According to a survey, in Washington, DC, only 69 percent of public school students graduate from high school on time. Many factors influence that low rate. One of the most important ones is whether the people around the students expect them to succeed.

So, for the past 40 years,a DC organization has stepped in to give around 10,000 students the support and positive environment they need to thrive. This organization, called Higher Achievement, provides students with a welcoming space, help with class work, and caring teachers. More than 95 percent of students who complete Higher Achievement graduate from high school on time.

Katherine Roboff is the group's executive director in the DC area. She gives several reasons for the group’s success. One is timing. Higher Achievement does not work with students who are already in high school. It works with students in middle school. They start High Achievement at fifth or sixth grade-in the US, that is usually age 11 or 12.

Robolf says research shows that if students are doing well academically in eighth grade---around age 13---they will have a greater chance of graduating from high school and going to college. In other words, what happens in middle school has a huge effect.The years between ages 10 and 13 may affect a student's future more than anything that happens academically in high school.

Roboff explains that students participate in Higher Achievement after school and during the summerwhen public schools take a break of about two months.High Achievement students do homework, have community meetings, and work one-on-one with a mentor(导师).

The purpose of the programme is to help them use those after school and summer hours to become better prepared academically and to develop their leadership skills and confidence so that by the time they get into eighth grade they are ready to get into some of the top high school.”

1.What can we infer from the second paragraph?

A.Higher Achievement works with college students.

B.Many students have doubts about the organization.

C.Higher Achievement has spread throughout the Us.

D.Higher Achievement has helped many high school students.

2.If students are doing well academically in eighth grade,          .

A.they are certain to go to college

B.they are to succeed when they grow up

C.they are more likely to finish high school on time

D.they don't need any help in their studies

3.What does the underlined word in the second paragraph probably mean?

A.become naughty B.improve themselves

C.earn more money others

4.The last two paragraphs tell us          .

A.public schools never offer positive environment

B.Higher Achievement only helps the students in the eighth grade Higher Achievement helps those students

D.Higher Achievement only helps those who have good skills.


    Here are two interesting questions. Are you very happy with your life now ? Are people happier as they get older?A study found that people generally become happier and experience less worry after age 50. In fact, it found that by the age of 85, people are happier with their life than they were at 18.

The finding came from a Gallup survey of more than 340,000 adults between the age of 18 and 85 in the United States.

Arthur Stone in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Stony Brook University in New York led the study. His team found that levels of stress were highest among adults between the ages of 22 and 25. Stress levels dropped sharply after people reached their fifties.

Happiness was highest among the youngest adults and those in their early seventies. But the people least likely to report feeling negative emotions were those in their seventies and eighties. The survey also found that men and women had similar emotional patterns as they grow older. However, women at all ages reported more sadness, stress and worry than men did.

The researchers also considered possible influences like having young children, being unemployed or being single. But they found that influences like these did not affect the levels of happiness and well-being related to age.

So why would happiness increase with age? One theory is that, as people get older, they become more thankful for what they have and have better control of their emotions. They also spend less time thinking about bad experiences.

The original goal of the study was to confirm the popular belief that aging is connected with increased sleep problems. The survey did find an increase during middle age, especially in women. But except for that, people reported that they felt their sleep quality improved as they got older.

1.When will adults feel most stressful according to the study?

A.In their seventies. B.In their fifties.

C.In their twenties. D.In their eighties.

2.What may make Arthur Stone feel a bit surprised?

A.Women usually live longer than men.

B.Most of old people can't sleep well at night.

C.Middle-age men mostly are very rich.

D.Old people usually have a better sleep.

3.Old people may be happier probably because          .

A.they spend more time considering bad experiences

B.they are most likely satisfied with life.

C.they don't have to work hard every day.

D.they can do whatever they like best.

4.Which of the following may be the topic of this passage?

A.The young people and the old people.

B.The connection of sleep and happiness.

C.Old people's feeling of happiness.

D.Women are not as happy as men with their life.


    If you’ re a student, developing the following skills will help you achieve success in school and in life.

Time management. High-school students have an average of 35 hours per week of class time and college students have an average of 15 to 18 hours per week. Manage your free time wisely and you'll make full use of each day.

Good study habits. If you’ve got them, it’s great. If not, there's still time to develop them. Good study habits include the following:

●Always be prepared for class, and attend classes regularly.

●Finish homework in a timely manner.

●Review your notes daily rather than study for tests the night before.

●Set aside quiet time each day for study, even if you don't have homework or a test the next day!

Good note-taking. Your can't possibly set down everything the teacher says since we talk at a pace of about 225 words per minute. But, you do need to set down the important materials. Note-taking should be in a way that's the most helpful to you. You can try writing notes on different colored cards. If you really have a problem with note-taking, you might ask your teacher if you can record daily lessons.Do whatever it takes.

Review of daily notes. Don't wait until the night before the test to review your notes. Go over your notes each day while the lecture is still fresh in your mind. Add any missing pieces. Compare your notes with a classmate's notes. Review your notes each day to improve your learning and build towards your final goal: mastery of the subject or skill.

1.What is the main advantage of reviewing daily notes?

A.To help write down the important materials.

B.To add any missing pieces to your notes.

C.To solve the problem with note-taking timely

D.To help you to master the subject greatly.

2.If you want to form good study habits, you should         .

A.get them as early as you can B.go over your notes every day for tests the night before D.set down all the teacher says

3.What's the best title for the passage?

A.Wise Time Use and Management

B.The Importance of Good Study Habits.

C.Tips for Students to Achieve Success.

D.Good Note-taking and Review of Daily Notes.


