharing with and hearing about other people’s stories, too.

1.What do we know about the author from his childhood?

A.He enjoyed living a life full of freedom.

B.He was longing to experience adventurous things.

C.He was always imagining a bright life for his future.

D.He had a clear picture of what he would do after growing up.

2.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “scenarios” in Paragraph 2?

A.experiences B.situations

C.positions D.excuses

3.From the passage, we know that Indiana Jones was       . astronaut B.a famous footballer

C.a hot film D.a very popular book

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.My Creative Imagination. B.My Childhood.

C.My Positive Life Today. D.My Pride in Myself.


This summer’s top four European music festivals



Where: Victoria Park

When: July 15-16

No other country does a festival like the British and few festivals are as fun as Lovebox in Hackney’s Victoria Park. Dancing, disco balls, and more dancing. Don’t miss local acts Stormzy, Kano and Katy B who represent our homegrown talent. Good food is at the heart of Lovebox: go on an empty stomach to taste pizza from Voodoo Ray’s, hamburgers from Le Bun and cheese sandwiches from The Cheese Truck.



Where: Obudai-sziget

When: 10-17 August

On an island in the middle of the Danube is one of Europe’s most atmospheric festivals. 40,000 people crowd into 266-acres(英亩)of woodland for a week-long party. This year’s big-name acts will hold you there all day or you could check out the riverside beach, or the artworks there.



Where: Domaine National de Saint-Cloud

When: August 26-28

Rock and roll and Paris aren’t typical partners but Rock en Seine puts them together with excitement. As this is a great event where there’s even an art exhibition. All this plus wonderful views of the Parisian skyline (地平线) and Marie Antoinette’s rose garden.



Where: Treptower Park

When: Sept 10-11

Held in Treptower Park in the east of Berlin, 60,000 mostly local people come for the rock music and the friendly atmosphere — kids are just as welcome as grown-ups. Take a break from the music to seek out the rose garden. Keep it going all night in some of Berlin’s coolest clubs in neighbouring Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg.

1.Which of the following festivals lasts the longest?

A.Lollapalooza in Berlin. B.Rock en Seine in Paris.

C.Lovebox in London. D.Sziget in Budapest.

2.What is the characteristic of the Lollapalooza music festival?

A.Some of its performers are homegrown talents.

B.It combines rock’n’roll with an art exhibition.

C.Many works of art are used for decoration.

D.Most of the people attending it are locals.

3.Where can you go if you’re particularly interested in rock music?

A.Berlin and Paris. B.London and Paris.

C.Budapest and Berlin. D.London and Budapest.


假设你是李华,你所在的学校将于37日在学校报告厅举办关于垃圾分类的班会,希望外教Dr. Phillips参加班会并做一个演讲,请写一封邀请信,内容包括:

1. 班会的时间、地点;

2. 班会主题、意义。

注意:1. 词数100左右。

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 开头结尾已经写好,不计收入总词数。

Dear Dr. Phillips,



Li Hua








When a lion was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down beside him. This soon wakes up the lion. He was very angry, and caught the mouse in his paws.

"Forgive me, please." cried the little mouse. "I may be some use to you someday." The lion was amusing at these words. He thought, "What could this little mouse help me?" However, he lifted up her paws, allows him to get away.

A few days later on, the lion was caught in a trap. The hunters wanted to take him live to the king, so they tied him to a tree and went away to look for a truck.

Just then a little mouse passed by, and saw the lion, who were lying in despair. He went up to him, and soon chewed away the ropes. "Was I not right?" asked the little mouse.



China started making cartoon films almost at the same time as Japan. The first Japanese cartoon color film, Hakujaden, 1.(adapt) from the famous Chinese legend of the white snake and was released in 1958. Before that, The Magical Pen, a Chinese cartoon film, 2.  was based on Chinese children's book Ma Liang With the Magical Pen, had won several international prizes. 3., in the following years China's animation (卡通) industry fell behind. But in recent years, China's animation industry has seen fast4.(grow). For instance, recently Ne Zha, a film on the tale of a figure from the Ming Dynasty novel Fengshen Yanyi, has achieved a box office (票房) of 5.6 billion yuan, 5. (beat) down the Hollywood movie Zootopia in China. It took its director Yang five years 6.(bring) the story to the big screen to make it entertaining for both children and adults. Out of over 30 different potential  7.image) of Ne Zha, Yang 8. (final) picked the panda-eyed and slouchy(懒散) boy 9. his lead character to challenge people’s impression of 10.familiar figure. Needless to say, Ne Zha is quite a big success for Chinese animation industry.


    To Huang Qin, a caregiver for the elderly, having a mastery of skills is not enough to become a good caregiver---one also needs to have a passion for the job and the ability to ______. It is this philosophy, to which Huang has stayed true for the past 27 years, ______ helped her to win the ______of Shanghai Craftsman in 2018.

Huang started her ______ as a caregiver at the No 2 Shanghai Social Welfare House in 1992. She ______her second day at work, a resident ______ seizures (癫痫) and hit his head against the corner of a table. "I was so ______ that I just froze," she says. "Our team leader later told me about some of the early warning ______ that led to the occurrence of the seizure. At that moment I understood being a caregiver is also about having ______ skills." Driven by a thirst for ______ of the profession, Huang quickly ______ the basic skills needed to be a caregiver and started ______ new ways of dealing with problems.

Her ______ soon led her to invent care-giving ______ that have made the lives of the elderly in her care better. One of the first people she ______ was an 89-year-old resident. Because of a stroke, she was never able to ______ her fingers by herself and therefore, was ______ getting skin infections on her hand whenever the weather was wet.

Inspired by a claw-like weapon she ______ while watching a film, Huang used elastic (有弹性的) cotton cloth to ______ a tool, allowing the patient to keep her hands unclenched (松开). These innovations greatly improve the ______ of life for the seniors.

1.A.change B.innovate C.introduce D.influence

2.A.which B.what C.when D.that

3.A.title B.position D.championship

4.A.dream C.volunteer

5.A.reflected B.recognized C.recalled D.memorized

6.A.suffered from B.went through C.died of across

7.A.worried B.frightened C.concerned D.depressed

8.A.signals B.gestures C.signs D.evidence C.professional D.communication

10.A.wisdom B.experience C.promotion D.knowledge

11.A.mastered B.updated C.understood D.used

12.A.exercising B.pushing C.supporting D.exploring

13.A.personality B.creativity C.profession D.attention

14.A.treatment B.medicine C.machines

15.A.helped B.saved C.cured D.rescued B.expand C.extend D.fold

17.A.frequently B.suddenly C.gradually D.generally for with C.came across D.find out

19.A.carry B.create C.control

20.A.meaning B.class C.value D.quality


    While you are heating your food, you may wonder how close you can safely stand next to a microwave, and whether any radiation could escape from the device and potentially harm you. 

In theory, microwaves can heat body tissues in the same way they heat food, and at high levels, microwaves can cause burns and cataracts. 1. They will generally occur when people are exposed to large amounts of radiation escaping through openings in the oven. As a result, there is little cause for concern about using microwaves ovens, unless there is damage to the door.

Still, the FDA (美国食品和药物管理局) recommends that you check your microwave oven carefully and do not use it if the door doesn't close properly, or if it is "bent, warped, or otherwise damaged."  2.

As far as injuries from microwave ovens go, the most common way people are injured is via heat-related burns from touching hot containers or overheated foods, or being exposed to exploding liquids. 3.

The agency also warns that, when you use a microwave to heat water in a cup, there's a risk of the water becoming "superheated," which means it has heated past its boiling point. 4.But just a slight disturbance to the water — which can occur when touching or picking up the cup — can cause an eruption of boiling water. This can lead to skin burns or scalding injuries, particularly on the face and hands. To prevent superheated water from forming, the FDA says people should not exceed the recommended heating time for water, as indicated in the oven's instruction book.


A.But these types of injuries are very rare.

B.When this happens, the water does not appear to be boiling.

C.However, injuries from microwave radiation are unavoidable sometimes.

D.Though microwaves don't affect health as X-rays do, that doesn't mean they are risk-free.

E.People should use common-sense precautions when handling hot foods in microwaves.