某英文报社举办以“I Like Reading”为主题的征文活动,你打算投稿。请写一篇英语短文,要点如下:

1. 为什么喜欢读书?

2. 喜欢读哪一类的书?


I Like Reading

Reading is my favorite hobby.




1.你会告诉你的朋友你很关心他(或她),下课后你们会见面交谈。(be concerned about)


2.以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以互相理解。(even if)


3.我仅仅读了两年的那所学校有三公里远。(be away)


4.我很欣赏那些为寻找琥珀屋而努力的人们。(think highly of)






1.He at last got a chance to ________ (比赛) in the Olympics.

2.The nurse carried in a baby wrapped up in a warm ________ (毛毯).

3.There is no doubt that he is a ________ (可靠的) person.

4.The conference was well ________ (组织) by that company.

5.At the end of the party, we thanked our ________ (主人) and went back home.

6.Wear rubber gloves if you have very ________ (敏感的) skin.

7.Suddenly, they ________ (爆发出) into loud laughter.

8.You ________ (应受) a reward for being so helpful.

9.This medicine will give you quick ________ (缓解).

10.The bridge between ________ (现实) and dream is work.



I love natural science, which came from my curiosity in nature, From 1. early age, I captured frogs and insects in the nearby woods, I explored the cool streams 2. (run) through the woods and searched for fish living in the water.

As I grew up, my interests evolved (发展) around subjects in school, particularly 3. biology, chemistry and physics. These interests were increased with more time 4. (spend) in the deserts and forests of Arizona, where we moved when I was in my teens. The desert was not 5. (entire) new to me, since I had visited relatives in Phoenix several times before moving there. However, exploring the desert on my own was new. I cheeked under every nock and bush looking for signs of life, I found many incredible 6. (animal). Once I happened to discover 7. (poison) snakes under a rock. I was very scary. However, I eventually 8. (grow) to be cautious of them and now snakes are my favorite study subject.

I am now an ecologist. I have done research in deserts, forests, streams and lakes. Finding new species still 9. (excite) me, I am glad to have a strong inquisitiveness (求知欲) in the natural world. My hobby and curiosity make me 10. I am now.


    Ann worked for a big company. One of the duties of her _________ was to go to the post office every day and _________ the company mail. One day in December, she _________ a beggar making himself up as a Santa Claus _________ on the corner of the street. Each day she _________ her coins and dropped them in his bowl. He would smile and _________ her a Merry Christmas.

At night the temperature dropped below 0℃, but the Santa Claus _________ stood in the cold wind. _________ she dropped her coins into his bowl. she handed him a pair of gloves.

A week later, a(n) _________ Santa Claus was standing there. ''What happened to the other Santa Claus? '' she asked. He told her, ''He's very __________ today. '' She prayed for his health.

Later that day, a colleague came into her office __________. ''I don't know what I’m going to do. '' ''What's wrong? '' she asked. ''It's my ex-husband, '' her colleague __________. ''I don't have any money to buy my boys anything for Christmas, __________ my ex-husband refuses to send money to them. It breaks my heart that they won’t have anything this year. '' The lady __________ her colleague. ''I'm sure everything will __________. It's Christmas. Believe in miracles (奇迹). ''

That evening, she told her husband about her colleague's __________. ''I know we don't have much money to __________, but I'd like to give her fifty or a hundred dollars. We'll just get ourselves less this year. Last year we couldn't afford to buy anything for __________ but we still had a wonderful Christmas. '' Her husband smiled. ''Give her one hundred dollars. She needs it more than we do. ''

She reached up and held him. Warmth spread __________ her body. He held her and realized that there really was a Santa Claus — and he had __________ her! C.job D.religion

2.A.receive B.pick up C.answer D.go through

3.A.noticed B.watched C.sensed D.followed

4.A.performing B.waiting C.playing D.standing

5.A.earned B.counted C.saved D.threw

6.A.wish B.send C.offer D.tell

7.A.even B.still C.just D.yet

8.A.Although B.If C.Since D.After

9.A.honest C.considerate D.strong

10.A.sick B.poor C.cold D.sad fright shock tears trouble

12.A.concluded B.decided C.commented D.continued

13.A.or C.but D.otherwise

14.A.argued with B.amused C.laughed at D.comforted out B.come back out up

16.A.message B.situation C.suggestion D.example

17.A.lend B.lose

18.A.ourselves B.themselves D.others C.among D.through

20.A.relaxed B.married C.doubted D.shaped


Reasons Why Change Is Good for You

We all know that change is hard because your brain is used to doing the same thing again and again. 1. But the positive consequence is really great. Here are four reasons why change is good for you:


Life in the comfort zone is easy. You simply follow a routine and you can predict the results. Outside of the comfort zone, your assumptions are questioned. The idea of doing the same thing over and over without question is discouraged.

You get to experience more.

3. When you look back on your life, all of the really amazing things are because of a new experience you had. All of those vacations you took and all of the people you have met have taught you more than you ever learned in school. These experiences now make up who you are today.

You’ll be more flexible and adaptable.

Without doubt, change makes you more flexible and adaptable. You leam to deal with things in a way that seems foreign but acceptable and achievable. 4. You begin to thrive (茁壮成长) in new situations because you have proven to yourself that you can, not only handle change, but FLOURISH.

You have more fun.

When you are open to change, you are open to saying YES to more. You are open to more experiences and opportunities. 5. When you add all of these things together, you are going to have a more colorful life and you’ll have a ton of fun figuring it all out along the way—there’s no doubt about it.

A.You are pushed out of your comfort zone.

B.Experience is waiting for you at the doorstep.

C.You have the opportunity to meet more people too.

D.Whether the change is good or bad for you, it does happen.

E.We also know how challenging it can be to go through change.

F.Then, you’ll be more confident when in the next uncomfortable situation.

G.Change is good because you have the chance to involve in new experiences.


    The term ''helicopter parents'' refers to ''a style of parents who are over focused on their children''.

Helicopter parents are always making a big effort to provide children with every opportunity to succeed, from baby steps at age I, homework at age 8, college application at age 18, employment issues at age 25 to family problems at age 30, 40 or even older. They constantly (不断地) shadow the child, always directing his behavior, allowing him zero alone time.

Helicopter parenting can develop for a number of reasons. Worries about the economy, the job market, and the world in general can push parents toward taking more control over their children’s life in an attempt to protect them. Adults who felt unloved or ignored as children can overcompensate (对……补偿过多) with their own children. When parents see other over-involved parents, it can cause a similar response. They feel that if they don t involve themselves in their children’s lives, they are bad parents.

The main problem with helicopter parenting is that it can backfire. To give an example, the house where Mary lived with roommates was broken into and things were stolen. Mary called the landlord to install (安装) an alarm system, but before she could finish the negotiations (协商), her mother rushed in and demanded action. ''I felt like my mother ruined my communication with our landlord. We could have gotten it done ourselves. She was well intended but only made me feel annoyed and defeated, '' says Mary.

Obviously, overparenting is motivated with the idea of doing good things but it does the exact opposite. In the long run parents are in fact damaging their child's basic skills to deal with matters independently. It makes the child feel lacking in confidence, less competent in dealing with the stresses of life on their own. They're winning the battle, but in fact losing the war.

1.What's the purpose of helicopter parents’ overparenting?

A.To make their children not ignored.

B.To help their children find a good job.

C.To do something good for their children.

D.To get rid of the pressure from other parents.

2.What does the underlined word ''backfire'' in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A.Make an unwanted effect. B.Get a lot of support.

C.Set fire in the backyard. D.Help to be independent.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Children who have helicopter parents live a hard life.

B.Helicopter parenting only happens to very young children.

C.Helicopter parents do their children great harm in the long run.

D.Helicopter parents can protect their children against all problems.

4.What will possibly be discussed in the following paragraph?

A.The bad effects of helicopter parenting.

B.How we can avoid being helicopter parents.

C.Different opinions about helicopter parenting.

D.The reasons for the development of helicopter parents.


    One devoted man is helping to make sure that children with poor living conditions won't go hungry during the school day.

Mary’s Meals, an organization founded in 2002 by Scottish farmer Magnus Macfarlane-Barrow, provides needy kids in 12 countries with free meals at school each weekday. The group's aim is to ensure that students have food in their stomachs so they can better fix their attention on the study in class.

Macfarlane-Barrow, who runs Mary’s Meals on his father's farm, told CNN that the entire operation started with a conversation he had with a teen living in a poor state. He said, ''In 2002, I was in Malawi during a year of terribly short of food, and I met this family — the father had died, and the mother was dying with her six children around her. I began talking to her oldest child, Edward, who was about 14, and asked him, 'What are your hopes? 'And he said, 'I'd like to have enough food to eat, and I'd like to go to school one day. ''' And that was it.

In its first year, the group fed 200 children in need. Since that time, it has made rapid progress. Last month, Mary's Meals fed more than one million children every school day. That was 5 million meals every week. ''The million is amazingly important, but we are far from satisfied. Our work's just beginning. We’ve proved that this works, and now we've just thinking about the next child, '' said Macfarlane-Barrow.

He and the group recently celebrated the achievement in Malawi, where the program began. So far, the program has had very good results. In Malawi, schools that carried out the Mary's Meals program saw a 24 percent increase in the number of new students within the first six months.

1.Why did Macfarlane-Barrow found Mary's Meals?

A.He hoped to provide free food for poor families.

B.He expected to teach children how to help others.

C.He wished to become well-known by helping others.

D.He wanted to make children free of hunger in class.

2.What made Macfarlane-Barrow have the idea to start Mary's Meals?

A.The conversation with a poor child. B.The success of helping a needy kid.

C.The terribly short of food in Malawi. D.The poor living conditions of schools

3.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

A.Schools in Malawi are popular.

B.No children suffer from hunger now.

C.Macfarlane-Barrow is satisfied with the result.

D.Mary's Meals program has been very successful.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Edward's dream has come true.

B.A farmer feeds one million kids every school day.

C.Malawi gets away from being short of food.

D.Mary's Meals program has shocked the world.


    I was in the seventh grade, and we had moved to New Jersey in November. By then, everyone already had had their own friends, and no one wanted to talk to a new girl. To make things worse, they put me in ''Section L''. I found out later that everyone called Section L ''Loserville''. It was sort of an open secret that it was the section for troublemakers and not-so-smart kids. When I found out, I wanted to scream. I had always been a good student and had amazing friends, and now everyone thought I was a loser!

I did text my friends in Illinois almost every night, especially my best friend, Ana. At first my friends wanted to hear all about it. But then some stopped texting back once I said something about how miserable I was. One night when I was texting with Ana, I complained about another friend who had just done that. Anas texts came really fast for the next few minutes and they surprised me. She said that she was tired of hearing about how bad everything was in New Jersey, too. She said she did not want to hurt my feelings but that I needed to stop feeling so sorry for myself all the time, and I had to try to make things better.

The next day, I thought a lot about what Ana had said. She was right!

I wish I could say that everything changed overnight after that, but it didn't, I was still stuck in ''Loserville'', and some people were still mean (苛刻) to me, even though I tried to just stay out of their way.

But what did change was me — I stopped feeling so sorry for myself and did something about making friends. I signed up to make sets for the school play. I met a lot of new people there, and suddenly I had friends to say hi to in the halls!