F.Indeed, it's a good idea to follow the instruction book to help keep yourself safe when using it.

G.Besides, it is suggested that you don't lean against a microwave for too long during operation.


    My fourth-grader came home from school crying recently, after discovering that she hadn’t been invited to a birthday party. I wanted to join in her pity party.

I, too, had just seen pictures of a gathering on social media. I was asleep by 9:00 that night, unaware of all the fun things that were happening.

I always assumed that FOMO (fear of missing out) was a feeling reserved for kids and teens. But FOMO affects every age group. In fact, there’s a scientific explanation for FOMO: Our survival as a species is based on being included in group activities. In order to survive, we must share resources and work as a team.

In a 2018 study published in Motivation and Emotion, researchers found that FOMO is felt by everyone, regardless of their personality. And while FOMO was originally based on survival, today it is associated with sleep problems, fatigue and stress.

When scrolling through social media, we see the best versions of people’s lives and we think we should be doing something to feel more fulfilled and satisfied, instead of focusing on activities that actually give us joy, said Meha Agrawal, founder and CEO of Silk & Sonder, a self-care and mental wellness subscription experience for women.

Cutting back on your social media time would help curtail your FOMO feelings. But you can also decide to change your thinking. “You always get to choose your thoughts,” said Vikki Louise, an anxiety coach. “The concept of missing out is subjective: You always decide if you are missing out.”

Additionally, connecting with the reasons you chose not to participate and owning your choice can go a long way, said Adi Jaffe, mental health expert and lecturer at UCLA. This is true even if you didn’t actually make the choice to be excluded.

1.How did the author reacted to her daughter’s incident?

A.She didn’t approve of her daughter’s sadness.

B.She wanted to throw a party for her daughter.

C.She herself wanted to cry about missing fun things.

D.She tried to comfort and cheer up her daughter.

2.How do scientists explain the reason for FOMO?

A.People want to do more in their work or personal lives.

B.People would like to feel more fulfilled and satisfied.

C.Joining others in more fun activities is human nature.

D.Being included is originally a need for survival.

3.How do FOMO feelings affect people?

A.It can lead to sleep issues and stress.

B.It helps us achieve more in work and life.

C.It gives us joy and a sense of belonging.

D.It makes people do more fulfilling things.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.My Forth-Grader’s Pity Party B.Feelings Helping Humans Survive

C.The Scientific Explanation for FOMO D.FOMO: Reasons, Effect and Solution


    Alaska state officials are hosting Walmart executives in the state capital this week in an effort to resolve a months-old argument over Alaskan salmon fisheries’ sustainability qualifications.

The seeds of the quarrel were planted several years ago when several Alaskan fisheries decided to end their relationship with the Marine Stewardship Council—the famous global organization that states and proves the truthfulness of sustainable fishing—to seek out other means assuring customers of their sustainable practices. But last June, Walmart told Alaskan fisheries that it would not be buying salmon sourced from fisheries not certified by the Marine Stewardship Council.

Now Walmart is caught between two forces–Alaska fisheries and “buy American” enthusiasts who think the company’s first responsibility should be to American industry, and environmentalists who think Walmart should make as strong a commitment to environmentally sustainable industry as possible.

But from a broader perspective, this latest noise is an object lesson in why the concept of corporate (公司的) responsibility has shortcomings to begin with. Walmart—like most successful corporations—is pretty good at offering products their customers want at low prices. When it tries to promote broader public goods, like a clean environment, or lower unemployment for veterans, it’s nowhere near as successful. Here’s a few of Walmart’s more notable corporate-responsibility confusion:

The Buy-American Debacle: Walmart’s first major corporate responsibility push was an effort in the 1980s to promote American-made products. But the campaign ran aground (搁浅) after a NBC investigation revealed that the company was actually selling products manufactured in India as “Made American.”

The Going Green Campaign: Walmart launched on a sustainability campaign aimed at making the retail giants operations much more environmentally friendly. Though Walmart and the media have done much to raise visibility of these efforts, the actual results have been lacking. According to a recent report from the Institute for Local Self Reliance (ILSR), Walmart’s sustainability campaign is much more focused on making its operations appear green to customers than stopping doing things that would actually help the environment, like reducing emissions.

In reality, these examples simply show that one can’t realistically expect corporations to behave in a way that is opposite to making profits. But that doesn’t mean that the goal of fishing sustainability isn’t achievable. It’s just that the corporate structure isn’t our best means of achieving them—the government is.

1.What is the function of the Marine Stewardship Council?

A.To advocate sustainable fishing practices.

B.To persuade supermarkets to buy its products.

C.To solve disagreements between fisheries and supermarkets.

D.To guarantee the safety of goods supplied by supermarkets.

2.According to the author, Walmart’s corporate responsibility is ________.

A.confusing B.heavy

C.environmental-friendly D.unsatisfying

3.From Paragraph 5, we know ________.

A.Walmart’s sustainability campaign worked well

B.Walmart might have profited at the cost of the environment

C.ILSR’s report was part of Walmart’s campaign plan

D.Walmart had no intention to protect the environment at all

4.Who should be mainly responsible for achieving the goals of fishing sustainability?

A.The company structure B.Walmart

C.The government D.The Marine Stewardship Council


    Cities such as New York, Washington, Boston and San Francisco have launched bike-share programs to ease traffic jam, improve public health, and cut carbon emissions (排放). Cyclists in those cities tend to choose bike-sharing to make their trips to office or home faster, cheaper, and more fun. Last year, U.S. bike-share riders completed nearly 46 million trips—more than twice as many trips from the previous year.

Yet despite these programs’ advantages and popularity, there are still huge challenges. Take, for instance, the distribution (分布) of bikes. The living area face shortages of bicycles in the morning rush, while business districts do not have enough bikes in the evening. What’s more, parking places can be full at certain hours, making it difficult for riders to return the bikes once they’ve reached their destinations.

Solving this problem is not easy. David B. Shmoys and his colleagues set out to develop complex algorithms(算法) and advanced analytics(逻辑法) to solve the challenges of bike-share operations.

One area in which the methods were applied was the Bike Angels program. As part of the program, cyclists can be rewarded with points by renting or returning bikes at certain high-need stations. Today, Bike Angels accounts for roughly 30 percent of bike rebalancing in New York City. It has greatly improved customer satisfaction which, in turn, has more riders. And more importantly, this form of rebalancing comes with a much less carbon emissions, because less box trucks are needed to move the bikes!

David B. Shmoys and his colleagues applied algorithms and analytics to solve other problems, too. However, they can not solve every new transportation problem. They have many limitations, including incomplete information. That is, David B. Shmoys and his colleagues only observe the realized rentals (returns) at stations at which bikes were available, not those that were blocked due to the imbalance of the system.

1.Which is not one of the advantages of bike-share program?

A.It helps people save money.

B.It helps improve the air quality.

C.It provides more bikes for cyclists.

D.It helps people build up their bodies.

2.What is mainly talked about in paragraph 2?

A.Riders do not want to return the bikes.

B.The distribution of bikes is a big problem.

C.People do not have enough bikes in the morning.

D.The bike-share program is very popular in New York.

3.What do we know about the Bike Angels program?

A.It had more users due to the algorithms.

B.It increased the use of box trucks.

C.It awarded riders cash for renting bikes.

D.It re-balanced all the bikes in New York.

4.What does the underlined word “they” in the last paragraph probably refer to?

A.other problems

B.carbon emissions

C.algorithms and analytics

D.Transportation problems


    Thailand's southern beaches attract travelers with their clean water and dramatic cliffs (峭壁), but there's more to explore in this Southeast Asian country.

Lopburi for history buffs

Bypass the tour groups at the ancient city of Ayutthaya and head two hours north of the capital, Bangkok, for a peaceful walk through Thai history. Lopburi, one of Thailand's oldest cities, boasts Khmer-era temples and the uncrowded ruins of King Narai's Palace, which was built in the 1600s. It's also known for the monkeys that gather at Phra Prang Sam Yot temple in the center of town.