I still miss Illinois sometimes, but life in New Jersey isn't so hard anymore. Even though I couldn't change my situation, I could change my attitude — and that made all the difference.

1.''Loserville'' is a section for ________. students B.low achievers

C.class leaders comers

2.The writer complained all the time in the new environment because ________.

A.Ana didn’t text back to her B.she was a good student

C.her friends hurt her feelings D.she was unfairly treated

3.What made a difference in changing the situation?

A.She managed to go back to Illinois. B.She ended the friendship with Ana.

C.She began to make friends with others. D.She fought back with her classmates.

4.The best title for the passage can be ________.

A.Everlasting Friendship B.Say Goodbye to ''Loserville''

C.An Incident at School D.Unhappiness in ''Loserville''



Are you planning to visit Britain? Here are a few suggestions for a beautiful weekend away.


This famous tourist town has 11 km of beautiful beaches. Last year, 10,000 tourists visited this beautiful town. It's the perfect place to go swimming or sailing. There are lots of lovely parks and gardens to visit and it's a great place to eat out. You can also go to a classical concert or go dancing in one of the nightclubs.


This was William Shakespeare's hometown. He spent most of his life in this town and wrote his plays here. You can visit his house or see his plays at one of the Royal Shakespeare Company's   theatres. There are some interesting museums and lots of beautiful 500-year-old house. You can also go on boat trips and visit traditional English villages.


Deep in the Lincolnshire countryside is the pleasant market town of Alford. It is known for its five-sailed windmill (风车). Have a walk round this lovely old place and you'll see many pleasant houses from as far back as the 17th century. Captain James Smith, who was one of the founders of James town in Virginia, USA, was educated in Alford.


Most people come here to see the 2'000-year-old Roman Baths. But this city is also famous for its beautiful 18th century buildings and was the home of the writer Jane Austen. You can learn about her life at the Jane Austen Centre near Queen's Square. In the past, Bath was also popular with the royal family and Queen Elizabeth I spent one or two weeks every year here.

1.What can visitors do in Bournemouth?

A.Do sea sports. B.Enjoy plays

C.Go to museums. D.Visit old baths.

2.What is Alford famous for?

A.Its concert. B.Its nightclubs.

C.Its windmill. D.Its square.

3.Which place did a queen of England use to visit regularly?

A.Bournemouth. B.Stratford-upon-Avon.

C.Alford. D.Bath.



1. 提出建议(至少两点);

2. 表达祝愿。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last Friday I took the subway home as usually. Since our physics teacher had just teach us in class that the escalator(自动扶梯) worked, I decided to see how fast the escalator went. To my surprise, it went a speed of about 40 m/min. The next day, I went to a department store with her cousin Emily. I times the escalator here too. I found that it was much slower, going about 30 meter every minute. Why? I check on the Internet and found the reason. Stores slow down escalators on a purpose, allowing customers more time to looking at their products.



A college student who shows great courage in fighting severe kidney (肾脏) disease while following his dreams in scientific1.(invent) has inspired many people.

Zou Yongsong, 27, is a student at Changsha University of Science &Technology in Changsha, Hunan Province. At 2.age of four, Zou caught a high fever, and poor medical treatment in the village left his kidneys3.(serious) damaged. Since then he has suffered kidney problems and has had to take medicine daily4. (fight) the disease.

Though he suffered the pain5.(bring)  by the disease, he didn't give up attending school. After years of hard work, Zou6.(admit) to Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology. In 2017 his condition became7.(bad) and he had to receive dialysis (透析) treatment. However, the physical suffering did not stop him8.(dream) of a career in science. Even during his stay in hospital, he insisted9.working on patent (专利权) applications. Over the last two years, six of his patents and copyrights have been approved.

10.he shows courage and optimism when facing difficulty and misfortune, Zou was awarded the Touching Hunan award in November.


    That day, John’s family decided to move to their new home. The Jeep was packed and the family was ready for a(n) _________ day. All piled into the car, _________ their father and six-year-old John. John’s father, Alvin, _________ the engine, and the family _________ toward their new home. Alvin drove for miles before they needed more supplies. Then they _________ at the nearest supermarket Walmart.

Upon driving into the parking lot, they began to _________ for a parking space. The lot was unusually _________, with many cars, shopping carts (购物车), flashing lights and busy people. John felt surrounded by _________. Eventually, after _________ the parking lot many times, Alvin found a(n) __________ parking space for their car, and still large enough.

Alvin was about to pull in when a strange car __________ pulled into the empty spot. To the family’s __________, the driver who had been driving got out of his car and rushed towards Walmart. Alvin __________ jumped out of his car and ran after him, calling, “Hey, hey! Wait!” When Alvin caught the man, he asked, “Don’t you think that we can both __________ it?” The man was surprised and said, “Um, yes, I suppose we could.” They returned to the parking space and __________ their cars slightly so that they could both park there.

That __________ John very much. He’d thought that his father would be angry, or even beat the stranger up. However, the whole incident ended __________ and they went into the supermarket and bought what they needed.

Alvin’s reaction was pleasantly unexpected. John was moved by his __________ father, realizing that the correct thing to do wasn’t what he had __________ to happen. It made a strong impression on him. __________ is more important than self-righteousness (自以为是的正义).

1.A.obvious B.anxious C.tiring D.working

2.A.following B.helping C.calling D.including

3.A.witnessed B.repaired C.started D.changed

4.A.put back B.broke off C.set off D.set up

5.A.stopped B.lived C.played D.sailed

6.A.apply B.hunt D.stand

7.A.abnormal B.crowded C.quiet D.clean

8.A.advertisements B.warmth D.noise

9.A.appreciating B.describing C.visiting D.circling

10.A.empty B.small C.dark

11.A.pleasantly B.suddenly C.easily D.eventually

12.A.comfort B.excitement C.satisfaction D.anger

13.A.optimistically B.happily C.swiftly D.carefully

14.A.quit C.share D.leave

15.A.moved B.approached C.examined D.sold

16.A.requested B.impressed C.informed D.congratulated

17.A.sadly B.naturally C.peacefully D.violently

18.A.generous B.awkward C.energetic D.aggressive

19.A.allowed B.expected C.forbidden D.encouraged

20.A.Kindness B.Curiosity C.Justice D.Judgment


How to Do basic first Aid

Basic first aid refers to a temporary form of help given to someone who has been injured or has got sick due to choking, a heart attack, drugs or other medical emergencies. 1..

Care for the person who has just gone through serious damage, including both physical treatment and emotional support. 2.. Let the person know that help is on its way and that everything will be all right. Also you can ask for their names, if they know what has happened, and then about their interests.

3.. You’d better listen for the sound of air coming in and out, and feel for air using the side of your face. If there are no signs of breathing, place two fingers under the chin (下巴) and gently guide the face pointing upwards to open up their airways.

Perform 30 chest compressions (心肺复苏) and two rescue breaths as part of CPR. 4.. And then press the chest down about 2 inches at a rate of 100 compressions per minute. After 30 compressions, give two rescue breaths, done by opening the airways, closing the nose and fully covering the mouth hole.

Make sure the person is warm as you wait for medical help. Remove some of your own clothing, such as your coat or jacket, and use it as a cover until medical help arrives. However, if the person has a heatstroke (中暑), do not cover him or keep him warm. 5.

A.Instead, try to cool him

B.Remember to stay calm

C.Perform first aid immediately

D.Here are some tips for first aid

E.It is important to take the correct chest compressions

F.In the center of the chest, put your two hands together first

G.If a person is in a state similar to sleep, he may need checking for breath


    Global warming is the increase of the earth’s average surface temperature due to the effect of greenhouse gases, for example, carbon dioxide, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from the earth. After the trees are cut down and more greenhouse gases are released, the “blanket” around the earth called the ozone layer (臭氧层), will get thicker. This catches more heat and makes the earth hotter. Luckily, there are many things that every citizen of the earth can do to help reduce the effects of global warming, and it’s never too late or too early for children to take action.

The children should learn what a carbon footprint is. A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon and greenhouse gases people make as they lead the daily life and go about the normal activities. In other words, the carbon footprint is a measure of the environmental impact (冲击) the life has. To live an environmentally friendly life that doesn’t contribute to global warming, people want to have the smallest carbon footprint possible.

Almost everything people do contributes to global warming and is related to fossil fuel consumption. These can be direct uses of fossil fuels, like riding in a gasoline-powered car, or indicrect contributions to greenhouse gases, such as eating fruits or vegetables that had to be shipped from far way to reach their tables.

If a child wants to make a contribution to reducing global warming, he should ride a bicycle to the near park, school, his friend’s house, or anywhere else instead of taking the car. Or he may try to walk or jog, which is also helpful. In addition, although trains and buses often run on fossil fuels, on average, each person uses less energy and produces less pollution to run. Next time if children with their parents have to get around town or it’s too far to walk or bike, take the bus or other public transportation instead of asking for a ride.

1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.A brief description of carbon footprint

B.The serious water pollution.

C.The protection of ozone layer.

D.The causes of global warming

2.Which of the following can describe the carbon footprint?

A.Useless. B.Expensive.

C.Helpful. D.Attractive.

3.What can kids do if they want to help reduce global warming?

A.Go to the near park by bus.

B.Walk or cycle as much as possible.

C.Keep staying at home or school.

D.Go around the town with parents by car.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.What Can People Do to Use Less Energy?

B.How Can Kids Help Reduce Global Warming?

C.How Does Carbon Footprints Measure Pollution?

D.Why Global Warming Affects Humans’ Life?


    Parents can begin good organization (条理) habits with preschool-age kids. Experts recommend asking them to do small, simple actions on a regular basis with the help of parents. Maybe they open their bags and bring their lunch bag to the kitchen, or take their shoes off at the door and put them in a nearby closet. These won’t save parents much time, but they will help develop good habits.

When kids enter primary school, they should be ready for more responsibility. This is the time to teach them about daily routines, and help them take control over theirs. Parents and children might sit down together and make a list of everything that needs to be done to get out of the house in the morning, or get ready for bed at night. Together, parents should figure out how long each activity takes, and when is the best time to do them. Some of the kids might want to get their bags ready and pick out their clothes the night before.

It’s also wise to create a firm schedule for homework. When do kids do their homework? How long do they need? Where do they do it? Where will the homework go once it is done? Figure them out and stick to the schedule as much as possible.

Parents should print up these task lists and help kids finish them step by step. Kids might even check them off each morning or evening. Also, make sure there are clocks in the rooms in which these tasks will take place. Time management is an important part of learning organization, but it can’t be done if kids don’t know what time it is.

Organization gives kids the chance to make it possible to focus on a task and complete it. Kids tend to be more motivated to learn organization skills if they see organization as a challenge to overcome, rather than a fault to repair.

1.Why are kids advised to do small and simple actions?

A.To save parents’ time.

B.To join a school organization.

C.To form a good relationship with others.

D.To help kids form good habits.

2.What should parents do to help kids develop organization skills?

A.Offer some suggestions only.

B.Finish the daily tasks for kids.

C.Assist kids in finishing the daily tasks.