Ban Krut for beach bums

In Ban Krut, travelers will find one of the cleanest and quietest stretches of white sandy beach within driving distance of Bangkok. This sleepy seaside community, known mostly by locals, is a five-hour drive or six-hour train trip down the Gulf of Thailand. Don't miss the magnificent Wat Tang Sai, a huge, fairy tale castle-like Buddhist temple.

Cave for holiday hikers

Hiking trails, wetlands and forests make Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park a weekend adventure worthy of topping your Thailand to-do list. The park's crown jewel is the extraordinary Phraya Nakhon Cave. Come early to catch the picturesque chamber flooded with morning sunshine that spotlights the royal pavilion that sits inside.

River Kwai for nature lovers

Most visitors come for the beaches, but the rivers and parks in Thailand's Kanchanaburi province have much to offer. Scenic trails and waterfalls abound in Sai Yok and Erawan national parks. Just two hours from Bangkok is the bridge made famous in the book Bridge over the River Kwai by French author, Pierre Boulle, and the 1957 Academy Award-winning 1957 film adaptation of the same name. Stay on the river at one of Kanchanaburi's many floating hotels, where you can travel to your front door.

1.From which of the following can you learn more about Thai history?

A.Ban Krut


C.Phraya Nakhon Cave


2.What can tourists do in Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park?

A.Visit temples.

B.Meet lovely monkeys.

C.Go hiking.

D.Go to the beach.

3.What can we know from the passage?

A.River Kwai was made famous by a book and a film

B.Tourists can stay at the floating hotels on River Kwai.

C.Most visitors visit Thailand for rivers and parks

D.Travellers can find Khmer-era temples in Ban Krut.









Dear Mr.Wang


Looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Hua



1.The young man decided to find a ___________(临时的)job to support his family.

2.When I walked past him, he stood there, ___________(假装)not to see me.

3.The medical team c___________of over 20 people was sent to that poor area.

4.My mother was satisfied with the coat p___________(购买)from the Internet.

5.Seeing the long snake, the little girl was too t___________to walk any farther.



If you get injured in a sport, what should you do? The best way 1.dealwith sports injuries is to keep them from happening in the first place. Knowing the rules of the game and using the right2.equipcan help you preventing injuries. If you’ve got injuredpull 3.youout the game or stop doing your activity.Let a coach or parent know what4.happenin case you need to see a doctor.Serious head and neck injuries happen most often in athletes sports like football.Keep the injured person still with his or her head 6.holdstraight while someone calls for medical help.If the person 7.lieon the ground, do not try to move him or her.

Your first question after a sports injury will 8.(probable) be, “When can I play again?” This depends on the injury and 9. your doctor tells you. Even if you can’t return to your sport right away,a doctor might have advice on what you can do to stay healthy. Always talk with your doctor10. trying any activity following an injury.


    One day, I saw a small poster across the room, which read, “In order to help othersI must help myself first.” I can’t_______where I got it, but the poster has always been there.I didn't take notice of it before, but this timeI felt something_______

Somehow in my mind there often_______pictures from a documentary(记录片), which I saw several days ago about the lives of_______children in Palestinian refugee camps(难民营).Their living_______are so poor.They live in overly crowded_______without electricity or fresh water supply.Schools are_______a luxury(奢侈)for many children._______can tell when it will end.They surely need a helping hand.

I sincerely hope that there will be some helping hands which can give hope to these children_______they can start to appreciate a good and________world. At that moment,I________that the joining of many helping hands must start with one helping hand and that was mine. But how do I go about doing this?I was silently lost in my own________.

“What are you thinking?” My silence was________by my dad. I asked him, “How can I be a helping hand?” He________a deep breath. Then he said, “To be a helping hand,________, you have to be successful in whatever you________to be.”

He walked out of the room and soon came back with a________in his hands. He handed it to me and said,"Spend some time reading this and________you will understand what I meant."After spending the whole day reading the book,I realized that “in order to help others,I must help myself first” has a deeper-rooted________. Helping myself means I have to be________so that I can help others with my helping hands.