D.Let the kid finish the daily tasks alone.

3.What does the author think of organization for kids?

A.It is a fault to repair. B.It is nothing special.

C.It is easy to achieve. D.It is a helpful skill.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Assisting parents with a good parent-child relationship.

B.Parents should spend more time with kids.

C.Giving advice on developing kids’ good organization habits.

D.Parents should make kids more independent.


    China will have the most 5G connections of any nation by 2025, according to a new study, while Europe will fall behind Korea, the United States and Japan in terms of 5G penetration (渗透) by that year.

5G is the fifth generation of network technology. It is expected to bring unbelievable speeds to Internet users, with some operations running 10 times faster than on 4G networks. 5G is also expected to unlock the potential in a lot of new services, including artificial intelligence, science of robots, self-driving cars, and the Internet of things.

The GSMA said that China’s three major mobile operators — China Unicom, China Mobile, and China Telecom—are already moving ahead with 5G networks. While most nations will have 5G by updating existing foundations, the study noted that China plans to build part of its 5G networks.

A One of the major distinguishing factors between Chinese mobile operators and those in the rest of the world is the intention to erect the new and independent 5G networks. That is, China is determined to build a completely advanced 5G. The high cost underlines China’s seriousness about paying whatever it takes.

Korea will lead the world in terms of 5G penetration in 2025, when 66 percent of the nation’s total connections will be 5G, according to GSMA. This compares to 50 percent in the US,49 percent in Japan, 36 percent in China, 30 percent in Europe, and a global average of 18 percent. Out of the five economies leading on 5G, Europe will have the lowest participation in 2025, as the area is moving more slowly in having its 5G networks.

1.What will 5G bring?

A.A completely new pattern for daily life.

B.Excellent networks and national safety.

C.Amazing speeds for public transportation.

D.Realizing the potential in many new services.

2.What is the future of 5G in China?

A.It will develop rapidly. B.It may be lack of government support.

C.It will move forward slowly. D.It may fall behind Europe.

3.Which of the following best explains “erect” underlined in paragraph 4?

A.bring up. B.set up.

C.turn up. D.pick up.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Some Chinese will use 5G in 2025.

B.Koreans cannot own 5G in 2025.

C.Only five countries will have 5G in 2025.

D.Europe will pay little attention to 5G in 2025.


Famous Scientists

Scientific discoveries over the centuries have helped shape the way we live today. Without pioneering scientists working towards cures for diseases, new inventions, and better ways to do things, life today would be different. Here are some of the most famous scientists, who have made important contributions to our everyday lives.


Nationality: Greek

Known for: Father of Medicine

He was credited with writing the Hippocratic Oath that today’s medical professionals still follow in their practice. He had the theory of the vapors, which stated that many diseases were the result of a bad diet.


Nationality: Greek

Known for: Theory of Three Psyches, Scientific Method

He wrote about many scientific topics, including biology, physics and zoology. His ideas helped shape western scientific thoughts into the Renaissance until they were replaced with Newtonian physics.


Nationality: Greek

Known for: Archimedes Principle, Archimedes Screw

He was an astronomer, a scientist, and a physicist with several inventions to his name. He created a formula (公式) to calculate the area of the underside of a parabola (抛物线). He also designed many ancient machines.


Nationality: Roman

Known for: Father of Medicine

Galen was best known as Galen of Pergamon. He was a famous philosopher and surgeon among the Romans. His works contributed greatly to the knowledge of pharmacology (药物学), logic and philosophy.

1.Which Greek scientist contributed much to medicine?

A.Galen. B.Aristotle.

C.Archimedes. D.Hippocrates.

2.What was Aristotle’s achievement?

A.He influenced western scientific thoughts.

B.He designed lots of ancient machines.

C.He invented many chemicals.

D.He produced the theory of the vapors.

3.What did these scientists have in common?

A.Having good luck in the field of science.

B.Making important contributions to science.

C.Writing many poems about science.

D.Experiencing many difficulties.


假定你是高三学生李华,你的美国朋友 David 寒假去武汉探亲,但是因新冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情,目前暂时滞留武汉,无法返深。请你给此时处于焦虑和郁闷中的他写一封英文慰问信,内容包括:

1. 对其表示关心和安慰。

2. 鼓励他积极应对现状。

3. 表达愿望和祝福。

注意:1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇: epidemic  n.  流行病




中共有 10 处错误,每句最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。




2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

My senior high school life started with military training(军训). It consisted in two parts: the theory exam and the physical training, which was lasted about two weeks. The latter was much tough than the former. Dressed in green uniforms and exposing to the sun, we had to follow the soldier daily routine and go through hard training. Each morning, we had to get up and fold quilts rapid. We should finish our meals in limited time, too. Then I think it unbearable. Besides, now looking back, I find it necessary. It is the  military training which teaches me how to bear hardship and lead better life.


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In late April 2014, a 1. (violence) storm swept through the southern United States, destroying more than $ 1 billion in property and killing 35 people. But a group of migratory(迁徙的) birds in eastern Tennessee sensed the oncoming mess and left long before  the  first  clouds  arrived.  A  year 2. (early),  the  team  had  tagged golden-winged  warblers  ( )  with  leg  trackers 3. (study)  their  annual migrations to South America. Two days before the storms 4. (strike)five golden-winged warblers slipped away, traveling nearly 700 kilometers south to the Florida coast.

It's the first time that the birds which normally migrate with the seasons 5. (observe) to slip away when a big storm hits. The researchers suspect this 6. (behave) occurs only when the threat of injury outweighs the energy costs of a long trip. But nobody knows 7. the birds guessed the storm's severity and left so soon. Puzzled by it, the scientists initially reasoned that delicate changes in weather — atmospheric   pressure,   temperature,   wind   speed,   cloud   cover,   or  rainfall   signaled 8. upcoming disaster. Yet when they checked weather records, none of these factors waved significantly 9. the storm. Instead, the team assumes that the 10. (approach) storms created a disorder of infrasounds—low-frequency sound waves that birds can hear, but humans can't.


    Bobby the mountain climber was famous for his attempts to climb the big snowy mountain. He had tried it at least thirty times, but had always failed halfway.

For the sake of ________ Bobby to try again, Old Peeper, the town optician, who bore witness to his ________, presented him with a pair of ________ sunglasses. "If it starts clouding over or if your feet start hurting, put on these glasses. They'll help you.” Bobby accepted the ________ without giving it much mind, but when his feet started _________ again he remembered his words and put on the glasses. Then ________ came as usual in the form of cloud cover, but seemingly not so thick this time. So Bobby ________climbing, leaving the clouds behind, forgetting his ________, and finally arriving at the summit. It was ___________ worth it. His feeling of triumph was ________, almost as magnificent as that wonderful ________. Resplendent in its silence, the mountain below was surrounded by a dense sea of clouds. Bobby didn't remember the clouds being as ________ as that, so he looked more closely at the sunglasses, and ________ everything.

Peeper had carved a light ________ on the lenses (镜片), in the form of the snow-covered summit. It was made in such a way that you could only ________ it if you looked upwards. Peeper had understood that whenever Bobby lost sight of his ________, he would similarly lose sight of his dream, and his ________ to continue would weaken.

Bobby realised that the only obstacle to reaching the summit had been his own _______. When he could no longer see the top of the mountain, the problems ________. He thanked Peeper for using that little ________ to help him see that his aims were not impossible, and that they were still there, where they had always been.

1.A.convincing B.encouraging C.educating D.entertaining

2.A.practice B.disadvantage C.growth D.failure

3.A.special B.beautiful C.fancy D.expensive B.challenge C.award D.request

5.A.breaking B.damaging C.aching D.swelling

6.A.danger B.adventure C.pressure D.misfortune

7.A.quitted B.kept C.accomplished D.abandoned

8.A.problem B.pain C.injury D.anxiety

9.A.normally B.practically C.certainly D.exactly

10.A.incomparable B.invisible C.undesirable D.unmeasurable

11.A.experience B.attempt C.view D.present

12.A.white B.thin C.dark D.thick

13.A.recognized B.grasped C.believed D.acknowledged

14.A.image D.message

15.A.move B.feel C.change D.see

16.A.objective B.power C.success D.journey

17.A.preference B.will C.competence D.concentration

18.A.mistake B.prejudice C.ignorance D.discouragement

19.A.set off B.cut in C.set in D.showed off B.tool C.trick D.mark


    Birth order plays a vital role in deciding the characteristics of a child. And when it comes to the middle child, it certainly plays a huge role. The middle children go through some things only they can understand. 1.

Mostly, middle children have to share a room. 2. They need to share a room with an elder one because they're too young to sleep alone. And just when they think they'll finally have a room of their own, a voice is heard saying, “Dear, please share the room with your younger one, as he's too small to sleep alone.”

Middle children tend to share clothes with their siblings (兄弟姐妹). Their cupboard is full of hand­me­downs from their older sibling, and they need to wear his clothes. 3. They can always show off their elder sibling's clothes and things at school. Also, they get to pass their own clothes to their younger sibling.

4. They're liked by both, because they can relate well to both generations. On one hand they can recall how much fun it was watching Garfield and Friends, and on the other hand they can talk about the latest video game released in the market.

Siblings' talking is one interesting thing about a middle child. They are not as boring as they appear.5. Also, thanks to the divided attention at home, middle children are independent and need not rely on anyone.

A.Instead, they are very artistic and creative.

B.But this comes with its own advantage too.

C.Here are some things a middle child can relate to.

D.They rarely enjoy the experience of having their own room.

E.And the dream of having their own room is completely destroyed.

F.They're the problem solvers between their older and younger siblings.

G.As a middle kid, they are the bridge between their younger and older siblings.


    Don't get mad the next time you catch your teenager texting when he promised to be studying. He simply may not be able to resist. A University of lowa(UI) study found teenagers are far more sensitive than adults to the immediate effect or reward of their behaviors. The findings may help explain why the initial rush of texting may be more attractive for adolescents than the long-term pay off of studying.

"For the teenager, 'the rewards are attractive." says Professor Jatin  Vaidya,an author of the study. "They draw adolescent. Sometimes, the rewards are a kind of motivation for them. Even when a behavior is  no  longer in a teenager's best interest to continue, they will, because the effect of  the reward is still there and lasts much longer in adolescents than in adults ."

For parents,that means limiting distraction (分心的事情)so teenagers can make better choices. Take the homework and social media dilemma: At 9 p.m., shut off  everything except a  computer that has no access to  Facehook or Twitter, the researchers advise. "I'm not saying they shouldn't be allowed access to technology," Vaidya says. But some help in netting their concentration is necessary for them  so they can develop those impulse-control skills.”

In their study,Vaidya and co-author Shaun Vecera note researchers generally believe teenagers are impulsive(冲动的),make bad decisions,and engage in risky behavior because the frontal lobes(额叶)of their trains are not fully developed. But the UI researchers wondered. whether something more fundamental was going on with adolescents to cause behaviors independent of higher-level reasoning.