1.A.imply B.admit C.remember D.suggest

2.A.exciting B.strange C.different D.similar

3.A.appear B.exist C.stand D.arrive so

4.A.dishonest B.careless C.public D.helpless

5.A.houses B.conditions C.positions D.rights

6.A.castles B.tents C.classrooms D.trees

7.A.placed B.named C.considered

8.A.Anybody B.Nobody C.Somebody D.Everybody if case C.even though that

10.A.thoughtful B.caring C.quiet D.deep

11.A.agreed B.minded C.realized D.appreciated

12.A.thoughts B.ideas C.dreams D.eyes

13.A.broken B.settled C.killed D.destroyed

14.A.lost B.felt C.heard D.took

15.A.all of a sudden B.first of all a result the end

16.A.dislike B.desert C.choose D.learn

17.A.poster C.pen D.picture

18.A.hopefully B.personally C.generally D.crazily

19.A.opinion B.cause C.impression D.meaning

20.A.practical B.demanding C.successful D.generous


How to Discover Your Talent

Talent tends to refer to that inborn skill that everyone seems to be born with. 1.. It’s good to try and identify and practice that skill.

Revisit your childhood. A good way to figure out where your talents lie is to go back to your childhood. 2.. This is often the time when you had plans that weren’t limited by what people tend to think of as ‘reality’.

Consider what it is you do when you lose track of time. One of the chief things you can do is focus on what you love to do so much that you have a tendency to forget everything else for a while. 3.. You might have to research a bit deeper into the things you enjoy to discover what makes you feel satisfied.

4.. Sometimes, when you’re having difficulty seeing clearly, it’s good to get an outside opinion. Your friends and family members know you well and they should be able to offer you some insights into the areas they think you’re talented in.

Try new things. Especially if you’re not sure what your talents might be, you should get out and try new things. This way you’re more likely to hit on what it is that you’re really good at and that really makes you happy. 5.. In your quest for your own talent you should look into the talents of other people.

A. Consider what you loved to do as a child

B. Ask others for better advice

C. You can use your talents in the service of kindness

D. Focus on the areas that you’re less talented in

E. Not all talents are going to be super obvious

F. Observe and enjoy the talents of other people

G. It’s true that having a talent can help you in life


    China dropped is decades-long, one-child policy several years ago to allow each family to have two children.This change has put 270 million married women of childbearing age in the position of choosing between family and work.The employers also face big challenges as more female workers will have two maternity leaves(产假)for a total of seven to eight months.

In a survey published by classified advertising website Ganji.comcareer women who might be considering having a second child were asked what kinds of pressure they might expect.More than 76 percent of the women who were questioned mentioned concerns about the financial burden of raising two children, while more than 71 percent said it would be difficult to balance career and family. In addition, nearly 56 percent said that having a second child would definitely have a negative effect on their career.

Another survey conducted by Chongging-based human resources website job. cg. qq. com found that over 70 percent of job seekers believe that having a second child would make females less popular in the job market, although two-thirds of the employers said the policy will make no difference in their employment of staff.

Feng Lijuan,a senior expert on human resources at 51 job. com, a leading Chinese job finding platform, said she would not say “there is prejudice against career women.” Feng said Chinese women shoulder more family responsibility. “It is not only about maternity leave; a female employee might only fully get back to work after three to five years after having her first child.”

Wang Yixin,a senior employment adviser, said the positive side is that more companies are trying to attract more talents by providing support to career women. “Different from before, it is not only employers choosing employees. Many talents, including professional career women, also chose employers.” said Wang. “According to our survey, many large companies are very open to their employees' choice of having a second child.”

1.According to the second survey, having a second child would          .

A.have no effect on career women

B.have a negative effect on career women

C.have a positive effect on career women

D.have both positive and negative effects on career women

2.According the first surveywhat are women concerned about when having two children?

Financial burden of raising two children

Fewer opportunities to get a pay rise

Negative effects on their career

Difficulty in balancing career and family

A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④

3.Women employees take longer time to concentrate on work after childbirth because          ..

A.there is more prejudice against career women

B.they shoulder more family responsibility

C.they have longer maternity leaves to enjoy

D.having a second child makes them less popular

4.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.Effects of Two-child Policy on Women

B.Disadvantages of Raising Two Children

C.Responsibilities of Career Women

D.Different attitudes of Employers to Women


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