"We wanted to try to understand the brain's reward system how it change from chillhood to adulthood," Says Vaidya, who adds the reward character in the human brain is easier than decision-making. “We've been trying to understand the reward process in adolescence and   whether there is more to  adolescence behavior than an under-developed frontal  lobe,”he adds.For their study ,the researchers persuaded 40 adolescents, aged 13 and 16,and 40 adults, aged 20 and 35 to participate.

In the future,researchers hope to look into the psychological and neurological(神经学上的)aspects of their results.

1.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.The initial rush of texting is less attractive for adolescents than the long-term pay off of studying.

B.Always, rewards are attractive to teenagers.

C.Resistance can be controlled well by adolescents.

D.Getting rewards is the greatest motivation for adolescents to study.

2.Which  statement  agrees with Vaidya's idea?

A.The influence of the reward is weak in adolescents.

B.Parents should help children in making decisions.

C.Children should have access to the Internet.

D.Children need help in refocusing their attention.

3.What result does teenagers' brain underdevelopment lead to?

A.Doing things after some thought.

B.Making good decisions.

C.Joining in dangerous actions.

D.Escaping risky behavior.

4.How did the researchers carry out their study?

A.By making a comparison of brain examinations.

B.By examining adults’ brain.

C.By examining teenage brain.

D.By building the train’s reward system.


    A Swiss airplane powered only by energy from the sun left from Abu Dhabi early on March 9. Its creators hope the plane will make the first around-the-world journey without any fuel. The plane is called Solar Impulse 2. It has one seat and is made from carbon fiber. The plane weighs only as much as a car but its wings are wider than a Boeing 747. The plane’s wings stretch 72 meters across. Those wings include 17,000 solar units, or cells, which capture the sun’s energy. The energy allows the plane to fly day and night.

Two Swiss scientists built the plane. Bertrand Piccard is also an explorer who made the first non-stop flight around the world in a balloon. Andre Borschberg is an engineer and trained fighter pilot. The scientists say they are not trying to alter the airplane industry. Instead, they want to show that new energy sources and technologies can achieve what some say is impossible. “We want to show we can fly day and night in an aircraft without a drop of fuel.” Mr. Piccard said.

Some parts of the trip will require the pilots to be in the tiny plane for five to six days and nights in a row. So it is good that the pilot’s seat is also a toilet.

The plane’s route begins in the United Arab Emirates. The pilots also plan stops in Oman, India, and China. They will cross the Pacific Ocean, stop in the United States, and continue over southern Europe or North Africa. They plan to arrive back in the United Arab Emirates in late July or early August.

Internet viewers can go to the Solar Impulse website to see the plane’s location and listen to broadcasts from the pilots.

1.Why does the plane have wider wings?

A. It can fly faster and land safely.

B. It can get the sun’s energy easily.

C. It may look like a Boeing 747.

D. It will make the plane appear larger.

2.What does the underlined word “alter” in Para 2 probably mean?

A. Improve. B. Change.

C. Rebuild. D. Destroy.

3.What do we know about the trip made in the plane?

A. It will take five to six days and nights.

B. It is a non-stop flight around the world.

C. It is broadcast live on the Internet.

D. It doesn’t include North America.

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A. A solar-powered plane will travel the globe.

B. A good way to save energy has been found.

C. A newly-built plane consumes no energy.

D. Solar energy waits to be fully explored.


    A cloudless Southern California sky looms over the Pro Park Course for the Pro Skate Park Series. Here to compete are some of the top female skaters in the world. The women skaters range in age from early adolescence to early 30s, but in a sport that embraces youth, there is one who stands out. At 8 years old, Sky Brown, would be the youngest skater, male or female, ever to compete at this series.

She is known to some — a minor star of the viral age. When her first video was posted to YouTube, Sky initially gained a little internet fame as a premature and level-headed 4-year-old — highly intelligent, well-spoken beyond her years, hugely talented, and yet grounded. Four years later, it was announced that she would be competing at Huntington Beach. Still, the question remains: Is she truly ready, or will this be another case where reality comes crashing down hard on all the hype?

And then, it turns out to be anything but. Sky goes out and presents one surprise after another. Commentators Neal Hendrix and Chris Pastras are left in awe, “Half of the pros can't do.” The only thing that makes the prodigy look like a kid is her size. In every other regard, she holds her own with skaters 10 and 20 years her senior. Before the competition at Huntington, Sky was a curiosity. After, she is a competitor.

Sky's first memory of a skateboard is seeing her father, Stuart, doing a few tricks in front of the family home. “It always looked really fun,” says Sky. “I just kept begging to try it.” Sky progressed quickly, although she never had a formal coach. Somehow she just had the knack. Every movement, every shift in weight, every push and pull of body on board, she absorbed. Then, she did it herself.

“You get so close to making it,” she says of her process, “and think you're about to land it, and then it takes you 100 more times. I'm always saying to my parents, 'Just one last try.'” If anyone was pushing, striving to get better, it was Sky herself, learning new tricks the same way everyone else does — by trying, failing, falling, and getting back up again.

1.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2?

A.To show Sky’s early experience.

B.To show Sky’s talents from varied aspects.

C.To show the public’s doubt about Sky’s competence.

D.To show the public’s recognition of Sky’s performances.

2.What do we know about Sky?

A.She equals the senior skaters in the competition.

B.She looks like a professional skater in terms of her figure.

C.She participates in a competition inappropriate for the young.

D.She has already become a household name before the competition.

3.What is the main reason for Sky’s achievements?

A.Her parents push her too hard.

B.She practices hard and never quits.

C.Her coach is very strict with her.

D.Her father exerts a strong influence on her.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.A Rocky Road Leads to Internet Fame

B.A Strong Competitor Stands out from Crowd

C.An 8-year-old Skater Amazes the World

D.A Wonder Shows at the Pro Skate Park Series


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